FARM. GARDEN AND HOUSEHOLD. may bo levied without their aid. It' the collector is deficient, the express provision is that alter eer shall ■!' this department brief suggestions, facts anti tain proceedings against him the towu pay levied xperietiees are solicited from housekeepers, the amount for which he is in default: to be uruiers and gardeners Address Agricultural finally, like other debts, on the real and personal i-iitor, Journal Ollice, Be Hast Maine ] estate of <.uy inhabitant. But we think it is not the true view of the iaw to hold that there is no duty resting upon towu to pay the State tax, or to Written for the Journal. ( Republican | cause it to be paid, until after the State has iisc!' exhausted winch it lias to Thoroughbreds and Grades. every process by sought guard the integrity and efficiency of those who and collection in At w hat is a thoroughbred ! It is an ani- publican have its assessment charge. Journal. least under the act of 1877, notwithstanding the ial bred in a direct line distinct from any precautions taken for the fidelity of officers, the titer. We understand by thoroughbred tax remains a liability of the town in such sense that : it means, when applied to animals, BELFAST, MAINE, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1881. NUMBER 38. payment of it by the municipal officers is not neces- in all au act their official au- at it belongs to a certain class that has sarily cases, beyond thority. The ease does not show that tho towu in been distinctive in or F.u- mg Knglaud The any way suffered detriment by the direct payment $l(Hlayear from each cow, and we call Tryst. gentility, based upon being naturally not Count von Hold see such a as Dora’s too. “I’ve often heard you talk Belfast National Bank vs. lnhs. of Stockton. i]>e, and that it was either o: girl aiering of the tax which had been assessed upon the polls imported, of it net.” to much art- cousin.” $50 in a given talking, and being this way but—" and cstato of its and was then over d from imported ancestors in an nn- Impelled by memory wayward mood. before, Sl'I REMK I UDIC IAL COlIRl. WALDO COUNTY, 1881. inhabitants, “How do no you feed stock i" Reluctant, with a faithless mind. barricaded in the best of black “Nonsense! Bab’s uot but “But didn’t believe me ? I see- I Ol- THE .1. due ami There is of default on ■ roken line without admixture of your yearning, ificially very stylish, you OPINION COURT. SYMONDS. unpaid proof any of for was “We feed them the best we can. We I sought once more a long neglected spot. silk, which her husband the she hasn't the to that sort see. There’s a vicious the part the collector, which he liable, •1 end to its class. thought got money buy effect from this foreign A wooded upland bordered by the sea, It may be regarded as settled in this State that and for which liability he or his property was re shouldn't do if we didn’t. W'e clothing most suited to her years and her of thing. She's sister’s child American The and suc- W hat is a It is an animal that anything Whose tides were the sands, my anyway, prosperity. great one who loans the of leased to the of the town. The evidence grade swirling upon reedy estate, and 1 money upon representation prejudice give them the best of early cut bay and Or noiseless in the marsh. always bought himself, in the and mean to give her all the lire-crack- cessful for wealth lends an undue town officers that it is tor tends to show tho the town re mwered by steps or removes from a floating yellow struggle required municipal pur contrary,—that rations of of about tiuee was wild. The winds, awakening, smote heaviest grades. She answered, ers she wants, and a to lire ’em off to mere wealth. Not that poses, in order to recover against the town there eeived into its treasury the amount of the collect roughbred. The cross of a provender quarts My way slowly, place weight you thorough- for. must the of the ed tax. The defendants never disavowed the act of meal, and a of My face, hut as l passed a ruined wall “I think, our Dora is tit for in.” Mr. Warren was conscious of don’t use it not that don’t prove appropriation monoy d w or a quart cottonseed, daily. Samuel, any having well, you ap- ith common stock breed other Brambles and vines and waving blossoms dashed lent to the discharge of legal municipal debts, uu of their agent in paying the tax with borrowed We portion it to them as can stand society, and could grace any European done but little for his the refinements it but m its own a half blood ora they A trolic welcome, like a summer ram. practically niece, preciate buys; less such otlicers were authorized by vote of the money. Wo think the course of proceeding lias produces it. title.’ and was Voting cows can’t hear so much. the hills the east tenacious of doing something your minds will run back and measure town at a to effect the loan. There been in effect au of that act—and the uii The cross of a thoroughbred with Shouldering against murky legal meeting adoption Then we give them a moderate ration of Stood stalwart oaks, and in the mossy sod “So do I, Sarah —so do I. There’s no the entailed. T think can b*- no such thing as a and unlimited tax is To this extent the town silently holds mil blood of the same breed sentimentally. everything by outlay general paid. produces birches in officers to borrow the so and the full roots, mostly sugar." Below, the trembling whispered me, discount on Dorn : but the question is, “It's your own fault,”snapped the wife, you sometimes forget the value of such authority municipal money plaintiffs' moneys applied reaps grade of three-fourths blond, or a ipiar- “Not here!" 1 reached the silence loving pines, on the credit of the town by which they were beui tit ot them. Tuc payment was not the act of “What is the secret of butter- is this chap worthy of her. and will she with an energy born of her new ambi- as can’t be valued. Pardon me if than blond. And so va- good And lingered. The mists swept from wooded hills. things elected, without regard to the purposes to which a stranger who sought to thrust himself into the pure on, ?” be to him i” “if the making Ami. seaward, hid the anchored likely accept tions, count is disgusted with such I kay that you are apt, with just in it is devoted. To show money had and received of a creditor of tho town without their ■■g i- the thoroughbred blood inereas- rolling ships pride position “The secret of good butter making is in So. happy, dreaming an old dream again. “Somehow 1 think she would. 1 never relations.” your own and to to the use of the plaintiff by a town, it will not consent; but of the principal municipal officer, ihuii'iishes. or is ,»\ queer-looking honesty industry, judge predominates, t.f- (h in m si'i'i'i t mi the suffice to show lent the to act for them in that and good stock, good feed, perfect cleanliness I" m/ tt'ifs/ inn//, heard her say as much in praise of any “Barbara was dressed in some coarse harshly of certain classes in Europe. It' merely money by plaintiff who assumed respect, .idowed. 1 wandered on. listening in dreamy maze upon the representation of its officers that it was whose power to make a valid payment of the tax. and in all the processes, and know- man before.” blue llannel when 1 last mot her," said we have aristocratic and Wbii'h is the better for the common purity To sounds 1 thought familiar,—the approach pride prejudice, for expenditures/’ But when the town has never seen fit to question “All Sarah I’ve Dora. required legitimate ing how. W'e use the (ooley creamery of well known footsteps in the lealy path right. ; got money, and you have republican pride and prejudice. the lender the town upon this for tor si 10*2 90, and interest ■i t udoubtedh the thoroughbred proceeds against Judgment plaintiffs ami the Stoddard churn. W'e have one A murmuring voice calling me by name ! I m not going to stand in Dorry's “Don't about the Mr. If we can’t realize there are taste and re- gruuud we whink he is bound, in order to recover, from August I. 1H7H. : but we are to light. worry count,” consider this tpies Through the shafts tiie sunless light of dawn to show the of the to the Chief Justice, aud Walton. Barrows, set of cans. W’e draw the milk oil', leav pine She shall marry just, whom she likes. Of Warren answered smoothly. ••I’veshown finement in America, you can’t realize appropriation money Appleton. :: its and Stole. Day was come. My dream would be till legitimate expenses of the town. Bessey v. Unity, Virgin and liibbev. JJ concurred. practical possible beatings the cream in the twelve course I'd rather she didn't a noble- him all the mills and the Boston there are ing cans, every tilled ! fancy house, genuine impulses, honesty and Mg., ffl'J. Parsons v. 70 Me.. JO I not fr mi the inflexible bias of rigidity. Monmouth. bouts. We churn every other W'e Above the hills the skies to blaze. man. I'm republican to the backbone. lie’s no fool lie won’t mind Bab any of us. I've It is in the two cases last cited, \ ..wide cannot be told ina of day. began singleness purpose among strongly implied majority morn west flushed red ; to churn at a temperature ol'itt deg. We And ushering the rosy Siill, if it is 1 lorry’s whim, why more than he minds l*hil. Money’s money, learned lately that the villain of an that the money thus advanced and shown have Maine Mi-cellany. •i-s from a thoroughbred, by color, Then the Sun. from his bed of been to the of legal tilt1 in our ereameiy at leaping gold. “Don’t make believe to me. Samuel,’’ my dear; American romance is a ! actually appropriated discharge keep temperature banners, and a lute money’s money.” commonly Europ- liabilities of the town would be held to be points. si/eor Scattered cloud crimson, grav legally a combat wrni A ITMA. performance. They about 1“ W e don’t work but- Mrs. Warren him : The ill luck would have eau nobleman." Von out- deg. any There was shadow in the gravely reproved “you family (as it) Held laughed recoverable in an action for money had and re *m as good beet, milk, cheese, my leafy path A to the Boston Journa butter, W e want Dorrv to marrv were writing ter. it kills butter to work it. rinse Alone, -none was to keep the tryst with me high just as much seated that in a full light, right, and Fail weather felt more at ease ceived against the town. “We see no good reason correspondent, ■■od work animals, and as evening from Me., an interesting give huge No no the hills I heard. as 1 do.” the for the town from it. when it Washington, gives it while it is in granules, and rinse it very voice, step among weather rather and into and ventured: excu.-iug refunding took on is being cool, count of a terrible contest which place farm stock. Wo are speaking The joyous swallows from their nestlings hew. “Now has been actually thus appropriated it is thoroughly.” Sarah,”lie laughed, good-humor- the parlor came the dreadful Bab, dress- “Count, I hope you bear me no between two young men who were hunt I'.am-s In all isolated eases Mad in the light with song. Kar out at sea the payment of the lawful debts of the town by Monday things “don’t too Then ed in the was in the of tno Medomac Pond (ink or sr011 ion to capital em- make a business of raising them lings v. Monmouth to be* intended to contravene companion. Stickrey. den. wasn't certain,” and lie fell tranquilly she bowed to Von Held, then with a of .July. | Bazar. muu of Hallowed, Me., with wonderful quickness W i- are feed of “Can tell in about Harper’s the maxim that no om can make himself the supposing good you something your inserted a shell into his and the mu, •'1 have never yet known one of your asleep. laugh, tucked the box under her arm, creditor ot another by the unsolicited payment ot gun, placing ,.:.r, al amount, willt equal rare method zle th animal’s head discharged it with fair Americans,"answered Yon Held. “I About! he middle of the following and throwing sonic at her uncle, who his debts: or to hold the fact that tno defendants against e sow seed on land June, jest effect aud killed the animal dgmi-nl. :s used in both eases, “W the well-dressed Political Situation in Second District without their own act or will have had tho benefit deadly instantly fancy they are a charming mixture of when the family were home from their saw her oft from the front door, she ran Without doubt Mr Jones owes his life to the nerve am a be brooders or of in rows four feel We never ma- of the money to be the sole and suflici keepers apart. and and settled at their llock- across the lawn the, plaintiffs' aud coolness of his personal grace republican simplicity." European tour, away toward village. The election tor v. friend.having fortunately escap m• •.!• \>, ire i)'a able, to nure them afterwards. We the special Congressman 01.t ground of liability. Agawam Nat'l Bank pro- keep Mr. ed with a few slight scratches on the lower limbs, ‘•Simplicity! You Kuropeans won’t port place, Warren announced one file next morning at breakfast N on South lladley, 1 \!S Mass.. •><>:> In order so to ■ ihi m ".or .in- .here animals young tree- well cultivated. In about in this district, has made a curious reve- and a gash on the breast which leaves a scar enough lind much of that in our at the dinner table. “I’ve a letter Held remarked ; “Phil and 1 have been the town with the use of the large girls. Why. day charge liability, to farmers oi the ■ o' or three are to hud. he will the grave. Several ■.,.plv ervlinily. (’.reeding success- two years they ready lation of the political situation in the moueys loaned, their appropriation to the purpose carry they ought to be A 1. We spend plenty from the Count von Held." enjoying the Fourth of July. I’ve been to have lately found the mangled re aii.i mti’lligen; breeding is one of We bud and never graft. 1 think that stated, must have been by some persons who stood neighborhood of on them. Now this Miss War- Mrs. W arren unused to the and I’ve tired oil crackers second if not in Maine. In the mams of a number of their aud lambs, and money long changing village district, such relation to the town as to render the act sheep nr irdists with ideas to the times in .its. li requires skill, capita!, all orch up this animal was the one that destroyed ren we’re just meeting, she’s had thous- color, actually flushed with delight, and with vour cousin, ,N iss- Miss Bab, as vou first it has shown that the of itself effective, and between the town amt its probably .a dim i oi- breeder must be budding to grafting.” place Repub- them. The panther measured six toot and lour gy prefer ands on her education.” looked at who return- call her.” creditor, to discharge the debt to which they were of spent significantly Dora, lican is inches from to daws neaily t\\-> ■:si ii.g, long sullering (in “What are the advantages budding party perfectly united, stronger or there must have been a ratification or tip tip, having Yon Held responded with an inscruta- ed the look with frank complacency. Mrs. \\ arreu fnnvneil with vexation. applied, inches long .-eii.-e a wsiting) man. lie must be “There are several reasons why it is than firm in its faith in acceptance of such payment on the part of the ble German “So!" the word of his Phil, the son, and future inheritor “That is a trial to count. ever, Republican sot only only girl quite us, town. Without corporate act or assent, or the INDUSTRIAL 1 i KM?. o. .! ,i. i ho times, far ahead an in- preferable. We the bud ill the bot- native tongue that forced its way through of all the mill property, bawled out, in a She's so very queer about her dress. principles, enthusiastic m its support of agency of a person exercising some authority, la o' ina' wilh an idea and nerve t» tom of the tree. It throws up one The Brunswick Telegraph says Mr. t 11. Colby. He was most and there eau be :io such in a legal sense, as the his lluent and excellent Knglish. loud voice that his remarkable Dora has often sent her rich clothes President Garfield’s administration, thing <>t that now live men •m which fast Why, place is, employing thirty it out. lio must breed and weed straight shoot, grows very payment of a debt of a town. If a person haviug found it impossible to conduct a conver- characteristic, “Who’s Von What’s-his- that she had done with, and the child ic- well prepared for the contest of next year. engaged upon contracts for sot Hi boxes lor the corn Vi d : iced and weed and breed. sometimes five to feet in a single no authority assumed to pay a municipal debt, the eight with- ?” wear of the district and large cases for the Hen sation both and name, tuses to them.’’ Advices from all is a at will of the towu. 1 is canning factory, 1,000 ■■ is much politely prudently, anyhow parts payment nullity, the a nin,g w (tolling, learning, and season. 'The method safer and isou box shop company, the gang turning out per out using the familiar syllable that lent Dora calmly explained, “lie's a Her- “Yes," Dora added, “the poor gill is show that every voter who stood with relations to a creditor cannot be effected by a :■ uii<1 a ii.tim- and (amr. and surer than that of grafting. It nev er in- week about ‘.',000 cases for the corn, and 100 .arge ing1 qi itself or all man we in is its will: and the act of the credit to any meaning covered gentleman whom met in Merlin, very unconventional.” the Republican part) D-o, Repub- stranger against cases for the box Mr. informed us g tlie lasting <>f the mill- jures the tree. We’ve budded about or alone, while it the evidence of shop. Dolby ]>raise and found “So!" the count lican and that scores who were may destroy that he declined orders for ->,000 sash. meanings very agreeable." responded. to-day: cannot, least recently to '•ome. All! we little realize “.lino trees this year. W'e have I.IIIMI debt, and deprive him of remedy, (at from ■•She’s with her father," I'airweather “Is he coming here, father?” demand- That inevitable I tab came to the house against us one year ago. are now with us. 0.000 door frames auil '>,000 wiudow frames an.a'a siii'li men are in their trees in hearing. Tor a standard to -J noo window sash from doing apple 'Tho I?onnl n v.Uc /if Mniblhv ww lib Boston, and from l.otjo went on. lie’s rich as Cnesus ed Phil. It was her ** •* — large that evening usual r-.-.v.* two od genera thill, and this will goon for Maine growers I the Rhode again. I Portland He says he has all he can do for prefer mill owner. I I! as \ es is crackers an oil' the other p ir \. m>r can any arrangement between introduce you they lie coming to-morrow. Fourth of July custom to lire from usually large for year. months to till present orders. He is also making not stopping, when they shall Island greening. We raise seventy va- the cr.-ht-ir and a stranger to this efleet be en pass. To-morrow, lie came. 1 >ora the end of the big with Phil for In the second place the election has re- the mechanical telephone, for various parties, re I loath'.-- lii'bost. I In are too rieties, more than we Mould if accordingly, piazza, f«»rced upon the acceptance ot the debtor. many is said Yon lleid. in the cently til,iug an order in New Brunswick, and one •■She very beautiful." lloatcd into the drawing-room, lovely as companion. vealed evidences of disintegration The language of the court in the opinion cited, ] rcciatcdor patronized. hut "their there wasn't a demand for them 1 don’t for Charles Douglass, a native of Durham, this “tall and brown eyes, lovely chest- a dream, dressed in white muslin subli- The noise is so let us go." ranks of the two which last year refers to a case where there was in fact and in law as ill a num- slight, unpleasant, parties State and 1 the State Reform e- and ends with by corporate knowingly two of rollers, whu h cause it to re practicable peaches perience society Kurope. himself, and as well spend September begins pulling somebody retain the benefit of so made its pairs grooved a. 1 hitch I i iesian. I win their foreigner perfectly payments by >t rubber under hey to his views see at cannot men of volve against corrugated strips We have no trouble in doing it. Me and much given expressing in the luxurious as tober would him llockport again. else down, satisfy princi- agents with moneys hired in its name without au- m aticr their leave their im- placed drawing-room neatli. removing the husks cleau while blood, tour trees am! will about in careful With his en- whether Democrats or and give effect, so far as to release thereby have they yield neat, phrases. a gem would be in a many compliments upon ple, Republicans, thority. thereby vertical wheel’brusties remove the silk. and in! others have come to toil setting. from the old to acts ot its ollicers a exclaimed i’airweather as renewed of The mass of men itself debt, the W two bushols, tliis year. You want “George!" “Yen to renew tertainment, with expressions Greenbackers. great According to thg Whig, the chair shops ot est "i k. I'he stock all about glad your acquaintance, assuming more than their login powers, and at the itnpro'. not too much sheltered. Miss Warren came “she’s at tin* cultivation, and are honest and convic- Waterville. until by J. Bachel favorable locution, near, grown sir." w as Mr. W arren's “I surprise advance, possess positive same time withdraw itself from for recently occupied ic- l'he town feels it. greeting. hope liability moneys with the saw have been ghhorhopd:. as sawdust or handsomer than ever. She’s c/oY. met in he took his and attach themselves to der's Sons, together mill, Wcapplv some such article got ou'll with our wealth lie America, tion, they par- so hired and used This would be for the town t: ers then and teed y get along plain, republi- torn town to give room for the now aud extensive gel eye.- open alter the freezes, in order That’s from six months in Paris. leave. ties to out these and not tacitly to hold all that was favorable to itself in a shavings ground Why. can of living." carry principles axe of the Hubbard A Blake Manufacturing ,-ed and operate more intelligently way single transaction, and openly to reject all that shops to prev ent any disturbance by .lack Frost that girl’s music alone cost at least ten “Plain?” echoed Yon Held. •■Did he say anything anything in par- simply to beat somebody. Co., the foundation for which is now under way : i it'll.ilf There mole and more “Why, was not beneficial, although it was only a precise M e the trees thousand dollars.’’ Warren to her The between the Greenback The will manufacture most all kinds of getting warmed up. protect this villa is one of the finest 1 ever ticular?" whispered Mamma by-play tor the The act of company ii'icn to for blooded saw, equivalent advantage gained tools beveled and to airing year year ev to Then.” observed Yon Held, and Democratic in the canvass and the liaving edges, propose give on the south side by ergreens prevent interroga- and are almost an daughter. managers the agent in procuring the loan paying ■ek. This a sign, a your grounds l.uglish to E>0 men. in addition to half that hopeful progrus- is on the “she be said to ■■Not answered in a tone the election in this district, debt is a thing to be .!<•«• »pted or rejected as a employment Kim-scald. The danger sunny tively. may represent here taste yet,” Dora, preceding number now them in their ■ park. There's nothing but and employed by scythe indication. a union whole. side (’here's no danger on the cold side. capital invested t" that was perfectly satisfactory. showed the difficulty in securing and axe shops. The new shops will not be worked the ii st So tar ;is opulence." The owes cither the old. debt or the Let tiu-iii remain exposed and get tough- “Kxaetly. Here they are." and the During the visit to the mountains, Fair- for nothing higher than an office. If then- corporation to their fullest capacity before another season ha loin .dfa- to understand from “Well" and the now, and failure to act. to attempt even the expros The that the several in count was happy proprietor weather overtook the Warren In had been two offices, the Whig says companies ened.' duly presented. family. possibly si n of dissent, at le-al held alter official iti at ion an careful there smiled “well, count, 1 don't meetings Monson manufactured during the month ending study Mr. W was : “Clad to contentedly to Rock- have been avoided an a • ,i i:x in m i. arren's greeting October he returned with them might partially by have advised them that such loan lias beeu *JB7»> of slate as fol a \ arc meritorious, all i III' v 11: Mi.I,hi this sea-shore cost reports August Mist, squares rooting cl. mind confessing place or one of the selectmen, make your acquaintance, sir. How are N on Held they found already at equal division. Rut there being but one made, that their treasurer lows: The Hebron Pond quarries made l-.*l ■ port. lie-' ha ve a local ap one ol the most interesting features of me like half a million. A little h is it in a out Mon :, may sir in a loud voice, ami with something the hotel in the He had been the could not he overcome employed paying municipal debt, squares, the Dirigo Slate quarry -'>70. and the you, very village. office difficulty creditor has : ci .; anno; have a In- the whole show is tie- exhibition oj know, standing and overdue, and that the son Pond •>•’>•'> general. spec- a show of at home. Then money, you buys every thing." there a month or more. in this It so that there are quarry squares. feeling perfectly way. happens tho and a formal release <>r g ;ake mi mind, take your imens ot tin; course of work in tin Maine “So!” Yon Held, accepted payment given The Bangor Edge Tool Co have received an tip lie shook with the responded resorting : he’d like Solon Chase who of silence hands friendly grip Fairweather muttered “Thought some Greenbackers ot his ebdin, may bo clear evidence the dor from a lumber in the West for 7no Peavv 1 a! ion. That hived is at Orono. The ironwork to party study adaj Stab-College his useful Herman monosyllable. which couseut. Formal c >r:»orate action is current among mill owners in Kastern be on hand in time. Didn't count on see- actually believe in Greenback principles, gives cant dogs an l »0 dozen of their chopping axes. t<> ; la: iiici that meets his and round and was soon at home in the to of cavil just includes planing squaring, The guest not always necessary show the. assent the be <>u the lbth of this month. Massachusetts. The count bent his blue ing me come home with Dora.” Then and very naturally they insist that the delivered markets, his situation and his square tiling, free hand cheek and ring superb house, and filled it with plenty of body corporate. By non action, lf'ier knowledge Corn canning commenced at the Brunswick tue eyes on him in the quietest observation, Fairweather ordered the most extrava- candidate should represent these princi of tie* there be the for i liter: for work, to 1 nr." callers Members of the facts, may recognition by prill lory last week, "n Tuesday boon cans were put Jerseys Ayrsliires "clipping saving, tinting, are distinguished arc own and returned the ‘How you sir and gant of bonbonnieres sent up from New These straight Greenbackers ein.ii or the agent's acts as his and on the crew started in with a Ileivfonls beef: Shorthorn ami work, other studies in Herman in pies. I up, Wednesday fpi steel and practical legation dropped in, friendly We are aware that is the ot the law. on the grip with that last test of true polite- York for Miss Warren. The fact was, he determined to maintain and build up the object capacity of 10,000 can's : hut hardly secured that as Id iesian for hef and milk : I >e- mechanics. The is thor- fashion: so did the French and Italian grounds of "to cities last of the workmanship ness the sacriliee of taste and a and so Greenback ami entertain urgent public policy protect corn fell short after early morning The personal recognized dangerous rival, party: they the t’ debts j : tin- hack farii;.