Enclosure No. 2


From the history of science and on the Polish-Lithuanian borderline from the sixteenth century to the present in the context of historical issues

Publishing achievements in the years 1993-2014 has approx. 115 scientific and popular scientific works in Polish, Belarusian, Russian and English, including 20 books, within 18 titles. After obtaining PhD degree I published 38 works, including 12 books, 8 of which in Polish: 6 edition of the copyright and two volumes of studies. I participated in 33 international domestic and foreign scientific conferences and scientific-practical, in 19 of them – after PhD, on several of which I gave a plenary lecture. I'm working on the history of science and education in Eastern Europe, among others magnates role in the development of civilization and cultural areas that are currently on the territory of Belarus and , historiography, biography and the of Poles in Belarus and the issues of European integration in the context of Belarus.

Studies and received degrees 2008 Scholar of Polonia Aid Foundation Trust (London). 2002 Institute for the History of Science Polish Academy of Sciences (), PhD degree in humanities in history - the history of science and education. 2000–2002 of Natural Sciences and Humanities in Siedlce (University of Podlasie, Siedlce), doctoral studies. 2000 Scholar of Polonia Aid Foundation Trust (London). 2000 IX Eastern Summer School University of Warsaw for doctoral students. 1996–1999 Belarusian State University (Minsk), doctoral studies. 1999 Intern of Kasa Mianowski (Warsaw). 1994 Belarusian State University (Minsk), MA in history and lecturer at social and political disciplines. 1987 Higher School of (Orsha), BA.

Participation in the research project: 2007–2013 „Stimulation of cross-border in Lithuania and Belarus by improving the accessibility and attractiveness of cultural-historical heritage in Rokiškis and Postavy regions” (European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument 2007-2013 cross border cooperation programme -Lithuania-Belarus, № LLB-1-003) 2013–2016 “Cultural and linguistic heritage of Podlasie” (project coordinator: Prof. UW PhD Nina Barszczewska, No. 11H 12 0263 81) within the module 1.1 program, entitled „National Programme for the Development of Humanities”. Implementation of the project is scheduled for 4 years (2013-2016). 2015-2017 (planned). In collaboration with the Institute of the History of Science named Ludwik and Aleksandra Birkenmajer Polish Academy of Sciences in the context of the studies concerning the Polish community in the Republic of Belarus was established the research project under the title The history of recent upbringing and polish education in Belarus in the years 2000- 2015 , that in order to obtain funding participates in the „Opus 8”, announced by the National Science Center in 2014. Supervisor of the research project – an outstanding expert in Eastern European history, including Belarus, Lithuania and prof. assoc. Leszek Zasztowt – director of the Institute for the History of Science named Ludwik and Aleksandra Birkenmajer Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw. Preliminary studies of the project I presented at the seminar on the history of education, conducted by the prof. assoc. Kalina Bartnicka and assoc. Joanna Schiller-Walicka.


PhD thesis under the title „Rola rodu Tyzenhauzów w rozwoju nauki i o światy Kresów Wschodnich (lata 60-te XVIII w. do 1880 r.)” I defended in December 2002 under the supervision of prof. assoc. Zofia Chyra-Rolicz at the Institute of the History of Science Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw and received a PhD degree in humanities – the history of science and education. Fragments of the work were published in various journals and several books. The scientific output after obtaining PhD degree consists of 28 publications, including six books, two of which are monographs, before PhD i have published 47 works, among others, 6 books, including two editions of scientific-methodical (reprint) and an elaboration.

Participation in international conferences after the PhD degree.

Participation in International Scientific Conferences (in ):

1. „Droga ku wzajemno ści. Polsko-białoruskie zwi ązki kulturowe, literackie, j ęzykowe” (Crakow, 01-02.07.2004). 2. „Dwór a społeczno ści lokalne na ziemiach polskich w XIX i XX wieku” (Kielce, 24.10.2006). 3. „Droga ku wzajemno ści (50 lat białorutenistyki na Uniwersytecie Warszawskim)” (Warsaw, 24– 25.11.2006). 4. „Dom – spotkanie przestrzeni prywatnej i publicznej na tle przemian cywilizacyjnych XIX i XX wieku” (, 20–21.04.2007). 5. „Dziedzictwo kulturowe Wielkiego Ksi ęstwa Litewskiego. W 440 rocznic ę Unii Lubelskiej” (Lublin, 25–26.06.2009) 6. „Edukacja. Kultura. Społecze ństwo 2010” (Czocha Castle, 21–23.09.2010) 7. „Polsko-białoruskie zwi ązki literackie, j ęzykowe i historyczne (55 lat białorutenistyki na Uniwersytecie Warszawskim)”, (Hajnowka, 15-17.09.2011). 8. „Edukacja. Kultura. Społecze ństwo 2011” (Łagów Lubuski, 20–22.09.2011) 9. „Jak uczy ć skutecznie? ” (Warsaw, 16.12.2011) 10. „Panslawizm – wczoraj, dzi ś, jutro” (Siedlce, 26–26.10.2012) 11. 20-lecie Fundacji Instytut Studiów Strategicznych „Polska i świat w XXI wieku” (Crakow, 08.12.2012) 12. „Polsko-białoruskie zwi ązki literackie, kulturowe i j ęzykowe” (Warsaw, 18-19.10.2013)

Participation in International Scientific Conferences (foreign conferences):

1. „Дні беларускага пісьменства і друку ” (Postawy – Belarus, 1–3.09.2006). 2. „Беларуска -польскія літаратурныя , моўныя і гістарычныя сувязі ( да 125-годдзя Янкі Купалы і Якуба Коласа )” (Minsk – Belarus, 27–29.06.2007). 3. „Витебщина краеведческая (к 100-летию образования и деятельности Витебской ученой архивной комиссии )” (Vitebsk – Belarus, 05.05.2009) 4. “Рэгіянальнае , нацыянальнае і агульначалавечае ў славянскіх літаратурах ” (Gomel – Belarus, 7–8.10.2010). 5. „Актуальныя праблемы крыніцазнаўства айчыннай гісторыі . Да 450-годдзя віцебскага гарадскога права і 100-годдзя выдання першай кнігі зборніка «Полоцко -Витебская старина »„ (Vitebsk – Belarus, 6–7.10.2011). 6. „Опыт сохранения историко -культурного наследия и трансграничное сотрудничество в сфере культурного туризма ” (Vitebsk – Belarus, 23–25.11.2011) 7. „Graf ų Tyzenhauz ų gimin ės paveldas” (05.07.2013, Rokiškis - Lithuania)


Achievements arising under article 16 paragraph 2 of the act dated. 14 March 2003 on academic degrees and academic title.

Series of 6 publications – 1 book and 5 articles about From the history of science and education on the Polish-Lithuanian borderline from the sixteenth century to the present in the context of Belarus historical issues


Traktem Stefana Batorego. Postawy na pograniczu kultur. 1409–1939–2009 ; Warszawa: Katedra Białorutenistyki Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, 2008, ss. 396 (ISBN 978-83-60951-03-3).

