Divergent discourse between and counter-protests: #BlackLivesMatter and #AllLivesMatter

Ryan J. Gallagher,∗ Andrew J. Reagan, Christopher M. Danforth, and Peter Sheridan Dodds Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Computational Story Lab, Vermont Complex Systems Center, and Vermont Advanced Computing Core The University of Vermont, Burlington, VT 05405 (Dated: October 20, 2016) Since the shooting of Black teenager Michael Brown by White police officer Darren Wilson in Ferguson, Missouri, the hashtag #BlackLivesMatter has amplified critiques of extrajudicial killings of Black Americans. In response to #BlackLivesMatter, other users have adopted #AllLivesMatter, a counter-protest hashtag whose content argues that equal attention should be given to all lives regardless of race. Through a multi-level analysis, we study how these protests and counter-protests diverge by quantifying aspects of their discourse. In particular, our method- ology facilitates additional qualitative analysis by measuring whether these divergences result from widespread discussion or a few popular retweets within these groups. We find that #BlackLivesMat- ter exhibits many informationally rich conversations, while those within #AllLivesMatter are more muted and susceptible to hijacking. We also show that the discussion within #BlackLivesMatter is more likely to center around the deaths of Black Americans, while that of #AllLivesMatter is more likely to sympathize with the lives of police officers and express politically conservative views.

I. INTRODUCTION surrounding the broader movement and activist organization of the same name. Some have Protest movements have a long history of forcing dif- likened Black Lives Matter to the New Civil Rights move- ficult conversations in order to enact social change, and ment [17, 18], though the founders reject the comparison the increasing prominence of has allowed and self-describe Black Lives Matter as a “human rights” these conversations to be shaped in new and complex movement [19]. ways. Indeed, significant attention has been given to Researchers have only just begun to study the emer- how to quantify the discourse and dynamics of such social gence and structure of #BlackLivesMatter and its asso- movements. Recent work has studied movements such as ciated movement. To date and to the best of our knowl- Occupy Wall Street [1–3], the Arab Spring [4], and large- edge, Freelon et al. have provided the most comprehen- scale protests in Egypt and Spain [5, 6], and how they sive data-driven study of Black Lives Matter [20]. Their evolved with respect to their causes. The network struc- research characterizes the movement through multiple tures of movements have been also leveraged to answer frames and analyzes how Black Lives Matter has evolved questions about how protest networks facilitate informa- as a movement both online and offline. Other researchers tion diffusion [7], align with geospatial networks [8], and have given particular attention to the beginnings of the impact offline [9–11]. Both offline and online movement and its relation to the events of Ferguson, Mis- activists have been shown to be crucial to the formation souri. Jackson and Welles have shown that the initial up- of protest networks [12, 13] and play a critical role in the take of #Ferguson, a hashtag that precluded widespread eventual tipping point of social movements [14, 15]. use of #BlackLivesMatter, was due to the early efforts The protest hashtag #BlackLivesMatter has come to of “citizen journalists” [21], and Bonilla and Rosa argue represent a major . The hashtag was that these citizens framed the story of Michael Brown in started by three women, , , such a way that facilitated its eventual spreading [22].

arXiv:1606.06820v4 [cs.CL] 19 Oct 2016 and , following the death of , Other related work has attempted to characterize the a Black teenager who was shot and killed by neighbor- demographics of #BlackLivesMatter users [23], and how hood watchman in February 2012 these demographics are associated with spatial and lin- [16]. The hashtag was a “call to action” to address anti- guistic patterns of online and offline protesters [15]. Black racism, but it was not until November 2014 when The protest hashtag #BlackLivesMatter has found it- White Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson was not in- self contended by a relatively vocal counter-protest hash- dicted for the shooting of Michael Brown that #Black- tag: #AllLivesMatter. Advocates of #AllLivesMatter LivesMatter saw widespread use. Since then, the hashtag affirm that equal attention should be given to all lives, has been used in combination with other hashtags, such while #BlackLivesMatter supporters contend that such as #EricGarner, #FreddieGray, and #SandraBland, to a sentiment derails the Black Lives Matter movement. highlight the extrajudicial deaths of other Black Ameri- Such polarization has largely been studied within the cans. #BlackLivesMatter has organized the conversation context of the more traditional political sphere [24–26], though there has been some research of protest polar- ization of views of Occupy Wall Street [27] and of sec- ∗ [email protected] ularist versus Islamic views in Egypt during the Arab 2

20000 Number of #BlackLivesMatter and #AllLivesMatter Tweets (10% Gardenhose Sample) #BlackLivesMatter #AllLivesMatter

15000 Death of Two NYPD Officers Outrage Over Darren Wilson Sandra Bland Death non-indictment Protests

Beyonce, John Legend 10000 Grammy Performances and Chapel Hill Shooting Daniel Pantaleo Charleston Church non-indictment Walter Scott Death Shooting Number of Tweets


0 Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug 2014 2015 Time (Days)

FIG. 1. Time series showing the number of #BlackLivesMatter and #AllLivesMatter tweets from Twitter’s 10% Gardenhose sample. The plot is annotated with several major events pertaining to the hashtags. Shaded regions indicate one-week periods where use of both #BlackLivesMatter and #AllLivesMatter peaked in frequency. These are the periods we focus on in the present study.

