Overview of The Phidian Way The Phidian Way is not against The table where Lords Shiva, Krishna, Moses, religion. It is desperately trying Abraham, Yeshua, Buddha, Deborah, and to bring religion into the 21st Elijah, all sit, greet, pray, and eat together - century to effectively fight evil The Phidian Way: A frontier branch of for evil has built so many Christianity that believes Yeshua (as some call barriers against stopping it that Jesus Christ), the son of Mary and Joseph and a good is becoming dangerously Great Prophet, was a mortal man; and that in complacent and as such, fact, Jesus Christ is an event of the dormant ineffective against it. Sacrifice spirit rising to connect with the body and mind will not hurt you; it will to form the soul. It is not a feeling of happiness, strengthen you. gladness, or joy, for these are feelings that even the evil may get after wronging their fellow man. Nor are these feelings of dancing, singing, or being in love; rather, it is the condition of We will transform into a being when one gives a pair of shoes to one higher being, nonhuman, who has none, their coat to someone who is non-earthly - acceptable cold, their food to someone who is hungry, or unto thee, thou Source of money to someone in need and do not seek Creation, surrounding the repayment. It is the goodness of being righteous, it is the goodness of being One with universe within thee. Creation. Amen.

The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 1

Connecting to Aatiiejah To become one with the universe to communicate with thee, thou Source of Life, surrounding the universe within thee. For my soul hearest thou say: Aham Brahma Asmi - Ehieh Ashur Ehieh; Amen. Of Knowledge In the knowledge of the Presences, The Father, Mother, Daughter, and Son; To the Great Prophets, And the existence of all beings of heaven and earth, I bid thee Aatiiejah, have mercy; hear and grant my appeals.

The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 1 Connecting to Aatiiejah To become one with the universe to communicate with thee, thou Source of Life, surrounding the universe within thee. For my soul hearest thou say: Aham Brahma Asmi - Ehieh Ashur Ehieh; Amen. Of Knowledge In the knowledge of the Presences, The Father, Mother, Daughter, and Son; To the Great Prophets, And the existence of all beings of heaven and earth, I bid thee Aatiiejah, have mercy; hear and grant my appeals.

The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 2 Yeshua’s Edict

Om Aatiiejah, in thou, all art within. Hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is within you, Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread that we may have the strength and the will power to travel the Road of Righteousness and Goodness to become one with the Universe acceptable unto thee. Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. Let us not be led by the temptations within us and of the world; and we ask thee to deliver us from evil that we may show evil good to be good. For thine is the kingdom, to which we shall return, the power and the glory forever and ever, Amen.

The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 3 The Power of Phidian – Truth as Humans Christianity is a Necromancer religion. They pray to the dead and worship the dead. Yeshua, the son of Mary and Joseph, lived a most religious life in the light of a Phidian. He learned how to Connect with Aatiiejah and was given the words from the Fountain of Aatiiejah to deliver unto us the Knowledge and Power of the Spirit awakened within us. This is where humans seeking to gain control over others confuses them into believing that the Spirit within us is Jesus Christ risen from the dead. No, the Spirit within us is our own! The Great Prophet Yeshua taught us how to awaken it and let it saturate our brains to guide the mind's ability to focus through the lens of positive thinking to lead the wrong, bad, and evil to do right. Our bodies become a vessel of truth and One with the Universe. Leaf 1 of 3

The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 3 The Power of Phidian – Truth as Humans However, Yeshua did pass away from trauma to his body from being hung on a cross. His death was unfortunate but you cannot worship and praise the dead for it is necromancy. Yeshua did not want us to worship him as dead but to seize his knowledge of the Spirit and use it for good. We must use this knowledge to bring evil into the light to do good. We waiver on this because we are being made to believe that upon Yeshua's death he came back as a ghost named Jesus Christ and is our protector from harm and will jump in front us to save us. This is necromancy and witchcraft. You may say that another name for the Spirit is Jesus Christ, but do not confuse this with it being Jesus Christ another form of Yeshua for it is not; rather, the Spirit within us is our own awakened Power emanating from the Good and Righteousness we bear from within our being - a good thing of us as humans to have. Leaf 2 of 3

The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 3 The Power of Phidian – Truth as Humans But we have been in the dark and did not know this and evil is trying very hard to keep us from knowing this. It wants us to keep worshiping and praising the dead because with our minds on this way of thinking it gives evil the love and joy of murdering and committing crimes against us without us seeing what is happening. If you worship the dead then your culture will embrace death and all that is wrong with life. We must learn to Connect with Aatiiejah for all are within Aatiiejah the Source of all life and being. All Great Prophets know this and deliver the words (which we live by to walk the Path of Righteousness and Goodness) given to them from the Fountain of Waterfalls of Aatiiejah. And with this you may say Amen and Hallelujah.

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The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 4 Of Mother and Father as our True Gods There are over 2 billion Africans today. Throughout history, it has been claimed that Africans have not had a system of faith and belief, religion, gods, angels, or a system of deities to believe in other than voodoo, hoodoo, or some other walking dead belief of fear. They have always had to be led by other peoples, usually through a prevailing enslaving force. Through slavery, country intrusions, and colonization, some Africans have come to believe in the gods and beliefs of those who are not Africans; and as such, some Africans have assimilated with the beliefs and religions of the English, Arabs, and Indians. They are Islam, Christian, or Hindus. However, the intelligence of the BaTonga believed in Nyaminyami, the river god who brought them subsistence and quality of life and being. Gave them the very power of their Spirit. This is what mothers and fathers do for their families and as such, should be the living gods of life and respected as such.

The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 5 Without Phidian The Spaniards, English, and Europeans, brought their gods to America. There was already a system of beliefs and faith established in America by the Indians. They were happy with their beliefs and asked no one to save them from their truth. However, those coming over from foreign lands believed conquering others and enforcing their laws and beliefs on others was righteous and the only way life should be lived. Eventually, the country was made into a slave den with Africans being sold by their countrymen and kidnapped and robbed from their homelands and brought over to America to work and live like animals with no identity other than the one given to them by their enslavers. Leaf 1 of 2

The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 5 Without Phidian The Arabs had prospered greatly in wealth and in living without any worries of food, shelter, clothing, or in having fun, through their vehement management and continued use of slavery which was pawned off to the English Americans to get rich and powerful, and live easy (see: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wV0wu7IC_ic).

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The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 6 Religious Mythology – Know the Truth The Christians claim, teach, preach, write, and boast that Mary, the mother of Yeshua, was a virgin in such a way that she never became in the presence of Joseph, her husband, in a loving way to become his wife in marriage. This is an abomination of life and preached as such to lure gullible ignorant people into necromancy – the worship of the dead. Yeshua, given the death name and image of Jesus Christ (which is the real hidden name of Zeus Krishna). They will go on believing in this lie as they were taught as children this is the truth; just like terrorists are taught as children to hate anybody who are not of their own. Yeshua was born of a woman on this earth, and this is the Truth. Why does man’s history hide the living Truth from us that all humans are precious unto the Source of Life, and our road back to the Source starts with a natural birth.

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The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 7 Phidian Philosophy – Of Married Women It is the Faith and Belief of The Phidian Way that a married woman is a virgin. No man will know her but her husband and her husband is LORD and she projects as God. A married woman is forever a virgin while married as long as she does not become in the company of cowardly men who take unto her, for their own selfish narcissistic desires, to lure her out of her commitment to remain sacred to her husband. Such weak men, fallen to the love of the decay of the body, will lie and become abominable at a cheap expense to color themselves as the desire of a married woman who has become a loving wife and mother but becomes affected by lowering her protection of herself from herself to engage in lust. In engaging in such desires, a married woman then loses her virginity. Leaf 1 of 2

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The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 7 Phidian Philosophy – Of Married Women The man who steals her virginity is a criminal and should the husband find out such a travesty happened should report this criminal to the law! This man has assaulted your wife without your permission and has entered your home as a robber. Or if such an event took place somewhere else, this man kidnapped your wife, for her will was tainted by the words of such a criminal, from her aboding. If the wife is cause of such a travesty, the law will decide, then allow such a man to go free and unharmed. And in any case, do not harm the woman whom you are married to.

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The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 8 Of The Evil in the World Here is a word that all people must learn and be knowledgeable of, especially those who worship and pray to dead gods - nec·ro·man·cy ˈnekrəˌmansē/ noun the supposed practice of communicating with the dead, especially in order to predict the future. witchcraft, sorcery, or black magic in general. synonyms: sorcery, (black) magic, witchcraft, witchery, wizardry, the occult, occultism, voodoo, hoodoo. Leaf 1 of 3

The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 8 Of The Evil in the World Necromancy (Cebuano - espiritista) is committed by many religions who have men (and women), who are dead, as their god or gods. A big religion that does this is Christianity and Hinduism. The worship and praying to Yeshua (who has passed on), the great prophet, in the form of Jesus Christ (or the real form of the name is ZEUS KRISHNA) is a practice of necromancy! Clear, cut, and precise. You want the TRUTH, there you have it. But I know, after thousands of years of worship, people will not listen and they will continue to practice this witch craft and the abomination of the living through this voodoo. They will continue to kill and murder YESHUA over and over again because this is the practice of the Cult of Christianity. They pray to the dead and practice necromancy or espiritista – in Cebuano: a mediator between the dead and living (witch). Leaf 2 of 3

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The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 8 Of The Evil in the World You better listen here and learn and READ!!!! PEOPLE NEED TO START READING!!! And Researching the TRUTH. The world has FOUR PRESENCES – MOTHER, FATHER, SON, AND DAUGHTER. AND ALSO, YOU HAVE THE POWER OF THE SPIRIT AND YOU CAN MAKE YOURSELF FEEL SPIRIT AND SAVED; DO NOT GIVE THIS GRACE TO A GHOST OR THE DEAD. YOU ARE PRACTICING NECROMANCY AND YOU ARE A NECROMANCER IF YOU DO. Please visit www.thephidianway.com and learn. I am here to give you true knowledge. I listen, I read, I learn, and like you, I, am only human. But, I am providing you with what you and others know but are afraid of saying it because they are afraid of being different and of what others may l say.

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The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 9 Connection A State of Peacefulness AATIIEJAH – That is why when you shut your eyes to connect with Aatiiejah it is dark like the universe you see beyond the stars; you are at peace….

The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 10 Phidian Philosophy Just a brief understanding of what Phidians beliefs are: there are four presences in the universe - Father, Mother, Daughter, and Son (the order is insignificant), which we draw upon as humans to act and behave among one another in a positive and helpful manner. These four presences are what makes nature wonderful and act the way it does. They are what make mountains majestic and oceans vast and so deep. Another belief Phidians have is when men and women get married, the woman remains a virgin as she will not know of another man through her marriage. Husbands become Lords of their homes and the wife is seen as the presence of a God. One crucial belief Phidians have is religions that have dead humans as their gods whom they pray to and worship practice necromancy and are as such necromancers.

The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 10 Phidian Philosophy Christians, for example, practice necromancy and are necromancers. Phidians believe in and honor Yeshua, a Great Prophet, whose words are from the fountain of Aatiiejah and should be followed. However, what Christians have done is to make Yeshua into a living god (one they call Jesus Christ – which the name Zeus Krishna was derived) and worship and pray to him although he is dead. He has transformed into what Aatiiejah instructs of such matter of such a being who walked the Path of Righteousness and Goodness while on earth. This worship of Yeshua is necromancy. It is an abomination to Phidians. Phidians connect to Aatiiejah, the source of all being, surrounding and encompassing ALL, to pray for goodness and to regain their strength to continue on the Path. These matters come as Active Common Sense and are what Phidians practice to be whole human beings.

The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 11 Practicing the Phidian Way The basic things you will need as a Phidian is the Phidian Way’s medallion and a Rudraksha prayer bead set consisting of either a 108, 27, or mix of 108 beads for uttering or mentally reflecting on the Phidian mantra, which is to be said 27 times per set to equal 108 times a day: 1 in the morning, 1 in the afternoon or noon time, 1 for the earth’s star (Ghoroc or Goroc) setting, and 1 for the night for thanks or further help. You can say these mantras at any time throughout the day to equal 108 times with the first one being part of your daily prayers for everybody and everything you pray for.

These are the first of The If you have any comments please visit the Phidian Way site at www.thephidianway.com and make a comment. documents to BE ADVISED – These be posted. More speeches are from a talent given to me by the will come. Source of Life. They are not my own but come from me as an ability. They are Aparushya.

The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 12 The Book of Phidians Here is Wisdom and Truth. Together with observable ethical behavior and human nature among nature on earth and beyond its parameters and also let it be just and fair of the text of The Phidian Way are the books as follows but in the Way of Ehieh Asur Ehieh-Aham Brama Asmi, the Phidian knows in such texts that references to he or He, she or She, god or God as the supreme being of the universe is only a human creation for sanity of being and is not the Truth of the real world in existence; such references are only from the imagination of a creature who can imagine. Leaf 1 of 5 5

The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 12 The Book of Phidians The Phidian excludes a he or He, she or She, god or God as their ruler or superior being to bow to or worship and in Active Common Sense knows such things are from humankind as their nature of being and as such, are all within Aatiiejah, the only Source of All, Being and Life. Look thou forth past the stars and see the vastness of Aatiiejah as the Source of All. As such, all the books given as readings for the Phidians only have codes, clues, concepts, indications, and signs for the Phidian to decipher to find the Truth to travel on the road of righteousness: Leaf 2 of 5

The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 12 The Book of Phidians 1. The Golden Book of Jainism, and accepting Svetambaras (white clad)— who do not reject clothing. The symbol of the Jain may confuse as it was taken and made of wrong use (the Jains symbol is not recognized by the Phidian in any other fashion other than its original purpose). 2. The Avesta, of Zoroaster. 3. Hinduism, has many holy books, but most popular is Shreemad Bhagavad Gita, Upanishads and Veda. 4. Brhadaranyaka Upanishad 1.4.10 of the Yajur Veda - Aham Brahma Asmi). 5. The Tattvarta Sutra is the most important Jain scripture which the followers of this religion adhere even today. It was written in Sanskrit in the 2nd Century AD. Leaf 3 of 5

The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 12 The Book of Phidians 6. Buddhism, Tripitakas. 7. Sikhism, Guru Granth Sahib. 8. Judaism two religious books: the Torah and the Talmud. 9. Islam, the Holy Quran with no harmful mission of Jihad towards others and of ones’ self. 10. Christianity Old Testament of Ehieh Asur Ehieh – Exodus (Exodus 3:14b - Ehieh Ashur Ehieh); Christianity New Testament. 11. Baha'ism, Kitáb-i-Aqdas. 12. Confucianism, four texts as containing the central ideas of Confucian thought: two chapters from the Book of Rites, namely, the Great Learning, the Doctrine of the Mean; the Analects, and Mencius. Leaf 4 of 5 Apaurusheya – Speech 12 Be Advised: The Writer will come for The Phidian Way to adjoin all books to represent the true soul as it speaks of the reality of being. When Phidian, the soul speaks to the world around it in a manner that lets all know all is well with humankind. The Writer will come, the Writer will purge all books of the worship of man and flesh, and will destroy the treacherous necromancy and witchcraft man has supplanted in the books to keep the heart of evil growing stronger as each century passes to have children who are easily persuaded to love hate.

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The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 13 The Book of Phidians Phidians refer to what others call the sun as the Earth’s star. We call the earth’s

star: Ghoroc (pronounced as Go-Rock). We call the moon: Narana. We also respect others as we believe You may live a heaven on earth; but it is also interfered with by a Heaven After the Evening – H.A.T.E.

The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 14 The Book of Phidians From the fountain of the Waterfalls of Aatiiejah, the Great Prophets received their words to orate or to transcribe to mediums where knowledge thereof may be received, to lead, guide, and to inspire humankind to find and walk the Path of Righteousness and Goodness.

