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Ruth Dixon Turner 1914-2000 - In Memoriam

R Mann Virginia Institute of Marine Science

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Recommended Citation Mann, R, "Ruth Dixon Turner 1914-2000 - In Memoriam" (2000). VIMS Articles. 479. https://scholarworks.wm.edu/vimsarticles/479

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Ru th Turner was born in Melrose. December 7. 1914. She attended Bridgewater State College. MA and graduated v.rith a B.S. in 1936. She became a school teacher. teaching in both Bondville. Vermont and North Reading. Massachusetts before accepting the appointment of Assistant Director of Education at the Nev,1 England Museun1 of Natural History (now the Museum of Science). Ru th subsequently became Assistant Curator of Birds at the Museun1. before moving to Vassar College as an fnstructor in the Biology Depanment. During this same period she completed a M.A. al Cornell. By th is ti,ne Ruth was an acco111plished ornithologist, an in terest that she n1aintained throughout her life. lndeed, it \Vas her interest in birds that first lead her to the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard. While serving as a volunteer in the Department she ,net William J. C lench. Curator of Mollusks. Clench introduced Ruth to Dr. Willia111 Clapp. a pioneer in the study of n1 arine \vood borers. and in 1944 she moved to the Willian1 F. Clapp Laboratories in Duxbury. Massachusetts. It was here that her career as a n1alacologist becan1e firmly established. She returned to two years later to work \Vith Clench. Harvard re111ained her scientific ho111e and a source of great pride to her throughout her career. One of her early field trips with Clench was to Cuba in 1949 to examine local terrestrial and marine 1110Jl usks. She received her Ph.D. fron, . Harvard University in 1954. Her dissertation on the Teredinidae remai ns a standard \VOrk to this day. From 1954 through 1975 she served as Research Associate in the Department of Mollusks ai the Museu,n of Co111parative Zoology. Alexander Agassiz Fellow in Zoology and Ocean­ ography, and Lecturer in Biology at Harvard. In 1976 she becan1e Professor of Biology. Curator in Malacology at the Museu111 of Comparative Zoology. and joint editor of the scientific journal Joh11sonia. Ruth received honorary D.Sc. degrees fron1 New England College and Plymouth State College of the Unjversity of New Hampshire, and held honorary appointn1ents at the Academy of Natural Sciences in Philadelphia, the Woods Hole Oceanographic lnstitution. the Gray Museun1 at the Mari ne Biological Laboratory at Woods Hole. Leigh University, CSIRO and the University of New South Wales in Australia. the University of Puerto Rico. and as an FAO FellO\V in India. Ruth was honored by the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution as a "Women Pioneer in Oceanography.'' On a lighter but no less important note. Ruth \Vas named "Diver of the Year" by the Boston Sea Rovers, an educational society of whjch she v,as a very proud n1e111ber. Ruth served terms as President of both the American Malacological Union and the Boston Malacological Club. She was a Honorary Life Men,ber of the National Shell Fisheries Association. Ruth was a pioneer in the field of n1arine biodeterioration research, and enjoyed a long tenn relationship with the Office of Naval Researc h. This, co111bined with her work in invertebrate and larval ecology, took her to 111any corners of the globe including France. Belgium, Netherlands, England, Gennany, Denn1ark. Puerto Rico, India, Pakistan, many locations in Australasia, South America. and the former Soviet Union. Although a lead.ing researcher, she enjoyed teachi ng at alI levels fron, special courses for public school teachers. to undergraduate and graduate teaching, to her gentle persuasion of fellow researchers to look at a proble111 or a data set in another li ght. Ruth's v.rork also took her on many oceanographic cru ises and to the depths of the ocean. On August 13, 1971, she beca111e the first woman to dive in the deep submergence research vehicle ALVlN. This was the first of n1any dives and a deep sea career that included long term biodeterioration and species diversity work in rhe deep ocean (it \Vas Ruth who explained why so little \VOOd ren,ained on the Titanic when it was found deep in the North Atlantic Ocean), and participation in n1u lti -investigator cruises to the Galapagos Rift systc 111.