Spring [28, 29]. Like the aforementioned studies of social #AllLivesMatter more prominently discusses deaths of movements, much of the research on political polariza- law enforcement officers; #BlackLivesMatter facilitates tion has focused on the network structure of these polar- a rich structure of topic discussion, while #AllLivesMat- ized groups. Even in the cases where content analysis is ter yields a more clustered and less diverse set of topics; employed [25, 26, 28, 29], these studies largely focus on and #BlackLivesMatter is less susceptible to content in- trends of hashtags, discarding a significant portion of the jection and “hijacking” than #AllLivesMatter. We fin- textual data surrounding these movements. ish with a discussion of some implications of these find- In this paper, we comprehensively quantify the ways ings, and how these methods relate to the broader lit- in which the protest and counter-protest discourse of erature surrounding large-scale analysis of protest move- #BlackLivesMatter and #AllLivesMatter differs most ments and political polarization. significantly. To do so, we first apply entropy-based tools to detect word-level differences between the text of the two hashtags. In the context of Twitter, these meth- II. MATERIALS AND METHODS ods allow us to not only quantify discourse divergences between #BlackLivesMatter and #AllLivesMatter, but A. Data Collection to also discern whether these divergences are due to a small number of popular retweets or diverse conversa- We collected tweets containing #BlackLivesMatter tion among many users. Unlike previous studies, this and #AllLivesMatter (case-insensitive) from the period facilitates more careful qualitative interpretation of di- August 8th, 2014 to August 31st, 2015 from the Twit- vergences between politically polarized groups. ter Gardenhose feed. The Gardenhose represents a We follow the study of word-level divergences with the 10% random sample of all public tweets. Our sub- construction of “hashtag topic networks” that allow us to sample resulted in 767,139 #BlackLivesMatter tweets perform a topic-level analysis. The last section of analy- from 375,620 unique users and 101,498 #AllLivesMatter sis measures the overall information diversity of #Black- tweets from 79,753 unique users. Of these tweets, 23,633 LivesMatter and #AllLivesMatter, finding that #Black- of them contained both hashtags. When performing our LivesMatter exhibits more diverse conversations than analyses, these tweets appear in each corpus. #AllLivesMatter. By framing our analyses through sev- Previous work has emphasized the importance of view- eral different methods, we are able to analyze the dynam- ing protest movements through small time scales [20, 21]. ics of #BlackLivesMatter and #AllLivesMatter at mul- In addition, we do not attempt to characterize all of tiple levels and validate several findings: #BlackLives- the narratives that exist within #BlackLivesMatter and Matter more prominently discusses Black deaths, while #AllLivesMatter. Therefore, we choose to restrict our 3 analysis to eight one-week periods where there were si- twice that of the first text, even though we would expect multaneous spikes in #BlackLivesMatter and #AllLives- the second text to be twice as diverse. In order to make Matter. These one-week periods are labeled on Fig. 1 and linear comparisons of diversity between texts, we convert are as follows: the Shannon index to an effective diversity. The effective diversity D of a text T with respect to the Shannon index 1. November 24th, 2014 : the non-indictment of Dar- is given by ren Wilson in the death of Michael Brown. [30] Pn  H − i=1 pi log2 pi 2. December 3rd, 2014 : the non-indictment of Daniel D = 2 = 2 . (2) Pantaleo in the death of Eric Garner [31]. The effective diversity gives the number of words D that 0 3. December 20th, 2014 : the deaths of would be needed to construct a text T where each word 0 police officers Wenjian Liu and Rafael Ramos [32]. has an equal probability of occurrence, and T and T have the same entropy, i.e. H(T ) = H(T 0). The expression in 4. February 8th, 2015 : the Chapel Hill shooting and Eq. 2 is also known as the perplexity of the text. Unlike the 2015 Grammy performances by Beyonce and the raw Shannon index, the effective diversity doubles in John Legend [33, 34]. the situation of comparing texts with n and 2n equally- likely words, and, in general, allows us to correctly make 5. April 4th, 2015 : the death of Walter Scott [35]. statements about the ratio of diversity between two texts. We apply the effective diversity in Section 5. 6. April 26th, 2015 : the social media peak of protests in Baltimore over the [36].

7. June 17th, 2015 : the Charleston Church shooting C. Jensen-Shannon Divergence [37]. The Kullback-Leibler divergence is an entropy-based 8. July 21st, 2015 : outrage over the death of Sandra statistic that assesses differences between two texts. Bland [38]. Given two texts P and Q with a total of n unique words, the Kullback-Leibler divergence between P and Q is de- fined as B. Entropy and Diversity n X pi A large part of our textual analysis relies on tools from DKL(P ||Q) = pi log2 , (3) qi information theory, so we describe these methods here i=1 and frame them in the context of the corpus. Given a where pi and qi are the probabilities of seeing word i in text with n unique words where the ith word appears P and Q respectively. However, if there is a single word with probability pi, the Shannon entropy H encodes “un- that appears in one text but not the other, this divergence predictability” as will be infinitely large. Because such a situation is not n unlikely in the context of Twitter, we instead leverage X the Jensen-Shannon divergence (JSD) [40], a smoothed H = − pi log2 pi. (1) i=1 version of the Kullback-Leibler divergence:

