Hemiptera: Coccoidea: Coccidae) Una Nueva Especie De Escama Blanda Mirmecófila En Colombia Del Género Akermes Cockerell (Hemiptera: Coccoidea: Coccidae)
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A new species of myrmecophilous soft scale insect from Colombia in the genus Akermes Cockerell (Hemiptera: Coccoidea: Coccidae) Una nueva especie de escama blanda mirmecófila en Colombia del género Akermes Cockerell (Hemiptera: Coccoidea: Coccidae) TAKUMASA KONDO', MlCHAEL L. WILLIAMS2 Summary. A new species of myrmecophiious soft scale in the genus Akermes Cockereil, collected in Colombia, is described and illustrated. lnformation on distribution, host piants and morphological variation is given. This is the first record of the genus Akermes in Colombia. Key words: Coccid. Melastomataceae. Ocofea. Persea. Psidiurn. Resumen. Una nueva especie de escama blanda mirrnecÓRla del géner0Akerme.s Cockereil, colectada en Colombia, es descrita e ilustrada. Se incluye información sobre su distribución, hospederos y variación morfológica. Este es el primer registro del géneromermes en Colombia. Palabras clave: Cóccido. Melastomataceae. Ocofea. Persea. Psidium lntroduction de Willink (1999). and more recently by female and first-instar nymphs are descri- Kondo (2003). HodgsOn (1994)included bed. Specimens were slide mounted Thirteen species distributed in Africa, Aus- Akermes in the subfamilv. Nvzolecaniinae. according to the method discussed by tralia, Central America. India and South (Coccidaei, ii gr<>u~>01 ti~yr,~~ecO~>l~iloii~Kosztarab (1996). and were studied under America are currently assigned to the genus soft sales thrt share niaiiy inorpholqial a Zeiss RA phase contrast compound Akermes (Ben-Dov et al. 20031. However. teatures adapled for a syinbi<iric litr with microscoue. lllustrations follow the tvDical.. ants. Based on a mor~holwicalstudv of slyle adopted for coccoids. wiili tlie dorsal lhe firsr-inslar nyniphi. Williatiis and sidr drawn oii lhc leti side diid die veiitral (~kll;).~.cordiae Morrison. and A. xylosma Koiido ,2002) noliced dillerences aiiionpl side drawn on the riqht side. Enlaraements- Granara de Willink are properly placed in the genera of Myzolecaniinae. In another of important features were placed around, the genus, with the remaining seven studv usinn.. a combination of adult female however, the eiilargeiiielits are 1101 iii suecies either belonqinq to other uhvlo- and first-instar nymph cliaraclars. Koiido direct proportion to each other. Type genetic groups or o? añ uncertain' &o- atirl Willianis (20021 indicated rhiit tlic specimens were designated from speci- nomic position (Kondo 2003). In this subfamily Myzolecaniinae appears to be mens collected in Cali and El Topacio. studv, we provide diaqnostic characters of composed of several unrelated lineages, Specimens not included in the type series the genus. Akermes, ind describe a new and included Akermes in ihe mumeyella- are listed in the section of 'Other material species from Colombia. group. studied". Because some slides contain more than one specimen, ihe studied ma- The diagnostic characters of the genus The genus Akermes is strictly Neotropical terial is reuresented bv the number ofslides Akermes can be summarized as follows: (i) in distribution with species found from lollowrd hy lhr lowl tiuiiiber olspecinirns body of adult female convex and globular, México down to Araentina and