Annual Report 1996-97 ~~
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ftl/{J-cc 753 ANNUAL REPORT 1996-97 ~~ DIRECTORATE OF RICE RESEARCH (INDIAN COUNCIL OF AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH) RAJENDRANAGAR HYDERABAD-500030 ~~~ (cql'lol£J ~ ~ qf{lSJC::) ,(1:JiO:<;:1~1,(, %<Usll< - 500 030 ISBN 81-7232-012-4 Correct CztatlOn Annual Report 1996-1997 DIrectorate of RlCe Research RaJendranagar Hyderabad-500030, IndIa Complied by APK Reddy, V Ba1asubramaman, AV Rao, NP Sarma, Mahabir Smgh K Rama Rao, SV Subbmah, IC Pasalu, U Prasada Rao MN Reddy, M Ilyas Ahmed Edlted by APK Reddy, and K Knshnmah Publlshed by Dr K Knshnmah, Project DIrector DIrectorate of RIce Research, Rajendranagar Hyderabad-500030 PrzntedAt HERITAGE PRINT SERVICES (P) LTO ,Hyderabad - 44 Ph +91 (40) 760 2453 7608604 <J1te ~ ~ 01 tk. ~~ 01 RICe ReJ.eaIzcIt, (~,tI1), 1~ eo. ~ RICe1~~) a bJ. co.-~ ~ teduu; 0I1UCe pM- ~~,~~,~~a.Hd~~mtk. cMeM 01 ~ IUCe eco.-~ a.Hd bJ. ~~ 01 ~ a.Hd ~ ReJ.eaIzcIt, ~ IuuMt ken ~ a.Hd ~ bJ. ~ tIeeJe ~ <lite ,4~ Rep<Yd ~ tk. ~~a.Hd adwdte4 kuu; ~ a.Hd tk. ~~ ~,tI1),1~ eo.-~ RICe 1~ P~, ~ ~ a.Hd Led, ~ m ~~, ~, Vrvueid, 1~, ,4~, god gCleHCe, Plaid P~, ~, Plaid P~, ,tI~ ~ a.Hd e~ <l~ eenbut <lite ~ a tk. 01 tk. ~ 01 tk. ~01 ~RR a.Hd co.-~ ~ locaieJ ~ tk. ~ (!)~,tk.~wa4~~~~HUiedoHU~~ tudrud 0/UUded ~ ~~ 1996-97 iuJG ~ ~ w.e.'le ~ ~ cud!zd ~~ etUHHUitee a.Hd 18 ~ w.e.'le ~ ~ date ~~ ~ e~~~w.e.'leHUUkmtk.~eco.-~ ~ Uhe ~ ~ ped a.Hd ~ ~ /;vt ~ &uJ.p ~a.Hd~ ~ Me ~ bJ. ~ ~ ~ ~ UJdI" Naiuutd a.Hd 1~ ~ dJ-HlliJun, a; ~ ~ ku ken ~ ~ ~ ~~,~a.Hd~wIueJ"MeF~a.Hd~~ /;vt IUCe ~ a.Hd ~ gbuu«; ~ IJMe a kuu; Iuutt up at tk. ~~~~~~a.Hd~tk.~~ IUed. m oJu:ieA. bJ. Jue,p ruu:e UJdI" tk. up CiJ.HtUUf ~ m IUCe dc4uu:e a.Hd ~ K Krlshnalah PROJECTDIRECTOR CONTENTS SUMMARY v ABOUT THE INSTITUTE 1 RESEARCH ACCOMPLISHMENTS 3 VARIETAL IMPROVEMENT 3 Breedmg & Genetics 3 Hybnd Rice 20 BlOtechnology 23 Physiology 28 CROP MANAGEMENT 32 AglOnomy 32 Agncultural Engmeenng 41 Soil SCience 42 CROP PROTECTION 47 Entomology 47 Plant Pathology 59 COMMUNICATION AND TRAINING CENTER 66 Trammg and other extension activIties 66 INSTITUTIONAL ACTIVITIES 69 VISITS AND TRAINING 71 VISITORS 73 TECHNICAL PROGRAMME 75 PUBLICATIONS 80 LIST OF STAFF MEMBERS 87 ADMINISTRATION AND FINANCE 91 v I DRR Annual Report 1996 97 SUMMARY Directorate of Rice Research has the major ecologies Promlsmg genotypes SUIted developed over years an efficIent mechamsm to different ecological Situations With required for national level planning and executing duration were Identified multidisciplinary and multIlocatIon testmg DRR also facIlitates exchange of genetical matenal Breeder seed productron and mformatIon across the country It conducts A total of 41 released vanetIes SUited for lead research for Irrigated ecology through ItS ramfed Irrigated abIOtic stresses (saline and research projects, 7 ad-hoc projects, orgamses alkalme, high altitude) and basmatI growmg four major research networks Hybnd nce, areas were Involved In breeder seed Bzotechnology, QualIty nces and germplasm production which was orgamsed at 23 centres evaluatzon for bzotlc stresses In the country A larger quantity of 1272 qUintals of seed was produced which IS In BREEDING excess of the Government of India target set for the year Varretal release HYBRID RICE Three vanetles PKU 2R 281-PP-31-1 and Dhala Heera for ramfed uplands and one each Four new promlsmg hybnds KJT RH1 ASD 20 and Sonamam for lowlands and saline UPRH 27, PRH-1, HKRH - 1002 were areas respectively were Identified by State Identified and mvolved m on farm testing which Vanety Release Committees SimIlarly 14 had an yield advantage upto 2 tons Thirty vaneties VIZ, Snkakulam Sannalu Bharant, promlsmg hybnds have been Identified from Sravam, SwatI Penna Kesava Siva Indur National Hybnd Rice Tnals A dozen among Samba, ASD 19, ADT 42, C046 TPS 3, them selected for on-farm tnals mclude - 2RI Syamala, CORH 1, CRM 40 and Tapaswam 158 MPH 518 KMRH-2 UPRH 27, for state releases and Nldhl and Pusa 677-50 MTUHR 2040, TNRH 16, IR 62829 1032-9 for Central releases were approved for NBR82735 Irrigated areas dunng the year BIOTECHNOLOGY Forty five promISing vanetIes were Programme IS structured m the areas of Identified for wldel testing Of these 22 were (a) gene transfer and (b) gene charactensatlon for ramfed 14for lITIgated ecologies, whJ1e eight (DNA marker technology) wele for hIgh altitude areas m the country lET 14131 a super flOe aromatic nce was suggested Wide hybndlsatron SIX new CMS lines VIZ, for BasmatI growmg areas RPMS 11, RPMS 1 2, RPMS 1-3, RPMS 1 4, RPMS 2 and RPMS 4 were developed utllIsmg The All India co ordInated vanetal a mvara and a ruflpogon possessmg the Improvement programme mcluded 27 national deSirable floral traits such as higher stigma yield tnals 2 national screenmg nursenes, 3 exertion