Single-Employer and Multi-Employer Lockouts Under the Taft-Hartley
SINGLE EMPLOYER AND MULTI-EMPLOYER LOCK- OUTS UNDER THE TAFT-HARTLEY ACT BERNARD D. MELTZER* P HE growth of multi-employer bargaining' has been accompanied by increased litigation regarding the legality of the so-called multi-employ- . er "defensive" lockout, i.e., a lockout by the unstruck members of a multi-employer bargaining unit, who are subject to an express or implied strike threat, in response to a strike called against one or more members of their group after an impasse in negotiations for a master contract. Although such a lockout may raise anti-trust questions, 2 as well as questions under the Taft- Hartley Act, recent litigation has arisen exclusively under the Taft-Hartley Act. This litigation has made only one thing clear: The NLRB, according to the reviewing courts, is always wrong. Thus the initial position taken by a majority of the Board (pre-Eisenhower), that defensive lockouts are illegal under the Taft-Hartley Act, was rejected by the courts of appeals in three circuits. 3 A new * Professor of Law, University of Chicago Law School. xFor estimates of the number of employees involved consult Collective Bargaining with Associations and Groups of Employers, 64 Monthly Lab. Rev. 397,398 (1947); Collective Bar- gaining Structures: The Employer Bargaining Unit, Bureau of Labor Statistics (1953). The former is discussed in Pierson, Prospects for Industry-Wide Bargaining, 3 Indust. & Lab. Rel. Rev. 341, 360 (1950). 2The author plans to discuss these questions in a forthcoming issue of this Review. 3Morand Bros. Beverage Co. v. NLRB, 190 F. 2d 576 (C.A.
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