was >JVl."-JALu< to commemorate the lOath anniversary of MEMBERS

CHAIRMAN Herman Cole, Jr. Essex County

John R. Collins, Jr., Hamilton County Arthur V. Savage, Pelham Dr. Anne LaBastille, Herkimer County John W. Stock, Franklin County Peter S. Paine, Jr., City Elizabeth Thorndike, Rochester William M. Roden, Warren County EX.. OFFICIO Henry G. Williams Commissioner of Environmental Conservation

Gail S. Shaffer Commissioner of Commerce Secretary of State

Executive Director Thomas A. Ulasewicz

2 Dear Friends of the Adirondacks:

in New State are indeed fortunate to be diversity and richness of the public land in the able to talk about a major environmental treasure in Park, a mix devoted to both sports and wilderness our midst. We are extremely lucky to have the values. In this particular case, the Master Plan tries Adirondack portion of the Forest Preserve in its to show a diversity of the public land use and splendor to extol. And even though the Forest wilderness areas of the Park, and although the pre­ came about, in part, as a result of rationales sent reprint is not up to date, it is, in spite of its defi~ for its preservation that were not the same as those of ciencies, a signal that the Adirondack Park Agency our generation, we are giad to have the wild places of and the Department of Environmental Conservation, our six million~acre Park on any terms. along with interested of the state, are always in the process of updating their programmatic Most New Yorkers know immediately of the value of understanding of the State lands. the Forest Preserve to the State. It contributes to a special kind of high quality rural life for people in the The presentation of this specific Centennial edition North Country. The wonders of its forests, i{s lakes, of the State Land Master Plan is very appropriate for its rivers and mountains, its /lora and its fauna make this year because, again, it highlights how important it a grand setting within which to live and work. the people of the State of New York feel the Forest ther, because of its lIuncivilized character, ' it is an Preserve is to both their heritage and their future. In attraction for tourists from all over the world; and its fact, it could be argued that there is no more vital presence is always a source of pride to citizens document to be presented continuously to the public, throughout the State of New York. And part of its to be continuously revised and talked about and uniqueness is the fact that the Forest Preserve is inter~ celebrated, than the State Land Master Plan itself. mixed with private lands and intersts that give it a For in how many ways do we in the State have an op~ special cultural setting, presenting varied hamlet portunity of showing off the greatness of the Adiron~ centers with diverse social backgrounds in conjunc­ dack Park? As you read it over again this time, or as tion with productive private farms, tourist lodges and you make use of its designations and descriptions, if camps, major summer and winter sports facilities and you come across ideas as to how it can be improved, the significant forest products industry. please let us know. In this way, we as a public agency can continue our work of environmental supervision The enclosed special Centennial edition of the State of this portion of the precious Forest Preserve within Land Master Plan is simply an example of how New the Adirondack Park. After all, it's your Forest Yorkers value the Forest Preserve, for the Master Preserve and Park. Plan itself attempts to lift up and show forth the

Best to you)

Herman F. Cole, Jr.


8 N I- ' .... , ..... overriding reason Preserve in 1885 was the nr~>CPln!·~nr'.n

area as containing an fish, and game, saw the to maintain the watersheds in the headwaters of major rivers by allowing natural to predominate. acres of The continued Hudson, Mohawk, and land. Today consists of nearly 2.5 Black rivers from headwaters in the Adiron- million acres of State twelve Adirondack dacks and their value for transportation and com­ counties. Legislation the Adirondack Park merce demonstrate the merit of the Forest Preserve was passed in 1892 to concentrate Preserve acquisi­ philosophy. Recognition the added benefits of out­ tions within original "Blue Line." Blue Line door sports and recreation came later. The uplift of expanded over the years to delineate the spirit brought by undisturbed forests inspired some of six million acre Adirondack Park as we now the creators of the Forest Preserve and continues to know it. inspire those who visit the Preserve today or view it decade following enactment of statutory from afar. protection the Preserve was marked by The contrast between the Adirondack region a widespread public revelation of mismanagement) century ago and today could not more pronounc­ scandal, and outright corruption on the part of ed. By 1885, much of the land had been logged, various forestry commissions charged with its care. several species of animals had hunted to extinc­ the Constititutional tion, large tracts had burned, sometimes in fires so vention in 1894, could no place their trust in severe that organic topsoils were consumed. In public officials, and of the '-rl-· .. ""'-"'J defense of strengthening the wild" clause part of the fundamental of their governance. and incorporating it in the constitution, one of its They included the Wild clause in Con- sponsors, David McClure, pleaded: stitution, adding that "nor shall the timber theron be The hills, rock-ribbed and ancient as the sold, removed or " sun-the venerable woods-rivers that moved The first two sentences of wild" clause in majesty-and complaining brooks that of the York Constitution are strongest make the meadows green, these for years had preservation law in Not one word has been neglected by people of the State and been changed since their adoption on January 1j the great men of our State, the men of public 1895. spirit generally, forgotten that it was Almost a century of constitutional protection for necessary for health, the safety, and the Forest Preserve has resulted in a natural the comfort not to speak of the luxury of the ecosystem of stability. people of the people of this State, that our forests should be State, through government, have pro- preserved. vided a political stability which is reflected in the By the time the wild" clause was written, wild lands thus ", ... ,--.ror-rQ,rl rw""c.rc,rl the explorers of the 1700s was, in most cases, a highly To be sure, some recent Forest Preserve acqUlsl' disturbed ecosystem. With the exception of 45,000 tions are just scrub brush and aspen groves which acres of virgin forest isolated from logging by the will need another hundred years to revert to the reconstruction of Stillwater Reservoir in 1893, the ancestral types. And, setbacks to the natural early Forest Preserve contained only small stands of occur: windstorms, insect epidemics, or untouched forest. The mature boreal with a such as the "blowdown of 1950," dynamic mosaic of age and type had become patchy are the most Unlike a cen, even~aged stands of young forest. tury ago, wild fire potential in the Adirondacks is The native moose was reportedly killed near almost nonexistent mature expands and Raquette Lake in 1861, and wolves, lynx, and moun, little dry fuel is available. diversity of a natural tain lions were extirpated by the turn of the century. forest makes insect outbreaks less likely. With the loss of natural predators and opening of the However) today there is a new threat. In a and forest through logging, the deer population surged to ironic illustration of interdependence of fill the niche originally occupied by moose. ecosystems, the continued existence of the Beaver had been so heavily trapped for their fur Preserve may as never before in its that they had all but disappeared by 1900. Many of hundred year history. Airborne pollutants from both the best trout streams were clogged with slash and local and distant sources have left hundreds of sunken logs, eliminating miles of spawning beds. unspoiled Adirondack lakes so acidic they cannot Lack of forest cover left the streams too warm for support fish life. If fish are gone from the food chain, trout to inhabit. beaver, fisher) marten, fox, weasel, and avian life, But the seeds that lay dormant beneath the cleared which depend on them will soon disappear. There is lands and charred stumps burst to life once the a growing body of evidence that tree growth may be devastation stopped. The seedlings of 1885 are now similarly affected by industrial pollutants, and that towering mature trees, members of an evolving com' recent observation of hundreds of acres of dead red· munity well on its way to becoming a primeval forest spruce stands at high elevations does not demonstrate again. a natural successional phenomenon. The establishment of the Forest Preserve made With the exception of this threat, the resiliency of possible the re,creation of a wilderness. Most of the nature has made the forests and wildlife in the time this has been a natural process, but people have Adirondacks more stable than they have ever been intervened to speed up the regrowth. In the 1930s, since white man first entered the region. If we solve millions of trees were planted, hastening the return of the air pollution threat, the second century of the forest cover. Preserve will continue to provide mature forests with As a primeval forest returned to nearly half the the most dynamic, diverse, yet stable foundation to Adirondack Park, the wildlife best suited to that en, serve the many concerns of the people of the State. vironment again began to flourish. The deer popula, The benefits of the Forest Preserve derive from the tion dropped and stabilized at a level close to pre, natural forests. Numerous attempts have been made logging numbers. Moose began returning in 1980 and to open parts of the forest preserve to timber now there are even reports of calves being produced. harvesting, some to provide for scientific forestry,

Ravens, absent for half a century j returned to the some for the benefit of wildlife management. Threats Park in the mid 1960s, and began to nest again on may still come, but the strength of the laws and the Adirondack cliffs. Beaver are again recycling the continued voting wisdom of New Yorkers assures forests in a natural succession of ponds, marshes, and that these laws will continue to protect the Forest new forest, providing an ever varied habitat. Preserve as a natural treasure. The Department of Environmental Conservation Years of study, planning and public discussion led has released several dozen bald eagles and peregrine to the State Land Master Plan which insures that the falcons to help those species to reinhabit their former tenets of the Forest Preserve will be held. The plan range in the Adirondacks. Cold water fisheries are also makes possible the widest possible enjoyment of being reinvigorated through the Department's stock, that treasure without altering or diminishing its ing program. natural qualities.

6 IntrociUcnon...... 9 Legislative Mandate...... 9 State Ownerships...... 9 Private Ownerships...... 9 Public Concern for the Adirondack Park...... 10 Acquisition Policy Recommendations...... 11 Land Exchange ...... " 12 Plan Revision and Review...... 13 Unit Management Plan Development ...... /. 13 Special Historic Area Unit Management Plans ...... , ...... , . .. 14 Interpretation and Application of the Master Plan ...... , .. 14

II Classification System GuideUnes. . . .. 16

Basis and Purpose of the Classification...... 16 Definitions ...... , 18 Wilderness ...... , .. , .. , . , .. , . , ..... , , , ., 20 Primitive, . , . , .. , ...... , ...... , . , . .. 23 Canoe, ...... , ...... , ...... , , ..... , .. 25 Wild Forest...... , .. , ...... 27 Intensive Use...... 30 Historic...... 32 State Administrative Areas...... 33 Wild, Scenic & Recreational Rivers...... 34 Travel Corridors...... 35 Special Management Guidelines...... 37

Area Descriptions and Delineations ...... 38 Wilderness Areas ...... , 38 Primitive Areas...... 48 Canoe Area...... 54 Wild Forest Areas...... 54 Intensive Use Areas...... 57 Historic Areas...... 59 State Administrative Areas...... 59 Wild, Scenic & Recreational Rivers System ..... 60 Travel Corridors ...... '.' . . .. 61 Scenic Vistas ...... , . .. 62 SpeCial Management Areas ...... , .. , ...... 63

APPENDIX I: Section 807. Master Plan for management of state lands...... 64 APPENDIX II: Significant conservation easements within the Adirondack Park...... 64

7 "As a man tramps the woods to the lake he knows he will find pines and lilies, blue herons and golden shiners, shadows on the rocks and the glint of light on the wavelets, just as they were in the summer of 1354, as they will be in 2054 and beyond. He can stand on a rock by the shore and be a past he could not have known, in a future he will never see. He can be a part of

time that was and time yet to come. II from Adirondack Country by William Chapman White

8 the master the Adirondack forest preserve and all state lands within the A..OlfonO::lck Park. The classifi- the "forever wild" clause of Article and set forth acres of these lands are ao!nunstere~d ment of Environmental Conservation. Lands under

... n:h1"C'_A1r,_n,

9 of adjoining state and nrl,,~jrp character of the so far as speed and number of boats are concerned. A of Adirondack lakes and be the of Envi- ronmental Conservation to determine each water body's CalJac:lty to withstand uses, motor- uses and to maintain and enlGarlCe natural and aesthetic to lakes state land and those facilities exist or may be The importance of the of these resources cannot be oVleremJJh2lS1z,ed. concern lp1""<:lyirn"l,:>nt of Environmental Conservation has r.n,F'r~fu"lo """,,,hr"""" for state intensive use to uses of state waters state intensive use areas and the state lands and uses of areas also take into full account the existence similar and recreational facilities and should not with such facilities. In the economy of the entire affected the rI<>'l7n."""rI to mul-

Fish and wildlife resources on n.... ,,'J... a. lands comple- ment those available on the state particularly in the instances where groups of lease hunting and rights on large The state has also a variety of conservation easements and interests in nrl,\l<:ll'P lands that serve an purpose, in The people of the State of New York have shown a either providing public access to state lands or in pre­ deep and abiding concern for the and use serving the natural character of the private land bur­ of state lands in the Adirondacks for over three-quarters dened by the easement for the benefit of other state of a century. This concern was evidenced by the passage lands in the Park. These less-than-fee interests are an of the "forever wild" amendment to the state constitu- important element in the relationship between state and tion in 1894 to prevent the of the Adirondack private lands. The more important of these interests are forests and the dissipation of state's landholdings, described in Appendix II to this Master Plan. which the closing decades of the 19th ("""r,f".-" This master plan for state lands has therefore at­ tempted to take into account, both in the basic classifi­ Article Section 1 of the New York State Consti- cation system and in the guidelines for future land acqui­ tution reads as follows: sitions, this intermingling of private and public lands within the Park. The lands of the now owned or hereafter aCQluired. constituting the forest preserve as now fixed shall be forever as wild forest lands. shall not be leased, or be taken any 1l"'1111!'1nI1lIf'1lt11I11n The water resources of the Adirondacks are critical nor shall the timber thereon be to the integrity of the Park. The protection of the major watersheds of the state was a major reason for the crea­ tion of the forest preserve and continues to be of It is significant that, although renumb.ered, this exact cant importance. Waters, particularly lakes and ponds, wording has been a part of the state constitution since have their carrying capacity from a physical, biological 1895. and social standpoint just as do tracts of public or private Article XIV protects both the Adirondack and Cats­ land. The use made of state waters also has a direct kill forest preserves, and covers in all some 2,600,000 impact on adjacent land holdings. acres of state lands in the twelve Adirondack counties A genuine need exists to insure that the scale and and four Catskill counties both within and without the intensity of water-oriented uses are consistent with uses Adirondack and Catskill Parks. However, of the Adi-

10 rondack acreage, better than ninety percent is contained most comprehensive study ever made of the Adirondack within the so-called "Blue Line" that delineates the Park. its recommendations are: boundaries of the public and lands constituting -the creation of the Adirondack Park Agency; the Adirondack Park enormous tracts of forest preserve provide a resource for recreation - the by the of a master plan for in a wild setting that is in the eastern half of the

United States and COmt~leIne:nts the more rI"".,<>I.~ .... £,r< - the classification of these lands 0i ""'A".rl1 1", fT to their facilities of the excellent state the rest of characteristics and £""JI,""Jl£O·,.-.r the state. Between 1895 and 1978 -a set of extensive for the care, amendments introduced and control of state lands under the master with on stricter controls over ~~~,_" ... _ Article but proposed wilderness and areas; m both the A'vJ;;.hH""U.. U endum. In of the seventeen measures, - the of a land use and development the forest preserve lands involved were restricted to plan lands within the Park. small acreages and were delineated. This clearly indicates that the voters in the state, throughout more than of a have expressed their desire to the forest preserve against intrusions and retain these lands as a wild forest nrp'cP'-"P The Agency has an important interest in future state attitude of the voters of the state has similarly land acquisitions since they can vitally affect both pri- been reflected in the of the Attorney General vate and land within the Adirondack Park. As a and the few court decisions that define the result the recommends that the following guide- limits and of Article XIV. By and large lines future of state lands these legal have taken a conservative attitude within the towards the and character of per- mitted on the forest nr,:''''''''''''''" """.,.."",,,,,1-,,, ... ,, within the Adirondack Finally, the of the forest preserve has Park should restricted to the acquisition of been in the hands of the of Environmental forest preserve lands. Where special state purposes are Conservation and its predecessor agencies since the "for­ such that non-forest land might be acquired ever wild" amendment was first enacted. Placed in the (assuming such to be constitutionally per- national perspective, the of the Department missible) the amount acquired for other than forest pre­ and its predecessors has few serve purposes should be kept to the minimum necessary. In the last twenty years increasing attention has been Thus, should the state acquire a 100-acre tract on which focused on the Adirondack forest preserve. t'lcme:entnQ' it wished to place a hospital, only that part of the tract, studies were undertaken in the late 1950's and say twenty-five acres, that is actually necessary for the 1960's by the Joint Committee on facility should be classified as non-forest preserve. Resources under the successive of Sena- 2. As a general guideline, the state should avoid tors Wheeler Milmoe and R. Watson More acquiring lands for non-forest preserve purposes (as­ recently the public has that if the suming such acquisitions to be constitutionally permis­ of the Adirondack forest is to be retained in the sible) within the Park where: face of a better facil- ities and for outdoor not - the tract is not contiguous to a public highway; or, only will past management on the forest pre- - the tract is of a native forest character, i.e., stocked serve require reassessment, but also the of the with any native tree with Adirondack Park as a whole must be Thus .... £> ...>,.,,£u~ .. crown cover. ar'e not consid- attention to other critical state such as the ered to be native forest major travel corridors, and appropriate controls over -the tract involved consists of more than 150 acres; development on private lands are as important to the or, future of the forest preserve today as the passage of the - the tract is contiguous to existing forest preserve forever wild amendment was nearly three generations ago. land; or, These new problems were highlighted by Governor Rockefeller in naming the Temporary Study Commis­ sion on the Future of the Adirondacks in 1968 to assess -the tract is within one-half mile of a block of forest and make recommendations for the future use of both preserve land of over 1,000 acres; or, state and private lands within the Adirondack Park. The - the tract lies at an elevation greater than 2,500 Commission's report, issued in December, 1970, is the feet; or,

11 -the nrcmosed alter be made the "', ..... "' .. ""rI'..,'rr 'O" ..... ".rn.~''O'V\,'''nt- where unless eC()io:glCal or geo- such with that would curtail its use for purposes or its value for the n,,~~c"'''''''J,hr,n of open space or of wildlife habitat. How- ever, conservation easements the continua- tion of sound forest and other land uses character of the Park and

4. conservation easements nr,..,.",rl114 or of first refusal over, the use or of aC(lUl~;;ltlE::ms should be classified as promptly the .... ;.e."'..... " U''''''''-'''' and in any case ~~.,.".".h,...... " will be done annu- nT" ...... 1""'" and canoe areas. 5. lands ac­ of fee scattered quired by the of Con­ servation or any other state agency will be admin­ istered on an interim basis in a manner consistent conservation easements with the character of the land and its capacity to n .. r,1I""',~1I" critical wildlife areas withstand use and which will not foreclose options such as deer areas, habitats of rare for eventual classification. or endangered species or other areas of value, such as lands bordering or access to classified or proposed wild, scenic

or fee acquisition, to

of the Park along travel '-''-'.u. ""'.H tion to the Adirondack Northway and scenic vistas specifically identified on the Private Land Use and Devel­ opment Plan Map and listed in III of this docu­ bersome on a serious are ment. to be encountered in to obtain approval 8. The acquisition of rights-of.,way across private of a constitutional amendment wholesale land lands that access to important blocks exc:naltlge:s, the merits of are Careful of state land where such consideration should be however, to the desira- of bility of constitutional amendment providing a land bank of modest that would allow the legislature overuse or 'U""lIJu'.,-"cn to permit small scale exchanges. This would avoid 9. Canoe route easements should be purchased to the difficult amendment process for minor exchanges reopen Adirondack canoe routes for non-motorized such as the Saranac Lake town dump and the Piseco access in appropriate areas of the Park. airport now part of Article XIV Section 1 of the 10. The highly successful fishing rights easement New State constitution. The Perkins Clearing area represents the most egre­ purchase program of the Department of Environmental Conservation should be continued and expanded on gious example of the checkerboard pattern of public and private ownership in the entire Park, as a mere glance at appropriate streams. the map will demonstrate. Severe management prob­ 11. Due to the importance of the forest products lems are presented for both the private landowner and industry to the economy of the Adirondack region, bulk the state. A land exchange amendment addressing the

12 two successive the in con- the voters in November '11""....,'.., .. 1' ...... ''' ... 1' of Environmental Con­ the of agt~nCles, conducted an .n_rll>o .... lth Environmental Conservation for action in islature to effect the '-''''''_u .... ul'',''-' •

..,""ru,n'p n..,.r.n.n"r> amendments to the Ch,an!leS es~;entla.llV involve shift in classification of lands from one classification to another and would but are not limited to: - the proposed construction of a new campground on land classified as wild or, - the of area to a wilderness area as a of removal of non-conforming

uses and/or of the ..... " ..J! ...... nu'Uu of an inholding of land; or, p13.nnmg process. - the de~)lgllatlOn of a new scenic or recre- ational