Articles: 1) Rola rodów magnackich w rozwoju Kresów Wschodnich , [w:] Rzeczpospolita Obojga Narodów i jej tradycje. Szkice i studia , red. naukowa Marek Wagner, Janusz Wojtasik, (Seria: Monografie; nr 50; ISSN 0860-2719), Siedlce 2004, s. 175–183. 2) Aleksander Przezdziecki (1814–1871): „Litwin z przodków” – pisarz i historyk , [w:] Acta Albaruthenica 9 (2009). Literatura, j ęzyk i kultura: tradycje i nowatorstwo , red. naukowa Mikołaj Timoszuk, Mikołaj Chaustowicz, Warszawa 2009, s. 376–381 (ISBN 978-83-60951-04-0, ISSN 1898-8091); 3) Działalno ść Jeana Emmanuela Giliberta w Wielkim Ksi ęstwie Litewskim w latach 1775–1783 , [w:]”Acta Albaruthenica” 2012, t. 12, s. 223–239 (ISSN 1898-8091). 4) Гісторыя Беларусі ў гістарыяграфіі Польшчы (90-я гг . ХХ ст .) , [w:] Acta Albaruthenica 6 (2007). Droga ku wzajemno ści. 50 lat białorutenistyki na Uniwersytecie Warszawskim , red. naukowa Mikołaj Timoszuk, Mikołaj Chaustowicz, Warszawa 2007, s. 396–403 (ISBN 978-83- 920472-5-4). 5) Werbalne symbole Białorusi , [w:] Acta Albaruthenica 11 (2011). Literatura, j ęzyk i kultura: tradycje i współczesno ść , red. naukowa Mikołaj Timoszuk, Mikołaj Chaustowicz, Warszawa 2011, s. 277–284 (ISBN 978-83-60951-10-1, ISSN 1898-8091).

The area of my years of research generally consists of four strands:

I) history of Grand and the Belarusian issues; II) landed aristocracy activity on the Polish-Lithuanian-Belarusian borderline III) history of science and education in the above mentioned cultures; IV) The Republic of Belarus on the background of contemporary processes of European integration. As part of theabove mentioned trends I extract several research areas on the role in the history of the lands of White Rus' in the history of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and the Polish- Lithuanian Commonwealth in terms of comparative civilization, introducing into scientific language my own definitions; I take into account the context of the paradigm of ethnocentrism, contribution of nobility and aristocratic families in the development of civilization and cultural lands northeastern I and II of the Republic and in the era of post-partition in these areas; I examine the issue of authorities anthropology, putting forward the argument regarding the management of the precursor; I research a genealogical topic, historiographical, folklore and qualified tourism combined with knowledge of the historical regions; I also deal with the theory of European integration in connection with the issue of Belarus, including cross-border and euroregions cooperation.

I) As one of my most important scientific achievements I consider the work under the title „Integracja Europy a Białoru ś. Historia i współczesno ść ” Warszawa, Katedra Białorutenistyki UW, 2008, ss. 460 (ISBN 978-83-60951-01-9). It is devoted to the position of Belarus (in the Middle Ages - White Rus) – country of lakes and forests in Europe, basic feature of which is the variety, in the words of a classic European historiography François Guizot. The Republic of Belarus – Independent de iure founding state of the United Nations, named by Tadeusz Konwicki „Dobrorusi ą”, remains for


Europeans, including the majority of Poles, terra incognito of Eastern Europe. The monograph consists of IX chapters covered in three parts: Part A – historical, including two chapters – a brief outline of the history of Europe and Belarus; Part B – theory of European integration, consisting of three chapters, which are, in a sense, a bridge between the past and the present and in which has been exposed complex process of integration of European countries: from the development of a variety of ideas, integration concepts and movements to the first attempts at unification through the small community of sectoral and regional organizations up to pan-European communities and the creation of EU; Part C (Chapters VI-IX) – modern Republic of Belarus and its modest steps towards eurointegration. The largest part of this work – Chapter II – From Rus to Belarus is to support the Belarusian eurointegration enthusiasts, connected, as Bohdan Cywi ński wrote, with an attempt to explore what and to what extent affects our modern historical consciousness. Main part of the book, consisting of VII chapters, preceded by an introduction, showing research issues, chronology, source base and other, as well as chapters I and II, presenting civilization and culture critical reflections on the past – in terms of the emerging countries and the formation early medieval communities of ethnic identity and present Belarus within the extensive European area on a background of the Slavs in terms of integration trends, also in the context of radiation of Polish culture to the east. In the transfer of Western European civilization to the east, reaching the manor of Moscow, Polish culture has played a particularly important role. The subject of this hearing is the history of Europe (which can be called civilization of a thousand islands – own definition, there are more than 10 000 of them) and Belarus (civilization of a thousand lakes – own definition, because there are nearly 11 000 of them on these lands) of three eras in conventional terms: Middle Ages, modernity and contemporary. A brief outline of comparative history of European civilization, including Belarus, start early Middle Ages. I also pointed out some prehistoric processes, for example on the duration of anthropogenesis and creation Balto-Slavic ethnic community on the part of the archaic Belarus. The lower limit of comparative research. 1) With regard to the history of Europe. From the first mention in written sources of Constantinople (formerly Byzantium, the name is passed to the whole country) – future capital of the Eastern Roman Empire in 330, the founder of which formally became Constantine the Great (approx. 280-337), the first christian emperor. Since the time of the coronation of the greatest ruler of the Middle Ages Charlemagne (742–814), which took place during the Christmas in 800. It symbolized the relationship between the kingdom of the Franks, already constitutes the beginning of modern Europe, and the Papacy: “Alliance of throne and altar”, and also underlined the split between Rome and Constantinople. The disintegration of the monarchy began the development of the three modern states: France, and Italy. This was the period of the process, which began at the end of the ancient era, interpenetration of the classical world and the world of the barbarian and the birth of the Christian community. The first „Europe” – by F. Braudel is vast Carolingian state whose name and existence is inextricably linked with the ruler ( Europa vel regnum Caroli ), termed as pater Europae : emperor Charlemagne and his descendants. It was on the manor of this ruler, where the ancient name of „Europe”.returned to life. He needed a term to describe part of the world, over which he reigned. Many modern European civilization moves can be understood in terms of the memory of the great pages of history of the continent. Integration understood as the unification of Europe, fascinated with the size of ancient civilization and the Kingdom of the Franks, characterized this part of the world for all its centuries-old and multicultural history and it is return to the source and permanent playback of political unity of the continent from the perspective of Western Europe in the post-war era – based on economic reasons and trends of globalization. 2) With regard to the . Because in recent years has been highly debated issue of the formation of early medieval ethnic communities, I highlighted this issue in a bit more detail, particularly often overlooked by researchers Viking era of domination in Eastern Europe: since the civilization of the Slavs-Balto- Nordic (own definition). From the oldest mention in written sources of the city – state Polotsk (old norse Pallteskia ) in the year 447 – the future capital of ancient White Rus (Duchy of Polock) and the beginning of the formation of „prebelarusians”, who emerged from the most numerous ethnic communities in Europe – Slavs (including tribal union of Krywiczów, Dregowiczów i Radymiczów) and , under influence of cultures: Norse, Latin and Byzantine at the turn of the first and second

