Father anil Sou M'oek has <.*ome to lie a tixtiire in the year's program. This year, the wwk of February 8-15, has been set apart for the churches to .Mrs. G roce PIerc*e Nagle, w ife of hold such meetings as they see fir. R»‘v. I>. I). Nagle, recently p asto r of with the following week reserved for flm First Methodist chnrcb of Plym­ other orgnulzHtious. outh, who has been studying elocution The IJi-Y Club of the High school, at the (-hiiffec-Noble School of Expres­ has piain\>ti this year to promote a I^st TboAday cTenlnc was Charter sion iu , will give a Grailuate’s father and sou Itanquet for all dmiom- Presentation niabt for % the Klwania Rei'Uul at the Stratbmoor Methodist inatiuus. ami for those who are not Clnb of Plymouth. The local club Episcopal church, corner Schoolcraft uiemlK'rs of auy ilcnomlnatlon. Their was sponsored by the Klwania Club of ami .Marlowe, on IMday evenlug. Fdi- tentative plans have met tbe ap­ Tpsllantl. and a large number of the nmry 5th. at .s:00 o'clock. She will proval of committees from several of members of that club and representa- he assisted hy .Miss WinnifriHl C. Lucas, the chnrcln-s. and also of the Rotary tires from the Klwania Clubs of De­ Till' iiutimni iruiniiig department of violin: Miss Florence Pndilock. so- and Kiwanls clubs and tbe Chamber of troit. Pontiac. Dearborn, Ann Arbor th«* H igh .si-1)iiij1. is p u ttin g on an en* jiran o ; .Miss C zarina Penney, Mus. t'oiuimTcc. and other places were present for the icifuinmcnt. an announcement of Rne.. p iau o : .Mrs. E llen C. Jensen and I'liuis have been made to make this occasion. wlih h apiienrs «‘lscwljerc in the Mail, •MI.ss Mary Lm-as. ac<-onii)auists. a real lununnuity get-togetlier. The John A. Mustard of Battle Creek, for tlio purpose of procuring funds The public is conllully invited, and suiijxT will Ih* serviHl hy th e lad ies’ district governor, and Victor M. John­ for the putvhuse of a new band a si)e<-lal in v itatio n is cxtentled to the oi'ganizaiiou of ouc of the churches, son of Monroe. Immediate Past Presi- Tlic niaeliinc will save man.r opera­ IM'oplc o f riy n io u tli to atten d tlii.s re ­ and will prolmbly cost seventy-fire ilejif of Kl'vaiiis .Intoruntional. were tions ill the woodworking instruction, Frank lUmbo cital. ifnis a plate. The program as plon- also present. wliieli makes this tool a necessity, and CHAMBER OF COMMERCE B. E. GUes Tbe foliowing.program will be given: ikhI will lochide talks by a Plymouth The banquet was served by th? for that reason the manual training .Fames Ford father and a Plymouth son. music by Methodist I.Adies’ Aid Society In tho ileiuirtmciit is umlcrtakiug the pnr- Floyd A. Kehrl I tThe Price of Joy - • Edgar Guest a male quart^'tte. oun or more vocal Metlio'li't «'iitnmnnlty IlnU. nf d;:u) chnsi' of the saw for the school. H E L M SESSION MEET AT OEARRORNI "^^ John B. Hubert ^ The .ibandoncii Elojx'ment solos, and au address by an outside o'clecting to the menu of which was as follows: ment. and the proceeds will be used L. H. .Uexander V a h e ...... - I/i'viizkl bu.sy si's.eakor iu time to make Fruit Cmktall as a imrtial payment on tbe saw. The Etude in B Flat - • L iszt Sidney D. Strong presented the H. A. Gebhardt meeting, with another Rotary organi­ more deflniie aniumncemont in tbe Celery Green Olives ii(Mition of the saw will make the Oral Rathbum !««s P enney lK>ard w ith u blue p rin t Of a m unicipal zation. churches Sunday. The complete pro- S altines woodworking machinery in tbe depart­ pla.vground to be located on the F. J. Bierce Tbe entire program was given by the Till! Suhsticufe Auon grtim will be In next week's Plymouth Boftst Chicken with Dressing ment complete, and will add much to grounds in the rear of tbe Presbyter­ Htiluer Baughn Plymouth Rotarians. A feature of the Mall. the splendid pieces which tbe classes Ou the Day I Get to Heaven Cranberry Sauce ian church and fronting upon Church E. C.'Hough program was the tenor solos of Wayne .The various churches have been ask­ Green Peas Whipped Potatoe.s have l>een ab le to produce d u rin g tb e C. H. B en n ett S tanton strei't. It is planned to set out sbrub- Van Dyne. Mr. Van Dyne Is a student ed i ‘ 'request definite numbers of tick- Iceberg Lettuce with year. O. W’. n i ^ e r fact that it has not been necessary to Coffee Rolls play would be under the supervision shlps Unlike most tenors Mr. VanDyne has I dofUiiii i..-. with the program next employ a earpenter for repair worfe t. I.. .l.n* Til \- 'l.lii . During the serving of the banquet, Halsy^M fg. Co.— 10 m em berships a powerful voice which never sounds Wlici-c My I’lirnvnji Rested It is Iio]xhI that the lii-Y 'di.ih. can aii.v time during the year, the depart­ of' a ‘playground Instructor during the splendid ufuslr wns fiirnishe«l by the riyni(mth_^^ited -i^avings Bank—8 strained which makes his Intonation Luhr ao'oiuiiixdiitc cvi-ry father aud .son IB ment doing auiny difficult and worth-, smmuer months. It is an^ldeal loca­ Kiwanls’ Club orchestra. , im-nffiershlps doubly effective. He fras capably ac­ My the Waters of Minnetonka Plymouth, wlio wiali lo attend. while reimir tasks for the sehool under tion for |a public playground, and It Joseph H. Thump.>a»n. presid en t of | Your Chamber of Commerce would companied by Mr. Greenland at the L icuranee llie effieieiit instruction of Mr. SM vi ! something that Plymouth needs. the Klwani.s Club of Ypsilauti. was lie pU'iim'd to .-lee yoiir name in this piano. His selections were “Tbe Great M'clcoinc. Sw eet M'lml Cndmnn ley. The |k>intcMl to th e cliargc o f 8 t. Jo h n ’s Y psllnntl I Commerce committee for the purpose lege entrance courses.” "M'e have neg- ’ M iss L u c a s o'cloi'k. Plym outh IxMlge No. .2.38, Episcopal mission church of this vil­ The Practical Side of Kiwanls—Tbo ST. JOHN’S CHURCH p„yground proJ«*. lecfiil the 7.5 in'r cent who have never Knights of Pythias. Itegan receiving I Ih ilto .. the lleruiit Selnm l.:igcrlof lage. ami lust Sunday was bis first lion. Victor M. Johnson, Immediate gone to college.” he said. Many pupils HPI n AMIIIIIII lUPPTlIiiPi pu‘>llc h ea lth com m ittee w as ap- guests until they numbered ahnost one .Siimlay on tlmt charge. lie delivered a Past President Kiwanis Interna­ ; I>oiiitoiug out the fotttra Twelve Years with Kiwanis—Oonald Miunl.'iy evening in St. John s Mission I look over the village budget, and the no attempt - has been made to help for everyone. 2— W illing M’ork er work of the mission. A. Johnson, l-'irst President of First . hurt-li. which was nft#ndeil by a good; affairs of dnancing: C. H. Bennett, them . .V Grcciw.vi'il Billy The I.Jifu.vette boys brought along The Hi'v. Wesley will i*o remember- Kiwanis Club. Detroit ri pn-seiitaiive and enthusinsric gath-1 oito Beyer. J. B. Hnbert. J. M. Xar- Another phase of Mr. Smith's talk some song honks, and those who liked e<] IIS Is'iiig some years ago lay reader Presentation of Charter—The Hon. eriiig. presbleil over by Archdeacon j ki„s, Ed. Gayde. E. K. Bennett. George dealt with those who are entering col­ to sing indulged to tbeir hearts con­ to I’lyiuouth and N»»rlhville. and Jolui A. .Mustard. Governor. Mich­ Ramsay. Tbe following reports were n. Robinson. leges and the duty of the public school tent. wiiile others visited and got ac­ A NEW MESMONCERN many friend.s in this district, who wel­ igan District Kiwanls. Battle Creek. rwt'ivtsl and approvisl: Sei retary, I ’pi,,. Chamber of CommcD'e have toward them. He spoke of the voca­ quainted. and still others cnjoyeil cunl come him hack again. Besides being Acceptance of Charter—J. Lawrence trea su rer. Sund!iy-s4-hiM)l. Igtdies’ G uild j fakeii up the matter with the Metro- tional work of the schools and the need ; | r playing. ■ •111 «'nrnest working ndsslouer. be is Jolmsou. President. Kiwanis Clnb of seeretnry. Guild treasurer and Men's| ,h>nraii Y. M. C. A,, relative to the I fo r m ore w ork of th is n atu re . P u p ils .Vlimi J . RJehwine. who lius hm-u Alxiut nine o'clock, the stage was set Jill <'nthnsins(ie Mason, active in Blue PiyuioJith t'ltib. after whieb fbe congregntion j ,.stablisbmeiit of a Y. M. C. A. in should learn more of tbe professions I ciiiuiccfcd w ith th e II. H. Li-e Foundry and a portion of tbe First Rank of l./«idgi*. Royal .\rch and u Knight of No. Your Kmblem—George H. Mlllage. I'lecfeil and npi>olntod the following j piym om h. that they intend to enter. They should A .Mucliuic Co. for the past three years. the initiatory work of tbe order was 1 roiiitimndery ..r Di'troli. Kiwanls Club of Ypsllantl officers to ser>'e on the vestry i The following have renewed their \now the joys and the sorrows of each! has M-irml lil>s connections with that put on by the Lafayette boys of De­ Aeceptanc*'— ’Ou r Pledge'*— C. R obert Warden—.luiues Gallimorc membership in the Chamber of Com- profession so that they can choose w ise-j‘-"fTiiMiuy. cffei-tive February 1st. aud tro it. w hich wa.5 enjoyed to th e m a x i­ Roes. Kiwanis Club of Plymonth Warden ^Imerltus—A. J. Lapham t men-c up to January 26tb: ly and enter |Jie professions whose^^^vill engage in the public accounting >IKT WITH SERIOUS .\CCIDENT mum. The officers of the local club are as Secretar.v—Sidney D. Strong J. .M. J,arklns compensations appeal to them—Dear- j husidcss. «dth offices in tbe Florence Mr. Curtright. one of. the Grand fo llo w s: Treasurer—Arthur J. E. Torre c. Scblesewitz bom Press. | Buildiog.^o Main street. Mr. Rich- J. M*. lluumiiJ of Ibis [dace, who Is IXHlgc tru stee s, o f D e tro it, w as called PreslU eui—J . I-nwrencc* Johnson Treasuri'r and Correspondent to r a u l Lee wine ha5r had considerable experience em|>lo.vi*d a t tlie Globe F u rn itu re ' Go. upon for remarks, and be proved his Vice President—Charles L. Flnlan Churchman—Arthur J. E. Albert Stevens LOCAL BR.ANCH OF EDISON CO. in the varions phases of business actlv- plant lit Northrille. met with a serlOBs oratorical ability for a short time, Secretary—Alton J. Rlchwlne T o rre Dr. I’atterson WILL RAVE NEW MANAGER. iiy. aud should find in bis new ventnre accident while working at tbe fsctMy after which Charles W. Lasher, Past Treasurer—Ernest J. Aliison Vi»strymcu—George D. Micbelin. Dr. Kimble a ready market for his services. .Monday afternoon. Mr. Ham m ^ who Grand Chancellor of Michigan, and Trustee John M. iJirkins Harry Wreneb. Frank Henderson M. S. S trin g er Robert K. Brown, six years district Perry Kicbwine. who is at present wa.s o p eratin g a p lan in g ma<-iiina w as present State Deputy, told those pres­ n»e membership of the local club ttrg n n ist— M iss M. A. Pierson M'Uiiam Hoyt manager for tbe NorthvlUe office of cugagcd iu ^ x work In Detroit, Is be- •Htruck by a board In such a m an n er a s ent all about tbe order from its origin is as follows: Ladies’ Guild Officers— W. J. Burrows tbe Detroit Edison Company, has been <-c>mlug associated with his brother In to break his left leg between tbe kam up to the present time, which was very- E. J. Allison. Raymond Bucheldor. l‘resldenr—Mrs. George Wilcox Lewis Cable promoted to the district managership the new business which Will be known and the hip. The force of the interesting especially to the guests. Dr. II. J- Brlsbols, W. J. Burrows, SiH'n'tary—Mrs. George D. Micbelin Harry Sbattuck at Mt. Clemmm in place of Ralph Hot- as “Ricbwine Bros. Commercial Ser­ throw Mr. Hnmmel about ten feet. Everyone enjoyed apples and smokes, Irving E. Blunk, Stanley Chambers, T re asu re r— .Mrs. A nnie H enderson ■ C. A. A shcroft ton, resigned. Brown’s territory In­ vice.” Ho was taken to St. Joseph’s hoepltal, and those who preferred a pipe to a f t Goodwin Crumble. S. T. Corbett. John ''Alter the meeting, coffee and fried C. G. Bentley cluded, besides Nortbvllle, tbe offices The Mail takes pleasure in welcom­ .\nn .^rbor. Wednesday. Mr. Ham- cigar had the opportunity to help L. CrandeU. N. W. Cumm lw B. O. cukes were served by the members of William Petttngill at Farmlitgton, Plymooth, Brighton, ing the new firm to the business circles uii-rs many friends hope for his speedy themselves. I>ettUng. Stewart M. Dodge. Charles tbe Ijulles* Guild, and thought was Harmon Smith - South Lyon. New Hudson and Howell. of Ptymonth. ri'covery. Plymouth Lodge No. 238 trusts that L. Plnlan. H«xry J. Fisher, Boy A. very much appreciated by all preeent. E. E. Bennett He has been one of tbe leaders In everyone of their guests enjoyed the . Flflhtf. Albert Gayde, Oliver Gold­ Expressions of appreciation were Harry S. Lee ' NorthvlUe's business and social activ­ ATTENDED LEAGUE OF W OM ^. evening, and wishes to thank them for OU> TIME DANCE LARGELY AT­ smith. Carl Helde. John W. Henderson. voiced by tbe members at the appoint­ Sam Spicer ities since coming here. He will be VOTER’S LUT^’CHEON. their response to the invitation given TENDED. Raymond Hills, Dewey Holloway. Dr. ment of tbe Rev. Charles Wesley to Sidney D. Strong • suocc^ad there by E. L. Mills, who them . F. B, Hover. John B. Hubert, C. B. the charge of St. John's Mission J. T. Chapman comes here from the sales department The annual meeting of the Wayae Humphries. B. O. Huston. William O. church, and the members are to be R. R. Brown of tbe Edison offices in Detroit. The Tbe old time dancing party at the County League of Women Voters VM REBEKAHS INSTALL OFFICERS Jeuttngs. H. W. JoUlfl^ B. J. Jol* congratulated In securing such an able .Mrs. N. B rad n e r changes take place February 1. Hot- Masonic temple last Friday night, was Tuesday In the Book-Cadillac, Dotrstt. Ufle. J. L. Johnson, J. M. Larkins, F. ami enthusiastic church leader as Rev. F . B. P a rk ton leaves the company to take charge very largely attended. Six hondred was attended by tbe following i A. Lendrum. Ralph Lorens, William M’»»sley. J. W. Bllckenstaff At a regnlar meeting of Pljrmouth of the sales department of one of De­ tickets were sold for the occasioD. of Plymonth bimnch: E. Meeker. R. O. Mlmmack, Daniel P. Daniel Blue Rebekah Lodge. No. 182, I. O. O. F., troit's refrigerator manufacturing con­ Tinham's orchestra furnished excel­ Phoebe L. Patterson, Geoffs 1 Murphy, Dr. Luther Peck. William B. GATE NEW THEATRE OBO.ftN A Harry Lush Iield in the I. O. O. F. temple, Fri

