Revision and Checklist of the Moss Families Bartramiaceae and Mniaceae in Vietnam Timo KOPONEN1, Thanh-Luc NGUYEN2, Thien-Tam L
Hattoria 10: 69–107. 2019 Revision and checklist of the moss families Bartramiaceae and Mniaceae in Vietnam Timo KOPONEN1, Thanh-Luc NGUYEN2, Thien-Tam LUONG3, 4 & Sanna HUTTUNEN4 1 Finnish-Chinese Botanical Foundation, Mailantie 109, FI-08800 Lohja, Finland & Finnish Museum of Natural History, Botany Unit (bryology), P.O. Box 7 (Unioninkatu 4), FI-00014 University of Helsinki, Finland 2 Southern Institute of Ecology, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology, 1 Mac Dinh Chi, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam 3 University of Science, Vietnam National University Ho Chi Minh City, 227 Nguyen Van Cu, District 5, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam 4 Herbarium (TUR), Biodiversity Unit, FI 20014 University of Turku, Finland Author for correspondence: Thanh-Luc NGUYEN, Abstract The genera Fleischerobryum Loeske and Philonotis Brid. of the Bartramiaceae and the family Mniaceae (excluding Pohlia Hedw.) are revised for Vietnam, based on specimens studied and literature reports. Four species are added to the flora: Orthomnion javense (M.Fleisch.) T.J.Kop., Philonotis asperifolia Mitt., P. laii T.J.Kop., P. speciosa (Griff.) Mitt. syn. nov. (based on P. mercieri Paris & Broth.), and Plagiomnium wui (T.J.Kop.) Y.J.Yi & S.He. Eight species are excluded from the flora. Two taxa are considered doubtful. The flora now includes one species of Fleischerobryum, eight species of Philonotis, one species of Mnium Hedw. (doubtful), three species of Orthomnion Wills. and five species of Plagiomnium (one doubtful). The 15 species are divided into phytogeographical elements. Eight belong to the Southeast Asiatic temperate to meridional element, and seven to the Southeast Asiatic meridional to subtropical element.
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