4 millennium, finally gaining its own identity and name. Polotsk is the oldest city in Eastern Europe (700 years older than Moscow). British belarus expert Wiera Rycz, which examined the Scandinavian sagas, identifies the first mention of Polotsk in historical sources in connection with the attempt of its conquest by the Huns under the leadership of the famous Attila during one of the trips to the Byzantine Empire. Symbiosis of Baltic-Slavs, which initiated the formation of the within the Konungrat Rusów (own definition, Rus of Polotsk) from now and for many centuries as closely linked the fate of the two modern nations: Belarusians and , as Kaganat Ruski (Kievan Rus) joined Ukrainians and Russians (or the Kingdom of the Franks - the French and Germans). As formulated by the prince Oleg Kijów – „Mother of Russian towns”, this huge and highly developed at that time city (old norse Miklagard) Polotsk I would call the „father” of Russian towns. From this „marriage” was born „late child” only in the twelfth century, „daughter Moscow”, first mentioned in historical sources on 1147. „Moscow” in komi language means „river of cows”. It is worth noting that the Lithuanians even today call Belarus „Bałtorusi ą”. The first Belarus (own definition), extensive lease of Rogwołodowiczów: descendants of the first known from written sources medieval ruler of Belarus – Norman Ragnvaldr (948?–980) ie Viking Rogwołod as „christened” by the local population. Among them, the most famous is Wsiesław (Usiasłau) surnamed the Great Wizard, which, moreover, lived a very long time by the then standards (1029–1101) and no less great - the first Christian prince Iziasław (approx. 979–1001). From the tenth century Iziasław’s country was an integral part of the Christian world. The upper time limit in both cases (the history of Europe and the history of Belarus) are the latest times, actually the day the Berlin Wall fell and the „evil empire” – The Soviet Union in the late 80s and 90s, when Francis Fukuyama – author of the famous essay from 1989 announced the “end of history”, stating that the history of political systems is over, because nothing better than liberal democracy do not exist (not entirely, as we know, he was right). Then arose glimmers of hope for the creation of a pan-European community, which would cover all parts of the continent. 1a. Becoming independent, the announcement of “secession” of the European Community from the rest of Europe, or actually birth de iure and by definition „European Union” in the 1992-1993. 2a. Declaration of independence of Soviet Belarus from the Soviet Union in 1990 and birth de iure of term „The Republic of Belarus in the 1990-1991” and change the name of the state: from BSRR to RB. The historical past of the Borderlands is somewhat contemporary discussions on enlargement of the European Union and the opening of the labor market for the neighbors in the East and proves, that the European aspirations of the Belarusians have a solid foundation. The term „Eastern Borderlands” use in accordance with the Leszek Zasztowt – as a reference to the Polish cultural and historical tradition, rather than as an attempt to diminish the political significance of these areas, in particular the separation of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, constituting equal footing - alongside the Polish Kingdom - part of the former Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. If you support the idea of the birth of the modern Christian Europe in the centuries IV-VII, when we can observe the existence and operation of the European community (by Norman Davies) it can be concluded that the ancient Belarus (own definition, by historical time in Eastern Europe), whose genesis dates back to the second half of the first millennium, Europe has historically been the same age, on a par with other neighboring Slavic civilizations such as Polish, Ukraine or Russia. In my opinion, the civilization of ancient Belarus is the oldest Eastern European one and in the early Middle Ages was the most developed among them. The history of every civilization involves looking for what has kept up to the present from the past, so today Belarusians descendants of the legendary European people of Giants (Wołotów – Belarusian), so de facto Vikings, has its origins from the ancient belarusian state – Duchy of great Polotsk. Rogwołod wanted to use daughters Rognedy marriage monarch as a way to establish and maintain international covenants. Many centuries later, the English Queen Victoria's foreign policy was based on the same principle. Son of Rogenda prince Jarosław Mądry (978–1054), married a Swedish princess, his sister was the wife of the ruler of Poland, daughters have gotten married to the kings of Norway, , France and Hungary. One of the sons married with a Byzantine princess, close relative of the emperor, and the remaining four had married the daughter of the German princes. According to the chronicle of the Wielkich Ksi ążą t Połockich, dynasty that even Byzantium paid in tribute, ruled the greater part of modern Belarus and at various times in its history reached the area from the Baltic to the upper Dnieper and Volga. Konungrat Rusów, on the model of the cities of ancient Greece, was a democracy, by some historians


(including J. Lelewela) called republic. As in the ancient West, system affected only freemen (approx. 10%). Princely power was limited by rally (Polotsk rally had more rights than, for example, Kiev; place of similar gatherings in Greece was the Agora, in Rome – Forum) – free assembly of the population, a substitute for the future of noble democracy of GDL. Between these two poles of authority, there was a balance of power, which I describe as rally monarchy (own definition). Prince depended on the rally in the legal sense (including elective: rally named prince), judicial, financial and others, was controlled by the „parliament”, while the rally could not function without the Prince. At the peak of its heyday in the eleventh century, with imperial aspirations, Ruski Konungrat, or, as was determined in the Scandinavian sagas, commercial republic of Polotsk was Baltic seaside civilization, winning in fierce battles against the Teutonic Knights and subordinating local aboriginal – Baltic tribes along the river Daugava. For comparison: in the eleventh century coincided with the peak power of the early medieval Germany and Byzantium. In the modern language, contemporary vector of „Belarusian geopolitics” was directed mainly to the north and northeast. As a symbol of the development of the duchy in the mid-eleventh century in Polotsk was built a magnificent temple modeled on the largest christian cathedral of Constantinople (532–537, rebuilt later), fourth in the world and one of three in the „old” Eastern Europe (similar were only in Kiev and Novgorod) dedicated to Hagia Sophia (wisdom of God). This temple still exists. For most prominent secular literary work that time is considered to be Słowo o wyprawie Igora – anonymous track, created in the 1185-1187 –masterpiece like a Pie śni o Rolandzie , Pie śni o Nibelungach etc. Territory and culture Rus of Polatsk, Turowska and other lands, which are the ancestors of modern Belarus in the thirteenth century (which is, as well as the beginning of the fourteenth – account for the peak development of medieval Europe) became the kernel a new cycle of civilization Belarus – Ruthenian-Lithuanian: Grand Duchy of Lithuania, Ruthenian, Samogitian and other lands – powerful federal republic mainly two modern nations: Belarusian and Lithuanian, Polish and Ukrainian later, the state, which has shaped in accordance with the principle of voluntary connection of new territories. In a similar way today is created a great Europe - the European Union. Contemporary names designating nations and states often do not correspond to the historical, which were used until the end of the nineteenth century, but because of the existing tradition I also use them in relation to earlier periods. Just like in the middle of the tenth century the Slavs of Polotsk invited to rule the people of the North – Nordic Rus in the person of konungra Ragnvaldr, gradually becoming „Rus”, almost 200 years later, in 1253, this time people of the South – Rus of Nowogrodek invited to governance Baltic Lithuanians in the person of kunigas Mindaugasa becoming „Lithuanians”. It was a kind of historical revenge for the times Balts Slavic migrations on their „core” areas. The peak period of the development of GDL in the sixteenth century, nota bene takes place under the influence of this factor Polish on the formation of the Belarusian national community, was synchronized with another qualitative leap in the history of eurocywilizacji in the „old” new Europe. After years of religious conflicts term „Christian world” was replaced with the newly resurgent definition of the term „Europe ” at this early stage of enlightenment, the movement of all time took the centuries XIV-XVIII. For centuries, the aristocracy and the common people – both Duchy and the Crown – felt a citizen of the multinational Polish-Lithuanian-Belarusian-Ukrainian Republic. Civilizational and cultural symbiosis of Lithuanian-Belarusian within GDL can be compared to the history of Europe from the dualistic Austro-Hungarian state (when the two monarchies had a common authority, military and foreign policy) or the coexistence of the Czech-Slovak. Eastern Europeans, mostly Belarusians and Ukrainians Letuwisy fascinated by the history of Duchy Lithuanians, as Western Europeans, mostly French, Germans and Italians are clearly fascinated by the size of the Kingdom of the Franks. Grand Duchy with the Polish Kingdom, already joined by a personal union since 1385, formed in 1569 during the creation of the Unii Lubelskiej, which lasted more than 226 years, on the basis of the Republican Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, actually four nations: Poles, Lithuanians, Belarusians and Ukrainians. For centuries (since the XIV to the end of the XVII) old served in GDL as the state language (official) and thus he was one of the oldest official languages in Europe. French received a similar status in 1400, English – in 1362. For contemporary Lithuanians Old Belarusian language was the guarantee of social advancement, the ticket to a better life, as in Norway danish, swedish in and in german or in Russia - french, as after the Unia Lubelska in Belarus – polish, and in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries – russian. Thus sometimes ancestors of today's Belarusians who did not have too much sense of political unity, other national communities

