Wm the White Slip
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~STERREICHISCHE AKADEMIE DER WISSENSCHAFTEN DENKSCHRIFTEN DER GESAMTAKADEMIE, BAND XX THE WHITE SLIP WM OF LATE BRONZE AGE CYPRUS Proceedings of an International Conference Organized by the Anastasios G. Leventis Foundation, Nicosia in Honour of Malcolm Wiener Nicosia 29th130h October 1998 Edited bY VASSOS KARAGEORGHIS Editorial Assistance: Ernst Czerny and Ian A. Todd VERLAG DER~STERREICHISCHENAKADEMIEDERWISSENSCHAFTEN WIEN 2001 ~STERREICHISCHE AKADEMIE DER ~ISSENSCHAFTEN DENKSCHRIFTEN DER GESAMTAKADEMIE, BAND XX Contributions to theChronology of the EasternMediterranean Edited by Manfred Bietak and Hermann Hunger Volume II VEBEAG DER OSTEBBEICHISCHEN AKADEMIE DER WISSENSCHAFTEN WlEN 2001 Vorgelegt von w. M. MANPWI) ~IIC’I’AK in der Sitzung am 17. Marz 2000 Gedruckt mit Untersttitzung der Universitat Wien Spezialforschungsbereich SCIEM 2000 ,,Die Synchronisierung der Hochkulturen im o&lichen Mittelmeerraum im 2. Jahrtausend v. Chr.” der Gsterreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften beim Fonds zur Forderung der Wissenschaftlichen Forschung Special Research Programme SCIEM 2000 “The Synchronisation of Civihsations in the Eastern Mediterranean in the Second Millennium B.C.” of the Austrian Academy of Sciences at the Austrian Science Fund British Library Cataloguing in Publication data. A Catalogue record of this book is available from the British Library. Alle Rechte vorbehalten ISBN 3-7001-2935-l Copyright 0 2001 by Gsterreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften Wien Layout: Angela Schwab Gesamtherstellung: Weitzer t Partner GmbH, A-8045 Graz Printed and bound in Austria 5 CONTENTS Abbreviations . 6 PrefaCebyVASSOSKARACEORGHIS . 7 Preface by the Editors of the series . 8 V ASSOS KARAGEORCHIS WhyWhiteSlip? . 9 ELENI ALOUPI, VASSILIS PERUIKATS~S and A NNA LEKKA Assessment of the White Slip Classification Scheme based on Physioo-chemical Aspects of the Technique . 15 IAN A. Tonn and DESPO PIIX)ES The Archaeology of White Slip Production. 27 M ERVYN PO~~HA~I t Problems Encountered in the Preparation of the Section on White Slip Ware for SCE IV . 45 PAUL AsTltO~l The Relative and Absolute Chronology of Proto White Slip Ware . 49 K ATHRYN 0. ERIKSSON Cypriote Proto White Slip and White Slip I: Chronological Beacons on Relations between Late Cypriote I Cyprus and Contemporary Societies of the Eastern Mediterranean . , . 51 ALISON K. S OUTH and L OUISE STEEL The White Slip Sequence at Kalavasos . 65 G ERALD CADOCAN , E LLEN H ERSCHER , P AMELA RUSSELL and S TURT M ANNING Maroni-Vournes: a Long White Slip Sequence and its Chronology . , . 75 R OBERT S. M ERRILLEES Some Cypriote White Slip Pottery from the Aegean . 89 LUCIA VACNh”ITI How far did White Slip Pottery Travel? Some Evidence from Italy and from the Libyan Coast . 101 MICHAL A RTZY White Slip Ware for Export? The Economics of Production . 107 M ARGUERITE YON . White Slip Ware in the Northern Levant . , . , . , . , . 117 ELIEZER D. OREN Early White Slip Pottery in Canaan: Spatial and Chronological Perspectives . 127 C ELIA J. B ERGOFPEN The Proto White Slip and White Slip I Pottery from Tell el-Ajjul . _ . 145 T RUDE DOTHAN White Slip Pottery from Tel Miqne-Ekron in Philistia and Deir el-Balah: Stratigraphy, Chronology and Function . 157 PETER M. F ISCHER White Slip I and II from Tell Abu al-Kharaz, Jordan Valley: Pottery Synchronism and Dating . 161 MANFRED B IETAK and I RMGARD HEIN The Context of White Slip Wares in the Stratigraphy of Tell el-DabCa and some Conclusions on Aegean Chronology . 171 MALCOL~I H. W IENER 1 The White Slip I of Tell el-DabCa and Thera: Critical Challenge for the Aegean Long Chronology . 195 IAN A. T ODD Early Connections of Cyprus with Anatolia . 203 GeneralDiscussion. ..~............................................................ 215 White Slip Conference: Addresses of Contributors . , . , . , . , . , . 225 Bibliography . 227 THE W HITE SLIP I OF TELL EL-DABCA AND THER A: CRITICAL CFULLENGE FOR THE AEGEAN LONG CHRONOLOGY * Malcolm H. Wiener In recent years the Aegean Long Chronology, which absorbed from the atmosphere was greater than the places the eruption of Thera during a mature stage of amount of decay resulting from the half-life of the LM IA at 1628 BC, has gained many adherents. “C atom (M ANNING 1995). Unusual sunspot activity Advocated by BETANCOURT ( 1987)) N IEMEIER (1990) has been suggested as a possible major cause for this and M ANNING (1995)) the Long Chronology has been phenomenon, along with varying rates of release of accepted as a matter of fact in review articles in the 'Y! by oceanic, atmospheric and stratospheric reser- American Journal of Archaeology (DAV IS 1992 , voirs. The oceans contain about forty times the 736-37; idem 1995,733 [ “dendrochronology and rein- amount of radiocarbon as the atmosphere (W IENER terpretation of precision radiocarbon dates have now forthcoming b). virtually resolved the dispute... “]; R UTTER 1993, 756; The second main factor cited in support of the R EHAK and