•wfr’ • •■fsv-jw w y • Saturday, January 30 Sunday and Monday ^ Wednesday and Thursday The New Northville Theatre January 31, February 1 February 3 and 4 Leon Errol will open on Constance Bennett All Star Cast Tuesday, February 9th -----AND------IN------IN----- SaUy O’NeiU The feature picture for the “The Last Eldition” -----IN----- “Clothes Make the Pirate” opening night is Stirring drama, surging with the roar “Sally, Irene and Msuy” and whir of the great newspaper presses. Mary Pickford A comedy romance from the famous COMEDY—“Fair but Foolish” stage success of the same name. m COSiEDY—“The Fighting Dude” NEWS REEL LESTER LEVY’S AMATEURS ‘Little Annie Rooney” NEWS REEL on Wednesday Only '

stltute fo»- an old-fashioned wood fire, PLYMOUTH MAIL being *^be limit of their education along Today’s Reflections Owner. F. W. SAM8BN thle line. During the long, cold eve- Samsen, Editor and Publisher uings you have plenty of time to re­ The sto ry oomes from I.,os Angeles flect on such things. So if you are Parke Davis & that a man was cured of paralysis by Co. Entered at the postofflce at Plymouth among those who do not enjoy the being struck by lightning. Now let as second class mstter. comforts and the romance of a fire­ Miami tell one. place and a log fire, why not spend Subscription Price |1.50 per year some of your leisure time planning American Oil The Plymouth man who has tried his 7 that addition to your bouse Or If yon hand at something and failed might NEVEK S.4TISFIED a re 9tiU among the thousands who are try using his bead for a change. Everyone knows the value of a good Mineral OU, even now dreaming of bulldihig a home of your own, then don’t make the mis­ highly refined and tasteless. We can’t help but feel that the end The average citizen is in favor of take of leaving out the open fireplace. of the world is a long way off. At least large expenditures for good roads— You'll understand once yon are perch­ we bayen’t seen any Indications that until they start improving the one in ed before it just what real happiness Sale of would lead ns to belleTc Plymouth front of bis place. Medicated Throat Discs pe pie are preparing for It. And means, and you’ll agree that the day you include it in your plans you did -’’^ulle we are not anxious to hare it A “ripe old age" is a very beautiful one of the b ^ t jobs of your life. An antiseptic throat pastille. Stops that tickling come in the next week or two. we be­ thing, so long as you don’t happen to FLORSHEIM lieve we could stand it if we thought throat; Also Antiseptic Nebulizer for spraying be appb’ing it to an egg. it would find the railroads of this CXHES FOR COLDS that sore throat and guarding against head colds. country fully satisfied—for the first Ladies who went in bathing in the SHOES time since we have bad railroads. If there is an excess of any one old days dressed like Mother Hnbbard. Remember—Valentine Day. February 14th. Now there is talk of congress grant­ thing in Plymouth, it Is a remedy for Those who go in now dress like Mother ing them Increased tariffs, and this in colds. Everybody has a favorite cure, Hubbard’s cupboard. We have Gibson’s Valentine Cards—5c to 25c face of the fact that high freight and some have enough to fill a book. schedules are the one thing in the way But when all are considered there is Bobbed hair, a cigarette and a pair Get Yours Early of greater farm prosperity; and also one that stands out above the rest— of knickers make a lot of difference, in face of the fact that freight car and that is preveutlon. The common but we don’t know of any Plymouth Here's a ereat buy—regular qual' loadings in 19^5 were greater and the cold is a big problem at this season of men they've fooled. ity' Florweim shoes, today’s best volume of traffic heavier than at any the year, because it is common, and time in the history of the U. S. There because so many people neglect it un­ Some women grow old before their styles, at a decided saving. Don’t were no strikes to Interfere with trains til it turns into something worse. The time trying to look young after their last year: there were immense crops mias this opportunity. Get a pair best remedy is prevention through tim e. The Dodge Drug Store while we have your style and size. to haul from farm to market; pas­ comfortable dress, good clean air and senger traffic was heavier than in any well-chosen diet. The best cure is to previous year. _ and fares arc now What a shock it would be to the go to bed until relief is obtained. Do­ coal miners if the strike lasted all higher than over before. So if the ing these things will greatly promote Winter and noIxKly froze to death. C. WHIPPLE railroads of this country cannot oper­ the health of those who seem to be a te a t II.profit under such conditions, subject to frequent colds and also save We beard of one Kansas man who they are never going to earn a profit. those with whom the,v associate from Fine Shoes ow ns a lot of c-orn an d a flock of tu r ­ W e a rc In fav o r o f congress keeV>lng the germs that are now declared' by keys. He blames the government for hands off Insofar us burdensome rail- physicians to carry colds from one per­ i the low price of corn, but not for the road legislation is concerned, and we son to another. Speedy would tike to see the roads work out high price of turkeys. their own problems. But when It comes tu jumping freight rates In the There comes a time in every man’s face of such bulsiicss as they did In SCHOOL NOTKS life when he is crazy to get married. there l.s but one thing for con­ But he usually doesn't find it ont until gress to say. And that is “Nothing after he’s married. Service 1)oing.” HIGH SCHOOL NOTES (Claude Gelihnrilt) The worst sort of jam for little Plymouth boys is trafilc jam. and you WE'LL FEEL IT HERE The cast for the play. “Seventeen." have no business letting them get into Im.'j lKi*n selo<*te»l. an d they hav e be­ it until they’re 16 years old. P Ipouth Memorial Co. Along toward the middle of Febru­ gun practicing f<»r the play, which Is to Every Order ary. the -Senate will vote e- All th e stu d en ts hav e l>eeu busy man could settle his bills as easily Main St., Plymouth, Mich. comes known around Plymonth that preparing f<»r their examinations. be c-au settle th e League o f N ations :i,n00.00(* people now paying income wln<-h stiirttsl W islnesdny. controversy. Gets Prompt taxes are going to l>c exempt us a re­ sult of this hill, there is sure to he BASKET BALL We’ve never been able to understand keen Interest in it. Last Friday. Dearborn came to why ilie average Plymouth man will HAVE IT DONE NOW .Vs passed by the lower house, and riynioutli to play our first team boys. t use a comb in a public washroom, and Efficient as It is expected to eventually stand, At the cud of the first half of the Make up your mind that the ( then go home and raise cain with his next time you visit the family the new income tax rate would raise gam t‘. th e s«-ore w as tw en ty -th ree to ife if he finds she has been using his. burial plot, the memorial will be the exemption for single men making six in favor of I>earbom. whose play­ In place—an accomplished fact, $4.(XNI a year or less from $1,000 tu ers were taller and much faster. At Service not a duty yet to be atttfided to. $1,.’)00. .Murrltsl m en in th e sam e the li^nuing of the secoml half. Plym­ DANCE Think of the satisfaction it will class would be exempt the first outh came back much stronger, but Datitv at Livonia New Town Hall. be to you. Como and see us Livonia ('enter. Saturday evening. $:i.500 instead of $;!.500 as at present. their opponents lead was too great to about it today. From our large January ;Wtli. Ever.vbody nirdlally variety of appropriate memorials And married men will still be permit­ overcome. The game coded with the invited. Music by Young’s 4-piece you be sure to find one to ted to deduct $400 for each dependent. sc-ore o f D earborn 40 an d P lym outh 18. orclK'stra. Admission. 75c. meet your requirements. We Then, Instead of the tax rate ronaln- It was not liecause of the lack of aim Eckles & Gk)ldsmith will see to the lettering and Ing at 2 percent it will be reduced to in making points that lost the game erecting. MARCELLINO OFFICE AND YARDS percent, so the married man with for Plymouth, liecause they took ad­ Marcelling, 76c; retracing, COc. an Income of $4,000 and two dependent vantage of every cliance. Doudt suc­ P hone 192B. Mrs. Merle Bormbacber, children would have no tax to pay. If ceeded in making sixteen of the eigh­ 747 South Main street. 46tf Phone 27 Holbrook Ave. & P. M. R. R. be ha.s a $4,000 Income and one de­ teen points that were made by Plym­ P pendent. be would have to pay on but outh. The I>enrbam team, which was A. S. FINN, Manager $100, and at the new rate of per much faster and its players taller, cent, that would mean but $1.50. seemed to have equally good aim for It Is now estimated that this change making iiolnts as did Plymonth, hot The Treat yourself right by mak­ will remove 2.500.000 income taxpayers th e lack o f spee«l fo r P lym outh Is w h a t ing your home as comfortable from Uncle Sam’s rolls, and quite a lost the game. as possible. You'll find very little ash or doder left when few of that number reside in this com­ our coal bums. It is 89% beat munity. We have more citizens mak­ c-omfort. ing less than $4,000 than are making IN MEMORIAM Greatest of more than that sum, so the action of III loving memory of our dear bus- You can be sure that well Use Kendall congress is certainly of interest to band and father. Allen J. Geer, who de­ parted this life, oue rear ago. Janoary give you the best of treatment local people. There may yet be some 30. 1925. in quality, price and service. changes in the bill before it is finally How sad and suddeu was the call. All Foods passed, though tax experts believe It Of one who was so dearly loved by all; will go through about the way it was Has gone and left us mourning here. Motor Oils approved by the lower house. And He'.s iiarted from this world of pain, But only died to live again. another good feature is that It will is pure Milk and Coal and Coke We loved him. oh. no tongue can tell apply to taxes to he paid this year, in­ How much we loved him and bow well; Cream, for Grown in your Ford. Notice how much easier your motor stead of going over until 1927 before God loved him too and thought it best becoming effective. To take him home with Him to rest. People as well as POCAHONTAS ASSOCIATION starts on a cold day, and how well the body on His Loving Wife, Children, Mother and Sisters. Children. Emdall Oil holds up. THE OPEN FIRE Hills Dairy suppBes ■ DIXIE STAR RAVEN RED ASH INMEBfORlAM Yon can safhly use it for 1000 miles without A s a kid, he didn't think much of It, In loving memory of oar dear hua- the purest o f' Milk hut where Is the grown-up In PlymouHi band and fatb«, Sylvester DeFer, who Same kinds, same qpulity I handled last year. diange. departed this life one year ago, Febru­ and Cream . irte dbean’t love an o^ett Are? ^ a r y 3. 192S. yet,, 'wfaiut ^ eonalder the number of When the evening shades have fallen. petgile In country, and the several And wa are all alette. mUdon rcsiiaencco In whldi t h ^ Uve, In oar hearts there comes a longing, Oakland Rotor Sales the percentage of


CtJifonum Mm Many Fraak-Rauing "Forma” ta the languafie «f Matbem Gtll- fom la, Is the word c o h u d o d Iy used to describe a freak establlsb- J ment, like the ^Igetor Dorsery, says an Associated Press dispatch from Loa ’s a Necessity Now Angeles. If It Is a place where one raises oranges or lemons, It Is a grove. Cattle, bogs, beans, beets or kindred prodacts come from a ranch. The old belief that insurance was expensive has Freak farms are on the Increase in thie aectloo. and the Increase Is not passed away. That’s why more property is insured altogether wdcome. The chamber of [ commerce of Los Angeles has is­ today than ever before in the history of the world. sued a friendly warning to new That’s why the best business men in America figure settlers that there really Is no room 'for more fur-bearing rabbit insurance as a NECESSITY instead of a LUXURY. farms and that “the Individnal Investor who enters the rabbit-breed­ ing Industry for the purpose of selling IF YOUR HOUSE BURNED DOWN TONIGHT furs will find himself disappointed.” So far. however, the alligator farm COULD YOU SMILE TOMORROW MORN­ sphere does not seem to be over-, j crowded, and there are at least two i ING? YOU CAN IF YOU KNOW THE prosperous ostrich farms, a gr>t(ifish farm, a lion farm, two butterfly farms, n a frog farm, several silver fox farms INSURANCE COMPX Y IS GOING ^and a anmber o f pigeon farms. There used to be two frog farms, but TO HAVE TO PAY FOR IT. the owner ' of one. who ambitiously stocked bis lake with Louisiana frogs, quit because they were too clever for him. He couldn’t catch enougii to make a living. Another man, however, finds bis frog farm In the San Fernando valley very profitable. He says there WILUAM WOOD Is plenty of demand for frog meat In Special Display of the New Los Angeles. Phone 3 INSURANCE Huston Blk. Widely divergent products are turned out by the two butterfly farms In th|a section.. One Is devoted to the / breeding of rare butterflies; the other “Enclosed Car” Motor Operated by a woman, produces tea trays and other novelties beautified with butterfly wings. THE THEATRE Come view this new motor just On the UoD farm' at El Monte are George Rattenbury’s Chain Store seventy-flve lions on a five-acre tract “CLOTHES MAKE THE PIRATE” planted with north African ahmbs is to have introduced at the New York and equipped with buildings of north Leon Errol, Zlegfeld's famous com­ African architecture. Here the king edy star, whose eccentric legs and Show. Nash has engineered it to of beasts Is raised for zoo or circus, antics were the sensation of both the or prepared tor a motion picture stage and screen versions of “Sally," develop 25% greater power with career. is the first great stage comedian to gain stardom in films. Opening, Jan. 30th College* Changed Namea phenomenal smoothriess, quiet- As a resnlt of his screen Idt in Harvard never has changed Its Colleen Moore’s "Sally.” First Na­ name, althongh it Is America’s oldest ness< and 23% faster pick-up. college, says “Girard" In th e Philadel­ tional signed him to be starred, and phia Inquirer. he will apiiear with Dorothy Gish In with a full line of Yale, Princeton. Columbia and the headline role of "Clothes Make the Pennsylvania were not that at the Pirate." the Sam E. llork comedy, c h a m b e r s a u t o s a l e s start Folks who affect to despise all which coiue.s to th e Penniman Allen money not their own criticize little theatre. Saturday, January 30. PLYMOUTH, MICH. PHONE 109 Trinity college down in North Caro­ With the exception of Errol, vir­ lina for surrendering Its name to get Fresh and Salt Meats tually iinne of the comedy stars now $40,000,000 from .Tames H. Duke. J . But when EU Yale made his dona- on the .screen ever achieved any mark­ < c = '=0 ^ ! tion to the Connecticut college, a part ed degree of stage fume, including I of the bargain was that the name he Charlie Chaplin. Chaplin, the comedy ' changed, and It w :ls . genius, had not yet rii>oned to his And Princeton was neither Prince­ present greatness of art when he left Located in the HOTEL BLOCK ton nor at Princeton at the start. It the English music hulls for films. was many miles nearer New York Buster Keaton, while a member of a next to A & P Store, Plymouth when Jotiathan Kdwanls wisel.v de­ cided tc move closer to I*Uiladelpliiu vaudeville headline act, was snb- to what was then the village of Prince uiergcd beneath the older fame of his Town. T he College of New .Tersey parents. Harold Lloyd’s experience began at Elizabethtown, then moved lias heeii eonflmal entirely to films. to Newark. The lure Sidney Drew was one of the BOWLING for HEALTH ,i Oolurob.la wa? orjglnnlly K ings col- j few stage stni-s lo equal Errol’s 1 lege, as all schoolboys have heard, hut CATCHING achievement of stardom «ui the screen. a war made a switch from King «o Errol has been a New Ytirk stage Columbia seem desirable. star since 1011. when he first joined Bowling exercises the arms. It limbers up the legs. It For years It w h s the College *>1 CUSTOMERS Philadelphia and it was a long lime the Ziegfeld follies. The collapsible brings into play the muscles of the back, the neck and the abdo­ before the man whom Franklin called legs, which made him famous, are men. For the man who works inside, whether he sits at a desk his “pet enemy,’’ Provost William again in evidence in "Clothes Make the To make a sale you must first catch your cus­ Smith, ruled over the University of Pirate." in which lie has the role of a tomer. ail day or is on his feet, bowling is the ideal health-building sport Pennsylvania. henpecked Yauke<‘ tailor, who runs away from his nagging wife and be­ You, of course, have competitors in your business, /• Flying a Profeaaion? —a recreation that exercises, rests and recreates, all at the same comes a pirate. people who are as anxious to sell goods as you are. Young men of good edticntion. who time. / loqk with longing at ships flying high How then, are you going to get buyers to choose I In the air. often ask whether flying is "THE LAST EDITION" your store in preference to some other? a profession. It would appear from the 1924 Canadian reyiori on civil avia­ Vivid, intense melodrama, v ita lly This is the answer: By making your show win­ ___ I tion that It la At any rate, the air in the absorbing atmosphere of the dow so b r i^ t and inviting that they simply cannot board of Canada has taken the wise newsiNiper game and showing the most resist its appeal. You know how a brightly-Ugbt^ stand of giving licenses to pilots and intimate details of newspaperdom with window attracts yoa Penniman Allen Bowling Alleys requiring certain definite qualifloatlons. all their glamour, romance and trag­ Airplane pilots are subdivided into edy. “The Last Edition." Emory John­ You can have our advice in private and commercial pilots, the for­ son's latest production for F. B. O., this matter without charge. mer not authorized to fly for hire, comes to the Penniman Allen theatre, Bach class Is again subdivided Into Sunday and Monday. January 31 and three classes, planes of 1.000 pounds or lesa, planes of 3,000 pounds or less, February 1. Ralph Lewis, who made The Detroit Edison Co. DETROn UNITED LINES and heavy planes of over 3.000 pounds. his roles in “The Third Alarm." “West­ PLYMOUTH All classes o f pitots .are required tu bound Limited” and "In the Name of the Law." historic pieces of dramatic ■ PLYMOUTH TIME TABLE glass an examination on the construc­ tion, maLDtenance and tunctUms of the j4ictlng. I.s starred by the producer- aircraft. Its engine and accessories.— Effective November 27,1925 director In what it is confidently pre­ Scientific American, dicted will be the most popular part FOR WAYNE—*5:23 ft. m.. 7:17 ft. ' he- has ever played. Mrs. Emille m., 9 :17 a. m., and every two hontt Habit Cured Johnson, mother of the brilliant young to .5:17 p. m .: 6:00 p. m. *Tor more than a year I’ve had the director, wrote the story, and the nervous babit. while in an office -IIr- Jolmsons In conjunction with their FOB NOBTHYILLE—*5:31 a. m.. playlng my wares, of picking up a 3 :23 a*, m.; 10:31 a. m.; and every former star have returned to the old SPECIAL wire paper clip off a desk tod putting two honm to (> :31 p. m. It In my month," said a salesman, “but combination which provided the public ■t 11 was recently very effectively cured. with all of the thrilling success men­ Chicken Dinners * Daily except Sundays ' Somehow, the clip .000 and the front didly. Lila Leslie. Ray Bailor. David PROMPT DELIVERY ALWAYS porch at JRO.OtW. all as real e.state Kirby. Russell Simpson. Wade Boteler, 1 Miss Melissa Roe offices.—Capper's Weekly. Cuyler Supplee, liCigh Willard and Will Frank compose the remalncler of TEACHER OP FUNDAMENTAL AND Daring Communiata a formidable east of thespians. Di­ ADVANXED PIANO Two men dresswl in workers* clorhe.« rector Johnson has translated this The HpioDth Elevator Co. WELDING! drilled a large hole in the marble story to the screen with powerful Private and class instructlom statne of WllUam I on the main street broad strokes, and with that rare Plymouth, Michigan Studio. 1<>8 Amelia St. In Breslau, says the Pathfinder Maga­ P h one 265 zine. T he Job took most o f th e day. understanding of situations which Is Phone 01 Pbooe 257-F2 but no notice o f the men vras taken his greatest gift. until they had finished the work. Po­ lice then became suspicious and learned that they were Communists EVELYN THOMAS preparing to blow up the monnmeat Old Mr. Carter Helped 264 ANN ST. PLYMOUTH by S |i^ e Mixtive Murray’s r Confectionery Teacher Of Skates Sharpened "After taking AdleilkB 1 feel bet­ 354 Main Street ter than for years. At my age (60) it Is ideal—so different from other A Full Line of— P i^ Organ Tin CoCTtr and Sheet Iren W m k medldDes.’’ (signed) W. W. Carter. 'Adiertka is a simple mixture of buck­ thorn bark* glycerine. etiL, which Sehrafft’s ChoedhttH tonoves ,OAS In ten roinutes , and anti Piano often brings surprising relief to the stomach. 8t<«B- that fnIL Moatsd A Large Assortment of— . Floyd PoHdis fMUng. Brings out old waste-mat­ ter yoB never thon^t was tn year Up oM eyst^ Excellent for chronic eon- Ainflo’* Mxl Schr«

