1935, and That Eight Be a Quorum of the Committee
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Borough of Cheltenham. Municipal Offices, Cheltenham, 5th November, 1934. Sir, You are hereby summoned to attend the Statutory Quarterly Meeting of the Council, to be held at the MUNICIPAL OFFICES, PROMENADE, on FRIDAY, the 9th day of November, 1934, at ELEVEN- THIRTY O'CLOCK in the Forenoon, at which Meeting the following Business is proposed to be transacted, and any other business that may legally be transacted, at such Meeting. 1. Election of Councillors—Town Clerk to report Election on 1st November. 2. To elect the Mayor for the ensuing year. 3. To elect four Aldermen. 4. To assign the Aldermen to be Returning Officers at Ward Elections. 5. To read and sign the Minutes of the last Quarterly Meeting. 6. To appoint Committees and to nominate 9 members for Guardians Committee. 7. Communications by the Mayor. Yours faithfully, Town Clerk. N.B.—Robes and Orders will be worn. NOTE—At the conclusion of the Council Meeting the Council will meet as the Local Pension Committee for the Borough. BUSINESS. 1. To read the Minutes of the last Meeting. 2. To re-appoint Sub-Committee for ensuing year. To each Member of the Council. PLEASE NOTE TIME OF MEETING. Borough of Cheltenham. At a Quarterly Meeting of the Town Council of the Borough of Cheltenham, duly convened and held at the Municipal Offices in the said Borough, on Monday, 29th October, 1934, at 3 p.m. Present : The Mayor (Councillor Edward Laurence Ward, J.P.) in the chair. The Deputy Mayor (Alderman Capt. John Henry Trye, C.B.E., R.N., J.P.). Aldermen Margrett, C.B.E., J.P., Moore, Pates, Taylor and Clara F. Winterbotham, M.B.E., J.P. Councillors Addis, Barnett, Bendall, Bettridge, Lt.-Col. Biggs, O.B.E., Compton, Davis, Rev. de Courcy- Ireland, M.A., Green, Grimwade, Howell, F.R.C.S., C.B.E., Ben James, Leigh James, Scott Langley, Lipson, M.A., Miller, Morris, Pruen, Smith and Waite. Apologies—Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Burrow and Rogers. 1—Minutes of Previous Meeting—Resolved, That the Minutes of the Monthly Meeting of the Town Council held on the 1st October, 1934, having been printed and a copy sent to each Member of the Council, be taken as read, and that the same be adopted and confirmed. 288 2—Proceedings of Committees— Resolved, That the proceedings of the under-mentioned Committees at their Meetings held on the dates respectively appearing be approved and confirmed :— Public Health Meetings held October 8 & 19 except that Clause 1 of the resolution to Minute No. 17 be amended by inserting after the word " purchase " in the third line, the words " or the expiration of the proposed tenancy," and that application be made for the sanction of the Ministry of Health to a loan of £1,500 and except Minute No. 4 (b), and that this be referred back to the Committee for consideration of the proposals now submitted by the owner for re-conditioning. Subject to an Amendment moved by Councillor Morris : " That Minute No. 16 in regard to Sewer connections be referred back." (An Amendment moved by the Deputy Mayor and seconded by Councillor Addis: "That Minute No. 17 in regard to the Tallow Factory be referred back " was lost). Housing Meeting held October 11 Subject to an Amendment moved by Councillor Grimwade and seconded by Councillor Bettridge : " That Minute No. 3 (b) be referred back, and that the matter be re-submitted to the Governors of the Grammar School, with a request to know whether their objections would be met by the cutting off of the proposed path from the playing field by an inexpensive fencing." Street and Highway Meeting held October 15 Subject to an Amendment moved by The Mayor : " That Minute No. 15 (c) in regard to the One-Way Traffic Order in the Promenade be referred back." Maternity and Child Welfare Meeting held October 15 Town Planning Meeting held October 18 Town Improvement and Spa Meetings held October 12 & 19 Electricity and Lighting Meeting held October 22 Water Meeting held October 8 General Purposes and Watch Meeting held October 16 Resolved, also, That the time of the Annual Meeting of the Council on 9th November be fixed at 11.30 a.m. Resolved, also, That the tender of Mr. E. W. Beard of Swindon, for the erection of the covered Market, amounting to £5,640, including £100 for contingencies (being the lowest of ten tenders received), be accepted subject to contract to be prepared by the Town Clerk being entered into. Resolved, also, That application be made to the Ministry of Health for sanction to a loan of £5,978 for the cost of the work, including architect's fees, and that Minute No. 13 passed at the meeting of the Committee on 18th September last be varied accordingly. 