Because Shannon’s entropy describes the unpredictabil- DJS(P ||Q) = π1DKL(P ||M) + π2DKL(Q||M). (4) ity of a body of text, we say that a text with higher Shannon’s entropy is less predictable than a text with Here, M is the mixed distribution M = π1P +π2Q where lower Shannon’s entropy. It can then be useful to think π1 and π2 are weights proportional to the sizes of P and of Shannon’s entropy as a measure of diversity, where Q such that π1 + π2 = 1. The Jensen-Shannon diver- high entropy (unpredictability) implies high diversity. In gence has been previously used in textual analyses that this case, we refer to Shannon’s entropy as the Shannon range from the study of language evolution [41, 42] to the index. We employ this raw diversity measure in Section clustering of millions of documents [43]. 3. The JSD has the useful property of being bounded be- However, there are some subtleties in measuring diver- tween 0 and 1. The JSD is 0 when the texts have exactly sity. Of the diversity indices, only the Shannon index the same word distribution, and is 1 when neither text gives equal weight to both common and rare events [39]. has a single word in common. Furthermore, by the lin- For this reason, we employ the Shannon index in our earity of the JSD we can extract the contribution of an study of textual diversity. In addition, even for a fixed individual word to the overall divergence. The contribu- diversity index, care must be taken in comparing diver- tion of word i to the JSD is given by sity measures to one another [39]. For example, suppose DJS,i(P ||Q) = we have a text with n equally-likely words. The Shan- (5) non index of a text with 2n equally-likely words is not − mi log2 mi + π1pi log2 pi + π2qi log2 qi, 4 where mi is the probability of seeing word i in M. The by #AllLivesMatter users during the Baltimore protests. contribution from word i is 0 if and only if pi = qi. There- However, many other instances of solidarity did not ap- fore, if the contribution is nonzero, we can label the con- pear in a wide array of tweets. In the weeks after the tribution to the divergence from word i as coming from non-indictment of Daniel Pantaleo, we see #ripericgar- text P or Q by determining which of pi or qi is larger. ner is prominent in #AllLivesMatter, and following the Charleston Church shooting the hashtag #iamame (“I am African Methodist Episcopal”) contributed to the di- III. WORD-LEVEL DIVERGENCE vergence in the direction of #AllLivesMatter. Both of these hashtags have low diversity associated with them For each of the eight time periods, the collections though, so they were not used in many different tweets. of #BlackLivesMatter and #AllLivesMatter tweets are Although this does not mean such tweets were not popu- each represented as bags of words where user handles, lar, it suggests that even when focus is put on Black lives links, punctuation, stop words, the retweet indicator within #AllLivesMatter, the focus is far more singular “RT,” and the two hashtags themselves are removed. We than within #BlackLivesMatter. then quantify the Jensen-Shannon divergence between Instead, we find that, at times, the conversation within these two groups of text, and rank words by percent con- #AllLivesMatter diversifies itself around the lives of law tribution to the total divergence. We present the results enforcement officers. Fig. 3 shows that upon the death of of applying the JSD to the periods of interest as word the two NYPD officers, words such as “officers,” “ramos,” shifts in Figs. 2–5 and Figs. A1–A4. We focus on the pe- “liu,” and “prayers” appeared in a variety of #AllLives- riods of November 24th, December 20th, February 8th, Matter tweets. In addition, pro-law enforcement hash- and April 26th, as these reflect the themes seen in the tags such as #policelivesmatter, #nypd, #nypdlivesmat- other periods. ter, and #bluelivesmatter all contribute to the divergence All contributions on the JSD word shifts are positive, of #AllLivesMatter from #BlackLivesMatter. Such di- where a bar to the left indicates the word was more com- vergence comes at the same time that the hashtags mon in #AllLivesMatter and a bar to the right indicates #moa and #blackxmas and words “protest,” “mall,” and the word was more common in #BlackLivesMatter. The “america” were prevalent in #BlackLivesMatter due to bars of the JSD word shift are also shaded according to Christmas protests, specifically at the Mall of America in the diversity of language surrounding each word. For Bloomington, Minnesota. Similarly, as shown in Fig. 5, each word w, we consider all tweets containing w in the during the Baltimore protests in which #baltimoreupris- given hashtag. From these tweets, we calculate the Shan- ing and #baltimore were used significantly in #Black- non index of the underlying word distribution with the LivesMatter, users of #AllLivesMatter responded with word w and hashtag removed. A high Shannon index in- #policelivesmatter and #bluelivesmatter. We also find dicates a high diversity of words which, in the context of clear ties in #AllLivesMatter to politically conservative Twitter, implies that the word w was used in a variety hashtags #ccot (Conservative Christians on Twitter) and of different tweets. On the other hand, a low Shannon #tcot (Top Conservatives on Twitter). So, in the midst index indicates that the word w originates from a few of political protests by Black Lives Matter advocates, popular retweets. We emphasize that here we are using we see a conservatively-aligned response from #AllLives- the Shannon index not to compare diversities between Matter that supports the lives of police officers. words, but to inform binary statements about whether a During the period following the non-indictment of Dar- word was used diversely or not. ren Wilson, there are some words, such as “oppression,” By inspection of Fig. 2, we find that #ferguson and “structural,” and “brutality,” that seem to suggest en- #fergusondecision, both hashtags relevant to the non- gagement from #AllLivesMatter with the issues, such as indictment of Darren Wilson for the death of Michael structural racism and , being discussed Brown, contribute to the divergence of #BlackLivesMat- within #BlackLivesMatter. Since the diversities of these ter from #AllLivesMatter. Similarly, in Fig. A1 there are words are low, we can inspect popular retweets contain- references to Eric Garner through the hashtag #icant- ing these words to understand how they were used. Doing breathe, and in Fig. 5 #freddiegray emerges as a di- so, we find that the words actually emerge in #AllLives- vergent hashtag during the Baltimore protests due to Matter due to hijacking [44], the adoption of a hashtag #BlackLivesMatter. In each of these periods, #Black- to mock or criticize it. That is, these words appear not LivesMatter diverges from #AllLivesMatter by talking because of discussion of structural oppression and po- proportionally more about the relevant deaths of Black lice brutality by #AllLivesMatter advocates, but because Americans. Similar divergences appear in the other pe- #BlackLivesMatter supporters are specifically critiquing riods as well, as evidenced by the appearance of #eric- the fact such discussions are not occurring within #All- garner, #walterscott, and #sandrabland in Figs. 3, A2, LivesMatter. (We have chosen to not provide direct ref- and A4. erences to these tweets so as to protect the identity of With respect to these deaths, there is some solidarity the original tweeter.) In some of the other periods, such shown within #AllLivesMatter. For example, the hash- hijacking dominates the divergence emerging from #Al- tag #prayforbaltimore appeared in a variety of tweets lLivesMatter, as shown in in Figs. A1 and A2. These 5

JSD Word Contributions JSD Word Contributions November 24, 2014 to November 30, 2014 December 20, 2014 to December 26, 2014 #AllLivesMatter #BlackLivesMatter #AllLivesMatter #BlackLivesMatter

10 5 0 5 10 10 5 0 5 10 1 think 1 merica faced #policelivesmatter ignoring mall stop hove 5 communities 5 brighton oppression rip single uk countrysituation #icantbreathe epitomized #nypdstrong 10 brutality 10 #moa everything #ripericgarner relevant guess structural #nypd white protest 15 tweet 15 heroes really either people class #nycprotest blowing #fergusondecision america 20 #ferguson 20 sexuality changing gender age yall #williamsburg #blackxmas 3000 job 25 makes 25 mind

Rank wanna Rank color beat #antoniomartin wrong families work ramos 30 repoing 30 violence fueling dedicated #mainstreammedia breathe indicting motivated twitter officers 35 retweet 35 liu biased #nypdlivesmatter like samemaintain traumaoppression comeampgoour horizontally ampkeep 40 times 40 prayers identities #shutdown5thave shot protesters instead remains racism never 45 #rip 45 choose erasure #bluelivesmatter subtle #shutitdown women #racist unarmed let 50 murdered 50 mission 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 8.0 6.0 4.0 2.0 0.0 2.0 4.0 Contribution Contribution (% of total JSD = 0.0855 bits) (% of total JSD = 0.2198 bits)

FIG. 2. Jensen-Shannon divergence word shift for the FIG. 3. Jensen-Shannon divergence word shift for the week following the non-indictment of Darren Wilson. All week following the death of two NYPD police officers. word contributions are positive percentages of the total See main text and the caption of Fig. 2 for an explana- divergence, where bars to the left indicate the word was tion of the word shifts. The diversity of “merica” appears more common in #AllLivesMatter and bars to the right to be high, however it is almost exclusively used in one indicate the word was more common in #BlackLives- popular retweet. This high diversity is due to alterations Matter. Shading indicate the Shannon index (in bits) of the original retweet that added comments. Since these of tweets containing the given word. Lighter shading in- less popular, modified retweets contain different language dicates the contribution is due to one or several popular from one another, and the original tweet has no other retweets. Darker shading indicates the contribution is due words used in it, the diversity surrounding “merica” is to the word being used throughout many different tweets. artificially elevated. So, although uncommon, the diver- sity measure may be difficult to interpret in the case of popular one-word retweets. 6