The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 14 The Book of Phidians Religion in its nascent state was the philosophy of the phenomenon of nature. However, as humankind saw the opportunity of manipulating others for self-gain, religion has now become the vehicle for necromancy, witchcraft, voodoo, hoodoo, and the refuge of abominate life styles and the springboard for social assassination as the verses in the books of religions are used for judging others as arrows shot from a bow.

The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 15 The Book of Phidians Some people will always need a nemesis. This is the only way they can live in a social world as they believe they are inferior in life and need to make life miserable for someone to live with their own faults. When in fact it is not faults they encounter of their own; rather, it is their interpretation of their world based on an ignorant level of experience and lack of education. They fail to see that their deciphering of the truth is at fault and not themselves; but they can learn to re-educate themselves to prevent harm to themselves and others if they are willing to understand that they must undergo the feelings of pain from rejection and ignorance of people who do not understand them. Just be yourself, and the wind around you will stop. This is hard for some people to do as they have come to know having a nemesis as their true worth and making life miserable for others as having fun (fools understanding nothing).

The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 16 The Book of Phidians The bible has 31,102 verses to socially assassinate a person. In today’s America, that equates to 31,102 arrows to lunge at a person to bring them done. The bible is a smorgasbord of knives and daggers to throw at people at any time they are not liked. This is the way of the Necromancer, to keep people down and distraught. No wonder there are no innocent people in America; it is like the insect population where there are barely any non- biting insects left because the biting insects have eating them all. (There are about 23,145 verses in the Old Testament and 7,957 verses in the New Testament for a total of 31,102 verses.)

The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 17 The Book of Phidians And as Moses pleaded with the Presence: “WHO ARE YOU?” The Presence responded from the portal of all time, space, and the continuum of being – I AM AHIH; EHIEH ASHUR EHIEH (AATIIEJAH) – If only humankind would not have sought power and control over others by distorting the Truth, they would not be in so much turmoil TODAY! AATIIEJAH is real and is calling you to return to the SOURCE! All fall within Aatiiejah –the universe, galaxies, the stars, the planets, all beings, and all Gods, angels, and presences. Aatiiejah is the vastness and capaciousness surrounding ALL.

The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 18 The Book of Phidians The Phidian Way is for those who are ready to move on to the next Level of Being in Life. For those who are steadfast in their Religion, Faith, and Belief, we Phidians respect you and love you. But there is a portal, finally revealed to humans, to return to the Source of our lives and The Phidian Way is it – back to “I AM” - EHIEH ASUR EHIEH – Aatiiejah.

The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 19 The Book of Phidians There are only a few Phidians in the world. We do not own or confess to wanting to control the world with our Faith and Belief. I am here as the interpreter to tell them that it is time to know that what they have been envisioning all their lives is true and they are not crazy or weird. They are Phidians and I am here to set them free in a world of Necromancers, witches, bounders of flesh, and lovers of death and evil. Only a few; only a few. The rest are in the Heaven After The Evening (H.A.T.E.) for which they will never escape.

The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 20 The Book of Phidians Americans need The Phidian Way. Folks need to learn The Phidian Way to grow up and mature in being, to learn life, to see the world as it is through the eyes of truth. No one is perfect; that is why people are different, and in being different people will see things in others they do not like and they do not believe is their idea of perfection. It does not matter though; we all are perfect as we are in walking the Path of Righteousness and Goodness as we do our best with what life has given us; that is what makes us perfect, not the narcissistic views of others.

The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 21 The Book of Phidians They are all beings; just like the human, a star is a star, space is space, a planet is a planet, and an ocean is an ocean. They are themselves and no one made them! They are what they are; if this was not true, why does dirt does what it does to plants; why does the star of the earth give light; and why does the bird remember where its nest is and a frog catches flies. They are all what they are as beings, and no being can make another kind of being as a life that breathes and is real.

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The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 21 The Book of Phidians For all beings have their own parameters of themselves and see themselves as better than the other, for this is all they can see for they do not possess the faculties of the other to see or think as the other does. And neither does the blood of each flow through the other like it does through the one. One man’s blood does not flow through the other like it does through him. Each of us are made different with different curves throughout our DNA implied form. Our blood must take certain routes as it moves through the body for our survival alone. Leaf 2 of 2

The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 23 The Book of Phidians Chant 1: We may call them monsters in space; but to space, they are family. They are brothers and sisters and mothers and fathers, just as we are here on earth.

Chant 2: To move forward in society and among humankind, we must believe in what is real and myth or folklore when we are talking about Faith and Belief; anything other than this is psychotic.

Chant 3: They are called gods because they have reached the highest ability of executing a talent that no one else can match. Such a talent contributes to society in a positive way as long as it is used for good.

The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 24 The Book of Phidians Chant 1: Over a thousand years of following folklore, superhuman fairytales, gossip, rumors, and tale spins as belief with no consequence other than wars, murder, death, child abductions, human trafficking, starvations, diseases, theft of tax payers’ money, lies, and promises of life after death as an excuse to condone and forgive all that is wrong in the world is ENOUGH! SOMEBODY HAS TO WAKE UP! We are not all brain dead, are we? Chant 2: The Universe is like a baker’s shop, an engineering hangar, a garden, and a think tank. Once you step into it, be ready to contribute for the Goodness of All.

The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 25 The Book of Phidians Chant1: It is your mind you must fight hubris, narcissism, lies, hate, and those emotions leading you to harm yourself and others. You don’t have to bow down, praise, or worship something that is not there to show humility. The mind is not small within your head - it is vast; how else can you see past the mountain and beyond the ocean. Chant 2: Gods are those whom the space-time continuum and the event of location, has provided enhanced talents and abilities to with consistence in time, which may move in directions. Such an ability comes to humans to show them that although they falter among one another, within them lies a foundation to motivate society towards improving. Chant 3: The soul emanates the presence of the superatom within us.

The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 26 The Book of Phidians Chant 1: Once we start believing that man created the world and humans, all hubris and narcissism takes over and we become abominations of our souls. Chant 2: Believing is always a start. There is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING in the old testament that even closely talks about a being named Jesus Christ. It vehemently clearly talks about a Messiah, a Lord, or someone coming to rule over the Jewish people. That person has already come numerous times over in Abraham, Yitshak or Ismael, Israel, Levi, and Moses. But these men do not satisfy the people who are greedy for grandeur and the propitiation of power and control. And that person will never come. Today, Israel is governed by a multi-party parliamentary system. The President of the State of Israel fulfills mainly ceremonial duties and is not a part of the three branches of government.

The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 27 The Book of Phidians Chant 1: Man has no authority over the moon, nor the sun, or the sky; but yet, in his lack of power over them, he dreams up this Chant 2: What the abortionist is getting wrong is that it is a human being. As soon as the egg meets the sperm it becomes human; it just can’t couple with another human. And This is the mind set of the adult human that if something cannot have sex, it is not human, it is not a being. Chant 3: But then, after the bombardment or wonders (as such explosions and crashes were great wonders to behold or in knowing to be happening) of the impacts of the asteroids on earth, life was seen as becoming special or as a being of true belonging in the universe.

The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 28 The Book of Phidians Chant 1: There is a new mind in the 21st Century that has to be accepted by the angels of mind think (a phenomena that takes positive thoughts, dreams, and ideas of sober people and gives them to become reality to the ignorant) as a vivid reality of the progress of the universe. No longer can these synapsis in time steal these thoughts or deaden them as they occur as such thoughts are given by a higher authority than they are, which is from the greed and power control thoughts of men and women that circulates in time over the poor, the lesser in race numbers, and the honest wanderer). It is now such an act or event is now found to be evil and is the hand covered in filth violating the pure mind of a thoughtful being, and an act of abomination. Leaf 1 of 5

The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 28 The Book of Phidians Chant 2: The angels of mind think can no longer take the thoughts of the hopeful mindful thoughts and deliver them to others for their prosperity, leaving the person who had the thoughts without such fruition. It has gotten old and just down right against nature and as such an agent against life. Chant 3: Through the matters of the universe, as born from the togetherness of a man and a woman, some humans derive exceptionally leading talents and abilities. Some humans, during the life or death of such talented humans, choose to worship such beings as gods. Such humans desire slavery, as they have a psychotic need for submission, worship, and praise of someone or something placed over them by nothing more than their own mentality of their misguided perception of life. Leaf 2 of 5

The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 28 The Book of Phidians Chant 4: Their lives are not whole unless they place someone or something, whether it exist or not, on a pedestal, for the sole narcissistic desire to see a reality of a being casted as above themselves. It is a projection of their unwillingness and fear to take responsibility for their actions and behaviors. Their projection of life is to be inferior; and the only way they can feel good about themselves is in believing that the object of their inferiority is also over everyone else, and everyone must also bow to and worship this object. They learn from others who they have no clue is, that it is best to call and refer to this object as a man called god; even though the word spelled backwards is Dog. Humans become gods through which the matters of the universe derive leading talents and abilities in a child from the togetherness of a man and a woman. Leaf 3 of 5

The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 28 The Book of Phidians Chant 5: Humans choose to worship such beings during their life or after their death as a sign of submission to slavery and a psychotic need for submission to inferiority and a need to worship someone or something placed on a pedestal for the sole narcissistic desire to see a reality of a being casted as beyond ones’ self and the unwillingness of a person to take responsibility for their actions and behaviors. Leaf 4 of 5

The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 28 The Book of Phidians Chant 6: There is no God walking around in spirit form or a as a ghost shaking people hands and petting them on the back and handing them toys on Christmas. Adults who believe this are childlike in the mind and are immature. This is a sign of submission to slavery and a psychotic need for submission to inferiority and a need to worship someone or something placed on a pedestal for the sole narcissistic desire to see a reality of a being casted as beyond ones’ self and the unwillingness of a person to take responsibility of their own actions and behaviors. Leaf 5 of 5

The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 29 The Book of Phidians Chant 1: I realize that many Americans don’t like hearing about the Quran being part of a great society of Books of Faith. But it is. THE PROBLEM - is that prophets are people too; humans make them gods above all, and when the prophet is inclined to get angry because people are not heeding to the words they are delivering from the Source, the prophet may succumb to their human emotions bringing harm to themselves or others leading people astray to punish those who do not listen. Leaf 1 of 2

The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 29 The Book of Phidians Chant 2: Yeshua did it; Moses did it; and Muhammed did it. Aatiiejah teaches if you should stray from the Path do not bring harm to yourself or others. And in becoming angry, out of yourself and at others, you stray away from the Path of Righteousness and Goodness. As such, Aatiiejah teaches us to DISREGARD AND DO NOT ACT UPON SUCH ANGRY WORDS IN BOOKS OR RHETORIC CLAIMING THEM TO BE RIGHTEOUS for they are not. You must learn to discern.

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The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 29 The Book of Phidians Chant: Aatiiejah, within thee, are all. May our transforming be acceptable, and while on earth, may we not be led by temptations of the mind, body, others, and things that will harm us and or lead us to harm others. Deliver us from evil or wrongs that are or will be present before, around, above, or under us. For thou art the preventer of temptations leading the body, mind, and soul into harm.

The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 30 The Book of Phidians (Dynamic Words) Chant: Phidians are the only ones who may receive Power through Active Common Sense. This is so because certain conditions must be present about the mind, body, and spirit, for the power to exist. It is good power and is received from the Source of Life to ensure life abundantly. Chant: The Phidian, ever vigilant of the world around them as they travel the road towards transforming onto everlasting being unto the Source of Life.

The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 31 The Book of Phidians (Dynamic Words) Chant: The Great Prophets do not want you to bow down to them and worship them. Honor them yes, but not in fear or under stress. Truly they were God during their time on earth, but to do such praise even then would have made them dictators, tyrants, or despots. Surely, this is not what they wanted then, and certainly not now; for doing so now would make such people dependent on evil.

The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 32 The Book of Phidians (Dynamic Words) Chant: Thou Capacian, who told you that you were black; who said to you that you were a negro; who uttered to you that you are a word with such a nasty nasal sound that only the ignorant cheer at its sound to make their worth more than yours. Oh Capacian man, woman, youth, boy, girl, child, do not concern yourselves with such human failure.

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The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 33 The Book of Phidians (Dynamic Words) Chant: For humans have failed to take care of one another and to respect one another as equals in the pursuit of traveling the road of righteousness, where we all are supposed to be, through this colored world called earth, which is constantly presenting choices that try faith and belief. When all one has to do is to look up into the vastness, the capacious Heaven, and see Aatiiejah, the Source of Life, through the stars, planets, and human debris, they instead find it easier, or convenient, for their own self-worth, to gaze upon one another and exclaim Thou art God, Thou art God.

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The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 34 The Book of Phidians (Dynamic Words) Chant: And it is from this Glorious story of the brave, the unimagined, the defining of hope and freedom that the Phidian arises from the Truth of Being and Purpose: “I Am”, “I Am” sayeth thou unto Moses – Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh – for thouest be AATIIEJAH! Come unto The Phidian Way and become among the stars again; move into the 21st Century with the great flood of the voice of the Fountain of the Source of Life, the Fountain from which the Great Prophets deliver their words to us.

The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 35 The Book of Phidians (Dynamic Words) Chant: Your God and gods will eventually have to come before Aatiiejah to be acceptable for transforming into the next being for the continuance of everlasting life. Their deeds will speak of them and the very neutrinos that passed through them during their life on earth will recreate any doubt of their true actions and intent towards humankind and other life that shared earth in survival with them.

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The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 36 The Book of Phidians (Dynamic Words) Chant: People who have no form, no substance, no mettle from their soul. They’re just goblets for people to pour their stale wine in. Chant: These are just men talking; know the difference. The only gods in the bible or God in the bible are the Great Prophets.

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The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 37 The Book of Phidians (Dynamic Words) Chant: They have no idea who God is. They’ve never seen HIM, never heard HIM speak, and have never witnessed anything great and powerful HE has done. Other than nature being nature, no human has stood over and above others from the ground to the sky championing themselves as God. But oh, they say, God speaks through nature to show HIMSELF. As if a bee cannot be a bee, a humming bird a humming bird, or a rhinoceros a rhinoceros without the intervention of man to make them who they are, though it has never happened, save for clay or pencil. The one collective God They all speak of is nothing more than the office of the one who has the most power over the other; which race of beings has the power to do the other in. Leaf 1 of 2

The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 38 The Book of Phidians (Dynamic Words) Chant: Humankind must come out of this imaginings for religion and grow up and meet the 21st century in stride. They must leave their childhood behind and come into the present world that is a mirage waiting for man’s reality to form it. (Aatiiejah = Angels Are The In-time Interpreters Exacting Just Acts Hues)

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The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 39 The Book of Phidians (Dynamic Words) Chant: It’s time to BE Phidian. Of old they have existed among us routing the power of angels to sustain human life year after year, and century after century, despite the human inability to follow Truth even when it is right in front of them.

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The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 40 The Book of Phidians (Dynamic Words) Chant: They hide among us today to grow in number to propagate mighty lungs to bring hurricanes of winds into the horn of the Gabriel event that will (uplift Heaven above the stars to deliver a sight as clear as high definition glass of the Source of Life surrounding the universe within thee for our souls will hearest thou say Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh. so)surround the world with the Uplifting Heaven above the stars so angels may round about the humans exist year after year, and century after century, despite their inability to follow Truth even when it is right in front of them. Leaf 2 of 2

The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 41 The Book of Phidians (Dynamic Words) Chant: The Great Prophets – they were with us as babies, children, teenagers, young adults, adults, and elders. They passed on, left us their works, bestowed upon them by Aatiiejah, the Source of Life to follow as they did. Among us, on earth, while they were alive, we saw them as gods, making our lives worthy and full of happiness. From earth, unto the Source of Life, they continue in acceptance as matter, but in a form beyond human capacity and comprehension. Leaf 1 of 2

The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 42 The Book of Phidians (Dynamic Words) Chant: Thus, from human being, acceptable unto the Source of Life, they continue in matter eternally. It is pure evil, necromancy, and witchcraft to worship them as living gods when they leave us. The form of human being is but a part of eternal travel for us all. Travel the Road of Righteousness according to your Great Prophet given words. They are codes given to us in the Books of Phidians.

