Father anil Sou M'oek has <.*ome to lie a tixtiire in the year's program. This year, the wwk of February 8-15, has been set apart for the churches to .Mrs. G roce PIerc*e Nagle, w ife of hold such meetings as they see fir. R»‘v. I>. I). Nagle, recently p asto r of with the following week reserved for flm First Methodist chnrcb of Plym­ other orgnulzHtious. outh, who has been studying elocution The IJi-Y Club of the High school, at the (-hiiffec-Noble School of Expres­ has piain\>ti this year to promote a I^st TboAday cTenlnc was Charter sion iu Detroit, will give a Grailuate’s father and sou Itanquet for all dmiom- Presentation niabt for % the Klwania Rei'Uul at the Stratbmoor Methodist inatiuus. ami for those who are not Clnb of Plymouth. The local club Episcopal church, corner Schoolcraft uiemlK'rs of auy ilcnomlnatlon. Their was sponsored by the Klwania Club of ami .Marlowe, on IMday evenlug. Fdi- tentative plans have met tbe ap­ Tpsllantl. and a large number of the nmry 5th. at .s:00 o'clock. She will proval of committees from several of members of that club and representa- he assisted hy .Miss WinnifriHl C. Lucas, the chnrcln-s. and also of the Rotary tires from the Klwania Clubs of De­ Till' iiutimni iruiniiig department of violin: Miss Florence Pndilock. so- and Kiwanls clubs and tbe Chamber of troit. Pontiac. Dearborn, Ann Arbor th«* H igh .si-1)iiij1. is p u ttin g on an en* jiran o ; .Miss C zarina Penney, Mus. t'oiuimTcc. and other places were present for the icifuinmcnt. an announcement of Rne.. p iau o : .Mrs. E llen C. Jensen and I'liuis have been made to make this occasion. wlih h apiienrs «‘lscwljerc in the Mail, •MI.ss Mary Lm-as. ac<-onii)auists. a real lununnuity get-togetlier. The John A. Mustard of Battle Creek, for tlio purpose of procuring funds The public is conllully invited, and suiijxT will Ih* serviHl hy th e lad ies’ district governor, and Victor M. John­ for the putvhuse of a new band a si)e<-lal in v itatio n is cxtentled to the oi'ganizaiiou of ouc of the churches, son of Monroe. Immediate Past Presi- Tlic niaeliinc will save man.r opera­ IM'oplc o f riy n io u tli to atten d tlii.s re ­ and will prolmbly cost seventy-fire ilejif of Kl'vaiiis .Intoruntional. were tions ill the woodworking instruction, Frank lUmbo cital. ifnis a plate. The program as plon- also present. wliieli makes this tool a necessity, and CHAMBER OF COMMERCE B. E. GUes Tbe foliowing.program will be given: ikhI will lochide talks by a Plymouth The banquet was served by th? for that reason the manual training .Fames Ford father and a Plymouth son. music by Methodist I.Adies’ Aid Society In tho ileiuirtmciit is umlcrtakiug the pnr- Floyd A. Kehrl I tThe Price of Joy - • Edgar Guest a male quart^'tte. oun or more vocal Metlio'li't «'iitnmnnlty IlnU. nf d;:u) chnsi' of the saw for the school. H E L M SESSION MEET AT OEARRORNI "^^ John B. Hubert ^ The .ibandoncii Elojx'ment solos, and au address by an outside o'cl<K-k. oiiil MDr iiiim in'il nmi '‘••vriiiy- The Wallace Machine Comiiany is | William B. Petz The board of directors of the Plym­ ^ Jo sep h C. I.inculn sjionker of stati'-wlde reputation. The five (‘iijovi**! a mosl eieclleiit iliimer. supplying the talent for the entertain­ R. A. Fisher outh Chamber of Commerce held a For tbe second consecutive meeting i-ommittiH' in charge are exi>ecting to the menu of which was as follows: ment. and the proceeds will be used L. H. .Uexander V a h e ....................... - I/i'viizkl bu.sy si's.<ion. la st Tuesday evening. the Dearborn Rotarians met. in joint secure their si>eakor iu time to make Fruit Cmktall as a imrtial payment on tbe saw. The <h> Etude in B Flat - • L iszt Sidney D. Strong presented the H. A. Gebhardt meeting, with another Rotary organi­ more deflniie aniumncemont in tbe Celery Green Olives ii(Mition of the saw will make the Oral Rathbum !