Smethwick-Heury Rid· INDEPENDENT CHAPEL, Oldbury Yard and John Bagley, Collectors Road, Smethwick- Rev
WEST BROM\flCH, &~. PUBLIC BUILDINGS, &c.-ContrJ COUNTY COURT. BAPTIST CHAPEL, Saudwell road HELD AT OLDBURY. (ministers various.) Judge-Nathaniel Richard Clarke, BAPTIST CHAPEL, Dartmonth st. E~q. ~erjeant·at-law. BAPTIST CHAPEL, Cwss st,Smeth· High Baililf'-Chas. Geo. Megevan. wick-Rev. John Hassock. Clerk-Joseph Heapy Watson. INDEPENDENT CHAPEL, Carter's Assistant Clerk-Oeo. Wheatcroft. f!:l'et'n-Rev. Wm. Henry Dye1. Bailiff-Joho Brooks. INDEPENDENT CHAPEL. Mare's green-Rev BassillH y .Cooper,B.A. BATHs,Pitt Rt-Sarah Amel,keeper INDEPENDENT CHAPEL, Sheepwash BIRMINGHAM CA~iAL COMPANY'S lane. OFt ICE, Smethwick-Heury Rid· INDEPENDENT CHAPEL, Oldbury yard and John Bagley, collectors road, Smethwick- Rev. Thomas GAs WoRKS, Swan Village-Hngh Arnold. Young, engineer WESLEY AN METHODIST CHAPELS, INLAND REVENUE OFFICE, Blue High street ; Spon lane; Swan Gates Inn, Oldbury road-.John Village ; Harvell's Hawthorn; Searle, supervisor Greet's green ; Smethwick, and OPERATIVE CONSERVATIVE Lt• Lyndon. BRARY, Queen street-Ma•y Dry, METHODIST NEW CONNEXIONCHA librarian PELS, Greet's lane and Junction POLICE OFFICE, High st James road. Wright M' Knight ,superintendent PRIMITI\'E METHODIST CHAPELS, PoLICE STATION, Smethwick:- Gun's lane; Sam's lane; Ryder's William Clarke, keeper green ; Queen st ; U uion st; STAMP OFFICE, High st- Hannah Greets green; Gold's green, and Smit b, su b·distributeJ· Rolfe street, Smethwick. SUBSCRIFTION LIBRARY AND NEWS RoMAN CATHouc CHAPEL, High st RooM, High st-George Oliver, &v. Thomas Revall, priest. librarian TAx OFFICE (property, income and assessed) ,New st-Henry Horton Cooper, collector POOR LAW UNION. VIcToRIA BUILDING SociETY's WoRKHOUSE, Lyndon.
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