VOL -2, NO.—54f> DAVENPORT, WEDNESDAY MOKNING. JULY 2-5. 1856. UY SAND IMS & DAVIS. I THE DAILY GAZETTR i£lotl)iii}]. Baals aub SI)afB. StODfS. QLartid. Car!)*. Hflilrofl^s. WHAT WORKING MEN HAVE DONE. 1'^"'^ SS Sw*'«- ~r' • ..r US C*"' £1 .0 l'"l .HIOIIOI II. adviuir". 1851. Spriu^ aad Summer 1856. STOVIvS A'l \V()LI;SACK'| But aoine may 6av, "Why give in*""i,w™r iuuuni ill " J. W. STEWART, CHICAGO AND EOCK ISLAND BAILIOAD. THE SHOK TRADK. , AVINGIiwhMtA our fli^llitl^s f»r marnjAetar- I working people special time to think! ol 14ver«l«lB|i ALVUaii ^ VAN FATTEN ATTOBHEY ABU CUCNUELLOK AT LAW, ARRANGEMENT ln« and d<-aling in l»h«ms and J^ath#f»tll£ j ll,lt AT TifK H i*'™ " .. tuHK.D l roN ** ' Ujocti630i"o to B. Santord,) Mflce over Alston's Store, Brad} bet. Frontaadfdste. undersigned, wuc< '««ors lo (>• D.awiK»n A < o., ofler , What ^ood ude can they make of it?" »Vour AHSOOIM KU PKK8S, : June 10 dtt DAVENPOKT, l«WA. _ RK'HIKG ARHA!V«EITIE?fT«. GREAT NORTH-WESTERN lot ho ofDuVi-nporthnd vicinity, greater In- B4f Wttoivsaln iin.l un til Dealer* LB N and after Monday, April Htb, 18*.and until in luan ever to bir. tlinr iJoots audSiioeeof ' Let i s see what they have done.— «•* . . gtlarcli„,„,„n l*ltlit. 1H.VJ.IH-Vi. OrocertuB, Dru^a, Chimuals, Paint*, J". (J . BILLS, Ofurth'*! notice,tr-1ns vrtit leave Kock islanddai Clolkiiig and h a u ui r go..ds Wanted bj the people ' . |6 Oin* m»ath, * $s,o» \l..-u l.\ 1 nt moil train at • * - 0.00 A. M. We al»(' are making exleosiro preparations for Daniel Del'oe, the author of "Robin­ - ts.liu IMTKKT MblHta.Mv.-., u.i.l A*«uH for nil Dr. U. Diavcnportj . yd express ttopping only attbo principal Wh^d'tKiieiiig B* House. stall . . 18.45 A.M. trydfa)er«» to call nr.d •'xu'rnin"* o:if a: 'e,:k and prfesM, son Crnaoe," one of the greatest aa- Ttirw toy®* * ,. LfU Thr«*o months, - • n,m Brady Stmt, Weit Side, Firit Door Btlow Jaee 10 otf A. CASTEKL A < 0 , as it is Oiir Aatermlnatioii u> sill on asgood terms as hors fil' jirosc fictloiV that ever liyed; ' . . i5f» Fmtr m-withs, • • u.wi lib Irel^ht, wltb id class ears Att.itthis opportunity lo inform the labile tint Ihoy can be purclia-'d in M Lhuis or Chicago • 10,40 l>«caud Slruet, 15. BAIMi, Train*arrivoat liock Island daily, Huudaysexeept t^iey bnvo received at their Ftor«, the largest DA S(»N, GKIGGS At CO. ie liegan life as a hosier, anil was al* p;vo ' * . „, 2,iuia,»wi «U m••• 'iiltiw,—-T 11 A V K A* /• l^ H '/', / u W A . ed, asfollows: t oet 2o Brady «t., l door from^M* f (III. r-'ir-"" Ili.v.'ii|.orl, o. l Mi, Ifoi-lrvi'ly tJXTY UNDEUTA KElt, Ut i Ight express at • - • • • 4 • 8.00 A.M. .stock of ^nost wholly self tanglit. William •r„„ «»*"• . 4 01), J *iitai<.* 1 >'»ar, - - KKKI'S CONSTANTIS ON HAND, yd express, stopping only at tka principal . _ Broad Cloths, Caiaimeret, Vestlngi, BOTS' Yoaths' and Inlants' Boots iw 1-ji Hi" r»t« •».»" f»r "«ch *''• fetation* at . • • 4.00 P.M. which ha-, ever been i rought W) thin market. TH^ LAKGK lot Of the above,Calf, kip sr.d Cow­ jL'obbett, the great master of racy Sax- A KC li f i~ECT U KE. . COFFINS of every quality and sUe, Goo<)s which we offer lo ihn hispeetion of the «'lt!*«n« • iwn.»l "I"*1''- „„... ot llif :.l. .v uta. JUfit MK I'AI.I.IC Hi'i R/.1L C*sR8. d mall train at 10.15 P.M. ofthlsU>wn sorpsss in design mid finish, anytirlogl Ahide, by pn English, wabin early life a farmer's w ICDVVAHDS tV CARROLL, Uare-Koomo and llsvidcuest 4th freight wiib id <-laas cars at - • - M. HAWSrjN, GKJGG.i A. CO. The Largest Stovo Store >*••»* rfl u.it orer »> hi»*t •*i® per minum. lirady, between 3dand 4th Slre«*t. W--1 Hide, Alliraiiipoverlhi. road are in direct connectioa at that fan be off-red ihein thi« si'le ofN *w Vork, belp« i liov, and afterwanls a common soldier. Hn-in.-" „i nUjItiiHiul < liarK". of J6 <*nt# V*t AECHITJJCT3 AS1> 8UPEKI5TENDENT8. solertad with the greatest cate and from ihe m out ox- Home Made Boots and Sfhoes. ill tho 'West!!! Oi'KH K, ~*» 4i*rontm«ifcd Ht aKSK a I waybin roadiness. Camay's furnished and Michigan Central K. K. to and from Detroit,To. in tho fc:n1, |luV."J!|MJfl. ln*u. Jan l-.llf I. do,CI •vel-md, Columbus. Clnelnuati, Pittsburgh, vkjw to satUff tn«» tabo« sfor gents W larfem «u..-k of STOVK.-. «,.4 TI.1KKHN wb lesired. Jul) .''.iHSS-dtf W»« n ulti a f i!I ati-l eOiuplete e+nortitlcnt o| j on«liorU»otice, ofprmi<- rtlo«-A. KTOGK ever br-.-igM l" iho Su»te >>f Iowa. Among iand "complete angler," was a linen 1 - ....- - Hyp*. Uunkirx, 15 iTfal.», .Niagara Falls, Albany, New York, .III'" " rtu'Miii' •liHWiiM"" Henry Y. Slaymaker, "'BUBBOWS, PBBTTYMAK ft DALZXLL, Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington. Alaoai lUc latest and m >*t ap:»rovf.| «ttvie« of \ Those wbowanl "Home Made" w »rk will please the Miioerom articles which wc shall keep cou«tsnl* draper. Then in science: Thomas Uri;a..uliill^ )n,.-htt|f ,„„r« MIMIthan IMI..„mint! rat**. \VHOI.KHA CK !>K \ V.KRS IN 1.U Salle With trains of the Central Head— 4iK.Vr*. liJH!Vlfd<*r from No. li V# ^. CMarctal »/«., Ausiia d*., Simpson, the distinguished mathema­ v AXi) I.VXUHJhYt'h. AUE.yr. (ilt()(J lAtl ES. north to Galena and south io St. Lords and Cairo,to Initatii/A Rvstia do.. Hire. Copper'* Bra- ;^,"Vu .A which pla« cKtlcketscan b« procured of S. S. KTK found n» this city. A mong which ar Cents' ftbirt*, Gentj' Gal^rs! Bo?»' Oaitera! Toutka' Oaiters! t Ul-'FI. K, ( .. „r Sr.. .vl I Vl I'll Sir.-.-lt, IKON, NAILS, GLASS, Undershirts, Storks. <'rav;»!«, Olot-i-, Suspenders, j r i«r%t do., Blork Oh, Ltad, Copper Hotteni*, tician, wronght, for the greater part lu ii.o.MHI .-M.irv . l»lVKNfi«HI, IU.VA. VKNH, Ticketagl.H. K. Depot K.I* pHK largest und Vest sto- k we havo ever off^ted. i»l"»n """' ,,x,r " "' Wooden Ware, Pair, Paints, Oils, fte., Passenger* are reminded of tne tt*;cu*slly of giving Ko«e,die. a ' A Pin A C>lt, t*«o|ii (fuiterxi Hatool Leather SfS'iri? a!! person* favorirj ns wilh m, '.rder- l^iat we A'l" *'"""i' .!'ui (Mij'i.l awl ol"Wd No. 30 Kan 8«cand Street, Davenport, low*. No. !l liarrrowj HPn-k, Front St., jfago, *Ho ti» procure tickets b-jfore taking tbelr and Buck «kin Gaiters.Jor sale v-sry cheap by Cook, ono of the moat scientific of .<1*""^!1 1 iu«n'»i m •••"'j' seats in the cars, as ihe conductors olleet fares only aoy similar establishment. I Dec 3 DAWSON, GKIGGS & CU. will wl! lii^rn goods in our tin* s« low as they can »>e ^Ivani* ' 'ideiit |iiiriMDMM I OEHERAL ME ALEU lit DAY ENl'OUT, lOffA. to nlalions on the lino of the Chicago and Kock island Full suits tn.ide on shortest notice, and warranted ! 'bouifhtifi Chicago or St. Louu.aa l murb lower than English Bailors, and a very pleasing J. M. DTLZXLL. kailroa t. JOHN P. TKACY, Kapt. <0 suit. tb>.-> bav beeu pajing (or th«*in heretofore in Ibis Drags, Jiediciuo., C&iniicai!, Pj.inU, OiU, PRBTTYM I Meui Long Bobber Boots. place, and on terms to#«•'. writer, was wholly sISK* 4 OA VIS H.IKW. Kock Island, April 7, I860. ttto public, we take pleasure In pledging renewetf AljO iJubber^an«jaU,Gaiters and Slippers for La- Plectse |^lve us a call and learn our prices, and father, a poor peasant, learned to read V; i; wtisr, stall Dtmaermt. Pariuuiuiy. i'aucy Aruclo», Patent Medicines,Ac. JAMES T . IIOUANE, fllelity, and solicit a share of the j uliiic patronage. | Oias and Ooeta, Misses and . f,n tb.ii we thuik you will spend neither time nor men* fl'l. LUi.l- a, V'- ^ v k K> i'l-.iJ 1 K- ' \ i::ili ili«- t»i tbo purcliai- iApm d-tf A . CAKTKht +. f-O. Bee 3 DAVS SON, CHiGGB k GO. ey hereafter m b-i>iiiSf st the two places ahov»r when tnrned of seventy, in order that It H»t; OIHMUIMI) i'» 'Mir i»r.