Enclosure No. 2 Autoreferat From the history of science and education on the Polish-Lithuanian borderline from the sixteenth century to the present in the context of Belarus historical issues Publishing achievements in the years 1993-2014 has approx. 115 scientific and popular scientific works in Polish, Belarusian, Russian and English, including 20 books, within 18 titles. After obtaining PhD degree I published 38 works, including 12 books, 8 of which in Polish: 6 edition of the copyright and two volumes of studies. I participated in 33 international domestic and foreign scientific conferences and scientific-practical, in 19 of them – after PhD, on several of which I gave a plenary lecture. I'm working on the history of science and education in Eastern Europe, among others magnates role in the development of civilization and cultural areas that are currently on the territory of Belarus and Lithuania, historiography, biography and the history of education of Poles in Belarus and the issues of European integration in the context of Belarus. Studies and received degrees 2008 Scholar of Polonia Aid Foundation Trust (London). 2002 Institute for the History of Science Polish Academy of Sciences (Warsaw), PhD degree in humanities in history - the history of science and education. 2000–2002 University of Natural Sciences and Humanities in Siedlce (University of Podlasie, Siedlce), doctoral studies. 2000 Scholar of Polonia Aid Foundation Trust (London). 2000 IX Eastern Summer School University of Warsaw for doctoral students. 1996–1999 Belarusian State University (Minsk), doctoral studies. 1999 Intern of Kasa Mianowski (Warsaw). 1994 Belarusian State University (Minsk), MA in history and lecturer at social and political disciplines. 1987 Higher School of Pedagogy (Orsha), BA. Participation in the research project: 2007–2013 „Stimulation of cross-border tourism in Lithuania and Belarus by improving the accessibility and attractiveness of cultural-historical heritage in Rokiškis and Postavy regions” (European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument 2007-2013 cross border cooperation programme Latvia-Lithuania-Belarus, № LLB-1-003) 2013–2016 “Cultural and linguistic heritage of Podlasie” (project coordinator: Prof. UW PhD Nina Barszczewska, No. 11H 12 0263 81) within the module 1.1 program, entitled „National Programme for the Development of Humanities”. Implementation of the project is scheduled for 4 years (2013-2016). 2015-2017 (planned). In collaboration with the Institute of the History of Science named Ludwik and Aleksandra Birkenmajer Polish Academy of Sciences in the context of the studies concerning the Polish community in the Republic of Belarus was established the research project under the title The history of recent upbringing and polish education in Belarus in the years 2000- 2015 , that in order to obtain funding participates in the „Opus 8”, announced by the National Science Center in 2014. Supervisor of the research project – an outstanding expert in Eastern European history, including Belarus, Lithuania and Russia prof. assoc. Leszek Zasztowt – director of the Institute for the History of Science named Ludwik and Aleksandra Birkenmajer Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw. Preliminary studies of the project I presented at the seminar on the history of education, conducted by the prof. assoc. Kalina Bartnicka and assoc. Joanna Schiller-Walicka. 1 PhD thesis under the title „Rola rodu Tyzenhauzów w rozwoju nauki i o światy Kresów Wschodnich (lata 60-te XVIII w. do 1880 r.)” I defended in December 2002 under the supervision of prof. assoc. Zofia Chyra-Rolicz at the Institute of the History of Science Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw and received a PhD degree in humanities – the history of science and education. Fragments of the work were published in various journals and several books. The scientific output after obtaining PhD degree consists of 28 publications, including six books, two of which are monographs, before PhD i have published 47 works, among others, 6 books, including two editions of scientific-methodical (reprint) and an elaboration. Participation in international conferences after the PhD degree. Participation in International Scientific Conferences (in Poland): 1. „Droga ku wzajemno ści. Polsko-białoruskie zwi ązki kulturowe, literackie, j ęzykowe” (Crakow, 01-02.07.2004). 2. „Dwór a społeczno ści lokalne na ziemiach polskich w XIX i XX wieku” (Kielce, 24.10.2006). 3. „Droga ku wzajemno ści (50 lat białorutenistyki na Uniwersytecie Warszawskim)” (Warsaw, 24– 25.11.2006). 4. „Dom – spotkanie przestrzeni prywatnej i publicznej na tle przemian cywilizacyjnych XIX i XX wieku” (Gdynia, 20–21.04.2007). 