and higher out crossmg rate mternatIonal yield tnals and 8 mternatIonal observational nursenes A total of 1 091 Anther Culture Several doubled haplOids entnes were evaluated at 464 tnal sites (DH) mduced from F1 hybnd anther culture mvolvmg 98 locatIOns m 23 states representmg dId show 90% realisation of yield of F1 hybnd It was also establtshed besIdes genotypIc locations for understandmg crop responses to effects cytoplasm also strongly mfluences abIOtic stress conditions of upland and anther response to culture water logged ecologies, flowenng dates of parentallmes of nce hybnds and genotypes x" transformatIOn Usmg Blohstlc and environment mteractlon on growth and yield Agr'obactenum mediated transformation gene m lITIgated ecology transfer protocols were developed Transient expressIOn of mtroduced gus reporter genome Modern genotypes (lET 13170 and IS demonstrated and putative transformants are Tulasl) had higher crop and pamcle growth rates under further evaluation and greater stem reserves dunng gram flllmg under mild water stress conditions than the DNA markers and gene taggmg Genetic traditional upland vanetles The adverse effect studies on resistance to gall midge had brought ofwater loggmg stress on panicle number could out presence of atIeast fIve gall mIdge blotypes be overcome by mcreasmg plant denSity m (GMBs) and seven putative genes Impartmg direct seeded crop under water logged resistance The dommant gene confernng condition resistance (Gm2) to gall midge blotype-l has been mapped to nce Chromosome 4 by RFLP The study on G x E mteractlon on and HAPD analysIs A marker aided selection phenology, growth and yield of Irngated nce system IS developed by conversion of RFLP revealed that vanatlons m days to flowenng and markers mto PCR based HAPD markers Gm3 gram yields were more pronounced m early (t) gene Impartmg resistance to same biotype duration than m late duration cultlvars (GMB 1) but non allehc to Gm2 IS mapped to Chromosome 11 AGRONOMY Integrated use of green manure/FYM PHYSIOLOGY With granulated 'N' morganlc fertilizers IS a Phenology growth and productivIty of supenor agronomic practice than that of pnlled ten hybnds and two vanetles sown at three urea N on recommended 'N' baSIS to the first different dates m the dry season of 1996 were crop of nce as well as succeedmg nce crop m compared The phenological development was terms of gram yield Conjunctive use of hIgher more stable m hybnds but the decrease m gram fertilizer dose WIth organIC manures, number per panicle under later plantmgs was particularly With green manure (Dhamcha) more m hybnds than m vanetles The results mcreased the apparent recovery of N and higher mdlcate that the optimum date of plantmg for uptake of 'N and P' nutnents durmg rabl hybnds IS earher to that for vanetles m the dry season m general, With granular fertilizers m season particular A field study m 1996 WS on reduction Higher chlorophyll mdex values were of panicle density on fIlled gram percentage m found only m flag leaf dunng flowenng stage m 8 hybnds and 2 vanetles showed that reduc vanous hybnds as compared to scented and tion m panicle density of 70% of the control high yleldmg vaneties The correlation of (274 + or - 30 panicles per M2 at flowermg) SPAF-502 Meter values With colour chart was durmg gram fillmg phase dId not Improve filled posItive and Significant Highest correlation gram pel cent The results suggest that under (r=O 8) was recorded at pamcle mltlatlon stage normal condition assimilate availability may not of the crop be limiting the filled gram per cent Developed a specifIc agronomIc Expenments were conduded at 12 package of practices for hybnd and scented nce VII Thm nursery with shallow plantmg gave the N responsiveness In contrast VIJeta was found best results 10 terms of gram yield 10 HYVs to be highly N responsive vanety lack10g N use similar to Hybnds effiCiency trait at zero apphed N Butachlor + safener was found to be the Rice based cropping system Dual best m controllmg weeds and recorded use greengram yielded gram on the average comparable gram yields 10 direct sown nce 4 99 Q/ha beSides leavmg behmd 23 8 t/ha crop under puddled conditIOns with two hand reSidues for mcorporation Sunnhemp and weedmgs dhamcha contributed relatively higher biomass of about 50 t/ha each The succeedmg khan! AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING nce recelvmg green manures gave higher gram EvaluatIOn of direct seeders and yield over fallow (3 47 t/ha) Among the transplanters for rice crop establishment non-nce crops followmg khan! nce, groundnut Direct seedmg of pregermmated paddy with row was seen to benefited by damcha which seeder ehmmated the operations hke nursery contributed more soil organic matter Sesamum ralsmg and transplantmg saves labour and was observed to yield better 10 green manured