««s P enney lK>ard w ith u blue p rin t Of a m unicipal zation. churches Sunday. The complete pro- S altines woodworking machinery in tbe depart­ pla.vground to be located on the F. J. Bierce Tbe entire program was given by the Till! Suhsticufe Auon grtim will be In next week's Plymouth Boftst Chicken with Dressing ment complete, and will add much to grounds in the rear of tbe Presbyter­ Htiluer Baughn Plymouth Rotarians. A feature of the Mall. the splendid pieces which tbe classes Ou the Day I Get to Heaven Cranberry Sauce ian church and fronting upon Church E. C.'Hough program was the tenor solos of Wayne .The various churches have been ask­ Green Peas Whipped Potatoe.s have l>een ab le to produce d u rin g tb e C. H. B en n ett S tanton strei't. It is planned to set out sbrub- Van Dyne. Mr. Van Dyne Is a student ed i ‘ 'request definite numbers of tick- Iceberg Lettuce with year. O. W’. n i ^ e r <h) Little One A-Cryin' • - Ixjvy hcry to beautify the grounds^ and in­ of the Detroit Institute of Musical Art <‘ts wanted, so that the neivssary sea^ Thousand Island Dressing A special feature of the manual L. B, Sum^n stall apparatus of all kinds for tbe and u pupil of Clyde Nichols. He has Miothcr Point of View ■ Ing capacity can be provldeil for. Tha Apple Pie a la mode training department this year is the M arkham .\ir Riilo Co.- benchc of tbe younger children. Their m em bers a clear tenor voice, mellow in quality. Mav IsnlK'l Fisk * svnllablc wlH Is* nnnounoed > fact that it has not been necessary to Coffee Rolls play would be under the supervision shlps Unlike most tenors Mr. VanDyne has I dofUiiii i..-. with the program next employ a earpenter for repair worfe t. I.. .l.n* Til \- 'l.lii . During the serving of the banquet, Halsy^M fg. Co.— 10 m em berships a powerful voice which never sounds Wlici-c My I’lirnvnji Rested It is Iio]xhI that the lii-Y 'di.ih. can aii.v time during the year, the depart­ of' a ‘playground Instructor during the splendid ufuslr wns fiirnishe«l by the riyni(mth_^^ited -i^avings Bank—8 strained which makes his Intonation Luhr ao'oiuiiixdiitc cvi-ry father aud .son IB ment doing auiny difficult and worth-, smmuer months. It is an^ldeal loca­ Kiwanls’ Club orchestra. , im-nffiershlps doubly effective. He fras capably ac­ My the Waters of Minnetonka Plymouth, wlio wiali lo attend. while reimir tasks for the sehool under tion for |a public playground, and It Joseph H. Thump.>a»n. presid en t of | Your Chamber of Commerce would companied by Mr. Greenland at the L icuranee llie effieieiit instruction of Mr. SM vi ! something that Plymouth needs. the Klwani.s Club of Ypsilauti. was lie pU'iim'd to .-lee yoiir name in this piano. His selections were “Tbe Great M'clcoinc. Sw eet M'lml Cndmnn ley. The <o-.ii„-ratton of the whole Trile Cbi■‘lamber of Commerce feels THE REV. CHARLES WESLEY gencrul chairman of the evening. th a t list. Unknown" and •‘Sometime.” Miss Pa<h1oi-k eoiumunity in the purchase of this it rh ls^ineeiled playground will add TAKES CH.ARGE OF ST. JOHN’S After tbe banquet, the following to the able of all property in Plym- Mr. George Smith, Superintendent of.1 iieedisl bit of machinery will be very Mri.lc Lillian Bell EPISCOPAL CHURCH. jirogram wns given: Schools of Plymouth, emphasized the iimeh appreciated hy tbe manual tralu- outh The Rotary Club, the Kiwanis KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS ENTER- Invoeatlou—Rev. S. Conger Hathaway Cltib and all of the chnrche.s will be fact that in the public schools, espec­ .VlU'gro H rlllani ing <h‘[iariment nud the school. TUNTD GUESTS. Fvli-mls of the Rev. Ulmrles Wesley of Vpstlanti and Plymouth nskeil to appoint committees to attend ially in the high schools that “too much William Ten Have will lie glad to h'uru that he has bed Toastmaster—Rev. Dunning Idle of ^ II joint meeting with the Chamber of emphasis has been placed on tbe col­ Cjiviitiiic .............................Raff l-ist Thursday night at about 7:30 a|>|k>intcMl to th e cliargc o f 8 t. Jo h n ’s Y psllnntl I Commerce committee for the purpose lege entrance courses.” "M'e have neg- ’ M iss L u c a s o'cloi'k. Plym outh IxMlge No. .2.38, Episcopal mission church of this vil­ The Practical Side of Kiwanls—Tbo ST. JOHN’S CHURCH p„yground proJ«*. lecfiil the 7.5 in'r cent who have never Knights of Pythias. Itegan receiving I Ih ilto .. the lleruiit Selnm l.:igcrlof lage. ami lust Sunday was bis first lion. Victor M. Johnson, Immediate gone to college.” he said. Many pupils HPI n AMIIIIIII lUPPTlIiiPi pu‘>llc h ea lth com m ittee w as ap- guests until they numbered ahnost one .Siimlay on tlmt charge. lie delivered a Past President Kiwanis Interna­ ; I>oiiito<l (timposod of D r. P atterso n and have dropped out of school during the Chaiilcrs from nCLU AilllUAL inCnillU hundred.
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