Promoting Oral Health in Schools: a Resource Guide (4Th Edition)

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Promoting Oral Health in Schools: a Resource Guide (4Th Edition) Promoting Oral Health in Schools A Resource Guide Fourth Edition Prepared by Ruth Barzel, M.A. Katrina Holt, M.P.H., M.S., R.D., FAND Cite as Barzel R, Holt K, eds. 2019. Promoting Oral The following National Maternal and Child Oral Health in Schools: A Resource Guide (4th ed.). Health Resource Center (OHRC) staff members Washington, DC: National Maternal and Child Oral also assisted in the development of this publica- Health Resource Center. tion: Sarah Kolo and Olivia Pickett. Promoting Oral Health in Schools: A Resource Permission is given to photocopy this publication Guide (4th ed.) © 2019 by National Maternal and or to forward it, in its entirety, to others. Requests Child Oral Health Resource Center, Georgetown for permission to use all or part of the information University contained in this publication in other ways should This publication was made possible by coopera- be sent to the address below. tive agreement #U44MC30806 from the Health National Maternal and Child Oral Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), Resource Center an operating division of the U.S. Department of Georgetown University Health and Human Services (HHS). Its contents Box 571272 are the responsibility of solely the authors and do Washington, DC 20057-1272 not necessarily represent the official view of HRSA (202) 784-9771 or HHS. E-mail: [email protected] Web site: Contents Introduction ............................... 3 Acknowledgments .......................... 4 Materials .................................. 5 Data and Surveillance ..................... 6 Care .................................. 12 Dental Sealants ......................... 13 Education .............................. 19 Fluorides .............................. 21 Nutrition .............................. 23 Program Development ................... 25 Federally Funded Project Final Reports ...... 27 Organizations ............................. 29 Introduction Schools are ideal settings in which to reach Students can pass health-promotion messages children and adolescents and, through these on to family members. And schools can take the children and adolescents, families and com- lead in integrating oral health into their general munity members. During childhood and ado- health curricula. lescence, oral health behaviors develop, along The National Maternal and Child Oral Health with beliefs and attitudes. Children and adoles- Resource Center (OHRC) developed this pub- cents are receptive to new information, and the lication, Promoting Oral Health in Schools: A earlier healthy oral habits are established, the Resource Guide (4th edition), to help health greater their impact. Messages about achieving professionals, program administrators, educa- and maintaining good oral health can be rein- tors, parents, and others promote oral health and forced regularly throughout the school years. prevent oral disease in school-age children and Encouraging children and adolescents to adopt adolescents. healthy oral health habits equips them with skills The resource guide is divided into two sec- enabling them to make healthy decisions and tions. The first section describes materials, such adopt healthy lifestyles. as brochures, fact sheets, guidelines, curricula, Schools can provide supportive environments and reports. The materials listed in this sec- for promoting oral health. A safe physical envi- tion were published from 2015 to 2019. The ronment in the playground and throughout a second section lists federal agencies, national school can help reduce the risk of oral trauma. professional associations, resource centers, and If appropriate policies and practices are in place, national coalitions that may serve as resources. necessary action can be taken in case of a dental Our intent is to share resources that are useful emergency. School policies and practices to and that represent current science and practice. ensure that healthy foods are offered for school For further information, we encourage you to meals, in vending machines, and for school contact the organizations listed. Your state and events promote healthy eating behaviors begin- local departments of health, state and local oral- ning at an early age. More important, schools health-related associations and societies, state or may be a place for children and adolescents at local oral health coalitions, and university-based the highest risk for oral disease to access oral libraries are additional sources of information. health care via school-based or school-linked ser- OHRC will update the resource guide periodi- vices. Schools can also serve as vital channels to cally, and