Diploma Thesis of Tobias Hahn
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Numerical simulation of 3D particulate flows based on GPU technology Diploma thesis by Tobias Hahn Universit¨at Karlsruhe (TH) Institute for Applied and Numerical Mathematics IV AG Numerical Simulation, Optimization and High Performance Computing Supervisor Prof. Dr. Vincent Heuveline Second reader Jun.-Prof. Dr. Jan-Philipp Weiß Date of registration: November 1st 2008 Date of submission: April 30th 2009 AG Numerical Simulation, Optimization and High Performance Computing Abstract This thesis deals with a particular problem out of the research field of computational fluid dynamics, the numerical simulation of fluids containing soluted rigid particles. Such problems arise within a variety of applied sciences, such as medicine, ecology and engineering and need to be studied in detail in three-dimensions. So far most scientific publications on this topic either dealt with 2D phenomena only or the be- havior of a very few particles in 3D. The reason for this being most of all performance constraints of the used simulation techniques and hardware. This thesis aims to accomplish a high-performance simulation of a large number of particles in 3D by using co-processor technology. The landscape of such accelerators is reviewed thoroughly and assessed according to their versatility in scientific com- puting in general and the above problem in particular. Graphics processing units (GPU) are identified as technology of high potential, promising powerful computing abilities while being increasingly easier to program. In order to fully benefit from the advantages of this new kind of hardware, the complete simulation development process is reviewed. A model for particulate flows is derived from the very basis of continuum mechanics leading to a constraint Navier- Stokes problem. The solving methodology is chosen to fit the GPU’s architecture and achieve best possible performance results. The implementation of the numerical method is done on the basis of intensive eval- uation of the GPU used, by means of key scientific computation kernels. Final benchmarks of components of the particulate flow simulation demonstrate the suc- cessful use of GPUs to accelerate the computation by at least a factors of 3 and up to 20 in selected sub-routines. Contents 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Motivation................................. 2 1.2 Goals.................................... 3 1.3 Outline................................... 4 1.4 Acknowledgement............................. 4 2 A model of moving rigid particles in viscous incompressible flow 5 2.1 Introductionandproblemformulation. ... 5 2.2 Fundamental physical principles . .. 6 2.2.1 Continuummechanics . 6 2.2.2 Newton’slawsofmotion . 6 2.2.3 Kinematics from an Eulerian andLagrangean point of view.. 7 2.3 Governingequations ........................... 8 2.3.1 Fluidmotion ........................... 8 2.3.2 Rigidbodymotion ........................ 10 2.3.3 Initialandboundaryconditions . 11 2.3.4 Collisionhandling. 11 2.3.5 Modelimprovements . 12 2.4 Numerical simulation methods . 12 2.5 Fictitiousdomainformulation . 14 2.6 Summary ................................. 16 vi Contents 3 Heterogeneous computing, GPGPU and CUDA 17 3.1 Approaches to heterogeneous computing . .. 17 3.1.1 MDGRAPE-3........................... 18 3.1.2 FPGAs .............................. 18 3.1.3 ClearSpeedacceleratorcards. 20 3.1.4 Graphicscards .......................... 20 3.1.5 Cellprocessor ........................... 21 3.1.6 Comparison ............................ 22 3.2 GPGPU .................................. 22 3.2.1 Thegraphicspipeline . 23 3.2.2 StreamprocessingwithGPUs . 24 3.3 CUDA................................... 25 3.3.1 The GeForce GT200 hardware architecture . 25 3.3.2 TheCUDAprogrammingparadigm . 27 Threadhierarchy . 27 Hardwaremapping . 28 3.3.3 The CUDA application programming interface . 30 CLanguageextensions. 31 Run-timecomponents . 33 Texturemanagement. 36 3.3.4 NVCCandDebugging . 37 3.3.5 Performanceremarks . 38 Memory bandwidth exploitation . 38 Branching........................ 40 Block size to grid size to stream number ratio . 40 Scalability.. .. .. .. .. 41 3.4 Summary ................................. 42 Contents vii 4 Basic performance evaluation of the NVIDIA GT200 GPU 45 4.1 Testconfiguration............................. 45 4.2 Bandwidthtests.............................. 45 4.3 Key scientific computation kernels . .. 47 4.3.1 BLASfunctions.......................... 48 4.3.2 Sparsematrix-vectorproduct . 52 4.3.3 Discrete Fourier transformation - DFT/FFT .......... 59 4.4 Multi-GPUprogramming. 60 4.5 Fortraninteroperability. 62 4.6 Summary ................................. 