M i l i i a mortgage given by the purchaser for PLYMOUTH BOOM FORECASTED EXPERT EXPUINS the unpaid balance. > Article 45 further provides: “If the The expansion of Plymouth is only I F Y O U WANT TO SELL OR BUY return Is made on t^ s basis and the a step away. Practically all other TAX ON INCOMES vendor repossesses Ole property after .suburban towns around Detroit have REAL ESTATE-SEE RAM BO default by tbe buyer, retaining the bad substantial increased ' valuations Lott & Murphy previous payments, tbe enOre amount and rapidly added population. . It is (Coutinued frobi last week) of such payments, less the profit pre­ our turn next. viously returned, will be income to the The farms of C. II. Bennett and F. Deferred Payments vendor and will be so returned for the H. Keddemun have been optioned by Article 44. Sale of real estate in­ year in which the prcqierty was re­ Norman F. Saur of Detroit, who has Frank Rambo Real Elstate Co. volving deferred payments.—Defer­ possessed. and tbe property reposiKSsed organized a. syndicate to develop and red payment sales of real estate or­ must be included in tbe inventory at subdivide tbe property. , 6mith, Moss Plymouth, Mich. dinarily fall into two classes when its original cost tp himself (less any aud Mitichke of NorthviHe and De­ 746 Starkweather Ave. Phone 504 coiisiderod w ith resi>ect to the terms depreciation as defined ■an articles 161 troit Itave made a topographical sur- sale, as follows: and 162). If the taxpayer chooses ey of tbe property, and preliminary (1>- Installment transactions, in matter of settled practice con­ pints have been submitted fur study which the initial payment is relatively sistently followed to treat the obliga­ aiul approval. It is planned to pre- GENERAL REAL ESTATE snuill (geuenilly less than one-fonith tions of the purchaser as having a Iiare restrictions on the property that of the purchase price) and the de- fair market value and to report the will make an ideal home section. ferretl payments usually numerous and profit derived from the entire consider­ I’lymouth already has a well earned of small amonut. ation. cash and deferred payments, as name of being a town of beautiful ALSO EXCHANGES (2) Deferred payment sales not income for the year when tbe sale is homes. The next few years will un­ Phone 33 the installment plan, in which made, this is permissible. If so treat­ doubtedly bring about changes that 830 Penniman Ave. there is a substantial initial payment ed. the rule prescribed in article 46 will change tbe entire community. (ordinarily not less than oue-fourth will apply.” Many Detroit business men will find Acreage and Farms a Specialty of the purchase price), deferred pay­ Clas.s (2)—If the down''pa^'meut in' that here it will be possible to find ments being secured by a mortgage or the foregoing transaction was $2.5,000 every modern convenience, especially other lien. (25 i>er c<'ut) o r m ore, th e p n tfit of schools that are surpassed by none. In determining liuw these classes $5.5,000 Would be returned in fu ll, as This same' business man will find that List Your Property With U^ sliall lie treated in levying the in­ iu<-ome fo r th e y e a r 1924. he can live here, attend to his business come tux, the- question in each case Provision for Default. in Detroit, send his younger children whether the income to be re- these excellent schools, s^d his In the case of default by the pur­ older children to the University at Wm. B. PETZ lK>rteo made are disposed of or satisfied, the amount local Beal Estate Board. Plymouth United Savings Bank Bldg. after all or a Mlpuluted amount of lielng the dlflfeceuce between the*basis the principal has been paid. The as provided above and the amount HOUSE AND LOT ON HARVEY ST. realized therefor.” profit of $5.1.0(X) in a transaction of near Fanner: hirse lor .5tlx13d: inoderi^O rooms and bath; oak floors; Phones 111 and 461-XM Plymouth, Mich. this nature may l>e reported for income '• Exchanges. Wants, For Sale, To Rent, etc liroplace: iieal and t o / y : shrulilKTy: ttarajre. Terms $2,200 down. tax ptiriioses tin ,n pereeutage basis, Article 1572. Exchanges of proper­ as outlined In Article 45. which pro­ ty.—In the following cases no gain or OFFICES FOR RENT— Offices in vides—"In the two kinds of transac­ los.s is recognized: the new office building at 215 Main tions included in class (1) in .Article (a) If property held for produc­ street. (Centrally located, telephone 5-ROOM COTTAGE ON ADAMS ST. 44. iiKstnllment obligations assum ed by tive use In trade or business or for service, large lighted rcHXn, rent rea­ iieiy Farnu‘r. Dundy biy lot with fruit m>es. srrapc.s and berries; the buyer are not ordinarily to be re- Investment (not including stock in sonable. Apply to R. R. Parrott. frame. .5 room.< and hath. Furnn c. full basement. Priced to .sell, gnnled as having u fair market value, trade or other property held primarily 52tf reniis. and the vendor may report as his in­ for sale, nor stocks, bonds, notes, come from .such transactions in any cUoses in action, certificates of trust FOR SALE!— Vacant lots. Choice year that ixirtion of each payment or lieneticial interest, or other secur­ lots in Virginia Park and Nash-Plym- actually ret-elved in that year which 5 ACRES ON PLYMOUTH ROAD OU can call on us with ities or evidence of indebtedness or outb subdivisioBs; priced as low as Y goes to gross profit to be realized when interest) is exchanged solely for prop­ $425.00. Wm. 6. Petz, Plymoutb One and u half miles East of Plymouth. New house aud double garage. assurance that the the proijerty is paid for bears to the erty of a like kind to be held either United Savings Bank building. Phone This is a real good investment, or will exchange for 30 or 40 acre visit will be the begin­ gross contract price.” To Illus­ fur productive use in trade or business 328. I will call and show you. farm within n mdins

FOR SALE OR RENT—House and lot, 281 Hamilton street. Charles F. Bennett, 659 Ann Arbor street.

T O R SAT.F— 21 acres vacant land, near Cherry Hill and Beck road. Phone 251-Pll. * 8t3p Pl3 rmouth Park Subdivision FOR RENT—8-room honse, 412 Starkweetbc(r avenue. Raymond Bach- eldor. 293 Main street, phone 429. Located one and one-half miles 10t2 east of Plymouth on the Plymouth FOR SAT.iB—House ' on Penniman road—THE main artery between avenne. Price, $8,000. $2,000 down. Perry Woodworth, phone 243. 8tfc Plymouth and Detroit. Fifty-foot lots, sewer^ ridewalkiL improved FpR SALE—$3,200 handles; five- room honse -and 2^ acres of land in strMts.’ Edison power, bus service. Orchard Heights, Northville; can be divided into- 15 lots. This la for a quick sale. Frank Rambo, phone 28. Building Program Now Under Way. 10t2c

Norman F. Saner of Detroitr-is syn­ dicating th e C. H. Bennett texm, wlHi the view of devdoplng and snbdlTld- ifsi 1^. If interested- in an InvieLmulf, yow ittvestlgatton is requeued. B e rt Chaney-Bakewefl Realty Co. Giddings. lo ^ rqyrceentatiye, p ho ne residence 37201. 10(1 A cre a g e le p re v e d FOR SALE— One PaUner Acre, wlD naciIBce for q f t k S k at ottneUye b d iH t r ia l Y a e a id price; alee one'new m oden home on Blaadie s t t ^ Jnat off StoJewplhw. 6 For fatfonnathm. eee F.; A. iW H aiaS L Fljmeutt^ WkliigaB . FhcaieZn: care of PeopMe State B o ^ lOUV' niPM PPPPlipiliippiiiii i p p p p 75