6 neighboring sometimes referred to: Lithuanians, Poles or Russians, which resemble Belarusians to the ancient Phoenicians – creators of the first Mediterranean economic empire, which mankind owes money and alphabet. Although left permanent traces in civilization and cultural achievements of the world, they still remain a scientific mystery. Phoenicians also constantly teased lack of a single state. Polish-Lithuanian Republic, namely multinational multicultural united federal republic Grand Duchy of Lithuania and the Crown of the Polish Kingdom – old I RP Commonwealth royal, noble or Sarmatian, as noted American historian R. H. Lord, was the largest and most ambitious experiment with a republican form of government the world has seen since the days of ancient Rome. Jagiellons state – the greatest dynasty in the history of Polish-Lithuanian, the largest on the continent in that era, the core of which constituted ancient White Rus lands – prevailed in Central and Eastern Europe before the advent of the Habsburg Empire, Ottoman Empire and dangerous Moscow. Fryderyk Wielki (1712–1786) told about the Russians that you will need the whole of Europe to keep these gentlemen in check. Jagiellons supremacy - the great European power, stretched along the arms of the impressive triangle, which ends marked: Baltic, Black and Adriatic Sea. Wasn’t it a „golden age” for Belarusians? Experience the coexistence of these four nations in the country integrated with the elected ruler influenced, I think, in a significant way to the European Union project. This is not to say that Belarus and its inhabitants occupy a place in the history of Europe more important than others. They have the same rights as all other nations. Multinational federation, self-governing The Republic went ahead of its time with mini-European integration, in a sense, was one of the prototypes of the European Union, within which was Poland, Lithuania, Belarus, Ukraine, half of the Latvia and other lands. The history of public relations are usually presented from the perspective of polonocentrism, because Jagiello, which I consider to be the Polish-Lithuanian Charlemagne, became king of the Polish Crown, which was three times less spatially from the Grand Duchy at the height of its power. Within a few centuries, Belarus, composed of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, was part of the Republic. These common EU happening infer the generally positive result, systemic solutions for individual communities of united state. For several centuries, both growing in strength the Grand Duchy at the side of the Polish Crown, as well as Polish power increased significantly on the basis of Lithuania, including the territories of Belarus. This is one of the main conclusions, based on which today's Belarusians have to get rid of the complex of historical infirm. More specifically I discuss this issue in chapter named Wielkie Ksi ęstwo Litewskie, Ruskie, Żmudzkie i in. ziem (WKLR Ż, 1253–1795) – węzeł gordyjski cywilizacji białoruskiej, [w:] Integracja Europy a Białoru ś. Historia i współczesno ść , Warszawa: Katedra Białorutenistyki UW, 2008, p. 140-175.

II, III) The second and third research areas within which is also a cycle of 6 publications – 1 book and 5 articles on: Z dziejów nauki i szkolnictwa na pograniczu polsko-litewskim od XVI w. do współczesno ści w kontekście problematyki historycznej białorutenistycznej , that are factual analysis in the context of the issue of coexistence of the institution that promotes learning and education on the borderline of Polish Belarusian and Lithuanian culture clash, mainly on the lands of Wile ńszczyzna and Grodzie ńszczyzna. Naming the book Traktem Stefana Batorego..., which I consider to be the second most important work in the spectrum of my publications, I strove for putting the scientific definition of the ancien long and broad highway, leading from west to east, from to Polotsk. This famous route was an important, and in some stages of its history - the main transport route in Central and Eastern Europe. Three times led the way Stefan Batory during his expeditions against the Moscow Principality. In 1579 earned Polotsk, in 1580 – Wielkie Łuki, and in 1581 signed at Pskov a 10-year truce with Iwan Gro źny. In this monograph, based on selected examples, I have attempted to examine the issue of education in a longer time scale, which allowed me to trace the mutual influences of civilization and culture of the West and the East. It also includes reflections on the evolution of the ethnic identity of Belarusians on a background of extensive research within the whole Europe. With this northern region of borderland cultures, tangential areas, currently owned by the three modern states: Polish, Belarus and Lithuania, was related to a whole gallery of historical figures. I will mention here primarily Józef Piłsudski and his lesser-known brother – Ainu researcher – Bronisław. Worked here Kosciuszko Uprising heroes: Tomasz Wawrzecki, Józef Kope ć, „Kmicic” i „Łupaszka”. From here came or spent part of their lives writers: Gabriela from Günther Puzynin, Tadeusz Doł ęga- Mostowicz and others, among them Maria Kaczy ńska nee Mackiewicz. The ruins of the manor home,