In addition, material cn:am~es in the appli- cable to each classification also constitute a plan revision. Section 816 of the Act directs the Department of Revisions will be undertaken as needs dictate and Environmental Conservation to in consultation may be requested by the the of with the individual unit plans for Environmental Conservation, the of Trans- each unit under classified in the portation or any other interested state agency. Requests master Those conform to the guidelines from local governments or responsible persons and criteria set in the master Unit manage- or organizations for plan revision will be due and ment plans will contain: fair consideration. Such revisions will be made the ,"u.P1'u.nr" at a level of detail appropriate to the Agency, in consultation with the of scenic, cultural, fish and wild- ronmental and will be of public and species) and hearings within and without the Park. resulting the area and an changes in the master plan will be submitted to the area's ecosystems; Governor for his approval as the Act. -an of all existing facilities for public or Even in the absence of adlnlfnstratlve use; land classification or guidelines r»-''11"rln,rr of the master the Act mandates .... &>,,.,,,,ri.f' -an inventory of the types and extent of actual and the master plan. Planning is an projected public use of the area; public use of the state lands eXlpaJlds - an assessment of the impact of actual and pro­ ahead, land use controls use on the resources, ecosystems and Agency will undertake of the master enjoyment of the area with particular atten­ to address such issues as the classification of recent to portions of the area threatened by overuse; acquisitions, reclassification resulting from the removal and, of non-conforming uses, modest boundary adjustments, minor technical changes, clarification or corrections - an assessment of the physical, biological and social 1"'JI1~r"lnn CalJac:ltv of the area with particular atten­ and similar matters. Major reviews of the master plan will take place every five years by the Agency in consul­ the area threatened by overuse tation with the Department of Environmental Conser­ in light its resource limitations and its classifica- vation, as required by statute, and with other interested tion under the master plan. state agencies. Any state agency may call for such a Each unit management plan will also set forth a review at more frequent intervals. In keeping with this statement of the management objectives for the protec-

13 tion and rehabilitation of the area's resources and eco­ Opportunity will be made for review and comment systems and for public use of the area consistent with its on the draft unit by the and carrying capacity. other interested and public meetings will be These management objectives will on a convened as for that purpose. site-specific basis as may be pertinent to the area, such Final unit plans will be prepared by the issues as: I"' ...... " ...... "'nt of Conservation after due consideration of all comments and recommendations - actions to minimize adverse on the re- made on the review draft. The Commissioner of sources of the area; the of Environmental Conservation will - the rehabilitation of such of the area as adopt each final unit management which will then may suffer overuse or resource ,rlarrr-:,,rl'lhA,n be filed with the Agency. - the regulation of use such that the carrying Any material modification in adopted unit manage- capacity of the area is not exc~ec:<1e:<1 ment plans will be made the procedure for original unit plan preparation. -the of and terrestrial habitats The Department of Environmental Conservation will of complete all unit management plans before the next and of the fish and five-year review of the master plan in 1984 and should resources (including game and non-game commit the necessary resources for that purpose. species) of the area; and mama:gernellt rivers and streams area, with attention to all proposed or UC;,M~UC1ILC;U scenic and recreational rivers; - the and management of terest areas such as the habitats of rare, th"""'

14 classifications such as state administrative areas or travel corridors - an which would be consis- tent with the structure of the Act. In of the above the

In accordance with its administrative and manage- ment the of Environmental

- The of Environmental Conservation ""F.,'"""'--'V"" will be respon- the master and unit ma,na:gernellt individual unit plans with to administration and management of the state lands under its revision of the master plan has expressly and the of Environmental ,.n"~,",u",,,v'U the unit plan concept to the spe­ or other appropriate state agencies cial case of historic areas. In addition, neither the Act will enter into memoranda of understanding de­ nor the master plan excludes the possibility of prepara­ signed to implement these guidelines in actual prac­ tion of individual unit management plans for other land tice.

15 !'ilgnHIC2tnt ,..,."" .. 11""...... " of the state lands within the Park. areas include most lands above 2,500 feet in particularly the boreal and alpine zones, as well as low THE ACT REQUIRES the Agency to the state swamps, marshes and other wetlands. rivers, lands in the Park according to "their and streams, lakes and ponds and their environs often present capacity to withstand use." This section of the master special physical problems. will describe the factors which the Agency has Biological considerations also play an important role taken into account in formulating the classification in the structuring of the classification system. Many of system set forth in the balance of this chapter and will these are associated with the physical limitations just explain the basic purpose of the system and the guide~ described, for instance many plants of the boreal, sub­ lines for management and use which follow. This classi­ alpine and zones are less able to withstand tram­ fication system reflects the work of the Temporary Study pling than species associated with lower elevation life Commission on the Future of the Adirondacks as refined zones. Wetland ecosystems frequently are finely balanced by additional field work and analysis by the Agency at and incapable of absorbing material changes resulting the time the master plan was first prepared in 1972. In from construction or intensive human use. In addition, addition, a special Department of Environmental Con­ wildlife values and wildlife habitats are relevant to the servation task force set up in 1972 provided extremely characteristics of the land and sometimes determine valuable assistance in the formulation of this system. whether a particular kind of human use should be encour­ More than six years of experience under the master aged or prohibited, for example the impact of snow­ and considerable additional field work have led to cer~ mobiles on deer wintering yards, the effect of numbers of tain additional refinements but the basic classification hikers or campers near the nesting habitat of rare, system remains intact. threatened or endangered species like the bald eagle or A fundamental determinant of land classification is spruce grouse, or the problems associated with motor- the physical characteristics of the land or water which ized access to bodies of water with wild strains of native have a direct the capacity of the land to trout. accept human use. slope, elevation and water are In another significant determinant of land the primary elements of these physical characteristics classification involves certain intangible considerations and they are found in widely varied associations. For that have an inevitable impact on the character of land. example, the fertility, erosiveness and depth of soil, the Some of these are social or psychological-such as the severity of slopes, the elevational characteristics reflected sense of remoteness and degree of wildness available to in microcHmates, the temperature, chemistry, volume users of a particular area, which may result from the size and turnover rate of streams or lakes, all affect the of an area, the type and density of its forest cover, the carrying capacity of the land or water both from the ruggedness of the terrain or the views over other standpoint of the construction of facilities and the amount areas of the Park obtainable from some vantage point. of human use the land or water itself can absorb. and Without these elements an area should not be classified large, these factors the essential of as wilderness, even though the physical and biological

16 factors would dictate that the limitations of wilderness so long as the ma,na:gerneIlt are essential. bICllo~nc:al context and

In such cases, as will be seen, a ...... ;'...... ; .. ;ua oe~SU~lrla[IOn would be Other ClaSslltlccltlOln are more concrete, for 'V.I'.. "' ... I-'.... of lakes and of

various admiloisterinQ agt~nCles_ are self-evident: the presence of a h ...,.h."",,, the classification of a travel "''''''' .. ,.r;I",, __

ma,nagerneltlt is nrr"",1Ari gUloenm~s are subject to any future

.. " ?'t- h ,~.. uses of the forest pre- are not to be considered as to rlAlrA .., ...... l1 .... ",t·.".. ", as to the constitutional 'JOn,nrr,nr,_ ateness of any such structures, inn'..... """::>"""'C> ..... " From a constitutional DelrSDectJVe be regarded as """n" .. ift .... ,""",,,I

In addition, the '-''-''''F,AU.4L .• VH areas and historic areas in the "''''''''A,,,,t ness. not be taken as len.OIrIQ The above described factors are am:)rotJria.ten.ess of the nan"" .. " I and their in certain msrarlces. Sllbl lectlVe state, either lef1!islativellv of resource quality or character cannot non-forest ""'''lOU''''''''''£> evaluated or measured. Nonetheless, the to terms of land use, what has long existed Agency believes that the classification system described the Park irrespective of constitutional questions. A con- below reflects the character and capacity to withstand stitutional amendment be considered use of all state lands within the Adirondack Park in which would the of these non-forest conformity with the provisions of the Act. UI../.HILIU and T'lT'r"71r."" Nine basic categories result from this classification: Wilderness gUllc1ehmBS for lands within each Primitive shall be deemed to prevent the of Environmental Conservation, or any other Canoe state agency such from providing Wild Forest for more restrictive where necessary to ..... ,..,...... nO" with or to nrr,t'a.,"''' Intensive Use the natural resources such Historic While care has been oemctmg the information on the State Administrative part of master it should be em:ph,aSl,~ed Wild, Scenic and Recreational Rivers due to possible base map inaccuracies and the large scale of the map, the location of the classification system Travel Corridors boundaries are subject to precise definition on the site If there is a unifying theme to the classification sys­ by the Adirondack Park Agency, in consultation with tem, it is that the protection and preservation of the the Department of Environmental Conservation, the natural resources of the state lands within the Park must Department of Transportation and such other state agen­ be paramount. Human use and enjoyment of those lands cies as may be involved.

17 n. sides aeslgnea

12. nr\<]>1t'1ii'

n-\n ...... "u.. c:ausmg the least effect the shall the

motor vehicles.


lViCunv..:> , which is 0",1-1,-.<:>..,1- number of

1 nl"'"r"".-",,1"p associated r>rY'I,,,,,nr,-,. •• n£ic are known as

l"'1r\,,, .. i'1I'nt"'n't of Environmental Conserva~

4. Ski Trail-a marked and maintained for cross ski or snowshoe 16. Leanto-an front shelter made of natural same dimensions and character and materials suitable constructed also serve as a foot according to a standard of Environmental access in a manner '-UU.:>lUJ;; Conservation and located so as to accommodate SUITOUn~dm,g environment not main- the need for in a manner least intrusive on the nf1rr,,,n'\Pt1 with the use of motor vehicles. C'"~.... ",,,,,,,,rI'..,,,,, environment. U,-cHJ;;,U...,U to ac- 17. than two leantos within sight or sound each other and by a distance of less than one-quarter mile. 18. Motor Vehicle-a device for transporting person- laumcnmlg sites nel, supplies or incorporating a motor or an engine of for propulsion and with tracks, skids, cushion or other contrivance for traveling 6. structure constructed of on or to land and water or through water. The stone aeslgnea to contain and control camp term such vehicles as automobiles, trucks, jeeps, fires. motorbikes, all~terrain vehicles, duffle carriers, snowmo~ '7. Fire cluster of rocks designed to snowcats, bulldozers and other "'''''' .. r ... _rn'''''''nn contain control camp which may contain, in ment and motorboats. fire sensitive areas, a cement slab. 19. Motorboat-a device for transporting personnel or 8. man-made device or structure material that travels over, on, or under the water and is propelled by a power source on or within the OfC)te:ctllng a nt!=rn-'Val!Ue native device. 20. Motorized not designed for Sites-a site for transporting personnel, supplies or material, or for earth or other water access attendant parking facilities moving but incorporating a motor, engine or other non­ which does not contain a ramp for or otherwise permit living power source to accomplish a task. The term the launching of trailered boats. includes such machines as chain saws, brush saws, rotary 10. Foot Trail-a marked and maintained path or way or other mowers, rock drills, cement mixers and genera­ for foot travel located and designed provide for rea- tors. sonable access in a manner causing least effect on 21. Natural Materials-construction components drawn the surrounding environment. from the immediate prolect site or materials brought into

18 the construction site that conform in 29. Snowmobiles-a motor vehicle fll,p'OHTY'''''nl .....'n"\<],1"1 characteristics to those to travel on snow or ice by means of ,,,,,,,'nihr of the site. Such stone, other devices. sawn treated timber. Natural materials may 30. Snowmobile Trail-a marked trail by the raS{enlea or anchored by use of or }p1n,<:>ricn"\,:ant of Environmental Conservation on which, similar means. when covered snow and snowmobiles are allowed 22. to traveL 31. State Truck Trail-an way maintained )p,.,."' ... 1, ...... 'p1"\r of Environmental Conservation for tion that does not f'A,'Y\"",hr ...U' ...... E""P of administration of state classification specified

23. "'n."\t""lIlti.n,..... Structure - a on at least one nalblt:aWJn, located at 32. Stream Structure for Fisheries Manai!e-

and intended to ment a structure and/or ImlDf01 velment, control of not limited to, fish barrier access to such lands. or log fish passage structures, minor cribbing, bank stabilization and stream deflectors site ... r.r,\ul.rhno other structures or designed for may fisheries purposes which do not materially to accommodate a malxunUlm alter the natural character or resource of the porary or transient and so as to accom­ waterbody, and which are made of natural materials modate the need for shelter in a manner least intrusive wherever possible. on the surrounding environment. 33. Structure-any object installed or placed on land to facilitate land use, including but not 25. Stations or Ranger Cabins-enclosed build- limited to bridges, buildings, ranger stations or ranger constructed or maintained by the Department of cabins, sheds, leantos, pit privies, picnic tables, horse nVllronrrlenltal Conservation, suitable for human habita­ barns, horse hitching posts and rails, fire towers, observer tion and manned seasonally or year-round by adminis- cabins, telephone and electric light lines, mobile homes, trative to facilitate administrative control of campers, trailers, signs, docks and dams. lands public use thereof under the jurisdiction of the Department. 34. Tent Platform-a platform, with or without wans 26. River-a flowing body of water, or a stream or a and other attachments, erected as a base for tenting or section, portion or tributary thereof, including a river, similar camping activity. stream, creek, run, kill, rill, branch or lake. 35. Trail Head-a point of entrance to state land which 27. River Area-a river and its immediate environs, may contain some or an of the following: vehicle parking, including river banks and the land on both sides of the trail signs and peripheral visitor registration structures. river up to a distance of at least one-quarter mile but not more than one-half mile. 36. Wetlands-any land that is annually subject to 28. Road-an improved way designed for travel by odic or continual inundation by water and commonly automobiles; referred to as a bog, swamp or marsh. (i) either maintained by a state agency or a local government and open to the general pUblic; Structure - a structure or (ii) maintained by private persons corporations " .."rp .... lrr\v-"r or research pur- primarily for private use but which may also be orc,tec:tio,nor ofen

19 c) uses from np'IIll"1.1-{,>I'>!\;,(~1- tied wilderness areas will be removed as rapidly

A wilderness area, with those 1-',-".;.., .....",-, and in the end of the third man and his dominate the is an area where the earth and its of life are untrammeled d) man - where man himself is a visitor not main. A wilderness area is further defined to mean an area of state land or water witbout

.... r...... _r."..,.'tr.,...... , .... r> uses will be .... o,...... ,itt"'.ri in

any UI'-"H;t;;JlHU.""'U wilderness area.

4. Construction of additional """nt'r' ... ..,,';"'n and improvements will be restrained

wilderness standards and ...... ,,..,'-' ...... J'V\..I of recreation and to permit better maintenance and rehabilitation of existing structures and Im·Df()Ve:m(~nts.

5. No new structures or imlDr01veinents derness area will be r>n.'n"t""/~t""ri u.,...... , ...... " portions of the state lands within the Park with finally adopted unit ma.na:gernellt are in a wilderness or near-wilderness condition today. line will not prevent ordinary maintenance or rerla[)lllta­ These areas constitute nearly one-third of aU designated tion of conforming structures or improvements, minor federal and state wilderness east of the Rocky Moun­ trail relocation, or the removal of uses. tains and 90% of the designated wilderness in the twelve 6. All conforming structures and improvements will northeastern states. At the time of the original enactment be designed and located so as to blend with the sur­ of this master plan, a majority of these areas contained rounding environment and to require only minimal main­ some structures and improvements or were subjected to tenance. uses the public or by official personnel that were incompatible with wilderness. However, the extent of 7. All management and administrative action and these non-conforming uses was very modest from the interior facilities in wilderness areas will be designed to standpoint of the total acreage involved. Since 1972 a emphasize the self-sufficiency of the user to assume a substantial of those non-conforming uses have high degree of responsibility for environmentally-sound been by the Department of Environmental use of such areas and for his or her own health, safety Conservation. The remainder can be removed in the and welfare. relatlvellv near future. 8. Any new, reconstructed or relocated leantos or primitive tent sites planned for shorelines of lakes, ponds, rivers or major streams will be located so as to be rea­ sonably screened from view from the water body to avoid intruding on the natural character of the shoreline and public enjoyment and use thereof. Any such leantos will be set back a minimum of 100 feet from the mean 1. The n ... .,nn-:ll'.. " high water mark of lakes, ponds, rivers or major streams. will be to a natural and animal community where man's influence is not appar­ 9. All pit privies will be located a minimum of 150 ent. feet from the mean high water mark of any lake, pond, 2. In wilderness areas: river, or stream or wetland. a) no additions or expansions of non-conforming uses will be permitted; improvements b) any remaining non-conforming uses that were not 1. The structures and improvements listed below removed by the December 31,1975 deadline pro­ will be considered as conforming to wilderness stand­ vided for in the original version of the master plan ards and their maintenance, rehabilitation and construc­ will be removed as rapidly as possible; tion permitted:

20 - scattered Adirondack not leanto -boat below 3,500 feet in elevation: ,:>'-VJ"lO'.V sheds and other bUlIIOlngS; tent sites below 3,500 feet in elevation - fire towers and observer are out of sight and sound and 1".."' ...... d'.U quarter mile from any other or tei 1eoll0fle and electrical leanto: - snowmobile 0) where nIh1.''''''''>1 trails and state truck

in ~.=.,~ ... ~~ (ii) where severe terrain constraints prevent the attainment of the .,." .. "''''... .,.. 1. No new interior stations will be constructed and rernalmnlg ,.H.uu,-,u.:>, other than Lake will be for out on a scheduled basis determined by the \"" ..., ...... "'"..... of Environmental in favor of Ols:tarlces ...... n. •."rt£.r1 such sites remain each are consis- at the of the wilderness areas at .,.... 'n"r.'" needed of f'~1rr,\T'I"n calpaC:ltv of the affected area 500 feet from any should be accomplished as soon as soe:C111eO in the individual man- agement 2. New methods of communication and supply, com­ -foot trails; plying with wilderness will be employed with - cross country ski respect to all ranger stations maintained by the Depart­

-foot trail bridges where nhc."h."",I" ment of Environmental Conservation after December ladders constructed of natural.....,r... £>.~.~1 31, 1975. - horse trails, except that any new horse trails will be 3. Due to heavy existing and projected winter use in limited to those that can be the Eastern High Peak area and the presence of the most sion of appropriate abandoned rugged terrain in the Adirondacks, the Lake Colden trails, jeep trails or state truck station may be retained indefinitely but its status will be periodically reviewed to determine if its eventual removal - horse trail bridges constructed of natural materials; is feasible. - horse hitching posts and rails; -existing or new fish barrier dams, constructed of Motor vehicles, motorized equipment and natural materials wherever possible; aircraft - existing dams on established impoundments, ex­ 1. Public use of motor motorized equip- cept that, in the reconstruction or rehabilitation of ment and aircraft will be prohibited. such dams, natural materials will be used wherever possible and no new dams will be constructed; 2. Administrative personnel will not use motor vehi­ -directional, informational and interpretive signs of cles, motorized equipment or aircraft for day-to-day rustic materials and in limited numbers; and, administration, maintenance or research. - peripheral visitor registration structures. 3. Use of motorized equipment or aircraft, but not motor vehicles, by administrative personnel may be per­ 2. An other structures mitted for a specific administrative, m211nlten.ance, rehabilitation, or construction project if that project for interior ranger stations tnt~m:sel'ves \1'"...... , ...... ,"" which are specified below), will be considered non­ involves conforming structures or improvements, or the conforming. Any structures removal of non-conforming structures or improvements, that were to have been removed by the December 31, upon the written approval of the Commissioner of En­ 1975 deadline but have not yet been removed, will be vironmental Conservation. removed as rapidly as possible. These include but are 4. Such use of motorized equipment or aircraft will not limited to: be confined to off-peak seasons for the area in question -leanto clusters; and normally will be undertaken at periodic intervals of three to five years, unless extraordinary conditions, such -tent platforms; as a fire, major blow-down or flood mandate more fre­ -horse barns; quent work or work during peak periods.