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The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 43 The Book of Phidians (Dynamic Words) Chant: The Necromancer causes humans to love evil. Taking the form of luring compassion and hope, evil is able to plant itself firmly into the now bounded witch with emotions and feelings from words taken from the mirror of the flipped side of the truth as Truth when it is actually a lie of what Truth is.

The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 44 The Book of Phidians (Dynamic Words) Chant: So thus, God or god is real and stands, not as an imagined ghost or spirit or everything else that is not explainable, but as those who have the sole interest, even above their own, to take care of us and to see to our happiness while on earth. Chant: Through our imagination of what we believe as super activity of what a human being can do, we believe those with abilities and talents above our own are gods. And although we ourselves have abilities and talents of our own, we humble ourselves before those we believe as gods to worship them and praise them as an acknowledgement of being above us.

The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 45 The Book of Phidians (Dynamic Words) Chant: The mind transports the body and spirit beyond its location. The spirit animates the body in behavior to move. Chant: Gods: They are like college professors. Not only do they give you more homework than you can handle, they also want no excuse for not getting it done on time. They each believe they are the only professor in the school and if you don’t get their work done, you will fail their class and worse, you will not graduate. You must pass all of their classes. Be careful how you believe in this world; your belief may have you returning to take some classes over.

The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 46 The Book of Phidians (Dynamic Words) Chant: There are many people on earth who cannot handle rolling back the façade of the world to see it as it truly is. They must live a lie than walk in Truth of prayer because it is what everybody else is doing.

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The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 47 The Book of Phidians (Dynamic Words)

Chant: But Phidians fear not, because they walk the Road of Truth, Righteousness, and Goodness, not as a coward failing in their work; not as a fool because the Universe, to include Ghoroc our unselfish sun and Narana our loving moon, stands with them in prayer every day; and not to the lure of the promises of necromancy as billions of people have been trapped into believing in by worshiping the dead and can find no escape, but as a Templar of the words of their Great Prophet beholding to the love of peace among humans, earth, and heaven, knowing the work that must be done to attain being after human a transformation blessed by thou Source of Life. Leaf 2 of 2

The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 48 The Book of Phidians (Dynamic Words)

Chant: There is not only One God; there are many! They come into the world as men and women and teach us and show us the Way to Travel the Road. Some people will classify them as the one and only, and categorize them as God, a name given to a superior being of whom the follower put above all things.

The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 49 The Book of Phidians (Dynamic Words)

Chant: Why so many Angels – Because they surround the Phidian day in and day out! According to The Phidian Way, angels are defined as: Angels Are The In-time Interpreters Exacting Just Acts Hues = angels are everything that is happening around you in Instances of mental awakening of understanding or thought interpretation of an event you see, feel, and or realize happening. Are they good or are they bad? Visit The Phidian Way and begin saying the mantra every day.

The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 50 The Book of Phidians (Peripheral Knowledge and Wisdom) Christianity, Hinduism, and other religions with people who were hailed as Gods when they walked the earth but have passed on now, may be used by unenlightened followers as vehicles for necromancy and or witchcraft. Such unenlightened followers pray to the dead and worship the dead. Some followers do so unknowingly, but are trapped by the lure of promised love and spirit bonding. Yeshua, the son of Mary and Joseph, lived a most religious life in the light of a Phidian. Leaf 1 of 2

The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 51 The Book of Phidians (Peripheral Knowledge and Wisdom) Yeshua learned how to Connect with Aatiiejah and was given the words from the Fountain of Aatiiejah to deliver unto us the Knowledge and Power of the Spirit awakened within us. This is where humans seeking to gain control over others confuses them into believing that the Spirit they are experiencing, for example, is Yeshua, changed unto a Jesus Christ, and has risen from the dead to dwell within them. No, the Spirit within us is our own! And worshiping Yeshua as Jesus Christ (a ghost or dead man arisen and living within or among us), is necromancy and witchcraft; and the same applies to other Gods believed by worshipers to be alive within or around them. Leaf 2 of 2

The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 52 Traveling the Road You have your religion; you obtained it from your youth, either from your parents or self- exploring with your soul. Now, it is time you mature and become Phidian. Now get on the Traveled Road and follow your Great Prophet’s words. Shhhhhh - Just sit back and be quiet, like the good little angel you are, and get through this life peacefully.

The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 53 Our Purpose What is the Purpose of Life? Our matter exist forever. We come into this world as humans, traveling through to transform again into matter excelling beyond the human form. Earth is a place given unto us as humans to sustain our being while traveling through ‘til transforming unto the Source of Life for another matter of being. While on earth our purpose is to use our talents and abilities not only to contribute to society to assist others in traveling the road back to the Source of Life while sustaining and taking care of ourselves but also our purpose is to make life better for those who will follow.

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The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 54 Our Purpose What is the Purpose of Life? In short, the purpose of life is to use our talents and abilities to sustain and take care of ourselves to transform in righteousness unto the Source of Life to continue everlasting being. Our Righteousness may not be like the next person or the next. This is why we find ourselves first and then excel onward as a righteous human being with purpose.

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The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 55 Concept of the God Yeshua

The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 56 Concept of the God Yeshua

Christians refer to Yeshua as Jesus Christ. Truth be Known! His name is Yeshua, the Great Prophet! The Phidian’s concept of Jesus Christ is just different from Christianity, Buddhism, and Hinduism. It is the original concept of the man Yeshua’s life on earth as delivered unto us informationally by the Knights Templars, Judaism, and Islam (without the defamation and abomination of harmful Jihadism, which is archaic and of the old primal ways of instilling fear into people). Phidians’ concept of Jesus Christ is not of a man, ghost, or alien spirit living inside of a human because the human called upon a spirit (whom none know who they will get) to come inside them and dwell; no, for this is witchcraft and necromancy.

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The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 57 Concept of the God Yeshua For The Phidian Way and Phidians, Jesus Christ is THE event of the dormant spirit awakening within a human and connecting the mind and body to the arisen spirit. This is nature and is what those who planned the deity of Jesus Christ knew but did not want other people to know for they would lose their control of the immature and insecure hordes who flock to such religious lies not only because they want to belong but also they are afraid of life without a father or mother figure to lean on. Leaf 2 of 2

The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 58

Book of Phidian The Death of The Great Prophet Yeshua Surely, when Yeshua, the son of Mary and Joseph, died upon the cross from a public approved assassination stemming from wrongful accusations by a political front, he took the sins of his people with him. In the minds and hearts of his people, evil had to reconsider itself as being right or wrong in a place for existence. During that time, the wrongful dissipated for a while, long enough for righteousness to multiply.

The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 59

Book of Phidian Chant: The Phidian Way is the Last Frontier where all men are created equal; and as the ant is to the elephant, and the bird is to the fish, all are equal in their domain as their portion of being is not only meaningful with purpose to their life, but to the lives of others.

The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 60

The Wisdon of Phidian Chant: That God exist, yes; but, in a different context. Does Jesus Christ exist, yes; but, in a different context. Do angels exist, yes; but, in a different context. Does evil exist, yes; but, in a different context. Does Satan exist, yes; but, in a different context. Does heaven and hell exist, yes; but, in a different context.

The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 61

The Wisdon of Phidian Chant: That Jesus Christ will always live within us, not as a ghost or man, but as our Spirit arisen from its dormant state to connect the body and mind to form the soul is the Phidian’s creed. Read the contextual interpretations of Phidia in the analogs of The Phidian Way, where no man wants you to go to learn the Truth.

The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 62

Exodus: Of American Cognizance From the realms of old; of dusty contrails from red and blue stars; of galaxies appearing as hands with elongated fingers; and of planets with human faces formed from billions of years of activity, it is there in plain view but is not as desired as the romance from imagination – it is, was, and will be, the Truth. But for some humans living the Truth is hard, and to live they need to believe in lies; in addition, some need to walk in the fantasy of others to belong and to have friends.

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The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 63

Exodus: Of American Cognizance However, if magic and fairy tales lead you in life you will not be able to see the Truth in the Christian story of the birth of their savior figure called Jesus Christ. This is why the story is in a separate book from books of reality and is labeled as religious beliefs because religious beliefs may be taken as occurring separate from proven facts of reality.

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The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 64

Exodus: Of American Cognizance The Truth of all Truths surrounding the Christian bible beliefs of Jesus Christ is that you must first understand that there was not and is not a man named Jesus Christ. This is the name of a ghost, a spirit, the supplant of the name of the real man, a Great Prophet named Yeshua, son of Mary and Joseph, turned into a folklore tale to control the poor, gullible, and unwitting.

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The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 65

Exodus: Of American Cognizance The name Jesus Christ is concocted to be in line with Zeus, from the Greek stories of God, and Krishna, from the Hindu stories of God. Zeus is known for impregnating women with children having super powers; and Krishna is known for many magical blessings occurring amongst his people. You put these two together and you have the story of Jesus Christ as the son of a god and a god while on earth.

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The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 66

Exodus: Of American Cognizance In addition, Jesus Christ is the risen man who is to save the world from the wrongs humans do to each other and to slay Satan, the devil, the fallen angel responsible for all such wrongs. Jesus Christ’s real name is Yeshua, the son of Mary and Joseph. Yeshua was conceived by Mary and Joseph out of wedlock, which at the time was considered a grave sin, one of which would get a woman stoned to death. But, the great and true love of Joseph for Mary overcame any hostilities toward Mary. Leaf 5 of 18

The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 67

Exodus: Of American Cognizance Joseph intervened on behalf of Mary and took full responsibility of her and the child she was with. However, as a sanction of giving Mary her life from the death of stoning, Mary and Joseph were banned from society.

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The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 68

Exodus: Of American Cognizance This is the true story of the birth of Yeshua (fabricated to be named Jesus Christ by Christians to tell the spiritual enlightening story of magic and fairy tales in the bible) and this is the truth that should be being told because of its significance to the plight of women who have children out of wedlock and because of the suffering of children who were born out of wedlock because of irresponsible fathers not being held accountable for their part in the pregnancy of the women they do not wed. Leaf 7 of 18

The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 69

Exodus: Of American Cognizance Peoples’ spirit become uplifted in happiness of a good somber story of how people come into godly power that overshadows existing cultural and governmental powers. And the belief that a god was born by a woman who conceived a child from a god and was born from a prophecy is a powerful story for people to believe in and turn into a religion. Sanctioned by the Roman Emperor Constantine the Great, who was dubbed as the King of the Christians; but in actuality, he was no Christian, he was a sun god worshipper. Leaf 8 of 18

The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 70

Exodus: Of American Cognizance As to Yeshua’s death and his rising again from the grave to walk the earth as a ghost and or spirit, it would suffice to say that during those times with no prosperous engineering of metal lines running through basis of chemically altered materials from the earth with cyber like fingers reaching hordes of distant souls with miniature clackers organized to write and send messages unseen by the naked eye, which was none the wiser, stories that flabbergasted the mind and helped assuage life as worth living availed as the day’s entertainment and something to place your faith in.

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The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 71

Exodus: Of American Cognizance And for future generations looking for answers to help make their life bearable the stories also, as opposed to living life in the real world, which becomes unbearable through the lens of Truth, became a staple to base faith on since the stories were already invented.

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The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 72

Exodus: Of American Cognizance As such, laziness, sloth, hubris and complacency with the status of the soul overcame the human will to progress and to maintain themselves as whole beings through continuously updating the mind, body, and spirit, which is a necessary process that time (an intelligent creation of its own) manages to maintain the strength of survival in the human being.

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The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 73

Exodus: Of American Cognizance As such, laziness, sloth, hubris and complacency with the status of the soul overcame the human will to progress and to maintain themselves as whole beings through continuously updating the mind, body, and spirit, which is a necessary process that time (an intelligent creation of its own) manages to maintain the strength of survival in the human being. As such, Truth has become obsolete as the foundation from whence to grow strong and live abundantly. Leaf 12 of 18

The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 74

Exodus: Of American Cognizance Humans are wondering why is there so much murder, rape, prostitution, abuse of children and family breakdown, pollution, untimely or unexplained death among other beings on earth, situations leading to war, political and governmental doom and or impending doom of cities and states from economical ill decisions and or financial theft and mismanagement of resources causing the number of poor and middle class people with tax, loan, and home maintenance burdens to grow. Leaf 13 of 18

The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 75

Exodus: Of American Cognizance There is growth in unemployment where there should be employment and more political driven suffering of those who should be employed but are not because the employer already knows who they will hire and or because the employer is not friends with or do not like those who should be hired.

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The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 76

Exodus: Of American Cognizance The social matrix template devised by those financially in control of the needed resources to live continues to stay the same no doubt by their efforts of how they believe the world should be. From virtual role actors, whose visual motives are controlled by the callous production of social evils writing by young writers with no ethical or emotional attachment to societal progress towards the good of all, and entertainment having more of an impact on the young than school books and graduation from school, to the keeping of the number of those who are poor to stay poor or in jail the matrix prevails or is made to prevail by those who are in control or by those who are controlled for fear of losing what they have or becoming looked upon as different or as rebel. Leaf 15 of 18

The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 77

Exodus: Of American Cognizance These facts have caused into being the belief in a folklore fantasy story of a dead man rising from the grave giving people hope in their own rising from the grave and to live forever in a place called heaven. But, rather, as opposed to a religious faith, to which the cult was moved to sway, it, the actions of the story, with its true goals hidden under tears for a harmed and crucified innocent man, has caused necromancy and witchcraft to multiply and flourish among billions of people who have been taken under its control, even to the point to where they will kill their own family members defending a faith they are none the wiser in knowing its true meaning.

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The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 78

Exodus: Of American Cognizance As it is written, the necromancy states he has come to cause division among family members and to send them, especially when their love for one another is weak, asunder. This blood mainly courses through those seeking to belong and seeking an unpainful way to live that hides their faults and allows them to accept and love evil even when it hurts or degrades them rather than believe in the Truth and live it. The Phidian Way is here to show people how to live the Truth.

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The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 79

Exodus: Of American Cognizance As it is written, the necromancy states he has come to cause division among family members and to send them, especially when their love for one another is weak, asunder. This blood mainly courses through those seeking to belong and seeking an unpainful way to live that hides their faults and allows them to accept and love evil even when it hurts or degrades them rather than believe in the Truth and live it. The Phidian Way is here to show people how to live the Truth.

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The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 80 – Yeshua’s Prayer Aatiiejah - Thou art Heaven, And hallowed be thy name, Thy kingdom will come within us as we become one with creation acceptable unto thee. Give us bread to keep us strong, and may our bodies, minds, and spirits become souls worthy of thy love to shield us from temptations and evils that would otherwise harm or destroy us. For thine art the power, the glory, the source of all life, Forever and ever –


The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 81

Codes In the Hay of Stories There are 39 books in the Old Testament. Find the words, concepts, and meaningful thoughts that lead you and guide you to be positive about yourself in the world and those around you. They should motivate you to do right and to use your talents and abilities to add to society's progress towards goodness for all.

The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 82

Codes In the Hay of Stories The new testament has 27 books. Find the words, concepts, and meaningful thoughts that lead you and guide you to be positive about yourself in the world and those around you. They should motivate you to do right and to use your talents and abilities to add to society's progress towards goodness for all.

The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 83

Codes In the Hay of Stories Within the Books of the Mahabharata, the Torah, the Quran, and the Old Testament you will see and hear the words of Aatiiejah – find them and the Road will open for you to walk with righteousness.