-, rough lands and and a credit to the and ministers. Dora conversed with each in are! towns from creation municipal week the was to its full capacity, ough college to of once in view that and factory running pride put another, of inferior breeding, spent thousands dollars at buy- the by going right along without suineien* and consideration, and at work Durham. Dutch and ilcrc- tin* State. There are also studies in his own : then she would and necessity there being perhaps eighty people now poses; at ease. tongue play to own the for and to his ing horses, bringing his yacht Rock- nominating their candidates, without proper provision payment: pro The Wilton Record says Our two large corn for work. draughting, which are handsomely exe- sing to Yon Held all the summer even- vent and reckless of Hilt Miss Warren was unimpeachable; port, hearing the expense of all kinds of great body of the Democrats will come improvident expenditures i canning establishments are in full operation, which choose that breed that lills cuted. Among them are for while the of rare fiowers as a natural o >f debts the Bass beep, designs slow of in ings. perfume and fruits over to them. public money, nsequentv with our two tanneries, moccasin factor}', dignified, calm, gaze, apt festivities, hunting up costly so contracted.” and we do not now consider eases vc. it. watch it. care for it, of a saw frame and the llood of made a sort of si >e Furnel's woolen mill, lumber cutting study dwellings, drawing nnili-y that the father was moonlight and flowers: then he scowled There are other Greenbackers who factory, speech, everything constantly in which an without in tie-name, now. a 'i it. feed it and it will In and other a drawn in room. agent authority, machinery, etc, make our village, just pay. machinery, carefully witchery the care incurs not. upon You Held, and generally the want the offices and nothing and for the alleged benefit of the town, hive of workers: aud students, too. are adding a : played simply do the same. We have elevation of the engine at The count said to her one "1 none ••online our poultry Holly pumping “Where did she learn it all How did day lover. for These gentlemen looked debts where existed before, blit sprinkling of polish to the social aggregate. We *1 desperate principles. of 1 that a loam soil, a the water works, etc This exhi- never cease to wonder at vour varied ac- attention to the case «•:' ail exchange to or farms or clay good Bangor she come that and men were over Dora’s for a candidate a mixed presented. don’t know of any houses let, print by grace Roth around having on or the propriety leaning liabilities, the creation of a new debt similar offices to sell hereabouts. Shorthorn cattle, Clydesdale bition is valuable in showing practi- complishments, your taste, your perfect he claimed In both iug asked the puzzled foreigner, when he had piano, one evening, when Mr. Warren record, who could terms to mother which if valid and due. In that in in .Inl- i"ii hiv.-c-. (ditswold iierk- cal character of the work of tin- State and Pardon me.” pay The Dommercial says Bangor, sheep, self-possession perfect had filled the such case, 'if tho first debt is il is parted from the Americans. “Is the chanced to pass through the parlor. Yon sides. They supposed they paid, precisely and August of this year, there were surveyed IA w and Hrahma liens adv ol such an the slow of ine Light go College and tin antages lie checked by gaze as if the town itself had the amount of it in its same u. mother charming ?’’ stopped, Held, with a hurried “Excuse me." over- bill. But io! the men who arc Green- lUffol-! feet of lumber, and in the period inn to institution. her brown but she understood the derived from the loan. ami in 1 1** feet ogether. 'They gravitate a eyes: conviction insisted that the treasury, plaintiffs' Esso ::|,jqo.|t;; foot, *7•'*, •Mother's manikin,” answered Fair- took his steps, and Fairweather could hackers from ot the I• *J :'o. lands. w sac- In this case, with the exception ?l vr. A gra’ cl loam, rolling I’resident Fernald. of the Maine Agri- compliment as plainly and ith less should stand be- weather; dried-up party in black silk: hear these words : “May 1 speak to you gentleman selected up on account of the State tax which an item farmi i. South in to of a than if she had received pviid Clippings. ft\ Jersey cattle, culture reply inquiries rifice of dignity are not to College, never says much. Kora Warren is the privately, Mr. Warren, upon an important fore a Greenback convention and declare to lie considered by itself—we prepared sheep, small Yorkshire swine and Journal stated that the necessity it in words. “You have nothing of what find as matter ot fact tin evidence reported reporter new American girl : just adopts luxury, matter ? Then the two passed out upon himself a Greenlmcker, and pledge him- upon Whoa the physicians attending the President s> >!;i lie. seem to which the was under, a 1 to find in this new that the town received the benefit of the loan from group together, College obliging and expected country. the self to act for and with the Greenback sit down in the long cool autumn evenings that accomplishments, manners, style, piazza together. the bank. The claim is, that the balance was c is an eterna! fitness oi things, charge for teaching to be made, it had You would lit a Muropean court." of both the will soon be here and remember that they used wears ’em as she wears her clothes- as if Fairweather felt that he understood party. The consternation turned over by Mr. Roberts, the selectman whoef pinces alter cases. 'There is no not etfected the interests of the •■Thanks." answered with the such lauguage as "right external auditory meatus College were made to order for Dora, of that and he ex- Greenback and Democratic traders at footed the loan, to the treasurer in money and town they expressly the purpose interview, when they might have said ight ear. they will d rule, but many general ennclu- so as it was at tir-t feared. to a mueh-befiattered wo- orders which Mr Roberts had That the unfavorably her. She’s an only too: going langor proper claimed to Dora, “If I'd known that for- this unmasking of their two-faced plan, paid probably understand why the public preferred and demand must daughter, treasurer received of it in money, the l.ocality govern Nearly ill the old student continue their man. "I hope you won’t be shocked by went on any part Blaine's to their owl bulletins to have a fortune -cool million at least." adventurer had followed home, was but they right own state secretary dispatches eign you very great: certainly fails to prove His s in and -apply. Conditions must relation to the College. The entering such crudities as still exist in our society testimony as sources of information touching the President “I’ve always been interested in Amer- I'd have come back six months sooner," as though nothing had happened. meats in support of the plaintitlV claim on this wliat is best. so as more cop.diti >n and progress. letermine class is not large but here. arc at one time usual, ica,’’remarked Yon Held just here. “The Miss Warren rose, turned toward Fair- But it so happens that there are Dem- point tail of contradictions >.iy Ta- l by ci t '.title feeding is second students are expected to come. in. About ing that la* received in cash the amount of the The world's is a divine poem, of which notion of a republic has long held a sort “(ill," responded Yon Held, “under- weather, swept him once up and down ocrats also who occupy the Democratic history that ittle It is one hundred students are at con- loan except the interest on it, and the State tax. the liistorv of every nation is a eauto, and every breeding. present of charm for me. 1 think I must make a stand me, ! like all char- her and walked deliber- conviction, ami these men had pray. strong slowly with eyes, position by then that either cash or its that is to man a word. Its strains have been ■ equivalent, pealing along i"4 .; Mention. No subject lie- nected with the institution. One of the freedom of endorse- trip out there.” acteristics. independence, out of the room. become tired of this continued say, town orders, to that amount, were received by down the centuries, and though there have beeu in ia'tii a more ately attention in pressing needs of the College, is that the of cannon and Fainveather kept a discouraging si- speech, originality of thought, quaintness The suitor felt such a pang of love for ment of Greenback candidates. They al- mingh.*d the discords warring dying It is the of Stale whole amount of ttie loan v < and historian degree. question should make the necessary appro- even if are it it examination, that tlie men, t to the hristian philosopher lence, frowned slightly, and stared at ot expression, I admire, they her in that repose, that scorn, that gen- so feared with good reason that y of the times. It needs the priation to build a work shop. from the hank was paid away by Mr. Roberts the humble listener- -there has beeu a divine some distant object. not always in the most refined taste.” eral to his own nature, that in should on the Democratic of Mr. Roberts in to cash which of ■ go longer, or-< The statements the .ti w hole fat til superiority regard melody running thr-uigh song speaks nted attention ol the KX'SI i.Aiac A Nil KILOS. Demo- “From boyhood,” the count went on, Dora smiled, and understood another a moment he bad lashed himself into a ganization would be lost, and the payments to the treasurer out of this loan are|uitc hope and halcyon days to come, [(iarlield. as When asked it he tin* -immunity. /. “I’ve had a dream of -no and subtle that embraced and lie strode toward where cratic in Maine of a great unsatisfactory. pant lhui. A. Hilbert, Secretary of the republicanism compliment jealous fury, party (a part that we can with the world i:. •:> grange call do a good work by treasurer as much as •>> of the sum received from Seeing compete caste those of even her Warren and on Held were out- national would be sunk in are of iron, Maine State Board of takes distinctions, only personal surroundings. sitting organization) was m>t able to state building loc •no.tives, which composed 4 ia;i' c iiasi' of some desirable Agriculture, the bank, ho replied that he pun You Held's w ith the most the Greenback which has little .sted. woo ami brass it would be indeed, a veiy common sense view of ensilage and merit, he Comte's views have impress- patience PhD, side on the piazza. party, anything about it, and this reply seems to contain strange, bull to be for service we cannot in the of sghlired kept of made War- iruui one of Maine. natural- .iliee <»i oil this if compete building ships silos. 11<- thinks that silos lie a con- ed me strongly. I feel our old World noisy Yankee boys, Papa v onung up hi iiiciii unawares strength outside Very the Sub.v his testimony point of the Here is an may which are milt of the mine materials. In twenty locality grange. ren with a heard this from the endorse- It is not proved that the mniiey loaned, or any venient means of corn manacles of and remark, significant sigh: of flic wind iws, lie ly they protested against can be built preserving fodder, dignities prejudices slip- draper ot into the hands of the town trims of these Puivd State*, ships cheape- ;ng for telling co-operation. r part it. passed practical oil. I want fresh, “You our wants to the Count. ment of another Greenbackt ns in In behalf of American hut lie does not believe that ping something pure, see, Sarah, guest straight by urer Is tins balance shown to have been Kngland. iudustry a chance for untold benefit. ensilaging applied be with all the a and a we demand a trial. Let see to it that corn fodder increases its nutritive value. simple. I hope to liud it in your country." Iriendly family." “1 wish to ask your sanction for the ad- Democratic convention; majority by Mr. Roberts to the payment of town debts Congress I e ure be on < terms. V.uerican many encouraging signs, Friends the two were and of the Democratic convention The treasi.:- r knows of the use of this the tiial given that the world is feeding an cursions On such occasions the tained a Democratic candidate. The While it conceded getting acre than has been raised on an acre of er, with attempt at good-nature. together. ren. “I'm astonished." I V He knows that Mr. Roberts < I in cattle in March, dimply better, it is undeniably true that British built ships improvement feeling Then an lie the name too Fairweather traders in both were not to and corn fodder. The clover is a food remembering engagement, boy. finding foreign hard, sprang forward, forgetting parties dismay was accustomed during the year pay orders, worse. A that it ist live Let it Let good are getting British journal says p years. goon. addressed Yon Held as “Mr. or ed at the and at once set them- turn them over to lmn on account of the town as to feed alone, but corn fodder walked oil' muttering to himself: “Tin; Count,” everything but his anger. situation, is notori *us that the quality or the workmanship _■ out work Hetter enough piosper. stock, cash. as as the materials used. The some to it. lie fellow’s HcM like some Yankee oftener with the “I “Mr. he vociferated, I selves at work to overcome the difficulty, is defective, well needs other food added poor. jolly say!” Warren,” pro- used a of the ; feed, better better He may infer that Mr Roberts part to build has the status crops, farmers, 1 Kora’s One Phil screamed from a this. The man is without to consult the voters. effort cheap compromised thinks that the water in the money. Sorry introduced him. day longdis- test against poor, pretending lo in for that but he does not know it. Ho w atebword, and to this end no force ensilaged purpose, of British workmen. Kighty-six per cent, of the a beaut tance down the river-bank was Phil’s own thousand dollars n the It was found to withdraw to with funds food is a There is too v.” (it doesn't fifty impossible was accustomed intrust Mr. Roberts in a were of British build. "iv or in disadvantage. shipwrecks single year active powerful promoting the of the to be used in its water in the fodder. Me A tew later when \ nil Held called to yell his conversation across world, lie wants for her the Greenback candidate, because town meeting liabilities, Free and Free Trade are the cause. ■ much days peculiarity your daughter ships [Amen t ii order of I ’at runs of ensilaged that from Husbandry. “Mr. I to be and the case strongly indicates money can claims that he can better from on the Warren family, he spoke of his in- wide distances). Count, say, to- money. “I warn you. and I accuse him straight Greenbackers appeared Ship. a. w. i.. get growth other sources was wrongfully procured by Roberts tended Mr. Warren said ; morrow's the Fourth. You’ll have to of base motives." and firmer than the of >.1 his stock in \ugust than in June, and trip, whereupon get stronger straight in the name of the town, i no accounts <>t the Phase's Banjul re r says. ‘The free coinage if out with me.” Democrats. -V from outside was on vor will raise 'Sj that is make the thinks tin nearer mature the feed is, the “Well, we can’t hrag of castles, but I'll up early you go Von Held started up as if he had been pressure treasurer throw little light the matter. prices per cent., Echoes from the Fair no of the bondholder •.’•'> cent, and the farmer and State better it is. 1’rof. said that show mills. We shall be at our sea- “Oh. yes, I'll get up. It’s your national dealt a blow ; then, meeting the livid face brought to bear on the Democratic can- They present correct account per poorer Sanborn you This is so tar he a Hairs of the town as conducted by the municipal producer -•"> per cent, richer." true, there was not food in roots to side at the 1st of dune. holiday.” and angry eyes of his accuser, he laid his didate to withdraw, to which finally file following notes .uni incidents we enough pay place Kockport ollicers Mr. Roberts' testimony scarcely denies as the immediate effect upon prices is concerned, Come and with us.” "Kali ami me In hand on the back of a and an in the cost, of raising, and feeding there, stay always get up early quietly chair, yielded. that town orders to the amount of were but not true as to the result of advance pri- .-■ and storing from the full interesting reports a bite?" so It was that the Democrats did not ces An increase in the cost of them. Crass partly dried or dry, is Von Held explained, while thanking lire crackers, (lot stood at ease almost smiling. expected issued prior to the date of this loan, which food, clothing, i f' be into the as in the statement between the selectmen fuel and house rent, will help the people who own In- I .-w islon Journal worth more to feed than the same is when him, “1 goto America to gratify the long- “.No. Is Kab the dog “lie’s a fortune hunter,” Fairweather could all brought traces, appear and the treasurer at the close of the breadstuff, cloth, coal and houses, at the expense “I ? ; a went on. a heretofore. But there were Dem- year. Why ing of years to a young civilization: >og No Bab's girl.” “He of trip to America many to them for use. In tiik imm KX'innrr. green. enjoy spoke were they knowingly excluded from the treasurer's of the people who have buy across as who had become sick to lind something more natural, more A laborer in the field the river just soon as 1 spoke of your daughter’s ocrats, thoroughly accounts and from the settlements with him. if not other words, such an advance will make the rich 1. St teal'- State Fair exhibit of their ■: This is not what Dairy Brighton (Jattio Market. vigorous, than our old type of humanity.” looked up and answered, “Hallo 1” think- wealth. And moreover, lie’s—” Fair- of the manner in which a few to serve fraudulent purposes on the part the richer and the* poor poorer. a failure. a for the town in these transactions Solon Chase but it is what he would ac- This year's is magniii- Wki>xksi>.\v, sept. 1 I. After the Herman had Warren the remarks were addressed to him. weather close to Von leaders had been trading off their votes, principal agent intends, gone, ing swaggered up very if he could. Portland Advertiser. ii are Amount of stock at market: Nor is this the sign which the ease gives, of complish I display. There about lifts lots Cattle, 2l«»o; sheep nodded to his wife with: “Ain’t to 1’liil Held—“he’s a lie's a —” The word without consulting them. The cry of only ami Jam h-, t; swine, 13,t»S4; veals, (Jo: number knowingly talking you,” explained, fraudulent mismanagement of the a Hairs of the butter, and over cheeses. To a to beat the was forty of western cattle, 25tJ0; northern and eastern cattle, “Talk to the marines. I’ve found out all fortissimo, then trumpeted out the infor- “coward” was forming itself on his lips; “Anything Republicans,” town Fish AM' FishiN'.. The following hankers have tired of 400. in- I.Sehr FI uilering people cheap but- about that count. Yncient family, splen- mation, “Kab is Barbara Chase. She’s but the quiet eyes that met him, the un- rung in their ears, but it had lost its In such a state ot tacts it is not enough to charge arrived. At Lamoinc. Thursday Sept. JTices of beef cattle P loo II, live weight, extra 1 Lizzie full fare; •his room was a and fluence over them. The the the town with liability as to the balance of tin* Dorado, full fare. Sept. Lee, refreshing sight, (Jo«i7 llrst, 75«i(» second, did education. nice old castle, l>ut poor: my cousin. Her mother is father’s sister. changed color, the steady mouth, check- repetition by quality, $•» 0o; $5 5u; $5 loan above the 8) Iti-j ini’, for Mr Roberts to testify Harvest Home, broken fare; at Hancock Sept. I. nvied the committee men with their 37 L!i~* 02'.; third, $1 5, $15o; pair girth feet, inches, mean lowers come out en masse and score a by suspicion Canning butter-yellow. “What’s miss?" A is “<)h, you the Fourth of “What!” exclaimed Fairweather. to were weight 2.300 ft., $oo, | pair girth 0 ft., o imhe-, 2100 that, gentleman, July. municipal funds wore misapplied by the agent who hundred barrels of large mackerel, which blocks and looks me »" but some of their voters ipi-ly octagon prints, tt,,$s4; 1 pair girth V ft., o inches, live weight 3000 he? Well, we don't want him, do we ? Let see. It's to-morrow. Such a “No; it’s all about my victory ; thought effected this loan; and for all we can see in the canned during the next day in one lb cans. Schr. ■1 r• tempting, lie also shows a dish of It,, $150. Let him keep his aristocracy, eh t” dreadful hovel but we keep out of the “Allow me," interrupted t on Held. “1 they had got enough ot Greenbackism. evidence, quite as likely this ainouut as any other. Rockaway, Capt. Thurston, sailed Thursday, with Store Cattle—We quote »alc> of HJ two year old i*00 for Boston. Sour Su Mu-dated butter. Of tin am of Mr. Warren and either remained at home or voted for We do not iind it proved that the town has ever cases canned mackerel course, quill heifers at $ls p head; HI steers, “There is something in birth and breed- blare and glare here. Fortunately the asking the sanction average weight'.loo received the benetit ot this authorized loau, ex sau sailed Tuesday, Sept D, with loll cases. Total er interviewed Mr. Read. tbs, at $3 (15 P 100 li are the On the other tbs, weight f'airweather, with all his large.” upon my engagement to his niece, Miss Republican candidate. this thus tar this season, Milch ing, papa. grounds cept to the extent it went to pay the State tax shipment from factory We from to ten Cows—Extra, $55«7o; ordinary, $20«5o; keep eight cows,'’ and all his can’t “Then don’t care for the ?" Barbara Chase." hand the withdrawal of the Democratic it is .in admission in the case that on 1st. :{000 cases_Cod is and immense springers, $1.*'£50; Farrow (Jews, $hJ,j3o per head. money boasting, impress you day Aug fishing good > d Mr. are lauded Sl.oOO Read “ten on an average. We. quote sales of 4 milch Tows for $135 the lot; one as this quiet German does.” •■only children and the lower orders Fairweatlier’s shame was swallowed up candidate, and the Greenback appeal, 1K?S, Mr. Roberta paid to the State treasurer the quantities of mackerel being I ‘.I new milch on of tax in the 1 weeks. A few vessels arc lu-\ are all full blooded, registered Jer- t ows at $25«4u; 3 at $5o each; 1 extra “Impress? Whom does he impress, celebrate those dreadful national fetes. in astonishment. came in at the right moment to wake up sum of 8|I»;.’P0? account "the State barrels past one at $5s; 2 do at $55. levied by the State upon the said inhabitants of now off Mouhegan doing well at last accounts, We sell all tiie butter we make at eh ? Me or ?” Of course must be The German went on; “I have found in the and out a large •Sheep and Lambs—Western sheep and lambs miss, you patriotism popularized Republicans bring the town of Stockton for the year 1877, then due but the bulk of the tloet continue well to the east cents wen* all owned by from 51. a pound, every month in tiie butchers, sheep costing have but and this is the form it this young girl all my ideal, all that I have Republican vote for an off year. and Mr. Roberts "That sum was ward, where the tish were scarce. Prices to P It,. “Oh, your joke, papa; you unpleasant, noisy unpaid" says getting ir. lj>2e lots, and sales col That is our uniform know what I mean Dora was takes.” so often declared held charms It is too to what ef- paid from tlie identical money which I received aro well maintained on cargo price, you Swine—Fat hogs, 7«7‘2e P It., live weight; ( perfectly.” peculiar early predict just from the bank." The act of 1877, Ch d!MI, under tinuo to be ma le on arrival *IB to SI 1 per barrel md'Tstand. We or Iwen- store pigs, $2 5(ijj5 5o p h«ad, or from 7« hie p if,, never embarrassed about men. As an “You are for me freshness of of fect the Fusion overthrow of Mon supply twenty entirely cosmopolitan; you heart, simplicity great 1 An immense busiuess is now done di'-'e live weight. which the State tax was levied, provided that each for number customers and have had the same American she had too been sur- have no national remarked taste and the richness of nature and im- is to have on the Greenback season belle, long enthusiasm,” day party town should be assessed, am/ shaaltf ,>/, the in canning mackerel and lobsters-The of eustoiners for an of the about live years. rounded by admirers to treat their exis- Yon Held, politely observant. Then ho agination that finds excellence in pure and the trading managers oppo- amount set against it, in the lists: and the war on the banks has been one of very rough weather There are a number of cases in this of the 'weigh out each customer’s butter vicinity tence otherwise than a matter of course. strolled across the lawn to smoke a childish sition. It is a severe rebuke to these rant from tlu* treasurer of State was directed to re _The West Southport correspondent stones have been w it cigar. enjoyments. Accomplishments, where gravel passed liout pain the selectmen or assessors to assess tin* the following arrivals: u*d pack it in our before in front of While lie was a box arrived i can but 1 can tire and a most notice ([turo tax, Boothbay Register reports refrigerator “Elixiuok Likk Boot It softens the stones So she straightened her fichu gone by beauty, wit, admire, managers, emphatic to W. T by and ••/<< /»> '. or to issue their several warrants re- Sept. 1st* sells. Alaska, Jb> bids, mackerel, out. Our ten cows will own Mr. Warren of them are new. the thousands of Democratic voters ftrting average so tliat they come away like sand. All who suffer the and met her express. ordered it brought soon; they nothing by e treasurer on Maddocks. --’ml. Willie <».. full for W. T. Mad ! glass quite coolly, quiring the co.lectors to pay, th said trip a it. their votes mackerel pounds day, apiece, all the year try reflected eyes with a calm acceptance of in and explained, “It’s full of fire-crack- Every city in Europe gives you plenty of that they will not longer have or before January I. 1878," the sum against such docks, and Jennie Armstrong. bbls. l(o bbls “'tun!. We have four cows which we that was ers for Kab.” clever and handsome but transferred to Greenback candidates. It town in that act contained. to F. Drue A Sons, ffd, J W. Sawyer, The New York Commercial Advertiser says shirts their limpid beauty, something women, your ‘ave Here seems to bo a a di- mackerel. Astona, *Jth> bbls and Fnclo Joe, J00 been sorter’ with of horses are in more exclaimed “that .Mr. has that 1 is a serious set-back to the Greenback provision authorizing experimenting with, figures running fashionable more dignified yet vain than vanity "Surely, papa,” Dora, niece, Warren, qualities Mr. M. the latter '"f rect payment of tho State tax by the municipal bbls. to W. T. Maddocks. says two weeks. Two of them calved New Orleans. Worn by neigh bobs, it is i child Kab isn’t here to-morrow.” far The of the little cote- presumed. itself. coming prefer.” party. occupation officers to the State treasurer. It is true the State is the best trip of mackerel he has seon this sea 'orb in the winter and the other two man- vessels If the mother is feeble it is impossible that her When she had left the room, Mr. W ar- “Why notf” “Yes—oh, yes; take her, sir, by all rie of Democratic and Greenback holds m reserve the power to proceed directly son_Owners and masters of fishing ■dved two children should be assessors to com should bear iu miud that can about months ago. They strong. Lydia E. Pinkham’s ren said to his wife, “Sarah, do you sup- “Because she’s such a queer, plain lit- means,” stammered Warren. “But she agers, who Hit over the State to dictate against delinquent or'eolloctors, they lawfully pursue 'five is a in all ” the of official on their that business for which they are licensed. two a day Vegetable Compound perfect specific our is taken with the tle that hasn’t a dollar in the world.” make trade, votes pel performance duty part, ouly averaged pounds apiece. pose Dorry foreign thing nominations, bargains, are liable to chronic diseases of the sexual system of women. but no default by them can defeat the claim of the Vessels licensed for the cod fishery We have one cow which we tiiink has fellow ?” to know “I would be if she had.” and withdraw is Lew- Send to Mrs Lydia E Piukhaui, ‘233 Western Ave “Samuel, you ought better,” sorry candidates, gone. [ State upon the town. If the assessors fail in their penalty for waekereling without changing their Made three a We pounds day. get about nue, Lynn, Mass for pamphlets. 2w33 Alts. Warren had a strong claim to remonstrated Airs. Warren, “than to let “See here," said Fairweather, stain- iston Journal. duty, they may be personally liable, aud the tax papers Maine Matters. The Aroostook Pioneer from the Death says Reports It is in very bad to say the of President Garfield. bor of small of the bone into the News of Belfast and taste, least, fragments adja- Vicinity. The line* gale may now be expected. potato fields are quite encouragiug. Some pieces REPUBLICAN cent soft ami below the N KWS AN1 > (lOSSll* KKOM Al.l. ON* I IIK S I'ATK. JOURNAL. parts, lodging just pan Kit have not been struck with to to make a hero of .Ma- !1K KUKATH Es HlS I,AS I AT I 0 Ao 1\ M. MONDAY. rust, and those that attempt Kergt. ereas. about two inches and a half to the left of James T. the week lias the Mariners are notified that tin* fog signal on seguin Bottle, during past ship have are not badly affected with rot. III'. IS UNCONSCIOUS A 1 I'll E EAST. MEMIiKKS OF and behind the j BELFAST, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1SS1. son for shooting at Uuiteau. If Mason is spine peritoneum, where it had be has hecu ped from Belfast to Boston 0000 mackerel kit.