Despite a career fil led with discovery, innovation. and firsts, the 1nost n1en1orable component of Ruth's character that ren,ains wid, the majority of people who n1et her is her \Varmth and friendliness, and her desire 10 show the excitement of science to all. Her love of science was effusive. She had a unique ability lo share her science with audiences of all ages and skill levels. She was equally a superb teacher, illustrator. and practical scientist fron1 fine work with the electron microscope 10 dissections of material from the field. Ruth taught and n1entored man y scientists at many levels. unselfish ly giving of her time and energy to advance their careers. I consider myself fortunate to have enjoyed such direction fron1 Ruth. Ruth shared much of her science through her pubJi cations. over I 00 in all. Ruth worked actively until well after her 80th birthday. She left un finished two n1ajor works, a 111onograph on her studies of deep sea borers and a con1prehensive illustrated catalog of the pholads. Her coll eagues have committed to finish these. Throughout her career Ruth made un ique contri bu ti ons in malacology and deep sea biology. She \.vas an internationally respected educator and researcher. an ambassador for marine and biodeteriorati on studies, and an outstanding role model for ,vomen in science. Ruth is su rvived by her sisters Winifred Garrity and Lina MacNeil. Ruth was predeceased by her brothers Henry and Arthur, and her sisters Jessie. Mary. and Frances. Ruth never n1arried. but had a large extended family of colleagues and students. She will be sadly 1njssed. Roger Mann Professor of Marine Science· School of Marine Science Virginia Institute of Marine Science College of Williarn and Mary Gloucester Point. VA 23062


1942. Edi1or. 811/letin of New Bird life. vol. 6(8-12):56-104. 1943. Birding the firs t year of the war. 8111/. Mass. A11tl11bo11 Sociery 28(2):33-42. 1944. Vassar bird~. Vassar Alr111111t111 Maga~i11e 33(-1):15-17 1946. The genus 8a11kia in the \.Yesten1 Atlantic. Jo/111soT1ia 2( 19): 1-28. 16 pis. (with W. J. Clench). 1946. John Gould Anthony. with a Bibliography and Catalogue of his Species. 0cc. Papers 011 Mol/11sks 1(8):81- 108. 15 pl. 1947-1948. Republication: Henry Krebs-1864 The Wesl Indian marine shells. Rev. Soc. Malacologica Carlos de la Torre (Habana) 5:21-40; 59-80; 9 1- 116 and 6:l l-43: 45-48. (with W. J. Clench and C. G. Aguayo}. 1947. Review: Fauna of Ne w England, List of , by C. W. Johnson, I 9 15. Jo/111.sonia 2(23):92. 1947. Review: A Lisi of the Mollusca of the All anric Coas1 from Labrador to Texas, by Johnson. C. W. 193-1. Joh11so11ia 2(23):92. 1947. Procedimientos para recolectar bro1nas y otros moluscos perforentes marinos. Rei•. Soc. Ma/aco/ogicc1 Carlos de la Torre ( Habana) 5(2):43-44. 1947. Collecting shipworn1s. Limnological Soc. America. spec. publ. no. 19: 1- 8. 1ex1 figs. 1948. A new Thais fro111 Angola and notes on Thais haemastoma Linne. A111erica11 fllfus. Nol'itares. no. 1374: 1-14. I pl. 1948. The genus Tr1111carella in the western Atlantic. Jolmsonio 2: 149- 164. pis. 65-73 (with W. J. Clench). 1948. Willia,n Henry Fluck. 1870-1948. N(l11ti/11s 62:69-70. 1948. A catalogue o f the famil y Trunca1ellidae wiLh notes and descriptions of new spec ies. Otc. Papers on Alfol/11sks I: 157- 212, pb. 22-24. (with W. J. Clench). 1948. The family Tonnidac in the western Atlaniic. Jah11sonia 2(26):165- 192. 11 pis. 1949. Sea shells I determination of all shells liguredl. life Maga:i11e 27(7):72- 75. (with W. J. Clench). 1949. Review: A n1anual of 1he Recent and fossil marine pe lecypod mollusks of1he Hawaiian Islands. by W. H. Dall, P. Barcsch and H. A. Rehder, 1938. 0 cc. PaperJ n11 J\1/ollusks I (14 ):231. 19-19. Review: Reef and Shore Fauna of Hawaii. by H. H. Edmondson 1933. 0 cc. Papers 011 1\lf01/11.sks I ( 14 ):231- 232. 19-19. Re \ iew: A collection of Japane~c shells wi th illustrations in natural color. by S. Hira~e. 1934. 0 cc. Papers 011 Mollusks I ( 14):232. 1950. The wes1ern A tlanric marine mollusks described by C. B. Adams. 0cc. Papers 0 11 Mollusks I( 15):233-403, pis. 29-49. (with \V. J. Clench). 1950. The voyage o f 1he Toma;, Barrera. Joh11:,011u1 2('.!8):220. 1950. The genera Srhe1101:wis. Cirsnrre11u1. Acirsa. Opalit1. and A111aea in rhe western Atlamic. Jo/111sonit1 2:221- 248. pis. 96-107. (with W. J. Clench). 1950. Review: Sullivan. M. C. 1942. Bi va lve Larvae of l\1a lpeque Bay. Prince Edward Id., Bulletin 77. Fisheries Research Board of Canada. pp. 1-36. 22 pl,. Joh11:.011i" 2, p. 248. 1950. Edward Chilly, with a bibliography and a catRlogue of his species of Jamaican J:ind 1nollu~ks. Orr. PClpt!n· A,/11s. /11.,1. Jamaica, no. I: 1- 12, I pl. (with W. J Cknch). 1951. The genus Epuo1111 1111 1n the wcs1ern Atlan1ic. Part I: subgenera Epun11i11111 , .s.. Cyc/oscC1!11, Gyro.,·ca /11. J11/111:.n11io 2:249-288. 23 pis. ( 11 i1h W. J. Clench). 1951. Rcvrcw· The Shell Collector, Handbool., by A. H. Verrill. 1Vot11rol HiM01y 60\5): 199. 1951 . Review: The Sc:1 Shore, by C. M. Yonge 1949. 0cc. Papl'r.1 n11 /\/ol/usks I( 16):410--4 11. 1951. Review· N.1tur:II Hi,tory of Marine A11i1nal,, by G. E. um.I Netuc l\1acGtnilre l 949. 0cc. Paper:.

