![1856-07-23, [P ]](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
VOL -2, NO.—54f> DAVENPORT, WEDNESDAY MOKNING. JULY 2-5. 1856. UY SAND IMS & DAVIS. I THE DAILY GAZETTR i£lotl)iii}]. Baals aub SI)afB. StODfS. QLartid. Car!)*. Hflilrofl^s. WHAT WORKING MEN HAVE DONE. 1'^"'^ SS Sw*'«- ~r' • ..r US C*"' £1 .0 l'"l .HIOIIOI II. adviuir". 1851. Spriu^ aad Summer 1856. STOVIvS A'l \V()LI;SACK'| But aoine may 6av, "Why give in*""i,w™r iuuuni ill " J. W. STEWART, CHICAGO AND EOCK ISLAND BAILIOAD. THE SHOK TRADK. , AVINGIiwhMtA our fli^llitl^s f»r marnjAetar- I working people special time to think! ol 14ver«l«lB|i ALVUaii ^ VAN FATTEN ATTOBHEY ABU CUCNUELLOK AT LAW, ARRANGEMENT ln« and d<-aling in l<oota,>»h«ms and J^ath#f»tll£ j ll,lt AT TifK H i*'™ " .. tuHK.D l roN ** ' Ujocti630i"o to B. Santord,) Mflce over Alston's Store, Brad} bet. Frontaadfdste. undersigned, wuc< '««ors lo (>• D.awiK»n A < o., ofler , What ^ood ude can they make of it?" »Vour AHSOOIM KU PKK8S, : June 10 dtt DAVENPOKT, l«WA. _ RK'HIKG ARHA!V«EITIE?fT«. GREAT NORTH-WESTERN lot ho ofDuVi-nporthnd vicinity, greater In- B4f Wttoivsaln iin.l un til Dealer* LB N and after Monday, April Htb, 18*.and until in luan ever to bir. tlinr iJoots audSiioeeof ' Let i s see what they have done.— «•* . gtlarcli„,„,„n l*ltlit. 1H.VJ.IH-Vi. OrocertuB, Dru^a, Chimuals, Paint*, J". (J . BILLS, Ofurth'*! notice,tr-1ns vrtit leave Kock islanddai Clolkiiig and h a u ui <i c t u r 1 n g • ;ir retail stock hereafter will alwajs con- OiU. Uiiisa, NaiU, &c. ly, Hands). «Ki?epU)d,at follows: Take general literature. Look at ». «««<"• " ATTOBHEY AHD COUNSELLOR AT LAW, #;.?# m* oa i r.wr. y devcrrpt^n <>r go..ds Wanted bj the people ' . |6 Oin* m»ath, * $s,o» \l..-u l.\ 1 nt moil train at • * - 0.00 A. M. We al»(' are making exleosiro preparations for Daniel Del'oe, the author of "Robin­ - ts.liu IMTKKT MblHta.Mv.-., u.i.l A*«uH for nil Dr. U. Diavcnportj Iowa. yd express ttopping only attbo principal Wh^d'tKiieiiig B<H'ls and Khoes, iu<d we mvilo C+UJt* 7,W JA Y.Nh.V I'tiKf AKA1 IOMS. Office on Main 3tr<*ttt, opposite LeClalr>* House. stall . 18.45 A.M. trydfa)er«» to call nr.d •'xu'rnin"* o:if a: 'e,:k and prfesM, son Crnaoe," one of the greatest aa- Ttirw toy®* * ,. LfU Thr«*o months, - • n,m Brady Stmt, Weit Side, Firit Door Btlow Jaee 10 otf A. CASTEKL A < 0 , as it is Oiir Aatermlnatioii u> sill on asgood terms as hors fil' jirosc fictloiV that ever liyed; ' . i5f» Fmtr m-withs, • • u.wi lib Irel^ht, wltb id class ears Att.itthis opportunity lo inform the labile tint Ihoy can be purclia-'d in M Lhuis or Chicago • 10,40 l>«caud Slruet, 15. BAIMi, Train*arrivoat liock Island daily, Huudaysexeept t^iey bnvo received at their Ftor«, the largest DA S(»N, GKIGGS At CO. ie liegan life as a hosier, anil was al* p;vo ' * . „, 2,iuia,»wi «U m••• 'iiltiw,—-T 11 A V K A* /• l^ H '/', / u W A . ed, asfollows: t oet 2o Brady «t., l door from^M* f (III. r-'ir-"" Ili.v.'ii|.orl, o. l Mi, Ifoi-lrvi'ly tJXTY UNDEUTA KElt, Ut i Ight express at • - • • • 4 • 8.00 A.M. .stock of ^nost wholly self tanglit. William •r„„ «»*"• . 