21 There will be no intentional introduction in wilder­ ness areas of of flora or fauna that are not histor­ ically associated with the Adirondack environment, except: (i) which have already been established in the Adirondack to pro- tect the ,"'Tarn-,h,

in n,r,!fTn,n sioner of Environmental Conservation after consulta~ overuse tion the 1. The of recreational use are com- 6. of the above or patible with wilderness and should be as use of motor VeIHCJleS, long as the and of such use does not aircraft will be per'mrtte

ClUU.U'-'JL1, actual and ongoing emlefl~erlCH~S pn)tectlon or preservation of human life or resource values-for search and rescue opera- reation. tions, forest or oil or con- while in will tamination of water v'V,.... ,...,u. C'v .. " .. t-Ilu ....v .. ,,~'V •• v'-' and limited to suitable locations. 2. Each individual unit will seek to determine the ,.."r"",.cl'1ro"" and social capacity of the IrlP'rn,p«c resource. Where the and of nplr"rn'ltt""rI recreational uses threaten the am)ronnate administrative and reg- ulatory measures to limit such use to the capability of the resource, Such administrative and No new roads, trails or state truck trails will latory measures may include, but need not be to: be allowed. - the limitation by permit or other appropriate means 2. Existing roads, jeep trails and state truck trails of the total number of persons permitted to have that were to have been closed by the December 31,1975 access to or remain in a wilderness area or portion deadline but have not yet been removed will be closed thereof during specified period; as rapidly as possible. Any non-conforming roads, jeep -the temporary closure of all or portions of wilder- trails or state truck trails resulting from newly classified ness areas to rehabilitative measures. wilderness areas will also be phased out as rapidly as possible and in any case will be closed by the end of the 3. An intensified educational program to improve third calendar year following classification. In each case public understanding of backcountry use, including an the Department of Environmental Conservation will: anti-litter and pack-in, pack-out campaign, should be undertaken. - close such roads and jeep trails to motor vehicles as may be open to the public; and improvements - prohibit all administrative use of such roads and trails by motor and, - block such roads and trails by logs, boulders or 1. Where a wilderness abuts a similar means other than gates. the of Environmental r>"'1nfn,1I"'n'l11h, with 3. During the to locate 500 feet a public - the use of motorized vehicles by administrative nl0rnUTl'l'U right-of-way, on a site-specific basis, trailheads, personnel for transportation of materials and per­ 1-' ...... ,.1"> areas, and waterway access sonnel will be limited to the minimum required for areas, and, in instances, snowmobile proper interim administration and the removal of 2. Where a wilderness boundary abuts a water body non-conforming uses; accessible to the public by motorboat, the Department - maintenance of such roads will be curtailed and of Environmental Conservation will be permitted, in efforts made to encourage revegetation with lower conformity with a duly adopted unit management plan, forms of vegetation to permit their conversion to to provide, on a site-specific basis, for the location of foot trails and, where appropriate, horse trails. small, unobtrusive docks made of natural materials on

22 such shorelines uu"nv..... instances trailheads or the ",,,j-,,, ... h.., make this 3.

resource concerns may be the administration of the area and the nr,,·n<:.r<:>hn,n the individual the En vironmen tal Conservation.

a series of

is either: contains includes smaller tracts that could

"" II rI ""1''''' ,"''''' standards or tracts with

cmltallns. or is con= pel'm~mentj but where the lands that are of a size and infiu= resource wilder- 111111"""".,.01111" wilderness or,

2. mE~etlln2 wilderness stan= b

The definition recog]11Z(~S

tive areas: where the is to ll1nIT... ·J,,,...,. the to wilderness at some future time non-conforming uses can be removed tion tracts

2. In primitive areas: (a) No additions or expansions of non-conforming whose uses will be permitted ...... ".,.,."''''' date of removal cannot be ascertained until the new aerial surveillance program of the of Any remaining non-conforming uses that were to Environmental Conservation is have been removed by the original December 31, 1975 deadline but have not been removed communication systems TY'Ir,,-l,,,'r .... ,..,.p,-l would be a private or minor will be removed as rapidly as possible. tract otherwise suitable for designation or (c) Those non-conforming uses that cannot be re­ separating such an area from a designated wilderness. moved by a fixed deadline but whose eventual

23 removal is anlticipa'ted will be out on a 2. In aU\.. UUVH, existinlg structures and irn·nr'\Vf'.me:nt~ reasonable as soon as their removal anticlIP3lte<1, cannot be becomes feasible. Non-(:OI1ltolrmmg uses from (b) in the case of areas not destined to become wi!­ sified ...,. ... ·...... ,t·u,,:> areas will be removed as whose retention is compatible with the the end of the third character of the area and whose removal is not essential will also be in a

NOln~(~OrLto:rmmg uses, other than those that meet will be removed as rapidly as 3. uses will be ..... "", ...... itt".r!

the removal of uses, ~U'-"V'~~ to the same QUJldelmles , .....,'.:>'J;:.ua.cv'U """''''''''11-",,,, area that otherwise meets wilder­ as in areas, that in areas not destined "'''~'''''''n .. r1C' will be reclassified as wilderness. to become wilderness or in other special situations the 5. Construction of additional permanent retention of such stations may be provided and maintenance of facilities and ImlorClvelmem:s for as by the of Environmental will foHow the wilderness areas. Conservation in a duly adopted unit management pian. 6. No new structures or Im1oro,velments areas will be constructed adopted unit mamagelnelt1t prevent ordinary maintenance 1. All uses of motor motorized equipment relocation of conforming structures or and aircraft under wilderness guidelines will the removal of nonconforming uses. also be in primitive areas. 7. All COl1tormmg structures and improvements will 2. In addition, the use of motor vehicles, motorized with the surrounding environ­ equipment and aircraft by administrative personnel will minimal maintenance. be permitted to reach and maintain existing structures, 8. All and administrative actions and improvements or ranger stations: interior facilities in primitive areas will be designed to (a) whose eventual removal is anticipated but cannot emphasize the self-sufficiency of the user to assume a be removed by a fixed deadline; or, high degree of responsibility for environmentally sound use of such areas and for his or her own health, safety (b) in primitive areas not destined to become wil­ and welfare. derness whose presence is of a permanent char­ acter; 9. Any new, reconstructed or relocated leantos or individual tent sites located on shorelines of in each case as specified in a duly adopted unit manage­ lakes rivers or streams will be located so as ment plan. to be 'reasonably from the water body to avoid intruding on the natural character of the shoreline a~d truck public enjoyment and use thereof. such leantos 'YIll 1. The gUJlaeun~~s specified for wilderness areas will be set back a minimum of 100 feet from the mean hIgh also apply to that: water mark of rivers or major streams. -continued use of and 10. All pit privies will be located a minimum of 150 state truck trails by will feet from the mean high water mark of any lake, pond, be to the extent necessary to reach and ~~;~ .. ~, ... structures and improvements whose re- stream or wetland. anl:icloalted cannot be effected by fixed or, in case of primitive areas not destined to become wilderness, whose presence is and improvements of a permanent character; 1. All structures and improvements that conform to -existing roads or jeep trails now open to the public wilderness guidelines will be acceptable in primitive may remain open for motor vehicles at the discre­ areas. tion of the Department of Environmental Conser-

24 vation eventual wilderness Classrtlc:atHJn, if their continued use not ~li'''PT'"pl" character of the resources of the ...... ,...... , .. ;,,'"

UUpUJ,!S'-' upon the proper rrl(;malgem(:~nl area; in each case as "' .... "',,,.it."'rI .... ~'VIU'.,...., .... unit manage- ment trail or state en,t:CtIVeIV blocked as

and The same guideline will apply as in wilderness areas.

use overuse The same guidelines will apply as in wilderness areas. ness. AU primitive areas are identified and their bounda- ries delineated on the map forming of this master plan. A general description of each designated primitive area is contained in Chapter III. Each description speci­ boundary marking fies the goal for ultimate classification and non-con­ The same guidelines will apply as in wilderness areas. forming uses for each area.

Definition (b) Any remaining non-conforming uses that were to have been removed by the December 31, 1975 A canoe area is an area where the watercourses or the deadline but have not yet been removed will be number and of lakes and make a removed as rapidly as possible. remote and of water-oriented recreation in an wilderness setting. (c) Non-conforming uses resulting from newly clas­ The terrain associated with meeting the above sified canoe areas will be removed as rapidly as definition is generally ideally suited to ski touring and possible and in any case by the end of the third snowshoeing in the winter months. year following classification. (d) Primitive tent sites that do not conform to the separation distance guidelines will be brought N o into compliance on a phased basis and in any case by the third year following adoption of the guidelines unit management plan for the area. 1. The primary canoe area management guideline 3. Effective immediately, no new non-conforming will be to protect the quality of the water and fishery uses will be permitted. resources while preserving a wilderness character on the 4. Construction of additional conforming structures adjacent lands. and improvements and maintenance of existing facilities 2. In designated canoe areas that contain non-con­ will be on the same basis as in wilderness areas but with forming uses: particular emphasis on the water and fishery resources. (a) No additions or expansions of such non-conform­ 5. No new structures or improvements in canoe areas ing uses will be permitted. will be constructed except in conformity with finally

25 and aircraft .... o,,.....,'.i-t"'.,rl wilderness .... " ..... "',,,,,,,,'" will be .... ""'~...,."1t .. "'... canoe areas.

SP(~Cnlea in

gUJ.aelllm~s Sl)eCme~a for wilderness areas will also that use of state truck Grh.... i ..""t .. "'ti"a ""'A,,."''' ...... ,'''I for purposes ae~ngrlea water or fishery resources of 8. new, reconstructed or relocated leantos or th~ area as specified ill" duly aa~C)ntea "" ..",.,..,..f-"",> tent sites located on shorelines of unit management plans. Such trails will be to streams will be located so as use by means of a gate or other similar methods. <:,,, .. ,,,,,, ..... /"1 from the water to avoid natural character ofthe shoreline and and use thereof. Any such leantos will be set a minimum of 100 feet from the mean high water mark of lakes, ponds, or major streams. The same guideline will apply as in wilderness areas. 9. All pit privies will be located a minimum of 150 feet from the mean high water mark of any lake, pond, use overuse river, stream or wetland. The same guidelines will apply as in wilderness areas with special emphasis on canoeing, fishing, ski touring Structures and and snowshoeing. 1. AU structures and improvements that conform to wilderness guidelines will be permitted in canoe areas. Boundary improvements and 2. In addition, existing state truck trails may be used boundary and maintained by administrative personnel in con­ formity with the guideline specified below. The same guidelines will apply as in wilderness areas. 3. Any remaining non-conforming uses that were to have been removed by the December 31,1975 deadline but have not yet been removed will be removed as rapidly as possible. The of the canoe area definition and criteria described above results in the current designa­ tion under this master of only the St. Regis Canoe Area. Certain private tracts in the Park may also qualify The same guidelines will apply as in wilderness areas. for canoe area designation should they ever be acquired. The St. Regis area is depicted on the map forming of this master It is described in narrative form ...... ""IIJ"'v. IlIon same basis as the wilderness and descriptions with an inventory. of both the conforming and non~conforming structures and improve­ 1. All uses of motor vehicles, motorized eqlLUP,mt~nt ments in the area.

26 public in wild forest areas that conformed to the master plan at the time of its in 1972. A wild forest area is an area where the resources somewhat of human use than in Wll,l1pll"np .. :~ 5. Care should be taken to de~"lg111at:e <:'&> ... <>.-<:>1'", or canoe areas, while ret:ainJing ch~uacter. A wild forest area is further Ire,qmmtlly lacks the sense of remoteness 6. When access to and of the wild itive or canoe areas and that np1!"rnBlt~ outdoor recreation. appropriate measures may be undertaken to improved access to encourage To the extent that state lands classified as wild forest use consistent with the wild forest character. or devised to the state for silvicultural or 7. No new structures or in wild forest ma.naJgernetlt purposes to statutory pro- areas will be constructed except in conformity with a VISIons that these will not form part of finally unit management plan. This guideline the forest preserve (assuming such provisions to be con­ will not prevent ordinary maintenance, rehabilitation or stitutional), the following guidelines are not to be inter- minor maintenance of conforming structures or improve­ to silvicultural or wildlife management ments, or the removal of non-conforming uses. practices on these lands, provided that other guidelines for wild forest land are respected. 8. All conforming structures and improvements will be designed and located so as to blend with the sur­ rounding environment and to require only minimal main­ UI N E tenance. DUSE 9. All management and administrative actions and Basic guidelines interior facilities in wild forest areas will be designed to emphasize the self-sufficiency of the user to assume a L The primary wild forest management guideline high of for environmentally sound will be to protect the natural wild forest setting and to use of such areas and for or her own health, safety provide those types of outdoor recreation that will afford and welfare. pu bUc enjoyment without impairing the wild forest atmo­ sphere. 10. Any new, reconstructed or relocated leantos, primitive tent sites and other conforming buildings and 2. In wild forest areas: structures located on shorelines of lakes, ponds, rivers (a) No additions or expansions of non-conforming or major streams, other than docks, fishing and waterway uses will be permitted. access sites and similar water-related facilities, will be located so as to be reasonably screened from the water (b) Any remaining non-conforming uses that were body to avoid intruding on the natural character of the to have been removed by the December 31,1975 shoreline and the public enjoyment and use thereof. Any deadline but have not yet been removed will be such leantos, ranger stations, storage sheds, horse barns removed as rapidly as possible. and similar structures will be set back a minimum of 100 (c) Non-conforming uses resulting from newly clas­ feet from the mean water mark of lakes, ponds, sified wild forest areas will be removed as rapidly rivers or major streams. as possible and in any case by the end of the third 11. All pit privies, seepage pits or leach fields will be year following classification. located a minimum of 150 feet from any lake, pond, river (d) Primitive tent sites that do not conform to the or stream. separation distance guidelines will be brought into compliance on a phased basis and in any Structures and improvements case by the third year following adoption of the 1. All structures and improvements permitted under unit management plan for the area. the guidelines covering wilderness areas will be allowed 3. Effective immediately, no new non-conforming in wild forest areas. In addition, the structures and uses will be permitted in any designated wild forest area. improvements listed below will be allowed and their maintenance, rehabilitation and construction permitted: 4. Public use of motor vehicles will not be encour­ -small groupings of primitive tent sites below 3,500 aged and there will not be any material increase in the feet in elevation, subject to the guidelines set forth mileage of roads and trails open to motorized use by the below;

27 -nature and 11>"1-"" ..,,,.-,,,,1'.,,,,,, trails; 2. In '-'<""""'.""''', the use of motor motorized -trailheads to public highways; eqlLUplm(~nt and aircraft will be allowed as follows: - stream structures for man- where necessary to "'''''-11''1''\,"1'1'0'1"'1 structures "' ....."'."''''' ..... ''' .. '''' law enforce-


"' .....-'1"-',..,. to basic gmaelme The maintenance and rehabilitation of the following structures and will be allowed but new construction will not be trails now or hereafter ..... v,J.""u .... '.v'"' l"" ..... <:>y-jr..-n." .... t of Environmental -horse - small scale constructed of natural materials lakes and now or hereafter wherever LJ'-"J""J''''' by the of Environ- - boat constructed of natural materials wher- mental Conservation as suitable for such ever 10''-'''''''''''''''', motorized uses; -small in fire-sensitive areas; (c) by snowmobiles on trails now or hereafter desig­ nated the of Environmental Con­ >J"'-J' ....fio,'-' sheds and similar rustic for use of servation in accordance with basic guideline 4 set forth above, and with the guidelines for such - small-scale electronic communication and relay trails specified below. facilities for official communications; 3. The of Environmental Conservation teliBotl0rle and electrical lines to service permitted may restrict, existing law and pursuant to authority structures; provided'in this master plan, the use of motor vehicles, -buoys; motorized and aircraft by the public or admin- -small-scale water supply facilities under permit istrative where in its judgment the character from the Department of Environmental Conserva­ of the natural resources in a particular area or other tion; factors make such restrictions desirable. -ranger stations as set forth below; Roads, trails and truck trails - roads, jeep trails and state truck trails as set forth below; 1. Continued use of existing roads, jeep trails and state truck trails by administrative personnel in wild -snowmobile trails as set forth below; forest areas will be permitted~, to the extent necessary, to -fire towers and observer cabins as set forth below; reach, maintain and construct permitted structures and and, improvements. -wildlife management structures. 2. Existing roads or jeep trails, now open to and used by the public for motor vehicle use in wild forest areas, .....,nt,,,,,,,,,-,.,,,, stations may continue to be so used at the discretion of the Department of Environmental Conservation, provided Existing ranger stations may be retained and new such use is with the wild forest character of ranger stations constructed, but only where absolutely an area. essential for administration of the area, no feasible alter­ native exists, and no deterioration of the wild forest 3. Established roads or jeep trails in newly-acquired character or natural resource quality of the area will state lands classified as wild forest may be kept open to result. the public, subject to basic guideline 4 set forth above, at the discretion of the Department of Environmental Con­ servation, provided such use is compatible with the wild and forest character of the area. aircraft 4. No new roads or jeep trails will be constructed in 1. An uses of motor vehicles, motorized equipment wild forest areas nor will new state truck trails be and aircraft permitted under wilderness guidelines will constructed unless such construction is absolutely essen­ also be permitted in wild forest areas. tial to the protection or administration of an area, no

28 feasible alternative exists and no deterioration of the mile from any wild forest character or natural resource of the gro,uPlng, """"",,V'v' to the .-r.."r.n,," area will result. criteria: be established or main- f'r'>.nh"''''''''''tu with a Snowmobile trails should be ae~)U!Ilea wild a manner that will not affect adll0l1run,g landowners or the wild forest environment ticular:

-the """'~~r.~ nation may be in forest areas with ov,""h.."n jeep trails or abandoned wood roads as the basis such new snowmobile trail r>-""'"''' .....''r'hr'.., - all new, reconstructed or relocated tent sites in

rare circumstances .. c>r~n, ..,V'I,r. such will be set back a minimum of 100 trails; feet the mean high water mark of rivers and streams and will be located -wherever feasible such .. a. ...'I"r .. =..,'"'=~~+ U.'H'-"CI.~'-' should so as to be screened from the water be located in the same to avoid on the natural character of mileage is lost due to WHCleJrne:ss,nrl1.-n'1-n'a> and the public environment and use classification;

access basic set where the

on the wild forest environment will be HHlllHlll.L'.."U, such as (i) for snowmobile trails 0>"...... ",0",. on any to but screened from certain highways within current or access clearly warrants the Park to facilitate snowmobile access between such a site. sites will comply with the following communities where alternate routes on either state managementgu]IClellnes: or private land are not available and topography hand facilities or pri- permits and, (ii) designation of new snowmobile vate open to the public are not available trails on established roads or jeep trails in newly to meet a demonstrated need. acquired state lands classified as wild forest; and, - The biological and social capa- -deer wintering and other important wildlife city water body or other water acces- and resource areas should be avoided by such sible from the site will not be exceeded. trails. - The site and attendant water uses will be compat­ ible with the state and private land use classifica­ tions and attendant management guidelines and The educational and informational aspects of cer­ land use controls surrounding the water body. tain fire towers should be encouraged and wherever possible these fire towers should be retained where con­ - The site will be located in a manner to avoid sistent with their need from a fire control and communi­ adverse on adjacent or nearby state and cations standpoint. private - Motor size limitations or the prohibition of motor- platforms ized use as to the carrying capacity water for. The Department of Environmental Conservation has now removed all tent platforms previously existing under - There will be no adverse on the physical, Department permit. The erection of new tent platforms biological or scenic resources of the water body will be prohibited. and surrounding land. Any proposal to create a new fishing or waterway groupings primitive access site will be accompanied by an adequate demon­ stration that the above guidelines can be complied with. Small groupings of primitive tent sites to accommodate a maximum of 20 people per grouping under group camping conditions may be provided at and fauna carefully selected locations in wild forest areas, even The same guidelines will apply as in wilderness areas, though each individual site may be within sight or sound although exceptions may be made by the Department of

29 Environmental Conservation in accordance with sound as serious as in where such care must nonetheless be pralcuces will ,rn'nrr",,p the basic wilderness gU1.ae.nn(~s to wild forest lands. use allowed the wild forest gU1.aeJlmt~S overuse lnt,Prrlrp1[pn as permitting or emcOllfagulg unrestrained use of wild forest areas.

