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The Ledger and Times, December 17, 1947

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-17 Selected As Best All-Round Kentucky Community Newspaper For 194?


MEMBER WEATHER FORECAST UDIT KEN T C K V - Increasing BUREAU cloudiness today. Mostl y Of cloudy and not so cold to- IRCULATI S night. Some cloudiness to- rt. morrow obit slightly milder in afternoon.

United Press YOUR PROGRESSIVE H 0 M e NEWS- PAPER FOR 0‘ER HALF A CENTURY Murray, Kentucky, Wednesday Afternoon, Dec. MURRAY POPULATION -5187 Vol. XIX; No. 157 'Xmas Decorations ire nd Alexander Named Tiger sta Contest Closes Tree Planting Project To Be Living ice -up ich Dec6mber 22 le er F.I Captain At Grid Banquet The deadline for entries in the Memorial ire To H. Hume S. Decorations Science Contest is 6:00 Instructor ike ire p.m.. Monday. December 22, Mrs. rye Letters, Awards C. C. Farmer, chairman of the. committee, announced today. Red Cross Unit Biology Class To Set Ouf *cc tees les Already 30 entries have been re- O.• iii- Presented To ceived and many more are expect- Entertains Vets In On Arid Land To Flo?' s's.,`` Moser n't ) ed to comedn, she said. ge- Squad Members Outwood Hospital cv. .on The home in Murray with thi• ,4 if Ores of arid land 14 miles Oire most beautiful Christmas decora- are The Murray State College Red 4f4.olorray on the Eggner's Fer- Thirty-three members of the tion will receive a prize of $30.00 Ito Cross Unite presented an enter- Choral Program road will be planted with pine at Murray High School grid squad Second prize will be $20.00, third I. tainment program for the veterans seedlings sometime in February by 'se went into a huddle at the school prize $10.00, and three awards of of the Outwood Hospital. Dawson At High School th% 52 members of the Murray ow gym last night, with Coach Ty Hol- $5.00 each will by presented. Springs. on Sunday, December 7. High School biology class as a liv- its land calling signals. On the snap The contest is being sponsored ely The firstoperformance. which was Draws Full House ing memorial to W. B. Moser, number, the Tigers "tied into the ; bx the Retail Merchants Associa- it's given in the afternoon, included vo- The High science instructor at the school. most delicious T-bone steaks seen tion with the cooperation of the School auditorium was cal numbers by Marti& Maddox packed In their in Many a day. Garden Club division of the Mur- with townspeople last night study of conservation and Mary Alice Opydke, two to The occasion was the annual ray Woman's Club. and hear the annual high school the students decided that they piano selections by Bob Agee and Christmas school-sponsored feast for the grid- Assisting Mrs. Farmer on the music program. would like to take an active part in Mildred Parsons. A mixed men. Coach Holland acted as mas- committee are Mrs. Paul Gholson chorus of 250 voices, helping to reclaim the 12,000 acres under ter of ceremonies and presented and Mrs. M. G. Wrather. Lubye Robertson, Murray citizen, the direction of Miss Mary of useless land in Calloway County. Elizabeth Roberts, Supt. W. Z. Carter who expressed Only private dwellings within entertained the vets with several sang a number They also decided that the project of Christmas his appreciation for the 1947 foot- the city limits may be entered in unique tap dances. Wilma Lovins hymns and songs. might be undertaken to honor their ball squad and paid tribute to the the contest, officials announced. gave her interpretation of two dra- The stage was beautifully set instructor who is held in high es- and with a stained Tigers for their high calibre of Judging will take place on the matic skits. "Guiseppe." and "Katie glass window. teem by students and faculty alike. candles and Christmas sportsmanship displayed during the evening of December 22, and the Did." Elvis "Pinky" Pace acted greens. The Moser, a native of Lincoln Coun- 'entire chorus apel. wason. inners will be announced at the as master of ceremonies, • was robed with ty, has been science instructor at choir gowns. the high A. B. Austin. principal speak.' ' courthouse square on Christmas A one act play "The Pot toilers," school for 20 years. He re- Mem- of the evening, delighted The choral group was composed ceived his B. S. degree the bail Eve. recently given on the MSC campus. from Mur-. quet group of both high school and grade ray State College with his humorous re- was enacted at the evening per- in 1926. being a iy to marks school pupils. concerning certain mem- forrnance in addition to the material member of the first graduating bers of the squad. "Speaking on Many attending the program ex- class He earned his Master's de- London presented in the afternoon pro- pressed the opinion iy to behalf of the townspeople. I wish Dentist that this was gree at the University of Ken- gram. the to express our sincere thanks for outstanding musical presenta- tucky. Mrs. Joe Pace, Mrs. Herbert Hal- tion of the year. a good season of football. I can Grows Hair On Besides having an outstanding Ell Alexander pert. Miss Patricia Twiss. and Miss as.;ure you." Austin said. ''that we To Dr. Carr On His 88th Birthday record of teaching. Moser is active Ruth Butler, members of the Red PERU. Mass. .UP.-After have been your most ardent boost- Own Bald Pate six in civic and community af•airs, December 13, 1947 Cross committee, accompanied the months in a tent. Mr. and Mrs. Poly, ers and we have been most pleased Members 'of the squad present present he is state director for the group and visited several wards. Harry 'Oakes have found a home with the members of the 1947 Tiger were Eli Alexander, Dwaine Ad- LONDON 4.1.1P)-A civril,st who First Congressional District of the Bs L. J. HORTIN The unit plans to present pro- for their six children. They pur- squad, not only as athletes rut also ams. Bill Rowlett. Chad Stewart, begs to be anonymous got tired cef Fish and Game League: Scout Ohio University, Athens, Ohio grams at the hospital twice month- chased a woodchopper's as young citizens of our city. We Harold Millet, Pat Elkins, being called "The Egg.' because of cabin and John ly. Len Foster Master of Troop 50. sponsor Iff the his. bald head. and his orchestra is planned to build- an 'addition to are proud of you and your iccom- Downs. Oliver McLem, re. Billy He. claims he A dreamer of dreams, a builder of big buildings, Hi-\' Club. legisative chairman on and a model man- scheduled for the next program houSe• family during the "wJt- plishments." Joe Crass. Carl Shroat. .Walter grew a promising crop of hair the board . of P.T.A., Chairman hood. Dr. John Wesley 'Carr is 88 today. In achievement. Murray's which will be on January 25th. ter. of Sleeve bars were presented to Moser. Buddy Valentine'. Gene after 24 years of walking around the Junior Red Cross Grand Old Man" is ageless and eternal: in outlook and enthusiasm, he is and secretary Eddie Wilson. Eli' Alexander, Joe Geurin, William Foy, Bobby Har- with a naked scalp. , of the Lions Club. as buoyant and youttlkul as a freshman. Graves Baker and liarEy Smith, gis. .Vester Or;, William Smith, "I don't dare let out my name," Approximately 2.500 trees will be lettermen For 81 years. Dr Carr has been in a school room-ever from the '46 kniad. by Gene Cathey. Joe Pat Hackett, said the dentist, a husky man of since he first Government Survey Shows Annual needed to plant the two acres Coach Holland. Ex-captain Eddie Terry Grant. .1“e Cable. Hugh Ed- 63. "I told a few of my dental cli- attended a little country school in Indiana on October 8, 1866. He was which is located on the Beaugart Wilson will be presented his cap- die Wilson, David Outland, John ents about it and I was deluged eeven.'years•ef age when he first went to school, having been born in Needs of Family Of 4 to Live Modestly property east of Murray. A sign taincy star at a later date. . Paul Butterworth. Jimmy Klapp, with phone calls, letters and per- Lawrence Cutinty, Indiana. December 13, 1859. will be gerected tedB.1 telling WASHINGTON, Dec. 18 r. did the Lettered swi•aters were awarded Joe Graves Baker. Min Jeffrey, soccial visits from people they told Food A "Hoosier'Schoolmaster" at the age of seyenteen in Greene County, The government plantidnd-b o that the pridect is to the following by Coach WIland: George Robert Allbrittem reported today "A satisfactory diet must pro- Wayne about it . I'll bet every bald man Dr. Carr Terry Grant, has in truth been a schoolmaster for 71 years high school that a "Typical city family of four John Downs. Billy Hatchett, Harry Smith. Charles in and around London has tried vide the necessary food allowances Pine and locust seedlings principal. superintendent of public schools, and president and dean of needed between $3,004 and $3,458 are Joe Crass, George Robert Allbrit- Tolley. Jimmy Thomason. and to get to see me." •/ adequate" standard of living at --minerals, vitamins and Niori -- .furnished. free of charge by TVA, ten. ohn Paul ButterworIL Joel Manager Willjam Hopkipsoand his Murray State. -The. .dentist, leaned. forward to a year to Maintain a "Modest but reeorn m ended by the Food and ku- rind rem be ordered through the Cable. Chad Stewart. David Out- asaistant:. Donald Hughes and Wit- The first president of Murray State, Dr. Carr has also served as dean, display the start of a bristly grow- June. 1947 prices. trition Board of the National Re- County Extension t Office. The quo- land. Bill Rowlett. Joe Pat Hackee ham president again, then dean, and president emeritus. now • Hugh."' - th on his head He is completing search Council.- a private organi- ta for Calloway C., PI! th IS year IS William Foy.- Vester Orr, Dwaine Others present were W. The report-the result of a 2 1-2- Z. Car- -I shouldn't be surprised.- he his "History of, Murray State" a labor of love that covers a quarter of a zation composed of some 200 sewn- 700.000 trees. Adams, Harold Miller, and Glenn ter, A. B .Austin, Coach year study of living costs in the Holland. said. "if I've made some sort of century of progress. title and technical societies. "Pr..- Jeffrey. William Hopkins. senior Dub Russell, Baron West. W. B nation's 34 largest cities-was pre- important discovery about bald- "I have especially desired to appreciate nature, to love truth, and vision for customary eating habit manager for the squad. v•as also Moser, Don Brumbaugh. Ralph pared by the Bureau of Labor Sta- iies.s I wouldn't want to say that to live honorable useful made, the report said. allev • mMurraywas Student's presentee a sweater for his out- Wear, Jelin Fetterm ,n and an and life," he once tZild the writer. ."I have tistics. It was submitted to a Sen- Cary men with toupees can throw them ing for occasional meals out. oc- I v't standing service to the squad gess sought the same for my fellows." he added thoughtfully. ate-House economic subcommittee the• g away right now. but I was induced casional ice cream and soft drink Poem Accepted year. "My greatest achievement in life.