<-.'•'' ' ' V'. Bv I « s ^ ^ ^ s ; a i r - ► !\- 'V%’,v>: .. . n;':''T<':-i:: I- •=r .' - . -". -, ."'■ "I--■ '■ 1- ■■, V • t -, ■ ■- --.-^ ■' --4~ /'■ %■

WEDNESDAY; OCTOBER 29,.’1952 V »■ fA 6B TWENTY-FOim - - AYtrage ^lly N« Press Run dSmu H rralb ■V, . Tha Weather, F m the Week glided -r— Oct. gs, less Foreeast et H. B. Weather' Biueaa marriage took place In May, 1M7. before lo^. Being th« father of All auxiliary police are to report . -by •' Sock and Buskin / and Streeter apent the next two the groom la not really painful, Fair tonight nnd Friday. Nat aa to pollcp' headquarters not later Engaged I years writing the novel that was though. It la easy.' aaya Street­ 10,693 I About Town than 6;4.S p.m. Friday. Halloyeen. cool tonight, minimum SS. Warm­ I to capture the hearts, of, the na- er, to eat wedding cake “ that Member ef the Audit Police Chief Herman O. Schei^lel Plav Has Stoi Last 3 Days of Our er Friday. ' ICuichMter L (I d ir • No. 73. AF' announced today. All department If . non's reading public.' someone elae haa paid for. < Bnreea cf CIrcnfaitloiie ■Bd AM. will hold » ipeciBl com* members and the auxiliary police .1 Since daughter Claire became a Leading rolea in the Sock and Manche$ter~—A City of Village Charm fnuBlcatton at the Masonic Temple will be on duty Halloween. Based on S ! bride. Streeter has repeated the Buskin, production are -being tak­ .tonight a t 7:30 for the purpoM of , ; ordeal a second time with hla en by Alfred Tarlcco, Lola Coo- : younger daughter Charlotte, nnd per. Judy Alcox and John Allison, “Harvest of Vallies” conwcting a Masonic funeral serv* Mrs. DorolhiT Sandals of 128 Father of the Bride. VOL. LXXII, NO. 26 (CUMolfled Adrertiatag on Pago IS) MANCHESTER, CONN^, THURSDAY, OCTOBER .10, 1952 (TWENTY PAGES) PRICE n V E leaf ro the late diaries Lamb. «’ho Autumn street" has Just returned which I insists that it was not any | Tickets. may' be purchased from Muir h member of Mnmmatt Lodifc. from'New- Yorh City where ah# **^*'"^1^* " j I easier. He has also married off, any member of the club or from East Boston. Maas. The sen-ice was the guest of Dr. and Mrs. the Bowers school on Nov. 14 and [ sons, and a third-one is ex-i Miss Mary McAdama at the high l.V is a real-nfe story based on pjpte^ to be marching up the aisle ' school. - 5rtU ba held at the Holmes Funeral Sevln at a meeting at the W.aldorf actual incidents. In Our Domestics Home on Main street at 7 :45. Astoria Hotel of the Ruth Kirxon Though the family In "Father of D em ocratic Group for Handicapped Children. the Bride" .has been named Banks Daughters were bom at the in the sueressful book, s-reen and Haitferd, Hospital Sunday to Mr. Sales at UmManchester Auction stage versions, most of the ex- lutd Mra. Milton Camllleri of 28 Mart yesterday amounted to; I perienoes in this popular comedy Pinehurst Features Official Out jltdama street and Mr. and Mrs. ggOi.^'^TTiese Included 88 half-! ' really'happened to a family named -HALE’S OWN BRAND itvlaa J. O'Reilly of Bolton, and s bushel baa'cets of tomatoes at a i Street^, with just a bow here and Ton ^ sT ^ rn lBeTnmT day to Mrr Ijjfh of <2.30, a Tow of'JI W arid' j Uytre to^famatFc liceri.s'e. O n 5 ^ D e a t •nd Mrs. ilarold Moulton of 78 an average of *2.10 per basket. I jy The" man w ho has. accumulated i Dadj^ood drive. and three crates of caullHower st | ''^so much notoriety, and cash, re-1 \ a high of *2.25 and a low of *2 counting his trials and tribulations j Waahiniiton, Oct. 30 — (/P) per crate. ^ _ | as the piper-payer for his daugh- ] WITH 3" HEM ON BOTH ENDS ter'a wedding is Rdward Streeter.! PORK PRICES Aboard Truman Train in — Je.ss Larson, chief purchan- N, William Knight, executive I Michigan. Oct. 30 — (/P) — ing agent for the Truman ad­ cosMinos 4 Having been a vice president of j CUTS , Guard Searches Acting Governor vice president and cashier of the ! the Bank of New York and the REC. $2;98-72xll0 $2.49 aHb y a l l i JM President Truman said tmlay ministration, said today he , First National Bank, and Mrs. | Fifth Avenue B.mk since 1931. Mr. that Dwight D. Eisenhower, «Q b r a n d s ^ Knight and son. Nicky, will be in PORK CHOPS ' ij,69e has ordered a “complete in­ Jeaa A. Uarlinghi Streeter had been living rather in a “casual pledge over a cup vestigation” of a now-cancel­ ! Boston tomorrow. Mr. Knight will romfortsbly even before the royal- UP TO 5 LBS. ----- REt. .«3.29-«lx1IO $2.69 undf Drag StorasJ! attend the annual stockholders Mr. and Mrs. .John ^arlinghouse I tics as an author started pouring of coffee,” made a “cold­ led government contract Adlai Aides Ike Gets Key to City meeting of the Federal Reserve 1 of 895 Center atrcel. announce the 1 in. In . fact, landing on the best- RIB ROAST PORK 0.^ «,49e Wonderful Hale's sheets with the same gize 3" hem on both tndi. blooded, deal” that could make which the New York Herald C row d T o ld Bank of Boston, The First Nation- i engagement of their daughter. I seller lists is nothing new to Sheets that will give years of wear. a difference “between peace Tribune said would have re­ al Bank is the onljt member of the - Jean Ann Garlinghoiise, to Charle.s ^ Streeter. He did it once before, .n 7-RIB Federal Re.serve System of the! Wellington Baldwin, son of Mr. i 1017, a.s the author of "Dere and a third world war.” turned ft.lO.OOO to an official That, he said, was when "he S n iff W in d K o re a T r ip financial institutions in Manches-' and Mrs. Chartrs Baldwin of Tor- i Mabel," a aeries of fictitious letters PORK ROAST Lb. 38c of the Democratic National ter. • ranee, Cailf., j from a rookie soldier to the girl he gave 4ip the right t e use hla best committee and a.«sociates. Ml.sa Garlihghousc is a giaduale ! left behind. Incidentally, the 42x36 Judgment" on defen.se needs at a of Mt. SL Joseph Academy in I author of the present dr.imatiza- breakfast in Morningside Heights O f V ic to r y TOY SHOW LdW |«BtlCES ON MAXWIU H 0H « In New York with GOP Senator Washington, Oct. 30— Is Essentiid :.WesL.HaJ‘lford and the St. Francis I ttph IS not Slrecter, b u tJ^ o U n e, . 75a6;rjs;^',s.V.:.. : i School/of Nursing. At present : Francke. though the play follows ■ Robert A.''Taft;'■"■'j— .... ------— Ah''"official orthef Demo­ "she Ig a night supervisor at the | the hectic events Streeter told in Truman hurled this charge at cratic national committee ha.8 ,En^ Route with Stevenson UPMlltG COFFEE Lansing, Mich., after an earlier New. York, Oct. 80^/P)— SIGN SERVICE Ist.-^rancis Hospltnl. Mr. B ald -! the noval. been fired for allegedly heli*- in Pennsylvania, Oct. 36—point U.” he added,' $3.98 of your propert.v. I refer to the atood to share a *450,000 commis­ Contempt Counts that this aort of crookedneaa goes of being a puppet speaking lines rich off-shore oil lands which the sion. ' on and on In Washington.” ‘ _ Supreme Court has said belongs to put into his mouth by those Ste­ The same high quality heavy weight cover we have carried for Ike Odds, 7-5 Jess Larson, who signed the venson called "his hsndlers.” And Elaenhower was referring to the yeara. Seama all boimd. all the people of the United Hunger Hits contract for the government in Ids States, Including you. He bar­ he insisted these lines held out Washington, Oct. 36 — (/P) — Henry W. (The Duchman) discharge by the Democratie Na­ capacity as head of the Defense false hopes to the people. tional committee of Chi. Lawrence gained away your property for Chicago, O ct SO— Chi­ Materials Procurement agency, Grunewald today pleaded innotent to a 22-count charge oi: votes of the oil Interests In three cago gamblers willing to bet on He was expected to take this Westbrook, a research and de­ said today Westbrook signed the contempt of Congress arising from his refusal to answer velopment engineer who allegedly coastal states—yet he says he has the nutrome of the preoi4ientlal Convicts in nine-million-dollar deal for. tung­ questions put to him by a House Committee investigating tax T. made no deals. campaign atlll favor Eisen­ (Oontlnued on Page Eight) helped negotiate a nina million Extra Special! sten betw’een a Portugese com­ frauds. Grunewald waa arraigned^ dollar government contract while "The oil deal only cost you hower, but at odds lower than pany and his agency. in U. S. District. Court before money. The Taft-deal is much more a week ago. It was reported to- acting aa liaison men between the 59c YD. VALUE 36" Prison Riot The contract, in effect since Judge BoUtha J.. Laws who : National cominaiUee Important. da>'. hla trial to boMn Jan. *19 and re- Provoo Jurors ■'I don’t know whether the can­ The Chicago Dally News aahi Sept. 11, was cancelled by the Savlage Batfle and membara ot Oongraas, WMt- leaafd h to undor. 99.M0 bond. brook's diemlaaal waa announced' didate' is being dishonest, or fbo'M eB* odds i|uotad «n« 7 to government Monday for the an­ COLORFUL PRINTED 1 Chefcton IU., ‘ 0 « f 86—{A>) nounced reason that the company ' Grunewald Waa tunkM by two last night by Staphen A. Mitchall, wlyther he Just is not aware what 5 that U u wlU^M* over Steven­ attorneys, William Power Md- Hear of Top son next Tneaitey. That means ! — Acting Illinois ^ov. .Sher- had vIolaBM* terms by ^ing into ^ritinues for Democratic national chainfiu happened to him when he talked loney and Joseph Healy, when he OHee Van Fleet w 9 7 ^ wood Dixon expresied strong the open market for tungaten to to Sen. Taft. — sell t iir U. S. instead of Keeping appeared..before Judge.Xawa - At- the--same- rally he atoir'K^ FLANNaETTE, 49c Yd. r "If he is not aware of' having win $S if the general is eleoM . today th at 322r:Tnutw the brief proceedings. / Secret Missien A 910 b fto n SfeVehabn-'w-inihr iU- pledge to supply the metal Korean Ridges farred to the letter he diaelosed ~ made a deal, he would And It out hpus but • hungry (mnyic^ from mines It claimed to control. The charge was read to him last night from Gen. Jam es Van Florals, geometries and children's patterns In fine quality S6" mighty fast, if you people make win 911 -according to latest would end their rebeUim, now and he waa ^ked what he ^’ished New York, Oct. 30—(/PI- Veiled bookinakers’ odds. Lsrspn aald if the contract had Seoul, Friday. _ Oct. 31—(iP)— Fleet, commander of the Eighth The Totally New flannalette. All color combinations. 59c value. the mistake of electing him Presi­ in its fourth day, at Menard been cancelled already on these to plead. revelations of a unique and secret Arm.v in Korea. He asked; dent. He would find the old guard About 2,000 Chinese Communists Maloney spoke up;., "Not htate prison and release their grounda "we may have cancelled Army intelligence misaipn to the "Why shouldn’t our boye be ready to collect on that agree­ last night hurled probably th e ! guilty.' taken out of the frontlines if the \ seven hostages without harni. the contract anyway had we biggest attack in weeks at 'Trl- Grunewald repeated after his Philippines before Pearl Harbor to- ment the first time he asked for'a jenown” of Westbrook's relation­ South Koreans can take over, as law or sent them a budget.” *n3e feeling among state and angle hill even as Allied infantry attorney: "Not guilty.” I day highlighted the -treason, trial Gen. Van Fleet says they can?, Miracle Blanket Made of $«.9S BEAUTIFUL POLLY PRENTISS prison authorities 'that prospects ship with the deal. check* for the piitoll lof ...... ^ 2 ® ® Praises Vandeaberg Trooper Nabs threw other Reda from the top of , The proceedings over. Grune- of John Provoo. "They say I’m talking politics for a peaceful settlement of the Blamen General nearby Sniper ridge. j wald left In the company of hjs At Lansing, Police Inspector telephone from Dallas. Tex., when I talk about that, Weil, all Cheeri (or SHiP'n SHOREI They know oil the on$w#r» In oe«on deadlock were favorable grew The battle raged into its 18th daughter, Flrna, who was In the Capt. Richard Sakakida, testify­ right, if that's politics, then Fm George Warner estimated the WMihrook told the Herald Trib­ ing as a prosecution wltheas CHENILLE BEDSPRE ADS crowd at 5.000 people. At Grand Armed Pair in swiftly last night as hunger be­ day w’lth no Sign of letup. court room. He atoppeeen charge of ground forces, artillery seemed In an easy frame of mind, said he went from Hawaii on the erected In the garment district and without food since seizing the east of both sides churned both central Grunewald was Indicted by a Army G-2 mlasion, under Oral low convertible colior ond little peorl buttons. Mpnolone checks $6.95 '(Continued on Page Eight) Bay State Theft (Oaatlnued on FXge Eight) as Eisenhower mounted it to apeak, cell block of this southern Illinois front heights with poSsIbly the!federal grand Jury last week. orders. In April, 1041. he said: on white combed cotton Sonlorized broodcloih ... ever loveljj, prison late Monday. Their hostages * '* ^ ‘**^ ''® V ' _ I Each of the 22 counts was The facts of the mission, he said, "I waa told not to come down to Fine quality white grounda with multi-color floral pattern and Westbrook, Oct. 30—(/P)—■ An —a prison lieutenant and alx IOO70 Pepperell Peerless colored borders In blue, rose, green and yellow. A wonderful alert State Policeman with "Iota JJte CInese attacking Triangle i based on his refusal to answer have "not yet been made public, Seventh avenue by people who are ever woshoble. - ' guards—have been without food hill Struck with three batallions. j some questions from the House I presume It is still classified as supposed to know politics. They value! Nixon Declares of courage" stopped two whiskey- since-noon Monday. 5 Million Tax secret by 0-2.” ^ '-r - - Not exactly drinking gunmen from Massachu­ A frontline dispatch said the fight- !Ways and Means' subcommittee said theree won't be a corporal's •s illustrated. ^ Three hostages already hw Ing stin was furious early today, investigating tax frauds. The Pressed for details by a defense guard there to see you.” setts at gunpoint near the Clinton On adjacent Sniper^ ridge,' 2,000 A wave of laughter welled jip Ike Only Hope line early today. ■ been freed. That move came y eif group headed by Rep. King (D.. attorney, Sakakida said: "Before terday when 38 paychlatric in­ m Settled Chinese Reds had burst from a Calfl.), had Grunewald before it you-go an.v further on this, I went from the vast throng. STILL MORE AND MORE OP THOSE WONDERFUL .. Tfooper Tom Nichols, his suspi­ deep, uphill tunnel and. seized the "If this is a corporal's guaifi,” Dynel Blankets f t * " . cions aroused, chased the gunmen, mates surrendered and gave up the la.st January. you to know-that my-atatus then crest, known as Pinpoint hill. But Eisenhower saidavitli a grin, "cor­ For Sound U. S. who later identified themselves aa hostages unharmed on Dixon’s pro­ For $295,000 Grunewald. who long has had a was entirely different from any mise to hear their grievances. -Allied forces rallied and recaptured j reputation as a behind-the-scenes other service personnel." porals are getting a bigger com­ LATEX FOAM Verdon Hollis, 26. o f Medford, It with clubbed rifles and cold ; wire-puller "Tn. Washington, told mand than they used to.” - - 4 ^ Los Angeles. Qct. 30 — t/Ci — Mass., and Newton Reynolds, also After ■ that breax. in tension. He insisted his work in Manila Statement Applauded m Washington, Oct. 30- -IP)—Sen. stecL ' the investigators he was born in at the time."waa secret,” and the Sen. Richard M. Nixon resumed his 26, o f, Winchester, Mass., after Dixon told the remaining convict Elsenhower drOw his biggest ap­ holdouts: Martin (R., Pa.) today asked the -• Thousanda of rounds of artillery 1892 but wouldn’t tell them much questioning waa dropped. final home state campaign today they refused to heed hla command Justice Department to investigate fire from both aides churned the of anything ejse—not even where plause, however, when he defend^ .50 IRONING BOARD PADS after a pocketbook appeal to ‘“the to stop. ‘ "As soon as you restore order Previously, Sakakida had told the .settlement of a *5,166,380 rocky summit into sand during the' he was born. how Provoo. a Callfomlan .who had hia proposal to go to Korisa lf4ie 72x90 SIZE forgotten man — the American Nichol finally c'hught them after and release the seven guards I will is elected. "Anybody knoWs t(^ t X tax claim for *295,000. savage fighting and wras continu­ Grunewald, If convicted on each studied the ancient Buddhist reli­ WITH COVER taxpayer” -to put the Republicans a wild chase as they headed south sit down vrith yqu and hear every Martin said in a letter to Atty. ing without letup. An Bightn into power. grievance.” gion, turned against hla buddies A $3.49 VALUE— SPECIAL .. $2.79 toward New Haven and brought Gen. James P. McOranery that the Army staff officer said it probably (CoaMnned on Page. Eight) and welcomed Japanese troops at (Continued on Page Eight) The LUXURIOUS Nixon, in a natloilwlde TV-radio them to the Westbrook barracks Late last night tw-o prison claim was sgainst the late VVil- would rate as the most intense the fall of CojTegidor. Our first shipment sold out in less than a week. Never apeech last night, contended Gen. of the State Felice where the gun­ chaplains entered the celt block liam Fox, film aiSf theater""e~xecu- shelling of the war. J. Sakakida, a Japanese-American Dwight D. Bllsenhower ia tWe na-1 men. according to Capt. Carroll at the Inmates' request. When they ,tive, for 1935 and "all prior The Allied troops were dug in before has there been a blanket that give.s you all the Green Stamps Given With Cash Sales \lona only hope for a sound econo- Shaw, admitted having robbed the returned from the darkened build- 50 yards down the-alope from the born in Hawaii, told of interview­ years." ing Provoo, and quoted the de­ TOUCH of FUR my, opportunity for their children, The Senator said the claim in­ summit of Pinpoint .taking cover Wondrous qualities of this miracle blanket. Six beautiful fendant as I saying t)ie United and lasting peace. (Ooetlaned on l*Me Eight) (Continued on Page Eight) volved taxe.s, penalties and in­ from the hail of Shells which blis­ News Tidbits ' Bulletins "The average American family tered, the crest. States had.forced the w ar on the colors,' Ko.'e, maize, green, blue, geranium red and an­ The look is unmistakable! Out- Individualist coats terest and that from information Culled from AP 9Ylre« ' from the AP Wires «how in their imaginative tines that from every Is caught in a squeeze of high They drove the Chinese off that Japanese people." he acquired "it would appear that Provoo is accused of courting tique w'hite. ,. angle they are the fashion coats of . the year. prices and high taxes.” Nixon de­ the government could hav/e re­ highest peak of Sniper ridge at T h e J W H A b C CO, clared. citing "dishonesty; waste mid-afternoon under Red artillery favor of his Japanese captors, and covered the entire amount,” First snowfall leaves up to four STOP U. 8. TANKS . miiimmiiWRWfWnWI CoN N -.i_ and Inefficiency in government" aa Benton Cites McCarthy Martih said that at the time of and mortar shelling described by giving them'information that re- the officer aa "very deadly." inches in upper New England do­ Berlin, Oct. 10—(-P)—The 1 Shop Hale's tha main reasons. the settlement In 1941 the FB I de-"! elans slopped eight Amef He said that Gov. Adlal Steven- Then they split into three as­ ing damage bu.t . .eliminating . fire (Coatfaiued 0f..l^lg« Elgllt).. $ 55.00 to $ 110-00 j» h "stands for the policies which cided th st Fox had erred in re- sault forces and tried to smash -the hnznrd. . ; . I^biishers' Auxiliary tank* from precedteg teSey , Read These Amaxing Features maiiju'Krghar Itfore :gow .pqrtiAg^ ..the.date..of. an., important, ChtaessLimir Jh e wsyrlwialr -to -the- s ^ s - :JtatlonYwtde: -po!P showir -ms-- -CaUroadL ..J0atcaa....th For The“^ amment control.” stock transfer, aiiid that the tranSL Yoke, a maike of csvea and tunneis Jorlty of editors belieVe tlielr com-- Soviet zone to- B erlllf - .- Timee-'controU, .NUon aidd. ‘‘•re fer w'as no) made until four years dtAriiUlg the northern, .vnd. of . iik munltlen favor Ike. , iilg Delayed - model Pattons, are part of --P E fP E R E tLi+ 0 0 % DYNEL- BLANKETS ARE -after'' the- date*he h*a- -giv’en-. And;' Sfrohg vMn'd iiwifUng 'tV aiid' 2Cr -geaOrat -r epliteeaieat—aoSe#... tor - squeezing the little man and dis- By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ' business for themselves again and U. S. Senator Joseph McCarthy taly apprdpriations for our de­ The Eighth Army said Its troops make their nuixlmum contribution Martin aald the compromiy set­ had inflicted 5,789 casualties on Manufacturing (Company,' Bridge­ municipal Judge todi-y put off until Beverly Hills, Calif,, Oct. SO— WILL WEAR AL.MOST I.NDKFl.NITELY— It will prove WOOL GLOVES (R-W iic.) who ia “worth one hun­ fense—which Joe McCirthy op­ (>P>—-Dixie Lee Croaby’a life coa- HOSIERY to'America and lU growth.” Nixon tlement was accepted by.the then the Reds In the week ended' Tues­ port, authoritea its leaders to call Nov. 20 hearing of an extradition dred million dollars t6 Joe Stalin posed, and fighting for the right of tinued to ebb away today. Tha to be the longe.st wearing blanket ever rhade. declared. , ' Attorney General, Francis Biddle, day. bringing the total for the strike whenever they deem It nec- claim by the state of Maryland on the floor of the Senate.” free men to challenge their ac- on Dec. 5. 1941, and the money eaoary, against a University of Maryland tO-year-old wife of einger Btaih' Full fashioned first quality nylon hosiery in new He hailed Eisenhower's offer to McCarthy says it is Benton who. cuaer in front of hia protective first four weeks of October to go to Korea personally if elected was paid to the Collector of In­ 32.885. Thst made October the In Greenwich, Ja y V. Smith, student charged with trying to fix Crosby remained in a coma aM * SHRINK RESlSTANT-^You can wa.sh this blanket in or M IT T E N S fall and winter shades. U S E D C A R by opposing him in hia anti-Com- curtain of senatorial immunity?" her physician held little h4qie fpg- ternal Revenue J n New York on heaviest month of the year nnd write-in political candidate arrest­ a footbjill game. • water as hot as your hands'can stand. as "the words of a man of ac­ munist -activity, la* worth, that • - Ued Deliberately her survival. „ Solid colors and Jacquard designs. Also wooT lined tion.” He quoted Stevenson aa say­ Feb. 10. 1942. the biggest since last November ed on charge of placing politiral Government attorneys argued much to the Russian cause. Benton also declared that Mc­ posters on poles nnd trees within for the delay in order to give string gloves or leather palm wool gloves. DEXDALE 66 GAUGE SHEERS ...... $I,V5 Pr. It Costs Less ing, "nothing laet* forever—not Benton, listing the things he’s Carthy "lied deliberately and REFUSES COMMENT ' STAIN RESLSTANT—Can be put in strong bleaching even Korea.” then asked: tot (Continued on Pnge Bight) (Continued on Pare Eight) highway limits. , . . Defense de­ Maryland authorities time to pre­ and McCarthy's againsc. knew ^ waa a lie" w’hen he said partment Instructs combat merv- pare extradition papers. Maryland Pasadena, Calif., Oct. tft-rtJPt n \vater if necessary. NO MEND SEMI OR SHEERS ...... $1.65 Pr. If 50 MERCURY STATION WAGON. RIH. ISfS ‘■What hope .do«e give to doesn’t say, but asks whether it U som^^f the script w’rlters for —Attorney Dana C. Smith aajf^ 900,000 boys in Korea, Md to the Ices to-eannounce promptly names^ officials want the student, Louis IfSO lUICK SEDANET, RRH...... 1545 he or McOwthy who is valuable to Ehicyclopedia Britannica films, of men killed or hurt in accidents Leonsrd Glickfleld, to answer he w'lil talk only la court ahoot a. VAN RA A LT E...... $1.35 and $1.65 Pr. the Kremlin. controlled by Benton, had "long Havana gambliag debt law mat QUICK DRYING —Drys in an Bmazinglv short time. $|.50 to $5 *^® pair (Oontianed on Page Bight) outside military InalalUtlons In I. • * I f 50 CHEV. 2-DR. SEDAN. CIm h Cor ;... 13f5 McCarthy made hla charge at recoi-di” of aiding Communist Vishihsky Asks UN Group U. 8. (Continued on Pnge Eight). In which Sen. BIchard M. Nixsif ALBA PERFECT FIT NYLON $1.15 to $1.75 Pr. an Irish Republican clutt rally in fronts. Intervened tai his behalf. If 50 STUDE, CONVT. OVERDRIVE, RAH . U f5 Waterbury Tuesday night. Arthur J. Connell, American MOTH PROOF-—Storage is no, problem. Moths have Democratic State Chairman Legion National Ehiecutive com-. ]1f47 CHEV. 4.DR. SEDAN. N«w Roiiit.... 075 Calls McCarthy Uar John M. Bailey came to Benton’s > CALL.FOB AIR.MEN 1 . . . nothing to do with dynel. 60 GAUGE BUDGET NYLON .....'.$ 1.00 Vr. Aide Denies Nixon Benton made hia reply, in which To Negotiate Korea Peace nriUteeman, calls on state's 35.000 1f40 DODGE TON PANa, Spocid .... fS city last night. occasions, he attacked Benton’s (8^—Ruaala'a Andrei Y. 'Vishinaky { ikians so far have abstained from "by, Public Health Service. to active' duty in New Euglasf Carterelte 257» Wool He posed these questioni: . opponent on the basis of his fohn- by June SO, FIR E RESISTANT— Dynel will not support combustion. 1f37DODGE 4-DOOR SEDAN...... fS Loe Angeles, Oct. 30—(P)— "Who, indeed, is Worth one hun­ asked the United Nations assem-1 a direct, public role in the Korean . Sen. Wayne Morse, Oregon, aaya er presidency of the Connectlc3iT bly last night to form an Interna- conflict, though UN negotiatori zt election of Ike “would place a mili­ 'Thoropson^illfi, Oct. 30—(J*)— Gerald L. K. Smith Charged today dred million dollars to Joe Stalin Manufacturers association. The National Labor Relations GRANT WATERBVEV TV that a iepreeentaUve of Senator on the floor of the Senate? tional commission to seek peace in I Panmunjom already have rejected. tary psychology in the While HOSPITAL CLEAN—■'Yclu can disinfect dynel blankets Bailey recalled, that a week ago Korea and unification of that w ar-r Chinese and Korean Communist Heine.” . . . Thousanda continue Board in Washington has ruled in WaahlugtoB. Oct. SO—(A W PANTS and VESTS T h e jW H A L C GO. Richard Nixon had tried to make “1* it Joe McCarthy, throwing he had saM Benton's Republican favor of the Textile Workers The CommunlcatlOBs commlealoS' tom country. American aOtarcea 4t suggestions that the Soviets aerye to fight forest Area ifi eaatem half ■with strong bleaiAing fluids. A Safe Place To Buy A Used Car a deal with him to withdraw the all pretenaq of integrity to the opponent, U. 8. Senator William Union of America (CIOI In its today authorised a new telo6 Christian Nationalist party Ucket the UN generally viewed the pro- on a body of "neutral” nations -to of nation as “ao m is” Is forecast. The ideal garment for winter wear. winds, divfding our people, exploit­ F^rtell. had "a great deal in com­ posal as the same old Soviet stulf. supervise any truce reached. Jurisdictional battle with the vision station for WaterharjiV' before Tueaday'a election. ing their feara. blackening reputa­ Gov. Lodge says (vhile Demo- mon with Senator Taft.” On the commission proposed by I The new Soviet proposal came crata pretend concern over FEPC United Textile Workers (AFL) at Conn. : The Republican vice presidential tions, hiring'himself out as a pro­ Since then. Bailey went on, "Hr.'hviahlnsky would be the Bigalow-Sanford Clarpet Com­ SMALL, MEDIUM, LARGE ..$1.25 Each candidate's campaign manager fessional . avenger to denounce the partiM at the end of ,a fiery apeech in and civil rights, only two o f ' 14 S i?9C Green Stamps Given With Cash Sales Sdlimeneq Inc. Purtell and hia Republican friends directly -- - concerned and other which Vishinaky, for three hours states With FEPC agencies have pany plant here, it was announced REJECT RED PKOTEST ' flaUy denied the charge, saying Communista caught by aomebody EXTRA LARGE ...... j.. $ 1.50 Each have raised a bwaterical cry tWat states, including states not par­ and 39 minutes, lashed back at the Jtrtmoewmtte adnslalaMtloas . . . here-last night. Copeabagea, Deanaarh. OcL Si 634 CENTER ST. — MANCHESTER Nixon never has nor would accept else? we are now engaged in a tmeqr ticipating in the war in Korea.” The NX.RB ruling holds that an — im —Denmark has rejected t I m ^ W H A L C c o . Smith's Bupport. In hit apeech the American stand outlined last F ri­ Bridgeport., police take Pearl "Or is it me—Bill Benton- campaign. According to Mr. Pur­ Vishinaky's apedch made no day by U. S. Secretary of. State Greenwood, Jr., 20, and David election to determine a collective S4>vtot .protcaU agalaot aegetia- , PHONE 5161 or 5102 Senator had termed Smith an ad­ fighting on the flocMT of the Sen­ tell and hla Republican friends. M mention of Just which countri^ he Dean Acheson. Martin, 21. both of' White River bargaining agent for the company Moan ?ri|h the United S tates vocate of racist* theoricM and ate for the Voice of .America— _ \ ia a smear to say that the Oonnec- would include in these categdries, Selwyn Lloyd of Great. Britain Junction, 'Vt.. into custody in con­ wo»ers must be conduced joint- aot an Narth Atlaatle Trtatjr which Joe McCarthy opponed; but hla resolution would open tha ergeawahea hatha ap PaatM (Owittaiiad an Piaga'T w ) nection with burglary 1$$ Lebanon, I fighting for the plan— « M P M * door fpr the Soviet Union to ba- (Ointtodii aa Page Savaa) N. weeks ago. (OMtlwHfi •> Page Eii^t) • ./■ i ....'- ,1 .1 . I. • - " ]■ • • / r V ' .- , , ..J j . : /-■ • - : r . Y -i-'-; . -h ' ■ ■ • R. r * / i'/T . tfcim r« ■ \ .;l- . fr-T _, . . .-■‘r . * ' I . . - I I HANCHESTEB EVENDJO I g Bj^.lClUM Cm ;gnEB,jc01ll), THUBSDAY, OCTOBER 30. 19B2 ■---i-gaeaag!4x^.- MANCHESTER E V ^U tG HERALD. M ANtH ^TES. CONN* THURSDAY.'-OCTOBER 30. 1952 P A 0 *T W !t> AAftriM P A G E T H R O B 23- Main street from 9 a. m.' to ;'T:m6scKceTi noon,' feonv ■8 'to .5 p- mi. and. from be boxed but-Jiot’wrapped how^ ...... - -. :V •— from service. Senator Watson waa -ScIk m Ib Ckmv Tomoeram ' On/esIiayLeft 7 to 9 |r. -m., today and-tomorrowi rB O c k Y iU r, ever,' wrait>pin papier; and i*H»taon Eletion '€everag». • appotrtteff < Coh'nFctrcut t?6m fh'ls- ’ Seiity to R^preaent^Jnion^'- For Teachers’ Convention ]'■ —"N. should accomjMny each gift. Gifts ' r • _ aioner of Atotor Vehicles by then . Clicka in Japan will be distribute among 11 ho»- For results of the local elec­ Governor Ra>*mond . E. Baldwin To Pay Taxes Tokyo-- 'place tor start of the hearings Wal^er^Lodere, tax collector for; nominee for State Senator from ; > ■^■-iffaer' of years, and this is the first office. CaU Jtockrtlle 5-3136. . Senator -:r VVaUob'. aucceeded have not been set nor haa an af' bury and Bridgeport. Bdai^ Will Assume Its board's oi^w ising ItMlf and mak­ Tolland County has iaccus^ the ' I j o f two. with pupils from Tolland BENSON fI i ^ YO UR ing- Its appolntmenta. the district, said .Ao^y about' 80 Senator Elmer S. Watsbij, who is Charles S, House of Manchester bitrator been picked. The convention is a function {Mr cent pf tha 'iiucai^bSve been EASTWOOD Repubileana of failure to ahow in- ! ■ and Willlngton takiqg'part. Local M. Textile W orken Union t of tiie Connecticut Education Duties Monday Night Dr. Reed, who will address the the Republican candidate for re- as senator from the Fourth Dis­ America, will be repreaented by 1 Both sides have received from collected so far and Wiurires that ToBirTBirswniwAY te r^ t in the "Immediate problem ... Those to" be Jigard in Sunday's TELEVISION X at Association. . meeting, has deSfWS,from Har­ mon scries on the Apostles Oeed,' election to the State Senate from trict. He has continued his cloie tti prealdent, Frank Reilly, when the asaoctation Hats of- proposed The members of the 1950-52 delinquent taxes will- be penalised of atate aid for education." program include Valerie Borovoy, preaching " I Believe In the associstjjon with Mr. House, who vard, Columbia an^Uie University upon the Fourth District, has snnounCed iU dlapute with Cheney Brothers arbltratora from whom to choose. Board Of Directors will meet for 6 per cent. 'Th e Mrs. Brennan waa honor gueat Gloria Borovoy, Anne Lichanec, Holy Spirit." is ReptiMican State Central com- of BruSsids and hais aut|K>red many “ Lea •A a reception .aponaored by the Patricia Phelps. Nancy Phelps. ‘ oeer the company’! proposed 9^4 They each will Inform the associa­ the last time tomorrow night at ______An 80 per cent collection at this Mlse rabies” Washington File Appltcntlon that he will be at Republican head­ mjttoeman from this DistVIct. long-standing wage differential be­ books on cititenahip afx; govern- Democratic women of the county Nadeen DeCicco, James Lustig, «en ti an hour wage cut goea to tion of which of the arbitrators 8* o'clock in a special mertlng ;o | h * at onene 'Ur time served aV date is not regarded as good, since Story" J d L t S— FRI. and SAT. Howato A. Bi'isbin of Rockville quarters in Manchester, 917 Mam He and Mr, House have been SELECT PHILCO, RCA- arbitration. It Waa announced by they would approve, and' the asso­ tween northern an'd'southern tex­ tax collections in the North End ■Whael Kesals Vab JsbseSS at the Rockville Hotel laat night. Frances Lucheon, Fret! Luce, San- street, from 3 to 5 o’clock tomorrow wind up some Items of business executive secretary to Gwernorernor Debra FasCt and Shirley L. Hines of Hartford working logethef for striatsr Wat- ciation—will-^make_lta__selMtlQn. tile mills and' a- new differential -before golng-Out of office. Ths-iU- - _ are-^UBually_weU_aver-9D^ per cent PRtrieis ResI «‘Huiiehl>ack of Notre pame" She waa among a group of Gen- i dra Vemek. Joyce Ursin. Dina afternoon. Senator Wntsnn ha.ln, n tOWTlF Hiram Johnson o f UaHftwnla^^and S:lSA;Sa-t:M H 1 } were—among—those—filing—mai _ The company, howeyer, haa not accordingly. I f the two sides can­ that was creat^T ast spring HT rectors are starting their meeting Taxes may be paid at the rear of •rol Aaaembly ■ cahdidatea which j Duhanaky, Mary Elizabeth' Winch, vlted any voters in Manchester to which comprise the Fourth District New England when a number of has b«en city manager of Ban Jose, “CAT PEOPLE" license appllc|Upns in Hartford EMEBSON, DuMONT, ARVlIl y tt designated ita repreaenUllye. not agree on an arbitrator, the early so that they can get Away Gallf., professor o f government at TSr’’’tPTHr!WTTHTC^Tectr Included Robert MOrphv, Somera: i Frances Skelly, M argaret, Luhr- yesterday. stop in at headquarters to meet Manchester, South Windsor,. plants In the area cut wages. The I sen, Dorothy Luhrseni Walter according to Richard K. Wright, association will pick one, and_^e to a farewell dinner they are giv­ the linlverslty of California, the Mahlon Avery, Somera, Nick Paw- him and discuss with him the Glastonbury, Marlborough, Weth­ Benson's features the' finest selection of television in Induatrial relatlona manager tor two sides will be obliged to accept company says that the wage cut ing themselves at a local restau­ luk. Rockville; Raymond Spiel- I Palmer, Margaret Lojzlm, Jnll- issues of the campaign. ersfield, Rocky Hill, Newington la earentlal If |t is to mainUin a University of MichigAn and Har­ The .Rockville bureau of the Manchester. Backed by service second to none in Con­ Otaney Brothers. him. rant. vard. He haa alao served aa con­ man. Rockville: Attlllo Frazzinelll, I anna Duell and Louise Tw’arz. The senator has been conducting and East'Hartford. ~ The company proposed the wage “ reaaonahly competitive position 1 Others from Tolland and Wlll- Manrhester Evening Herald Is lo- necticut. -• The dlapute, which broke out The unfinished business to be sultant many municipal and Stafford Springe; David Dickson,* a vigorous campaign for re-elec­ The candidate will be happy to cut,' it said, because of both the in the indiietry. " Stafford Springs; and Raymond lington.are Mrs. Norman Harvey. eated at One Alarket street. Tele­ lata last month when the union discussed tomorrow night Includes state governmentsto and citlcena phone Korkville 5-3136. tion Bs senator. Although his home meet any Manchester voters "who the pension by-law, authorisation organixationa, Including the Ma:i- • STARTS Jewel, Bolton: I Mrs. Msud Stackhouse, Alberta Is in Wethersfield, he is well known wish, to sec him at Republican STATE Chomer,. Terry Luce and Carolyn BENSON'S SERVICE . . . SELLS TV FOR US STATE SUN. \ here. He ser\-ed with many boys of a representative to contract cheeter Charter committee in 1948. Calling for continued and in­ headquarters here .tomorrow. inA^Jhni SAT. I DeBrava. Pupils from Rockville Advertisement— from Manchester in the 43rd Divi­ with the Bonvlclnl Building Com­ MOIIION PKTUM THAT creased state aid for education, Elect Ray Spielman and Nick Liberal trade-in a l l o w a n c e s fo r pany, Inc., for the construction of Mrs. Brennan said that "In Tol­ ' and vicinity will present a pro­ sion during World War II. Senator gram at the aame place Nov. 9. Pawluk to the legislature. Vote Watson retired from the federal ■the Bowers School addition, ap­ .\ide Denies Nixoft .UUkOm DDMD ilM IM YOU land County, 12 out of the 13 straight Democratic. F6r trans­ YOUR SMALL SCREEN SETS praisal of real estate at 16-W-20 towns are bejow the atate average .'\mrrirM *.,eglon .Notes service with the rank of colonel Kep. Alary C. Brennan The next meeting of Dbboaz- portation in Rockville'call 5-9645, and from the state guard with the Birch street and acceptance Of a o f c6at per pUpll . . . an across the 5-9633. 5-9612. 6-2085. Vernon Fire ‘Deal’ on Election W a r n e r Br o s . Ertel-Laboc-Hansen Post will be rank of brigadier gqneraL He was Wake Up ^ deed for a portion of Sunset street. board increa.se la not the an.awer; District call 5-9606. / .18'MONTHS TO FAY Attollwr I'xfliisim Also, acceptance of a quitclaim It will not satisfy the need; it will Court the first Tuesday in Decem­ held Nov. 5. being postponed one retired for disability; arising from night because of election day. wounds s’.iffered In'the battle fpr deed from E. J. Holl for land on (OoDtiaoed from Page Oa«) *xaggerate the inequalities now ber. This was turned over to the east side of Broad street, an present." counsel. Chairman John Dailey of the Mijjiy Atteud Talk Munda Air Field in New Georgia. To More Comfort CoB^SSSS for S-Doy Ftm Hem* TIM BUttdihg committee will bring in He received the Purple Heart and Without Nafginf Backache offer of Derby, property on Vernon among those "Vho endanger the She referred to a special session Inspector of public eatirig places, street, a request for a waiver of R. Lewis Reynolds, reported most propo.uIa for enlargement of past the Legion of Merit. Nasslnsbse1ca«lM,fciuo(|M|iMid.iMrsr, . . . , lUinfniii (l)tY’i' hif Ihfoil nation. Pius s eter Lawford in ‘ of the General Assembly in 1949 hndsslMPsnddluinMBiwlMduatoslii]^ . i.,. quarters at this . meeting, with By Dr. Morrispii .. Im m ^iately upon . bis. return the charter provision for competi­ Said Smith; “ who heada Ahe under a Democratic administra­ owners are rtrying to comply ■wltlf itDWB at kniBsr naHtoa.DSHMi inyvaSd ' “ Y O U FO R M E ” recommendations to be acted V tive bidding on Hussey bleachers, Christian Nationalists; tion. Rep. Brennan told her listen­ the standards of the State Board kidiwr function ii n r v ImpoTtnnl to rood 8 Shows—^ a t . », Eve. 7tI5 of Health. ^ > upon. hcslth. Wh«n .onM ovenTdau sondMoa.cuoh and the question of whether the "Senator Nlxon'a attack on me ers that Democrats fought hard A large number of the first aid M^iKrcM and •train, en uw t ^ m m o ^ n t town should aid the Hartford Gaa ^.-■yaiLIqjpx to convince., a R^ubUcan. Alderman James Rohan broiight The membership drive under inatructora group...and... their.^in­ In. hia nationwide radio, broadcast NOTEf TWt: 'AttritoHox Wt ch'slrmaii Joliir wmililfls U «at to cold or wrona dkt n>»r complete and <»naclenceleas hypo­ the matter of siding towns and Morrison address the joint meet­ uuMscttincu|inls)it*orfc«qn«nt»Binso>. grant the Algonquin Gaa Trans­ nee Te Make Way For KMdle communities in their school build­ tax collector amounting to 5223.31. only a month's work the post now ing of the Instructors club and the ^ Whiteman, Sehrafn, P. g S. 4 Don t ncsHct r>ur ktdnetn It thrac condU crite. Cartoon Show Starting At 1:30 all for veterans' privileges, and has 50 per cent of its quota of tion. botlwr zoo. Try Dwn'a Pi)k-n mild \ RADIOS — TV — a p p l i a n c e s mission Company a temporary "Less than one week ago a ing programs. Red Cross Nursing Services laat ^ Candy Cupboard ^ P. M. WiU Resume In The these were granted. 470 members pafd, leading every diurttic. Uied. eucewfutu3» by IwiiUkmi "" tot certificate to ship gas to the area representative of the Nixon The result she said was enact- night at the Community Y. ^ e r so TMrt.e It'a UBUlnff how nuinx tlmoO 1085 MAIN STREET — COR. ELDRIOGE STREET by wiring the agency. EvMlng. _ ment of legislation whereby the The next meeting of the Council other post In the fourth district Twenty-two registered nurses were pomn ««h n hapiur rmllmf from th«M diteome strategy committee headed by will be Nov. 12 and all persons hav­ which includes Tolland and Wind­ S t m J foitt—holpUMffmllMMliidMrtobwABdAle Under new business, the board Dana s'mith propositioned me for »WARt«ERCOLOR ...state makes a grant of at least in attendance, and six members of T ing-bills against the city sre re­ ham counties. John Murach is ton flumh out w m u . Gh Dooa' o PlUotodOFt - R will consider a petition from resi­ support. They made extravagant STARTS 8UNDAT one third to sny town or citv de­ the police force and aix - nurse's "BORACLE OF FATIMA" L minded to have them in the hands the' leader in securing member­ ^ dents on Woodland street rMuest- and flattering promiaes provided Price# For This Engagement— Mat. 58c—Eve. 83c Phis Tax siring to build, enlar)fe or alter a aides represented those organiza­ of Council at that .time as the city's tng that the board reconslflerloer Ita Eve. Prices—Chlldrea'35c (Tax Incl.) All Ttmes public school. ships to date with over 30. to his tions. There were 28 members of -h — r Senator Jack B. Tenney (of the Sna. fiscal year ends Nov. 15. credit. order to Install Fidewslka there. California leglalature) and I "It is mv earnest hope.” .she con­ the First Aid Instructors present. Halloween Party Conoeri Series Sitting as the Water Commis­ woultf pull the MacArthur-Tenney cluded, "that some spirit of com­ Dr. Morrison's talk on "Manage­ The annual Halloween party Local music lovers who avail sion, the members will make the presidential ticket out of the na­ IJ > / Vc { fAT^ UJk 9 • promise will again be possible with ment o f Obstetric Emergency” con­ sponsored by Dobosz-Ertel-Laboc- M final aasesament for sewers on tional contest. the Republican House as it waa in themselves of the opportunity to tained much of practical value, m m Hansen Post of the American Le­ Grandview street. "For. Nlxon'a agents to proposi­ 1949, and that this problem o f in­ see and hear the world famous couched in language easily under­ gion for childreii of the community On Monday night, the new tion me secretly on one hand while i'W t creased state aid, based on need artists that are being featured in stood by the non-professional board, composed of aix new mem­ STATE Cetelbrote _ will be solved immediately." - - will be held in the center of Rock­ the series o f concerts at thc Bush- members' of the audience. A t a attacking me publlcly 'on another ville this evening. The ^ate was bers elected at the town elections only reveals and emphasizes the Common Cniincll Meets nell Memorial in Hartford by the short business meeting following Oct. 8 and the three holdovers Halloween advanced because stores here are hypocrisy of the whole Elsenho- At the meeting Of the Common Hartford Symphony, will hear a the address, the First Aid Instruc­ from the present board, will take Council held last night. Alderman open Friday evenings. The lower former Rockville musician Jack tors group decided to hold such over. The meeting Will start at wer-Nixon outfit.” road in the center will be closed The Christian Nationalists are John Orlowaki brought up the Keeney with the Symphony of Joint meetings on matters of emer­ to traffic for the event. 8 ^o’clock. I running Gen. Doi^las MacArthur DINE AT matter of the. blocking of the side­ more than 50 artists. Next Wed­ gency information with various, Superior Court Judge William Out of consideration for the for President and Penney for Vice walks on West street by the Hol­ nesday Roberta Patel's of the organizations in town every two J. Shea will administer the oath of Sew L O U II smaller children, the costume President. stein Company. • Metropolitan Opera will be the or three months. office to the members, and Gener­ GAVEY'S It was voted that the corpora­ parade which highlights the affair featured soloist. al Manager Richard Martin has Sharp rebuttal came from Nlx­ Js scheduled to start prom|(tIy at Pins indicating their affiliation on'a campaign manager. Murray For fine food cooked to tion counsel Robert J. Pigeon he Plan Annual Supper with the. Red Cross Service were arranged to have Dr. Thomas H. your taste, Cavey’s is the directed to • confer with the pros­ 6;30 p.m. There are 28 case awards The annual pheasant supper will Reed of Wethersfield, an authority Chotiner, who said he was author­ : to be made to winning costumes, issued to the following nurses who ized by the candidate to say; ecuting attorney concerning a vio­ take place today at 6:30 p.m. at in the field of public administra­ jndfiis BE HAPPy''J»>m/VJ> place for you. with the Judging and awarding of have signed the Red Cross listing; "Sen. Richard Nixon is proud of lation of s city ordnance in ob­ the First Congregational (Jhurch Fire-K ing tion. address the meeting brief­ prizes to follow the parade.* Mrs. R. T. Baaeler, Mrs. Bertha the opposition of Gerald L. K. Legal Beverages structing the sidewalk on West of Vernoh in Vernon Center. The u.sual refreshment line will Shinn, Mrs. Lillian Keeney, Mrs. ly- Smith. Nixon has never accepted Street, and to take any neefssary Food Sale Slated At LOW MDl, n/ U (B O ven Ware The new members of the board he formed , with ice cream) as Doris Lynch, Mrs. Elsie Spencer 15 ounces his support and never will. No one action to prevent such a violation. The Longview PTA will bold a •e Republicans Sherwood G. main attraction of a receptacle and Mrs. Elsie Oockett, connected with the Nixon cam­ DANCING TONIGHT Aldepman Orlowaki, .sneaking food sale tomorrow at, the Co­ Bowers. Jacob Miller, Everett R. Friday and Saturday, Featuring the which al.so include candy, nuts, paign directly or Indirectly has fo|; the Fire committee, stated that operative store starting at 1 p.m. Kennedy and Theodore L. Fair­ cookie.s, fniit and popcorn. In case A LL WOOL had any dealings in any way what­ the 'TPire Department was anxious Invited to Servloea banks, and Democrats Mrs. Helen SYMPHONY FOUR to secure additional members, par- pr rain the affair will be held in Members and friends of the M. FlUpatrlck and Matthew R. soever with Smith and will not un­ fMsSTAUIMNT $ 2 ^ 7 der any circumstances have any With W ALTER PHELPS, VoeaUst M*NCHtSTSR.CONN ticularl.v young men who work m the Town Hail. — Community Methodist Church at STEVE’S CARDIGANS Paton The members who were anr’usuorMxJ Rockville. Information may he O yslal.Lake have been invited by re-elected, the only members of dealings with him or any of his h’mam Plan for Gifts Sm art claaale atyle.^ I*arge aa- tViirh i'ii.siri! i{Airl.s representatives. fENfONS K m v SM1TH'(OS6AI05 secured from the Fire Chief Ed­ Mrs. Myrtle Pierre, rehabilita­ the pastor to participate in the BARBER SHOP the old board who sought re-elec­ aortment of colerpi 34 to 40 ... ward Friedrich, or'“membcr.s of the tion chairman of the local Legion Sunday evening services held each Corner Spruce and Bissell Sts. tion, are Mayor Harold A. Turk- Fire Committee. filled with delicious dairy-fresh Ington and Harry J. Firato. Re- Post Auxiliary asks that all per­ week in the vestry of the First miblicans, and Walter T. Mahoney, Receive Two Letters sons wishing to eontribute . gifts Methodist church at Stafford ■ L ALL WOOL ^ (A AO Democrat. Two communications were re­ for the Christmas gift shops at Springs. Sunday at 7:45 p.m., Mias CLOSED The retiring members of the ceived, one from Mrs. Reter Satryo the veterans ho.spital^ bring them Clara Pearl Dyer of Providence, DUE TO lUNESS 1950-52 board are Alden E. Bailey, 2 GIANT HITS! ON ONE SHQW elating that she fell and was in­ to the next meeting Nov. 12 or R. I., a-former misMonary to 00^ SWEATERS S !l.9 8 T. J. Crockett, John H. Lappen jured Oct. 18. This was referred leave them vylth her at the Ford China, will be the gue4t speaker. IH ood rottfUio and Ray 8. Warren, Republicans, to the Claims committee. The station. Gifts are needed for men, Miss Dyer is well-known through­ WILL REOFEN - •V-K^eck, Hollywood atylc. t and Melvin S. Hathaway and Mrs. FRIDAY thra SUNDAY Second' whs hOtlBc'atTOn' or' a ■suit women,' also' giriS' and bo.vs' from out this area for her missionary ...... BaWietoi deearative 'metar M t- ' Katherine D. Bourn. Democrats. against the city by Nettie Rcmkie- 12 to 18 years of age. They should activities and tsUks. ON OR ABOUT wy'4o®a. 38 to 46 ...... Fri. at 7:15— Sat., Sun. Continuous Mrs. Bourn and Warren are run­ CIRCLE Wicz as the result of a fall, return­ haye a value of at least 51 but Sunday at 9 a. m., Rev. John E. NOV. 12 able' at the ae.ssion of the Superior not exceed 53. Each gift should Post, pgstor, will continue the ser- A charming addition tiMyour home, Iheae bowla ning for state, representative. Crockett and Bailey were defeated RTO Lt I A feature a lovely soft-toned peach lustre. Each filled A LL WOOL with that fre ^ , wonderful, delicious Hood Cottage 841" MAIN ST. SLIPONS “ Cheese. So good so many ways! The Hood name ih^ TIm Short aleeve, flne zejAyr wool, your assurance of the highest quality. STATE hi tremendooa aaaortinent of col­ Would o n. 34 to 40 . . . , 1 ...... Start building your set. TOMORROW I b r n ^ Doors Open At 1 :S0 Asundor ANGORA Hood Buy today from your Hood Route Salesman or your Show Starts A t t P. M. By favorite store. burton'! SLIPONS SPECrAL A Throat $ 9 . 9 8 b l e n d SLIPONS $ 9 .9 8 "Yroin Short aleeve, kitfto-aoft blend COTTAGI CHIISI Quality Dairy Products $inta 1846 KIDDIES OHtar >f aoft angora and fine zephyr . Wondertnl blend of Chine'te wool. 84 to 46 ...... caahmere nnd Auatrallan telephone MANCHESTER 7704 HALLOWEEN i W M a l zephyr wool 84 to 40 SHOW PRESEN-nNO CARTOONS WESTERNS • ALSO FREE to Evtry Child A 10c Comic took u ARE YOU A NEWCOMER Also Prizea For The Funniest Costumes m m en at EXTRA!STARTS FRIDAY By The Budget Center 3 — CARTOONS — S ADMISSION TO MANCHESTER? MAR'tiN a I.KWIS burton’s stands for full-time employment. for little NOVELTY SHORT . Children 25e Tax IncL 2nd GIANT HIT! shavers! keep their healthy little bodies warm and Cont. From 6 P. M. happy in our washable denim ‘‘unjform” play clothes, If so the E. A. Johnson Paint Company feels that you will be in­ ,\ ------—------. ' i — buy them in sizes 3-6x. tomorrow js teadiet’s con­ - vention T' bring the children in while j*ou shop in terested to know that Mancljester has a fine Public Health Nurs­ leisure. > % At LOW MILL PRICES I ing Association w^th,five fully trained nurses-who travel all over "Little Shaver Shop" the town in response to calls. The nurses are on duty weekdays from , All Wool / \ 8 A . M. to 4:30 P. M., Saturdays from 8 A. I^^t. to 12 Noon. BURNSIDE Pullover Sweaters qunllt^ I6fi% x1rftfi WOot’lohY-a^ T H E A T rtyle in tan. gray, white.o navy, If you hav^spmeon^ with diabetes in your * j ; ^ ^ * > j y w o o n . inalze. Stzea jiniaU. •'“-i'J Icfes'rendered by your Public Health Nurse is to teach the patient proudly presents UPWirWif IPNH RuVQ - ..u . or a member of the family how to administer insulin. This is but A NEW MOVIE THRILL LtLW O O L one of the many services rendered by your Public Health Nurses. Your Favorite Stars Now COME TO LIFE on Our New S l e e v e l e s s They offer unexcelled bedside nursing care, instruction in health, Ha^aome atylfa in aoft, pure wool -yarna. ALL-DIMENSION SCREEN Miuze, tan, maroon, blue. advice regarding the prevention of disease, all under the direction ^ OAK GRILL tateaaaeeoo . of the family physician. , We-re first in Connecticut fo install ★ FINE FOOD. ★ QUALITY UQUORS this scientific marvel of the movie age! _ , BUSINESSMEN’S A LL NYLON Will - you help the I Public ' Health - Nurses. continue their work Thursday Sp^ial SLEEVELESS Tonight A T 6:15 P. M. the Burnside Theatre will open LUNCHEONS A LA CARTE through your contributions? You may need their services tomorrow.^ its doors and introduce to you its new, spectacular A L L ­ SERVEDilVED DAILY.DAI] Enay to wash, ahrink-proof, nylon. EngHah- EXCEPT SATURDAY BAKED VIBOINIA HAM atyle self color diamond pattern. Gny, DIMENSION SCREEN. Now— a& never before— will you be IPT S A T U * ■avy, tan, maroon, white. SnuUI. med., Ige. Sand your contributions to: . able to fully enjoy the fabulous splendor of Hollywood’s great ROAST BEEF -V productions. ’ BAVIOU (HOMEBIAOE) ■ • 90e HUVY SHAKEZlKNn'' r'" • ^p r o g m m • 2-TONE "AWARD'^ THURSDAY thru flATURDAY PULLOVER SWEATERS . MRS. HAMILTON BICKFORD. ASSISTANT TREASURER. DONT MISS OUR Geae KeUy - Lmlle Carea ' Kirk Dougina • Eleanor Parker SWEATERS . The perfect all-wool sweater for ' outdoor MANCHESTER PUBLIC HEALTH NURSING ASSOCIATION. , “AN AMERICAN IN PARIS" "DETECTIVE STORY". GALA Varalty style all-wool coat aweater. Con- In Techalcoler at 8;M At S'M • 19:15 work or sports. Crew I A trasting white trim on pockeU and front neck style. Mairooa, t 1 - 22 GREENHILL STREET button hna