5. „Dziedzictwo kulturowe Wielkiego Ksi ęstwa Litewskiego. W 440 rocznic ę Unii Lubelskiej” (Lublin, 25–26.06.2009) 6. „Edukacja. Kultura. Społecze ństwo 2010” (Czocha Castle, 21–23.09.2010) 7. „Polsko-białoruskie zwi ązki literackie, j ęzykowe i historyczne (55 lat białorutenistyki na Uniwersytecie Warszawskim)”, (Hajnowka, 15-17.09.2011). 8. „Edukacja. Kultura. Społecze ństwo 2011” (Łagów Lubuski, 20–22.09.2011) 9. „Jak uczy ć skutecznie? ” (Warsaw, 16.12.2011) 10. „Panslawizm – wczoraj, dzi ś, jutro” (Siedlce, 26–26.10.2012) 11. 20-lecie Fundacji Instytut Studiów Strategicznych „Polska i świat w XXI wieku” (Crakow, 08.12.2012) 12. „Polsko-białoruskie zwi ązki literackie, kulturowe i j ęzykowe” (Warsaw, 18-19.10.2013) Participation in International Scientific Conferences (foreign conferences): 1. „Дні беларускага пісьменства і друку ” (Postawy – Belarus, 1–3.09.2006). 2. „Беларуска -польскія літаратурныя , моўныя і гістарычныя сувязі ( да 125-годдзя Янкі Купалы і Якуба Коласа )” (Minsk – Belarus, 27–29.06.2007). 3. „Витебщина краеведческая (к 100-летию образования и деятельности Витебской ученой архивной комиссии )” (Vitebsk – Belarus, 05.05.2009) 4. “Рэгіянальнае , нацыянальнае і агульначалавечае ў славянскіх літаратурах ” (Gomel – Belarus, 7–8.10.2010). 5. „Актуальныя праблемы крыніцазнаўства айчыннай гісторыі . Да 450-годдзя віцебскага гарадскога права і 100-годдзя выдання першай кнігі зборніка «Полоцко -Витебская старина »„ (Vitebsk – Belarus, 6–7.10.2011). 6. „Опыт сохранения историко -культурного наследия и трансграничное сотрудничество в сфере культурного туризма ” (Vitebsk – Belarus, 23–25.11.2011) 7. „Graf ų Tyzenhauz ų gimin ės paveldas” (05.07.2013, Rokiškis - Lithuania) 2 Achievements arising under article 16 paragraph 2 of the act dated. 14 March 2003 on academic degrees and academic title. Series of 6 publications – 1 book and 5 articles about From the history of science and education on the Polish-Lithuanian borderline from the sixteenth century to the present in the context of Belarus historical issues Book: Traktem Stefana Batorego. Postawy na pograniczu kultur. 1409–1939–2009 ; Warszawa: Katedra Białorutenistyki Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, 2008, ss. 396 (ISBN 978-83-60951-03-3). Articles: 1) Rola rodów magnackich w rozwoju Kresów Wschodnich , [w:] Rzeczpospolita Obojga Narodów i jej tradycje. Szkice i studia , red. naukowa Marek Wagner, Janusz Wojtasik, (Seria: Monografie; nr 50; ISSN 0860-2719), Siedlce 2004, s. 175–183. 2) Aleksander Przezdziecki (1814–1871): „Litwin z przodków” – pisarz i historyk , [w:] Acta Albaruthenica 9 (2009). Literatura, j ęzyk i kultura: tradycje i nowatorstwo , red. naukowa Mikołaj Timoszuk, Mikołaj Chaustowicz, Warszawa 2009, s. 376–381 (ISBN 978-83-60951-04-0, ISSN 1898-8091); 3) Działalno ść Jeana Emmanuela Giliberta w Wielkim Ksi ęstwie Litewskim w latach 1775–1783 , [w:]”Acta Albaruthenica” 2012, t. 12, s. 223–239 (ISSN 1898-8091). 4) Гісторыя Беларусі ў гістарыяграфіі Польшчы (90-я гг . ХХ ст .) , [w:] Acta Albaruthenica 6 (2007). Droga ku wzajemno ści. 50 lat białorutenistyki na Uniwersytecie Warszawskim , red. naukowa Mikołaj Timoszuk, Mikołaj Chaustowicz, Warszawa 2007, s. 396–403 (ISBN 978-83- 920472-5-4). 5) Werbalne symbole Białorusi , [w:] Acta Albaruthenica 11 (2011). Literatura, j ęzyk i kultura: tradycje i współczesno ść , red. naukowa Mikołaj Timoszuk, Mikołaj Chaustowicz, Warszawa 2011, s. 277–284 (ISBN 978-83-60951-10-1, ISSN 1898-8091). The area of my years of research generally consists of four strands: I) history of Grand Duchy of Lithuania and the Belarusian issues; II) landed aristocracy activity on the Polish-Lithuanian-Belarusian borderline III) history of science and education in the above mentioned cultures; IV) The Republic of Belarus on the background of contemporary processes of European integration. As part of theabove mentioned trends I extract several research areas on the role in the history of the lands of White Rus' in the history of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and the Polish- Lithuanian Commonwealth in terms of comparative civilization, introducing into scientific language my own definitions; I take into account the context of the paradigm of ethnocentrism, contribution of nobility and aristocratic families in the development of civilization and cultural lands northeastern I and II of the Republic and in the era of post-partition in these areas; I examine the issue of authorities anthropology, putting forward the argument regarding the management of the precursor; I research a genealogical topic, historiographical, folklore and qualified tourism combined with knowledge of the historical regions; I also deal with the theory of European integration in connection with the issue of Belarus, including cross-border and euroregions cooperation. I) As one of my most important scientific achievements I consider the work under
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