Table - 1 Twenty Four Iconcxjraphic Forms of Lord Vishnu

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Table - 1 Twenty Four Iconcxjraphic Forms of Lord Vishnu TABLE - 1 TWENTY FOUR ICONCXJRAPHIC FORMS OF LORD VISHNU Padma Rupa- Paramesvara Ahirbudhyaina NAME Pura^ia, mandana, Samhita, Samhlta, IV: 79 Adh.V 23: 72-78 26: 33-46 1. Kes'ava SCGP PSCG PSCG PSCG 2. Narayana PGCS SPGC SCGP SPGC 3. Madhava CSPG GCSP PGSC PGSC 4. Govinda GPSC CGPS CGSP CGSP 5. Vishnu« SCPG GPSC GPSC GPSC 6. Madhusudana SPGC CSPG CSPG CSPG 7. Trivikrama GCSP PGCS CGPS CGPS 8. Vamana CGPS SCGPSCGP SCGP 9. Sridhara CPSG PCGS PCGS PCGS 10. Hr§ikesa CGSP GCPS GCSP GCSP 11. Padmanabha PSGC SPCG GPCS SPGC 12. Damodara SGCP PSGC PSGC PSGC -- 13. Samkarsana• • SPCG GSPC 14. Vasudeva CSGP GSCP - - 15. Pradyumna SCGP CSGP - - 16. Aniruddha GSPC CGSP - - 17. PSGC CPSG - - Purusottama• 18. Adhoksaja GSCP PGSC - - 19. Nrsimha PGSC CPGS - - 20. Acyuta PCSG GPCS -- 21. Janardana - PCSG -- 22. Upendra - SGCP - - 23. Hari - SCPG -- 24. Krsna GPCS SGPC - - Abbreviations:- S = Sankha P = Padma G = Gada C = Chakra The order of emblems starts from the lower right hand in the clockwise direction. (Source:- Itconography of Lord Vishnu: Kalpana Desai, 1973) 182 TABLE - 2 ICONOGRAPHIC DETAILS OF LORD BHAVANARAYANA IN THE TWELVE TEMPLES TEMPLE ICONOGRAPHIC DETAILS 1. B APATLA PC S VM 2. BHAVADEVARAPALLI P CS VM 3. BAR?AVARAMAM s CG 4. PONNOOR P s C G 5. PEDAGANJAM AM c S G 6. INUMELLAP s C G 7. PADARTHI (deadtemple) 8. PATTISAM AM S C G 9. NARASARAOPETP CS VM 10. CHINNAGANJAM P CS VM 11. AMRTHALUR P C S VM 12. SABBAYAGUDEMP C S VM (Details:- P = Padmam, C = Chakram, S = Sankham, G = Gada, AM= Abhaya Mudra, VM = Varada Mudra) 183 CO au E 00 I I I I I I I I I I I ro i-t H os u w •ef o I > ro I I I I I I H <N TJc (N I I I I I I I I I I I IT5 ro I I I I I I I I I e O CO m Lf5 03 m C<) n CO H CO csj 03 CSJ cs CD I I I I I I I I I CN a CO H O lO m rH CO (T) I I I I I I IV H II CO cn (N 03 ca u c [ > (M o o t H 03 c n • U n 03 a, 03 Cm 00 u r cn ® I cn OS CO •iH II CO f-H I O) £) > > > tH 3 CO I I I I a C i (-H I hH c/3 CL HH I—I J-H o ; c O O I cn C/D cn < 3 • • z CO o U| I—< a •a H to 3 c cn COf •H CQ •H CJ CJ •4 U 03 Q a •1^ « U CJ H a CO -iH u •iH a ti cn cn 59 E u CO •*-* f. Ec -H« E h U 0 c3 03 ii “ w 03 Q 2 . S Q > ICO "O TD .H XD H UD CO E CO ICO a CO cn •(H ™ q •iH ICO 003 T3 E Q u -a D E CO •H E im Q « I 3 CO CO »o C CO is^co E lo f-4 ™ CO C > o CO'CO *—♦» ■M^cn CO U CO C. CO 9 ^ 00 KO 03 13 U ICO f-JC ICO IcO r- H 2 '3 CO X CO ^ •H ^ '3 a E % CO -*-* 2 ^ f ' i •Q W CO a c i r t . 2 cn G T3 CO •a CO CO ^ c: •H 03 J3 . ^ ICO 3 S: fcn COu ,C0 o § 03 U »co u CO 03 CO 3 i: u E 3 CO f-> o OQ U m cn W a, CJ cu a. II Ou Qh CU 3 z o u a, < C3 CD ^ E- O tH CSJ ro m CO 03 CJ3 CM CO 2 184 CO • c 03 CO CO CO CO • « I U 03 00 CO giS I 1—> CO CO 03 > C * £ r O CO O £ C Op «•-« * j y t c § c >> > x; 103 ™ ^ SZ CO ° « o e 0) CO 3 00X3 >il2 •s = ^ 2 03 (h c iH —< *® C 5 ^ 5 '2 § ^ CO i ; CO u 2 < ^ CO CO *2 E - s o . ffi CO > CO D> « 3 ^ 'S I g • D<cn u 2 r S t S ^ 03 > x : S . 0) t/5 CO ^ g z 2 CL W (B ^ ' 5 & S “ g o U >> (y SJJ i ' S ' S ' ! < c Q H as “ - ' 2 CJ E CD S 5 " “ K t—t > > ° - TT to h 3 T3 [t] tn (U 1 ^ O a : CD z! 03 J9 - -a ' CO H K g^ico r ? « H ^ oo O > C £• C X E •w 03 03 CJ u •m O) S a i S “ ^ CO O tn § CO >> CD U l-H CD •iH ^ m 2 t- OS E c ^ TD -a S o O m 0 0 ^ O H CD ® 2 ^ o ^ 03 r- CD u Oi. U3 - E £ ^ cn £ c c2 o © CO 4-» ^ ® o 00 m -J H S i - n ° CO 03 CM c w ® O CD . >■ ■ »3 <*-i c a . Z o - * C ^ o 0 ^ 0 S ? u J 3 3 w u ’S ' S ^ ' S ° a H l- H " u £3 '.S c CO O . c ^ o S t : CD g CO g I < o U O S hh ^ CO 5s •iH J < •H Ui ooi-< „ & - a . * ' S g X K S o c CO Q ^ 2 CD J' CO ® 2 a I a c s CO re 03 H Dl, P < j3 CO C 03 w c ( h 4 _J Lh •'"“i c» ®03 ^ E o CO \ D 03 U 03 03 3 D fCO O r - ! Mh ^ ^ g KD Cb s o cO S -C D C i CD "O OS D D - O 0 | i-H JkJ o o +-> D oo O p S zI—I K I CD n I E c J z re CO M CO CD & J < E CO E 3 t h as < o K > . x35 -a== '•CD l U ,> > I s O < 103 S ^ •re re 5 o o £ D (h >-< O m "O -T ^ ^ D . u z w a «o 2 CD 3 CO CO _ CO CO ' g ra a; a - o •rH CD E > "O 2 3 z | a 2 . " ° g D . E H E-i CO ^ • c o 3 D (h o CO « -O > § Q - a E c T3 +.' 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