-. A of Portland, have built 100 boil lllE l’AMILV A 1 1 111; KFDSIDE M KS. ’s stopped. Due notice will he given when MAIM. Mill II A Ml ST UK. Duinn Coyle, come completely encysted The immediate cause ers the last three all a as FOKTITCDF KF<'< iK! >( »F 1I1E I*RESIDENT'S LAST it is in Bel fa-Hs best female shot has years, having passed the U. Virginian be lias none of of death was a from ouo of again put operation. again been heard Tuesday, Sept. lBth, the opening day of the PUBLISHED KVKItV Tin RSD.W MORNING RY THE reported, secondary hemorrhage S. test. PAYS roin. was ar Inspector's the arteries the track ot the ball Last week a rat near the muster, very successful. The regiments the chivalrie which are adjoining The Belfast railroad continue- |.» do a seeing house,-h» The corn factories in tins State have qualities supposed good rived m at an and immediate canning Our an in mar v oi' the news the I'resi The blood the a loaded a rifle, the Augusta early hour, concerning rupturing peritoneum nearly business. the brought shooter firmly to he* put up over half a million cans, and the season is REPUBLICAN JOURNAL PUBLISHINGCO. to and which into the abdominal This freighting Among items ot freight lv proceeded to Camp 1‘laisted, which had been put prevail among Virginians, dent concluded last week with the bullo pint escaped cavity. hem .-houlder, t«*nk deliberate and not over. morning last week were IJoO casks of lime from dockland. aim, pulled, the n u readiness tor them The dress arade at A do yet orrhage is believed to have been the cause of the } forbid the of an unarmed man tin of rolled over with a bullet The Maine Historical society visited Thomaston CHARLES A. l'JLSBUUY.Editor. shooting Wednesday, Sept. I 1th. There was no ap- severe in the through his head. o’clock attracted crowds ot In the eve pain lower part of the chest com The cottages at the (iround are all spectators. last were Camp nearly week, where the members handsomely Bi and in his condition on that of before death An The mug the bands gave a concert Wednesday the RUSSET.I. (J. in cold blood. There are occasions when preciable change day plained just abscess eavity six deserted. Jacksonville pilots report that there ar. entertained The from Portlaud was made in DYER, The Boston boats made their regular trip .sines^Manaoer inches four in was found in the vi militia showed much improvement in drilling and J though the more fancied saw a by dimensions, thirteen feet of water oil the bar at the entrainv the revenue cutter Dallas. sentiment condones and hopeful they landings last week, hut there is but little travel that t. evolutions over the first In the public summary ciuity of the gall bladder, between the liver and! performing day. Richmond .1. H. is the slight At noon the President was the st. dtdins river, and that tlie are 'l'he Bee says, kuights Subscription Terms. In a improvement. the transverse were wav. jetties begin forenoon the artillery was inspected by (Jen Fliam advance, $2.00 year; extra-judicial methods of crim- colon, which strougly inter I owner of an tree that is a second within the al the of the punishing on an invalid chair in a semi recumbent to exert Mime iidlucueo. The new emit berlain : also, the line and stall officers. The 1st apple bearing year, $2.f»0; expiration placed po adherent It did not involve the substance of the! niug rat l- The Louis Walsh continue-to be an attrac crop. The first crop was gathered about two weeks year, $J.oo. j but this to and no ship is regiment's team won the trophy in the morning inals, attempt murder Uuiteau sitiou, and remained one hour and a half without liver, communication was found between! making every etl'orl to pu.-h work on this iuipro\ The tree is now covered with blossoms and Advertising Terms. For one square, (oneinch fion, and i- visited numbers There tor m the match In the ag< it and the wound L by large daily. mem at an earlv moment shooting regimental has of length in column,) $1.00 for one week, and 2.‘> in his cell is not one of these. There is fatigue or discomfort. He seemed to enjoy the several of unripe fruit. The channel extended from was a time when a full wa- les- a curi- company shoot in the afternoon, the Biddetord specimens cents for each insertion. A lra<*ti<*n of long suppurating the rigged -hip the sil- subsequent ocean breezes and was Tin* Journal mentioned at the h According to the Maine Mining Journal cheerful, talkative and external wound between the loin muscles and the in Bel fast. time that Mam Light Infantry won the silken banner which was a square* charged as a full one. not the slightest doubt but that Uuiteau osity vei mint at Garland has turned into a mine. ( Blake, ( astom contested for bv tin* 1st and the Dexter gold hopeful In the evening there was an increase of right kidney, almost to the right groin. This formerly House otlifer of Belfn-i, regiment, Win. <>. Boor, of this Started la-t This is what Owen of the Maine Farmer says of will suffer the full for his crime now known to bo due to the ot city, week to "'as nominated lor M Light the silken banner contested for penalty and so channel, burrowing or ot s;in Franeiseo, < a! Infantry by an temperature, pulse respiration, but slight the baby show at City Hall- “One lady in the The following are authorized agents for the .Jour- from the was life, to join the I’oor family at their annual reunion in He the *Jd regiment was the most success at the hands of the pus wound, supposed, during ha- -inee been eleete l. Mr. Blake was born ii Thursday so as were nal : proper law-oflieers as not to indicate new dieuce became excited to wish that she any The have been the track of the ball an fill day ol ihe muster The men had en complications. On examiua Nevvburyport, but was taken ill at Burnham and in this thoroughly the mother of all the babies. On second S. II., No. Trcmont St., Boston. ntistield, .-,tate, about 1st;. His father w « tered into of happy The law makes no distinction between was as less and tion of the of the chest evidences of severe the routine camp life, and ih»* im T. ( Rooms 1 «S: s, Treinont right lung reported troublesome, organs returned, lie has recovered from his illness. a she the fifteenth Evans, 2, Temple, distinguished physician of OtUftcld. The ni tv.n in drill and was marked thought, however, abrogated Boston. tin1 bronchitis were found on the sides, with broncho provement discipline very the President and a and President h id some el"' t amendment, and excluded the black ones !" private citizen, refreshing sleep, sleeping of lower \\ lien doc-* the season known as summer was edmated at Bowd*»in and the forenoon teams from the various com S. M. 1*etTEN«,t!.i, & Co., 1(1 state* ''L, Boston,and pneumonia the portions of the right lung, Indian f'nllegc, grudu During for M>me time while in The citizens of Bluehili are to have a grand ball :>7 Bark N. ^ it is better for the chair. Hi* passed a and to much less extent ot the The ated in |sr> ;,f the of his panics entered in the company match which, owing Row. ali concerned, despite the though left. The begin' IVnob-rot Indians now encamped in head clas>. lie is umnai at the Atlantic House this Horace 2(0 to the men was evening Dodd, Washington st., Bo-don. computable night, and his condition did lungs contained no abscesses and the heart no clot number of who participated, not not Thursday this city say the season mentioned commence- in The is the list of issued tiEo: B. Rowell A e in >t.. New ^ oi k. unnatural desire for vengeance, that finished. Of the teams which shot, the Dexter following weekly patents o., Spruce* not to have material The liver was enlarged and fatty, but free from d. II. appear undergom- any change .September, other authorities it in c.-toU r. to residents of Maiue: Charles L. Fmerv, Biddeford. Bates, 11 Bark Row, New York. nor were place b !• ridav a •■-u.dei some tvv enl li scored B.»B out of a Aon the assassin should be tried and sentenced abscesses : any found in any other organ party,"of > Light Infantry possible that tin- from the and *«ouie even later. Who is ? sash fastener: William W. Hollins, Fort Fairfield, excopi expectoration right lung right a points: the Biddetord MBs. Auburn except the left kidney, which contained ne:tr its partook ot i nn bake in a beautiful, eove on tie Light Infantry : Moses B. violin Cnas or to hay-rack Rodgers, Holden, SCBscriBERS n’mitting money desiring in due form. If he had been shot down! was rather loss dilheulf and less surface, a small abscess, about, one third of an inch I'm* of Light Infantry. BAR Capita. Diutrds Bid. Richards profuse During linn Drew, lla/a-Uiuc .V Liv iug-hm, of Houston turn i. the seal sport line. N fter tii II Lamson. Portland, have? the address of papers changed, must state* the* in diameter. BAB In the afternoon over .moo badge (design.) the the ITe.udont was in the invalid In reviewing the history of tic* case Light Infantry Rost < Jtliee to \\ hi<11 the has been -e*ut. as w ull at the time of his attack the l’resi-l day placed 'Jacksonville, is making to handle iepa-t was over it was discovered that The overseers of the poor house have fouud|an pape*r upon m connection with it is evident that preparation- they had witnessed the brigade review autops\. the ■ spectators by Major as the* otliee to which it i- to go. chair and remained three of an h mr in a more i• than iornierlv <• inmate ot the Lewiston alms house who has quarters different Additional houses will been entertained op hi-tnrie ground. It ua- on thi Den. t'hatuherltin and stall At .> oTh ck came ar dent, tile act would have been justifiable.* suppurating surface:- ami especially the relations in an and iitlh* more he erected in wealth} adjoining county, they elevated lhan on oc- fractured, tissue of the vertabra- dtcksonville for bn, n js the in p"t that in 17'". oiruned between tin* -• for halt an hour, and at •> Bo dress A DM IN \ X D ( <1 SKIM A NS position previous spongy turir.shed light tillery practice to interview them. ISIR V DIRS I \E« I DIRS still it is to know even propose gratifying that iul .Lin a sufficient of the teution to cut in Belfast all the in- b\ tier and a parade took place as usual In the evening Major desiring their Probate adv«*rli>ing published in the casions \f ji. in his temperature was Ms explanation septic condition u-ed tin* line., partv of plunderers from Laga Andrew M Fox. a lumberman of ex prominent so to the ( ourt. which sted b-e will lie cut and l!l Den. Chamberlain and wife received their Journal, will plea-e stale such a the senti-I DD. ii,i: -| a hipped direct!;, from tin* I"' "t Bo i! li vv killed and dn ie-1 military was arrested for moment, law-abiding pulse :e.-pii-V! Dr. Hamilton gave pond and other friends and the citizens in the Filsworth, Friday night, forging 1) W iiuss, until the houses in pavilion daeksonvili. ar. tilled, Hie Hi l\ e i- till be seen. the name of an endorser on several notes incut of the American very hopeful opinion of ih*‘ ease; hut late in the .1 storing 'pot. g! to on the At o''dock forenoon Suhseriliers are re*qin >l«*d to take* notice* of the people asserted I K liAKNls, grounds eight Friday Dr s he the remainder in this eitv bn* La ! The Journal sa\ s that the nomination* date on the to the* It evening IPouton iid thought the I'resi ,1. .1 shipment. \ in thi- target was resumed by the compain following colored -Dp allaehed paper. itselt and that WoOhWAKb. lady iit\, the widow of a sea euplaii practice were the cowardlv assassin was I dent lnul lo-t .1 son the tirni bandied HlOd c.ikiu ..| acted upon Thursday the Council Hiram is tin* form of now used. For instance*, uttle streiieSh and vitality during Koi’.kkt Kkyr.t u\ tons, which were teams at the State muster. T1 following arc tic by only ivevipl rj »v,,',nll; re* eived a letter addressed to her hu-ban P. Commissioner to meridian lines, l > Ma\ SI, limans litat the* is lo the d.iv flic decided to admit t roll I < counts made the live winning the Farmw, verify suhseriplion paid protected in Ins and in jail physicians dually PKANK I! II AMU. I shipped hi city, the remainder ni by companies person lodged 5;; "Hindi e.inie from a r- mi -■ continued. Nominations Israel F. Dana. that elate*. Whe*n a new payme nt is made*, the- elate* j P*r the lir.t time, that he was s*u tie from blood p- who oner made a out of a .»oo Dexter Infan rejected: ring l\ I* 11 AY KS A- \ I W Bangoi. prizes, possible Light will he* t*» ami M’ B"d III BERs the of the a ■ Trustee «.f Insane Albion Little. Wm. F ehange»el correspond, by proper guardians peace. E poison, which ik< y referred to .is a \ pa- en. with the I Boa Skowbegan Light B«■ •. R..; kluud Hospital: mildly “sop \ I>KK\V 11 SMIlii •aptain try Infantry. ARE REtJl’ i*>TEI > l ‘) >EE Til AT I II El II DAI i tic accident 'fins | 1 In* Manic ( entral Gould, D W. True, Trustees of Reform School Esj unpleasant fact was. however, !> s La mis i*-;11*^ iillimr in at lie raiIr*■ cl wnier -dated '!u: lie tor his Light Infantry. Add: S'or LLrlit Infautrv ba; ; ARE CORREt T. Subscribers in anvar- are* re fl |:; addoiigh paid pa-. way The were June obvious led ore. fbe want of ire con in tlii foregoing nominations which made The long appet tinned bridge city are progressing linels in their (■( tin was so lie Richards Light lu fan of Dai liner. BAA In the (Jliesteel t'l fen* ware I the* slims due. projected enterprise of the Maine A Kit A N'. I. \I h.N S lo>|; I it I II NKi;U. > trip long felt indt bled to the a, try the latter. were called || to be a bad feature of the ease. <■ (except September -) up ""Ik aid \\ ill doublle- li.n-h 11■ i lain an ! afternoon the troops were inspected !.-\ Plais liON-i 'll up \ unmtall.v re-dve-l that when he .er.nm ami Patrick Gridin ot Portland, sen Central in the matter of build- imkm "I m ui PltANVM, S-*p‘ Till* following illl ge- rejected. managers nay. rngeu 1 l.e ted. and the won were by 1!is <-\ I*«il\ w III limit al the YY’esta rl cn I of :tb!e lie Wmiid prizes presented lenced to State Prison for two for assault L)aaU i long Branch. ami the alternations of the merits tor the luneral sen ices have been ordered In the remember him The lady w rote ft after review the years, a railroad direct from 1 lexter shinny cellency Immediately bugle ing through the a;i are to 1 *.s bridgr whirl, the ti,|e will ’"‘f hII b and had six ol his sentence re President's pvsc relh «-ted the and C.ihiuet. t givc:i th |»r to;- tli in’ through llow. I’iir ru| u.d hud 'veil dead twelve .- 1 sounded, one from the was lired. and battery, forty days threatening ; gun battery in formation ot the \cr! w ill h,- mitted. he lain for that time in the Port “The President is dead." Four words Dover to thence to change ins condition which lirst showed public limit at lull' tide, a ,.| -be knew ""thin.: the tents fell. This wa- a beautiful and having Batten, lloulton, and gloomy making p.. about tile matter. Ti.e i. spectach- on The remains ot the late he land jail. itself Thursday night, and which grew more President will re between the ami -Imre. I l. mail was received with risotiuding cheers. At f**ur more v\ itli sorrow, sincere, heart- from lloulton to would make bridge rctotorc hi brought another letter from the ip,, Rev. James Fittou. D. of Portland, the oldest pregnant Rresque Isle, and more mark'-i as the wore on At times moved to Washington train Wedne"i 11 el lines he fell he w as army and from the Marines of the will pam day till in at Im p ad u m h. bauds furnished music Th- u-an is ! cit "inpaiiy through tips-- ini'eating Navy will !><• ln‘1'1 .1- l'ii|low .nnM <. r.in_'i\ stirring be in attendance on W w hen ri amt Patten to Houlton, and thence to a storm •.; a ids comrades not to the arrival at ashingfoii to |, \\ i|| make ol il haini-• mm n /eus I e Presque announcement well lie road. would nat- beseeching conip|o gr p. along the li viewed the gorg"ou- ; m-ant might permitted posed Heavy freights I' •!'! i" ww'. '.•'••in’ if at tin-:-- h -a > I>.< This will Aroostook one hundred h.-t him smk Another crisis liad keen pertonn escort dut\ Tin* remains will i. in .li, The tor lu bring evidently ^1 various companies departed their mes state in Herheit 17. Madison, oi fan II mi, |,,, | r U Ml" ':r. ! i • miles nearer Boston to stand as expressing till that need he orallycome this way: such for instance reached, mid cve«: Hr Bliss ahaudoned his cheer the rotunda of tin Capitol Thm> lay ami I lit:, ,i.i? ...: ■ li a ti trail:, at a1 -’it >*»ved in I v ,■ special leaving Augusta be hi tt\ on I ri da f | m v, p p :| ,,. ’• The individual shoot, to all members of the • nl nviij-'ts and mumcr am! admitt i that his Friday and guarded by from the (* !'•" iMMi III’. : I. 1 I I o'clock. The has been successful in open said on this mournful occasion. Words as iron from the katahdin works, pa deputations encampment pig t c Kxeciitive t ! a the iftcrnoon Maim has been It will occur ielit was in g: a\ It was to Department and the oilmen Cie i.i.r wiM n. ni1! m :..-x : and the were best of Militia, postponed. danger necessary by | I •; -.»*.: ", I if M. every respect troops in the SenaV ail House ot iu about a when some one hundred crack of or sorrow seem alike unnec- at'.tnd' i; lie- >d .-olid iood and <>| at ws w ho ha- tin-sunnm-i I,, 1 .. mouth, which with facilities lias large doses K'-pivseut pas-cl r.-dir n humor li' m th*-manner with which they had been sympathy present already ^Mil" I'm I .iii n ill U* ln’i'1 ai M aitvillf < ,ii shots will he and test their skill with the .mu.- and biamiv were admiuistcred Pulse Religious ceremonies will h.» observed in tie* r<» > present I ^ hleii I h: Imr-c. l£el urnin. aid w •. treated. and that we found its here in "atHiilax', »<” i.*th. .Tin* annual attl.- n a considerable •» * tunda at. o rifle. essary unavailing. Nothing way quan- ami tern j d ui a in- il'-d meat ex .a list ion The three clock Fridav aliernoon. and at V It’red the hor-e ■ A I FA hots lil.-lAM) snoots bis 111;. \ M» live the small'-, -lippud up.,,; ,<■ '•Mr M l»r.iin-!n .r tnuf A e. i.viet by the name of Leavitt, having three could add to or soften the tities for List it sanguine Ik I5>\ t:ion admitted t;.at the President remains will be transtem l to the. funeral an-l lanina a might say grid shipment. season, wills -tom* mi MOTI2KIMN i.ANV. cat and ho removed to •.t i,,c -dug aid tell. M Madi- a w a- tin-.wu } ears if live sentenced to serve, scaled the walls was Milieu doiu !iioi'ic l>|.mmI poisoning and Cleveland. '•l-.rktini ami I-rankf'M i, ill |„ ln |.| it I* A «■! :lie Maine He which all must feel at this sad lint not be a dealer in Arons-l that lliccliam Irolu a lm r id. 11. *r<- it md i\ c two out, striking- tin- street I" terrible tragedy was enacied Friuay even ng State Prison Finlay afternoon remembered, Bangor du-al standpoint, were Pennsylvania arriving violently -hie tin inn i"-M MM t.» .la I In- \\ .1M. u,M k 'i .. !’• In Clcvclainl at a small farm house, in the d wn ot Warren In bad hook attached to a line winch he threw ig.-.iml the iemn,n wail 1. m ,;:p Mr M l. -on up tei munition of the 1 certainly re«"vcry out e.-« w itho it ii W Ml I..* a unexpected ’resident's took products came to Belfast to trails ,etl jumped iping jur IM at lln* .Mi. *.*-.• ti*t«»i i.. U i. : ms house lived David M. Robbins and w.!-. <■; :*-r and on the himself bv All I.noli: -..t bulletin I*—u« I a! half t until Monday at two c \i am! Im then interred ;u caught walk, drawing up [m eight Mr. M.-nii-mi v.a taken Id In- lmu-e of \.h. « i,-, on and i \i. bis Lake View Cemeten N o ceremonies are •. < I iv people, and their daughter about 1b years old, the lire to the walk and then jumping to the long painful struggle. At business, the former port being closed! Saturday morning said the President slept well }.,*; Uanin-r, \im t la u *•. k ami a surgeon '-alle*!. 11, injurm- ron •■! ho is the wife of | tlie ami li,,.. Ins ed ill the cities ami towns along the route or the i1"' night tcmpeuilure and l"I! wima t- -a «-1.• .. in. •..,.* a |;,• t on “ml. President Cartieid an ice An then l' r\\ an I (he ot a and a halt ’1 he lather of Mis l.iii twice, but did not hit him Leavitt ran as Saturday. .Inly by embargo. open port wvre lower than on ike funeral train the tolling of (mils Detailed «li-loration -Inmldcr Mi \| :. boy year aged pulse previous evening beyond nnn lor the b n il are i 1 '"llret or ot hr a Robbins also lived with them In another part •; tar as the railroad track in the rear of the prison, was stricken down in Washington by the year round, a safe harbor, of access.! rhe nllieial hull tin. 'kite.' |: dt an In ui later was arrangements sepultme coin mi 11 d tin- li nth I liana -1: -: rmt easy to Ml-. ..If in >111; I! lit."- t < (. .■ [,a .*U S. tliei >ame house lived Isaac Metcalf and I .tin woere he was and taken back to his ceil less shown g that the had the authorities of Cleveland mice- in .y caught encouraging. pulse municipal 1 M \somi a o, 'h '': >i bullet of an assassin, died at the This prinfeil rrp t oi llir pr -i! ii. ii an-! 'Mi mat: r. smith was at work as a mortar mixer in Rockland, Gilbert, married, while blast lie without the of towage, and am-! reached Ido m its llud u.d num |u uim direction of tlm I.\. u11v♦ of the State ot iilno |.. Friday Magloire expense lie* night ■ i'-. M 11 rm 11 i,i- I: a ot the si \ tv -ee BA \ .-"lithe a > .1 am t-.s t» n «'>-initiiMii' al; ot and is about ears old He was ledge at Lower Biddetord. was blown licet hkM"i was .iuiioBt led k\ leiiial.i during (Signed) i.. M wry jealous Branch at W..T> i\ m.. Monday Sept. IT pie dock room, are the ad\ Belfast! | Ml WI'M ia ji;,.| "i li is wife, and list used tin- being burned about the head and shoul antages the B-’ue-u Si Cretan of Stall* 1 •imii,I IcL •;: M hehl at I1'1"'!. Sunday ais against up. badly day (Saturday ekwci ami twelve im-, Port laid. Ma »iuI• 1111 i v if. in '•• .f ki'm ami a nn>a •-••r-ii M a m:s. oilers lo <• 1 her. he hired tea in R -ck Both are destroyed His re During those the bulletins and which will no doubt* "'clock iu the dm !' -1 lent had a Mh aid let- l»r.-i» ■'•niit 11 11 ti >f' I n ns «• a n .. Friday evening eyes probably eighty days shippers, morning rigor. NOTTS AM* IN 11 U>‘.\ IS Mill, ivreive.1. It i- tmi tin pi | |.If. I'Miitf w is I a s If-- '"t-'ila Willi land and started for Bobbin.-' !. u-c He arrived eovery doubtful It >; 11 alt.iii! Jit miitu'i during which tinm the of iii- J>i"|.!f til I'mita-t Win i• from the bedside of 1 icon be Main tiarln-M Stephen Deny. IV.rilaml, is hair! .mm. the suherer have largely availed of if this direct railroad! the P"-sidcniT son. pnm 1 th.*i 'M-a -«*rs •' at the house and going in a.-sod !::- wi;«* go -at Jusie Ryan, a blind girl, Id. was drowned pulse mu ... ! k Alter tie *.l oil the passed Ml It-’ '',tl .;t I :i. kin aged up rigor pass 'i aid -• I’."", through N iron Wil un die !' miaiii: k- pages. Then- are in Wald*, "-mm Mi.i '.inn I Ilf i a m _ai (..,• VA .-ar < Troy I'll ;. w;th him.' which she did. where thw Had -->me afternoon into an uncovered cis awaited with the most intense line to tile fertile Aroostook Preside:,1 '-nuicd c s i < I Hi- suhse Knday by tailing interest. legion is! ably pulse ■ morning Ills brother James is sick if \\ m a I Iff hi- mm- a' t,- ,s. h 1 ■' day 11 fourtrei! h"l^«-s W Mil a mem Iin I ham 11, words, and he told her lie was go:; g to kill her i-Tii m the cellar of her sister's residence on Salem '1 u cut I k :!' a d to | Jtl T: ri gor W as succeed -hip of ii\ i*i• ••: liamstown with was ■am .a' a-iliv. "mini n ; »i 11«1 \\ Never before were the of this constructed. C inahma. hut to t«,» ~ pl. pi*..lit He went Lack to the house where he bad some al street. Portland. The were at work and people cl !o at io:i !h»* as to||ow lMi ai\ ami I’imolh ( in I 1 plumbers protest* [ *U'spii Pimug prevalence d. V'M' I m a n- n a-an- Washington tin- a' hi iv m< >s al ft "in tin* Ma tcreation with Mrs Robbins his wife's .-lie did not know the cistern was uncovered "l ike rigor the was yesterday 1 a mother, so united. lines patieut delirious in the alter •'•It -1, with 17'. aid Id im an! i-i rr ! i country closely Party An agent of a New y .irk 1. fe I nsuranc. c u p when he drew a revolver and shot m the The s that a terrible accident occur nooi and even;1 g w is more A!:s| .ii M n -. \ «•»* ut In man in tin her eye Opinion sa> The New Age is over the iv he comfortable Pur •| r at Id >•: t -uH'i unhappy JS [•any President Searsport. Fni and she fell to the At red on last at Friend- and sectional barriers were alike broken lag;' the iuu to says Irom floor. ibis Mrs. Metcalf, Wednesday Crystal Lake, iliglhc pulse ranged from I Id. Ima'lafln mint*.*. I tin- Imn-f .a a frn*m suit in the second 0(H) in lus lie u a*- also insured in other Li hem I .- if *1 Kin- Id-. I. I an « ! district.! Company who was in the room, attempted to ape. when sh;; which Fdison Lawry was the victim. It congressional there is evnl nta herration and the I'.a-a down, and in the of the dread but what amot, ,t is n *t 1‘m|niri‘iI rtain pah-nt mmlifiiif rii*- presence Companies, known I low aid, :*:. Mar-; ... Smith tired at her as he wont out. the bullet graz appears that a gang of men were engaged in pulling Had it n >t lost its it would l‘n sid-n! was.* '••'..lake nourishment Sunday Wintn-purt, 1,’ivr IP temper hardly* The N‘*w York Post's !. *ng llfaucb ih hnar'f I irifitM mi\f.| a i<»-c wMmh fin it’, st' ;v bv u oi were die -pateb "'*. s,• 11• ing her ear. lie then turned ami shot ho wife in tackle drawn by oxen When the shadow death all brought togeth- g Ik i hid another chill, lasting (^11a11:r!iar11ok, ~,,|ouI, I' i-, a. says T •extreme ••m eat -a f t .. p- >.den! -wail'■ Wf 1 'I in tne neck and sue fell. The murderer ihen went .-n :.. Mr was iu the have made that reference to Mr.! a’ "lit ten till! Ik t« man in* nl at- it gave way. Lawry standing er .1 unjust Boynton l.-iegraphed "**: I -! m !. I -le-horo, -;7 I'i mm, IVr [ in the bonds of common insed inueh .surprise t cr■takes a Jen out. and on round t<> the rear ot h :.-c. ime and the struck him on the sympathy. Pncini.a.i that J In* ct. an ■ « uvre all his !>a!hf,| u «tli tim;,’,.. :?!,■!• \s iii- ii ! a- ar.* going draught stump against .. ; ••bar'l," as hundreds! haulier It ibh* lM. \. \, ; Tliormlike, 'k Kvul-'mr, bingley's especially — ■ pos ji0 \ entered a back dour and. into the room coi...i' hone and on the side of the When I 'resident < Firlield had taken the recovery, lo. t Ik' I’d h there w as -till • Inal In i<-M m by going face, breaking ig!;t Imp" > r 1 it i,*\' | p w.i- .\. tv knee will me ii iu 1 IT t ar»* s-mic doubls where his little sh*d him twice in mi" -iiv. r* the under and out sev of Democratic votes contributed to I'll K *t M W. l)UK\v. ( apt. Mr boy lay sleeping. jaw, knocking Mr.! til- 1. \S| I»A \ o.N 1- At: 111. lJ|al tin* ! a; a of ot'liee at on wheiher T tie* Preside t: le > ., -!ate e -i man i'l ina>h‘ a mi-t.ak** an oath the the 4tll of j *- 1 the mouth, killing him JL- then took eial Hcth in a horrible manner. The was Capitol Washing aid tin* mate Frank \V. Limd un ur instantly. injury toll It h deemed a |sa to a -1st alii i I'iie IV-■-'den' s com: t i .-n Monday was will the m ll: ! nia* 1.11f "ii. .. \ nothf m u; Man a it «-n m sin de l bingley's majority. less morning up lighted lamp and dashed the door, by insensibility and voniiling March last, he turned and in the Hardly surpri.--! '' ia-l werk am! 1111*11 i-h a'hlitioua! 11!.- prcsenecE ta V"i nh'm "Bo lie had a severe ot triet \ l k stated T partn "Mn In no to In r. out are rigor that anM net-1«• an nail !;, w, tending doubt burn the house t went Drummers from the West "• »*\filing going through is its commendation of the |ir t is < ruin-- tin* I of -d, > of an assembled ing withdrawal? minutes duration Alter it suh here ample la iu the district cl duiubi.t C> M. \\ I 1. w Tin ; 1, as it fell He then returned to flu* r :n w .• Maine ai.d Camilla, to a multitude kissed his twenty nI "ii anas m hour *li-fo\-avl that In- iu attempting buy up large agedl jncady 11 sided i. w Idle, an on waking took a small '■over uteaii a-* aid lie will be n 1 a W a- h 1 his wife and mother :n law were, cad sl;**t the .at Micooi'thc cro;> ;o advance. There are in of Mr. Reed and its ol the man slept Iii m E potato mother. This act was a y approval kf \ it-li 1“a- \\ a- inriif.! out, a .am filial t< u miititv of noui ishim lit His was at one No further increase of the-m*!;: ip. .1 otii. ter thr«*t:g:» the i> .mb. a dieatioi.s ot a big in the coin surprise pulse tugtoa etfert-. From tin- log w. !