AROUND ABOUT US as U. S.-18. It is now a federal road, tate firm this week, at what la believed Tong of San/foi0cr« C0MSaSSI0NEB*6 NOTICB having with nine other Michigan roads to be the highest price ever paid for N O . 117211 been taken over January 1st by the 17. acreage In th is section, 4®>000 per acre. Prodncod in Ctmada In the matter of the estate of Endte Chase Hamilton, deceased. * STlTester Shear is the new snper* The Canadian sunflower crop has S. govemm«tt. Mr. MacKatzle purchased the farm We. the undersigned, having been Thmr <3it Bedford township. fourteen years ago fft approximately grown- to enormous proportions, the i'nder the au^lces of the Mloblgon appointed by the Probate Court for the ¥100 per acre.—Bedford Record. plant having Uet'O found to form ex­ County of Wayne, State of Wall Paper and The fathers and sons of Milford will Amateur Skating Assuciation. a skat­ cellent silage. Sunilpwer yields . from ('ommissioners to receive, eTomiiu, hare a big banquet on February 22. ing tournament is to be held at Walled adjust all claims and demands of all Gerald Bcason of Pinckney, while twenty to twenty-five tons per acre, a Late on Saturday, January 30th. The great deal more than the average com l>ersuns against said deceased, do The Peoples State Bank of Inkster fox hunting one day last, week, suc­ hereby give notice that we will meet local plans are in charge of the crop, and th e extent to which It has will open for buslBeas, Pebraary I6tb. ceeded In bagging a 'black fox. This at Plymouth United Savings Walled Lake Exchange Clnb. been cultivated In Canada shows how Plymouth. Mich, in said County, on The Wayne Masonic lodge will pre­ animal which was a yonng one with this plant, until a few years ago de­ Paints Brighton is to have a modem hotel Friday, the 12th day of March A. D. sent a minstrel show on Friday and fur not of the quality- of a matured spised as a worthless weed, has be­ 192tl. and ou Wednesday, the 12th day Saturday nights, January 29 and 30. built on the. historical Spanish type, animal, is supposed to be the first come a crop of great economic value. of Jlay A. D. 192«. at ten o'clock A. M. which will replace the historic Brigh­ geuuine black fox shot in this vicinity The importance of the snnflower was of each of said days, for the purpoee Pedtions to the postoffice department SEE OUR LINE BEFORE YOU BUY- ton Inn, which was recently destroyed and may have been one that escaped first urged by Dominion goveminem of cxmniuiug and allowing said claims, hare been circulated Is Wayne, ask­ agricultural experts, who stressed Us and that' four months from the 12th by fire. The new building will occupy from one of the nearby fox farms.f— day of January A. D. 1926, were ing for carrier service for the village. value for silage purposes. Kariner? WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY. the same site as the old one, and will Bringhton Argus. allowed by said Court for creditors to By a vote of 187 for and 35 against, be 100x125 feet in size. began to plant small fields, and found present their claims to us for exam- the experiment profitable. the electors of the vlSage of South Fii4, which broke out In a store­ iimtiou and allowance. The Oakland county board of super­ Expansion has lately been so rapid room in the center building* of Elolse Dated. January 12. 192G. Lyon voted the adoption of a new vil­ visors has approved the plans for the that last year Alberta alone proiinml EDG .Ut K. BENNETT. hospital, eariy Sunday, destroyed a lage charter, last week. tuberculosis sanitorinm to be erected a crop of nearly 200,000 tons, at a BOV A. FISHEB. large quantity of fionr and other food­ ifembers of the Walled Lake Metho­ this coming season on section 31 in cost which, in view of the food value stuffs, and, because of the high wind, o f th e plant, is -declared lo be tin- i HOLLAW AY’S dist church observed the fiftieth anni­ Waterford township. The building, threatened for a time to become dan­ cheapest silage or fodder cnii. yet rOMMISSIONER-S NOTICE versary of the churcli Friday, Satur­ which is to be-of brick and stone will be gerous. Although the Dearborn fire I raised. Farmers report that live stock I No. 118843 day and Sunday of last week. three stories high and together with . In :lie matter of the estate of Edith dcpartnioiit responded to the' alarm, the take readily to it. Wall Paper and Paint Store the grounds is erpected to cost ¥290.000. ' -Mi-Cartliy. deceased. The highway known to this locality fire wn.s ,^extlnguished with apparatus | 1.’ rile ■\iiidersiguoHrs has been officially desig­ Kenzie. Eight Mile' and Southfield was confiiuHl to the store-room, which I ('oiinty of Wayne. State of Michigan, to receive, exam ine and» nated as M-16. is hereafter to be known roads, was sold to a Detroit neal e.s- Is lueuteii above the hospital bakery. I for Touristt u u n s i TrafficI r a m c / \ demands o f a ll W hile a iiHitnr nmnilms was priH-ertl- l>ersons against said deceased, do here- litg along a rood liiroiigli a dense Jiin- I'.v give notice that I will meet at the cle in Oeyiuii. (he (Jriver nc^rh-ed a herd Store of GayUe Bros, in Plymouth. Ilf wild eleiilianis a sliort disianre Mich., in .-aiid Cnuiity. ou Saturday, the aliea.l 13th day o f March A. D. 1926, and on for Economical Transportation Tlihiking Tn snire them nit. a j>a*- Tbursdaj', the 13th day of May A. D. 1926, at tw o o’clock P. M. o f each of seng«T in The oinhiinis tm k a slmt ul ^id days, for the purpose of examiu- llie leader. The hiiilel gra-/.ed its Hack. ing and allowing said claims, and that -vliejieijjwMi it hellr.wed lomlly and four months from the 13th day of ■ hat-geil the «>iiinliius, foIlow4Ml l»v tlie January A. D. 1920, were allowed by rest nf tile tierd, said Court for creditors to present I Tile r'!'s>eiW'ePs dived henrath ihe their claims to me f*ir examinatiou and allowance. seals, bill the driver t.. his V»< Dated, January 13th, 1926. iiiHl accelerated steering the ear .\LBERT GAVDE .•'frH^lit at The lemling elejihaiir, Iir :iH.ro:ieh.'d, he swerved past the Hiiinial. ( H.4NCERY NOTICE CHEVROLET In a flash ilie animal stj-etiheil out No. 129562 In's trunk and i.n-e the hond rnmt the STATE OF MICHIGAN. The Clr- of iiini-e Ilian a <-nit Court for the County of Wayne. mile folliiwe evpiitiially the herd In ('hancery. ' w;is thrown off. Milo F. Corwin and Grace M. Cor­ win. Ins wife. Plaintiffs, vs. Henry H. l W. Hopkins. El>enozer Hopkins, Polly Nothir.g Small About Him Hopkins. Allen P. Hubbard, Martimus Sir Krne.st <'asM ''. th e linaiieier, c a m e L. S lin tfs.. Alonzo Henrj’, Appolos lo L ondon w hen siii| a hm - and entered Sweetlaiid. Aiwllos Sweetland, Elijah the ban k in g li.m se of I’.isH mivslietni ft P. Bnriow, John Sweetland, ApoUis Sweetlaud. William Cross and Gusta- f ' o . i n {111 iiiRm nili.-am r-aiim-iiy. T h ere vus Cross, or their unknown heirs, he soon gave evidi'iiee (>f extraordl. devisiH‘s. legatetvs and assigns. D e­ nary iihiliiy and he ndvam red rapidly. fendants. sel calmly ceplied, "I suppose you to. be barred by the quiet, peacable, tnenn five thousand pounds.’* Where­ open, notorious, adverse, hostile, actwb upon everyone looked wltli nslonlsh- undisputed, exclusive and continaoiu a Revelation in mcn( nf everyone else, bin ‘Sir. BiscJi- I>usHc«:si(iu uf plaintiffs and their grant­ oft'slieiiii relorietl just as calmly tiiid or.'; for more tlmn fifteen (15) yean pi-oiiiptly, “Ves. sir.-'—L«.ndi .An- ijist past, and for more than fifteen swers. (15) years since the several apparent Low Priced Transportation rights to the ix)sse.ssion thereof ac­ crued in said respective defendants, Had Their Nerve which said jioKseesion has been, dur­ ing all of said time, and still ad­ A well-known lecturer nvjis [iroinlsed verse and hostile to the titles, intem t, .¥20 if he would give a talk at a char­ claims, liens or possible rights of said A type of performance never before approached in any low priced car ity affair in a smalK tective defendants, and upon read­ sented, and ili'ove in a molor car for ing the affidavit of Milo F. Corwin, —a new smoothness of operation—new flexibility^—new swiftness of tw elve inJle.s through h heavy rnin- one 4if said plaintiffs, tliat it is not storin to keep Ids engagement. Though known and could not be ascertalnad ' acceleration—new beauty—new comfort—these have been added to he had come prepared to speak for after diligent search and inquiry only half an Imur he fouuil upon his whether their titles, interests, eiatma, irrival that he was exjiecled lo occuiiy liens or ixtssible rights have been dla- )>osed o f by w ill, and th at it cannot be its already world-famous power and economy to make the Improved the pljitfonn for an liour, which he ascertained lii what State or Country Chevrolet a revelation in low priced transportation. did. The iinll in wiilch flic affair was said defendants, or any of them, reside. held was poorly lighted an«l drafty mid Ou motion of John L. Crand^ At­ the lecturer was thankful when he torney for plaintiffs, it is ordered, That was finally able to leave tlie iilnlfnrm. lleury H. W. Hopl^s, Ebenezer Hop- Just take one ride in this remarkable Car—and you will be amazed to .An envelope u-as hnniled him. and fn it kina, Polly Hopkins. Allen P. Hobbaz^ he found a *20 hill, together with a Martimus L. Sbutts, Alonzo Henry, find that qualities heretofore the chief advantages of owning costlier note reading: - If you will give us your Appolos Sweetland, ApoUos Sweetland, fee God will aid you In your efforts." Elijah P. Barlow, John Sweetland. Apollis Sweetland, William Cross and cars are now obtainable in a car of very low price. Gustaviis Cross, or tbeir unknown Strictly Neutral heirs, devisees, legatees and and the unknown persons who are or A junior fooiliall mulch was i tuny be entitled to claim under them, The introduction of the Improved Chevrolet marks an outstanding progre.ss mid great ••xcileineiit wii or any p f them> cause their several ap- aroused. Om* of the ba<-ks (acklcd ih |]H‘urances to be entered herein In the achievement in the automobile industry. opiiosing center forwnrd. and aftr I manuer provided by law on or before much wild kicking Imtii fell. I THREE (3) MONTHS from the date ■•Foul.” §iald the referee, blowing li. [hereof and tliat this Order be pubUsh- whistle. I ed or sen'ed as requlr^ by law. "Who forJ" nsk.tl III. hemp ..■nnlHln. I . , ALFRED J. MTOPOT, .. . V. . IA true copy Circnlt Jculge. “U s.” came the reply from the high Harold Y. Raymond, Deputy Clerk. ly excited ofticial.—Vtim-oiiver I’rov SAID SUIT involves and is brought ince. to quiet the title to the lands and' premises described in said Bill of < 'otuplaint as follows: Restoring Books CommencL^ at the northeast comer Books that have Inin bnig !n a of Section eighteen (18), of Town two damp place and_ acquired n imisty (2) South, of Range eight (8) Bast: I f f w P r i c smell should be thoroughly aired nnd running thence rauth. no d^gees no exposed to the sunlight for several minutes thirty 'seconds (0* 0' 80") r days. This should arrest the odor. east, three hundred fifty-one and forty- Mildew may be checked by brushing nine hundr^ths (351.49’) feet- to a point; thence south, thirty degrees over the books with spirits of wine or fifty-eight minutes (30* 68') west, one a few drops of essential oil. such as thousand nine hundred seven a n d oil of’- 1 the northeast qnarter (E -^ < of Section 18, To'wn two (2) South, of All Prices f. o. b. FUnt, Michigan Range elg^t (8 ) Bast, Canton Town­ ship, Wayne County, Mlcbig*ni «•- forty-two and two haadrefi one thoosanths .(42201-A} aerat o f land. j o ^ ii. CBAKnau^, Attorney t m Plaintiffs. O^oirig (hto Origin of Two-DoU«r "Jinx^ What greater authority, what stronger Isn't It Odd tliat the people of the Superstition among natives in the United States should have come son* Kenya colony, in Africa, has caused approval could you desire? erally to regard the two-doUar bill so census takers no end of trouble. The ODlticky ns to have boycotted It so that natives believe it is unlocky to connt tile g<»veriiiupnt has been iinnhle to tlieiuselves or their wives when tbe make it perform the normal purpose offlciul eitumerurloD is taken. The State of Michigan does not issue which Is Us proper due? In other countries census taking ban charters for banks lacking in resources, fa­ , With T he United States hureno o f effi­ sometimes prcseiitetl similar difficul­ ciency, an agency of the government, ties. says Tit-Bits. The first Chinese cilities or commendable policies and princi­ recently has Investigated the origin of census showed u total population of ples. the superstition which led to this boy­ 28.000. 000. It was taken to serve as cott. It believes it has found oat a basis for the imiiosUloo of a poll tax. s*bere it started, although the Is Several years iutei- another census was ^lidiigan Club Orchestra taken to orpinize relief during a fam­ not positive. This Bank operates under state laws, as­ The American.dollar had Its origin ine. The [lopulutiou had grown to The Bank on the Corner of Detroit in the old Spanish pieces of eight. 100.000. 000. suring real protection for depositors’ funds Those -coins afterward degenerated Infinite tn>uhle la taken in the prep- and also the fullest measure of banking use­ Into pieces of seven, pieces of six. nnitiou of the liiiliun census, but one They fluctuated as to their silver con­ Mory told by a British administrator W e Pay 4% fulness. tent. There were pieces of ten, pieces shows there also iho way o f the- cen­ of twelve, and. Anally, pieces of thir­ sus taker is difficult. On one occasion Odd Fellows Temple he had to point out to a native enu­ on Savings teen. For utmost security, profit, convenience PLYMOUTH This piece of thirteen was a hage merator stinie discrepancy in his fig­ sliver coin of a value similar to the ures. “But surely." protested Ihe emi- A ccounts and satisfaction, bank at the old Englush ten-shilling piece. It was, luerntor, “your lionor can supidy In’ faei. a silver iwo-tlonKr piece. But naughts at discreUnu'?" It was cursed by having the unlucky r- thirteen attachetl to it. It became un­ South Carolinian Was \ popular. particularly in the urea of the Caribbean. First American Doctor Plymouth United Savings Bank Wednesday, Evening When the new nation of the West The first native of Englisli-speaklng evolved a dollar currency the super­ America to receive tlie tiegree tif Doc­ Main Bank, 330 Main St. stition against the twu-dollar piece sur­ tor of Medicine was Wllliatu Bull, who vived. When only the paper note re­ died iii London, England, about 1.34 Branch Office, Cor. Starkweather Ave. and Liberty St. February 3rd mained as a representative of the old years ago. coin of ill omen, the repute of bad He wiis horn In South Candina in lock stin attached {o It. T he dollar 17KI. and In his early manhood went bad again become n (liece of eight and to Europe to'stmly ittedlclne. receiving If you can’t dance, get on and ride. Let’s go! the two-dollar bill was, consequently, his M. D. degree ut Leyden. He prac­ 00 longer o piece of thirteen but a ticed his profeasiim with considerable piece of sixteen. But all of this made success in liig mulve colony, and in no difference. It was unlucky and. be­ 764 became lieutenant governor of Tickets $1.00 Ladies Free ing so, was scorned by many. The South Carolina, a position he retained average individual, although he has no until the Revolution. *As Doctor Bull conscious faith in such superstitions. remained a loyalist, he. In 1782, ac­ A - 1 GROCERY CO. Instinctively acts upon them to a de­ companied the British troops to Eng­ gree. That degree has been sufficient land after their di^feat by the Conti­ to prevent the normal circulation of nental army under Oenerai AVushlng- No. 914 North Mill SL, Plymouth the two-dollar bill. toh. FARM SUPPLIES The only part of the United States DocNir Bull residtsl in England dur­ where' this superstltiea does not pre­ ing tlie remainder of Ids life. o vail ). The n|)pell:itioo i.s derived from tt cu.stom of tile English unlrersities, 25c money. It In cusloninry in this ciiuntry to C T i r A ^ C ROUND, young beef, nice, tender, lb, regard tlif typewriter as an .American which continued until L’12. of present­ O 1 SHILOIN and PORTERHOUSE, lb. 28c Invention. .Austria (H.«]iutes this ing a laurel leaf lo gnidmues in rhet­ f'lnhii, .A niemnrlal talilct lia.« hf'en oric and ver.sltiniiion—the “king's lau­ reate” being a griultlTtied rhetoriciiin D / ^ D V LOIN FOR ROAST, young pig, lb. 29c L . CLEMENS unvfiifil on the house of Peter Mir- tenliirfer. at Innshi-mk, who it is in the servh e of ilie king. It was for^ CHOPS, Ribs or L6in, lb. -34c Plymouth Phoi^e 316-F22 maintained was the real inventor of morly tlie duly „ f :||(i |Hiet latircaie to the typewriter, says tlie I’ailifinder wr«le an ode <>ti 'lie l.irilnlay was FRESH HAMS, half or whole, Ib...... 26c work on his invention. Two \eaTs granted a pension oj' li.'st l>y yiicen later he compleieiis>in was the first to receiv»* the ollit i* by formal BACON, sugar cured, 2 to 3 Ib. p ieces...... 31c a queer tnacliine maes o f real pearls are The dates of the most violent Towle & Roe Lumber Co. seldom worn nowadays excejd on Christian persecutions under Roman Phone 385 Plymouth great occasions. Even the wealthiest emperors were a.s follows: Nero. 64- FULLER BRUSH CO. women hesitate to appear w'itb neck­ 68; Domitlau. OS; Trajan. 106: Mar­ laces costing S2.A.OOO or more, especial­ cus Aorellus. 166-177; Septlmu.s Hartford Conn. ly wlieu thieves operate every night In Severu-s. 199-204: Maximus. 23o-23.S; the theater dlstrh-t, .As a rule, the Declus, 250-2r»2: Valerian. 258-280: Local RepresentatiTe and Servlee FEBRUARY 14th owners wear imitations of their costly Aurelian. 27fi^ Diocletian, 303-313 possesalona. (the era of the martyrs). The reason for Cbristian persecution according to C. J. HORTON IS- Roman hlatorlaiui, was not on account Nothing Else Bat 181 Rose St.* Pbooe Plymouth 129XB of their refligious beliefs so much A partlcnlarly touching *‘G. B. S.” I as b.v the Christian refujal to con­ Incident is reported from tbe wilds of SWEETHEARTS DAY form to the state religion and • na- Scotland, where an Intelligent High­ I tioaal law. Bellgion was an integral lander fancied be recognized tbe Greet part of Roman law. Ptymoufii Tel. 499 “A Little Owl sat on a knot. and Only in the person of a gentle­ The more he wished the less be got: man who was approaching h)m on a The less he got. the more he’d wish. lonely road. As the stranger was Polar Explanation C. M. WADE & SON For be had no Valentine, poor fish.” passing him the pedeatrlan scanned Rarly ettortS' in polar exploration FLOOR SANDING HAVE YOU*? bis features with pardonable curios­ were largely for ooniiDercial inter­ ity. “Yes, you are quite right." said ests. During the Twentieth century AND FINISHING Ur. Shaw, and he continued on his the renewal of exploration In the way.—From the Argonaut Arctic and Antarctic- regions has been 621 S. Main SL njmmiHi, Hkfa. Valentines For All The Sweethearts dne largely to the spirit of scientific Skirting on the Indelicate I research, but ala^o Sfor geographic Fathers and mothers, waters and brothers, husbands A nervous curate, addressing a achievement. I’eary. at the North meeting on behalf of tbe Society for pole, made a greet number of ob­ and wives, kiddies and friends. the Abolition of the Short Skirt, said: servations which are very valuable DR. CARL F. JANUARY “I shall watch very' closely the efforts Id the study of geography, physiog* We have an entirely new line, and hope to have in discarding—er—the society's efforts raphy, meteorology and oceanography. Osteopathic Physician enough for all. in doing .twny with this scanty ap­ Office in the new Huston Bldg. parel. May I appeal tu those ladles South American Honored P ly m o u th Also Dennison’s Table Covers, Party Caps, Nut here present, wim njay be wearing The statue of Oen. .lose de Sun Cups and Place Cards short shirts, to at once set a public I Office Hours— 8:15 to 12 a. m.; 2 to 6 Martin in .Indiciary park is the first example (after an emharras-sed pause) I and 7 to 8 p. m. Taylor Tally Cards —er—that is. of course, privately.” statue of a South .American to he erected lo Washington. It Is a replica I Telephone— Ofliee 407; Reddenee 464W of one In Buenos Aires and was Gift and Art Department Electricity in Japan thought a fitting gift To this country, Jup.nne^e c-apitulist.s, are making since Sau Martin was a patriot to Carpenter Work plans for the hydro-electric develop­ whom many Soutlt Americans accord ment of the Choshinko river of the the reverence that )>eople in this coun­ Alterations and Repairs C. G. DRAPER- Korean peuinsuhi. It 1$ estimated try pay to the meihory of (3eorga AH Metal Weatbentrlp thftt this project will produce 347.000 Washington. 290 Main St. Jeweler and Optometrist kilowatts of electricity and that the 'Oial capital requirements will be Floyd G. Norton about $100,000,000. The electrirlty ^ Too High Pb«H, »Mi Nortbime produced will be used for light and "I simply can't get over it." said thR power purposes ak \Tell as for vartona sweet young thing as she paused la electro-chemical uses. front of the rail fence. T. Vmi Sandt ANNOUNCEMENT Cootnetor aad BaDder I wish to announce to the people of Plymouth and vicinity WELLINGTON ROBERTS,C.E JESSE HAKE DESIGNER OF that Mr. C. M. Smart of 448 Roe S t, is an a u th o ti^ agent and Real Eatateand of I. E. Ilgnfritz’ Sons Co. (’The Monroe Nnrsery.) Modem Homes Any orders taken by'him in thi^ territory will receive our General C ivil Engineerag careful, attention. Rlioneaffi S t d r e F r o l ^ D . F . . a U A R A Y NORTHmLB, niclk. A spim ilirY. I f *