- he declared. "has been the privi- by Esean Clague. commissioner of by some of my clients to let them and tobacco. Hugh Eddie Wilson, labor statistics. captain o' tty treatment devised lege of being a teacher of youth. Not only have i had a splendid adven- Clothing the Christmas the I for For Anthology 1947 squad, with genuine, te.0 Pageant ture personally. but I have had the privilege of seeing others lured to At last June's price levels, the re- r myself and bless-me, all of them Provision was made for "ad, - streaming from his eyes. expreso• • port said. four-person families in A po. in by To Be Given At are growing hair. brighter worlds." quate" clothing for all members of G...a4e t Meeker. his sincere appreciation for the c each of the large cities surveyed Murray College If the dentist has solved this Dr. Carr. the oldest living ex-president of the Department of Super- the family, taking into account student. has been operation received from his team Temple Hill Church would have had to spend more accepted for affliction -bald ,rnen regard it as intendence of the National Education Association, is gifted with a Whole- variations in dress habits by publication in the mates during the 1947 campaign than $3,000 annually to live "mod- geo- such-the credit will go to his wife graphical localities. annual Anthology of college poetry. "It has been a joy to work with A Christmas Pageant depicting some sense of humor. A lover of poetry and good literature. he can estly."' - and three sons. "Summer- by Meeker w as you fellows and I deeply regret quote burns and Riley by the hour. the birth of Christ will be given at Couldn't Stand Kidding Clague told the subcommittee' It one of the poems selected from that this ia, perhaps the last time While strict in his concept of teaching standards. Murray's Grand FAIR WARNING the Temple Hill Methodist Church ••1 lost my hair when 1 was 28.' was "Safe to say" that retail price thousands submitted by college this same group will be together. Sunday night: December 21. he' said. "Unfortunately. I had a Old Man has always enjoyed the joys and delights dear to the hearts of increases have boosted city family Police Chief Burman Parker men and women reprseenting I would like to leave these well- expenses every state • The program is being prepared by funny shaped head and my wire his students - faitball games. Homecoming parades, mammoth pep ses- across the nation at least today issued a %yarning that it is in the Uniott. The An- known words with you as I retire another three per cent- since thology it an annual compilation' the Youth Fellowship under the and kids called me 'The Egg.' It sions, rousing chapel programs. picnics and perties. the against the i2‘e tin discharge or as your captain That it matters budget estimates were made. of the finest poetry written direction of Mrs. John Grogan. was good-natured, but it rankled. "We'll wirL1, he always shouts at pep meetings. just before the big set off firecracker.., rockets or by ca- nit whether you win or lose but lepe students for the year. The call will be composed of 30 and I determined I'd grow my hair game with Western. didn't The government report was iii other fireoorks in the city of how you play the game*" A few times the results always favor the Meeker is or 40 characters taken from the back if at all possible. the form of a "City worker's fam- Murray. a married veteran, Wilson then announced that Eli Thoroughbreds..,but Dr. Carr, undaunted, would exclaim. "We'll beat who after much time in service. Old Testament. Full costuming will "I guess I tried every lotion and ily budget.- An explanatory 4.tato- An ordinance peohibiting these Alexander, son of Mr. and Mrs. 'ern next year." returned to Murray to complete be used. Miss Atinette Woodall cream on the market. Then I tried ment said the budgets were "an at- practices has brill patssed by Lawton Alexander. would be their Dr. Carr has a as big ail out-doors, a that encom- his college education. will be at the piano. every quack treatment I'd ever heart as mind - tempt to describe and measure a the City captain for the '48 season Council with passes the world that is toe, and a spirit that blazes atrail for those modest but adequate American Not (ally does Meeker' re- Chad Stewart, heard of-snakebite ointment, the Parker said that the police son of Mr. and Mrs. standard eel ye the honor of having his dew from rosebuds, even witch- who are to come. of living." force has not been making ar- Roy Stewart. acting • as alternate I poetry published butt Murray Col- craft incantetions. Nothing hap- Like William Wordsworth's "Happy Warrior," Dr. Carr is the It said the cost figures were rests for violat of this ordi- captain. lege is recognized. - PRODUCE I pened" "generous spirit . . "Whose high endeavors are an inward light based on the needs of a 38-year-old nance and. consequently, shoot- A film on the Murray-Memphis This anthology of poptey is com- But he didn't give-tip. working man; his 36-year-old non- ing firecrackers has C. B7 C. game was shown by Bill That makes the path before him always bright." become piled by the Natienal Poetry Asso- "How could-I?" he asked, pat- working wife: a daughter, eight: quite commonplace Rowlett. The game was filmed by Poultry: 14 trucks; steady; no And so . Dr. Carr, may you reach and pass the century mark and in the city. ciation, of which the Universities ting his embryo hairdo with pates. and a son, 13. "Now this practice must Mrs. John Rowlett. price change. may the path before you be ."always bright." he of Louisville and Kentucky, and nal pride. :•1 finally decided that it Separate dollar estimates were stopped," he said. One of the high points of the ev- Cheese• Twins 44 1-2-45 1-2: "If you vio- Peabody College of Nashville are"... had to be done with an internal given for each of the 34 cities but late the lass ening was the miniature tigers single daisies 46 1-2-48:"Swiss 73-77. you can expect to meihnbers. No charge or fee is made treatment and an external treat- WORRY no national average was estimated. be arrested and holding black helmets on Which Butter: 299.721 lbs: firm; 1,3 score NO CAUSE FOR fined, and in for the inclusion of verse, kt is a . ment. I worked out one and show- Xmas Party For The cities, and how much the that case don't was printed gold numerals cor- 87; 92 score 86: 90 score 83; 89 score Poimning from home - canned blame the offiR gesture made by the Association ed it to a doctor. He said it was "necessary" annual budget would cern responding to ferysey aiumbers 74. Carlots: 90 score 8.1 1-2; 89 for they are charged is ith to recognize pgetry written by harmless and useless., . foods is practically impossible if Stove Employees have cost in each last June. in-, worn by the squad this year These score 75; enforcement of the lays " college students. "But I was desperate enough to the proper precautions are taken. eluded: were used as pla;:e cards. Mrs. Eggs: 14.799 case,: weak; ex- try it and bless me. if it didni Is Tonight Washington, $3,458: John Rowlett prepared ' these hoes I. 58; extras 2. 56; 3 and 4. said Miss Rachel Ross land. Callo- New York work. Ther171 tried it on some of City, $3,347; Boston. $3,310: Detroit, TREE uniuqe place (-Ards and was ex- 54-55: standards 1 and 2, 52-54: 3 County Home Demonstration PLANTING TIME my dental clients and it worked way Christmas program $3.293; tended a vote of thanks by the and 4, 50-52: current receipts 50- A will be held Chicago. $3.282: Mobile, Ala., on therm too. I'm sort of torn Agent. today in answer to queries $3.276; greup. 51; dirties 38 1-2; checks 37 1-2. lat the Murray- -High School audi- Norfolk. Va., $3.241. between two things. Teeth are im- from alarmed houseoives. Memphis. Tenn.. $3.220. Los An- torium tonight for the employees portant physically but hair is im-, Yeaterday the Corier-Journal geles $3,251; Birmingham. Ala., and families/of the Murray Manu- portant ta .thc: morale." - carried a story of a limit) in eas- $3,251; Richmond, Va.. $3,223: Den- tern Kentucky oho had been pois- facturing Company. ver. Colo., $3,168; Philadelphia, oned from home-canned foods The festivities will get under way $3.203; Savannah. Ga.. $3.150; At- lanta. Ga . $3,150: Jacksonville, Puryear Dentist Miss Roo land said that poison- with the entire group singing "Come Fla., 43,135: New Orleans. ing of this kind is very rare but is $3,004. All Ye Faithful.- Then music will The report said many Dies At Martin caused by a toxin resulting from "typical" be heard by n string band composea families can--and do-live on less bacteria ibotulinurni growing inside than prescribed by the the cans. The bacteria originate in of Joe Sirls. Bdb Jones. R. H. Jones, budgets. Dr .1 B. Live, prominent 79- But, it said. "deficiencies" in the soil in ay hich the vegetable., Roy Cordon. Al 3.Vadkins. and one year-old dentist of the Puryear form or another will plague acre gross n Frank Wairtscatt those community.,died Sunday afternoon living on less. in a Martin hospital following a Bacterial growth is only found In Next on the program is a tap The "minimum" standards for "a paraletic stroke suffered vegetables and meats, not in !roils dance by Ewing Gibson. a vocal about modest but adequate" way of liv- or tomatoes. according Miss solo by Marion Fisk, 'accompanied three weeks ago. • to ing incTuCied:i Rowland She 'said that all vegeta- by Jane English. and a saxophone tut Funeral services were conducted The Home Ttiesday 10 a.m, bles .aid meats should be boiled for solo by Bob Moyer. t 4 at at the Mill Creek "Must provide the fundamental Presbyteriah Church. minutes after the can Is A quartet composed of Burial was 15 open- Ogle needs-shelters, sanitation and in the church cemetery. ed. This vein kill any toxin that Greenfield, Ewing Gibson. Isaac privacy. It is a fact that the four- Dr. Love. was born in Henry may he present. Clanton. and Wyvan Holland will person city family considers five County- and was a life-long resi- If this precaution is taken, said sing. A duet will be presented rooms, including a 'kitchen and dent of the county. Miss Roo land, there by Donna and Nancy Wainscott, He received is no cause fbr ac- bath, with mOdern plumbing. heat- his early educatidn at Conyersville is companied by Frank worry hen using home-canned Wainscott. ing and lighting, as a basic to sat- and Was later After graduated from Van- vegetables. a reading by Jimmie Moyer. isfactory housing." At lea:O three derbilt UniVersitY a vocal solo will be offered by Do- labor-saving devices Fe'ere consid- He is survived his wife, the HURON. S. D. (UPI-Four and lores Turner, accompanied by Bet- ered "essential." They were a as former Miss Crete CririlTs; a daugh- one-half blocks of paved street ty Jones. Ewing Gibson will then or electric cook stove, a mechanical ter. Mrs. Frank Upchurch. Dies- disappeared he.'e during the dust do another tap dance. refrigerator and a washing ma- REFORESTATION PROJITT in Calloway County President Truman and Arthur M. Hill. Chairman of the newly eclair den: . two granddaughters. Miss storms of the '30s. City engineer The surprise feature of the pro- chine. for reclamation of. Betty Love waste lands gets under %4 y as R. K. Kelley, 81 li.hed National Security Resources Board. Thie Hoard was crested to UpehUrch and Miss 0. J. Handelman discovered the gram will be a clown and a visit The survey found, that rental for County Soils Assistant. and Ann Coates Upchurch. both of payed .John P. Rhody. coordinate cieilian, industrial, and military mobilization in the to ent street when he referred to from Santa Claus,',after which the Housing ranged from $756 a year Kentucky Division of Forestry. Mayfield, distribute tile 12reeden ;and .a sister. Mrs. C. of war. H. old maps while doing other street entire group will sing "Joy to the in Washington, D. C. to $448 in first shipment of tires to: if, to ra Harves Wood, H. P:Craig. Charles Parks, Puryear. work near the state fair grounds. World." New Orleans. • Outland, Hardin Parker and Lynn Lao son. -