Paranuav ., - iii Iidretitlieses. e.g.. 2~3,me.iiiiiig 2 slides often heavily sclerotized at maturity: (ii) ili souilicrii Soulli Aiiieriu. Ttiis is [he first . and 3 specimens. Submarginal tubercles absent: (iii) preo- record of the geniis Akrrine in Coioilibia. percular pores present; (iv) sclerotic cres- One hundred seventy four species of scale Abbreviations for the deuositories are as cent around anal ulates Dresent or absent: insects (Hemiptera: Coccoidea) have been foilows: Auburn Universiiy Coccoidea Col- (v) eyes absent; (vi) marginal setae present reported from Colombia, out of which 35 lection, Auburn University, Auburn. Ala- or absent: (vii) ventral disc-pores variable, fall into ihe family Coccidae (Kondo 2001). bama. U.S.A. [AUCC]: ~ohartMuseum of with one or more central loculi: (viii) ven- With the addition of the new species herein Entomology, Department of Entomology, tral Iiibiilar ducta abseiit: ,ixl anal plate presented. the list of soft scales in Colom- SCWe pr~.scIl1.Oitcn nuilierous. resrricte<i bia increases to 36 species. University of California, Davis. California, to posterior end of plates: (x) antennae U.S.A. [BME]: The Natural History Museum. and legs greatly reduced, with segments Materials and Methods London. Enalattd- rBMNH1. Colección de mostly indistinct or fused: (xi) antennae 1- Insectos. Instituto de Ciencias Naturales. 5 segmented: (xii) spiracular setae 1-3 in The new species was collected in Cali, El Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá number, extending slightiy to deeply onto Topacio, Buga, and nilúa, in the Departa- D.C.. Colombia [UNCBI: The National Mu- dorsal submargin (Kondo 2003). mento del Valle, Colombia in 1999 and seum of Natural History Coccoidea Collec- 2000. Both male and female insects in al1 tion. Beltsville, Matyland, U.S.A. [USNM]; and The genus Akermes Cockereil, 1902 has deveiopmental stages were collected and the Museo de Entomología, Universidad del been revised by Hodgson (1994). Granara slide mounted. However, only the adult Valle, Cali, Colombia [UVCO] 1 Autor para correspondencia: Department of Entomoiogy. University of Caiifornia Davis, 1 Shieids Avenue. Davis, CA 95616.8584. USA. E-maii: [email protected] 2 Department of Entomology and Plant Patt loiogy. Auburn University. 301 Punchess Hall, Auburn, AL 36849-5413. Alabarna. USA. E-mil: [email protected] A new species of myrmecophilous SOR scale insect from Colombia in the genus Akermes 139 Flgure 1. Akermes colombiensis sp.n.. adult fernale. A. Dorsal derm rnagnification. B. Marginal setae. C. Spiracular setae. D. Simpie disc- pore. E. Dorsal microduct. E Dorsal setae. G. Discoidal pore. H. Anal plates. l. Perivulvar pore. J. Anal ring lright halo. K. Leg. L. Ventral seta. M. Ventral microduct. N. Spiracular pores. 0. Antenna. 140 Revista Colombiana de Entornología 'bkurnasa Kondo & Michael L. Williarns Figure 2. Akermes colombiensis sp.n.. first-instar nymph. A. Rilocuiar pore. B. Dorsal seta. C. Marginal seta. D. Spiracular seta. E. Dorsal microduct. P. Simple disc pore. 0. Anal ring (right haln. H. Ventral submarginal seta. 1. Claw. J. Spiracular pore. K. Ventral microduct. L. Ventral cephallc seta. A new species of myrmecophilous soft scale insect from Colombia in the genus Mermes 14 1 Distribution. Neotropical region: Colom- Other material studied GRANARA DE WILLINK, M.C. 1999. Las cochi- bia, Valle (Buga, Cali, El 'Ibpacio, nilúa). nillas blandas de la República Ar~entina Adult female. COLOMBIA. Valle. nilúa. 