:'K V, v-i—,r";- .r - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1952 P A G E F O tm MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD; MANCHESTER, CONN;, THURSnAY, OCTOBER 30, T052 P A G E F IV B the anm -ot^$S00 .(o- atast thia «u l- ■teacher a t Burr Junior High Education Oii£i tural program, one . .oif.. the i r t t f i e v o Echpol In Hartftird. CTarifgllo ; vote* abort of th* aMdad C o v e t i t i y organliatlona In town to ahow^ifa show a motion filcture filni 6t Librarians Honor thirds majority. PaPRde Will Opcu HalloHceii Show Donates 81,500 interert, and since then the^sum Italy's many historic cities and R E M E M B E R ^ Returns from one other state— of $50 has been contributed by K . of C. Guest scenic coimtryside. Member of Staff Ohio— were In. There 411 faVpred North End Parly Skywdtch Schedule the club each year. General chairman for Italian three-year quotas, 169 were for Al Slalc Friday ~Sen. Benton Visits Today To 2 Projects Plans to' have the. art exhibit Night is Peter Ceraml., His com­ IN MANCHESTER IT'S UNION SHOPPING CENTER one-year quotaa and 238 fo r no IT. from Washington linked with the mittee is formed by the Italian Miss Joan M. Strickland of 489 Friday . '' Hartford Priest Will Be quotas. The annual Halloween party to A Halloween kiddie show has 807. MAIN STREET TEL. 8-0344 EAST HARTFORD March meeting of the club are members of the Knights. On Mon­ Main street will leave Sunday to The largest number of voters is Midnight-2 a. m. ■William Sifnp.son Members of the Educational be held at the Community Y Fri^ I'SE Ol’R LAY-A-W.AV PLAN FOR XMAS At Town Office Building now being’contidered i>y the pro­ Principal Speaker at day night the men will be cook­ in Wls4h>nsin where some 4,500 2 a. m.-4 a. m. .: L. W. Alcox been announced by State Theatre | '■■ Club were entertained at their ing, and serving the several reside at tlie Home of Mr. and Mra. day will start promptly at 7 p.m. 4 a. m.-6 a. m. .. gram committee chairman, Miss growers raise Havana seed or DonaM Ander.ack to the- Y j Nnon-3 p. m. Thomas . Maxwell," ■ ■ Mrs. o-Luev’ able leadership of Robert Johna, members of the K. of.C. are In­ .... < che.iter High School class of 1951, where the Judging of the costumes ' Burke youngsters attending. YE5F Yoii Con Aetudly ► an opportunity today to meet and ( Trediblay and Mm. Robert $2,000 Check Sent J.C.D., assistant pastor of Sr. into effect, the.JJonnectlcut-Mas- A special feature planned for and by interesting movies of vited. .- she has been employed on the staff will take place. : 3 p. m.-6 p. m.' .. Mrs. inthelun I-ewi.s V— dlacuaa political problems with the e . Noble. About^'ao friends, nelfh- Anthony’s Church in Hartford and sachusetts tobacco cooperative in the matinee will he a costpme 5 A Y E H er* 50% Mexico and Guatemala shown by Soles and Service of the Mary Cheney Library as a Prizes will be aiyarded in the 6 p. m.*8 p. m. . . 'Mr. ami Mr.s,. Foster Williams DemocraUc nominee to the long bors, and relatives attended. Springfield, Mass., which handies parade. All children coming* iii cos­ Dr. Amoa Friend. For Pool Project assistant chancellor of Hartford clerical assjstant. following divisions, and the chil­ 8 p. m.-lO p, m. Gertrude Maluaiisky. Olive Ray * i_u 1 1 1 TT S' Senate Dost. Pemonal Mention th^ crop for the area, will be able JEWELRY — APPLIANCES — CLOTHES home of Mrs. Robert Dewey of Otis dren are requested to dress to 10 p. m.-Midnight tume will h e ' asked to participate k Sen Wlillam Benton will be at Mr. and Mrs. Emil Huebner of ' At the bUBinera meeting it waa Diocese, will be the principal to obtain loans a,t the rate of 90 Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Benson WE REPAIR ALL MAKES OF RADIOS AND home of Mrs. Robert Dewey of Itis in a costume parade siri stage, and Old River road have had as vlal- announced that Mra. Corlnne Rockvillei Oct. 80— (Special) — speaker Monday night at the an­ per cent of parity from the Federal come in one oi these classifications, i “ih « Town Office building at 3 p. m. LAND SURVEYING street Tuesday night. Miss Strlck- three prizes donated by the new tora during the part tvo weeka her Pockett has accepted the chair- Nat N . Scliwedel, trustee for the nual Italian Night festivities of t e l e v is io n s e t s in c l t o in o c a b BADIOS commodity Credit Cooperation, ghosts, best western) funniest! bag of treats. The party is under B. Walthour. 47, of the Episcopal TIRE5 A N T I.^ E E Z E ' lo~i»et'eonstltuenta. ■ . land received many gifts from the best story-book character, hoboes^ Budget Center on Center street brother and. eieter-inrlaw Mr. and manahip-of -the X3iristinaa - a ^ Wiillam k . Horowitz' Foimdatioh Campbell Council, , Knights of thu* assiuing:-riie~grow#r* ::thar lh0 2 ;chairin«nship of - H o w a i^d ;Diooes<> of Attanta antt a former ^ _ _ k - Seely-Brown Talk Edward L^ Dovt^ \nslt to Exchange First Selectman Wlnthrop Por­ Vole for Quotas i Grade six pupils of James T. ter of Hebron was elected to the i Laidlaw’a classroom at tbs Robert- high post. The session waa held at WINES AND LKHIOR VALUES { aon School Tuesday afternoon vla- the state police barracks. Hartford. Oct. 30—(Ah—Con­ { Red the Coventry exchange of the The association also voted to necticut valley lobacca growers in t Bouthem New England Telephone allow state police auxiliaries and this state and Massachusetts, hav­ J Company on South street. During selectmen of the individual mem­ ing voted to accept government Whiskies J the tour of the building many pu- ber communities to answer some average quotas for their 1953 I plls were permitted to make csJls. of the ambulance calls. Reason for RANGE and FUEL OIL crop, waited today for the reaults ’ i Today's Event Calendar the move was attributed to the of balloting in Wisconsin, Pennsyl­ I Thur.«day gatherings will Include present .manpower limitations at vania and New York to see if the BRIARCLIFF Riria Club of Green-Chobot Post. the barracks. 2 4 Hour Delivery Service quota system will be put into ef- ! ■UNDID WHIIKIY Tha Army has now organized Helicopter Transport Companiet American Legion. 8 p.m.. State A r­ Ten tov/ns in the Colchester feet. ' •6 STH to give support to the ground forces. c area are serviced by-the associa­ mory in WllllmanUc; annual .meet­ Growers of Havana seed and ^ PROOF BOT 2.99 ing and roll call Second Congre­ tion. broadleaf, but not ahadegrown. WHISKIES IN THIS PRODUa gational Cliurch, 6:.10 p. m.. Church CROSLEYS Were invoh-ed in the day-long vot­ 4 YEARS OLD Personnel of the U . 8. armed MORIARTY BROTHERS Community House. 1953 forces eat about 288 pounds of ing yesterday. Given Stork Shower T E L. 5135 The choice was for no quotas, i Mrs. William H. Pratt of (Thurch meat a year on the average com- S16 CENTER STREET pared with about 148 pounds for quotas for next year, or quotas { sTl v e r d a l e . lane was given s stork shower for the next three year's. A two- | ^lesday n i^ t at the home of her civilians. COME SEE thirds majority was needed to put ■ l » " " '0 WHIIKIY . quotas.lntQ._cfitc.ct._...... ___ _ j. M STH M A A Of the 1,611 groweril voting j 'WtbOF ' BOT A . T T TONTGI in the Connecticut-Massachusetts WHISKIES IN THIS PRODUCT area. 1.136 voted for quotas for 4 YEARS OLD three years, 215 for one year and ' You'll Agree "You Can 360 for no quotas. The proposal See It BETTER On A Crosley" ■for three-year quotars waa only 38 i lYNNBROOK BlINrEO WHItXlY B6 PROOF 3.23 A S LITTLE Watch and Jewelry HALF W A A .4 5 A OALLONI # ' . T a A S . WEEK Repairs WHISKIES IN THIS PRODUCi In Office, Too, In Our State Go r^mment! 4 AND 6 YEARS OLD

This Marina being transferred to a hospiUl ship is one of 10,000 wounded already cv'acuated by helicopter, Tha Caail Guard uses Sikorskys regularly for search, tescui^ r~~ Our New Location PINE CREEK harbor surveys and patrol. BTRAIOHT BOURBON 809 MAIN 5T. ■4 STH « « A (Formerly Metter's) PR(X)F BOT « . W A DISTIUED IN lUINOIS U // WESTBURY RESERVE . C K lml)Mbig FmL Tax and m , On* 19 now eiedol8<*17*lficli—Tka A PoH-Yoar Womorty^y ' , tJRAIOHT RYl Sfotownon. Ivofyofia In fh« room gott o *0 K ■ STH 0 S O front-row vi«w of thU lorgo icroon. Coblnat PROOF BOT W .W T b moKogeny-Fnblied wood, net motol or OF OUR FIGHTING MEN! plOMtk. Avoiloblo in blond et no oxtro coat. DISTIUED IN AEARYIAND

