Georgetown University Law School, Washington, D. C., May, No
VOL. 3 GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY LAW SCHOOL, WASHINGTON, D. C., MAY, NO. 1 Father Lucey Completes 20 Years Georgetown Student Bar Association A s Regent of Law School Inaugurates Successful Program Law School Has Made Great Strides Under His Direction The Student Bar Association of Georgetown University held its first annual election in October, 1950. The new all-student organization is affiliated By William Smith, ’53 with the American Law Student Association. Elected to lead the organization were: Roger M. Dougherty, AT. </., ’51, President; ( harles F. Crimi, A. I ., ’52, Vice President; Robert E. McGannon, Mo., *51, Secretary; and William J. McDonald, N. Y., ’52, Treasurer. This first regular election was preceded by many months of work by temporary committees composed of law students. In May, 1.950, the chief justices of each law club in the law school met to discuss the possibility of forming a student organization here at Georgetown Law School. The pro posed organization was to function along the line of similar student organiza tions in many of the major law schools of the country. With the approval of the Regent of the Law School, the plans for the proposed organization began with the election of a student committee to form a definite organization during the summer. Donald M. Walsh, N. J., ’52, was chosen chairman pro tempore of a LAW JOURNAL TO HOLD committee composed of Richard L. Braun, Calif., ’51, George J. Mei- BANQUET AT WILLARD burger, Mo., \52, William I. McCol- The Georgetown Law Journal will lough, Mi7.s\s*., ’52, and Harry H.
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