-■ m, tl at 1 he again dy. ting pr-.batdy speculation potatoes ner in was ni miri-M. ia a M. im.-m Mm. ; mr t !,.* k. which this brought about.# k: : id .H, 1 V. d.. <. i; t I ID .it It) |M A M The at the jail has been made, and \ lj mint C ,.r- mortal wound, lie then spoke t«, iii> u c -. a-k'ing mg winter. those who had known Cell. Carlield only sd n..mimr towel How 11 to tile bar from lad, ill.- io ■ iuiilet’.n siiow : .• materia! l>rum said he considered the -1;: 1;• r11 IrmtI.*- f tin* l>.tfk a-"a- a- l"i -vM ami her to kiss him. and shot her in the breast Two hiidren of S. Littlefield <»t York, liven the Commercial change in the guard ampo nail;, again August Bangor iiidemns! lor .tli •m the T! inst., ami went h- tin-.Lav toll., in his otlieial But the 1 ’: >id( ond'lio!; The »'. t M. eon- emergencies win,-. miti-aiiff mm If. Tin* man > Smith, when he had. as lie thought, wt :c from cucumbers on the vines capacities. during nf's£< hulletiu ssantol t* -<*ll him-. poisoned eating •' i'1 m ■ completed on as a. arm It is stated tbai Pie i lent (i irfi I i no w 'hat lime ttin* nth n-t !i;d m fusion such leims were! tamed not in ;:g but at was bn ill I"’ > M h" m n a > humiliating mg. aa. his ol murder, drove back the city, gave f which Paris green was accidentally thrown two months the domestic life of the. !n past and tliat during bis sickness 1 tlm •-; ,* 1 that tie* President was sinking fast and h. >ai be did md Ve--el making at !in im: tour mn, himself up t*. the police, and wa- logged in Lie <»; died shortly after another is in a critical com ottered to the Democratie voters of the! -I" >r kf r n In- p .'-kft President has been mat a!! ms had been .summoned. \ wish to make one that in* was willing t<* trust t1 Imur. \ oekup Mrs. Robbins died Ntturday morning revealed to the public physicians t 12 (if few iii iii lit* later cairn- the "The th-'* courts ot tic countn to make in division Mrs Smith will i c < ■ second district. so-called Democratic! announcement, cijual I arkecl "III IM |.|\|, \| \\ ( probably die. ha- cu n as ■ay- '•hip t" the northward. \i \ i. "it! gaze, and son, husband and lather he President is dead ot bis among ! :• members «d lus fuiiiilv scions able to m an ante pii'pel ty : and ike mortem dei iara took iii all sails an l -t I i-l imnI.* a -aifrafi to ImilM t*-r V papers in this State the Argus and the! l'lie Value of bis a!» •:11 >J.» mill, indud light >\ve them I Don :u answer to win ;j corroborates* Generalities. has show n himself w of the : lid Ol I ICI At. WVU'Ni I M I. N 1. property qucsti-nis. orthy highest wa- ftvdi from i i.. n -• •>■ J ing 1ns house in Washington, which is tin south im-i. At » ;> i .... i. ft!*-, nia tfl i •: n Mrs Metcalf s S New seem to be Hie tiA ones mortgaged story. Age Tlie to: "Wing oilici ii built t.ii was is-ned nndei A (• • •■I the admiration and The fortitude top leveland. Herald >p •c; il from S..t. n -a s: fore-ail ami mainsail, ami t" -k tl.. am i*f atimamlf I >a'. i*I Ih■ lmI « Si,-.a tell in , and southern Mnine respect. apt.. 1 III. LAN I Mi.l: > II Friday Date It lo m I liras of crow and war like it. he was broken to i ran dm i'T iarfield about II'.' 7 \. • 1 I sola partake they ii'1 \l M llm wiml -11 I•!cj vei-r d p. a li. l.iMim A a tin if I » 11; and hopefulness of the mother, and the | Tim Pi. lent died at i'i B iu m. A Her the mm* o'clock this At At tlie third annua! reunion 'in* i'-t.i. morning first die was very »' -f !*-’ Kuiery y ■1 -o-ithw.-sf making a h i h a"-.! .1 am*. >lm :• *'111h■ was issued .it bn this the Pres mill'll vrr. d a Trn w i m held ill Dover. N li. Maim* w .•< mu h I’lro'n i is from the Lre«-k words 'fara. near, devotion which he evening, shocked, but s »on cam to m, talked n Sept. >th, well called ■ may heroic., The document on the first t to '■‘MM I'*- 1'".ip l v. -»! an. i u ii f.aa*v non t. a. .a legal page,! nk mi nm-d in much the same condition as s reasetl riea 1 I A paper on the hv and ; a hors ol mu <>:the ear ly. She lid “It was proba t represented. "f of the have also made an during ihe afternoon, his from in-y *hm u I -• !• *111:i*l ha- llmh > "UtraaM Kliler Joshua Kuiery .1 Berwick. Me prepai : \ wife, enduring captioned the Belfast National Bank vs.! pulse varying people were ready to receive it I’li-u s li t i: jihF.xmi mder at. r, breaking o' oil' in lliei tin- The ■■ oti cost ot the AI till an war was in to I " with rather an increased force at.d is Kev. K. J. Kmcrv. was read hv the 1. v. R gross volume not that sou .lames d-.c! 1 do ( lea red tin- wreck "1 nr ( a Kmcn the heart.- not alone of possible my !•> rut tin- ever-, thin a ? 111 r. i> »u d ini hers. 1 fJ, L : nun impression upon the Inhabitantsof Stockton, will be found! After his nourishment lie fcl! into -.met not to of The th.s sketch was taking wish live I will soon ! wuh -v it : I'- < Xewburg. subject ;bi- any longer M '• v'- main -! 1«-1 .. — -ii-!, Min- ; i• M. i.nincI ah.Dll B minutes Indore his do, k trap p u n i ll rat minister in the .Slue of Ma.m-. the American but ot those of dis- sleep death, and while him Baptist H.- .1 >»• ex people, Aside from! -* 1 * Mi The N itia potato crop to he mighty interesting reading. to '-'hooimr to tall oil. \ -,-a h .aide I w-.-! *‘..a* i*! M! tiinifi'f,* I ;'. i promises hi rose I-jo and w as somewhat The icon > was described as a man <>; persev,anai. asleep pulse Q ti Mr .Low the Am '•client in end g boat, wheel --••"ii a- tln'ff ijimliiy oaanrdy. tant climes and nations. Tributes of re- the of this decision as to the! more feeble At ten minutes after ten o’clock he "■an as ! »ilo ws : a\\a> ami washing i.oar I ta.maiu fit.- ma-M-'l Iioinifv iioss -i pendent thought. He freely gaw his labors ,i the importance .Minister, Wit lee[ g f I ami awoke, d ui ot a severe over "f a Near a man a the re mv children learn the but > al the wheel, wlm ua- -. -1 k i,;- anl i- lauiiflifl \ i"in* ma- faith which be professed lie served his p. Dane-ia. , whipped little and words of in and of plaining pain sad. mi i.. xpcde 1 alierw i- r<---in-l. a >ph spect sy pa thy h-.pc liability nf towns in and! ol !o > borrowing money the art ami almost ei;i!d t death and was a gum became in-ws. of the fatal of rontinueil to ;.1 r- ’.s -i" without any remuneration, and [ aid one-hai *he hanged hy mob. immediately termination the sufferings .>| ii'iI tin- -,•! 'n-r ikiu.: u 1 in '•'■l>""W r iii -"in* t'liim "t a m..\ fits r.• r II. a c conic unconscious and to at cost for a lac- cf ha\ from c\cry liu- the l sks to lie incurred the ;ia ceased breathe ID.Bo the President. His loss is a great misfortune. 1 erecting ; public The <|uarterof globe lender,, r.i"r\ iim aw a tlm I.. I'm* l lifI'f ar hat --ii.'s .i [ .r>i.;p The annual of the Marine servict by \Y u im: -till Mr"", p.• »*t \,*--••!- \ next was :vad Kdwiu of Xea report Hospital (Signed) P. Buss. have learned with sorrow tnut tin- President paper by great > Kuiery to with the of our own im the 1 •- " -in i! i, n, shows it to he in a condition. mingle outpourings good deal of light is thrown upon thel I> II.WKS \|,NI.V, reascH, 1:1 u a I-*i->'lll Bedford, oil Col C.deh Kuiery of Sanford. Me giv flourishing has passed away IT..- of Wales telegi aphs I '. I ■'•'•war-! thr.w in- ii,, m s-m on 1 i• 1 « 1 at liatii. -at- i > \\ ltf'i in I'iiii with and of the ha\c ascended from C. C. 11. H AM l.’l ON to Lowell: "The Princess and s. If beg vmi c her i«h*Iphia. ti.M ", W ing vigor beauty expression pe Ail t ie estimates place the coming cotton crop people. Prayers pul- devious ways of one Roberts, mi my c*uliarities and romment of h;s Ilk S \ ! > PA!i I!' ft. offer our sincere condolence to Mrs < larli-dd -ra makiim a r|uaii hrruuh Ver In r. l't.r ,*r.*w took t It"-1 n. p-rim .Ill •• I I h.trader. above that ot any season, save ISSD, for ten years and altars and from the hearthstone \!:S. pits of we f 1 ■ > < whom heard Lari — Kev. Rufus an account i ot Stockton, have nival ranville. of Adairs, tele r. 11 m tin- rie’aiim. I m- 1. aim a >at<* t that li.-"Mi- m *., Kuiery gave tile 1 At midniglit Vttoruey .'eii MacVcagh made the Secretary Loreign mh; Fly -a; M, Ii a ■ t hi>. nl l’rut. balloon was a failuie. The of the riel 1 and for the recov- graphed Lowell: I am 11 has \nthouy Kmery, reading petition Kings voyage poor alike, in local What t'o11 o w m g statement l or publication deeply grieved •'anir ahm- ami took u of). W n.-u w!• 1 tin nits a:i"tin r s to of term! was urecked in a cow near St sionally politics sent a cable mossag to Washington d ;n re dressed the Ceneral Court Massai m.i.-i-tts. fur siiip pasture haslierr-g Attonmv Hem-ial came to of our stricken medical MaeV.-agii just the srhooiiiT Was mi |:, |- |»u,t .; uinl A a a Haul ery President; the ot State to assure <• r M ! N I ,1 N license to house: retelling t>. tin- tofore been hinted at Mr.i t|iicsting Secretary Tr- .. | *,,;■ keep public concerning Kl hei oil il .’.ci :V. :u tie Franck i\ n and « cottage < apt. M tit on.*;, -• hi- thank- to 1 Ho tact that John f Xewb and -' held and the io\ernment of the grid wit ... evpiv- Kuiery ig \uihoi:\ skill has exhausted its resources : and the made tlie miloc D.g .iieineiit ! sent dt s The '."'at wheat of Minnesota is estimated Roberts' methods as a town officer is my Irtt for ot Me wen- crop wry! 1 the government has rce.-iv.-d ?!. [|, Limine ion n him !, a- m I .1 both tim d lor outer -o Lnglish Kmery Kittery. t" !.■ /.■•;: k If M •*• 1 at -ft ;; I >1 I bushels, or about IN cent less patch Saortly before that j !i 1»* ,,,' i;» ".A-;. ,t_. and per tender ministration of hear; and no'UUcellHTlt -teatimi taming Quakers, questioning the aathoriiv oj loving stated In this law and now Hr B iss had .-u the Prescient and found his in- having iiuri. -up|ilir-| a ait n d.niumr than last plainly paper, '•a ■ i .11 ■ court <. year. j There are no of an att -n rr;: !*-:• f ... '\ the Among the was B. Km«-; at apprehensions ick ami m ■•••--l speakers hands have been extended but all in pulse I•''an all i.i- conditions then promising e\ervtiiinx that hi t;. 1,0,10. 1 on record where all see it. in Washington, .u whteli . a >r' Lit H u for :i Ksq. ofCorham, Me. The ot Fiuciimati and Cleveland goes may a t nm!d 'I he P to; jail as.-a--in pi -li-fiiarm republican.- asked the President if rapt lin ami male al-o ren-ive.I tin- kim!.* -1 m vain. Cod in is confined The warden who iformed i.uitiau '■olh imve a cuicred man on their tick- tlis inlinitc wisdom, to whicli b" was omtdi a inim; I ha- « >•: ami m.f: OKA 1 11 Ol- DU. Oltl-.I.Ni. o| Dil:l |..\ND. Legislative feeling um table; the President aus- si’!, ( app.-ini" huh. ot the Presi ration from apt 1 neraltani of p.m,. ,,,, 'd tin- Wo liml the '• ile ins* ink m- year. all must bow. has seen lit to remove the following item in the Hamp- Not ill tnd shortly afterwards fell "•••M.-r, -i ..-rt a A from Xevv York sKiU-s t..,-.?! down on the bed and verv iu hri.l^e, for wiiicli they return thank- \..n tne private telegram .md Hr Bli ret ii rued t o his room appeared >• asleep, across 1‘fliiion r -'. i.. mi. .. ■■ -iiaivi ..f I*. ,||,-man .-. Dr. Wm. Warren ot a Mrs Lincoln’s health has and sin shire fed. After a few mom.mis be an**.. mu a<1 Creenc. Portland delegate! improved, object of the nation's solicit tide to another Telegraph (Portsmouth, Knglaml) the ball from that k\ the President." the »i tin I >ivy\ l*eloni*c. 1 i. th ..coupled ai i .li a-' I. > to the International Medical at w;'d spend the autumn and winter with her son in floor, as if !!<• then i'liarat- I,* rt* < ..ilia, Th Congress London.! of Ho!.- > a aiin .md Ik-ckw. ;! jt uniitied with the muttering soinetiniig pr.lying Sept.:! 1 died and was buried at sea on \V and at what time he had dc- 1. and he ng Will-. The 1 1 kit it of .if .1 >r "1 -M. I it.- !i IPs return vov.ige B asiiiugtou. brighter sphere. » in»iuired in will \\. in* .nliiiini-lfp "-l'liM" Preside..* VI ;* ! 11i11;i;t. .. !m ten tin* Presi- following- A man ill llni'ii* who died last mouth, formed wu- He was the ot Portland. < g wealthy said, lie glad tin* President a: last ha- M ■. leading physician 'l ln- « onui .diem town election will he held the The late 1‘resident was dent aw ikt ued I r* marked to Hoi. Swaim that 11 In* r i: r in .»l I t ( pr>. >1 ol M ■: ha 11 v\ :, ,\ U large-hearted was so ardent a that to* has attempt been relieved from his the ablest in Maine ami on d tin- prohibitionist sufferings, and he would ’• sedly surgeon tirst in October L;e»*use or no license will he was -i: tier in v .-a' ami his i. v.- laic of M-mi' < 1 *1' III:-- ’Ml' '• 11 r; H at Monday *d ill Ids will to enforce total abstinence not anti pain, placed hand ToMie, ill, » I" ;" HU most skillful in the lie ir n: as well as lie was not have committed the deed if iu* had ktc v: In country, gradm.D-d e large-brained: above o1"! k;s heart. e<-list it tit t lie issue. Hr Boss was si: mm-m-1 and when m Ifi'ai ia a... on his children hut on slim ma f \cce,l p> i, i• ! :o; .laiaf- l'i l.ti., In the Ann Arbor Med.cil School, and was ro>i hisunborn grandehildren v?as to suffer as he did <.i n.-aa did not \p j b" entered '.he room m* found the President sub up|.••al- < all animosities: lie was liberal and IMmm for •ii-fhar^f ami mai .• t rmlii al Long Island and silii: \ I tm'k I I a where Lis gave him lame ID gi-' Uii was i 10 the bride had celebrated charitable in all bis broken Mai 1 do not -rev «•-. 1" 1 Ilr, imaii i .* 1 Ml. I». :•;.•! clinique very cany. just relations. It was 11 is almost I s!,: a -'.aide lie -aid at once the Ma> ami •!, i- p mus of the Maine M-db-.d n her I'dh birthdat. Klliot of Knox, in the think he knew the President was d a l uni. 1 > la a !• > ss am >• a;- president Associate originally published President was t h' tli "1 Monfx;: : .. lilfl, appiif.a! n-a lUi ambition to have so .y g and directed that Mrs in gm pi ,| last His a over administered the informed him, at least he -aid tn-t yea' age is little hftv 1]is wife In- did IP III. "1 > > ueid he called also the other Ik-.-tors '• in |; |. If 'there nr.* ■ ases ot -mail >x in Journal. It is safe to that tins will The Presi- them trust, for put poses h nauafter -p. :- some a m.u many p Hhiladel say does not maililent h ur tin uu died years ago. He leave> at trust a any incivased mg studying conferred him the dent remained in condition until 1DB». s at- i * >n atid the number is so as to upon by people dving I'm her home mi, u ,, ..I- .Mil ’: i• I Aim Arbor and a in Portlan I j;hia. increasing rapidly lias been noticed nine out of ten but has been inconstant dp-ad a!: along tmt he I. farm, i-t in- P young daughter by every w hen he was .km i !!•• died of some rau-e much pronounced ! .1! -" I'".! ih 11 _ .. |-ii. n, anxiety as to have made this a would be dealt with tl neb and -ar .-.-iiv barn ami acres of lam! toavilmr w itti arria o -, ANNU AL .UKi.llNo Ol ll li W « ’1 truly united, trouble «.‘ he irt o lie mmraigia. hut by in this It is believed to sup;.!I s papers country. wo will him." 0. ■'a n I >a ni i In one mile in where the t.iat of course is pray protect farming tool-, Ac., ad tru-M rip. -m nd Niiip-.II, ar t rt. The Maine Woman s Christian ra.u-e S'piare London, poor- and To uncertain. Temp- peaceful prosperous country. li!" I e-t 1 JOO.OOO a is said to be tile document of the kind on tin -ad tarm 11II Fi aiM, F !»> If hi a amt svai ml i-- a* i t" in, a. I'nion will hold its seventh annual m.-ctu.- at ..pie congregate. year only III!'. I. \S I Mil M KN is .-tlpuriuluid I mdac the words of : “All I President ’. e in drink. paraphase Shakspeare 3. Arthur. -V--J « I I -NS f. I lilt ». ... > a;.", spsiit o. I ;I Pine street Congregational cimiciu ia-wi.-D.L .qn-ii toxic.aing record. yoiiii-' man wlm ha- iv-ith-1 wit a r w a s Previous t" ;.ideath the . 111. ; ears oil, In- ociim :mw i 7, -hall arrive it tl lie President v. ere that ie- had asevere in his continuing through the Sid ami SAd K.ich im a. pain •S«‘ENK '• 1 I 111-. poited during the month ot August than in the his and truth's." Blit ere his U1MIX1S lUATlo ‘>1 I i|| \ | 11 of 1 ; then if the su'd Frank Ii -hall «iio. 1 .-,.,* is to Hod's, mis- The Kennebec should not lie ie art it is the serge- ms that his auxiliary requested send three delegates with mouth last Reporter supposed by AT *J A M 11 oiT.'.-ponding year. was ami a i l In* im-t.-.d ! mu. a- a 1 deatii oee.t'i- iit 'i a elnt Idi l ocriip'. H M.\\ ■' credentials. Tne railroads will furnish free retur: >: sion had been indeed at so by tormiug •••> 111 ; I ! ,11 .:■■■ accomplished sensitive. The coincidence Deuerui Mac.V tickets from JOth to jltii W .'Inn one has contracted appeared oil lie* Ilearl. 1-h Bliss w.s ■. 1 e lirstoneto notice Attorney eagh sen: tin- billowing pl;,c,.* of Ft viiia, in per-on, from cm t;m !,.• JI till goo'.l Sept. inclu.-ive The twenty years, Turkey Mfiit "I ;I‘: (. a : «. H i ^ * the from Branch tirst the of will take a debt ot >o,oiM) iloo. the interest tiie very outset of his career to us somewhat remarkable and it was President expression ot pain and upon enter- Long Monday nigh: hu l.econm- J', Im -hall havu the u -cainl oao day reception delegate.- place unpaid upon up i. -• iva lii a M •;! I lav .m.iniiia i » ing til room :i at ■ saw ; fiat flu* emt was near. To Vice President Artimr at the rooms of the on ; which : it:.- t to si _VN 000.000 ■ 1 Association Ki.-imii >in up He gave his honors to the world again. -ad fatal fru, 1: ni iv! t,t hr -an l Ft auk II. > mentioned a second time at It becomes our v. ■ An order of the suggestion I he mfiiik-is of tin tinny were p ..ii!;i: m y... ..f 'i' vi ini :! w interesting exercises has beei His blessed t<> ami m immediately ■ prepar < part Heaven, slept peace. < p 1 t hr la \ -, am: til'' 'm dm_ i. 1 ,'; r once death of President ..irfudd, to krup ■ ed lor harh*s Lamb said that the greatest summoned to 111-- bedside. .\d armed and and .dv,--. 'lllifw 111'.- !•**•■ < the two succeeding days. plea of the Advertiser. With so many well perfect i, ii: I: MUM.* i!. [> "ure he knew was to do a action stealth Mis Larlie! bore the or take the oath of otlice as President of :!:•* i uiJed good by quiet prevailed trying I lit* "III1 I. imlhl ill' i" I- l-1 t M\\ tin -'ill IN oKNKKAL. and have it found out accident. our < :k States without ib It il com rs \ o '• hy f tilled ice houses along the Kennebec deal with giv.o -itited.-. and xl.J 1 lay with ill II.t\ I' -■•'.lit* o\\ nrr-hl ': i. We can chronicle this week unpreeed j* i' 1 a only brielly ente-1 eonr.i S'..- a .ve w to n of judgment we will be yen .:1a it you wl home Kail retun of the Vote f.»r i\v to '• iy paroxysms -IfiiM hr aill 15 » lo-piv.-ei.tu, ■ -'a. Wm brother ul‘ ox of tin to Frank lu— »t 1'., Secretary Robeson, < contemporary Reporter ought and alter !i bec-mie Imre ,,u t he earliest t rani to mm mu. Wt-iv i.olif!. ai >1 l! a ii -pla i- I a I ! i.;:Hr t-i t in 1 he Second district nvc 1 ► the last hours of President Pirlield. and grid, vidciit she ongress in::1«• \ a :ui< I majority I!*- was wounded at Five events keep Ifi -HI fa mi > om- ;1 badly Forks the which have succeeded it to ; Seer, tai \ of t 1 thr an -1 Iml [ ..- t*. up stricken whlow ml! ■•!' gi: in.t with to., much Tn-av. y .. The Tourist > theie are more than i.iuet\ III) -a a nil. a I' "" say is meant for a and W I pleasant paragraph, Christian courage to exlm it it to thos about her. II Him; 1 if -ahI i rank 15. ami l If 'Him hall ’• a in Bar Harbor owned .>r In- The latest at is that the hour of to ess. tin is ! M.''. > i! I a \ vi 11. •ottages occupied impression Washington going pi space 1 11:. Shu of course under a S let ol llu N summer visitors II has to Some South Ameriean that it will us if lie it laboring tumble ary i" h*• r a Mr Mar! ha < 11 ai I air \ 11 'agate gone repub to grieve regards (If atlfl'li" *: I..-: I 111* a Ml- "t au, inadequate fully record the strain, and her elb-rts '• ars Mowed from Thom \s L .1 a mm u is no reception man •- ■:>■ Dixmout, Ktua and Xewbui- hold i- lie with uliich there extradition treaty. despite ami Mar;. M. F Imnml-. -hr .. I; a otherwise. her eves l» P'-st master (inn .u next annual cattle show and fair at and hei lip eaim* drawn the noble Simpson’?* of the sad tidings in all parts of this b) an I il’.i-r wan* to h**r linn* !."iii-a -. i ‘In "M-. 1 lie wile ot the late Senator was Miss to v* \ M. \! A* V l-.A'iH. 11: t ma..i ~! mlv, ami •-1 i i. v. Corner on Saturday Oct 8 Burnside, attempt bear the burden with which she had sy. (o Fn-fman !in Richmond a descendant on her and the been ullliemd. n.-,,-: rnham, ;; -i Hon. Eiihii B Washburn, of Illinois. < x minis Mary Bishop, country, succeeding outpourings Utorney :,".V I! Ml -a :V\ I. I. 111. V""!' \v< IV ! It is said that in his annual s mot bet's side, of Roger Williams. She died in 1x7b. report Miss Al»»:11»- .v is : tini'a!!'. giv.tlit alleele-l and .1 Kick wool*. Hannah 15.*, ah !i1 :; ■:i ter lo France, C now u.-itmg at the iumiU 1: :m of sorrow and hells mm ii I: 'lay, im "*1111;:: *m \ i ■ntum- I In- ~m\ sympathy. Tolling t»•.; r- 11 •. dir-., hi. s-o Set retnry t*f tlie 1 ul : lor -tead in Eivcrmoie Postmaster (leiieral Janies will recoin !!. g wit to. lauding \s 11 a I If ni\ is t.. hi- -laiia !;'••. II: Far. biie don Little Western arrived at Gloucester the mi I• 11! 1 ■!i!iii'- ami wish i. ar i"v. ■ N I'.w 'i mm i,,.. sounded the knell of the on mu I.ohlr I'M'",! 1. 11. \v the of her Vrthur spent tlav mud Mr. B. K <1 Bar Harbor, las a native ! «• example all tin- i- i n. ami In in i; >i, \' 1 Hadley b\. her round across the Atlantic. departed pros tii'-tr 'iinix' a la. -a .. »mpluting trip mend the establishment of sav mol ,i.*r. 'idle -but- h see; was on-- never to in* evening m his house. u ere he ivcc veil :.i-: lirst imparl!;, ii.*u-lliuvu*a* I•.* i. cow from which he has sold milk to the amount postal ings for started from Gloucester on the out ward * thirl *i I!m :. a voyage in town- and f tie- Pn-.-mh-ni mil- ami proi'i all ih.- mm -t > i I •. \\< mu I >. < .a-. ~ > ••• o» Tuesday, cities, hamlets, g- tic: P<- e: j et .am* i and there was not intelligence h-aih. 1 he colored ami 111 ii i I a > i 11 £ I lb during the eleven months, besides us I -’. Ixxn banks and of a past June * i.., postal telegraph system. > W is d ;! h,- -, a I:...!-:;, oI In* 11 I u j b P; si del.! Was lot»r-keeJi'*r lie tiem : i! would give j —-ft, .lnriif hrr tin i In- a. Win ii. a; ; ", -.mi.' 1111 i-: 'I i. 'i '."'"ail: ing three pints a in his and one of sorrow sinking \ day family. general feeling deep the inf •rmatioii a> b. of l Ktforts in these directions have not been A !!er deal h !.a ! b •••:! in«. ed the bodv w*is press any ins mo e • Al'v all hi '-I I' ■ I a ■ •• The men laboring in the Cobb Dime Co’s kilns The butter product the nited States for IX,xo p probable trk-inith tanl ill-'. W i'll Him a. ai" t ; I'M I Him \ a Victoria -r 1 an aim. -i ik ib-\ n!-- merits asked for an advance bo is estimated the of at prevailed, qhieen ptoj Telegram.*' Fll< !i II. ! I a'* 11 ■ a recently of wages from :l by department Agriculture telegraphed attended with success all hi I Mm A \ M \ I I!'- Hi ll I ll in u a :;,:■. much heretofore, u .-iv lo in I daren't ask him." w as the re 11 ii to uo and receive 1 1 , and the cheese at'-h\se!,t President's tnothet pi, >itting per it. pounds, the -■ 1 1 day product words of to Mrs. Ilf rr-M'f of hi- r, a I ; a la! *1. .1- ''ll ; !i "mi W aw i I following sympathy in (tin au-1 lb.. in i« is room sobbing like a eld id wit *, !,is head on ,ah ivt I l Miss Susie a lad. nun, but tin* has learned to a liana am! James, who Hasty, Bangor young pounds. country place *: -- •*-aploy- his tle>!: and his hu e d i o: hr i \a iii nal -1 .■«:••• to in- t•• S.-l- •■" •• •■! •' Garfield: “Words cannot are mm aj U^ilian. m as also t > \ u »* Pi--m burn ;u his hands i hoe ...'I "a I’* II!" "H, ed in Smith’s dye house. Lewiston, was taken v; express the •:lege, It is considered that at deal of faith in Ms. James' not disturb S;im 1 probable the next session good judg- \rr!7iii am! oil;- r men. The Demrat's son who i id ■•"!! A Urn Fma* a mi Win. i I. I a .r i. :.••■•• •'■ M iently insane, ten minutes after the ot a do^k pio.eiuent public I -I ! i. ,!'! r! rill* 1 •»11 f receipt the old between the Indi- I feel with heard the new.i came Congress controversy deep sympathy you. May lowing furiously Film 11. I.iff I'm- ivm t "t the death of a tinner ment, and what he iias to vvill re- up',Mile nml ,• il "lii' li Him ti.*'» o it t!iv r<*11r il ->• m* \\ telegram announcing an oil’o-c and tin* as to say .\i-1 i.t iiN'«; s- i;n;s in ihi. eiiami;i-.k op rm-: house iii a 4’1"’i 11"i army the control ot the sav- (hid coupe about midnight Half a :.*/.ru brother. She will recover. and comfort as ! I alone 1 r-tatr to hi on- \»*| -.ii \l!m I ami Wm II probably support you, l>\ No « II I l.l MA-.lsi lUVl'K. Mill u i ■u iH I'IumU m.i;ii■ i•;m. \\ 111Ii* a»'imi till 1" will he revived ceive caivl'ul :ira!«»r;i:• d no i> i.,■ ■. .in The Penobscot of ages consideration. ssengt -}.«•»! up stive! ii yearly meeting Free Baptist.-, 1 am.* ami laimhim Fll-m K a .* ii can." When (ten. \rthur received the the m-.xl h tif ho ir. a, ■ Ma! Iim\\ I iirnil mv -t ■ r- M n. w a mst.. in session t the of the who the news his tilled with tails ot the s-- ies m the President's ( •>! i: t I in < <»M W*. an- to i:. -iivct, continuing evening clergyman ijiiestioued inspiration of some eyes teats, and he chamber, VI PJ : came the h'rmni l’he head of the ticket in notilicaib ot ihc v« d'.Hh. Half fare is on the various ruilroa > or'mm- of oi l was temperance Moi. law on* aceoiiut sa\ s Lak in the morn I‘ 1;i | a laraa* |'i* I in *•! ll.u l’i*. -in.-i.t innuiiri given i the Testament, found ot form our tva I. a «* aiv I" a -a guilty his head in his President's d din datetl Kibe* on. a ml -.gut .{ t I.e lint hast- r an and the Sanford steamers, is buried hands, a see by and it to i>. the Council remaining a mg the Pr«*s;.|--|.| wish to his 11 11111 _ Ivn.'l- .:i i * u nmt ai expected heresy by Ohio Democratic scheme to draw oil' expressed • *i H. members the Cabinet Ten mmutes ,.|,>re two Mii- firm- ami nrnna- a a. I'm-' .- !n- an occasion of more than usual interest. M. ii.- Wuenthe dnl i went into the popular in this a time. daughtei ami ar.iv i*I\ .Ii-m5i --a.I ii., -it unli ui. ll w t- a *. position long Later he District Hollins ami Mr. Hoot auv. i-d .n The Executive Council were in session two ibgi.'.y million pounds of tea. valued at lr J.».uo(i,- Republican votes is a manufacture!' of room she kissed her I at hew and told him that she Attorney : days J in Miniliii oo.i were companicd by Judge H Itradv of the i:i. into the l nited States in > at the State House last week, m the imported ISSD. took the oath of olliee at his New V olk was glad lo see that h.* was looking so much bet Supreme svith ililinrii-r If Th" •! I s\ .'a ill.' engaged cider and wine thousands of Court, and twenty minutes afterward Con; ami tii** chances are that these will show an presses, nissiou transaction of routine business. They have pro- figures ter. lie >ai i You think 1 do look belter. Mollie i" Fraimi I tails ('all residence and became the lawful Presi- er Flench appeared with Judge Donohue. ::is«. of 1 U \ \-l ! H- iN it I I I I *V I I IIP : vided for the of certain accounts in* for the current year. which he has sold in the State. The Mic sai l I do and. then she look a chair payment against papa." Tin* -bam of i»i• !i a it; .>, the Supreme Court The whole cu.c:u-,i t,. ship ('it;, Mdtiey, .•Iff la t* III ! a I I l‘a a I. f- 111 \\ aMu »•. the and have continued the and s.;t near the foot of the a or party State, nominations of dent of the I'nitcd States. As the Lew- bed for moment a W< dm la-1 from A u-i rali.t. >; n it! The u itii of Kidder Breese, most liberal estimate the the and w ere d Dm; \'n; r's i teat -day | the Captain Randolph gives parlor joint by tIlf Week fii'i. _ ( the Justices ok the Peace and other minor officers winepress '•voaiter Mr that slie was Pnil.-d 'stair- till Spp). hallos I'.aHi- Boynton says swaying * the iimsl gi-g ie an-1 ni upend-m m- a:, a eonplished ollicer of the Fuited States navy. iston .Journal *'>»). A t I J mige Brady adinia.Meiv.l ti, d!i . I- \\ in 11 ll i,:. I*., I his residence in Newport, R 1. and Gov. Poster's re-election is present for the purpose ot aduin*ns:eiiu ; :| b it si ue It tempt to kill Mrs. Frank Cole at Littery, is l*t*i.*n 111l«*«l. A "MS'iintiou cannot revolutionize. ll generally In falling her lace struck against the bod post, and seems almost an impn-~dhiiit t--r an rapidly nath. had been suit both to ‘•tif ..at1 \ ii la -a. I in !p ll ;n.