809 MAIN 5T. Brandy New Award Ip Sikorsky Reveals the Helicopter as: COAST TO COAST FREE Secretary of the Air Force Finletter CAIIFORNIA IRANOT "Greatest single corttribution to the morale of our fighting services..." B4 STH dubi Igor Sikorsky ''Mr. Helicopter." PROOF BOT 3.69 HOME TRIAL 6 YEARS OLD SHERWOOD BOWERS RAY S. WARREN . OLD FAIRFAX Last week the National Defense Transportation Associa­ Yet, this “fantastic work of rescue” is only one of many, Recently elected to (he Secretary of the W . G. Glen- I Om st IV Msw sisdsli—IHsch—Th« Sww a s^a Ta«*d Arm MANDV tion presented its 1951 award to Igor I, Sikorsky, founder many uses to which Sikorsky lielicopters are being put by Board of Directors. Has pre­ ney Co., president of the \Guc«hsooii O niCRQ SLBY ♦Sf. Mg»crsss Hlsrhlsw m» In b««t In m tmart, , • viously tse^ved on- tlw»j^B«>ar4 - EUghIlL..&du)oL,and, ■MifMl fb la st. MsbogsSY-VsIibsJ weed. AM-YaorWonaair # •4 STH and engineering manager of Sikorsky Aircraft, world pio­ every branch of the armed forces. As you can see from the i -..ftooa;---- 3J0 of Selectmen and Is a present Di.^trict and member -of the "pH oto^apisiibdvc "ahd1)cIow7*(Ke"g^^ 4 YEARS OLD neers in the development ou tlie Helicopter. Air Force Secre­ :>inciunhcnt.uaa Jrepresentative ,;,..Tp.\in Board pt Directors io r r tary Thomas krFinletter. ih presenting die award To Mr.- helieojiter has truly created “-a vital Ttewrole inthe military ■ from Manchester. ' the past 2 years. Sikorsky, ch r is ^ e d him “M r, H riicoptcr^ for his^outstand- art” through ill transport:^! men and materials, over; Three Hundred ing contribution to this development. around ahd through obstacles of terrain and weather which VOTE FOR PHONE 5191 FOR FRCTORY-TRMNED - '■ / 'f ; no other vehide cbul,d surmount. Finished Monuments and RED CROWN Other speakers described the helicopter as “indispensa­ Markers In Our Display 90 CROSLEY TELEVISION-TECHNICIRNS This nation’s extensive nii/ifary experience with the heli>-^ Yard To Choose From! PROOF S 2 . W ble in the conduct of land warfare” and “the greatest single TONIGHT contributicin to the morale of our fighting services in the copter—plus its. growing civilian experience—adds to the The Finest In G A l AND FRIDAY NIGHT New Low $^ .50 theater of war.” It has been disclosed that the helicopters’ evidence that eventually the helicopter will take its place- BOWERS and Design ROBIN HOOE missioiis of mercy in Korea have helped cut the fatality rate in commerce as aiiotl^er tool of business alongside conven­ tional airplanes, trucks, automobiles', and railroad trains. Price O Workmanship '90, STH 2 , ^ among wounded from 45 per thousand to 25 per tliousand. PROOF ■OT UNTIL 9:30 The 13.50 charge for labor only if paid when call is completed. FOR Material lOOR 1. SIKORSKY receives the National Defense Trana- No charge if your set is in service guarantee. OAl^6.95 , portation Award “for outstanding contribution to De­ Cutting: done in our own fense Trausportation during the year 1951” from Air shop from-the rough stone PMO aus ' Forpe Secretary Finletter. In making the award, Sticre- ‘'SATISFACTIQN BUARMITEED ALWAYS AT BRUNNERT to the finished memoriiU. a 2-93 tary Finletter dubbed Mr. Sikorsky “ Mr. Uelicoptar,* MANCHESTER GAUON” " ^ 6 . 8 5 MANY OTHa NATtOFUUY KNOWN For Senator From The Fourth District MEMORIAL ■RANDS AVAXARU AT A8P STOtlS ^"the Flying Jack-of-All-Trodes" COMPANY i t .v A. AIMETTL Prop. ■* Elmer S. Watson of Wethersfield d e p a r t m e n t 118 ' e ' unneXi OOR. PEARL and''HARRISON STREETS ’ Oppoaite Cast Cemetery EAST CENTER SIKORSKY AIRCRAFT PULL THE TOP LEVER ON NOV. 4 t e l e p h o n e 7787 Or 0207 The racant Irani-atlaalic (lifhl of two Air Force Now York Airway* began air mail service this month BRIDGEPORT, CONNECTICUT ' ' ' I ' ' . 358 EAST CENTER S T .- TELEPHONE 5191 Sikortky hebcopters is the subject of a featured with Sikorsky S-55’s. A similar service has been in • Open SoBdaya STREET ^ article in the current Saturday genin g Pos^ operation in Lios Angeles since October 1st, 1947, ONI or THI rOUR DIVISIONS or UNITiO AIRCRAM CORPORATION Boy Dtroct Oad S « * « M aaty T ) 1 - 1 V

/ ‘ v ^ v V

■f.... • 1 r- ■’.■■/ ■■■ ■J :'■ ' -■ .;:. ■' f ■■ r h '. - ‘ ■■■ -U—L ■ ::v - X '- ■■■ i. V MANCHESTER e v e n i n g HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONNi'THURSDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1^2 Sjasi WiblalbfiaiiyIUbM HE r SST Mi^CtiESTER, ^ N N ~ THURiSDAX OCTOBER 80. l> g rated Churcl^will participate in were 'on the speakers’ Hat. I'SIX' T e t U a n d - SoHoii^ A i m B U a e e a , w rvic« inlUatlves o f the lOremlin nor to iilifsMiaB o f the Rdckvllle C o u n c I I of L()yalty Sunday ended Oct. 28 'C i i i r i yond tha^, he waa. In fSirope, the Church'-women at Vernon Mptho- with 'a large attendance during the the standarda of McCarthy. • PTA Announces ilaiuiiR atR r *(^at preacher of the idea, of 'V dist Church. Nov. 7 at 2 and 3 morning worship service at the A T LOW federal unity, of the neceeelty for Aa between two candidates, The Open X . Politico Plans Baby-Sitting p.m. Federated Church. The response ia Arthur Di diacardlng old naUonalUUc bar- each o f irtiom sincerely wanU Newest Series Hear Candidatea flpr.ak said to be encouraging but all re- IfrraUk HOUftS 8 i|o WLtm U P. rteri, mlUUrily. economically, and peace, and each of whom would Communications for publications In the Open Forum Will not More state aid for schools in tiirna'from the canvass have not ri»& Tolland County waa among the yet been reported. S? poIittcaUy, and he treated with In- work conscientiously’ and Intel­ be guaranteed publication If they contal'n more than 300 words. Service for Election Day Of Progra^ns ligently toward peace. General The Herald reserves the right to decline to publish any matter ___ auhjccta discussed at a political •ptred acorn the Idea that auch that may be libelous or which is Jh bad taste. FVee' expression gatherlng'at the Town-Hall Tues­ Manchester Evening Herald Tol­ thinga could not happen becauac Elsenhower haa advantages which Bolton, Oct.-M — (8 pedal) $to attend the Convention meeting Tolland, Oct. 30 .--(Special ) — day. Rep. Mary C. Brennan. Mrs. land rorrespondent, Mrs. J, H, 3R£WJt?SS« of political views la deaired by "contrlbutlona of thla character .Eugene Gagliardone, local candi- ' St' Waterbury where Di;. Willar they were *‘lthp®ee^'^^*"” ^^.itnehr, add to potenUal power to -iM t^ tters w m ^ aro.daCateatmToriabaaiKeiWUiJba reJacUd. Tha local rarentrTeacluu- organi­ Mary ‘Caggart and Eugene -Wanat. Steele.it3r;i^'-- m m*RS p S w .‘'W^ wietiia:not indtil#e fdate ■Jbi'" State RepresehUtlve on ’ Uballn of the Gieorgb PsSbOdy Col­ and aaid, they ha'd to happen If y the Republican ticket, plans to lege for Teachers at Nashville, zation ha.s announced a new senes Bxccpt In slogans and promises, to the ef­ "S « 5ou3iya.'Snt«5d at U t thla world la to live. ' Not "Against” But T ot” be cast on the’ bMis of I / ' utilize the servides of hit' three ! Tenn., will be the speaker. of programs for the year, all based w«« at aUaekMlcr. Cona^ Eisenhower thua atanda aa thla fect that a vote for Elsenhower To the Editor, ^ being "for” a candidate rather J teen-aged daughters on election . Drive Comes to E M on the theme, '"Tolland's Program HURRY b e f o r e ic B * Iton i t o t u i v ^ than "against." For It's Young People." natlon'a greateat practical ex- la a sure vote for peace. We would In a letter in Saturday's Herald, day. I The membership drive of the Bol- ■OBSCMPnoN fUTsa not raise false hopes, or conUnd Mr. Everett Kennedy, Jr., issued a I mpst emphatically do not be­ Gagllardone today told the cor- ;“ on ETA, conducted during’ the The aeries was planned by a ponent,,.ln the field, of the kind of lieve tn name-caUliv mud-1 , respondent In thla conununlty that special committee comprising Mra. pSvi& l> AdTanea that the elecUon of Elsenhower challenge -n^ch carried with It a i month of October will close Nov. 1. ■■ I #••••••••#•%••••***** international leaderahip this coun­ certain Irqeli^tlon. I should like ' siinguig or any nuia. a uu mwi. he has arranged to make a spe­ Everett Van ValkcnburguMrs; Nat­ ■(••••••••••••A* I Committee members, Mrs. Ralph #••••• try muat and ahould exert In the would suddenly make the path to to answerlns question for two res- ' Heve that Elsenhower "employa cial "baby-sitting service available i Strickland, Mra. Burton J. ‘Tuttle, alie Coluboro, Mrs. John Elliott, AAtXJt ••*.**. arrFTT- worHt He^iiTactually, alread our peace easy. .But :we 5ru^Id w y Aons. Fltsti l^amlperfectly vrilltnglNari tacUcsto gsta j for all: voters,;^ ______;LMu. John Rothwell and Mrs fl. Mrs. Luther Barnard and Imany HEAR! HEAR! others. - . #••*■■******** that, for the thought^I voter at apy urns to reply to any ques- • nqr that Mseimower personally On Standby Basis i W. Roberts, would like tq. hear robpy foremoet diplomat and atatesman, try Ing to find hla: way to what . U tiona bn my poslUoiix which. are I "supports racial and religious dis­ "M y plan,” the candidate said, : from anyone who. has not'been IsKiic New Kcgulatinn in hla oWm right—the only eaUh- honestly put for the ^rpose of i crimination.” I agree with you that "la to have my daughters Anita, The Zoning commission here has' best, the advantages which He j contacted in the drive. liahed world leader we do have. He geiung Information. I heileve that I these UcUcs are uiifalr M d I hope Irene and Nancy atand by on a Plan Spaghetti Supper announced that effective Nov. 1, a haa been doer and thinker com­ with Eisenhojrer do constitute an Mr. Kennedy was sincere In asking that you will agree with me that call baaia for mothera and parenta The Ladles of St. Maurice have .permit from the commission will for my views and I ’d like to from the very beginning' of w e who cannot leave their children to be required before any Work can Iiiaiaa r r '“ •— <" t>>ia Mp«r bined. Hia dolnga have aUmulated edge which caiiilot be cow- announced they will serve a spa­ &M^SrSMUMwa pabUalM<(W. scientloualy Ignored. oblige. I campaign Stevenson has been the get to the polla.” , ghetti supper at the Community be started on a new dwelling. The the world’a thought and Imaglna X jor. Jav Photos ' / * ifBfctB of rapoblKaUon at a y *** However, my second reason Is: *1 h*« wiide«t He pointed out that alnce he and Hall Nov. 8. Mrs. Keeney Hutch­ ruling will also apply to the lo­ l»w l a ^ alto reatnrta- tion. and hia thoughta have pro­ other membera of the local Repub­ ‘ Joyce M. GrMy cation of a trailer. The fee is »5. WeVe Had Enough to point out to Mr. Kennedy th.t inson, chairman of the. arrange­ X ellaBt el N. B. A. Barr- duced deeda. He la our one known I do not think he is correct In ua both work for the day when lican Town committee will alao be ments committee, states the spa­ Benton on County Tour campaigning can be conducted by I making one assumption. He seema offering tranaportation to the polla ghetti sauce will be made by An­ Mr. and Mrs. William E. Grady U. S.'Sen. William Benton vislt- positive quantity In the ■ depart The campsdgn h u not lasted appealing to man’s nobler side and I to assume that If he can get me that day, It would be a aimple mat­ thony Piano who ia well known of Olcott drive announce the en­ ^ Tolland today as part of hia «S3riK2£-^ ment of world atateamanahip. long enough, for a discussion of not by insulting his intelligence. ter to arrange for a baby aitter to come out pubUcly for Steven- for hia ability and has performed gagements of their daughters. County tour. He visited the home •xggj?’*-SAtf5S“"-or That fact la the result of hla own Issues,*but-It-hM lasted too long My disgust with the "soaprj at the aame time. this task at all previous Italian of Mias Flossie Bishop Bowering, eoii I will thereby lose the votes Joyce Marie and Elaine Ann, the A. OrM y aiowB-______■ personal qualltleB tested and already, for what It haa become. of any Elsenhower supporters who opera” and "guilt by association” Happened ’Way Back suppers served by the group. which was built by Benton’s ances­ type of campaign Only intensifies One political obseVver said today former to Allan David McCue. aton tors in 1725. developed in positions of world We have finally been able to de­ might be Inclined to vote for me There will be two sittings for in the Hartford, ofllce of the Con­ aa State, Representative. my a d m 1 rati o n for Governor 1 that the last instance he knew of the supper; 5:30 and 6:30 p.rfl. of Mrs. John McCue of Hlllaide World t'onununily Day Importance. It la a national i tect one definite reaction to the Btich a baby-sitting arrangement necticut Power Uompany. •ad othar raadtad teat£ a tt« This Is the Implication which I Stevenson. 1 feel that he haa resUU Reservations may be made with avenue, Hartford, and the late Mr. Mr. McCue graduated from The Ladles Society of-the Fede­ set, and ..ghould be so regarded, campaign, hsople may still be ed the many pressures put upon locally, waa " 'way back in the late baalar Braatic HaralC to the voters In Manchester who Mrs. Anthony A. Maneggia, Mrs. McCue, and the latter to Thomas Trinity College In the claaa of 1951 even through the smoke o f a po­ keeping to thamselves the ques­ him In a way that proves hia fun­ 1700’s when area residents who John Asplnwall or Mra Hutchin- adfafttalad bon«: ]iaye.Bhown themselves to be quite . went to town meeting formed a Danlel-Duff, Jr., of Ardmore road and ik now serving with the Army ^ Includhig 3 litical campaign. tion o f how they are going to vote: ihdepehdent and pbltticaliy mature damental faith in the Integrity and Mlsa Joyce Grady Is employed at Ttirt Richardson, AlfiskaT good sense of our citizens. Like I ^baby raretaking arrangement.” The second great reason for But they are Aiaklng no secret of In the past. Now, Mr. Kennedy, I aa a ser\ice representative in the Mr. Duff has Just returned from Lincoln, he believes in the people He ha.atened to point out that In Manrbester Evening Herald Bol­ , ^ m. Wadnaali y. hope In Elsenhower derives only the fact that they have had enough consider unfair—not to me, but later years the Idea waa widely M.Xflhhestex ofllce of the Southern active duty with the U. S. Air PUSTERING , &. Ttrataday. don't beUeve that Manchester and in their ablUty to make our ton rorrespondent, Mrs. Joseph New England Telephone Company, Force and is now employed by the New Ceilings and Repairing In part from the nature M»Mit.l IMUHp ’ • " ----- alid M ierglpri^G rx’dy 1* employed Sun Oil Company. A Specialty— Free Estimates and >9 ty of the man himself. It comi tatensive, too long, on lbo~Tow a work. * ->■ f airly rilcent trend in TOitan:' fctSrtay— candidacy on any other basis than Conference Topic 4 ^ t t vdbUeatSea • level, not to have exhaiuted Its whether or not they think I would A t a time when we. must ' • a. a. __ 2 mainly from the realities of the Faculty membera at the elemen­ that U. S. capitalists touched off President Syngman Rhet of col­ HAROLD HAGENOW be able to do a good Job for them up or blow up” Stevenson gives us I ROCKVILLE relationship between American popular welcome tary school will 'attend the CEA the Korean war to save a waver­ laborating with the Japanese Tel. Man. 6730 After 6 P. .M. Thursday, October SO in the leglsUture. And I wouldn't confidence In ourselves and cour­ Vishiiisky Asks domestic politics and our foreign The point of Jaded disgust was age to go forward witj^ faith in convention at Hartford tomorrow ing economy,___ years ago. and painted his regime* For new, chaaged or aiMMliBol want them to vote on any othec when Dr. John Harvey-P^irbaywiM as one of "repression in the sheep­ H i. lUties; Peace policy leadership. Periiaps these reached, we would say, aome tlma America's future. I think that thei He scorned the resolution Ache- listings in the W H ITE .BAC speak on "Global. Minds for. a UN Peace Group skin of democracy.” the telephone directory, resditisa are unworthy o f ua, 'and during the past week- Then, we Furthermore, I don’t think that moat important taak confronting son introduced asking the General ' Vseee la the object, the desire, the ETesldent of the United Ststeal Global World. " Dr. Ftirbay la di­ Assembly to approve the UN Com­ Accusing Acheson of "distort­ JOHN P. LABaiE call the telephone bttS&Hn of the men. who succumb to them guess, people began to Udnk that Reputdicana have been '‘italva” aa Dseasalty of us all. And Oen. today is' precisely thla neceaalty I rector of the Global Air World , (Continned from Page Ope) mand's stand against forcibly ing'! the Russian position and that -'W But they are realities, and they you put It when they have spUt Education association for Trans- eral Elsenhower and Governor what waa left would be mainly their UckeU to vote for Demo­ for helping us to help ourselvea 11 repatriating prisoners of war and of the Commiini.sts at Panmunjom DON'T P^MOCRATlC CANDIDATE world Airlines. on the prisoner of war issue. Vfsh- are realities from which we need noise and pressure, containing crats In the past. And -vice-vetaa. do not believe that «re need a I t v t m was the’ flrst western big power to urge Communist acceptance of ____ a n not any different Principal Gabriel Reuben hopes Insky argued that international Throw Thom Away AdditioiiBl U hH iis o fa r to be Uberated. neither vaUd information nor true neither have DenweraU who split leader” to pile our troubles on in spokesman a-iheduled to reply to a truce on those terms. _ the reat~of ua. They know it, VlahlnSky In the assembly's politi­ law—aa Interpreted by British, still plenty of wear left in One of these realities Is that the poUtlcal wisdom, and not deserv­ their tickets. The privilege of vot­ the hope that some.way, somehow. I P fly M M f He endorsed as the "only way ahoes repaired here. mombors of your howa* 1 feel It, aa deeply as we do. We we will not have to think things | cal committee this afternoon. French and Russian legal experts charge of appeasement Is certam ing of deliberative attention from ing carries with it a choice— a to achieve peace in Korea" . a —called for the immediate re­ held or butlnou-onlySOe I twth o f them a debt of some choice to be made by the voter on out for ourselves. Rather, we need But Acheson commented last Pollah omnibus resolution which For themselves. I f there Is thinking m H i M Reg. $275 , patriation o f all. prisoners of war por month, pto* lax. abide fW being willing to aa- to be hurled at any peace In the every poBlUdn up for hU considera­ a President who can show us the I RUMMAOESALE night to reporters that the Soviet includes a call for imrhediale ces­ SAM YDLYES way to greater maturity as a na- { Foreign minister said "nothing we without any conditions for allow­ the awful burden of trying world which could be suggested done from here on In, It •will be tion. sation of hostilities, repatriation Shoe Repairing of the Bet< tlon by using our God-gtven ablU-1 A ay • ! TIm m hqve not heard a thousand times ing those who wanted to stay in or negotiated by anyone connected dope by the people, in their own We can all make mistakes In Friday, Ocl. 31— 9:30 A. M. of all prisoners whether they want the country of their cantlvlty. ter Kind Done While Y'-hii HTS our necessity. The next ties to solve our own problems. I before, at Panmurijom and here," Walt. T o n ig h t a t 6:30 with ths present Washington ad­ •way, and in their own mood. that choice because of misinforma­ RIb^s U iitl to go home or not and withdrawal At^ording to the Hague and n will have much to do We need unity, we need strength 1 ODD FELLOWS HALL Another U. S. spokesman added of all foreign troop.s two to three 15 MAPLE STREBT THt SOUTHIKN N(W fNGlA'. tion or lack of knowledge about NOW $ Geneva conventions, he said, pris­ tke fata of all mankind— ministration. The knowledge that - The candidates themselves know of purpose, we need clear-sighted I 175 that turning the Korean armistice months after the end of the fight­ Opp, First National SioNt Individual candidatea. But If we Mystic Review, No. 2, WBA oners of war are not entitled to WDRC-^1360 ON YOUR DIAL such charges might be unjust has I t They calculate, too, that the vision, but most o f aU we need - ChriitiwcH problem over to the conamis-sion ing. Parking Lot It eouU be human for aU take the time and trouble to proposed by Vishinsky "would choose whether they shall be re­ TELEPHONE cowrA'.i not operated to give the foreign aearch out the facta and make up to beUeve yin ourselves. Adlal I U D rS SOLITAIRE Individual to wish. Each of decision is already in, that they mean starting the negotiations all Vishlnsky’s own resolution ask­ turned home or not. policy leadership o f that ad­ our own minda tbat. 1 beUeve, is Stevenson has re-afflrmed my faith I ed the assembly to "establish a I fliia caadidatas would do his are not likely to change many In the dignity of man and the| \ A flensatioBal Valne At This Low Price. over again." ministration the courage to do the most that any candidate can OAUDET’S HAVE- JUST FIVE commis.sion for the peaceful set­ best with that terrible re- votes from here on tn. But some­ ask of us as voters. I would worth of the democrptic process. Ache.son earlier had reiterated what It thinks Is right. It feels OF THE ABOVE BINOS IN STOCK BALCH Is Your tlement' of the Korean question dbmty, and any discussion of how, they muat manage to keep natuiaUy like to have a* much He will be a great President ‘ the West’s determination not to with participation of the parties ^ H e lasue Should properly begin confldent only about what It going through the motions, support as X can get In' this elec cause he believes In the g re ^ bow to the Communist demands directly concerned and of other of our people and of our^jUatinyl for forced repatriation of POW.'s. pMtth that admission. certain Senator McCarthy would exactly! as if every motion stlU tlon, but I want that support to states, Including states not par­ be given with fyJX knowledge of aa a natipa. He told newsmen Vishinsky "still ^ ^ TlMce is one other significant consider right. It la, therefore, im' counted for as much as it ever ticipating in the war in Korea." what I stand for. Slncer _ , argued that we must send This would, of course, permit the (DVES M tiiiig to bs noted.- This is the possible for the present admlnl' did. until they stagger across the Kathwine IX Bourn | prisoners home at the point of a If you felt, therefore, that my FREE INSURANCE POLICY . Soviet Union to take part in a stratlon to make peace. It does finish line election night bayonet, which, of courst, we have Iseiie the Issue of America's role views aa a voter 'wlU have any 1 . peace settlement along with' pos­ ^ A the world In behalf of Its own not dare to. I Win, lose or draw, there will be 6eBdet> wA provM* ob " A I Risks" J«wtlry Ftoertw poRcy for no intention of- doing." sibly such neutral countries as In­ beating on other voters’ views of Vishinsky gave hii usual per­ a certain welcome brand of peace dia. The UN negotiators at Pan- YOD and in behalf of the world’s But what the country needs is' me aa a candidate 1 am only too formance yestierday.—turning red­ CENTER glad to express myself pubUcly. yoor wHIi ooeb dicmoiid rta^i s e M . Wo poy tbo promlom. You munjpm already have rejected which the two candl- to be liberated from a foreign for everybody, starting about mid­ faced in the heat of his rapid-fire And I would like to add here that Communist suggestions that Rus- are closest together. They policy which Is captive to Mc­ night Nov. 4. delivery, punching the table with If there has been any aspect of colflct Hm fol pordioso prlco In ovont of loss from Rro, tfcoft, BETTER DEAL ■sla serve on a body of "neutral'' much more agreed on funds- Carthy. It needs a leadership bold Wish It were then now. ^Tr»TlREPQIR his forefinger to emphasize points, nations to supervice a truce once political life which has arouaed my smiling and spreading hla arms to a tala than their campaign em- enough and strong enough and re­ contempt id the past It is thq PONTIAC DEALER it was achieved, bep^tary or loss »f sfO B O by eny means. hand out an acid quip. Asaails Rhea cowardly theory of keeping qi I i . Ill* r r* • t M '*M h* -l*'f o f subsidiary questions of spected enough to take our for­ He repeated the Soviet charges Vishinsky accused South Korean ^felame, attitude, and future out- eign policy put of prison and let on Issues so that "nobody w U lret mad at you.” 1 have never operated 'lo o k would Indicate. They i^ e e it operate as intelligence and rea­ Connecticut that way and 1 do not MBjUUJP 1 ^ that America la Just about where son dictate. It needs a leadership begin now. it has tn be In the kind of world capable of making a hard-boiled Let me eay, flr s t^ a t I am not "we have. They agree that our Taiblve to live Tit tKe same world Yankeo^ g b W f d be posltioa In the world must con- with Russia and do so without By A. H. O. General Elsenhower—I am going to vote "foi^’^ d la l Stevenson. And Lower Slrael ris er level tiaue to bs one of devotion to the war. It needs a leadership wheih These I wish UMit every vote to he cast Ideal and to the reaUty of coUec- can be tough In its exploitation of Having beetr burned beyond rec- In t h e ^ lt e d SUtek next ’Tuesday tbre esturtty. They agree with aH the possibilities for peace,- rather cognition by■ Its efforts “ ■ 1 ta m other the broad outlines of what we are than tough only In Its flourishing years, this column is going to let UDmNNNERRINB Its readers do their own progno^l lim DODD IS YOUR A CREDIT TO now doing in the world. Both have of the sword. cations about the 1953 election, given'Impressive analysis of the Our political situation. In short, cannot, however, resist the oppor­ ENRABEMENT RIN8 21 DIAMONDS MAN . . . GONNECTIGUT nature of the problem we face, i f creates a special advantage for tunity to suggest to our i^Msrs ■ thsih la something to hope for In Eisenhower. He could, if he found various methods they might use V/t Gt PUTINUM for their personal p r^ctln g, and set in radiant 14k. white gold Yaari ' of inteniive riudy, Born in th# stato of Con- the election of one, there Is noth- a way to, make peace without we Shall offer certabi^saslstance In mounting. backed by practical knowl- nocticut, oducatod in Con­ Ing to fear, on this lasue, in the drawing charges of ^peasemept utting with t'wo fiery tide dia­ the use of each method. monds.- adqa ... a lifatima 'avetad necticut, gr-a'duatad from election of either. or without causing uneaaines.s tn This present^lumn wiU concern . Rt9. $700 AH this la, perhaps, not remark­ the people themselves. The mem­ Itself w ithx^e easiest and roost to tha cruiada of iuitica to Yalo, Tom Dodd has bean able. There are not many different bers or heirs of the present Wash­ enjoyal^method for predicting an aD, and ageneral dislike vitally interested in tha wal- ways for men of intelligence to ington administration, on the elecliphL This is known aa the me> for racial and religious fara of tho stato all of his thp<^f the flat statement, and the N O W « d 9 0 in- read the present world situation. other hand, would never dare of­ ual technique for following it la NOW toloranco, mako tom Dodd adult 'ifa. But It is. at any rate, an asset for fer the American people anything, »475 Rt«. $1,400 _ to single out one such flat state­ a candidate worthy of our the nation in the pre.sent cam­ leas than a peace alightly ment, assert [hat it holds .the key From FJ.I. Agont, to pros- paign, and if we .want to realize than perfect-and thaCkiivd of to the whole State situation, and foroboarors ' who b-Kovod ocutor of tho infamous Nazi how much of an a.s.set it is we peace will never be attatfiable. therefore represents the outcome so strongly in avil liborfios of the whole election In Connec­ loaders at Nuremberg, Ger­ need pnly Imagine that the cam-1 We do nor like this.poIitical con­ ticut. for all the peoples. It is up many, ha has always reflect- paign were being conducted with dition. It is unreaspnable and it is .That ia, of course, a Utile too TERRIFIC DIAMOND BUYS! to you ..... ad glory on tho. groat state some one like Taft as one of the evil. Even to mention it and uae It, stmplr a procedure for readers aa nominees Then, Indeed, we would as we have done, seema tike sur­ roltivatril as ours. Besides, they of Connocticut . . . be faced with dismaying pos­ rendering to evil, Instead of fight­ are not Interested In Just reach­ sibilities. ing it, as wc should. Well, it has ing some glib oonrJiMiion about GOLD- the election. In which their pre­ U D r S DINNER RINR . On top of our good fortune ■ in been fought, and the people in diction rninrides neatly i^th having our candidate.s so rlo.se to­ pow-cr have not been strong their own wishes. They resUly ★ PRESERVE k PROTECT ★ DEFEND ★ gether on fundamentals, we have enough to resist it. and it still want to know how the electioa lARDE HRE OPAL the added privilege of legitimate exists, and Eisenhower does repre­ Is golug- ' surrounded by 14 brilliant dia­ special hopes from one of them. sent a clear national liberation As an aid to their endeavors, we YOUR INTEREST iN AMERICAN LIBERTY are presenting, today, a few flat monds. A beautiful ring—a won­ One reason for a special hope in from it. This fact cannot b e . ig­ statements, to which, of course, General Eisenhower is that he has nored. We need a foreign policy | our readers are privileged to add derful buy. ' had great, and successful ex-! which is free to act. I flat statements of their own. de­ /• perienoe. In the business of func­ As a sample of this, let us take rived from their own observatitm ELECT tioning as an International leader. and opinion. a campaign pledge which has been 1. Hartford will go Democratic ’That, In 'case we Americans made—that pledge to "go to by 32,000. haven't quite fully- realized it yet. Korea." It is a controversial Fairfield Cbunty will go Repub- MATTRESS *befc.j|U. AroenJoto .Bledge..pezhapa.wise^pccfaapa-Aot4iIc>B-^.9JLQQ$t.. are, from now on, for better or for so. but one thing docs come cliJar.l . = ^ tor anytblnjc.,that looks,Hke braw-, ij" JA-i .'Ve ' H f cvmee—iirtetaatlona] leaders Gen­ Thebe isno-taB^tron, a ^ j[6 -f«a r, Tb^ soldier Vote "k-ill be soUd eral- Btaenhower had- .this ex- that IsenhoWer is going to Korea [Elsenhower. perienoe not ^ y aa the war-tSme to "aplpease’.'th e Cbm.iniinista.',H« V. Vnioh Ml^cnbip ' I commander o f a coalition army, coqld gOj and' recommend safely the tmion vote solidly into the but even more Importantly ao In some concession, if he found it Democratic camp. 6. The- union vote rcsenls the lor PogYaro-Correef Comloiff hla recent work in Elurope. where wise and necessary to do .so. with­ efforts of its leadership to deliver his diplomatic and spiritual .roles out coming under the attack Mr. for Stevenson. uors actusUy outranked his perform- Achesoh; or Mr. Truman, or Gov- ] 7. Stevenson is certain to do bet' Eight hourt ol work . eight hours of recreation . eight hours of anM aa a military man. The erpor Stri^enson would draw for ter in Ooimecticut than Truman TO sleep . . .that spells out good health, and long life. O f all three factors, Blaenhower record In both in- exactly the same action. This Is did, and Truman lost the state by DIAMOND BRACELET only 14.457. instancee exhibited a rare capaci- not to predict, on' our pert, that sleep is the most important. T o go q;ithout deep, is dangerous. Sleep If Dewey could carry- Oonnectl- You’ll smile, roo, oJ.. , >>u've .ducovered how thrifty, how oom- with 20 brilliant diamonds and - ty for the business of ' getting he would make some conceaaion. without proper rest to your body and nerves is not'gcxK] enough . cut. Elisenhower Is certain to. plctcly cotnfbrtable sod coavcoient. oil heating can he! Over 20 beautiful blue sapphires. Set diverse forces to work together It Is to say that he could, and 9. The women are for Adlal, 25 years of development by top-flight engiocers bat made the and the mafiress designed to rest your body and relax your ners'es is the suecsasfuUy. And the most im­ that some one else could not. 10. The women are for Ike. Timken Sdeni Automatic u stt-fsm * beating method the finest in platinum. Ability * Character * GOLD-BOND SACRO-SUPPORT.MATTRESS. It is anatomically'de­ 11. Mpre Republicans are switch­ portant factor in thla success was It is also to be noted that the and thriftiest money can boy. Banish fbr- signed to be kind to your back . . . gives you posture firmness along Unconditionally ing this year than ever before. erer the drudgery of old-fsahiooed heating Rt«. $050 not merely that he knew how to General's proposal has not raised 12. More Democrats are switch­ with comfort. Quality-built for posturt-rorreci comfort. bring other nations together with any fear.that he would indulge in ing than ever before. BStthode— intt**g«*» todajr this mod^rm W ith fht'eouragB to pl«ea tho intorest of tho poopio of Connocticut, each other, but that he, aa the a reckless extension of the Korean This is only a partial list, and way » h«t your botne! There’s a model tnUARANTEED representative of the Uriited war. In other words, neither of tlie our readers will have aome flat dcrigned to fit year homsb year htidgsb' and tho poopio of Amortca first, at any cost of porsonol glory, Tom EASIEST TERMS IN MANCHESTER Btaies, waa able .to set the key­ j two great fears about Korean certainties of their own. Phone os today! Ldieral peymgnt plan if This list, as arranged, has cer­ desired— 10« down. 30 months to pny. Dodd has mado a proud raeord for Connecticut. FOR 10 YEARS note for the whole business by policy—the one that wo \yill ap- tain properties. Add up all [ha treating these other nations, less pea.se, the other that, we will go itema shd the answer comas out and rich than w ^., as looking for troubIe-„4iaa attached aero. , The leewee nelMlews sM fcerssr SEE awl HEM TOM DOOO tw y FMDMr EVEMHS-TilE P. M, itself to Eisenhowar'a proposal. Aidd up alb the odd numbsn, btarfan SmBm ssB. ■«> « Hssfisr and you have. Stevenaca carrying eyond his capacity to treat So. in summary,. General Elisen- Connecticut by 100,000. twr miNC-IV, ow um a S asS S liH m WHEY-WtHT R a is her peoples .as equals, and to hower U the candidate who, in ac­ Add up all the even numbers, V yes Sew ee eS bee I persuade them to work together, tual experience^ provided and you have Elsenhower carrying fSaanhower had the capacity to abroad -the kind of leadership fm- Connecticut by 100,OOQ. rau, THE ■eplrs them toward new and 'dar- this nation among nqUons which ' The problem of the forecaster « MouDir MMo A m m n / m m b y U to add up the right comblnatioa 809 MAIN STREET VOTE U g coocepta. Oae reason for this wina US respect aiid'- power and o f odda and evens. Do this, and SEMHD UVERI MARLOW'S 1*1 his personal absence c|f fear, which alone can lead the wertd you have the election on the »oaie. TEL 4720 eeupled with his own afasmdant tpwSrd peace. And be ia the can­ O il HERT and ENGINEERINO I k* v< confidept faith in freeddm and didate who, if elected, will have a The cutting and carving 'of gems is believed to have originat­ 867 M AIN STREET Lower Street Floor Lev^F ^ MANCHEST T M c a . H e worked qXritual good. 'free mandate to create a free for- 244 MAM STREET i - TEL 2-11441 T. ed In Babylon thousands o f years A M b was good for morale. Aqd, be- sign pfiUcy, chained neillither tojthe before' Christ. 7 7 ^ I, ■ J ■1,' ’ ■ ', # ■ j; I'" ^ -0 :•!«-“ 'r'.v ••. J . i \ r • • r'Xi-- ,' .'■'■• .•-.■■• f '- S'-- « ' V' f - t. ■•' V . ■3h > ' •!:. Jh-^. ^-' ;l A ■- -T'^- S' I, > i