we would appreciate hearing from you communities. School personnel can target health- if you know of any relevant resources that are promotion activities to homes and communities. not included in this edition. PROMOTING ORAL HEALTH IN SCHOOLS: A RESOURCE GUIDE 3 Acknowledgments We are grateful to the following experts from contributions to this edition of the resource the Association of State and Territorial Dental guide: Donna Behrens, Nichole Bobo, Terri Directors’ School and Adolescent Oral Health Chandler, Matthew Crespin, Betty Kabel, Debora Committee for their review and numerous Teixeira, and Sandy Tesch. PROMOTING ORAL HEALTH IN SCHOOLS: A RESOURCE GUIDE 4 Materials Materials Data and Surveillance 2015–2016 ORAL HEALTH STATUS OF UTAH’S CHILDREN 2013–14 DIGITAL CENSUS REPORT This report presents findings from a statewide oral health screening of 2,000 students in first This report presents findings from a national through fourth grades in 47 elementary schools survey of centers and programs connected with to measure the extent of untreated tooth decay, schools to document the role of school-based caries experience, prevalence of dental sealants, health centers (SBHCs) in meeting the health care and need for oral health care. Additional topics needs of children and adolescents. The report include dental insurance coverage, time since describes the funding sources that support the last dental visit, unmet needs, and disparities in SBHCs, policies, and characteristics of schools care. The report also contains a comparison of where SBHCs are located. The analysis and data Utah’s oral health status with national goals, the presented in the report include SBHCs that pro- study methodology, information about access to vide primary care. Topics include growth; access; care by race and ethnicity, program resources, comprehensive care, including behavioral health a list of participating schools, and the parent and oral health care; adolescent care; health sys- questionnaire. tem partnerships; sustainability; and accountability. [Funded by the Maternal and Child Health Bureau] Love HL, Schelar E, Taylor K, Schlitt J, Even M, Burns A, Mackey S, Couillard M, Danaux J, Mizzi Love HL, Schelar E, Taylor K, Schlitt J, Even M, A, Surti D, Windham D. 2015. 2015–2016 Oral Burns A, Mackey S, Couillard M, Danaux J, Mizzi A, Health Status of Utah’s Children. 33 pp. Salt Lake 2013–14 Digital Cen sus Surti D, Windham D. 2015. City, UT: Utah Department of Health, Oral Health Report. Washington, DC: School-Based Health Program. Alliance. 1 v. resources/2015-2016%20Oral%20Health%20 Survey.pdf 2014–2015 SCHOOL HEALTH DENTAL SCREENING SURVEILLANCE REPORT 2016 IOWA THIRD GRADE ORAL HEALTH This report provides information from an oral SURVEY REPORT health screening survey of students in 1st, 2nd, This report provides an overview of a survey of 4th, 7th, and 10th grades from 89 schools in 2,470 students in third grade in Iowa. It pres- Nebraska conducted in 2014–2015. The survey ents the survey objectives, protocol, and results, had two primary objectives: (1) measure partici- including oral health status by economic status pation of schools that were providing required and payment sources for oral health care. It also oral health screenings and (2) assess oral health includes a discussion of how to interpret the status among a convenience sample of Nebraska results. schoolchildren. The report discusses surveillance methods, limitations, and results. Characteristics Chickering S, Rodgers T, Kaiser E, Kane D. of respondents are presented, and recommenda- 2016. 2016 Iowa Third Grade Oral Health Sur- tions are included. [Funded by the Maternal and vey Report. Iowa Department of Public Health, Child Health Bureau] Bureau of Oral and Health Delivery System. 6 pp. Nebraska Department of Health and Human Ser- 2016%20Third%20Grade%20Survey%20FINAL% vices, Maternal, Child, Adolescent Health. 2016. 209_23_16.pdf 2014–2015 School Health Dental Screening Sur- veillance Report. Lincoln, NE: Nebraska Depart- ment of Health and Human Services, Maternal, Child, Adolescent Health. 13 pp. gov/MCAH/SchoolR-DentalHealthSurveillance Final.pdf PROMOTING ORAL HEALTH IN SCHOOLS: A RESOURCE GUIDE 6 DENTAL EXAMINATION COMPLIANCE STATUS of participating schools and students and the OF KINDERGARTEN, SECOND, AND SIXTH percentages of children with a history of tooth GRADE CHILDREN IN ILLINOIS FOR SCHOOL decay, untreated decay, and urgent oral health care needs by race and ethnicity. Contents YEAR 2013–2014 include a comparison of oral health indicators This report summarizes statewide dental exami- from 2006 and 2014 and recommendations for nation compliance and oral health status of health professionals. children in kindergarten and second and sixth
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