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Fridays Saturdays PLAY 201 BRUNSWICK SI VAllEYPHZ52333D_ fridays Saturdays Indie/Dance/Alternative pool tables/pinballs CD giue-aways- 6 HOV FRI 22liD-"BJ0RK" SALOH LUPPINO FRI 29TH-MADDEll_RDSE HAIR SHOW Douplesjf $6/5 vips free epm-s + 6 DJ'S S6/3 SIT( CARDS THURS OCT 21 • HDODDDGURUS TUES OCT 26 • THE KLF SAT UGT 30 • HARES los un 12 los tin m THUR NOV 4 • GROEL SEA THUR NOV 11 • SHELLAC KEAI STEVE AlBINIl , AKrNG THE REUGION OUT OP THE CULT THUR NOV 25 • YOUNG BLACK TEENAGERS There Is more to the "Religious Cult" Issue than Just religion, we are seeing SAT NOV 27 • MASA [MISSION 2) more and more these days that the prob­ lems caused by cults are more a prod­ THUBS DEC 2 « UICKY BUBE uct of the methods they use than the messages they preach. These methods are aggressive and highly coercive, many have little overt manifestation and all of 22 OCT • CINNAMON, lOlUE, FLOURISH, EV(l[Nii!i/4 themar^eryeffectlve. 29 OCT HOSS, SKINFllCK viyO£ POWOERFING^^ Once we start to look more at the meth­ odology than the message we can broaden our definition of 'cult' to Include liAl ull both the religious groups, the Church of Scientology, the Church of Christ, The HEUf IRE GIUB EVERY WED FROM NOV 17 Family and the Unification Church as well as organisations without a thelstic Ide­ ology, the financial cults "Money and You" and the more aggressive Pyramid ally have to pay money to be "trained" What are tha three things struggle to remove the Selling organisations. In fact there are and then are sent In vans far away to you like the least about the stigma of stupidity and four readily discernible classifications sell merchandise. Salespeople are ma­ ^roup and the leader? folly commonly ascrltted of destructive cult, all of which are nipulated through fear and guilt and are to ex-cuK members. present and active In Queensland: sometimes physically and sexually If you have recently Joined or are abused. considering Joining an organisa­ Religious Cults: tion of this nature ask yourself Definitfons taken from the booK 'Combating These groups are focused on religious these questions as welt as ask­ People leaving destruc­ Cult fi^ind Control' bv Steven Hassan. dogma. Some use the Bible, some are ing the next member you speak tive cults have to come Eastem-reJIgJon-based, others draw on to. If you have had any deeper to terms with some very occult law, and some are purely Inverv- dealings with an organisation of tough home truths, not tions of their leaders. Although most this type have a look at the fol­ the least of which Is the "What did they do to you? Couldn't you claim to be of the spiritual realm, all lowing criteria (psychologist facing of the friends and see what they were doing to you?" Weil one has to do to see their true colours Leon Festlnger's three elements relatives that they have the short answer Is no. Unlike physical Is examine how much emphasis Is of Cognitive Dissonance) and hurt, there Is also the assault, psychological a^ault need not placed on the "material" world - the ask yourself seriously whether or gHef (descHbed by psy­ be violent In nature, It need not be loud luxurious lifestyles of the leaders, mil­ not you feel they are applicable chiatrists as something and brash and It need not be overtly corv lions of dollars of real estate, extensive to the group you are dealing akin to the grief one suf­ frontlng. Some of the most vicious meth­ business enterprises and so forth. with. Once again I stress that if fers at the death of a ods of psychocoerslon can appear to be you have any doubt, please con­ friend) associated with nothing more than a friendly chat. tact the Chaplaincy and they will the realisation that one Political Cults: be able to put you In touch with has lost those years Political cults often mal<e the news, It Is also worth pointing out that It Is people who will be able to help spent with the group and usually with the word "fringe" or "ex­ not as If these organisations will tell you you. the realisation that soci­ tremist" attached, but most people do what It Is that they are truly doing to ety Is now, for the most not hear about the deceptive recruit­ you or ask your permission, they will In • HE THREE COMPONENTS OF part, alien and will need ment and mind control practices that fact do their best to mislead and de­ ITIVE DISSONANCE to re-entered with small distinguish them from runKjf-the-mlll fa­ ceive you. Although 1 am limited by and tentative steps. natics. These groups are organised space here, I had a brief look