JSD Word Contributions JSD Word Contributions February 08, 2015 to February 14, 2015 April 26, 2015 to May 02, 2015 #AllLivesMatter #BlackLivesMatter #AllLivesMatter #BlackLivesMatter

10 5 0 5 10 10 5 0 5 10 1#chapelhillshooting 1 #baltimoreuprising #grammys #freddiegray

#handsupdontshoot uncalled chapel saying 5 hill 5 2015 #muslimlivesmatter undermines beyonce dismissive #beyhive #baltimore 3 #prayforbaltimore 10 students 10 #policelivesmatter #mikebrown original wouldnt #bluelivesmatter right april silence inspired 15 6 15 #every28hrs black viral #ferguson 1960s save wouldnt exist race 20 talking 20 #tcot place #ccot months 147 hate given victims rioting 25 tragedy 25 union

Rank Rank talking power #blackspring muslims massacre doesnt kenya 30 brigade 30 im queen #rednationrising #grammmys barely media image appalled someones 35 senseless 35 gonna mute square performance protesting #syria talked glory directing 40 strength 40 #farm365 centers #whitelivesmatter selma #wakeupamerica fight alum #jesuischarlie leave 45 world 45 #govegan seem #endslavery syria pain legend march amen gender 50 plz 50 left 6.0 4.0 2.0 0.0 2.0 4.0 1.0 0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 Contribution Contribution (% of total JSD = 0.3901 bits) (% of total JSD = 0.1225 bits)

FIG. 4. Jensen-Shannon divergence word shift for the FIG. 5. Jensen-Shannon divergence word shift for the week following the 2015 Grammy Awards and the Chapel week encapsulating the peak of the Baltimore protests Hill shooting. See main text and the caption of Fig. 2 surrounding the death of Freddie Gray. See main text and for an explanation of the word shifts. This period re- the caption of Fig. 2 for an explanation of the word shifts. flects a time in which usage of both #BlackLivesMatter In this period, the conservative alignment of #AllLives- and #AllLivesMatter diverged due to focus on different Matter is particularly prevalent, as seen in the hashtags events. Discussion within #AllLivesMatter reflects the #tcot (Top Conservatives on Twitter), #ccot (Conserva- Chapel Hill shooting, while discussion within #Black- tive Christians on Twitter), and #rednationrising. LivesMatter reflects the 2015 Grammy Awards and the performances of Beyonce and John Legend that alluded to Black Lives Matter. 7 instances speak to the effect of popular retweets on driv- model. More specifically, given node i of degree k, we ing the divergences between these groups. first normalize the node’s weight distribution. We are Finally, we look at the February period surrounding then interested in edges whose weights deviate signifi- the apartment complex shooting of three Muslim college cantly from a null assumption that the weights are uni- students in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. This period formly distributed. So, for each neighbor j of node i with is unique for several reasons. First, although #Black- normalized edge weight pij, we calculate the quantity LivesMatter and #AllLivesMatter both spike in usage Z pij during this period, their divergence comes from propor- k−2 αij = 1 − (k − 1) (1 − x) dx. (6) tional focus on different events. Inspecting Fig. 4, we find 0 that #BlackLivesMatter diverged from #AllLivesMatter because of its use of #grammys, #handsupdontshoot, For a specified significance level α, we say the statisti- “beyonce,” and “performance.” All of these words are cally significant edges with respect to the uniform null in reference to the 2015 Grammys, a music award cere- model are those satisfying αij < α. After removing the mony, in which musicians Beyonce and John Legend paid insignificant edges, we take the topic network to be the homage to the Black Lives Matter movement through largest connected remaining component. For α < 0.03, their performances, specifically by making use of the the disparity filter begins to force drastic drops in the phrase and gesture “Hands Up Don’t Shoot” [34]. On number of nodes removed from the original hashtag net- the other hand, discussion within #AllLivesMatter was work, as shown in Fig. B1. For this reason, we report clearly centered around the Chapel Hill shooting. This statistics only for α = 0.03, 0.04, and 0.05. is an instance in which the hashtag #BlackLivesMatter For each topic network, Tabs. II–IV (in Appendix B) was not directly applicable because the students who reports the number of nodes, edges, clustering coeffi- had been shot were not Black. From viewing a sam- cients, and percentages of nodes maintained from the ple of the tweets from this time period, we see that in full hashtag networks per significance level. We see that this case when individuals used #AllLivesMatter, along across all time periods of interest and significance lev- with #muslimlivesmatter, they were expressing solidar- els, the number of topics in #BlackLivesMatter is higher ity with the situation in Chapel Hill. However, the than that of #AllLivesMatter. Furthermore, we see that sample of the tweets also shows that hijacking was still a larger portion of the #BlackLivesMatter topic networks prominent from #BlackLivesMatter advocates, asking are statistically significant as compared to the #AllLives- why #AllLivesMatter supporters were not speaking up Matter topic networks, even when accounting for the more about the shooting if all lives do indeed matter. So, sizes of the original hashtag networks. again, we see that hijacking leads to complicated narra- Finally, we note that the clustering of the #BlackLives- tives within #AllLivesMatter. Matter topics is less that of #AllLivesMatter a majority of the time. Thus, not only are there more topics pre- sented in #BlackLivesMatter, but they are more diverse IV. TOPIC NETWORKS in their connections. In contrast, the stronger #AllLives- Matter ties, as measured by their clustering, suggest that Having analyzed the micro-level dynamics of word us- the #AllLivesMatter topics are more tightly connected age within #BlackLivesMatter and #AllLivesMatter, we and revolve around similar themes. We see the clustering turn to focus on the broader topics of these movements is less within #AllLivesMatter during the week of Wal- and how these topics coincide with the word-level anal- ter Scott’s death, where the topic network has a star-like ysis. Previous work on political polarization has used shape with no triadic closure across all significance levels. hashtags as a proxy for topics [24, 26, 28, 45, 46] and This low clustering is not indicative of diverse conversa- here we will use the same interpretation. However, not tion, as the central node #BlackLivesMatter connects all hashtags assist in understanding larger topics. For several disparate topics. This is in line with our word- example, #retweet and #lol are two such hashtags that level analysis, where we concluded from Fig. A2 that the frequently appear in tweets, but they provide no evi- discussion within #AllLivesMatter was dominated by a dently relevant information about events that are being retweet not pertaining to the death of Walter Scott, the discussed. Thus, we require a way of uncovering the most event of that time period. important topics and how they connect to one another. We present visualizations of the topic networks in To find these topics, we first construct hashtag net- Figs. 6–9 and Figs. B2–B13, where node sizes are pro- works for each of #BlackLivesMatter and #AllLives- portional to the square root of the number of times each Matter, where nodes are hashtags and weighted edges hashtag was used, and node colors are determined by the denote co-occurrence of these hashtags. To extract the Louvain structure detection method [48]. The exact as- core of this hashtag network, we apply the disparity fil- signments of topics to communities is not critical, but ter, a method introduced by Serrano et al. that yields rather they provide a visual guide through the networks. the “multiscale backbone” of a weighted network [47]. In order to extract the most central topics of #Black- On a node-by-node basis, the disparity filter compares LivesMatter and #AllLivesMatter during each time pe- the distribution of the weighted edges to a uniform null riod, we apply three centrality measures, betweenness 8

