1979 As OCR RT 3-19-19
STATE OF NEW YORK ADIRONDACK PARK STATE LAND MASTER PLAN Prepared by the ADIRONDACK PARK AGENCY Theodore M. Ruzow, Chairman in consultation with the DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION Robert F. Flacke, Commissioner Submitted to GOVERNOR HUGH L. CAREY April 20, 1979 MEMBERS OF THE ADIRONDACK PARK AGENCY CHAIRMAN Theodore M. Ruzow Essex County 1. Barron Clancy, Warren County Arthur V. Savage, Pelham Anne LaBastille, Herkimer County John W. Stock, Franklin County Peter S. Paine, Jr., New York City Elizabeth Thorndike, Rochester Donald Wadsworth, Hamilton County EX-OFFICIO: Robert F. Flacke Commissioner of Environmental Conservation William D. Hassett, Jr. Basil A. Paterson Commissioner of Commerce Secretary of State Executive Director Vincent J. Moore April 20, 1979 Honorable Hugh L. Carey Governor, State of New York Executive Chamber State Capitol Albany, New York 12224 Dear Governor Carey: We have the honor to transmit herewith a revised sentatives of a wide variety of interest groups including: Master Plan for the management of state lands within The Adirondack Mountain Club, the New York State the Adirondack Park. The revised Master Plan is sub Conservation Council, the Wilderness Society, the Sierra mitted for your consideration and approval in accord Club, the Association for the Protection of the Adiron ance with Section 816 of the Adirondack Park Agency dacks, the Adirondack Conservation Council, Region 5 Act, Article 27 of the Executive Law. Fish and Wildlife Management Board, float plane oper The original Master Plan approved in 1972 classi ators, snowmobile clubs and the Easter Seal Society. fied the some 2.3 million acres of state land according The Agency also met on two occasions with an informal to their character and capacity to withstand use and advisory committee composed of citizens with interest set forth general guidelines and criteria for the man in or knowledge of state lands within the Park.
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