| .■!„■ |,.| <*an harrow and That d sus- Judm- lirad. ami organization oi -ueli magnitude a \\ \\ ( recovering from Ids injurii The prisonei con The owner ot farm at only perplex. may conceded. when they had r.d. e.i her she was not only uncoil large cranberry Berlin, Donahue arrw was mon-ter embra' iim a- i: -i m m\ tain tIn* widow and the fatherle-s, who ha\e lai'l Judge Judge Brady ing tirsj. exhibition, >i \d- f’i If' in Ii- liil.f.l \l-.. ip !u| .. ih, \| tinues to assert regret that he did not kill l«er. Wi> a hundred and he to scions, hut '.deeding .r--m the * licet.- d the blow, employs girls, promises their nio>t on Hie altar of their ret|nested to periorm this a. t.’lmt out ,»f courtesy vari'-d features eireu-, menagerie. mu-t mu. :ralli- A precious ollerin^ fhev earned u r -mi Mill- n m : m Bel: -t. Vwii.ia }•' •. prisoner named Hoorge H. Merchant, await Cue me who the most berries this out ami she speedily recovered, ed animals of all 11 marry picks country, will lmw he the nation's prayer. That the Mr. Lorillard’s colt the to Judge Donahue the part; waited for him to descriptions, and a small am:;, of trial for from Iroquois, only file President had not w :.;* > « U ■ ing adultery.escaped jail at Wi-i. asset. season, she wants him successor in the they thought, noticed hat male and female attendants and Ihi- i t \ i ! A irk. | it, .1 p.|, \ providing executive chair of him whom the pear Both Judges and D uialiut are D, ;u performer-, Sunday ilia age i< SA. ha-! en- l to bis child : for he seemed lo Brad} er to make a «»t morning, nation mourns, he all the American winner of the winner happ petted tour foreign lauds, but it In- < ’.Ilk. '.HUP t a. -1 pin \ \\ may divinely guided, peo- Derby, ocrats. Save the j>rt of ha t a d«-/;-n car ;,, I, | htlwaru 1. of 1 nion, du 1 about a month A woman wno uressed herself in men’s clothes now have sunk into a hut when Mr. s' ncees-t \ dist tm nil ■ Morse, ple fervently pray. stupor: Boynton ami a f idly aeeomplisbed. also of the Prince of Wales riages number tvpotuers (hep- was nothing in hi since of paralysis, as was Mtpposed. Sine* his and* -:.t into the army during the war, so that stakes at As- eaim ;< ,ck h- was astonished to hear the Presi- miles by land and -cabas been tra\ r-ed. and in- unusual in the street outside that would "Hi » a v indicate stead of the mammoth combination aw •Inn i r.p.ik i' Irn- death suspicions have arisen that l.e lied from >!:“ oi;!d be with her husband, and who was dent Poor :ttle M-dl'ie. she fell over like a dwindling ay a log ■ cot, has achieved still greater that ail event ot historic was ocmi ri .m r in a- rea -ona v. ... triumph impor!anee contra1ting any particular, might h in: I in- poison administered by his wife The was i. d in ’he service, has just received *iiuu in Mrs. (iarlield lias what was the matter They assured the President I mu : ;i. Biiriilinui, a lot body the sincere sympathy behind tho closed blimls ol tie1 Arthur residence. be it d it- fm-im r di interred and an arrears at St. Louis. in the St. on that she was restored. bly presumed, iia-greatly expaml- Saturday, olih iai examination pension winning Reger at Doncaster quite He again sank into .l.-'i'.-r- mi si:,i-.ii- and •lain--- II.\ — me Imv proportions. In addition to the original aitra t i •, -. was held of the nation in her or M KETt Nti W i'UESlDKX 1 AUTIIt'KS llolsi by Coroner Otis. The stomach and other great, affliction, and stupor sleep, which lasted until noon examina new A mammoth tree cut down in Lewis the I-Itli inst. The latter is said to have marvels and wonders have been -erur--d in Kiiofli Mils, Swanville, to Kliza Yeat-on, sai of the were count}*, Ky., lion. 1 his was not N im portions body removed by Dr* Hanks stupor healthy sleep. The V ukii, Sept JO Seeretai ies Blaine and every land, and in every clime, many ot vv hi«*l It and believed to be three hundred* the universal esteem in which she. is held I *\vii. ‘virah IV and \nil K Ku-tis and at '>1--. and Hitchcock and will be sent t<> “'of recently years President h muttered Lincoln on never I « Wood, >f been the most exciting and interesting frequent and rolled and toss- their arrival from the List, this morn- been exhibited in America oy ,i"p( in obi. produced dd.lod feet of lumber aud mi, lo lioUert Krskine. -amp town. lleur. \\ Harvard College for analysis twenty- will, we are sure, he testified in a sub- ed his head unea.-i!' to ami fro. The ing, without waiting b r breaking. to the voyage to Australia storms and rough wealin'- live cords of lire wood. It was race of recent following proceeded sixteeu feet in di- years. re was and "I tne annual.- vv r hi i At a meeting of the Maine Centre.: railroad di we present when tin* President breathed his last': (ieneral Arthur's residence .Nothing d n te e\perieii'-ed, many :irsp-»rl. I. < Mm K smart. -am [-> ameter and one hundred and feet stantial | and the most e «ini■ twenty high form. The in behalf Biiss and M rs < sea-sick, presented •.11 and woe rectors, Thursday, Superintendent Tucker's salary subscription IPrs. Agnew. Jarlield and her daugh- transpired during the interview. They- remain •hunt II. and Ale\. I’ I iiipim a11»I al.. I»nrn 11.> begone expressions conceivable. 1 a- was increased The of master me ter Mollie. ( ol. K kweil, O. (’. with liiin i-.yhaii!-, Tlie of of Mrs. Rockwell, (Jen. the ami will h ave with ■ resignation Washington Republican says Mrs. Kdson. (iarlield and her children, sus- A during morning however, .stood the voyage like old -ea-doy-, and l" 1 iif 1 >nnl■ m. -api.• -\v n. KmI'u K a j, M. ( | conundrum some Pr B -\ lianic John \V. Phil brook oi Watery ;.-, for ti woman been popular years ago Saaiiu, ntoii, lhivatc J. him at noon for Branch. Deli Arthur's : :ec thirty who has in attendance fSec'y. Stanley Long maintained the same at that V •' — physician when there were eomplae. stolidity they lilf. I A !!>.-!•! Ii Mf -PI If in. n I -1, in the was pended of the Brown, Mrs ami Miss R the u s years company’s employ, accepted and upon the President: “She stands in hopes “Does The >vkwell, K.xecutive Seed betrayed deep grief from which he .s .per do on land. It is a curious fact, and on imi gener- high public was, protection protect?” and al., si to K a resolution which was Warren Young. II L John I. as (lit! also the features ot know n that the sw M'in.n ukcm, diert Ki skiue, sat passed unanimously highlv estimation for her dignity, modesty and truthful President’s recovery, w ill now be resum- Atchison, Ricker, ing. Messrs Blame am! ally peculiar ay ing motion w l»i*h to him. more recent “Does fusion Lancaster and Pane Lincoln. No nest ion of the exhibits in i- m-t bis natural t* n. lit-. I llupkin-, Frankfort. i* Frank W complimentary ness The lady is reported to be professionally conundrum, Spriggs, attendants, the last tj possible Cabinet elm ages elephant walking, < but i- means of a -.-a We are to see ex Governor Davis in • and the sum of or named olored Mrs. Jarlield sat in a chair was nor will gait, acquired by <*; age. and Bn. I »p| a I. pleased ngagcd at Watch Hill. ed, proposed SdoO.OOO fuse ?” was answered in the on shaking Iw discussed, anything pertaining to \ll»ert llarriman, ITospeet, w negative lie retains tin* motion ever afterward. In other town after his and tedious illness, and and with tears down her Den. Vrthur s intentions be ndeiied or receiv again long convulsively, pouring to, e l"l- I Mi 11 a in! In |- pi dmainl t II flie more raised. More than half the amount words, having oner got hi- sea-legs on, the motion to learn that he is steadily though he grave of “Peter Parley’ (Samuel (1. Good Sept. Id, in the second Maine checks, and uttering no sound. Alter a while site consideration, until the funeral ob>- of the improving congress- quios i- -o and -o well to his xnn-,-amp tow a. Daniel has not is in a rural near arose, and hold of pleasing adapted la/.y, llarriman. Prompt yet fully regained his strength. I Bangor rich) graveyard Southbury, Ct., has been subscribed. taking her dead husband's arm martyred President are over. This D bersome he already ional district. body that adopts it forever. A Hu rt I only a little way from the Goodrich The smoothed it and down. Poor little Mollie ollicial. l.trriman, -ame town, damps 11 in -, Whig. place." up The tour through the Austrian colonics .was the marble slab at tho head as an I Mine * The New 1 ork Sun an absurd rumor hears emblem an threw herself upon low lather's shoulder on the most remarkable success ever •Mil". W eiit w« »ri ||, K iiii\. saryenl 1 publishes The Boston chronicled in t he his- that the on book with two or three eared (lod Post has taken other side ol the b l and as of the In < lo Supreme Court is divided the Kxecu open dogs leaves,—a reigns and the government at evidently sobbed if her heart tory country nearly every city in which ell. lintnii, dailies 1.. ami \-a "aw> be thousands km-wlton, Bella-t. '-ai'ali d. .Mai hew York papers. tield. the Ohio have anything d me, and u het her she desired to \\ closed,and Madame Susan M. of lowing prediction concerning lien will people lo.un to min i 11 u♦ ir own busi- bad to be turned Hon. A. 1* Could of Bonaparte, daughter in-law have the taken t away unable to gain admission by- ■—imi- H'of. M;n t » Theodora \. Thomaston was driving body Washington. She ness staples, the late Madame Llizabeth Patterson election: “It will create little if replied [ Wiitorville Sent nel. reason of the immense numbers that had precede?I down Mount Katahdin with his Mrs (» Bonaparte surprise she could not decide until she became more com- 1’ K-lato •: David M D<-rmotl, daughter. and widow of Jerome died at Novel- Reuben, never! By thunderthe\ can't do them. In \dclaide live performances vvere given, Winterpuri. W. of Napoleon Bonaparte, The death of Senator •' Davis, Bangor, recently when the Murnside, Poster be elected or posed. Attorney (Jenera! was the first and no and ot which is *1 m same town, \hhie \. breeching her residence in Baltimore 10 after an illness briefly by dll,(Mid Bonkwaltcr MaeYeagh it, it’s use for you to t«» \m It's, upward .*»u,non persons altende I, Moirispy, Mm— of*the harness Sept. member ol the to preach gave way. letting the carriage press cabinet get the news lie ran a without in the annals of the I'br of two of Her sous announced last was a sur- only waist ot ink aud muscle. Dextei Gazette. precedent city. a "'far-im'iil, tn 11 -rare same town. M months, paralysis. Charles J, week, painful a it | Mn/zy, against the horse's legs, when the animal ran by -‘HI,(Kill majority.’’ bare le d through the darkness across the reception in the colonial cities amounted to popular away, and Col. were at her bedside when she lawn, ■l mm Jerome, irotn lr c Kx-Gov. ovations, and the i--md Maiden, sioeklou, to M anvil F. DriOin. -.o throwing the parties out. Fortunately they cscap prise to the country. The kindly tone of >ttag" to Praucklyu cottage, followed by Hingley of Maiue, who takes Senator government otlicials pro died. She was the daughter of Williams, t"Aii. ed without serious The was Benjamin The his wile. The iirst of receiv- in the House of is a clamatioiis, granting hall holiday >, that the '-iti/ens Lewi- amt 1-ahel C Minlmll, sLoekton injury. carriage badly a special Maine of dispatch sympathy Frye's place Representatives, prominent merchant who came to Baltimore from the obituaries in of all shades of correspondent might witness thegrand pageant as it pa--cd throimh smashed papers ed came Irom (Jen. ,\ rthur citizen of high character, a journalist of abilitv. in s. Killmaii, F. I *;. Mass. She was born in the streets, Pro eminent tin* m-w and l’rospp«‘|. \ljihen- A Koxbury, Baltimore and the Boston Herald would have made a aud a among many poor man can now a farm in the ii !•' moderate and reasonable partisan INYu >u buy vicinity married in November. to Jerome political opinion attests the wide i.i-sri, r or rni*: ai! rorsv rare attractions secured Mr. ( ole I he f. oo tile, (•* Vaney K Patterson, -ame low of (» IS20, Napoleon popular- | York Sun i by during Houlton, “on tick," cent, interest, and is a '-< oi pay per son of Jerome brother big reputation as a had Lo.\i, cign tour, troupe of 111ii Sea sa vages, Maori Philona Patterson ami make So the Bonaparte, only Napoleon, of the deceased and the esti- political prophet Buanvm, Sept. '-'D The following olUcial al., '-toekttm, to IJol-. money. says Pioneer of ity public war dancers, the first a nd only one- ever on c -i Ivuperor Napoleon. he added a c\ to his Gov. bulletin was prepared at I I o'clock to the I t 'kine, -aim town. Woodw ard The total of the State Fair this plter estimate of night by “Our George,’ot tie* Belfast.journal, in his tion. These savages, from the Cannibal 1-la Pierre. Prospp receipts year mate of his worth. In the Mexican and who have been in attendance savs, were is a surgeons upon the account of are tattooed from head to fool. and. in their ■: to Kohert Kr-kine. v>lefkton. I17.037.1M, which little less than $:‘000 The Loudon Daily News states that the Russian He it at .11 HI. the State Fair's babv show p Kovina ami llei Dinglev's majority. President «i mor e in excess of last 1 Indian and in war put By previous arrangement post formalin's prodiuv, with thrilling fleet. their war year. journals terrible details of the wars, the of the rebel- “JT of them over on their Philhrifk, and al.. Bella-t, to Lew i- \ kiimvll publish diphtheria tern examination of the ot President tipped barks and kicked and dances, and exhibit «»Ui r eliara-d. l'i-ties The heaviest in Aroostook lives in body (iartield •’I songs girl Forest now in Russia. It is in op legs and moved them in the air, and then be- Belfast. ( ha-( » epidemic reported that, lion, (Jen. Ilurnsidedid the The Lewiston Gazette to feel was made this afternoon in the and with of cannibal life. i Stephenson, Belfast, to l.miu Her name is Carrie not seven certain communes country good ought presence gun the and even woman in tin* City. Hayes, quite and all the children kissing, audience \ droveof I -1... parishes, the assistance of l)rs. giant kangaroos has also n |, Belfa.-I. detl'er.-on Simon-, .. teen old amt she ‘iH.C Hamilton. Agnew, Bliss. the babies four times.” Stephens.>n, ami years weighs pounds. under IU old have died The of the and in the trusts to which the lonesome. It is now and these curious found m years origin service, generally conceded Barm Woodward. A .7 11 animals, only Australia, The the at s, B*y burn. mire Smith ot Burnham, t«» l-aae iMinfou, same town. Ilna Republican says colony New Sweden attack dates from 1872, when the disease first But' were not back lirst will be \ ievved with interest. Manv rare and an ap of his State called as (lover to lie tlie Llberon, and assistant surgeon 1) S Lamb of the they tipped George? is Additions are in Bessarabia Since then it people him, only Democratic paper in Maine. lit'ul exotic birds have been added to the I'liompson, Freedom, to Amos Whitnev. I in! prospering. constantly being peared has spread Medical at | Phillips Phonograph collection, Army Museum Washington The a made by immigration. families, iar and wide over the south of the nor and opor and troupe of Hedoud Aral*- from Palestine per Mar. M. to Fifty numbering empire, whence Senator, his ation was Trim, 1-loshoro, Kliaha W. Pemllet some are integrity, industry performed by Hr Lamb form the ami aerobatic teal- for 250, expected soon The period of cavil it to make toward the IIAt (troonlmcker is elected in as A many strange lately began rapid progress Frye's place, It was found that the communication ftom is croud, d the same town, l-aae Whittaker, Belfast, to l.etitia I and doubt has and and fitness were Dcnv seems ball, al’.er, fracturing the “Taxpayer- which sinewy and muscular tribe are world- passed, complete success has east and tne northwest. In Pultawa, a unquestioned. probable.” |\ow York World, 1‘Jtli proviuceof right eleventh rib, b id the out of fins issue. famous. F any, Brooks, d M. to dame- crowned the which gave birth to this on considerable less than inst. passed through spinal Winn, Clinton, “policy" 2,000,000 inhabitants, there column in of front the spinal canal, the 'This mammoth a flair will exhibit in lUlfa-t on ami \ a terprise. have Ci r»n cases, of which I8.7«m were fatal fracturing Sawyer, Burnham. Ceorge K Ymu. Howgate is a I Jemocrat. If -but no matter. of Me- first lumbar body veterbrae driving a num- The dry goods trade is good in all the cities Tue < )< t. 4th. Iki.-sed large day, Lineolnville, to eth M. Youuy, -ante town. \- ll'-u of l i! .ml lUnicl m sjmji on, M< »Nitoh. Tltt* ■» ground are being put in order BELFAST PRICE CURRENT PROBATE NOTICES. >caisport, are settling in insolvency. for AI a Probale Court held at within the approaching fair. A number ot horses are Corrected Weekly for the Journal. Belfast, and for the of on ihe seeond of i Prc-eott 1 •!' here The 15v 11. (bounty Waldo, Tuesday ia/eltine, Belfast, about which training, society ha* two large halls and C. SARGENT, No. S, Alain Street. | A. I>. IS,si. FROSVI--- To the Honorable judyc of Probate for tin* < ounty September, in\iel\ lia- -table- io usctm^jiST" been felt, arrived at New York on accommodate all that come. I'KODl t'i: MARKET. RAID The \cw- TRICES TROIU CKHS. of Waldo. | XTANCi T. HALL, widow of DKuBuK *» \\ band ha- i»een Jl dnesda> burg engaged tor both dav-_Mr. Apples V lmsli, 2'»y lo I lav S' ton, $10.amuel Snow left here two week- for dried, ft*’ Hides S!!., <;«7 JAMKstv of Waldo and state of Maine, btardian of deceased, having presented petition \ ampment --! odd Follow s, an offshoot from ag«» Minne- I Jewi s, i >ea ,1 msh 2.f>o y 2. 7f> Lamb SH», 7i?s FRANK I). NICKKRSON, KHWARH H. \l< K K li- an allowance out of the personal estate of said de- sota. where In* had two < imm-aw akcag F.neampun nt in this eity, will son- located. >n arrival he Medium $2.l0g2.25 Lamb Skin-, i;ua7.'» st >N and MARY A. NICK F.RSON, minor heirs of ceased. tound I S'» 2.00 Mutton Thai the said Widow notice to all st it lit ed at [ nion «let. IJ. .James, the eldest, dead, having been killed Yellow-eyes y stl*. 7ats that said wards are seized persons interested causing a copy of this order by the kick ol a horse. The Shush, t:..jT»u respect fully represents by young man was Beef t«» be three weeks in the Mr \ M'»ues has commenced to move into W H>, TgO Potatoes, r»o and possessed ol! the lollovviny described real es- published successively Ke-J year- old and had been in the we-tthree Mr. IJ.irlev fi* lmsli, .">0, UCk4Mb, Oy Wool, washed, S' tl», Niekerson, County Reyi.-iry they why prayer Of eu win* make- a little lire to of said not be tin* I. A TEST SlMilNO ST Y LES, wlih'h can keep the Hies eom- and i- h\ Mis- Kggs do/.., 20 Wool, unwashed, S’ lb, 27 lory! 4H.HOO Pounds Sterling Paid for Trans- of Deeds, Vol. lai;, Payc dl-. That it would he lor petitioner should granted. taught l.nlie Atwood ...Mr. Ira now he seen at my stores, and at the lowest ■i.:11 -!• on these Fowl r tt>. 12314 Wood, hard, $L00m Voo to and Lands. the heneiit of said wards to have said real estate •JAMKS I). LAM SON, Judge. chilly mornings. White has leased the lb*n. jmrfation from Foreign \ funis house, and will Geese tb, *7.o() sold and the proceed- thereof used for their neces- A true copy. Attest —A. A. Fuatm.i;, Begister. prices. ".•* ntei u ior the l nitarian so Parties of me can it trimmed delegate- conference open a hotel-The Monroe baud w ill haveadance i RETAIL MARKET. ■ sary expenses, much as i- needed, and balance buying paper have free of ; l-.ll-w■•*rih left this eit\ Tue.-da\ on steamer placed at interest. ! riAll L subscriber gives public notice to all charge. Mav <>n both nights of the Marden lias Beef, Cornell, lb, 359 Oat Meal P au hereby fair-Henry lb, Wherefore your honor to .A. that In* lias been * nieeu. The steamer will AT BELFAST. TUESDAY. OCT. 4.1881. petitioner prays your concerned, duly appointed and return them on Fridav. -old his farm to Butter, Salt, tr box, 20 Onions r* lb, 4 • l*aae Moore, >w amide. yrant him a license to sell and convey said real es- taken himself the trust of Administrator of Corn b' hush, S3 Oil, Kerosene lr gal., 14 upon \ O tate of said wards a- will satisfy -aid expenses the estate of telegraph instnnnenl has been placed in < \-1 IN! Chari**.- an Corn Meal b* S3 Pollock over lingers, old and re-poeted bush, r lb, .'.1 iVrionnniwM.'- in tlio('ii\ «n Mrlbourm1, All- loo IVri niiai.rt in Polynesia, Tasmania, and incidental eliarye- and eharyes of Cuardian* Curtains & Curtain < Fixtures ;l of the Cheese 13513 n Mis. si >AN 11. late of Maine ( mitral V lb, Pork W It., 11 12 1 ralia. N' u south Wall -, and PIPKB, Swanville, freight house, in this eiti/en, died on the night of tin* 1-th. aged s.- years. Victoria, Queensland ship at public or private sale. i Coiltish, dry, b*' lb, 3 5*; Plaster r 1*1*1., $1.00 Is IVrl-'nnni.a in ilic < ii\ .f *s\alnr' \uslra- New Zealand. in the of take the of the one ... -IAMKS K. MARHKN. County Waldo, deceased, by giving bond place recently destroyed The deceased has been ]>o*tma-i. r at ('astine since Cranberries ~5 ijt.. live Meal, r* lb, I Ha- f, Performances in flu* < :ty of San Franoiseo. as the law directs; lie therefore requests all persons CONSTANTLY ON HAND. tire. with the Clover 12521 -•> lsiu, exception of tin* four year* of P,u Seed, lb, Shorts r cwt., $l.lo I\t1« niiai.iv- in iln ( i!\ i.| A iKM.anln, >mith i At a Probate Court held at within and for who are indebted to said deceased's estate to make Flour l»e!fa.-l, I have a nice line of b* bhl., $7.73510.00 sugar r tb, 0« lo \ustralia. Millions to witne- nr w>rd and worth. Thou- immediate one! ( it\ "I Richmond has been ehanan’s adimnist ration. Hu ha- voted in sixteen the County of Waldo, on the -eeond Tuesdav of payment, and those who have any de- floated and H.C. See*! ¥ T. lo < hush,’$3.23 Salt, I., r, -1 r«T!orniain-«-.s in !ii.■ ( n\ \inlJainl, New sands upon thousands turned away, unahle to September, A. H. issi. mands thereon, to exhibit the same for settlement > Mu' < presidential election-. lb was an lion Lard j .-mineivial w liar!. Rockland, w here provcrhiallv b* lb, 13 13 S. Potatoes f H,, Ini'. /(•alaii'l. get even standing room. l him. WYMAN B. PI PKB. DRY & FANCY GOODS! est man, tin- <•< Lime V bbl., Wheat Fpon the forcyoiny petition, >rdcied, that the pe ti-. repair- will be made and the pos-essing mtidcuce ,»r all partie.-,* uogl.QO r lb, 4a!1* -eptember In, ISM. learner titioner yivo public notice to ail person- interested, Print- from 5 to from 5 to and although hi- bu-iue- Sr.; Sheetings 10c.; iv-n Portland. long past dav s, it w;i* a of said with this order* by causiny copy petition, t rash' s from 4c. Now tn Houle to and the united L -ubserilM-r ,o upwards; Dress Goods front tin* unanimous fueling hi- town men that In* turope Kingdom, thereon, to he publi-hed three weeks suree--;velyH rTMl hereny give- public notice all ; in ng like it -inee MARRIED. the days of < a'sar,” is the in the a d at® I mermed, that she has been duly appointed an sc. Knickerbocker to a line All-Wool Cash- -houid retail'. his position during life_The second Republican .Journal, paper print' "'ll e Mile- from all on the Waves ci Envious ! Stand- Relfa.-t, that tliev ma at a Probate ( 'ourlfl and taken upon hersel! tin trust of Administra- section- of the romp In this sth, Rev. .1. A. lb.- Mi. Riding Popularity appear inert. Also Velvets, Velveteens, Trimming lecture of the ('astine lee I lire com-,*, w a deliver* *! city, Sept, by to be held ntthe Probate ( Mlioe in l.elfast trix of tin* estate of g ’■ ! 1 vv u <• "I*' great William lb Ward of and Mi- Hattie K. on the Pinnacle ot and afore.-aid,® -hews, w hieh Rro.-pect, ing Fanse, on < Silks and Satins, Lares,Edgings, Ruches, Duell- on I t Presenting the second of *etober at ■ nm y evening by |{eva Mr ( rownii. Kliis of "‘took ton. 1'uesday next, ten® J A -1'KB \. NIC IP >L>, late ,.f -car j rl, e ill 1 Jelta-t < let. 1th. In o’clock in the forenoon, and-how cause, if any they® ings,Shetland Shawls,Long and Square Shawls, ot I»*• 11a-t. -o Meet “dan**- nn Sear-port. Sept, lstli. Rev. Ii. li. .Merrill, Mr. iii the i'ou111 "f i.ariield." Mr. by vvhv the -ame should not be el Waldo, deceased, by gi\ing bond 1 have, yranted. 1 I.oren/o K. McMahan and Mis- I a- ■ Cardigan Jackets, (both fur holies ami " < Imigli. « hero' Norman the life of it- i full of In Kineolnville Centre. -. eopv. in;i{,Keyi.~L* ® abject, interest. W* pi. mth, Mr. Albeit A. make immediate payment, and those who have 1 ^ any Tnble Dll a dozen White i hike and Whip < loud, w Ma-riner and Miss K-telle \\ bo||i .a Damask, patterns, lb- ill many othei audience- will !*«• fortunat.* enough Jo cllioan. demand- thereon, toexhibitthe same for settlement moist. ARABIAN ATHLETES SHIM imported reed of -w ine. T<» tin !fo lorable Judu'e of Probate for tin:- < inf I* her. < >1.1 VI A JL NIC IP >L>. Linen and Turkey Ded Damasks, hear the same discourse.... 1st the garden of W. In \ ^ pplcton, sept. Oili, Mr. Kdwin K, i/rr iiid of Waldo. -earsport, "-ept. 15, |s>p •" Mi-.- As ont as can tie found in this A ‘"atnr to the^taP | W «-b- ler i- a era1, a I ivr, which ha !>. •: ne fruit Man K. both of Waldoboro. vicinity. lay paid rea-ur.‘r pplt Coyer, I.. FFDRI iMiF, <-i Winl«*ri»orI, in [ 1 u Rockland. Sept. 10th, Charles I.. 11 arriman and thefl great variety ol ! I; '‘ m is-;. p. thi--* a-* i. and i n a Minting forth new leaves of Cuardian of IIFNRY i.. amounting .*t I,lol.> 4. Mi.-- Ai bie K. Curtis, both of s,». Tlioma.-tnn. )<>>KI*11County Waldo, F 1.1>111IX > a an 1 bio .*oiti*-J.o a few "I bis rclatixe- are F. minor of Winter] ort, in .-aid ( -uni- 1 rc< ei|»t it w m noted that and In Rockland, sept. 14ln. Mr. Albert .1 Kai mhee ty, respectfully represents that said minor i- CATTLE & •• < Cotton Wool & All-Wool " ■ v and Mi-- Man 11. both of Cotton, : :, near the brick aid and tin* w inked -mall intis, Rockland. t pay the tax in full for encamped set/.ed of a lot of land with tie- * uildii»i>- SHOW, In Roekland. Sept. bull. Mr. John Ii. II" thereon, box manage- in some to hi* lifleen cent-to situate un the -idle of Main street in said way get Mr-. ( a list a K. Metcalf. easterly CLOTHS FDD MEN A BOVS’ WEAR. 9 W interport, and adjoining land ol Cliarle- IF Pierce buy a how and arrow. In Roekland, Sept. Mill, Mi ( ha- K. Wo n. Fair «£ "II -m M.IP> •nia F. Ulaisdeil That it is p*r the interest of Trot! Here is a list of Prices : 12c., 15c.. 17e. 20c.. 25c., ( Mi- Kil I Kitlredge. sai«! minor that -aid e-t:ile l.e sold and the •* -1 in i-e. < n If proceeds The \\ aldo < H5c.. *jiio\ tit and v M in lux i«w .a | lie ex! ra ai I rani ion-* .\ hi* h Roekland. Sept. loth. Mr T. I’. R\ d- r i: oiml\ \ :i cultural wdli 2sc., :il)c., 32c., 35c., 40c„ 50c., 55c., 75c.. thereof on interest That he has received an .society land and Mi-- I.aura A. \rev of ">< "IImma-'• put hold it- annual < attic show and 1- air at the ml t \ 'll. rele w >- Stic., S5c., title,, alk Will thn iiiairuvniriii .-l u,. Kuo' ... \ g rv 11!: * ra I >. advantageous oiler for the -ame, t wit ten Inin $1.00, $1.10, $1.20, $1.30, $1.35, I u Thouiastou, si pt. l'it In M r. Tile-ton W die a •- mi .d ; 1 i. di ed and dollar.-, and that it is for the interest 2.50 Per lard. -Pa P \| \\ »• p •'icix h.txa piaimn-t inlro*|une ai tin- Oep.hei Mi-- I-adore fifty 1.75, 2.00, shell--y. of said minor that -aid oiler he P» In i i. St < accepted. hi...wlP»n. ireiiie; pt 4th. Mr. Ian uc, ||. M ill, r ... I PARK & HAYFORD I e e exhi Wherefore voitr honor l" HALL, have dillVrrtd kinds "f goods in these- pri' Sarah 1 C —, I." petitioner pray- your ii ..f Waldobor I also have ■“ P 1 "1 \\ d-ii i; thi-< itc, w ill be bit four in-fond of t hive a at tir-t anno irrant him a license to -ell and convey -aid real e -fl inspect day In Kllswortli. Sept loth. Mr. Char'.-- A. M. < art BELFAST, tale for -aid sum. JosFPll I,. FFDRI I h ; !•;. fl i "• bail- w >a ne\ and 11e be iP |M eed I >)' '|"-n Tiie-dav morning. ill* till of Miss Onorgia Iia-kell. both ot Kll-uorlh 15 V .V II. lit 11BA III *, hi In Ka-I Itu< ( ( Attorney SHIRTING-S, *j-!oi,,M <• k-p"'t. \u^. :.’7;h, Mr. i.arle- at l< TUESDAY I'm O' im.p satisfa. p.i -be w'll next, and i*»-*? frelax evening tin 7th. AND WEDNESDAY,! t"ii and Miss Nellie -mart, both of l.a-t Peak p -ii. IN ALL E>. I i'lo tir-t will be devoted to entries exliib- At at otirl of l’'-, tie Id .it !’