act2saveourlives fueelestado riptrayvonmartin itwasthestate nomore

crashcybermonday lmnopi brownfridaychi dayton blmla mlk blackfridaydeals streetart ferguson2oakland nypd itsbiggerthanyou furgeson brownfriday latinolivesmatter endpolicebrutality opblackfriday shutup shutitdownnyc amerikkka personalprotest asianlivesmatter fight4justice change danielholtzclaw justiceforall ripmikebrown thinkmoor blackoutfriday yellowlivesmatter nojusticenopeace alllivesmatter handsup demilitarizethepolice chi2ferguson racismkills justiceformikebrown boycottblackfriday whitelivesmatter dcferguson blackoutblackfriday blackfriday brownlivesmatter obamathugs shutitdownatl notonedime handsupdontspend dearferguson shutitdown fergusondecision losangeles blackout blackfridayblackout handsupdontshoot blacktwitter onelove sf dontshoot rip unionsquare arrestdarrenwilson anonymousopferguson stoptheparade injustice welcometony racism walmartstrikers bart policebrutality boycott sanfrancisco atlanta marissaalexander bartlockdown clarkatlanta fergusonsolidarity reprojustice immigrationaction nyc usa p2 morehouse fergusonprotest uniteblue oak2stl misuri indictdarrenwilson lastwords spelman fergsuon isis prayforferguson pdmfnb xula mikebrown america mikebrownverdict justiceformichaelbrown don michaelbrown darrenwilson libcrib justice4mikebrown shutitdownformikebrown grandjurydecision mtvstars oakland obama johncrawford thanksgiving riots dallas humanrights shaw fergusonaction ftp vonderritmyers stolenlives fuckthepolice ny civilrights nyc2ferguson yamecanse akaigurley ferguson2to londontoferguson protest soracist wewantjustice truth repost ferguson trayvonmartin solidarity breaking ayotzinapa endmilitarystylepolicing acab equality tamirrice renishamcbride stlouis justice prolife manchester onestruggle protestpeacefully ericgarner london fergusonphl every28hours indictamerica auspol portland atx nopeace boston opdarrienhunt philly texas ericgardner noindictment ohio peaceinferguson palestine cleveland nashville austin standwithferguson taneshaanderson indictboston la police nojusticeforblacks evangelicals4justice opferguson pdx plannedparenthood brazil blackboysmatter missouri roxbury nojustice peace us neverforget race umd ows nonviolence nerdland standup grandjury nycprotest smh houston black fergusonoakland occupystamp everylifematters blackpower fb ferguson2louisville fergusiondecision whiteprivilege whiteonwhitecrime umdferguson walmart abortion toronto michealbrown policestate wilson nojusticeformikebrown blackchildren tcot sandiego solidaritywithferguson stl staywoke newyork love rp anonymous detroit indictthesystem equality4all anon opkkk stoppolicebrutality dc revolution fergusonverdict peacefulprotest

blacklivesdontmatter blackdollarsmatter

FIG. 6. #BlackLivesMatter topic network for the week following the non-indictment of Darren Wilson. We describe the construction of the network in the main text. trayvonmartin akaigurley ripmikebrown nycprotest mikebrown williamsburg prayforferguson palestine fergusondecision ferguson policebrutality oakland michaelbrown nyc sf blackfridayblackout blacklivesmatter whitelivesmatter brownlivesmatter justiceformikebrown whiteprivilege shutup shutitdown boycottblackfriday justice personalprotest

FIG. 7. #AllLivesMatter topic network for the week following the non-indictment of Darren Wilson. We describe the con- struction of the network in the main text. 9

trayvonmartin johncrawford mikebrown ericcasebolt tonyrobinson notconservative bluekluxklan

policebrutality tamirrice churchmassacre whitefolkwork occupy biblestudy standwithcharleston policelivesmatter word baltimoreuprising chsshooting repost iamame guns whitelivesmatter lnybt wakeupamerica whiteentitlement endracism alllivesmatter ohhillno ericgarner pjnet gop fairfield ferguson hatecrime prayersforcharleston everywhere itsaracething racism love arneshabowers mycity rip cnn muslimlivesmatter freddiegray dc nojusticenopeace tcot bluelivesmatter dylannroof takedownthatflag 2a mckinney terrorism amemassacre walterscott yourcity baltimore notinournames socialmedia guncontrol ccot haitianlivesmatter racisminamerica us patriot whiteprivilege clementapinckney notonemore protest dominicanrepublic ameshooting america terrorist gohomederay gunsense uniteblue libcrib nypd churchshooting blackgirlmagic harlem charlestonshooting motheremmanuel p2 tntvote nyc nonewnypd haiti peoplesmonday jonstewart staywoke isis unionsquare potus hate ainf cbid domesticterrorism peace bronx charleston prayers ame southcarolina racist takedowntheflag crushjimcrow charlestonchurchshooting charlestonstrong takeitdown prayforcharleston enoughisenough sc charlestonterrorism undersiege blackspring derayishome wewillshootback hoorayderay breaking saytheirnames confederateflag history 9candles icantbreathe melanin charelstonshooting freepalestine whitesupremacy racheldolezal usa foxnews israel actualblacklivesmatter blacktwitter charlestonmassacre propheticgrief emanuelame icc4israel transracial confederatetakedown england blacktradelines apartheid blackbusiness neverforget stillbreathin boycottisrael parenting blackempowerment fifa gaza youarehomederay race missing buyblack black civilrightsmovement historicblackchurch unitedblue mediafail prince hillary2016 fairfax morningjoe

FIG. 8. #BlackLivesMatter topic network for the week following the Charleston Church shooting. We describe the construction of the network in the main text.

deray gohomederay

pjnet ohhillno tcot wakeupamerica prayersforcharleston whitelivesmatter bluelivesmatter cosproject endracism charlestonshooting ferguson hilaryclinton blacklivesmatter charleston gunsense muslimlivesmatter 2a iamame gunfreezone nra