4 01), J *iitai<.* 1 >'»ar, - - KKKI'S CONSTANTIS ON HAND, yd express, stopping only at tka principal . _ Broad Cloths, Caiaimeret, Vestlngi, BOTS' Yoaths' and Inlants' Boots iw 1-ji Hi" r»t« •».»" f»r "«ch *''• fetation* at . • • 4.00 P.M. which ha-, ever been i rought W) thin market. TH^ LAKGK lot Of the above,Calf, kip sr.d Cow­ jL'obbett, the great master of racy Sax- A KC li f i~ECT U KE. COFFINS of every quality and sUe, Goo<)s which we offer lo ihn hispeetion of the «'lt!*«n« • iwn.»l "I"*1''- „„... ot llif :.l. .v uta. JUfit MK I'AI.I.IC Hi'i R/.1L C*sR8. d mall train at 10.15 P.M. ofthlsU>wn sorpsss in design mid finish, anytirlogl Ahide, by pn English, wabin early life a farmer's w ICDVVAHDS tV CARROLL, Uare-Koomo and llsvidcuest 4th freight wiib id <-laas cars at - • - M. HAWSrjN, GKJGG.i A. CO. The Largest Stovo Store >*••»* rfl u.it orer »> hi»*t •*i® per minum. lirady, between 3dand 4th Slre«*t. W--1 Hide, Alliraiiipoverlhi. road are in direct connectioa at that fan be off-red ihein thi« si'le ofN *w Vork, belp« i liov, and afterwanls a common soldier. Hn-in.-" „i nUjItiiHiul < liarK". of J6 <*nt# V*t AECHITJJCT3 AS1> 8UPEKI5TENDENT8. solertad with the greatest cate and from ihe m out ox- Home Made Boots and Sfhoes. ill tho 'West!!! Oi'KH K, ~<n. Ill I'., irih -tor) l'»H (Jrtli-.: Hnilililigs, J)A VKNPOKT, IOWA. Chicago wllh trains over botht iu Mich ga i Souihoru lefisine h» i-e» make evory niylo K»-d «jnaLiy of Hoots, Gai- W K .i.ail rr.-Ue on ll.~oi.w ur .,! navigation llie 11,11i!l l>*» 4i*rontm«ifcd Ht aKSK a I waybin roadiness. Camay's furnished and Michigan Central K. K. to and from Detroit,To. in tho fc:n<teni markets, and with a Isaac Walton, the pleasing biographer ^.XTfs'^y UU.ll) ->1, |luV."J!|MJfl. ln*u. Jan l-.llf I. do,CI •vel-md, Columbus. Clnelnuati, Pittsburgh, vkjw to satUff tn«» ta<Uis of all '»ur cnstoi.ter*. V\ Wra, Oxford 1 ie*, and fine Cull r>bo« sfor gents W larfem «u..-k of STOVK.-. «,.4 TI.1KKHN wb lesired. Jul) .''.iHSS-dtf W»« n ulti a f i!I ati-l eOiuplete e+nortitlcnt o| j on«liorU»otice, ofprmi<- rtlo«-A. KTOGK ever br-.-igM l" iho Su»te >>f Iowa. Among iand "complete angler," was a linen 1 - ....- - Hyp*. Uunkirx, 15 iTfal.», .Niagara Falls, Albany, New York, .III'" " rtu'Miii' •liHWiiM"" Henry Y. Slaymaker, "'BUBBOWS, PBBTTYMAK ft DALZXLL, Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington. Alaoai lUc latest and m >*t ap:»rovf.| «ttvie« of \ Those wbowanl "Home Made" w »rk will please the Miioerom articles which wc shall keep cou«tsnl* draper. Then in science: Thomas Uri;a..uliill^ )n,.