*<*nl viock of DKPUTI COTOTT SUBVEYOB. New Arrangement. oamod. I'LANS AN1) HKAWINGK, of all lii mi. neatly exe- Warm Feet! Dry Feet'.! N. H. I ii a few aays we shall rec< ire an assort* lie might be able to pnreno his son's I^Ooj-4 u i.'l >«uow whkb w« ar« .•iilr.J. HAMMOTH STOCK OF AWSON, GKIGGS IO, have aeoiupleW coild'l*'<>i filmi->i l»o rturpa^nod <'ith«r u» i»ri<*«- i.r IJUHII Ordnri lull at tli« ofllro of A. 11 Millor ovar Ike old sortineut of Fur-lined, CDith and BuSslo Over* m'-Dtoftb'' above named goods by Railroad, stftS* voyages. A rkwright, subsequently ^rojvSiaufll Qlfli&fc l), W«» wo'iiii iiivm* lh« jtiffiltun of country Mnrt* NEW GOODSi ; ahoesvforD na!« oftcap. dec 3. eiont V> supply tho immediate demar.d. u»«l ^«y«tieUruii<»r»ur priced uml x«»otln befor 1'Oit timi i , will bo premptly aitnudod lo. Important to I'asteiwejt going Eatt Country Merchant* mi^rel? upon being supplied* Apl-diim At Uw Great Western Clothing Store. -f-THESHOE TRAD& a' all t;rn.-« witb Tinware and on favorable tenia at Sir Richard, the inventor ofthe cotton Fiihii> .vluji.'i!irittn«i l*hysician»ProacnpUoDicarc- NEW CONFECTIONARY. jOI.IFF#V OFF, Xj. tiowoiiBtoiJl, tOUN'S KY Merchants are invited to call aad ex ft hoittaie prices. spinning machine, was a poor man, nkly vuuiiM»u(ni4.>4. 1) No. 6, f K CI.A1HK HOW, CJ amine ourus.torlment, whicn is jastsuited to ibis Ol i Hair*. Copper, 6cc.# Ae* Ac., taken lne*- Attorney and Cotiu»ellor at taw, BROOKS* BAILEY. i rfect rriangt- for good*. and commenced life as a barber.— MICHIGAN CENTRAL RAILROAD. S In receipiof the larg, sl and inosl cn.pIeUi.lock ; ?* -I""' II al all t.i be as lo 1 11 • „ i .,,1 i L. 1,, .,. un i,-al ..r i*«*mal «i. o'rr'Tiouisti AVK Jmi llu.-.l ap i.mim .11. Uru'ly above Fourth • tl.AW of iili-iurocr St. Louis. So, 4 Krirrow* hD ck, FrontSt/eet. rtM,u •trmt, u«»tiii.iin, l.,w«, nn.l ..r. j.rnparad to 'f'WO dally tralm leave Jo.l.t leaeopl Sunday.^ r_ of GO James Brindloy, the author of canal »50»T«« »'2J tiutwn Barlunje kratlrt Corner ot Harrison and Front ttreeta, one maimH fuelurn m ordor all kind ufCamliej, Oate.and • eoDiiecliiiKat Lake Station wllh Uio Michigan CLOTHING, OK KVBRY DESCRIPTION ii.t WSfi.N, ; u . ^rbA^iHwti Wtf!KI4K«HAM A- HICKS. Smrttj; \m ""; ', w.., rim***** iKiagW. Square below tbo Steam Packet and Ferry Kyruj.., an.I »ilial«, k. up on hand a I.ill aenort- Ceniral K. A.H.r Detroit, and thnnoe wllh ihe Great e?er brought to tiu.s market,wh'n-has been purchased navigation in England, the first who' ' Landing. nil.ill OI Sun, Orange. l.oniol.» an.l olhor urtlclon WaeimII,Canada Kallway for Nlar.r. fall.. Buffalo, id the Kastern market* atgroally redm ed prices, and Boots aad Shoes by the Case or Dozen. tunneled great hills, and bronght ships .1 J.lili .ll-Hiif-V ,i'r.i|.riHior. Albany, Now York, Huiton. Ptilladal|>hla, Montreal, wtiirh he .vil! sell A01KS'Cair, Kip, Goat and Kid fcont-; |V4H1>\VAIIK^tiTOVi; J^TOKE. u.u.liy i . i . 1 .:i i:.»u|..iiin.:i..ry store,. *4 aimoiinco to I'ouinry Ii.-.tiers an.l oilier, ire In vile. I ihII pnd < of Stores was a millwright. Hcrschell, smbae- T u-'i'i B «*««;»"t'r I'.-,I .-r.il Ibttt Uliving purfiiusuUtliu Ptrtiea, »eo auppll«d with 0 15 A. M.,USblnlngK«|,re., arrivnat Detroit at ir>'. Ho is also, in additiou to nis.-4'.ock of Clotbiug^ and OU^ r styles i ir^ale bv I. . it tniaai. in th OLD sTANl> i»> H. U, u"m. N iVU-«.OII evory vurt. ij >.• ,-nkeaaud cotfectlonery dealrod. r P.M. Niogara Pall, neti toruio* aifdS. York DAWriON, OKiGGS, kCU, I >Vi'l 11 At-'.. iquently Sir William, originally a Hmr*"', i7j."»'•«. 4''^ Large New Hotel, 91" M. it Hnaten at I* it night, arrlre at • hlladnl. roceivlngan exleusivo ,(- and <»rfij>t«-t« irmsician in a Hanoverian regiment, ni»>T nvjnto oil "»'• IT'lllUl.,aill< Will OliUuuvor lo ('IIOHT. (OWDITK^AHl wilh .leitinort for C lo.eland. and ttiennewltll »orB- of all styles aa«l variolic* to which he iuvitosatlen* infcritliiufSafc of th'* patronage of th«tr»Tellm pub- IIE train, to all point, InLlbio au l i'euu.yl »ania . iiou« His stock has been selected with grestearo e*» NOTICE! became a skillfal optician and a gnat AMD 1 presslyfertlus inark.*t, and at th- v^ry lowest prises. DAWSON' tV ,,11) I VI. Kx|>r«« c.riuacwudxliiiornlugal Detioil tii P. li. tir>s^>,under the nano Nad-. Citrp- nn r - .\n-\ Joiner'* Tdobt. and astronomer. To him Campbellrefet* TqIs Hotue ICE (UI:AM .SALOON. *1U1 norm Sh-.ro un» of ^learner, tbrougli withoat is in l.*- r .-T>-t} tliing in the Hani wai n nut-, wha h 1 wiU sell »ttcrn«T ^ Conmellot at Uf Uiio one of thi. mo.I i»l«a*ani lonstioria In Davenport, landing,arrlriuf atio«A.I. coumoclln* with Kx- Extent, Variety and Boanty n. Gri'gi % Co., to lake effect f ..r l a.-b. r.hrajrfT than ran lx*had»r any -sfaMi-hm^nt in in the well-known line, f.)i..imt,illv_; .V... ..I n . r..-rr, .,f K,,. t Inland Ctty KNTI.KMCN and i.Ai>Ii ' i.m I* furufobed at aii i,rtiu train to .,«* York aud ti>into11. At.o coo- his stock Cannot be equalUd in this region,and 3rn (An the islday ot'.N-i.omijer, Ji.jo. N houn with choica Krnitx. (k>i>fM(ionary and loe Aii|»orsoBshavtio; uust^timi accosete with the old tliis city. | "uave n> Ui«lyrs of beaven another str ag." ml.I ..I ul.l 1* ori A r.<,-ir 1 THK MA N U F AC'IOKY. eiro He a CaU. Crvunwat my pb-Mwut ro"ii H. M. All he asksii tnaiihe public generally willevamine tlrui are requested ty call aud settle. Oct£5 4 i Then for tlie fine arts. Chantrey CJTY HOTEL," t«rian Cbim h. Jl*/ 17 dtf 1 lirouzh tlekoncan ne purchajc 1 at tke ticket of- hi# stock before purcha-iing ulscwhere, feoline satis- Don't forget th# place, Corner Front end Drady Streets, uiAJd.tisM. . ... ——-— For tho Ladies. apposite the Ferry Landiug. Was a milk and butter boy, and his —5^--" " "" /OAK J9SJUM '*• OwrMr of Third and Forty Street., af 1.1/Clf. (leeofi I.I II n(. my at Joliei, nilowiu*pauenger. to flSd lhal thoso wuo cannot t>« suiind in .pinntity, .pia- maya-dwtf W. IT. PAKKF.fU A JOHMB. layovor and ro.ume ili.ir .oal. at i»l.a.ure lity und pnc«at the .^KBNCli kid, Wiuio kid, hugiiah kid, Bronze kid first modelings were in softer material ACXLEY fc 0LM3TEAD, Proprietor*. DR. W. 0 CHTTECH, July 31 i-J dly S . KICK, Supl. (heat Weitarn Clothing Hoaae. I and Velvet Slippers. \ dorii^y I • 'tlK uH'l..rni;nwJ w.iutU ri.*(.. fifiill> ini.trin lh«*ir AVlMi |1J,.'.neiiil» : . »|e,| in I» :ipoii, offer cgnn>t be suited at any oiherttslabli*bment westof AUo, KM,Congress, Knglish and French Lasting Storett, Store*, than marble. Sir Thomas LawrSdce u lc 1111,1 lho 1H l1 } Gatt*rs,froo» #l^u to per pair, for saleby rrltui'i* ai'it l' ' ' > '"* "" Hbin »er»ia'» i<' tbd pubit«* in all oj cr i' nil jiertala* Chicago. MULTIPLIED Bt BTOVKS, was the l=on of an inn keeper and '.B.i.nilt Hi" I n v ll'i m.," i ir Hi.- r.-ci-|ilioii o! »lr»n- nt; io the practiiWDtiNTAL .-tliUKUV. Mississippi and Missouri Railroad. A ug. 21. LGWKSStElN. ^Dec 3 DAWSON,GKlWG • H V.Q AND THK MSWKIl IS STOV£S! it .JwllJI"* J""'".,„'.,fr : i ,t. nipH ir.lr-nii't irjv.-lera. il lui« !»-•»« uulir.