The Phidian Way Apaurusheya

Speech 84 The Science of Knowledge Believe in yourself, not in this or that things. You are the enhancement of the radial properties of the world, and as such the radial properties of the world may be at your behest to aid you in your travels on the Road of Righteousness.

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The Phidian Way Apaurusheya

Speech 85 The Science of Knowledge Particles of dust can enter light and move around like fire flies or butterflies moving around. So if we could just make these particles smart or make smart energy particles to emulate dust particles with commands maybe they can form computers or something that can further be used as an instrument or something for communication especially with another object to make it do something useful.

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The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Scrutiny of the Tablets Speech 86 Satanism – some man jumping about in horns, tail, a pitch fork and red skin causing evil among humankind is again, man’s wrong So then, we have doings mentally projected into the stopped being world as a god. Humankind evil human, growing upon each other is founded on his with time, and narcissistic and hubris mentality have become that if it isn’t happening to him, then it does not matter. ghosts, in stone Callousness can be a talent when it shells, waiting to exudes a feeling of power and self- dissolve in time. worth.

The Phidian Way

Apaurusheya Speech 87 Book of Phidian

The Great Prophet - Talented beyond the ability to be talented. The inner self has to have something to fight for – it cannot be totally satisfied; something has to be dynamic, e.g., praying better, stronger, longer, etc. Is the will an entity separate from being guided – as when it is invoked the turn out may not be good. When you refer to a people as black, African American, white, Hispanic, or Native American in America that just makes them a target; a target for prejudice, hate, institutionalized games or bullying, and racism. What is so wrong with just being called an American? If we don’t respect ourselves, how is any other country going to respect us. I can never get at what I want to do because I am always doing what you need to do.

The Phidian Way

Apaurusheya Speech 88 Book of Phidian

There are four Presences in the Universe: The Father, Mother, Daughter, and Son. They are not human in the sense of having male or female bodies. They are the manifestations or abstract realizations of “Being”. Neither are first, second, third, or fourth. Each Presence is realized by the mind as an existence dynamically occurring for an explanation of reason if necessary; otherwise, the Presences are existence.

The Phidian Way

Apaurusheya Speech 89 Book of Phidian

There are four presences in the Universe: The Father, Mother, Daughter, and Son. This country, America, only has 25% of the equation right, and to worship and praise, let alone bow down to, to only one of these presences as a god, is an abomination not only to the truth of life, but also to Creation.

The Phidian Way

Apaurusheya Speech 90 Book of Phidian

Believers in Christianity are forced to believe in such foolishness, that is, an invisible man, named Satan, whom nobody has ever seen before, running around the earth causing havoc in people’s lives. Oh, but Christians say he is alive in people and make people do stupid stuff such as denying their brothers’ jobs and intentionally causing circumstances that lead to a criminal life for survival.

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The Phidian Way

Apaurusheya Speech 90 Book of Phidian

The Phidian Way will never believe in such an immature institution as to believe it is man, who is the cause of all evil in the world, for which irresponsible humans can have a reason to shoot and kill one another, to not feed the hungry, to murder, with no conscious, children whose eyes have never known such hate for them, to flood media channels with fornication without consequences telling teenagers and children that it is natural to act this way even

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The Phidian Way

Apaurusheya Speech 90 Book of Phidian

in the face of millions upon millions upon millions of children being murdered at birth and the American, whom people call black, is almost, if not already, totally annihilated as a people in numbers, is alright to sat on a pedestal and pray to. This is part of the necromancer way of living. Knock yourself out people, and enjoy your talks with the dead.

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The Phidian Way

Apaurusheya Speech 91 Book of Phidian

Phidians believe angels are the phenomena that behave as acts that govern the hues of outcome of life’s activity. Believing in ghost, demons, devils, and the dead coming back to life and then turning into spirits to save all mankind, is psychotic. Humankind, for thousands of years have believed in this torture of each other as necessary to live in an afterlife called heaven where some man is waiting for them that they have never in their lives seen! Leaf 1 of 3

The Phidian Way

Apaurusheya Speech 91 Book of Phidian

But yet, they will kill their fellow man over this person. People are so afraid of waking up in some make believe place called HELL that they forget about all the good things they can do while living on earth. It has even gotten to the point where people are intentionally preventing each other from being happy in life and being able to enjoy the true spirit of themselves in helping one another in life and through life.

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The Phidian Way

Apaurusheya Speech 91 Book of Phidian

Well, Mr. Government, have at it; because it is your laws that allow nature itself to be TWISTED upon the earth for existing in perfection, which you are not capable of, and it is your laws that allows the growth of insane communities of people such as murderers and child abductors to flourish. This insane practice of praying to a ghost has got to stop America! Choose The Phidian Way and live in the 21st Century instead of walking around like a corpse. Leaf 3 of 3

The Phidian Way

Apaurusheya Speech 92 Book of Phidian

Yes, Martin Luther King, Jr.’s, birth name was Michael and was changed to Martin after his father was inspired by German Professor Martin Luther of the protestant reformation. Truly, a work of angels to hide Michael King’s calling in life to slay racial divide and hate among human beings as a Great Prophet.

The Phidian Way

Apaurusheya Speech 93 Book of Phidian

God is the highest mind -think of the common human. Without certain experiences in life to push the mind and brain out of its comfort box of satisfaction and without a certain level of education and acquired knowledge to exercise the brain it will not grow into maturity of thought past the basic highest level of philosophical thought of the concept of Godism, a mind-think that elevates the use of imagination to construe concepts of the world around reality to make life bearable.

The Phidian Way

Apaurusheya Speech 94 Book of Phidian

The Phidian Way is the last frontier in Faith and Belief. It is what every American wants to believe in but will not say it because they are afraid to. That Jesus Christ is the power of an individual’s dormant Spirit coming alive connecting with the Body and Mind to make the Soul whole, is the quintessential way to believe in the 21st century. It is The Phidian Way.

The Phidian Way

Apaurusheya Speech 95 Book of Phidian Aatiiejah, thou art Heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom will come within us as we become one with creation acceptable unto thee. Give us bread to maintain our strength, and may our body, mind, and spirit become a soul worthy of thy love to shield us from temptations and evils that would otherwise harm or destroy us. For thine art the power, the glory, the source of all life, forever and ever, Amen.

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And that has been the problem with society in that the government, which is only responsible for the management of our resources, has been allowed to become leader of society when society should have its own leaders.

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Book of Phidian The Phidian Way (is that branch of Faith and Belief where Christians believe Yeshua was a mortal man, and that in fact, Jesus Christ refers to the dormant spirit awakening and rising connecting the body and mind to become the soul) (allows that sect of Christianity where Christians believe Yeshua, though a Great Prohet, was a mortal man, to be members) (is that sect of Christianity) may act on behalf of that branch of Christianity where Christians believe Yeshua, though a Great Prophet, was a mortal man.

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Portals of Phi – Protecting of the Soul There are eight (8) Phi Portals or Portals of Phi, that must be lit like candles and aligned every day. Failing to do so allows evil to stalk your soul’s weaknesses and finally enter unchallenged.

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Portals of Phi – Protecting of the Soul These 8 portals include the 7 chakras, which intensify and become portals when the eighth portal is used to protect their alignment and to fortify the soul.

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Portals of Phi – Protecting of the Soul The 7 chakras, becoming portals, are

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Portals of Phi – Protecting of the Soul The eighth Phi Portal or Portal of Phi is the Sign Om Diamond – Drawn from the index and middle finger together touching four points on the body, starting with the forehead, then to the left shoulder, then just below the naval, then up to the right shoulder, and then to the forehead to close, forming a diamond.

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Portals of Phi – Protecting of the Soul To conduct Portals of Phi to achieve Sign Om Diamond, it is necessary to have the Phidian medallion you receive at each year of being on the Road of Righteousness. There are 8 medallions. This example is with the first one.

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Portals of Phi – Protecting of the Soul First, cover the diamond side using the index, middle, ring, and small finger side by side for a period of no less than five seconds. If you are allergic to metal just hover the four fingers over the diamond side of the medallion.

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Portals of Phi – Protecting of the Soul Next, with the index and middle finger together touch the 7 chakra areas for no less than three seconds. At this time conduct the Connecting chants and Aatiiejah mantra first. The Sign Om Diamond is performed after the mantra.

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Portals of Phi – Protecting of the Soul And then, after the Aatiiejah mantra perform The Sign Om Diamond with chanting or quietly in thought thinking “Aatiiejah, sada mere sath chalna”

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Book of Phidian 15 January 2017: Man’s proclivity and ambition and hubris to rule over women to enslave her as a robot never ceases. Even in his most ambitious of stories he bolsters himself as the great He over all mankind. 13 January 2017: Some people may believe that the current events of America may reflect the Book of the Bible called Revelation where verse 17 presents the story of the beast and the courtesan coming into power to rule the world. There are many verses in the Bible: follow the codes of the Great Prophets.

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Book of Phidian 12 January 2017: Phidian business: Be a member; rudraksha beads (or beads); medallion; access to the site for speeches and activities; store for items of Phidian. 12 January 2017: That the Great Prophet Yeshua has passed away from his travel on earth and has transformed on --- to eternal being, unto the next dimension of natural existence acceptable unto the Source of Life, leaving his words and deeds for all to follow is a Pillar of reality of The Phidian Way.

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Book of Phidian 10 January 2017: Let go of the folklore story of the ghost- golem Jesus Christ and let Yeshua’s words be the salvation of your soul. Lift the blinders of death off of your mind and let in the Truth that the Jesus Christ is your risen Spirit within you connecting your body and mind to make the Soul, to make you whole. 10 January 2017: Until Martin Luther King, Jr., is accepted and acknowledged as a Great Prophet of the western world, all is for naught in the pursuit for equality, nationality, and

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Book of Phidian Until America recognizes Martin Luther King, Jr., as a Great Prophet, above being a reverend, above being an honorary doctor, above being a civil rights leader, whom words are from the Source of Life to guide all to eternal Righteousness and Goodness, we shall continue on to be in racial and social turmoil until it succumbs to the weight of hate and dying. Until America recognizes Martin Luther King, Jr., as a Great Prophet, whom words they will follow, we shall continue on to be in racial and social turmoil until this country succumbs to the weight of hate and souls dying.

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Book of Phidian 8 January 2017: The executioner, the assassin, the murderer, the suicide, all deprive a human being of their right to travel through the human being life to transform naturally unto the next being. Such acts are committed against the Source of Life’s golden phi for humans to transform naturally, unimpeded by evil, unto the next eternal being. Such acts declare wrong as right and evil as the just way to act, and as such, are acts prompting cause for the Source of Life to separate the human, who is wrongful of such acts, from transforming after the death of the human body unto the next level of being. As such, on transforming, one will stay as they are and never transform beyond the atom they alas become.

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Book of Phidian

The Executioner – Picked by the group The Assassin – Paid by the group The Murderer – Judged by the group The Suicide – Shunned by the group

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Book of Phidian 2 January 2017: Being human is just part of the transforming onward of ever being. What stage of being human is part of existing forever is not for us to know. 1 January 2017: Surely, when Yeshua, the son of Mary and Joseph, died upon the cross from a public approved assassination stemming from wrongful accusations by a political front, he took the sins of his people with him. In the minds and hearts of his people, evil had to reconsider itself as being right or wrong in a place for existence.

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Book of Phidian During that time, the wrongful dissipated for a while, long enough for righteousness to multiply. 31 December 2016: That God exist, yes; but, in a different context. Does Jesus Christ exist, yes; but, in a different context. Do angels exist, yes; but, in a different context. Does evil exist, yes; but, in a different context. Does Satan exist, yes; but, in a different context. Does heaven and hell exist, yes; but, in a different context.

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Book of Phidian That Jesus Christ will always live within us, not as a ghost or man, but as our Spirit arisen from its dormant state to connect the body and mind to form the soul is the Phidian’s creed. Read the contextual interpretations of Phidia in the analogs of The Phidian Way, where no man wants you to go to learn the Truth.

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Book of Phidian The Phidian Way is the Last Frontier where all men are created equal; and as the ant is to the elephant, and the bird is to the fish, all are equal in their domain as their portion of being is not only meaningful with purpose to their life, but to the lives of others.

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Book of Phidian I am trying to figure out what you are saying here because it doesn't make sense. I am a True Phidian and love being a Phidian. Jesus Christ is not a person in the world living inside people as a spirit. That is necromancy and witchcraft to which the Phidian is trying to reveal to billions of people who are deep in the heart beat of the necromancer's darkness causing the world to forever be chaos and hate for one another to the point of humans taking the lives of one another without care as if life is nothing to them as it has no meaning.

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Book of Phidian The Son of Mary and Joseph's name is Yeshua, not Jesus Christ. The Spirit in you and all of us is our own and does not belong anybody else. This is natural. We must take ownership and responsibility of our spirit to mature as a whole being. Jesus Christ is only an event that raises the dormant spirit within us to connect our body and mind to form the soul. Without this event the soul is not present. Anything else someone is saying is said to control people's mind and what they do.

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Book of Phidian The Great Prophets' words are now leading us all into the light to the Truth about not worshiping them as living Gods but to honor their lives by following their words to help others and ourselves to survive this turmoil that has been created by men for the love of power and control because they believe their lives are more important than others. Get on the Traveled Road and become Phidian. True, it is not for everyone, only a few.

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Book of Phidian If you are walking around believing that a man is living inside you named Jesus Christ and controlling all what you do, then you are a necromancer and a witch.

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Book of Phidian Look upon the word, see its reality, how many religions have it as their scary word for after death. The word hell is what it is under its many plains, levels, and degrees. But to the Phidian, no matter dies and no matter is obliterated out of existence. Hell is Heaven’s Everlasting Lost – never transformed to the next being and never able to attach to other matter. This is the fate of evil not following good and becoming good.

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Book of Phidian I can see it, I can see it; it’s like swimming from under water to the surface to breath air again. On meeting other Phidians: say as a greeting “I am Phidian – a Templar of the Words of Lord Great Prophet ______(name the Great Prophet whom words you are traveling through life with); may Aatiiejah be with you (which encompasses the person and their people).

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Book of Phidian

Those that fear God will certainly die by Him. A mythological invisible man that curses the mind and soul of all who believe in such deviance of the Truth of Life. As Phidian, I don’t have to bend my rear end over or bow to anyone to pray or pray to.

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Book of Phidian I can shut my eyes and become connected to the Source of Life, after I become one with the universe and be acceptable to the Source of Life - because nobody wants a smelly dirty clothes, snot faced, dirty underwear wearing britches man who don’t have to be this way, standing in front of them asking for more when they have not done enough or anything with what they already have, for example: their brains.

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Book of Phidian 20 November 2016: Phidians do not advocate the philosophy of God is dead; for God is not dead. God is a concept of humans whereby those called God or given the status of God, which is He or Him or Father, are above all on earth and therefore has the right to judge all to heaven or hell. Humans also may call other humans God or god, whom they designate as such to give them a status above all in their talent or ability they perform. No, God or god is not dead, and is a living being. What Phidians do not do is advocate dead Gods or gods as living beings. That! - is necromancy and witchcraft.

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Book of Phidian This is what is bringing the uncontrolled and controlled evil into the world of humans and other living beings. Through the source of religion, there are currently over 3 billion, near 4 billion, necromancers, those who practice worshiping the dead and witchcraft, in the world. This is why there are terrible storms, tsunamis, hurricanes, murders, hunger, human trafficking, and other evils that harm the purpose of being - exist.

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Book of Phidian This is what is bringing the uncontrolled and controlled evil into the world of humans and other living beings. Through the source of religion, there are currently over 3 billion, near 4 billion, necromancers, those who practice worshiping the dead and witchcraft, in the world. This is why there are terrible storms, tsunamis, hurricanes, murders, hunger, human trafficking, and other evils that harm the purpose of being - exist.