lrft 5S. rti.5 Side

Pt P A Ci E TWO THE LEDGER & TIMES, MURRAY, KENTUCKY WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1947 THE LEDGER% TIMES Scientist Says • BUBLIMHED BY THE CALLOWAY PUBLISHING COMPANY I Consolidation.of The. Murray Ledger. The Calloway Times. 'and The Tunes-Herald. October 20. 1928, and the-West Kentuckian, January 17. 1942 A-Bomb Beyond W. PERCY WILLI/0.1S. PUBLISHER Soviet Reach JAMES C. WILLIAMS. GENY.RAL MANAGER • Published afterm..ons except Sunday 11.103 North- 4th St. Murray. Ky. Gaivanni • Ciiiiigh`- out' of ly s 01rerilUSi 1, II. Entered at the Post Office, Murray.. Kentucky, for Transmission as contends that the atom- Second Class Matter ,. hotal) is not a -sir:entitle" but a SUBSCRIPTION RATES: By Carrier in Murray, per week 20: seciet and that the So-I month, Mc. In Calloway and :Awning counties, per year. $.3 so. . t mon cannot produce it where 2.550 - v.-Ithan foreseeable 'time." : NATIONAL REPRESENTATIVE. WALLACE WITMER CO. 9e3 Stenck .76, -returned l'ecently 4 Buacting, Mt Tei.n 250 Park Ave.. Ne,.v York; 307 N Michigan i floc: got.;:inient intssom :to the Ave., Chicag-,. 50 131.,y1,aii St. Boston Unizeu tite, lo imorieogate mod- - em nn•thod:: of tn.., telephone in- kAT10NJ.EDITORIAL_ 11.• said the United St..111eS 011IY Low.: V inch succeed- SSOCIAT1ON • :n e:odt.ciint - ' not one out atomic bombs' and ft rz.dar's 'electric I Ill 1,1\11.1\1. PRk_ss ASsOCIATION _ k We r. „ :i;ect any Achert..sing. Letters to the Ed.tOr L.. pointed an inter of Pubic V.. ice 'teats •ituch in our opinion are not for the best Intererst is that l' hart written in ins t: of our readers- hook. -The Smashing of the Atom. that the -secret of the technique \'d -d' A •2•.err, ,n. December 17, 1947 of the atom bomb is protected by a -thousand executive details, every one of which . is known Cut Down High Cost Of Living And Have z, a ditterent person. Reason• lasted 11011SEY 111611 JINN-Pirottetting on one tacit, M Liallaghet appears to be pulling nis Better Teeth By Substituting Mud For Milk II.!. , reasons mount. ()old Picture, over the hurdle after he was thrown during the Staines Handicap Hurdle race at Kempton Park. Middlesex, England At this it is a toss-up as to which id 1:11 k 11111 ‘1 VS. it i 1:1 I ---The necessity of having ;si- NI one Is dtSplaying better foot work, the horse or the jockey. nited • naaltaneously a large nuinte.i:- Han sClentific laboratories directed -by arm tjah.of wall ho have 4..voted their lives the labota &try. Tne labora- peeled substances and study iii Mrs_ Mat y;if.',i: I is .I.,aviikg 1. ., nu to the study of nucl&r physics, tory!_' however. must raise an equiv- natural occurance under suspected (ii' Memphis on a business trip. 2 - :tient sum. The laboratory was des- conditions, _ en .5 -The necessity of providing $13.950. ' - . • _, • troyed in the Maine forest -I r.ighty industrial plants. the per- fires involving generators of millimetrie Read Ledger & Times Classifieds. and few tit I'll sonnet of which is trained by de- the laboratory's famous radio waves" will take a long time _. - -- GR., citing all their lives ty acquiring inbred pure strain mire used in even for the U.S. to , perfect. He eh **spli. cancer research skill in eertairl spec:al operations. were saved. said another war would see the his 3-The enorinous difficultk of The grants announced- today in- ernerOne---Of now unpredictabTe est clude: or -1. co-ordinating and integrating the • weapons and that whoever ha's colds Medical It o ork 01 so many persons and. so College tit South Caro- them will not announce them to !mai 'M. Lynch' to It many special technical plants. Charleston. 'S.C.. the world and -no attention should • /44 carcinoma of the To help r. I'• •• , • ry• - ing Giorgi is the author of the sys- lung: Experimen- he • gaid to anything announced i tionsoughing.museular tal study of ICKS ile t.m ii hantilan; electrical units the inhalation of sus- publicly.- aorenc-s. rub on warming Vv•PoRo• aftec. - and adopted ,14-- thioughoia the World , Das Get rg- offe ische Masse System.. He 'said tfrit "I to obtain any of the -terrible nu- min cei:: explosives. and utilize them S. •: 'it! inc together the A7-bomb, it Gift Suggestions nectssary to obtain mandun and y41 ::arillite and many other products It 'ati:Th are absolutely pure and line STOP HERE TI Tobacco Market treateit ON YOUR WAY TO CHRISTMAS Many 1Aperts Needed four on I Report his -1 1!“.. S I), DIP 1.1t1 MI Vf (II %tat day. 7.. .t1r.•1'.t1:' ci, Brant h Pre4ction arid seer ti •%! irs•tint ‘dministr•hon righ ZI 1.•1.;1.,11 wlu etir ; 0 r wh,. slan r • • ly ‘, T • t (ale / to grei -- 4s. - N1.1 RONIAN(.1.: IlEkE--Borne -Venet ians -roll up- their troustkr, wadi. ". the flood water -; that inundate the city's 0:tier make practical of ancient, use the once Dominion Sandwich Toaster r)nl.te Lohdol.“. They had a busy time of it when Venice's .• General Electric Toaster 6:and Cai.a1 imerflowItg its banks with heavy rains, flowed , o LI, .% IC111 • • as, onto the streets and into shops and homes. • S9.95 S6.95