7 where she spent her early childhood – Forester Machowo (old municipalities Kobylnik) near the lake Narocz, which I found in 2014. In view of the fact that in recent years in many countries principle paradigm of ethnocentrisms extreme nationalism intensifies, issues taken in the publication and in other works, has been highlighted by concentrating attention on issues common civilizational achievements of individual ethnic communities without grotesque emphasize ethnic element on a broad background of the history of Europe, which will favor to free themselves from the power of myths, stereotypes and prejudices, which had accrued to, among others, Belarusians – close nation to Poles, not only geographically. At no borderline the neighboring nations stories were so tightly intertwined. Coexistence was sometimes harmonious, especially when Belarusian element was weakened, other times painful, but did not lead to bloody wars. During the four centuries (XIV–XVIII) Polish-Lithuanian statehood magnate families and gentry were mixed up to the point, so it is hard to make any reliable distribution of nationalities to the elite of Polish or Lithuanian: Belarusian or Lithuanian. In Polish (as opposed to the Belarusian language) The term „Litwin” means both the modern citizen of Lithuania, and Rusyn-Belarusians living in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and Lithuanian ethnic in the nineteenth century, although for the determination of the latter before the partitions used the term „Żmudzin” – resident neighborhoods – ethnic Lithuania, touching the Baltic (by C. Miłosz) the oldest Indo-European language speaker, in many respects similar to Sanskrit. Historically, this is a semantic simplification, causing overlap of today's understanding of the nation and its name in the historical past, which was much more complex and versatile. So I decided to make a lexical distinction, based on the terminology derived from the : to determine the Lithuanians – contemporary Lithuanian citizens – I use the word „Letuwis”. Its own name gained relatively „late” not only Letuwisy, but also Belarusians, Ukrainians, as well as Germans and Italians. Among the landowners, in addition to the indigenous Poles were polonized representatives of families throughout most of Europe: Lithuanian (Ginet-Piłsudscy, Świrscy, Szemiothowie, Skirmunttowie, Zasztowtowie), Ruthenian (Sapiehowie, Światopełk-Mirscy, Korsakowie), German (Tyzenhauzowie, Güntherowie, Platerowie, Hylzenowie), French (Guze), Serbian (Despot- Zenowiczowie), Czech (Pelikanowie), Sorbian (Miłoszowie), Croatian-Hungarian (Zrinyi- Szyrynowie), Italian-Greek (Pisaniowie), Venetian (Manuzziowie) and others. Poland lives only in families – Aleksander Przezdziecki wrote in a letter to Józef Łepkowski. In my publications highlighting the patriotic attitude, in the context the examined region are shown acts of noble and aristocratic families such as Despot-Zenowiczowie, Biega ńscy, Siemaszkowie, Ogi ńscy, Puzynowie, Tyszkiewiczowie oraz Tyzenhauzowie i Przezdzieccy, in particular Aleksandra Przezdzieckiego (1814-1871) – prominent historian and writer. Refer to: Aleksander Przezdziecki (1814–1871): „Litwin z przodków” – pisarz i historyk , [w:] Acta Albaruthenica 9 (2009). Literatura, j ęzyk i kultura: tradycje i nowatorstwo , red. naukowa Mikołaj Timoszuk, Mikołaj Chaustowicz, Warszawa 2009, s. 376–381. His son Konstanty (1846–1897) was the founder of Emergency Service in Warsaw. Vast areas of the Vilnius and Grodno are most interesting in this part of Europe „crucibles of nations” that all the time are looking for clues and signs of their identity, coexisting conglomerate of various nations, religions and cultures, life immersed in the old tradition of aristocratic residences, noble mansions (As in „Pan Tadeusz”), backwaters and villages. The local national-religious mosaic complement for example Jews, Karaites, Roma („people of the wind”) and the old believers. The vast majority of studies devoted to the former Wilno, is imbued with the spirit of polemics. Polish historiography – according to modern scholar of the region Daniel Beauvois – grants it an extremely important place, but adopts the perspective of post-Romantic, where hagiography plays a significant role. Russian historians and unfavorably very briefly mentioned the existence of a huge conglomerate of Vilnius within the empire. Current republics: Lithuania, Belarus and Ukraine – occupying territories which in the past were in the sphere of influence of Vilnius, are reluctant to recall the long reign of Polish in these areas, and when they do – are mostly limited to the lands of their own past. Within these areas of research I conducted query in major archives, libraries and museums in Eastern Europe, as well as regional, including private. Central Archives of Historical Records in Warsaw, gathers the family archives of Tyzenhauz i Pierzchała – Przezdzieckich. The surviving small fragments of manuscripts were divided into three parts: 1) Archive of Przezdziecki; 2) The collection of manuscripts from the Library of Przezdziecki; 3) Archive of Tyzenhauz. War damages caused that in the Archive of Tyzenhauz was only 3,655 archival units left, part of which is the correspondence.


Part of correspondence containing 742 letters A. Tyzenhauz and Stanisław August Poniatowski, is stored in the Library of Czartoryski. With them in eight substantial volumes are located a lot of supplication, reports, accounts and copies of other letters, on the issues raised in the correspondence of Tyzenhauz with with the King. Letters of Konstanty, Rajnold and Helena Tyzenhauz can be found in the Archives of Antoni Waga in the Library of the Department of Systematic and Experimental Zoology of Polish Academy of Sciences in Krakow. Correspondence of Rajnold Tyzenhauz, concerning his activities in Lithuanian Rakiszki, Is stored in a museum in Liepai. Archives of the Institute of Zoology PAS in Warsaw gathers manuscripts of K. Kowalska, on the activity in zoology of Konstanty and Helena Tyzenhauz and original works. In the Russian State Archive in St. Petersburg are genealogical information. In the National Archives of Belarus in Minsk are presented the documents, which shows the attitude of Konstanty Tyzenhauz to the November Uprising and others. Until the second half of the eighties of the twentieth century history of the landed gentry of the former Eastern Borderlands Republic were not present in the Polish historiography. At that time, the work of R. Aftanazy Materiały do dziejów rezydencji began to appear, formally dedicated landowning houses, but in fact its contents much came out of the curve. Also apply to the test subject very valuable materials, especially past Tyzenhauz goods, mainly based on the manuscript of Rajnold Przezdziecki, diplomat in interwar Poland and historian. Great importance for any historian of science are: fundamental hearing of L.Zasztowt Kresy 1832 –1864. Szkolnictwo na ziemiach litewskich i ruskich dawnej Rzeczypospolitej , Warszawa 1997 and monumental work of S. Ko ściałkowski Antoni Tyzenhauz. Podskarbi Nadworny Litewski , t. 1–2, Londyn 1970–71. Scientist (from Grodno – as he spoke of himself) multilateral, and in detail from 1904 studied for 35 years collections of documents related to A. Tyzenhauz and its various activities on a background of the internal history of Lithuania at the time of Stanisław August. These sources are now mostly lost to us forever; it is worth noting that S. Ko ściałkowski used, among others, 63 volumes of correspondence. Monograph revealing the face of this great personality has grown to large, and as author wrote – perhaps too big (two volumes count respectively 659 and 557 pages). Unfortunately, in 1939 original manuscript was lost. S. Ko ściałkowski living in London after the war resumed the work again. The manuscript of this book before emigrating survived in Krakow, where it is stored since 1992 in the Archives of PAS (sign. K III – 120). Fortuitously, I came across this treasure bibliography. This version differs from the later editions from london, for example, the „Experiments school” chapter. At this point I will additionally indicate two valuable source, which I have introduced into scientific: the inventory of County Postawy (1783) from the Lithuanian National Archives in Vilnius and work, that survived in a private collection: Des Bannerherrn Heintich von Tiesenhausen des Aelteren von Berson. Ausgewählte Schriften und Aufzeichnungen , Leipzid 1890. This is the Livonian branch of the genealogy of Tyzenhauz (by Rychard Chassenblat), including the biography of Genrych v. Tyzenhauz with his songs and sketches. It was published in the literature through the foundation of Maria Przezdziecka from Tyzenhauzówna house. Expanding and specifying my conclusions in the doctoral dissertation, dedicated to role of Tyzenhauz in the development of science and education on the Eastern Borderlands I have published four interdisciplinary books on the history of science and education as well as genealogy and biography. Two of them: Twórczo ść Rajnolda Tyzenhauza , Warszawa: Katedra Białorutenistyki UW, 2007, ss. 94; Rajnold Tyzenhauz (1830–1880). My śliciel. Reformator. Mecenas , Katedra Białorutenistyki UW, Warszawa 2010, ss. 192 – are the result of research on the legacy and life of Rajnold Tyzenhauz (1830–1880) – the creator of the original concept of effective governance and management precursor; a supporter of the idea of human self-improvement and the author of the theory of education and upbringing. Earl was summarized in the book as an intellectual and his role in the development of that time science, culture, education and publishing. It also emphasizes the achievements topicality of this talented personalities for the present. Among the various achievements of erudite magnate – a true Renaissance man – thinker, activist and broad-minded progressive, a leading representative of Vilnius and St. Petersburg reformers, who fought for the abolition of serfdom and the transformation of the system in the , his legacy is of great importance, as an observer of the world and of human nature, mostly in the context of anthropology and anatomy of power and the dichotomy: state – socjety and contains a great potential for civilizing of all kinds para i ersatz of democracy, imitating the West. The author is remembered as a champion of small forms of literary and scientific, interested