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Book of Phidian Through the source of religion, there are currently over 3 billion, near 4 billion, necromancers, those who practice worshiping the dead and witchcraft, in the world. It is so hard to withdraw from such practices, much like the inability to stop smoking. It is culturally ingrained and reinforced through punishment and verses from unedited books. The Phidian Way is here to help bring lost souls who are in the zone of Heaven After The Evening, and cannot pull away from such inevitable death of the pure soul, wondering through life living in the flesh of rot and meat.

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Book of Phidian The power of the Phidian is Active Common Sense. No other being on earth is blessed with this power but the Phidian. I urge you now, become Phidian and start the real fight of heaven on earth against Evil. 13 November 2016: That which humans can do for themselves, their self-imagined gods expect for it to be done. Anything other than that is their hubris, self-pride, vanity, and false up righteousness acting as their own hands, feet, and heart commands them to do.

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Book of Phidian 13 November 2016: Yeshua (Jesus or Zeus-Krishna) was a good man, but yes, he was only a man. He had a talent and an ability for which he used to his best to help others to live life. It's an abomination of life when we, having our own talents and abilities to find and use, do not. We find it easier to become lazy and become stagnant and live on the contrails of other's talents and abilities. They add nothing to society and are quick to judge those who aspire to add to society to further the progress of humankind. https://www.quora.com/Are-there-any-branches-of-the-Christian-faith-which-dont-believe-in-Jesus-to-be-the-son-of-God- and-or-part-of-the-God-triune

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Book of Phidian 12 November 2016: The cemetery, why do you come here, there is nobody here. They are all transformed. The human super-atom has left this earth unto the next level of being.

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Book of Phidian The reference to a ‘He’ in religion is a dominating figure. That is why human controllers enforces God as a He. But factually, and realistically, humans know throughout the history of mankind, no man, no not one, has ever brought into existence a baby on their own; but yet, this ‘He’ religions claim is the constructor of all. Where would even a man of such narcissistic envelopment get the idea of a female gender?

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Book of Phidian There are over 3 billion necromancers and witches in the world practicing the worship of the dead as though they were alive and within them. The quakes, tsunamis, tornados, hurricanes, murders, rapes, abortions, drunkenness, family separations, and much more evils of the world will not stop until reality, not imagination, rules the Soul. Because the numbers make up more poor people than rich and those who have all they need but want more, to keep an identification with the world, existence, and worthiness, poor people will continue to praise, worship, and guard, with death if necessary, the necromancer as its savior and God.

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Book of Phidian The spirit within you is YOURS. There is no dead man named Jesus Christ moving around in you and making you jump up and down or run faster than the next person. It is you! Your body and mind and spirit make up your Soul. If you are worshiping Jesus Christ as a living man or a Spirit living within you or beside you or watching over you, BE ADVISED AND WARNED – YOU are practicing witchcraft and necromancy. The Necromancer of Jesus Christ is a murderer and a divider of brothers and sisters supplanting their love for one another with HATE and ANGER towards the other! Let it be so and STOP the witchcraft and STOP necromancy!

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Book of Phidian 11 November 2016: Can man get past his imagination and began to see what is real.

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Book of Phidian It is not I in the dark; rather, it is you in the dark. And I am not moving forward; rather, I am moving backwards, for the light shines on me to lead you into it.

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Book of Phidian Is there anyone out there that is intelligent enough to understand the FINAL TRUTH IS THAT MAN'S GOD, as they call HIM, HE, or, FATHER, is only an extension of their minds for which helps them maintain their sanity to survive. A mountain is a mountain, a river a river, the rain is rain, and the planets are planets, they have nothing to do with man with a white beard making them or HIS SON being there before all creation, because that is the biggest myth and lie ever told to humans to control them into being happy they are poor and ignorant.

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Book of Phidian All gods and Gods fall within Aatiiejah. If this were not so, why then is man not the only creature on earth, and for that matter, the universe, for surely a star is a being; but then as humans, all we see is a star. 9 November 2016: While you are sitting or standing there, you have all that energy surrounding you and yet none of it is attached to you for you are not a Phidian drawing it in as a radial force about you

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Book of Phidian 6 November 2016: Billions of people have been lured into practicing necromancy as they worship that which will not last as a testament of their ongoing dance with and love of evil. Their eyes can’t see it, their nose can’t smell it, their mouth cannot taste it and their hands cannot feel it. It is their heart’s plug to emotions, feelings, anger, loyalty, and their mental resolve to be ignorant of the truth so they may behave and act under a supplanted myth of a golem ghost acting in place of the truth set forth by nature and life.

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Book of Phidian All gods or God fall within Aatiiejah! BE AWARE and BE WARNED AND FORWARNED – There is a thin line between worshiping God or Gods or devils, demons, fairies, and Necromancy (the worship of the Dead and Witchcraft, its source on earth). Billions of people are practicing necromancy through their worship and praising of the ghost Jesus Christ, which is a mythology on earth in the name of the Great Prophet Yeshua who has been erased from history. If you even write the name Yeshua in a word document it will come up as an unknown word. People who are practicing necromancy do not even know it because witchcraft plays a smooth transition from facts and words to the heart to the mind then to behaving to the carrying out of what is believed to be right. It blinds you in the light and lights you in the dark, but you are still blind. Beware; you have been warned as the Phidian Way is the Great Prophets vehicle to bring people back to the Truth, which has exploited for fleshly gains.

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Book of Phidian 5 November 2016: A Mother and Father can speak to their children through their blood. 3 November 2016: The evil you fight within you to subdue emanates from you as good in the world. 31 October 2016: Christians! Celebrate your Christmas this year with a VENGEANCE of being on the Traveled Road of Righteousness and Goodness. Let the bright Star of the night guide you to his birth place for surely YESHUA, the Great Prophet, is the born son of mother Mary and father Joseph. Shout Amen, Amen, Amen, Amen! Sing out LOUDLY – Faith of our fathers living still, in spite of dungeon, fire, and sword. Oh, how our hearts beat high with Joy, whenever we hear that glorious Word! Amen, Hallelujah.

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Book of Phidian 23 October 2016: It’s for people who are challenged with hope, faith, and belief in something they believe is beyond themselves.

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Book of Phidian 22 October 2016: This present fighting, killings, separation of kindred and peoples from their homelands, and governmental chaos and community deterioration of morality, ethics, and values in the world is not new. There are over 7 billion people on planet earth; not ants, not dogs, not pigs, not fish, not flies, not skunks, not birds, but human beings. In their current situation, they do not even compare to the animals they claim to have domination and superiority over; for animals, and for this matter, insects included, are not behaving deplorable and damning.

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Book of Phidian They in fact are acting the better citizens of the earth as they are not systematically wiping each other out nor slaughtering each other for some defunct belief they have that motivates them to kill another of their being nor do they destroy the world around them while cheering proudly about and purporting the belief in a god that is nowhere to be seen nor found. Humans have become the most sickening and dangerous being on the earth, and it is mainly because they have come to love that which is wrong and evil.

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Book of Phidian Their foundation for this philosophy is they want each other to prove what is wrong and what is evil. Behind this smoke and mirrored deflection is necromancy and witch craft and idol worship. And it has devoured the hearts of men and women and they dare bring their children into their culturalism to believe in their beliefs and faith. And the murders, rape, chaos, hunger, unfairness, unjustness, callousness of other’s needs, and hate marches on like drunken sheep falling off a cliff.

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Book of Phidian 21 October 2016: I am here to separate the weak from the strong in soul. Religions believing in a man, though he be dead, is living among them as a being to be admired and worshiped and bowed down to in praise and to believe that he is within them as a ghost moving about directing them and protecting them are subscribed to and have fallen into the lust of necromancy and witch craft. They willfully glorify and beautify evil talking to the dead as an icon of salvation.

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Book of Phidian Aatiiejah, what can I do for your people now. I am not a prophet, I am neither preacher nor reverend. I am on all counts only a man. You have granted a talent and to ability to see and tell your Truth. For the Great Prophets are beseeching mankind to move on to the next level of Faith and Belief, I am come for this purpose and I accept it. I have given them your instructions on the Traveled Road; I have given them the desires of the Great Prophets – Lord Krishna, Lord Shiva, Lord Gautama (Buddha), Lord Yeshua (Jesus), Saint Andrew Kim, and Dr. Martin Luther King.

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Book of Phidian – The Abstract Being 16 October 2016/modified 4 April 2017: I am heaven and I am earth. I am within all and all is within me. I am snow, I am rain, I am day, I am night, I am a star, I am a planet, I am a galaxy, and I am a universe. For all that I see I rule within me, and all I do not see rule outside of me. But we are one, we are combined. For one without the other cannot exist.

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Book of Phidian The universe has laws for which we as humans can not break. Although our imagination is boundless, even past the stars of night, it is neither strong enough to see past the last star for which our naked eyes can see nor is it conjuring enough to know what is past the last star zoomed in on by the power of a roaming telescope. But alas, though the Truth surrounds us, like a mother holding her dear child, in the vastness we see past every star, be it with our own eyes or a mobile telescope, we invent gods, devils, demons, ghosts, and angels to rule over us in the form of humans ‘til the end of time and into our imagination with life after death with more human gods, devils, demons, ghosts, and angels to rule over us in the form of humans.

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Book of Phidian Man and his power over those whom cannot fight him has led to the obliteration and extinction of more resources to aid him in life than he will ever know. Even the ant and mighty whale and elephant is under his control with his measures of death upon them. But yet, it is impossible for him to stand up to a hurricane, tornado, earthquake, or tsunami. He runs like a coward and hides like a snake in the grass with no venom to attack.

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Book of Phidian For if he were be one with the universe, where he would be in a position to communicate with the Source of Life, he would not need the power over others, that place where necromancy consumes him in his narcissism to feel worthy, but only his nature to kiss the rising wave of a sand storm to surround him to feel the love of the Oneness of the world and seeing that everything is alright, carries on in its way enjoying life while respecting the lives of others. A joker it may be, but harming others it will stay not so, just that others may know, it was a storm and it had life.

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Book of Phidian 12 October 2016: Aatiiejah gives us all these things to keep us (all of us) sustained, but because we know the Lord in peace we hold these things back from one another. 9 October 2016: The only way to truly fight in life is becoming Phidian – be ready, but be not alarmed, nor a harm to yourself or others; this is the essential soul of a sword in as much as having the source of its life to command it with righteousness. The only way to truly fight in life is becoming Phidian – be ready, but be not alarmed, nor a harm to yourself or others; this is the essential soul of a sword in as much as having a source of life command it righteously.

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Book of Phidian

Connecting to Aatiiejah is being connected to the Source of Life from the time you wake up until the time you lay your head down for a rest. Angels swarm around you while sleep, keeping the rays of your spirit softened to the presence of Aatiiejah like a glowing star in heaven.

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Book of Phidian 5 October 2016: In becoming a Phidian, there is no conversion or confession or some holy spirit ascending upon you and lifting you up for some savior to kiss you. These are things you would have already been through in your chosen Great Prophet’s teachings. Becoming a Phidian is a natural process of life. You acknowledge there are Four Presences in the Universe: Father, Mother, Daughter, and Son as such ways of the world are present in all things formed on the earth and sky and beyond.

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Book of Phidian 5 October 2016: In becoming a Phidian, there is no conversion or confession or some holy spirit ascending upon you and lifting you up for some savior to kiss you. These are things you would have already been through in your chosen Great Prophet’s teachings. Becoming a Phidian is a natural process of life. You acknowledge there are Four Presences in the Universe: Father, Mother, Daughter, and Son as such ways of the world are present in all things formed on the earth and sky and beyond.

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Book of Phidian Each is equal in power to the other but separate in their ways and means. You will know you are a Phidian as you will rise above your old self and start using Active Common Sense to combat evil and wrong doing; you will know to stop selfish or indulging actions before harm is done to yourself or others and you will know your talents and abilities and use them to not only support, contribute, and or sustain society but to survive. You may declare yourself a Phidian and tell others you are a Phidian, which basically means you have taken up your Great Prophet’s teachings and are traveling the road of righteousness with the words of your Great Prophet as your guide.

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Book of Phidian

If ye be a Phidian, Ye Be a Phidian!

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Book of Phidian Ye, be careful not to worship Yeshua as a living man or ghost, for thy is necromancy and witchcraft of the dead. Yeshua has passed on and transformed unto Aatiiejah and is being forever. Thouest worship of the dead bringeth death in the land where art thou and the provinces of Ur. I can see the kindness and goodness in your heart professing to others the love you have for your belief and faith. Nothing more can the Spirit filled Fountain of Joy ask of you. Continue your prayers and hope for others as it is strong with you, and that I can appreciate. Thank you. The Phidian Way is not for all.

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Book of Phidian It is for those who have broken the adulterated bonds of life and death and are looking past the universe with clear and sharp strengthened souls to finally hear the Source of Life, of whom Moses heard on that mountain centuries ago and are opening their hearts to return to the Truth. Go ye your way and be kind to others with different beliefs, and do not be quick to judge as doing so vexes the Spirit of peace. And be aware of Necromancy, for it is strong in the world today and is amassing to destroy our young. Amen.

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Book of Phidian It appears you have nothing positive to say about anything. That is very disturbing. Here, The Phidian Way provides the tools to people to fly away, like an eagle taking flight to higher grounds, from hate and sadness of the mind, which ultimately breaks down the growth of the Spirit. The Phidian Way is not here to replace any Religion, in fact it supports religion for its moral values and honors the Great Prophets who have laid the foundation for others to follow on the Road of Righteousness. If I can give you one suggestion, listen to the song “I Need Thee Every Hour”, in fact there is a group called Soul’d Out Quartet that does a great version of it. Take care. 28 September 2016: Angels are things that happen in your life because of your value in the world as good.

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Book of Phidian

28 September 2016: Sometimes you find yourself touching the Truth to see if it is real or not. Just don’t make the mistake of after touching it, you reject it because it was there in front of you the whole time but it was taught to you as being a lie.

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Book of Phidian 18 September 2016: Very interesting, as Ghandi was one of Dr. Martin Luther King’s favorite spiritual leaders. But yet, with respect to Ghana and its citizens, population over 25.9 million, with 25 percent Muslim, 23 percent with traditional beliefs, 41 percent Christian oriented, and with less than 10 percent involved in other faiths and beliefs, still mainly worship the gods of white people. The author of the protest is Dr. Akosua Adomako Ampofo, is a Christian feminist, so too, she ascribes to the British engrained ways of worship.

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Book of Phidian

17 September 2016: For surely you have reached a portal to a world you would have never known to exist had you not the interest in having peace of mind of what is Truth.

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Book of Phidian I found your reference to Yeshua quite interesting as I have heard no one saying his birth name anymore. However, in addition to the interest in your reference to Yeshua, another reason I am contacting you is to invite you to take a look at my site at The Phidian Way dot com. I am also on Facebook with a plethora of information about this new faith and belief. I originally developed this Faith and Belief in hopes that African Americans (whom I refer to as Capasians) would seize the chance to have a system of belief of their own and to make it grow as such.

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Book of Phidian I believe a people with their own belief system that is not harmful to others, elevate among the races quicker without much friction. Although it is influenced by other faiths and beliefs, it is influenced only to the point where the references seem to actually stem from actually belonging to The Phidian Way. Currently, it seems like many different peoples have liked The Phidian Way (of course it is open to everyone); it is liked by 386 at this time but has been viewed and reached by over 70 thousand people. If you have time, please I invite you to look at it. I only ask that you be open minded with your criticism if per chance you do look at it. Thank you, and thank you for believing in Yeshua!

The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 166

The Clandestine

John 2:19 “Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up.”