The of the wild forest definition and criteria described above results in the current UV':"J;;A.'''' tion under of about 1.2 million acres of wild forest 52 of the forest preserve A wide ties for a more extensive horse trail variety of terrain and in these derness, primitive or canoe areas horse trails and areas. All wild forest areas are identified and their bounda- associated facilities in these areas should be nrr"nr1,pr! where aplprcmrlat1e. ries delineated on the map of this master plan. 3. nature of most wild forest areas Chapter III contains of fifteen pOltentlal recreational overuse will not be of the largest wild forest areas in the

private holdings. will not be situated where they will aggravate problems on lands already subject to or An intensive use area is an area where the state provides threatened by overuse, such as the High Peaks wilder­ facilities for intensive forms of outdoor recreation by the ness, or where they will have a negative impact on com­ Two types of intensive use areas are defined by this peting private facilities. Such facilities will be adjacent campgrounds and day use areas to or serviceable from existing public road systems or These areas provide overnight accommodations or water bodies open to motorboat use within the Park. day use facilities for a significant number of visitors to 3. Construction and development activities in inten- the Park and often function as a base for use of wild sive use areas will: forest, wilderness, primitive and canoe areas. - avoid material alteration of wetlands; -minimize extensive topographic alterations; -limit vegetative clearing; and, MANAG ENT -preserve the scenic, natural and open space re- sources of the intensive use area. guidel 4. Day use areas will not provide for overnight 1. The primary management for intensive camping or other overnight accommodations for the use areas will be to provide for public. family group camping, and boating, 5. should be given to the rehabilitation and downhill skiing, crosscountry skiing under competitive modernization of existing intensive use areas and the or developed conditions, visitor information and similar complete of partially developed existing outdoor recreational pursuits in a setting and on a scale intensive use areas before the construction of new facili­ that are in harmony with the relatively wild and unde­ ties is considered. veloped character of the Adirondack Park. 6. Additions to the intensive use category should 2. All intensive use facilities should be located, come either from new acquisitions or from the reclass­ designed and managed so as to blend with the Adiron­ ification of appropriate wild forest areas, and only in dack environment and to have the minimum adverse exceptional circumstances from wilderness, primitive or impact possible on surrounding state lands and nearby canoe areas.

30 as to """""0"",,",,1-h, underutilized tracts

9. Since the concentrations of visitors at intensive use facilities often a threat of water the state should set an for the J...JUUH'vAU,HF; sites for trailered boats will sector modern sewage treatment ~,,~tpnl~ the state on Adirondack lakes with the of water Standards for the state should no case be less than those for the sector and in all cases any L Boat sites will only be leach field or seepage will be least 150 feet lakes motorboats. lake is mean water of any river or stream. defined as 1,000 acres or more in area. A list of criteria 10. Any new, reconstructed or relocated vU ...... 'lAF;" smaller lakes in lake chains aggregating or structures located on shorelines of 1,000 acres or more which are used by motor- or streams, other than boats) is set forth in III. that a lake is not a part of a CaInpgf(mfld set forth on this list does not necessarily mean that the elsewhere additional boat sites on that lake are needed in fishing and or desirable. waterway access boathouses, and similar water- related facilities, will be set back a minimum of 150 feet 2. Boat launching sites will only be provided on the from the mean water mark and will be located so as above lakes where: to be reasonably screened from the water body to avoid aa(~quate public or private boat launching facili­ intruding on the natural character of the shoreline and ties open to the public are not available to meet a the public enjoyment and use thereof. demonstrated - the biological and social capa- Campgrounds ,,",r>,~hr.... of the or other ac(~essmle from the site will not be

- the boat site or attendant water uses will be the state or land use classifications and attendant guide- lines as land use controls the water body; lau.nc.hml,g site is located in a manner to extent IIJV,,,,,"Ul'V on adjacent or. nearby state ment. pond, stream any new, reconstructed or relocated will be set back a minimum of - motor size limitations appropriate to the carrying 100 feet from mean high water mark and will be cat)ac:itv of the lake are provided; particularly for located so as to be reasonably screened from the shore­ embayment or shoreline configurations line and so as to avoid intruding on its natural character ...... r..".r!; ... '" the character of small lakes; and, or public enjoyment and use thereof. -there will be no adverse impacts on physical, bio~ logical or scenic resources of the water body and 2. The maximum size of future campgrounds in the surrounding land. Park will be in the range of 75 to 150 individual camping sites depending on site constraints, resource considera­ 3. Existing boat launching sites that do not meet the tions and impacts on nearby lands. above guidelines may be retained but their status will be

31 resources of area, administrative and measures will taken to limit such use to the of the resources. Such administrative and boat site 4. but need not be 'JIri"·rI"-:.t,,, demonstration that will be ac(:onlp(ltmt~d to: COlmrHleu with.

adlac:ent, un(lI~ve:lor)eCl state be resources allow. measures.

ditions. The intensive use areas are delineated on the of this master and are described 1. Visitor centers should be ""1',,,,,,1,,,£"1 on or near include use areas, which in- major travel corridors in the the two ski centers at Gore 2. These centers will be to visitors and Whiteface, one not associated with a camp- with information on the various natural all of the facilities at the Mount Van Hoeven­ resources and points of interest in the Park. intensive use area, the Prospect Mountain 1J-:..-j,n:l':Hl the Whiteface Memorial Highway, and, (ii) 43 camp­ grounds (certain of which have associated day-use facil­ O"'lrO~I?"!rhn use and overuse ities which are considered a part of the campground) Where the degree and intensity of permitted recre­ occupying, in approximately 6,000 acres of which ational uses are endangering the physical or biological only approximately 1,500 acres are currently developed.

bui.fidiI1lgs, structures or .rin·l\nlr1l~.r·1< Forest architec= the state

-state historic


- prolller1ties recommended for nomination the Comm mittee on Ke:gist:ers of the New York State Board for 2. All historic areas will be designed, managed and Historic P'1I"4"'~S>II"Wgjtiil\ll"iI· interpreted so as to blend with the Adirondack envi­ ronment and have the minimum adverse impact possible and that are character and location for historic area under this master on surrounding state lands and nearby private holdings. 3. Construction and development activities in his­ toric areas will: - avoid material alteration of wetlands; -minimize extensive topographical alterations;

32 -limit ve'p"el-atllve '''''''n'''''''H<~..".,~nt-C' will conform to this - preserve the natural and open space re- master h''':t'' ..·.r> area unit ma.naQelne:nt sources of the historic area. plans. 4. Each historic area will be and with a area the area, filed with and ap­ after

No new structures or ImpnJv<~ments Pf()p()sed historic areas will <:>011"\..-1>."<:> I of such "'IJ~.-'''-'';U

and on a scale that is, to the greatest extent in harmony with the mlatively wild and undeveloped char­ State administrative areas are areas where the state acter of the Adirondack Park. 111111'1\"1.111"",,,, facilities for a state that to the 2. All state administrative facilities should be lo­ cated, designed and managed so as to blend with the

This r><:>t~Ctn. ..'" Adirondack environment and to have the minimum which it is contains a wide adverse impact possible on surrounding state lands and developed uses to the activities of many nearby private holdings. Whenever possible, such facili­ state agencies. It includes the administrative offices of ties should be adjacent to or serviceable from existing the Department of Environmental Conservation, Divi­ public road systems within the Park. sion of State Police and the Adirondack Park Agency 3. Construction and development activities in state itself as wen as the Department of Environmental Con­ administrative areas will: servation fish hatcheries, Department of Transportation offices and maintenance and sites, the Atmos­ - avoid material alterations of wetlands; pheric Sciences Research Center at Whiteface Moun­ -minimize extensive topographical alterations; tain, the Sunmount Developmental Center, the Adiron­ -limit vegetative clearing; and, dack Correctional Center, the Dannemora Correctional Facility, Camp Topridge (which may ultimately be re­ -preserve the scenic, natural and open space re- classified as an historic area) and several sewage treat­ sources of the state administrative area. ment plants operated by the Environmental Facilities 4. Additions to the state administrative category Corporation. All of these facilities are in close proximity should come either from new acquisitions or from the to public highways and are generally in developed areas reclassification of appropriate wild forest or intensive of the Park. use areas (assuming such acquisitions or reclassifications to be constitutional) and not from wilderness, primitive or canoe areas. I N AND USE Basic guidelines 1. The primary management guideline for state ad­ State administrative areas are listed in Chapter III ministrative areas should be to provide facilities for the and those of an appropriate scale are designated on the administration of state lands or programs on a setting map forming part of this master plan.

33 The Adirondack Park contains many rivers nr"'r-H~p boundaries of the river area will be with their immediate constitute an , ..... '... n..· .. n ... 1- the of Environmental Con- unusual resource. Classification of those """"r.,.u" ... " be the individual unit man- rivers that land is vital to unit of state land tion of streams. The ClalSSJ.ilcatlon and the re(~ornrrlenloeo glLHOellll1eS """'r-,1"',,,,f1 ae~agrlea to be consistent with and Com~)leJment'lry basic intent and structure of the .an.C'."... , mile. the in 1972 a on both state and n"'I'{:> Wild

1. Wild rivers and their river areas will be mana~~ea in accordance with the for wilderness areas that no new, reconstructed or relocated struc- tures or will be other than: foot and horse foot trail constructed of natural materials, primitive tent sites with fire rings, and pit privies. river is a river or section of river that is free of diversions or for log dams, with lim­ 2. Such structures and ...... ,.,"' .. ,-,. .,"'.,.".."""'1-'" other than foot ited road access and with a river area largely primitive and and horse trails and foot will be located so ul1lmevelCllnellL or that is partially or predominantly used for as to be completely screened or topography management and other dispersed human from view from the river activities that do not substantially interfere with public use 3. The wild character of the river and its immediate and of the river and its shore. shoreline will be preserved and enhanced. A recreational river is a river or section of river that is readily accessible by road or railroad, that may have devel­ 4. Motorboat usage of wild rivers will be prohibited. opment in the river area and that may have undergone some diversion or impoundment in the past. Seen ie rivers MANAG 1. Scenic rivers and their river areas will be managed in accordance with the for the management of wild forest areas with the following additional g guidelines. 1. No river or river area will be managed or used in 2. Access points to the river shore or crossings of the way that would be less restrictive in nature than the river by roads, jeep trails, fire truck trails or other trails statutory requirements of the Wild, Scenic and Rec­ open to motor vehicle use by the or administra­ reational Rivers Act, Title XV of the Environmental tive personnel will normally be located at least two miles Conservation Law, or than the guidelines for the man­ apart. agt~mt~nr and use of the land classification within which 3. Other motor vehicle roads or trails in the river river area lies, but the river or river area may be area will not be encouraged and, where permitted, will administered in a more restrictive manner. normally be at least 500 feet from the river shore 2. Rivers will be kept free of pollution and the water and will be screened by vegetation or topography from quality thereof kept sufficiently high to meet other mali:" view from the river itself. agement guidelines contained in this section. 4. The natural character of the river and its imme­ 3. No dam or other structure impeding the natural diate shoreline will be preserved. flow of a river will be constructed on a wild, scenic or 5. The following structures and improvements may recreational river, except for stream improvement struc­ be located so as to be visible from the river itself: tures for fisheries management purposes which are per­ missible on recreational and scenic rivers only. -fishing and waterway access sites;

34 - foot and horse foot and horse The structures and imDf()vf~men1ts may the visible from the itself:

-motor vehicle h ... ',rlnr~>" r"1.. n.cc ..... rr the access

6. All other new, reconstructed or relocated con- lOr'mling structures and than indi- - foot and horse and foot and horse trail ", ..r,,,C"YI£v the which

view from the river itself.

where use estabHSJleCl. is consistent the character of the river and river area, and will not result in any undue adverse screened

HHIIJU'v'-':> upon the natural resource quality of the area. the river itself. Motorboat use of recreational rivers determined the of mental Conservation. 1. Recreational rivers and their river areas will be administered in accordance with the for man- agement of wild forest areas and with o additional

Th.-"",n-h an inten- The of above definitions and criteria sive use area, structures, uses per- to rivers on state lands in the Park results in the current mitted in intensive use areas provided designation under this master of 155.1 miles of wild the scale and of these intensive uses do not rivers, 511.3/ miles of scenic and 539,5 miles of adversely affect the recreational character of the river recreational rivers. A amount of private lands and the river area. not covered this master are included in these 3. The natural character of the river and its imme­ mileage figures. brief of these rivers and diate shoreline will be preserved and enhanced. their classification is set forth Chapter

A travel corridor is that of land the roadbed and for state and interstate in Remsen to Lake Placid railroad those state imlne(hately adllllCel!lt to and visible from these facilities.

This category, together with the state administrative category with which it is closely associated, is unique in way the classification system in that several state a£t:~nCIeS are involved in its administration. For instance, the The of the travel corridors and the Department of Transportation has obvious jurisdiction principal segments of the local network to the relating to highway construction, design, maintenance integrity of the Park cannot be over-emphasized. The and accessory facilities, and is also responsible for the lands adjacent to these are the most visible to Remsen to Lake Placid railroad line. The Department of the traveling public and frequently determine the image Environmental Conservation is involved in the construc- and entire atmosphere of the Park for many visitors. In

35 addition, due to the forested character of the Signing pol scenic vistas from these travel corridors are rela­ tively rare and their protection and enhancement are 1. A plan for all signing on state important. lands within travel corridors will be prepared by the Adirondack Park with the Department of Considerable portions of travel corridors run LUL 'UU",CH private lands within the Park. While t,his plan is con­ Environmental Department of Trans- cerned with state lands, it is important for the state to set ..... n. .... .. ~.,.,1-,..... ", n",tArrt'l"hr and a for all atnnos;ph,ere throU{!h nr'a with the between Indian Lake and Lake. How­ --wooden park entrance of the rustic style ever, there are many areas where more attention to the now used by the Department of Environmental Park's atmosphere is essentiaL The Conservation at all major entrances to the guidelines are intended to achieve this with more modest signs of similar at minor entrances; - particular consideration to modest landmark and vista pointing out to the traveling public the varied natural resources and historic sites of Basic guidelines - special design standards in the Park for all highway signs that do not relate directly to traffic safety; 1. The primary travel corridor guideline will be to and, achieve and maintain a park-like atmosphere on state lands within the travel corridor that complements the - a plan for the removal of existing service station, total Adirondack environment. food, lodging and campsite signs visible from the Northway that do not comply with the Agency's 2. State lands within travel corridors but outside of private sign standards, coupled with a plan to pro­ the right-of-way that are otherwise classified under this vide standardized means for directing the traveling master plan will be managed in compliance with the public to these facilities that does not involve the guidelines for the appropriate classification. erection of additional signs on the Northway itself and is consistent with the comprehensive visitor 3. The Department of Transportation should employ information program for the Park. its influence over highways under the jurisdiction of various local governments to try and achieve similar 2. All state signs other than highway signs relating objectives for the other highway corridors within the directly to traffic safety shall comply with the standards Park. for private promulgated by the Agency pursuant to its statutory authority.

Highway design and construction Scenic vistas 1. Highway construction within the Park will con­ The of Transportation or the Depart- centrate on the improvement of the existing highway ment of Environmental Conservation should provide network to provide a modern system of two-lane high­ modest pull-offs with appropriate signing along the Park's ways with appropriate passing lanes, and significant acqui­ travel corridors at important scenic vistas where traffic sitions of new rights-of-way will be avoided wherever safety permits. The current inventory of forty such vis­ feasible. tas, which may require further revision, is reflected on 2. All toad designs and standards will consider the the map forming part of this master plan. need for compatibility with a park environment to be of equal importance with speed between communities. Trailheads 3. Additional four-lane, limited access highways will The Department of Environmental Conservation and not be located within the park. the Department of Transportation should provide modest

36 rail construction will utilize the tant dark brown treated wooden will posts or unit mc:malgemc:mt Trailheads should be located so as to have the min­ imum adverse effect win be maintained on all cut and oUltcn)PtHnl2:S or where essential.

1 All administrative and maintenance structures or The of the travel corridor definition storage areas of any state will be and ae~)lgIlatlOn of am)ro:Klmtate:l-y 1,220 miles of constructed to harmonize Park. travel which ,100 are high- 2. These structures or facilities will be located in way and 120 miles make up Remsen to Lake Placid developed areas of the Park wherever or railroad. should be screened from the view. In addition to the delineated the Depart- ment of has a considerable degree of 3. and other borrow pits and stockpiling influence over other highways under the of areas will not be located in travel corridors unless they various local governments. This coupled with are screened from view from the As the example of the state highway can have a these excavations are abandoned they very positive effect on the Park's appearance and atmo­ possible, be back-sloped and re-ve~!et:lted. sphere.

The nine previously described classifications reflect the minimum management constraints for the lands affected. Certain of land often require special unusual resource or public use factors. of these include: 1. In no instance will the management of any of these lands be less restrictive than that of the major land -special interest areas 111"'':1''1"''11110 of public atten­ classification in which but more restrictive meas- tion, such as: ures may be desirable. Specific unit scenic areas. of geologic interest providing be developed for appropriate information on the formation of the Adirondacks ma.na:gernellt areas, either independently or as or unusual mineral deposits or rock formations, mama:gernellt plan for the major land historic structures or sites not of a lie. designated historic area, and no;'I1"1"10'111 ~,rnl ,:)PC;:::Cl,;U interest will receive <:>1'1>?·,..·"'''' .... <:>tA ing natural areas; attention will be given to interpretive

-nature preserves, such as habitats of rare, threat- ened or endangered of or wildlife 3. Where overuse or destruction of unique and fra­ where protection to overuse or destruction gile resources is a threat, special measures will be taken of a unique resource may be required; and, to protect their integrity, such as prohibiting motorized access to the area, where such access would otherwise be allowed, re-routing foot and horse trails, or discour­ -lakes and ponds whose size, character, inaccessi­ aging overnight camping to reduce public pressures. bility, or fishery resources require special protec­ Illustrative examples of certain areas requiring spe­ tive measures. cial management are set forth in Chapter III.

37 station was in 1978 at the confluence of the East Inlet and Brooks on the former Sagamore now part of this wilderness. This facility a non- ,.,.,.-,.,,,tAr1'nlnO use and will be removed within three years E E clalSsrtlccitlcm of this This wilderness is located in the towns of area uLGluuU\J·L). Lake Pleasant and Indian Lake in Hamilton bounded on the north Route 44,393 Acres by 28 and lands lmrnechatel 455 Acres route; on the private lands ImlmeOlalel Elevation 1,700 Feet and west of Cedar and on the west 3,744 Feet Lake Kora and Lake properties and the Foot Trails 15.0 Miles Inlet of Leantos 3 The area is dominated by Blue a of land from 2,700 to 3,497 feet in elevation and 1!elleral east-west direction for a distance of more miles. On the lower north of the ridge there are a number of attractive little trout ponds N with foot trails leading to them from Route 28. The the towns of Elizabethtown, Keene forest cover is typical mixed hardwood-softwood llULl;:)Vlll. Essex County. It is roughly bounded with the elevations covered Route 73, on the east the Adirondack spruce Most Northway, on south by Blue and on the hemlock suffered heavy daIna~~e west Elk Lake and AuSable which affects the character terrain is and mountainous, with The Blue wilderness is several of the mountain tops 4,000 feet. Twelve most of its A of small ponds with a total surface area of about 115 acres, Placid foot lie in the wilderness. Vertical cliffs of considerable height the ,,.~ .... "h, are common, particularly in the northern and eastern

CamD,ers from the Durant public "' ...... AU.)'''-' parts. use the trails in that .,,~.~,"., Most of the mountains do not have any marked, foot trails in the Wilson section appears to be by maintained foot trails leading to their summits, even fishermen, hunters and summer visitors to the commu­ though excellent views are features of this area. nity of Blue Mountain Lake. With the exception of Some of the most severe and extensive forest fires of Sprague Pond near the south boundary of this area, the Adirondacks occurred in this area during a prolonged there appears to be little public use from that direction. drought period in 1903. As a result, the tops and upper Approximately 5.5 miles of jeep trails and 5.5 miles slopes of the mountains not only lost their forest cover of snowmobile trails, open when this Plan was but the humus was also consumed and the mineral soil adopted, have been closed. A modest stream-gauging eroded down to bare rock.