FIG. 9. #AllLivesMatter topic network for the week following the Charleston Church shooting. We describe the construction of the network in the main text. 10

#BlackLivesMatter #AllLivesMatter Top Hashtags Score Top Hashtags Score 1. ferguson 90 1. blacklivesmatter 90 2. mikebrown 80 2. ferguson 81 3. fergusondecision 70 3. mikebrown 65 4. shutitdown 50 4. fergusondecision 62 5. justiceformikebrown 32 5. nycprotest 36 Nov. 24–Nov. 30, 2014 6. tamirrice 29 6. williamsburg 30 7. blackoutblackfriday 28 7. policebrutality 24 8. alllivesmatter 19 8. brownlivesmatter 24 9. michaelbrown 18 9. ripmikebrown 16 10. boycottblackfriday 18 10. sf 15 90 1. ericgarner 88 1. blacklivesmatter 74 2. icantbreathe 83 2. ericgarner 67 3. ferguson 72 3. ferguson 64 4. mikebrown 54 4. icantbreathe 47 5. shutitdown 51 5. tcot Dec. 3–Dec. 9 2014 46 6. handsupdontshoot 26 6. shutitdown 46 7. nypd 24 7. handsupdontshoot 23 8. thisstopstoday 22 8. mikebrown 19 9. civilrights 14 9. wecantbreathe 15 10. nojusticenopeace 10 10. policebrutality 15 1. icantbreathe 90 1. blacklivesmatter 84 2. ferguson 81 2. nypd 83 3. antoniomartin 69 3. policelivesmatter 65 4. shutitdown 64 4. nypdlivesmatter 45 5. ericgarner 31 5. nyc 40 Dec. 20–Dec. 26, 2014 6. alllivesmatter 26 6. bluelivesmatter 40 7. nypd 25 7. ericgarner 36 8. nypdlivesmatter 23 8. icantbreathe 29 9. tcot 15 9. tcot 25 10. police 14 10. mikebrown 18 1. muslimlivesmatter 78 1. muslimlivesmatter 90 2. grammys 74 2. chapelhillshooting 78 3. blackhistorymonth 74 3. blacklivesmatter 75 4. alllivesmatter 51 4. jewishlivesmatter 58 5. handsupdontshoot 43 5. hatecrime 40 Feb. 8–Feb. 14, 2015 6. ferguson 35 6. butinacosmicsensenothingreallymatters 35 7. mikebrown 31 7. whitelivesmatter 34 8. icantbreathe 24 8. ourthreewinners 17 9. beyhive 19 9. rip 14 10. bhm 17 10. ferguson 12 1. walterscott 90 1. blacklivesmatter 90 2. blacktwitter 70 2. ripwalterscott 36 3. icantbreathe 65 3. walterscott 27 4. ferguson 54 4. muslimlivesmatter 23 5. ericgarner 41 5. whitelivesmatter 20 Apr. 4–Apr. 10, 2015 6. alllivesmatter 35 6. icantbreathe 17 7. p2 28 7. ifnotnowwhen 11 8. trayvonmartin 21 8. ferguson 5 9. mikebrown 13 9. saveoursons 4 10. ripwalterscott 12 10. blackgirlsrock 1 1. freddiegray 88 1. blacklivesmatter 90 2. baltimore 83 2. baltimoreriots 78 3. baltimoreriots 67 3. baltimore 73 4. baltimoreuprising 65 4. policelivesmatter 49 5. alllivesmatter 47 5. freddiegray 46 Apr. 26–May2, 2015 6. ferguson 33 6. baltimoreuprising 37 7. mayday 27 7. peace 29 8. blackspring 19 8. wakeupamerica 24 9. blackpower 19 9. tcot 19 10. ericgarner 13 10. prayforbaltimore 14 1. charlestonshooting 90 1. blacklivesmatter 84 2. charleston 78 2. charlestonshooting 71 3. blacktwitter 57 3. bluelivesmatter 64 4. racism 49 4. pjnet 56 5. tcot 43 5. gunsense 46 Jun. 17–Jun. 23, 2015 6. usa 32 6. wakeupamerica 38 7. ferguson 24 7. 2a 33 8. whiteprivilege 18 8. iamame 27 9. racheldolezal 17 9. tcot 21 10. confederateflag 17 10. gohomederay 20 1. sandrabland 90 1. blacklivesmatter 90 2. sayhername 81 2. tcot 70 3. justiceforsandrabland 70 3. sandrabland 57 4. blacktwitter 58 4. unitedblue 53 5. alllivesmatter 39 5. pjnet 51 Jul. 21–Jul. 27, 2015 6. unitedblue 31 6. justiceforsandrabland 38 7. blackwomenmatter 21 7. defundplannedparenthood 37 8. doj 18 8. defundpp 33 9. blackpower 16 9. policebrutality 24 10. tcot 15 10. prolife 13

TABLE I. The top 10 central hashtags in the topic networks as ranked across the three significance levels and three centrality methods: betweenness centrality, random walk closeness centrality, and PageRank. The score results from applying the weighted Borda count voting method to the different rankings. The maximum score is 90, where a score closer to 90 indicates the hashtag was ranked more highly across more significance-method combinations. 11 centrality, random walk closeness centrality, and PageR- Probability of Using Name-Based Hashtag ank, to the topic networks at each of the three significance 10-1 levels. This yields a ranked list of the top 10 hashtags ericgarner sandrabland for each of the 9 combinations of significance level and mikebrown 10-2 freddiegray centrality method. To combine these ranked lists, we tamirrice walterscott apply the Borda count voting method, where, for each tonyrobinson michaelbrown johncrawford akaigurley ranking, a hashtag receives 10 points if it was the highest -3 10 ezellford ericharris ranked topic, 9 points if it was the second-highest ranked, samueldubose down to 1 point if it was the lowest ranked topic. Tallying jordanbaker kajiemepowell jonathanferrell tanishaanderson these scores across each significance-method combination 10-4 yields a final score by which we rank the hashtags. This yields robust results of the most central topics across dif- danteparker ferent significance levels and centrality measures. These 10-5

results are shown in Tab. I. #BlackLivesMatter (Log Scale)