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/.. .1; I -I 1.17.•

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41.• •••



7, 1947 a Independents Johnny has only the defeat in the Mad- Schoetaing . McArthur says the Reagan Climbs To All-Time ison Square Garden Invitational Engineers will be better. a last year Take 4th Win • at the hands of Utah to ThreeTteshmen are on Georgia's Murray State Records upset his calm disposition. He'first five in a. general overhauling 3 admits prospects' are reasonably, From 1 OTALs tOR RLaGAN '10 BAIL 61 the _team that lust 13 tif - lit Hickman bright. last, season. Coach Ralph ,Sue, Games Field • Fouls Fouls "They'll be good." he .said. abut The Murray Independent bas- Personal Total Jordan thinks the Buldogs should Played Goals Tried for how long.," ketball team won their fourth Made Fouls Points lkeep improving. 74 289 195 Caliber of straight game or Monday night 183 811 in the 'Vanderbilt may-or may not come tied) south will be from Hickman Young Business on the rise' this through. Mississippi depends en- season. A Men's Club by a 67-44 count on few schools are putting Floradian Jack Marshall to -rate a STANDING RECORDS mdre emphasis on the Hickman High School fluor. the sport. Still dark horse role. Alabama. Miss- . 80 411 none make it a fetish as does Ky. John Padgett, Murray' captain, 289 Broke Broke 936 issippi State. Auburn and Florida Burdette Bagwell Burdette Cliff Wells at Tulane will be in led both teams in scoring as he Record Record Bagwell seem •destinecirjair the bottom of • 1938 1933 1938s. his 31st year of coaching and an dumped 20 points through the loops 1948 1947 1933 the heap'. his third season at New Oreleans. on nine field goals and two free Harry Rabinhorst will depend on With Alex Athas. J. M. Gipc and tosses. a scrappy bunch of youngsters BOWL REVIEW a large crowd of experienced MSC at Louisana State and has no Dale McDaniel collected 13 Racehorses shooters, the greenies will ue great expectations. points and Bill Luttrell 12. Black By CHARLES NETHAWAY Down tough. Wells prudently failed to led the YBMC team with 13. points. United Press Sports Writer Arkansas schedule Kentucky. The Southeastern should finish Murray led all the way as they NEW ORLEANS. Dec. 17 (UPI Tennessee will be a power with in that order, with possibly LSU piled up a 12-0 score on Hickman The latest bugle blast from _Aus- In Close Game a new breakaway offense and a• Mississippi coming through bef they hit the nets. Murray tin, hom'e of the Sugar new with enough to knock out Georgia . PREPS FOR AMERICAN DEBUT — 011e Tandberg, heavy- Bowling coach. Emmet Lowery, a w ahead by 10 to 12 points until TexaaaLonrhorns. added up today By DON BRUMBAUGH former Purdue All-American. and Vanderbilt. DENTISTS' FAVORITE weight champion of Sweden, who recently arrived in the third quarter when Hickman a new mental hazard for Ala- Murray State's Racehorses got Lowery says the Volunteers will In the sister Southern Confer- — Screen star Rita Hay- U. S., is In serious training with an eye on a future world closed the gap to 5 markers. 5-a Ma. back into the "lose a lot of games" but that ence the spotlight is on North worth flashes a smile that is title fight. He makes his American bov against Joey Maxim, • win calumn after two With McDaniel, Hodges and I.ut- The Crimson Tide's job is to straight losses as they after they catch on to a new style 'Carolina State, where coach Ever- typical of the care of the of Cleveland, in a 10-rounder on Jan. 9 in New York City. downed trell leading the way, Murray ran whip Texas in New Orleans on Arkansas State 49-40 in a game at of play they'll win their share, too. ett Case's hustlers should repeat teeth as practiced by Holly- New the difference up to- 20 points and Year's Day. It isn't going to Jonesboro, Ark., Monday night. Already the Vols have romped to Forest and North Carolina should wood stars, according to Dr. kept 'the lead be easy. The records showed Duke will be till the closing min- that ,This was the first -game for the easy early victories And don't play be strOnger and Daniel Jutton of Syracuse, utes when they increased it to only three out of 27 intersectional Kentucky until Jan. Weaker. William and Mary stands Today's Sports 23. Breds since Carlisle Cutchin came 17. president of the New York Parade Marvin Hodges was playing be- rivals had been able to bulldog the out of retirement Georgia Tech recruited four as the pre,seasen dark horse. and took over the Dental Society, meet- fore a home town crowd and was .ateer iii the past nie seasons. Breds following basketball thoroughbreds f r o in Clemson: Witthington and Lee. State t.- the resignation of There ing rils By OSCAR FRALEY 0----• the starting „gun for the Murray The Austin advertisers -pinted John Miller. Indiana but coach Roy McCarthy South Carolina and Richmond ing In New York City. indlcap United Press Sports Writer squad as he dunked the with pride to a mountain of 793 fair prospects. There is little is more to teeth care than being one of their most brilliant first two Johnny Reagan lead the Race- says the Yellowjackets will depend have A goals. Luttrell was )utstand- Texas points, against a scrawnY 177 such George Wash- mere brushing of the which stars during an 11-year careet. horse attack as he scored, 12 points mainly on last year's regulars, hope for as a NEW YORK, Dec. 17 tUP—Big ing on defense. for the outsiders. Te,•11 r, terrupted by four years in the followed closely by Harold Lough- Herbie Bergman, Spider Jim' No- ington. VIM. Virginia molars, he says. Hank Greenberg, the power of his It was Dana X. I Lineups: Bible, now Texas' ary with 11. lan. Colin Anderson and Hank the Citadel. arm . a mystery hidden behind the Army. Coming back in mid-season Wilheim lead the Murray Ind. fg ft fm pt tp athletic director, who lifted the wall of a •taster of Paris east, of 1945, it was Greenberg whose Indians with a 21 point total. ng I. ad- Hickey I 4 2 0 3 8 Longhorns off its aching back in no ay that he was "at the booming bat swept the Tigers into Murray plays Eastern Kentucky ss trip. Riggins _ . 1 2 I 4 3 1937. Two seasons later he started crossroads" of his baseball. career. the .World Series. here in Murray next Monday which Hodges f. 4 0 0, 1 8 bumping all opposition. He sent Ca. "I honestly don't know whether Bothered by that ailing arm, Big will be the first home appearance lassifieda. Padgett c _ 9 4 2 2 20 the Stews against major colleges I'll play baseball in 1948,a said Hank hit only .251 last season for of the Breds under Cutchin. Luttrell g - 4 6 4 0 12 from the Southeastern; Southern, Greenberg, who recently; had a the Pirates, his poorest season at - - Lineups: Dubia IL_ 1 0 0 1 2 Big Nine, Big Six. Rocky Mountain "spur" removed from the elbow of the plate since he started with and Murray fg ft fm pf tp eisccz MeDanierg Pacific Coast leagues. tifetfylty 6 2 1 2 13 his throwing arm. ai've had two Hartford ilia 1480. a Herrold P _ 2 1 1 2 5 Carlisle _ 0 3 1 2 1 The only intersectioital losses in a Snow f 0 or-three offers but I don't know." "But I still hit 2 home runs• ," he the next nine seasons were to Ok- 1 0 4 0 It would break Greenberg's heart Reagan c 5 2 2 5 12 said da.tensively. **That's more 29 19 9 15 67 lahoma in 1939, Northwestern in Pearce g 1 1 0 4 to leave the game. But the tower- than a tat of other players gotaa 1942, and eitiahoma A. & M. in 2 ing slugger disclosed that he has Cavender g _ 1 2 2 2 4 Yet it wasn't enough for the Pi- Hickman fg film pf tp 1944: PICKS lied in attempts to purchase a Peeler 1 7 5 0 7 V*o RS rates,- who gave Greenberg his re- Morrison f 3 I 0 2 6 For first:hald information about r league club. Meanwhile, he Alexander __ 3 0 0 0 6 lease.. "Cleveland made a bid for Black f 6 3 1 4 13 Texas from Southeastern teams, apt. ently isn't satisfied with the Loughary _ 4 4 3 3 11 him," Hank said. "and a couple of Stokes _ 1 0 0 1 2 Alabama was referred to Louisiana ate, he' has received and: Regula 0 0 0 2 0 other teams." Davidson c 4 2 1 2 9 State, Georgia Tech and Florida. "I certainly won't play In the McGrath 0 0 0 1 0 If he wasn't considering continu- Mitchell g 3 3 1 3 7 The report from Austin didn't minors." 1 0 0 1 2 ing in the game, it is inconceivable White 1 1 0 1 mention it, but the fullest' treat- So the big fellow who will be 37 that Greenberg would have gone Pierce' 0 1 0 2 0 ment given any intersectional op- 18 18 13 24 49 irs old on New Year's Day ad- under the knife. Fields g I 4 3 2 5 ponent during the nine-year stretch tied he "may go into some other Supporting that theory. Ham- went to hapless Oregon in 1941, ail Arkansas State fg line of business." merin' Hank said he would play "a thoureh the Steers actually beat ft fm pt tp 19 15 6 7 44 Wilheiin Thus the baseball ;fate of the lot of squash to get in shape' • Colorado -worse in 1946. I 8 8 5 1 21 Mason f fouratime home run king depends "I conferred with Bill Veeck the unveiling qf his "new" arm. Oregon's boys didn't know it. but 1 5 3 2 5 Miller c on the outcome of the operation on president of the Cleveland In- Meanwhile, he tallaa-disconsolately the web-footed it halfway across 3 11 '5 2 11 Parkinson g O his right arm_ dians) this week about buying a of going into "some other busi- the nation to play a Texas team 4 3 2 3 H g FOR MOM, FOR DAD, FOR -We'll take off the cast- on Thurs- minor league team.- Greenberg ness." that was sizzling mad. ins( tn O 2 0 5 0 Winstead day," Greenberg said. "The doctor said. -But that deal fell through But he isn't kidding anybody. If Texas wasn't miffed at the boys O 0 0 3 0 BROTHER AND the arm shapes be in Jankovich _ O 0 0 1 0 sit AND seems to think the know happens up he'll some- from Shoshone IDEAS arm will be all se I don't what the country. The right again and that 'may decide from 'here." lxxiy's•spring traitUg camp. l,righorns were mad at themselves THE CHILDREN W hat I'll do." "Yes, I. talked - to Veeek about "Yeah, you catil-tell." he admit- for having booted away what might 12 30 1616 40 TOYS GALORE FOR The six foot, four inch athlete playinal" he admitted. "But I ted. -You know ball players are have been one of the greatest re- who in 13 years in the majors has haven't decided yet what to do." funny. They'll tell you they're Cords for a single season in modern Texas teed off on Oregon in the slammed out 331 home runs recent- Sr the ling fellow who always quitting and then along comes grad history. It was the year of season's finale. The score was 71 ly was released by Pittsburgh. after dreamed of playing with the New spring and they get that old itch Pole Leyden. Jack Crain & Co. to 7. verybody on the Texas bench one season with the Pirates. Prior York Yankees. and almost quitnhe to step up to the plate." Texas slaughtered everybody un- scored except a waterboy, who had aI / to that he had reached diamond game after his sale to Pittsburgh. And Hank Greenberg i all ball til it met an ordinary Texas Chris- a bad ankle and a trace of bucket- greatness with the Detroit Tigers, waits anxiously for Thursday and player! tian team. TCU won. 14 to 7, and wrist that day. on the follotving Saturday a still- Over the nine-season spar.. Texas • stunned Texas team at tied by also disposed of Georgia Tech, 14 Baylor, 7 to 'to 7, -and Missouri, 40-27, in Cotton For .spite, everybodaa figured. Bowl, games. •

A real buy at this low price. HAS a realistic locomotive. Kentucky Coach Rupp Has Eye on SEC tender. gondola. cattle car with sliding doors, tank car and Long Distance will be Busy Title, Madison Square Garden Tilts caboose. 120 inches of oval track. Transformer included. Atlanta Ga Dec 17 (UP)— * This Wonderful Toy Will Help Her Know with five All-Americans on the I American under Rupp last year. Important Things About How to Sew Full of Things 16 Do team . roster. coach isn't and captain All-Southeastern last season. All- worried that his University of Jack this Christmas Kentucky basketball teat won't American Parkinson. who 'SEWING Kentucky record be good. He wonders if they will set a scoring long shots before going be good enough. with his MACHINE int() the army two years ago atspp's plans are fairly well is back to help out at guard. kniran. He's anxious for the wild- At center is All-American Alex 7.50 cats to take home atheir nineth BUT WE'LL DO OUR BEST TO Groza who Rupp modestly admits Soullies•hern CoVerence title in .s Yea, it really works. Safe and The -taster and more agressive ransoms tztli^ 14 seasons at Louisville Mar. 4-6. l easy to use. Complete with Tick than last year. Tork Illookss GET YOUR CALLS THROUGH At season's close ;there's a matter table clamp. Ten Forwards are All-American Joe books for coloring, of two big Madison Square Gar- painting and (Dutch) Holland who has all but cutting out. den Tournaments and then .the lost his job to southpaw . Olympic games in London. a sophomore from Akron. Ohio. From the team that lost only : twice-All American three of 37 games last season. for North Carolina Preflight and Rupp lost only one man, guard another sensational sophemore, Good Old Favorite Jack Tingle, from his starting line- from Antioch, Ill. up. The others are back with Wallace .Wah Wah) Jones. who )4,.. 6 reinforcements. Those --/We Al:- -3- I. plays football at end for Kentucky. Give Him a Set Americans seldom will be on the underwent an, appendectomy but of Beautiful floor at the same time. They should be able to stand in at cen- SEAT aren't even ‘. on the first team. ter COVERS The starting guards for Ken- Rum cornfortate with a new tricky are . All- 10-year contract in his pock', 5.95up P.16C4IIEESI Coup*. ,.••••••••••=4••=11• 11=• ,••••••=m4 • Extra smart. 9811* extra durable. Cloth aid fiber with everybody likes this fas simulated leather es. cinating *ape. Give several Double lock stitched sets for Christmas. seams. So many people like to LOOK! r-- Such Excifeen-ent make Long Distance calls at Christmas that there are Who's Coming In Person! bound to be delays—some- THURSDAY NIGHT, DEC. 18th ELECTRIC times long delays. COURT HOUSE, Murray, Ky. ROASTER 38.95 But if you want to make TWO BIG ACTS . Entirely new Es, a a., • pan aee. broils, fries, bons and a call, we'll be doing our steams — all to 1114111WILING White perfection! very best to get it through. MISS BILLIE WALKER enamel and pa-haired aluminum. Big enough for a The hats tly off q the clowns 20 pound turkey. And hoping you pick a time and her Dixie Lily Band WENK tumble ... lot.; of fun. —say the day before or Union City, Tenn. after Christmas — when the Featurifisz— 25 per cent DISCOUNT on Home and Commercial Freezers This Month lines are not so crowded. STAGE PLAY — MUSIC — COMEDY SINGING - — ALSO — DIXIE HARMONY QUARTET — WNGO Firestone Home & With a Special Variety Program and Concert • - Show Starts 7:30 P. M. Auto Supplies Admission 30 and 60 cents - • Van Barnett Phone 135 L. E. Kerley BENEFIT UNDERPRIVILEGED SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY STVW FOR CHILDREN Listen to the Vniee.nI Fittlfr,ne every ,A4mtlar ermine ever NV