38 __ r.~~._~ forest cover consists and stunted balsam at £>I"",,,"d",,,,,?~<, with hardwoods and softwoods on the better soils at lower elevations. Some of the mountains, such as and McComb, have had small landslides in recent years which occur mostly on the near vertical north This has left a series of bare rock scars on the upper

are four trailless and are over feet in elevation. use of areas such as this without marked and maintained foot is as indicated by the that are located on the an a2:I'eelne11t peaks. acres in the towns Webb Hikers and campers outnumber all other which will become of this upon recreational users in this area, but there is also substan­ tion. The remainder of this tract lies on the ()nno~;;He tial use hunters and fishermen. The hunters seem to of the railroad and road to Partlow and will eastern and northern become the new Lake Lila Area. The state will Adirondack Trail Imnn)Vf3mlent also the of a conservation easement over at St. maintains a 6,646 acres of Nehasane Lake as well trails the northern and northwestern of the area, as fee interest ""'JI"',". with approval of the New York State of acres in the Environmental Conservation. Their trails extend to such will evt~ntillaliv mountain tops as Round Noonmark, Bear ness. Dial, , Colvin, and Pinnacle. The terrain is and with many The rugged characteristic of small areas and small are numer- the whole area, has been for the ous. forest cover varies from hardwoods retaining a wilderness atnrlOs:onere the sections that were logged and burned more other accompanying lends itself well to the than to and stands. classification into which it has been placed. This one few in northeastern The state recently purchased in fee 9,182 acres from United States where stands of timber can be found. the AuSable Club. Approximately 3,269 acres have be­ When was in progress and the Uswe2:al:Chle come part of the Wilderness as a result, River carried softwood logs downstream to saw- including the following summits: Noonmark, Bear it was found to be to haul the huge Dial, Colvin, and Pinnacle. The state was given a con- by horse and oxen from Five Ponds area out to servation easement on the AuSable Club lands AUU'..... I"'~ on Wolf so that section was not logged. generally below feet in limiting the future The and red spruce stand on the esker development potential of these lands while IJVl.UUILUAJlF, between Little Five and Little the public to cross lands still held in fee by Club, on Shallow is an of this virgin foot, to reach the Future land use of these private timber. The pure stand at Pine the lands will be compatible with adjacent state \M""~""""',..,.h.,,,,, is another well known where exam- lands. timber may be seen. Approximately two miles of jeep tr~ils hav~ be~n the stand were completely blown closed bringing this area into full complIance WIth wil­ in the 1950 hurricane and the timber was salvaged derness standards. by a logging contractor. Public access the area around the remainder of the In addition to these perimeter is also gained. the camper and Oswegatchie River; Cat "The area are similar in soil and cover Moose Plains; and the numerous, spring-fed State Lands 50,190 Acres ponds, most of which brook trout. The Oswe­ Bodies of Water (12) 115 Acres gatchie River was long considered the top brook trout Elevation (minimum) 940 Feet stream in the state, with catches of three to four pound (maximum) 4,857 Feet brook trout common the summer months. This Foot Trails 36.5 Miles distinction was lost when apparently introduced Leantos 2 accidentally or otherwise Cranberry Lake several Non-conforming Uses: None years ago, virtually eliminated the brook trout popula-

39 used as such to reach interior wilderness tor.ogra[>hv of the area is and rocky with a est. COllSl(JeI'aOle U'l-UUVvL of vertical or near vertical cliffs. A The Broadhead Gore was number of landslides have occurred on the west side of 1976. This Giant bare rock. Numerous small 1890 to brooks cascade down from the The of but

Scouts of America. L ... 'LU"-''''"F,U of Route 9, a few miles 300 acres in of Giant 1\/1 __""-''''';1''-' distance of about the heart the ""llrlp ...... ,"""'''' CnllnQ~e is about which the rr",p-:ltpC't slgnulccmr additional Df()teCtion differential in elevation per horizontal mile of any wil­ Wilderness. derness area. In 1975 the River was classified as a Because of the difference in temperatures and wild river by the Scenic and Recreational Rivers soil conditions between these two elevations, the forest and in 1977 was closed to motorboat use. The fire cover type ranges from stunted spruce, balsam and white truck trail that once served Falls from Wanakena birch near the mountain to excellent quality oak, was closed in 1976. Within the Prim- basswood and white ash at the lower elevations. apIJrOXmnately 7.2 miles of snowmobile trails are also some excellent stands of hemlock on the two tent were removed. This Keene side near the AuSable River. DOSSlible the reclassification of the Oswe­ two small are in the area, but each one is gat.Chle ...... ,,,.,,...,,11',,,0. Area, acres in to wilder- because of its location and attractiveness. ness, an addition to the Five Ponds Area. This wilder­ Giant's lies in a small near the cOlnplies with wilderness standards as no 2,300 foot level on the lower south of Giant Moun- n.n. .... _r'.Antr'o.1~1'Y\" ... n uses exist. tain and has a surface area of about five acres. The The Five Ponds area is accessible to the from little tarn near the summit of the north and also from the south if one has a from has referred to locally by a number of different the east in the Lake Lila Primitive Area and the Remsen names, but appeared in the early '70s with the to Lake Placid railroad. However, the western boundary name "Lake Louise." It is reminiscent of the sub- in Herkimer County is restricted by posted lands. lakes of the western United States. The sharp referred to as Gusty between Ponds area statistics: and Rocky Peak is another attractive feature of State Lands Acres the area. Private Inholdings (2) 350 Acres small brooks cascade down from the upper Bodies of Water (95) 1 Acres one in Roaring Brook, has a scenic Elevation (minimum) 1 Feet waterfall which may be seen from Route about one (maximum) Feet mile north of Chapel Pond. A number of similar brooks Foot Trails 100.1 Miles in the area provide scenic spots as well as trout fishing Leantos 5 pools. Non-conforming Uses: None The primary users of the area are hikers who fre­ quent it during all seasons of the year to the excellent views from numerous vantage points on the tops and sides of the mountains. Hunters also make considerable use of the area. N Access to the state lands around the perimeter is This area lies in Essex in the towns of excellent, with trailheads available on each of the four sides. Elizabethtown and Keene, and is roughly bounded by Route 9N on the north, Route 73 on the west and This area funy complies with wilderness standards. south and Route 9 on the east. During 1903 one of the forest fires of the area statistics: Adirondacks swept over the part of this area, State Lands 22,104 Acres burning the topsoil down to rock and leaving the Bodies of Water (2) 6 Acres two dominant mountains of this area, Giant and Rocky Elevation (minimum) 700 Feet Peak Ridge, practically bald. A few pockets on the lower (maximum) 4,627 Feet

40 Foot Trails 12.5 area Leantos State Lands Acres Uses: None Bodies of Water 610 Acres Elevation 1 Feet Feet Foot Trails 33.8 Miles Leantos 7 Uses: None


This is the wilderness area and is located three and six towns; the town of a Harrietstown in Franklin the towns of North Environmental Conservation maintained North Hudson Newcomb in Essex foot trail from Pine Creek to Pine East Pine Pond and the Lake in Hamilton and Otter Lake. bounded on north by Route 3, the The terrain consists of low hills with many beaver which runs from Cold Brook to meadows and swamps. the Adirondack Loj property at Heart U'-A~'J"'j;,H the area is forest extensive forest Mount Van Winter Recreation Center and fire in the southern half has resulted in much of Route 73 near the Lakes. Private land to the west it now covered aspen and of Route 73 forms the eastern The southern bracken fern. is formed

In the northern mixed hardwood and softwood the I-...U'U .... VJlV stands of trees small in diameter nr"./in.n-\ .... <:.t- pany and the State The are the scattered white pine Science and I-

41 non-(;orno,atilble land uses that serve their

acres of land in fee ...... "',,, ...... "+.c.h, 5,910 acres have including

Wr.Uh'o:lUl mountains. In aOCllWJn, was a conservation easement over lands ",,,,,,,,,£.. -,.,11 .. below 2,500 feet in future (ie;'Vf':lc"ln- ment on land retained and a foot trail easement to cross club lands to reach the Peaks. ~UA1tAU"'''''' Such streams Fee title or conservation easements should be ac- Klondike quired the state on other of held Moose Creek and Cold land to this wilderness. favorites. Lake the source of The following uses have been re- lies at about 4,300 feet altitude on a moved from the area: 19.3 miles state truck trails, 35.1 miles of jeep trails, two fire towers, two observer cabins, LaJmpers and hikers find numerous scenic such two cabins and associated telephone lines, four tent and ten leantos above 3,500 feet in eleva- as Indian Indian Duck Avalanche Pass, and Panther in addition to tion. A very minor the many mountain peaks, a reward for the in the boundary of this area was effort in hikes to these loc:atlOns. made in 1979 in recognition of a small segment of a Hikers and mountaineers probably outnumber all road near Walton Brook in the Town of Keene. other groups. Ski touring and snowshoeing throughout in 1979, two sub-lots to the Mt. Van the area, the northeast sector, have been on Area consisting of approximately the increase in recent years. Winter m()uIltamE~er:mg 260 acres were reclassified from wilderness to intensive also the Christmas-New Year hAI11r1<;." day use in recognition of a crosscountry ski trail that has it has common to find all the leantos at been maintained in this area since 1966. Colden filled and with winter caJmpers Public access to the perimeter of the area is generally The most heavily used trails in the entire ~'-"U'-"H good. dacks are those to Mount Marcy from Adirondack High Peaks area statistics: via Indian Falls or Lake Colden. The use near Marcy Dam, Lake Colden and in the Brook State Lands 226,435 Acres Valley threatens to destroy the wilderness character of Private Inholdings (10) 4,530 Acres these sections if appropriate management Bodies of Water (112) 1,392 Acres not applied now. The number of leantos Elevation (minimum) 1,040 Feet primitive tent sites at Dam and Lake Colden (maximum) 5,344 Feet exceed wilderness guidelines. ranger station at Marcy Foot Trails 238.4 Miles Dam will be phased out in accordance with the policy of Horse Trails 52.3 Miles achieving controL due to the ex­ Leantos 49 pected degree of use of the Lake Colden area, Impoundments 2 Non-conforming Uses: larly in the winter wilderness F,Ul' ..... V~ .. H-''' the indefinite retention of the Lake station. "'Ranger Cabins 2 Use of snowmobiles to the cabin has been Horse Barns 4 discontinued. The line exists it is Telephone Lines 7.5 Miles a non-conforming use. Since the original master plan Leanto Clusters 2 called for the development of alternative means of com­ Roads (public) 1 Mile munication in this area prior to December 31,1975, this should be accomplished in the immediate future. In addition to the phase-out of non-conforming struc­ tures, it may well be necessary to limit public use of the HOFFMAN NOTCH eastern portion of the High Peaks area during certain This area lies in the towns of Schroon, North Hudson periods. and Minerva in Essex County. It is bounded on the north Each of the remaining interior private parcels could pose a threat to the surrounding state lands, if the owners "'Non-conforming uses whose removal cannot be scheduled by a fixed or future owners decide to establish anyone of several deadline.

42 south of the Blue forms the southern and the Saranac River l'\Ii<""" .... t""," tract donated to state forms the western boundary. '"" ...... ·Vl,"" for fish and wildlife man- McKenzie sometimes referred to as Saddle- research and pVlnpr"t11pnt'Jlt',nn and Moose sometimes called St. Ar- the Adirondack NA .... th,nlr:'" mand Mcmrltaltn dominate the tm)O~:ralpmcal features of Imme:dHltelv west of the NArth"tr<:• ., north of the Muller road and trail that uu,., .... ,'u north- near

'-U. ... A'U~• .., and in excess of 3,000 feet aOlmulatmg area: Texas and Washburn bodies of water are within the area, Moose Mountain are, .... ,,'''''''''''''' .. former flow made for the purpose of The area is tiP1,,!(:ph, down the Boreas lies to the spruce and balsam pn~d{)mmaltH1lg area. level and mixed h<:>.-rt""Arv1C' The forest cover hard­ woods of and n,,,,",_,-"'1 solid conifer blowdown occurred stands of near mature elevations, On in a in the saddle between some of the better diameter Whiteface and Mount Alton to the west. hardwoods occur. In the timber conducted after Hoffman which is the highest in the roads were bulldozed Lincoln Brook from the of the Blue was selected by north and at the head of Placid from the south. '£'., ... ".nn officials as a ski ae'velopment, Most of these roads have now become overgrown was defeated in the with growth hardwoods.

U"'VU"_'-I'~'-'L'" studies by ...... vlJ'vU.... V1LA. • ..... '~"r.... the area is in close nrr,v"nn,1"" revealed that the mountain is not VU.u'A\.;U.U on the southwest and on major ski center. smnneas:t, the interior has retained its wilderness Three extensive atInOSpJleI·e This is due to the and terrain Conservation snowmobile motor vehicle penetration

.... "1'1.n' ...'o from north to south UAA·'-' .... ~_U to its wilderness designation in 1972. one from Big Pond northward, then eastward, In the days when logging was at its peak in the and another extending from Loch Muller northward by aU'onaaCK:S, a road was constructed from the vicinity Baily Pond to Washburn Ridge, were removed, as was .... r",,(:p'''It Whiteface Toll Gate southwestward on the 2.5-mile jeep trail. This area now contains no non­ about 2,400 foot contour for several miles the conforming uses. side of and . Public access to the area is easily gained, and its road was well with culverts and for horse- ..,.r"'.C'''' .... t use comes chiefly from hunters and fishermen. drawn sleds to logs to the head of Red area where small of water, known as Lake Stevens, formed the start of one of the log flumes in the State Lands 36,045 Acres eastern United States. This flume ran for many miles Bodies of Water (8) 141 Acres down to the AuSable River and from there toward Elevation mlmrnum, 960 Feet Keeseville. the old road is being (maxim urn) 3,693 Feet second Foot trails 30.0 Miles Non-conforming Uses: None

numerous on the north slopes E N of the area. This area is located in western Essex County in the Lincoln Brook and French Brook, with their tribu- towns of St. Armand, North Elba and In taries on the northwest slopes of Esther general, the Saranac River and Franklin Falls Mountain and Mountain, are crystal clear border on the north; the Falls road, trout streams with many scenic along their courses. the Whiteface Mountain Memorial Highway and the The Adirondack Mountain has maintained a west branch of the AuSable River form the eastern foot trail from the vicinity of Wolf Pond near Route 86 to boundary; the Saranac Lake-Lake Placid Road, Route the top of McKenzie Mountain. The Lake Placid Shore

43 Owners Association trail over lands The area is classed as wilderness because west shore of Lake Placid is open to those who of the wetland involved. flora and fauna association's permission to use it. After associated with such as found in the land this trail winds its way to the seem to more diversity than Tamarac and Colburn 1\1I£"n~f-",1"\C others in the Adirondacks. and small mam- Public access to the area is "'''''''>'''0'''''' are especially abundant. The afforded but because a town road in the of Lincoln wilderness tracts will insure an of Brook ends on there have been some lems with access in that location. The structure within the area, The area used to a considerable extent Lake Mountain climb the fishermen to their 2.5 miles in small brooks and by hunters the game complies with wil­ season. human use of the ppro;l{inlatelv six miles of snowmobile trails have for light Access is mod- tent removed from this because of the distance from drive-in theater site roads and the lack of a trail There is little or no cent to Route 86 added to this wilderness. demand for a trail and this offers an ~ .... ~",_1h" .... ,j'" site is being used as a vehicle parking and the Adirondack landscape for the 1980 Winter Olympics; such use is call wilderness. non-conforming and must be discontinued. The area must be rehabilitated as promptly as possible, but in any event the third year following classification of this parcel. 14,600 Acres n area 352 Acres Elevation ~,~,~~."..., 1,360 Feet State Lands 35,298 Acres 2,168 Feet Private Inll01dlllgS 100 Acres Foot Trails 2.0 Miles Bodies of Water 22 Acres None Elevation (minimum) 1,463 Feet (maximum) 4,869 Feet Foot Trails 14.2 miles Horse Trails 4.0 miles Leantos 1 Non-conforming Uses: The Pharaoh Lake Wilderness straddles the Essex- Vehicle Parking Warren line in the towns of Ticonderoga, Hague, and Storage Area Horicon and The road along the east shore of Schroon Lake forms the western boundary; to the land and Route 74 form the boundary. The state forms most of the .. "".,."',.""""',,.,. for a stretch of Route 8 on the The Pepperbox Wilderness lies totally within the an extremely attractive body of water, town of Webb in Herkimer Stillwater Reservoir lakes in the Adirondack Park and the Beaver River form the while preserve lands. Due to its the survey line between John Brown's tract and ~rr"71rf'" a wilderness eX1Derierlce

East generally forms the boundary. HUJlHV'-'!C) of people. In ad<11uon, is the the CH"'"'''''~''' vistas from rock ""t,-,,,.,,",,,,,,,, road to Raven Lake and intriguing geographic names state land OOUnICla]~V Thunderbolt Mountain, Oxshoe Pond terrain is generally flat a few rolling and Desolate make this one of most appealing hills. Swampland predominates with spruce, fir and red of all Adirondack areas. Alder swamps, marsh and beaver flows are also Fires have burned over most of the in the

common. The drier sites are with nr-,."""_C"trTP. As a result of this and the dry sites, much of the tree

northern hardwoods. The entire area <:It'H'\P<:Il"C growth is coniferous with some white birch mixed in. been heavily burned over and logged in past and is The white pine-white birch type along the shores of not particularly scenic by usual standards. It is, however, several of the lakes and ponds adds immeasurably to ideally suited for snowshoeing and crosscountry skiing. their attractiveness. Stands of some of the best quality Several ponds are found in the area. They are gener­ Adirondack hardwoods exist in the covelike pockets of ally of low productivity and some may even be sterile. the unburned area in the northeast.

44 Pharaoh Mountain is the mountain of much road from Brandreth Lake to North Point

EON N E This area lies in the town of Webb, Herkimer County, and the towns of Long Lake and Inlet in Hamilton County. This area is located in the towns of Wilmington, North It is bounded on the north by Stillwater Reservoir and Elba and Keene, Essex County. It is bounded by Route large blocks of private land in the vicinity of Rose Pond, 860n the north, Route 73 on the south, and private lands Shingle Shanty Pond and Upper Sister Lake; on the east on the east and west.

