292 bus time schedule & line map

292 - Bewdley - View In Website Mode

The 292 bus line (Kidderminster - Bewdley - Ludlow) has 2 routes. For regular weekdays, their operation hours are: (1) Kidderminster: 8:35 AM - 6:35 PM (2) Ludlow: 7:30 AM - 5:30 PM Use the Moovit App to nd the closest 292 bus station near you and nd out when is the next 292 bus arriving.

Direction: Kidderminster 292 bus Time Schedule 32 stops Kidderminster Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 8:35 AM - 6:35 PM Cooperative Store, Ludlow Upper Galdeford, Ludlow Tuesday 8:35 AM - 6:35 PM

Sandpits Road, Ludlow Wednesday 8:35 AM - 6:35 PM

Weyman Road Jct, Ludlow Thursday 8:35 AM - 6:35 PM Friday 8:35 AM - 6:35 PM Nelson Inn, Rockgreen Saturday 8:35 AM - 6:35 PM Henley Bridge, Henley Henley Bridge, Bitterley

Ludlow Road, Angel Bank 292 bus Info Farden Lane Jct, Angel Bank Direction: Kidderminster Stops: 32 Shelter, Clee Hill Trip Duration: 51 min Three Crosses, Caynham Civil Parish Line Summary: Cooperative Store, Ludlow, Sandpits Road, Ludlow, Weyman Road Jct, Ludlow, Nelson Golden Cross Inn, Clee Hill Inn, Rockgreen, Henley Bridge, Henley, Ludlow Road, 23 High Street, Caynham Civil Parish Angel Bank, Farden Lane Jct, Angel Bank, Shelter, Clee Hill, Golden Cross Inn, Clee Hill, Mace Stores, Mace Stores, Clee Hill Clee Hill, Coreley Jct, Cornbrook, Church, The Crescent, Caynham Civil Parish Doddington, Foxwood Cottages, Foxwood, Crown Inn, Hopton Wafers, Curdale Close Jct, Cleobury Coreley Jct, Cornbrook Mortimer, Talbot Inn, , Old Lion Ph, Cleobury Mortimer, Fire Station, Cleobury Mortimer, Church, Doddington Six Ashes Jct, Mawleytown, Garage, Mawley Oak, Blount Arms, Hungry Hill, Horse & Jockey Inn, Lem Hill, Church Lane Crossroads, Lem Hill, Plough Inn, Foxwood Cottages, Foxwood Far Forest, Cleobury Road, Fingerpost, Royal Forester, Callow Hill, Wyre Forest Visitor Centre, Crown Inn, Hopton Wafers Callow Hill, Hop Pole Inn, Hales Park, Load Street, Bewdley, Catchems End, Safari Park, Curdale Close Jct, Cleobury Mortimer the Heath, Kidderminster Bus Station, Kidderminster Heath Close, Cleobury Mortimer Civil Parish

Talbot Inn, Cleobury Mortimer Talbot Square, Cleobury Mortimer Old Lion Ph, Cleobury Mortimer

Fire Station, Cleobury Mortimer

Six Ashes Jct, Mawleytown

Garage, Mawley Oak

Blount Arms, Hungry Hill

Horse & Jockey Inn, Lem Hill

Church Lane Crossroads, Lem Hill

Plough Inn, Far Forest

Cleobury Road, Fingerpost

Royal Forester, Callow Hill

Wyre Forest Visitor Centre, Callow Hill

Hop Pole Inn, Hales Park

Load Street, Bewdley 73 Load Street, Bewdley

Catchems End

West Midlands Safari Park, the Heath

Kidderminster Bus Station, Kidderminster Direction: Ludlow 292 bus Time Schedule 35 stops Ludlow Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 7:30 AM - 5:30 PM Kidderminster Bus Station, Kidderminster Tuesday 7:30 AM - 5:30 PM Swan Centre, Kidderminster Wednesday 7:30 AM - 5:30 PM General Hospital, Kidderminster Thursday 7:30 AM - 5:30 PM

West Midlands Safari Park, the Heath Friday 7:30 AM - 5:30 PM

Catchems End Saturday 7:30 AM - 5:30 PM

Load Street, Bewdley Load Street, Bewdley

Hop Pole Inn, Hales Park 292 bus Info Direction: Ludlow Wyre Forest Visitor Centre, Callow Hill Stops: 35 Trip Duration: 55 min Line Summary: Kidderminster Bus Station, Royal Forester, Callow Hill Kidderminster, Swan Centre, Kidderminster, General Hospital, Kidderminster, West Midlands Safari Park, Cleobury Road, Fingerpost the Heath, Catchems End, Load Street, Bewdley, Hop Pole Inn, Hales Park, Wyre Forest Visitor Centre, Plough Inn, Far Forest Callow Hill, Royal Forester, Callow Hill, Cleobury Road, Fingerpost, Plough Inn, Far Forest, Church Church Lane Crossroads, Lem Hill Lane Crossroads, Lem Hill, Horse & Jockey Inn, Lem Hill, Blount Arms, Hungry Hill, Garage, Mawley Oak, Horse & Jockey Inn, Lem Hill Six Ashes Jct, Mawleytown, Church, Cleobury Mortimer, Old Lion Ph, Cleobury Mortimer, Talbot Inn, Blount Arms, Hungry Hill Cleobury Mortimer, Curdale Close Jct, Cleobury Mortimer, Crown Inn, Hopton Wafers, Foxwood Garage, Mawley Oak Cottages, Foxwood, Church, Doddington, Coreley Jct, Cornbrook, Mace Stores, Clee Hill, Golden Cross Six Ashes Jct, Mawleytown Inn, Clee Hill, Shelter, Clee Hill, Farden Lane Jct, Angel Bank, Ludlow Road, Angel Bank, Henley Bridge, Church, Cleobury Mortimer Henley, Post Box, Henley, Nelson Inn, Rockgreen, Weyman Road Jct, Ludlow, Sandpits Road, Ludlow, Cooperative Store, Ludlow Old Lion Ph, Cleobury Mortimer

Talbot Inn, Cleobury Mortimer

Curdale Close Jct, Cleobury Mortimer Curdale Close, Cleobury Mortimer Civil Parish

Crown Inn, Hopton Wafers

Foxwood Cottages, Foxwood

Church, Doddington

Coreley Jct, Cornbrook

Mace Stores, Clee Hill The Crescent, Caynham Civil Parish Golden Cross Inn, Clee Hill 23 High Street, Caynham Civil Parish

Shelter, Clee Hill Three Crosses, Caynham Civil Parish

Farden Lane Jct, Angel Bank

Ludlow Road, Angel Bank

Henley Bridge, Henley

Post Box, Henley

Nelson Inn, Rockgreen

Weyman Road Jct, Ludlow Henley Road, Ludlow Civil Parish

Sandpits Road, Ludlow

Cooperative Store, Ludlow Upper Galdeford, Ludlow 292 bus time schedules and route maps are available in an oine PDF at moovitapp.com. Use the Moovit App to see live bus times, train schedule or subway schedule, and step-by-step directions for all public transit in West Midlands. Check Live Arrival Times About Moovit MaaS Solutions Supported Countries Mooviter Community © 2021 Moovit - All Rights Reserved