From ACADEMY OF MOTION PICfURE ARTS AND SCIENCES RUDER FINN & ROTMAN, INC. 8949 WILSHIRE BOULEVARD I BEVERLY HILLS. CALIFORN A 90211 -1 972 PUBL IC RE L ATIONS Academy Public Relations Counsel 3345 WHshire Boulevard 90010 (2 13) 385-5271 CHICAGO 444 N . Michigan Ave. 60611 (312) 644-8600 NEW YORK 30 1 E. 57th Street 10022 (2 12)7 15-1 506 WASHINGTON, D.C. 1225 19 th 5t .. N.W. 20038 (20 2) 466-7800 O S CAR CONTACT: CI A M.P.A.5 . ® Marci Blaze Ruder Finn (213) 385-5271 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE July 25, 1989



The Board of Governors af the Academy of Motion Picture Arts

and Sciences has voted to hold its 62nd Annual

Presentation at the Dorothy Chandler Pavilion of the Los Angeles

Music Center, it was announced today by Richard Kahn, president.

The ceremonies honoring 1989 achievements in motion pictures will

be held on Monday, March 26, 1990.

Kahn, in announcing the decision, noted that the Academy has

been quite please with the Shrine civic Auditorium, from which

the Os cars have been broadcast for the past two years. "The

Shrine Auditorium allowed the Academy to do some new and special

things with the 60th and 61st Academy Awards telecasts," Kahn said.

"At the same time we've always had a good relationship with the

people at the Dorothy Chandler Pavilion, and we've done nineteen

very handsome shows from that venue. The Board's feeling at the

moment is that we now have two very nice "homes" for the show,

each with its own special virtues. I'd expect to see us using

them both in future years."

The 62nd Annual Academy Awards Presentation will be

broadcast live by the ABC Television Network, beginning at 6:00

p.m. (PST).

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