45 The Sentinel and its dominate the area and five small ponds are situated near the northern and northwestern boundaries. Sentinel Mountain and the northeastern The Siamese Ponds area is located in the towns of of the area are characterized bare rock Lake Wells and Indian Lake in Hamilton outcroPPulg that resulted from forest fires more than a The terrain is and with and the towns of and Thurman in Warren north northeast. It is one of the wilderness areas, ext:enalnlg the area have hardwood miles from to south and about miles from east to west at its widest rej~erleraH:~O after the forest fires. There are It is bounded tracts near tain and Bakers Mills and Route 8 on the and LC,mtJarlV lands and tn ..,,,o-r'J!t'\h,, consists of views may be obtained from the of Sentinel with a few summits like UUHU,.,U\J and Pitchoff but forest cover restricts the Puffer and South Pond Mountains above the 3,000 foot view of Kilburn Slide leveL In the area contains a number of Mountain and Black Mountain. There is an excellent beaver meadows and C'n7'lt"n."\C view of the Wilmington Notch-Whiteface Mountain sec­ Most of the area was tion from a leanto site on the south side of '-~UUU'VA ago and some se(~U()llS Pond. eastern were burned over forest More than thirty a ski trail was constructed much the forest cover has been re-established and in from the west to and a leanto some locations there are excellent stands of both was constructed at the terminus in the Notch. The trail hardwoods and softwoods. On most of the _~~,.r._~""rI to have been little used for but is those in burned ...."'UH, ...... v'-> as a foot trail. The leanto was ellml!naltea hemlock mixed because of deterioration and lack of use. softwoods cover the remainder of the area. The northern portion of this area around the This block of state land is unbroken used to a considerable extent by campers and "'~'''''=''''''''£l.'''' roads and been from wheeled motor Hunters use the area to a lesser extent. use ~r1,...... ; ...,;"t .. "'i-n7'" no,llCIeS and the >Ja',-,alH.H.~F," The portion of the swamps and other natural barriers. the old sible to the public from h~ .. hn'''''''' woods roads that the from a number of susceptible to as some of the less locations logging rather easy ave- state land because of its terrain. nues of entrance for motor snow- In 1979, a very minor change in the eastern boundary mobiles. It may be UU'CAV'IJUI'V'-' because of this, of this area was made to more accurately reflect the motor vehicle be more troublesome than location of a public road. in some of the areas. 0.7 miles in length, has been closed and The area is known for its natural features. ~H-,,,, ...... ",,, have been removed from this area. rernalmnlg non-conforming use includes the Some of the more popular attractions are Thirteenth Lake Mountain, Puffer Siamese Ponds, Old Military Road, a town road 3.5 miles in , Falls on the West Branch of the River, £YO ..,,,, ...,,,,,,, passable by motorized vehicles Pond. Mountain has ice caves that but has appropriately barricaded as required retain snow and the summer months by wilderness guidelines...... ,,"'1/-"'0> an visitors. some of the streams in this area are low-lying and discolored material from area statistics: beaver are attractive swift-flowing waters such as County Line Brook and Peaked Moun­ State Lands 23,137 Acres tain Brook. Bodies of Water (5) 77 Acres Thirteenth Lake has a small sand beach at the north­ Elevation (minimum) 1,375 Feet ern end that makes a very desirable spot for picnics, (maximum) 2,893 Feet bathing and camping There are also other desirable Foot Trails 13.8 Miles camping spots on this lake. . . Leantos 1 A portion of the eastern shorehne of Indian ~a~ej Non-Conforming Uses: formerly classified as intensive use, has been reclassIfIed Trail 3.5 Miles to become a part of this wilderness. A very minor change in the western boundary of this area was made in 1979

46 Mountain Primitive .)alcaI1oclga River and Cathead Mountain also attract n-h1r.rVt.n:''''u that visitors to the area. Hunters the area the the Siamese

nr>"_r'n. ....'I-n.'~....-.".,n uses include the John the eastern shoreline miles of snowmobile trails. 200 acres was reclassified from wilderness to be(:orrle Cathead Mountain Primitive

Lands Acres 106 Acres moved from the area: 12 miles of 1,090 Acres snowmobile one fire tower, two observer cabins 1,280 Feet five miles of lines, This area now Feet COlnpJlleS with wilderness standards. Foot Trails 35.8 Miles Leantos 4

2.5 Miles Acres 2.5 Miles ,450 Acres 512 Acres 820 Feet Feet Foot Trails 26.5 Miles Leantos 2 This area is located in the towns of Lake t"le~as,ant Non-contormulg Uses: None nens()n, Wells and Arietta in Hamilton bounded on the north Route 8 Oxbow Hamilton Sand Lake and Lake on the east by Route on the south generally by the Hamilton County and on the west by Route 10, the West Branch of the Sacan· This wilderness is located in the town of Ohio in and the Piseco Outlet. Herkimer and the towns of terrain is low with rolling hills and only Lake Pleasant Indian Lake in Hamilton It is four mountain that exceed 3,000 feet elevation. bounded on the north the Moose River Plains area There is a considerable acreage of conifer swamp as well and private lands in the of Little Moose as some beaver meadows the streams. Mountain and The forest cover is mixed hardwoods and Route 30, lands of International softwoods with some stands pure hemlock in the Lake-Piseco Lake on large diameter size. AllflCml:!'ll north of Route 8, the South at some time in the past, much of the stanctmg Canada Creek and an access road to both hardwoods and softwoods-is now at or near matu­ private on the west West Canada Creek and rity. In the swamp area streams and at the higher private lands east of Lake. elevations around the mountain tops, the forest cover The terrain ranges from flats and hills

v .... 'U'u,CUU...... AJ to and balsam. to steep mountains such as drains from the Nn., .... ",.".I",•. ,,,,..,,.,.,.,,,, Trail has its terminus area into three basins: the the Mohawk and the of the area and runs the Black.

duecltlOlrl. r"'rr.C'C'1111,O the northern .rIC" RUAR>e the area's chief attributes are hr.',,,,,,,,"1 ... ,,·,, near Piseco This trail was established by and streams, most of which brook the Adirondack Mountain Club in 1922 but it was later trout population. there are many good trout turned over to the of Environmental Con­ fishing waters in this area, the ones that are most fre­ servation for marking and maintenance. Although this quented by fishermen are West Canada Lake, trail has some use by the foot trail from the Lake and Cedar Lakes. The Indian River from its source vicinity of Hamilton Lake to the top of Hamilton Moun­ to the South Branch of the Moose River is a designated tain is a more popular trail. wild river under this plan. Silver Lake is the principal attraction near the center The forest cover consists chiefly of mixed hardwood­ of this area, chiefly for brook trout fishermen. Mud softwood types with large diameter trees of both types Rock Lake and Loomis Pond are also popular on the more fertile soils. There is also considerable trout fishing spots. Big Eddy on the West Branch of the acreage in spruce-balsam swamp and beaver meadows.

47 r">c"'U',,,, the that attract hikers and caIn Diers area ."'un, ..-., addition to the ..... _''''.''~''nl., mentioned lakes are Falls and T West Canada Pan- State Lands 160,183 Acres ther Mountain and Cedar River. Private Inholdings (2) 1,630 Acres Bodies of Water (168) 2,180 Acres cmnners from the three Elevation HHllHHAUAlll, 1,390 Feet 3,899 Feet Piseco the "" ...... c •• f those in the Moose River Foot Trails 67.1 Miles foot trails in the area to reach Leantos 10 Since the Moose River tract there has been increased use of area to Brook Trout Lake and ." ...... ,", 3.8 Miles 1 and fishermen. Hikers in .n£'· .."'<>C' ...... numlbe'rs the mountain and the foot trails. 1 7.5 Miles 3.8 Miles Enforcement from the remote- ness of the area been encountered in to "" .." .. "" ..",t snowmobile into the wilderness area. barriers be erected within the Moose State Lands 1,034,935 Acres River Plains Wild Forest area at locations to diminish Private Inholdings 8,380 Acres this ~-,~ .... ''''-.... Bodies of Water (755) 1 Acres Foot Trails 701.5 Miles Horse Trails 64.3 Miles Leantos 94 Impoundments 4 Non-conforming Uses: common uvuu.uc::u Snowmobile Trails 6.3 Miles is also 1..1"-',,<-..., ..... Fire Towers: In 1979, a 700-acre tract of the Moose River Plains unmanned 1 Wild Forest area was re-classified to become part of this Observer Cabins 1 wilderness. This tract lies to the west and south of Indian *Ranger Cabins 3 Lake. This reclassification creates an additional non­ Helicopter Platforms 1 conforming use within the area: 1.3 miles of Department Horse Barns 5 of Environmental Conservation maintained road leading Telephone Lines 18 Miles from Indian Lake trailhead to the Indian River corridor Leanto Clusters 2 1/2 mile from the river. At this road Vehicle and continues beyond the river corridor for a dis- 1 tance of 2.5 miles. A barrier should be erected at the Station 1 Indian Lake trailhead as soon as possible to eliminate 8.3 Miles these non-conformities. Also in the western boundary was modified due 3.5 Miles to the identification of a right-of-way adjacent to *Non-conforming uses whose removal cannot be scheduled by a fixed the West Canada Primitive Area. deadline,

property at some future the road should be termi~ o nated at Stony where the town road ends, and this primitive area together with the private inholding This area consists of a small belt of forest preserve should then be added to the High Peaks Wilderness. between the Ampersand road and Ampersand Brook in Ampersand Brook is a picturesque white water stream the town of Harrietstown, Franklin County. It extends once renowned for its excellent brook trout fishing. from the Ampersand Lake property westward to Stony Heavy fishing pressure has reduced the catches in recent Creek and thence northward to Stony Creek Ponds. years. The road, used as access to a large private parcel, prevented this area fr'om being classified as part of the Ampersand area statistics: High Peaks Wilderness. Should this parcel become state State Lands 700 Acres

48 Bodies of water 13 Acres It is with a number of small brooks and Foot Trails 0.5 Miles one very small natural near the 3,000 foot level. Non-conforming Uses: The area was donated to the state by "'Roads (Private) 3.5 Miles Co,m~JanlY with the of a small Trails 0.8 Miles center "'Snowmobile Trails 3.5 Miles access road ext:enamlg I ol,~ ..... I-.",,,,,r. Lines 3.5 Miles lot. The f>r.."...... ", .... .,

the entire DelrIrrtett~r where other state land on the south and This area consists of an ...... ,,"' .., rI Cedar River Flow. Lake Wilderness in the town of At some future It is severed from the wilderness access roads become state ...... r" ...... "'... h, pelrIO(]lCaU, to harvest timber from an <>rh.,r>,a ...... added to the West Canada

Once the road is no added to the Pharoah State Lands 10.900 Acres should the land between this tract and the 10 Acres derness appendage north of this tract be 5 Acres Bald area Feet 3,786 Feet State Lands 500 Acres Non-conforming Uses: 4.5 Miles "'Roads .5 Miles

BUCK o N This area lies in the town of This area consists of one Great Lot in the town County, and consists Fulton two rights-of-way ,,,,~,~,,rI.~ of as as a telephone line following a fire tower on Cathead Mountain, all terrain v vl,Uv!v':) Buck Pond. This the ~-... ~,.~ within inholding. Should this inholding be inholding are surrounded by the Five Ponds the state, two options are available depending Area. Should this inholding be by the state this upon the need then for the Cathead Mountain fire jeep trail should be terminated at northwestern state tower: 0) either the fire tower and the telephone line land and right-of-way as well as the acqui- could be removed, the roads closed and the whole area sition should of the Five Wilderness be added to the Silver Lake Wilderness area, or, (ii) the Area. fire tower, telephone line and the access road to the tower, if found to be necessary, could remain and the area ., ...... ,. area be enlarged to include an appropriate, Non-conforming Uses: small acreage surrounding the Cathead Mountain tower.

Trail 8.5 Miles area ~~\'4"1 ....llLl"'JY State Lands 206 Acres Non-conforming Uses: *Jeep Trails 1.0 Miles This of Indian Lake *Telephone Line .5 Miles It bounded on the north Cedar the east Squaw on the south access road ""1I1.n1""~ from the Cedar River to the E D of Onion Hill along Brook; and on the west This area, in the town of Schroon, Essex County, by the Cedar River Flow lands immediatel) consists of an existing town road right-of-way which east of the Cedar River. provides access to the northern part of the Pharoah Lake Wilderness, one of the three most heavily used wilder­ *Permanent non-conforming uses or non-conforming uses whose ness areas within the Park, due to its accessibility and removal cannot be scheduled by a fixed deadline. proximity to the Northway. The corridor runs from the

49 end of Alder Meadow Road to the end of the town and south to the watershed divide between the west of Crane Pond. The trails to Goose Pond, South Branch and the North Branch of West Canada Mountain and Lake all Creek. This area should be made a of the West ~-...... ,..~ . .,~ corridor. The road is in Canada Lake Wilderness once the the fire tower for vehicles. ceases to exist. of use of this wilderness area result continuation of and area ..... r ••••" "-'01.UlIIUJ;:. resource the road corridor should State Lands 450 Acres be either at the state land at the Foot Trails .5 end of Alder Meadow or at an intermediate No,n-(;OI1ttolrmmg uses: such as the Goose Pond and the corridor *Fire Towers or reclassified to wilderness. A decision *Observer Cabins on future reclassifications should await an assess­ H~lleptlorle Lines 1.5 Miles ment of use trends and their resource HUI~U."'·~, which should be addressed in the unit mamagernell1t for the Pharaoh Lake but the U should be eventual reclassification of the to the wilderness. ~-...... ,"" area is in the town of Essex One sub-lot included within the Crane and the town of Indian Hamilton County. Pond Primitive on its western side has in 1979 been It encompasses the wildest and most remote section of reclassified to wild as this lot was eS1ienLW:lllJ the Hudson as well as a white water detached from the area. The re- mainder of the Primitive Area, with foot one from the Northwoods the of above mentioned corridor, became ~ .. r"""'''', ... 1I-" to the river bank south of Dunk one Pharoah Lakes Wilderness in 1979. Environmental Conservation trail from I-il ..... tl"'" Pond to Blue and another from OK are the only ILII .. A~~.... River. There are no 2.1 miles or other man-made access routes to this 2.1 miles section of the river and in the past relatively few 2.1 miles were successful in the waters either canoe, boat or raft. These factors to retain this portion of the river and its immediate surroundings in a N near wilderness condition. Although there are no established foot trails that This is a small appendage of state land adjacent to parallel this section of the Hudson the three above the Siamese Ponds Wilderness area in the village of mentioned the Blue trail, receive Hamilton It is bounded on the considerable use. west and south by The lands to the Private lands border about two miles of the ...... ,,, .. ,..,,,,.­ north constitute a virtual within the wilder- ten-mile river section included in this area.

ness. This appendage is the wilderness river has furnished some excellent .ll;:)l.UUJ;:.. by a road 600 feet in leading addition to the is attracted to the scenic to in the north. In the event that the and OK Falls. The latter is probably the private lands ever are acquired by the state, the road hl12;hest vertical waterfall in the Adirondacks. Both of should be and this area together with the private lands . • ~.,~,,...... n-,., reclassified to wilderness. have failed in their attlem1pt of the Hudson canoe, boat or the

,,'--', 'U'U.">. The distance between Newcomb State Lands 60 Acres is the most dramatic white water Non-conforming uses: OU'OllloaCK:S, if not the state as a and this *Roads (private) .2 Miles of use of the area is a under the best canoes or may be damaged and frequently broken in two, which makes it a MOUNTAIN rather expensive and hazardous venture. Non-conforming uses that were closed include 2.5 This area is in the town of Ohio, Herkimer County, miles of jeep trails and 2.3 miles of snowmobile trails. and the town of Morehouse, Hamilton County. It con­ sists of the state land west of the trail to the Fort Moun­ *Permanent non-conforming uses or non-conforming uses whose tain fire tower, north of the South Branch of West Canada removal cannot be scheduled by a fixed deadline.

50 The area is classified as because of the mIllOl(lllll2;S and their critical relation­ N gorge, This area should be This area lies within the towns of and Lewis in """riD,""',,,,,,,,,, as soon as the lands can Essex It is bounded the G len road on the or their uses limited so as south and land elsewhere aOliaCjent state lands. where the road west of Mt. state land. pn~CU)lt()US mountains this area the Hurricane range ma,na:gerneI1t in to nat- ural resource The vistas from Saddle- back and mountains make the climb to well worthwhile. The AuSable Foot Trails as well as the and the The Glen road not in the the road offers both attractive HU N above Keene and access to stands white birch on the lower The area is classified as because it is soils. Hurricane Moun­ the minimum for wilderness Uc;,;H~I,la- dominates this area. tion. Should the ever be closed or :Spec1tac:ul,U views are afforded the hiker scales additional to this area H"rr1i",,.1IP of the Giant Mountain and Peaks ""a.r.. n.."c occur, the reclassification would to the as well as the and the be No a wilder- Green Mountains of Vermont to east. There are two ness classification. oelmanolmg and one relatively trail to Hurricane all The novice circuit trail State Lands 7,100 Acres Elevation Feet 1\,11 .."'''''.1'<>" .... down to Lost and back to the in a comfort- 3,600 Feet able day with time to enjoy the panorama of the Foot Trails 1.0 Miles Peaks to the southwest. None The fire tower on Hurricane Mountain is an essential communication link to the Department of Environmental Conservation at 'Present. Should it be replaced other means of fire and communications, the area should This area is in the town of Keene in Essex County. It be as wilderness. In 1976, a snowmobile trail consists of the private right-of-way across state lands to 2.0 miles in length was closed. A recent U'-"..l!UA,:a~j,VH several parcels in the High Peaks Wilderness. created an additional non-conforming use: Should holdings and/or the ever be jeep trails. acquired by the state, this area part of H the High Peaks Wilderness. Non-conforming Uses: State Lands 13,449 Aores *Roads (Private) 1.3 Bodies of Water 10 Acres miles A .. "" ...... VA Cabin 1 Elevation ~mmlmUim) Feet Feet Foot Trails 12.8 Miles Leantos 2 Non-conforming Uses: This area lies in the town of Long Lake, Hamilton *Jeep Trails 1.7 Miles It is bounded on the west by the Remsen to Lake *Fire Towers 1 railroad line and a road leading to a nt'lUQll"P. *Observer Cabins 1 Deer and *Telephone Lines 2.8 Miles mnolOmg that is scheduled to pass to Roads (public) .2 Miles which form the eastern "'Permanent non-conforming uses or non-conforming uses whose boundaries of Five Wilderness Area, and to removal cannot be scheduled by a fixed deadline. the north, south and east by private lands.

51 This is a remote area that has been maintained in an tween International es~;en.tlaHy ...... i·...... it.up state by its former owners, been by two successive ."'M •.., ...... "". other than periodic logging and the construction of a by voters. single camp. Lake Lila itself is the largest lake in the The and Adirondack Park totally surrounded by forest preserve 1"\£"\1-1:1(","0 of interior and due to its size and shoreline configuration offers use these lands excellent for and camp- the West Canada Lake Wilder- under wilderness conditions. In addition ness. motorized access to the area via lake environs contain critical wildlife habitat and the the International Lomt>an:y wood roads is not lake itself is a important coldwater 1I"II"',...... "t,.,:>,("I as the company are leased to ...... """-0 Public access is via a public a private road to a a short alstarlce The area is a area to eastern shoreline. ae1pel101ng on the final configuration of the '-'A'vll(;Ul~

The area is classified as pnmitive because of its that uses made of the area allow the Tr. •• ,..... ",,,,,," Anl:,,, ... ,,· remoteness and near wilderness character and because it does not include the acreage necessary for wilderness the addition of the area and the lands r}r>~H11,.. ""'ri classification. In the area contains two the to the West Canada Lake nAn_("·Al1.tA1rrn·,no uses; the private roads ness area;

mn.OlClmi!S and the railroad line. 2) reclassification of the area and the lands ... r>rn,,,.. ,,,rI in the exchange to wild The lands westerly of the railroad track and 3) retention of the area and the lands aC(lUllred in the east of the private road leading to the Gull Deer as a area; or, Pond and Partlow Lake inholding should become of 4) an combination of all three classifica- the Five Ponds Wilderness Area when the UU .• VA'.. UJ:;;:' tions. passes into state ownership in 50 years time. Due to presence of the railroad line, it is unlikely that the bal­ The determination of the appropriate classification ance of the area could ever become of the Five of the area must resolve such questions as: the need for Ponds Wilderness area, even if the rernmnulg the state to retain the Me fire tower, the inholding were to be acquired by the state. point at which the present state truck pri- vate road should be closed; the desirability of continued Hnn,,,,,,',,,"''' POSSIble future acquisitions coupled with float plane access to Whitney Lake; potential on the elimination of the private road might at some future the West Canada Lake Wilderness Area; general time reclassification to a new wilderness area. resource considerations. Alternatively, should additional acquisition with the req­ Any land ultimately approved by the legis- uisite water bodies takes place, the area has potential for lature should make provision for motorized public access becoming a new canoe area. from Route 30 to the boundary of the consolidated state lands over the private road system on the lands to be retained or acquired by International Paper Company. Lake statistics: State Lands 7,215 Acres area statistics: Bodies of Water (3) 1,414 Acres Non-conforming uses: State Land 3,330 Acres "'Roads (private) 4.5 Miles Private Inholdings (1) 5,620 Acres "'Railroad 2.0 Miles Bodies of Water (5) 96 Acres Camp and associated Elevation (minimum) 2,300 Feet outbuildings (maximum) Feet Foot Trails 7.8 Miles Non-conforming Uses: "'State Truck Trails 4.1 Miles *Telephone Lines 1.8 Miles This area lies in the towns of Arietta and Lake Pleasant in Hamilton County. It consists of a number of lots interspersed in a checkerboard arrangement with International Paper Company lots and reflects the most unmanageable ownership pattern for both the state and private owner in the Park. A constitutional amendment *Permanent non-conforming uses or non-conforming uses whose to allow for a land exchange of some 8,500 acres be- removal cannot be scheduled by a fixed deadline.