.-i*: i n till; THK PLYMOUTH MAIL, FRIDAY, JANUARY 29, 1926

CANTON CENTER Charles Finne^n has sold his farm, located os the Cherry Hill road. If you are feeling blue and seed a Every Battery Need good laugh, then be sure and come to the toe social asd program at the Can­ All the Other ^oks, ton Center tows house, Saturday eve- nlsg, January 30tb. located at Cherry Hill aud Canton Center roads. The ladies are to furnish a pot-luck supper. Mrs. Louis Sommer and Mrs. Col­ Book So Good as Your burn Ilennls are quite busy decorating the town house for the toe social to be held next Saturday eyeoing. Mr. and Mrs. William Green enter-1 tuiueii friends from Nortbvllle, Sun-1 Own Bank Book lay. 1 Louis Sommer was a Detroit visitor, .Monday. Mrs. William Green called on North- Between its covers is writtc record of ville friends, Tuesday. Mrs. Guy Fisher called on her. your financial progress in life. It is a We are especially well equipped to supply your mother, Mrs. Uoltert Webber. Sunday.; Radio Battery needs. Our stock of B Batteries is William Newman of the Canton I ; Center road is quite ill. book which you alone must write. Page kept fresh, because we order in quantities that we j can sell quickly. Our prices for Battery charging by page it records your daily, weekly or are very reasonable. SALEM Mr.*;iti«l Mrs. U. Kidirl uiul Mrs. L. Siruh wiTc fiiUTtaiufd ul the Vici monthly savings. As the balance increases, Plymouth Auto Supply homr in Itedford, Monday, it being the RUSSELL DETTLING, Prop. .WH«l»llng anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. so will your interest increase. For we Plymouth Penniman Ave. Vied, aud Mrs. Kehrl's birthday. A sumptuous dinner waa served, and all add to the total regularly by paying In­ were pleasjtutly entcrtaineil. .Mrs. J. K. Taylor wu.s in Ann Arbor, last Friday. terest on the balauice each six months. .Mrs. Nellie Bird and daughter of The Long and Short of It riymouth. were Sunday visitors of | Start writing your book today. Mrs. Jennie Smith, and also called at the Harmon Gale home. John McDowell of NorthvlUe, was a You Always Get wi>ek-cnd guest of Ids daughter, Mrs. C. Crockett. G uarantee d Earl Stanbro. who broke his wrist while eranking his cor. is ImproviDg PEOPLES STATE BANK Quality Groceries slowly. K. Gearghty has the measles. PLYMOUTH, MICH. Here Mrs. Ii.vda Tennant and son. Royce. si>eut the woek-t>nd w ith her sister, Sirs. Rlcliard McKenna of Fowlerrille. No matter if Mrs. McKenna had the misfortune to your purchases slip on the floor at her home recently, CHERRY HILL and break her wrist and dislocate her L. c. Kelly exhibited poultry at the I amount to little shoulder. ismitry show at Ann Arbor, last week. Mesilames Wesley Wilson and Harry Born, to Mr. and Mrs. K. Jorgenson. | or much, you can Atchison visited Mrs. Herbert Rora- a .son. Tuesday. .January 26th. be certain that bacluT at Dr. Gates' liosiiital. Tuesday. Mrs. Wesley Elliott and Miss Mabel 1 .Mrs. G. Foreman .si>ont the week-end iK'iiiiis were Detroit .shoppers, last j whatever you with her mother, and they were Sun- Thursday. SHOES! , tlay guests of -Mr. and Mrs. Merrell ChbK? IX)so.v and Vera W ilkie are] buy from us is of Uenwlck at the F<»ster Sm ith home. out of‘school wUh the measles. guaranteed quali­ I Mr. and Mrs. Sndth were in Detroit ! over the wt*ek-end. George Gill wu.s in Ann Arbor on Wishing to announce that Mr. Gale C. ty. I C. Stanbro. who has been ill for ^ business. Saturday. I some time, is uot much Improved a t' Charles Gill has been notified that this writing. ! he w«m the county championship in VanSickle has taken charge of our shoe Come in and see Clayton I'owell of Detroit, visited! the fourth year poultry club work, and us today. the Clifford Ctwkett family. Sunday. is enritleil to a week next snmmer at department. Mr; VanSickle has had about Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Savory and fam­ \S\ S. C. a t Lansing. ily were Sunday guests of Mr. and Roliert Simmons haring partially re­ 12 years of shoe experience. You will find Mrs. Sam Dixon. covered from an Injury to his limb, is Mr. aud Mrs. Jam es Lucas o f Ohio, able to l>e in school. him an expert" shoe fitter. are visiting at the home of their Charles Stevens has rented one of daughter. Mrs. \V. Cole. tltt‘ W ilson farm s on the Plymouth GAYDE BR.OS. Doyle and .Tch‘ Rowland of Plym­ road, and exi>ei‘ts to move the middle Phone 53 North Village outh, spent Sunday with Mr:'and Mr«. of March. Kstell Rowland of Salem. Come in and see the new spring line of ladies shoes at Mrs. Smith of South Lyon, came Zone HI meeting was held at the Tne.sday to spend a few days with her Cherry Hill school, Saturday, with u daughter. .Mrs. Horschel Munn and large attendance. $2.95 $3.50 $4.00 i fam ily. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Cole. Mr. and SOME REAL BUYS Mrs. R. Kehrl is ill aud under the Mrs. Ray Wiles and family and Mr. cure of a d«H.-tor at this writing. and Mrs. James Burrell and family sitent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Erlin Men’s AT THE EAST PLYMOUTH Cobl> o f NorthvlUe. Mr. and Mrs. Leon H uston and Mr. Mr. and Mrs. W alter Schaufele and and Mrs. Glenn Northrop of Plym­ $4.00 $5.00 $6.00 children were Monday evening visitors outh. were callers on Mrs. Susan Cor­ DeLuxe Music Shop ut Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Hood's in Plym­ win. Sunday. 786 Penniman outh. The Helping Hand Society will meet Men’s all leather work shoes In Phonographs, Pianos, Flayer Pianos and a sale Wednesday. February 3rd. with Mrs. SHARPEN THEM UP Fred Reiman in Plymouth. Dinner Get your skates sharpened at the on Ukes. a t noon. E^verybody welcome. Liberty Gsrage. 188 Liberty street. $1.98 Mrs. Clara Weltzer and grandson, Harry Gottschalk. Rolls Sheet Music Kenneth Conins spent Monday in De­ troit. If you know of an item of news, Miss Dorothy Roe entertained her phone or send it to the Mail office. Men’s Para Cord Sole Moccasin Last Work Shoe Records Small Goods friends and playmates, last Friday afternoon, at a birthday party. Dor­ We invite you to come in and hear them. othy received a nice lot of things, and all the children reported a good time. E. E. I'ettibone has been on the sidK Phonograph Repairing and Piano Tuning list. Mrs. Josephine Hlx spent a few Girls Shoes a Call 502 Open Evenings until 9:00 days last week with her son. Perry Hix and family. The Hix children have been confined to the bouse on ac­ $1.98 “p count of the measles. Mrs. Charles Parrish. Miss Lillian Schroder and George Hix spent Sim-' day evening w ith Mr. aud Mrs. W alter IM BW JnORE Schaufele in Robinson Sub. Mrs. Roe and children of Detroit, REXALL CHERRY We Are The Boys were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. BARK COUGH Russell Roe. SYRUP Misses Norma Jean and Dorothy Roe attended the birthday iwirty of Char­ E x c e l l e n t f o r c o u g h s lotte JolUffe in Plymoath. lioarHeness Mrs. Archie Collins called at Owen sore throat, TH A T HEED Ilanchett's in NorthvlUe. Monday. and bronchial (•atarrh.

A c-ombina- tit>n o f expec­ Picked Up About Town torant. sooth­ ing and heal­ Dad Plymouth stfys that most men ing agents. Your Plumbing have but two objects in Ufe. One Is to ; Free from narcotics and alco- get rich and the other h» to get richer. I 1k)I. Therefore can be safely given to all members of the and Sometimes a family tree is respon-1 fam ily. Bible for a fellow's ancestors having a ' Rexall Laxative shady reputation. I Aspirn Cold Tablets * * Heating Needs Dad Plymouth says if science | keeps on making rapid strides on the! farm, it won't be long ontll a fellow can raise a crop with a necktie on. • • Clear np the stuffy feeling and A scientist says the ordinary fishing fever by Replug the bowels worm has memory. Then why doem't >pen—a very necessary condl- Anytim e A nyw here he remember to dodge the early bird. riott for th e successful treat­ • • ment o f ctdda. Dad Plymoath says his advice to old-timers In this neck-of-tfae-woods is i never to try to press ont a celluloid ooUar whUe IPs hot JeweU, Blaich & McCardle • • Oar idea Is that after a ow has PtMoe 287 PbDBbcn PlmoBtli leaned to play a wxaphwia. he ooght not to pxnetlee too moeh. \

m Find Alathan Sumntar

H e^ third to Endaro In the local Basket Ball League at j During the Bnmnjet''))eat of the tem­ the M. E.- Community House, the |j perate zone the Arctic regions look I’resbyterian No. 2^ by winning Mon- ] like a haveq^f rest and comfort from day evening’s g^jne. dnebed the pen­ S M O K ^ this distance, and it Is hard to visual­ Famous nant. as they now cannot be tied or | The Mark ize the i-onditions which explorers de­ scribe. - passed. The Boosters and M. B. No. Summer Is very sliort in the Far 1. hy winning, tied for second honors, Norili. hilt it is fiercer in proportion while the other three teams are tied I Players to Its limited time. Under a sun sain­ for the last place. Following are the I ing from twenty to twenty-four hours standing.^: t. O. O. F. T E M PL E a day, everything that grows and Tea m w L Pet. ■ i breeds comes to life with a rush. The PLYMOUTH, MICH. hind bursts In a very riot of flowers Presbyterian No. 2 . ... 7 1 876 and the earth that in a few weeks now B o o ste rs ...... 4 4 600 PRESENT—-- ■ ' - i will be ice imd suuw-bound Is carpet­ M. E. No. 1 ...... 4 4 600 ed w'lth delicate color. Seventy de­ grees is cool for parts of the sub­ Sc o u ts ...... _. 3 r, 375 arctic country. I ’resbyterian No. 1... 3 5 375 There are inland valleys in Alaska B a p tists ...... ___3 5 375 Monday, Feb. 1 s t where the mercury rises to 100 de­ grees In summer and men and animals wflt under the heat. There are places G In the Far North of Caniicla In smumer where the mosquitoes are so had that AUCTION neither man nor heast can face them, but must flee for their lives. HARRY C. ROBINSON. Aaetioneer P b M W 7, P lym o u th DEAR ARCHIE Incident Thai Upset Dignity of Inspector Having sold my farm, 1 will sell at public auctiou all my personal prop- j HOt'GH SCHOOL NOTES A qnantR'y of milk had arrived in erty. situated on the premises four I the North and wa.ttle Szymanowski LATCH STRING OUT miles south of Farmington and 1 mile | nary trolley uwulting i-lalm by the M-est on S ix M ile road, o r 1 m ile so uth consignees. The trolley had on It of Northvllle aud 3^ miles east Specialties Between the Acts We have flve stars on our Gold Star FOR FARMERS WEEK about ten of the large cans in which Six Mile road, on card. The stars are for: Flag, milk U carrlei! by rail. educational equipment, housekeeping, Along came a dignified Inspector, PLANS CO.MPLETED FOR AN­ Monday, Feb. 1, ’26 eeating and playground equipment. bent on taking samples '»f the milk for NUAL M. S. C. NEXT W EEK-~EX- testing purposes, lie mounted the trol­ We are working hard to earn more CO.HMENCING AT 10:30 SHARP PECT BIG CROWD. ley and proceeded to Insert the special sta rs. HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM Implement he I'arried to mix the milk HORSES Prof.' Hoppes and two of our help- The latch strings of aU doors at the before taking out the samples. B la c k .Mare, 18 yrs. old in s teachers. Ml.ss Edith l/nadvall and Mk-hlgau state College will bang on But the front bogey wheels u'ere not 1 Kay Team, age 10 yrs., wt. 2600 lbs. Miss < Mary Lehman, visified school well placed for such an operation. The Auspices High School the ouLsiUc next week, when the college 1 Black Horse. 10 yrs. old from ; i to 2:30 a week ago Thursday plays host to^ thousai^ of Michigan weight of the inspector upset the 2 Sets Double Harness and Collars whole trolley. The cun.tents of all the afternoon. We had oral language farmers niid '^eir families during the 2 Single Harness cans flowed freely over the stone pave­ 3 Stable Blankets ciatWOT d a r in g that time. I n the anmia) Farmers Week Conferences. ment, and the dignified inspector was Serenth-and Eighth grade class, we An imposing list of brilliant speak­ in the middle of it all. He must have made qieecbes. CATTLE ers has been completed for the meet­ bathed in about 100 gallons of milk No. 1— ~t yrs. old, due Feb. 5 Wllford Bunyea. a former pnpU of ings of the week; eonfereuces of more and he bad to be picked up and put No. 2— 5 yrs. old, due Feb. 16 our fcbool. visited school Thursday, th a n <'{0 of the state’s leading farm Into a cab to go home and change his No. — 7 yrs. old, due Oct. 1 J a i i B i T 21. o^anl7.utlons are set: Interestlhg and dotbes. No. 4— 7 yrs. old. due June 28 No. — 6 yrs. old. doe Feb. 15 Bertha Butler, Mary Merrlman and valuable exhibits on many phases of The language of the milkmen wait­ in g t< ir the.milk could not be printed.— No. 8— 6 yrs. old, due Feb. 15 little Margaret Merrlman were visit­ rural life are in place. In short, the London Anstvers. No. 7— 7 yrs. old. due Feb. 6 Tbursday Eve., Feb. 4 ^ ors at school, Wednesday. stage Is set for the 1928 edition of No. 8 — what is generally accepted as the larg­ No. 9— 10 yrs. olA due Feb. 21 Laft week we made several good No. 10— 8 yrs. old. due Aug. 13 est and most important agricultural Prolific Tomato Plant 8 :0 0 o ’clock Englisb posters. We also wrote some No. 11— 9 yrs. old, due March T^he bureau o f plant in d u stry sa.vs ^ood, English slogans on the board. conference of the year in Michigan. No. 12— 7 yrs. old, due March IS that It la not beyond the bounds of Home, o f the slo g a n s a r e : “S p e a k good The crowds at Farmers Week In re­ No. 13— 7 yrs. old. due March 18 possibility to prmiuce one bushel of No. 14— 7 yrs. old, due Sept. 5 EngUsh and your English ^rlll speak cent years have averaged around 6,000, tomatoes from a single plant. This 1 2-year-pld B u ll and those iu' charge of arrangements The proceeds of this performance are to fo r . y o u “Speak the ■ language of yield Is received, however, by giving ALL COR’S T. B. TESTED 4 TIMES at M. S. C. predict at least as large an your flag;” “Whatever is worth saying individual attention to the plant, al- W ITH NO REACTORS is worth saying well:” “Good Amer­ atrendanoe this year. With the ma­ low^ttg plenty of I'oum, liberal feed­ be used in the purchase of Wallace icans do not use slang— others are re­ jority of visitors coming to East Lan­ ing^ and fertilizing. A trellis must HAY AND GRAIN also be erected over n-hlch the plant quested not to:” “Use good EngUsh— sing by automobile, weather and road About 8 Tons No. 1 Timothy Hay can extend Its shoots. There is little Woodworking machines for the manual there's a reason.” conditions are exi)ucted to play an Im- 55 lbs. Clover Seed )>oriant part in the attendance' figures. advantage in trying to get a maxi­ 400 Bu. Oats We are planning to organize a sew­ mum yield from a single plant, for 750 Bu. Yellow Dent Curu Railroads of the state are giving spe­ training department. in g club. when the attention U centralized oo Almut 10 ft. Ensilage cial rates for Farmers Week visitors, Many of the pupil.‘< tuive been at>- one plant rather than six the plant Quantity of Shredded Com Fodder however, and this too is counted on as sm t on account of measles. We hope takes the space of five or six ordi­ an attendance factor. nary plants and the possible failure, F A R M T O O L S that they will be able to return soon. “Bring the Family with You" Is the due to insect pests or disease, is 1 Kentucky 11-Uoe Disc slogan, being seut out from East Lan­ greater. As many as fifteen pounds 1 Grain Drill, nearly hew Admission 50c Don’t Miss It sing. The women, make their of tomatoes can be gathered from one 1 Osborn Grain Binder' Try a liner ad -fa the Mail. They 1 Moline Dee ring Ifnnnre Spreader, headquarters at the<«4>eautiful new vine without abuermal effort on the b rin g q u ie t, t e flsfa e to ry resnlt.'<. part of the grower. new hom e 1‘couomics building, and will 1 Thomas Hay lioader ■ |nve •■ oDipIeto p ro g ra m s o f their ow n 1 Side Delivery Bake' d u rin g the wei*k. Tribute to Teacher 1 Deering Mower, new 1 McCormick Com Binder, new The general plan for the week Mill Frank, age six. was a mischievous AUCTION lad in school and along with several 1 Beo Speedwagon Tmve eomplete programs of their own 1 Gale Cora Planter others. Just as bad. manage*! to give rioii meetings and ins|H'ctlon of ex­ 1 lO-ft. Mot:ormiek Rake the fipst-grsde teacher no little 4 B A S m C. BOBINSON, Anetioiieer hibits. with the afternoons and eve­ 1 Emerson 2-IIurse C^tivator Pfa m e 7. P lym o u th trouble. 1 C n ltip a c ke r nings devoted to the big general meet­ His achoolhouse was situated on a Cunudiau Ueuther Potato Digger, Having sold my farm. I will sell at ings in the college gj'muaslum. A busy street, so that the teacher always n e a rly new Public Auction on the farm kuowu as .scoo- of the cunutry's leading agrlcnl- went with the children to the street I .'tiVi .'liehlgan Special Wagon the Charles Ash farm, located on the tnral speakers arc booked for ad- Frank 'was telling bis father about 1 12-lnch D isc 1 Two-Horse Spring-Tooth 8tz Mile road, H GOIMDS 1 E in p No. 2 Manure Spreader Detroit. Sfiddgaa 1 l^alking Plow 1 Leather Cooeh is an institution— a regular visitor that . 1. Two-Section Spring-Tooth Barrow Blossom Seriey. famed as “the girl 34 yds. Ingrain Carpet - A Tteee-Seetton SpU»-Taoth Banusr 14 yds. Ingialn Carfiet w ho glorifies sy a c c ^ t io n . ” tafeadUnee Advertioe^ the MaiL 84 yds. Ingrain Carpet L Dgpd Roller 1 Irtm-Whed Wagon the b li at B. F. Keith’s Temple Thea­ 2 Bedsteads 2 ttoridag Qmlrs , X IbOTrliMtl Wafloa Truck I f yo u k n o w a n item o f new s, pfeione every mmnber of the family looks for and tre. starting Sunday matinee. Him 1 Morris Chslr 1 6-tt D IM ^ 4 ^ ^ X SCI Bobaldghs » 1 Orlndstone or send It to the Mnll ofBce. ' ^ U B Peid 'Touftatg Oar Seeley ^hea a flair for patting ever 1 Old4asbloiied Drop-leet Table yoon' Auctlott Bfllq p rtni^ at 1 SmaU TtwHng and Oog

