99 News The Official Magazine of the International Organization of Women Pilots January/February 2016 PERPETUAL CALENDAR 99 News 2016 JULY To list your 99s events FEBRUARY 5-10 2016 International Conference, Ottawa, Canada. on this calendar page, 1 Due date for submissions to the 99 News send information to: for the March/April issue. 25-31 EAA AirVenture Oshkosh, Oshkosh, Wis- consin, eaa.org/en/airventure. The 99 News MARCH SEPTEMBER PO Box 950374 12 Northwest Section 2016 Spring Board Oklahoma City, OK of Directors Meeting, Western Antique 15 Fly Now applications due for Fall awards. 73195-0374 Aeroplane and Automotive Museum, Applicants must demonstrate financial Email: Hood River, Oregon. Contact Karin Rod- need and be officially registered as Student
[email protected] land,
[email protected] for more Pilot Members by August 15, 2016, to be Online Form: information. eligible to apply for the Fall Fly Now Award. For more information,see ninety-nines.org/ www.ninety-nines.org/ 15 Fly Now applications due for Spring userfiles/file/FlyNowInstructions2015-2.pdf forms/index.cfm/news_ awards. Applicants must demonstrate reporter.htm financial need and be officially registered 15-17 Northwest Section 2016 Fall Section (please use the new form) as Student Pilot Members by February 15 Meeting, Hilton Garden Inn Seattle North/ Please indicate the to be eligible to apply for the Spring Fly Everett, Washington. Contact Andrea Chay, name and location Now Award. For more information,see
[email protected], for more information. of the event, the ninety-nines.org/userfiles/file/FlyNowIn- contact name and structions2015-2.pdf the phone/fax/email.