Y OUNGER 1998, 97-100); in an article Aegean Long Chronology is evidence of a major cli- entitled “Revising Bronze Age Chronology” in the mate-forcing event affecting tree-ring formation in magazine Archaeology that refers to “the 1628 BC 1628 BC, with the eruption of Thera suggested as the eruption of Thera ” (R OSE 1995, 20), and recently in likely event in question. The 1628 BC event is reflect- a review of the current state of Aegean archaeology ed in trees in higher elevations in California and in in the Journal of Archaeological Research (BENNET trees in northern Europe. A splendid data set of and G ALATY 1997, 83-84). Others, including in par- sixty-two logs from a posterngate at the Hittite ticular P. W ARREN (e.g., W ARREN and HANKEY 1989; fortress at Porsuk above the Cilician Gates, 840 km. W ARREN 1998), have steadfastly upheldthe Aegean to the east of Thera, shows average growth of 240% Short Chronology which would place the eruption of of normal in 1628 BC, with individual logs showing Thera between 1530 and 1500 BC. growth of as much as 740% of normal (K UNIHOLM et Advocates of the Long Chronology rely princi- al. 1996 and pers. comm.). ’There is, however, no pally on two factors: radiocarbon dates and the indi- direct evidence to link the 1628 BC tree-ring event cations (and absence of indications) in tree rings of with the eruption of Thera rather than another vol- climate-forcing volcanic eruptions. As to the for.mer, cano or some non-volcanic climatic disturbance. Long Chronology adherents contend that radiocar- The most cogent argument for the Aegean Long bon dates indicate early dates for the beginning of Chronology lies in the fact that there is no indication the Aegean Late Bronze Age and the Theran erup- in the tree-ring sequences of long-lived trees - the tion (B ETANCOURT 1998). The radiocarbon evidence, bristlecone pines of southern California, foxtail however, remains inconclusive for a number of rea- pines of the California-Nevada border, or oaks of sons, particularly the notorious ‘back-bending ’ or Ireland, England or Germany - of a severe climatic ‘oscillating ’ calibration curve for the period ca . event between 1550 and 1450 BC, the dates within 1670-1535 BC, during which the amount of“C trees which the massive Theran eruption that buried LBA ’ I am deeply indebted to Manfred Bietak and Irmgard Hein, and James Weinstein for much beneficial commentary and Kathryn Eriksson, Robert Merrillees and EliezerOren for advice; to Hector Catling for an extensive commentary dis- making available to me their contributions to this confer- tilling four decades of experience with the material and the ence and allowing me to incorporate their research and con- sites; to Mervyn Popham for a detailed and most helpful clusions with my own; to James Allen, Susan Allen and line-by-line critique; and to Jayne Warner andBragan Daphna Ben-Tor for permitting me to see their review prior Thomas for editorial assistance. to publication; to James Allen, Susan Allen, Dorothea Studies of the direction of the fall of Theran pumice from Arnold, Celia Bergoffen, Manfred Bietak, Mary Jaye Bruce, the Bronze Age eruption show a strong dispersion to the east Kathryn Eriksson, Vassos Karageorghis, Peter Kuniholm, (NINKOVI ’I’CH and HEEZEN 1965; S TANLEY and SHENC; 1986; Sturt Manning, EliezerOren, Jeremy Rutter, Peter Warren SULLIVAN 1988; KM,I,EH et al. 1990; GUICHARD et al. 1993). 196 Malcolm Ii. Wiener Akrotiri would fall on the Aegean Short Chronology. of the work of K. K ITCHEN and also M. B IERBRIER Work is ongoing as to why a massive eruption might on the Third Intermediate Period, there now exists a not be recorded in a distant tree-ring record. Possi- continuous sequence of textual sources allowing New ble reasons include: (1) an eruption of low sulfur con- Kingdom dates in all likelihood to be fixed within tent; (2) an eruption outside the spring to early fall about a dozen years (BTERRI~IEI~ 1975; K ITCHEN growth season for trees and hence less likely to 1987, 1991a, 1991b, 1992, 1996a and 1996b; W IENER impact tree growth significantly, and whoseejecta 1998a). The most likely date now for the accession of are dissipated or offset by other factors prior to the Tuthmosis III, in whose reign interconnections with following growth season; and (3) an eruption whose the Aegean and Cyprus become marked, is Kitchen ’s effect on the trees in question is diminished or offset preferred Egyptian Middle Chronology date of 1479 by conditions of cloud cover, wind velocity and direc- BC, although 1490, the next available lunar date, tion, temperature and/or soil moisture (W IENER remains a possibility (K ITCHEN 1987, 4&41). forthcoming b).3 The chronology of the preceding Second Inter- Unfortunately we do not ‘as yet have a sufficient- mediate Period in Egypt is not securely based on a ly comprehensive and sensitive nearby Aegean or succession of interlocking texts and inscriptions, but Anatolian dendrochronological sequence for the rather rests in the first instance on the Turin Canon, years 1550 to 1450 BC.