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The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 167

The Clandestine

As modern writers do to imbue reality in their stories, writers of the bible, with added fictional drama to capture audiences’ beliefs, wrote as though they witnessed the events of which they wrote, even though they were years apart from the stories. After all, they did not have TVs or computers back then; so the drama had to seem real. Learn the True meaning of John 2:19 “Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up.” Visit www.thephidianway, speech 166 by Sunday. for an example. One drama in their writing, as an example, is that which The Phidian Way teaches is the dormant spirit rising to connect with the body and mind to complete the soul given as the temple of destruction and resurrection of Yeshua’s event with the money changers in the temple.

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The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 168

The Clandestine

Lord Yeshua gave us the Jesus Christ Event – the rising of the dormant spirit connecting with the body and mind to complete the soul. This was his mission for the rest of his life after meeting and being taken in as a student of Siddhartha Gautama. It may be given that Siddhartha was limited in what he could do for this event and as he became to know of Yeshua’s talents and abilities expressed to him to take this on. Although it was not defined as Jesus Christ event but more of teaching humankind how to properly acknowledge their birth as Templar of the Source of Life in the world. Such a gift was to be so powerful that it would move humans to believe the spirit a ghost from outside entering them to take up space in their temple. However, as it was told as explained by Yeshua, his temple would rise in three days on the Road of Righteousness.

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The Phidian Way – Apaurusheya: Speech 169

The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 170 In Knowledge of Truth Be Warned! All gods or God or Gods fall within Aatiiejah. No, not one, to include the God of Christians, Muslims, Buddha, Vaishnavism, Shaivism, Shaktism, Smartism, Jainism, Zoroastrianism, and even Gods who are worshiped as devils, escapes Aatiiejah’s creation! No one ESCAPES. Ye necromancer, ye who worship men and women who walked the earth as gods but who are now dead and have passed on to Aatiiejah, from the beginning of the time of man’s consciousness, ye have brought ill to humankind; and but for the Phidian, the human soul will remain bound to the whispers of the necromancer ushering the human to want to do wrong as the lust for spirit’s death with the sacrifice of the flesh grows stronger with the belief of death.

The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 171 In Knowledge of Truth

Worship - the portal of necromancy, the flower of evil. Who doest thou worship - Tree, river, sky, money, dog, mountain, human, gold, or rock, or other form you see as the only thing that matters to you as to shut out all else in enmity.

Phidians connect, with their souls, to the Source of Life, to build their Way to Heaven with the right blessings to help them live a life that acts doing the right thing.

The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 172 In Knowledge of Truth

The universe, not creation, is for us to use as a power. The Phidian Way - It will eventually overwhelm your soul. There will be only 10,000 left. On a hill far away will the dust settle and there, as the clearing imparts its way, they will be standing strong, the children of Phidians, starting anew as the confidence of time and order, making the world the platform for what it was intended to be: a place to dwell in harmony while all folks are given the right to contribute their talents and abilities to the world to give each individual prosperity to live out their lives to the end; and there, to gracefully transform to the next level of being in eternity.

The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 173 In Knowledge of Truth

Consider The Phidian Way as the Tree of Hope and Prosperity. The soil and richness of the earth is its faith foundation. The trunk is its power and strength - growing upwards from acts of goodness. The branches are its children and the leaves are its children’s children; and so on, etc., etc., etc. Beyond the branches and the leaves, the wholeness of the tree radiates into creation to fulfill its talents and abilities to define life beyond sight, sound, and the simplicity of being a tree.

The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 174 In Knowledge of Truth

His name is Yeshua. Even Word underlines it in red as a misspelled word. But it is quite clear in Phidian philosophy, Yeshua, is the man born of Miriam and Joseph; not the ghost golem named Jesus Christ, for which the truth has been hidden in meaning as the dormant spirit rising to connect with the body and mind to form the soul. This was Yeshua’s meaning in life and what Gautama (or Buddha) needed him to accomplish. Yeshua, is YES! And hua is the military’s loud cry for Heard – Understood – Acknowledged! All loudly say HUA!

The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 175 In Knowledge of Truth Einstein’s general relativity and Newton’s gravity equations and formulas, are derived from their given talent and ability of relativistic trial and error scientific thinking, from the fountains of the water of Aatiiejah, the Source of All Being, to give to the world the Truth about which it craves so much for: Power. Through these symbolic codes that depict dimensional levels of Truth through numbers, as a whole, they bring us to visualize before us as knowledge that no man has power beyond their mind, body, or spirit, to alter matter before them as magic. That with such power, one may unbalance the world in good and evil, right and wrong, and bad and honest. Men in their greed for power will use such power against the Necromancer in the world. As such, no such power can exist for it will surely succeed in evil over good. LEAF 1 of 3

The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 176 In Knowledge of Truth Our power is in our nature as humans to complete our walk on the earth in an even fight against the Necromancer, who continuously seeks ways to gain power over us to cause our souls to stray from the path of nature diverting us from the righteousness of transforming unto the next level of our being, acceptable unto Aatiiejah. Thus - it is the strong who transform unto the next infinity of life everlasting; and thus, it is E equals mc square phi over the speed of light square that equals the earth/sun system “In the equation, the increased relativistic mass (m) of a body times the speed of light squared (c 2) is equal to the kinetic energy (E) of that body. Proof of Albert Einstein's special-relativity equation E = mc 2” https://www.britannica.com/science/E-mc2-equation LEAF 2 of 3

The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 177 In Knowledge of Truth

Newtonian gravity and its use for describing the Earth/Sun system: The Earth/Sun system as explained from Newtonian gravity: where rorbit is the radius of the Earth's orbit around the Sun, Newtonian physics describes the Earth/Sun system as:

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The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 178 Christian of Constantine Nicene Creed

Run little witch, run to your Necromancer belief where you praise and worship a dead man on a tree. For ye be a witch in such an abomination where the Great Prophet Yeshua has passed on but has not been given the honor of a grave. Your priests and your popes and your preachers murder him every day for they are murderers of humankind and haters of life of the creation of Aatiiejah. of Aatiiejah!

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The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 179 Christian of Constantine Nicene Creed

You will not hear about God in The Phidian Way as a supreme ruler; sorry to disappoint you. God or Gods are a dime a dozen if not a penny for any. God is a man’s concept of himself ruling the world and others he feel are inferior to him. And it is working. The only Gods The Phidian Way acknowledge are those who walked the earth as Great Prophets and showed humankind the road to Aatiiejah. All are within Aatiiejah! All men, women, rivers, mountains, valleys, stars, planets, moons, galaxies; all are within and are the Creation.

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The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 180 In the World of Phidia

The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 181 In the World of Phidia

The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 182 The Two Factions of Christians in the United States Of being Phidian, there is no doubt as to the importance of the Great Prophet Yeshua ( the actual born son of Mary and Joseph). After seeing such talents and abilities of Yeshua, Gautama Siddhartha (Buddha) expressed his desires with Yeshua to teach the essential occurrence of the spirit coming to life from its dormancy to connect with body and mind to form the soul and, how this event is to be perceived and handled by the individual. Although it is a natural occurrence, if the individual is not prepared for it, it will lead the individual astray; some it may not even occur in. LEAF 1 of 2

The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 183 The Two Factions of Christians in the United States What is important to know is that when the spirit rises from its dormant state and connects with the body and mind to form the soul, this is called the Jesus Christ event or Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is not some ghost or man living inside the human giving them extraordinary power or saving them from doing wrong. To believe this is necromancy and witchcraft. This is the faction of Christians who practice the beliefs of Constantine and the Nicene Creed. Those Christians who follow the ways of Moses when delivered by "I Am" or Ehieh Asur Ehieh (Aatiiejah), are Phidians. LEAF 1 of 2

The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 184 The Americans and the Unsanctified World’s Beliefs Lord, the Americans do not understand. The mission of Yeshua, whom they call Jesus Christ, brought over from the unsanctified world, was received from Gautama Siddhartha, whom they call Buddha, was to teach the enlightening event of the Spirit rising from its dormant state to connect with the body and mind to form the soul making the human whole. They are confused that this event “is” the Jesus Christ they seek and the Jesus Christ they worship is part of necromancy where they worship Yeshua as a live human being in the form of a ghost. Forgive them Lord, for they truly know not what they do.

The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 185 The Hubris of Ignorance – To Love Hate The Phidian – Active Common Sense and in as much as ye think so, it is so. Et coti clo sinor – They won’t go to Heaven for not knowing Aatiiejah; that is your 10,000. Why so much hate for a race of people whose forefathers and mothers and daughters and sons fed their children, bathe their mothers and fathers, ironed their favorite shirts to look good in, nursed their sick children back to health again, and cleaned up countless of messes while they ate and dined with their friends and walked away not giving a dime believing it was all natural for such a race to be servants of theirs. Now that the hubris and pride of “I” has gotten everybody confused into not seeing beyond themselves, evil is now free to wreak havoc in the world nine times over.

The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 186 The Americans and the Unsanctified World’s Beliefs

The bible has codes within it to protect itself from the zealousness and drama of the writers whose sole purpose of writing such attached historical events as modern writers do was to bring reality to their stories to capture audiences’ beliefs. One code, as an example, is that which The Phidian Way teaches is that of the dormant spirit rising to connect with the body and mind to complete the soul.

The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 187 The Epitome of the Story Tellers of the Bible As modern writers do to imbue reality in their stories, writers of the bible, with added fictional drama to capture audiences’ beliefs, wrote as though they witnessed the events of which they wrote, even though they were years apart from the stories. After all, they did not have TVs or computers back then; so the drama had to seem real. Learn the True meaning of John 2:19 “Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up.” in speech 166. One drama in their writing, as an example, is that which The Phidian Way teaches is the dormant spirit rising to connect with the body and mind to complete the soul written as Yeshua’s event with the money changers in the temple, demanding the temple of corruption and greed of the mind and body to take up the spirit to become whole, for without it no purpose would be served unto Heaven.

The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 188 The Mission of Lord Yeshua Lord Yeshua gave us the Jesus Christ Event – the rising of the dormant spirit connecting with the body and mind to complete the soul. This was his mission for the rest of his life after meeting and being taken in as a student of Siddhartha Gautama. It may be given that Siddhartha was limited in what he could do for this event and as he became to know of Yeshua’s talents and abilities expressed to him to take this on. Although it was not defined as Jesus Christ event but more of teaching humankind how to properly acknowledge their birth as Templar of the Source of Life in the world. Such a gift was to be so powerful that it would move humans to believe the spirit a ghost from outside entering them to take up space in their temple. However, as it was told as explained by Yeshua, his temple would rise in three days on the Road of Righteousness.

The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 189 The Unsanctified World’s Beliefs As billions of Constantine Christians practice their necromancy of raising the dead ritual today, a day they call Easter, a name given after Eostre, a pagan Anglo-Saxon goddess of the sunrise and the spring and of the dawn, to which is the direction of the sunrise, East (http://www.allabouthistory.org/origin-of-the-word-easter-faq.htm), again they worship the sun and as they have done for hundreds and of thousands of years...again they practice witchcraft, and BLASPHEME the name of Yeshua, the Great Prophet, after they have again and again slaughtered him on the cross. They just don’t get it do THEY! Let Yeshua rest in PEACE! Join the branch of Christianity of Moses, to whom the great “I Am” was revealed to as Aatiiejah.

The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 190 The Artist Must Inspire Belief And you wonder what did writers do way back during biblical times. There were no TVs, computers, theaters with panoramic speakers or movies with special effects and main stars to write for. They did as the writers do today, made stories believable; maybe even better, as to this day, some are still believable.

The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 191 But for Nature they were Husband and Wife The Truth: And as I know the hearts of the writers of the bible, to write for belief in their stories, as they do today: And although having a child out of wedlock, the town, for the love and respect of Joseph for his dutifulness and loyalty to the community, spared Miriam the fate of stoning. Instead, mercy was shown in allowing Joseph to take Miriam away to leave the community and travel to safety elsewhere.

The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 192 Phidian Philosophy - Phidianosophy People aren’t trying to find the way to Heaven, for Heaven is Aatiiejah, and the way is Phidian. Rather, they have allowed themselves to become mentally convinced, from Constantine ethics and the wrongful interpretation of biblical story writers’ tales, to worship and pray to dead gods and ghosts for salvation and eternal life. In essence, they have surely invited the ways of necromancy, which shields them from Truth and Righteousness, into their lives. In this world of entertainment and show, the Truth has become blasphemous and the Lie has become a plethora of money making schemes. Uprooting good to overlook the ways of evil, regardless of whether it affects their lives or others around them, the good have to accept evil as a part of life.

The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 193 Phidianosophy

To build their Way to Heaven with the right blessings to help them live a life acting to do the right thing, Phidians connect, with their souls, to the Source of Life. This edifice is the reason why - The universe, not creation, is for us to use as a power.

The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 194 Phidianosophy

There will be only 10,000 left. On a hill far away will the dust settle and there, as the clearing imparts its way, they will be standing strong, the children of Phidians, starting anew as the confidence of time and order, making the world the platform for what it was intended to be: a place to dwell in harmony while all folks are given the right to contribute their talents and abilities to the world to give each individual prosperity to live out their lives to the end; and there, to gracefully transform to the next level of being in eternity.

The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 195 Phidianosophy

Consider The Phidian Way as the Tree of Hope and Prosperity. The soil and richness of the earth is its faith foundation. The trunk is its power and strength - growing upwards from acts of goodness. The branches are its children and the leaves are its children’s children; and so on, etc., etc., etc. Beyond the branches and the leaves, the wholeness of the tree radiates into creation to fulfill its talents and abilities to define life beyond sight, sound, and the simplicity of being a tree.

The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 196 Phidianosophy

His name is Yeshua. Even Word underlines it in red as a misspelled word. But it is quite clear in Phidian philosophy, Yeshua, is the man born of Miriam and Joseph; not the ghost golem named Jesus Christ, for which the truth has been hidden in meaning as the dormant spirit rising to connect with the body and mind to form the soul. This was Yeshua’s meaning in life and what Gautama (or Buddha) needed him to accomplish. Yeshua, is YES! And hua is the military’s loud cry for Heard – Understood – Acknowledged! All loudly say HUA!

The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 197 Phidianosophy

Einstein’s general relativity and Newton’s gravity equations and formulas, are derived from their given talent and ability of relativistic trial and error scientific thinking, from the fountains of the water of Aatiiejah, the Source of All Being, to give to the world the Truth about which it craves so much for: Power. Through these symbolic codes that depict dimensional levels of Truth through numbers, as a whole, they bring us to visualize before us as knowledge that no man has power beyond their mind, body, or spirit, to alter matter before them as magic. That with such power, one may unbalance the world in good and evil, right and wrong, and bad and honest.

The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 198 Phidianosophy

Men in their greed for power will use such power against the Necromancer in the world. As such, no such power can exist for it will surely succeed in evil over good. Our power is in our nature as humans to complete our walk on the earth in an even fight against the Necromancer, who continuously seeks ways to gain power over us to cause our souls to stray from the path of nature diverting us from the righteousness of transforming unto the next level of our being, acceptable unto Aatiiejah. Thus - it is the strong who transform unto the next infinity of life everlasting; and thus, it is E equals mc square phi over the speed of light square that equals the earth/sun system

The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 199 Phidianosophy “In the equation, the increased relativistic mass (m) of a body times the speed of light squared (c 2) is equal to the kinetic energy (E) of that body. Proof of Albert Einstein's special-relativity equation E = mc 2” https://www.britannica.com/science/E-mc2-equation

The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 200 Phidianosophy

Newtonian gravity and its use for describing the Earth/Sun system: The Earth/Sun system as explained from Newtonian gravity: where rorbit is the radius of the Earth's orbit around the Sun, Newtonian physics describes the Earth/Sun system as:

The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 201 Ten Communities of The Phidian Way 1. To support college tuition 2. To support the American dream of owning a home 3. Education of family and its importance to children and its value to men and women 4. Personal development as a human being 5. Finding self-given talents and abilities to aid society in progress 6. Promoting the practice of being good 7. Promoting good health and long life 8. Promoting the community and society to provide jobs for all 9. Promoting safety and security for all 10. Promoting all Americans be called Americans!