18- (Homoptera: Coccoidea: Coccidae). Host plants. Lauraceae: Ocotea sp., Persea ago-1999. Kondo, T., ex guava, inside Contributions on Entomology, lnternatio- americana MiII.; Melastomataceae: species cartons of Azteca sp. ants. AL-092-2000: nai 3 (1): 1-183. undetermined, with purple flowers and si- 2(2) [AUCC], 2(2) [BME], 2(2) [UNCB], 6(6) HODGSON, C.J. 1994. The scale insect family milar to R'bouchina: Myrtaceae: Psidium [USNM], 2(2) UVCO; COLOMBIA. Valle. Coccidae: an identification manual to ge- guajava L. Buga. 12-dic-2000. Kondo, T., ex Ocotea nera. CAB International. Wallingford, sp., inside ant cartons of Azteca sp., AL- Oxon, UK. 639 p. Associated ants. Dolichoderinae: Azte- 104-2000: 3(3) [USNM]; COLOMBIA. Va- ca sp.; Formicinae: Myrmelachista sp.; lle. Buga. 12-ene-2000. Kondo, T., ex KONDO, T. 2001. Las cochinillas de Colombia Myrmicinae: Crematogaster sp. avocado, tended by Crematogaster sp., AL- (iierniptera: Coccoidea). Biota Colombia- 105-2000: 2(2) [AUCC]. 2(2) [BME], 3(3) na 2 (1): 31-48. lSpe Material [BMNH]. 2(2) [UNCB], 5(5) [USNM], 2(2) KONDO, T. 2003. A taxonomic review of the [UVCO]. Males. AL-105-2000: 2(2). Imma- Adult female. HOLOWE: COLOMBIA. Va- subfamily Myzolecaniinae (Homoptera: ture stages. AL-092-2000: 3(7)[AUCC], Coccoidea: Coccidae). Doctoral thesis. lle. El Topacio. 13-dic-1999. Kondo, T., 3(6) [BME], 3(3) [UNCB], 9(14) [USNM], Auburn University, Auburn. 302 p. ex Melastomataceae, inside ant cartons of 3(3) [UVCO]; AL- 104-2000: 3(3) [AUCC], Myrmelachista sp., AL-093-2000: l(1) 3(3) [BME], 4(4) [BMNH], 2(3) [UNCB], 4(4) KONDO, T.: WILLIAMS, M.L. 2002 (2001). The [USNM]; PARATYPES: same data as holo- [USNM], 2(5) [UVCO]; AL- 105-2000: 2(3) Myzolecaniinae (Herniptera: Coccidae): New World versus Old World. Bolletino di type: 2(2) [AUCC], 1(1) [BME], 2(2) [UNCB], [AUCC], 2(3) [BME], 1(2) [BMNH], l(2) Zoolqia agraria e di Bachicoltura, Ser. 11, 2(2) [USNM]; COLOMBIA. Valle. E1 Topacio. [UNCBl. 2(6) [USNM], l(1) [WCO]. 18-a~o-1999.Kondo, T., ex Melastomata- 33 (3):125- 128. ceaerinside ant cartons of Myrrnelachista Acknowledgemen ts KOSZTARAB, M. 1996. Scale insects of Sp., AL-089-2000: 2(2) [AUCC], 2(2) [BME], northeastern North America. Identification, 2(2) [UNCB], 2(2) [USNM], 4(5) [UVCO]; We are thankful to Patricia Chacon for COLOMBIA. Valle. Cali. 18-Ago-1999. identifying the ants, to Philip Silverstone biology and distribution. Virginia Museum of Kondo, T., ex guava, inside cartons ofAzte- and Nestor Paz for their aid in the identifi- Natural History, Special Publication Number 3, Martinsville, Virginia, USA, 650 p. ca sp. ants, AL-094-2000: 3(3) AUCC, 3(3) cation of plants, and Penny J. Ciullan for [BME], 5(5) BMNH, l(2) [UNCB], 4(4) kindiy reviewing the manuscript. WILLIAMS, M.L.: KONDO, T. 2002 (2001). [USNM], l(1) [UVCO]. Males. AL-094-2000: Characteristics of First Instar Nymphs in l(1) [AUCC], l(1) [BME], l(1) [UNCB], 3(3) Literature cited the Soft Scale lnsects (Hemiptera: [USNM]; Immature stages. Same data as Coccidae): Surprising lndicators of holotype: 2(2) [AUCC], l(1) [BME], 2(4) BEN-DOV, Y.; MILLER, D.R.; CilBSON, G.A.P. Relationships. Bolletino di Zoologia agra- [UNCB], 4(5) [USNM], l(1) [UVCO]; AL-089- 2003. ScaleNet web site. http://www. ria e di Bachicoltura, Ser. II,33 (3):35-42. 2000: 7(7) [USNM]; AL-094-2000: 2(2) sel.