e v e n in g h e r a l d ap.ytgi:3rrr-*:r.x.r irim.n-MAyCH^TER. |IVENING,.HE&ALD,-.MANCHESTER. C0NN,.-THURSnAY,- OCyTO^fiR" RO; 1<)5!2 HAKCHESTER ? MAN<^l»f^;;,GCritj^4ti^BSI^yy 1352 "TAGE iGZ E IG H T O bituary 1 own i i n j Claims True Parakeet Crow Official Out Election on S A V if onvicts in Story Not Being Told Korea Deaths Mra. Annette Bengaton. Union Agents, Martin - Dr, Harold Barrett of Man­ Town Clerk To Issue Is Essential Mrs. Annette Bengaton, widow On 5i% Deal W ani Voters In Conference Today; son chester, chief of the medical serve of Jbhn Bengaton,. died yesterday tees section. .Btate -.Hqiailinsht oLj, AtMcntee RalloU i^ turday at the home ol.harzjdnttghlMiJHHki r H s m ^ O M ) About 7 5 . Employes Health, today took issue with r^ConttsEfd from-ra^ DM) Andrew Pyne .of 41 Maribecough On Poll Laws Pag* Ow) ■ statements originating with para­ The town clerk's office will street, Portland, after n abort 1U> Reported as Enrolled be open Saturday until noon the way to And out about a war _ ^ ______an'inU m alional gm tp. including keet, fanciers and other bird rai.'- riess. Had ahe lived until Jiov. a retired Army Brigadkr General, they came with «ord that the ers in the state. Barrett told _ for the laauance of abMntee is to go there, to see whafs going ^.olHd hive Velched the'age The likelihood that an election — hoitages were epparently in ballots. who he aald had aought to aell State Official Reminds The Herald that a program of , on any try to stop the fighting, Born in Sweden," ahe strategic materials to the United will be held to determine whether , health. They alao carried a •■mls-informatlon ' is being w ried Absentee ballots may b r ob­ I he said. | esnie to this countiy at the-aga of Stataa at a higher price than his That Names Must Be Manchester municipal employes of la demanda drafted by the out in new.spaper articles dealing tained as late as Monday, but' ! Eisenhower's motpreade. accom-; jg. ' clienta. want union representation ap­ with parakeets and psittacosis. they must be milled before g panied by a brass band, started up | Besides her ' daughter. the He ideaUflad tba E«n«ral., as Checked Off by 7 p. m. officials would not reveal He took exception to recent p.m., thst day If they are to Broadwray "from Bowling Green on j leaves a son, Ernest L. Bengaton peared this morning during a con- counts------^------:------^ tererice lietweeir General-Manager ______slatemrnts that only^Connectieut- The stjoke~df~hi>on. Crowds wete of thliTTdwn “XriH ^ r e e granaaons, European Director oC the Dalenae Voters throughout! the state are ---- '•fSBCe attendiff'by wives of Maryland, of all the 48 states. fairly heavy as It pa.ssed the Andrew Pyne. Jr.fr., ^ of Cobalt. being warned that ohly those who . Richard Martin and repreaenta- Igmrieddea-x guards, W*on|gtilI retiin stiictf controls over Matartala get to the polls early enough Nov. - tlt'es of the American F>deraUon financial dlstricf, but they thinned Conn., John Bengston of -this and in charge XuroglWa Fro* get to me iwiis } _» g[. state. County, and Municipal ^led the i^sonera'wanU. , parakeet breeding, raising, Im -. certain types of fatalities are considerably as he moved further town, and Chaplain Ernest L. curement of Strategic Jlhtaciala 4 to have .thelc names checked off ask increased medical | portation and. sal^. up town. Scattered individuals by 7 p. m.. the polls’ closing hour Employes, who have already estab­ cauaed by various mishaps as in Bengaton, Jr., of the U. S. Army for the United States. , lished a union local here. rTK«. Dixon said, "and a better I "Wyoming, qallfpmla. Minneso- automobile accidents. It has come booed him. but they were not 4n ■ in I^rea. She also leaves a Wilson had advised the DMPA will be allowed to vote. State Attorney General George Robert Lessard and A. W. Bilik, M lnmily. And of course, they ta and, Michigan to * to the point where an automobile great numbers. great-granddaughter; Dana Perry that the company was going into organizers for the municipal em­ % M itto get out." If«:«-.” th*- health chief said. stiU is a necessity and so the controls After his speech on Seventh ave- Bengston of South Britain, Conn. the open market for tungsten and C. Conway's opinion to this effect has been forwarded to all town ployes union, an American Fed* He added that he w a s confident | retain strict have been delegated to special law nue, he received a traditional New Funeral aervlces will be held at recommended cancellation of the cratjon of L.abor affiliate, said an I During 0 “' I h o a t a g e s would be rdessedvnrjpver parakeets and other birds enforcement agencies such a.s the York City reception. Cheering the Swedish Lutheran Church In contract. and city clerks in Connecticut by Secretary of 'State Alice K. Leo­ election w^puld be desirable to M and th« trouble endfd-P**’- ■ pwittacme family. police and traffic bureaus of the thousands lln^d the streets solidly Portland kt 2:30 tomorrow after­ Westbrook said he was willing "clear the air." •omeUmf^ today. The inmatea j The^ little state. 'Where the parakeet Is con­ from Seventh evenue for nearly , a noon. to submit his charge against Wil­ pold. _ . , About 75 outside workers em­ ir^dikfi u.'ithin the cell block for a share of a Wate*wide alien cerned It hardly could be called a mile to Park avenue. Storms of Friends may call at the Em­ son In writing for review by the Town Clerk Samuel J . Turking- ployed by the highway, cemetery, ^ ^ b e aJ^ injr among them- Ulon recently ^^h\fanciei^ pr^ necessity. ticker tape and confetti swirled mons Funeral Home. Portland, Senite Armed Servicaa Prepared­ ton, who said the law has been on park and water' departments are X n *^to surrender, j testing that control. X r. t ^ l i jd •Therefore the controls are more down from buildings and there from 7 to 9 o’clock tonight, ness Investigating committee. the books for a long time, will reported to have already Joined the and the Connecticut health offi pass the information on- to the I f ^ tb said. strict because we can limit the were roars of applause as he pasv local, known as the Manchester cials proclaiming that the love damage through proper supervi­ Or. ' Told Affects Lamgs disease and you eliminate its~ George O. Scrivener who was mln- In the past, the law as inter- A virus- disease, psittacosis on the Ea.st Side after a quick Adlai Aides phy's restaurant. greatest danger." trip to Staten Island where he ad- •ister of:., the. South' Mglhodist preted by Conway,, has not al­ ■ Bilik said that 01 town employes _ affects the lungs like a form_ The ■ dangers of psittaco.sis in Church of this town from 1919 to ways been followed hero.- At Of Secret Trip pneumonia and causes chllU, dre.s.sed between 1,-500 aiwl 2,000 except firemen and teachers are inecticut and other states is persons in front of the Richmond 1921. Death from coronary throm­ times, a moderator has allowed eligible to Join. There are separate fevers and coughs. It was wide­ bosis occurred at his home at Lake Sniff Wind all thbse inside the polling place up in the Health depart- borough hall. AFL unions for these employes he (Ooatlinied from Pnga One) ly epidemic in the United States lateM bulletin sent to med-> Como. Fla. He waa. about 80 years at the closing hour to vote wheth­ some 20 years ago and caused "The opposition fears very bad­ explained. and the press. It recounts old and had been pastor of the er their names have been checked Eligibility Question Ited In torture and death of some death in aeveral recordad in­ ly” his emphasis on going to Methodist Church at Lake Como off or not. Another procedure IlghUi of a recent Cleve­ Korea, Eisenhower said, adding: Of Victory However, it was not known how :his fellow Americans, stances. ' land of the American Pub­ for seven years prior to hla retire­ has been to put a "Uiler,” u.sual- NatlonaUy. strict rules were "They say ■you caii do nothing manv of the town's employes are it defense has admitted Provoo lic Health^'Assoeiation. ment a few years ago. ly a policeman, at the end of a eligible for membership. This and a cast propaganda for the placed on importation, breedt^. about Korea—just let M drag on Dr. Scrivener was superintend­ (Conttnned from Page One) line at the closing hour and per­ and sals of parakeala or love birds U.'B. Pubikt, Health officials re­ and see what happens. Yes. sc" other matters,, including further _lese, but said he did it_on)y ported, two huffian cases of psitta­ ent of the Norwich District from mit all those in front of him to details of on election, will be dis­ airi others In the lame family. the casualties mount and mount 1913 to 1918. and again from 1931 lar the threat of death himself, cosis in Oonnettlrot' two in Min­ same line as he puahes through vote, even if the line extended be­ cussed at a future 7 ' iku OUR BEEF e government today llried Lt. These rujes were relaxed at the higher." -—'---- 5 - —----- to 1936. He also served ss pastor Pennsylvania for the second yond the door of the polling place. W t woaM lik* to tak* IM t ipaM to ox|irott our siocoro ikaokt nesota and one In'Colorado since In a television-radio appearance union representatives 'Jonathan U. WaUiwright. start of this year and thousahda last January. \ of churches in East '^Providence straight day on a tour to be cli­ The 13 hours that the polls will Bilik, who expressed confidence I last night the general said the lerican commander on Corregi- of birds have been Imported for Dr. Theodore Dfqchman of and Newport. R.. I. ' .-i maxed bv a speech tonight in Pitts­ be ooen, from 6 a. m. to 7 p. 10., that the majority of the municipal 6UT FROM HEAVY to all our modorful |M iio*i who koliwd mako otr 5 |oaralatbo n-hen It fell to the Japanese in report from Van Fleet—a West He leaves his second^ wif^. burgh (9:30 p.m., e.s.t.). are believed long enough to per­ In his report this morning,'Dr. Peeksklll, N. T .. told ^he group employes here want a union to rep­ 2. as a prospective witness In that at least six human cases ap­ Point cla.ssmate of Eisenhower's Zeffie; a daughter. Mrs. Henry The Democratic presidential mit all those to vote who want to. resent them. said the respoMe so WESTERN STEERS irocory busloot* a ploaoant Mceatt. FIRST FOOD ratrat* that Barrett said that the love bird — tied In with his own rea.son for Sunderland of Bev"erly, Mass.j.and trial. ----- peared last spring In Peeksklll nominee. In the whistle-stop tour but since, a record turn-out for far has heen “Rood.’* He Raid the £ was singled out above all other wanting to go there if elected. Ho tvo grandchildren. --through the farm, mining and in­ this election is expected, residents, union came into Manchealer after PINEAPPLlE JUICE - and Ossining. N. Y. A memorial service and the fun tha high east of Jiviag has raisad havoc with gaar birds for attention here because A husband, wife and dauf^ter said: dustrial area.x of important Penn- are being urged to vote a.s early its offleals were told by a mem­ It has been proved that 97 per eral took place in Lake Como. . LARGE 46.0Z. CAN ...... became HI iri OssiningWithin " I want to study on the spot the syl-vsnia» _ today told a cheering In the day as possible to avoid ber of another AF.U roat budgal aad will always try to briag you ipiality cent of all psittacoals cases found month after buying a pair of lov^ conditions we will find there. . . . crowd at Reading there was no last-minute congestion and possi­ workers in town were iirterested ■ONI-IN .n> About Town in the state have been traced di­ One of the things I want to find Annlvernary Maas basis to claims that businessmen birds. Dr. Drachman reported that A year’s anniversary Mass will ble loss of their votd. in organizing. ■; . rectly to the parakeet. even with the new antibiotics, the (hit Is how miieh the Republic of are reactionaries. An attempt made to unionize load* at lawast prices. . / ^ car driven by William A. Ful- "\Ve have no particular axe to Koyea can contribute to its own be said for the repose of the soul . 88, of SVf Parker street, struck adults have taken months to re of Mrs. Petronella Zurswekas at municipal employes here several TOMATO JUICE grind in this matter." the health cover. battle requirements." years ago was unsuccessful. fitility pole on Parker street near official stated. "Our concern la V an,Fleet’s letter praised the 8,o'clock tomorrow morning at St, Trooper Nabs aphaa atreat Shout 8 p,m. yeater- At Peeksklll, 16 employes in a Grunewalcl Denies Officers SeleeteA 46-O Z. CAN o**waeeaeo*.ee with the well being of Connecticut fighting qualities of the South Kor­ Bridget's Church. Since there is no legislation -t when, according to police, the department store with a staff of eans. He said one divi.sion, the 9th Aunt Jemima residents and maintaining a stand- 54 became sick and were suspect­ covering rriuniclpal employes that BONELESS lb at wheel of the car locked as .ard of public health. We feel that had destroyed four regiments of Contempt Charges Armed P^ir in liar applied the brakes after th> ed to be afflicted with psittacosis provides for an election in the Pot Roast the 38th Chinese Army, "One of our standards are endangered The Peeksklll physician mid that event of their organizing, the elec­ lits of, an oncoming vehicle when the public is not made fuUy the best." The Eighth Army com­ Savage Battle READY-Mixfer him. He was driving north the 16 persons were examined and mander added. \"I am confident (OM^Unned from Pfif* Om ) Bay State Theft tion. If it is held, would be con­ CUSTARD PUMPKIN Parker. There were no arrests aw'are of the complete history. three were found to have parrot ducted Jointly by represenUUves they will continue>do hold and de­ 2 9 .0 Z . CAN • o**o*oaee**ae I injuries. Patrolman Joseph Sar- He explained thst the parakeet, fever. The epidemic started short­ Continues for count of the indictment, would be of the town and the union. SHORT unlike other birds such a.a the stroy the remaininAtie.serve of that (Contlnned from Page One) At the organizational meeting lb 2 3 y h f investigated. ly after the store began selling army.” \ '\ subject to maximum penalties of canary, is a. continual earner of birds imported from North Caro­ Tuesday, temporary officers W’ere 7” CUT I — r-— ------22 years In Jail or a $22,000 fine, Lord Fox restaurant In Foxboro, Rib Roast psittacosis. "Where the canary elected. They are Frank Hipple. •''>The third quarterly meeting of lina. ] Korean Ridges or both. will contact the disease and be­ ' Here In Connecticut, Dr. Barrett i Mass., of $400 a few hours earlier. highway department, president, IBe Red Men'a Social Club will be The King committee waa es­ Comrfilssioner Edward J. Hick- CORNED DEEP HASH Md Saturday, Nov. 1 at 6 p.m. at come ill and then either die or get revealed, the Standard act for Nixon Declares Howard CaBsells. water depart­ better, the parakeet, if it recovers, (ContlnMd from F »f« Om > pecially •"‘1‘bf.hami'y’ ment," vice president: ArUlur Fer­ club on Brainard place. A meal diagnosis is exceptionally high. The | about a SPERRY LB. CAN ...... e e o e i Md door prize will be given to all will remain a carrier of the dtrease State Health department doe.s not | "‘°''^lcr,o‘’U er'‘T d ' rell, highway department, awre- a n d lb 3 5 ^ and pjsa' it on to humans.'' when 44,000 casvialUes were In­ Teltelbaum. Chicago ‘‘ " y " i oid'N^^^ a' member of the State tary; Leo Mitterholtzer, highway er WAFFLES Idlgular members attending. depend on the clinical record testa | Ike Only Hope flicted during , the bitter fighting one-time counsel for the Capone showed BARNES ^ r r e tt considered absurd IJie alone hut also relies on laboratory department, treasurer: Harold Smoked PicnicS for Heartbreak ridge on the East­ Interests. i lots of courage ,and alertness," Palmer, highway department, aer- 4 9 ^ Stack up those li^ht and The American Legion Auxiliary argument advsneed that cats and findings in all cases. Teltelbaum swore to the Invesll- commissioner, I / dogs arc also disease carriers and He said that in the 17 years be­ For Soniul U. S. ern front. , , , geant-at-arms; and stewards, Cm - richer tasting Aunt Jemimas for FRUIT COCKTAIL Irlll hold Us business meeting Moty Binpoint hill Ls the focal point gators that an attempt was made The gunmen are being held here sells. Ralph Skinner, Jr., park de­ Wy night. Nov. 3, in the Amepcan a source oT danger. "Ih almost all tween 1934 arid 19.M,- only three of the hottest fighting in -a yeaf, to shake him down for $500,000 the start of your Real Americcm the instances cited in the story cases were reported -In Connecti­ w'ithout bond bn a stolen car partment. and Earl Lewie and Al­ - 30-OZ. CAN ...... Liiglon Home. Members sr'c te- (Contlnoed from Page OM) with the possible exception of the under a threat that he. would have charge pending further investiga­ bert Logan, highway department. HRST k Breakfast! See why they're Amer­ 39 containing that argument," he cut. Since the federal laws were ■Inded to bring in their "coupons. White .Morse ridge battle a few bad tax troubles if he didn't pay tion said Capt. Shaw. These officers will aen’e for two PRIZE ^ Mrs 'Uymond GosscKh and Mrs. aaid. "It .should be evident that relaxed, four rases have been .found the sum. He said the approach to ica's favorite pancakes! 10 thousands of others who will be*' wcekk ago. In 17 days of flghUng, He reported that the pinman months when the new local's char­ 4 7 ^ “ F. Wallett wiU represent the bodilv contact is necessary to in a -month period. the Allied soldiers have had to him was made by Frank Nathan, A ! One re.sult of tne medical meet- going to Korea?" told NIchol. who grabbed two ter from the national organization uiiltlit at the D^arlmD^Si ent parley at establi.sh disea.se. In cals afflicted Besides the average taxpayer, claw their way up Pinpoint’s skell- a Pittsburgh promoter, and Bert loaded pistols from them that they is expected and permanent officers Hotel Bond, Saturday. with 'cat scrutch' or with dogs ing in Cleveland was a call for pocked slopes nine times. K. Nasler. a Florida business man. more S tii^ ^ f pslttecn^is ll.self and Nixon addressed his plea "to the would have shot the trooper but are elected, that have rabies it is necessary to many '.older forgotten men and Earlier Thursday, the Chinese Both denied it. for the small calibre of their guns. BUMBiE BEE 7.0Z. f The W3A Guard Club held ILv become bitten or scratched before "perhaps some form of renewed burst out of a long tunnel which Teitelbaum zald, too. that he re­ federal control " to prevent human women "of America,” including, he WHITE MEAT c a n urth ahniversary dinner la.st the dlsca.se is transmitted." said, older pcopte trying to live on opened near the summit and forced ceived a telephone call from a Reconl liOcal Sales ht at the Villa Louisa, Bolton, No nirert Contact infection. the Allied defenders off the peak. 1 gutteral-voiced man who advised Latest development in the para- pensions and savings, government Benton Assails er which election of officers was The doctor, who also presides employes, school teachers and They struck without warning in him tofilplay along " with Nathan 7.RIB wUh • the foliowihg resuHi over dhe: Bureau of . J?ceventablft l,^?t: b r m r t t ^ their • irst-m ajorjidaylight assault: ,»n(i .Master, . 01 2 Restaurai\|s t bodilv contact roe Lnited Press from Laredo. ■rtthers living on fixed salhries. iHvd: M ^ ar t hy Claims iptaln Oglore White was elect- Disea.sps. said that bodily contact holders of savings bonds and life of the furious, see-saw battle. The MIRACirWHir president. succeeding Mra. IS not neccs.sary in the ' ca.se of Texas. A Round Tree. Texas parrot shell-proof tunnel. Instead of dark­ /X breeder was accu.'sd today of insurance policies. . • The sale of two restaurants, one ■ej^uline Berrett; .Mrs. Grace Lath- psittacosis. "All one has to do is I He pledged that Eisenhower ness, prot^ted the RCds from Al­ Hearing Delayed . (Conttnned from Png* One) on Middle turnpike west and the '' T breathe in the air near a parakeet smuggling 222 drunken birds lied artillery aharpshooters. top. vice pre.airent; Mrs Muriel across the border from Mexico. “will make the dollar- worth a dol­ other on Hartford road,, was indi­ PINT ,aden. secretary; and Mr.« Irene and parrot fever can be passed lar." ticut Manufacturers asaociation, cated in two instruments filed In PLUMP Customs inspectors said’ they III C r id ¥i% C a s e through ita paid legislative lob­ the town cleik's office yesterday. JAR bn." found the birds—22 parrots Hitting the corruption theme k f the evening wa.s spent with He said that the State Depart- liard! the "GOP vice presidential byist, appeared before a Connec­ Bruno Bvcholskl sold Big Buck's, MEATY and 200 parakeets -iri the man's 5 Million Tax ticut legislative committee and op­ located at 210 Middle turnpike tiimes. music and dancing. ment of Health is progre-sivelya il' as he cro.s.sed the International nominee said thst "Ei.senhower is (Continued trooi Page One) MILK FED I minded enough to consider not tied to the big city bosses, posed the enactment of the 75 cent west, to John L. Caruso of Hart­ LI. Bridge. The" birds were quiet he- minimum wage. What may wc ex- ford___ for $2,500, according to a no­ ! There have bem several viola- | eventualities covering__ , . control V- iv,» of cause they were m a diunken Harry Truman or the big .labor Claim . Settled charges that he tried to bribe a Hons of the South Manchester ho.s.ses." pect ffom Purtell, should he he j ucc of intent to sell, and a bill of p.sittacosis * iricrnni stupof fToni tpqulla'-soaked bread, Maryland football star to fix a elected U. S. Senator, when the s.iie records the purchase of the Tire Department's ban on open first to welcome a less higen ; ^ Mexican drink. The average" taxpayer can't game las^ Saturday. REG. SIZE CAN Br«a iri the past few days, depart- method .it could be proved that j Imported blame his budget until the federal (OfiBtlBMd from Pago Ooe) Glickfirid did not say a word lobbyist of the National Manufac­ Hartford RPad Drive Inn at 2.'H> CAMPBELL’S TOMATO SOUP ma.j; be imported turers association appears In Hartford Road Drive In - at 3S0 10c hient authorities report. The de- such ■ a system would do the job falohg With other psitlSclne family government Iwgins operating on a during theXbrief hearing before nutment today emphasized the , equally as well and protect the balanced budget, he declared. He Informed rf Martin's letter to Judge Nadine L. Gallagher. The Washington?” Hartford- road by Raymond Ay'So- FANCT, FIRM MELLOW BANANAS » 25c Ammricm*» WmvmrUet blrdsi into the United. States only 'McGranery. Commissioner ‘ of .In­ Bailey also included the other vak from Chester J. N ovak^ East FULL 500 SHEETS jiecessit-j’ for caution while dry people, vritil thst lime com es'it with special permits and after a raiil Stevenson had run up a 37! 21-year-old Jiinjor from Hyatts- fcotldltlons continue In rnhstltiite million dollar deficit m Ilhn,oi3 ternal Revenue John Dunlap re­ I ville, Md., surrendered to police Republican aenatlorial candidate Hartford. No purchase price was DOUVALETTES 25c will be nece.ssary to enforce the lengthly quarantine f o r parrot leased a letter to Chairman Wal­ contained in the bill of 9«ile. h fire hazard. The ban on open . sanitary coiharges C a b i n F il l s b u r y Ca k e m ix e s Is Cliargcd Here the compromise "settlement was FOR Golden S’ellow 33c Handkerchiefs For Show Glickfield with attempting to A ' accepted, the revenue bureau had bribe Tom Cosgrove of Phil^cl- LARGE, JUICY MELLOW PEARS (Continued From Page One) "informal" advice that the trust 29c LB. PKG. Victor George Black, 31. of 217 for Mrs. Fox was not executed phia, offensive center on Mary­ ■'i land's unbeaten v untied football EDUCATOR CBAX 27c Laurel street. Hartford, was ^r- i l.v anuinjf employes here and at until 1035. II said that, while legal HARTFORD rested yesterday by Polite Lieut-: the Blgclo-w-Sanford-planL im Am- riremonmda and" rorrespondenee • t'» fi / SWEET CALiFORNIA JUICE ORANGES ? 89c enant Raymond F. Griffin on a sterdam, N. Y,, where the CIO al- mention an RBI report, no FBI fe- j 17 0 Z .C A N charge of violation of Section 8476 ready holds collective bargaining | p„rt on the ca.se apparently was TELEPHONE 8-3231 GREEN GIANT PEAS 19c of the General Statutes which re­ rights. ever received by the revenue bu- Hospital Notes /"SO LI. IA 6 fer to conveyance of property that The AI'L wanted an election U.S.N0.1BGRADE POTATOES Birds E^e Conerntrnfrd is subject to' a conditional hill of for Thomp.ooriville employes onI.\\ 3 CANS sale. and Prc.sident Joseph Peraro of Patient* ...... 112; FANCY, CRISPY HUNT’S TOMATO SAUCE 23c Black sold a car which he own­ the local. AFL Union said, an .in­ Triinian .\ssails , ADMITTED YESTERDAY: ..X Clifford Blssell, 46 Pine .*tre«t: LARGE DOUILE lUNCH ed on • conditional bill of sale, ac­ junction to prevent a Joint elec­ PASCAL CELERY cording to police. The sal? was tion probahl.v would be sought. Mrs.- Mary Rustic. 29 Florence 19c Oll>er\vi'se. he .Said, the A$'L Ike, T a ft‘Deal’ street: Melvin Longfellow, 3 Robin ORANGE HERSHEY CHOCOLATE SYRUP 16c made to a local dealer. The arre.st wa.» made on a war- will launch ri campaign in Am­ road; Mrs. Frances Bycholskl. 47 sterdam In an effort to woo some (Continued From Page One) Union street; Mrs. Mary DiCiaii- FINE QUALITY ALL PURPOSE APPLES 29c 2^/2 LB. PKG. ennt iasucxi.by Pcosscutor.Jahn.X. VPlM Awa-y-YrnTp-rtw • ClO r-- y tis.- 202 Porter.atreat;.W iUla KU-. ODAKER OATMEAL O'Connor. Blat'k is free under $20(1 The Am.sterdam plant employs bond for appeararice in Town Senator Arthur H. Vandenberg. Patrick. La'ke street: David Gal- JUKE- Court .Saturday.' . , ^ about 2,500 production work^s,. Triiman told a tralnside crowd 6f ligan. 14 Delmont street; Alfred LB. STouiidvSOO. more tlian are 'E tseirtm ^ ■CMs;'66®' NoTth-Maih* street ;-M»a. EXTRA lANCY TOKAY GRAPES IOc',1 2 0Z. BQ71U plavefllheric.. -Dorothy Roren.; BoxX: Mountain BAKER’S VANILLA EXTRACT^- _ T O ej”Tq formefiy-1heiq ; a ’ ebri; r xw.: ^rive,^ Vernon i Chrtstthe Wegrzyn. { “ -eXHE:- QueyV Cohdition "siirclv a Dirksen-Taft-McCormlck .52 "North street; Joseph Wood, 27/' CAN8 , last- spring a majority of the Reonblican in IlllnoLs." New street. l a kslall I ^ - w o r k e r s voted to.secede from the FREN’CH’S 8,11111 t i l affiliate with the AIT,. There were some boas there as ADMITTED TODAY: Mra. MARSHMALIXIW the train pulled in and aome Elizabeth Smith. IM North /School TRES SECRETE ___ T h at move followed a split in the chants of - Wc Want Ike.” but street; George Morrow, Rockville; | CRISCO Frank Quey, 7b' of 404 Hartford i >»"**•'' CIO-Textile Work- larger groups sang out "We Want Mr*. Harriet Zaturaky^^T Jensen • FLUFF road was Reported .-Jtill in critical - cr.s Union of . America at Its na- Stevenron" and two Eisenhower streeh; La^ra Jean {JWSslniki, 444* inflatable Bra condition tod.ay at Manchester Me- tional convention. signs and one Nixon sign were Center street- Mra/YJarJorie.«is- morial Hospital He had a "fa ir! The AFL Union currentlv has a lost in a 8ea of Democratic plac- lev. Manchester. / 9 Oz. Jar I Vi Oz. Jar 2 1 c C^anye. "lti;[:;i4t"''«ir " irom^rwL^TrTal^ to"t eff’ectisrds. Truman scoffed at F.isen BIRTHS YEST’ERDAY: Sons to . . .La Re$i$t9'$ new bra Mr. and Mr*. "lA'arren Waldo. 104 C)uey received, an injured »pine "" NLRB I CAMPBELL’S 'TOMATO and a fractured pelvis, when he held, West street, and Mr. and i f ” - that an$wer$ avery bu$tline COFFEE l214-24Vt was struck by an automobile Mon­ Allen "Sheean. 91 Delmont street. BREEZE SWAN SOAP day afternoon as he was crossing BIRTH TODAY: A son to Mr. problem! KETCHUP Hartford . road near .Campfield and Mrs. Stanley Savllonls; 157 St. Lb. 7 7 e I This beautifully tailored for ail- street, Herald Now on Microfilm John street. Our Own Special Blend (Kcasion wear is designed in half Richard M Piantanida, 18. of 38 DISCHARGED ■YBSTERD A Y : Tres Secrete gives you a naturally beautiful buatllne no matter ■zes to perfectly fU, the slightly James ReiUy. lOff Florence street,; how much or how little your personal need may be . . . it will Lf . Pkg. 3 1 c Lg. Bars 2 5 c ■lorter ngure. four matching flowers that will j Dudley road, driver of the- car Worter figure. It buttons down tl.e tiabaforni your plain hankies | which hit Quey, was arrested on a At Mary Cheney Library Rtith Schjveltzer. South CJoventry; be >-our secret, because Tres Secrete defies detection, by sight or f^nl. has a nice i pockrt and a Ruth McQraevy. 394 Porter street; touch., Ught as air to wear. awice of sleevt:ve lengths. into "show-pieces.” For a striking ] technical charge of rcckle.ss driv- effect. work the florals and edg- 1 Ing and his case has 'been con- Leonard Nie*e. -24 Hlllcreat road; I .Pattern...... No.o. 8900 is a sew-rite A. new Kodagraph machine fo r. about 24 by 18 inches in size, and Sizes 32, 34, 36 A and B cups .,. isease*e***a perforated pattern in sizes 12>.., mg3 in variegated thread., ‘ tinued on a day to day baaia. George Magniuon, 95 St. John Pattern No 5236 contains com­ running through past issue* of The weighing over 10 pounds. street; -Mra. Sossnne Brodeur, 81 18>4, I f 4 . 20U. 22>, 24',. Herald, which er* now on micro- —Three —- *■' films' are made of the is­ Sttapless st)le* ••••••••#••••«• •< • •yaaannab^ * 5 e 9 5 llUje 1 4 4 , short sleeves, 4 't yards plete crocheting instructions for 4 FtnM)- street: Bryce Carpenter. edgings .and 4 flower*, material film, has recently been acquired by sues of The Herald, one for ."Che. Columbia; Mr* Helen Hodge. 19 39-inch. • Public Records the Mary Cheney Lihr.ify, and ;la Herald office, one for the Mary fF o r this pattern, send 30c m requirements, stitch lUuetralion* Cambridge street: John J. Mc- .and finlahlng directions. on display in the lobby of the Chehey Library and one for the m. your name, address, size de- SU te Library., The Mary Cheney O rthv, 106 Birch street; Hortense MISS MARION FULLER, and tlie Pattern Number to i Send 25c in coins, your name Bill of sale X bhrary ihia week and next. - Oroutt, 120 W’oodland street; Ruth BURNETT, MANCHESTER i address and the Pattern Number ------H. The new machine was acquired Library now has ih microfilm the Ward Green to Courtney issue* from January through June (Thatel. *5 Falknor drive: Tres Secrete representatlke, wili be in our Eaat Hartford ;NING HERALD, 1150 AVE. ilo'A N N E CABOT. THE .M.AN-j gimpaon. dental equipment-$6.(KX>. in cooperation With The, Herald, V lr ^ l* CUhcla and son. 74_Har- which purchased a similar machine of this year, and will -acquire oth- store Friday evening, 6:30 to 8:30 P. M. Cqnw in and ICA8, NEW YORK M I CHESTER EVENING HER.ALD. BuiMlag Permits lan road. 1150 AVE. AMERICAS. NEW To Frank R. Wood for aix-room., last spring. Under the new aet up era as they are made up. me«t her. " the Isaiies 6f three months tof The The great advantage of thia new DISCHARGED TODAY: Mrs-. Ready for you how t Basic Fash- YORK $4, N. V. one-story dwelling on Lakewood Idp , Orcoitt, South Coventry; OF MANCHESTER, INC. Presenting the New Anne Clabot Circle south. $15,000. Herald are on a single roll which svstem is thst it saves consider- l i i ffor '52. - — Fall andJWintef. This ts kept in a box .about four inches able space and it is also, easier to Claire Green. Willimantic; Edwin Open Tuesday-UIrnagh Saturday 9:30 A. M. t o 5:80 P, M. CENTER STREET. iaaue ia filled with Ideas for Needlework Album. Directions-for To Donald D'Arche for Charles Bolinaky, 17^Norman street: Mr*. KCONOMY puppet mittens! basic embroidery, R, Bezzinl. alterations and addi­ square, as contrasted with the old use. The local libjary is one of the I Friday t* 8:50 P. BE ’ OPEN THURSDAY EVENING TIL 8 P, M .^ P E N FRIDAY EVENING TIL 9 P. M. ,rt. practical .aewihg for a new method in w-hjeh the issue* for tw«! few libraries in the state that ha* Beatrice Minei and som 488 Lydall i . PLENTY OF.FME PARKING, mb; gift ^ tte r a .printed inaida atitchea and frapd"drslgBB art tions to dwelling at 65' Lintynnoce printed in this issue, 25 ceatt.' ‘ drive, 8700. I 'y J* '-' months . iKere bmuiid Is volumes’'ita local paper ra.microfUm. - ■ -■ • • ■ . . I ■. I'-, .\v , "f" X' /. x ■'r ■ f , -J ] - -4.. fS "''* .•V ■ • -.U- ■A'-.- ,." ' -.f ‘ c^-. '- . ■:t . . • ;■ 1.''- • • V