9 in diverse range of topics in the field of philosophy and law, economics and management, political science and sociology, pedagogy and psychology, religion and history, and more. See also: System wskazówek edukacyjno-wychowawczych i o światowych w publicystyce pedagogicznej Rajnolda Tyzenhauza (1830–1880) , „Acta Albaruthenica” 4. Materiały Mi ędzynarodowej Konferencji Naukowej „Droga ku wzajemno ści”. IX edycja, Białowie ża, 5–7 pa ździernika 2001 r., X edycja, Hajnówka-Białowie ża, 21–23 czerwca 2002 r., pod red. Aleksandra Barszczewskiego i Michała Sajewicza, Mi ńsk 2003, s. 289–299; Pisma filozoficzno-społeczne Rajnolda Tyzenhauza , [w:] Rajnold Tyzenhauz, Jak by ć wielkim w rz ądzeniu. Antologia dialogów , wyboru dokonał oraz słowem wst ępnym opatrzył J. Ziemczonok, Warszawa 2006, s. 7–20; Pisma pedagogiczno-oświatowe Rajnolda Tyzenhauza (1830–1880) , [w:] Rajnold Tyzenhauz, Jak wychowywa ć dzieci. Wybór pism , wyboru dokonał oraz słowem wst ępnym opatrzył J. Ziemczonok, Warszawa 2006, s. 5–20. In recent years, the world is interested in learning the old certificates of nature from the past. According to the W. Gr ębecka there are many reasons for attempting to look anew at old age. One of them is the desire to study the period before the great destruction that occurred in the XIX and XX centuries. Were lost the resources of many elements of the biosphere at that time. Although scientists on the way of their choice achieved great progres, alleged „clues” may take on contemporary new, unexpectedly important meanings – says the researcher. Following in the footsteps of one of these abandoned leads, I noticed the legacy of Konstanty Tyzenhauz (1786–1853), whose life achievements have not yet had a monographic studies. Researcher of fauna of Central and Eastern Europe aristocrat K. Tyzenhauz became the creator of the Polish ornithology. He also founded in his residences several art galleries, mainly painting and natural history museums, the most famous of which in Postawy, was one of the largest in Europe at the time ornithological collection, showing all continents and most countries of the world. The achievements of this person i have exposed in the book publication and several articles: Konstanty Tyzenhauz 1786–1853. Uczony. Mecenas , Warszawa: Katedra Białorutenistyki UW, 2007, ss. 140; Konstanty Tyzenhauz (1786–1853): twórca i mecenas polskiej ornitologii , „Kwartalnik Historii Nauki i Techniki” R. 51 (2006), nr 3–4, s. 151–168; Konstanty Tyzenhauz (1786–1853): the originator and sponsor of Polish Ornithology , [w:] The Central European Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (http://cejsh.icm.edu.pl); Канстанцін Тызенгаўз як даследчык фауны Ўсходняй і Цэнтральнай Еўропы , [w:] Acta Albaruthenica 7 (2007). Literatura, język, kultura , red. naukowa Mikołaj Timoszuk, Mikołaj Chaustowicz, Warszawa 2007, s. 434–442; Граф Канстанцін Тызэнгаўз – даследчык фауны Еўропы , [y:] Актуальные проблемы экологии . Материалы VII Международной научно -практической конференции Гродно , 26–28 октября 2011 г., редакционная коллегия : Н. П. Канунникова ( отв . ред .) [ и др .], Гродно : « Гродненский государственный медицинский университет », 2011, c. 5–7. Natomiast – Trzej Tyzenhauzowie. Szkice biograficzne , Warszawa: Katedra Białorutenistyki UW, 2007, ss. 150 – contain descriptions of three of the most distinguished in the history of Polish, Belarus and Lithuania representatives of magnate family of Tyzenhauz. Chronological, based on a broad base of source presents as follows: Antoni (1733–1785), which J. Bartoszewicz in Universal Encyclopedia of Orgelbrand called inborn genius; Konstanty (1786–1853) and the last in the male line in the former territories of the First Republic – Rajnold (1830–1880). See also: Rola spadkobierców Konstantego Tyzenhauza w losach jego spu ścizny naukowej i rozwoju wiedzy przyrodniczej , „Athenaeum. Political Science” 2004, nr 12, s. 187–196. At the turn of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries in terms of Eastern European cultural modernity on the lands, which limits the north-eastern Polish-Lithuanian state, at the transition between the era of the Enlightenment and Romanticism, began to create and develop institutional structures of science, education and culture, modern literary languages and expressions of their own, national mean. However, on the examined borderline education as a legacy of the First Republic was totally dominated by Polish. Institutions of science and education, which I have devoted several publications presents as follows. Grodno – Royal Academy of Medicine with a botanical garden, a library and other ancillary facilities, 1776–1780; School: Art and Theatre (ballet and musical), 1769– 1785; midwife, 1776–1780; construction (illustrators), measurements, regestratury (bookkeeping), niemiecka, francuska; Sunday for craft and workers youth (carried out in ten separate groups); economics in the towns and villages, constructed and operated at the expense of economic administration for illumination of the townspeople and peasants; courses - bookkeeping for the Jewish

