20. Sentence - The punishment imposed on USEFUL ADDRESSES a after a of guilty or a guilty finding at . Punishments given by the & PHONE NUMBERS Common court could include incarceration; probation with conditions such as community service, restitution, substance abuse counseling; Office of Victim-Witness Advocacy Terminology fines; or any combination of these. Somerset County Prosecutor’s Office 40 North Bridge Street 21. Status conference - An open court P.O. Box 3000 • Somerville, NJ 08876-1262 hearing(s) prior to trial at which the status 908-575-3359 of all pre-trial motions and plea negotiations are reviewed by the judge. Case Management 22. subpoena - A written official document Family & Criminal Divisions summoning a person to court or Grand Somerset County Courthouse to give testimony under possible penality of P.O. Box 3000 • Somerville, NJ 08876-1262 law for failure to appear. 908-231-7600

23. Victim - The person who suffers personal, physical or psychological injury as a result Victims of Crime For the Criminal of the commission of a crime. In the case Compensation Agency Justice System of a death due to a crime, the next-of-kin is 50 Park Place considered the victim survivor. Newark, NJ 07102 973-648-2107 24. Victim Impact statement - A written Toll Free: 877-658-2221 or oral statement from the victim which Somerset County informs the judge of the impact of the crime Prosecutor’s Office on the victim's life.

25. Victims of crime compensation (VCCA) AGENCY - A state agency which Somerset County Prosecutor’s Office reviews applications for compensation to 40 North Bridge Street P.O. Box 3000 • Somerville, NJ 08876-1262 Office of victims for losses due to injuries or death 908-231-7100 Victim-Witness Advocacy caused by a violent crime. www.scpo.net (908) 575-3359 TIPS HOTLINE 1-888-577-TIPS (8477) www.scpo.net 7/2010 1. APPEAL - An application to take the case to 7. Defendant - The person who is accused 14. No bill - A vote by the that the a higher court for a rehearing or a review of of the crime. presented by the prosecutor is not the rulings made by the lower court. sufficient to return an against 8. Discovery - Written information about the defendant. The case is then concluded. 2. /status conference- the case, including reports and witness (closed) A pretrial hearing at which the defendant statements, that must be exchanged by the appears with his/her attorney. The judge parties prior to the trial. 15. No bill/ - An opinion by the reviews the indictment and discovery with Grand Jury not to indict the defendant to the defendant and the defendant then enters 9. Grand jury - A panel of 23 citizens who stand trial in the Superior Court but to keep a guilty or not guilty plea to the charges. hear evidence presented by the prosecutor in the charges open and return them to the order to determine whether there is probable municipal court for trial. 3. - Amount of money/bond set by the cause (sufficient evidence) to formally charge court to assure the defendant's appearance (indict) the defendant. The Grand Jury may 16. Parole - The early release, under conditions in court for all scheduled dates. vote for a (1) No Bill, (2) No Bill/Remand, or of supervision, of a person who has been (3) True Bill. convicted of a crime, sentenced to prison, 4. BaiL Motion - A motion made by the and has served a part of the sentence. defendant, who is being held in jail because 10. indictment - A formal document returned of being unable to post bail, asking the court by the Grand Jury which outlines the charges 17. - An agreement reached to reduce the amount of bail. Motions to against the defendant. between the assistant prosecutor and the reduce bail may be made at any time during defendant, through the defense attorney, the course of the criminal proceedings. 11. Jury (Petit Jury) - A group of 12 citizens whereby the defendant agrees to plead selected at trial to hear evidence relating to guilty to a charge or charges in return for 5. True bill - The term which indicates the charges and, from that evidence, vote on some considerations granted by the assistant that the Grand Jury has decided that there whether the defendant is guilty or not guilty prosecutor. is enough evidence for the defendant to be of the crime(s) charged. formally charged with a crime for purposes 18. Pretrial intervention - A program of standing trial. 12. Motion - An application made to the judge, geared primarily to first-time offenders usually before trial, in order to obtain a ruling, charged with less serious offenses. This 6. Complaint - The initial document order or direction. offender is placed on probation prior to trial outlining the charges against the defendant. or guilty plea. If the defendant successfully The complaint is signed by a police officer or 13. Municipal Court - The court in the completes the term of probation, the charges victim in the municipality where the criminal local municipality where disorderly persons are dismissed. act occurred. offenses and motor vehicle summonses are heard. 19. Probation - A sentencing alternative, imposed by the judge which allows the defendant to remain free under supervision as long as certain conditions are observed.