1953. Monographs of the Marine Mollusks of the Western A1lantic. Joh11sonia 2(19-32):357-359. 1953. [Supple,nent 10] The Genus Bankiu in 1he Western Atlantic. Jo/111so11ia 2(34):357-359. (wilh D. J. Brown). 1953. Recenl works on the n1arine mollusks of Argentina. Jol111so11ia 2:380. 1954. The fo.1nHy Pholadjdae in tbe western Atlantic and rhe eas1em Pacific, Part l: Pholadinae. Jol111so11ia 3: 1-63, pis. 1-34. 195-l. Supple,uenl 10 John Gould Anthony (0cc. Pap. no. 8). 0cc. Papers on Mollusks I ( 18):442. 1954. Supplen1en1 to the Catalogue or 1he Family Truacatellidae (0cc. Pap. no. 13). 0cc. Papers on Mollusks 1(18):445. {wi th W. J. Clench). 1954. Supplemenl to \Vestern Atlantic Marine Mollusks Described by C. B. Adams. (0cc. Pap. no. 15 ). 0cc. Papers on Mollusks I ( 18):447. (with W. J. Clench). 1954. Review: Ensaio de Ca1alogo dos tvro luscos do Brasil. by Frederico Lange de Morretes 1949. 0cc. Papers 011 Nlollusks I( 18):449. 1954. Review: Catalogo de la Malacofauna Antarctica ArgenLina by A. R. Carcelles. Jo/111so11ia 3:64. 1955. The family Pholadidae in the wes1em A1lanLic and Lhe eastern Pacific, Pan TI: Martesiinae. Juanne1ii nae and Xylophaginae. Joh11so11ia 3:65-100. pis. 35-93. 1955. The Nonh A.merican genus Lioplax in the fan1ily Viviparidae. 0cc. Papers on 1\101/usks 2:J-20, pis. 1-4 (with W. J. Clench). 1955. Scaphopods of the ALlantis dredgings in Lhe wes1em Atlantic with a ca1alogue of Lhe scaphopod types in the Museum of Con1parative Zoology. Deep Sea Research. suppl. to vol. 3. pp. 309-320. 1955. The Genus Melongena (abstract). A.M.U.-20th Ann. Meeting p. 10. 1955. Collecting shipwonns. [in] How to collect shells. pp. 32-35 (American l\llalacological Union). 1955. The work of Charles B. Adams in 1he West Tndies and Pana111a. A11,. Malacological Union Ann. Rep1. for 1955 pp. 7- 8 (abstract). 1956. The family Melonginidae in the western Atlantic. Johnsonia 3: 161-188, pis. 94-109 (with W. J. Clench). 1956. /l/e/011ge11a corona Gmelin, an excellent marine laboratory mollusk. Turtox News 34: 106-108. pis. 1-2. 1956. Notes on Xylophaga washingtona Hansch and on the genus. Na11ril11s 70: 10-12. 1956. Additions to Lhe Western Atlantic Marine Mollusks described by C. B. Adanis. 0cc. Papers 011 Mollusks 2: 134-136, I pl. 1956. Additions 10 the Pholadidae-Part n. Joh11so11ia 3(35 ): 188. 1956. The eas1em Pacific mollusks described by C. 8 . Adams. 0cc. Papers 011 Mollusks 2:21-133. pis. 5-21. 1956. Freshwater mollusks of Alaban1a. Georgia and Florida from the Escambia to the Suwannee River. Florida Stare /It/us. Bull. I :97-239, 9 pis. (wilh \V. J. Clench). 1957. Charles Johnson Maynard and his work in 1nalacology. 0cc. Papers 011 Mollusks 2: l 37-152. I pl. 1957. Molluscan wood borers. !in] Symposium on wood for marine use and ilS protection from marine organisms. American Soc. Testing Ma1erials, Spec. Tech. Publ. no. 200: 10-13. 1957. The fan1ily Cyn1atiidae in the western Atlantic. .lohnsonia 3: 189-244, pl. l 10-135 (with 'vV. J. Clench). J 958. The genus He111irroc/111s in Pueno Rico. 0cc. Papers 011 /11/ollusks 2: 153-l 80. pis. 23-30. 1958. The family Pinnidae in the western Atlantic. Johnsonia 3:283-326, pis. 149-17 1 (with J. Rosewa1er). 1958. The works of Georgius Everhardus Rumphius. Johnsonia 3:326-327. 1958. Review: Voyage Aux Iles de Teneriffe. La Trini1e Saini-Thomas, Saint Croix e1 Pono Rico by Andre Pierre LeDru. 0cc. Papers on Mollusks 2(22): 179-180. 1958. Review: The Museum Boltenianum or the Bolten Catalogue. Johnsonia 3:283-284. 1959. Notes on the genus Taheiria (Truncarellidae) in New Guinea wit h the descrip1ion of a new species. 0cc. Papers on Mollusks 2: 181- 188, pis. 31-32. 1959. The genera He111iro111a and Diodora in th.e western Atlantic. Joh11so11ia 3:334-344, pis. 176-179. 1959. Henry A. Pilsbry. Johnsonia 3: introduction ii-iv. 2 pis. 1959. Notes on Lhe feeding of Nle/011ge11a corona. Na11ril11.s 73: 11-13. 1959. 1\!fe/ongena egg cases. Nc,111i/11s 73:77. 1959. The status of systematic work in the Teredinidae. Sy1nposium on marine boring and fou ling organisms. Univ. \Vash.ington Press. pp. 124-136. 1959. Two new genera of land mollusks (Papuininae) from the Central Highlands of New Guinea. J Malacological Soc. Ausrralia no. 3:4-9, pl. I. text figs. 1- 3 (wi Lh 'vV. J. Clench). 1960. Some 1echniques for anatomical work. Ann. Repr. An,. Nla/acological Union for 1959:6-8. 1960. Land s hells of Navassa l.sland. Wesl Indies. Mus. Comp. 