289 Allotments Meeting held October 8 Parks and Recreation Grounds Meeting held October 8 Burial Board Meeting held October 19 Rating Meeting held October 4 Finance Meeting held October 23 Resolved, also, That an Order on the Borough Treasurer be signed authorising him to pay to the several Corporations, Companies and Persons mentioned in the Schedule of Accounts, the sum of money set opposite their respective names, and such additional sums as may become payable during the month in respect of current Contracts upon the Certificate of the Architect or Officer under whom the work is carried out. E. L. WARD, Mayor. 290 Borough of Cheltenham. At a Statutory Quarterly Meeting of the Town Council of the Borough of Cheltenham, duly convened and held at the Municipal Offices in the said Borough, on Friday, 9th November, 1934, at 11.30 a.m. Present : The Deputy Mayor (Alderman Capt. John Henry Trye, C.B.E., R.N. in the chair). Aldermen Margrett, C.B.E., J.P., Moore, Pates, Sawyer, Taylor and Clara F. Winterbotham, M.B.E., J.P. ; Councillors H. Addis, H. O. Barnett, J. L. E. Bendall, A. J. Bettridge, Lt.-Col. C. W. Biggs, O.B.E., G. B. Compton, P. P. Davis, Rev. E. S. de Courcy-Ireland. M.A., Green, H. C. Grimwade, Dr. W. Curling Hayward, M.B.E., M.B., B.S., J. Howell, F.R.C.S., C.B.E., Ben James, Leigh James, L. Scott Langley. D. L. Lipson, M.A., S. C. Morris, A. S. F. Pruen, S. Rogers, P. T. Smith and T. Wilfred Waite. Apologies—Apologies for absence were received from Alderman H. T. Yarnold and Councillor E. J. Burrow. 1 1—Election of Councillors—The Town Clerk reported the Election on the 1st instant of the following as Councillors :— Mr. Percival Philip Davis for St. Peter's Ward. Lt.-Col. Charles William Biggs for St. Paul's Ward. Mr. Edward John Burrow for Pittville Ward. Mr. William James Green for All Saints' Ward. Mr. Leigh James for College Ward. Mr. Lionel Scott Langley for Park Ward. Dr. William Curling Hayward for Lansdown Ward. Mr. Harry Charles Grimwade for St. Mark's Ward. 2—Election of Mayor—It was unanimously Resolved, That Councillor Edward Lawrence Ward be and he is hereby elected Mayor of the Borough of Cheltenham for the ensuing year. The Mayor then made the Declaration of Acceptance of Office and took the Oath of Allegiance and Judicial Oath. The Mayor in the Chair. 3—Election of Four Aldermen—The Members of the Council present entitled to vote and voting delivered to the Chairman papers signed by them, and the same having been openly produced and read, it appeared that the following had been voted for and had each received 22 votes :— Margrett, Charles Henry, Sandford House, Old Bath Road, Cheltenham, Esquire, J.P 22 Sawyer, William, Hillsborough, King's Road, Cheltenham, Coal Merchant 22 Trye, John Henry, The Grotto, Moorend Road, Cheltenham, C.B.E., Captain. R.N. (Retired) 22 Winterbotham, Clara Frances, The Garden House, Pittville, Cheltenham, Spinster 22 The Mayor accordingly declared the above mentioned to be elected Aldermen, who then made their Declarations of Acceptance of Office. 2 4—Badge and Chain for Mayoress--Read, the following letter from Councillor T. Wilfred Waite :— " Dear Mr. Town Clerk, For some time I have thought that the small badge now worn by our Mayoress is not a worthy symbol of her office; for the duties she carries out, and the functions she attends are so important, that, as a Council, we should recognise these graceful acts by asking her to wear an Official Badge. You have assured me that such a gift would be acceptable to the Council, and this being so I have very great pleasure in presenting, on behalf of my wife and myself, the accompanying Badge and Chain to be worn by each successive Mayoress. I am, Yours faithfully, T. WILFRED WAITE." RESOLVED, That the cordial thanks of the Council be given to Councillor and Mrs. Waite for their most munificent and public-spirited gift and that the names of the donors be engraved on the reverse of the badge and that a record of the gift be made in the archives of the Council. 5—Appointment of Deputy Mayor—The Mayor signified in writing that he had appointed Alderman Captain John Henry Trye, C.B.E., RN., to be his Deputy, and it was Resolved, That the appointment be recorded on the Minutes of the Council. 6—Assignment of Aldermen to Wards—Resolved, That the following Aldermen be assigned for the purposes of Ward Elections for the ensuing year to the several Wards opposite which their names are respectively set, viz. :— Alderman Margrett St.