-l) ri iinnliiluJ 'i'KKTil lont-1 lruia ix em^letoolh u. a full »*tt m th* hand some SOftO wholly self-taught. .John Opie was 1,11.1 lie*1, lamiwie.l. I'he lomnou imu,Miral ami con- n(totapprovt*i ftyl- of tliy art ainl w.trr.iut< -i to |rire«t* i A F&EAH STUCK OF ^ , j ,&(>«»TS A' SHOES, mo ef our neighbor*. tn«» re 5AVI80H * TB56, viIi ikui. >»'.U u.» «fiorvo» the partof Hie froiiriotom 'lai tiou. OlHc« »n lira^iy Sin**, w-^t *nl'*. n^iT the Kaii- found'bv Dr. Walcot working in*a saw- 8r*jili!>-* wa.uiii^l^ ooairibuWlothocoiufurl oilbetr .u1. a^i-^-dtf I li U'HI U^I,t It RETAIL, p and so good au article name) * «»•! < oi»ii»« lor» «l Lmw, N and after Monday Juue30tli, IHM, end antll Fall and Winter Goods. At The Empire Store. Stoves liiai it becomes didicuil to suppiy tke d pit. "V^illiam Hogarth, tbe greatest »nd Nouriaa public. ^'j 'x'u-li'eiv^ S i ADLlHti.wUh carefulttllJ iilU-nlircllos- FRANCIS JACOBYTii^: further notice , train, will leave OaTonpor»,(.r UST received at KI>W.\R!i Al.nKN'*^ ClolUlQg have, now iu si«»ro a Urge and well se- SBaad,L»ui a new supply of treigbt cars have arrive .» 8U^», >" jncaUueai.il Iowa City, ;Sunday, excepted; a. fol- Store .consisting in part oflieavy Ov-r Coats, "3\VL and beeii placed on our road, and wu liave completed master of character that ever develop­ llfftt aiwa>8* ill h»tei..Uli.-.j. Aim. u lurft ||arrfc.iii- HEW DHUG AHD PRESCRIPTION STORE. O Jrem • - 4 4' $5,00 to 1C,oi» J AT..'"V*ted stock of BOOTS and SHOKh,to our&rrangenient<* no as to be ante now to suppiy the ii.cv.-d, tor ilie MOUIUIIIO.uIiuu ol Farmers, etc. HK1 il HiTib-rrespui-ifiiil).a \ ilimlbo liention ol 1 nvlto Ihe attention oi all in waul deiaaudsofad, be thf same MOHK OK l.b>6. ed hw ideas by means of the pencil, DAVKXPOBT.IOW*. fRua> thentuersfl ^I'Davennoriand •urrounJiijjf country i°.rKr-.nir 2in<*. t'ouiitry traders wish* D,S T 'Aafcaw .1f«w>» j/rtTKAn r 5»aiicy i'Ri«iniere Haots, • 1^0'* fl.iifl u? t > replenish ineir stocks will find it lo Iheirad- S>> after looking around among all ihe '-ON£ served his apprenticeship to an en­ 4BXKK lavisos.r - ' :-> fUrnirittKH'henMcal.More "a lirady uelwcan bec- JU Mali train at " * " " ' .i ft«. "id K*i»resstrain at * • o.w r. m. vaiitu^* to gn e u? a call belure pu. chasing eUe- coinelo graving silversmith, and commenced ~u' H. F OUhLBY, From ins kuowla'!}f'-:in4 •• ip»Tic:»ce Ji.iiiU'USineB#. I raln. arrive at IMTenportdaily, (Sunday,excepted) Black Vest.. • S^»" 7,UU whero. *t, ciulro ll»u»e, lecau assure those who may favor htiu, that iboy will us follows' Fancy " • . . - 1,30 7,00 To oor numerous customers who prefer CUSTOM Twitchell ft Oillett's, his professional career bv engraving DKNIStM it WiiilH, Proprietor., »eiurni4hriii i'i • ii. >11.- iu.ii i i--1>.. ii- lia1. i"* beeu new 3d FrolihVand KmiftanitTralnat - 7.7) P. M. —A LSO— iuis*i 1 j o» Ne•* i'ork. All styles of Ladies' work we defy all competition—every article ssarroalsl, Fer*oiiaiulu-nli-)n wilibcgiron to the compouni- All Train, outof IJaveuporl will make counectlona A Itr^ ft««"rtment ofCLOTflS; nt'l if not satifiai'lery, wc reluiid lbeiniii»iiaa. i» uo* m ro ..llnuw for iroiaU Prescription.. manufactured as usual. Brady t4reei, uaverporl. our riHSortmeni may oe f'ourid the colebraied 1 III.,.. .. I a II > I i'.I JII .11 I'I ' I' ' .lie. all.I lUo, «lll «|.ar« H<*.ilaoki*Hpia g'odaMortmentof German,French, with Mu*.aliue ai.d Iowa tit) . Ht»sv> Cantor Heaver for Over Coats; upUlHltr MOOKE di BKOWN. the 'Sqiaarterly," began life as a poor - '' jjniCHlLL * PCTSA.M, 1 The Pa».«n|C*r Train, conueel al Davenport wlu Double Twiltctf German Cloths; forest Oak, for wood or Coal; tha Climax; nit oi-.ru :» i.lliru^lii'». Cofuiot«and a GoooralateortmoDt of Fancy M. Ac B. Blacjc Diamoad. for coal; The King of hlrocl,iioiwuai. n„l:.» I and 1 Uird Bli. train .tops o.ie liuur in i>avenportfonu; per. Heavy SaSiueUs for Pauls* L II, Article#. Paawnaerii are reminded of the nece.iily of giving Velvet VeSMIIgSt Stovas and Governor, elevated ovoas. apprenticeship to a shoemaker.— :,CliW»HutM>nr.^ ^ ,oWA Haven |m» 1. »l..i 1. 'jr.. Paveaport.ort nth, >i * t .I'.Uuet direction,a. lo the de.tinaiiou of lUeir bag. Greuadlef Aii kinds of Parlor. Office ani Heating Stoves.— |IAV hNPOmS '«**•_ HOT MAM. b Tin andCejtp^r Warooii hand al all times. Root Bloomfield—pardon me for calling (J g. ^1'H HKUL. c. S. FCTHA*. " * Till: \t:%l hotel. NEW YORK HOTEL, rmm AI.o lo procure ticket, before taking their Satin i^g. Jobbing, Ac. doue to order. f.rllnil#,1-^4—«Lrw-l> —Zi. . i'J..i-r" KE'lntheear.. JUHNKHKNKY. H-.lk STAND FROM UNDER! him the English Burns—wrote his WAVEBLY HOUSE, Harrison, between Front and Second StTMtl. A • DAY, Sup't. Worsted Brady Street, noarly opposite the P. 0. -——— jAS T. lAKi, „ On itaiii new "th itreet. KOhc.Ki KAK.dtii, Proprietor. Matter of TrauaporUtlon. apl H-dU i — ixn- ! ^ HOOTS AN I) SIIOES! Fuk» 4-dtf DAVENPORT, IOWA. best poem, "The Farmer's Bo£," mn,net »l lo» ««« Public. now oi.^u for iKfriiiatu-ni and trautioiilboard'ir^. (Late, Hofjerl Huone.) A M am now prepared for th" f Hand winter trade el ovrSe<5on<] , T C,r HATS AND DAVK.NPOKT wliili- he, too, worked in a garret aaa *"' '» ' ' " " ] Mi'i wir-ii ii .4 JU-.IikiMi j-itusani boiiiu ^ur- HK proprit tor rcp< cLfully anuouueet to bla " PMirsYLVAHIA BAILBOAD. Black Silk Hats; , * ''. Jwith iroiu 40,000 to pairsof Doots and Shoes Iiiur a lofitf orr •uorl 8«^,ouru «u l»uv»ii|>ort can I. j'i ij eastern .rn-n ii and i!»i iruveiiug publie gone* I Fur tqnipnsing one of tko most extensive stocks over 1K OiN W (IIIKS, shoemaker. 'T,t'.twr'i. A prt IM • "•*? fil Uio VV *v«riy lioa*«;. 1 uc **i furuie.icu railr,r that tiavin ; jiurcbas^'l brought to tiiii market, made up solely lor liiistrade wjm ii. t u l.oftcitfftol Uit Vno room, are puma* This Commodiout Hotel, i Wool '** during Die last tbro<* i i.mth*. t.ndr r thr- personal su* TQUHSBT Aim MACHINE SflQF. ' "Ben Johnson,1" says Fuller, in hia CoOK & WLX.0H, •til lil.ll... l.uvw UII.U..H. IUo Uaierl) M Mcon.1 and haJ 11 tborou^iil) repairodand renovated, he is Plush and Cloth Caps. ^>SrviaiHn ol an «xperiunced workman. A11 those lorner ui Hoc* i«da;.u and Secena Streets. jmosacyi Couo»«lor«ftt Law, Tl.e grei.t Ccn'.ral 1! jaoeciing the Atlantic These goods1 am prepared to sell at PRICKSas LOW AMMK. DO.N5El.LYit; CO.. '!ate loren.t-n ofthe •'English Worthies." "worked for lt» U>> we-'l ol CkfcCdUC'f* 1 ti poiui of tM»*Uiy »'»• now prepared to ui ;ra -i s.^tre of in ir i-.aronnife, by cltle. witb ilie ,V«,te lUwosWm, ano Seuth- astho same(jnalil) can i>e bought vlaewhere. pSr*oiife in want nf t;.Myd Boots. su«>*l Shoes, good l>oCl»ire Foundry.) are prepared; to evecute all Umiijiwti ^ raiiuu. »o dwihi u ifooa laruuura and *« *»• constant alteuiionio l i-.-ir waiilnaod cumloru, iiii wcatern Mpiifi wsin ine Oesi wnicU the inar- 1 GKI:AT AND 4.000 u.iHfai^K kil.da ot HOEATIO 0 BABBKB, road ais » eolintcu ul ol trust they set their money # worth aod care nothing Sugi&e and Xachi&e work for Saw aad Floor­ building the new strnc- AT T o H X K Y A 1 LAW , ...«, k«it adorda,an pair. GENTA/IIU) &>oti,$E,5(J, AND all other goods in --ALSO - UPflCE mm. i • .. „ t..-.' — BtftUandacal ?r«ii%8 0t »very descriptian F. X. 8HEKW00D, lievtng 1 can do better by them than they ran d<> h\ proporlioo. Don'i all ru.-n al once ! OH/fJSMEX'AL HOUXK CSS TWOS OF SU­ trowel in bis hand, he had a book in MAXUF AtTCH>;R OF Ur onieringgoods at the bast. One door east til Burrow* Ai Prettyman's sloro, PERIOR AMU i'ARiOU^ljM.SiQJfHi CAP&^ jC~t% tlMOU iittitenm *; €Uii>^ i il> I..M &aui between Pblladelphia and Pi^tsbtu-g, Front street. Davenport, iowa. JAK. JORDAN. SILLS, BRACKETS, TRUSSES, fc his pocket.