5, W Club Aews Activities 'Locals omen's Page Weddings JO IN ILLIAMS, Editor — PHONE 374-M

5. Mr. & Mrs. Champion/rm.' HAI Champion, Bobby . n and Loraine Sc. College Honored Friday With Household Shower - • Calendar Christian Church - - 0: 5. and 6. Monday. • • General Council Ja.11114. and Has Luncheon .Tuesday-Registratian. January 7, Wednesday -- Chapel Spe.:ker. Rev. George Sc The, General Council of the First Basketball game with Mem- Ca:a in Church met Tuesday. De- Michele lMickeyt 'Cyan. phis State. here, 8.00 p.m. rich LS a girl who has known nothing • ; 16. for a covered dish ha, Detroit society girl who lives with January IL Thursday-Last day to but hardships, and now she's in a ..: tile church. her Aunt Henrietta, is engaged to fix register for full credit. and needs money. There's a William Wayne. but does not love particular - t Ni - J Gibson, presidl, January reason why I think 12. Monday-Last day to him. When she meets Peter Stan- Michele Lyaas. -11 - at the meeting. Ryan ought to be willing LEFT IIER GUN AT HOME-"Annie Oakley" takes time out Rev. enter organized class. dish, poor young lawyer, they're to do something for ray Carr ma, a: NI:, Robert her. I sent her from her "shooting' chores" take up dining chores with Jarman had charge of January It Wednesday - Chapel, strongly attracted to each other, to see Miss Ryan, but to Chairara.. she was litgh Alex. - aevetional using film shies and I Student Org. He thinks she's a working stri turned away at the door, her cute little daughter. "Annie," who is stage and screen and, January 13, Tharsday-Basketball when he says he hates the Mickey stood staring at him. favorite Ethel Merman (in private life Mrs. Robert D. Levitt), rich, she hides her identity, say- What if he Chestrnas ..stery. -Caadle game with Tennessee Poly. knew that she herself Is lunching out with Ethel Jr., at New York's Stork Club. Mg her name is Mk-key Brooks. was the glamour :cst- vais read by Mrs .1 here 8 00 pm girl he seemed to Later, he proposes and she ac- despise so much? Should she .do cepts him. Then, doubts about what he asked her when he gave no • 35 membars vaa him are raised in her mind by his explanation whatever of the other ; Recipe Of friendship The Week with a shabby girl who girl's problem or why he took such Read the Ledger & Times Classified has been trying to see her with an interest in it? Ads For both .odor and flavor. eran- the evident intention of asking "Where will I find your friend?" _MODEL - Terry Tullos. a for money. Zeta Department terries has e a place in the Christ- However, Just before she asked slowly. golden - haired little polio he is to enter the Army, she goes He smiled. -Good mas dinner menu. Some like girl! Her name victim from Laurel. Miss., THURSDAY— Plans Xmas Party the with him to get a marriage Ii. is Lottie McDonald. and berries plump here's her and Juicy in a rich reuse. When hajaayes for gt address." has been chosen as the VARSITY her He handed her a slip of and FRIDAY a-. :tenant I the syrup. otheis prefer a generc,, tea minutes, the shabby girl Ault paper. "If you'll look her up and poster child for the,. 194ti Club will meet mound of Jelly, and still othc,. denly appears and accuses her of look out for her. I'll surely appre- March Of -Dimes campaign being Michele Ryan. 'ne t.. h• ..s. Thursday enjoy the luscious red berry in Mickey ciate it. And now, can't we go some even- I tit-es. Then, deciding where which will be held irom • 7 JO a gelative salad on a lettuce really to be- Place I can kiss you, darl- .cnnual• Christ- ! come a working girl, she runs tng?" Jan 15 to 30 Stricken iii leaf. From the Kentucky College away from her aunt's home and. w 1945 before he hart learned PEAK OF TERROR! r of Agriculture and Home Econ- liEN they parted an hour later. •7..7c ,1:1 bring a dollar I with her friend Rosamond Wil- makineti to Terry is omics tomes this recipe. son, plans to he said he would write as soon go to Cleveland to as Reckless love...brutal hate look for work. he reached camp and asked rapid recilyer'e anri is ex. ail Cranberry aalad As they are about Mickey to board a train, they change for her address. She told lit-Tied 10 tett:110 I till use of him she might ...exploding on the edge '2 cup. uncuoiccd cranberries their minds when they see not stay where she • the was and suggested his legs I 1 1-2 cups boiiing uater mysterious shabby girl following that he send her - mail to General of the world, Social Calendar 1-4 cup cold water them. They elude her but, later. Delivery. By l 3-4 cup sugar she corners Mickey and reveals the time she returned tO Rosa- sociation for several years. that she does want money. mond's apartment, it was almost ii,', 1 1-4 tablespoon gelatine' S.,methini. killed -12 1. en: er 17 Mickey insists she's not Michele dinnertime. She found Rosamond mora .fowa 1-2 cup chopped nuts Ryan. but Wonders again about' in the kitchenette, preparing the of Mrs. Clay McClure one nigh' /14 4 ani ' 1-2 cup chopped apple or pine-1 Peter's connection with the girt meal. She told her friend all that the past week. Clay McClure k had happened-her 01:ve ppic encounter with led a mink chasing .the Hot., CHAPTER XVII theNirl in the station, H. men. 1 cup finely cut celery her meeting next day. eke: s Cub MICKEY with Peter, and his ,. hurried out Of the request that she me .,t Mrs. J ,e ; Cook the cranberries in help Lottie McDoi..Id. A fox was caught in a trap w - station, climbed into a taxi n: rd sR ad f•,r an all- until tender Add sugar and coca Rosamond said. "And you didn't Macedonia today. Ky. Bell you: • and gave the driver Rosa- ask 5 minutia. Soften gelatine in ci him why this girl needs help?" choice of a fur . collar fox u: mond's address. She had a .Mickey hesitated. -I think, • 'aater add 'Odd to hot cranberiaes from mink. ' heavy, leaden feeling, towhhaat v:Ies that she's going 'Let cool, tan add other -'ingred- • Ole 111:c,.; Because of Peter Anna LEE ients. Torn into individual molds I Standish. she -Whose?" had given up her life Rosamond asked or pan until firm of ease and bluntly. "Peter's?" embarked on the hazardous von- Gilbert ROLAND Cnristmas dinner menu. Tomato ture of making her "Of course not!" Mickey said Not everybody in own was'. E-very- indignantly. tutkey with dressing. motive had centered about Peter cand- -Then why his Warren DOUGtAS and her love for him. And now, interest in her?" Calloway county sub- su. x peeatoes. broccoli with 1 "She's simply a girl he feels again, the specter of that blond- sorry • a mon 1z-cc, cianberry salad, pica- for. Her father is scribes to The Ledger kuiah BOND)' Sir C Aubrey SMITH haired girl had risen to make her a guide Peter met jelly. hut when he took rolls. butter. Christ- wonder whether he was worthy a fishing trip through John QUALEN Helen THIMIG Mar - of & Times but nearly act and coffee. her hlove.ould Canada." • "Humph!" Rosamond snorted. A MONOGRAM PICTUal Should everybody she return to her aunt's "Doesn't sound very plausible reads it. home to and try to forget him? me. And why should he send her to Should she return to Aunt •Henri- Michele Ryan? Why on earth Katherine and say, "You were About 400 head uf sheep wei, Hepburn : Robt. Walker We Have A Full tta right. I should you give money to a per-'- Ends was a fool to lose my head over a teeny dipped in Bourbon county th' Line of strange girl?" Blood Rive man. about whom I know nothing." "Simply because I'm rich." ough the cooperation of the Fair And Wednesday! "SONG 4: 1F LOVE" r then, abruptly, all thought "It all sounds screwy to me. Be-t- Bureau, ot trying Christmas Cakes to forget him vanished.-'ter keep out of it," Rosamond ad- Tnehre wtaluxtrewsahseaphpardoancrhstinmgettret htirom-r- vis.Fd14.0- and Candies H m()nakerS Cluk, i intend to do what I can and there he was. paring- back and for the girl." _ Schedule , t :,,ach,,, y front of the newsstand, sc-cr c address "Stop!" Mickey called to the taxi Ili:RING dinner, Rosatiliond to:.! driver. Lo what she had done-after leav• , • He swerved toward the curb and ing alickey_She had gone to see a ' brought the taxi to a halt. Mickey man . In charge of a school for crammed a bill into his hand. flung training girls for factory work '' i open the door and leaped out. She was all enthusiasm. li, ci, a :.•'..- (, :s on I Peter saw her and came hurry- "I enrolled for both of us. We're LONG'S ..: In a toward her. his brown eyes •to report tomorrow at nine. Think you NI. L. e,,,, of 1.:,..„. . shining. At that look in lus eyes. can make a baby?" Ro.samond • - er doubts once again melted away, grinned. -How would you like to .. • 7. : • Mrs \ alonme BAKERY t h Peter," become an expert riveter?" ! ' I.:W LeIbilg : "Rosamond! • was in uniform now-and th. How could I?* are ak .... ta•th• i ! how dsome he looked! "Has your Peter ever been a sol------••Mc He seved her hands diet- before? Or William? Yet the "Why did you run out on me yes- Army will probably get William terday? What happened?" eventually." Rosamond smIle.d "I-I can't explain." she stam- "And it will do him a world of good mered. "I just suddenly got pan- -make a man of him. He's been icky." spoiled by lutury 'ing.k but strip "Why? Derrryou love me?" him of that and I think there "Y-yes, yes-oh. I can't explain, might be something there.- Peter." - "I believe you like William " Idickey:arcused. "I WAS bewildered when I found -Yes-I do." Rosamond thought- you'd gone I didn't know where fully crumbled a bit of roll between WARNING! to reach you, so I came here today her fingers. "In fact, if you're going in the hope you'd come. Well, never to jilt him. I might set my cap for mind-we wouldn't have had time him. Oh, I don't think I could ever • in get married. anyway. I'm leaving fall in love with .him, but that for camp today. Besides. I lost that wouldn't matter I aave no roman- S. hundred I planned to use for our tic itreak like you. I intend to be Do Not honeymoon I had to give it away calculating about marriage - and Shoot to a friefid." 'Firecrackers! William speaks my language." Mickey's heart gave a lurch Sn . "You can have him!" said that hundred-dollar bill .the Monde mlekey. girl had shown her was Peter's! When they had finished dinner -Listen." he said. "I wonder if Mickey said she thought she'd be- rm would do me a favor=a big one ter look up Lottie McDonald thitt IT IS AGAINST THE LAW TO -while I'm away?" eivmenaiyngn.ot DISCHARGE OR SET Peter?" "If we start to school tomorrow OFF FIRECRACKERS, ROCKETS OR OTHER "I suppose you've heard of have much time later" Michele Ryan" Rosamond Jumped up. "Well. I FIREWORKS IN THE CITY OF MURRAY "Yes." said Mickey, in a small am not going to let you go alone to meet that gal! I still think there's • "Who hasn't?" said Pete, with more to this than meets the eye I 1,, e obvious contempt. "She's one of im going with you!" prohibiting these practices will be those glamour girls who'd spend a enion.ed. entiv. arrests for these violations 41-iousand 'db7lars just for a ball. - (To be continued) Well, it's my idea that a girl like (The characters In this serial arc I ave not been made and the practice of shooting (ire- that OW1-5 something- to less for- ildfffOILI) tunate girls. friend Copyright 1542, by (Lr.uncrcy Publishing Co (rat ker, and other fireworks has come to be extensively Tills I spoke of indulged in.

