Fixed links and the engagement of islandness: reviewing the impact of the Confederation Bridge GODFREY BALDACCHINO Island Studies Program, University of Prince Edward Island, Charlottetown PEI, Canada C1A 4P3 (e-mail:
[email protected]) Islands are the challenging targets of a global pursuit Les liens fixes et l’engagement de l’insularit´e: bilan in the closing of gaps, their distinct geography so far de l’impact du Pont de la Conf´ed´eration having seemingly eluded and mocked both human Les ˆıles sont les objectifs ambitieux d’une quˆete a` ingenuity and terra firma. This article seeks to l’´echelle mondiale visant a` combler tous les vides. deconstruct the concept of the bridge as more than Leur g´eographie distincte leur a permis jusqu’ace` just a value-free symbol of inexorable technological jour d’´echapper et se moquer de l’ing´enuit´e humaine progress, and uses islands as the reference point to et de la terre ferme. Cet article propose une flesh out such an argument. Bridges impact on the d´econstruction du concept du pont au-deladu` subtle balance between the characteristic symbole neutre associ´e au progr`es technologique, et ‘local–global’ nature of an island identity; such an prend les ˆıles comme point de r´ef´erence pour reposer impact is multi-faceted, complex and case-specific. un tel argument. Les ponts ont des incidences sur These ideas are applied to the specific case of the l’´equilibre subtil entre le caract`ere ‘local’ et ‘global’ Confederation Bridge, the 14-km structure linking de l’identit´e insulaire.