Health and Living Conditions of the Rising Generation

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Health and Living Conditions of the Rising Generation SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT UDC 316.356.2 (470.12) LBC 60.542.14 (2Rus-4Vol) © Kondakova N.A. Health and living conditions of the rising generation The article presents the research results of the rising generation’s quantitative and qualitative characteristics in Russia and in the Vologda Oblast. The main trends characterizing children’s health, their living conditions and lifestyle in their families are revealed in the article. Today the primary task of social policy in terms of child population increase is to provide the rise of their qualitative potential and living standards. Children’s health, living conditions and lifestyle, child neglect, incomes of families with children. Nataliya A. KONDAKOVA ISEDT RAS Junior Scientific Associate [email protected] Nowadays the Government of the Russian Appealing to the characteristics research Federation pays more and more attention to of the rising generation, several main trends the socio-demographic development of the can be marked: country. National priority projects “Health”, 1. Decrease in child population is “Education”, “Affordable housing” started in noteworthy. From 2000 to 2010 the proportion 2005, demographic programmes have positi- of children in the total population of the vely influenced the country’s socio-economic country reduced from 24 to 18%. Similar development. All of them are assigned to situation is observed in the Vologda Oblast, improve people’s quality of life, to preserve where the child population rate over the and strengthen population’s health, to amend specified period decreased by 5% (from 23 to the demographic situation. However, the 18%) [12]. children’s health continues getting worse as According to the forecasts of the Federal evidenced by the results of lasting research State Statistics Service, in 2030 the rate of studies (A. Baranov, E. Breyeva, I. Zhuravleva, population under working age will remain O. Kislitsyna, Y. Lisitsyn, N. Rimashevskaya, intact and comprise 16% as in 2011. However, A. Shabunova). the reduction will be observed in absolute This article is aimed at quantitative and figures: from 2011 to 2030 the population of qualitative characteristics analysis of the rising this category in the Vologda Oblast will decrease generation (aged from 0 to 17 years). The by 9% equal to 181 thousand people, national emphasis will be laid on health, which is not average – by 1.5% (22845.4 thousand people). only the basis of sustainable development of In the meantime the working-age population the Russian society today, but influences the rate will reduce by 7% both in national average country’s development in future. and in the Vologda Oblast (tab. 1). Economic and social changes: facts, trends, forecast 1 (25) 2013 131 Health and living conditions of the rising generation Consequently, ageing population process is benefit till 18 months in Russia in 2007. evidenced and will continue. Rapid growth of Essentially, these measures are aimed at birth elderly and aged people rate involves inevitable support in the families that have children, structural transformations in the economy, whereas many families delay first-birth. institutional environment, and changes in Despite the rise in births, uniparous families social benefits flow [13]. are predominant in Russia. According to the As a result of demographic policy carried National Population Census (2010) in out by the Russian Government, since 2006, households (both in the city and in the the country’s birth rate has increased from 10.4 country) uniparous families prevail. During the to 12.5 ‰, in the Vologda Oblast this figure intercensal period the amount of households (over a period of 2006 – 2010 has increased from without children under 18 rose by 15%; the 10.9 to 12.5 ‰) conforms to the nationwide amount of households, which consist of two rate. Nevertheless, the birth rate remains lower and more people and have children under 18 than necessary even for new generations to reduced by 8% (from 52% in 2002 to 44% in replace parental cohorts, which do not allow 2010) [12]. overcoming population reduction (tab. 2). Child development in uniparous families Hence, over 11 years the population in the is subject to risk. On the one hand, his parents region has decreased by 7.6%, comprising have more opportunities to give a fair deal for 1 201.2 thousand people in 2011 that exceeds the development. On the other hand, adults reduction pace nationwide (over 4 million. pay excessive attention and hyper-care to people or 2.7%) [12]. him. As a result, a child’s selfishness