at some Control of Behaviour around a particular political dogma. One of the methods used by destructive cults Control of Thought However, people leaving such group's leader, Lyndon LaRouche, to maintain obedience In my previous Control oi Emotions destructive cults are of­ has run for President !n the past three article on the subject printed In Issue ten viewed by the merrv elections and claims to advise top gov­ no. 4 of Semper but if you don't have a OW DO I PROTECT MY bers of that society with ernment officials and business leaders. copy oi that at hand, pop Into the chap­ FIENDS AND FAMILY? no small amount of sus­ Another, the Aryan Isatlon, runs laincy centre and ask for their IHile pam­ picion and distrust. "How "survivalist" training camps to uphold phlet, or If you are really keen make an One of the sad facts of the mat­ could they have been so a white supremacy doctrine, with plans appointment top see Cyril Muller for a ter of destructive cults, Is the In- stupid?" we ask, "How to take over the United States or die chat. fectlvlty of attempts by friends could they have been so trying. and family to discourage initial gullible?", "How could HOW DO I PROTECT MYSELF? membership or encourage depar­ they have not known Psychotherapy/Educational r , , -t • . ture. The truth of the matter Is what was being done?". Cults: I The best way to protect yourself against that In this arena the Cults are these groups Is to get educated. Search the experts and we^are the nov­ These cults hold workshops and semi­ out as much Information as you can, be­ ices. Seek help. DO NOT TRY AND SOLVE THE SITUATION ON YOUR OWN. IT WILL NOT WORK. nars for hundreds of dollars to provide come familiar with the names of the "Insight" and enlightenment, usually In major groups, make yourself aware of The only real option available as a hotel nteetlng-room environment. the techniques that they use most com­ a preventative is education, If These cults use many basic mind con­ monly and be prepared to question the enough people acknowledged One of the points that I trol techniques to provide participants fuck out of anyone who pulls you up on the problems seHousness for made in my first article with a "peak" experience. That experi­ the street that cannot be dissuaded with what It was and got about the was that everyone Is vul­ ence may be all that happens to most a simple "Thanks but no thanks". business of education them­ nerable, everyone, and customers, but others will be manipu­ selves there would not be as that more and more of the lated to sign up for the more expensive Learning to recognise these groups for many people Joining up as there people Joining these advanced courses. Graduates of the ad­ what they are before they get a hold on are today. So be aware, and let groups fit a disturbingly vanced courses may then become en­ you Is the best prevention but recog­ other people become aware too. familiar profile: young, meshed In the group. Once committed nising them Is not always as easy as middle-class background to the group, members are told to bring one might think, but there are a few sim­ and smart (educated to In friends, relatives and co-workers, or VING IS ONLY HALF THE BATTLE ple questions you can bear In mind when secondary/tertiary level). cut them off. But recruiters are not al­ you encounter these people (I have said lowed to disease much about the pro­ Since I wrote my first article on these things before In my other article gram. Many of these programs have the subject the whole Issue of As long as we continue to but I think It does no harm to say them caused nervous breakdowns, broken "Cults", both religious and oth­ treat people leaving de­ again): marriages and business failures not to erwise, has experienced a great structive cults as lepers mention some well-documented sui­ deal of publicity In the main­ people will continue to How long have you {the recruiter) cides and deaths by reckless accidents. stream press, everyone from remain In groups for fear been Involved? Are you trying to The people who run these groups some­ Four Corners, HInch and Today of precisely this social re­ recruit me Into any type of organi­ times have questionable backgrounds show has had their little go at jection. Sometimes It Is sation? and often few or no credentials. It; shit, even Nelghiwurs Is Jump­ easier to remain in a de­ Can you tell me the names of all ing on the Cult-Scare band­ structive group that tells other organisations that are affili­ wagon.
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