PAGB ELSVXN ^ . ■■' iuaityy*‘-7.>; A*jiL. 'v-r, V ;*>' liuU^CIBSraR CONN, iPikX» O drO BER 30. 195? - ......

rsa tsf • ’ppoieh^df’a 't ^ Onc#-lhir "light* cent-above‘tha-piw4C«raan I#veIi >--* f t?jp'» v~SeA*«y BtBAGvtGachGmliCOPg. ■Hmytlonr «ntBnAlltGd: a.. JiroUE ■■•'HigheT~pT4cea-'for-”frash --fru its •('.wAA-A AC aaia. luakdt^. Mtof or tbt -m im xrie m m women at the, antique shop of Mrs, etilfV'TliUihlKi’ Vsntion'is scheduled that day. be made to cross the track* until and vegetables and eggs were lablaiTaiis Librarlaa bt the State Dapartmant League Seta Calendar' Raymond Peltier of Main street of SSducation, .preaanted the plan after tbe flashing atop*. mainly reapohaible for the Increase Move to Ne# plan to Install T h e Tobacco Valley Athletic TMesday mpniing. Mrs. Wagoner At Long> erasing in the first half of October. FOB fo r regloBal libraries in the state. League lite completed ttmalsKdar also entertained- at the. home of- AUTOMOBILB OfODRANO* At Regional^Talks ;V '" ' ", * , FOOD PRICER UP of basketball games with Elllng- M ra H a r^ Aborn on Somers road Oil Heat and Bhigineering, (iMtoltowi PaywBli) ELECTION DAT POBBCAST We’re Awfully Proud of Our 22nd Rev. Johnson taigte on A u i^ st,weather horitontslly about 8 feet from the ad table diacuaalona oii such tiocks. ground which Gash their beams In mid-OctoPer the index was of the Connecticut law forbids the lea aa administration problems, Indicated over the Southeast.'' the ftev. Kenneth E, . Johnson, sched­ here noted the cold point was S3 P iu rro shod his horses with A trophy will be awarded at the degrees and the high point was autaihatlcally along the highway estimated at 232.8 per cent of the use of "any live animal or bird aa aalecUon, abort cuts in library bureau said, adding that it win NO W IN ITS SECOND BIG WEEKI uled to be the churoh pastor, will end o f the season to the winning 1935-39 average. Thli( la 14.5 per a prlxe or award." sliver shoes to conquer Peru. onlynly *two-two days later—89later- ddegreea fti each direction upon ” the ap- mid service to adults.^ revise the forecast aa conditions be examined by the council in team. • ; - tha. afternoon. -Mias Helen develop______•....^ . charge and upon completion of the Peneoal Meatto*------examination a vote will be taken Mrs. Henry Wagoner of East on the proposal to Install the new spiritual leader. Dinner will be . I ' gerved at 6:80 p.m. to official dele­ gates and', guests. Mrs. BGb ConsMine Last Big Week! ICE CREAM Sceae of Special Bites Puts On Blue Bonnet T a g Bdoaas a t D in n e r The church sanctuary will be F r « g |i PANISH t Ai the scene , of speclsr Installation services at. 8 p.m., with Dr. James -GainsF.N.L! English, superintendent of the MORE PORK ROAST SAUCE 1 9 * Congregational conference In Con­ 2" " " 4 9 ® necticut. slated to deliver the It Os. Can charge to tbe-new pastor and con­ -X.JP4 . ; PRICES gregation. ’ — P W a y b a s t Rev. Garlai\d Waggoner of, the NtliFf Ll>. University of Connecticut ' will CHICKENS i r s anicfOMSf preach the installation sermon. The DOWN! call to worship will be given by Rev. George Higgins, pastor of . Here are a i*w' ol th* many, many popular, evarydoy Ib W Vernor Center Church. Rev. For' -^ ^ ST iREDUGED-exmlinB prool ihal A&P does a o m « t ^ F u N - ^ ■ rest Musser, pastor of Union MRSARASSI i-/ Church. Rockville, will -offer the' V hi9h-co.t-ol-li»lnq; Her.'. A4P. Annlversc^ d s n s o n ^ Cwt,^9-' Lb . ■ iiAiiiititti V EA L LEGS Installation prayer. Rev. Allison 'dM Z lion ol how A6P continues to seU you more qood lood tof i e » SHOP Heaps of Somers will extend the A D B L IO O U S TODAY right hand of fellowship. Mysic will be furnished by the It raolly refreshes! ^ - Tha Mia. Bob Considine offers an idea See>hoMc you save on meats at A & P ! 1QT14 0Z ^ I C Kauhar LUNCHiON MKAT chancel choir with Mrs. Ellen CANS, ''Popular Johnson as soloist. The public is for mothers. Put on Bm s Bonnrt when judging meat value, tiie price per pound isn't the only factor to consider. Grapefruit Juice ^ I t O Z . C A N M marinetor F.N.E.-FIavor, Nu­ OCEAN W a y " Invited. trition, Econoihyl Lika the wife of What you get for your money is mighty importqnt, too. That's why it pays to boy Cranberry JSauce SPRAY CAN■“ 1 9 ' Patient at Hospital tbe famous newspaper columnist A&P's famous‘"Soper-Right" meets. You see, AAP's quality standards are to high William N. Finney of Finney jwd foreim correspondent, you will thet every cot is guarant^ to please you or your money back. CAM HOME FREEZER SPECIAL street is a patient at Manchester -love the delicate, aunny-aweet taste Ken-L-Ration Dog Food *Se Easy Memorial Hospital where he is Bu ie Bonnet adds to any (oodi SUPER-RIGHT M EAT-1 ’“IB* Poilc C h e a ts BACON iss tv53< to Praieara* expected to undergo major sur­ YottH appreciate its nourishiMt^ Dog Food "7?“ PAROORWOnlART CAM " O FOR THIS WEEK END gery In a few .days. too. No other spread for bread la Reductioni Thlt W eek — 1 U | Q C Recent Arriral richer in year-round Vitai^n At Rival Do^Food CAN " V All Frozen and Ready To Put In Veal Chops’’^ 6 9 « SAUSAGE ti% _ E D U C A T O R Mr, and-Mrs. Mahlon .H, Cooley ScnaaHonel Savings On Top Quality Meatl ISM 6z A C of Maple street are the parents of CAM ” a son TOrh Monday at Manchester SUPER-RIGHT. 7" O JT, CLOSE TRIM Strongheort Dog Food Your Freezer Bnttei-FlaToied Memorial Hospital. apraadl So remember the Irtte'rt. . . HEAVY STEER WAS75cLB LB 6 9 ^ Chuck Steak 75« Loaf Cheese ^^58^ Cancel School Session* F ; . N . . . E! A((-V«peiaMe BuiR RIB ROAST Gaines Crunch Dog Food 1 ^ 3 1 ' RIt ROAST REEF ' There will be no school sessiors Bonnet Margarine i^vea "all thiee" BLOCK STYLE tomorrow in any of the local >-FkvorI Nutrjtionl Eeonom-e-«l ILO CK CHUCK POT ROAST H anbnig O reu n d u.S5« Swiss Cheese ^^83* COOKIES CHUCK ROAST W AS 73* LB • LB Gaines Dog Meol v tsoz I Q C CENTER CUT PORK CHOPS SCHULER'S ROAST jock & Jill Cot Food CAN T^_ WAStVcLB, LB RIR LAMR CHOPS Fiankfnrts ^$45^ Shaip Cheese >*■ 79^ "" BONELESS CHUCK Pork Still Lower! •M OZ A |R B 2 9 ^ Potato Chips ■URRY« PK6 OUR OWN MAKE SAUSAGE MEAT TENDER, YOUNG, 1952 CROP PORK Choc. Chip Cookies lONELESS VEAL ROAST What thoy want is Coke PORTERHOUSE EVEN LOWER THAN LAST WEEK! - Puss & Boots Cot Food ' ^ ^ 1 3 ' 7 O s ; P h f. 3 9 V CHICKIN-OP-THE-IIA U d d i e c - , 3 1 ' LESTOIL FRANKFORTS W ^ 4 9 « LB .eSW Tuna Fish •IT! Size A SAVINaS OF 1S% ON THE ABOVE ROASTING chickens 7-RIB PORK ROAST 10OZ «< «e FOR ALL HOUSE. SLICED SUPER-RIGHT » AlKSOOD m m C Codfish Cokes •tARDSLEVS CAN , ITEMS IS YOURS BY ORDERINB EARLY B o y Potato Frills When you buy our chickens you can be sure of gettinK Sugar-Cured Was 65* lb LBI I WatS9clbLB93 CUT FROM THE RIB END G g c 10 OZ A f C HOLD CLEAHINQ BACON the finest quality. They are esp^ally raised for flavor, AVERAGE WEIGHT 3 ’/2-4LBS LB • • Gorton's Codfish Cokes CAN S U U O Z M\C YOU MAY ALSO SAVE 10% ON (12) OR MORE AHD LAUHDCniNG meatiness and tenderness; clean, fresh chickens that LEAVE YOUR PKG “ ■ PACKAGES OF FROZEN FRUITS OR VEGHARLES 7 O i . Ph g . ^ H A M B U R G WHOLE PORK 10IN$ ..5! Presto Coke Flour lOG 3 9 ^ stay moist and taste delicious. ORDER NO'W 2U120Z M fC AUBHF PRO FOR AN ASP 4-6 IBS Softosilk take Flour RECENT|.Y REDUCED . . 5 9 ' ^ RW END PORK UMNS 31BI2 0Z MWe FAMOUS R O G R O L C O n "PILGRIM" THANKSGiVIflG CHINE END PORK UHNS LB » SnoSheen Coke Flour PRO OOD 403 West Center Street Telephone 785.3 READY- TURKEY! 3LB12 0Z M IC The L I -NOTHING TO BUY! TETLEY ^TOiCOOK CHICKENS CENTER PORK CHOPS ’*. 6 9 = Swonsdown Coke Flour PRO “ ■ ' TO BROIL OR FRY SV.OZ nic 1 CAR GIVEN IN CONN. NOVEMBER ISSUE OF 4 CANS ^ " , LOOKER FUNT AND MEAT HOUSE FRESH.NATIVE-1%-2>LBS LB Good Luck P W Fillin g LESTOIL MEANS No obligaiion wh.tioever. Anyone si.lecn TEA 67" FRESH LIVE CHICKEN m OZ f ||C SI RISSEU STREET TEL. 8424 LESS TOIL FOR YOU 3 c - .2 9 * ye.ri of age or older may a«l< for free lltl •81'.\^ ^ 2.37 Ann Page Syrup 21 ' HADDOCK SCALLOPS R E D P E R C H TOMATO a o . EUERTA QT FANCY NATIVE S«t of famous Ufa-odvwrtisod iL^^79'i^2.31 Am Pogt Elbow Mocoroiii FR^ Red Circle Coffee Dill Pickles OXFORD ROSHER .•AR «*R 2 7 * Lb, 43c „ . P k g . 51c. Lb. .39c MAYONNAISE JUICE Ubboy Sotodga d o iiM m — Ptixlits... I u 7 « c l i s A ric -. a gotaiina $2.7'5vakw " - youri Ami Po(p tnstaM G koa"" r 23' 1U 13 0Z 2 ^ 8"Ofdock Coffee RAG • • BAG PRICES SHOWN IN THIS AD GUARANTEED THROUGH SATURDAY, . i-lre lUM,- -SL... J[*tOWOZ 'M Rf .VECSTABU NOvaMREt J AND EFFECTjW Bf'TlW COMMUN*Ty-AN0 VICINlT»>:;a^ I-. BR0CC0U%:19, ■R-R-W-BEAN' to r a i y $i;25r€«^ fv 06l(r_ T s u k ^ S o u p ANN FACE ^ .C A N S , dm SHORTENING . CAN SDSAR 6 Lba. W C 3T 1* "-“ i : — JMIFFEE UL drMU) porfai^ dassarts, JWt r « ICEBERO aand $1,25 and 4 nack lobab SPAM STAHL .METER Wc'rc proud to live in (Knc wonderful United SlAtet 45e DRIFT both the Democrats and tbe Republicans claim all tbs c r « 4 i l from any of tha 17 dalidout CHO MY-AR-DK DOGKMN) CpCKTAIt PEANUTS STATE BRAND CORNED BEEF HaRli39R Pint Jar for our progress. It's wonderful, because deep in os ^ h « a r t a 2 3 « Colt flovors to Colt, Box 65, If e K e i S p e g k e tll DISNt p f«d a» Crapefruit 3 29< PIAS 2 For 35c PACXACIDP - J l * nOUR .49* we A IL vote. We A LL vote as wc honestly ja t an d JUICE’ PDUHSMOCAM 17* **o*ctaajy. . M*Macic**54' TaiMto Vagatobla 3'*»37' 14 OUNCE PACXAU 37* as wc judge the candidates. We don't care yau vata lar, ALL THE FAMILY but we are vitally interested in having EV' IKYONE vata. If CliMtEEts. PEmphhis. Swoof CMor, Coco* t LOVISIT OUAIITT BEVERAGES >!■ KRAFTS 1 everyone votes, then the winning candidal* F ^ ilT T iT I KRAFTS Euta. A v o c o d o M , PerneQUOEetos, Mirti, R R O n 7 | man to lead this country to even grealerf ' C ASH M K E ROMOUET LUX SO AP SURF SWAN SOAP " _ MIRAGE WHIP 1 q in o e m A Lever^'Braa. Product 1 VELVEETA Remember, EVERYONE votes ne.t Tu ‘ FI *, D o fM . I H C o m — nottor whof i' Laundry Starch' Lathere jPraaly prxl Quickly No Rinsing Needed Kind to your hands ' *OM5rDepi.'»UI-0.ir ‘” "“ “ ” 1 U • A' Colgdte-PalmoUve product ^yoo'ra looUiiQ for io iMs Hoo, yooY (M if Box 88, Now York 40, N. T. u*kf>«»MC 30^ Ult(MCIMk31* '■ q l 4 9 c _ 1 2 Lb. pkg. 9 9 c . 2 ^‘‘*‘'**‘ *35* (' , 2 ‘**^<*1S'3**^‘****3y 2atccMis|J* 3**'"^"32* ' 2 m . « k*s |5P 2*‘^t**“ 25* - ~FNm Mi>4 ...... MM •flOhavIM** 'C. o f ■ ' - ^-t| tmm mtaA lm m&maS, / I b e e c h n i i t s t r a in e d SELECT lavoo* oooooeeooaoooqeee********•••••••• $ P t T BIRDSEYE ^ U P B I SUDS PUMPKIN PIE MIX LUXFLAKES MNSO. "silVBtDUST. J ' V ■■ 1 • •o'eeeeae eeooo*oheoe*oo«a*y*eoo***4<3o For BaUad Fryiav;^ 2 BUY FOODS CHIMEN PIES 974 Main St. PASTRIES A Colgcrta-Pqlmolive Isroducl Comstock Brightens and Whitens An all purpose aoop ' With Cannon,Pace Qolh FROM OUR OWN OVENS orr.. ae4eoooee«a«*4aooo ■••SOO^OVOO*•••• I Froo Pofkiog Noxf fo Sfom UMU F«OUM 29* E V E R Y D A Y • •'aaeooBa***oooo**taa***o**oo**4****o*'•*' |I t 2 U*CE MCKKU 55* I 0 .2 1 * :■ V ;t 2 NkxMo 55* 2 UMU F*auus 55* l»eeeJ24 »»r*B ^ l J 4 For 3 te - ^3e For 7 9 c O b E k l Thoraday Night TU • P0PULAR6WMARKETS ob V r B oy* Frt. mid 4 m • rJL A w filli Doen mba "Cott XovtoOeM.’* Frideya, U :M V. .jc. WXHC-XV. ' >___6 ■'/Mr-jl 1. - v r '" . ■ ■' :-7. ').


Grange Hall Nov. 4, at which time Green. Those mothers of small wfflcerrfe r theyaar-wiM-baalaei* Holiday Cookings poHittfon ard'Mkied td leave theif iticks Stuclento Lfwdera are Needed Next in Y Series chlMren at the CTommunity Y be­ Due to enrollment in inter-towm fore coming to Brunner’s. How­ “ '"Watch Voting 4-H groups, a need was expressed ever, there Will be car* at lirun- today for leaders In both boys and The next in the aeries of Home- ner'i ,for those who do not have girls classes. Interested persons maker's Holiday programs, under adequate transportation and thclse Machine Action are asked to contact either Mrs. the auspices of the ^ Manchester will take the children over to the John Elliott or Mrs. Everett Vaii Community Y. Valkenburg. Branch. Hartford County YWCA, .will be heldmext Wednesday, Nov. 805 MAIN STREH ToIUnd, Oct 30 — (Special) — Personal Mention Anyone interested is Invited to Junior hirh atudenta here at Hicks 5. This program. "Cooking for the attend this program, and new­ Kent Bushnell. a Yale Unlver- Holidayi*,” in charge of Mr*.' ■ 'Memorial School viewed the opera­ comers to town are especially urg­ slt.v student, visited with his' par­ Marion Rowe.- home dem onstrator ed to com e tion of voting machines recently ents, Mr., and Mrs. Arthur Bush­ for the Connecticut Power Com­ and beard an ora] explanation. The nell. over the week end. pany., will be held at Brunner’s Lb. WEEK-END SPECIALS irroup .conducted the 'watchlnR- Mrs. Elmer Doyle of Rockville atudy session in fonjunction with model kitchen. 388 East Center and Mrs. MarloaJGlpyle of South street, from 9:30 to 11 a. m. BONELESS 5tATIVE a aci^l program. Windsor were recent guests at the 9t* Piipprt Show' During the dem onstration Mr*. VEAL Lb eac PORK CHOPS Steele-Hall__ , , Residence., ___^ c , ! Rowe will prepare a complete meal. AU grades a t the scl^ool have Mr. and Mrs. Donald Graham of • ,„,4 7 ___ TOY SHOW To roast. Very economical. RIB END CCTS . been treated to ajhowing of pup- Thompsonville were recent g^esta -«««•»/) tiiru»v ^Ciii i ♦ ** * SAVINGS hi peta,'presented by'the ICerter Pup-f of Miss "Bertha Place.Tii.,.- masted-turkeyturkey winv.iU be later glveit given^ away as door prises. Souvenir j peteers of the Hartford Junior Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Bateman of SHOOLOER OF First Notional Storai policy of low pricof oppliot ovory thoppinf League. East Haven were Sunday gufst.s of fsvors w 111 also be distributed COMING t. 65 c PTA Plana Session Rev. Moe and attended aervfces at those in attendance, and the new j A panel comprised of eighth the church. ; YWCA cookbook will be displayed i Genuine SPRING LAMB VEAL L. S9e day of tho yoor - - • AAondoy threpRh foturdoy. graders will take part in a discus­ Samuel Simpson of Tolland Cen­ on a table and copies will be I To bake. OUR OWN MAKE sion during a meeting slated by ter is a patient at Manchenier Me­ available at this time. i the Tolland PTA at the church morial Hospital. j . 'The usual nuriery for pre-school I SEE OUR ADV. WHOLE OR SHANK HALF parlors Nov 8. at 8 p.m. Profes­ children,.'from the ages of 2 to 5, j S'/j to 6 Lbs. Lb. 79e SAUSAGE sor John (Joodman, supervisor of Manchester Evening H e ra ld will be held a t the (Community Y IN SAT. HERALD FRESH HAMS u, 59c elementary education at the Uni­ Tolland correspondent, Mrs. J. H. with Mr". Wallace Grube in ------\ ------PRODUCTS P O R K L O I N S versity of Connecticut will speak Steele. charge, assisted by Mrs. Arthur L. on "Human Relations Between the SMALL FOREOOilRTERS OF FRESH, SMALU LEAN PORK Community and School.” Refresh­ SMALL ments will be served by the sev- j SPRINOLAMB l. SSc SHOULDERS uh 45c enth grade mothers. BREAKFAST LINKS RIB HALF . UP TO 6 LBS CHINI Men's Club Meeting Boned and rolled if you wish. Rev. W. C. H. Moe, pastor of I FRESH DRESSED CUT FROM FRESH HALF LB the Federated (Hiurch here will be i POULTRY Lb. 69c the guest speaker today at 8 TENDER 1952 PORKERS LB 55c MILK-FED p.m. when the Community Men's RIB LAMB CHOPS TASTY Oub convenes. He will discuss ^ Lynn Poultry Farms FOWL ^ u. 39e astronomy. Refreshments will be "Choie* Nativa Poultry Diroct Prom the Form To You! SAUSAGE MEAT served in a social hour following FRESH YOUNG TENDER the meeting. STEWING PIECES OF LAMB M LB, . \ LB __ To Esamlne Can d id a te __ CENTER CUTS The ToITanr’ County CSunclT GAFOH^fES Lb 6 ^ P O R K CHOPS Association of Congregational I. Churches and Mialsters will meet CORRECTLY SEASONED at Ellington church Sunday at 4 OUR ALWAYS DEUCIOUS, FRESH p. m. to examine Rev. Kenneth E. CUT4IP FRYERS ITALIAN SAUSAGE Jfohnson. who desires to be in­ stalled as’ pastor. Rev. W. C. H. $1.39 aad $1.69 Each Moe and Mrs. Edith Gunther have GROUND BEEF u 59c Lb. l^ n elected as delegates to repre­ LAND O’LAKES Lv... :— m " T : sent the local church. 2 IIS . S1.10 Community Events / - CLEANED AND DRAWN — READY TO’COOK CAREFDU.V PREPARED BUTTER Lb. 13c TASTY SPICED The Surgical Dressings group In quarters. FINAST QUALITY will meet today from 1 to 5 p. m. LUNCHEON MEAT LB at the church parlors. BROILERS - FRYERS - ROASTERS Fr ish l y g r o u n d HAAABURG The Ladies Society of the local CHOPPED BEEF church have scheduled a meeting BONELESS SMOKED ROULETTES, for Nov. 8. ■UYYOUR Lb. 59c 8ROILERS - 2-3'/S LB AVG Tolland Grange will meet at EXTRA LARGE ROASTERS SLICED OR IN PIECES rORMS FRESH CHICKENS' CLEANED ALL WASH RtMOVEO II 67e ‘^8 CHOICE PARTS DOMINO GRANULATED RIROS EYE OR MIHUTE MAID SLbs. TOP GRADE . WHOLE or HALF - FINAST QUALITY SHANK HALF • READY TO EAT - MILDLY CURED N«w Many W ear 2 C » 3 5 c SUGAR 47c BREASTS, LE8S, W IM S , BECKS, NECKS, BIZaRDS, LIVERS | ORANGE JUICE BOLOGNA FALSE TEETH LB / Cooked Hams With Uttte Worry SEIDNER’S Fresh Hams Cal. talk, laagk «r narptr wUkaat LEAN • WELL TRIMMED frar *f ian^raro faUn tnolh drapptnc CAIN'S MAYONNAISE Pint 35c KING OF THE lEEFSTEAK •Hpplaf ar aabMIaf. rAKTKCTH knldt FARM FRESH EGGS DAILY MAYONNAISE pl 37c plalaa firmer aad innre romfnrtably. Thin pleanaat pawdrr hnn nn pommy, MANCHESTERTOR CENTER * NEXT DOOR TO SEARS ROEBUCK. 505 MAIN ST. SUGAR CORED AT YOUR FIRST NATIONAL STORi Porterhouse .Steak Fresh Picnics faaay. party taole or feelinff. TELEPHONE raane aaanea. ft'n alkaline rnoa-arid). 2-8098 — OPEN THURSDAY TIL 9 P. M PLUMP MEATY - 4'A-5'/i LI AVG Ckeefca *>late «Miar‘* idealore breath). SELECTED FRUITS TENDER, WELL TRIMMED GH FA^TERTH al aay drap nli»re. FuK Line of Fresh SEAFOOD Evori Week BACON 59e AND VEGETAILES Fowl waste Lb. Layer* DOUGHNUTS N APPLE CIDER Sirloin Steak us cHoia Cleaned ALL REMO’ifED Ll SSc HALIBUT STEWING OYSTERS VATIV*' EXCELLENT QUALITY JOAN CAROL OVEN FRESH DOUGHNUTS T O P Q U A U n FILLET OF h a d d o c k SWORD FISH POTATOES 10 u» 59e FILLET OF SOLE FRANKFURTS : RAISiD Skinless Frankfurts Finest Liverwurst MACKEREL A ll B e e f * PLAIN D O Z 2 1 PK G O F 6 25* CINNAMON 23^ FRESH SCALLOPS NATIVE DELICIOUS DOUGHNUTS A Quality - A A Fresh Haddock Fillet U 49c ^ SHRIMP FILLET OF COD APPLES . L.. »e Product Lb. / Cod Fillet lb SavQ Wlone^ on O k ede O u h ta n J in g P'n - e e l^eJuclioni!

16 OZ PKG 5 C Ralston Vifheat Chex n-Ol PKG 18c vx' BakiiHi Soda 40Z PKG 3 3 c zzoz PK(i'29c ^ Satada Tea W h e a t e iK L , U<5Z PKG ALWAYS QUALITY VALUES AT PKG'of 16 2 0 c Cream Wheat cemal I8c " W T e a B a g s D tutu Merrill’s Market noz PKG 2 lc 84 OAKLAND STREET LOW PRICES --AT V m ita Extract »uRNnrs 1 « r m 3 7 c O rapenut Flakes lOZ PKG MAKES DELICATE i n 3 5 c H e r s h e y *aking Chocolate 37c Right Around The Corner From The New Bgker's VanHIa Extract 7-01 . APPETIZING SANDWICHES North End Bank lOZ TIN 25c FRESHLY GROr.VD B aardslay's <^°onsH C akes WH OZ TIN 1 8 c Baker's Cocoa I.E.AN, RIB EM ) TURNPIKE i-Ol TIN 3lc BARONET COFFEE 89c WE W k a a t i e s EREAKFASt Of CHAMPIONS 2 4 3 c P o s t u m «O' 55c Sandwich Bread Chase & Sanborn 'nstani coffee jo z jar 4 8 c BITTY ALDIN PORK ROASTS DELIVER Com Soya Slii-eds « u o g g s »o ip k g 1 4 e FEATURED FOR THOSE EXTRA 2 0 -O Z L O A F ib- )^ CaU 7386 1 9 GREEN GIANT PEAS 19c 4 9 MARKET M inute Rice is o z p k g 3 5 c HALLOWEEN PARTY SANDWICHES Russell Appleby Proprietors Merrill Farrand 151 MIDDLE TURNPIKE WEST — TEL 8338 Kellogg's Raisin Bran 17< S H l’RKINE FRESH Balbo Salad Oil q t i t i SS c SEHY ....r - O p«i DoNy 8 A. M.-9 P. M— O pm AU Day Smrtay KoHogg's Al Bran 17e L I L O A F e m p e r o r i Ftob delivery on aU caah order* of $8 or more. All order* mu*t Vienna Bread ALDEN J 7 « SLICED BEETS 2<=-» 29c Sandwich Spread heuman s t-oi jar 2 3 c FRYERS Each $1*29 be called In before 8 P. M. to he deUvered the *ame day. Shredded Viflieat KELuxiO’s nor PKG 18c SUNCRK.ST NATIVE FOWL ®o$c reari n AZ French Dressing hellmans 8 o r j A R 2 0 c SaiiM niG Loaf SaiiM LOW Uric* Kellogg's Com Flakes '•‘g 2 0 c CUT GREEN BEANS 17c ^jPEM M jjO^THUBS, FBI; S « ^ WHITE BREAD IfittiM-o * 29c F.ANCY WAYBEST PORK RIB CUT Lb. 49c A e n u c e « « „ 7 0 e \ NO Rl BBINU •ETTY ALDEN • No ltn*r llivor or l**lur* FRESH QROL'ND FRESH FRESH IT’ S A N O U T S T A N D IN G AEROWAX 25c CHICKENS lb. •READ VALUE 15. S p i n A c I i 7 o o * HAMBURQ FOWL SHOULPERS ■ ^^l-LOPKC ^ p K G s y O - LARGE C.\N .(To broil or fry). S te a k s '79< T-Bone and Short Cut From Heavy Western Reel TOMATO JUICE 25c GENl’INE SPRING Lb. 59c tb . 39c Lb • 45c RIB END d !!" " " 3 ‘•1 0 . ■ A IJor ^ardrn Jro iU j ^ooJi • U i n p K i l l S '^'Rm r ipe lb LAMB LEGS SW IFT N IN 6 Lb. Can 27a PORK ROAST FREE! UP TO 20c VALUE * "> 7 9 ^ 49c Asparagus Cuts & Tips _ .\\Y U)AK OK HKEAI) WITH KOUMTY KIST PEAS .ozev J r., SSc i CHOICE OR PRIME RIB RONELESS POT ROAST ^ ‘ ^ 6 9 c Brussels Spreiib"^ ioozi.j(g 29« None better for Sunday dinner. R'NSO 2 „ 55e OCELLO SPONGES 19e S3e ^ BSc ] READY-TO-COOK 7 Cut Cem » o! pkg19« ROASTS of BEEF ib. 7 9 ^ EVISCERATED CAPONS SPECIAL SALE ORANGE JUICE 2 Foe 29e Heinz White Vinegar 12c Baked Beans aliT a^ uties 2 2* o r fins 4 5 c EVISCERATED 4-7 LB. AVG. Frtiidi FiImI $u Ho|» J!o,« c53c JEU.Q CHOCOUTE PUDDING 2por k SWEET LIHi: aiRDS EYE .Mmuda 08 FrIjMl Wwd „BeJms 2 31c EDUCATOR y o u n g TURKEYS ^ SwuBwiV Chkkw U*«w .oz r.o65« FROZEN FOODS , GRAPEFRUIT Pi^HyUul SHAKER Salt **IOOIZEP** Z6.QZ PKG IQ c Educator: C rix k » pkg 2 7 c f m JECTIONS" J ^ E A S CRAX BOTTOM ROUND ROAST Unde B e lli 8ice_ 19c ^ irr|^ Clp,3Ch1|^ - Se/eef eel jFf s w S s r a CUT c o * N ...... BONELESS - u v I m g I u n I Jupket Powders flavors l >KGs"2tr FiiutttV Y ii^jbri^ \i - ' .2 1 ^ and Vegetables IIRDS EYE PEAS ....: ...... 2 P t , . . 4 U 2 F..37e 2 For 39c Lb. 29c COOKED ROULETTES Bolt, Coffee Gelatine Plymouth rock 2 JH oz PKGS 2 7 c Richmond B artlett Pears ^ oztin 2 9 c EVAP. M ILK FIR.M Just heat aad serve. CCAND d u c h e ss stea k s, id Oi . Pks. . . Me FANCY CHOCOUTE FORTIFIED WITH VITAMIN D brt CALIFORNIA | G m pefhdt JiHce unsweetened 2 4«-or tins 4 1 c S' ''«O*TE0 •'A& Of 4 IJ., J • » RIPE BANANAS 2 19e Devd Food Cake-Mix iemIma w ozpkg3 3 c S n C*OSSf , PRIDE OK ORKUON GRAHAM FRESH GROUND BEEF '«Ppy D •>^CKW(U FANCY SKKULES.S TOMATOES Silver Cake Mix »*^*pw33<; LaRosa Egg N oodes f ne med w ,oe upkg 2 9 c fo o d » -o z r iN 2 f - STRAWBERRIES ...... U . Pk,. 41e CRACKERS ORANGES ______4 '•'''OZ™*- 5 5 « ORAFEFRUIT 3 ... 25e Budwheat Mix aunuemi« a ZOOZPKG 18c S wanson's Boned Turkey 49e 2'5^4 oz riNs !! EXTRA nOIXAR VALUES!! DOCTOR'S RECOAAMEND IT^FOR BABIES , J l ’iCY . Pkif. 21c Lb. ZOOZ PKG ii!l 59e doz. 3 9 c 1 P ancake Floor p'LLsiu«r$ 17c Vermont Maid Syrup* 49c 8 Rolb of Colored Tpibt ‘Tiasug ...... ^q q FLORIDA ORANGES <9c OCEAN SPRAY Grandma's Molasses 21c FRESH - Finast Sanerkraut 2 '’«'" ns2 5 c f a n c y TOKAY j Cronborry 4 'Quarts of Jesso Dill Pickles ...... $ 1 .QQ Mince______M eat ONE PK IRANO I70Z TIN 21c Brer Rabbit Mobsses S 1 9 c FIRST niATIONAL I STUBE |l 5 IPANJOU PEARS 6 29i BROCGOU GRAPES CocktaH Juice 24 8 Oz. Bottles of Assorted Soda , . ,$ | iinuTinivinnrtvi ...... , , »».« *»«**«***«»u*******m **»**%*44444w »m «»L4*Mccc»»w ***Y <**^***********************^* l a r g e IMPORTKD B...... I I I . I UAUITAKJTh a b it a n t s o u IDsp s 4 No. 2'/i Cans of Jesso Tom atoes ...... $ 1 . 0 0 ARMOUR'S Lipton's Soup Mixes ITAUAN CHESTNUTS _ „ » Pt. Bottle 2 3 c i JUNKET GORTON'S Bch.23c 2 Lbs. 25c 1 CHIFFON 3 LimE KIHENS VM ilTAIIJ SOUP WESSON OIL CODPISH CAKU LUNCH TONOUI NATIVE PIRPLK TOP CHOCOIATI PUDOl MIX NOOOLI PKG OF 3 ENV ) Sc ^ !**•'!'«* in Heavy Syrup $1.00 SOA^PLAKU ITS f U PISH-CAT PpOD ZIOZ TIN XXc I8<7Z TIN t l « TURNIPS . 8^19, STORE HOURS: S A. M..4 P. M. DAILY V, P R K E D EA L P IA ZI-OZ TIN I t c IS-DZ TIN lie TOM-VM PKGOF3ENV S7c 10 Cans of Hunt’s Tomato Paate ...... $ 1 .0 0 17 01 PKG 3 2 c 10 O Z TIN 22c IZOZ Tin 59CaozTiN 35c f a n c y IDAHO 2,15 oz TINS 21c 2 •■or 13c Qi 65c 34c OM ON SOUP I30Z TIN 10< OMON SOUP PKG Me THURSDAY AND FRIDAY NIGHTS 8 P. M. 2 LG E PKGS 44c BAKING POTATOES 4 39i 5 Larrc Economy Chocolate B ars ...... $ 1 . 0 0 NEXT TUE$DAY 1$ EUCTION DAY LIBBY OLD DUTCH DIAL SOAP DIAL SOAP 20 MULE TEAM STOP! LOOK! CALL! LIBBY LIBBY LIJ?BY BE $URE TO V O ni COMPLIXKMI DIODOIANT BMP HASH MVNJDHAM ■ H P S T IW V IA L LOAP CUANIU iO lA X El PKG Itc lOZIlN 17c 2 3 7 c iOlAXO Advertise in The Herald— It Pays I 7- ...