64 5 Discretization of the model for particulate flows 65 5.1 Discretization in time with operator splitting . ....... 65 5.1.1 Advectionsub-step . 67 5.1.2 Diffusionsub-step. 68 5.1.3 Projectionsub-step . 68 5.1.4 Rigidbodyconstraint . 69 5.1.5 Collisionhandling. 71 5.2 Discretization in space with finite elements . ..... 72 5.2.1 Triangulationofthedomain . 72 5.2.2 Choiceofelements . .. .. .. .. 73 5.2.3 The Galerkin finite element method . 74 Weak formulations of sub-problems . 75 Elementmatrices . 79 5.2.4 Assembly of the Galerkin systems . 87 5.3 Summary ................................. 90 6 Implementation, evaluation and visualization 93 6.1 Computationalchallenges . 93 6.1.1 Anadaptedconjugategradientmethod . 94 6.1.2 Parallel handling of particle collisions . .... 97 6.2 Performanceevaluation. 97 6.3 Visualization ...............................100 6.4 Summary .................................102 viii Contents 7 Conclusion and future directions 103 7.1 Performance of GPUs in scientific computing . 103 7.2 Expenditure and benefit of hardware-aware numerical mathematics . 104 7.3 FutureDirections .............................104 7.3.1 Particulate flow modeling and accuracy improvements . 104 7.3.2 Outlook on future hardware and programming models . 105 A Appendix 107 A.1 Element matrices of the discrete particulate flow problem.......107 A.2 Structureplotsofmatrices . 111 Bibliography 115 Index 119 1. Introduction This thesis deals with the numerical simulation of particulate flows, i.e. the motion of rigid particles in viscous incompressible fluids. Clearly, the flow of fluids is influenced by the suspended particles, while the particle movement is affected likewise by while fluid phase. In this regard, particulate flows are a particular case of fluid-structure interaction problems and a major field of research in theoretical as well applied fluid dynamics. The combined motion of fluid and structure is described by highly coupled systems of differential equations whose solution in an efficient and accurate way is a challenging problem of computational fluid dynamics (CFD). A variety of models have been proposed for the described problem and of course, the choice of an adequate simulation method depends mainly on the simulation specifi- cations. In any case, a high simulation performance is always of importance, thereby turning attention to the hardware: different hardware architectures favor different methods and programming techniques, such that commodity implementations may not suite current developments in hardware architecture. In order to design a simulation method abreast with the latest developments in com- puter hardware, a deep insight into current chip design and computer architecture is needed for an assessment of suitability for the given purpose. In this thesis, a comparative survey of state-of-the-art co-processor technology is included, identify- ing graphics processing units (GPUs), as promising addition to scientific computing and qualified for the implementation of a particulate flow simulation. As with every new technology, theoretical performance estimations of accelerator hardware may differ widely from the performance achieved in real-world applica- tions. In order to successfully develop a simulation routine for execution on GPUs, thorough benchmarks are needed to identify possible bottlenecks. Only on the basis of this expensive preliminary work, a design for a hardware-fitted particulate flow simulation algorithm can be developed and implemented. As pure data-generation is only one part of the simulation, this thesis deals as a round-up also with the problem of effectively visualizing particulate flows. 2 1. Introduction 1.1 Motivation Particulate flows occur in a huge variety of forms in large-scale as well as small-scale phenomena and am subject of research of many different sciences: Hydrology explores transport processes in water, e.g. of nutrients, pesticides, dis- solved and soluted solids and sediments. Complex phenomena, such as erosion and particle sedimentation in river beds need to be studied theoretically by means of mathematical modeling. Ecology is another discipline in the group of environmental sciences, that aim to understand the many interactions of physical, chemical and biological processes happing in nature. One socially very important field of study of ecology is for example pollutant distribution in air and water - describable as a particulate flow. Medicine is interested in small-scale phenomena such as atherosclerotic deposits in human blood vessels or the impact of respiratoral dust on the lung function, again examples of particulate flows. Engineering, especially with a chemical and pharmaceutical focus, depends on the analysis of sophisticated mixing, drying and transport processes of differ- ent kinds. To understand the nature of