The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 202 The 4 Presences of the Universe

I am Father, all that is me I will reveal to you in my presence

I am Mother, all that is me I will reveal to you in my presence

I am Daughter, all that is me I will reveal to you in my presence

I am Son, all that is me I will reveal to you in my presence

The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 203 Phidianosophy Why can’t the west call this man by his real and only name – YESHUA! Shout it out for he is a Great Prophet and to be honored as such. His name is not Jesus Christ for crying out loud. That name supplants Yeshua, the son of Mariam and Yosef, with a control name. Even word document rids the true name Yeshua from its writings; showing such spelling in red and misspelled. In our modern times, involved with tsunamis, floods, the haves and the have nots, hunger, weather changes, and the demise of millions of innocent human beings, it is the Daughter of the Four Presences, who is screaming at the top of the mountain trying to get the world’s attention away from witchcraft and the necromancer’s rule and power over billions of people. Listen, Wake Up!

The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 204 Phidianosophy

Why further live your life in vain. You have the chance to read and know the Truth by reading these Speeches. The Speeches are your sermons and words of wisdoms to fill your soul with nourishment from the Source of Life. Read the Speeches to stay fulfilled.

The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 205 Wisdom of Phidian

In the following drekkana or decan-phi, you see the three stories of the Jesus Christ. On your left is Yeshua as God on earth during his life mission for human kind; on the right is the death of Yeshua as all humans will naturally follow the laws of creation to transform unto the next level of eternal being; and below are people who have experienced the Jesus Christ Event of the dormant spirit risen to connect with the mind and body to make the Soul – to make the human whole.

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The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 205 – cont. Drekkana & Decan-Phi 1

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The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 206 Phidianosophy

Time and Tolerance are angels of mankind’s destiny. Time tells people who, what, when, where, and how; while Tolerance teaches people who, what, when, where, and how. In other words, Time will tell you who you will meet, while tolerance will teach you about who you will meet.

The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 207 Phidianosophy We always ask: Why don’t the Lord answer me, why don’t the Lord hear me, give me a sign, show me thineself, why must I continue on without such prominence or province…. But yet, though we may feel empty the connection is there; we feel it, we sense it, and we are in it. The four Presences, the Mother, Father, Daughter, and Son, of Creation, welcomes us, from a continuing matter in the universe, to human form, into this world; and, the Great Prophets, provide us guidance on how to get through this world in our human form, a necessary form of being to rid all bad things from our matter before transforming to the next level of eternal being, acceptable unto Aatiiejah.

The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 208 Phidianosophy

The process of eternal being continues, but being human does have a purpose, in fact it is necessary. What is the world without religion, it is Phidia; come to Phidia, come to Phidia. When good makes mistakes evil cashes in and good is shamed. When evil makes mistakes, it’s expected. What the light makes people think of power and to make their wishes come true is the essence of the puppet master necromancer.

The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 209 Exodus 3:14b Of the Moses Revelation – The Phidian Way: Aatiiejah – Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh (Exodus 3:14b) This is the Truth as it has been, as it is, and as it WILL BE; all before mankind’s drop among beings in the world as an untrustworthy relative.

The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 210 Book of Phidian Yeshua was a man just like you and me brother. He accepted his mission in life and went for it. Will you do the same, or will you bask in the shadow of necromancy and disrespect this Great Prophet by worshiping him as though he was alive, though he be dead, and that shall it be as witchcraft and worshiping the dead. People don’t like to pray because they want to keep doing bad things Phidians must rise today and say who they are in the world because they are the only light on earth the stars in Heaven can see, hear, and walk with. See how they run from the Truth; like roaches running from the light.

The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 211 Phidianosophy Time has many friends (angels) – color, rocks, stones, material and organic things that grow old, and the human body is it’s given because of its presence in time. Humans must travel the road to relieve their worth in creation into timelessness. Two Phidians complete an old folk tale: Not only did 7 eat 9, as in seven ate nine (7 8 9), but, it also made the letter X take Y’s left leg, which is why Y is called Y as it is always wondering why, to give to 7 to become Z, to reign as the last letter of the alphabet. No, 7 is not bad, it just needs more 9s to eat to do more work. Not to be noticed as a 9, this is why 6 is upside down. Alternate: or, 7 is just conning.

The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 212 Phidianosophy Well, as it may be, there is no difference between voodoo and the Constantine Christian’s practice of inviting a person or ghost called Jesus Christ, the given name of Yeshua, who is now dead, into their hearts or body’s to take them over and become their living savior. They are in fact exposing themselves to evil in opening a portal and chanting for Jesus Christ to come into them and live. They feel a sense of euphoria as they in fact have only opened their hearts to feel free of burden and guilt. However, necromancy latches on to this moment and dives deep into the person opening themselves and chanting and kills them into a dead thing not capable sensing doom. They believe they have become more spiritual when in fact they have killed the soul to act against evil. They become lovers with evil, forgiving its wrongfulness towards others and taking bed with it ready to lay down their lives to protect it rather than allow justice to prevail.

Phidianosophy The Phidian Way

Apaurusheya It’s not complicated America: The Constantine Speech 213 Christians believe Jesus Christ lives within them as a spirit and controls their Soul, while Phidians believe Jesus Christ is an event where the body, mind, and spirit becomes one to form the Soul as taught to us by the Great Prophet Yeshua, whom he himself has transformed on to the next level of eternal being.

The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 214 The Sacrifices of Phidian

We must sacrifice, sacrifice, and sacrifice. Not our minds, or our bodies, or our spirits; but with what we would do wrong.

Of Heaven; Of Aatiiejah - We are in Heaven, we are all in Aatiiejah, the source of all being, surrounding creation within thee. Evil and wrongfulness makes us believe we are anywhere but in Heaven.

The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 215 I Am Phidian I am Phidian; my construct is pure. Flowing like a mighty river from the Source of Life, mine eyes see the Lord as neither man, woman, God nor angel as my soul hearest thee say “Aham Brahma Asmi, Ehieh Ashur Ehieh”.

The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 216 Cognoscere God, Angels, Good, Evil, Wrong, Right

People say The Phidian Way does not believe in God. What God should we believe in, the Christians furiously believe with anger and hate in their hearts for all to believe God to be a man with a white beard in the sky to be God or for the Great Prophet Yeshua, who though walked the earth as a God, but is now dead, to lead us from the grave through necromancy and witchcraft, to be God.

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The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 217 Cognoscere God, Angels, Good, Evil, Wrong, Right

God is the mind think of human kind. It is the common perspective as to how to do things and get things done. It is the Truth driving concepts and the rhythm to which men and women move through their days to accomplish right and survival. For the compelling infinite Truth of God is that if all did good there would still be enough evil to fight over a lifetime. (The trouble is, is that human kind has stopped fighting evil and has embraced it).

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The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 218 Cognoscere God, Angels, Good, Evil, Wrong, Right

This is the fluidity of being human, to always fight to be good in order to shed the soul away to become acceptable for the next level of eternal being. For it is the summation of Good to fight against harmful fleshly desires, spiritual deviation, and mental subjugation to do wrong. It is in being good that dissolves the shell of the soul away to free the super atom within us to return to the Source of Life to continue the song of Creation. Our next level of being is not human.

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The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 219 Cognoscere God, Angels, Good, Evil, Wrong, Right

In being good and fighting the evil and wrong we would do in our lives, like the stage of a chrysalis, we grow enough light energy to shed the soul to become one with the Source of Life once again in the form of a transformed matter, different from the matter becoming human. Angels sing loudly of these moments in time - a vessel among them with the ability to choose and to know good from evil, and right from wrong; thus, in creation, becoming a friend unto them and even giving them life; in this, leaving them not alone.

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The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 220 Book Of Phidian

In Phidian Belief and Faith, You are not losing your belief in Christianity (Constantine Christians who pray to the Dead, committing acts of witchcraft) or Jesus Christ, you are learning to respect the man, Yeshua, called Jesus Christ, and you are learning to respect life itself. And the same is for those millions of the Krishna and Shiva religions. These men have served their time on earth admirably for the betterment of humankind. It is imperative to place such practices in perspective of what is really happening. Jesus Christ is an event experienced as Oneness with creation, Krishna is the love and respect between men and women, and Shiva is pureness with nature and being. People wake up; wake up.

The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 221 Book Of Phidian

If you are worshipping, praying, having faith and belief in the dead, you show no respect and dignity to not only yourself, family, and relatives but also to all beings living amongst you. You are in essence a hater of life and a lover of death.

The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 222 Book Of Phidian So, you are going to continue to worship the dead and pray to ghosts that are not there. People, let me take the blame for this one because I am trying to tell you what life is telling me and that is America has to be the leader for the world and bury Yeshua, the Great Prophet, out of respect for his life and teachings he gave to us and stop disrespecting him in his death by mocking him as though he was a totem pole! The man is dead and has left earth for a higher cause in being. But yet, here you are, holding on to some lie from murderers, witches, and necromancers from England and Europe who brought their death worship to America as witnessed by so many deaths left in its path and are still dying to this day.

The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 223 Savant As of this date and time, as we are consigned to as humans, there has been no soul on earth, save for those who knew not they were Phidians but knew they were without receiving the word as to who they were, all received in Heaven. All are in the prison of the Necromancer. Their super atoms, the force behind which carried their souls while on earth, is caught up in the Hell-hold. Not until the Editor arrives as a soul on earth, will these billions upon billions of humans trying to transform unto the next level of being, will they be released to the bosom of the Source of Life, Heaven. For they have as humans, practiced in ignorance and from force the witchcraft of necromancy, the worship of the dead.

The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 224 Savant Their precious song was the belief in Jesus Christ as their risen savior coming into their lives and controlling them saving them and only them, and those they prayed for, from evil, as millions around them suffered from hate crimes, rape, murder, abduction into prostitution, slavery, and the ills of family abandonment. When the Editor comes, it is not known how many souls will be released to transform unto eternity; but some will, some will. Do you really think Aatiiejah is going to accept your being unto eternity in your non-belief, to foul the pureness of Heaven?

The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 225 Savant They’ve supplanted his name, they’ve supplanted his father, and they’ve supplanted his mother around lies of superhuman folk tales intertwined with the philosophy of wise men. And even though there is no possibility of a being becoming or born as an anti-christ, the power of necromancy and witchcraft has supplanted the hearts of strong men and women with a heart weak from fear, their ears gullible to the whisperings of evil. They cannot be saved unto the arrival of the Editor.

The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 226 Savant And because the necromancer looked up to the night sky and saw Heaven was capacious, they began to hunt down and destroy, not necessarily the body only, but through many means of societal depravity, those with skins of color to usher in a world with a love for hate, in all its forms of murder and diseases.

The Phidian Way Apaurusheya SpeechSpeech 227 227

The Bible is not to burn or tear the pages out of to destroy. It is a volume in time of human kind’s philosophy of how to live with themselves as well as among one another. However, more will come as they must come, or life to come will be dead.

The Phidian Way – The atonement Faith and Belief of America.

The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 228

The Nature of God There are Phidians and Constantine Christians. Phidians believe Great Prophets such as Lord Krishna, Lord Shiva, Lord Yeshua, Lord Gautama, and Lord or Doctor King, when they walked the earth, were God in nature. Now that they have passed on they are honored and respected by Phidians but not worshipped and or praised, which is a practice Constantine Christians do and are in fact committing necromancy and witchcraft when they do so through their acts of worshipping the dead.

The Golem Speaks – The Phidian Way What Have They Done! Apaurusheya The term Jesus Christ used in the belief you have Speech 229 summoned the alive spirit of the Great Prophet

Yeshua, son of Miriam and Yosef, to talk to or to listen to you, is witchcraft and necromancy. Constantine Christians, of the persuasion of Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, believe their spirit has been replaced by the spirit of Jesus Christ and he, as such, is living within them. Leaf 1 of 2

The Golem Speaks – The Phidian Way What Have They Done! Apaurusheya They forego all common sense that no spirit in fact Speech 229 has entered them and it is their spirit they are experiencing. It is an act of witchcraft they commit that leads them into believing they are dead within this creature but yet the creature lives within them. They blindly and unknowingly use voodoo believing they are summoning a great spirit to come into their lives; but - WHAT HAVE THEY Leaf 2 of 2 DONE!!!

The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 230 – Truth TRUTH: For all Religions to heed: The Truth – No one, none, not one soul has been allowed in Heaven. Spare thee, those of Moses and the Phidians who knew not who they were. I am the Writer; until the Editor comes into the world, then, and only then, will all those souls be released from the Threshold they are trapped in, to transform into eternal being. Billions upon billions upon billions do await Thee!

The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 231 The Connecting Mantras Anew for Utterance The Source of Life has released and Phidia has received conceptuality and thus, placed into thought and from this activity it has been interpreted. The Mantra of Yeshua has been received and inscribed with the Connecting mantras. The mantras themselves are updated as such to utter: 1. Om Tare Tuttare Ture Swa – ha 2. Om Hareng Baglamukhi Na - maha; 3. Om Sri Yeshua; Yeshua Sri Namah Om; 4. Om Jai Shiva Omkara; 5. Om Sri Krishna Sharanam Namah; Leaf 2 of 2

The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 231 – Cont. The Connecting Mantras Anew for Utterance

6. Om Sri Rama Jaya Rama Namah Om 7. Om Dum Durgayei Na- maha; 8. Om Gum Ganapataye Na - maha; 9. Om Dram Om Guru Dattaya Namaha; 10. Om Aatiiejah Bhagavate Namaha; Amen.

Leaf 2 of 2

The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 232 Connecting Connecting to Aatiiejah is a necessary walk needing to occur everyday to stay with creation and its responsibility to take of you. Yes, nature has a coded responsibility to take care of us, we have to look, listen, think, and act on our part, to follow nature’s helping us to survive our travel through this life while on earth. Nature wants us to be successful and to make it through to the next level of being because it too has its time in being nature in the world. Our strength in the world comes from our foundation of nature given to us to be successful on our walk through this world. The Source of Life, Aatiiejah, is creator, author and master of All; all matter, being, and unseen is under Aatiiejah’s domain, and nothing is above the Source of Life. Leaf 1 of 12

The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 232 - Cont. Connecting So, we must connect with Aatiiejah not only to survive but also to stay on the road straightway, whether or not it is left or right, to become one with creation on the next level of being. The Beginning To Connect, first acknowledge Aatiiejah as the Source of All Being. Note. The Phidian medallions have two Diamonds: the bottom one symbolizes Sign of Diamond; and the top one symbolizes the Connecting Portal. The hands follow the shape of a diamond starting with an inverted V at the top of but in front of the head. Following the shape of a diamond form a V in front of the chin then close the hands and say: Aatiiejah. Leaf 2 of 12

The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 232 - Cont. Connecting We transform from this world to attain our heir to continue eternal being from when we were matter before becoming human beings, the form our matter takes to survive in such a world as earth. Phidians know this, and they connect with Aatiiejah at the beginning of the day and stay connected using mantras throughout the day. Phidians connect in the morning (to include the first of four mantras).