We see that for both #BlackLivesMatter and #All- -6 10 LivesMatter, the top identified topics are indicative of 10-6 10-5 10-4 10-3 10-2 10-1 the relative events occurring in each time period. In #AllLivesMatter (Log Scale) #BlackLivesMatter for instance, #ferguson and #mike- brown are top topics after the non-indictment of Darren FIG. 10. The probability of using a name-based hashtag is shown for each of #BlackLivesMatter and #AllLivesMat- Wilson, #walterscott is a top topic after the death of ter, where the dashed line is the line of parity. Name- Walter Scott, and #sayhername is a top topic during the based hashtags are drawn from a list compiled by Freelon outrage over the . However, these et al. [20] with the addition of #sandrabland, #samueldu- major topics rank differently in both #BlackLivesMatter bose, and #jonathanferrell to account for the fact our analy- and #AllLivesMatter. For instance, while #mikebrown sis extends over a later time window. Six hashtags, #victor- is ranked second in #BlackLivesMatter in the first pe- white, #jeramereid, #yvettesmith, #philipwhite, #mcken- riod (with a score of 80 indicating it was ranked 2nd ziecochran, and #tyreewoodson did not appear in #AllLives- across nearly all significance-method combinations), it is Matter a single time, and so they cannot be plotted on the log ranked third in #AllLivesMatter with a noticeably lower scale. The deaths of Victor White, Yvette Smith, McKenzie score. Following the non-indictment of Daniel Pantaleo, Cochran, and Tyree Woodson occurred before #AllLivesMat- #ericgarner and #icantbreathe are the most important ter became widely used. topics in #BlackLivesMatter, but they fall to second and fourth in #AllLivesMatter, again, with lower scores re- spectively. Similar results hold for #freddiegray, #balti- Americans and that are crucial to the conversation sur- more, and #sandrabland across the other time periods. rounding Black Lives Matter, are more prominent in These results match with our previous findings of the #BlackLivesMatter. We verify this by calculating the word shifts that the presence of these hashtags is more probability that a given hashtag in #BlackLivesMatter significant within #BlackLivesMatter. or #AllLivesMatter is name-based hashtag. In Fig. 10 The topic networks demonstrate that #AllLivesMat- we find that for all but one name, it is more probable ter is not devoid of discussion surrounding the deaths that a name-based hashtag is used in #BlackLivesMat- of Black Americans, as evidenced by the appearance ter. Again, we see more attention to Black deaths in of #whathappenedtosandrabland, #handsupdontshoot, #BlackLivesMatter. However, although we are analyz- and #ferguson, and various other smaller topics in the ing places in which #AllLivesMatter spikes, we do not broader visualizations. However, as evidenced both by see overwhelming discussion of non-Black lives in any of the network statistics and the network visualizations the topic networks, except for the network surrounding themselves, the #BlackLivesMatter topic networks show the Chapel Hill shooting shown in Fig. B7. that the conversations are diverse and multifaceted while As seen in the word shifts, the most prominent discus- the #AllLivesMatter networks show focus on only the sion of non-Black lives in the topic networks of #AllLives- most prevalent of topics. For example, in Fig. 6 we see Matter is discussion of police lives. We see that in #Al- that there is focus not only on Ferguson and Michael lLivesMatter, #nypd, #policelivesmatter, and #blue- Brown, but there are hashtags alluding to solidarity from livesmatter are ranked higher as topics in #AllLivesMat- other cities, Black Friday protests, and deaths of other ter than in #BlackLivesMatter during December 20th Black Americans. In contrast, the #AllLivesMatter net- and April 26th periods, similar to what we found in the work primarily centers around #ferguson and #black- JSD word shifts. On the other hand, hashtags depicting livesmatter, with far fewer references to protests and strong anti-police sentiment such as #killercops, #po- other deaths. We find a similar story in the other net- licestate, and #fuckthepolice appear almost exclusively works as well. in #BlackLivesMatter and are absent from #AllLives- Inspecting the networks, it appears that name-based Matter. The alignment of #AllLivesMatter with police hashtags, hashtags that indicate the death of Black lives falls into a broader alignment with the conserva- 12

Effective Lexical Diversity Subsamples 1800 #BlackLivesMatter #AllLivesMatter





Effective Lexical Diversity 800 Effective Hashtag Diversity Subsamples 450









Effective Hashtag Diversity 0 Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug 2014 2015 Month