' t !am' w d tome or not be here for Christmas. . it is for this b.. t, ci Aohdau reason that this Mrs Orectings aote of warning is A most b,'Sutitut scene, y S von violate the law vou can expect to be ar- 1 0.,,iittr, if bath morning that resembles a 1 she light Erma.. ar..,1 fined, iind-in . ! in her hos:. that (:ase don't blame the officers Miss Annie Willis and ;V, WITH OUR BEST WISHES • ta S.r.• . ill • ill.. 0.7 'II full. • ti:ey are <• harged Estelle Si ran were -at Mui with the enforcement of the law. Tb rhe Mat hash bt. n shoppieg• the pact week, M , good bt..* Inaybo Santo will Millis purchased a new bed To one and all go our heartiest wishes I. 1. r t. LW for THIS IS FAIR WARNING and it Mr-. Met 11. M iss An- I It tit, the nie Waits and Jessie itacCh. the happiest Yuletide ever. May good cheer .. e trust h ta I 7 Y1 0/•' of a burial that arrests will not be necessary and t or oti and I good health be yours f9r all of 1948. HAYS & FIELDER DONE BY ORDER OF CITY COUNCIL Quality Foods BANK OF MURRAY W.B. PARKER 16th and Main Nlember DIC 4 CHIEF OF POLICE Ample Parking Space r.

