ISSN 19954255, Contemporary Problems of Ecology, 2013, Vol. 6, No. 3, pp. 300–305. © Pleiades Publishing, Ltd., 2013. Original Russian Text © N.V. Kiseleva, P.A. Sorokin, 2013, published in Sibirskii Ekologicheskii Zhurnal, 2013, No. 3, pp. 391–398.

Study of the Distribution of Mustelids over the Southern Urals Using Noninvasive Methods N. V. Kiselevaa and P. A. Sorokinb a Lenin Ilmen’ State Nature Reserve, Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, , oblast, 456317 email: [email protected] b Severtsov Institute of Ecology and Evolution, Russian Academy of Sciences, Leninskii prospect 33, , 119071 Russia email: [email protected]

Abstract—Noninvasive methods (interviews, feces collection, DNA analysis, and trail camera traps) allowed us to identify the most widespread mustelid species and assess the pattern of their distribution over the terri tory of the region. Two mustelid species—the American and common —are predominant in the Southern Urals. In summer and autumn, the prefers brooks emptying into large rivers, whereas the common marten is more frequently met along banks of forest brooks and rivers with channel widths not exceeding 3 m. Whereas in usual conditions we observe spatial segregation between different mus telid species, extreme situations force mustelids to form multispecies communities on the banks of water bod ies, where a mutual avoidance is reached by the temporal segregation strategy of circadian activity.

Keywords: noninvasive methods, the Southern Urals, American mink, common marten, spatial arrangement, trail cameras DOI: 10.1134/S1995425513030098

To solve the problem of preserving biodiversity in infrared trail cameras—camera traps—became wide any region, we need to have complete knowledge about spread as an alternative to traditional methods (catch the diversity, interspecific relationships, and quantita ing, immobilizing, and staining) [13–17]. tive parameters of its fauna. When collecting necessary Like other , small mustelids, an impor data, we need to use methods employing as minimal a tant component of faunistic complexes, serve as bioin level of invasion into populations and having as dicators for the state of the natural environment, but little effect on animal behavior as possible. the secret lifestyle of these species significantly com The method of winter track count (WTC) by foot plicates the related studies; therefore, noninvasive prints, as well as tracing daily footprints, has been methods are very promising. practiced until recently for obtaining information on Seven species of small mustelids are most com the abundance and distribution of most furbearing monly met throughout the mountain–forest zone of species. However, this method is complicated, not very the Southern Urals: the (Mustela erminea Lin effective, or inapplicable in counting rare species and naeus), the least (Mustela nivalis Linnaeus), the in research works across remote and difficultto common marten (Martes martes Linnaeus), the Sibe access mountainous landscapes. In addition, counts rian weasel (Mustela sibirica Pallas), the black using this method are productive only in winter. In a (Mustela putorius Linnaeus), the (Mus summer–autumn period, particular features of species tela eversmanni Lesson), and the American mink habitats and interrelationships remained, as a rule, (Neovision vison Brisson). The (Mus beyond visual observations. When the collection of tela lutreola Lannaeus) had been encountered until the study materials is based on counting footprints and mid20th century, but the introduction of the Ameri feces, the accuracy of species identification depends can mink has led to the disappearance of European much on a researcher’s expertise, with the percentages mink. The introduction of the American mink into the of faulty identifications remaining unknown. local faunistic complexes has appeared to be a power Recently, noninvasive methods for the study of var ful factor affecting the state of many aboriginal spe ious aspects in animal ecology have became available cies, including mustelids [18–24]. Decreased hunting and are now widely applied for assessing the sizes of pressure, due to the low demand for pelts, also con animal populations [1–3] and spread of parasites and tributed to a higher abundance and spread of Ameri infectious diseases [4], identifying sex correlations [5, can mink in recent years. 6], and helping spot elusive species and identifying The distribution patterns of American mink and species by fecal or fur samples [7–12]. The use of the degree of its pressure on other species have not