^ Shakspeare, your own 1* R Itfr E if IN A SIPKlMoR STYLE. Soap and OauctlMlf Il rat « li*%*.- l{r.ou,.>Soea, Dry. I 74c • 1)M a Call and sow at KD VV A K D ALDKN^S. opp^. >\{t f>ei»t. i'J, 1v^"j dit ,\T'1"KN !• V A i' I' A . lova, t»*lweeii Moconti and Front b«li l.oods fin l.'ivrt) Kur», heallH-'ra, fcc-l Le Claire Jtow. _ _ _ Seplii, le.»j. Of the lau-sl patterns made to opler. Will Shakspeare, was a poor man's KOIABT rOBLlC AHl> COKVJiTAHCM, 14 uLiVl- ttT&KKT, «T. LOUIS, Mt>. f 4N. li. Special alieiiliofl paid to repairing wotk*~- Supl. Ki <1 i > DAVKNPOKT,lO\YA. Sctond C luw»..»Book«6i htatU.n-] Sfy Spring Goods have Arrived! NEW BOOT AND SHOE STORE.' ccidenU to machinery repaired without delay.*- son; his father could not write bit) aui atw~i f- «ii 5uly I6dtf ! OS KKADV, HBT. 4TH & *TH ST«. Brasa casting madeio order «>n short notice. CoitocUOB 4utoU, loniwaf im , ate. SNMJX CITY LAKD A0K9CY. ^d,cf^"^lw»re^tKr?W^|^-f'»» CONSISTING OF luch l^'oti-dw^ ^ name, and his cross or mark still exists , »r.icul»r «ud prumpl *IU*U»U Ji»®» w UUi;UHTl'lU (k JiMUIIi'i J Ati. RUMlioLD, J&., ' Cloths, Caasimeres, Vestings, THK subscriber ha* taken a rtoru as AMUtcll ot ,, a rklltl 4'la»»..-Auvil.,Bagging,vr '••••• above, where ho >1 opening a ir. oh slock in the rtconl of Stratford-on-Avon to 1 Jr^nrt AK^ ^ at BiouK City, Iowa. CONTBACTOR AND BUILDBB, I.IMS, I I KMSIIIM. I.IIUON. LE CLAIRE FOUNDRY ~ u3v« *Uh il»« CMiii) JuJ«* *» ^oi" Huuw. Laud* .1,; i -• S .. i ii itioiirfl,atf«l »Vc«i ol .Maihodui Church. Sole Leainer (in bundles) Ocbrc,dC4MMr«41. • 'i« pram pity auo u vl ud to. i Ui« j&lb d tV Vk If lourtbClass.«-toff«e.Pish,ba 1 oLclured expressly for retailing, which he offer S li op .! tion seemsto have been very limited,and fc. ?. JiKhWiltif, I ii. **• KMUBT, con to Pork (packed; Larddt Lard Oil,? 40c ? 100*fc. I is needless to say after Ihe long detention of for sale at very HHARTZELt & MeGOgVAN.' Mt>. * Couu'f.al Uaw. j Civil KugiuaerA Sanr»y«r. iienip, Iron. icad,naiis, soda ash, Ac.) these ihingi by the state of tho river, that I am ready Beaaonable Prices. DOSAHl.'K. sutce.wir u. lIe r». Lc ClaireA trrdition describes him as having lived tuornef• uu»l E*aw* WM. P. CAMPBELL. Fi.ui K—81 perbarrei uuUl further notice. to««hibit iuy slock fersale to cusUuners, aud itise- M -"•RFFER '/'(J— V\'VY SI;liVKY<>H, . GRAIN —S*» cU.per JW fts until fuither noticc. liisliy noedk-ss totia> lhatiuy prcseut sU>ck ufgood. either bvibecaie. dozen or sinslf pair. Hi Willi e M. Liavsnporl; i.avlng [I., r,i.ia. d Uu- aJ>ore |.reiu- tor a time by very humble employ­ LitvtMK it Tniii, K-,.(rn, j l-1'I•«r OaictW, ft Ml'' KaChcot oroi 6*'uth-Wv8t Brady and Lo- er 001 < j'ull aud aUo very choice. 1 was in the eastern reeelriag further ri-guiur .s.^idn a every week from i^ now prepared lo Alannfuctare , '.M,|.r„.i i'ti«i..M -f-.i«r*1lr eu- v dial Si*. 04)co Couri House. All order* i:oiToN—P «^ceediug 500 lbs, tomtivf 1!" bent maiiul..ci.tries in ilia but, and ro. ments. Then turn we to theology, fflil„Jlu»ur <«»r. will m«i«' MWjMj*". Ut. J-»l. ' iili. r*ui, j J'a»»»n i t«rl«lf«, Hel'bt unliliulber notice. uarket before the st »ek« t:i^re were reduced, am spfecffolly solicit.a 4.« .'oij...id.«. STEAM ENGINES u«m, Ho 4, Witlierw** • Jilocic, Brady St. H. hiw. t*>i.. I 1-L»ue, fcM|. pr«u.pliy at: Aug. Hlh*£5d-Wlf 1' Pin sUij ping Goods from any point east of Phil- consequently had a gojd chance for selection. My r various kiinU suitabie lo lh«- wants of the Co un- the highest range of all. The two Wa) lli.'au-n. - fcijefpbiu, be particular lo mark packages ^esa P*n»- CODNTBY MEHCHANTS try. Also, CASTINGS, for ail ofthe ditfereni varie­ AftfU la, J-U THK VMK1ULS KINDS l>h CLOTHS CAS.SI JIHKS X Vesting Q.I. h-Tt-lilid an iit.eorlnici.1 oi *K*j.ili<,blc' fillers. Dr. Isaac, Dean of Carlisle, JaiiTir i.KAH»a~ M. W.Ktraaa tulrtnia R*ilr**4AU goods e*nsigued io the a- J ties «d' aMJlGi- triiijg< ai/d ^ iatto x« -f aii i tons. JOHM 0. 8ABOEHT, «.H,UU^**KP»KH, Or unpow dor f *oi'i« for ihis Koad al Pbibsdeipbia or Pittsburg, wiU I am ready to make up to orderat short notice, in £ riiue itvlaiiiug CliMNit, i roii.vEi v \ 19 c:oi MAau#A»Tcaai» av I,, forwarded withoutdelonUou. » the besl sl)W of Ihe an. nt as low prion, a. in any cslal'htlili.elit in llie West. Hotue Work of the Latest style*, ;ind his brother Joseph, author ofthe ForwardinK aud Couiffiifiioo M®rciiaiit§f LAFf.UNS, SMITH 6t JiOIES. Faaibur AuBsn.-Harrii, Worinly dc Ce., Mem* Wr. Dunn who has be^n my cutter for the past year Apllf. c.Vwtf U. B- < AHf-KTOK. Caps,Sills, firaekela* Columns, e'e., eU., always on i-t .NO.* tot iiKuWH .\i. V. tiLUUfc., KKOM hTKMKT. Amecieaii Mjflo p. F. F. A.,in Ko^»*J3 %a. l iiis Teuo., K. F- Sass At Co., SL Louis,J. s». Mitch* wit! remain with melo give his ar.d inv friends "flls" band, and make io order. , well known "History of the Church," w llavenpori, Iowa. ,4 »a %». as usual. My Connected with the above is a Forging Shop, un- life as weavers. Dr. Prideaax, Ui» --- Order..oU.iu-diur.n.. ui Oram, Flour, " F. F. A " •» ii5 %9. !-ll Oe^s>on, bvausvillo, Ind; Dumesnii, iiell d* Bur HURLEY'S SARSAPARILLA. dertbe direction et men of superior Skill • liegan '.nuV.ou11• t^p»r. »,«-l«« r'T'lVn 44 .jtick, and Carter d* Jewell, Louisville,Kyi K. C Mel Iteady-.tlade ClotUiag Department Wowlait4ut?£«in«,Tnlo * New York Kifle, W5 ** drum, Madis m, lnd; Sprirman Si Brown,and Irwic HIS inv:tluablo compound so fully appreciated HrsMand tompoailion of Catling* made io order, author of the "Connection,"' and , WUldlrc*-.) to IIHO >1 tt«UlUj^)ll, ^ ' r!L»k —Krr*R*j»ric»— 44 44 irt well supplied with assorted goeds. «tid s deeted with T by iiii> \ merican people, i^ gaining wide celeb- liabbii Melul alwaysou haud. . J, ,U«..r. C«od » O..IOB. U»»«npoft> lows, WWW, tuarlo, 44'• 4 85 44 a. Co., Cinciiiuati; N. W. Gruhatn di Co., Zauosvillt frreat car*, i '»nly ,t*k examinati-»n to prove to all ritv^and uts become p«;rmau<-uily uotab'.iahed as the Bishop of Worcester, got bis education liurr^ws it I'ruiiwiuu, i*avouport, Iowa« TaWl ^IiootiDg, S4 v • Leech di Co., >*i Kilbyst. Koslon; Leech k Co v My stock of Patterns for Machinery, Building and UK«UI .v or Co«H, * Wi^, furyft vVt«c »t»il Pa., iheirulh of til ' at>i»vc «t:i!.euiei:ts. Please call at boat aud ui-Kst effective m-div ine of ihe day. ( orl tfl- ornamental purposes, is ucsuru&asotl by any aiinllar 'lit • r. «•» * l»Uua, III. t M , Mis»ouri Kiflo io land*44 % Fltaks.44 .. Asu>r Houae, N• Vork; I Wiliiaui si. und 6 Hatter ' catesar* dailv pounugin fr^ra all parti uf the States by entering Oxford as a kitchen-boy. ' »„u,w.D-i.,ileum io-J-tmo* _— fc»prin^r, HafOaiigh A Co., / iiwbaqpl ra.j American •» " " H Place,New York; K. J • Hneeder, i'niladeiphia; Ma EDWARD ALDKN'8 KsUblishmeiit in llie West. Prairie .>hootln|f,*,fc 4444 4 grawdc Koona, Balumore^ Uuo. L. Froauaco*,PiUS and the aflUctcd now rejoice ibero is help when e\ • Hepainng d<>uo at the shortlist notice. Charges •John Bunyan, the greatestmaster ofal- JOHN W. TI ft! M l'S() N, J«wH»h K. Kx^r. St. !,oui«,Mo., . 