• -- • •

▪ ,

1947 •



••• and Save Money

ATTENTION All Truck Drivers- is no The Calloway milk and no butter on the Switzerland it is hoped 01:1111-• For Sale Co. Sail Imp. Assn, Smoking Sparrow, Hitch-hiking AS511 EN at. Mouse legal market (the butter ration will receive bids*, noon Dec. 27 P124.4101 74 PI 7.1.I tam n existing rations, although has not been seep for hauling lime and slag and un- Lead Off Freak Squeak Crossword Puzzle since August, stocks are running low. All stapie FOR SALE -Evening dress and Parade of '47 and already black market prices !odds loading bag material from rail- ACROSS os _ A are rationed; bread averages velvet coat, size 18. Never worn. are soaring. road siding to house, for 1948. If 30-Ooze • five pounds per person per week, Phone 893-W-1. D19p _When a apart ov. smokes in bed 1-11laie cat 31-Also interested call at the office an East ' 4- Apponilage 32-H,rmone Milk on the black market aver- but Sweden's ration is as low as and' a cockroach kicks a man 5- Install( 34-Reject Main and get a form on which to preceeded him to the g,: ‘,Lind. Mrs. ages 30 francs, or-25 cents, a pint. 2 1-2 pounds. Meat averages about FOR SALE-One 9x12 wool rug in down the staira._ things are getting 13- Fruit drink Si --Wipe out submit your bid. W. R. Perry, Markowski was bruised, her res- 13 - Wide- niout hed 36--Chinese *eight Cheese is unrationed and so are nine to 13 ounces per week, with good condition. 500 Vine, Street. good and wacky. But that's what 37--Printer s measure Manager. D18c cuer apologetic. -Man s nickname cegctables. but both are scarce Belgium at two ounces and Fin- Phone 271. Di9p happened 16 35-tires. _ in 1947. 15- Not •rtiticial 40 Sage and very rare in the big cities, land unrationed but difficult to out A speedboat carrying M:ss yr -Talked sildly air4111151 r - R DON'T FORGET our Auto Auction And that isn't all. A dead deer 12 Las-breaking ramir4 The normal obtain. FOR SALE-Allis-Chalmers model Georgia Brooks of Chicago dur- 111- Garde 43 -Cannibals vaLn T S A supply of potatoes With Sale -Hardships C every Saturday beginning at shot a hunter. A hit-skip cow 19 44 -What clock shows A Fi I1N COO cannot come up tja, satisfying the Butters margarine and fats aver- tractor with cultivator and plow. ing a holiday outing on Lake 10-Raised rant*? 47 -Belonging to me Ten 10:30, rain or shine. $2.00 if they made traffic history. A mouse up- N r.A141145 C E demands between three to 1943 model. All the extras. Good Geneva,' Wis., swerved so sharply 33 -Leave 43-Hall! 124 of the city's 4,000,000 age 12 ounces, !W. don't sell, EOM if they do sell. set a truck, a quail committed 2$ -Mistake tetanal 49-Went swift1Y 14 E40114- Fat Fish is scarce while milk is rationed tires. Perfect condition. Power it threw Miss Brooks into the 66-Lettel 110-1111m14 and high-pficed. about ,ix 'tub Anybody can sell ... anybody suicide, and some busy little -bees - Intersecting ini4Er: MICE 141a4GIEd From Pints. , hay baler with a 9 h.p. engine; can water, swerved again hits the $1-Lair Poland comes the picture buy-Main Street Car boarded a street car and caused a- of many Severe electrical cuts used about 60 days. See J C. or Exchange struggling swimmer, flipped her DOWN peasants starving and will affect l 2 3 •4 S a 7 6 • 1/ Prentis Dunn on Concoid and and Auction Co, Hopkinsville honey of an accident. .•0 freezing in their damp one-room all Europe this coming winter. In neatly back on its prow. 1-Curs leather Murray. and receive reward. D1.9c KY. 11 Yes, the annual *roundup of odd wooden huts, often, crowded out most countries, shop and sign . , Angel Without Wings ,ii, 2-Harem IS accidents by the National Safety i 3-Apportion ,„ with five persons. Food each day lighting is prohibited, and street And in Seattle, John 4-Trunk of bod9 FOR SALE-Deluxe 27-piece sock- Council reveales that amnials stole Angel , e 5-Wings is a dull and montonous diet of lighting is cut. Coal and coke is Hazel.tKy.: drove into and wrench set. Chest included; rh77.7;,:V71. the show in 1947. To wit: a service station, or- - 6-Sick thin soup, made from whatever strictly rationed: in Holland the Jones wishes to express their sin- dered a change oil, 7-Musical note also 2-burner portable gasoline Firemen in Camden N. J.. of stepped out. /7*. id 5-84viiigs scraps can be found; rye bread. ration is 17 hundredweight for the cere •- camp cook stove, never been used. appreciation for the sympa- discovered too late that he. was 9-Fa cred one pot I•Acc .chaup finally found the source elf smoke r ?" 1 Tr-Oscar let ttiversi winter, while in Finland, thy and love shown by your eight feet aloft on . / Real buys. Call 11,66-M. le floral pouring through the home of Mrs. a grease rack. II Cominunisti Current free Market food prices for instance, a consumption over offerings and your many World's champion freak /- 16- Beg other Marie Boug,her-a bird's nest on- faller Zs! 7' z , are 3.000 zlotis per pound of tea. 953 cbic feet of gas per household AUCTION SALE -Saturday. Dec. kindnesses. of the 17 -Wash tightly Words cannot express der the roof. A sparraw had car- year. so far as distance is / Is -Spacious 300 zloties per pound of butter and of five pernons results in a fine V. at 10 °clock. at my-farm quar- the consolation your many kind concerned. was Charles Arter. pit- 2,- „<, ,-.' 20 -Ages ried home a lighted cigarette. And 21-Gentoei roman 30 iloties for a pound of brea.i. and complete shutdown of sup- ter mile south of 'Sinking Spring acts gave. boy in a mine in South 2.3-Suit DI7p just to prove that smoking ire-bed Yorkshire, sate: Coal is costly at 4.000 zloties, un- plies. Church. I will offer-Tor sale: 1 England. Charles fell down a 25-Former isn't restricted to spail oVs. a .... 26- Near less it is obtained rationed at 2,000 registered Jersey cow, 1 registered 1.554-foot shaft 27-Message pigeon in Washington started an and escaped with zloties. The average factory work- heifer, Farmall FI2 Tractor in For Rent only a broken leg. Halfway down 25-Leader of Accident Bill Up; apartment house fire the L sanie / Si rikebreakers er .earns about 2,000 zloties per good shape: lime spreader, other the shaft he overtook an elevator / 30-Portion way. 33 - Prepared tot week. $50 Per Person fatming tools; Hay, 1 horse, 6 yrs: FOR RENT --4 11,11,, Oil till Vockroach Wins In One Fall cage "hid'"" going down al- tiring •Bulgaria, strained by it9 third brood mare in f, al. Some house- Benton most as fast as he was. He landed 34--Permit to travel highway juat outside city The celebrated case of the can- 36--Body organ successive summer drought, has It even costs more to have an hold gotidr. It. on it and roder`the rest -Plrts of play limits - W. H. *Keel, Bono! Carikerous cockroach occured in of the way supplies in stock to fill only two- accident these days. • Myers. D18p down. 39 (Stumble road. D17p Detroit and involved John Nantico. 40-Oros dim thirds of the nation's food neeeds, The National Safety Coun:11 oath FOR SALE- -Rough Lumber. We a bakery employee. Mr. Nantica; In Lille. France, a tile setter 144 54% 43-Little drink and even wira a scheduled grain says the average cost of accidents have about 50,000 ft oak framing said he. was ascending stair, mad,' named Yvon Dherire slipped off I 11-Nlyht before import from Russia. only 12 has gone up along with eggs and I MM.l• aril Nor• Oceania. a. 15- Jap coin and boxing, 50.000 ft. poplar, cut Services Offered I slippery by spilled 'cake frostin.' a roof, fell six stories and landed 47- Mother ounces of bread per person per two-pants suits to nearly $50 for for trim, shelving, etc_ .fteason- where fit looked into the leerim, snugly in a baby buggy from day can be provided. Potato every man. Tnan and child in able. Nance Bros., New Concord, ELECTRIC MOTOR, repair and re- eyes of the biggest cockroach aay which -an alert mother had fran- iations for the whole winter will the United States, as compared • or mill 2 miles east id Con- building, quick service-Sam Pil- man ever saw. He kicked at the.; tically snatched her child Dherire be about 20 pounds per person with about $37 in pre-war days. cord on black top at Mt. Carmel low, phone 18 or 1285-M. Paris, roach. the- other foot slipped are: was unhurt, but the mother Survey Shows Starvation Faces Many Greece tells a tragie spry with Thus the nation's total acident Church. Dlip Tenn. h1TW he landed at the bottom of tit.' fainted and broke an ankle. its thousands of homelels crowd- bill added up to nearly $6.00,000- Flatus with a broken leg. -lag into anything that looks hab- 000 last year and costs are still FOR - Europeans If. Rations Not Improved SALE -Six foot ele.aric re A. dead deer sot Clarence Ger- itable for a winter's stay. Medical going up ft gerhtbr. -good condition $8500 lomemakers Clubs Lost and Found1 kin of Hudson. Colo. in a 'neat LONDON it:Pi-Thousands of*- authorities fear a thus outbreak.1 See R. M. Canon. 1010 West Pop- I bit of posthumous vengence. Mr Do Ch;irity Work In Belgium, Denmark, Finland.' Use our classitieo lar street. ' the already undernourished two- queues iz,,low longer-and tempers D18p LOST Gerkin had shot the deer first Holland. Sweden Norway and get the husinees OR STRAYED A. and pies of The annual report of the Larue Europe ale c.e.m.- to rlare-ana put their hope in the ,FOR SALE- One elec.-irk train sey calf. Light squerrel color was preferring to dress it when a Courdy Homemakers Clubs shows and freeze to death this ::roposea American aid. -omplete. Excellent einditian. Weighs about 600 lb.. Strayed reilek kick by the amnial hit his that the members are interested unless .preseni ra.t,ons et.,fl Is Food rationing in most countries IDS C..I1 407. [Mc from the pasture last Saturday gun and discharged it. The-bullst not only in bettering their own maintained, a United Press sui +e.... eady has been tightened be- _ Notify W. B. Howard, Route 1. tore through Geilcins left arrn. homes, but in helping others also. I showed cause. of the summer long drought. WE FOR SALE--'41 Buick sedan- very Murray. and receive rewlirds D19p The hut-skip cow becanie part 01 Ns SELL in a lean; -a,U acCeSsoriPs, $139500 the Bilattett4 trait re problem when During the past year, they sent From the eastern frontiers- oi and countries such_ _as Greece. • be seen at 1010 Poplar. DIRp it bawled over Mrs. Luey Nostrand 130 baskets to the needy. did sew- war-devasted Poland t o t-li • Poland and France the forthcom- Vitamin-Treated Cows as she alighted front a bus at a ing tor 1.1 inotherlesa children. channel coast of France. f-ii . ing winter prospects is indeed icilt SALE- -Warm Morning stove. .1 grim id !leer busy int, raect ion in Milwaukee sent 36 baskets ot t towers to the Norway's icy tip to the I i ontl,•I s Possession a ration card RUBBER STAMPS Gaati as new. Price $40. Longs Give Richer Milk The bounding ti,iVine, Legit ive sick. paid the expenses of child- of Greece comes the same sue) is no proof of receiving the Sekery.' Dige i ir iii a !a: . whammed into Mrs ven to 4-H club cionti and gave less food, less fuel and less cloth- rations. lit c•pt: i'l.t , 0 Foit SALE.r-Four Nustrand. knocked her flat, and 9387 to' the Red Cross and $336 to ing In France. the average French- room house on that cows fed concentrated Erwin street joining city" ranits, barreled on (limn the street. the Wheel Chair fund. The Hod- I In this third post-war winter man will be lucky if he sees more iMili E supplement give milk that Ledger & Times S250000.' Rev. Lloyd Underhill. Hitchhiking Mouse Has Day genville Club gave $175 to the Europeans will pull in their belts,'than a handfull of coal for the Emm•Illp is _higher in butterfat. richer in •.:•tirt and Cliettrair -1118p The British Wi.711ntt .7i Lanct local high school, to buy books wrap their already threadbare! whole winter, meat once a week vitamin A. and more easily dig- Army had trai: 19-year-old and school equipment. overcoats around them. while the and a slice of bread a day. There iR SALE-Extra good use. Mo- ested than ordinarY malt Christine Woody% aid faci t,e1 C Allis-Chalmers Tractor and A souring test with milk from bombs, bullets and battle without NANCY And You'll Have More to Love By Ernie Bushmiller all equipment. disk new P.egis- vitamin E-fed cons showed that flinching. but they hadn -t thought tered painter bird dog. 10 months it formed a soft custard-like curd of a mouse. Se, when - a. moo,. aid, priced to sell C Eugene E;RA//LP that rvnained dispersed m the ..campered across -the toes of 341..- WE'VE GOTTA TH' NO - - - OF ZrZ./3/.1444c/i_i_icet SHOVEL - Jones, 1 1-2 imi. east of Lynn V4 hey -In contrast. ordinary mi:k Woodward ye hue' she' Y. as dm in:, MAKE SOME (IM SNOW OFF COURSE NOT -- Grove. D18p that is soured has a chunky and. _ an army truck II.sventry. Eng.- therefore, less digestible curd that land. she Just did v•hat ee-arlie MONEY FOR BROKE "/ER WALK I LOVE THE AUCTION SALE-I will offer for separates from the wiies. haturally. Tin• Iiiuc sale at my home on Murray and CHRISTMAS ) LADY ? SNOW went into a ditch. the mouse Centerville highway. Saturday. Nutrition authorities of the i• American field, and the victim to a .. - December 20. at 1 o'clock. one disc Veterinary Medical Asis- °elation, pital. harrow, disc cultivator, farm wag- in a statment just issued. said Far in vas the on. other farm tools, one piano this finding may prove im- portant in the (snail that found itself look- and other housetudd ileMS--Jphn production of qual- ity milk. If further ing down the barrel eit a gun -hcid H. Jewell. Cl7p tests should show that the vitamin E treatment by Gene Hatfield in Joplin. Mii FOR 'SA1.11- Thayer baby buggy. has the semi; effect on all cows. nt•IlliZi1W the jig was up. the quail practically new New price they said, many dairymen may dc-ended 'to end it all It ii,'-- $3995. priced at 127.00. See Fred find it advantaguus to feed this Sttathatt the barrel of the Porter. 407 N 16th St. D17p vitamin They pointed out. how- gun and dropped at Hatfield s - ever, that financial consideratiuns L with a broken heck. FOR SALE-Practically new baby will determine the real value of Appaiently stung by the hieli boggy; also 4-burner oil stove. this discovery. If the increased cost of living. bees took to.street- • Phone 1082XW. D17p market value of the milk does ears in 1947. A frolicsonie bone h not more than 'offset the cost of of them sccarnicel aboard a troll...:: ?OR SALE-Kenmoro washing ma- feeding the vitamin. there will be in Cincinnati and evinced great in------chine. Good condition - R. E. , no incentive for farmers to tisent terest in M'itornian lissrl Ai ii' - Mover i,lione 279-J tf ABBIE an' SLATS Thi. Gullible How the E factor Went* to make strong As he frantically. hatted Abbie By Rayburn Van Blare* cows give milk with a higher at his toiniblit42, passengei s. tin - vitamin A content was explained sire', tear bumped ati v. h., ii !NNW -TH 15 7-01','N Tetsfrif API:47-71 RUT-IF 5H 4.---*LiSf'EC- I'M A FEW PAY,..; LATER - MIGHT,/ IT'S NOT QUITE PEADY I'LL. TAKE Notices by the AVMA, author dies Vit- raninied the rea r if another. tette", ItiCRAFF-1E A4 MUCH A5 ONE PIf. - MI;-:E EC UP IN -i-II--L'LL 600P, Fcre ,5ALE, k115.1 5GRAP- 1H".703! amin E, it appears, has a sparing ramtneel the rear of anothei TRU-575 Mr!1".:HE 45 CERNITFLY 9,,,ELI- A RAT. I'LL 'OEM A ON.2 HUNDREO DOLLARS M'AM• PLE. WE HOPE THAT IN 'Tr) WARE on A. other Meance bile. buzz. buzz. 1.711L/. Weill CO ,VITENTION Paull! Owners - action vitamin In THE SINCERE RADIO COMPANY AN P HAVE A A WEEK TO ON -NE AIR A FEW WEE