300 STUDY OF THE DISTRIBUTION OF MUSTELIDS OVER THE SOUTHERN URALS 301 been assessed so far for the Southern Urals. The aim of Table 1. Number of feces of mustelids identified using this work was to study the locations of American mink DNA analysis and other mustelid species over the mountainforest Rivers American No. Total Marten zone and some forest steppe districts in the Southern and brooks mink Urals. 1 Kabanka 14 11 1 2 MATERIALS AND METHODS 2 Bol’shaya Arsha 1 – 1 – 3Chistyi 2 1 1 – Studies were carried out in the mountain–forest zone and two districts of the forest–steppe zone of Chelyab 4 Bol’shoi Kialim 1 1 – – insk oblast and the Republic of . All works 5 Sukhoi Kialim 1 1 – – were conducted in a snowless period—from May to 6Indashty 1 – 1 – November or December, inclusively. 7Bol’shoi Morgan 2 2 – – We explored 45 rivers and brooks within the 2005– 2010 period. The presence of mustelids was identified 8Yuryuzan’ 1 1 – – by footprints on the ground and by feces. The length of 9Tyulyuk 2 1 1 – the explored stretches of the bank line ranged from 10 Berezyak 1 1 – – 1000 to 3000 meters. When exploring water bodies, we 11 Glinyanka 3 2 1 – documented the type of a bank line, the relief of the bottom, and the type of stream bank vegetation, as well 12 Bezymyanka 2 1 1 – as mustelid feces. The sites of collection were identi 13 Karagaika 1 – 1 – fied by a GPS navigator. We collected 1090 feces sam 14 Atlyan 3 3 – – ples, of which 987 (90.5%) belonged to American 15 Ubaly 1 1 – – mink, 93 (8.5%) samples were identified to belong to common marten, 5 (0.5%) samples belonged to otter, 16 Lesnoi 2 – 2 – and 5 samples (0.5%) were identified as the least wea 17 Suchokamenka 1 1 – – sel’s. To identify mustelid feces, we used V.E. Sidorov 18 Bol’shaya Tes’ma 2 1 1 – ich’s descriptions of their distinguishing traits [25]. 19 Malaya Tes’ma 1 – 1 The speciesspecific identification of mustelid feces was also performed using a molecular genetic analysis Total 42 28 12 2 of DNA isolated from fecal samples [12]. Samples Share, % 100 66.6 28.6 4.8 from the banks of 19 rivers and brooks were subjected to a molecular genetic analysis (Table 1). In total, 42 samples were analyzed. Sequencing Kit and a 3130 Genetic Analyser (Applied Fecal samples in ethanol were used for a molecular Biosystems, United States). The species was identified genetic analysis. DNA 96% was isolated using a by comparing the obtained sequence with the NCBI QIAamp DNA Stool Mini Kit (Qiagen, United database. States). PCR was performed with mustelid species The explored rivers and brooks can be divided by specific primers (Mustela lutreola, M. nivalis, M. their channel width into three categories. The first erminea, Martes martes, Neovision vision) for short group embraced forest brooks no more than 0.5 m fragments of cytochrome b 171–203 bp [12]. The PCR wide. We explored six water bodies of this category. results with speciesspecific primers were visualized The second group contained 25 rivers with channel after the electrophoresis of DNA fragments in a 1.5% widths ranging from 0.5 to 5 m. The third category was agarose gel with ethidium bromide using the Gel Doc represented by rivers with channel widths of over 3 m XR gel documentation system (BioRad Laboratories, (Kusa, Sukhokamenka, , Bol’shaya and Malaya United States). To determine the size of the PCR Tes’ma, Uraim, Bol’shoi Kuvatal, , Ural, products, 50 bp DNA ladder was used. The presence Kushtumga, ’, Kialim, Karagaika, and Tyu of a band of a required length verified that the species lyuk rivers). was present in a DNA sample. The PCR was per The habitat affiliation of species was assessed using formed with the same samples using universal primers a chisquare test (χ2) [26]. for all mustelid species: ML1 F 5'TTCCTACATG GAATTTAACCATGA3' and H565 R 5'CTAGT In autumn of 2010, four digital infrared cameras TCCGATGTACGGGATG3' about 550 bp long to (trap cameras) were used (Reconyx RapidFireTM check the methods. Thermal cycling conditions were RC60 Covert Color IR Game Camera, United States) an initial denaturation at 94°C for 10 min, followed by for trapping . On five rivers (Chashkovka, 40 cycles of 30 s at 94°C, 45 s at 54°C and 45 s at 72°C. Ubaly, Atlyan, Malyi Syrostan, and Belyi ruchei), trap The final extension was 7 min at 72°C. The PCR prod cameras performed 200 traps/24 hr. Of the 1500 pho uct was purified by precipitation in alcohol and tos produced by the cameras, 100 were productive. sequenced using the Big Dye Terminator Cycle The time of camera exposure per site was 3 to 6 days,