'Zvol. Bull. 122:233-244, 7 pis. 1960. Moun1ing minu1e radulae. 1Va11rilus 73:135-137. 1960. A new Meliobba from Schrader Range, New Guinea. J. Malacological Soc. Australia no. 4:30-31, 1 pl. (with W. J. Clench). 1960. The occurrence of a nemaLode parasi1e in the genus Srylodon_ J. Ma/acologica/ Soc. Australia no. .i:56-59. text fig. I, pl. 7 (with M. A. Pi.lli). 1960. The genus Calliosro111a in the wes1em A1lan1ic. Jolmsonia 4: 1- 880, pis. J- 56, I tex1 fig. (with W. J. Clench). 1960. Teredo sen de mens. Co1Tespondentiblad van Nederlandse Malacologiscbe Vereniging. 110. 91 :924-925. [Translated into Dutch by C.O.V. Regteren. Allena]. 1961. Helix pomaria Linne, colonized a1 Plymouth. Mass. Na111i/11s 74: 122. 1961. NaruraJ history museums of Europe. AnL Malacological Union Repr. for 1960: 13-14. 1961. Report on the American Malacological Union meeting at McGill University. A111. /\tla/acological Union Repr. for 1960:28- 32. 1961. Review: Traite de Zoologie. Vol. 5 fascicule 2. Embranchemenl des Mollusques pp. 1625- 2164. 0cc. Papers 011 1\101/usks 2:260. 1961. Pleuroromariidae in Bennuda wa1ers. Naurilus 74: 162-163. 1961. Remarks on Netlastomella and Jouannetia. A111. Malacological Uniori Repr. for 196 J: 17-18. 1961. The genus Lig11opholas Turner (Mollusca: Pholadidae). Mirr. Zoo/. Mus. Berlin 37:287-295. 1962. Nerrasromella japo11ica Yokoyan1a in North America and no1es on tl1e Pholadidae. 0cc. Papers on Mollusks 2:289-308. 7 pis. 1962. Ne" names introduced by H. A. Pilsbry in the i\1ollusca and Crustacea. Acad. Nar. Sci. Philadelphia, spec. publ. no. 4: 1-218 (with W. J. Clench). l 962. Books help beachcombers play the shell game. Natural Hisro,y 71 (7 ):.J.-7. 1962. The genus Lithophaga in tbc wesLem Atlantic. Johnsonia 4:81- 1 J6, 19 pis. ( with K. J. Boss). 1962. Review: Bri1ish Prosobranch Molluscs, their funcrional anatomy and ecology. by V. Freuer and A. Graham. Jo/111so11it1 .i: 116. 1962. James H. Orton. his contribuLions to the field of fossil and Recent mollusks. Re"· /\tlus. Argenrino Cienc. Nar. Bernardino Rivada1•ia, Buenos Aires. 8:89-99. 10 lN ME.t-.10R IAM: R UTH DIXON TURNER

1963. Monographs of the geoera Papusryla. Forcarria, and Me/iobba (Papuininae: Camaenidae). J. Malc1cological Soc. Australia no. 6:3-33 (wi th W. J. Clench). 1963. Nest building in the bivalve n1ollusk genera, /\l/11sculus and Lima. The Veliger 6:55- 59 (with A. S. Merrill). 196-1. The subfamilies Volutinae, Zidoninae. Odontocymbiolinae and Calliotec1i nae in the western Atlantic. Joh11so11ia 4: 129-180, 30 pis. (with W. J. Clench). 1964. Snail. Encyclopedia Britannica p. 848 A-848 H. 11 figs. 1964. Review: Fauna und Flora der Adria, by R. Riedl. Jo/111so11ia 4: 180. J 96~. Monographs of the genera Megalacron and Rhyridoconcha (Papuininae: Camaenidae). ./. Malacologicol Soc. A11s1ralio no. 8:36-71 l with W. J. Clench). 1964. Anatomical relati onships in the Teredinidae. An n. RepL A1nerican Malacological Union for 1964:16-17. 1965. !vlussel. [in] Encyclopedia Britannica, pp. 1096-1098, 2 figs.: 1964. ibid .. Snail. pp. 848A-848H. 11 figs. (Other articles in the Encyclopaedia Britannica include: Jl~ollusk. Periwinkle, Cockle. Quahog, Piddock, Teredo. Whelk, Scallop, and Chiton). 1965. Introduction. 0cc. Papers 0 11 /\lloll11sks 2: I-xvi. 1965. Joseph C. Bequaert. 0cc. Papers 011 Mollusks 2:i- ix. 3 pis. 1966. Monograph of the genus Rhy11chorrochus (Papuininae. Camaenidae). J. A1alacol. Soc. Australia, no. 9:59- 95, text figs. 1-6, pis. l5-22 (wi th V..1• J. Clench). 1966. A survey and illustrated catalogue of the Teredinidae. Spec. publ. Museum of Comparative Zoology, 265 pp. 64 pis .. 25 text figs. 1966. So1nc results of deep water testing. Ann. Repr. Am. Malocological U11io11 for 1965. pp. 9-1 1. 1966. Report 10 the govermnent of India on systen1atic and biological research on marine wood-bori ng Moll usca. FAO Report TA 2155, pp. 1-30. 1966. ln1plications of recent research in the Teredinidae. Beihefte zu Material und Organismen. Berlin, Heft l. pp. 437-446. 1966. l\llarine borer research i.n cooperation wi tb the Office of Naval Research. Report of Fi rst Inter-American Naval Research Congress. 1967. A new species of Lyrio (Volu1idae) fro1n Hispaniola. Na111i/11s 80:83-84. figs. 2-3. 1967. Teredo. Encyclopedia Britannica pp. 861-862. 1967. A new species of fossi l Chiamys from Wright Valley, .t-.1cMurdo Sound, Antarctica. New 2,_,afand J. Geology Geophysics 10:446-455. fig~. 