North Third Street Telephone I 054 z



COPY FADED ,‘ ff, 5 SSi WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1947 & TIMES, MURRAY, KENTUCKY Anna Lee Miller, Thelma Jones, To Hear Education Almo High School Marshall. Joan Bishop. Nellie Mae Class Iron Curtain on Yugoslav and Jane Bishop. Seminar Guardians of By NANCY MOHL1NDRO Honor Roll A panel group from the seminar or Unfriendly Almo defeated Western with a First grade: Anna Sue Rogers, Border Neither Friendly class in education will discuss the score of . 46-34 at Almo. Friday Linda Grugett. Max Cole. Gerald subject "Are We Delinquent Pa- night. December 5 and defeated McCuistion, Larry Hale. Peggy rents", before the Hickman Parent Trigg-County High by. a score, of Cleaver. Fay Hopkins. Brenda Gale Teachers Association at Hickman. 28-21 at Trigg-Co. Friday night, Johnson, Marjorie Duncan, Helen January 6. This discussion is a December 12, with Almo leading Barlett, Brenda Wiley, Nix Ahart, 5. joint project of the education and the entiregame. Barbara Eldridge. syeech departments. We have a game with Wickliffe, Second grade: Myrna Kay Har- making up the panel are: Friday night, December 19 :it Aline). gis, Nancy McClure, Hazel McKin- Those Miss Ann Richiriond, Mrs. C. S. 11 irs 11 Pink le v Senior Party ney, Elna June Sheppard. Wanda Lowry, Pat Wear, arid R. L. Cooper. pre.. Mall I orre.pondini were entertained Taylor. Howard Bucy. United The seniors Burkeen, from the debate Ronald Third grade: Bobby Herndon, Emmett with a party at the home of moderator. !Ii • : 1. Bobby Johnson. Earl Phillips. Ed- squad, will act as ' er• Burkeen, Wednesday night. Decem- Dick, Charles ber 10. ward Walston. Maty Laura Bar- Wilson, Delightful refreshments were Roberts. Lackie Boyd, Eighth grade: Rosetta 1a t.)t I- Mae Sue served in the 'dining room: candy nett. Shirley Bennett, Ola Wilma Dean Jones, Glenda Lee, and pink lemonade. Burkeen, Dorothy Eldridge. Ellis, James Neal, Thomas .r; • 1 different games were played. Fourth grade: Eugene Herndon, Fannie Mae Mcclard. tnd r..ose- It Louis. Rob- The musicians were Otis Elkins. Gene Starks, Winona Freshman: Yuette Bagwell, An- Pat Johnston, Jean- James Darnell. and Aroan Bur- ert Henderson, nette Woodall, Betty 1.ou -Bizzel, Betty Hill. Larry keen. etta Herndon, Doris Jean Jackson. Jo Ann Mathis Miller, Dan Bur- Those present were: Mr. and Woodall, Mozelle and Emma Jean Barrish. keen. Mrs. Jim Burkeen. Mr. and Mrs. Sophomore: Patsy Burkeen, Ann Fifth grade: Fannie Scott, Geral- A Dave Burkeen. Mr. and Mrs. Rub- Anne Miller. Nellie Mae Shapphard, Crouse, ble Morris, Mr. and Mrs. James dine Hopkins, Martha Ronald Pace, I..aura Hopkins, Da- Darnell, Mr. and Mrs. Aroan Bur- Smith.Thithe.ima Junes. Mary Wilson, Kathryn Sm keen. Mrs. Everett Massey. Mau- phene Herndon. Geraldine Junior: Joan Bishop. Betty Jo C7- reen Rowland, Alice Nanny, Ruby Duiain McClard. Turner, Wil- Holsapple, Bobby Ray. Dartha ii ii barred at this get-together to mark the Sizzle, Rebecca Roberts. Willa Sixthotrade: Ernest ANNIVEICSARY—tialr-pulltng was Mathis, Patricia Lewis. wh 110OLLV as "Lord Beaver." Mr. Dean Short, Nancy Muhundro, Otis dy M y. Anna Lou McKinney. Wooley:s beoarci, known affectionately Charles Burkeen, Mau- Mt) Nib. anniversary 0.1, Monte that Ronald Doris Graham, Wilma Oldham, Senior: film, "Tbe Bishop's Wife," recalls Elkins, Charles, Burkeen, Short, York tor the opening of the new Jones. reen Rowland, Willa Dean 01 Wooley. in New Dtispring of a disgruntled ex- Burkeen. Damon Turner. Jack Dan Cam, Evelyn -New tta-ren.--ecit-n-. 4-n 1927, the Jimmy Alice Nacmy, Glen Roberts. Kath- 'To r crtfir.a1W-- Twartrorrrm above 13 Roberts. Glen Roberts. Theda Mae Seventh grade: Rutledge. with a rusty razor blade The bearded group leen Tucker, Rebecca Roberts and protessor's unwillingness to shave Morris. Lorain Burkeen, Luther Patsy Ann Kingins, Dotha Cleaver, novelist: Monte Wooley: Santa Claus, and JO Ruby 13izzell. ft of (left to right) Rex Stout. Conner, Patty Joyce Burkeen. Bobby Burks. composed Davy:Bon. sculptor. Stn the • dri gol he-

cart .t Drama Of English Queen To lk GiN en wh Fehruar) 5th. 6th COME W CET IT. tun We •

r tt'ufbrrt;

P 00 RI $13511000 la a hi•le

Rev .;•• t Ri ?Lid In CASH and PRIZES Nett

is Including doul T. frorr


nas jear FRAZERS -16 KAISERS Al 8 is s - Chu Awarded in are I Iver

E% dun Rev

nesd conf grub GREAT CONTESTS 13( 8 can ran Contest Ends December 28, 1947 pus First grou out a day. T1 1,-1V42 SE R lege KAI HERE ARE THE SENSATIONAL KAISER-FRAZER PRIZES FOR THE 5135,000 PRIZE BIG THESE CONTESTS Cl FOR PRIZES WILL OE EACH OF THE 8 AWARDED - MCC ARS A First JIG prise ---F SEPARATE /NM FRilZER, ttttt Sedan, CONTESTS Second end completely ,trie Third equipped. and FARM.... . FourfA Prige.)--Kais•r Sedans, FUNGUS Prise completely flora 1 1 Fifth --SSD° in Cosh. equipped ‘NILL MAKE r,of Prise bor. SEEK, NG %EN CHEWCAJS TI-44T \ in America to know first- N•sf IS —Delvs• Rados .Kaiser and Frazer wants every car owner Phonograph 0 relh, DAMAGING / Herr SO Prix/yr.-Raiser Standard LACQUER'S, REEIST Prise. —Setts Cab,net Cornbonat,on. SHES ANC' Neal 100 of 4 Model G-E 1 the between prewar and postwar motor cars. Look around, Priseo—Diaux• Goody•ar Hydraulic ON ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT, hand differe?ke ka,ser•Fr super-culh,oined. Elithwoihe•t. FUN.- _ 5 GROWTHS A crier Wool whitewall FUNGUS FARM 1 sofas of 170 Flood Lap tir•s NOW HAVE 'THEIR OWN can be seen in A Prises worth Robes. 5CENTS-7S' the unmistakable characteristics of Kaiser-Frazer design grand t•tal of over S17.000 GROW7145. ; 7,360 Prises awarded in TI-IE`1 CAN STUDY FUNGUS with a total each contest WHERE , And this value of nearly every new car model introduced by other manufacturers. ^ver'C'S1,15.000. OFFICIAL RULES years to come. It has for the style trend is certain to be followed by others in tile SENSATIONAL 011 riZ/E YOURSELF $135,000 Ira akinplit to design. These great cars arc miles ttttt Nef KAISER-FRAZER completely changed mgdern motor car I. ttttttttttttttt perck•s• CONTESTS 240 HOURS - and askC.nearest tration arnt ree <,rtileinaltrm entry r }rater ), HOW MANY 4OURS ahead in performance, style, ride. lion portion blank Fill out tle.rter ',tar -.D.,ATs and leave It the II 1134 dealer soth your reeistra- f•Isit 11,1 Or a. kaiser.Fraeor rr 1. • , ""'"I PER YEAR TfrE AVERAGE 2. Print your I N. L.- Come ,and see the. KAISER and the FRAZER today. Oct your free entry the official name and arldem, words entry blank plainly nn FAA,', t_Y-SPE NOS or Its, 1.41ton Then in F;AR.m kaiser Anil e,.rrip/ete this 25 CARRYINC.7. .. ..- questions you want. I rarer tars srateinent --- -New PUMPING AN blank . . . your free tip sheet. Ask your dealer any l'c.1 aPtseal to 4."utie nd )ern.: me der I.. FOR ----- blank t, entry nn the ii 1) WATE:2. I'S A -1063 IlV 4fictal entry . -. Watch the Kaiser-Frazer ads: Follow the rules and win! There's no pur- EFFICIE"," ECONOMICAL lit NAISEIRERAZER • . P. CONTEST O. icor ef -- '- ".*--7 CC:'..-7.5 _ world! No. ELECTR chase ncLessary. Ilore are the nlot beautiful cars in the verb 1, N. Tlir.e, y.' veal., ntests are ABC !-- 2C. PER DAY - or Oiler living turtle/I te; 'tilt,, elk in the persons le eplItIg !TIM0 rei eintineiltal rillnl :rtnrerlrate fam.i, fir mem!, r, of the f1111.1,tr• f,1 the FUSE STORY....-,4E SIMPLE N.j/tI HOUSEHOLD FUSE MADE BY MUST MEET IN GENERAL ELECTRIC COME TO A HONORE() TIMES TESTSAS SEVERE UP AS ARE EVER Get your .ritest Entry Blank and Tip Sheet from your nearby Kaiser-Frazer Dealer MET IN USE WITH SUCH CARE FREF GENERAL ELECTRIC JEALOUSLY Motors • GUARDS PREC/5/04/ PERFORMANCE: Ashcraft South Fifth St. Murray, Ky. GENERAL t-r,c, ELECTRIC