Leaf 3 of 12

The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 232 - Cont. Connecting At midday, dawn, and night, the second, third, and fourth, respectively, mantras are uttered or done in silence, to stay connected to Aatiiejah. It is the way Phidians live, staying connected to Aatiiejah. The morning Connection takes about a quarter of an hour, and the remaining mantras take about 83 thousandths of an hour. Thus, on conducting Connection in the morning, take the Phidian medallion (two, one in either hand with front and back opposite is best) and place the hands over it or with two, one hand over each side of the medallion. Leaf 4 of 12

The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 232 – Cont. Connecting Next, begin saying the Aatiiejah Connecting by first acknowledging Aatiiejah with clasped hands and a nod of the head. Then, with hands open with palms up, at shoulder level or higher, begin the words starting with “Om namo bhagavate Aatiiejah” four times. Next, you have come to the heart of the Aatiiejah Connecting. In uttering the heart portion “To become one with Creation…” remember to hover the right hand over the Portals of Phi before saying Amen. Then continue on with the heart of Aatiiejah Connecting to the body and to the end. Aatiiejah Connecting follws. Leaf 5 of 12

The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 232 – Cont. Connecting Om namo bhagavate Aatiiejah, Om namo bhagavate Aatiiejah Om namo bhagavate Aatiiejah, Om namo bhagavate Aatiiejah To become one with the Creation to communicate with thee, thou Source of All Being surrounding the universe within thee; for my soul hearest thou say: AHAM BRAHMA ASMI - EHIEH ASHUR EHIEH Amen

Leaf 6 of 12

The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 232 Connecting ◊ ___☼___ ◊ Om mani padmi hum x4 Aatiiejah, walk with me, lead me, guide me, hide me, protect me, and help me as I travel the Road of Righteousness and Goodness to become one with Creation acceptable unto thee. And if I should stray left or right, let me not bring harm to myself or others; but let Truth open my eyes that I may see the travelled road, return to it, and never again wonder away. Aatiiejah, sada mere sath chalna, Amen.

Leaf 7 of 12

The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 232 – Cont. Connecting

The Oms of the Road (Orator speaks/Edifice repeats) 1. Om Tare Tuttare Ture Swa – ha 2. Om Hareng Baglamukhi Na - maha; 3. Om Sri Yeshua; Yeshua Sri Namah Om; 4. Om Jai Shiva Omkara; 5. Om Sri Krishna Sharanam Namah Om;

Leaf 8 of 12

The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 232 – Cont. Connecting

6. Om Sri Rama Jaya Rama Namah Om 7. Om Dum Durgayei Na- maha; 8. Om Gum Ganapataye Na - maha; 9. Om Dram Om Guru Dattaya Namaha; 10. Om Aatiiejah Bhagavate Namaha; Amen.

Leaf 9 of 12

The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 232 – Cont. Connecting

◊◊◊◊ In the knowledge of the Presences, The Father, Mother, Daughter, and Son; To the Great Prophets, And to the existence of all beings of heaven and earth Yea, I beseech thee Aatiiejah, have mercy on me and grant my appeals.

Leaf 10 of 12

The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 232 – Cont. Connecting Say the Aatiiejah Connecting to get into your Construct to communicate with the Source of Creation once at the beginning of your day and the Phidian Mantras four times a day to stay connected and for food for the soul, every day. The Medallions are for acknowledgement of the Phi Portals at the utterance of the Aatiiejah Connecting. In modern times a recorder of sorts will suffice as a speaker of the mantras. Take Care: Do not wander in thought with the Phidian Medallions in hand Use them only for Aatiiejah Connecting; you may , but not necessary, use them for the mantras . Leaf 11 of 12

The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 232 – Cont. Connecting

To assist in communicating with the Source of Life is holding Phidian medallions in the palm of each hand. Also, faith in a manageable day is enlightened in touching the Portals of Phi after touching the Leaf 12 of 12 medallions to start the day.

The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 233

The power of Phi Portals in your hands. Out stretch them to the vastness of Heaven to help you focus on communicating with the Source of Life to grant your daily appeals. If you are connected to the Source of Life, you will go directly to the Source of Life upon transforming from your earthly form to Heaven. If you are Phidian stay Phidian and you will pass on in acceptance of a life traveled on the struggled road, though many of a kind, of righteousness. The mind, body, and spirit, host the Super Atom and experiences its struggle to transform.

The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 234

The symbol of the triangle has different meanings. The Greeks referred to the triangle as a doorway. The Celtics symbolized the triangle as a triquetra, a looping circle forming a triangle. Ultimately, the triquetra is a depiction of three adjoining forces. In Phidia, the triangle symbolizes the Jesus Christ Event where the dormant spirit rises to connect with the mind and body to complete the soul. This event is significantly one of the most important phases of a human as the soul, the combined forces of the mind, body, and spirit, is now ready to travel through the world.

Wisdom - The Phidian Way Always Hidden Apaurusheya With all of its natural instinct to relay truth to the mind, the common eye, due to Speech 235 intentional deviant interference being slipped in to supplant the truth, a view that escapes our sight, is, Michelangelo, in touching basis with his Construct, orchestrated the ‘The Creation of Adam’ to reflect, rather, Moses outreaching to humankind to heed his given knowledge of Aatiiejah, the author of the codex of Righteousness and Goodness, in how best to travel through earth to the next level of being.

The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 236

The Antichrist

It is impossible for someone to It is insane to overlook all be an antichrist as all humans who live the evil and wrongs men and women undergo to live, the Jesus Christ event of have done in this world just to wait the soul becoming whole. The dormant and blame such wickedness on one spirit rises and connects with the Mind person whom nobody will ever come and Body to form the Soul. All humans to know as the Anti-Christ. Christians are responsible for all they have done, have named such a ghost the and as a whole, they have done evil. And Antichrist, for such deeds. Whom the to blame a thing, a golem, a ghost, a Christians so await will never come human, for what they have done wrong is the human refusal to mature and be for the term antichrist is a misnomer. accountable for what they do.

The Phidian Way

Apaurusheya Speech 236

Murderer Races that seek to wipe out other cultures are not advanced because they have to ability to do so; for surely the murderer whispers in their ears for things to do and smiles upon them as a friend when they delight in human massacres. To crush an ant is not a sign of superiority, for not only is it insignificant, but it is also meaningless for it is the heart and song of the murderer. To not be the one who dies the murderer rejoices in those who do.

The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 237 The Golden Phi In Phidian Across the universe Phi is present. As a number it is exhibited as 1.618. It is distinguished among other number as having two unique properties as 1) If you square Phi, you get a number exactly 1 greater than itself: 2.618…, or Φ² = Φ + 1. This translates into human nature as when you are trying to figure yourself out you square yourself into you and the dynamics of yourself. These two of you together = God; 2) If you divide Phi into 1 to get its reciprocal, you get a number exactly 1 less than itself: 0.618…, or 1 / Φ = Φ – 1. This translates as if you cannot see yourself as to who you are, not who others think you are, then you are the lesser one. Leaf 1 of 3

The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 237 – Cont. The Golden Phi In Phidian Its friend Pi, of 3.1415 value, given to humankind as a helper, can be seen in human order; whereas phi can be seen in the chaos of nature and in the make up of humans. While pi is in plain sight, like seeing Narana (the moon) in Heaven, phi hides in nature as an eminent force awakening human faculties to perform as created. The two together share an enlightening intellectual discovery of a mathematical hidden sequence involving even some fibonacci input to complete its flow. You will see that pi appears as 3.1415 and phi appears as 1.618. Looking closer you can see the numerical sequence of 14, 15, 16, and 18 with no 17. However, it is revealed to be there enclosed in pi. Leaf 2 of 3

The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 238 The Golden Phi In Phidian The hidden intellectual discovery unfolds as when you add pi’s 14 and 15 linearly together as 1 + 4 + 1 + 5 you get 11, which when linearly added is 2. Now take the 3 multiply the 2 and you get 6. Now when you take the 6 and add it to 11 as a whole number, you will get the missing 17, which completes the flow of numbers. This is the beauty of the Golden Phi. Though complete, it unfolds hidden areas to allow other existence to grasp it to serve a purpose in being.

Leaf 3 of 3

The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 239 Of Lord King – America’s Great Prophet As Lord King tried to give Americans the next level of beliefs above religion to move the soul from its corruption with the flesh and to un-stagnate the spirit from its joy of entertainment, they, instead, of becoming free, chose to criticize him to maintain the old world tradition; and yet, he was not old world, but American.

The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 240

Perspective The four-pointed star or four point star is the Phidian Star. It was made prominently known during the birth of Yeshua as seen by the three wise men who traveled to witness his birth. The four- pointed star or four point star is the Phidian Star. It was made prominently known during the birth of Yeshua as seen by the three wise men who traveled to witness his birth. The five pointed star reflects the wounds of Christ and the six pointed star is known as the Star of David. The Phidian Star represents the Presence of the Father, Mother, Daughter, and Son. Some say the head of the star is the Presence of the Father; the feet of the star represents the Son; the hand of a person that they use most is the Mother; and the other hand is the Daughter. However, each Presence does not have power over the other but each can rule at the top because of time and mercy.

The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 241

Angels and Possessed People

The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 242

Angels and Possessed People Once you open your soul to allow Jesus Christ in, you have opened the portal for a life time of demons to come into you to roost until the foulest of times to spring forth in acting for you as you have allowed the way of Necromancy to enter and possess your soul for the vessel of witchcraft to control you by the Liar. People believe they are letting the good spirit of Yeshua (whom modern day Christians call Jesus Christ a risen spirit) into their soul as they feel as though they are relieved and saved from human strife. But the Truth is they do not know what they have allowed into their souls as the Truth is Yeshua has passed on out of this world of earth and dying and has transformed to a higher being. For surely people feel elated during this witchcraft event as everything around them becomes damned and they become possessed by the way of Death.

The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 243

Angels and Possessed People For surely Christians have been killing Yeshua over the centuries millions of times as they go to their buildings of worship and praise every Friday, Saturday, or Sunday to carry out and pronounce his death on the cross by way of nails, trauma, and sword. And they have even set aside a special season called Easter to literally and dramatically murder him over and over and over again. And then they raise him from the grave in their stories and cast him about as a spirit who comes into souls to save them from evil and hell and yet they continue to slay their own children, teens, and adults with a passion of glory for how the blood was spilt. This is the way of necromancy and witchcraft and is the way of life for billions of people who are possessed blindly by the drama of stories of those whom they do not know.

The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 244

Angels and Possessed People Do not be fooled by the elated spirit when you believe you are letting Jesus Christ enter you and take over your will; for you have done nothing more than 0pened a portal for profanity and deception. Your spirit is your own; you cannot gain the Great Prophet Yeshua’s god spirit for it was his own as he nurtured it and taught it to be free of the world’s evil and corruption of the soul. Writers will write for glory and pay and they will try to convince you of falsehoods surrounding facts. Just as you have talents and abilities, writers use theirs none less than you do yours. The Jesus Christ Event is what you seek. It is a natural occurrence in life as the dormant spirit comes alive and connects with the body and mind to form the soul and at this time, the Source of Life will lead and guide you to transform to eternal being.

The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 245

Angels and Possessed People The Phidian Way is not losing your religion, rather, it is guiding you into the door where religion seeks to lead you as you graduate to a higher level of Faith and Belief. Beyond the night time bed time stories and beyond the folk tails of old, The Phidian Way is YOU ready and mature as a human being to live your life with a purpose of being. And your purpose in this life is to live as a human being, for tomorrow will come your next transformation above being human being as you have lived your life well and righteously.

The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 246 Angels and Possessed People The Cross of Yeshua’s Life’s Story and Respect

This cross is an acceptable symbol of the Phidians in honoring the Great Prophet Yeshua for his teachings of the spirit and its connection to the body and mind. Without such teachings humankind would not have fully understood the Jesus Christ event as the dormant spirit rising to connect with the mind and body to complete the soul, making it a ready vessel for the Source of Life to guide and lead through life for transforming to the next level of being.

The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 247 Angels and Possessed People The Cross of Yeshua’s Life’s Story and Respect This is not a cross acceptable by Phidians as a symbol honoring the Great Prophet Yeshua for his teachings of the spirit and its connection to the body and mind. This is an aberration of love and life towards humanity and Faith and Belief in the purpose of Life. This is the symbol of necromancy and witchcraft used by facilities called churches to gain money and wealth and power from people. When used as a depiction of what Yeshua had to suffer, it is not wrongful. But when used to pray to and worship it is a tool of necromancy and witchcraft.

The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 248

Angels and Possessed People Written messages from the thought of mind began flowing into reality over fifteen years ago. Life enrichment thoughts and portal opening concepts about the real way to view the world begin to manifest. These thoughts and concepts have always been popularly believed by many. However, as necromancy become stronger and stronger, killing the truth of the spirit and life, people are afraid of being associated with no nonsense truths in the form of philosophy and are basically afraid to follow and claim them as their own. The written philosophy, as phidianosophy, vividly launches the purpose for life and its reason for being in this world, on this very earth, and what happens to it afterwards. This philosophy is being written down and provided for those who are realist.

The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 249

Angels and Possessed People In their own sense, these writings also provide powerful insight into how you should approach the 21st century with all of its complexity and diversity of behaviors. When you read the documented material you will walk away with a sense of gratitude of who you really are and finally how you fit into the equation of life. It is not for everyone; but for those who see the world from a lens of reality and want to finally say “this is me”, accept who you are and get going with your higher way of thinking and finally allow yourself to become attuned not only to the world around you, but also to radially connect with the world above the world around you.

The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 250

Angels and Possessed People Thy countenance and soul will accept your reality way of thinking and press onward to your mark. Somebody has to be mature. Somebody has to see the world of imagination and dreams in their proper perspective or else we would all starve and die without understanding life’s meaning for us. People are born, they live for a purpose, and they die and are transformed into a higher being than the human form. Our purpose is to first find our talents and abilities; then, once found, use them not only to get ourselves through this portal of earth, but also to help others to get through as well. Earth won’t last long, we need to get as many as we can through as there are forces trying to prevent this.

The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 251 Angels and Possessed People That is what we most want to be done by each other among ourselves. If you leave this earth attached to flesh you will stink of flesh. The construct must be pure and devoid of flesh. It starts with a program for cleanliness; it starts with being Phidian. Man finds everything wrong with those who seek to go beyond average. They devise words to bring them down and cast doubt upon them. Words such as atheist and antichrist are foul words used to name call people just as derogatory words by racists are used to name call races of people in a despicable manner.

The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 252 Angels and Possessed People There is no such thing as an atheist or antichrist nor can a human be an atheist or antichrist as the basic term of religion is the act of doing things over and over the same way and an antichrist is someone who is against Christ, which is impossible as the things they are against do not exist of Christ as they were fabricated by writers looing to get paid like the ones of today. These terms are misnomers derived from a mind intended to bring more hate upon people. These are just foul names to bring people down and unfortunately they work lightly, medium, and heavily on the inferior soul instilling in them a need to act out their hate on people.

The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 253 Prophets of the Source of Life Even Lord King knew a new belief system for America was needed. He subtly tried to introduce other Great Prophets’ perspectives into the equation of a way of living but was criticized for trying to change Christianity. Had we listened to him then we would have known The Phidian Way.

The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 254 Prophets of the Source of Life His name is YESHUA! NOT JESUS CHRIST! For crying out LOUD! Jesus Christ is Zeus Krishna! There is no Zeus Krishna. Yeshua, the Great Prophet, the born son of Miriam and Joseph, has passed on, transformed onto the next level of being, onto the acceptance of the Source of Life as worthy of eternal being’s next level of matter beyond the human form. And yet humans dare worship and praise the dead as though he were alive. They commit necromancy and witchcraft and have been blinded by the dramatic writers of the Bible whose stories are none less than todays writers for glamour, awe, controversy, and pay. They write as so because they were writers. No newspapers or TV or electronic conveyors of words and muse, they wrote to convince theirs was true and better than the other.

The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 255 Prophets of the Source of Life

The Phidian Way Apaurusheya Speech 256 Prophets of the Source of Life

The Phidian Way paurusheya Walking Through Earth A Speech 257

The Purpose of Life Release yourself of the Necromancer and his witchcraft. For as long as you pray to the dead and worship ghosts and spirits you shall never be free. Your Construct will dissolve and you will have no shield against the awesome light of Aatiiejah when transforming unto another being in your passing from earth. More to come.