■ S ■

■‘l,- '■j /


lludNERVILLE^ FOLKS BY FONTAINte TOX FUNNY BUSINGS BY HERSHBERGER CARNIVAL’ ;b y d ic k t u r n e r jgjk.-i. • “• fci»*»-wE;c--*—tBS. «SVr«i k W aa New Feature « m r i "N o iis e is e wooo—im m r io«o At Holiday Bazaar Officers, By-LawF. w m & w p u m ^ ,W»* ^inam—MB Eaaten Btaadarg Time WNHO—Ch. B Organist at SL M ary’s ii.'?- e ' - r Up«n her return home from the 1 am very much opposed to this i:**-W DRO—It Hkppena.Brerjr Day.W0RI__ Tawo Patrol. The. “ paatry ahelf," an expan­ The third and flnhl organization BARGAINS park, little Alice greeted her mo­ thing of young people, sitting Cet-TIc Adama. WONS—Bill - ...... Jeekina'.— Show, sion of. the former h'erb booth, will meeting of the Waddell- I T A Bvt’paeiM ther enthueiaaticaliy conAdIns the around In the dark. It la all wrong. WTIIT—Oil Ticney. w n c —Weather; Frenk Atwood. John Cockerham’s 40th annlver-, ham will take place of the ususal was______held Tuesday______^ at the school WTIO—Badutasa Wife. WCCC—Production NewsreeL be a new feature of this year’s 5 TATIOM emotion! abe had experienced aa The Arst thing r that happens Holiday Bazaar sponsored by the aary aa organist afid hla asaocla-; sermon or Instruction Sunday eve- | hjkj officers wore selected and by This W eek Only WONB—Jack DowBey'a Muale Shop. WHAT—Cup of Comeo Cub. lion for many yeara aa choir di- ning. The rector's annual i —series i— of iI .j^ws adopted, . . . CC3 ahe aivunf round the curvea of the when a young man calls on a girl WHAT-^Newa: Polka Hob. WTHT—Muale, Newa. Wbmen’s Federation of Center C . V i t k is the turning off of all the lights WKNB—Newa- Request Matinee. g:45—WTHT.-MomIng Devotlona. rector at St. Mary's Elpiscopai addresses on "The Faith and Prac-1 The newly' installed officers are: NEW roller coaater. l;IS_WONS— Jack Downey’s Music WKNB—Newa Congregational Church. In addi­ Mother—Were you frightened, In the room. And then anything’s tion to the favorite herbs of pre­ Church, will be celebrated Sunday Uca of the Church” will begin the Charles Strom, president; Mrs. 20.IN. ADMIRAL CONSOLE • • a • • ' $ 2 *9 .H Shop. gt55-WONS-Barly Edition. nlghL Mr. Cockerhltm llrat came following Sunday, Nov. 9. A pro- James Beckwith, first vice "prcsl- dear ? liable to happen. Nobody knows WDRC—St. Lonla Uetlnre. w n c —Newa vious years, this booth will also ..(Was 8839.95). Little Alice — No, I waan't what’s • going on but them, and WKNB—News; Request Matinee. f Its - WDRC^-Newatlme. carry special gourmet delicacies, to St. Mary’s on AU Saints’ Day, grsm lor the recital is being I dent; Miss Margaret Daly, second WTIC—Stella Dallas w n c —Bob Steela November I, 1912. He resides at 28 specifically prepared. vice president; Mrs. Walter Dyber, Y- frightened. But when 1 went they don’t give a dam. Certainly 4:ta_WDRC—Radle Harris: Newa WTHT—Breakfeet With Bern as well as homemade Jlllies, con­ NEW round thoae awful tiirna ao faat I Tt la a matter which should bo liSa—WDRO—The RecoM Shop. WONS-Weather: Newa serves and preserves. The vanilla Bigelow street. ’ A third part of the 40th an-1 recording secretary; Mrs. John 17-IN. PHILCO PULL DOOR CONSOLE $ 3 4 f felt Juat aa if I had frecklea on looked Into. It la, a thing that WTHT—Bddle Arnoia Time. WKNB-Pcionia extract which proved such a pop­ The anniversary kervlce, which nlVersary celebration will be a re- Partridge, correspmdlng secre- WTIC—Touna WIdder Brown. WCCC—Good Morning Muela la the flrat of the annual “ Novem­ ception for Mr. Cockerham In the tary; Albert Ekstrom. treasurer; with remote control..Installed—Was 8449.50 my atomach. cauaea me much concern. WCCG—News; Musical Sebraboard. litt-W O N S —Newa ular item last year will also be I am thankful to say that I ant 'l-aa—WTIC — The Woman In My WCCC—Oood Morning Muale. available. Anyone desiring to order ber to Easter’’ evening aeries in St. parish house Immediately foTlov^and Miss Carol McVeigh, Mrs. rSE D Y :15—w n c —Weather. Mary’s, will begin at 7 p.m. Music Ing the service and organ recital. I Henry Mallett and Mrs. Paul We get more proAt than pleaaure no reiformer. Neither am I the Bouse. her vanlUa supply in advance may , father of any of the younger W ldfB —News; Request Matinee. 1;S5-‘ WCCC—Newt; Good Morning call Mrs. George Hunt or Mrs. Al- will be by an “Old Tlmera’ Choir." All members of St. Mary's and all I Adams, delegates to Manchester SPARTAN TV COMBINATION ______$125.00 out , of honeaty. and thoae who -WDRC—Nswe; OIc.' Record Shop. Mueic. * — — 1 — a» ■______^ ___ Badio,-.'m-EhbnO|tTaph. .Sold neic.far 3800. iflOlirnbeoilL- generation." of which T~ ^^m stHl " w n c —Bob Steele. Morning Watch. ivn xjfficiiffr. Everyone. Ig^eUglble.toalng In-this, oT John'.Oockerham'a friends have [P T A Comi'cll...... have won their money at the coeT WDRC—The Mueic Box. choir who has sung under Mr. -been Invited. Refreshments will be I It is believed to be one of the more thankful. I object vehement­ The “kiddies shopping center." PERFECT of their honour would gladly win WKNB—Phil Hale Show. Cockerham from 1913 to the pre­ served by women of St. Mary’s. largest group of.charter members C2 D : ^ r back their honour at^the Coat of ly to the practice for the one rea­ WONS—Bill Jenkina Show. which Was introduced last year, and which is designed solely for sent. The choir will rehearse with •A special committee planning in the state, with a membership of APEX WRINGER WASHER ...... % f 9 their money. son that. whlleTt may be nice for WONB—BgL Pieaton of The Yukon. 7;4S—w h a t —Newa. c them, it Isn’t good for me. t;ia—WH/^—Croeby's Quarter. 7:55—WTHT—Weather. the shopping requirements of the Mr. Gockerham In preparation for the program consists' of Harry over 300. Mrs. Neal Landers, tem- (Was $129..50). Popo Poaaiim—Delphfne, where WTIC—FYont Page Parrell. WDRC-Newa young shopper will again be the apeaial service Saturday after­ Armstrong, John Chambers, Mrs.lporary chairman, thanked all the I am the local manager of the ■ita—wn C —Lorenao Jonea WONS—Weather. are the kiddiea? • among the 12 booths. All the at­ noon at 3 o’clock. The “ Old Edith Judd. Loiiia R. Lawrence, I members of the organizing com- PE R FE tT Vvv Mamma Poasum—My goodneaal light and ppwer ■ corporation. WHAX—Band by Damand. I:I».^WORC-M'orld Newk Roundup, WDRC—Memory Lane. w n c —Newa tractive krtlclea offered on this Timers," In addition to the canti­ Miss Gertrude Llddon. and Mrs. mlttee for their cooperation. SPEED-QUEEN W ASHER ...... $ 1 4 f I ’ve had my pocket picked. WONS-Sky Kina. WTHT—Newa booth will be priced to keep well cles of evening prayer,'wlU sing Dorothy Paganl. Ex-offltlo,Riem- Mrs. Alfred Tyschen, Hartford May'our-pleasures be free from WCCC—Kiddle Comer. With stainless steel tub—Was 8189.05. WCCC—News; Mnstcal Scoreboard. within children’s budget allow­ two anthems which have been berq are Mrs. Eva Wetherbfl, who H'strtct director of the PTA of Moat any peraon can really the sting of lemorse. |.|^WDRC— Curt Haisey-Martha WONS—Newa Tilton.' WHAT—Cup of Coffee Qub. ances, favorites of Mr. Cockerham’s sang in Mr. Cockermah's 1912 Connecticut administered the oath SLIGHTLY MARRED meaaure up If the Golden Rule la WHAT—Sports. •il5—WDRC—Shoppers Special, Holiday Bazaar will be. held in throughout these 40 years. These choir; John H. Hyde, the parish 1®^ ‘ ® elected offi- SPEED QUEEN ROTARY CABINET IRONER $49.tS alwaya uaed. A youth took his Arst check to WONS—News. w n c —Ne4a. WTTC—Notes and Quotea WTHT—Martin Agronaky. the parish rooms of the Center will be “The Radiant Mom Hath treasurer; W. B. Huddleston, chair-1 **!?' ^ ^ (Was 890.05). the bahk. The cashier asked him i!iB—WTOT—Frankie Fritch — Ball- WONS—Bill Jenkini Show. Church on Wednesday, Nov. 12. Passed Away" by Woodward, and mwi of St; Mary>rVe8try music The next repilsr meeting, be- It la a great mlafortune neither to endorse It. ao he took,up a pen eeores. WHAT—Jeetlnir with Wamo. beginning at 10 a. m. and continu­ “O Lord, How Manifold Arc Thy committee; and.-fhe,two clergy of T l’i " « • ^ 8 SMALL SCRATCHES y e - j e - S i . to have enough wit to talk well and wrote on the back: "I heartily WONS—Cecil Brown. Newa S:M—WCCC— New. Breakfeet News- "It’t t littit Halloween prank, offictrl” Boy. ing throughout the day. Works” by Bamby. St. Mary’s. Rev: Alfred L. Williams “ "V* ^e®' *■ ‘ ^e Wad- PHILCO FULL SIZE ELECTRIC RANGE $ I 4 » nor enough Judgement to be ailent. indorse thia check.” Bnaiaa WTHT—Bbb Llojyl. An organ recital by Mr. Cocker- and Rev. J ^ n Jay John«m. ■ita—WDRC—Newa WTIC—Radio Baxter. (Was 8209.95). WHAT—Newa WDRC—Newi; Shopper's Special. parents' visited the cIas.srooms. OUR BOARDING HOUSE with DAII,\ CROSSWORD PUZZLE WTIC—Newa 1:15—WKNB—Italian Hour. Slate Two Parlies OUT OUR B AY BY J. R WILLIAMS MAJOR HOOPLE WONS—Newa At. die autumn sport dance for '*'**'® WTHT—News; Joe QlranA i:65--WTHT—John Conte. night la for the younger children I 1 0 -3 0 ^ WONS-OabHel Heatter. of members and tnelr Invited a d ^ members and their invited ‘ *• rTHIS COSTUMS WAS WHATCHA M EAN, HALLOWE5/N? T.'-M, Antwtr to Proviout Puzzl* S:U—w n c —Bob Steela WDRC—Newt. 'J «At Country Club »»T M X r VES>, W HAT THAT'S A LESSON ' •.n U %. Fat. Ot». WONS—Sports. guests and will last from 7 to 9. gptsta Saturday night, hors l e f t f o r VOU WITH tHiS MUST BE SOME GHOUL'S tM3 »y m* >»f».ee. tne. Hallowe'en Harvest □ EmlCSEIClQ WHAT-^rte. Supper Serenada WCCC—12 llundrec and 10 HIM. de’oeuvres and cocktails will be SOT vs«x THAT'S W AK E S FOR lOLI a s LU6 S-* m a a n WDRC—Jack Ealmkn. This I Believe. WKNB— Newi; The Little Show. Prizes will be awarded for cos-^ I W O N T so: -lOu p PA 6 E T NEVER TOWER The Mig h t c l e r k , IDEA OF CRACKIN' A GROE- , WONS—Newa. tumes, games .will be played.'" served from 7 to .9 p.m., followed SUM./ l ik e w is e t h is 50W£ JOKE/ -*-OK AV, CHUM,^ “ It sayt here these flying eaucere develop terrific epeed from □ a Q n 4i » - w n c —Weather. WTHT—Breaklaj. CTub. Two parties for members of the Inc. ICMOW tCNOW S O M A P ? OVER US RUNTS/ WDRC—Ouy Lombardo. by dancing, with mhstc by Ken ’$7 HOBIZONTAL 4 Prevaricator WTIC—Theater of Melody. Manchester Country Club, their movies shown and entertainment TH «r.' iF'tOO'P A M P PAVE STANP BACK w h e n PUMKlM HEAD^ g(?iN6 'EM IN— Bu t a stationary position— must bo teen-agei^ driving 'em!" t;Sa—WONS—News; Music lor Amer- by clowns provided. Refreshments Borrup's orchestra, from 9 to 1 FOOD SALE RADIO — TV — APPLIANCES 5 Hospital □ □ ■ O Q WHAT—Italian Program. children and Invited guests, are REAP S P O K E you a p p r e s s aab.„ you PRE- X CAN'T TiP y o u 1 This will get C3 □ ra C3 ■ n E3 □ IS ■ □ □ C9 1:15—WDRC—Muale Off the Record being featured at the club this will also be served. The commit­ a.m. ’The committee in charge are By Ordnp C—Center Church S O M I L P SLOWER IF VOU resident WTITT—Sereno Oammell. A l i t t l e / PARihJ' FO»? TILL I — HMJ- you OD □isBBEaaMCiQcaciiani WCCC—Newa: Muc'.cal Scoreboard. WONS—Jack Downey'e Waxworka. coming week end, the first a chil­ tee In charge includes Mr^And Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. John Sommers, Mr.' At J. W, HALE CO. 1085 MAIN ST. — COR. ELDRIDGE ST. LIKE.XO/ MUST...BUT NEVER physician 1VKNB—The Ed Sweet Show. JOLLY T il l i siT A Hallowe'en , u n n □ B Gj m n 19 B □ u □ T ^ C —Vivian Kallema dren's Halloween party tomorrow Robert Dennison, Mr^^and Mrs. and Mrs. Arthur Wilkie, Jr., Mr. . TELEPHONE 3535 TOWER AT ME. SIDE GLANCES BY GALBRAITH 6 Bom nQEjaaaQQaaaBu g:4a - w n c —Three SUr BxtrA •:!•—WONS—Creen, Patterson. SAT., NOV. 1. 9:15 A. M. HALLOWEEM CHECK T - < ^ 7 They're out on WONS—Crean Pftteraon. night, and the . second a sport Wells Dennison, M r .^ d Mrs. Still­ and Mrs. Michael Chernuk, Miss N PRANKS ? CASHED.'^ TObUln ' Cl/3E3Ua WORO-Newa Baked Beans, Salads, Cakes Hallowe’en WTHT—Hartford Republican Town WCCC-:-13. Hundred and 80 HiU. dance for adult membwa Saturday man Keith, Mr. and'Mra. C. Gideon Hazel Bargel .and Mrs. and Mrs. 8 Filaments □ a w a c D Comroltraa •" w n c —Newa: Tou anc Your Child. Alan Ayers. Dress for the dande U 13‘‘U ly Maid of night. Rice, Mr. and Mrk. Edgar Clarke of fur L3E1I9C3C] J sta-WON^--iiports. WHAT—Italian Program. informal. Aatolat” B a a C lI B I;45-WDRC—BInx Croiby. Halloween party tomorrow and Mr. and M « . William Plsher, ‘ 9 Hideous □ lO E J Q n i ;aa—WDRC—BeuUh. w n c —Victor if. LIndlahr. 14 Ifoung bird monster WTHT—Weather: Joumel of the Air. WHAT—Faraoua Triala WKNB-Qulx Call. "* of prey 10 Bridge term 27 Hallowe’en is 42 Corrosive WONS—Fulton Lewie. Jr. 15 Abatement w n c —RepubTcan State Central ll:il--W D RC —Arthur Godfrey. K 11 Inhabitant of a night of accretion Committee. WTHT—My True Story. • T t r 16 Harangue the northern deeds 43 Preposition lilt —WONS—Tello-TesL WTIC—Welcome Trtrelere. '17 Borough in WTHT—timer Devle. y~ WCCC-Newa; 12 Hundred and 10 Sahara 28 Man's name 44 Stations (ab.) WDRC—Music; Jack Smith Show, Hits. Pennsylvania 12 Let it stind 29 Backs (tool.) 45 Sea eagles w n c —A A Rlbleoff. WKNB—Newe; Through the Teera. 18 Mat anew 20 John (Gaelic) 30 Indian 47 Larissan tiia^WONS—Gabriel Heatter. WHAT—lUllan News; Muale. The RIBICOFF Record 19 Ceremonies, WTHT—Silver Eaal*. 14125—WTH’r—WhIaperIng Strte'.a 21 Baseball term Moslem. mountain WHAT—Symphony Hall, lt:N —WDRC—Artbui Godfrey.- 23Gr'oups of 22 Electrical unit 36 Varnish 48 Stupefy w n c —Newa of the World. WTIC—Double or Nothing. graduate 23 Kind of ingredient 49 “ Emerald Isle" WDRC—Peary Lee. WKNB—Myatery Voice. - students t:4WONS—Merquea—WDRC—Ka Murrow.Time, 11:45- WTHT-When a Girl Marriea pudding 39 Two (preAx) 50 Winter vehicle w nTC-Serator c —Senatoi Benton, 11:55—WONS—Newt. 27 U irs 24 Ardor 40Cherryllke 52 Manuscripts t :aa-WONS—Newe. 11;M—WCCC—12 Hundred and 90 HIb. 31 Fish sauce 25 Apportion color (ab.) t;aa— WDRC"— Meet Millie. WDRC—AHhur Godfrey. 32 Symbol for WOTlS—Cneenore. WKNB—Newa: 840 Oub. 28 Froster ~ 41 Egotism 53 Companion w n c —Mr. Buckley, Republican. WONS—Ledlea Fair. _ nickel WHAT—Pollih National 'Home. WTHT—Lone Journey. 33 In a line WTIC—Strike It Rich. ' 1 t r ~ H a 7* i » 10 II 11 W n iT —Tom' Dot'd. WHAT-Italian Newa; Muali S a k e ■ ;M—WDRC—Cltlienahlp Dept. tJAW- 200ora00F wu-riiV —CIO. I1:15-WTHT—We, the Women, HOLDS BACK th e 35 Place (ab.) 15 li w n c —Father Knowa Beat 11:25-WONS—New,. fO'lO , 11 :S1—WDRC—Grand Slam. ANTI-FREEZE THE ALLER&V „ LAUGH MERY WELL= 37 Cosmic order i WTHT—NewaaUnd Theater. 38 Heavy blow T ~ la WONS—The Hart-V Family, WOCC—Newa; 12 Hundred and 10 tita—WTHT—Cyril Coleman. HIti. WITH RUST MNmTOR 39 Beware o f a WHAT—Newa; Night Watch., w n c —Bob and Ray. NONfOISONOUS RIMES ALtsEY OOPS Only The Beginning BY V. T. HAMLIN —------on TT~ A wnc—Cyril Coleman. WHAT—Malsano Program. t WDRC—Romance. WONS—Queen for a Day. IN YOUI A Hallowe'en WTHT—Break the Bank. MKTeOW WNTTTXU. king \AWRfiHTSI6. HCDtDeOI he WONS—Bin Henry Newa; Rod A COMTAlNi, MOEE'N LIKELY ff ME/MI9 HE'S STOP, EH? HA! I HAVEN'T 41 A ----- of 4 a> !i l i Oun Club of thr Air WKNB-MueIc from out of the Weat. MVeOeH.LADy'.l'yOU.VDU- ) HOLD IT.' HE 900RNEDME, a lr e a d y g o t a girl ...s o , 9:»*-M ’DRC—Bing Croaby. II :45-WDRC—Roaemary. HE OO. ANO /’HaL HMH BEGUN TO BOTHER pumpkin pic ■■I BA war iv i I VOU / cudht do anv- RUN ALONG AND STOP HIM...YET/ » n u IL d it H lo w n c —Eddie Cantor. w n c —Dava Garroway. WKSM OF I Aft/ I IHING-IQ, •you KNOW I O RJKV" 42 Stair part WONS—Top Thirty. WKNB—Muale Out of the Weat WHAT ■IHAT V TBPE? 46 Flowtra WTHT—Sparkman and Patman. WHAT—RonxonI Program. 31 it j i • :4»—WTHT—I Covered the Story. Atterasaa TREK’ im i- I BimUNi' 51 Put in P M:M—WDRC—Wendy Warren. 1 ?M< WONS—Frank Edwarda 1 9 oau disorder is *’ ia ir WTHT—John Daly. WCCC—Luncheon Muilcalc. fREEZt »I 53 Plant’s ovule­ M WKNBr-Newi; Morle Time. 1 3 0 % m f k WDRC—Tom Dodd. WHAT-Itellan Voice. bearing organ tt j i HO WTIC—Senator Wayne Mome. ' WGN8—^ r t HMsey Time. “FROST-FIO” 54 Remains e r^ t WHAT—Newa: Night Watch. WTHT-Vsek Berch Show., 4 S e Q T . 6 H :I»—WONS—Mueic Lover'i Hour. w n c —News; Weather. 40 IT tUSSI' 200 55 Guarantee ill. WTHT—Concert Hour. U:15—WDRC—Aunt Jennie'i Storlei. CTtt iVlM *5 ° INTI-FREEZE 58 Hurla WTIC—New«: Election Prevlewf. WKNB—B lcf Croiby. CA155 l5T';«k7MiS. HO- WDRC—Oov, Adlal Stevenaon.. Wn0~-Down Homers. O PS ^ ^ A d h 57 Tilted t i m i i % 12 MD Iff • 1 * !» —w n c —Election Prevtewa' * sTAMs f-SO 1 WCNB—H R. Baukhage. Il:td —Newa on All Statlore. > WTHT—Luncheon Uuala K!5* 9 8 *: 5s;, T. M. Rtg, u. ». Fat Off. VERTICAL i t d " H WDRC—Dwight D. Bleenhower. lS:t5—WCNS—Local Newe. e«^ 1M1 by MA SBrvt^ bi*. . IGermana 11:15—WONB—Midnight Matinee. lt:S5—WDRC—Romance of Helen Trent Tm IMS WOSlb (ab.) W K WTHT—Late Boh B. Lloyd Show, WKNB—Kah oh the Street “ R«ad to him till 4 m gats tirod! You'll know wh9n~-fM'll wnc—Newa. w n c —Marjorie MIIli. 3 Genua of WHAT—Night Watch. WILAT—la Rosa Program. IH EVERE3DY PRESTONE ■■’ I’: want to wroatia yoii for an hour or to bafora ha goat to batl!'’ thruba 11 B ll:tg —WDRC—Public Benrlca Program. WCCC—Newe b u l k ■ ja II ;M—w n c —Still of the Night WTOT—Newe. ^ ro«‘. PUT IT IN NOW AND rOSOST AlOUT 3 Infant WDRC—Symphony Ball. WON*—Tf___ -The Women’s Page. 1 0 9 *- IT. ONt COSIICT ritUN5 lASTS AU CHRIS WELKIN, Planetecr A College Girl BY PUSS WINTERBOTH \M II :55—WONS—Newa 13:45—WDRC—Cur Gal Sunday. WINTSt. p,— ------BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES lI:M r-wnC .-T Ntwa: Stan is Jaxa - .WKNB—The. FatUea... ___ ^ C giiH'I**'’ I H " ....» I '•TT* - "Strange BY EDGAR MARTIN -f WDRC—Newa w THT—We the Women. Wf 'KB HAPPY THAT WHAT—Night Watch. WCCC—Music for Milady.------AAUIZA EWTEg9 college...ly; WONS—Crean Patterson. M I H E I I U O f Wt! AOEEnBOLUNeST iW.tAA'AW ?JjOSt A XWJtt V».\eWt \SS& y o u THL 1 CMiiT WOGIR I AXKiT KVt »5CXM\»5 KIAVl •tl*-wTlC—^ank Atwooe I:SS-WDRC-News. HlAWiTUATecn,AMlZA ROCKY, M'LAB \& .. f ------tACK DfW .THKtfe TOR • so SWUVLV MHN V( VWRKS T0 « TWO \ ffXS. WDRC—Farm Program. WTHT-PauI Harvay. (fen€t€tl-£UeH ^ DEFROSTER FAN pe.mipo HAS VVOV^ W P/6 b u t Tvee MlQAKSIFi&T. O f (S TOR. NOO M5' iilA-WDRC-Hymnnma WCCC—Manchester Matinee. •:15~WTIC—Newa WKNB—The Patteea KHM WIND- ie s A i^ E P w u z TT#ATfl»(,LOOK,KIC GOOD w e r OWlN TWKt DOT TOR H tl WONS—News. 5HI1L05 SUfT 4KHEPt>Lg HOC VOtl. RUN AlONS to VOl'K. YOU « ,------WHAT—Betty KImbalt BATTERY a HOST f i l l JVne-News. CLA^^-e ^, huh! 1:15-WKNB—Baseball Matinee. Ills —WDRC—Ma Perkins. YITALIZER WTHT—8bow Tunes. . CIVIS YOU SUM M KSf ARTS T e le v i s i o n WQN8—Tarkee, Foot Show, w n c —Juke Box Jingles. ON COLDEST WRITER DAYS! 1:35—WDRC—Young Dr. Mslone. . Kaops ballaiies (ulV onecgiiad —' P M. WKNB—Bob Andiews Music Halt 4:«>-Xal L.WORSE SADDLES.' POLITICIANS THROW 0 9 :/ COMEMITHUt, WETIEOVEHHEFE, t:80—Amoe 'N' AndY. site nea's Irom Hollywood. ,I WANT TO V ( IE I DO? PROMISES AROUND.' f8VANVTMN8,MKHAai W:tO—I>wlgh: D. Elsenhower. WONS—Paula Stone Show, _ WEAR THIS' PWLI ITTAWCE lETS GET HOME AS FAST WE’D lErTEIt CHECK 10;S0—President Triimac. > 3:45-WDRC—Brighter Day. r ' 9 ') a EA H M O N T ABWECANIIMUCHEP ON MtFUDDUl F 11 ;0O—Foreign .Intrlmx.. WONS—Pater by Patteradn. “Abe Ribicoff was bom in New head, and that of Brieil McMahon, 71:90,-Robcrt Montgomery Presents S:55-WDRC—Hilftoo House. -ANPUEAM iHNOwn! ANVaOPyRWND HM 13;S0-Newe. _ - ■ WTIC—Life Can Be Beautiful. Britain. He fought: his vvay to an the ridicule of Russia, a tribute. . MOULD 00 YOU ASLEEF NOW, P WOULD WONS—Jack'Doamey'a M ^ e Slop. Good A. M. WTHT—News; Top Hit Time. r-. educatidhahd uplli^ladderof sue-' *^He has never hesitated to differ T:80-Tbday; ' WHAT—News; Omn House. • 1:00—Test Pattern and Hoale. WKNB-rNews; Request Matinee. cess in his chosen profession of law. with the administration when S:4B—Morning Newa 1:15—WDRC—Uouseparty. • 20:00—Tour Window Shopper. WTIO-Bdad of Life. ' , He went to Congress four years ago came to fundamentals and he has 11:00—UN Seaslona S:S5-WCOC—News: Music. i ll;S»-8trike H Rich. WTHT—Ballscoreb. Top Hit Time. from the First Congressional Dis­ solidly and constructively criticiz^ P. I t ' WTIC—Pepper Toung Family, a Thomiostatt Aafa 'Mott 13:00—The Bptrit of Brotherhood. trict and earned for himself an envi­ WHAT—WHAT—Jamboree. STAMOASO STOP ' the nnancial and economic policies .13:11—LdveG f LUe. 1:45—WCOC—Jr, Dtae Jockey. MbTIMP NEATER NOSE able and distinguished reputation as 13:30—Search For Tomortmr. WTUb^RigM To Happineas. FIOM 1R FT. riOM NEATE! now in vogue in Washington on 13:t5-Whst's GooUngT WPRO—Carl Smith. Aunt Jemima CUMPS LEAK l;SO~Oarrr Moore Show. . >tS5-rWTHT-CBl TInney. SWITCH a lawmaker who had his feet on the numerous occasions. His popularity aer 1M» »?V« b.VtV, 3:00—^u b le or Nothing. WDRC—It Happens Evary Day. S:ID—Tnc Guldlag UIght gnl W KNB-Newa ground. with party leaders in Washington Nawa 2 M CAPTAIN EASY . • IM T 2 4 * ;and:inihe:sfeite,hasaifiYer matched Hiillup A’iew BY I,3iSLI£ TURNER •■l;»-TWal aerz.' :-^iarriedvthe4adieraof tw o ^ iU ■ FRECKLES AND HIS Cnmea and Goeu .4?<»-r■Xata^tth. ROADS GETTIN' to o HMM,,THE ROAD THIS m u s t 8 t 7 o k a MILEG BY M. C. BLOSSER _^^ren, R ^ c o ff been intellectu* _ BUMPy„eHAKIN' MV •b l a z e s . ITS COMIMSBACKi COOlPN’T , 1 -VEERS OFF FROM -.HAWe GOMB B O r A -Few 4Wt£S FWtTHBE I'Ve alBYeR SWM y ThUUST’COMES t 'IWATANAy rTtsrr-T., C A » TlO-piEce?'. • TO Due "WEST UP A^EADI K w e w i t y ’ Hash Uglit ™ ally ihde^hdenf of the Democratic ' “Abe Ribicoff has' something. ot , SOMBWHBRt IM THAT VALLEY IS j - ANYONE AS SHY AS J IN S -STRCAKS WHEN L meet;- tm atT MOm ilLilEftTEII STOPPAI-. MISTEK. v b s LET ME our AT TUB - ’ ■ 1 the a n tak ruby ! 'inij /. . - — DM NOT . C jlR lS/,.. leaders who have coDtrilmted Slip- the spiritiiaf in his makeup. He has; . ttSAPPEARIWG OVER. FOOT 0 'THAT HUL- • JT-\jrr-7, 0 <33HeB6OWCiH; N f W p p Q H J t i T O N IT R d i8# C iw fo iA TH’ hill AWVlNAY I V . irALLTHE TMe/ JUtr THi buHittle^eke'to"1iiY;pohticaf an awarc-ncssof ediics all too seldom 4 lic ol THIN* 70 V ^ O W $ A POWft. M m THi career. He has a mind of his own and found in those who lead in political fUL B8AM 08 OHIU 088 , t l ^ . AU MSTAL TMtSi 8AU the opprobrium of lieing bossed b>' parties. H e takes his responsibilities ,C A U WITH CHtOMf DATS. A 45UCKE1. -HSAO AND Cet fowcA-oerf-pe' wlmfr$Nutim§ wHk tOT 08 any political chieftain has never seriously and accepts them as duties A TSIM. _ THIS It A *4tAT AT TMSI8IC V A L U ( 'GENERAL-ILICTtlC tin u b& n attached to his name . which must he performed to the best ^ 0 COM8ABU COST WITH OTHSSS IIU - 6f his. ability and, for the best inter­ •Nj^AT TWICi THi TAUNNr AUTO ENONE HEATER “ Ribicoff has made his reputation ' Ufsrs ovorywharo praias fhiid ests o f the country hs a whole. ''Z[ Heat for its unfailing dapanda- as a legislator secure . . . He spon­ biUty, affldaacy and tconomy. SnCIAL Pro'hoels cyliwder Mock,'fits iaia lawar sored, with the late Senator. M c­ .‘.“Ribicoff . % .. is a man who Will “ Yaan of raliabla servica with 'radMar kaea. liulalb aasilr ia praetlealhr bo maintananea,'* . . . Mahon, a resolution for assuring the be a c r ^ it to his state in the United ’’W arW aM t automatie oQ haat," aU cess. Cempliria wHh 2 card ealt la caanoct wirii -VNRMWMTIM peace of the world which attracted * State»Senate as he was in the House m r onthuaiastie hoHaownan.' 7 9 S A T K O m VIC FLINT The Way Is Clear 'WaatiMr you aaad a eopvsrsion attention of observers all over the if the voters of Connecticut send him BY MFCHAEU O’MAfJ.EY BUGS BUNNY • W .VAUI 7BU.V, LADY GaKPKA y a jj btimar or a eompleta saw haating aw l CAN TMG ' “V I •UT FMST LBT AW Z TSLL'YOU zV b TMry'vE gratam, it will pay you to lae nuid globe and brought down upon his to Washington in November . . . BOVAie MACMHB Mag wee fancy -pm-k asjp r WITH TtAWnSG AXJCTVWt M K AC tEO t--! ON OAlB A ^ O « D g r a c . GOTTVewHOLB OOJB- OH-OH./ PONT TBLL Haat w it. AAkm tat full tiatails TM asE T cxrr Hdb/fc YOU, FWtCHANCB. WOKKS AUKGADV B05S.'' MjaYOO'M CARKTIN' OF H6«S/, THOUGHT TO PROVTPB FOR HIAATOFICK AIN'T 9O0AC* y>CK A CERTAIN THAT, STiai PtAMI, WNEEU to S E N A T E FRCNO SHBLLEV WITH UR NOW LgTS CUTS.?; BUSSM nut PBLTAKjr . OOJ FOGARTY ■At* riBAt-. ONLY / ^ / . > SEE A N D HEAR BROTHERS J 9 1 5 YOU'RE BETTER OFF WITH Prescott BUSH 256 Center Street REPIMJCJUICMMMTE Telephone 2*45.39 -I FOR U.S. SENAIOR FN1. 1. SEIATM WSkr A » ftiffh ism tofcr 9— ar m a 6BT MAIN STREET RIBICOFF ettoyaadl *. m a n c h e s t e * VOTE DEMOCRATIC PULL THE-SECOND LEVLR f OVER WNHC-TV ' ALSO AT: ' I ClUzeiM Coc^ for ^ectioa ot Rlbkott to C. . Seaato-^L K* th, ( IPONSOM* tr iM i aartMUCAM LAYWLvWAT far XMAS 31S TRUMMILL ST^ HAATKNID 8 4 HAH C9HIIAL IvOMMHMI •waasni H w tlw “Candid CongfeeimM From ConnecUcuV’ a W1 3 0 TilA F. M— I I . : '.Itt- . ■ .1 :