Table 2. Schedule of recording animals on the banks of the anka, Glinyanka, Atlyan, and some other rivers (fig Malyi Syrostan River ure). In some rivers and brooks (for example, ruchei Belyi), both species used the same drainage tubes to Species Date Time leave and periodically resume their marks. Otter 08.10.10 22.35′ The summer season of 2010 was characterized by 10.10.10 23.34′ abnormally dry weather. Almost all shallow rivers of Marten 08.10.10 05.30′ the forest–steppe zone, as well as most minor and medium rivers of the mountain–forest zone, became ′ American mink 09.10.10 13.30 dry. The Miass River ceased to exist as a single system, 10.10.10 14.55′ being dissected to isolated and almost entirely dried Red 10.10.10 20.45′ up pools. Water was left only in the places where the river was sufficiently fed by underground water sources. Marshes dried out also, which led to the dis and then cameras were transferred to another place. appearance of most springs and minor rivulets across The cameras also recorded the time, the air tempera the mountain–forest zone, which, as a rule, took their ture, and the lunar phase. To attract animals and source from forest swamps. A mass death of mussels obtain clear pictures, the feces of tame were was observed along dry beds of rivers, while frogs dis exposed before cameras. appeared also. Extreme conditions had developed for Apart from the abovedescribed methods for many nearwater by midsummer. We found obtaining information about the spread and abun many open and empty holes belonging to otter and dance of mustelids on the study territories, scientists mink along the banks of the Miass. Animal prints did interviewed rangers, hunters, and local residents. not remain on the dry substrate due to the weather. Two camera traps were posed along the Malyi Syr ostan River formed by the confluence of four brooks, RESULTS AND DISCUSSION two of which dried out in summer 2010. Despite the The studies have shown that, at the present time, minimal water level, remained in the river, which the most common mustelids in the Southern Urals are was seen from the fish scales present in mink’s feces. In the American mink and the common marten. Ameri localizing camera traps, we were oriented toward can mink feces are seen on the banks of almost all the found feces. For example, we found feces belonging to explored water bodies, while traces from the presence American mink, weasel, and marten on this strip. One of marten are met on banks of 24 rivers and brooks. and the same camera photographed weasel, marten, American mink, ( vulpes), and otter. A molecular genetic analysis of DNA from 42 sam There was interspecific temporal segregation in 24h ples has shown that 12 (27.7%) samples belonged to activity between the animals inhabiting this strip of the marten, 28 (68.0%) samples belonged to American river bank (Table 2). mink, and 2 (4.3%) samples were otter. We learned from a comparison of our visual identification data Camera traps captured American mink along the with the results of a molecular genetic analysis that two river’s midstream and upstream, and feces of marten samples were earlier identified incorrectly; i.e., visual were found. Thus, despite the extremely low water identification error accounted for 6.3%. level, the Syrostan seemed quite densely populated by different species, especially downstream, which we The distribution analysis for samples (feces), taking associated with the drought that forced the animals into account the floodprone area width, has shown from adjacent dried up pools to resettle there. Camera that American mink tend to brooks emptying into traps captured American mink on another two rivers larger rivers (χ2 = 5.99; P < 0.05). The number of mar (Chashkovka and Atlyan) (figure). ten feces per km of a bank line was the largest on the No feces belonging to black polecat were identified banks of forest brooks and rivers less than 3 m wide amid the collected fecal samples. According to inter (χ2 = 34.3; P < 0.01). views with local hunters, forest were long The interspecific spatial segregation among mus unmet in the mountainforest zone of Chelyabinsk telids was properly visualized along some rivers. For oblast. Only once did the residents of village Kovali example, 14 samples were collected on the banks of (Kusinsk raion) recall that domestic were the Kabanka River (Nyazepetrovskii raion, Chelyab attacked in 2005 by a forest polecat. According to insk oblast) (see Table 1). According to the DNA anal interview data, black polecat was encountered in the ysis, two samples found down the river belonged to vicinities of the village of Muldashevo (Bashkor otter, which, obviously, came from the Ufa River [27]. tostan). Eleven samples collected upstream belonged to the Amer The steppe polecat, , American ican mink, and only a single sample belonging to a marten mink, weasel, and otter inhabit the border strip was picked up along the headwaters (see figure). between the mountain–forest and forest–steppe Feces of mink and marten were collected within the zones. A hybrid animal of steppe polecat and Siberian same stretches along the Bol’shaya Tes’ma, Bezymy weasel was caught by hunters in the foreststeppe zone