1-5. 1968. The Xylopbagainae and the Teredinidae-a study in contrasL~. Ann. Rept. An1. 1\1/tdacologico/ Union for 1967, pp. 46-48. 1968. Monograph of the genus letirio (Papuininae: Cainaenidae). J. Molocologicol Soc. A11s1rolio, no. 11:32-49, pis. 3-7. text figs. 1-2 (with W. J. Clench). 1969. Biological studies in marine wood borers. A1111. Repr. Am. Ma/acological U11io11 for 1968. pp. 14-16. (with A. C. Johnson). 1969. Review: The shell, five hundred mill ion years of inspired design, by H. & M. Sti.x and R. T. Abbou. Na11rral History 78:60-62. 1969. Pholadacea. [in) R . .t-.1oore (ed.). Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology. IN) Mollusca 612 of 3):702-742. figs. 162- 21~. 1970. Some problems and techniques in rearing bivalve larvae. Ann. Repr. Am. /vl olacologicol Union for 1969. pp. 9-l2, I p l. (with A. C. Johnson). 1970. Richard Winslow Foster. .loh11so11ia 4:ii-v. 2 figs. 1970. The family Volutidae in the western Atlantic. Joh11so11io -1(48):369-372, pis. 172-17-1. (with W. J. Clench). 1971. Some anato1nical and life history studies of wood boring bivalve systeniatics. All/I, Repr. An,. Molacologicol U11io11 for 1970, pp. 65-66 (with John Culliney). 197 1. Identi fication of marine wood boring moll usks of the world. [in I l\llarine Borers. Fungi and Fouling Organisms of Wood. Chapter I. pp. 18-64. Published by the OECD. 197 l. Biology of the marine wood boring moUusks of Lhe world. Tbid .. Chapter 13. pp. 259-30 I. (with A. C. Johnson). 197 1. Review: Beneath Australian seas. by Walter Deas and Clarrie Lawler. Ausu·alian Newsletter N. S. no. 2. p. 9. 197 1. Australian shipworn1s. Australian Natural History, Sydney, 17(4): 139-145, 4 pl5. 1972. Land and freshwater ,nails of Savo Island. Solon1ons. wilh anatomical descripLions (Mollusca. Gastropoda). Stee11s1r11pia (Zool. Mus. Univ. Copenhagen). 2( 15):207-232, pis. 1- 13 (with W. J. Clench). 1972. Result.'> Of an internaLional cooperative research progran1 on the biodeteri oration of ti mber submerged in the sea. Marerial 1111d Orga11is111e11 7(2):93- 118 (with E. B. G. Jones. H. Kuhne and P. C. Trussell). 1972. A new genus and species of deep water wood-boring bivalve (Mollusca. Pholadidae. Xylophagainae). Bosreria 36:97-10-1. tigs. 1- 12. 1972. Teredicala rypicu~ C. B. Wilson, 1942 (Copepoda, Cyclopoida) fron1 in Australia, New Zealand, and Japan. A11srralio11 J. A/urine c111d Fresh1,•01er Re.1. '.13( I ):63-72. figs. 1-16 (with A. G. Humes). 1972. Linc photo micrography: A 1001 in biological Mudies. Bulleti n o r the A1nerican Malacological Union. p. 30. 1972. Cincmicrographic studies of crawling behavior in larval and juvenile bivalves. (with .I. L. CullineyJ. 1972. Xyloredo. new leredinid-likc abyssal wood-borers (Mollusca. Pholadidae. Xylophagainae). Breviora, MCZ, no. 397: 1- 19. pl!.. 1-6. 1973. Wood-boring bivalves, opportunisti c species in the deep sea. Science 180: 1377-1379. 2 figs .. I table. 1973. Deep water wood-boring n1ollusks. Proc. Third lnternnuonal Congress on t\1ar1ne Corrosion and Fouling. Nat. Bur. Standards. Gaithersburg., Maryland, pp. 836-841. 1973. The biologist... view of the Teredinidae and their control (with a docurnentary fi l,n on the life history of the Tered1111dae). Proc. Third International Congre;~ on Manne Corrosion and Fouling. Nat. Bur. Standards, Gaithersburg. Maryland. pp. 83-87 ( with J. L. Culliney). 1974. In the path of a warm ~aline effluent. Am. J\!/a/aculogiral U11i1111 811/L for 1973, pp. 36-W. figs. 1-3. 1974. A new blind Physa from Wyo111 111g wilh notes on 1h ad,1ptauon to the cave en\"ironment. 1Va111i/11s 88/3):80-85. 19 figs. (with V.1• J. Clench). 197-1. Ne\, approaches and technique:. for Mudying bivalve lar; ae [in l \V. L. Smith & M. H. Chan le) (ed,.). Culture of t\1arine Invertebrate Anin1n ls, pp. 257-271, 2 lig,. Plenum Publi,hing Corp.. N.Y. (With J. L. Cull,ney and P. J. Boyle). 1975. Review The Shell t\1akcrs, Introducing Mollu,ks. by Alan Solt.:n1. J. Fisll<'ries Res. 80<1rJ Cc11uulc1 3~(5):719-720. 1975. Stud1e\ of bivalve lnrvae u,ing the ~canning c lccLron microscope and criucal point drying. 8111/. A111. J\1a!C1ctllog1ccd l/111011 for 1974. pp. 59-65 (wuh P. J. Boyle). 1976. Larval de\elopmcnt of the wood horing piddocl.. A,Jar1e.1it1 .11ricuu (Linnaeu,) (Mollusca: Pholadidael J E..1pl!r. 1iJ11ri11I' Biol. and Ecolo~y 22:55-68. tcxl fig~. 1-4 ( with P. J. Bo) lel. 1976. Fi \alion and pre,,:r;•atinn of mari nc 1t1oplanl,,1n11. I 1n I 1-1. F. S1eed1nan (c