44 Clotb.ius Storo, ery other remedy proves meQ'ectual. Diseases which reasonable. Cash at nil times paid for Old Irou and „ 4k 4k Pir years proved a source of inU«.r\, and agonizing legory.and author of tho second best 1TT0XHKT AT l.AW HOtAKY PUBLIC, Mctiri'ietV Hatuinor,I tncinnall,OhlOt Diamond Grain »' bH?H. HOUSTON, Frtigkt Agint^ PkiU Second S'., opposite Lc Clair* Row Copp. i. M< » •>* «v N . M»bon* *• Cannon, Miningand Hlattmgin Kegeand Barrels. 1 rture, havo readily yielded beneath itA irre»istiblu 1). A 4». il»M>onaW & Co., Weliivttlt^OWo, il, J.LOMHAKKT,Sa/'<.^/tesaa, Pa. davenport. Apl 3dlf KU.'. AliU ALDUS. influence, and countiess famines rendered happy aud book in all the world, was a self-tanght M HAKKLKY, THOaUPSON <& CO., AtfonU, cheerful n/us extraordinary edlcacy. If you want lmuranee Agent, Mobi&n M rim, " Corner Second and Perry Sta., Feuniylvanla iftallread* the pure and ^uuuino Sar*aparilia, (lhal) which is ss thiker. These be some ofEngland's best oace 8. W. Corner oi Bru.i) »» I ^<1 «tfault, Oror^;. Wt-iU, " JulySbi5-d-w-ly OaviuiPokT, Iowa. Three Daily Through i'rauis beiwoou Philadelphia SAMUEL PEREY. l ire and Burglar Proof Safes! UAVfcNk"OKI UlWA. H . Oarreifton A 1 o.t CleVttlluJ, Merolnan t Tailor, ,i f*Vrent, :'.nd superior io Hull's or any other com- working men who have thought, and IHIIU 14 < ad Pittsburgh.—Hit MOKSi>U MAIL TKAIN p -id as out: ihiii^ i» capable of being to another, . Ilaasv; lulr ** A CABD. I'.-aves PhiUdelpbia 'or piilsburgai A. M.,aad A8 on ban,la new and fml i then take Hurley'*. for out ol thousands of ca*es AVING obtained the agen.-y for tbe sale of Lil* thought to some purpose. These be ijEO."y-"WMITCOMB, • JiiiiK-i uraiiain, Nuvr Gafdo&t " r .A . B.KTHi'l D . lAU'l. K> BAftaLSY. M . TUOMflOK* i'luabursh f«r Philadelphia at7 A. M. The fast line U and tui?ii»h Clothes. ( and Vesting* >callere«i trough Alabatna, Mi«sis«ippi, Wisconsin, lie's Patent Fire and Burglar ProoI SafesHank M»r^trthi« nr^nttfairy, Safam, " UAIiKJLKV* THOMPSON A CO., i.-avesPhiladclpbieal I P. M. aud Pitt^urgfor Pbil* »likable lor ll.e s-a-.n, >s • u make up lo HKicks, Bank Vaull DoorsandFrames, we are prepar- some of vonr hosiers, and linen-dra- ll(oi#7 and i'oun.^'br ai WW. rms. Indiana, .'liatouti Kentucky, il never iaa > Vholtaale Dealers in GrocoriM* ididiihia • Perry and S$contl Strtf*§, misburgh for Philadelphia at U P. Al. Of all wiada for Spring and summer w«ar, which Djepepaia, or > Indigeatiaa, "5 hesc bales are alUaslened with Li II ie's Locks giv­ and sawyers, and shoecmakers, sod II...... I, J*,. torwAtdiiig ir.d ioii:Uii8&ion Kercaanu, k>a v«iiport 9 loua. I he abovn lines connect al Pitubargh with the ing undoubted secuiity ag^aiusl liiievea, are perfectly i aiiroads toandfroiu St. Loui», Mo., Alton, Galena will In V)M asciwap a.-»tiiecbt*aposl- _ _ Scrofula, Xing a Svil, free frcrn dampnojs and belter Ire proofs than any weavers, and barbers, and tinkers, b K. N.HAIh* " ^ • tl Agontefor tLe.ale ol l^aflin At SmitU'.vO u«powder— " ' " iu-.ALKl louatantly on tu.ndone thouaaud Kegs and Cases Kl- .i .d Chicago, HI Frankfort, Lexington and Louis- tvnyisuixa GOODS. AflecUons of th# XOSM, Syphilis. other safe made. The burning of them iu any buil- England proud of theml Well aba Baloai c*s Toiu»iojr» Orcio, Flour, Salt, Comoiit, and all doacrip- (»oriiU£und .Mining Powder which wo will fur. v tie Kj-i lerreiiauw, Daytou, Sunngfleld, Belle, AgoodsuppM oi.'»-er>uiiLg necessary lora gentle- ©ability. Habitual Coitiveneis, diiigeaaatft materially injure tneui, and they may be i •Uoutiici.irerfPrieestothii tmde,Powderserr» f iutins, Sandasky, Tol<«d-», C.eveland, Columbus, HiiUi^s war>iroiie 9*»priU|( Htyle ut' Ilatsiy Erysipelas Pulmonary Dlseaaos, exil«:.njpedf«>r a uew one al any a$vnc\ by paying for may lie. Does she want more at' .llioittV)kUl !'***• tioas uf 1aim Product. ei gi Uv« in.iuieMioilce. Zuiieevillo, Massillon and Wooster, unto, .ifo,wlth Capa, Triiiikk, Valictfs, dtc, nung. I be vault doors and iraiue s are reliable, AMfi SOXABIZS PUBLIC, Order* nihcft'Hj an I iitvMlvi u- ».Ui dispatch for tin- July ^,1^-wirw-ly f esteaui paokwl bos la from and tu Now OrleaBl, p. S. Would mvitethoseabout to purchase goods Liver Complaint, Piles, ai.ornatn e rally here they them} 8he needs them all. Then jnU'1'«»m or Kiic of tJndU or Produce in tui» and vibe* >i. Louis,LoulsTitle and Ciuclnnatl. in the above 1 tne lo give him a call before purchasing Female Irregularities, Fiatula, are bc-tkiioen. Hrxt- Coaim.rcul <1.. «li»e> Throe^h Uekeiscan be had to #r from either ef the lb- liank Lock«havealways foiled the burglar and let England give her working nwD iliXel. "our lfuiliti<'« ni"'' wuplo fO'' tlie Mto^c vf all kind*of D-vonj ort and Dnbaqae Daily Packet. re. Oue price only. No trouble to show Skin diseases, Diseaid Kidneys, zoeds. ihaukfultorpaslfavorshopesa continuance and a grciUnd Powerful Tonic, purifying tha all Il k Lock seeking competitors, time to think; for the man's sake, for MpW Cfcll\H KAI'tn--. l.JWA. -«i*in*ri.l I'roioo", •-'••• '| Hh •plenuhl i&si ui'l 8rk..ei.M moderate, lhal all §o. iet> may ob- certainly of their superiority. Purchaserssre invited —for God's sake.—London Lectum. I)DAVENPORT'S BLOCK. ctMil«bjlCsllruadQ|- imi. i %*t*bU*iu»d ral«®. ;.ia!i,-!i:;i:rnly wilhlbe LhiUiquc and St. i'aUl rHU">. MOltKK, Agent, Passciigor Lines, Phlla. 0\V ready for sale sl Edward AMen^a-choiee iainu. THOMAS A. HUKLKV. to call and exainiue Uie articles, references, certifi­ CofBL't Ot M . jcyuu ' —hefek^CJKK- k . i I... Mi* w ill leave Luv^nporl every Mou- J Mfc->K.1MLN, Afent Passenger Lines, Pitts. lot of Mai.ulhi'U.r*, corner olSovonth und (ir. e,. »u., cates, die., beiure purchaaiug. MORE ABOUT THE WILD WOMAN. • ppo«;lw u«jLliiro t|o Cook 1Airjcont, lkank trs, D-ivi*upui t:(Imbb, Wro., U-ir- \\ ». - iu) «nd Frida) all* o'clock A. M. Phila.a^ov «d dly Louisville, Ky. The undersigned are the only agents in Hoc* Is* Ifctftayoft. i ' o* &>'<). IT, L».iv. iiportj I'HIUPIK-U ^ ai ... pais.i^eapply onboard »M i Hoi SJJFLILNG & SUMMERCLOTWKG, r rF r «Ic 3t wholesale or ret.il by laod (ill.) and Uaveuport (Iowa) for the Wortd's The mysterious creature known as t n.y lunkci*, Uawh^il; u« t». W. i ill, luuki-j, liuilulo. Liit J uly <111 xplll d.vwij > • T.W 1.1. b, Le Claire How. Safe Company, ofTroy , N. V. Orders addruased to l|CHABt> K. Aim. - WlLl.UM Doot*»» t f i>rb*rtn», AlbiOU. .N. V •; l'uclutti^ Co. JUniik, .N. \ realty made ;; i.d to l-e made to urih-r. A dlU*. loi*l the "wild woman,'' has, as our read­ AUotiiO) fck 4 ! ttoclt TCLAUTI. SUMMER UATS AND CAPS, cither place will receive promptatieniion. iiit'iu'i* Kf*fiip t»,{U, K«ij., l;-"hu»l« r, \ :*It«*i' Also a now and i li ie»« lot of IOWA STEAM CABIN IT CHILD & BAKER, ALLEH 4 DOOLAJI, Wvl'll. N. Y. l.'ity: <'.u\ . m^iiort notice KDVfARD ALDfcN. manufactures and keeps constantly on hand and for Sock Island. 111. uppOflite Le Claire How. HK subscribers have just opeued a store on Har* Shattack. When first placed in Uw ~ "Dr. A. M. SMITH, illlK'^UU 1 _ — ^llend to the puynieni of ia*«. and all other matter, My gudrf Second St , sale at Wholesale and Ketail, T rison between Third and Fourth streets, where Idclcciic _ John n'"ov"" tc.tviti rim. J, Jlchee aad Ben connected wilh Land Agouc) iu all part, oi llliaoi; HTKNTI UKli «»f evi-ry description, from the finest QieN iuUiid manufacturing and keeping corstantly ars she appeared wild and nervoas, OS0..H, litu.ly uruol kulooeii *li«I »"'» »<}• I LIO I•' A: I I I'l^KT. «V l-MOl, t \J! l.L ivmiH** t Li* line lor the deacon of IVM». B,>lh and Iowa. Office ou Orkan, .-.reel, uear tuort "FALL AND WI.NTKR I LOTHING ou hand all kinds of I'lur.lsueel oclwetru i..uii' Hrtdy. MUZ., | 1..SVA, Sofa to the commonest Bureau. Having recently got but soon became calm, and instead at' *iw.ai.,u given loiue Lruuliueoiol ficroru- v V In uta being of light draught aud I>I >m

