Copyrighted Material
19_569260_bindex.qxd 7/27/04 2:02 PM Page 477 INDEXINDEX Numbers here refer to the 1,001 entry numbers, not to page numbers. Abelard, Pierre, 724 allergies, 238 abortion of kittens, 323 “Alley Cat Song,” 833 Abyssinian (breed), 190 America, cats introduced acknowledgment calls, 6 to, 517–520 acne, 249 American Bobtail (breed), Adamson, Lydia, 770 197 advertising, cats used in, American Cat Association, 943–973 209, 210 Aesop’s fables, 560-562 American Curl (breed), 183 African wildcat, 409 American Shorthair Agatha, Saint, 540 (breed), 175 Agincourt, Battle of, 578 American Tail, An, 934 ailurophilia, ailurophobia, American Wirehair 472, 974, 975 (breed), 194 Alexander the Great, 751 America’s Funniest Home Alexander of Tralles, 570 Videos, 881 ALF, 872 Amis, Kingsley, 723 Algonquin Hotel (New Amory, Cleveland, 755 York),COPYRIGHTED The, 987 ancestors, MATERIAL wild, 392–398 Alice in Wonderland, 804, Angora (breed), 138, 164 805 animal shelters, 357–359 All I Need to Know I anorexia, 382 Learned from My Cat, Anthony, Saint, temptation 759 of, 821 477 19_569260_bindex.qxd 7/27/04 2:02 PM Page 478 Index antifreeze, dangers of, 279 bathing of cats, 88, 89 apricot (coat color), 155 bees and wasps, 274 Aristocats, The, 935 “before a cat can lick his Aristotle, 474 ear,” 625 Artemis, goddess, 460, 475, belling the cat, 596 476, 481, 499 belly rubbing, 36 aspirin, 266 Bengal (breed), 196 associations, cat registry, Bentham, Jeremy, 725 209–211 Bible, 508–510 Athena, goddess, 477 Bierce, Ambrose, 743 Attila (comic strip cat), 885 Bigglesworth,
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