tegs#', tjn, ■ ■V. V ; ■' .■■'<• ’■,/ . ' ..v" r- ■ — ------.._------^ ---- , / . , _ ^ — ------— -"•■" - :— - - r r — i -.^,. H- —J f. t- -T<- ijp-.'.r MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN. THURSDAY. OCTOBER 30. 1952 PAGE SEVENTEEN PAGE SIXTEEN I^CH ESTER'EVENING HERALD, MANGHESTER. CON|T.-THURSDAy. OCTOBER 30*.19J}2 ■■ twtf liuMryr THE Giants" Still Tryipg flerald Angle To CatSi Cleveland . By EARL W. YOST New York,, Oct. 30—M*)—Since Coach Talks with Maryland Players I-iOU Glickfieljd Sportii Editor o Line to Face Weekend Football The All’America Way. . . .ISo, 5 J Locals Point the rebrganlzatton of the National! Dr. Sundquist Wins Vale and UConns On Radio, Teevee Football League,' the New York | Gives Sell iJp Giants have biNai ti^ng to beat Doctor's Golf Title NO PliAfE IN SPORTS Dan Jessee. Trinity baseball and out the big, bad Cleveland Browna ■ There 1« no place in organized football coach, added, "they 'I n t e r n Subidard Time) I For Upset Win Dr. Allred Sundquist la all Selected to Win In Washington H should never be allowed to play [ere Sunday Saturday—P. m. / for the American Conference title.! Itasketball for any of the college — Radio—NBC :45 Qeorgla even witli Dr. Howrard Boyd la player* in recent seasons who were basketball again. Baseball players 1 In 1950, the two teama were tied | their -Doeteris-Cktlf Tournament By HABOEA CLAASSEN ^Kansas backfield >a oa verMtUe oa did wrong, the Black Sox scandal, A 22S-pound average line will be'j Tech.- ,V8. Duke at Durham, N, | a In Big Game at the end of the regulation aeaaon | Washington, Oct. M — — caught and found guilty of shaving C„ Bill- Stern announcer- championship after six meet­ New York, ' Oct. Sff-


T’HB Herald Angle ' To C^cli Clevelaira By EARL W. YOST New York. Oct. SpM/P)— Since . Coach Talks with Maryland Play^t's Lou Glickfield Sportii Editor Weekend Football ^ the reorganization of the National ihje and UConns Heavy Line to Faiee The All-America Way, , . .No, 5 Locals Point Dr. Sundquist Wins . On Radio, Teevee FootbaU Leagqe4 the New York ^ Gives Self Up dlants liave^bMn trying to beat' D(A;tor’g Golf Title NO PLAnS IN SPORTS Dan Jessee, Trinity basebalt and football coach, added, "they (Eastern Stitndard Tliqe) Fortjpset Win, out the bjg. bad Cleveland Browna | Sheeted to Win There' Is no place In organized ere Sunday Saturday—P. m. Dr. Alfred Sundqalst le all In Washington n basketball for any of the college should never be allowed to play for the American Conference title, i Radio— NBC 1 :45 Georgia even with Dr. Howard Boyd In players In recent seasons who were basketball again. Bas^all players In^9S0, the two teams were tied } their Doctor’s Golf Tournament A 22,5-pound average line will be" Tech. vs. Duke at Durham. N. By H AR O LD OLA aA s EN AKansas backfield Is aa versatile aa Washington, Ocf. 80 — ^ UPt — % caught and found guilty of shaving, did wrong, the Black Sox scandal, In B% Game a t ^ e end of the regulation season | championship after six meet­ C„ Bill Stern announcer. And Cleveland won a playoff game; > New York. Oct. 80-(A 5VLast *ny In the enUre wuntry. ^ University of Marylimd Junior. «c- points during their undergraduate and.the life ban stiifk. These boys charging the Silk City backs Sun-1 ings. „ . _ . ___ n..- Texas over Southern Methodist: - ABC 2:15 Michigan State vs. last year, the Browns noeed out i cused of trying to bribe a Mary- «! ^ y s .'T T ie entire lot of fixers shouW—never be allowed to play day when the New Hayenj.Roess-j Last timb the ManchestwxHlgiv Dr. Sondqulst won the 1988 Saturtays many surprlalng j principles. Purdue at XAfayette. Ind. Bob stout Steve Owen's men. This s ea-' land football atar, has surrendered X -1 should be barred from, the sporty organized basketball again." pand Weaver High of Haruaid honor with a 8 and 8 win over ners atnong the coUege footbaJVj Vlllanova over Parris Island lent bring their-squad to tow^n t o : Finnegan. son, the Giants figured they had! and faces a fugitive htiaring in"^ V ^lteJifaJliatla—the_consenaua_of.; — Bill sports -editor of- the P fpqtbalLtearijs__ met, the- Sit -Dr. try to pm the fireTTibme loss bn' F-ri3BS^:30 Red^mVl^Fa wee what TT takes te whip the BTewnsri Arams -merely--ra-nfflfined _jhat j M yines:-The itnOon’s-tenth-rank- _ opink>nTof~seVgrgl~roilcge-a-thlettc--CWrant, II wouldntt—want—ant LTownera-won-by-a 25 to 0 scor ^Ceunt.iY_lOnh_ncwtrae^' Waahtnaton today (10 a.m., e.ajt.). directors. C O a c h es and sport.s part of them lie, tod. Tike Jessee, T h e ’Aces."Th?' RbetatFnrvn have roundup^ eendueteA f ronr and-sure Anough- they-did - In- th«+ ytm-ipSF^#etupf’“'anA;-?w iili*f^^ District of ObluinhTa poDce " S s ^ g f i a i f New York, ‘ThaT was' 29' years agoP in No leas than on tlx occa­ edit origin this area. I cited the l,andts ruling In baseball experience on either high school ' This Is 1952 and the burrafit i/n- first meeting of the two cluba. . | with the earns, fettera-lt Is^t ‘ named him aa Louis l>onard MBS 2:45 Georgia vs. Ala*- sions. Including thia aeaaon. Director of Athletirs Ray Oo.st- «hff felt'the same penalty should or college gridirons, defeated and untied Big Green Hurt should have put the New Glickfield. 21, of Hyattavllle, Md. bama at Birmingham, A1 Hei­ Sundquist and Boyd' have met matter of placement. xhe others; Ing of Trinity ipollege, also cage •’*' applied to the point shavers THE GREATER New Haven from Hartford Is coijsfdered the Torkera In the driver’s seat for They aaid he gave himself up a t. New York, Oct. 30— W)— An­ fer and Gene Kirby. thA crown, but today Conch Owen’s In the .finals. Eaiiidi has whip­ There were 41 correct selections Friday nlBht central headquarters last night coach, feels, "Thev shouldn't be " « « »Oing to get back Into the champions of 1950 and 19.51 will class of the state’s scholastii- ped the other three times for nouncement of the status of Jim Television- NBG-TV 2:15 broW’ Is more farrowed ;.than ever. among the 56 decisions, an aver- Boston College over Clemson, and, after posUng $1,000 bond, left allowed to piai . " ganie. send their triple threat halfback, Rivera. Chicago White Sox out­ elevens. Satur^y afternoon nt the Doctor’s Tropliy. age of .734. Thai dropped the sea- Miami o.ver'Kent'Uckx. — A rt McGinlev, spdrt.s editor -Of.; . UConn ‘Director of Athletics five-foot, nine-inch, 175-pound Ohio State vs. Northwestern. Hie opArptIvea have loet'two games with Washington Attorney Charles fielder recently acquitted on a Mel Allen, Russ Hodges and Mt. Nebo the rtVals clash. It will to trams'they should have beaten son’s figures to 103 correct, 58 in-J Saturday : the Hartl^ord time.s. savs, "Thev Christian said "These boys Ronnie Cozzo at the Acca defense be the finale ^or the Indians alid E. Ford. should not be allowed fo play in rape charge. wUl be made within Bill Henry, coast to coast. With, ease eague The Roesslers’ ' talents show Ne\v York, Oct. , 30—(iD—The un-iin ehurges. He said he was going to make a over Penn. Temple over Rutgers, -.1 Professional— Basketijall League permission to barnstorm, has sign- certain, eepeelnlly with Minnesota, University officials at (College bud season with the British Amer­ more bright spots In the defensive Boston Celtics and Indianapolis Copple of minor changes in hopes William' over. Union, Army over has dlp-d of a rare ailment -acute ed to play for the Caguaa.club in W eaver has played but four Michigan and Indiana ahead for park, Md.. a suburb of Washington, icans, said he played against department. Rated the top defen­ Dlymptans get the Jump on the ganiea,._wlnning all four. The trf Amproving the offensive. He's VMI. one of ttie fixers, i d Warner, last prison, parlor." Smitlv wroU, ‘Tn the Puerto Rican Winter League the B oHei noth ere. said three bribe offers Were made sive'setiit-pro team tn the atate, rest -of -the National Basketball Big Green whipped East Hartfoi-1, gtAngHo substitute Fred Benners Maryland over Boston Univer­ Midwest: Drake over Denver, to hold down the score against season In Lenox. Mass., and "W ar­ an expe.osloii of policy which ought they featiire Bill Hinchey, 210 hut is awaiting the commissioner's for Charley Conerly more often Marquette over Holy Cross, MIchi Association teams tomorrow night 20 to 7. Hall of West Hartford. sity: Supposedly a grade match. Louisiana State University in last ner waa great.” All three Cardi­ to go ringing down the corridors pounds, and Bob Vishno, 185 decision before donning a uniform. than he has and he is going to (sn over llllnole, Minnesota over in Indianapolis when they open 32 to 7. New London High, 18 to If so and Maryland lets down the Saturday's game. They said the nal coaches said they would not of sport-', two clubs which decided pounds, both former ■University of start Georg*-Thomas at halfback owa, Nabraaka over Missouri what NBA owners hope will be 0. and New Britain High, 19 to bars, the score could be fantastic. other playhra who told of being attend a game'In which the flxers- that if they had to-use nothing but Colorado linemen; Gene De Gall DID YOIT KNOW — B. F. C. SEAT in place of Bob liVUkinson. Tulsa over Oklahoma A A M, their most profitable season. 18. Oklahoma over Iowa State: The approach^ — not mentioned In perfortned. players who had never dumped a the biggest lineman in the state that department — The one Wichita Over Utah State, Pitts­ REASONS for the owners' hopes Coach Walker Briggs has seen ”By eabstitnttng Benners fre­ Soonera much too good. the warrant — were quarterback ^ New Britain Herald Sports Edi­ game,’ they wouldn't play. So tipping the beams at 275 pounds; and only Ty Cobb. re­ are the record number of double- burgh over Indiana. tor Jerry Crean said, "Keep them his Injuns get off t.o a poor start, quently, It will takAnome of the Georgia Tech over Duke: A pair Three Univeralty of Maryland players who have sworn they rejected bribes offered by another stu­ Jack Scarbath of Baltimore, a top now the fixers, who destroyed bas­ will be at one of the guard posts. garded by many as the greatest headers—46— in the schedule of responsibility oil OoneM]^who has South: Florida over Auburn, dent who wanetd them to keep the score down against Louisiana State last Saturday, talk with Coach contender for All-America honors, out of sports. They don’t take bank player baseball ever produced, tying Middletown High, 13 to 13. of unbeaten powers. Tech, the na­ ketball a* Long Island University A pair of ends as rugged as there 350 games, and the availability of COVERS been carrying the load whne,” said Alabama over Oeorgla, Oeorge Jim Tatum In hla office at fk)nege Park. Md. Left to right are Jack Scarbath, quarterback; Tatum: and Frank Navarro of lyhlte tellers back.as tellers if they get losing to Windham High of Wilii- tion's strongest defenalva club, is a fia drealt the amateur game mortal are around and Frank Sclrocco actrally waa yanked for a pinch new and larger arenas in Milwau­ Owen. "I was Impressed by Ben­ Washington over West Virginia, Frank Novarro (standing), senior guard from White Plains, N. T., and Tom Coagrove, senior center Plaini, N. Y., senior flrat-string Involved in a mess. Basketball and Dick Coleman. Vln Cornlello hitter on four different occasions, mantic, 13 to 12, and then recov­ For AR Mokos Of Cars the pick In the belief that It will MlssUaippl over LSU, Tulane over daipage all over the country, have kee, Syracuse and Fort Wayne. ners work Inst Sunday. from Philadelphia. (A P Wlrephoto). ______' offensive guard. should bar the fixers for life.” and Mickey Sullo back up the first once bowing out for a pitcher. The ering and going on* to whip Bris­ have the answers for the brilliant Mlaslsaippl SUte. W ake Forest put a professional league out of Two of the new arenas will be tol, 30 to 7, East Hartford. 13 ''Thomas is about ready tor' s antics of Worth Lutz, Duke’a According to signed atatementa business. five. momentous pinch swingers were In use Saturday, when all 10 We also have a custom start. He can run and la a gbod over North;..CnroUna State, Ten By the three players, the student . IN ACTION this season, the Fred Payne, Sazn Crawford. Bob 7, Hall of West Hartford, 38 to quarterback. nesaee.over North Carolina, V ir "The public should be allow'ed teams will see action as follows; 18. and Meriden High, 33 to 13. line of covers in fiber, plas­ pass receiver. We have expected CMIfornia over U C L A : Johnny Scranton Ball approached them indtvtdually and Yellow Tags have beaten the Mid­ Fothergill and George Mullin, the Indianapolis at Milwaukee ginia over South Carolina, Vander' offered them a total of 81,300 to In forget their trespasses and they dletown Blue Jacketa, struggled to Thus, each team in Saturday’s too much from Wilkinson. He not Ols^yrakl and his mates can't be pitcher. Hawks; Rochester Royals at Fort tic, satin twill, nylon and only had to switch trom, end to hilt over Washington A Loe, Fur win by less than 21 points. This ^oujd gtyen every enenitragr- a 12-12-tie, with-the.East Hartford •’iff.battle aj; Ncl^ will enter the ahwp^.oii.aucceBalva WMk^toida. man over- Wofford, V PI over Rich- —-..... Club ioi* Sale 0UT-0F4INE Wayne Zollners; Baltimore Bullets back,"but he alsq'ihlssed our wartn- m e t h o d^ontrplllng Oi* point ment tn WpalV their damaged lives Merchants, and .were beaten by the fray with four game winning skih.~ Made to fK Ohio State over Northweetorn: mond. and make the greatest success TODAY'S PI'KZLER — -What at New York Knickerbockers; streaks. Weaver has been cast up games because of an Injuiy. k a W L X N G spread— wjui a feature of Kie re­ John Borton te be the hero ns the Norwalk Tigers. The only common pitcher in each league lost the your ,car. Prices start at Southwest: Texas A A M over cent basketball fix scandals. possible In Wome square field. They opponent of the two combatants Is Syracuse' Nationals at Philadel­ in the favorite's role. The largest "W e haven’t won a game at rebounding dhjhMuie .break loose. Scranton, P a , (Jet. SO— (P)— Lou most games one year and won the Arkansaa, TCU over Baylor, Hous Maryland beat Louisiana State JNfHEELS CAN might, and they should If they East Hartford. The Silk.City did phia Warriors; Boston at Mlnnea- crowd of the season is expected. home this season and we haven’t Basellce, owner of the Scranton most the followrtng year? —... t>olia Lakers. '^—^------; •...... Thia la the gamd you’ll nee on.yonr ton over Texas Tech, Wisconsin -y/.' S4-fi. n spread of 28 points. have the ability, do honestly and a 7-6 Job on the Merchants at Mt. 'Box office opens at 1 'o’clock^ lost one oh the road, so maybe TV screen. Answer—Adolfo Luque, Cincin­ Minneapolis, once again sparked over Rice. Stadium and the Scranton bate Cosgrove, at center, start* each well for themselves In a filling Nebo. .Manchester has been an Improv­ $13.95 Per Set this Sunday's game against the Notre Dame over Navy: It will Far Weat: Colorado over Utah, CUT TIRE LIFE IN nati, lost 23 games In 1922 and won by big George Mlkan, will be Cardinals In- Chicago will keep up MBSALD LBAGVB BKRTAI'RANT LKAOt’E ball franchise in the Class A East play in Maryland's apllt-T offense. station or a hank or a new spaper Returning to familiar ground ing club with each passing wee’-. be close but the Iriah- appear to Oregon over College of Pacific, B .n .a U k . (1) 27 In 1923, both tops in the Na­ favored to retain its championship. our streak.’’ SIvfs tt> ern League last night told the He said he was offered 81.000. office or an Jnsiirance firm. for the first time in three weeks, ■FTuCaA'^f Gooil, solid line play was missln- be the better balanced club al­ Washington SU te over Idaho, Stow^ ...... 66 70 78 314 Kornlra .... 95 91 XI 3S0 tional League. Ed Rommel. Phila­ Mikan glao will be counted on to 91 252 Gravlno ... 117 . M 133 346 Scranton Times "I positively will Navarro said he was offered 84(>0, They should be eligible to earn the Silk City expect a good crowd In (he Middletown and Wlndha-1 This is the first time since 1949 though N avy- showed an attack Montana over Montana State, GlrHU ...... 80 83 delphia, lost 23 games in 1921 and regain the scoring title he lost last that the Giants have lost two LaForf« •...... • • • . 103 m - 89 394 Mllek ..... 115 too 103 333 not operate In your city next Scarbath 8100. m livelihood,''and res|>ect and ac- as the game promises to be a top- games but guard Harry Giiswol'l. State now that Steve Schoderbeck has Stanford over San Jose, Washing' ...... 84 118 91 394 Sobtskl . 91 — 103 194 won 27 In 1922, both tops in the year to George Arlzin of Philadel­ games in a row. The Eagles turned Cohen ...... ■year."-' ------...... Maryland President H. C. (Cur­ cepUnee, In any Job they, ran notch battle. The Silk City will be tackle Mel Cote, taekle Tomm-- been uncovered. ton over Ore«>n SUte, Brigham Cutter ...... M 12 88 276 .Hart ...... n r 101 ——M t American League. phia,'who now is In the Army. the trick all by themaelves that ---- \ Borello ,.. — 90 33 178 The New York businessman said ley) Byrd said Coach Jim Tatum handlf^—except In sports. They at full strength for the game. Biirhank and center and cn-raptain Kansas over Kansas State: That ■Young over Wyoming. A SURVEY of NBA coaches With The Pros 5Iarshall Aitken have plugged the time. Totals ...... 4 » 436 1330' —^— “developments in the past 48 notified him last Friday, the day have I disqualified themaelves from Service Station PIras (SI Totals ...... 533 471 523 1639 THOSE HTTLL wondering how conducted by the Minneapolis Star gaps adequately In the last four hours prompted my decision." before the game, that the three sport A" Ilarmin . ■... 103 94 103 300 O.L (irlll players had reported being offered the Cleveland Indians managed to picked the Lakers In the Western games. Ray Beck, rookie guard for the Ouarchnltalia ..... 78 117 K 271 Q o li...... j ...... 123 136 102 360 "I regret to make the announce­ How any promoter could bring Downtown Tydol ...... lo t 99 90 290 Yale Pivot Man lose the American League pen­ Division and Syracuse to retain its As long as Manchester High has New York footbell Giants, waa Heck ...... 83 13.3 ns S,K< Roxii. ___ ment," he added, "hut It 1*-final. bribes. in players, accucsd of ahavlng 770 Main St. Tel. 4.107 Stratton ...... 9i 107 SO 2S1 Bnn.dl*...... ■,;^. 95 _ — 95 Dr. Byrd said he Tvanted to afi- nant despite three 20-game win- Eastern title. ^Minneapolis bested Celtics Need Big Man Jimmy Roach it has a good chance also a wrestler and ahot-putter for Annual Barber Hill Lallejr ...*V...... 88 119 97 S04 aav.lln ...... IJ)3 103 la 'i 3t0 1116 stcullum property and the points, as did one Connecticut man nounce It Immcdlntcly, but 3vas Doubtful Starter ning pitchers, the league's slug­ the Knickerbockers in the final of whipping Weaver. Roach is not Georgia Tech last season. ------' Keeney ...... 148. 139 114 391 league franchise are for sale.” last sca.snn, and expect to sell them playoff last year after each team a one man team, although he’s the Totals ...... 460 660 475 1506 8. W .lk .r ...... — IQl 109 310 BaaeUce said he lost 830,000 in diasunded by police who hoped to to the public i.s beyond this writer, ging, home nm and runs-batted catch the alleged offender in the In king, the aecond leading hitter had won its divisional playoff To Give Macauley Rest closest to that than any player 'o his operation of the Scranton learn Manchester does not want any NaaparalU (6> ' ToUla ...... 669 667 620 1666 act “and perhnpa find out If any New Haven.. Oct. 30 — W5 — ever wear the red and white color.s. Field T rials Listed 80 66 217 thia year. and the top two run-getters, need series. Rochester had finished first G- Simpton 72 gambling ring ivaB behind him.” fixers playing with its teams in Coach Jordan Olivar of the Y'ale In the West during season play. but how far the Indians go Satur­ Quinn ...... 6* 73 82 342' Milirr’a (I) only to look at the, fielding aver­ 90 "At any rate," Dr. Byrd said, any league. Manche.ster fans do not football team saya center B a ird ages. New York. Boston. Philadelphia, By ARNOLD (RED) Al'ERBACH day depends upon the 185-pound Bird dog enthualaaU from far! of Rockville occupying the judg Andernon ...... 76 97 pohi ...... 104 104 McGnrlKAi • ...... M 109 91 nharubliYl ...... 104 109 182 "this should emphasize to gam- Here's wrhat we do; want to see fixers play at the A r­ Brltlingham, who holds up a good Syracuse and Baltimore are the Coach, Boston Celtics whiz. - and near will gather this week end ' ing saddles. Depending upon the ...... 104 8T 93 284 mory either, a survey has dis­ The Indian Inner quartet c o m ­ C^rvlnl .... Gordon ...... 102 IiijuriesHit blera they had better leave college part of the Eli forward wall, is mitted 90 errors to 61 for the Eastern teams, with Minneapolis, Boston, Newsfeatures — Like Roach warmed up last Saturday for the field trial sponsored by the , number of entries', the Derby Stake Doflmoi'F ...... 81 98 'L Correct caster closed.’ the only doubtful atarter in Satur­ by scoring four touchdowns NEW DODGE ToUla ...... 432 438 421 1291 II. Corrontl ...... ;. 116 144 37! football playera alone.” New York Yankees. Three 6f Rochester. Fort Wajme, Indiana­ local Barber Hill Field Trial Club ' will start on Saturday and possibly The fixers ran play In Elmira every other team in the NBA, the Osada <81 Jonaa ...... 100 1(10 Tatum said that, before playing 2. Correct timber day's Ivy League clash with Dart­ them finished last at their posi­ polis, and Milwaukee I'n the West­ against Meriden. He has scored a' with Truman Cowles acting aa | wind up Sunday. Mr. Clarit and ...... 93 98 86 m Blancitard 106 96 201 UQoim Squad and .Icrspy City If they so desire Boston Celtics arc stronger this ...... 123 87 119 329 Louisiana SUte, all hlk playera 8. Correct toe-in or toe-out mouth. Brittingham was nursing a tions and the other next two last. ern Division. The season ends in least one TD in all six previous chairman of the committee and ; Anthony Valeri of Danbury will BIUnRton CUuRhai'y 101 101 hut they are not welcome to come bruised thigh aa a result of the season, but we still have some games. Dalton ...... 8R 81 79 '*4‘1 dressed for the game were asked (Ateve are chief causes mid-March, with playoffs to follow. JOB RATED t r u c k Misi Florence Harwarth filling the officiate. Sunday morning will find F^reuion ...... 94 95 98 287 Storra, Del 30—(Jn^r-CMualUe* to sign affidavits sUtlng whether ______606 666 5^7 1619 to. thi.s City of, ViUage Charm. Lafayette- gam e- last Saturday. weaknesses. The team is almost i -j, The big test comes Saturday...... 118 94 122 321 Total. .... ' • of tire wear) TH E Y SAY the only thing the same aa It has been the past dual role of triel secretary and' comjpetition being waged In the W. Simpion Vllls <91 continue to plague the Univeralty or not they had been approabned Marsh Holt, 175-pound center, is holding up Fred Haney's signing B. Pagani ...... 96 103 90 399 A Inspect, tighten, adjust STAR BOWLER AT 68 ABC; ARM EMBLEMS two years. treasurer. A large entry la antici­ Amateur All Age Stake for dogs ToUla ...... 511 496 604 1460 of Connecticut football ^tram with any bribe offers. All signed filling in during the, practice ses­ as manager of the Pittsburgh CHASSIS AND Walker ...... 98 101 106 296 ateerlng. We have added Kenny Rollins, pated of doga from acattered parU of any age. but handled by Am a­ ...... 117 105 108 330 Coach Bob Ingalls reporta two that they had not beetk except sion. Brittingham Weighs 195. Pirates is his refu.sal to agree to r. Correntl St. Louis, Mo — (/P) _ . Old Sarge Chicago—<;P) — American Bowl- the former Kentucky captain, to Diiroc’her Mum CAI of Nev/England, New York, New teurs. CToncludIng- the two days of T i .f:a g i ’ f X. Aceto ...... 90 99 115 .704 more first stringers are on the . Scarbath, Cosgrove and Navarro. a one-year pact. Haney who led ing Congre.ss arm emblems in con­ Jersey and Penneylvnnla. Daa Wlllta <2) Duinmv ...... J. 91 _ — 91 sidelines. They are Carl Selavka, Ed Easter still 1s amazing the A GOOD LEADER our backcourt squad. He brings action will be the Open Puppy Gforirettt ...... — 133 127 260 Hollywood to a Pacific Coa.st nection with the 1953 Golden Ju­ OlRlIo ...... 13.1 tl8 343 a llqebacker, who la confined to z: sports w'orld with hi.s bowling added speed and experience to the On Hollywood M O DEL F152 T R IA L GROUNDS are located Stake for dogs up to sixteen Taworaky ...... 118 120 150 S3S feats. After a season in Los An­ League flag last season, wants a bilee tournament here next spring months of age at this running, ...... 12 $ 109 l i t 353 Total! ___ ...... 473 531 546 1649 Us home with a virus Infection, an SOLDERING New-ark, Del. — (J’l — Paul three-term term. team an'd is a good playniaker In the famous Wright's Meadows L«nkv ... RRA 2 INM geles where he remained out of are now avAUable. They rilay be with an accurate shot. A L L STAKES will be ran- un­ Whtta ...... %r — — 86 iUment also suffered by back star Work Gnaranteod Mueller. University o f Delaware along the Connecticut River just 9moluk ...... 112 98 9' 301 specisHMa W( big time competition the 68-year- Al.so under consideration Is ordered frhm^the ABC tournament With Bob Cousby, . Santa Monica, Calif., Oct. 30 der the minimum requirements of R iy 't <4i Phil Tinsley; and Bob Clang, n football captain, takes his Walter Alston, current Montreal South of Glastonbury center. This Kotnptnik ...... — 111 99 317 Rlvofui ...... ia*» 100 206 CLARKE old Army veteran Is setting the office. 526 South Michigan Ave. Bob Donham, Kenny Reeves, Dick (AV- Leo Diirocher waa keeping his the Amateur Field Trial Clubs of defensive tackle. Is suffering a UNION WELDING CO. leadership duties seriously. Fol­ large flat tract has become a mec- Savrrirk ...... Ill 183'- 105 348 pilot and a long-time favorite of Chicago 5, HI. They are 75 cents Totals' ...... 535 6'50 573 1537 leg Infection. Halfback Frank Alu pace in the fast,St. L011I5 All-Star lowing the Blue Hens' first three Dickey and Rollins, I feel that our Up buttoned today after an ca for bird dog field, trialers since America with whom the local club Lupr ...... no 113 104 326 MetaBe and Oxjr-Aoetyleao MOTOR SALES Pittahurgh General Manager each or five for J3. R .(.r. r«rp.t«4l.a til P. Aroto .V...... 113 119 190 362 is cut v>lth a shoulder Injury suf League. After several weeks he games Miicller led the team's small man squad compares with ultimatum by President Horace the local club transferred Its fall la affiUAted, and pheasanU wUl be F .rr*rd ...... 138 96 103 337 10 Himittd S t, (B m t) Branch Rickey, and Dixie Walk­ Stonham of the New York Glant.s R. PAimnl ...... 117 133 118 363 fered in the Delaware clash last 801 Broad Street, filancheater had an average of 211. He aver­ scorers with 19 points. The 190- any in the league. Reeves and events there three years ago. The liberated for each dog entered in (Th.mtiffr...... 86 98 103 387 J. Waik.r ...... ~ — 97 97 Tel. S-SS07—-MnadiMter, Conn. er, former BrookI.vri and Pitt.s- Ray Perkins, sophomore half­ W llkow.ky ...... 116 116 116 348 week. aged 209 to top the St. Louis bowl­ pound 6-2 end also was the team's Rollitis are the only newcomers in to make up his mind between ba.se- the competition. Purses of money biirgh idol, who recently resigned back, plays 60 minutes for Syra­ ball and the, movies. vride, level expanse of bird hunt­ L u c ...... 103 134 130 356 ToUU ...... 666 "691 644 1691 T E U 2-2012 A N Y T IM E ers who qualified for the December leadlngi^ass receiver, with 10 the amsdl man category. ing country offers a splendid and ribbons are offered In all but Smith ...... 116 .131 118 385 All-Star show In Chicago. as manager of Atlanta, where he cuse University's footballers. He The Giant manager who didn'l (tsrdea (9) catches in 22 attempts. Easy Ed Macauley is « i v main­ course for testing abllltiea of the the Amateur Stake which will Ormelll ...... 10.3 93 196 had a successful three-year reign. Is the safety man on defense. get his "Lippy Leo" tag because of feature beautifully finished hard­ Total. Zwick ...... 96 96 182 stay at pivot and one of the. best pointing breeds and abo la a splen­ in the game. But I have to firtd an excessive silence said only, "I wood serving trays inlaid with March ...... 138 103 9.3 333 Delivered In did locale from a spectator’e view­ McMuIIln'...... no 109 135 344 other big guy to give Ed a breath­ haven’t made a definite decision.” the likeness of a pheaaant in full Red Auerbach point since moat of the action can Anderaon ...... 109 97 111 .316 er. Johnny Mahnken, (TIeggic He confirmed Stoneham's state­ Manchester flight. Reichert ...... — no 113 322 Hermsen and newcomer Don Reh- ment In New York that they’d gel be seen from the gallery site. Headquarters for the ivent have together Nov. 28 In Phoenix prior A five state program U being Totals ...... "iw T i l "627 1593 F / n $ T / N T a s t e / feldt are the fellows bidding for been established at the Connec­ to the start of the baseball meet- that spot. offered and It U expected that full ticut House in Glastonbury and MIXED DUUBI.EH Ings...... 545 513 539 1567 We arc trying to replace Bones Local Sport patronage will develop In all stakes the dinner held on Saturday eve­ Total. .... ■' Tram Ms. 7 48) McKinney, who has retired. Said Stoneham, " I have read to complete two full days of run­ K .tlek '* (t> ning in conjunction with the trials Gleason .. 100 103 94 396 M. Morgan ...... 59 87 70 198 ’ The surprise package of pre- where Durocher has stated he ning. Action WIU get underway win be at the aub Alba at 8. Bchmelake ...... 115 106 115 385 R. Morgan ...... 96 91 96 399 season play has been. Francis Chatter may leave baseball for a career in Saturday morning at 8 with the Local doga expected to enter Martin ...... 104 104 133 341 XOU wo CKH tWO^ the movies after his contract with Svick ___ ...... 113 111 118 341 Totals ...... ';.1 i5 "u9 "iM ^59 (Moe) Mahoney, the former Brown Open All Age Stake. Judging will the competition will be Florence Goodrich ...... 98 93 1.38 337 Tram Ms. 4 (6) University star. Moe recently re­ JOHNNY MIZE, one of the baL us expire.s at the end of the next be Chwlea Clark, H, of Florham Harwarth’a “Jeiry, of BelmoraV R. Batlargron ...... 69. 69 73 311 turned to civilian life after serv­ ting rtars for the New York Yan­ season. If that's what he wants, and "Tulagl Sky," I-arry Miller'* ToU I...... " m * *515 ~894 1640 A, Bathrzeon ----...... - . ■ 91 *103 93 that’s all right with me. Park, N. J.. and Paul Cook of ing a hitch in Korea. kees during the 1952 World Series 634 CENTER STREET Meriden. Upon Its completion, the ‘Highland Frost’’ and Truman ToUls ...... 160 171 196 496 Bob Harris, Chuck Cooper and against Brooklyn, will be one of "However, if he is not going to Cowles’ "Nutnwg Tarheel Dotty” Maaekeater Matar Oalea (3) be back with us after next season, Open Shooting Dog Stake will get Maiaoll Bob Brannum are all back from the featured personalities at the MANCHESTER ~ PHONE SI 01 underway with Thomas Nunan of and "Nutmeg Roaedale Boy." Kovl. ... T ro a Ms. 1 (3) last year's club. we have a right to know So we'll McCurry M. Simmons •...... 94 113 88 305 Sport-smen's Show. Jan. 17-25 at have time to prepare. I have asked Hopkinton, Mass., and Fred Ertel J. Simmons ....^ .... 99 137 17 913 an l U M The New York Knickerbockers YANKEES WEKE HOT Varriek , the Hartford Armory. Truman him to let me know of his decision Taggart p R E M I and the Syracu.se Nationals are Weat Lo* Angeles Calif. — UP) — Total...... 193 240" l i T i « 7 Cowles made this announcement before the winter 'meetings con-' the teams we must watch in the this morning. Manager Charley Dreasen of the Total...... 834 606 630 1750 Taasr Ms. 3 (t i elude." risk C k laa li 7 93 336 son. In 1935 when the Lions won necticut Basketball Association Leo said a film career would en­ Totals ...... r. 164 193 I ts "534 the title they drew only 82,700 fqns will meet Sunday morning in able him to spend more time with for six home games. his wife, actress Laraine Day, and Wallingford. Publicist Harry Katz children. College Grid Attendance Tesn Ns. 19 (II man reporta the eighth team will G. Smith ...... 74 63 6.3 302 11. SmllH ...... I ll 96 114 33C Million Dollar Ride—Buidc’s exclusive' be either Torrington or Winated 8ARAN PLASTIC FIBER COVERS — Other league members are the Shows Decline in East Total...... 185 169 179 632 Dynaflow Privet — Buick rooin^ An.^nia Vetb, New Haven Ropsa- T.aai Ms. II (II E. Cl.ndinlel ...... 71 44 60 175 Buick’s, Power Steerin({t Buiok cooi- .Mtuicbe*tfir..NassiOL "■' N ew Tortt, 'Oct. "SO-MJh— M ajor -"'II m ''Southern -eonf*rrao*"9how- Hi M- -fS ICO i-888- East Hartford Frankie's, Walling- sd^ the biggest Increase, jumping qollege football. atUnilance la up if„-„ J, !jj3 lio. Yu, ■ joct^ Biuck Atylc—and Buick durability. - ioixLaiid.’:BcidgeporL^ - - - •.SL-per'Cent trvri* -far. Jhu- M.'04- p * r cent -despite the fact Maryland and CleimKm are on p n ^ Mt year, and the Increos* apparently' Taaa. Me. • 481 And when k comes to price— you ywU— FREDDY McCUHRY’S 396 in4 . complete set la due to better teams api) jbstkm.thls year and unable to p ii^ B. Mutton |7 84 II 3S7 IHI JAMI J MAtJtjY MPAr4Y P«OviDfN«. i 8 i hthe "Y. Bowling League waa the 'dOier fboiifrence member*.' Nrict in K . H m ton IW 134 86, 818 -find out thrst” What. you 'pay for a : - attractive schedules. ' - j highest triple turned in last night. Although the total attondahee line were the Big Seven (1B.91I, Total...... "i»5 " 3O8 ”173 "575 S p e c i a l , a S u p e r or r R o a d m a s t b r Other, good triples in the Y loop In September and OctsBei; was Pacific Coaat (11.81 and Border Trail Na. 1 (I) '.were as follows: LAnky Waickow- INSTALLED FREE INSTALLED FREE slightly below that of last ysar In' Conference (11.62). In each tn- D. Morrison ...... 78 KM' -91 274 R. MorrIaOn ...... 106 97 108 310 R i v i e r a will shine by ccimparison with skl 352. Bolo ^Lucae 356, Jerry a survey conducted by the Asso­ Btanec, the Increase waa attributed e?, this is a Riviera. Sleek and e by seat cover by seat cover to the Impressive performances of including the big-volume, lower-priced the price tag of anything in their fields. Smith 365, CThet Yawb'rsky 388 ciated Press, the average attend­ T oU li 194 201 199 694 and A1 Aligllst 376. Tony Golas ■pedflists . apedaliata ance per goine jumped from 23,- the leading tram* and also more The swift-lined, like a eonvertible. three. - - * T««ai Ma. I (1) Y '* -s*’’ with a 360, Hippo Correntl 372, 247 to 24,713. attractlva achedule*. B. PhnilDB ...... 90 79 96 265 Solid-topped like n sedan. Six-passenger Isn’t that enough to make you want to Eddie Pagani 362 and Pete Aceto THE MID-BEASON survey cov­ - BIOOE8T SLU M P waa in the W...... 129 107 103 33^ But this Buick version hps forged ahead 352 compiled the highest three ered 308 home games played by East, where Ivy League attend­ room y—and just about the smartest try out a R i v i e r a today? ance was ddwn 0.88 per cent and ToU I...... 219 196 199 693 D ifferance string totals in the Restaurant Wemake lKem * Guaranteed fit the membsra of major conferences in popularity-^and today it’s the “best Equipment, accessories, trim m i modeb mn smtjeci to •^>orfs •HisHinc Spots League. 2Vz ounpos o f lunuryl ■S- - and oiitatanding independent the overall total 7.1 per cant. The number that's made its bow in years. teams. Last year, the same teams decline can he explained by the M*. 13 (3) seller” in the whole “hard top” field- change uiskout notice. * Standard on Roadmatter, •Museums •Churches 'M, Turner ...... 93 1 30 103 .730 Guaranteed Stitching ^ Not rejects played 828 games. Thus the total fact that the University of Penn' Ti T\imer ...... 86 105 111 303 And how folks love it. The day it was bar none. optional at esetra cost on other Series. iOptiond ed •Famous Restaurants this ysar waa 7,611,M2 (more or sylvaala. which always packs BUY NOW AT BALCH'S Sports Mirror J^sa according to the accilracy of Franklin Field, played only three T oU li .... ,,..li4 ~M5 "iii "izi first displayed, orders started rolling in. extra cost on Roadmatter and Super only. All-.-we repeat— ALL STAR SEAT COVERS are offered to you me crowd egUmatee)', whereas games on lU heme field and. failed the flgurt waa 7,848,155 last year. to draw well on the road L'NBEAITEN NETMAN HI-APPRAISAL W h a t ’s the reason? LOW COST Today A Yeai; Ago — Mexico A T FACTORY PRICES, yet of a quality equal to covera bearing won the International Good Will much higher price tags. * The average'attendance per game In each aecUon with the per­ , East Lansing, Mich. — (P)— Stan The rest of the industry took a look — CHAMP centage of increase or deersaia* Well, it is—as you can see—n smoothie When better automobiles ore built Rouid Trip FARE Chahgelle Trophy, as the sixty- Drobac; No. 1 man on Michigan and decided to make a carbon copy. Confersnos or section 1852 Avg. 1851 Avg. Per Cent Change State's 'tennis team, compiled a TOP ALLOWANCE third showing of the National Weighs tw mors thin2 pKks of d i i r ^ l Down 8.88 to look at and a smoothie to drive. Sun is FRQM - Ivy Ueaguk 23.88f 28,488 perfect record laat'aummer.'" He MANCHESTER Horae Show opened at Madison A four-seim fivarite. Made o( costly $4 t CONVERTIBU _ Like your Blast Indspendenta 15,824 15,755 U p 0.48 won five ainglea matches and Square Garden. 20,874 Down 7.1 Over the years, these “hard top” jobs Tax imported ‘‘KS" fur. Pre-sheptd croum— . Bast Total 18.408 teamed with Tom Belton to win a Your Car Is Worth The Price Of A 'It’s a Buick —with Buick’s famous true Five Years Ago—President Will M J ^ original 13,748 Up34.84 BUICK never out of shspo. Individually boiad! TOPS V South Omference 17,182 doublet match. ’^ ' ' ' $ 3 . 4 5 Incl. Harridge of the American League have spread to every price range — Fireball 8 Engiiie—Buick’s marvel Southeastern Oonf. 25,284 85,822 Down 2.18 c^led a meeting of the league South Independents 22,570 24,121 Down 8.48 Good Deal At fbr)2 will build them Children Under 13— Hnlf Fare H OCKEY a t a g l a n c e clulf owners in Cleveland to con- DOOR PANELS South Total 21A88 20,081 U p 7.38 Chlldien Under &—Free YO'J CAN'T BEAT A sider-tha luspenajon of Whitfr Sox Big Ten 52,874 47,880 U p 8.13 ^ n era l Manager Leslie O'Connor $J50 RE-UPHOLSTERED $2*50 Ea. Up National League , , •Two flivot t.l«vi»ion ovents: Sqe Tfco Football Gam * of Hm Wook *y*ry Saturday and Bulck’i own TV show "Hia Circus H b o r T T I r y ^ r ^ ^ CHAMP. FOR VALUEI Big Seven 27,857 23,082 ' U p 18.81 Snndny train len\-es Mnaehea- for failure to pay a 8500 fine for Toronto 7, Montreal 5 ter at 9:29 A . M. Missouri Vallsy Conf. 17,431 17,808 Down 1.8 signing high school player Midwest Independents 21,388 21,075 Up 1.28 Chicago '3, New York 1 BALCH-PONTIAC, DlC. '1 Return train leaven South Sta­ Maun- Midwest Total 38.878 ai.ipi Up 7.32 tion, Boston, at 8:48 P. M. ello decisloned Lee S^vold in 10 OriMT Champ Hofs $S.Q0 34.S3Y 34,883 Down 0.28 Bobby Adama, Cincinnati Red 155 CENTER STREET — MANCHESTER rounds. Southwest Confsrence GORMAN MOTOR SALES, Inc. __ iS STAR SEAT COVER CO. Border Conference 10,884 8,580 U p 11.02 third baseman, wont to bat more, Twenty Years Ago — John L. 8J88 U p 2.18 than any' other member of the 285 MAIN STREET MANCHESTER Skyline Confeieac* 8,448 “Ntvtr Knowingly OvertrsiM Towsrds A New Pontiac* Hagerty,. New York GianU Maip and H a id Sts. TeL 2-5405 Next To First National Bank Pacific Coast Conf. 85,048 81J48 U p 11.8 team in 1852. He appeared 837 JV£IV HAVEN quarterback, quit pro football to Glenney's Natkmal Total 34.718 38447 U p 841 times. .'v '. RAILROAD succeed Tommy VIUs as bead at H A IN ST. Georgetowra University. ■' .-p-