*elta-t, within and P1UE 'file carp* liter- W ho !.;. e e\- day and In Orland, Sept. Tib. Mr. l’iMmrv \\ liowdou for the ot .ui er- 47th mill 4Sth. n C ounty Waldo, the nd Sr/it. JSSt. her n at the hall si aid day, e-urie- and exhibit* of and Mrs. Kl-ie A. Jiowden, both of Orland. Tue-day -nip report very sound. ^ of ■-eptember, A l>. Issi. f -t->ck at lim i- Mind*. I'hiri drawing mabdi A TERRIF10 LEAP FOR’UFE READY MADE CLOTHING ! ■ da;, < M .km I*.—•.. i 'lie P |ho nio-t -a. <■«—.. rpon the fore^oin^'|ietitiou, »rdei ed, that th. pe. and graml -w i* eep-lake- drawing match. fourth DIED. titione j-ive notice to all person- interested, Ko^it.uini:. Mens’ suit-, $11.00, «.,I0, 10.00, 12.00, 15.00, •i tin- iv_;i 'i1 Reside- by raising a IlKsi > a 10 ’•a ba -Icxx at ii:> il. and bo; .We it til*' har- eau-in,u a copy of -aid petition with l hi ordet there- 1 x ib-ia noon-Kntr\ -f >i< ick and A 00. 22.00; Men- 1 l-lers and Overcoats, ■ apples am pears h» lei- abb ,t on, to lie published three week- addle Ii * -. plum-, residt.uce, p c.% deceased sons mUl ho Bunning alter 1 o clock *>1 the lirst dav. The management of per puhiishctt they may appear at a Probate » .-nr! t•« — lead it i'"i 11 "I 'd '*!u;miic ran--t minutes, hoi- Mins' ('ndrrs/iirfs and Ih'ftifrrs under this grid heading. the Probate Olliee in llelta-t afore-aid, on th* trotting k< u i n k r \t ••in I their tiii a ids ne hard at work to wake thi- < re break. In ond *> ■J/'.u ■ Front 30c. to this it\. Sept, loth, Mrs. Kll: \a d Tue-lay of October next, at ten <1*-k in e\amiuat."«i f -I >ek a id Arti« ms Draw ing of $1.50. "I tb. i»* -t fair-.‘hat hn*e\er been held in Knox -•'« ear-. the forenoon, and -how eau-e it any they have, why II 1 nid (> an tion «d l’own Teams, 'h I mrei /■> I low m a In '"ear-mout, Mth. a t ! tin* should not uranted. i> Korenoon- ’■omit ....\\ e.|u,--da> la t work an e\eur-‘mn sept Kpbraiin F.- At .limitation of mi11 er ( r reel ran a native of Kineolnvillc, aged on vear i JAM F> I) 1 AM-ON .Judye. all Horse- except Trotting and Drat; llm-e-. \l went I r* mi ( a m vu, b'oekla ltd Ihoma-t on F rom SI .00 aril-. par'*.' and In A true Attest -A. A. Fl.i; I" lock. -Imw at 11 ax upw e Monroe, Sept. 17th, Horace,'-.. Wok rand FOUR TihS£S ITS SIZE ! copy ivin-at, Baby lord Had. Afternoon -“>■ p e. it :he i. i- ot Main FORMER Ke^i-ter. t}»11 \ e >• 1 1 I" II. *1.. in. I ;• ;-pp of i* 1\ •! 11 Julia Mitchell, aged 7 month-. unit; -wcei. -takes' Ikes •»pc-1. ; all i-oj-s^s in HATS. ( tPS. GLOVES, St IRKS, OVERALLS, .11 HP op e.iU t ! I. -.(I _;e I » >w iff.-' also In < nr* 1 ’• 1 Auburn, loth. Mr-. I mi R u it. .a a and Ms. Mile beat- d i’ id-: vvn a a \ i l**d for l.v ihe sept. pi. upwa j p! pr-*v To the II1 morable .Indue* : Prot-ate i,,r tIn- (- uni Kit-, lit TIMER (DATS, LADIES’ GOSSAMER *!.• W !• Robert I’orter of aged ii mu- in 5. -eeoud « xva- of gum ral g* I Jim In A I Ci Waldo. tilth of ti e I lilt I * Nortliporl, sept. 1-t, hagai Klw ell. ago.! ■'?•*,. Trotting four, tlm ,• ml two LADS, CMIIDELLAS, Ac. »> e. aniv. tl- W ere Seen red W ith"lM 0 < ■* ha*i. !.-• 1 iiui la » ••>. ening ihe lienm-M A M d- ear-, 7 months and dav-. W. W. COLE’S IF under-ijrned, Ouardiao d F1FI.IF MAi years old best in one.half mile id m,. ether dtmiaut In \\ a M r. Kl»en ( •: < elude with Ml -l' II 151 A< K, !,*n din* •. i *o < |" -1-; < ••. p taxed at Mcgr.n;i.k halt. I'll year-. late of lielfa.-t, in said t ounty, dceea.-ed. re-nect- V (.BAM) MY -I he :r-! fro-t of iiu- -ea -on w as s« i-n hi thi- vi- HEPS TALK K.U E I u Caiiiden, ^ept--d, John A uni-, agf I .d v. fully represents that said miiioi i seized id p 11 month- s s. open t- all Hor-e.s \\ iu-re\er iwiic Idir-< ot Boots, Rubbers & -me 1: Ii Fudel "f P '-pm, »*init\ la-! umber tor the and da> ses.-cd ot certain real estate in lielfa.-t, t*» wit one .-spin Shoes, Overshoes '-ataida; morning....i to be In Ham .-m a Kdwin undivi'led fourth *>f guaranteed, divide.! a> follow 1-t u—e I- -"irg" ••• Roekland, sept. lltli, I*., parr the home-tead of -aid s'.ii, '■omi'I.u i:. P h, v,is I1 otln t i.lias been rceep, i-d in Hi •Jd in, :;d nh 1!. and Mary s. Tlunna aged 11 iihtali K i t'. C harles 15. situate on the -id" of g s:;u, .fm. I I ltlaek, westerly V'. M l! W- ived I le R. !•:. In Thoina'ston, Sept. 7th, Win., -on "I P. ii ... Waldo avenue, containing forty a* re- more or le--. KILLS AM) Kl-.i,I I, \ l’li in -. 1 1 1 j- o .pel A ( 'P this e; IV. ill i; age*I J.‘ years. I That an advantageous oft'erof live hundred dollar- i'. i' Win. I _ build''-' o| 1'.-oiling Hor-e.s t,. be mao- ■ the IN If.a/lr Pi Waldoboro, Sept, ii! Ii. Mr- Jwile of ha- been made Arthur I. of GROCERIES, Nancy by Rrown, Thorndike, -e- mp w ■!■• p : ie ime-t \e-se!s ever turned Id-•-idem or reiary. Entries to I..- dosed 'riles- Ki!'«•••--! .ill i.oniflic l!"fi 'in* at" Wm. |: o i* *\ Hud-on -id"-, aged 41 year- and mouth-. in -aid ounty, which «*Her it is for the iutere-t of I illlM t**;i 1 >»l* ’»•*'•. im•;it thiMll all. 'l if. this day, cpt. Jd. immediately t-* accept, the proe*-, Tutu >Vlt..-k-l*Vt M \\ IMMENSE MENAGERIE! purse contended f-»r will be a all In-i 1 ba-ii. a gad 7! year- and J month-. tl’.ereof t*> in* on interest for the bene) t of said charge-' KEEP •• .in .i• ••••< juit ilia: start in "w *>\ liru ot <,i]t A .1 < ..p-tak-- Bares; all other animals Fr;: |«i’. af'f -i tlif M* tlnxiisi Mti'-fh la-l >mi- In Waldoboro. sept. Mb. Mr Tlioma <>\. ri minor. 5j Collection oJ bonders and School of 3r>de Scholars ! aid articles entered free. Mone> paid, ij«-r\ ami .t*.• > g.K.alers, \\ no a in I I' r* *. i'a'f •: Tti t.i. a! >«*mi- nged Jl year- and 1<> month-. Foreign Wlierofore nmor to premium- I»:i.^ your petitbmer pray- you- and ribbon meritorious animal- Iu Waldol'oro, Mr Hr y\ and Corn. Meal & Shorts. 11 i l" 1 Sept, ntli, ter,tilt her a license to -ell and -,,i aid real >tid f .-id Mr- II Ii. Mrj »i .ji a > id. "ai a._t ."u -fi-f ... I >if.i in l.u.-k 1 arlh h in the se> cal classes. \ 11 » oimnittees are aged sc rats and month-. l>r<»ad lands and <>reans at e-tate of sai I minor tb n vr-: m of the including ted to »rt them cs AM I’UEPAKHD i" -El.I. n' I' ''la -t *iv and the •:'! I n n m- \ .iii'! ?d. i. 111.11; i 11 a ui'.M" Mi'ii. I rep to J. < Tow nsend pub I '"•■]•!. 17th Mi-- «»r.t Ii. \\ ai'.l'Aell, auvd Hi Waldoboro, Sept, i-t, Mr-. I.tiey < "!i .• .. d 1'!' .adit*-. Children, II<>r-<-. widow*- dower thereon,' to -aid .‘.rdiur I I5n»wn I» 1 at PuM Had, an : die I're-ideiit at tiie Park ! t' all >«r ear-. \nin; !-, ItaiiU Train*-, and Oeean Steamer- than a enter Hay and thou tall -t\ Io> ..F. ii'-- ..Ik aa i I a Mi-- War-lwnii wat- a ■> ly lor -urn. NAM 1. 151.At k. y day.-. 'i at half-past two of after.;oou of iir -; d:,v. \11 \ a- If Deer i:\ !**'• whatever name <-r in e\islenee. ■ I.-lc, S,.pt. loth, l.dwaiu If nature, .V il l', e '. I'rivi'd t heir tall'in! •! I-.. M. 1 "fmiliar., fl;:-- -I "I. Tin* e:uicie- o| ( ommiltees ,vii! oe tilled le, tin Trus- styles -on "I (ieoige W. and Killian K. Iliggin-. 7 FLOUR le> AH (, ,o i. -1 Ii ti ; large a --"ft lie nt n if in! •! * J i«■ « — >iv ■ months. ., poi their of la \ «!«-«•;. r..\v 1 r I In* for the < *umty ot Waldo, on the -eeon*l I H \~ a- -1**n- tin’ «*• d;«y decisions immediately t-- tlm -reretar \!! arti- li'-ap any lliity. < ■ 1 >. and .ermautown n-. i'1-- “t I > ol A. I l»l. yat In-ir miiiiIht win -l" i 11r *11u tin* September, 'dcs w ill !"• -1 from All as protect•' in.:nrx tirl.n- M\ "Ti i>. Menu d ial ser the< leal it Inal :ii• i111 \ ai..i in lit a!.'«• timi- of SHIP NEWS. pon foreu'.in.u petit ion, pe-B premium Mm Hall titioner trive notice to all per-on- int* t*<• -;.•• |f i.yB at J o'clock \. M. of lir-t da; A li animal-, iim! mi- n: ti. w i!! oe tin n. w If a- tin* iir-1 I" i..- •,■.*• Id, hold at lit t nitarian lln* a CROCKERY & GLASS WARE iau.-iuu copy of -aid pet it ion with t hi.- order t here-fl ni- draft, saddle or running horsi*<, hoi -e- tr .tting 1; • I -f be (a Itlorninj, the | c •. Nil. Cio\V!t- •t.-in-i Mr 1 St. M* i- niakiii,:: \tfii i\ •.* PORT OF P.KKF \ST. on. to published three w eek- -ueees.-ively in ll $ one mile nearest to three minute-, and horse.- trot- l> very fair. I have China from s7 to .Journal, a a! Ret bn ibail tin me halt mile w ith mt u* $!*>, Hi ad.t! «•-- l‘;**•»• u nl be atf«-k "f « wj good :bM the eh, ..|. nati.-1 at Main ami I t**r.ii -Wivi-i-. 01 lln* n< w .-chr- \. W < ■- :\| -fpl. lstli, Kliis, Ferguson. the Probate Mliee in i5. 1 la.-! afore-aid, on the 1 hors except trotting and draft horse- mist lie on i 1 tin i*>- -«* *> |o; Ki/./ie Pooi, li-hinr ond of October next, at ten •>’* .ck r.. t the round for di ar-e at tie I .: versalisj elutr-di ne\t ifiil'lina-, 11»• 11 i- *vJJ ll., tin* fnrimry Darby, Dickey, 'rue-day hcl examination at half pa -t nine oV|rmk >iept. -Oth, schr. Jachin. Freneii, lb* ton. ■ and -how eau.-c it have, ol "ind lim-cs -•’> » forenoon, any they whvfl da> Trotting and Irdtimr colt- < " •!! the t he urantt *1, 0. mu-t. he on the i. round at one o’clock r. m. .> second 1 1 'tnir n f\U'*iiif la-ai. i:.. aii'i a >».*ii«*r -""in >• p.!’! i. 11 i-i \\.! hold -erviers no\t SAILED. ® •JA.M1> 1>. FA .M )N. Indue, fl da;. Fan- ;, articles. -ionm-tm maun ia t nv -. fruit, Clothes W ringers, both Bench and Common, IIamt ami in-.! !«> A true copy Atte-t A. A. Id.iiti iti;i;, Reui-t.-r.fl dairy bread, j.-ilie- -lie M Ko-.S* !"*t!in_ Mviii H. Tim "Hi v i- Ik* t*n- liith. -chr. Perkin.-. product-. hone), preserves, Suits, mid Bracket Saw«, Framed Wood Welaka, Rang"! IS llowcr-, "f Key Sums, ■■ ■ pickles, ketchups, specimen- penoian- "•ir-t t th" 11. M. 1711'. -chr. Win. Ante-, li £fi North ltur. lt \\ ill he upon Frederick, ■ from s()e. to Flat Irons, Ac. N drawi ig and painting w ill 1>< n e> hihition at $1.10, seIlfs. A. W on, Tin- a. w I r. -Oth, Kliis, Fergu > n-:d)i. tu.-. t in. in «!.•.•» e 111■;• iiir- uili 1T;r ..\.-r ik*. 1 ..I* i| T the H.-noruhl, Imlueof pp. ., u i,«- < util Ha> ford Hal!. irain, >ot Prayer Darby, Ro.-tou; Ki/.zit p....r. Di .■ I I sKI.I, Til h of Waldo. cultural implement- and machinery v\ i.i In* exhibit- ed at tiie Fair .[•■mm. ; : Hay Me Hall will 'A in* \f it. i‘ 11 M. NH KFRm»\. Fxeeutor bcopen- alt-- r.-.-j if Iivin_ in w leu -e;,i-p*mi. ed for •,| I Avei-ill Gltc'inicnl Paint ! .. reception and irtiejes on N I : i_■ i. .f.■ .1 adge JA.MF>of the last will Of KbtiFlls M. \|( KFIi>u\. arrangement in-. UNI-til’t tin n t -in •... •... ! ,|..-- Mon la :lie Fair late on -atpl itut "• teinti" < itii- Sear-port, -peel ■ I « Mr i.M.I-:* 1 riif 1 ; thi- jk fully represents that the unod -/••battel- an*l credit- »\!M!T J lm .v .naan; m tot --aiilt and 1 «»f .-aid h-eeased, are not sulli* ient t.* an-\\*r his r' !U i 11. II -vi :i wiP- will; 11;;:. a Mart it I:. 11.ii•!. A. \ViI, -ii,- Farmers tlir.-a' to delit-an*l Attention! -ning hib. Parlies 1 just eharues *»f administration aid !i iallies N’eal. *- I V 1 l: I .I'.!"' -ll W II I "ll f.v !•■; ml eies by the sum of one thousai *1 dollar-. dottier tn iiella-d and "in- ight reeently *n lh'ot- Fret mai; "iiepliei- |, .1, W K i.i-Tit, (,. I have in stork a large amount of new Wherefore 1.• *i:• *r ;** il l' *!'. .1«.j1:1 -. your petitioner pray- your i I! enmnw a\ !"*.u tier ieiTi;• Iv. I and .. th e..|tt- N|..11.-1 Mia! "aravnl guilty him a licen.-e t<* -ell and at '■ krrant convey public on Fruit- F. \. i > j tt,.Ja >n Hi.I-,Calvin Pi: Iht >:i i!i.- 11 an* I W .-I M at iirivs M 1 am I F«* rifusou auction the -*f tif-t reeo_ui/.c l in the sunt of Truinly real e-tate -ai*I de* includinu' ■ GrRAaS SEE E va-ed, ''n T' -wn Irani .:. 1 1 arm stock Aina! Hills, 1 a ".a l last the rever-ion cf the widow'- d*over thereon, a- a i >pe t: !i the it.- a fain * and in s?ot pivm fall Friday. Tim -’am- on ih,* orrin ( Tmninifham. Frank Fletcher. nrya 'vill 01 ill simis. Also cr.OVKU. which 1 sell at the •• 1 satisfy -aid debts. Tile! incidental e'naru*’- and o’ '•"A .r. wim-v wriv *■ On omu ami steer— T POSSIISI.K PICK I.' Ill We Have All that is Worth We Have we Advertise! Admini.-tratioln. A'.1, \ ii. 1‘iteiier. ! I !'•■■ ■ to .! i til _'.•*»um.I a f.i lam wa n; v riic subscribers Seeing!! Everything ■ IS-MF^ M. N 1\ FRm >N. |>*dt ,oi beu leave to inform K >u < >w am I lei r lerson, illey. tin- citizens ol KellVist and \ :<-mi :y that At at "iirr of Probate held at I5elfa t, within ami ..:••! -" a a 1.0 Hi Horst i'rotti ml Draft L D. T train to a I Mi -a « i»ff ami I1.1 I a -1« JEAL SISTERS, S^OW-WHITE BUFFALO sexrcpl iy Hr!fast. tdge Ko.. am N\ due.-da\ -J.i'k-oij | for the ( -*t W ald **r. tin- -*•••,. d I it -dav e -unity er A. I.. Mmim-ii, < harm-, Morrill. Hi •11 1 ha\ the I’ in- n i.a wnt they purchase! hie- Ikauti; -1 .w ralian liar .-u Phiei I'.vi -ecu in lam of I b lssi. t- pulled. any September’A On Draft I lor-.; ami o\«mi—F M arl.r, no sot rot?'. /;/■ the flack. 'I"''- '• .. it"! la 1 11 a. a m* > l'i .-l|o\\V'l Wiiaw the \\Y have Fpon the fore^oinu; petition, «>rb*!vd, the l '.\ i*I Lam -ter, I: 11ay for* 1 I !-t her •! -a notiei to On mul s\iin- -Dohi’-ri •■.tiled i<» Imr-fit' |> I..- a \--ry la-1 nii*-r. j>a--i;u' all -Iif fame petitioner .uive all person-, intere-ted. by Sheep Putt .. Dai iel GREAT eausimr a of -aid with thi- order iiaki r, < Ten .* "I o copy petition, Piper. tut end ! i,, funeral "! ids to in .: larva* a '-I •.'•'wilt -!i"-.| r.imvrt at Millineiv BLONDift, of Nation E. L. BE Establishment Representatives be On Airrin. *•••.' J 1 Every thereon, to three week.- -ue. e-si Mural I Atw *”T. \. AIT, W • f i s l< i }*.•!• t 'I. :t man •1!) hi ;>:■ 'h* published *dy Imjdeinw a 1 1 U'ito die. I I r'i I j < e.MTie- J ^ < i., _rr* I? I •. -11:; i " >1! -ll -i-lfl | iii'i.i aulter-*, f.ymna.-t' ami A till. te>. in the Republican Journal, a printed at liei- Puree- \ 1. 11 a irimun llMMeci tnun ihe-romel, w alkii.L paper '•d f u t- uadi- d 1 .i 11<-huv : lit- and -O F Wr haw »>!' t'a.-t, that at a Probate < otirl b-he <>u Fane. \rli«T. Mrs I I IL.radcii. Me mall r-lraml <>1 wit a 'Ti-»ui‘ they may appear MAINE. j held at the OHi' e in Reiia-l at < W Durkelt. Mr-. < 'ha-. Ik I Me ■ SEAR3M0NT, d' h uefe. If* Probate -aid, on was fry tin- m- istratin. "> ami liar* -i.arnl We ha the Flea! Dervishes ! the second Tue-day of October next, at leu o'clock <>n I l'-ral Di-play—Mr-, ... I. Pra- k- tt, Mr-. b town a tV.i r and !f Whirling nmnlu r of iu the forenoon, and -lew cause if the I. II. Miermun, a 1 r-. m Lew i-. innmtl HLHQlliE HURDLE EY'-m ( ahaitla and Ihanbay. any ha\e, i o; me I |e. Mrs. li.ii, RIDER, j whv the -nine should not be granted. On Mi '-eHancoi;- ArtnT-- ami D me-tie M;iiiii- in a lmaiil it ui ami la.-tftu! manm-i_Tin* Two McDonald! | > W< have a drove of JAM Ik I). !. A M m wi ur* -Or. re’-- r,imb\ -I- *i.. De is. 1 Mile I .i IP la .!. i-t n the lit. /..m / Ml. >N. .lud-e. r l i x i it d .1:1 I his Kepui'S:* represented 1 im*<*iin*r in W i*. F- | j ue < > >ny- spiritual "inai i;im\t wa- at the corner of Main and lliyh streets.1 A h copy Yttest A. A Fl KTt ill U, Register. Laihw. ■ We hat e lln ciii\ GiANT KANGAROOS i O’ i-i 'lure b Ml- let 'tier was u 1 j P.-nneu i »:*;• inn ami Pali P; e Wfll aiifinli*'!. '.ft -n Jn: a 11 .Via i.< invr pr.-fiit -liip, .F*»hu If. I’e and have in * H; i i: < >-* ar \y « a ! ■ hast, just the < Pile her. \ p.i: -all iv-pe.'ted a 1 .,<■ w lew u-ineii, and >Utnri. Mr-. ot liurnh.t put | MAORI WAR DANCERS apnired w liile in Vu-tralni. I’.;.rail, n, Dr. Warn, of on 1 tin J a-lye of I'ivIm:•• 1 ( •• ...r. Siir-rric- \nio- PipTier. *■. W.i. Lrn. -' Honorable -r tie .I e 11 -. We June the IVrfert it liimk-j "i l, Hr. < *»isnu. of ITo-pt-rt. Mr-. M'-r-f, «•! la r e I i». any »'-..imtry. "lily ( lark. I Life "Root ! *' Iff !•■- m ■nrh under Me j! hon-'r.- front "« ar-n "til. an 1 Mr. Woul w i 1 Mi \ ii w\ Mr \e -at -am King \, We hate (he only TA.MK> 13. \V I I.I.I A M>. "I l "i. -1 r<.. ( of ELECTRIC m; u-, .Mr- i re-l (irilliu. ■ : la »eolu » K .. u I ien I-i. jv Latest Fall LIGHT, Wai« "i I lie "'•if «*-••..' if. i""l* | art :n tin- fj I", ( BKTTI A. tMH>«»!.."i THE BANNER Manntm-tiuv i t.»r •»ur 1 »ur • said a I taelliher. '• Styles Female Five Horse >|ie»*ial use, ini< day Islesboro, minor heir uf .I ,\M 1> ! m>I '*<; !•;. Fi’" f" I tin r ma’li* at tin- .... f Rider, -p ;md ni.-dit isi- brilliant scmie rifei-i-. late "t said year. yn..!• wil-a ai 1 he -ante time. o -■ sussed of a of land situate in -aid is very nearlv out of Tela ai T ;n a eomlition k, vvliu h wa> iinn >tion, tu lit hisi-»ivjuni parcel Mr-bi»:*.>,fl |*W a We haw | eimtaininy ;invs iin.iv or le--, it briny I" ah r un-m premiums, that w has e tin- a-.-ur- min seventy te.-l M 1 Ebht would !»e for the advantage "I -aid ward ! a-. fl iall, tin* T'nM*,« l. el <*<»nIi* 1«*n: i: a--uriiii' the '• i' ! Ill' in New •!. Etarebac^ \ Herd of faptive -ally paper Kiigland Equestrians! Performing Elephants, VasJ w >r t"f I •< M "ii.-( -hfriv ina* "• tin’ said real e-tate -old and the thereof! pubIn- liiat the '•iniiiuy Fair ill *m* ot ilie m-.-t nf.ary al i'.iif v* •• Ileus of Performing Lions, the Mammoth proceeds I sis e!, to P. k-|>--rl, I’.el A- : alloWcl. >m v * mt Odd K--ilowship Ken; put at interest that an ad\ ant a you oil'er u ifl -ml iii'ii! i:i Ui miity <•:• Mat Tiiank- W I: I ; M I««»• li-1 1.: ->'|!| Kansas Ox, 500 Rare Exotic birds. , I.; real e-tale, to wit Hie -uni oi se\eu !iun• li t-, i ioj.fl i r all for kindly etl'ort- in he jm A we enrncsiTy wile a. id eh i Id, "1 -I.e'k-on \ iilc, are i-it We also a Lull line of keep lar.s has been made. A solicit your aiT in the I utnre. a Keita-t. .< d P. liiiritani and A Great Mid Ocean I pi. I i Largest Corps oS Leapers Aquarium Wherefore your petitioner pra\-\"i'. ii •••! .inner-. M* *"iani* ~, M; nula* ; *n r-, Mei* Main-, 1 him a lirrn.-c to sell and o.sivet dd 1 \ i" i -an-. '!' ... !.. r~. Prof. -i >na! Men, let •. oiir -e\ giHit M Mr. K. K. Tho Fall Flections In the \v«ni■1. All liest la- yrant real fl Containing Specimens from the .. Brinj Deep, tale for the purpo-c aforesaid. bf i'.'T eailine he I lily lVprr-eil' I'T. We a-k .oil ney & Liver Complaints .. of j|, i- i'll' a i- a lit [ Murine Sea \ t-mii.-i';} manager •’ We have ami hitrmluee .Monsters, Living Lions, ,Ve. e.*!iiril*n!*- i'M 111• article- d ow n Ide urns an* m ten Ladies JAMKS 15. WILLIAM**. I "lily your pro- only held mates 1 hi **.tr-- in i «*flire at Underwear, Tmui'-n handiwork. ‘u:' we a-k *•«• and ail Diseases aris- Rapi telegraph Hosiery! a--i-iai liostotk nu-etts. Man M nines da M .*•■ A HUGE DROVE OF EGYPTIAN CAMELS j ;aud, Two, Three and Four Acts < in a in an amenim * s ns-sippi. j At a mrt oi l’rohab held at I »• i fa within .dfl IT. ami ■•.air. im: on llm I- iir. i i-l a ’"W lay in Khi.i-f. pros inis to a yew Jt Now .-!, *sev, } ork. Oh Penns Iv u i, \ ir anil other for ( such as CORSETS, TIES, &c. In I lie vie.;, simnUancouMy. ..,(100 strange things uhleh it is ini- the ounty of Waldo, on the -croud 1 nr-b.iyfl \I)MISSION : ingtherefrom, 'b Wnae MountainK the ai.d Wisconsin «hul\ in Massachusetts. to | Weeks, possible catalogue, [lie foregoing Is 'DHOl’sN, hit AN KL. INK I, AM M.iTlON OK < duo and Ur shall be to welcome all tln-S M ].::■•. Hi.- (.'real ! il;!»lord Hall rarh da). lOcts. DIAKKTK.s, If* i-ii ell-* k of -1. iiii*-i Kaiahdin, has Virginia are (iovernors and lull Legisla- pleased hit! a imcitus around which is gathered I’pon the foreyoiny petitii.n, ordered, that ibcfl To Park 10 mils first 2‘> mil' second \ III K KL 40 OK It, KICK K DIM DKI’OSIT, UHKl ure> to he elected Some of those -tales elect halt da), da). i •' will *•• ".'U in'.nr nian iage uolh*e.s; old friends of the establishment and Hindoo Snake 77/1- /test anti Most Intrr- iietitioner yive notice to all persons intere-icd,1 < arria^es Tree. MATISM. IMsI’KiMA. KIMALK COV- ii.d s -me a third. j Charmers, /iUjtjt^l, Peuusylvanni ci.-ets asjj by eaiisiny a copy of -aid w ith this order* PLAINTS \M) \! I 1H>K\SKS OK petition, Li!*' on ui'.. a:iT familie- a hiiille*! m m Park t lull I.‘ hut no new ones as will favor us with Will .11 ■■ I■;! 'liliL I *'!.! THI KHINAin " die pr. idem d be Waldo ( o \-rieuUura! gisl.ittire, Ooveriior. New York. many theirl I .§• |1 rslint/ S/tom in tin> tl orl'I. thereon to be published three \u‘ck.s .successively I OKONNS. am! Hall hi.111 Ta -. ieket-. aTmiui'w t•» middio; In a hoard of State timers As in the an .Journal, a paper at He! fl Family tb "i w ■ leant he partial Republn printed Park hat ii. t afternoon of the patronage. We siiail ami Hall lii day ami \enin.e, t-*r \ lias sold over I 000 and malt the elects ives keep only We have and-wii? l'a.-t, that they may appear at a 1 *i*"lnit»• ( our;, l"E Druggist Bottles. semldy Senate, repivseuta! 5"*| produce the Daring, Death Defying IT" sale ii.* Pre.-iT.uil. are a- '• be held the Ollier in — tug v-iugn-s in oi' Fernando W< od. at Probate Belfast af"re.-aid,B I It«n hi V NI*. Ml... 1 i place deceased. April on the -eeond of October next, at ten of D. L. PITCHER. ster t* Fi ne,o. and FIRST-CLASS Tuesday President, I iv id in' >!ir Me ii- iiiM !''>tiii's ..f f-;ii\v- GOODS,! the clock before noon, and .-how rau-r, if an\ tin v "1 Kill iia *»ui;• ! ■ !..!!• ! :ii- •', Warner \ iee lTests., SIMON A. JAs. \\. KNK.HT. IK-"!, ind 1 I a when I- M i!. U< I lilt HI t, 11. g. Miller and Fitnidge li i.apham. elected to PAVSON, and shall sell as low as similar es-B have, whv tin -ame should not be yranted. I D tailed !■' e -i t'i 1 e I i 1. 11. !' !. I’1 a !m a-I. in. Uetse is*-Il s**nuo- MI any T"ru t ee -. OH). M \ t; 11 n p, :;.'--'Mis.-i.-sippi and \ irgini JAMKs 1>. I. Judy. T<>\\ Him, N 1 \MSON, AN M II. L 1 : 11 I F AIin i;:»• I 11 n.i;in l-.nw u:i« Pkiki: Ki liKlu.K. 1'ibbets, amden, ‘lie *gi s'at tires eh t.-d will .-!•»» .sc l' :i i:. d Sta»e*- tahlishment in the A true v. \tte-t —A. \. Fi i>. :1 •' a city. e.'|• t;, Reyi.-tcr. I*, 1 Dead and One Bottle fngralmm, Cuimii'ii, iii* senator »ut no eliat ge is ite m S| t'v, D \. \Y \DLIN. Nearl) (hired Him. ;■ I political mtieip >t\ Lai ea-trr, Belfast, m. ■ fit Iter case The most interest elect ion u ill h<>B I k A I A \ 1 i ULPMAN AN I MTI!.I 1*. M vss. Mar-ell •>, !><]. b I l!., -1. g. i,i U. mg \,-ll> a \ iia At a Probate ('ou ri held at B« ’last, wit In. and for Della i. .1.. I i. .1 Ivin, Agent Klixir .*i I if.- limit < where Mali one and l.*is foil.wi is are! Conte and Look at Our Goods. ii\ llarri-. Belfa-t. g. g. the ( uiahum t'< | ounty of Wald", on the -ec.-nd Tuesday of j l*e;,i- r -Having -idl'*-red intensely for loin '• I 1 V. K; wlnm. Belfast, b. g. ( liarlie. sveiy >r the Hourbous Mrs. ADELAIDE GILMORE. September, A. I). issi. V e:.r- vvilh di• ■•!' tiie Ivtdnevalter having dt« ■ -• : !»' 1 day, then- will Mia! Mine ino1 v an.-us niedieines witiioui Probate Court. Mrs MARTHA BABCOCK 1^1.1/ABKTH doHN>o.\, widow of .Jo>KI»Ii I. 1 tSessengsr’s Notice. during -• f| «•! i.iiiu l' lie’. [ ; adiiee i ! • ii a w ill in- railed promptly J ^ .HHINson, |;,it of Winterp'iri, in -aid < .un- ng lrv a hott le -1 J one <>i mi; sum;;! oi Wai |.<* ( Ili'llast. .t. ]ss| 11.1 \ 1 IK <>K 1. Uuiii, ami it affords in. — I». 1. VM v. J; ... -s..| -s, tv of her y.u.r I u- niri. art- a- follow- A. A. 1 i. Li «n i. k. icr.B Waldo, deceased, bavin,y presented peti- > > liegi M aim:. ■ tion f"r an allowance ut of the onal e-iate .f l'i« a-ure ! a;-. ; hat on. >ltle «-f ii «*in|»!i■ t. prr •'I Mils |- in h|H. NOTH 1 **n tin Th .i "1 :rol. li I». > iaw, i». -. Ik Tat v < Morrill, *■ eu*.v i in--. 1 oinineiid ii as the nlv vnltinhh I' hdlowing bii-ine-- was tran-a'ied at said deceased. \ a. i* l the! 1 of sept., A. D. lssl, a Warrant in InoT- ■ l' Maple-. Bella-:. iii. 1 >ai-. That the said Widow notice day hied cia u ei.p- -i l.uluey tr«'l|l»!. i have eve: Ordered, .yivi was i-.-ue*i >*ut *f < oiirt "t 1* .• !i- i. -niher 1 nn of thi- .uirl ee.-y the lusoh.i y li'-ha-!. 1*. g. 1 ><•).(• 'if t" all interested .-f 1 vv-'idd id'l ilia' 1 ei'ore taking yourmedi per-i.n- Ity eaiisiny a cop this for -aiT (onul of *•! irot. Waldo, airain-l the e-tate !*i me yi,:ir- old \im -staple-. Belfast, b.*. \l»MI\!" I U V IK»N I.HANTia. ()\ INmis o|- order t«> he three weeks eim I leu! weak ltint I \va> aniiitt t<* give G jj published .-uere--ively DAMLL s slMPsON, ■! >ear-p*r, in .-.Ti l ( "nn im. M •rriil, L inn mt, I H'S M If-.hue-. late of Itcll i-t. < i.-.i IF I in file T urea! ::;!•■! at that ;ii|i vvo.'s. llo|-'!ti- that "ihers win* have tiered *' Mines,■ Republican ; to i.e an ln-olvent i>eht**r, -*n id 1 "-I- r. l>. in. 11 n ty. adjudge* pe- lik* inv-elf am lu ■ f.-riunate a- v.*ur ly. I>i'11in»n(, Ague-. A dii.ii, a!. u II Hall, la!-* ! Winterport .B they may appear at a Probate Court, to !.•• lield at t" tv tition of sail', which wa- lileT .m •- IJ I i i. -. Debtor, petition ne. v i, i-t, Prime. <,. A. Until, Naie v 1 Hall. Admini-1 ratri•> : F-iw nr. I I M-u Belfa-t, w ithin and v said on tin -eeond -vaiu.'d ii me. Tv! t! *>t A. ! >. t>..< which la-1 « i-ii'- I Mi I». I.. 1 the lay si’ptemUer, I-M, Pitcher, Bella-,t. I». r,n. late 1 11 * i’i I i k« •. Nathan 1 of October at ten of the c|,,« k bc- T. K. M< MAIN. Morton. Admin-B Tuesday next, iiainol Tate ii t« re-i on elaim- i- t*» !»• i-ti ai •. .)■ e.mipute*l. .-Iiiia Flweli, late of Nortiiport. (.eo. f"iv noon, and show' cause, if any they ha\e, w h\ gA* A ^rillAO TONI( AN1I ,4PI»|. 1 ir ■ r-,t. < That the payment of any li\ ia H. Ni. hoi-. Ad mini-I rat ri\ Tlius.B JAMKS 1). LA M>< >N, ■ Judye. to him .*r for iii- i-r, ami the Teli\* and Iran " r; I-i i, l>. ry -frr! Belfast, m. Fanny Fern. II Marshall, late d Pe!fa-t. Mel * in T. A true copy. A tte-t A. A. Kl It !< II l-ac. Register. Mar-ball,B of any propertv l.y him, are forbid* len bylaw. That OWE DOLLAR A BOTTLE. Fit her, Bell ast, u*o g. Brow uie. k Administrator. l g a meeting *>l tin -redihum **l said Debtor, t<> prove "id >!'"'• I V Patten, Lim "iuville, • .I'AIIIH ANS \ iu-oin ! I:I» 11. Nancy lilac], overfl u",-se one * n en-r !*.' I tlieir debt.- ami **r more a-.-i.irne. of his Mudgelt, Belfast. I». -. Fill.i May Pdaek, minor heiro, < ha-. I;, lllaek. laieB At a Probate < ourl held at Bella-1, w ithin ai. l for -'.unn.iii. d L. e -tat*’, w ill be held at a Court of Iu-ojveney t* be Spaulding, Waldo, It. m. of Pelfa-t; Daniel J. Met ornii- k ova r Fllen d. audB the ( ounty of Waldo, on the second Tue-ilay of B< *n- a li lioldcn at the Probate (Hliee in -ui*l D- lfa-t. oil the ill, Lineolnville, m. Mertie. Daniel Downing, minor eliildreu ~t ( ha I mwning.B September, A. I >. 1 ss!. < > W. M I Till «lay oi October, A. D. lssl, at in o’cloek in the ! i-.-p-Mke- l\.'liner, Belfast, late of Wintei*poit da-. 1 Mard- n over.Mar-. j iv t<-E4i. I- \.jg II HUSKY, named Kxeeutor in a certain f* relit.oil. iiirrititiM.i:, Fa'll Laura-1 t-r. Bril a-t. I in. minor heir of Wily. Nick'T'OU. linger- M. Nieker.-on,' lateH be < a. in. instrument to the last w ill and liven under muni the date iir-t above written. HOC' Ii FA 4 ■>. .41 A I 4 I! U.i.iev, Bclfa-f. Wily I! «. I. M udgctt, of Searsporf. IS 1)liIKo purportiny my lyrjo la-l. " I L: kauii'. i ». I. testament of I. or IS A T< >BKK, late of Montville, in ( 11 \s. I, A K Lit, sherilT, im- -. Lim'oln- Invi-.n hhjiiis Fii.i.d un l>t\ti:s nr- am imrnnisT" ski.i. it. Nancy \.B of A- ot iir-t "f -aid a.. a. I Irk. said County Waldo, derea-cd, liaviny pre-miled Mv--eii.a*'! .*urt Insolvency f**r Lapp' Il-'iiry Marden. M-mroc, Marden. late oi Palermo; llnfu- Knight, late ofS N' I.’. '■ W t the same for Probate. County of Waldo. _’w.'»sf l,;. <01 ag, Lim "lnville ti- I.ineolm ille : Nathaniel Marlin, late < f | "carsnmnt; That the -a d Kxeeutor notice !•. all ll •..dim. Fdward Perkins, late of Ordered, yive Hclta-t: l.uev Sawver, of -W' -lake- I T ill < ». persons interested by eaiisiny a ropy this order P Main.' Horses. W. M< lat.* oi .-carsport : Mary Ih well, late of Freedom. Notice. ■ B- Nick. P .M to be published three weeks -ueec.-.-i\cl;, in the Messenger’s Moody, Bcl- \ i.ieWAM i; M \i>i. > Wiimw us I \ r: »i- '• n Journal printed at Belfa-t, that < <•’ — < 11 -t. I.' M. d"ln \yvr, Palermo,- I n lan ( ill.-;. late of Monroe. Republican they* >lil< I. Till II Kill !'!•' WaI.I><>C appear at a Probate Court, to be held at Bel- si vi i: i>1 M aim : Tidlirlis, 'amden, -ornd g. S,n-rel A i.< i\\ \%. r M vi»r r<» \\ iiiiMvi.ii <>\ l. v 11 »>r fast, within and for -aid on the -eeond li i -i ( amdi n, m. Ander Martha M. < .err- late (..'ounty, Wu.irn ss., September _o, A. I >. lssl. ) diam, Lady of Tr>»v. < F M"i I Tuesday of K tobcr next, at ten of the clock before 1- ID (il\ i: NoTICK. That on the p;th In all ai; v, I.. m. 1 >:i: t. ! *. *>. Bailev, \« « ‘U SI- \ l.l.« > will > -»S F I VlT-or -dolm N. day Widths, noon, and how cause, il have, die da r. g. m. Nelly B. Hannon, late «>f Thorndike < laia F. any they why I’'HI--d Sept., A. !>. lssl, a Warrant in Insolvency Wvnian, a same should not be proved, approved and allow ed. wa> oul » <»t Insolvt nev f«»r minor. It. >. Worthing, late of Palermo'. Henrv i-.