    merchants can rely upon Icing l>-\ V r-.N iM'» IOWA . 'Ihe J • W'Kff, l.KR'T p..'nr. M^tei; J K K.acli, 11 ^Beys' Heady made Clotlnag* embrac­ 4 and ed very serene, and then she was ob­ A I. Miller, Clt'rko; will arrive at lalaml from Ke^- WqrwJclo * * 1 ^ I* " ing alUhedilfereulaiid approvedst)lcs,and made by quality than anything importi •applied with T n ware at whtdesale prices. Di. i. W. H. BAKEK Mh'UduU/ at#eulU»n paid ii> Uiu purcbasaand ealo kuk every Monday, Wednesday aud JriUay au'rninj^at tituuled in tieiiurcouuly. Also ' Kood work im-II out ol Ihe best material. which w illie stdd Mt i »wer rat''". AUhMM-m Hags, old copper, lead,Sc., taken in exchange fci served to smile at something tbe A ('IKK no tfXi>«ri«oce of lUkuen >e.ir® » th*» jf pi 'dico. Liberal jtr«cu.« of MvUiciUtf »u» vffer» bi* mofibi. C'aoli paid fjr uU kuwi vl- t'roduce. preiMii uti I'yi Cliica^j. iU'turninjr, lcav.* J;«k Island S , S K qr .ecsltitownSU N •• llitl '' Pilot, Pulersi.au> and Fiushiiig, Ba.igup»,Sai-ksaud also keidonhand and for »a> low. Please-a'l and PLASTERING HA IK. officers said, and at last she laughed I fuk'tn^iial and iNvi-i.p-.iit at u t Ixk in tho uHei'Loon, taking the MSliJrKcaii •' MUN " «h« », Paletot Overcoats, Ci.dh, Dress and l>rock t.oatsof , eit.ck. bushels in store and lor sale bv most heartily, but noiselessly, fairly ^•"1 tui *kmil). P*rucul»f uilouliuu wiU be given -RKfEHK/fCKS: [lacnentiim .'t ihi- 4 t> l » k ti.nn t'ruin Chicago. hISVVor.ec " »U N '• 4KS0 " various color* and qualities. Cloth, Cassiuiere, Nati* street,south aide, east of Pom street. HA LZKLI« Se O ^ ' flurry inui «i *ol U»ro*;*ud Si SWurKta " SON' " 4K80 l)aveap*»rt. May 3n l^.iiidtSiwif L. Ij. lift SaAl^ shaking from head to foot with exeSss Bo»T"N. lilt' Uu 11 taittpbvkl) w l. CURk Mabtcr; lien. \V , SK nr «ec34 " BUN " 4 K SO " uet. Velvet aud Tweed Paiilal«ons. Silk, Satin,\a- DE. J. McDONIIX. uiUc« iu OlUc« Bl^ck No. up ®u*r»; Stargi., M»»w Ct l o., Gilbert N. B. H'iriit.iltd *. 11 (.«•! w in, clerks w ill beat K,»ck I«dand In Seotl county. .ie offered for thirty day.atgreal leutia,Swansdowu, Velvet, Plush, Cloth, CaMumer* , NOTICE. of merriment. The officers talked to *<«•» o:i iiu »i., twiwduu i'erry •u. Kllery 6c Oibbont, Feariiijr.'Iliatehvrte VTbllon. Tuiud.ks». Uiui -.iavfr.ui'J .Nilurdu},arriving and leaving at bmalm by their owuer. who are deteriniuedla .oil. Satinet, Doubieand Siugle brea»led \ esta. Woukey 'THIS is io certify ihat the copartnership heretofore VETKR1NARY SURGEON, > '» Kefnoldfl dt t*a»taBiaii, HBIlAlHrLfMlA, MlC tauie tiiuv uid uiakin^ tnv e.tui« couiievlions m the • ool' lo M. Ii. OflilOKN 4 CO., Laud Agl. Jackets,Drapers. Vudershirts, Hosier), Suspendera, 7"ISHKS to inform tho publie that be her kindly, told her they were her Paioier, I houiaadt Co., Glovos • existing belwecn thu undersigned under the aTiI. i.. >i\fr.UNi n. u.. HaUl«dt BrokAH e. Kock l^aad, llliuoli. ,CrsVats,Handkerchicfe»Shirt-Collar6,Siuck», name and »t>le of Shoup it Bark»low la this day has perminentiy located in Daveii- gomeopaihic Physiciau and Surgeon* ( uu *iiii • K. l.nicolu, Kaq. Thw,'- tH'ii.i al?o form roninvtion. at Kouktik with the We have alio .ome Hty aid Country property >n Ties,Scarfs, Winchesler and Scull'sapprcved i alcul j.ort, where he will contiuue to treat all lhe friends, that she need not be afraid, Hvnry Farnaiu, Kmi., lurnNroKT. reful.tr line <>l «teaniarri for fct. Uiuia; and at li>K-k Inland Shoulder sea m Shirts,I'm brelh:?and al larticic»usual • dissolved by mutual con»eut. diseases the horse is subject to, an the most froftjri uj- br>>t«4s>oiial»Hr \ u «» l > vue mbabilimU j<;i) cnoiol tV YVarU. Co«'k X Sargrt'iil, with tiiP pa«:ket line forOalena and St. l'aul. Por freight Kock Ulandcounty whlbhareoffered v.ry cheap. ly kept in gentleman's furnisniiig storuj, iuiluumg All Ihu demands outstanding in favor of said Arm Kc.entiilc Principles. After a constant oraclice of and asked what her name was. They {U4^uj,..rt diul v.nuilj. I'uitMuH niltfbUou ill. ii. iiotTinun, K»«j • or ai-ply ou lumrd. may llMitl Jau 5'45d—wlf Kobes de Cnambrcand Keverc \ estsand Overcoats. will bo cntlecledbv said Shoup, many y*ars on all kinds of diseases, lie feeU h ppy asked her if she knew what they were r»*" l» Utn «>f Uirow'.f Notice. Alao.a sideudid assortoieui ot uucatL'lotbs,Casai* 8. F, SHOUP. to say that he will gite saliafaclion to all who em­ o Cw «m i»l«irtioi«sor » unction Brudy 8t.,bfct 2d and 8d i_t 'apt. Force, Mailer, will u.ake tu.J ,« and Mechanic" Bank of Uolambui, Georgia;" modating prices, aud by competent wvork II This a tew mouths, and lhe many important cures he has looking brightly intelligent. They lk»cur« roi ^T4l> A AOliEB» ' ovarDr. Hickmau fi Oflice, I regular iripa from M. l.oui.,Daven* and the .aioe will b. reoelf ed •« depo.lt or in pay- OBtablishmentisin lUo monthly recei| latest at the saUie stand, effected since he came will speak more for bun Ctan urged her to tell her name, but she fiactitioudrt of Hedicmw and Sargery, port at*ii .ii faui, touching at all initinale points.— menlfor fcxcliauge or Coin,ou Ihe uniu leroi.aa the Faskionsao thatorderf»inirust«d to ih* u may be rc* can rea iiy bs inserted in a newspaper. luirw'ri biiUiu2«vitia> Sl • uciir BraJy. llAvenuorlf i«wh» Pa^-eii^ei - ,«i»-l fhippt-ra may rely ou her remaining u.ue. of mo aolvenl Bank, of Virgluia. Keulucky, lied upon a? being in the late.slslj lc by hose who de* li. F. SHOUi' A:. CO., The followiuggeutlonieu wbo have employed btm put her tinger to her lips and slowly St>lt ! I \»3 J-rt 1> i>A\ h.N »'Oi< 1 » lowu. — ItKFEKKNCUS— \fi m«.oa»oii. For fc«ij(hl orpu«- UUle or Indiana. M. U. O8B0{lS. IWt. oil. All pla rorkofagen. (I.ute tlrm of Kenwiek H Son,) tiuce he catue here on the most tevere cas«s, will shook her head! They inquired n_ 1 MK\ t^ao* dt CAaaAUAllj suk^ .ipi'i> -.ii It. l.land Juuel3 dAwtf. b. II. M ANN, laahior^ teel ii nliuii ,promptly alio ilo as herelolore FOBWARDWO* COMMISSION MZSCHASTS. certify to his abilitiesasa comi>etent Veterinary Sur* J.B. Mi-.KMAH, M. U. M. H. 1IICKM AN. M. D. Bl'plaa.1 ..u.a.i.K..».«TO«, liCJJKOWS A PKKT 1 \ MAS, wilhall ofiho com* Iktisr lluildings, East cor. Kront and lirady. geen. whether she was afraid, and she gave URS. HICKMAN, Mr!* Mr*. W" .tKRyHAM. Mch Adonis coarassKs, kinds c- Davenport,Iowa. Alldisessca warranted cured if curable, or no Kall .ize. of Gurley *Co*,.. Troy, al Gratefulforpas iMubscribercoufldent* Agentsfv rail the pnitcipal St»*aml».»ats in Iheapper money paid. a nod. They asked it she could write; ECLECTIC PHY5XCIANB \ 8UBOEOM8, apl 1 dw-lf H A. PiiHTKK y HRO • B. I ly hopes to meri : ot'lliesauiO. Heearnestly solicits a trial on any severe case Ofictoa Brady 81, East siao, bet. 2d ^ 3d. E. T. &. K, L. JOHNSTON, O JOHN JOUUAS. Mi-sisaipp* trade, and connecting with lower .Missis- whatever. Any case he eanuot cure, if ady other she nodded, and they produced a pen­ ery *cd CABPENTEBfl AND B0ILDXU. on Fronlstreet,»ppo« siimi boa.s. Wcai»o have the Agency for Ihe saleof man taL bo got to cure it, he will pay him out ol his Wall Paper! Wall Paiier! Merchant Salt, and keep c«i:.