52 N This area is in the Town of Morehouse in Hamilton It is surrounded by lands on the north, east west. The southern is the access road to the Miller In 1979 a bOlmaarv adlust:melnt

Non-conforming Uses: At some future if the right-of-way reverts to the *Roads (Public) .7 Miles state, this area should be added to the West Canada Lake Wilderness. R State Lands Acres This Lake Champlain island lies in the towns of Peru Elevation uUUU.UUJlU 1,900 Feet and in Clinton The island is desig- 2,985 Feet nated primitive to its protection in a near natural Non-conforming Uses: state. The and wildlife of the in "'Roads ~ ..... ~,.~ 3.3 Miles of such protection. The wildness CmnpJlele with unusual wind and water also preservation. This island should never be reclassified to wilderness because B of its the existence of such structures as the light­ This area is in the town of Morehouse in Hamilton house, and the area's proximity to a heavily developed County. It consists of the roadbed and right-of-way shoreline as well as the U.S. Air Force Base in Plattsburgh. passing state lands designated as a part of the The recent state acquisition of the former Seaton West Canada Wilderness to private tracts totally property at the southern end of the island increases the surrounded by the designated wilderness. Should these area's suitability for water-oriented recreational uses. inholdings ever be acquired by the state, the road should Any interpretive program for the island should stress be closed and this area made a part of the West Canada both its historical significance and its special natural Lake Wilderness. features. Non-conforming uses: Valcour area statistics: "'Roads (private) 1.0 miles State Lands 1,075 Acres Private Inholdings (4) 25 Acres Non-conforming Uses: PRIM STATISTICAL TOTALS: Former Seaton House and Associated Outbuildings 1 State Lands 64,780 Acres *Storage Sheds 2 Private Inholdings 8,555 Acres Bodies of Water 1,756 Acres Foot Trails 37.6 Miles Leantos 2 NTAIN Non-conforming Uses: This area is in the town of Lake Hamilton *State Truck Trails 4.1 Miles It consists of the state land south of the Wakely *Roads (public) 3.0 Miles Mountain TraiL Once the fire tower on Wakely Moun- "'Roads (private) 22.5 Miles tain is no this area should be made part of Jeep Trails 12.0 Miles the Blue Wilderness. Snowmobile Trails 5.6 Miles *Fire Towers 3 area ...... -A.h'.. *Observer Cabins 3 State Lands 120 Acres "'Ranger Cabins 1 Foot Trails 1.0 Miles "'Telephone Lines 13.2 Miles Non-conforming Uses: "'Railroad 4.5 Miles "'Fire Towers 1 "'Observer Cabins 1 "'Permanem non-conforming uses or non-conforming uses whose re­ "'Telephone Lines 1.0 Miles moval cannot be scheduled by a fixed deadline.

53 have brook trout, and uvv,-,n,"~F-, "''''AUllJ,aLJ.vu efforts the This area is in the town of Santa Clara in Franklin ronmental Conservation have been carried on is bounded on the north for many on the east the Santa Clara town The the Remsen to Lake Placid railroad the Clara town r->."~U'L''''l::,U relatively small in its selection as an and master area for special and restricted is based on """C'1/'''''~'''''''''' on snowmobile use. Snowmobile trails will the numerous, which lend them- out under the canoe area as will selves to use as canoe Similar to the use of motorboats the on all waters within the that are clustered south of the railroad tracks cmnrrlOnry referred to as the "Fish Creek" area, this trail will be retained for administra­ been noted for its qualities of tive' use to fish and water resource enhancement short carries and The The fire tower, observer cabin and lines have area now closed to motor motorboats and not yet been removed the of Envi- aircraft in with the master ronmental Conservation's evaluation the need for this wild atIlnm.pnere 15.4 miles of snowmobile trails in this area been closed, and tent plat- across the forms removed. one in a matter of minutes. Pu bUc access to the area is restricted from the north is dominated by the numerous ponds and and west .posted land but is available relatrvelv low in elevation. St. Mountain in the on the and east. north and Pond Mountain in the western part of the area are the only two high spots. area statistics: Much of the area was burned over in forest State Lands 18,100 Acres probably the most extensive one occurring in the summer Bodies of Water (58) 1,452 Acres of 1903. Therefore, for the most of Elevation (minimum) 1,560 Feet the forest cover was burned (maximum) 2,873 Feet damaged. This has resulted in .... "'11<"'_<.""' ... Foot Trails 11.0 Miles woods which have re~~enefj:HeQ Horse Trails 5.5 Miles and white birch rebuilding the humus There Leantos 3 are low-lying stands of hemlock and spruce, now mature State Truck Trails 7.0 Miles or nearly mature, which escaped the burn because of Non-conforming Uses: their location. There are also some spots near the Fire Towers (manned) 1 where white pine escaped the fires, and these Observer Cabins 1 shoreline trees add to the scenic attractions. Telephone Lines 1.0 Miles

Those areas classified as wild forest are (l'P1np1-<:llllu of these areas are under-utilized For the cres- fragile, ecologically, than the wilderness and -nt"l'rnit·iup cent of wild forest area from Lewis south and areas. Because the resources of these areas can with­ east through Old southern Hamilton and northern stand more human impact, these areas should accom­ Fulton Counties north and east to the Lake modate much of the future use of the Adirondack forest vicinity can and should afford extensive outdoor recrea- preserve. The scenic attributes and the variety of uses to tion readily accessible from the east-west trans- which these areas lend themselves provide a challenge portation and axis State. to the recreation planner. Within constitutional con­ in<;h.,lde various-sized straints, those types of outdoor recreation that afford ,scatte:red.paII.C~~ls~.J!~ .. m~!.lc,~teo only the enjoyment without destroying the wild forest character largest tracts are to illustrate largely or natural resource quality should be encouraged. Many untapped resources available in this category. No statis-

54 Boreal forest is visible Route 3 traversing the glunp:;e interesting bog and scattered A short into this spruce-fir forest will often reward the birdwatcher with sighting of normally found only much further north in Canada.

This area includes the state lands ...... 'm" .. ' N kimer south of Route This area in the northern section of the Park west ofthe Club """'".-. .... ,'""" in the towns of and River flows in a gerlenlily The of the middle of the area. "" ...... , ..,"'Ir Colvin to t- .... 'H·H,,,, A considerable number of ...... ,:>"".'", ...... nr<:>f-a.. "_.'"'nr... ""ri Lawrence River. It parcels exist to which jeep trails view in the Park of the highways. low hills with small Trails the swamp areas with second growth hardwoods on preserve lead from Meacham Lake Calmpgf()uI1ld the more fertile soils and spruce-fir combinations along west and from the DeBar Mountain water courses are typical in this southwestern corner of ment area on the west. the Park. Mohawk Valley population centers such as and Hatch Brooks and the \J"",'V,",,... Rome, Utica and Herkimer are within short vide trout opportunity and the distance, and big game pressure in the fall season East and DeBar mountains offer a ...... HUH.... };:,..., is heavy. The streams attract many trout fishermen to game hunter. the area. South Lake is a favorite fishing, hunting and boating

E MOU N This area is located in the southwestern corner of the This area is located in Hamilton and western Essex Park. It consists of those state lands south of Route 8 and counties. It is bounded Route 30 on the west and west of Route 10. south, the Hudson River on the east and Route 28N on Numerous small lakes and streams are distri- the north. buted area where both trout and pan fish The terrain varies from around the attract fishermen throughout the season. It is also a very sible and popular Rock to extremely popular area with big hunters. One of the last old dirt roads, extending rugged in the remote Brook ...... u,.....,. The 3,759-foot Blue Mountain dominates the land­ about 17 miles from Route 10 near Piseco Lake to scape for some distance around, offering wide ranging Stratford, cuts through the approximate center of this views in all directions for those willing to make a short large block of forest preserve. It provides the public with but steep hike to the summit from the picturesque hamlet motor vehicle access through practically unbroken for­ of Blue Mountain Lake. Tirrell Pond nestles to the north­ est, quite comparable to some of the wilderness areas. east of Blue Mountain and, due to relatively easy access, Many motorists take of the attractive drive over this old winding dirt the like of which has affords an excellent for day use or primitive become a rare and vanishing facility in the eastern United camping for family groups novice hikers. States. If possible, this road should remain in its current The from East Inlet Mountain to the I ..",.,h • ..."n- condition. Brook a wild block of forest preserve unbroken over ten miles except for a crossing of the Northville-Placid traiL MONO 0 This area located in the towns of Crown Moriah, North Hudson and Schroon in Essex This area is located in southern St. Lawrence County Bounded Route 9 on the west and north, it exten(lS in the towns of Colton and Fine. south to Lake, and its eastern and southern It a considerable amount of snowmobiling boundaries border private lands. opportunity in the winter in a setting offering the snow­ Owl Pate and Hail Mountain provide great distant mobiler a sense of remoteness. views, and exceptionally fine overlooks may be had from A public campsite on the northeastern shoreline per­ the many rocky bluffs and ledges dominating the area. mits exploration of the interesting flows of Brandy Access is open to hunters and other recreationists ~rook, East Inlet and Sucker Brook. Trails connecting from the Tracey Road, North Hudson-Moriah Road and these and several interior brook trout ponds permit fish­ Route 9. The Sharp Bridge public campground offers ing, camping and hunting on a variety of wild forest land. trail access to East Mill Brook and the interior. Many

55 offer scenic fishing opportunities and have defined teristic of the southern of the state than of the unmarked trails leading from highways. A great Adirondacks. Many and wildlife species found on variety of flora and fauna reflect an overlap of forest Tongue Mountain are rarely found elsewhere in the types where beech, birch, maple and hemlock on the Park. cool, northern slopes give way to oak, basswood and The Black Mountain tract on the opposite shore is on the southerly exposures. more and hemlock are common, as re'~reatl~on':ll enjoyment of the area is enhanced by this diversity of plant and animal associations. IN Trails connect the lake at Sheiving Rock and Black This western Adirondack area lies in Lewis and Mountain Point with interior and the summits of Herkimer counties south of the Beaver River and north Black Mountain and The latter pro- of Route 28. vides some ex(:!evluonal A balance of private lands interlaced with forest preserve tracts characterize this area of gentle hills and flat lands. MOOSE RIVER PLAINS The sand north from Brantingham Lake to the River offer many bird This area lies between Route 28 and the West Canada and plant life associations. Lake Wilderness in Hamilton and Herkimer counties. Numerous bogs and beaver meadows along the drain­ The scenic "plains" of the Moose and Red Rivers are age of Beaver Meadow Creek and Second, Third and well-known areas of interest to the public. These zones Fourth creeks provide contrasting wildlife habitats. An of herb and grass vegetation contrast vividly with the extensive network of trails, both foot and snowmobile, overall forested nature of the Park. Other scenic points link Pine Lake, Big Otter Lake and the Independence of interest include the Moose River cliffs, Mitchell Ponds, River with the Stillwater Road in north. Lost Ponds, Icehouse and Helldiver Ponds. The area is also in that the Department of Environmental Conservation maintains an extensive road JESSUP system and provides numerous scattered individual This area is located in Hamilton in the towns camping sites along this system. This provides a type of of Arietta and Lake Pleasant. Bounded on the north by outdoor recreation intermediate between that of the the "saddle" of Indian Lake, this wild forest land extends developed campground and primitive tent sites. Heavy easterly to Sacandaga Lake and southerly to Piseco. use of the road system is made in the winter months by Access is from Route 30 and the Perkins Clearing snowmobiles, a use that may not be compatible with the road, which traverse the area, and from the Moffitt wintering deer population and which may therefore Beach and Lewey Lake Campgrounds. require reassessment. Long popular with hunters, trappers and fishermen, Hunting, fishing, camping and snowmobiling make the interspersion of private woodlands with state owner­ this one of the truly four-season recreational areas of the ship has made this area a top producer of fish and Park. wildlife. The Jessup and Miami Rivers have long been known as good trout producers. Numerous logging roads and trails are open to foot SARANAC travel. The Pillsbury Mountain summit, from which a Easily accessible from Route 3 and 30, this southern vast view of lakes and forest may be obtained, offers a Franklin County area offers a broad network of streams, particularly enjoyable hike. lakes and ponds for water-oriented recreation. Boating access camping areas and portages are convenient GEORGE for the day user and the distance traveler alike. The The wild forest tracts of land associated with this Fish Creek Ponds and Pond offer a well-known section of the Park straddle the Warren­ base camp for some users of the area. Washington county line. Mountains rising steeply on south of Route 3 the either side of the lake provide many views of rugged High Wilderness, a superb view of this beauty. The area west of the lake is accessible by Routes area as a reward for a hike through majestic 9N and 73 while the forest preserve on the east side is stands of hemlock and northern hardwoods. accessible from the Pilot Knob and Hulett's Landing roads. The Tongue Mountain and Island Pond sections form SARGENT PONDS the base for a varied wildlife resource. The moderating Easterly of Raquette Lake, lying north of Route 28 influence of the lake on both sides of this peninsula has and west of Route 30, lies a labyrinth of boreal swamp produced an oak-pine cover type which is more charac- forest. Much of this great spruce-balsam-white cedar

56 tract borders the Raquette Marion River and Boulder Brook. Known to many canoeists, hunters and fishermen, VAN MOUNTAIN this wild forest area offers intimate sightings of Adiron­ The Vanderwhacker tract lies both east and west of dack wildlife and bog plants. The trail to Sargent Ponds Route 28N in western Essex courses through stands of old forest. of the The three attractions of the area are the ..... ",t .....'o"",. .. "'. tall pines along Marion River may be lakes and River and Vanderwhacker the hHl'hUIQU Mountain. virtue of its isolated lOCatllon, Forked Lake n ..r~uHi""" per'nal)S the best view of the Peaks from and Lake Eaton the Road to the Kal(Jm:~tte Park. It is also to trace the River varied access and recreational "" ... ,"',... ..·h._ course of the Hudson River from peak and an to users of this parceL appreciation of that river's majesty. The Boreas a scenic river designated by this is one of the most beautiful of the Adirondack N White water stretches interspersed with stillwaters This area is located south of the Silver Lake Wilder- provide the variety of scenes to hold one's appreciation. ness between Routes 10 and 30 in Fulton It is The Wolf Pond, Durgin Brook and Lester Flow sections near the population centers of Albany, and of the upper Boreas are well known to bird clubs. These Amsterdam, but remains comparatively little by are plant and birdlife communities of unusual interest, the Most of the area was heavily logged to particularly in the more boreal state acquisition and there are a considerable number of old log roads, chiefly in the southern half, where most of the hills are low and gently sloped. These woods trails make comfortable hiking trails that can be enjoyed by all ages. This area lies south of Route 8 and east of Route 30 in A number of small ponds afford some attractive the vicinity of the Hamilton-Warren-Saratoga county camping sites. The second hardwoods that pre­ lines' convergence and is capable of withstanding con­ dominate allow easy foot travel both on and off the old siderably more use without destruction of the physical woods roads and foot trails. This is in contrast to much resource or the wild forest atmosphere. of the state lands north of the area where the 1950 blowdown and subsequent dense softwood reproduction It is an area of rolling hills with a considerable number has made travel off maintained foot trails quite difficult. of attractive brook trout streams. Numerous old log This tract offers great potential to serve the wild roads provide easy access by foot in the summer and by forest recreational needs of New York's hikers, horsemen, snowmobiles, skis or snowshoes in the winter. At present snowmobilers, crosscountry skiers and campers, and it is the snowmobile trails on this tract probably represent capable of absorbing a considerable degree of public the greatest mileage to be found on any state parcel in use. the Park.

Little Sand Point Poplar Point Luzerne Putnam Pond Meacham Lake Rogers Rock Alger Island Golden Beach Meadowbrook Rollins Pond AuSable Point Hearthstone Point Moffit Beach Sacandaga Brown Tract Pond "'Hinckley Nicks Lake "Schroon Manor Buck Pond Lake Durant Northampton Beach Sharp Bridge Caroga Lake Lake Eaton Paradox Lake *Taylor Pond Cranberry Lake Lake George Battleground Point Comfort Tioga Point Crown Point Lake George Islands Poke-O-Moonshine Wilmington Notch Eagle Point Lake Harris Eighth Lake Lewey Lake "'Uncompleted Fish Creek Ponds Limekiln Lake Forked Lake "'Lincoln Pond

57 The following lake chains contain lakes less than 1,000 acres in but the combined acreage of lakes within these chains exceeds approximately 1,000 acres. oe,lcnes, Mt. Van HI"",",,,::·.,. These if listed below, are eligible for further con­ sideration to determine their suitability for boat launch­ Mount Van lHI"puP'n construction because they are connected Ski Center Winter Recreation Area n<:>,,,.oohll.:::> and the acreage of Whiteface Mountain Whiteface Mountain exceeds 1 acres. chains may contain Ski Center Memorial additional lakes less than 1 ,000 acres in size which are II-'rr\cn,,,,"l'lr Mountain Lake not listed. Such lakes have been determined to be unsuit- able for boat ramp construction.

Saranac Chain: Middle Saranac The tAII,Au}'1nn 1 ,000 acres or Lower Saranac further anal­ Second Pond for boat laUlnctuulg First Pond ramp construction. Lake Kiwassa Name of Water Number of Acres Lake Flower Oseetah Lake 281,600 28,160 Chain: ~a(;anlaa~;a Lake 26,656 Tupper Lake Simon Pond Reservoir Pond Tupper Lake 6,240 Stillwater Reservoir 6,195 St. Regis Chain: Raquette Lake 5,274 Upper St. Regis Lake Saranac Lake Lower St. Regis Lake Lake Schroon Lake 4,128 Chateaugay Chain: Long Lake Upper Chateaugay Piseco Lake Lower Chateaugay Lake Placid 2,803 Hinckley Reservoir 2,784 Fulton Chain: Upper Chateaugay Lake 2,605 First Lake Little Tupper Lake 2,381 Second Lake Lower Saranac Lake Third Lake Fourth Lake (Fulton Chain) Lake 1,606 Rainbow Chain: ~a(~anaa~~a Lake 1,600 Lake Kushaqua Lake Pleasant 1,440 Rainbow Lake Middle Saranac Lake 1,376 Union Falls Flow 1,376 Indian Chain: Brant Lake 1,376 Indian Lake Peck Lake 1,370 Lewey Lake Moose Lake 1,286 Mountain Lake 1 Saranac Chain: Forked Lake 1,248 Square Pond Meacham Lake 1,203 Fish Creek Pond Woodhull Lake 1,158 Abanakee Lake 1,018 Lake Clear 1,000

58 H N H This area includes the Crown Point Ruins and This area includes John Brown's the Fort St. Frederic Ruins. The actual area is and that area the official of this map of this master sists of the northern one-fourth of Great

Sewage Treatment Plant- N Altamont-Sunmount Developmental Center­ DMH Brighton - Topddge-OGS Duane-Maintenance Area Rt. 458, "Meacham Lake"-DOT Duane-Maintenance Area Rt. 3, Vermontville­ DOT Arietta - Maintenance Area - Rt. 10, 1.5 mi. north of Harrietstown - State Armory Fulton County -DOT Harrietstown-Maintenance Area RL 86, Lake Indian Lake-Maintenance Area, Residency-DOT Clear Jct.-DOT Hoffmeister-Maintenance Area, Rt. 8-DOT Santa Clara - Wawbeek Maintenance Area - DOT Long Lake-Maintenance Area, Rts. 28N, 30- DOT Long Lake-Maintenance Area Rt. 28, Raquette Lake Patrol Elizabethtown - Rt. 9N - Essex County Stonehouse Long Lake-Maintenance Area SH 5189, Maintenance Area-DOT Long Lake Patrol Lake Placid - Maintenance Rt. 86-DOT Wells-Hamilton County Sub-headquarters Lake Placid-Maintenance Area, Behind DEC- State Police Facilities-DOT LTON Lewis-West of Exit 32, Maintenance Area-DOT Northampton - Maintenance Area SH 362-DOT Minerva - Maintenance Area, Rt. 28N - DOT Northampton - DEC, NorthviUe-DEC North Adirondack - DCS Rockwood - Maintenance Area Rts. 10 and 29-DOT North Elba-Ray Headquarters North Hudson - Maintenance Area, Exit 30-DOT Schroon-Schroon Lake Sewage Treatment Plant- EFC Schroon - Horseshoe Brook Pumping Station, Ausable-Maintenance Area, Rt. 9N - 1-87 - DOT Utility-EFC Dannemora - Correctional Facility- Schroon-Int. Rts. 9, 73/Maintenance Area, Dept. of Correctional Services Residency Office-DOT Dannemora - Correctional Facility-DCS Severance-Maintenance Area - Int. Rts. 9 & 73- Dannemora - Clinton East Annex - DCS DOT Dannemora - Surplus Property-OGS Stowerville-Maintenance Area - 2 mi. west Dannemora - Adk. Correctional Treatment & of 1. 87-DOT Evaluation Center Ticonderoga-315 Champlain Ave., State Armory, Dannemora-ROW-SH 5186, Vacant Land-DOT Div. Military, Naval Affairs Saranac SH 1398 Moffittsville/Franklin, Underwood-Maintenance Area-Rt. 9-DOT Maintainance Area - DOT