1976. Search for a weak link. Proc. Workshop on Biodeterioration of Tropical Woods. (D. Bullman, editor). Naval Res. Lab. Washiogton. D.C.. pp. 31~0. 1976. Son1e factors in,·olved in the settlement and 111etamorphosis of marine bivalve lan·ae. [in] Sliarpley & Kaplan (eds.). Proc. 3rd. Lnternational Biodegradation Symposium. pp. 409-416. 1976. Larval develop1nem of the deep-water wood boring bi valve Xylophaga atlantica Richards (Mollusca. Bi val via. Pholadidae). Ophelia 15(2): 149-16 J ( with J. L. Culliney). 1976. Marioe biodeteriogenic orgaaisms. I. Lignicolous fungi and bacteria and tbe wood boring Mollusca and Crustacea. Intern. Biodererior. 8111/. 12( -1 ): 120-134 (with G. Jones. S. E. Furtado and H. Kuhne). 1976. Reproductive pattern in an abyssal snail. A111er. Zoo/. 16(2):269 ( with M . A. Rex and C. A. Van Umn1ersen). 1976. Bivalve larvae, their behavior, dispersal and identification. Proc. U.S.-U.S.S.R. Workshop in Biological productivity and biocheo1istry of the worlds oceans, pp. 23-25 [in] J. Costlow (ed.). Ecology of Fouling Communities. 1977. Control of marine borer attack oo wood. U.S. Pmeot 4.012,529 (with J. D. Bult1nan & L. Jurd). 1977. Genetic similarities of wood-boring bivalves (Pholadidae and Teredinidae) based on comparisons of allozy1nes. Biol. 8111/. 153(2):420 (with T. J. Cole). 1977. Developmem, ,netamorphosis and natural history of the nudibranch Doridella obscura Verrill (Corambidae: Opisthobranchia}. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 27:171-185 (witb F. E. Perron). l 978. Contribution of field and life history studies to an understanding of some cases of opportunism. [i n) U.S.S_R.-U.S.A. Syn1posi u1n on the Program Biological Productivity and Biochemistry of the Words Oceans, pp. 241-244. 1978. Wood, mollusks. and deep-sea food chains. Bull. A,n. Malacological Union for L977, pp. 13-19. figs. 1-3. 1978. Genetic relations of deep-sea wood-borers. 8111/. Am. A1alacological Union for 1977. pp. 19-25 (with T. Cole). 1978. The feeding behaviour and diet of Calliosron1a occide11tale. a coelenterate-associated prosobranch gastropod. J. /1101/. Stud. 44: 100-103 (with F. Perron). 1979. Mollusks as prey ofariid catfish in the Fly River. New Guinea. 8111/. A,11. Malacological Union for 1978, pp. 33-40, pis. 1-6 (\vith T. R. Roberts). 1979. New techniques for preparing shells of bivalve larvae for examination with tbe scanning electron microscope. Bull. Am. Malacological Union for 1978. pp. 17-24, pis. 1-3 (wi th C. B. Calloway). J 979. The role of phytoplankton in the diecs of adult and larval shipworrns. Lyrod11s pedicella111s (: Teredinidae). Esn,aries 2( 1):58-60 (with J. A. Peche1tik and F. A. Perron). 1979. Bankia ne~talia n. sp. (Bivalvia: Teredinidae) from Australia-New Zealand. and its relationships. J. Royal. Soc. Nell' Zealand 9(4):465-173 (with J. L. McKoy). 1979. High Larval Dispersal Capability of a Deep-sea Hydrothermal Vent Bivalve front the Galapagos Rift. An1erican Society of Zoologists Meeting [abstraccs]. Dec. 27-30. 1979. 1979. Reproductive pauem in the abyssal snail. Benrhonella tenella (Jeffreys). [in] S. Stancyk (ed.). Reproductive Ecology of Marine Invertebrates. Belle W. Baruch Library in Marine Science. pub!. no. 9. pp. 173-188 (with M.A. Rex and C. A. Van Ummerson). 1979. Biology. life history and relationships of 'Z.Clchsia ~enkewitschi. XIV Pacific Science Congress. Khabarovsk. AbstraclS, Co1n1ninee F. Sec. I la. pp. 139-141 (with Y. M. Yakovlev). 1979. Galapagos 79: Initial findings of a deep-sea biological quest. Oceanus 22(2):1 - 10 (with F. Grassle and metnbers of the cruise). 1980. Macrobiodegradation of plastics. Proc. -Ith International Biodeterioration Symposium. Berlio-Dalhen1. pp. 117-122 (with G. J. L. Griffin). 1980. Range extension of terecLinids (shipworrns) and polychaetes in the vicinity of a temperate-zone nuclear generating station. 1\1arine Biology 58:55-64 (with K. E. Hoagland). 1980. The giant white clam from the Galapagos Rift. Ca/yptogena magnifica n. sp. (Bivalvia: Vesicomyidae). Ma/acologia 20(1): 161- 194 (with K. J. Boss). 1980. Larval dispersal of a deep-sea hydrothermal vent bivalve from the Galapagos Rift. Marine Biology 57: 127-133 (with R. A. Lutz, D. Jablonski. and D. C. Rhoads). 1980. Evolution and adaptive radiation of shipwonns. Htdiotis 10(2):68 (with K. E. Hoagland). 