*uutly on hand,treah aud pure own pocket. cil and paper, and told her to write •rjj(ttfiiiMi'»v .jfiiiMuwt art) erttlly. sitetheSUa Ct-mouU lire brick, Ac. . , A I ^/W-awif. oiiwi-au«HIVIWW,„« Shf>p on Stcond) bet. R. Island «j- Perry Sts O To I5.WKI roll. onhand,Ju.t r.c ilved aud open: Davenii ,iulv •.\:.i*r,.vwAd-t< Libera'-H aiu-emenu made upon all consiguinenla. Poll evils and Fbtaias war rah ted wired In aay her name. She took the pencil and 1pii.iii ularlhuy have jfivcn lull KNPfcCTFt' hLY beg leave to inform the citizens ) thai . . i .i...... iiul.iui 12 Fob. lc.vn-d.vwtf stage. 0. W. CAETEfi *. D. 4 iU»tacliOi _ Iloui.' s I iu proved Pateaf . i RKFERKHCES. made a beautiful capital J, when ar-»rk d >nt lo<1 hliu a call to,:.mlractlor UuiUiingaol overytlevcrij-lion. Prouipt aVisii to our (.lore aud warehouse wil! show, all o I THTJS3 QBIDGES, A ni m* Lin; SAVXI): J K WiUiaios. J M Cannou, Cotes j*>. Woodruff «lr Wadsworlh, li D Caleudine, / S Webb f bin* of aii kindsdone. Apl 'J/W-dtf. He A. POK IKK Ot BKO., • pali ut lor the Stale ol Iowa,and arc proi ..re«l to St Co., K Hope, J Shepier, W ruiierson, Marks Ac out. Tho officers now wrote out the »ra>iilb »id# oftfdHi, Old Pioaeer Book htois* oeutracl lor the ereclionol nailway or Highway J A lDiovtS K»«i«i Dear tfii:—»A« i took your utedi- tirud) 4. ^'erry iia. Anl 7 dw-tf Itock l.land. III. Ciue to aull t»u coO*»»unieut, 4 u<. cure no jmy," I uk. Caiupbeil, B Barr, B V Gue, 'l'bos Regan, li F tlue. juebtion, "Are you afraid to tell ua UAV h.NPuUT, IOWA . Bridges of any length of span fr«»m 3u feel to ttou leov Hon J P Cook, O L Davenport, T D Ea?ai, D S Soap, Candle and Lard Oil Factory. lu any pari o* the state. Ihe above llridg' pleasure iaMtitting iw oBocU a# itnoitedpotted totome by tb Brook», J B AUeu, J A Crandall, Dr. O'ifeardon, H. March Uih. 'j5. ' i- BY Coail Coal! been adopted on inosti hailroads in the L niU'd broil ho li>e in lh«» place, and Uk ic testimony H. SniiUii, Dennis 1 ushy, 8 S Gillet, N Row, G L your name f She took the pencil and JOHN C. MATTHES, OW KK.Y,THOMAS di CO. are now receiving, at Slates, wedecliicoiuute lo liioir fttrcngth, dura* lair HH-vimit-ii of all I havericoived: Kickolls, G Foster. pointing to the word afraid gave a JOHM fOKl^MAW, Uieir Yard near the rail road depot, li^j TOSS bility aud cheapness uniucessary. Al. tomii.unn \V. 8. C< KLIN tub! mc—'*1 had taki u iue bottles of He cau IM consulted at the City Hotel, or at his .„ i'ity •hrrtio ter, . .1 FEOHT BTKEEt, OFL I'OAI. DAILY For Fuel and Swaiu itliaauu.u- lions upon llie Subject will receive prompt atlentni t hri-uv » *>•»«««»Dainam, aud coutiuuaiiy udowu while nod. 'ihey urged her to write, and 1 , r itsrti' to that now Horse Shoeing hat*bli*ha*ent aa Third street* •"ui aiwn.iipi;y i.».k|; o ^ii.o^«ntr sled Whim, X)*voiiport,I OWA. irlor Addr »TONE, BOOA11.1 CU\i.Nlil* N, n»iut it uut 1 my luu^ aud l ^*' apllH-dwIf '" co'mblnatlon of the miner, to raiae the I>avoupjrW iow Utxix . Ihat id>.«xl tli-t harg«;d In uth aii'l bow- Uking u pencil she wrote in a ronnd "ttc* tod r«.iUi-ucc on Iowa, bci, 3d and 4tk atratft, Owing Csb lH-dwtl mpossiblo fur lit live ^Wmport, Iowa. I) lUd*U I^rd Oil for.Machine uiealway.ou band. price o OAL—Which WO would not .al.U.it to—we vis, 8o that; 11 ihou^hl N D hendsome, legible hand, "I I afraid." Jul/7. 'S»-dly_ _ _ ...... unable, for a .hort LIUIE. to .upj>L, our cu.lern; for Lease. tkii ie lioiltirs too did ail they trer; also, t '• kegs choics t dii•, Nfthing did me Dr. W. 8 MINIEB, . c>oor>nica, crs. Bui having succeeded in lm akn g up tbu NUMHKK of lots situated in VMriou* parts of the t ould tiriw. , but tbo.i, 2500?l«wked aud 6tio dozen )^£S, just receiv«d and She was asked whether she would tell c Dr. A. A. CHAINS, liuiulion O" which ihe COUIoi BI« 11 inter- goudnntitl goi l> KKV£ xr> Ao» K CI BB, stbi at the llAVKKV V. sTOllK. (Hoceuily from Hock Uand, III -) A l /./'> .* < «*• / o.v•' •' THYSICIAN AND 8Uli(^R0K, est I we are now prepare J lo delli ur lly or .JV:" "' l.icle Htid t H,l U J ACOB WBAVBR, Jit,, A CO. all about herself when she reached the DuvoiinoC in Quantity to suit pun hasers at our ftaeh tud imiti i my head and bowels, audpvotluc* ''Wow on a,| iirewi, uem.i.Mir lo H. II. r.u.uh'« Varie- Oflloo ou ISru.l) etreut. l.clwetMi 'Jd Wid 3d, ove Fl'EKs his professional services to the citizens of 1 uiait.nl L»uv ii * short lime." HO LINE PAPER MILLS. place among her friends, to which she *r «.'»«,In p. M. r»nr»..ill.'". ri'.u l.in UtB)'. Jew Muctiuir. aloru, Daiuuporl.Jdwii. O Davtupori and vicinity. OtBcc coruor of Main DINING SALOON. d M.•» i FL. C< >KII\ ^t\- »»l had Iweii taking medicine of H hNuoscribers a re constantly making a variety %.ld 3'lxire.us. Iteildciicoon Main above Kighlh. '•'UK subscriber, obligtd lor Ihe tailoring patron* have in oiu* couuty, aud takeu Prtntin^uod Wrapping Papersat their Milli Mo- would be taken. She signified that l'.Kt'ERENCES : inch-itMpl a age he Inn r>'ct i ved, iiifo rins Lis l. .i i ds Min! ihe good u Ha W* r «od Wr, J. C. PARKER, Harrown, Hun. John P. Cook, I'hc Old Pioueer Bakf ry still ahead! , liuiiu aud *>|iet'itics without any covd line.and will pay Ca |uautiiy«( she would- One ofthe officers observ­ Dr. Fountain J.nn. sThorlngtoii, public, thai he is Still prepared t«» accommodate fiom'j&th August 10 IT tit Decx*nd*r, but mieiug liow gOod liuenrags. Ourlravel!;ugageutf o I'HVSICIAN AM) SUR(iKON. •1'HK.ub.eriber ha, recently ma le exlen»lre prep- iLcis at his Dining Saloon, in the ba»einonl of X'av * uicih it oy latitl U',1 my bit'thel, 1 ^Ol a bottle of A. O. Churchill--- will call ou tbe MerchantsMerchant. through ing soinu scars on her fingers, said to l,r„VMll,i rwi,x, j > ' -g. K«., Burrows & I'reltyiuai, k •vO J I,L, U(.,rui |I1S ,HI..I tltii |>.il.iiu lliul lie •• Carter. / . I urhiii, t»q., • araiion. lor llie luunulacluie butler, Sugar, eni>orl*» new block, corner <>i Second and Main l(!iv>des' l»ev r ami A^tic Once, whit h ett'ectcd a i>erma« ce n Tra Howa and pay them iu cash or paper for thetheir her compassionately, "Why, Betty, j.Mi«m„,„a I,,, o11|co U) Ul„ |.0>1 UUlldlllK Muardon, • i " • J-ada, Forwarding and Commiuion Merchaatl, <„da. Pic Mc* Water and O) ster Cracker., SiA.els,oppo*ito the Le Claire Hou^e Dinner -very m-ntcutc b> it'iui; i\»o-thiida of a buttle. run. s. w. WHkKLOCK., •Hcoiiil mory^oppaiiit. i.a/.i'ii*..»ni•!.*. Nov atia •» Moriany, * <*$. J. Hurtt*, K»o»t PKODUCX DEALEBB, i iiul llrea.i, Ac, Ac., together with a good a.»rl- dayat M* i "'clocK. Mealsscrvod up at aii hours. g. M. C >' kvis \va> not here, but the other brothers Moline, June 30th, 1854. you have l»een used very cruelly some Ice-Cream, Soda and Mineral Water.. Dr. J. 0L8HAU8EN, " C.T* W«blit(i)rugifi«t)Mca»r»H F& h W Miif hoi Aud W'hole.tiUiuiiil Kotjill Doulernlll U a way his ca«e wit* the same as H. Mi 1 .- id the uiediciue *4 Kruni iB Jacoby, do., '* Andrew»ti ikelly. ' ? L2v IV^'RI^rSeoU ti Til ilViiKKKIhS ri v eirod ev.-rj .lay .luriuB the to both the -itnie dav, aud the CUIY wa* a- speedy from N0RCB0S5' PATENT PLANLNO MACHINX time.' She repeatedly nodded mourn­ Physician, Surgton and Accoucbor, IMtV (J»ODS, (MMii. JOH>i A'l'KIS. the »auie .-in.ill-iuautit \ ,ainl I uiight *o at-e«'ify . '|*HK subscriber, Agent for the PaUnte^ uf ^rtr OFFUJK-Seculia >u»:i l,«ij.