10 people and bookkeeping at Kantor trade; Cadet corps, 1773–1782. Postawy’s school in the years 1781 – 1792: art, district and parochial. In the nineteenth century the term „Republic” for the Poles often mean the same as „Polish”. Therefore, the appearance in late nineteenth and early twentieth century of the Belarusian national movement by most of the Polish elite was taken as something unnatural, as Russian intrigue. Similarly the problem was seen by the Russian authorities, expecting Polish conspiracy. In a similar way, as Poland is located on historical crossroads between Germany and Russia, Belarus fluctuates, primarily culturally, between Poland and Russia, and in the past: between the Asiatic despotism of Moscow boyar and boundless anarchy of Polish. One thing is certain – as told by Cz. Miłosz – Belarusians have never been doing well, and that they were given, as to caught fish, to choose between the pan and the pot, namely between Polonisation and Russification. In the late nineteenth / twentieth, condition of education in Postawy lands were as follows: there were 25 schools of literacy, in each of them learned from 7 to 26 students, according to data from 1901 – 364 people in total. The fee for each of them ranged from 75 kopecks to 1 ruble per year. School did not have a permanent building, the lessons were carried out every week in the homes of their parents, which had to provide room and board for teacher. Teachers become the best graduates of folk schools. In the absence of own land at the school, practical classes of horticulture, vegetable growing, beekeeping and craftsmanship was not carried out. Within the lands there were 3 folk schools – postawska, połowska and kuropolska, and two parochial school. In Postawy folk school taught two teachers, in other schools one. Number of students (in parentheses graduates): folk schools: postawska – 115 boys and 7 girls (12 boys); połowska – 50 boys and 9 girls (6 boys); kuropolska – 68 boys and 13 girls (8 boys and 1 girl); parochial school: postawska female – 23 girls (none of them has completed a full course); rymkowska mixed – 30 boys and 10 girls (4 boys and 2 girls). The cost of education was 4 rubles a year. Annual earnings of village teacher hesitated at 200 rubles, urban – much more. For example, in 1874 a novice teacher in Vitebsk Aleksiej Sapunow, who later became a well-known historian, received 750 rubles per year for teaching, 160 rubles as a form teacher and about 500 rubles for extra lessons. In 1888 Antonina Bernatowicz in the estate of Kozłowsk founded an orchard-gardening school, which after 4 years was reorganized in economic and gardening. In the years 1895-1901 this school was located in Postawy. There were taught subjects such as agronomy, horticulture, estimating the quality and cost of production, beekeeping. Much attention was paid to the ways of processing and storage (also in the fresh condition): drying, soaking, preservation, production of compotes and jams. Production of the students had a success among buyers, it has been presented at exhibitions in Vilnius, Libawa, Pobradz, Nowgorod, where won 23 medals. With regard to the age of the end of XIX - early XX century I have also recreated the level of medicine, communication lines, industrial plants, state of agriculture, trade and other civilization and culture factors. Among the elements of the history of science, education and culture also can not be ignored knowledge about the people: researchers and educators with their aspirations, successes and failures. It highlighted the lives and achievements of: – Jean Emmanuel Gilibert – scholar of European fame – eminent French doctor and botanist, bound in the years 1775-1781 with Grodno; see also: Działalno ść Jeana Emmanuela Giliberta w Wielkim Ksi ęstwie Litewskim w latach 1775–1783 , „Acta Albaruthenica” 2012, t. 12, s. 223–239; – Alfred Römer (1832-1897) – painter, sculptor, art historian, ethnographer, a participant of the January Uprising; – famous professors of the Warsaw Conservatory: Stanisław Kazuro (1882–1961), composer, choral conductor, teacher and rector of this university, organizer and head of the Polish Folk Band; Bronisław Rutkowski (1895–1964), organist, teacher, conductor, writer and director of musical theater „Reduta” (1922–1924); – popular film actors and artists: Stanisław Jasiukiewicz (1921-1973), who played more than 60 roles in Television Theatre, as well as in films such as: Potop, W pustyni i w puszczy, Krzy żacy, Czterej pancerni i pies ; Zygmunt K ęstowicz (1921-2007) – from Postawy to the bone - as he spoke of himself; – priests: Aleksander Jasiukowicz (born in 1938), whose fate threw to the USA, where he was an Orthodox priest and enjoyed great success as a master painter, for example the author of paintings in the temple of Pittsburgh; Antoni Dziewiatowski (1917 – 1995), greatly deserved pastor and builder of Orthodox parish dedicated to St. Trinity in Hajnówka for nearly 45 years. The highest achievements

11 of the priest is undoubtedly construction under his leadership Hajnowka Council, which became an integral part of the city's image and the important place of the Orthodox liturgy; – historians: Hanny Dyl ągowej (born in 1928), profesor, long-term head of the Department of the History of Eastern Europe, the Catholic University of Lublin; Zbigniew Siemaszko (born in 1923), thorough researcher of the history of the twentieth century; according to one hypothesis his ancestor Jan Siemaszko – brave, well-built and good heart knight – served for Henryk Sienkiewicz as a model for Longinus Podbipi ęta; – Borys Kit (born in 1910), one of the longest-lived Belarusian worldwide, educator, professor of mathematics, a member of the International Academy of Astronautics. He was an expert and adviser of the US government in the field of space exploration; with his participation have formed projects: „Shuttle” and „Apollo”. He continues the work of the inventor of „noble Lithuanian” from Witebszczyzna Kazimierz Siemianowicz (seventeenth century). A brief summary of the activities of B. Kit in the field of astronautics USA; he took part in: – initial studies in the US and build the first intercontinental strategic missile systems (Navaho – Rockwell International, California, 1956); – development of further projects in the US astronautic. As a result projects „Apollo”, „Shuttle” and others were created (Rockwell International, California, 1958); – study and construction of US communications satellites (ITT, Washington, 1963); the establishment of standard requirements for the US space industry (National Bureau of Standards, Washington, 1968); – first negotiations between the US and the USSR about cooperation in the field of astronautic (Washington, 1961).

IV) The fourth area of research deals with the issues of modern Belarus in the context of European integration. As stated by the European Council on 21st-22nd June 1993: every country from the Atlantic to the Urals, that fulfills the political and economic conditions, may become a member of the largest integration group in the world – European Union – the community of Europe’s united democratic nations, which is now as fascinating the world as America 200 years ago. In the last few years, in spite of the populist-repressive reality, were clarified Eurobelarusian’s aspirations – cultural patriots (using the definition of Zbigniew Wójcik), supporters of the Euro-Atlantic choice in RB. Gradually but very slowly, at the rate of one step forward and five steps back – „realities” are also evolving. We hear Belarusian pro- European rhetoric of „principals” about the local democracy as of an equivalent of the German or French and better preparation of the country than Poland (which I would describe as the East of the West) to the Union membership. Although at present the issue of joining the RB to the EU does not exist, sometimes we see mutual gestures. Proof of this is a series of visits to European countries by the opposition leader Alaksander Milinkiewicz, who was hosted at the highest level. None of the representatives was hosted at this level since 1999. However, these gestures visualize that Europe looks to Belarus (which I would describe as the West of the East) with wide open eyes („Europe” from the Greek Ευρώπη means „big eyes”). Although the State includes in its name promising word „republic” – officially the Republic of Belarus – year by year moves away from the Copenhagen criteria, especially in the field of democracy, human rights and freedom of speech. This is done „thanks to” short-sighted but „effective” actions of the current policy- makers, referring to the „electorate” (part of voters, voting according to official guidance) in spite of the opposition forces, supported by civil socjety, counteracting fiercely over many years (in fact, for more than a decade after the era) often on the borderline of sacrifices and despair. There is no ideas to practically carry out the „Europeanisation” of this country, for its civilizational promotion within the community, which is caused by the lack of a unified theory of European integration, which causes publication gaps, despite the great interest in the problem of the development of relations between the European Union and non integrated part of Eastern Europe.