1980. EffeclS of closed-culture co1npetitive interactions on gro,vth of Teredo navalis. Biological 811/le1i11 159(2):465 (with G. A. Tracy and C. J. Berg). 1981. '.).lood Islands and Them1al Vents as centers of diverse communities in the deep-sea. Bio/ogia Mo,)'a. no. I. pp. 3-10 [in Russian. translation by Plenum Publishing Co.]. 1981. Physiological aspects of wood consumption. growth. and reproduction in the . Lyrodus pedicellatus Quatrefages (Bivalvia: Teredinidae). J. Exp. Mar. Biol. and Ecol. 52:63-76 (with S. Gallager and C. Berg). 1981. Preliminary observations of bacteria and shipworms (Bivalvia: Teredinidae). Biol. 8111/. 16 1:332 (with A. Wright. C. Cavanaugh, R. Mann). t 981. Evolution and adaptive radiation of shipworms. 1\1.alacologia 21 ( l-2):l l.1 - 148 ( with K.. E. Hoagland). 1981. Life cycle of Zochsia ~enkewitsclti. bivalve n1ollusk with dwarf males. [in] Sixth Al l-Union Conference oo Embryology Abstracts of paper [in Russian]. Nauka. Moscow p. 207. 1982. Feeding types in vent macro-organisms. AbstraclS of Papers of the 148th Natl !Vleeti ng AAAS. 1982:3-1. 1983. The ecology and reproduction of Zochsia ~enkewirschi. a 1eredinid with dwarf inales. Proc. XIV Pacific Science Congress, Khabarovsk. USSR. August 1979. Secti on Marine Biology 2. Genetics and Reproduction of Marine Organisn1s. pp. 2l5- 2t9. figs. 1-5 (with Y. Yakovlev). [in Russian]. 1983. Documentation and implications of rapid successive brooding in the sh1pworm. Lyrod11s floridanus (Mollusca: Bivalvia). Proc. XIV Pacific Science Congress, Khabarovsk, USSR. August 1979. Section Marine Biology 2. Genetics and Reproduction of Marine Organisn1s, pp. 172- 177, figs. 1-2 (with C. B. Calloway). [in Russiao]. 1983. Dwarf males in tbe Teredinidae (Bivalvia: Pholadacea). Science 219:1077-1078 (wiLh Y. Yakovlev). 1983. A Cellulolyric nitrogen-fixing bacterium cultured from tbe glru1d of Deshayes in shipworms (Bivalvia: Teredinidae). Science 221 :1401- 10-13 (with J. Waterbury and C. B. Calloway). 1983. S01ne aspects of the life history of a bivaJve mollusc. Z,achsia ~enkel1'itschi. Biologiya Marye, 9(5):27-34 (with Y. Yakovlev and E. M. Karaseva) [in Russian]. Documentation and implications of rapid successive gametogenic cycles and brood~ in rhe ~hipworrn, Lyrodus jloridanus (Bartsch) (Bivahia: Tere­ dinidae). J. Shellfish Res. 3(1):65-69 (with C. B. Calloway). [Sept. 1984]. 12 IN M EMORIAM: RUTH DIXON TURNER

1984. An overview of research on 111arine borers: past progress and future directions. linl J. D. Costl ow and R. C. Tipper (eds.). Marine biodeterioration: an mterdisc,plinary study, pp. 3-16. Naval Institute Press. Annapolis. Maryland. 1984. Some aspects of tlle life history of Zachsia :e11kell'i1schi (Teredinidae. Bi valvia). The Soviet Journal of Marine Biology 9(5):257-264. Plenum Publishing Corp. . N.Y.. Translation fro1n tl1e Russian- Biologiya Morya 1983. (with Y. M. Yakovlev with E. M. Karaseua). 1984. Growtll and distribution of mollusks at deep-sea vents and seep~. Ocea11us 27(3):55-62 (with R. A. Lutz). 1984. Larval development and dispersal at deep-sea hydrothermal vents. Scie11ce 226: 145 1- 1~54 (with R. A. Lull and D. Jablonski). 1984. Larval ecology of mollusks at deep-sea hydrothermal vents. Bull. Am. Ma/aco/ogical Union. Ann ual Meeting. Norfolk, Virgini a, Jul y I984 (with Phillippe Bouchet and Richard A. Lutz). 1985. Notes on mollusks of deep-sea vents and reducing sediL11ents. A1nerican Malacological BulleLin, Special Edition No. I: 23-34. ln Perspectives in Malacology: A Symposium 10 Honor- Dr. Melbourne and R. Carriker. 1985. Modes of larval development at deep-sea hydrothermal vents. [in] l\1. L. Jones (ed.). Hydrothermal vents of tbe eastern Pacific: an overvie,v. 8111/. Biol. Soc. Washington. no. 6. pp. 167- 184. figs. 1-28. (with R. A. Lutz and D. Jablonski). 1985. Squat lobsters, M1111idopsis, associated witb mesh enc l.osed wood panels sub1nerged in the deep-sea. American Zoologist 25(4):1 4 I A [abstract]. (wi th A. B. Willi runs). 1985. Hydrothermal vents. sulfide seeps and mollusks. A 111. Malacological Bulleti11 3( I. ):96 [abstract for I 984 n1eeting]. 1985. Description of a hydrocarbon seep community on the Louisiana slope. Am. Zoologist 25(4): JOA [abstract]. (with C. J. Denoux , M. C. Kennicutt. R.R. Bidigare, J.M. Brooks. R. R. Fay, M. L. Jones). 1985. \Villi am J. Glench. October 24, 1897-February I 984. Malacological Rev. 18: I 23- 124. 