Small-Scale Surface Morphology in the Mouth of Ares and Tiu Valles Region from Moc Images

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Small-Scale Surface Morphology in the Mouth of Ares and Tiu Valles Region from Moc Images Lunar and Planetary Science XXXI 1381.pdf SMALL-SCALE SURFACE MORPHOLOGY IN THE MOUTH OF ARES AND TIU VALLES REGION FROM MOC IMAGES. A. G. Cook1, A. T. Basilevsky1, H. Hoffmann2, G. Neukum2, 1Vernadsky Institute, Ko- sygin St. 19, 117975 Moscow, Russia, [email protected], 2DLR Berlin-Adlershof Rutherfordstraße 2, 12489 Berlin-Adlershof, Germany. Introduction: A photogeologic and crater count- island is covered by subparallel benches implying ero- ing study for the mouth of Ares and Tiu Valles, Mars, sion of layered material by water. was made from Viking Orbiter images [1]. The highest There are several wrinkle ridges on the channel resolution image available was 36 m/pixel. Four main floor and islands. The narrow ones are definitely episodes of the valley formation were recognized: 1) younger than the units they are on, however a wrinkle destruction of the cratered plateau and formation of the ridge in the northern part of the image evidently fol- ridged plains, 2) an initial flood that formed high ter- lows an old broad ridge, eroded by a flood (floods). races in Ares and Tiu Valles (IB1) and old fluvial de- Impact craters have been counted in the northern posits (StP and SP), 3) a second flood that formed Ares part of the image. The fact that the density of medium- Vallis floor (CFA) and pitted plains deposits (PP), 4) a sized craters is slightly higher for islands than for the third flood that formed the Tiu Vallis floor (CFT and channel floor probably means preservation of some DP) and, possibly, fractured plains deposits (FP). pre-flood craters within these high areas. Lower den- Newly obtained high-resolution data taken by Mars sity of craters on the hills and within a through could Orbiter Camera (MOC) on board of Mars Global Sur- be explained as a result of destruction of craters by veyor allow us to study the area at resolution 2.5-8 mass-movement and eolian processes. m/pixel. The study of small-scale surface morphology The image 49401 (24.62°N, 32.45°W; 7.82 together with impact crater countings will help us to m/pixel) covers an area, evidently eroded deeply by understand better the genesis of different units and floods, that includes an old 50-km crater, spotted features in the area as well as to clarify the geologic plains (StP), valley terraces (IB1) and the channel floor history of the region. of Tiu Vallis (CFT). The ejecta of the old crater ap- Description of the images under study: Five re- pears to be embayed by StP material. The fact that StP leased high resolution MOC images (44003, 49401, has a scarp towards some part of the ejecta might be 53003-53005), showing different units of the Ares and accounted for wind erosion of the ejecta. Parts of pre- Tiu mouth, were chosen for the photogeologic study. sumably wind-eroded armoring layer can be seen in The image 44003 (18.08°N, 31.37°W; 7.1 m/pixel) several places on the ejecta unit, as well as on the rem- covers a smooth part of the channel floor of Ares Vallis nants of the crater rim. Inside the crater floor there is a (CFA1 in [1] and [2]) and the channel floor with flat-topped 800-m wide mesa. This may suggest ero- grooves and yardang-like ridges (CFA3). This particu- sion of smooth thick layer of deposits within the crater lar morphological type of the channel floor is thought floor. South of the crater bright material mesas are to be related with water erosion of different type of seen. The mesas are probably parts of the StP unit, rocks or alternatively, but less likely, by a later modifi- eroded by later floods. Two or three layers are seen in cation by wind. The study of this new image reduces the scarps of these mesas. Also in few places there are the possibility of eolian origin for the ridges because mesas and hills on the top of the described mesas, sug- they are subparallel to typical fluvial features such as gesting one more layer. In one place the slope looks streamlined islands (IB1) and troughs around some like a sequence of 10-20 subparallel steps which might hills - obstacles on the way of the flood. Only part of be an evidence of layering too. Absence of typical vol- the channel floor within the area is grooved. There also canic landforms in the region favors a sedimentary are smooth plains (CFA1) and terrain with numerous origin for the layers. hollows and mesas covering the slightly higher part of Plains at the bottom of the StP mesas (valley ter- the channel floor in the south. The morphology of the races) are separated with the channel