/. I- m i i i l i i f iniKiiiii HIM \ \ v take the following from the Dully Tpsllautlan Press of Tuesday, January 26tb: Nine months' oliV Raymond Henry Doane. only child of Mr. and Mrs. Boy Doane, South Lyoo, is safe home agulu today after being unintentional­ ly kidnapped by auto thieves, aban­ doned in the car and left to spend the night alone on a side road off M-23 near Crane's Comers. Unless baby Raymond was smother­ ed with kindness, be will survive the experience. This afternoon be was ’ Are you not overlooking something? FOUN'D— Beagle botiud about aix ]>r. u ud M rs. L . D . L a m k in , w h o are months old. Call 392E. Plymouth, or taken to University Hospital, at 146 Union street. E. A. W iigbt iil^‘ engaged in a gracious meeting at .Arbor, uftor being restored to his 9t2p the Commonlty church of which Rev. nearly distracted parents, and physi­ You are if yoti haven’t joined our Christmas Club. Helen Phelps is pastor, received this cians were to examine him in an at- “I am in a ^sitlon to pay yon par Remember you wiH need money next Christmas and for unsalable and worthlees stocks. Ifeautiful commendation from the iws- teiiipr to determine whether the child C. L. FINLAN & SON . Bos S, care Plymouth Mail. 9t2 rur of the church in Mnrphysboru. 111., is seriously ilL As he has always been this is the easiest and best wa^ to have it. where they have Just closed a great u healthy baby, it is hoped be will soon Phone 132R 197 ArOiar S t, Plymontii FOR S.LLE— Master Six Buick two> meeting. recover. | door sediin. 1023. DrlTen 11,000 miles. "Dr. L. 1). Tjkmkip and wife of Vlu- Inquire of owner, 058 Pennlman are* Babe in Back of Car { (Tuucs. lud.. have just closed a great Better come in today and join, Your first deposit nue. Telephone Plymouth 412. Ttf Mr. and Jlrs. Doane, who operated j meeting with the First Baptist church dairy, drove to Ann Arbor Monday of Murphysboro, HI. One hundred and makes you a member. FOR SALE— A ^taP'W ltb Instruc­ evening to deliver milk, and take back thirty were converted and Stored. tion book. Shone 33SR. ' 8t2c nitb them a trunk belonging to a . Most of the number will' be baptised. guest at a South Lyon home. Baby Haring decided to sell a part of my Thi.« is the third successful meeting Raymond was tuAed in his little cab Spring Suili ami Top Coats farm, 1 shall sell my cows as they There is a Club for you. Dr. I.amkin has held with the First und placed in the back of the covered freshen. One cow freah January 16 Hai>tist church of Murhpysboro.- Dr. for sale. W alter PostUf, phone 391-IT8. delivery truck. 8t2p and Mrs. Tjunidn came to the suffering, Before starting the return trip. Mr. Spring What the Different Clubs will pay you. sorrowing, storm-stricken city of M ur­ and Mrs. Doane made a stop at a con­ physboro. and gave as their donation INCREASING CLUBS EVEN AMOUNT CLUBS FOR SALE— An electric washer. fectionery store, parking their machine Suits $29.50~$35.50 nearly new. W ill sell cheep. L. W. 1services. The wondeifnl spirit IN 50 WEEKS (For Chrirtmas 1926) IN 50 WEEKS (For ChrW nua 1926) ontside. They were in the store but McQuillan, Plymouth, Blichigan, Route manifested by these good, Christian 1e Club pays S12.7S 2Se C lu b p a y s 912.60 8t2p u few moments, but when they re­ people, has endeared them to all. Dr. 2 o Club pay* $25.50 SOe Club pay* $25.00 turned their car, baby, cab, trunk and So Club pay* $63.75 r^amkin Is a consecrated man of Ood, $1.00 C lu b pays -m- $60.00 REAL ESTATE BARGAINS all were missing. Top lOe Club pay* $127.50 eloquent and powerful In the gospel $2.00 Club pays $100.00 Three hundred acres of land, 87 Ann Arbor police were at once noti­ 0KCRIAMHa O UIM $6JX> Club pay* $250.00 miles from Detroit, 2H miles from messages which he brings, clothing fied and local officers called. The car Coats $20.00-$25.00 Yau can beoin with tha larneat d a ^ them in such beauty and simplicity $10.00 Club pay*: $500.00 paved road (M-23); H from was plainly marked with the name of ttwit and decroasa your dapositd' good gravel road. Ten-room house $20.00 C lu b p a y s $1,000.00 that all bear and understand. each waak. nearly new; basement bam, 120x36, the dairy, bat It was not seen here. hip roof; electric lights; running ‘.’Mrs. Lam kin is a woman of unusual Detroit police were called, and when water. $12040 per acre. ability and consecration, a real help­ no trace of the car was forthcoming, Spring Suits and Top Coats will be Cleaned^ 160 acres, 36 miles from Detroit, 6 meet in the work. a Detroit radio station was asked to miles from Ann Arbor. ^ mile from and Pressed, Free of Charge, during gravel road. Basement tmm. 00x34, “The city of Mufphysboro, and the broadcast a description of the machine. equipped for dairying. Good eight- Baptist people in particular, have Relatives Help the Summer Season. room house. SUo, 12^36, cement. been greatly inspired and helped in .Mrs. D o a n e before h e r m a rria g e w a s 1 have other farms ranging from Piyinouth United Savb^s Bank their time of spiritual need, by these 40 acres to 250 acres. Price, $80.00 to a Bunyea girl, and her relatives in PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW $250.00 per acre. two workers, together with Qod. We Belleville were called. The father and Main Bank, 330 Main St. JULIUS BERTLER. commend to any pastor who desires a brothers searched roads In that district Phone 197-F21 Saline. stirring, instructive and constructive nearly all night without avail, and all Or will see you at Saline ^vlngs Bank camiMUgn in his church for the winning Branch OflBce St'lp friends and neighbors were enlisted in of souls and the Inspiration of the the search. Comer StarkweaBier Ave. and Liberty St. cbpistian people.” FOR SALE— Farms. 171 acres 2^ After hours of fruitless waiting in miles from town, 10 room house, 2 h ; T. Abbott, Pastor. j .Ann Arbor, the distracted parents re- PLYMOUTH TAILORS large basement twims with running I turned home. water, silo 12x36 feet, com cribs, tool MAIN ST., over SIMON’S STORE I sheds, double garage, bog pen and j This morning when W. E. Olds, who ! gralnery, 50 tons of hay. 1800 bushels G o o d R e a s o n for Returning lives on the old Frank Begole farm in of com, 900 bu. oats, 25 acres of wheat IMttsficld township took his children to on gronnd, 50 acres of alfalfa and Jane ('omniodere Alheri H. .Vrmltage of clover, millring machine, 12 cows, 5 the British navy, in his hk. “Cadet school, ho discovered the abandoned bead of horses. 16 hogs, 75 chlck^, to Commodore.” gives the following delivery car parked in the middle of all tools. This soil is all black clay gilnipse of the explorer Shackleton the road, about 50 rods from his house. loam. I have several good farms for In the role of a reporter; “Shackie- Investigating, he found the baby cab sale. Lewis Ernst, 303 North Ann tou and some of his comrades Joined and culled bis wife. Arbor St., Saline, Mich. rhe Tsis in Porr Siiiil on their home­ Have several good farms for sale ward Journey after his wooderful Raymond Henry was nearly suffo- ranging fitan 40 to 300 acres. 9t3p du^li fo r the {eile. H e « a a cheery and cated> full of vim ns ever. The piihllsher of ! Thieves W rap Babe Seenrely' WA.\TE1> 1X> KENT— Modern five- his book. The Heart of {he .Ant­ room house, inquire Scott Davis. 873 In an effort to keep the child warm, arctic"— a copy of which lie sent to Holbrook avenue. lOtlp the thieves had wrapped and securely me— several reporters, and Italian Cocoanut A offlctala met Mm. I t(*ok him to see pinned his blanket about him. so he FOR SAL& —If interested in a first my home, and then to our agency, could not possibly wriggle out of them (Hass 100-acre farm, write for paiUca- Marshmellow lb. where he composed a number of tele­ und become cold. So solicitous were lars on this. Electric lights and all improvements. Also a nice 40 acres grams. He wnnied. so he said, a they for ids welfare, that be was much for $4,500. F. D. Merithew, Man­ •catchword." He walked up and down too warm. His little clothes were wet chester, Mich. 9t2 the room, nintrei'lne several phrases with persplradoD. and he fairly gasped CRACKERS E*. 14c to hln)self. Tve got It at last.’ he for breath. cried. 'Death lay abend and food i>e- FOR SALE— One pair black horses, As Mr. aud Mrs. Olds were investi­ weight 2800 lbs. Call 247-F2:C 10t2p liind. so I had to retuen."" A «• To«uto«i r 'B u ic k Peiformanceis gating. Charles Par^h drove up. O They took the child to the Olds home I FOR SALE— Barred Plymouth Rock Dancing to aud at (»Doe called the par^ts, whose PEASsrf^ 3 for 25c I Cockerels, both light and dark. These k T ZBKO rBU lCK Aato* Bokk type of brake*. Ikcir It Is the belief of the Pooapeaos. • \ maflr Hnaf rnam rl n direet. m ccAan leal actfon i* DOC birds are from the highest egg strain name was plainly painted on the sides A; tribe of South Sea Islanders, that un­ aKcct^ by oane take the trunk into the machine t u m t i c m U y , a*d at all i^ cmIs. V o O t o C r FOR SALE— One day bed, blue aud demoniacal watciuoen waiting to and stole U for that reason, as It had ' gold reed. Phone 462W. 3 ^ Fanner pounce upon him and draw him down Balefc enackaaleal d'Wkaal lieen broken into and tborougbly ran­ street. 10t2p BREAD _ bnhaa make taeot*. ibocbig to the lower regions. 10c Y o n w ill D o t fin d a n o th e r car sacked. Whether anything was stolen la iaaacia. Tkwwigh two If, however, the soul I* able to today* fvgardlam of it* priee. is not known. Before abandoning the w iBM* M d two e a M M * balf w ith its perfectoaaca *e pea* W ANTEID— Office cleaning or iron- daaca acrocs the bridge tlie watchman BEANS. Mich. Navy, 1 r^D. factty p ro tc e ta d . W la ia r o r ' lag. Inquire at 527 South Main will, be so engrossed in studying the car. they placed a blantet over the 3 lbs. 1 lb. _ ...... If* thaaO y a r d U k y e f t k * fiM — I a Boick in bactari street or phone 152R. lOtlp movements that they will forget their radiator, and left it where the first dnty and. before they have time to passerby on the road could not av

-' acres, one mile west of Worden. blc occasion. One day. after c<»duet> French Brand G>ffee perlb. 47c ruary 4th, with a pot-ludc dlniier. In Phone 282W. Plymonth. 10t4p ing a chUdren'* service, he was waited upon by a deputation of par tbe absence of tbe lecturer, Mrs. Alice Plymouth Buick Sales Co. FOR SALE— AUaifa hay. baled; ent*. ”Our children.” they complained, Robertson will have charge of the pro­ also 1000 bushels of okls. Gibton “inform os that you told them they gram . GRAPE FRUIT 4 (ir 25c Bros, phone 7116-F4, NortbviUe. *M SUrfcvw thw A m . P Ii m m 2C3 should always be up to mitcblel’* Tho 10t2p puttied dertc. sure.. of having said W’A N T E I^ E x p e r t e n c e d acetylene nothing of the sort asked the par­ IN BlEMOBIAM 1 welder. H. 8. Lee Foundry. lOtl ent* to wait while be consulted kli in iovleg memory of our dear moth­ notes. Then It developed that what er. M ra Richard Smith, who passed LILIES FOB PURITY FOR RENT— Honse on South Har­ be had really said was that theiy away three years ago. January 21, vey. Just off Pennlman avenue. $W should always be “optimistic.* Cement - flocks 1923. and who is witRied to thMr per m outh. In q u ire a t M a ll office. Peaceful be. thy rest, dear mothtt. beauty, grace and fngnnee It is swbet to breathe Hiy name. more than tbe pan woonal FOR SALE— Small range. 324 MiMgan*a Dimtmetion In life we loved you dearly, Have you a womnii friend who North Harvey street, Plymouth. 10t2p In dea th do the I d tbe case of Hichigan the peo­ we n t te . - eajoys lilies? n w * amid her n ple adopted a state constltodon and L o v in g C hildren . FO R RENT— Two or three fumlsbed spray of ouis, or bsttor stfB» Quality Blticks in Stock elected a complete , set of state of- the growing plant with Uva rooms for ll^t housekeeping. 306 Hardenburg. coiner Holbrook. lOtlp fldala and later that constitution was blooms on It accepted by congress oithout readop- f.inci’ ads in Tbe Plymouth Mail FO^ SALE— Wood. Inquire James tlon. the original delegate was seated cost little and pay big. MARK JOY Glass, telephone Redford 7020-R2. in coogress without re-electloD and the original state officials coatinaed FABMERS OF PLYMOnTU AKO PtMoe UT-Fl Kmtk TO tf Phone 316-F6 P ly m o u th to serve wlthmit re-dectfon after the VTCINITT— Come over to Tecamaeh formal admlssioh of the state by BetierThunPilk and let me show yon some real fai gres s on J o n o a ry 28. 1837. F ro m cheap. One of 99 aeras, has nine-room foi- l.r .e r Ills. brick house In very good shape, large vember 1. 18S5. to the date of adm! bom with additions, doable crib. Michigan was de facto a stai 1 1 ■> Every inch tillable. Only $6,009. Just although Dot techntcslly a state off pavemest, only four mllra fi tbe U n ion . ^ T o n ^ h t mmseh. Another one mile out on good road, beantlfal house, all modem, Bieszk Brother^' 56 acres tor $5509. Splendid vlaw. Indefinite Term S sh m at tbe fazai m m the 8 1 z NORMIN MILLER m t B .F .a .N o .4 V t s m m A U l ^ irIM ahup^ raaxr wMw-a ath. < 1 feeds wm be eeU : Dooex DscG sraa

iH ir-rriifc THE PLYMOUTH MAH^ PRTOAY, JANUARY 29, 1926 ‘

N E W B U H G I at Doon. Everjoae cordially InTlted. ; Tuesday moniiai; fur a motor trip to at Little Rock, Arkansas, and other iNCENUITY SHOWN IN Interest te toeplni: op Spc tn the “ ''■ • “'1 Smith and Mrs. PhnooLs. Arizona, and California. Places of interest. chnreh aerelcea and Sunday-school. I'll'" I''t*Bht were dinner gneata of Mr. Mrs. Cutler arrived home from Mr. and Mrs. Grant D eFoe leave FIGHT FOR f r e e d o m 3in. Greer’s class of boys Ims bad the and Mrs. John Stark, at their new Highland Park hospital, where she has Sunday. January .31st. for New Tork, TRY banner for three Sabbaths. Harry home In Plynionth. Ia.st w«*ek W ednes­ Iwnm for the jiast two weeks. Sunday mid on Fehninry' 3rd. will sail for Laty of Detroit, and Miss Lilly Denf- day. morning. Jamaica, to Iw gone a month ur more. Remarkable Etcapee Made bam of Ann Arlior. sang a duet during Mrs. Hattie Shields has lieen on the The young ix*ople are pinuuiug for Mrs. Jayneai entertained the L. A. by Pritoiters. the church service. sick list for the lust ten ome.sTead. Sunday nfternn. Imve M'veral articles readj' for the Children's Home nt Fnriniuglon. Few on their return Iioiue Sunday. there are cases on record of even less .Mr. ami Mrs. M'il.son of Jh*trolt. wert' next meeting. realized tlie great work tliat is being Mr. and Mrs. James McNahh. and likely tools being employed for a sim­ guests of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Guthrie accomplisliwl by tills Institution until daughter. Joy. iind Mr. and Mrs. Mark The next imnding "f the L. A. S. ilar purpose, says the London Mall. last Sunday. will he with Mrs. Clyde B'ord a t Dear­ after henting the talk and seeing the Joy and daughters. l..<-ona and Lydhi. Five years ago all the convicts con­ The tii weildlilg anniversary born. cordial invitation is extended fined Id Marlon county Jail. Indian­ Friday eveuiiig. with .Miss Marian Tay­ to everyone to come, especially the apolis, escaped through une of their little cfaUdreD who would otherwise in* of Mr. and Mrs. Jam es Joy. at New lor. at 8:00 oVliK-k. Dumber managing to oht.aln a watch­ homeless were it not for the donations. Iludsnii. Sunday. .'Ir. and Mrs. Joy geiitleineij. Dinner will t>e served at .Miss t ’Inm Yester and Mrs. ZieIa.sko noon. maker’s saw, which was smuggled to There were in 18 in the chorus eliolr. were former residents of .N'ewliiirg. him In.«!lde the cover o f a small book. :ii'f on tlie sick list. Lillie study 4-las.s n t th e <-lmrch every .M iss L illy Deiifbam sang a solo in Iter Their many friends extemi l•nIIg^^tuhl- The bars of the cells were Immensely .Mrs. Flora ('al>le of Plymoutli. and Wedm~.«ijiy «*vening a t 7 :3G. Tlie usual pleasing nuitmei'. rioiis. thick and made of speciully tempered Ira Wil.'ifin o f Ih-trolf. are the first to .voting |H -o jile‘s 4-la.ss a t 4:00 o'clock. Everyone should Ik- out next Sunday Mrs.-Kmily LeVaii siMuit last Wisl- steel, but this prisoner iminaged to re­ einlow their lpfng round} I'or So far they have $1,800 in Mrs. riydi- Ford tiiid daiigliler. them a cloth saturiitenl In formalde-j that of the opium traffic ami otlu r| Mr. and Mr>^, .laim-s Ni.iris and son. m iIk' Ido I'-.ilimi. mid Miss Grace Iluw kiiis of hyde, ihe prison di.enker from Detroit. ; Waiter, of Strafhm..nr. sjH-nt Simdn.v Ilearhoni. wen- week-end visitors nt sawing took m;tny days, the m>rks he- 1 The L. A. S. will h«*UI their n'gtilar : ' H'c parental home. .1. K. Glass’.s. Ing hidden by soap. j . meeting at tlw loa-ic of Mrs. W'at.son. • Mr. ami .Mr-i. Win. Smith wciil to BEECH ] .Mi.ss Marjorie Glu.s.s of Northville. Alfred ThotiiiK. im I'nglish hurghir. was einployetl in Ids ceil at hoxmaking. • who resides in the house next to the' ri,\ ihoih j|, Monday. keep house for •. and .Mr Tliek re ' 'pent a few days at her gniudniother’s H e cut from Ids beiicli ;i long flat piece 1 L. A. S. hall. Dinner will he sew ed I their .«ion. Glenn and wife, who left iiiiday. nf iig tw o V last week. of Iron, and fashioned U Into a chisel. I .\ metal pin he l«<»k off the leg of his. table, replai'ing it willi a wooden pin, | and iiiiilating the metal nut with a| February 12nd. , 11916 FEBRU AR.Y~ 1916 | "Februai-y l2tK. piece of brown bread. I eoroe s m t v t f s m braham incoi -Armed witii pin. chisel, and the leg' G msHiKGTOSiHGTOH | s | . |I 1I I 1 I i | - A Lmcouf//L ^ ^ ^ of the table as mallet, be cut away the! w«Mid around the lock of his cell door. I opened it. and began to grope his way to freedom. Reaching ihe Jailer's room, he found t-lie keys, but came to a door which none of the keys would unhK-k. E B K U A K ^ n He went back, found a knife, and picket! tlie lock. He reached the exer­ cise yard to find great iron railings that could not he scaled. Undi.siuayed. he dug out under them, taking out a EATURBS load of stones wiilch would take a Itiborer a day to put back. He wrote on the wall: “A pleasant night!” Then he vanished. Six Features for Every Week in the Month The notorious criminal Vnnden We- garte was confined In the condemned Here’s the Program for the First Week in February. Watch subsequent issues of cell, underground in L ille Jail. Some­ this paper for program for the following weeks: j how he melted dov.n his pewter mug aod made two skeleton keys, having first taken an impression of the lock with hreatl pulp, lie scaled the In­ terior wall.-nine feel high, climbed an­ A De-Ashed, Long Burning Fuel other wall by a waierspom, then dropped L') feet with the aid of a in Clean Paper Packages bliiiibi.-i iiikeii from Ids cell. I’.reaklng into a tailor's sbtip. be exchanged his AMALGAM is clean. The cellar can be kept clean— I'fison uniform fo r a .cmari suit, belpetl hii.melf to immey and cigars, and has as clean as the kitchen. There is no dust or dirt in TURKISH BATH TOWELS not since ht-en lienr-l of. handling into the house or in firing. There are no