1986. Larval ecology of mollusks at deep-sea hydrothermal vent.~. A111. Malacological Bu/le1i11 4( I ):49-54 ( with R. A. Lutz, P. Boucher, D. Jablonski. and A. Waren). 1986. The language of benthic marine invertebrate dcvelopn1ent patterns: problems and needs. [in] M. -F. Tho1npson. R. Sarojini and R. Nagabhushanam [eds.], Biology of bentnic 1narine organisms: Techniques and methods as applied to the Indian Ocean. Bombay: Oxford and 1BH Publishing Co. pp. 227-235. figs. l-10 (with J. A. Peche nik and C. B. Call.oway). 1986. Squat lobsters (Galatheidae: Munidopsis) associated with mesh-enclosed wood panels sub111erged in the deep sea. J. Crustacean Biology 6(3): 617-624 (wi th A. B. Williams). 1986. The biology of molluscan hard-substrate borer, . International Conference on tvlarine Sciences of the Arabian Sea. March 28-April 2. I986, Karachi. Pakistan. Abstracts p. 35. 1987. Seasonal recruitment of marine invertebrates to hard substrates on Georges Bank and the eastern continental shelf of the LJn ited States. Na111i/11s 101( 1 ):19- 24 (witll C. J. Berg, B. Butman and J. A. Early). 1987. Species pairs in the Teredinidae. international research group on wood preservati on. Document No: IRG/WP/4142: 1- 2 (with C. B. Calloway). 1987. Species pairs in the Teredinidae. A1nericru1 Malacological Union Ann ual rvteeting July l 9-23 Key West. Florida. Program p. ~ (Abstract). (with C. B. Ca lloway). 1987. lntroducuon to Symposium on Deep-Sea Hydrothern1a l Vents :rnd Cold-Water Seeps. 153rd Natioaal Meeting of the American Acaden1y for the Advance,nent of Science, Chicago. 14-1 8 February, Abstracts or Papers p. 2 1. 1988. B1odeterioratio11- Multidisciplinary, collaborative research. [i n] M-F. Thompson. R. Sarojini and R. Nagabhushana1n (eds.) Marine Biodererio­ ralion- Advanced Techniques Applicable to lhe lndian Oceai1. Bombay. India Oxford and JBH Publishing Co. PVT. LTD. pp. 3- 12. 1988. B iodeterioration- M u ILidi scipl inar y. col laborali ve research. [in I 1'1-F. Thomp ,on. R. Saroj in i and R. N agabhushana,n (eds.) Marine B iodeterio­ rai ion- Brooding in the Teredinidae /Mollusca: Bi valvia). Bombay. India Oxford and IBH Publishing Co. PVT. LTD. pp. 215-226 (wilh C. B. Call oway). I 988. Recruitment of marine invercebrates 10 hard substrates at deep-sea hydrorhennal vents on the East Pacific Rise and Galapagos ,preading center. Deep-Sea Research 35( I 0/1 1): I 833-1849 (with C. L. van Dover, and C. J. Berg). 1988. Wood. phytoplankton. dissolved organic 1naterial and nitrogen in reredinid nutrition (Mollusca: Bi va lvia: Teredinidae). [in] M-F. Thornpson and N. Tirn1izi (eds.) Manne Science of the Arabian Sea, Proceedings of the lnternarional Conference- Washington, D.C.: Institute of Biological Sciences. pp. 585-606. 1988. Cellulolyti c nitrogen-fixing bacteria in the Tereuiaidae (tvlollusca: Bivalvia). [inl Biodeterioration 7: pp. 743- 748. (Dr. Houghton. R. N. Smi1h and H. 0. W. Eggi ns, Editors). 1989. The Pholadacea [in I Fauna of Australia. P. Beesley Ed. I989 . The Genera Marresit, and Lig11opholas in the lndo-Pacific. ( Mol Jusca: Bi valv1a: Ph oladidaeJ Ophelia 30(3): 155- 156. ( with L. N. Santhakun1aran). 1990. Xylophilc osrracodc, in tlle deep-sea. Proc. Aberwy,twyth conference on ostracodl, (with P. L. Steineck. R. F. l\lladdocks. G. Cole, and R. Whalley). I in) O;tracod:i and Global Events. pp. 307- 319 (R. Wh,uley and C. Maybury. Ed itors). 1990. Specie, Richness and Di versity of Alga 1-A;sticiated M icromol Iuse an com mu nitie~ from Sao M ig.uel. Acores. Acoreana. 1990. Supplement: pp. 39- 58 (with R. C. Bullock, and R. A. Fralick). 1990. Bivalve, of hydrothennal vents and reducing. sed i111cnt, . Founh l111ernaiional Congress of Sys1ematic and Evoluuonary Biology. Univer,ity of Maryland: College Par!.,. rvtaryland. July. I990 . (Ab,tract) ( wil11 E. A. Cobabe). 1992. Characteri,mtion anti site tlescnption of Solem ya boreali.1. (Bivalvia; Solemyiclae), another bivalve. bacteria syn1bi o~is. J\1ari11e Bioln11y I 12:601 - 61 3. (with N l\11. Conway, 8 . L. Howes, J. E. Capu,,o. and C. M. Ca,anaugh). 1992. Type, :1nu Prevention of BiocJeterioration in the Deep Sea. Inuo -Uni teu Staie, Mee1ing nn Recent Devek1pments in Biofnuling Control. Ba ngalore. (Ab,tracts Plenary Scs,,,on: CJ. 1992. Deep Sea Wood Borer, and Ancien1 Wreck, A1nerica11 Ma lacolog.ical Union Bulleti n. Annual Meeting August 2-7. Sara,ota. Florida (Ab,tract p. 31! ).