-htt|f ,„„r« thanMIMI IMI..„mint! rat**. \VHOI.KHA CK !>K \ V.KRS IN 1.U Salle With trains of the Illinois Central Head— 4iK.Vr*. liJH!Vlf<lll!V« «i»ODS» take b<Hioe. ly oir bnnd fortlnners use are 77* Sktet /roit IfJ",, ,. ,.,tri.-H «»<*..t<«l '•! »I" IlKAI. KM' I • I. A' ll<» \ I V HltOKKU which are beyond doubt the roost d-Miruble to lie I Dec3 DAWSON, GKIGGS Ot CO._ |p>d<*r from No. li V# ^. CMarctal »/«., Ausiia d*., Simpson, the distinguished mathema­ v AXi) I.VXUHJhYt'h. AUE.yr. (ilt()(J lAtl ES. north to Galena and south io St. Lords and Cairo,to Initatii/A Rvstia do.. Hire. Copper'* Bra- ;^,"Vu .A which pla« cKtlcketscan b« procured of S. S. KTK found n» this city. A mong which ar Cents' ftbirt*, Gentj' Gal^rs! Bo?»' Oaitera! Toutka' Oaiters! t Ul-'FI. K, ( .. „r Sr.. .vl I Vl I'll Sir.-.-lt, IKON, NAILS, GLASS, Undershirts, Storks. <'rav;»!«, Olot-i-, Suspenders, j r i«r%t do., Blork Oh, Ltad, Copper Hotteni*, tician, wronght, for the greater part lu ii.o.MHI .-M.irv . l»lVKNfi«HI, IU.VA. VKNH, Ticketagl.H. K. Depot K.I* pHK largest und Vest sto- k we havo ever off^ted. i»l"»n """' ,,x,r " "' Wooden Ware, Pair, Paints, Oils, fte., Passenger* are reminded of tne tt*;cu*slly of giving Ko«e,die. a ' A Pin A C>lt,<MW<:<l and double and tingle do.. frc% fLittta all cizes, tinned do., alt kindt «/ ,iU i* chariM y with wrii I n directions 4gentafor Fnirbanks* Nraieo rtnd Herr Ing's WaftiS. Particul.r attention will bo.ptfd, tkf heretofore U» prttsod ifare, Japanned f/o., Tiwr* To*!* ;and we of hia life, as a weaver. Captain rll l 0. •!'. 4 1 dislinct direi lions as to the destinstlnn of their bag Ui. making up of garments in u style unsurpassed by i tole. Ul;ick and Dr;v^> t*«o|ii (fuiterxi Hatool Leather SfS'iri? a!! person* favorirj ns wilh m, '.rder- l^iat we A'l" *'"""i' .!'ui (Mij'i.l awl ol"Wd No. 30 Kan 8«cand Street, Davenport, low*. No. !l liarrrowj HPn-k, Front St., jfago, *Ho ti» procure tickets b-jfore taking tbelr and Buck «kin Gaiters.Jor sale v-sry cheap by Cook, ono of the moat scientific of .<1*""^!1 1 iu«n'»i m •••"'j' seats in the cars, as ihe conductors olleet fares only aoy similar establishment. I Dec 3 DAWSON, GKIGGS & CU. will wl! lii^rn goods in our tin* s« low as they can »>e ^Ivani* ' 'ideiit |iiiriMDMM I OEHERAL ME ALEU lit DAY ENl'OUT, lOffA. to nlalions on the lino of the Chicago and Kock island Full suits tn.ide on shortest notice, and warranted ! 'bouifhtifi Chicago or St. Louu.aa l murb lower than English Bailors, and a very pleasing J. M. DTLZXLL. kailroa t. JOHN P. TKACY, Kapt. <0 suit. tb>.-> bav beeu pajing (or th«*in heretofore in Ibis Drags, Jiediciuo., C&iniicai!, Pj.inU, OiU, PRBTTYM I Meui Long Bobber Boots.
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