24x48 Too M ach Talk ( clinkers nor piles of wasteful ashes. The ash and Charles M, Si-bwa!i at a banquet In j clinker content of the coal in AMALGAM has been Each latretto. was coriH-n d by a young man removed, leaving a combination of the best known 35c of great loquip ity. This young man evidently believed Jbni bis cliance in heat producing elements, carbon and oil. life was now como, and he talked] Good-sized Bleached Turkish away at Mr. Schwab for more than i li.alf an hoitr. At l.ist he said mean­ AMALGAM contains more heat units than the Bath Towels, very well made of ingly: j best grades of coal. It burns freely, steadily and 4 double loop absorbent cotton “You are a good judge of character,' holds the fire. Burn AMALGAM and forget your yarns. The ends are well hem­ Mr. Schwab. What quality do I most need In nrder to succeed?” heating problems. AMALGAM will save you med. Will-dry the skin quickly "Well, young man.” tlie steel mag­ and thoroughly. nate titiswered. ‘Tve listened to yog money on your coal bills. for little now. and It seems to that yog need what is on that door Handled Exclusively By over there." "Hji. ha. ha! Push, eh? I'gll. eh. Ha. hn. ha! Very clever! Push and pull! Is that what y»m think I need. Judson Lumber Co. Mr. 8chwab'/" "Nt).” s.aid Mr. Schwab; "I think Phone, Plymouth 301-F22 STARK YARD you need u device to make you shut I up.”

' Paritian Rolic» Going One by one the old LiiUn quarter re­ sorts are disappearing or being so transformed that they are unrecogniz­ DALLAS WIDE SHEETING able. The latest to he transformed Is Trupis Restaurant the Stelnbacli. a brasserie whicb for 72 inches wide years has been a late-hour rendezvous for bobemlans of the Boulevard Salnt- Ulc^el and Montparnasse. Thirty Unbleached years ago it enjoyed a great repnta- SPECIAL 40c ®'«'*«'45c tloi ai a literary center, where gath­ er* 0 Doets snd wrlt«^ and artists of Dinner every day from-11 ;30 a, m, toK:30 p. m., 40c Exceptionally fine quality of Save money on this practical tl.«! ■ 'oserle. The brasserie has now become a restaurant And the Griiron. Chicken dinner ever^ tfther day, 75c. Bleached Muslin that will wear wide Sheeting. We offer both the cabaret artlatiqae, has gone. and launder beautifully, as it is bleached and unbleached. Firm­ Grlllon was founded In 1912 and after Rooms, $4.00 per week; heated warm rooms. free from starch. Suitable for ly woven of good strong cotton war-tiae vicissitudes reopened five sRo and gained a reputation Undel-garments,. Night Gowns, yarns. Will launder well and among tlioi-p who enjoy witty songs Camels, 15c package, 2 for 25c. Slips, BlooiherS,' etc. Used for give good wear. Be sure and well sung. see this number. Luckys, 15c package, 2 for 25c. Bloctricity From Geysers Chesterfields, 15c package, 2 for 25c. lorestlgatlon of the geysers or Chewing Tobacco, 9c package steam wells of Sonoma county. Cali­ fornia. develops that these geysers, if Candy Bars, 3 for 25c. harnessed to electric generators, could Gloves, 23c pair. produce about 60.000 kilowatts of electrical energy. These wells, which t Pies and Cakes, always fresh. are about seventy-five miles north of San B'raiiciaoo. are seven in number and upon engineers' reports, plans are being made to constnict u generating station with a capacity o f 25.000 kilo-1 watt'4 of l•1pcf^Ical energy. Rev. Horace EL Sayles, Putor FRENCH GiRL*S ODD f^^aMHdh Bakery Prayer meediig. Wednesday erenlng POWER OF VISION Covenant meeting, the last Thora* Rev. R. E. Kleukle of Detroit, zoo Main Street Phone 47 ■ day evening in each month. Apparently Able to See lOrbO a. m„ preaching servlee. preached last Sunday, in place of tbe Protect Yoanelf 11:80 a. m., Snnday-adtool. 0:00 p. pastor who was away. WhUe Blindfolded. , B. Y. P. U. 7K» p. m. preach­ Tbe prayer awetlng last week was ing service. at tbe bmne of Blr. and Mrs. Sewell M a n y tim es thei-e hud come to tbe at­ tention of Jean Labadie, noted French Rennott Next week it will be at the First Church of Christ Sekottst scientist, the cases of men and women when you buy a home of Rev. and Mrs. H. E. Sayles at SATURDAYS [ who claimed tbe uncanny ability of see­ First Church of Christ Sdentlst the parsonage. CMner Main and Dodge streeta, Bun- ing while blindfolded; and in each case day morning aervlce. 10:80 o'rio^ The report of the annual meeting of the claimant had proved to be a Subject. "Love." the Imdles’ Aid Society will be given fraud. So It was with two grains of Wednesday evening testimony aer- n e x t week. aalt that he read, a few weeks ago. ▼Ice, Tf90. Beading room in reev of used car the report of a young woman of Paris We are very glad to bear of tbe im­ ritn rcli <^>en d a ily fro m 2 to 4 p. tm, who demonstrated the strange power CREAM PUFFS j except Sundays and holidays. BJvery- proved condition of Mrs. Scott, who which scientists call "paroptlc vision." music at all setrlces. Livonia Center I.utberan church on aide. On the lid he attache

rwar’KaUBrs' comifiucfW Aa^

KmMoa Doaghboyt CoimU- ^ ts peasant MeOr, Itfb still beTac*;,at««Bd In end Newt m Ftdie. glertteatto of the tsthqr an fstfcsr at ^ baby's sipMs^ w A long trudging eelomn of mod* csm ^ q a J t t f Cbe WsWmsr e I ■pattered Kansas doai^boys wound la If tkn matter Is tactfal she ttnjn In iBd oQt and np a ^ down tto UDs bn^ eheomtngtait tbe sssnmptlon ttntj above the valley of the House. It was It Is SBttraly an affair f a t h a t b«n- late afternoon of Novsinber 10, W dk bnni*s fiwily te sattia. The ttdmr! says ^ Bmporia Oasotte. T h e lcad> fntfbttsr swear eternal M i^ j m sky was rapidly eloalag in oo Oie. ttdeed, to be "cempeiaf* with n; cold, damp woods. The cplnmn came thiH yen will net enly hhlpi to a jerky bait and the men feU out bim la treoblek lend him maasy a ^ of iinei some sprawling at the edge of trust bis ttmQy ss your own, but I the road, some leaning back with wet neesonry wUi accept his peUden. packs propped up' by their rlflea oth­ The "compare" ^vee tbe fhttsr s, i ers squatting on their steel helmets dik haBdkwehlet and the msttsr eei s In the mod of the road. aocpeDHve a praesBt as be can effw i,: i- Far down the next bill came the anally a eeral breott. Than be pse-i r sound of a whirring motor. A motor­ eaati three poonds of maearenl. twej • 1: cycle came Into view ahead, ita a-lie^ pounds of biecalts, twe pennds. efl i shooting sprsy sslde as It tore through ceffse and three bottlaa of Marsela to ^ w i e / ' the sUme and water. Instinctively tto dulstenlng feast PiMiapethefea-i 1 the soldiers cleared tba road. The BMtter will have given tte baby a « lider was slowing bis speed and as k' ttrtotadng cap or a tiny silver ring, F be passed the column be turned and but more oftan ttan net bo gats nett- r ahouted two words to the restleaa 1, doughboys: “Guerre flnll’' Tbe men tojt The gedmether, in her best shawl, with the fringe that sweepe the ground, knew he meant the war was over. i/' carries tte btby, preceded by a /, ■ But tbera was no shout, no joyous cheer. It was just another one of the bumUng small girl, who hurrias In treat wItt e cnrufe of water for itte 1’ V ' many rumora that bad beeo tbniat at 1 tent and n r n n stH ibai towel on 1 tbla plodding column all that day. They wouldn't believe It unleaa Gen­ ^hleh the priest wtpea Ua handa eral Perablng blm a^ told tfam— and. father and "comparak" In tbelr sure enpugb, the march was starting beat bUtta. join tbam at the perch again. *'Fall In," came the order, and end candles ere distributed, the mere tbe hobnails again took up the baai­ ennaae the better tte "flgura." The n g of the day. priest asks the godSsttar If be knows Aa darkness fell the column entered bis Patenostar. and teaesued by aa i a partially ruined village More ru­ eneouiuftng It inaccurate anaww, pro- 1 mors, more acofflng. Didn't the "tcv* ceeda with the rbrlstsslsg ittlle tte give orders to be prepared to move onleeketu. fight for ctndlen W out before morning? Billets were 1- f found In bams and bouses; lights M hiura oi tkm t^ a m rt flickered about tbe rolling kltdiena;^ *^anla( aaid he found M terflies Inside. We are a graat bail weevDa, a fourth of which ware people for collecting local fauna. It. ■tfll aUvc." WHS u cynical (t^rmsn who guessed, In Tbe AdU eerre^ndeot tbarei^on wur days, that France was fighting glvee tbla advice: D on't kill bnllbata. I’ for .Klsace-Lorraine, Drltaln for the Protect them. They are wertt tbelr chflimel und America for aouvenirs. weight Id geld to tbe cotton farmer."

F r e n c h SC u^y Salatm anahip Wrackm^ -AppariHnre* Foundatlou uf a school of salexmau- Aa a boll was paaainc down a stroat ship, on American lines. Is contem- in Fredadck. Md., w itt a bard of cat- phited by the Paris chamber of com tla, ba l^od op oD tto oMowatk and merce as a result of a report by Andre eoddenly became awart at another Dnmlet, who recommends tbe adapta­ boll gaslnc at Mm from, a plate itana tion of American methods to tbe com­ window in an antomobflo aalaarnotn. mercial conditions of France and tbe Ho leaped at tbe appniltloo of Mm- mentality of tbe French people. It Is oolf whUo staitlod aalaaman Inside tta proposed to institute practical courses buUdlng And in basts. After ttoreugb- V i for girls wishing to become proficient ty w roddag the gSami and ftndliig no saleswomen, and to train women tube bull tto aaiaud retained to bla bard. aoi^rintendeDta, capable of reorganise tag tba ayttems of aaleainanahip of Smedeift AmtemeUlw commercial bonsea and of tustructlng FCUJC! This is to pr^Mure you for the Greatest Sale we have ever attonpted. The ■ oC automobUaa fo staffs In tbe new methods. Swadan. gqpnm ant etntletlm ahew. IPs a clean sweq> through the entire, Store. There will be FURNITURE, DRY tncreaMd foem flJMk er eno for eneh ThoM CooM Lipurm TOS iabebttanfs In iflOfl, to dflpflafl, er GOODS, SHOES, CLO TH ^ READY-TO-WEAR and FURNISHINGS of aU kinds. "Goose liver aauisago la all a myth," one for eadi 96 tnbablMnti at tta end declared a Grand Biver avenue meat ef 1924. The earn nraim en An inchided in this market proprietor. *^e liver of a m riihs a a i y a few onnoaa aad It would take soveral dosen t a mak« ooo dnded 91.df8J14 taxes on ring, AU Uvar aanaages am M par cent pott, W itt just enough liver placed within to give tbami flavor. Pw- haps there may be one or two goooe llvera in a ring of gooae Uvar aaoaagab Fu4 M Fmr bat no more.”— D e tro it Nown- - The w arlfl'e^l^ ■leo the m estg lin i l . JmMtadon,'le T h e G a i m lunr for tte a t t ta Betty, age ttree, and Ug slstar Dor­ for md ef B othy had been to the grocery. Upon We cannot list any Hems here. But vratdi for the BIG POSTERS announcing the tb ^ r arrival borne, -Dorothy stopped to taatcn tto gate. Batty went tato enerttepettt 1fiawfllboflo> prices tbe boose. t e padrol dsbr en tte le«eli Her motter asked: "Betty, whore I ef BH etratta. t Is Dorothy?” Betty's reply was. "Ob, she’s out botitonln* op tbe g ate" Sign ht Fmgrma Talk ae yon^vQI bbont tta tngmiiti Froppr Sdtf-^nsysrcf and b a t d i ^ sC. M T fm a fo ttirn H The self respecting man looks op must bo aniii that a yoang maa.,ei nobody.'down upon nobody, bat koept today la aMe 'ta park mere stiB sn ■his coiascieoce dean enongb to f f h b l t ef n flhte t|mi blm to look evmybody squarely m th fore and, when oeceasa^, ^aptj^ hi

you Idsow ef an item of nl^rs. Just before tbe polo match one of idiMm or send It to tbe MaS od t e .^ players was talking ea a lady wbo sat in tbe endoemu, Wpwiklng of foam , wbp w piU nf> tt .'Save you ever aeeo a polo match be a~food Idsn to aboMi^^aB^ ,_iforoT" bo taqulred. mlaanoe taxes and tax ^ . te

Ihant up forWjttrdW S m o o o f onr^ M e ttoao baauttfifl ponlan U ik tto am. rantlBfelflftlfe fl^ ■* about." o f ]