-ued of tlie ourt -aid Bt D. of the estate of AsA C. iin11 v.m. on Saturday lu-t a party of loo per W ltradiuiry, late of Si-ar-mont: < I-. D. Twiteli- JAMKS K \MSON, Judy*. County Waldo, a.aain-t ell. late of Freedom; -ALSO A true copy. Attest : -A. A. l'l.LTClIKU, Reyi- e:\ IK >Wr;, of Cnily, in -aid County, adjudged p>* •in La-1 Jackson made an e\ ur.-ion to the Walter P. Itandall, a minor: % IB. F. WELLS’. (. < late of Searsmont: l»ean Insolvent Debtor, on petition of said Debtor,! 'i Joseph oonibs, Jo-eph Pi- .a drove in thi- I'm da;, wa- .Mor-c, late of which petition u as Tiled on the 1 illh day of Sept., Sear-port. At a < *11 it held at \\ it inn \.| Probate Belfast, and for D. to -which It-I named date inter, -i on *d a. Wild." Pitoi: v 11; .—Jonathan I v Is'-1, I'oating, fishing, ami general recreation. It stoned ate of nit ; the County of Waldo, on the second Tim -da' of Haims]! Fni’na M. late i- to be computed. That the payment of any -New n Williams, of licit'a-t. debts] Marble ! liiat not one of the party n.-cd tobacco or p September, \. 1>. lssl. and the and transfer of be-, Shop id>i <>i < vi\i" Ui;h km;i. against F-jaii:1 A Large Assortment I delivery any property In l.anyirorthy Hni/ding. ">k an\ intoxicating liijuor.-... .There is t<* be a "t Ai»rani F. P.radstreet, late of Freedom. p 4 nKLAlOE A. MORTON, ut Thorndike, ha- ing lonirinjr to aid Debtor, to him or for his use, and* ^V. a petition that admiuistra- the delivery and transfer of any property hy him: die -aim- Grove on Saturday evening next, presented praving ti"ii of tli estate of KI)W A R1 > I MoRTON, late are forbidden by law. That a meeting of the ervdit-5 W. T. HOWARD, iearo that the W. >. V. Co. is to of m or- of said I to e their debt- and Manufacturer and dealer in trying ‘•Luke a Fearful Dream.” -OF- Thorndike, said County of Waldo, deceased, >ebior, pro\ choose? mangements with the Maine! entral com J may he granted to Nathan K. Morton. one or more assignees of hi- estate, will In* held an MOM MEATS, TABLETS, (BAYKSTONES, I have hern so much better this summer." Ordered, Tliat the said Petitioner give notice a Court of 11,-o 1 \ency to be lnddeu at the Probate'll creel next year a depot at the foot of the AM> MAKULK writes a to all pcr-ons interested a copy of Otliee in -aid Delia-i, on the llth day of (Moher,^ SIIK1.VES, 1 lady who hid used Compound Oxygen. by causing that event the steamer 1 >art would make this order to he three weeks A. D. lssl, at ten o'clock in the forenoon. "1‘ the Best Italian and American mnrhh “Every time I think of i? i fed as if words would published .-ueees.-i'vciy I* I in the Journal, at that Civen under mv hand the date first above written." enr nrn s rn /•: /■: /»* f i. fa s t \ ‘netween the and Republican printed Belfast, /*, daily grove depot. not express my pleasure or my thanks to ou for 3 the\ may appear at a Probate Court, to he held at CIIA>. P.AKKP, sheriIf, I ;stf what for you have done me 1 .shall never forget and for said on the second A- Ab -.-eimer of the Court of for Vjn On last, at the Belfast,'within County, Insolvency -aid] Friday evening it It WMS /;/.;■ n ■ ... /•",-/>■/ C«»., [GEO. K M B>(. KUiKK wishr- to inform lu r main < m i: and sickness as w.d! as I could until another l.AMsA, Judge rpil in/our volumes. A large company pain SeoichSi&emaiiiownYarssj ft 1 triends and patrons that she lias moved from A true Attest: —A. A. which 1 dreaded to se«*. for i was so copy. Ei.KTCIIKU, Register. S4*«* the of four morning, weak JOHNSON & ROGERS, Church t root, where she will i'm tilling the air with their exquisite perfume At a Probate ( ourt held at within and for ily. S metitiioH i wished 1 could stop breathing Belfast, welcome all. Tho>e in want of a iir-.t ela.-.- Dre- tli how the of Waldo, on tiie second of • soon they fade-Frank \V. Ksdley to get a little rest .V ■< ft,, ,.t / County Tuc-day at Law, >r ( loak Maker are invited to call. Terms reason- just A. 1). 1881. Attorneys and 1 n September, | able. Mus. M. A. SNOW. his brother Silas while ilriviig recrntly, s/rt t/Olnf tht most Ol t!:, ({.'/ <(,// >'',!/ O/lll Jl (/'<■ in Artists B<>.\ ROM Executor of the will of lfast, 1">, Is,SI.- :’»7tf. 'V cpt. i111 quite a mishap. Tlieir span of horses from Compound play-. -c. at naught all laws of gravitation, gliding along their narrow roadway with perfect abandon, IM.• JAMES COOPLLL, late of Belfast, in said 1 of cases, and full in-. ne Oxygen, containing large reports J.W. Im*c;i a series of cause of deceased, his iimnanagableand running away »■<./ /7- liter,dlv trea ling upon airy nothing, and performing feats which the County Waldo, having presented TO LET. information, Prs. Starkly A Palkn, Ferguson first I \ iia* F. W. se- firmest hearts to tremble with fear for their safety. account of Executorship for allowance. gentlemen out, injuring quite 1100 and llli (Jirard e Street, Philadelphia. Pa &Co.J < That the said Executor noth e t«> all i.KW I> IIOMKSTKAD ON Till; coBNKB Girls Wanted. trdered, give and the to rpiIK leaving carriage in a lit eomlition a T. <>f Pearl and Court street', l-'or I T III K It KOOKS BAMS KAITOKI To WE HAVE Ai^D WILL PRODUCE A persons interested by causing copy of this order particulars^ \ a patient for I >r. 1-lenient_ltcv. Ceorge to be published three weeks successively in the Re- cn*|iiire*d 111. tend sewing machine.-, running by power, Boston MarKet. ? ; MASONIC TEMPLE. Journal at Belfast, that B. c. I.KW! or Mus. s. s. ttioon wu.i.s ro « uwm.i: mki.s. \nv amount itt d.-liv. ed an interesting lecture in his church publican printed they may, u;wis.| Boston'. Sept 1 7. appear at a Probate Court, to he held at Belfast, l of work t11N IK i.OKDON. some extra line selections held west- H and evil.” It is hoped the worthy pastor will being higher; TROUPE OF TRICK STALLIONS of October next, at ten ot the. clock before noon, $ Brooks, Sept. Iv>l. ’w i'> ern do, :>J and some choice :»:*• ; fair to $50,000 MUSICAL! lots, and show if am tiie same • 11 fa\or cause, they have, why i111' y the people with his addresses .... good 27 choice Vermont and New 11 K undersigned will if proper inducement of/ creamery, {j.'JOr; The most wonder! Best M<»-t Beautiful and Ue.-L Performing Stalli m.- in tlie World. should not be allowed. rp df I.Ii/,i <«. Ki 1 York with selections held ul, Trained, They 1 f«-r-1 organize a class in at the l id burn, widow of the late Capt. 1*. dairy, 27{£oOe, higher; Frolic lik» wanton School Waltz like JAMES. 1). E VMsoN, singing, I’automine like Actors, Drill like soldiers, Boys, the Ladies, Judge, \ ersalist hi fair to good, 25(i25c; ladle- A true vestry. Monday evening. Sept. 19th, at Mini, was buried from her home in Hampden and Beason with a degree of Intelligence that is tru!> remarkable. Search the world over and a Copy. Attest —A. A. Eu;TC lIKit, Register. packed or lH«2lc. 7.15 o'clock. All wishing to join are respectfully J ’* factory, cannot find their prototypes. suti'lay last. Mrs. 1\. was a sister of Capt. Hi- Chkksk—Fine factory, 12'^ulde; fair to good, 11 SPECIAL NOTICE I you invited to meet him there. Particular attention] At a Probate Court held at Belfast, within and for m Tr< at of Frankfort, and of Simon d. Treat and flI2c; ordinary to medium, t»'a <1 10'ae* gi\ in to hegiuner-i. Also ,>n Saturday following, at' the of on the second of 1a.os —Eastern, 22c, and choice fresh stock is held County Waldo, Tuesday i'. M., a class tor juveniles. Correspondence in] dr- It. A. Itieh, of Winterport-There was an WE ONLY ASK YOU TO COME AND SEE THE GREAT PARADE, A. I>. 1881. higher; northern and I*. E. Island, go1.. a21c; near- Sanford Co. September, ;regard to schools in or out of the county of Wald"' n r in the of the death <*f Mr. Parker in and fresh stock and l.inUr. Steamship a. Administratrix of the es- :i'solicited. :»\v.*»»'• 1». B. BB5ANT, Belfast. report by cape, that all we said is McCOBB, choi (.iven e\it> morning at in o'clock, to convince you have true. In this, as in all J •ur last His full name was Win. K. and Bkans—Choice pea, £•'*15, and for hand tate of LOIS McCOBB, late of I Jncolm ille, Parke, re-peet-, our Drand street l’ageanl Avill surpass all other,-. MARY picked, $:> 25; mediums, £2 no A 2 '.'5; yellow eyes, (IIAMiK OF TIMK. St in shid County of Waldo, deceased, having pre died oil board of the vessel that took them from (OMMKNdNd. MONIIAV, |>t. 10 | £2 :J0«2 .■».■>; some choice selection-' above, sented her second and tinal account ot Administra-' NOTICE. beinglield Have proven a boon to thou die wreck of the W. H. <»enn. His disease was quotations; red kidneys, £1 1H»«2 W bush. tion for allowance. BMsllhH BOOMS to Mil WITH OIL TWO sands of sit tiering women Potatoks—Early rose, no«n5c. (g bush; good rpni 11 Tlu* steamer- of (hi- line will PERFORMANCES EVERY DAY! Ordered, That the said Administratrix give notice without board. to t'.igras fever.\ report circulated here last week 17U Apple { Thc\ are prepared expressly for, and if used asdi stock toward evening was not taken at s;j<- as otter »make (rip-jmm week, to all persons interested causing a copy of this :>sif ANDBKWs II Plncnix Bow/ ‘it It was by BBOs., cr fail to cure the most obstinate Misplace- Mi*. Ziha Williams drowned at sea, ed; native-, £2 50; and New Brunsw lmt^'nrl{ af 1 and 7 P. order to be three weeks in reeled,nc\ Bangor ick, Doors open M. published successively ments, Ovarian Troubles and Chronic. Weaknesses* • I much-adne-5- for a time. Mr. Williams is £2 .57 ii'l 50. and Sat- the Journal at that thev Thursday Republican printed Belfast, o common to the best of the sox. Ml letters are Ai'T'LLs—I’ippius and gravvnstcins, 50 (y at ‘l1., I*. M. Leaving Lincoln's wharf, at a Probate Court, to be held at Bel- ••ne of our best young men, the sole dependence of urday may appear answered by a skilful Female LMivsieian. Kills sold bid; maiden blush, £2 75: porter, $2 50 I*. M. of October next, at ten*of the clock be- Markings Tuesday AT I. S. (.'AM»\Vi:i.l,'s llOOKSTOKK. -T per box ; six boxes, $.T.on. Send for pamphlet ami ■ dead. Mr. W. is mate of tin* Hav ANl> straw -Choice No. 1 timothy, £21 P Connections made with steamer Lewi-ten for fore noon, and show cause, if j ing Ship Zephyr, Admission 50c. Children Half Price. any they have, why list of cured. Address lyeow‘24 ton ; fair to good, $Ibt. V\ lssl.—T Special Excursions all Railroads and Steamboats. \ true copy, \ttest : A. A.Il.KK lll.U.Regi ter. .1. W. W VTKBMW. \rt 1st Penman. i:t Temple Place. Boston, Mass The Swedish Wile. Malaria. be due to summer travel and secondly to i.y mks. h. | a. KOWK the increased use of ice water. The lat- One hears a deal more of malaria in the State House at Augusta, Me is a bunch good -FOlt- of cedar made a Swedish the ter suggestion is supplemented by men- shingles by woman, now than in years when its Watuifacliirers and Healers In For Safe at a wile of one past, poison- llaryahi. III. Desert, Miami, & Machias of the earliest settlers of New Sweden, tiou of an instance in which malarial fe- i Castilie.MilIbriJgf who. with her husband sick and a of little ous influences were confined, or rpilK following machinery ran he seen al F. I. family supposed 1 IIOWAIiD’S Machine Pleasant ones her. made with her own hands ver was induced the use of wa- Shop, Street, dependent upon to by impure w here he I In* steamer 1. R %t I be confined, to the swamps and low- Itclfast, Maine, keeps on hand, or will r n vl| MTOJV these shingles, aud carried them her back n's. I upon ter. Though the writer does not profess Doors, Sash & Blinds, furnish to order, all kinds of eastings al mannlae- HIKIN'., .Master, willlea\. miles to the I eight town of Caribou, where she ex- lands of the South. And of late its dele- tnrer’s prices, and will do all kinds of machine tail mad '\ tiarf, Portland, everv Tuesday und Krl- changed them for provisions for her to be an what be is Hour and work in a style and at that cannot tail to lay evenings, at 11.15 o'clock, or on arrival family. terious influence our Presi- expert, says worthy Window Frames, Hour and Window prices upon suffering please. Pullman express train from Boston, for Kooklnml, The morning sun shines bright and clear, of attention Screens, Black Walnut and Ash KMcnslon Ta- 1 Horizontal Stationary Steam Fnglne, 15 Horse a.-tine, Deer Isle, Sedgwick, So. \\v.-t Harbor, B u Clear and cold, for winter is near,— dent, necessitating the dangerous experi- Admitting that the of malaria can not bo bles, Pumps, Gutters, Mouldings, Bracketts, Power, with lliintoon (inventor anil feed water Harbor, (Ml. Desert,) Millbridge, Jonesport, Winter, the chill aud dread: origin healer, Maehiasport. ment of removing him from the baleful at- determined, there are two circumstances und Water Wheels. Pine, Black Walnut and And the tire burns bright in the exile's home, accurately 1 I Portable Steam :! lieturning, will leave even of our prlght Fnglne, 1-2 Horse Maehiasport Momlu) With iu recent phases social life that may iu part Ash lumber on baud. Job Work of ind at fagot of tir from the mountain’s dome, mosphere of to the purer and always Power, with Feed Pump attached, and a copper Thursday morning, 4.30 o'clock,’ touching Washington account for the of the fever i* While the children clamor tor bread greater prevalence every description. Sash Printed and Glazed. roll heater. above, arriving in Portland same evening, eon more invigorating air of Long Branch, has arising from it. Summer pleasuring is one of the These engines having been thoroughly repaired, ic.-ting with tbe Pullman night train for Boston. Against the wall stands the idle wheel. circumstances to which wo refer. Almost every- We shall keep on hatn lin connection with the above are as good as new, and can he seen in motion if Connects at Itoekland with Sanford s. s. < made the word a familiar one all over the Hearner* eaeli Cutinished the thread upon spindle and reel, body now travels in the summer mouths, or desired. trip for Belfast, Bangor and lti\< 1 lliintoon Landings al*o with steamer on Wednc The cards are crost: land. Worcester as “an his residence that The (iovernor new) right size fora 15 Monday, empty defines malaria changes during period. and for Dreen’s the the are Horse Power to a 20 Horse Power Fnglne. lay Friday trips Lamling, Blue Hut nigh tv the hearthstone sits the wife, seashore, mountains, valleys, all crowd- PAINTS, OILS. COLORS. ull exhalation from JAPAN, 1 Air Pump for rondenslng engine new. and Kllsworth. At Bar Harbor with steamer With clever and brave and blithe marshy districts, produc- ed with from the cities and towns; aud, as cylin- maliet,—so people •’or Lamoine < Hour Butts, knobs, Sash Fasts. der S\10, connections for 1 :(-l Inch pipe. and Millivau. At ^edgwiek with -ta. She fears not famine or frost. these are unacclimated, as their habits an* Locks, Latches, for ing intermittent fever or disease : a nox- people I Irregular Moulder, In good condition, and with Bltieliill. so as Hour Blind Picture < > i. not judicious those of permanent residents, Springs, Hangings, Pastors, over #100 worth of ( illlei's. ( M IN Wl-.ST. At Itoekland sand liitn Fair and soft are Moulding Monday her braided locks, ious exhalation.” In mala- la\ with Sanford s. >. Washington exposing themselves continually to night air and Y/ TONIC knobs. Wire Screens, Screws, Flowered anal I am also prepared to eat on carriage axles, to Co. from Bangor and Itiver Aud the light in her blue eye merril}’ mocks for Portland. hot suns, sickness becomes very common among Plain Ground Double Thick Hour take up end play in box. and w ill guarantee ;di- Landings The shadow of want and fear ria arises from the extensive flats of the ^ Glass and < ; them Every physician in the large cities knows CURE faction in all eases. Inti' L. I >H 1ND, Deneral Manager. DR. As deftly, with aud Window Glass. •K<> L. DAY, (ieiieral 1’ieket Portland. GROSVENOR'S LIVER AID lingers supple stroug. Potomac which are covered twice a how many families that have gone to spend the snor ix it rice lit / uh vi,■ ox ri.eas i \ / Agent, She draws the shave day Lack glittering along, summer m the country return in September ill Dyspepsia, Indigestion, STREET. SEAR SHOE FACTORY. IS NOT A O'er the slab of cedar near. Our I’rices are Reiluceil to (lie Lowest for PAD, by the tide, and upon which is collected with fever. A eases of malaria that CASH. great many of F A j l O W A HI). .in have fallen under the writer’s have oFStrength, But Internal Remedy for Liver Neatly and close are the shingles laid. the refuse from the two cities of observation Energy,Loss All persons building or repairing will find it to Washing- been contracted in this The in Hound in a bunch, -then, undismayed. way. stranger any their advantage to irive ns a fall. We want a lot of Complaints, ton is Want of Inter- The Swedish wife : and (leorgetown, whose sewerage section is naturally much more susceptible to local Appetite, Line, Brown, Ash, Spruce and Kirch Lumber. Such as uprose intluences than those who have lived Should it he a dry year and a fleet our water power, He patient, my darliugs. she said. sun always there, STEAMSHIPS. blithely into the river. The shining mittent etc. wo shall add steam t*» our and Snkss, l’oou \m:mi lsi»i«;i:-rioN, I to the and shall have bread, emptied and hence malarial fever may very up Fevers, power mill, shall al- go town, you naturally lie from I BF.< e\er\ >ATI ItDAY. 1 H Sli.i'M A, IUZZINKSS, J’ll.I.S, HolI.S, .) A t .V iu where it has ways ready t•» d»> all jobs that cmic ahmir. .tiling i)l Thi lire the has reached its close. with midsummer heat upon these flats pear among strangers places ItKI.KAST Kill \!>K> \ \ I * M \< HIM, route nt ]>1CK, llKAliTlU UN, Sol It ‘-T«>MA< II, day IKON KITTEKS are rpilK pre unprecedented advantages to tom scarcely been known before. An observing coun- A. V. MCKEl. W. M. X i< now fall Iv an1 the l.oi s Fkmm.i. r< »\iri.vt vis, im tryman get teipiiring Lower st. Lawrence. In addition, tin* di souks, 1 The road was roug.i, and the sky grew gray fever and but who come here are Nearsniont, Maine. nice from p. i- aim mile- 1TUIT1KS VM> s VI.1 KllKl M. which the southerly wind ear- ague, city people certain and eiTuient tonic. (Quebec I.i\erpool short With the snow that sifted down prevailing and of the re.lie Hie Liver i- tlu* Largest Organ of the Human ; continually falling sick with it They are fond of .June 2."i, lssi.— Ji> •r, .-| di-tanec I ,ooo mile- i- inlai Hent were her shoulders beneath of I ISON KITTIiKS na\ reducing the actual ocean Iti tin* largest because it ha- the most to their load. ries through the city. The digging up moonlight rides aud moonlight sails, and night air, ,;<■!, the Homl, First-Class Mechanics & Tools. igati"ii, \o\agc to do. It is Hut was her lor love was the minimum of da\ intimately connected with the digestive high heart, goad everybody but city people knows is bad for the the tu..l i/ire -new to wr aiv prrpaivi t«* in work prompt h aui jn>t us r\uus streets in the work of also (strengthen niiizclt.-.j life I!\tra Dip- ir.Mi. Df.ASt.oW, <.A I AY \ and m -y-tem-, consequently, any derange- That urged her on to the town. repairing pro- health.” It is certain that fever is con mu' nisttiim ia 'liivi t. frequently ilie nerve!*. 1:1 \ s'l’i »\\ \ AND LoMiii\Di,i:iA ment ol the Liver produce- ( and a i)i Dlitli I 'onstipafion duces malaria, and oil streets in Washing- tracted by town people iu country places, and it is fi Bl hundred evils in its lire the sun went down was her >S11 »\. train, and al-o occasions nerv- promise kept. the IKON ItiTTliiK ! like a < liarin just possible that apparent spread of malaria & F"i’ age ii,.( in I. .nnatinn t I I ous diseases without number; resulting, if un- The little ones feasted before ton thus disturbed in summer time there Mining Machinery Ship Work pa- appb. they slept: to A on a Book I he due this fact. tlie all lb >\\ I a go „l a checked, in paraly-i-, insanity <>;• death. 1 n. (iros- While the sick in may largely great man} digestive ring ,t Belfast, Me 1.1-A I father, bed, will 1m- mail- a A LIM \enor’- Liver-Aid i-a wonderful medicine for im- are few households from disease. people iu the city of New York are Buttering from Binding. d»» obviously ." < "‘III " I if' < l\ ! '>cttei known. Mil's. M. \ l’a’samic sweets to the ltltOVr N nili.TIK'Ali SHlVLKIi, overpower gall. ria at various in New as as CO. ■ places l'.ngland ice cold, but which become soon K n \ 7.22, 11 !• 'i'll'Iikr 7 I',. I iui\ -.117, | ,: Ho \\ -i-h\ New Y ork. Ti •• friends, like aud the wall it apparent ivy props, 1 1 i the is Whether this Aid. 11_r '.IT, ;m i\ inir at lit viiltan at ,.;i, .1 m Hwth stand or fall. from which it lias been absent for many temperature heightened ItaStiiiiorc, BOOK BINDING together, together matter is unwholesome or not must i.'-.iv 2. |i in. j- lv• j.,i j. u, \\ l '-r -ale b\ ill l>rugai-t- at c 1 pel bottle, n • earthy depend IIH1.1-1jit In all it- hr.niehr-; at the very l.<>\Vl-;sT 1 I; 1 < IS. -• u. T*r«»"kn Ik IT, Kn>*\ i. lii, I ii .rii'iiki* ;.7»1. I a t.ottles lor $5. years. This malaria has been upon its character, and this is exclusively within —AWARDEP iyrlv extending 1 vrf. I. "7, I .*•' manl’ ( t We 'ii. IT. iu^ at itin !.an The Methodist (Ecumenical Council. the of the chemist to determine. -triet at tent hm to lmsine-< I t.> mei it to a marked extent of late province I»y hope a al 5. In j>. in. throughout wish to the that mala fair share of -_**;if I simply suggest possibility puhlie patronage. lirtnniiiiu fmavi- llunih.uii at *.»».'» », m., ! rial lurk in ice in view of a re- I — Tin; Toronto. Canada, Mail says of the the lower Connecticut Biver and poison may water aiii ( »«* !it.^c '.'.IT, I'nitv T!i.»ni-. an :iu' at i:* lI'.t-1 .it 11 .nn m session in London It was that the appointed H EM EM H EH THE El. ACE lifting I.'mvi1 Uuriiliani at I.*" | .»■< ma n I’~ < Massachusetts. The Medical and quire into the water supply iu many urban dis )>. m., which Surgi- nit Thnni'likr, Kin>\, 2 Hr great .Methodist communion, has tricts iii Englaud. Some significant facts were Mitm L-ACT ■'•."2,1 RPI ■'• u .nl" »I I i. < it \ 1 li lit r. 2', arri1. ai I’., 1 xtcnded its usefulness so cal Journal says that although ‘The fact elicited the commission. In a little in HmwxOver Swift’s shoe Store O l. L I HOI. by village 1 ■ spiritual widely I*, a FAISON lit KFK, 111«-n*ad 1«*r New -hade- ju.-t reeeived. Counsellor at used it tor drinking purposes, and shortly after Phtenlx ami Mlautie Pure White Lead Law, bouts, the H John and be- been ottered." The of the Con- striell} Ollier with esleys, Charles, Secretary ward a iow malarial fever In came prevalent, of Linseed Oil, Colgate* Pure llaw and Boiled. heating A Field, over National Bunk gan in form their societies, and to-day, course, it can bo said, that this was probably due necticut State Board of Health, in a re- lies! oil iii the market MAIN STREET, BELFAST. 1 to Whitaker’s Almanac, there to lb.* character of the wafer in the stream, and < I according Kagle Bead} Mixed Paints in asst, rails, all eolors, TO MU. FELLOWS. cent slates that the ma- this tact the does not \\ e have had TESTIMONIAL arc fourteen millions and a half of Metho- monthly report, report speak \rtist> Colors and Brushes, .Japan and Oil 4 >t Metle instances in this country of siekiu •.s produced by \ I 7 K, the leiirynicn dists in tin- British ami the l nit wave is over Colors, (.old Leaf, Luhrit aiing Oils, Ae., W. C. FRYE, larial gradually extending use VV 'list < 'h m il ill Nov a h r, me u-« I lie* Empire the of impure ice ; it needs, indeed no parlia Paint and \arnish Brushes. Chamois a" Ft l.l.<»w< uM « »i M> >^ Itl I’ ed States. in tlie mentarv oinniission to convince us that pivparat i*m known They constitute, fact, the State, but be fails to discover the impure Impure water, unhealthy climate, unripe fruit shins, Ae.,Ar. COUNSELLOR AT LAW, «»i Jl ns»rn«mrm n.", 'l i > Mr. I. ice is unwholesome, lint the excited ex- pr« )iar« second in point of numbers ot all the apprehensi.u uuwholsomo food, cramps', chills, malaria, Kxtremeh !• »\x price- to reduce out I,live -t..ek- M. V !’• <*r mriim *»c Ollh enter \.H. Iliuse's Store.t ustoiti Em.i.uw( luMiii-l, John, actual cause of its the is. that ten to be ■ thousand and one ills that House Square and are prime appearance. by report supposed pure may ssi. h* at and the \\ hole-ale and retail. !m”i; known « .i'» wherein it' ell'eri- wa re ••■•neii -in!, be Churches, spreading everywhere those Contain the seeds of m ilari tl -••t the trawl* r or family are to BELFAST, -tf 1 1 lie centre I mm u Inch the recent poison nothing MAINE, eve it to be n reliable renie«i\ Pa t h 'li-ea-e- for with a zeal and fervour possible fortified ami sustained In the use ol S.\nk<*ki> F. J. Morison 4 Co 52 Main St., Frlfast. ffio Best Known Remedy for unprecedented •• whirl it i' iveomnienile-l. < d.l’eioiis As a Ix v. rajre it save in times of a al- is a 11n«.i;it, -the religious upheaval outbreak has. started indicated by the head, I \ml. 11 i.NNb. up Ions MeMi t:i:u. ipieiich.-'i t hirst, op* ns tin- pores, ivhcves backache or Lame Back. l I most In he ey sot a printer. he meanest man is the the stom h :oid bowels, eradicates a PHILO MERSEY, I're~. iif ( onferem ", l .\ 1’re- oi (onteienre. revolutionary. reported saying of Dr. knight u! New ulates Rheumatism or Lame Joint': one fuses to e new life to th* W M. SAIMI.S l!l'U\i;li W. W I: I' I»A I. I who h take his paper without hav ;n iad t<>r int«)\ie:.i/- an.i nnparts T. 1‘idike the great historic Churches, 1 *• a *m rvous and or ms Apia. W. Mi Haven to the elfect that the malaria ing tor it. and a recent dechh-n in ihe court, enrew orit. *»v• k- d.n* sleep amps Sprains. & Counsellor at Law. A. Moviilk. iioi.-mn, Methodism owes either to tradi- paid languid, Ally. '.- w 11.. fi;\s<\vii'K ,|u> nothing makes him the same as a We i< lu <•< aitria or i, thief lhink lie Kidney Diseases \<». I. Hamden Block M. *• on one never from the lime- • s nfolio's <:inokii and take no other. Belfast, m phi s t Ifi "i [ Kmvi.\si» Mniims, tional the hand, or wholly disappeared win'M’. Home Journal oi- weight politi- |<>ardiuer o: Severe or P 1 1 ■ lulls .1* Ml S -us. r„. ,1 -,V h,W 1:t n, 'Ii' "I- \ tit- I ‘1 I -a f ami In 1 cal needs on the other. The little hand < stone regions of Hie loner I loiisatonie maio Weakness. 111 t Tin 11:- -1 i: 'lie •■.;e-, I I »•«•! I leu I « .t 11 r- nl. The u- lelier- I rotn varioii' »mns:»t the the l'nite.1 >iat« >. an I from line- i'lie of the Connecti- Acer's lioniinioi:. Valley Secretary matt'-r in ai-1 < ■ 11 rf 11 the herein IT.'Ci iet to to and and ceoi omical ll lias liccoini! / lo fi’atl-i. laml, verif> inir a-emorm e..ntaine«l, together pray, exhort, superior dressing Suiirrior Ht ll'a -t, l-m. 17. !"1 cut State Hoard that “the an wI be at 11 i oiln on gen- article tor the tmlet '• null will shown application help each other, sought no aid from flesh says only indispensable A to l.itiiiiirclh. 1 he\ relate l> the nnvof bi'ca t lie I .mm and blood. knew but that re- eral features that to iullueiice it it to Oin1111 rum s-;. « Heart, Momaeli. .V They this, appear 'Mamma, what are twins made 1«»i asked a >»n|M*ri<»r <>j- was littIt* the other H«-i ions elder lo Urn i*. ,:a!\ awts.m C C. M. ligion asleep, and needed spiritual are the rivers along whose it ex- gill day prm-o. tiprrior ririi> KILGORE, D.. Fellows' Compound Syrup of Hypophos- valleys hrolher *S«* that cannibals may eat awakening: that worship had degenerat- replied pb:l ’i’ll' \rt I ninirdiurr3 v. nitiec over II. H. Johnson A Fo.'s store, phites tends and from right to left with opeans ed into formalism: and that tin1 faith once spreads I Sir’. SI if nv.t hrn. *'pee|| I ! >' till A’i i I N > IN lion, ''hortne's of lire aih. i' • I ion of flic IP art, agents fur Clmmic His.* ;vi of \ !;» \ Nl^hi ealls answered from the oill<* evil times. had a Christian coast line which it and ex- among therapeutic 'J’hrv Itrli«‘\ i*ain at 1 remlniim of the llaml- ami l.inib'. 1 *h\ ~i«• uI ami England along spreads Women Yhr> l’o»ili\rly < nr«*. Mental bepre- i m. 1 of \ ppi-tib-. I.— f Kn i ameto live by, and yet was dead, wrap tends inland." In regard to the search eiy \, l,o.« Memory, ami will raphlh improw It you should hiuL to a man that small .■aim* ex Hats ! J. P. ped in the cere-cloths of a still'and bar- and Afl P'in ii.- Is: COWLES. M. D,, the weakened lum tion- ami oieui' o| tlm, for a cause, he “such local causes isted on the lop o! his head, lie would proh-,ibl\ be Caps 5 ST“5 A &$ ren Deism did not so much says, H li 9 I I I I I |\g h'is lm\r hern iluitatrii. i >o vhieh ilepi*n«t for health up -n volnnta.y ami invol- moralizing. but m<*M man has a rut «• 8 Vs I I’hi/sirian .