and Birth rate increase is mainly connected with steep demands to surrounding people are introduction of maternity capital and nursing shaping. Table 1. Age distribution forecast in the Russian Federation and the Vologda Oblast (VO) for the period until 2030 (average variant of the forecast, in % due to the total population) Under working age Working age Over working age Year RF VO RF VO RF VO 2011 16.3 16.5 61.6 61.2 22.0 22.3 2015 17.4 17.8 58.8 57.9 23.8 24.3 2020 18.3 18.6 55.7 54.6 26.0 26.8 2025 17.8 18.0 54.7 53.8 27.4 28.3 2030 16.4 16.4 55.1 54.4 28.5 29.2 Source: Unified Interdepartmental Statistical Information System. Available at: Table 2. Natural population movement in the Russian Federation and the Vologda Oblast Population, thousand Crude birth rate, ‰ Crude death rate, ‰ Natural decline, ‰ Year people RF VO RF VO RF VO RF VO 2000 146 890.1 1 299.6 8.7 8.8 15.3 16 -6.6 -7.2 2006 142 753.5 1 235.4 10.4 10.9 15.2 17.1 -4.8 -6.2 2007 142 220.9 1 227.8 11.3 11.6 14.6 15.9 -3.3 -4.3 2008 142 008.8 1 222.9 12.1 12 14.6 16.3 -2.5 -4.3 2009 141 903.9 1 218.2 12.4 12.4 14.2 16.2 -1.8 -3.8 2010 141 914.5 1 213.7 12.5 12.5 14.2 16.8 -1.7 -4.3 2011 142 865.4 1 201.2 12.6 13.0 13.5 15.7 -0.9 -2.7 Source: Federal State Statistics Service. Available at: 132 1 (25) 2013 Economic and social changes: facts, trends, forecast SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT N.A. Kondakova 2. The next trend is child’s health dete- Nevertheless, during the growing-up pro- rioration, which plays a critical role not only cess starting from birth, children’s health in demographic development, but it also potential is constantly declining. And, as the determines the quality of the territory’s scientists note, the most substantial prevalence human potential. Among all the age-groups of rate growth of chronic diseases, abnormal population child’s health condition tendencies physical development, frequency of acute became the most unfavorable. During 2000 – distress and exacerbation of chronic pathology 2011 child disease incidence has increased by take place during the process of systematic 32% (in 2011 it equaled 1932 cases per 1000 education (while studying in pre-school, age-appropriate people), in the Vologda Oblast general secondary, elementary and secondary – by 37% (in 2011 – 2533 cases respectively); vocational educational institutions) [7]. while among adult population total disease According to the Ministry of Healthcare incidence rose by 8% in the whole country, and and Social Development of the Russian by 3% in the region [12]. Federation, in Russia in 2010 the following However, it is worthwhile to note certain figures were mentioned among the school- positive changes in newborn’s health condition. children due to their health condition: first As a result of implementing regional target group (healthy) – 21%; second group (healthy, programmes “Healthy child” and the national but with some functional abnormalities) – 59; priority project “Health” [2] newborn disease third group (with chronic diseases) – 18; forth incidence in the Vologda Oblast has reduced and fifth groups (disabling diseases) – 2% of by 27% during 2000 – 2010. At the same time the children [7]. the situation on the country level is a little The main diseases, which are spread among worse: disease incidence has reduced by 7% children more often, are: eye diseases (myopia), only (fig. 1). diseases of musculoskeletal system (postural Figure 1. Newborn disease incidence (%, to the total amount of quick-borns) 43 40.7 39.9 40.5 40.4 40 40.2 39.8 41 39.9 39 39.3 38.7 38.6 39 38 38.6 37.3 36.1 37 35.6 35.5 35 32.5 33 31.1 31 29.3 29 27.9 27 25 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Russian Federation Vologda Oblast Sources: Statistical yearbook of Russia. 2010: statistical abstract. Rosstat. Moscow, 2011.; Statistical yearbook of the Vologda Oblast: statistical abstract .Vologdastat. Vologda, 2011. Economic and social changes: facts, trends, forecast 1 (25) 2013 133 Health and living conditions of the rising generation disorder, scoliosis), diseases of digestive system. lower than minimum subsistence level (in However, medical workers note that 70% of 2009 – 54.6%), including families with one abnormalities fixed in lower grades transform child – 31.2%, families with two children – into chronic form by the graduation from 20.3%, families with three and more children school [10]. – 6%. The same situation is observed in the Children’s health deterioration is confirmed Vologda Oblast, where families with children not only by the official statistics data, but also under 16 years comprise 55% among low- by the results of sampling social studies.
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