59 office-DEC Warrensburg-Warren Ke:SlOen(~y on Rt. 9 properties-DOT Lake Bldg. Loc:atlCm DOT Chester SS Rt. 8, Maintenance Area - DOT Chestertown - Maintenance Area- Exit 25 on Rt. 8-DOT Warrensburg-Parking Lot SH 5157 Wa:rrelrlsbure: Colton - Town of Colton Maintenance Area- Chestertown - DOT Rt. 3-DOT Warrensburg-Maintenance Area near Fine-St. Lawrence Power Radio Tower Lake George-Warrensburg-DOT Fine - Radio Tower Site - PASNY Warrensburg-Warren County Storehouse Site Hill Radio Towers


Ampersand Brook 8.0 Ausable-Main Branch 22.0 Ausable-East Branch 9.0 28.3 Ausable-West Branch 34.5 Black 7.8 Bog 7.3 Boreas 11.5 Bouquet 47.7 Bouquet - North Fork 6.0 Bouquet-South Fork 5.5 Blue Mountain Stream 9.0 (Tributary of Middle Branch of the Grasse River) Cedar 14.3 15.0 11.0 Cold 14.0 Deer 6.2 East Canada Creek 20.9 Grasse - Middle Branch 14.5 Grasse-North Branch 2504 Grasse-South Branch 38.9 5.2 Hudson 10.5 13.0 58.6 Independence 26.0 0.5 Indian (Trib. of Hudson River) 8.3 Indian (Trib. of Moose River-South 13.0 Jordan 18.0 Kunjamuk 8.0 lOA Long Pond Outlet 16.0 Marion 5.0 Moose - Main Branch 15.8 Moose-South Branch 38.9 Opalescent 11.0 Oswegatchie-Main Branch 18.5 Oswegatchie - Middle Branch 14.5 2304 Oswegatchie-West Branch 7.0 6.1 Otter Brook 10.0

60 N WI Ouluska Pass Brook 3.0 Piseco Outlet 4.2 Raquette 33.8 39.0 Red 9.7 Rock 6.9 1.2 Round Lake Outlet 2.7 St. Branch 14.5 6.1 St. Branch 15.5 25.0 St. Regis-West Branch 35.0 5.5 Sacandaga - East Branch 11.5 14.0 Sacandaga - Main Branch 31.0 Branch 18.7 17.8 Salmon 12.3 Saranac 60.4 Schroon 66.7 West Canada Creek 8.0 17.0 11.0 West Canada Creek-South Branch 5.9 9.7 West Stony Creek 7.7 8.7 TOTALS TOTAL MILES CLASSIFIED

TRAVEL CORRIDORS 28N Blue Mountain Lake to e RAI LIN North Creek 47 29A Southern Park Boundary to Remsen to Lake Placid 122 miles Southwestern Park Boundary 18f 30 Northern Park Boundary to Southern Park Boundary 151g HIGHWAYS: 56 Northern Park Boundary Approxi mate to Sevey 15 58 Western Park Boundary to Fine 5 Mileage 72 Northern Park Boundary to Route 30 20 1-87 Northern Park Boundary to h Southern Park Boundary 91 73 Lake Champlain to Route 86 63 3 Western Park Boundary to 86 Jay to Route 30 34 Northeastern Park Boundary 107a 99 Merrillville to Route 30 18 8 Southwest Park Boundary to 149 Southern Park Boundary to Hague 109 Southeastern Park Boundary 5 9 Northern Park Boundary to b Southern Park Boundary 92 a) includes 6 miles dually designated as Route 30 9L Southeastern Park Boundary to Route 9 13 b) includes 4 miles dually designated as Route 8 and 10 miles dually 9N Southern Park Boundary designated as Route 73 to Keeseville 124 c) includes 25 miles dually designated as Route 9N 10 Southern Park Boundary to d) includes 11 miles dually designated as Route 30 Route 8 23 e) includes 9 miles dually designated as Route 30 22 Northern Park Boundary to f) includes 5 miles dually designated as Route 10 Southern Park Boundary 76c 28 Southwestern Park Boundary g) includes 9 miles dually designated as Route 8 to Route 9 l00d h) includes 2 miles dually designated as Route 9N

61 190 Northern Park to 418 3 Route 374 8 421 Horseshoe 6 192 Bloomingdale to Route 30 9 431 Wilmington to 192A Route 192 to Route 86 2 Whiteface Summit 8 287 Western Park Boundary 903 Crown Point Bridge to Route 22 4 to Route 8 6 Subtotal 1187 miles 373 Port Kent to Route 9 3 Minus dual 81 374 Northern Park Total 1106 miles Dannemora 27

TOWN Johnsburg 3 miles south of North River on Barton Altamont At intersection of road east of Sunmount Mine Road State School and State Routes 3 and 30 Johnsburg mile east of Chatiemac Lake south of Altamont Approximately 1.5 miles west of Faust on Gore Mountain by 2 miles State Route 3 Johnsburg Approximately 0.5 miles southeast of BeHmont 1 mile west of Owl's Head Bakers Mills Bolton Two on Federal Hill Road Keene Intersection of Route 73 and 9N Bolton One on Coolidge Hill Road Lake Pleasant On southeast shore of Lake Pleasant Corinth Approximately 0.5 miles east of Daly Newcomb 3 miles east of hamlet of Newcomb on Creek Road and 0.1 miles north of West State Route 28N Mountain Road North Elba 0.5 miles east of Village of Lake Placid on Dannemora 0.5 miles west of Village of Dannemora State Route 86 on State Route 374 North Elba Near intersection of State Route 73 and Dannemora 0.25 miles east of Merrill Road Heart Lake Road in North Elba Dannemora 2.75 miles northeast of Village of Ohio Intersection of West Canada Creek Road Dannemora on French Settlement Road and State Route 8 at hamlet of Nobleboro Danmemora 1 mile northeast of hamlet of Standish on Santa Clara Two miles west of Keese Mill on Keese road from Standish to Lyon Mountain Mills Road Ellenburg Approximately 6.5 miles north of Upper Santa Clara On State Route 30 at Pelky Bay on Chateaugay Lake and approximately 1/4 Upper Saranac Lake mile west of West Hill School Saranac 3.25 miles east of Picketts Corners near Essex 1.5 miles northeast of Whallonsburg on Hardscrabble Road Christian Road Saranac 2 miles southeast of hamlet of Saranac Essex 0.75 miles southwest of Whallon Bay on Burnt Hill Road (Lake Champlain) on Lake Shore Road Saranac At intersection of Lake Road and Fine Two vistas aplJr01xmnately 1.25 miles south Branch Delaware of hamlet and Railroad Harrietstown Approximately 0.5 miles north of inter­ Saranac Two miles northwest of Clayburg on section of State Routes 86 and 192-A Clay burg to Standish Road Hopkinton Whites Hill Willsboro 1.5 miles south of Willsboro on County Route 22-M Indian Lake On State Route 30 overlooking Lake Abanakee Willsboro 4.5 miles northeast of Willsboro on County Route 27 on Willsboro Point Indian Lake 2.5 miles east of Lake Abanakee over­ looking Lake Snow Wilmington 2.5 miles north of Hamlet of Wilmington Johnsburg 3 miles south of hamlet of North Creek Westport 4.0 miles north of Westport

62 II Rain bow Lake Esker Rock Round Mountain .... " .. ..-- ...... ', .... '" Dome Six Mile Creek Esker Anl1pt:~rs,md Mountain Summit Mountain Summit Summit Summit H Black Mountain Peak Axton Plantation Blue Mountain Summit Burnt Bog River Falls Fort Bushnell's Falls French Louie's Buttermilk Falls Mother Johnson's tso,aramg Cascade Lake-Round Pond DeBar Mountain Summit lJ' ..r,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,t Mountain Inclined R.R. East Canada Falls Fans Brook Rondeau's i-i"" ...,...,..t,.." .. "" Fort Noble Mountain Roosevelt Summit Scott's Pond Dam Hanging Spear Fans Scott Clearing and Lumber Dam High Falls Lake Stevens Flume Route Hurricane Mountain Summit Valeout Island Indian Fans Kane Mountain Summit Miller's Falls Opalescent Flume Paradise Bay Pokamoonshine Summit Baxter Mountain Prospect Mountain Bloomingdale Bog Pulpit Rock Boreas Hardwood Raquette Falls Buckhorn Lake Hardwoods Red Rock Bay Chubb River Marsh Rocky Falls Church Pond St. Regis Mountain Summit Five Ponds Esker Sleeping Beauty Griffin Rapids Virgin Timber Sliding Rock Falls The Gulf Twitchell Creek Gorge Moose River Plains Vanderwhacker Mountain Summit Oseetah Lake Marsh Wakely Mountain Summit Oswegatchie Plains Wanika Falls Otter Pond Virgin Timber Whiteface Mountain Summit Owl's Head - Red Pine Area Pharaoh Lake Red Pine Piseco Lake Hardwoods Pine Orchard Pine Ridge AuSable River Delta Peninsula Nature Trail Balanced Rock Raquette River Delta Chimney Mountain South Inlet-Raquette Lake Colden Dike Tongue Mountain Giant Mountain Slides Wanika Falls Hardwoods Ice Cave Mountain Whiteface Mountain-Red Pine Area McComb Mountain Slide Whitehouse Hardwoods Moose River Rock Dam Valeour Island

63 I


of environmental conservation order to further carry out the of this 1-hr"",,.,,arl and directed to in consulta- as described in section one, the tion the individual for agency shall and submit to the guvernor for his units of land in the master on or June nineteen hundred ment of state lands heretofore .... r",.t'Vlr""rl a master plan in consultation consultation with the department of environmental conservation, for conservation and approved by the malnagernel1t of state whether now owned or here- shall conform to located in the Adirondack Park. Such ("'r.'t",,,,,,, set forth in the master such lands to their char- the master for mc:m2Igem(~nt acteristics and to withstand use and ..... ",,,.,;1'" individual H'U!l"j""'-""'V"~ guidelines and criteria for the management and ment and lU"'UU/,;'-'UH.,U use of lands within such and (2) reflect Park. the actual and uses of lands within the as those uses may be more fully characterized in 2. The master plan and the individual manal2:ennerlt '-"~,'Ull"""'H of the land use and development plan plan shall be reviewed periodically and ", .. ,..",,,-j,,,,rI for in section hundred five of this article. from time to and when so amended henceforth guide the development and of 2. approval of such plan by the governor, the state lands in the Adirondack Park. Amendments to the department of environmental conservation is hereby master plan shall be prepared by the Agency, in consul­ authorized and directed to develop, in consultation with tation with the department of environmental conserva­ the agency, individual management plans for units of tion, and submitted after public hearing to the governor land classified in the master plan and such management for his approval. shall conform to the master plan. Until amended master for management of state lands and the 3. The agency and department are authorized individual management plans shall guide the develop­ to develop rules and regulations necessary, convenient ment and management of state lands in the Adirondack or desirable to effectuate the purposes of this section. Park. 3. The master plan and the individual management plans shall be reviewed periodically and may be amended from time to time in the same manner as initially adopted, and when so amended shall as amended henceforth guide the development and management of state lands in the Adirondack Park. Formerly Section 807, added L. 1971, c. 706, Section 1; 4. The agency and department are hereby authorized renumbered 816 and amended L. 1973, c. 348, Section 1. to develop rules and regulations necessary, convenient Section 807 read as follows: or desirable to effectuate the purposes of this section.


Town of Indian Lake, Hamilton County TWP 34 Lots 270-279,-259-269, 436-484 Harold Hochschild-800+ acres-Gift 1. Town of Keene, Essex County 3. Elk Lake.- 1963 Lot 66 TWP 1 & 2 Town of North Hudson, Essex County 40 acres-Harold B. Burton-Gift TWP 44 & 49 Elk Lake Islands and Perimeter of Elk 2. Eagle Nest Corporation (1974) Lake, Samuel Bloomingdale ± acres Gift

64 AuSable Club-1978 4.29 Essex Twp 48 1.00 Franklin Towns of Keene and North Essex Hatch 1.04 Franklin 7,000 acres- Adirondack Mountain St. Regis River 2.72 Franklin East Branch 2.50 Franklin 5. Nehasane 1979 Ozonia Lake Outlet .70 Franklin Town of Webb, Dexter Lake Outlet .25 Franklin 6646 Acres Salmon River 4.65 Clinton Webb -Gift North Branch .45 Clinton 6. Nn.rthuT'JI" Scenic caSerneIltS, Essex Saranac N. 10.36 Clinton Alder Brook .51 Clinton a. Town of Chesterfield .14 Franklin Essex 35.28 acres-1964-66- Purchase Cold Brook .99 Clinton b. Town of Lewis Saranac Branch 3.64 Clinton Essex 163.1 67.86 acres-1964-66- Purchase Schroon River 7.15 Essex Essex 163.2-43.63 acres-1964-66-Purchase True Brook 2.71 Clinton c. Town of Westport East Canada Creek 3.50 Fulton Essex 164.1-10.50 acres-1964-66- Purchase Creek .27 Fulton Essex 164.1A-64.20 acres-1964-66- Purchase Brook .19 Warren River .73 Warren d. Town of North Hudson Gilead Brook .02 Warren Essex 166.3-0.07 acres-1964-66- Purchase Mill Creek 5.03 Warren Essex 166.3a-0.164 acres-1964-66- Purchase Schroon River .11 Warren Essex 166.4-0.07 acres-1964-66- Purchase West Brook .25 Warren Essex 166.4a-0.164acres-1964-66-Purchase Grasse River e. Town of Schroon North Branch 5.75 St. Lawrence Essex 167 - 18.36 acres- 1964-66-Purchase Little River of Essex 168-4.05 acres-1964-66-Purchase Oswegatchie) 4.70 St. Lawrence Sucker Lake Outlet .65 St. Lawrence 7. Northway Scenic Warren County Trib # 12 .25 St. Lawrence a. Town of Chester St. .62 St. Lawrence Warren 62.5-1.0 acres-1964- 66-Purchase Twin Outlet 1.54 St. Lawrence Warren 62.7-0.93 acres-1964-66-Purchase Black Creek .31 St. Lawrence Warren 62.8-2.66 acres-1964-66-Purchase Black River .20 Herkimer b. Town of Lake George Little Black Creek 2.39 Herkimer Warren 65.1-6.78 acres-1964-66-Purchase Beaver Brook .27 Herkimer East Canada Creek .3 Herkimer c. Town of Warrensburg Trammel Creek .45 Herkimer Warren 64.1-3.66 acres - Purchase West Canada Creek .15 Herkimer Warren 64.2-9.96 acres - Purchase Fish Creek (Trib. of Other Less Than Fee Interests Black River) 5.37 Lewis Nehasane, 1979 Independence River & Town of Webb Tribs. 25.71 Lewis 3664 acres, subject to a 50-year estate retained by Otter Creek 19.94 Lewis the Webb Family Oswegatchie West Branch 13.19 Lewis Jakes Pond Outlet .28 Lewis Hogs Back Creek .28 Lewis Compos Creek -.-lJ)Q Lewis R TOTAL 178.29

Stream Miles County Ausable River, E. Branch 12.40 Essex Ausable River, W. Branch 4.52 Essex Chubb River .67 Essex Bouquet River 15.81 Essex Bouquet River, N. Branch 8.29 Essex "'Mileage is calculated based upon easements held on each bank.

65 State Land

acres to next two '-''-'_0.'-''"-0. 1960, $2.6 million was for land acquisition as part of a larger bond for Park and Recreation By the P"""'CP'""P grown to encompass over 2.1 million acres within the Blue Line. Quali~ ty Bond 1972 included $44 million for the addition of lands within the Adirondack Park, permitting lands to grow to a total of million acres. moneys from the Bond Act not all been spent. Over the years, State has acquired impor~ tant wildlife habitat, fragile alpine summits, and other environmentally sensitive areas. has some of the best of recreation most of the mountains over 3000 feet, miles of canoe routes, and a wide variety of lakes and ponds. In the past decade such important tracts as Nehasane with its beautiful Lake Lila, Dunhams Bay on Lake George with its vital wetlands, Santanoni Adirondack Park boundary 1892 Preserve south of the High Peaks, the Wilderness Forest Preserve 1885 Lakes tract near Stillwater Reservoir, and part of the Sagamore properties near Raquette Lake At creation in 1885, the Adirondack Forest have been acquired. In 1978 State purchased Preserve contained 681,374 acres. The story of its from the Adirondack Mountain Reserve all growth to the present 2.5 million acres is a lands above 2,500 feet on the nine high peaks fascinating one - and a testimony to the high still privately owned. The State also acquired regard Forest Preserve has had in the minds easements guaranteeing public aCcess to those of the people of New York State. number of peaks. laws to appropriate funds for land acquisition Among the smaller parcels purchased, some have passed the legislature, and the people of the have provided significant accesses to the State have voted special bond acts designed to Ron,Dah Wilderness, the east side of Pharaoh provide funds to increase the Forest Preserve. Lake Wilderness, and Auger Falls on the Sacan, The first specific appropriation for the Forest daga River. Among the environmentally impor, Preserve was voted in 1890, a sum of $25,000. tant parcels acquired were most of the remaining Successive appropriations totalling $3.85 million private lands on Valcour Island in Lake permitted yearly purchases so that by 1910, the Champlain to preserve the heron rookery. Forest Preserve contained a total of 1.4 million Lampson Falls in St. Lawrence County, was a acres. special scenic acqUIsItIon. Residents have In 1910, the first bond issue provided $7.5 benefited also from the purchase of a tract on the million which added 245,000 acres to the east shore of Tupper Lake. The State Land Master Plan mandated by the Adirondack Agency classified lands in the in 1972. Each year, the Agency, in consultation with the ment of Environmental Conservation, classification of recent acquisitions to the Governor for approvaL As of there were 1,035,000 acres as 18,100 acres as and 1.33 million acres as Wild 52% Wild Since 1979 a total of 50,464 acres have been added to the Forest Of that total, acres been classified as Intensive areas, as Wild Forest, 6,1 acres as Primitive and 2,182 as Wilderness. With the recommended classification of much of the Clearing exchange land as Wilderness, 32.9% of the total 50,465 acres acquired since will have that designation while 53.2% of the new land will be in the Wild category. This will result in classifications of 54.6% of the total of Forest Preserve lands as Wild and 43.4% as Wilderness. The remaining two percent is a combination of Primitive, Canoe, Intensive Use, Historic, and State Administrative classifications.

The Department of Environmental Conserva, Plans completed or nearing completion include tion established a "Policies and Procedures Lake Battlefield Park, Pepperbox Manual" through which it proposed to under, Wilderness Cranberry Wild Forest take Unit Management Planning as mandated Area, Siamese Ponds Wilderness Area, Five and outlined by the Adirondack Park Agency Ponds Wilderness, Buck Pond Primitive Cor, Act. (See page 13.) These policies and later ridor, Independence River Wild Forest Area, amendments to them, including the "fast,track" Ha,De~Ron,Dah Wilderness' Area, Grasse River process, described procedures for completing the Wild Forest, Jessup Wild Forest Area, and plans. As part of the process, DEC has called for Pigeon Lake Wilderness Area. public assistance in gathering inventory informa, Plans which have been recently initiated are tion, in advising the Department about goals Fulton Chain Wild Forest, Pharaoh Lake and objectives for management, and in assessing Wilderness Hammond Pond Wild Forest, the impact ot plans on surrounding areas. Public Crane Pond Primitive Corridor, Bald Ledge input can take the form of written information Hudson Gorge Primitive Area, or attendance at informational meetings or hear' Wild Forest, the High Peaks ings which are a part of unit management plann, Wilderness and Ampersand and John's ing. This partnership of the public with the Brook Primitive areas. Department in the preparation of the plans is an generic plan for Intensive Use Areas which essential ingredient of the planning process. includes campgrounds is underway and will pro, To date, a number of plans are underway and vide the basis for plans for all 49 of those areas. a few have reached final draft form for review by For additional information contact your the Adirondack Park Agency. Each plan, with regional Office or write Bureau of Preserve detailed maps, inventories, and management ob, Protection and Management, New York State jectives and actions has been or will be available Department of Environmental Conservation, to the public for comment. 50 Wolf Road, Albany, NY 12233. il rest reas

DeBar Mtn.







Ferris lake SILVER lAKE

Shaker Min.


st Preserve centennial