|»»blU' liio Mckl'J _ QaMiuwart, Groceries, Boeta,Shoet, Hats,Gaps cuaty, BESAD, Juuo 14 d • I f Youi»v.tih resp*i't. A. IUStIMITOS. * cross' Pateul Planing Machine, w ill ,tT. r.^his !o ful assent. On reaching the Asylam Peiiuwy Itiitiiu iIOIIIM-, ""A'.""Si"MAXWELL, M. D., Clotliutg, Sail, Ac. made 1% Machiner>. The advaui.Kes F'»I™ED for HiTtl iUNl.lv-.iniUU I'lTTV. WiimNn, A,-., for The abvve HM'akn for itw lt. Good prol an itl», it it» Cdiutso or smaller districts u> lhe Stale >•! U,» a— she was alarmed, contused and wild, UAVI.M'UUl , IOWA. Sk IHil.«>\.«< I l.«s r A olT.lt VJ .Ut I!* Havlujcuiuplo room for siorsKu we nhull psyp.rtlc- tills preceMoi luakl.IR Biead. are IL.e.e, the Urend I. by *1.11 lull .V V A \ I'Ari'KN. oftio b**ttei if not t ban the vu>t uuinUr of lihs ecrtttl- aUtl will furn^h Machine» mains i.. ^ u.r- d by tbe pat­ •2» I7,l»jldl> uior'uniform la quality, and handsome in appear, W i-atea i haM .duady ptildu>hed, aud the still greater nuai entee. H* V. SUVMAKKH, and the attempt to induce her to re­ TENOTOMY & PLASTIC SURGERY, ular alleuUoii lo KocvivIiik. Sioring and Forwardluic ano# it is much waiter aud u»o re even l!kt>oj>*mutb U*r tlmt is« outinmdly i»ouring iu to me. itKickolls Heal B»tate Otfh », t oriMjr of Second HDQo B&AUKLICK, 4 miy Good, eonsiictied to our care. , liO.NMCI'S, - deem her promise, and tell her history 8 W Coriur Tcutli and H*ui«on Streets, Ca»li l>aid at ..11 tiiup. lor Produce. loiiger wiiU 'UL boco.uiugstalo, aud to many persons thu tbiun more, iiwt yea* 1 had occasion to «s«li#s 0eci4 aud Main Streets, Daveuport fKACHKR OF MUSIC 1) \ V I :N 1'OIM' W>\\ A. ts uoi obl.'ciionablo when a waok old, it cuts as PABASOLS, ARTIFICIALS, RIBBONS, *0. the public s thf»e words. 1 •1 PltHil, JIKI„>lli:iH A OHOiR, Aeierttuec** Front .Slrool, llav.iii[w>rt,I o« handsome as ihe Unest French roll, tlaoes ta-ltior, tAKOKlotrecelvoil Ihl. day and will bo .old uwfirut tch-J h'lrtt^ken ont H/M» f nerut KUElf COOL. , ' " was a failure.—Cincinnati Comma- Prof il. A. A< Vi.K, M. 0*1 l levelund, Ohio, Davenport Steam Flouring Mill*, fl^HK Davenport lee Co., are now prepsred lode* •>>1 Street 8e:)i1 iaor .-tan ol Western Avenue. l;> auo 1. readily tuirodueod into \ very cboepjil imayi4) l.\ >i.K K\s. circulars, %ubstitut>ti Ik* mum*«f their a«*/ra/«/i»r X liver Ice aaily in large or smalt e^sntiUea. Of­ rial, 1Gift. ' . Ulf.nip ,ri. in- l I • , • H i. FiK«:»iitN< CUnolitud, O., Mod. 8up. K.O WillU. fce|.i in coimluni '|>i.rull.>ri, :• ml Purmerr eruwd LLAK. r's liroad bot-.re. I "HALL conilauo lo •7 5UiiTi»iic*o planter In «t«r« ami lor aate by taymadKiDS, aad then with Are*.* impudent* cad fice ou Front St., opposite Burrows* vl ill. A«olM*»a»ane. Informed that hay al »I1 uoie» m Ca,h the Uljhe.i run a llread Wagou as herelolore. IU offering the •i > DAl.ZKI.l. & Co. theiruam •jiltt i *Let th< p»apri- MayUd3in PKCK A MITCHKLL. W. K. LINE. HI. D~ Prof j>. ti A M .M n.,rt.,.-mLull,0. •aarkol I'rUe for u lieiil. Klmir ,il» a)« - n Imii!. bove urltclo caunol lull to give en i «/ he dure ICE IN JUNE.—On the 30th of JBM, H OK lil:KUOUs .V l'Kh I i'VilAS. I. .,on terluswbich ­ ter of uu Practicing Physician, li. li. Wo.m, M. U.> Nusv York* UculUt and Auto* tire .all.faction, I hope to be able to «uppl>^ a 1 who Dried Ayplea. Ac» at about 50 feet below the American uiay favor me with Ihelr patronage. IH.nkiulfor Now T Mke ideaaure iu saying that the c««tva1 of Caluruct*, PtoaU, C01 U ,L C -jj^Kl slllJ.s Dried Apjde. In.tore and forule iu lite upper end "r'y « Ci Si 'if. Oiin i« li mi ', niou" |>aiiicniarly, TUTON & MILES, past lavor., I hope to merit A ' ""|' . " |May *3 dial 8.,*•*». red to thopune' Dr. Christ*-* Ague Balaam" utcnUou- P>HB subscriber has Uken a stall Fall of Niagara, there still remained Struoniiniia or^imnUiiga^laroLtp^'lub-Foo-.Cou- (Agent, (or IIATMUuNK ta KK.N.M.liV, Albany, aarne. All ordei.frou. UoiieiUn the above lertlftcate. of the Lower Market, wh»rc ht ew«uro« the pub- < to» A. A?., ami 11. hi I lo a P. M. apt_!1Ullt' irntOrd UinlH, i\r, kc* a^Theix tau »e^ual other iudustimua people whoare be is prepared al all rve Ibeui wllh ss a cake of iee weighing probably twea- U I Om-4-dlC Piouct r BuUery, Front Street, oue .quale abovo applving to i hi ir 1 «'i-olt"Us. ti\^h all tliat I putliah aK»ut good meatsate as thethe countrycounw/ a/fords, and. at as low my i'evei «nd A^u«- Cute,or Antidote i© Malaria, sxcr^< price * aa ill. ) c«a Im obtained m Uie uu. He aak.a ty-five tuns. During tne last winter, 3C. MOOXllSt COPPEKSailTH AND PLUilBiiiB. s T CTv'j.; s Burrows i i'rellyuian'. steam Jliila. idiaro of puMic patronage. Meat delliewd at the 'rHKduliM'ril'i'rtbUow propur« «ito »l<» ullkuida of Tin Plate» Sheet Iron, Copper, &*«• «8. Dav.ni«»rl, JJay i7,_lWd.dil 250 WHE£LBARBOWS the CerliAuf < \rtiy and ihe Ceiiith.aU ot the eel* the mass of ice formed by the contin­ OFFICE AND HAMPLK li«»OMB, ebrawdcl»»i ual.Dr Jam^- U.Chiltott.iu ta\oi rt frtdouce* of 4 ustomara. w. D. MOORS. 'RS8C0. IlLLnouSirn .i'i.V 'ri'.aiu'.ntalfaWtf, * Cwpiier fk'urk. I'luiubinu. Uooilng, in-, ai*w " Cllnua, Clinton County, towa. 1^OK Mile by NOUHSK, VIt.I.K .ii CO., fectly haiuiks.> ch;ira^let, which ta attached lo et«ry bot­ May tlh, dtf „ . . .. . ual addition of spray is said to have drainer of \io.,.l M.. •• uu I Mai.le. araljoi.imi^ .»ol ov«-r> duauipliou , oun»cUd Pearl street, next door North oi l ie w-itern Hotel, l>riKiin desirou. ol lulormatiou eonwrnlng Uil. lnneUdtf Cornui Ho. k l.land ami Prant SU l.ottorlurf m l U l Uug ou wiin iuc iiii. Copper ami Sboot iron but>iu«i»«. Ktovt BUFFALO, N. V. I tle. TIiom' will always serve to d^tiu^meh iuy modicii e MAFl.lt Fl *i: been more than 100 leet high; indeed, l'»pe, iheet Zinc, Load Pipe, Shoot Load, &ftc*lCop WILLIAM 11 TON- CUAKLSS C. ttttKS. i^oiut cau «>e a platof the now Town aud dbUU firoininu^tfioui*. JAS. A.KlioDtS, Propneuir, 1 * .ui>riioi aiuol^iii.i Horn ill. uan Window 8h.i.|rta, ^.frL^r^i^ration-t, Portraits, p*r, liulliinj? Puba, Puo»l'», oto.,olc.; lurnlabod Stall Terms thesame asat Albany,except the canal freight fill particular, of price. oUou, d"j - DIBEOT FROM BOSTON, Pi o> ideucv^ K.1. Ia).\/Vvu6u.t*'iv, i, i *«•'' wlioleutlu a'i.1 rvtail. ia a stereoscope nictuxe twea dnriag WhoWsaW AKett^—II. Bb^ley, A- l-onis; tefcUy Sotmafv Luiitacapcs at abort ii»4ic«. timet <)i| tUc iud*irt«a»vitttoli:iermB and at ahortuo Feb. 18«dtui* Office over Wiley'. Grocery Store, tiSl. BY Bros AliidU'KC. T. Wrbb, and foi »als by %,IH M -ilANU* A BllltWUKRP. the past winter tliis glacier seems lo Haiftlni andUraintig for tb« Iradt* H lice. Ua.eapeil, A««. H'M—tf VKRY handsome lotof Maktlllasand black filths Pnu-^i-ts K- u«'ralljv. • * '6ddw^tt 1 Brady w. Uytd 81-4dooi# ilotiN^ C'.uii?r;iM ! Sp,Kiting inado to order. All CIRCULATING LIBBAKY which will bo sold at low tfores by Hairls. Bra­ 1LH, U«M*d, Lard ana Tanner. oil. Uttia be nearly as tugh as a- Hradjr. fork uu IiouiCoppcruiKl Load wauled OhMM! Chaasa! A flteli, Pia.t»r Pul., iCemeni, Hair, Claaa aud aad UtlCefi ex^b.niice for work . N H l l-Bl-AHT. Any ipiAni.iy »1 ri t. e Ln>ofcsfor dy St., below tud. Ladles cull and examine our steek SIt, U. U tUSKIX * C». Fall. a. H. t. T Olom A CO. v i^UAtnporl, Apl i jlflao-diy J. il. L»l'MU.N"i\ I readiuK, treui K>>c to each, nt U.« j Iteb Kuubaigb «Ueew lal ww^andlbrajljUr befurs you purskass. Parry St. betwoonfd asd id. MaylT-dUm 1W1N OU V B<.k)K 8T0&I