( Sti angry, every part b«ie 11 .'. ■ * 11 ill \v 11 ■»; ,i!i' I n k a I I >.t 11 k ri it 5 vo hot. :tllii\v your ill _'tr-r to ryron. m >. oil' aejion. 1; ,.ei- w ith i_ »r. ti'entle as have been have either j ujr alarm the minded as tile investigated f«>r all that •Ini •tf >• •!11‘■ othrr spiritual frigidi- ili 11 ;.n ... llif .!..ll:tr Tlii- Purely \r | it I»1 »• ( Mill) mi.)-! ml i lira ] |-l.iht.-r h;i\ ii:ir a ?te- am I subtlety. «»w ini? I- the \o ui'itc harmony ly CAMDEN. MAINE, the the of a afur the of the and i.-/ 11;11u• ■. S.m* that th»* wuni i- >[,.•!! .1 t lmrrmlienl akin to i.loo.i ii -e.f I y IT ty. bloodless, sickly pallor originated appearance However | •»•**! i:i ) «• I I I* Mil llll* bed I.’mm! an! Ih-ros m|' the pare watched by loving care, 1O0 dozen Huts, 50 routs eacli. C A f r-I-N K I’i ire 25 « ts. faithless Church, flic enemies of Home has •’ For sale hi \VM. 0. 1*0011 A SON. relig- disease, or else had keen in existence long distempers larking there lOO 75 Materia Medien, airl lias yarned an unii\ l. •! r< |mi SEABURY A JOHNSON. And Maniitai Cli i!ii-1 N u N C, P. ion were those of its own house- human power cannot defend " lali'Mi for tlie follow ini* eil’r- t i/. hiring LOM BARD, chiefly before, often local causes have been 100 Sl.OO hold. From ills .hat constantly impend: i iti: ii i.m D\ vr i. \. l*. MRS. LYDIA L PINKHAM, OF LVHN, MASS.. a But Sanford 8 (linger bids pain cease. PURIFYING THE BLOOD, : :• O’S Medicated CORN and BUNION PLASTER It. was into the midst of this found wliie.h apparently induced local- Fine iiir >1.all ami >1M Facii. I3EMTIST spiritual And lo»mc rt stores it. heal Hi and dulls peace. liaison!) \lit 1 thus ruriny Humor-, soiv .1 l<• lin.:. that John hurst with his ized or the and fre- •'<>, ,r Church .1- .s'. n h Li l.s /■ decay Wesley epidemic, persistence \ «. i; i: \ t i’\ km ; \ i \. ( anker, "aid 11 ••ad. A A A Neu York that that Eruphons, J 11« § c\ in paper says in city crying angel, lie had Been America, lie had of the as the cut on a quency disease, clay at weddings has gone out of fashion. In Chicago REGULATING AND CLEANSING ! HE G lire from the Moravians of (Jer- AYER’S r~ & caught the lather of the bride docs the when he c the course of one of the new railroads crying and the which had comes to settle tin* bills STOMACH AND ROWELS, 0 uuiny. mystic power ISAAC HILLS. near which were v more U *2SOr., and $1.00 rueli. i; lain dormant for was once the cases astly Thus i; nm*< I >\ -i" p da, lmliye-t +- generations For those who are overuorked aud in whom the 5 file-, A e. Cathartic more to do its reviving work. There was numerous than elsewhere in the Brain and Nervous lias been exhausted Pills, SURGEON DENTIST , r o neighbor- System in aims: from excesses. I have found no combination of OVERCOATS ! Q nothing revolutionary Wesley’s and the marsh in Dur- STRENGTHENING THE DIGESTIVE >0. I !l llliill M.. Ill'HlM, V, hood, pestiferous remedies so and ellicaeious in | 1 lie warred neither against Church nor rompt restoring I'h l:ii iiifiii «• s »\ 'T m! l I l*■ ami For all Dio of a 1 o the vital forces as of ORGANS, imposes Family Physic. ham, in whose immediate was a Fellows'Syrup ilypophos L*< 1 1.h* hum!. Im>\ ami ••luMtvn'' v\t-:if t< u) 1 nit vicinity State, fought only against carnality, I’ll ii- 'an inr the food to n« m X phites. »n ih 1 in I In* ri! {i I h it 11 mi ri It and ii|>|> iI >r\ GEO. F. D D S. N of print--. EAMES, o formalism, and death. And if localized epidemic typo-malarial fever, Ai.kx Ma< Masikk. M 1) Hot Aik part. P ('I 'lUN’f i spiritual Springs, (ornrr Muinoml l/iti ,S JZ ever there was a man obviously marked but in both instances the disease was in < «s|| U'licss, .lauml cr A Harlem mocking bird is an adept at singing SUITS ! REGULATING THF SECRETORY ORGANS, G out for his work was BUCKSPORT, MAINE r> w appointed Wesley and and bin the I)} spepsia. I miimsiion, the neighborhood long beloiv." The Med- Moody Sankcy hymns, nothing Nrr our $‘>.00 suit'. I nrmrr I’m r. $ 7.00 And. i>y enahliny tlu'in to perforin Iii• ir proper man. lie was it hum a I ool Motnarh \ I; l »! I- 1:' will It,- I, .11-11, v >11 M .-t l •. one, says Macaulay, cage prevents taking up collection. *• ** t'li.ietions, |n « rutinr and rnriny Bilioi: and other l)>semen. E ical s.00 10.00 ■ "ii, ',v. it,; 1 u-l ,,n \ ,- ,1 1 ’•whose and Surgical Journal state-; its belief f.lint til ! >i-ra-e 1,1,111 11.1. 1, 1 •>-.!, i.. C3 eloquence and logical acuteness ** ‘* *• and Hreatli, Headueii< Have you tried, as a remedy tor your Coid or 10.00 1*2.00 Hill CO have made him in that the of malaria in West- riies.Dheuinu- E might eminent litera- appearance S«siprlas, c o and l'ar A ohhif Sac/, amt 1'i'twf, Saits, ture, whose genius for was ern Massachusetts was at one time receiv- Composed, as it is. of two of the best lKm, Krtipiioiis and skin G government NERVOUS SYSTFM. 5 and most simple ingredients in nature, it cannot O not inferior to that of Richelieu." Wiiit- \t jsio.i'.i. nn. I I mi, sI>;.imi p.-r nil. m- Diseases. i;}lioiisn<>ss.Li\- ACADIAN HOUSE, H- ing the attention of the State Hoard of tail ot Wild and Far are rim- allay inu Nonoil m: < n m ail iieid relieving you Cherry er c o might excel him in disea-e- i»t tiie Nrrvrs. hi m.ri a 1. d in the « ire Complaint, Dropsy.Trt- impassioned and universally admitted by everyone at all ac-piainl h Full Lime oi Dress G JZ lie Health, it adds the weighty sugges- Suits, ol all ter.Tumors ami sail Klieum. Worms, hold. Neural* oratory, but possessed what was rtiore ed with medicine, as sure remedies, and the bc.-t Castine, Me., IB8I. •*-' E /ft permanently valuable, not tion that the subject is worthy lor Coughs, ( 'olds. Sore Tim-at. Bronchitis, W \ ! ! 2.on. | | i. lU.mi, r* Is.on. FEMALE DISEASES, ala, as a dinner Pill, and PurifyInn Hie Itloml. 0 r: only thespirit certainly hoop ’• and all ■>{ the Huh! !• TI 1'htts, It. I tor ual ing Cough, Hoarseness, other diseases 1 con.avnial puryative y et pcrlV. / / CD y o fervour which seizes upon the hearts of and careful and \- W e.tkne -. I rreyularii >h-t an ion Am £ iky Ski A AJ ^ n timely investigation, the used 1 o. pulmonary organs Many having Dr O H« *t ;: 1111 n I shew h much ! I. .■ < 2: and consciences of the masses, but the or- anil;, e more Craves' Balsam in its If, whe.i Boys9 Clothing! It is to take and atr m all ea-e-, needs to hav thrown it. speak highly pleasant aetiny » light upon praise. oilier Pills. are -:•!:- ano jde:- 1 [ I. ganizing ability which binds them are alllietcd. will this valuable They togeth- you you give really \ ! ilil a |> Hi' .>! i, in harmony with the i*.--1 rii; powers of nature. A writer in Imt Vv. mil to e>ire. , lie I.. LYDIA E. PINKHAsVPS er. The is a : Appleton's in this remedy a triai. will not be in its 5= 7.mi, >-.nn. s '.(Mi Miit. p. They pliri'v great preacher only memory discussing you disappointed cl.nii, hh, p.-r It never as injures, hut alwny heneiiis and eures, 1 elfeets. Id mors of lie Mon.I the mi 1 r W eslcv was the founder of a and Sample, ets : generous size, Ad ets they VEGETABLE COMPOUND. vigorous question says thon-ands of «• rtilimite- from the l.r t For < Biliousness, Dyspepsia, r voluntary disorder, d oraaii' into aetion and lIn r JOHK & powerful Church. It is not too much to Constipation, Shirts, Collars. Neck &c. imij•.i:• ATWOOD CO., a Positive Cure Within the last few there lias been .1 Liver use Ties, authorities testify. in.JanldT Is years very Complaint, Improved Family.Cathartic health and tone I > the whole heiny. i le y mu'" •.. say. that if was the remarkable of malarious sickness At one Fills, made Dr. Craves: 'Jo cents box ( all anti si t* our iininrnsr '‘lock be fort* 1'rtnhni ( n» ission Wrrclninf* humanly speaking, spread by price. per purrliiis- ■ n t'urull those Patnrui Complaints 4,111! WenknesACA For sale l>> all Oniyi'isls. the eveiy day complaints ..f ..-I a form as well as lone malaria was contineil in the eastern mid For sale Wdn (> Four A Son Belfast. Iwd? liitf. Ilrinrnibrr or an> Ihinu pm hum*, in only socommou to our best fVuiuIe popuiutioi:. the spirit of Methodism and by kerp iM' i>i \i.i:u> in tlit* inrn and wear. omai formidahle and dancer-ms di-wa-m' \p kiliul < a rlothiuu lint* lor bo)N It will cure entirely the worst burn of >m- which has it The class- die states to few marshy districts, but now it is given vitality. And when •• 1 ■ II:i\, Potatoes, Onions, linin'. Hull*! found almost It has that blushing San Francisco biide FOR SALE. phy -i< i.inlno-t eminent «,.■ I Vp|ile>. plaints, ail ovarian troubles, Inllamination and Ulcera everywhere appeared in parts cleraymen, t meeting, which is its distinctive feature, showed the cheek tor a million to her husband lie lieese, Iirirs, live Foul, Potiltr}, tonne. sai- and and the cu.m of New Knglaml and New York where all accounts The stih-eriher oll'rr ITr -air hi- <•'111/011'. 'Clld eel lilieale-' of e|ire> peri. •)’, lied. :0 d tiuii, Falling Displacements, .joeiit burst into and NEW BOSTON CLOTHING STORE, inon. Fresh Water FNIi of all hlml',..\r was a devised not mere- that it was never tears, exclaimed with intense ter on near \\ spinal Weakness, and is particularly adapt* d to the masterly agency, agree known before ; it is found hou-e Main -treet, il-on of -real hcm-lifs derived from the-. Pill- Tin "And even this shall not us I No. 110 l'Outh Market St.. Boston. IVlj^ of Life. far on the hills as well as in the in cities as vor, separate 11 ill. late 1 lie lv-ideliee of \ \ Change ly keeping up brotherly sympathy, valleys, are tlie -af, t am hc<| -ie tor I .- a « PHOEHIX ROW. Howe- The i in ..I re- jihy S!i i 111«• n T }»-i 1 ! i-T .1 <■•!.!. A *. a. It will dissolve and tumors from the uterus in well as in \ illages. in as wet!as wet At i. expel but for the stimulus it and contin- dry places. An Kstaukisiikd Kk.mkdv. Downs' Kki.xik iia> > •' gave, f"i' aa-and la ill- .t: I. t i- l' l\ eii a- I mark*‘l A- ail one to pair. piped throiiyhnut mild a> well a.' clfeeliul. an early stage of development. The tendency to ean- time Boston was declared he the northern been ues to to the of widelv known and used as a reined', furnaee, eemented ami nnmand- me of give, ciiculation •ough eellar, are en-v to fake and l.eina I »••. :a t«rous there is ela -ked its u.- spiritual limit of it. and w liether it has et on the ANDREWS BROS. |mr. humors v«-ry spe* dily by ) appeared for lift)' years. No other cough medicine has stood Proprietors. the finest view.- in Belfast. Hood lot for a va rden, d.-sti the communion. shores of Massachusetts or Maine we do not know : harmlc- It removes faintness,flatulency, -ysull craving the test hull this length of time. The people stand and has apple tree- that la-t y ear prodne. -1 list- are entirely Babbitt Meta! for and rdh v* .; weakness of tin- stomach, Nor was the woik of but the Berkshire was considered hr a foi stimulants, Wesley coniined country equally by that w hich is good. bushels of line fruit. Will -mM at a har_a:u. Machinery. .’t cutva Floating, Headaches, Nervous I f ..-truth ■: to ttic Church he founded almost with- free from it and now it has made its appearance the owner is yminy to ,-ra. If ii"l -old -omu will hr \ ki i» \ \ 'P VI I'. M 1. I \ I La i' Uenerul Debility, .Sleeplessness be; region and Indi- there The arises as to the rented. Apply to d B. I d Bl! \ M 1 out it. The of the question naturally Du. Baxikk’s Manukakk Bi i kk.w are intending impulse cause. pun-ly Belfast, Sepi. s, |-si. -hit t DR. J. C AYER & Mass •Joist f Til I. .1'HIIN \ I « >F'H< I- gestion. vegetable—the product of the hills and valbys. CO., Lowell, That feeling of bearing d< .wn.causing pain, weight movement was not coniined to the socie- The writer then goes on to that Prartiral and t lu uiists. und backache, is cured hy .1. u:.e. ties. it into the of sa> Vnalytiml always permanently spread Church Eng- Wakkantko Hknkv A Johnson's Aknh-a anh It will at all times and under n’.l 1 ircumsta?:- act in most of the answers to this are FARM FOR SALE. IHOKBS & OSBORNE land, and diffused new life there, and if question On. Linimknt is warranted to please all who use "'"Id hy ill Dniyai-!' .m«l I lealei in M* •! harmony with the laws that govern th femah system. the nineteenth a of a character. A few of them it. -i: in* dr r< For the cun -f Kidney complaints f either ax this century opened upon speculative l’lea-antly uah-d on 1 BAIL., MAKERS, better and more active road hetwerii >ear.-p"rl and Bel \N1» VI.KIlN IN Compound Is unsurpassed. religious world, are cited. ITof. of Williams a HEW STOCK OF UK Chadbourne, The oldest inhabitant is not a natural liar. He fast, two miles mi s, ar.-port \ i! PATENTS. LYDIA K. PINKIIAM’S VEGETABLE COM- the credit of if must be to the once given simply lets bis imagination in the open lot -la,ye. four mile.- from Belfa.-t eiiy JUNK, PAPER STOCK, IRON & METALS POL’XDis prepared at 233 ami V,\•>tern Avenue, College, while he says that the question play despised and Methodists. formerly occupied by memory and reason. inn .acres of yood land, partly iind'-r eultivat i"ii, Swan .v >iI•!«• Mr<*' Wharf, lU lfii-'. M Mass. Price Six' bottles for $f>. Sent by mail persecuted R. H. EDDY. Lynn, $1. and of w or cannot he is of that the y'ood pa-turr plenty oo.|, yood y Mimy ! r "a of answered, opinion 96*Ii i:»'!i j.rii,' i'ui'i .■Mraj'-. in the form of pills, also in the form lozenges, on Henry’s Carbolic Halve ehard, huildiny-, a walrr. an Secretary Blaine’s Despatches splendid yod -imply No. 7b State St., opposite Kill)). Hoston, inrtaL. horn1*7 of per box for either. Mrs. Pinkham wlfcli once and which e\eellent eellar. Will he -old receipt price, $1 theory prevailed, Is the I' sakvi; tor Cuts. Bruises, Sores, FI with l'armiuy imple answers all litters of Send for ment- and -tMek at a ,".ir.;.iin. -m the Si"iir<‘> Patent' in the lulled stile d freely inquiry. purnpL ( th<* cers, Salt Hheuin, Tetter, Hands, hi! 1 During President’s illness lie had "that malarial is ('happed 11.1/ \ .1. ( l I-. f'eam-e ami other l'-n e. uim rn -. !• let. Address as above. Mention this Paper. nothing taught poison premises. IM IIritain, iaii Mains. Corns and all kinds of Skin > m. S. STILES, lias been wailed with more interest or read Cruptions. Sear.-pMrt, Any. 1 -. I I. :;m. >■!' the rlaims of any Patent furni lie-1 rei i: i: JR., the result of es- « No should be without I.YbiA F. 1 INK HAM'S vegetable decomposition, Freckles and pimples (let Husky's AKi.oi.i-' me dollar. As-ia'nnieiil.'•t \\ a I m'.mi family with more eonlidence than the regular as are Ao in the I'nilul Stnl. s > .-.m- a-" LIVER PILLS. They cure constipation, biliousner^ the Sakvi:. all others counterfeits. Price 'J.» .l;/cnci/ Land and pecially decomposition produced by ••/ of the liver. 25 cents box. evening of Blaine cents. (icilitics fur obtuinimj Culcuts »/' //m in:; the Surveyor Conveyancer, und torpidity per dispatches Secretary FARM FOR SALE. .IlChSON. It rook' l\ 0., MUM-. so imtentnbilit>t of incmtion*. Hz) Sul«l l»v nil nruggiNlH. u *1 to Lowell in London. the close stirring soils rich in organic materials, O Indeed, I rom 'll. II. KDIO >o|i, iii',' .'I P it. t• ■ 11! ii ■ s: I •' Dr. Green’s Oxygentffect Hitters acres, mile ! .aii'i i"* iii— all Mat 1 observers of the of events at the ThM I M» » M \ I •1 yrl«* progress that the soil can he readily acted upon by Mill-, Ac., one \ nil'll- win ii r« |iiiJ'i'i! >!• I IMaii' | i- Is tiie best for Biliousness. < A'hite House have relied that dis- remedy Dyspepsia, • |{rooks i\ •'I reyard Mr. as one .•! the ! ami h air:ifi*l\ * u in a im 1 upon Malaria. Kddy heat and sunshine,” needs, he now be- Indigestion, and diseases of the Blood. store \\ ll c mm| kill'i', I! 111 i -. ! •; \- Llilmiil \ t as i ifWR gsehool, limec'l, a mt successful praetitioner.-- with whom I ten el the most accurate and instruc- AT ■ patch Liver, etc JiU ST RECEIVED water n ami two < I U I i:i !•_; -. A -in »l l\ r\t* .! I. I I* ■' from observ ations in various dis- Kidneys. Skin, lliviny pasture, oilirial intercourse. II \s M \m a, |*l | tive of the bulletins. It was known to lieves, e\ -w ells at the I'liiMiny. J barn- l(>\ t i'lllliiiv'i"i,"r I Pa!, lit M»li« il>-i|. < -a 'i• 11 i;'v w ill n < < i\• j»s lum tn house and cuts -Jo •_>.'» |,m- In l:NoS C.VI AKKH S.NI ! 1 CUlOS all allectiollS of aoTuT wood-lcu-e, |o II iiti"i be from the to be modified. "Am lm colors cannot a >n a prepared carefully testimony tricts, greatly hay, yood orchard, easy farm to w .irk, tield.- ‘itted employ p; tlie mucous membrane, of the head and throat or more of -e« rum- fm *i.« » of the and and it has for newer, yood -oil, -lock and tool w >i i; Worthy capable physicians surgeons, he “who has studied the sub- B. F. slrony « WELLS. •. one,” says, card ami las ora Me cm id. at i m a: 11 ! ! >; iTTn^lfcrmii.. a n -. been as an announcement if de-itvd, fortv sheep. W ill be -old at a leii yain. of the Dk. Mutt's > lire. i-;i» mi Ni» p.i ::ki:. accepted in the will himself that Livut Pi Id are the best Call ai uw \ ili w hit \ kpip jects west, satisfy !• actual situation somewhat less technical tie < '- I.ale ( t'lumissioa. r . •nth P,ro.»k-, Me. ...\ I HALF A 1 and formal than the professional bulletin. malaria abounds w here water is too scarce I »< >S'i'< >N, < i.'l o' ,er 111. I'd.. COmTfiVOLD, II. II. 1:1 >1 > N K'.* heal- -ir u pr... nr. There has been no at for if malaria comes evidently attempt comfort; where, the me. m in >im- li a id I FARM FOR SALE. l>|n, y lir-t patent. j I evasion of am for and ad\ i ed me iMium I; e> I f a1 kind, and if the situation from the soil at it must come from acted all, > B .‘iOO/hal f dow n, reminder ,vi -im i was it was proe need ma i.y patent'. aml<\l«i. grave, plainly stated in tlie dis- on ea ;\ term-. A I arm conlniui a- soil that is and dn. lie will he have occasionally employed the in-’. ,1- na m high 7 > acre-, of land, divided into patch. wood, New Vt.rk, Philadelphia ati' I W a hiiia I "ii. ''i; 1 I iiil and mow well \\ a o of further confirmed in the notion that pasture iny land, yive y ou almost tin.* \\ lode of my lm ane-111 i'licresponses Secretary Blaine also t< w itii on cut from red, yood hard, line, ami ad\ iso other-, to empho \ IsS ing Cough, anil all J ung finds it in the CD laria, Knelqv (.. W AMUIKW •>, s ac M- best taste. Indeed, throughout the whole G di.vosea when used in \uy. J’.', is-'i. in,:;, in where the few streams dow Your Corns ! « •lancholy period there lias been noth- mountains, Cure sea. >n. Filty years ago, M W \Ml Kil l! 1‘ATTKKNN .11 ST IIH KHI II. in all , ns vis ing the inlinite detail at the ITesi- ing from melting snow arc as pure as our r BY USING 00 EK! r Dov. given dent's house inconsistent with the same FOR SALE. by hi- \ i ;.ins to New Kngland trout brooks, while most uf sen loti /:/»*/;/ r /i ‘s lip OPERA A FULL LINE! die vv i* ii Co:, .an intelligent and modest propriety. .Noth- GLASSES, — The subscriber oiler for a! a ption. tlie soil is in matter, as it tic a< Under lie e •. ceiiibtaii- ing has been more marked throughout poor organic C. HERVEY. PEsiS:nix Row. haryain, -loop hi 111 Fi.K !K«H. 1 «•• Tic ooyl i feet -n:, cea this than the of must he when' little besides the 1 decompounded sincerity feeling. There has sage- I I feet beam, J fi et leep With ra «3 M .J ig*, V'. ;is ami been otlicial or cent re board. I In e\ crlleiit :: out cured, nothing merely perfunc- brush can grow. It is certain, sr* therefore, ncdaliim for i x on I'lic aeht. !i cd to a good old age. tory. A shadow has lain across the thres- per- Kntircly harmless; is imt a a 11 -1i* o is well i- in excellent e.-.ndition and i a la ■ .. that we have malaria in some places that found, It iTin.iua Corns, Warty llunim am! » You can try it h r the hold of home in the as if a be- sailer, kora ale boat to iit the dill', r every land, pleasure without leaviny a blemidi. oi one doctor’., \! it. are aim where tlie sous well summer !■•■ none can be found I In- price loved inmate were and mgn dry, are ent orb, better I.rii-h for applying in each hott 1. jj€£> mortally stricken, quire of I 'U A \ Iv \. 1" >1.1 P I !'. For sale everywhere. drained and not or A ci /,*/•: /s’ ci n: \ a //'/ /- a nothing in our history is more beautiful highly charged with Fourteenth Triennial Exhibition, -NEW- I tel fast, .July •>, |s-|. :;n tU) than the chastened tenderness of the gauic matter.” Its unusual prevalence in Prirc 2a cents. Por sale h) all Druttnisls. unit ‘isal feeling. An event which affects -OK THE- FOR SALE. Try il ami y ou will he convinced like thou ! CURED ASSUflLLY. New and other of the who have 11 a I it and now testily (o it- '.aim-. | individual citizen so England portions | every powerfully and 'file Stlb-cribrr Oiler- be' ■: i k 11 i Ask lor Schlolterbeck's t urn ami Wart Solvent Atlantic border can he he ^ cannot he lost the eoun- not, thinks, A re -nlenee oil Pay \ lew -!r <1 flic anil take n» oilier. ly r> beneficially upon I v r o li*. Irzy hulls' is tw I.*i ie -, all lint bed, I ry. ace muted for. Its and i.iiapy 11 larper’s Weekly. satisfactorily origin jjfll-lirSlJLi*lai ye i-tern in ••••liar, w HP- a :-oo,| - _XX___-~"Tk. dissemination are as as ■L1-1 yardeii spot. The view overlook mysterious pota- the harbor and i-ict e I in the twinkle little the nur- iny bay nirpa- city. HEALTH IS WEALTH! “Twinkle, star,” to-rot and other which Price reasonable. Wood rca-.n- for -■••lliny \p COMPOTJUD OF ^ blights destroy WTLBOE'S Im;. < \r:;\) \m» \in sery rhyme so familiar to everybody lias ply at this otlieeto IP |»y PP.‘ Wi.'i's hi; Tkiai Mis:. ■: ui tor II. or as an Pel fast, April 11, lssp i;,tf -p. ••ni. hi//ii,r-',< DAVIS’ been revised a committee of eminent vegetation, epizooty among \i on PERRY -ioi, -, r j. ,i.I... Ahnl i! he I... by PITBE COD LIVES lie, pi«—sion, scholars, with the following result: horses, which come without any known ol Ah ni"! "pt'rriio a, Imp otem 1 ti\• 1111i & October, tan Kmis i.>n 1‘ivmatniv ni Alt, rained i-\ Shim; with intermitted at Open September Just Received at irregular light, sparkle run their and then Farm for Sale! o\or n <»ver PAIN KILLER cause, course, disap- exertion,si,.ir indulyi nee, whirl intervals, diminutive luminous heavenly I n I»rooks of sn acres, de -iralde, AMD lead-- 1" liii.-rn drra\ and death One bo\ will run IH A ri’BELY VEGETABLE REMEDY as as come. ^OIL LIME.^ body; pear mysteriously they The well located, yood soil, pasturiny r.-eriil isi l-.arh bo\ oiilaim our month’s lira! For INTERNAL and EXTERNAL Use. How I conjecture, with surprise, not uuiuixed is eastward and north- and water. Handy to mills, mar- li lent. One dollar :t b. » \, r si \ box r- !• >r live do! yearly progress n\ with what you are kets, schools, illaye, storesaml IP bars; -nit mail prepahi on receipt of prior. \\ A sure and cure for Sore uncertainty, Avenue anti West Newton Mrs. B. F. WELLS. Oil nln> speedy be WllhorVs (ml-I.lver anil Lime. Persons Mx boxes, ea« I Located, at such a remote distance hut President ('hadhourne Huntington IP Station. Will sold at yreat guarantee to rnr* am ease. With apparently, ward; thinks -r Throat, Coughs, Colds, Diphtheria, tool with it il dc.-ited. A 1 have been taking ('od-Liver Oil will plea ".1 to order received m for six at a so to the haryain. stock and p]• by boxes, ace-unpani. from and height vastly superior St., opposite Coliseum Grounds. Or. Wilhor lias from diiv< Chills, Diarrhea, Dysentery,Cramps, that in former times it to JOHN W. I. \NH, Packs, M learn llial -ueeeeded, with live dollar-, we will send the purchaser .• n* this earth, the we inhabit “undoubtedly IV in eomhin Cholera, Summer Sick planet lions of several pro siona! aentlemon, written guarantee to return the nioue\ it the treat Complaint, < Similar in general appearance and refractory pow- to some where iua tin* >il and Lime in such a manner that d in. it doe- not elb- a euro. Headache, Neuralgia, Dhoti mutism, prevailed extent its pres- pure (iuarantee-issued ers to the precious primitive octahedron REDUCING STOCK! HORSE FOR SALE. i pleasant to the taste, and it- eil'eet- in Luna emu Ih II Mi m >io sole iuliiori/.e«l tor 1 tel Mi etc. audit fast, Bruises, Cuts, Sprains, aerial the earth ence was not Now that at- We oiler utii* slock of are truly wonderful. Very many per-on- doll N (' \\ |-;s T A ( Sole 1 -1 A I region surrounding suspected. largo ,-rv A ! ears plaints o., l’ropriet-»rs, to use ink or Cooper eoll, y old last spriny. w In- Perfectly safe malty externally,and A THOUSAND ATTRACTIVE NOVELTIES. wlio-a* eases were proimimeed liopele-and W. M idi on 111. d. \\ 1‘kkkinn [Burlington Hawkeye. Hardware. Nalls, Muss, Larks, knobs. Iron, Sleel t .oo,| la*>0 lbs., yi\ es street, hiea^o, certain to afford relief. N< family ran afford to tention is called to the style, weiyh.- promise had taken tin* elear <>il for a Iona linn without generally subject, ALL THE ELECTRIC APPLIANCES. Hub's, Kims, Horse Shoes of i- well broken and w lmlesale ayeiit, Portland, Me. lyrcowln be without it. Sold by all druggists at, Spokes, Shafts, speed, perfectly marked effect, have been cured b\ ii-im: and Nails at low ..1/ «-*- souml and kind. I- suitable for entire!) 60e„ and $1 a bottle. The Lewiston Journal has been look- the physician recognizes the effects of A FILL MACHINERY HALL. extremel} prices. any pur this lie sure and act the acnuim. For further of preparation. PERRY DAVIS 4 SON,Proprietors, A SI PERU ART (f ALLKRV. JOB LO r or 300 SETS table cutlery pose. particulars empiire Manufactured only by A. II. Wdi.nnt:, liemi-t, over the Hath tax list and observes: “In malaria where they formerly would have ;;:.lf M. W. FROST, St., I tel fast. Me. Providence, R. I. lliyh llo-ton. s.ild by all drua.aiM" -w.'T the of Hath there are in- MILITARY ANT) COLONIAL MUSEUM. Ml per cent uinlcr price. 1 yr25 city twenty-five remained unnoticed, or would have refer- CATARACT AND FLORAL PYRAMID. (Shovels, Picks, Lanterns, Traps, Cow Ties, Ponder, rrMlF subscriber hereby yives public notice to all dividuals each of whom pays a tax of over anil red to some other cause.” AN IMMENSE Mini, Partridges, tain taps. Wrapping 1 concerned, that -lie has been duly appointed The amount CAMEItA-OBSCI RA. *l,ooo. aggregate paid by Shentiling Papers. Paper Bags and Twine. and taken upon herself the Iru-d of Administratrix ATWOOD’S The writer in Journal VOCAL AND INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC. of the estate of them is *40,'i.f>0. Of this sum is Appleton's sup- Wholesale Hit* l ret Mil. Special prices to large luivers. For One Hollar / f/narmitee'a per/* <■/ are for a! (IKOlktJK II. 11 A I. P. late of STARTLINGDISCOVERY ! tin* worst form ot Picks, also S| to in all th' paid by four men, and all of the same plements the opinions of Prof, ('hadhourne Refreshment Room, Coat and Package Rooms, E. J. MORISON & CO.. 52 Main St. Winterport, Steel Plow. Press of bond LOST MANHOOD RESTORED. worst ea>< of Leprosy, Scrofula ami III Mom Clipper Christian name. There is no other in Room, Telegraph Olliee, Daily Newspaper, in the County Wald**, deeeasetl, by yiviny city with two which he “to of I'rema < r,ni l iml. Hi.« m »|>, ski x, Ac Fntiivl; \ eyetaMe PATTERN, the result of several years suggestions leaves and all the conveniences of a Perfect Exhibition. as the law directs; she therefore requests all per- A victim youthful imp' iidonceeau-lna and we doubt if there is in the SEAMEN WANTED. De< Nervous Lost Manhood, etc., Internal and external use. 1 thank all to send t* continued The style, form and Maine, 2w.‘»7 sons who are indebted to said deceased’s estate to tun* ay, Debility, NEW experiments. the consideration of those who make sub- known ha- dis me ami take bark their in even ease of fa: work tion. The share is made of FINE T< >< >E Kill M >HK1 > sK \ MKN WANTKIHN ItOl’K make immediate payment, ami those who have any bavin**; tried in vain every remedy, money perfec United States, of the same t o population covered a self which he will scud I I*' I- I lire. Si .Id e\ery where. £1 a bottle. Send STEEL. Can be hammered or ground like any of the kind their ON land for masting. Applv lo demands thereon, to exhibit tin* same tor settlement simple cun*, that has so a number of citizens jects special study.” rer LI li h. FOWI .1., Lhemi I UCentcd tool. Never before offered for sale. large pay ,lo||N s. RAN I I TT, ‘‘hipping \geut. to her. NAM V T. H \ 1 I to his fellow suth addle .1. II. KKKYKS. nu]>hl't* free, 5 Wharf. Ko ton (and Montreal •2HtoowJ'i cwaI FRED ATWOOD, Winterport, Me. ing a tax of or over. The first that the spread of malaria may Rockland, Aug. l>0, 1 I.— >*• Winterport, Sept. n. P P—'»\v ;7 t hallium St.* S. Y. lyi