All this prompted me to address the aforementioned issues in such publications as: „Integracja Europy a Białoru ś. Historia i współczesno ść ” Warszawa, Katedra Białorutenistyki UW, 2008, Cz ęść B (Rozdziały: III – V), Cz ęść C (Rozdziały: VI – IX) i Konkluzje, ss. 207–370; Białoruskie euroregiony, [w:] Опыт сохранения историко -культурного наследия и транс - граничное сотрудничество в сфере культурного туризма . Материалы международной научно -практической конференции , Витебск , 24–25 октября 2012 г., ред . колегия А.П. Солодков [ и др .], Витебский государственный университет им . П.М. Машерова , Витебск 2012, s. 253-261; Werbalne symbole Białorusi, [w:] Acta Albaruthenica 11 (2011). Literatura, język i kultura: tradycje i współczesno ść , red. naukowa Mikołaj Timoszuk, Mikołaj Chaustowicz, Warszawa 2011, s. 277–284. In chapter III and IV of „Integration...” exposed are: theory and the important concepts of integration of Western thought (to the mid-twentieth century) and the course of the unification of Old Europe after World War II until 1993. Next V chapter presents the most advanced stage of European integration, developed after the collapse of the Eastern bloc and the reunification of Germany – the creation of the European Union and VI – Republic of Belarus. VII, VIII and IX are devoted to the relationship: the EU – RB and ended with summary. I believe that this type of work will contribute to finding solutions and a starting point for more advanced knowledge of each other: a country located in the geographical center of Europe and the Union as well as the Union and the product of the post-soviet. This proposal publishing is directed not only to the environment, acting to solve the aforementioned problems (both Europhile and Eurosceptics) in Poland and maybe in the entire Union, but also, and perhaps above all – the society in Belarus, including Polonia and especially the youth and student. You can also consider this book as an introduction to the emerging new sub-discipline europeistyka białorutenistyczna , which the subject of research are anthropological and cultural aspects of European identity, historical and political contexts of development of the idea of European unity, as well as the factors of regional integration in Europe and others. Creating new knowledge is the process of constantly questioning the existing knowledge – says Michał Kleiber. The aim of these studies are therefore searching, discovery and interpretation of the facts (or reinterpretation of the already known) and analysis of topics in the context of the issue: Europe – Integration – Belarus on history background and the few currently institutional relations and „diplomacy” democratic movements on the line the European Union – the Republic of Belarus. Observing the multidimensional realities of that country in recent years, you can not fail to notice tendency toward the West rather in the sense of mimicring the actual state: from politics to the economy and culture. Given the fact that Belarus is pro-Russian and leftist – typical antipodes pro-American and right-wing Polish – „Trojan Horse” of the United States in the European Union (as put by French politician), may be formulated the following thesis: Minsk and Moscow, following the example of the geopolitical Polish-American cooperation, launched a joint plan under a contractual name „Belarusian officials – to warm EU chairs”, where they would very keen, discreetly hold functions of „Trojan Horse” of the Russian Federation in the structures of the European Community. Under cover of the rhetoric of integration RB charming European capitals point case reports of political and economic pseudo liberalization, with the approval of W. Putin, seeks to specific cooperation in the area of Brussels and it is quite likely that it will obtain a specific form of association with it in the period of maybe 5-10 years, as in 1945 BSSR, with the approval of the I. Stalin was adopted in the founding members of the United Nations. Moroover, in recent years the EU has actually acts as a European UN, on a background of loss of activity of the latter. That is the way of „crawling integration” RB with the EU. Continental thinking embraces ever widening circles of European countries (more than half) and regions, inspired by faith in the economic synergy, hope for greater security and avoid conflicts. Integration as a postmodern project is a response to discredit the postulate of a sovereign nation-state in the twentieth century and departure from the outdated concept of the modern nation that has brought Europe two bloody world wars, forgetting that, thanks to these ideas many nations escaped assimilation under conditions of colonialism and imperialism or – in the words of


F. Braudel – flooding one civilization by another. Usually weaker give in stronger, but in case of conflict of civilizations submission was always just a matter of time. For many countries in this part of the world is a positive example of the success is The Republic of Poland, which launched the democratic transition in Central Europe (10-million „Solidarity” movement essentially won communism peacefully) and whose journey from the East (COMECON and the Warsaw Pact) to the West (EU and NATO) was successful. It is worth reminding that, according to Jerzy Giedroyc (born in Minsk) Belarus route to Europe leads through Poland. In this publication from 2008 I presented the idea about the possibility of the RB of a specific form of eurointegration in the next few years, which found its fulfillment in the EU Eastern Partnership, proclaimed in 2009. At this point, my encounter as a historian with Belarus eurointegration – the land of broken dreams, I would like to finish. In conclusion, paraphrasing the famous Papal sentence, The Republic of Belarus needs European Union. The problem is that, as rightly claimed F. Braudel – without the national consciousness, mainly emerging through historical knowledge, can be neither original culture nor true civilization. Civilizational and cultural rivalry between East and West or vice versa – between the West and the East, if you will (Cold War soft power), which is still ongoing in the lands of strong spirit must therefore end in victory of free Belarus, whose road towards democratic values is longer than the Polish, Lithuanian or Ukrainian. In case of success euphoria of the winners certainly will not last long, and consumers of fruits dream property do not necessarily become those, on which policy makers are testing today Slavic version of „witch hunting” – today's version of the fight against „enemies of the people”.However, only then Belarus will return to Europe and the legend of the beautiful princess charme by the snow-white giant will be continued, next eurotour and everything will be as it must be, even if it will be different.

Belarus was created and developed as a multi-cultural community, being during the millennium not so much a strictly classical country, more like a civilization – It integrates, then again disintegrates. As stated by civilization expert F. Braudel, over the centuries civilizations constantly draw inspiration from each other, while maintaining the individuality and diversity. At the time when Belarusians were deprived of state, offices and schools, the collective identity of the national community formed widely understood culture, namely: language, territory, ceremonies, religion and the memory of the past – history. European nation-states were formed relatively late: in the XVIII–XIX centuries. Not yet fully formed concept of nationality was replaced by a sense of belonging to a community or dependence on the ruler.

February 14, 2015