VALENTI WE , 2 0 GREETINGS JEWELL’S MEN’S STORE Cards and Materiab for your Valentines ON SALE HERE Call 234brings Our New Truck Discount Sale For relief of that Cough or Cold, we recommend to Your Door “Community” Mentholat­ Beautiful ed Pine Tar, Cod Liver Oil — O N — .Assortment and Eucalyptus Comp. of Gilbert’s Cough R e m e d y—t h e and ^Thitman’s Box Candy Cough Medicine that stops Men’s and Boys’ Suits and for ^’alentiues the bark and builds up the Loiii.s Reber spent Sunday w ith his If you know of an item of news, Put your order body at the same time. sun, ut Saginaw. phone or send it to the Mail office. in early for You can always find a Overcoats PlymoBth Ruck Lidge, No. Parking and Mrs. Minnie Noyes was u guest of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cuoiier spent remedy for every ailment Delivering - 47 F. & A. M. Defroif friend.s Ja.st week-end. Sunday with Mr. ami .Mrs. IVilUaiu at the Daisher at Tecumseh. Men’sSaits andOrercoats Boys’ Suits aod Orercoats Plymouth, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. (Ininf o f Detroit, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Clmpumn The Leap Y(‘ar I^ridge Club was en-i $45.00, now ___ $36.00 $15.00, now , $12.00 last Sunday. fertaimal at the home of Mrs. E. O. Fellowcraft Degree, next Friday. $42.50, now . , $34.00 Huston. Tuesday afternoon. $13.50, now $10.80 January 39tb, at 7:30. Mrs. C. Iv. W ilcox entertained the Community Pharmacy $38.00, now ___ $30.40 JAMES G. NAIRN, W. M. Plymouth Bridge Club ut her home on Mr. and Mrs. Earl Mastic left Sun­ $12.00, now ... __ $ 9.60 Pennimaii avenue, Thursday afternoon. ‘*WE SERVE YOU RIGHT” $37.50, now $30.00 day for a motor trip to Florida. They THE PEN6L.1R STORE PHONE 399 A R T H U R J. E. TORRE. See’y. 1‘xpect to he gone for .several weeks. $36.50, now $29.20 $11.50, now _ ....$ 9.20 Mr. and -Mrs. W. T. IVttinglll and $30.00, now ...... $24.00 Irs. Ida M. Dunn were dinner guests Miss Loretta Purves returned to her $10.50, now ...... $ 8.40 of Mr. and Mrs. F. Grandy in Detroit, home near St. John's. Monday, after' $28.00, now - .... $22.40 $ 9.00, now . . ...$ 7.20 last Sunday. si>ending u week with Mrs. Gardner $25.00, now . ,„$20.00 TONQUISH LODGE N0.32 Kent. $ 8.00, now ... $ 6.40 Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Smith left Tues­ $20.00, now .....$16.50 day. for a motor trip to Phoenix. Ari­ Plymouth High basket hall team will $18.00, now .___ $14.40 $ 7.50, now .... $ 6.00 I. O. O. F. zona. They will visit California be­ meet the strong Normal High team of WATCH Meets E?ery Tneeday, 7:30 p. m. fore their return. Ypsilanti. on the local floor. Friday evening, February 5th. Tuesday, Febmary 2— First Degree Miss Elizabeth Burrows, who re­ cently underwent an operation for ap­ Frank H ake ha.s sold his farm of Visitors Always Weleoiiie pendicitis at Harper hospital, returned 120 acres on the Five-Mile road, to My Windows for 15% Off on home last Sunday. (,’laude Campbell of Detroit. The price imid was $1,300 i>er acre. George T. Boucher of Rochester, N. Y., spent the latter part of last week K. P. LODGE At the Methodist parsonage, Wednes­ with his hrother-ln-law and wife. Mr. day evening. January 20th. Roland BARGAINS N O . 2 3 8 and Mrs. Jam es Horn. Mm>re of Detroit, and Miss Margaret Men s Odd Dress Pants MMtinfh Every H. Shaw of Northville. were united In Warren VanDyne was brought home Thondey Evcninf marriage. They were attended by Mr. last W ednesday from the I*, o f M. hos­ a t 7 :3 0 and Mrs. C. R. Clark of NortbviUe. pital at Ann Arlior, where he has been in all kinds of only, and The young C(iuple will reside In D e­ 0 Visitors Welcome for the past three months for treat­ troit. ment. Men’s Flannel Shirts Men’s Sheep-Lined Coats The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Kdson O. Huston, Mr. Sterling Freymuu. who bad been 111 Men’s ‘Sweaters Men’s Sheep-Lined Vests and Mrs. Austin Whipple and Oscar in the Ann Arbor hospital the past HARDWARE Huston were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Men’s Blazers Men’s Winter Underwear Ottawa Tribe No. 7 four months, died January 14tb. The Elmer Huston In Birmingham, last Men’s Leather Coats Boys’ Winter Underwear Improved Order funeral was held at the home of its Sunday. Men’s Bathrobes Boys’ Sheep-Lined Coats Re d m e a grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. George at the Lowest Prices Meets Every Wednes­ Plymouth High school’s next debate Hesse. Saturday afteniooi, Jamiar>’ day Night at Grange is here in the High school auditorium. Iflth. Rev. H. Kuhlinan. pastor of the Hall. Thursday evening. February 11th. at Bedford M. E. church, officiating. Visitors Are Welcome 7:30 o’clock. The debate is with Green & Jolliffe Birmingham. HAKE HARDWARE Shoes for All the Family—Clothing Mr. and Mrs. William Daisher of Phone 177 846 Penniman Ave. TtKnimseh, and Mrs. Charles Cooper m n went to Detroit. January 19th. to at­ W H O WILL tend the 1. O. O. F. and UeU'kah joint P O T A * OUR BUS liistallution of nffii-ers. S t o p t o INESS- Mrs. A. P. Scott, who recently under­ T h a t CP l o went a very serious operation for EXPERT goitre, at Hariicr ho.spital, Detroit, is For Food now ut the home of her daughter. Mrs. Roy Clark at Northville. and is getting Let's you and I put a stop W E DELIVER PHOTOGR along nicely. lo ihiit <’old. Why not get rid APHY An old time dune** nml unction sale of it niKjn its inception? Take ^ Service and Quality BE PHOTOGAPHED THIS of houseliold good.s will take place at your doctor's word for it. and the Caritas Home, on the McKinney THE SWEETNESS OF LOW PRICES NEVER YEAR ON YOUR BIRTHDAY don't let it grow up into full road. Vi mile south of the Plymouth EQUALS THE BITTERNESS OF road. Friday evening, February 12th, fledgt*al Mis.siou here, and Jo.seph. ^H ERtS VIY HEAPaUAICTERS Tracy were meml>ers of 'rrinlty church ' I BEYER PHARMACY and she has never lost her liking for candy either. TLocal IFlews choir in I)etrt>ff. Next Sunday at j $ i.2 S i;::. 'The two ideas, go together very well, and it would the 10::tO a. m. service at St. John’s, I \l7f7 T«fc RtX/^Lr“>jV”', Rev. Wesley will do the preai-hing and f J-TORE OtPDT Mrs. A u di Cook of H owell, is vLsit- be a good idea to get into the habit of buying candy J Trar-y will render a solo. I again for her. ns Mr. and Mrs. Sewell Bennett. Good Friday Mackerel .Mrs. (,’harles ( ’<>oper visited Mrs. Take her a box of our Home-made and Delicious Mil Unrsnn in Tletnilt. Wednesday. 3Sc r MILK CHOCOLATE BITES FULL OF Mrs. II. O. I'hrysley of Detroit. sjMMit Inst W ednesday w ith Mrs. F. A. MOLASSES CRISP Lendrnm. Mrs. J)llldred Barnes entertained the 3 lb. box Lillian’s Home-made Special Junior Bridge CInh. Thursday evening, Chocolate Candy Lb. . January 21at. 4 9 c Rev. R. E. Klenkio, who has made Saturday his home in Plymouth for some time, lias moved to Detroit. O nly John Williams and son, Morris, Detroit, were callers at the Baptist parsonage last Monday. CLliSTER CHANDELIEItS There will be a regular meeting of the O. E. S. in Masonic hall, Tuesday The size and design of an electric light cluster chandelier must con­ evening, February 2nd. at 7:30. form to the dimensions of the room it is Intended to Illuminate. William T. Pettingill Mr. and Mrs. Sterling Freyman What you strive for is harmony PHONE 40 FREE DELIVERY have moved to Rookwood, as Mr. Frey­ Last Call and pro|K)rtIon. W e carry a Electric Fixtures man has work with the Watkins Com­ large stock of ckwtric lighting pany. fixtures among which are In- Our Christmas Club clnded the newest designs In Kenneth Amerman and family of wrought iron fixtures. In the t'r-i' t is nearly filled to ca­ lot you will be sure to find the Brigbtmoor, were Sunday visitors at size, shape and design you prefer. To you who are about the home of the former’s uncle, E. J. pacity. Burr. Last year there were PLYMOUTH CAFE r \ to wire your homes for Mrs. Emma Dletrlck of Free Soil, Odd FelhHra Bldg. PlyiMBtil. MMiiy Michigan, is visiting her son, Peter some who were sorry Electricity, we extend a Dletrlck, at the home of Mrs. Reka they had not joined Corbett Electric Co. W itt. P h o B e 490 791 P e n n im a n A v e . Special Dinner every night of in time. They were cordial invitation to see Clanoce Pelley, who has been con- the w eek flned to his bed for the past six weeks, especially sorry when our Display of Fixtures was taken to Grace hospitaL Detroit, Christmas came around Special Luncheon at noon W ednesday. and they were diort M iss Endora Birch of Port Hsron, Table de hote Dinner on Sunday spent the week'^nd with her avnt and. Be one of the happy A. V. BARBER ancle. Mr. and Mrs. Barry Shattock, and aldo vlstted the seHooL- ones. Start today. The Full Une of Sea Food*, Steak* and Chop* little payments through N a cth T ille C o n n a m le r y , N o . 88> Tmiik and Baggage Line Expert Chef Knl^tw Bemplar, will give a danrtng the y ^ soon become a party In the NorUtvlUe school pleasant habit General Truddng Let’* Go ^ *4 the nypnouth Cafe ; gym, Wednesday evening. Febnuuy S, and Moving

|% Q n e L 2 $ 7 m PLYI^ITCH II4 IL, FRIDAT, J aM jARY 29,

The CoumlRston, at-a special meet- inc MoBtlay evening, opened four bids Penniman Ave., Plymouth for a steam beating plant for tbe vil­ lage ball. Albert Williams was tbe low bidder, and will Immediately In­ stall an American Radiator Company Meats g Ideal boiler and a single pipe gravity Groceries distributing system. It is hoped to Bhave this complete by the time of the Best Creamery Butter, per lb. .. .49c Ring Bologila, per lb------15c H primary election. Catsup, large bottle ______15c Pot Roast Beef, per lb------—19c ^ Don't forget the registration day, Stewing Beef, per lb ...... „..12c |0 January SOtli. I f you are now regis­ Sweet Pickles, quart j a r ...... 35c tered. you are all set. If you have Pork Loin Roast, per lb... 28c Q not registered before in the village Dill Pickles, quart j a r ______25c books at tbe ball, you should appear Pork Shoulder, per lb .------22c g Saturday. Don't confuse our registra­ Peaches, Fancy California, can . .25c tion IxHiks w ith those Miss Durfee Round Steak, per lb.------._._.....27c H keeps for the township. Pineapple, Sliced, can ...... 18c Sirloin Steak, per lb. — ...... 30c We are getting some new election Raspberries; Red, can ______23c Porterhouse Steak, per lb.------35c Iwoths. which can l>e foIdeolloe departm ent men are Swift’s Premium Smoked Ham ... 32c 5 guests today of tbe Rotary Club, to Post Bran, pkg. ____ 10c hear Lieutenant Carmody. the Detroit Pork Sausage, per lb...... — 25c Unger print expert. Argo Starch, 1 lb. pkg...... 7c Pure Lard, per lb------17'/Jc Q Beans (Mich hand-picked) 4 lbs. ..25c Edward Jarskey, after serving us Trout, Herring, Halibut and Salmon n motorcycle officer since last spring, Sun-Maid Seedless Raisins, pkg... .12c resigned ns a full time policeman, and Finnan Haddies 5! ^'hllc keeping his membership on tbe Flake White Soap Flakes, large Oysters 81 force is working at the Ford Water­ pkg. ----- 19c ford plant. Fred Reiman is taking bis 1 Bar Kirk’s Hard Water Soap Free place as school traffic officer during Store Cheese ------29c 9 the noon i>eriods. Mr. Jarskey's Camel Cigarettes, carton ...... $1.18 courteous, efficient work for the vil­ Cottage Chc^e n lage was much appreciated. Eggs, fine quality, per doz...... ,29c All Kinds oT Cheese n Bulk Rolled Oats, per lb ...... _4c Milk and .Cream ' ® WOMAN'S CLUB

Till' Wmiiiin's Club of Plymouth will meet at the home of Mrs. Irving Blunk. tills week Friday. January 20th. at 2:lo p. m. The business meeting will A vory exciting cyening was wit- Ik? followeil by a good program. The Choice Cuts m>s.<4eetroit. whi’re she i.s receiving treatm ent. was provoked by the grab-bag. Ex­ It’s a good idea to bear in mind that there's going to he a long citement ran high among the contest- Tlie I.. A. S. of the Lutheran church ant.s in the bean guessing contest. The win hoid their monthly meeting, after hard pull on the coal pile between now and actual spring weather. shadows were generously bidden upon. th(» morning service. Sunday. ; making the affair on the whole a pay- Old February and windy March both have a habit of dishing I ing success as tbe proceeds amounted Till* Blank Avenue Xeigiiborbood out some mighty unpleasant weather. And having to scrape the I to $.15..'>7. The proceeds of the social Five-IIundreii (’liil) met with Mr. and I will be used to buy more hot lunch Mrs. Wyuinu Bartlett last Monday bottom of the coal-bin doesn’t add anything but more discomfort. j equipment for the PerrlnsviUe school evening. Broadway Grocery I Much thanks and appreciation are due About forty members of tlie Plym- i to Mr. and Mrs. Bock for the use of imth Rowling Ijcague enjoyed a fine I tlieir home, and for the siplendld enter- iuuiqiiet at IVestwood Inn, Wednesday i tainment. Sincere appreciation is I’vening. also given to Mrs. Henry Klatt for her IT CANT SPOIL Mr. and Mrs. Will Reamer and John interest and efforts to make the social •Middleton and son, W illiam o f Detroit, a sticcess. wer(‘ Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. O. No matter how much you have on hand, you will only bum just F. Beyer. Broadway Market as much as you-need—and if there is any left later on it will keep. BUSINESS LOCALS Bluak Bros, announce a big sale which starts- next Thnrsday, February 4th. in today’s Mall. The job depart­ Are you going to boy a lot? If ment of the Mall office Is now engaged so, you had better look over Sunset YOU’D BETTER HAVE A LITTLE EXTRA FUEL IN THE in getting out a large double iiage Snbdivislon. Best location in town, large Iota, low prices and very easy poster announcing tbe big event. HOUSE DURING FEBRUARY AND MARCH Groceries and Meats terms. Reasonably restiicted. SL N. Tbe Do tbe ran Ladles’ Aid Society Passage. 774 Starkweather avenue. Plymouth. I4tf will bold a thimble party in the chnrch THAN TO WISH YOU HAD. basement. Wednesday afternoon, Feb­ If you are in need of jewelry, ruary 3rd. Mrs. Fred Ballen and M ra watches, clocks, table silverware. I can save you money, as I have no rent to Walter Westphal will be hostesses for DEUYERIES AT par and my expenses are normal. Ed. the afternoon. Everybody welcome. Herrick. 145 East Ann Arbor street, neAr comer Mill and Ann Arbor. Mr. and Mrs. William Felt enter­ 8:45 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 3 p.m. tained the Pleasure Club at their new Arrangements bare been made home on Fairground avenue. Wednes­ Plymouth Lumber & Coal Co. whereby a home can be bnllt on your day evening. Honors for the evening lot. to your spedfleatioDs. at a reason­ were awarded Mrs. William Felt and PHONE 102 F-2 able figure, and your lot taken as down-payment. Xo further cash re­ Stephen Jewell, while Mrs. George George Howell quired. f!or information, call Judson Knapp and William Holmes were con­ Phonb 70 StailnwatiMr Ave. Lumber Co.. Plymouth 301-F22; D. B, soled. Ijunch was served, and all en­ BUkeslee, Bedford 755J, or J. A. Fry. joyed a pleasant evening. X o rth v llle 289. NOBIHTILLE BOTABT CLCB TO The Livonia Lutheran ladies' Aid RECEIVE CHARTS FEB8C- Don't forget the Gleaner dance to Society held their annual Sunshine be given at tbe Gleaner hall at Per- ART 16TH. rinsviUe. Miclx. Saturday evening. part?- at the home of Mrs. Charles D A N January 80th. Good music.'' 75c per Lute, on Wednesday, January 20th. Xorthvllle's new Rotary club will couple: extra lady free. lOt^ HI TEST Over sixty members and guests par­ receive Its charter at a gatberlng to The Redmen will give an old-time took of tbe bountiful pot-luA sapper be h eld a t the High school gym o n tbe dance and chicken-pie supper at the served by tbe ladies. Mrs. Matt Miller evening of February Iftk. The pre­ Orange halL Friday February EVERY SATURDAY EVENING 5th. 60c each for supper awH rianoa and Mra. Charles Wagonschntz were se nta tion of a <±arter to a new d u b Good music. Siqiper from 6KM to awarded the beaatlfal Sunshine Oakes is always made the occaetim o f a hap­ Cement Blocks 10:00. Everybody welcome. iflrip ATNBW' made and donated by Ib a . O. Peters, py gathering and i iiji eawtattrw ftem The annual deannee sale of winter for their generous coctrlhutiooa. Over many o f ,tbe in the snrrounding hats starts nsxt Monday, Febmary A flOO.OO were added to the treasury. dtlee w in be prouent Plane are belac O n e lo t a t hats at $100. and one lot I. O. O. F. TEMPLE made to serve 200 guests at the ban- Strength and Durability ' at $2.00. SoBM were $&00 and $MuOO. Item are Mimes,’ l^dlm ’ M d CUI- .. SV BSC BIPnD M S qnet which wUI precede Given By dmn’s bats tn vedm, delt aad mloat, monies o f preecntatton. R A. SMITH & SOI<^WBURG and nendy aD eolom. Osmn aarty. wffl be served by tiha m em ben ed the Ita. O. O. PIckfen, Nwtt Ba»^ Biwlar.aaaa, and tt wfll be «M «< the XoaMj^bli T em ple P^ i noulh veystmeA .'^9^ IMlir , PanT d g ^ s JA -te M e at Chm^! I «d tha Kbet^ PLYMOUTH, if- - = foe. o e agblr^ Iforttivine Baeordt Daodog, 8:M to U M i naat thm wmM. aa^aedte dbr tha liaB. OM K;-:s-.y3.,£i '-fa ' ' • •■v!' -fe ' 7^ i i i i i ^ i i i l i i g