floor (CFT) by a last unit suggests the erosion of an armoring smooth 250-400 m wide furrow. In the middle part of the im- layer and the exposure of a rough lower layer. In few age the furrow almost disappears narrowing down to places there were possibly 3 layers. Similar morphol- 80 m and skirting two hills. Tanaka [3] suggests that ogy can be seen on many high resolution MOC images similar features represent the furrow between debris in different regions of the planet (especially at hill- flows and the valley bank. In the southern part of the tops), suggesting eolian modification. However in the image, a few terrace-like benches are seen on both north part of the image the surface of the streamlined sides of the furrow. We think they may be caused more likely by fluvial erosion, not by a debris flow emplace- Lunar and Planetary Science XXXI 1381.pdf SURFACE MORPHOLOGY OF ARES AND TIU MOUTH: A. G. Cook et al. ment. Many small craters have dark deposits at their following stage of erosion resurfaced both the terrace bottoms in the area; dark spots and parallel ridges are and the ejecta. also seen especially on channel floor and the bottom of The image 53004 (18.67°N, 34.15°; 2.55 m/pixel) the crater suggesting intensive eolian deposition in the is located within the smooth part of the channel floor area. of Tiu Vallis (CFT1), and 70 km south-west (upstream) The image 53003 (15.49°N, 33.68°; 5.87 m/pixel) the Mars Pathfinder landing site. Several terrace-like shows a highly cratered valley terrace (IB1). The valley benches cross the area. These landforms probably slopes are furrowed in the top and very smooth in the formed when the last flood in Tiu Vallis cut the chan- depositional zone at the bottom. The channel floor of nel floor of Ares Vallis. At the bottom of the lower Tiu Vallis is occupied by plains with hollows. Some bench there are a few elongated hollows, possibly other parts of the CFT shows such morphology on the formed by intensive erosion. The morphology of the Viking Images. Newly recognized fissures form here highest bench suggests the erosion of layered rocks. ripple-like patterns at the channel floor perpendicular The image 53005 (25.21°N, 35.11°, 5.08 m/pixel) to paleoflow direction (Fig. 1). These "ripples" could covers relatively young fractured plains (FP). On the be fluvial landforms formed by running water, or fea- MOC image two types of terrains are seen: a relatively tures on the surface of a debris flow, or even a mudflow smooth and bright terrain which has a scarp toward a (if there were one e.g. [3]). In any case "ripples" have darker terrain. The darker plains are covered by nu- been partly eroded, when hollows formed. Surfaces of merous transverse ridges formed by NE wind (like plains with fissures and lower-lying hollows are rela- some dark spots recognized before on Viking images tively rough. In one place it seems that there is a flat- [1]). We think that the scarp lies between the higher toped mesa higher than the plains with ripples. This fractured plains and relatively older lower dark plains could indicate that the "ripples" were first buried and (DP), embayed by fractured plains material. then exhumed. Apart from transverse ridges (especially numerous within the dark plains) there are dunes inside impact craters and differently oriented dark streaks (possibly dust devils tracks). Two small mesas (<180 m wide) within DP may be remnants of eroded units (SP, StP or PP). The entire image is covered by numerous secon- dary craters. Conclusion: The study reveals many morphologi- cal details such as: 1) a wide extension of layered sedimantary rocks in the area, 2) different amounts of impact craters within different units at small scale, 3) There is also a 6-km diameter impact crater, eroded non-uniform distribution of dunes and other eolian by flood(s), within the valley terrace. landforms, 4) the precise position of geologic bounda- Our impact crater counts show that the most cra- ries. The images show possible continuous formation tered area is the terrace (IB1) - most probably the oldest of wrinkle ridges on Ares Valles floor. The morphol- unit. The less cratered areas are hollows on the channel ogy of the longitudinal furrow within Tiu Vallis floor floor, valley slopes and the bottom of the 6-km impact suggests fluvial development rather than debris flow. crater. Probably this is the result of mass movement The differences in the density of small craters within and eolian accumulation. Impact craters look partly various units in general correspond to the possible se- buried on the lower part of the valley slope and the quence of the unit formation and resurfacing.
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