. . R R a k a Molecular n y Verkhnii Ufalei z ba a a y genetic Digital U K fa N Nyazepetrovskoe Reservoir analysis cameras R . . R

American mink a U k i K r e a l u a i f Otter rg m U R a Nizhnii Ufalei Kurta R.

Common marten R .

. K Least weasel u rm a Siberian weasel R id ge . R il iz . K R B ta o . l’ R h s

Suroyam R. k h Ik a a i y o T a ’sh ol E B g u s Azyam Ridge ta R Glinyan . s ka n R. i a





d R. i a k Mo an y i R m ezy ’

a B h .


m R a

r a b

u f o

Y Bol’shaya Arsha R. U Karabash S

e g B d ol i Ki ’sh . R al oi R i im sa na e R u g . K ga a d . R T ge Ri y i t l h d Kusa o s i a h y a . y s s a ’ d R t . sh l n R l’ s I I i o . o i s

R n R s . B a i B h a l a

rs t . i R . A a Ai R. n R vsk

r a R M u o

k o a .

l t a U

m R a k a M ’ i e s a n

y T S e e y m l

a v ’ i

T s m a y o

e a o a ge p a i T k

d y M h i

L o sh s a a l

’ y h l R h l R s k o

o au a

l’ a B B e Ai R. at o M Su g k g B u d h um Turoyak Lake i Z t Miassovo Lake h R

i us i M K k a s ly n i e S h R m s y r ’ a o l v s I u t e a g K n d i Sy R ro . R stan a k R y o . Miass le o u r B S i e o Bol’shoi Kisegach M e g n a d es Lake la idg i . L y R a R R i ’ S l’ a A R. Bakal a u g tk k ’ an Lake a t n ly R a e At Miasskii Pond . ur r e y U ge g Z e Rid d g Zyuratkul’ Lake Leninsk C ida i d has hu R i hko S a vka k R R. u al’ S Muldashevo S k a s N y o M AI sha . l’ T R Kundravy o ly e N a . B dg ss R i U Ub Mia h R us O rg u M N . e i R g A id . AU R R T U k ra h ya ge L c z l a re id e R B R A m . yi R u dn K . o U R ag ’ Y n a e z K Tyulyuk R. g a d yu ra i r g R u a Y ge i k d k . y i a R d R n R a e y . y r t la I ak e B B

Map of sites where samples were collected for the molecular genetic analysis and where trail cameras were posed.

CONTEMPORARY PROBLEMS OF ECOLOGY Vol. 6 No. 3 2013 304 KISELEVA, SOROKIN near the village of Kundrava (Uiskii district, Chelyab Thus, the most complete picture of a situation in insk oblast). different species of animal populations can be received The interview data and our study results show that, by an integrated approach using a complex of nonin among other mustelid species, weasel is the most vasive methods. abundant, although river and brook valleys are not typical of weasel habitats. We met stoat prints only once along the headwaters of the Atlyan near a beaver ACKNOWLEDGMENTS dam. The fact that no stoat specimen was encountered The authors thank Academician V.N. Bol’shakov may be explained by the low abundance of this species and V.V. Rozhnov, Dr. Sci. (Biol.), for their organiza throughout the region [28]. tional help in carrying out these studies. 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