11 —a,— T . =V A' :^ L -.a,----—

.-;.''V ^ ■ , * r -- *1 X ■ • , ■-!: ■• ■ •■", ■ V PAGE NINETEEN ^ •• \ ■•- 'X -. MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1952 »#*• £iG££IGHICEK M;^NqHESJER,^ENfflqL,Hp^ALp, CONW., ^WURSDAY,. OCTOBER 3Q, 1952 t:-, :• X. NfSRK««ftS.'-4 _iSe?B6’^ party, fotir* votes, and ' the Labor Houses for .Rent. . 85 Honses for Sale ' 72 Homct Sale 72 Marme Xorps Unit High School party, one vote. ’~ " 'AatVin^nct i^or Sale "A Automobiles.for Sale ’ 4 Borincau Berrim Offered’ 111 Rdatlng—»Fhp^Bt U Bdp BrMUd-4lalb:: 2« naaoiida—Watchaa— Hotucbiild Goods 81 The lown'i voting ntachlnea, ' ' "Jewelry —— " j y ’w e w ■ «a ed ' "for- tbejslectkmT-.which- ■ Co n v e r t i b l e MONTH END COMPLETE,Repair,, by Stuart ft, tfADnTtNG and Decorating. Inter­ -t WANTED mllda. trom Manchester. AdulU. EAST la designed to familiarize students d a t s i f i e d ' 'W olcott 'oq washing moctiinaa, Refai^cas. Write Box P, Herald. WHY PAY RENT? ' SPECIALS ior '"and exuri,'r. Floors refln- LEONARD W. YOST, Jeweler, re­ SOFA BED with new slip cover, CENTER with election procedure and the lEESdHT BARGAINS . vacuum eWaners, motors, small iahed. Reasonable rates. Call pairs; abjttxts. watchka expertly. *30. Phone 2-3074. “ operation of the machines. \ f o r RE N C^Year 'round housa. STREET / Rsra la your chance to buy Jerry P. Saplenza of Waddell 4 appliani es. Pick up and daUvery. Gerry Whitman. Manchaeter MAN TO Wo r k IN Reasonable prices. Open daUy. Edson M. Bailey, school prlnci- I ncorporated Buy out of season and save! BENGAL Combination gas and oil four roomr^urniahed with bath a'"compact house reasonaUe. road waa installed as commandant MvertisemeRts In “Safety Tested” A*1 repair. Sales. 180 Main. 2-8866. — - Thursday evamnga. 129 Spruce General Leads RepuhlU pay, said Tuesday that the eiMtion stove. Ehccellent condition. Call and ohower, nb*water, all eloctrlc Zonetl for -bwuBoss. Ex­ F o u r. modem rooms and 1947 PLYMOUTH Phone 8507. SERVICE STATION street Phone 2-4387, bath', full basement, hot wa­ of the Frank J. Mansfield Detach­ should not be used as a barometer USED CARS ^ , 2-9080 after 4 p. m. r kltchan. Gaa autmnatic heat and can Sweep Over Can- \ BUCKLAND. CON>»(^ CLASSIFIED ADVT, 1948 STUDEBAKER cellent location. Exclu* ter heat, all city utilities. ment of the Marine Corps League for the real election because auch MANCHESTER, Welding Service. Repairtnf .IS Salary $75 a week to fireplace. O o v e n t^ Lake. Cali sive with: last night at the clubhouse on Mid­ a use detracts from It aa “our DEPT^ HOURS 1946 CHEVROLET Portable equipment. General APARTMENT SIZE gas stove, Good lot. Convenient loca­ didates of Democrats We Get the Cream of start. , Hartford 4-1225 a ft^ S :S 0 p. m. tion. Full price *S,500. Other dle turnpike west. Installation o f­ most realistic cilizShahip project.” welding, boiler aii4:fom aie weld­ UATTIUlSfl Your old mattraaaea Fuel aiHl Feed 49-A connected to bottle gas, *10; also 8:1S A. M. to 4:S0 P. M. All Convertiblea. listlnga available. ficer waa Donald W. Rickert of The MHS vote has not proven to Announces The Openi^ TRADE-INS ing. Phones 2-1658 or 2-8762. •terlllsed and remade like hew. iz'ashing machine. Call 6928. Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower was All Priced to Sell. See Van For WOOD, Stove or fireplace lengths. BRAE-BURN Danbury, who waa ' assisted by be a barometer in past years. Call JoBOB Furniture aif* Floor Dellvered^t*-: per cord, Phone Subarban for Ren 66 Call Me victor by 331 votes oyer Gov. Adlai Previous to the election the Cur­ ^COPY CLOSING TIME 1951 Ford 2-Dr. Custom. A clean FOR OH. Burner eetyice and In- Interview BENDIX AUTOMATIC washer, REALTY Joseph Gay of Meriden and Robert E. Stevenson in yesterday's mock • BALCH-PONTIAC Inc. Covering. 86 Oak. T ef 2-1041. WlBlmantic 3-3217 anytime. Grogsm of Stamford. rent Affairs Club under faculty Of Their iOR CLASSmED ADVT. car priced Right: *1*45. ■tallation by 1* .jrcare exper­ pair of bunk beds, t m 600-16 COVEN TRY-M ain street,:reet, 3 fb(>m ALICE CLAMPET election held at Manchester Higb advisor Lewis H. Piper conducted 155 Center Street 1950 .Olds 4-Dr. Rocket “ 98.‘* One ienced oU burner' service men. ttre.^ All in good condition. Call apartment, bath. Year'ear’a la a ^ Phone Manchester 6273 Other officers Installed were School under the sponsorship of MON. THRU FRI. VAN’S SERVICE REALTOR Chester Yaworski, fvnior vice voter making sessions and carried owner. Fully equipped: $1895. Call Mancheater 2-1731 or 2-8003. Mortgatfs SI 8900. couple with 1 child. Wallas Agon- the Current’ Affairs Club. out mock naturalization pro­ 10:30 A. M. Your Better Deal, 1949 Buick 4-Dr. Super. Low mile­ STATION Gardcn-^Farm— Daiiry 2-4643 commandant; Herman VVterzblckl, Pontiac Dealer cy, Coventry,. Tel. 7-6872 The Republican candidate re­ cedures. Tobacco^WaTehouse SATURDAY 9 A. M. S age. Sw'eet, running: *1595. OIL BURNER Service. Furnaces. FIRST AND Second xaortgages 427 Hartford Road ' Protlacta 50 SUBURBAN—New 5 room ranch junior vice commandant; Harold ceived 785 TOtes to 454 for his op­ 1949 Olds 4-Dr. Rocket ''98.” Ex­ chlmne.V8, fireplaces cleaned and bought for our own accoiht*. Post, Machinery and Toob 52 MANCHESTER—New six-room A. Osgood, adjutant and pay­ 1949, 1950, 1951 Automobiles, aa GREEN MOUNTAIN Potatoes. If liomV.^ Hardwood floors, oil hot type home. Radlent type heat- ponent. Cattle have baby te^th that ceptionally fine trade-in: *1695. repaired. General JoWilnjg. C. Car- confidential service. Mucheater WANTED — Experienced trailer Wanted to Rent 68 ■ing. Large rooms and clarets._AU master;. Earle Caton, judge advo^ GOP candidates were ‘^elected” rOCTI CDOPMATION WItX . JlUle _aa_J9.#Q_ .werJiIy^. - J-owmL , 1950—Mercury~2*Dib Sedan.—Priced yoU ,are- going to- gpt a' SNOWPLOWS forHtractors— and- a ce. replaced by adult » ~^POR THE COMING SEASON OFLMOY'3 soh. oOOK • Hveatmeht CSiT>.; 85 “driver. See Stuart CirliOir- fit tile bath. VeryTroodJ^troh, oh catn'TtuBMir LrPotrmon,' chaX ito ail offices. The parly's average •same manner, as are the teeth o f BE APntEClATBO finance rates. Possible your car supply, ordtr now while they last. trucka. Cement mixers. Used f o u r a d u l t s , deaira 6 or 8 large lot\ Good location, near for Quick Sale; *1595. Phone 5416. CarUon Co.. 44 Stock Place. lain; Anthony Angelo, sergeant at plurality over the Democratic par­ dowrn. Douglas Motors, 333 Main. 1950 Buick 2-Dr, S|Mcia]. Radio, Call Hathaway 2-1390. apreaders, harrows, plows, cultl; room rant. Rafarencea. Phone school. O n N ^ line. Phone Man­ main road. Five mTnutea' to down­ htupan children. town Hancheeter. E. and E. arms; John Dysenchuk, historian; ty was almost 300 votes. D IA L 5121 Heater and Dynaflo: *1725. Ca r p e n t e r a Hd helper. Good ' vatora,. mowers, hayloader. trac^ 2-9220. chester 2-118T, E. A E. Agency. Winston A. Chevalier, chief , of JOBACCO SORTERS, SIZERS 1951 Chevrolet 2-Dr. Styleline. Homehold Sorrleca pay. Call Manchester 2-4239 eve­ tors wlieel and crawler. 'Terms. Agency. Phone 2-1167 anytime. A total of 1.265 students, 95 per 1950 FUKp >j-lon panel. Excel­ Help Wanted—Fcmak S5 NUMBER ONE Green Mountain y o u n g BUSINESS Couple,'^ no staff; and Bernard Wleser, service cent o f all registered student vot­ Hurry: on this Beauty: *1795. Offered IS-A nings. Dublin Tractor Co., North Wind­ TWO-FAMILY duplex, 4 rooms FOUR-FAMILY four rooms each, lent condition. Phone 2-2349. 1950 Olds 4-Dr. Rocket ” 88.” potatoes. Bryan Bros. Phone 3037. children, require 3 or 4 room uh- "officer. ers. cast ballots. Those voting 500 SETS OF and TIERS WANTED FEMALE HELP ham Road. WilUmantic. 3-3217, each aide. Stsam hqat, two-car two-car garage. A-1 condition. This installation constituted the • Iioot and Foond Smoothest car on the road; WEAVING of bums, moth holes WANTElD-^l^n to shovel snow. 5 fumlahad apartment. Call Mr. numbered 85 per cent of the stu­ car garage. Immediate occupan­ One rent posrlbly two available. ninth annual affair for the local *1895. and ' tom clothing, hosiery runs, p. m. to 11 p. m. - 12 midnight to Finkal, Wtll'tmantic 3-1661 until dent body. >ST—Glaate* at Rainboa- Club. 1947 CROSLEY- E ^ 1 Blue 'convertible WANTED cy one aide. Bargain dt *12,000. Large lot. Near schools, bus, unit, which ha.-? been active in SEAT COVERS 1948 Olds 4-Dr. ” 68.” RccondiOon- handbags repaired, zipper re­ 9 a. m. United Aircraft - West to iHobwboM Goods 51 Musical Instruments 53 5 p. m. Results of the election follow: ' APPLY NOV. 3 AT 7:30 AM., Saturday eveninf. Finder-'' call sedan. Phone 2-3506. For quick sala. R. T.; shopping area. Sacrifice *13,900. service affairs. The Marine Club President, Elsenhower, 785, Ste­ ed and ready, to go; *11^. placement, umbrellas, repaired, Farmington. *1.50 hour. Apply M105. Second Shift AN HONEST PERSON NEW, U.SED and rental Ihatru- FURNISHED Or unfurnished Realtor. Phone 7700. Geo-ge L. Graziadlo, Realtor, 109 has a membership of about 55 venson, 454; four-year senate 1947 INTERNATIONAL K. 6 14 1947 Studbaker 2-Dr. Sdan; Safe men's ahirt collars reversed and by letter only. D. F. Rawlings, 61 WHO’S GOING HOUSEKEEPING Economical transportation: $945. ments. Reede, mutes, strings, apartmant adults. Reasonable. Henry street. Phone 2-5878. members, some of whom are now term, Prescott Bush (R) 751. A. iS bsT'—SETT - of kryii in red plaatic foot van type body. Can be reen replaced. Marlow’s Little Mending Jarvis Road. THATS WHAT I WANT COLONIAL: 6 large rooms, dowbr And Up 1946 Oldamobile 4-Dr. " 6 6 .” A stands," all accessories. Methods. Willing to'do own repalra Call serving In Korea. Past command A. Rlbicoff (b ) 488; six-year $12 95 ~Caae. Vicinity of radridge street. at 9 Trotter street. Shop. Full Insurance TO TAKE OVER stairs lavatory, garage, lot 100 z^ Dependable car.:. *875.__.. . WANTED— Porter for upholstery Factoo'-tralned repairman. Ward 3604 after 6:30. ------JEOROIAN Type home, three ants of the local detachment are senate term, William Purlell. lR) INSTALLED FREE Plaaaa «all 2-0874. UNPAID b a l a n c e 300. Price *15,800. MadeltAe 1948 Oldsmoblle 4-Dr. ,"08.” A re­ ah<^. Experience not neceaaaiy. Krause. 87 Walnut. 5336. ^drooma, living room, dining Richard Veen, Alfred Palahaw, 779, William Benton (D) 460; con­ 1949 PLYMOUTH four-door. FLAT FINISH Holland window Program MONTHLY PAYMENTS Smith, Realtor. 2-1642 o f 4679. Radio, heater. Very good running liable Used car: *1245. aha^s made to measure. AU Old Colony Co.. Hilliard street.’ URGENTLY Needed, unfurnished and modern kitchen. First Everett Cole. Harold Osgood gressman-at-large, Antoni Sadlak ,£0iBT—Ek>wllng' bag: and ahoea. *21.63 PLAYER PIANO. In good condi­ Vicinity of Denting street. Phone condition. Call Rockville 5-7397 1946 Dodge 4-Dr. Custom. In good m e^l Venetian blinds at a new We have several openings apartment by three adults. Phone flo^vlsvatbrv and full bath. Oil, James T. King, Jr., and John (R) 788, Stanley Pribyson ID) .^EW FURNITURE AND tion with about 75 rolls. Just the WEST SIDE — Bright, apaciout, CAMPBELL T840. between 4 and 7. running condition: *850. Ipw price. Keys made while you PAINTER AND paperhanger. Ex­ 2-4900 after 5:30. warmX*f Tlmkin oU burner. byaenchuk'. A special drive Is now 455: congressman. First District, 1946 Buick 4-Dr. Super. New paint. for women In Our expand­ perienced. Phone 2-8866 after APPLIANCES thing for that recreation room. cheerful colonial In choice resi­ BeautlfitUy landscaped lot, 100' x John Ashmead (R ), 747, Thomas AUTO SUPPLY New 1953Jelevisi^ wait. Ma.’low'a. ' ' which la now in storage— dential section. Large living being held to build the member­ tO S T — PASS BOOK No. S8 1 254. 1939 DODGE. Good condition. Plenty of style: *875. 5:30. Price *60. Call 4928. URGENTLY Needed. 4 to 6 rooms, 190'. Garage and .tool shed. Owner Dodd (D ) 495. M Rl««r.l.I. ST.—TEL. 5187 ing operations. Factory originally add to a young couple room, dining room, hall, (all with ship of the corps up to 100 mem­ Notice ia bereby .given that Pass Good, and clean, *135, Inquire 37 m a t t r e s s e s m a d e reasonable,' by adult .family. Call transfarred.’Purchase price *14,- Vivian Kellems. running on the MANCHESTER OPEN EVENINGS to order. but unfortunately are not getting bers. BMk No. SS 1254, Issued by The Marble street. Phone 2-0059 or re-made apd sterilized like new. experience helpful. Age 18 2-5024 after 3 p. m. wall to wa’J carpet! "cabinet 500. For appijlntmerit please call Independent Republican ticket for married G. PRUEFER Clarinet, *55. Call Savings Bank of HanchesUr,.haa We caII"7or and deliver anywhere. Sitoatioim Wanted— kitchen, utility room, pine panel­ Howard R. (Ia(rtlngr. 2-1107. the six-year Senate term, received 2-8727. TEL. 4134 BEDROOM SUITE 2-8373. WANTED—Two bedroom apart­ Combii|iriwii From bacn lost and. application ' haq, Frank Falk. 17 Main street, Col­ to 35 years. Apply In per­ Female 38 ed game room, 3 bedrooms and three votes. The Socialist parly LIVING ROOM SUITE ment In Manchester or •vicinity. bath. Abundant closets. 2-cer ga­ IS CiANTERBURY ^reet—4 room Plan to Serve 300 received six votes, the Peoples' Iwen made to said bank for pay­ NEED TRANSPORTA'nON? chester. Conrr. Phone Colchester son. ALL TYPES uf curtains laundered 5-PC. DINETTE SET USED BABY Grands! Bargains. <;>ll 2-4601. ment of the amount of deposit. MANCHESTER 460.-' rage. 2 lots. Full basement with Cape Cod, plus expansion attic. and Ironing done in my home. "PHILCO” ELECTRIC REF. We need room for our new 'rpiiiet oil fired furnace and laundry. Beat Clean Pre-War Cara FOUR OR FI'VE rooms wanted Hot water oil heat, aluminum LOST—-Lady's wii*t watch, vicin­ MOTOR SALES Inc. _ SPENCER Call 2-4333. "BEa^OAL” COMB. RAI^GE stock and will aacrifice-r- from of construction throughout. Fine scraens and storm windows. For At Church Affair SERVICES "NOROB” WASHER by middle-age couple, no children. ity Grant’s store, IVednesday. Re­ Written Guarantees *395—delivered. Easy terms. Goss opportunity for family seeking quick sale *10,500. *2,100^ cash. REGISTER “ Your Oldsmobile Dealer” Blinding—Contracting 14 OPENING IN reliabla home -for "HOeVER"VACUUM Beat references Call 2-9333. That Interpret The Wishes ward. Tel. 2-3028. /RUBBER PRODUCTS CO. Plano Company, 317 Asylum larger home. Call Madeline Smith, 25-year mortgage. Madeline Mr.'. Ormand West, chairman of 1942 CHEVROLET CLUB COUPE child care by hour, day or week, "EMERSON” TELEVISION street, Hartford 6-6896. Ff^lLCO Realtor. 2-1642 or 4679, Smith, Realtor. 2-1642 or 4679. 1941 PONTIAC SEDAN West Center Street SPECIAUZING In repairs, alttra- Chapel Street to suit parents. Call 2-8801. Sealy mattress and box aprinfb WANTED—A four or five room the smorgasbord which will be a 'asd VOTE Of The Family Corner of Hartford Road rent with heating plant and ga­ feature of the South Methodist Annooncenents 1940 BUICK CLUB COUPE tiona, Siilshing attic rooips and M6h*wk rugs. Inlaid, lamps, tables, FOR GENTLEMAN. pleasant MANCHESTER — East SWa — CAPE COD—Hbipandable to tlx B O Y S C O U T S 1939 PLYMOUTH TUDOR- SHIRT PRESS Operator. Exper­ OPENING IN a reliable Heensed rage. Ontrally located for an Country Carnival, on Thuraday. 1939 MASTER deluxe Chevrolet, ba.<;ement play rooms. Reato.nable dWea. pots and pans. roont next to bath, near Cheney’s Duplex' four and four. rooms. Near Waddell school. City 19.39 PONTIAC TUDOR ience not necessary. Apply in home for child core by hour, day adult couple. Both work. Refer­ hugo Noy. 6, announces that the com­ O F A M E R IC A CHRISTOPHER ROBIN pre-kin­ black ccach. *100. Can 7076 rates. Free estlmatea,-—^ o n e PHONE ME-IMMEDIATELY and Main street. Phone 2-6659.- rooms with extra large attKr, lot sewer and utllltie's. I>ss than JOHN Be BURKE dergarten school. Children 3