FIG. 11. To control for how volume affects the effective diversity of #BlackLivesMatter and #AllLivesMatter, we break the time scale down into months and subsample 2000 tweets from each hashtag 1000 times. The plot shows notched box plots depicting the distributions of these subsamples for effective lexical and hashtag diversity. The notches are small on all the boxes, indicating that the mean diversities are significantly different at the 95% confidence level across all time periods. tive sphere of Twitter that is apparent through the topic of #AllLivesMatter. Interestingly, the two cases where networks. In several periods for #AllLivesMatter, #tcot #AllLivesMatter has higher lexical diversity are in the is an important topic, as well as #pjnet (Patriots Jour- two periods when there were large non-police-involved nal Network), #wakeupamerica, and #defundplanned- shootings of people of color and #AllLivesMatter was parenthood. The hashtag #tcot also appears in several used as a hashtag of solidarity. However, the more strik- of the #BlackLivesMatter periods, however this should ing differences are in terms of hashtag diversity. On av- be expected as Freelon et al. [20] found that a portion erage, the hashtag diversity of #BlackLivesMatter is six of #BlackLivesMatter tweets were hijacked by the con- times that of #AllLivesMatter. This is in line with our servative sphere of Twitter. So, we do find the presence network analysis where we found expansive #BlackLives- of hijacking within #BlackLivesMatter, but it is signifi- Matter topic networks and tightly clustered, less diverse cantly less than that within #AllLivesMatter. #AllLivesMatter topic networks. The low hashtag diversity of #AllLivesMatter is rela- tively constant. One could imagine that the lack of di- V. CONVERSATIONAL DIVERSITY versity in the topics of #AllLivesMatter is a result of a focused conversation that does not deviate from its main Having quantified both the word-level divergences and message. However, as we have demonstrated through the their diversities, and the large-scale topic networks, we JSD word shifts and topic networks, the conversation of turn to measuring the informational diversity of #Black- #AllLivesMatter does change and evolve with respect to LivesMatter and #AllLivesMatter using two approaches. the different time periods. We see mentions of the major First, we measure “lexical diversity,” the diversity of deaths and events of these periods within #AllLivesMat- words other than hashtags. Second, we measure the ter, even if they do not rank as highly in terms of topic hashtag diversity. We measure these diversities using the centrality. So, even though both protest hashtags have effective diversity described in Eqn. 2 in Section 2. Fur- overlap on many of the major topics, the diversity of top- thermore, to account for the different volume of #Black- ics found within #BlackLivesMatter far exceeds that of LivesMatter and #AllLivesMatter tweets, we break the #AllLivesMatter, even when accounting for volume. time scale down into months and subsample 2000 tweets from each hashtag 1000 times, calculating the effective diversities each time. The results are shown in Fig. 11. VI. DISCUSSION. The lexical diversity of #BlackLivesMatter is larger than #AllLivesMatter in eight of the ten months with Through a multi-level analysis of #BlackLivesMatter an average lexical diversity that is %5 more than that and #AllLivesMatter tweets, ranging from the word level 13 to the topic level, we have demonstrated several differ- hashtag. Similar to the work of Egyptian political polar- ences between the two protest groups. First, we have ization [28], this leads to complex narratives of support demonstrated that the discussion of the deaths of Black within these hashtag groups, particularly within #All- Americans is more prevalent in #BlackLivesMatter at LivesMatter, as we have seen in the differences between each scale, and that the conversations within #AllLives- how people use the hashtags around Black deaths, police Matter are more conservatively aligned. Second, we officer deaths, and deaths of non- of color. have shown that hijacking makes up a significant por- We were largely able to unpack these narratives by look- tion of #AllLivesMatter tweets, and that care should be ing not just as hashtag trends, as in the aforementioned taken when interpreting the word-level and topic-level re- studies, but at the full range of textual content and how sults for #AllLivesMatter. Finally, our diversity analysis it is structured at multiple levels. shows that the language and topics of the original protest In this sense, our work falls closer to that of researchers #BlackLivesMatter exhibit greater texture than that of who have constructed networks of these protest move- the counter-protest #AllLivesMatter. ments to inform largely qualitative research [5, 21, 44], As we have mentioned, it is important to note that rather than research that focuses solely on the topolog- #AllLivesMatter is not completely void of discussion ical properties of the networks. Our methods generalize about the deaths of these Black Americans, but rather to studying how the discourse of two or more protest the significantly larger discussion of these deaths within movements diverge from one another and how these dif- #BlackLivesMatter drives the divergence. However, in ferences can be captured at multiple scales. Furthermore, light of this, it is also important to note that there is by integrating diversities within our divergence analysis, a lack of discussion of other deaths within #AllLives- we have shown how we can measure word-level differences Matter. That is, in examining several of the main peri- between protests and counter-protests in such a way that ods where #AllLivesMatter spikes, only the Chapel Hill facilitates follow-up qualitative investigation of how ex- shooting period shows discussion of non-Black deaths. actly those words contribute to the divergence. Overall, The word shifts and topic networks reveal that the only these tools provide an avenue for exploring more of the other lives that are significantly discussed within #Al- data narratives between #BlackLivesMatter and #All- lLivesMatter are the lives of law enforcement officers, LivesMatter, and other instances of political polarization. particularly during times in which there is heavy protest- ing. In sum, we find there is a lack of evidence that the counter-protest #AllLivesMatter significantly discusses all lives, despite the sentiment of the hashtag’s framing. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Many of our findings, particularly those concerning hi- jacking, echo those of previous studies of political po- larization. Conover et al. demonstrated that politically All authors would like to thank the members of the left- and right-leaning users leveraged hashtags as a form Computational Story Lab for their feedback and sup- of “content injection,” [24] in a similar way to how we port. They would also like to thank James Bagrow for his have shown that each Lives Matter hashtag group has helpful suggestions. PSD and CMD acknowledge support injected their political opinion by hijacking the other’s from NSF Big Data Grant #1447634.

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Appendix A: JSD Word Shifts

JSD Word Contributions JSD Word Contributions December 03, 2014 to December 09, 2014 April 04, 2015 to April 10, 2015 #AllLivesMatter #BlackLivesMatter #AllLivesMatter #BlackLivesMatter

10 5 0 5 10 10 5 0 5 10 1 comic 1 talked patreon barely 3panel happen simple massacre 5 straub 5 university kris 147 problem left feed dead nails didnt 10 #ericgarner 10 kenya #icantbreathe #walterscott saying unarmed #womblifematters black started police 15 equality 15 still tag #ferguson #nypd let missing video #ferguson killed 20 total 20 cover got back go focus man going tonight 25 #seattle 25 charged

Rank makes Rank another away amp #policelivesmatter relevant diein yrs 30 erasure 30 turned #shutitdown doesnt #shocking paul students dont unity 29 35 point 35 chris #rednationrising old protest via #thisstopstoday victory shut #blackgirlsrock 40 breaking 40 makes nyc #trayvonmartin lives #ericgarner sphincter see vs convicted 45 enough 45 anyone #whereisjustice cops dont racist change time solidarity wing 50 part 50 rant 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 8.0 6.0 4.0 2.0 0.0 2.0 4.0 Contribution Contribution (% of total JSD = 0.0738 bits) (% of total JSD = 0.7811 bits)

FIG. A1. Jensen-Shannon divergence word shift for the FIG. A2. Jensen-Shannon divergence word shift for the week following the non-indictment of Daniel Pantaleo. week following the death of Walter Scott. See main text See main text and the caption of Fig. 2 for an expla- and the caption of Fig. 2 for an explanation of the word nation of the word shifts. The leading contributors to shifts. The leading contributors to the divergence on the the divergence on the side of #AllLivesMatter are due to side of #AllLivesMatter are due to a popular retweet that a popular retweet discussing a “3-panel” sketch “comic” asks why people are not paying attention to a school mas- that describes what the “problem” with #AllLivesMatter sacre that occurred in Kenya. This retweet is persistent, is. which is why the words “kenya” and “massacre” appear in later dates, such as in Fig. 5 . 17

JSD Word Contributions JSD Word Contributions June 17, 2015 to June 23, 2015 July 21, 2015 to July 27, 2015 #AllLivesMatter #BlackLivesMatter #AllLivesMatter #BlackLivesMatter

10 5 0 5 10 10 5 0 5 10 1 rooting 1 yall equality theaters #iamame schools im churches 5 fools 5 shooting message saying horrifying arent heartrending #sandrabland #yulindogmeatfestival #sayhername 10 whose 10 movie #charlestonstrong define #racism well unites say marxist #monroebird 15 conquers 15 #justiceformonroebird all#alllivesmatter wtf ok cold governments knew #charlestonunitychain confirmation 20 easy 20 made replying heart spilled wrong danger #blackwomenmatter #whiteprivilege images 25 conquer 25 circulating

Rank #policelivesmatter Rank rather #itsaracething vs divide picture flags #doj 30 useful 30 folks bleed #whathappenedtosandrabland failed #prolife confederate investigate arrest trolling 35 didnt 35 would #pjnet matter wheres #justiceforsandrabland #wakeupamerica justice save amazing 40 red 40 killing #wewillshootback use gives noise terrorism black #cdcwhistleblower demand 45 hope 45 swear use simple wave exercising resist viral seven reassured 50 wanted 50 face 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 4.0 2.0 0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 Contribution Contribution (% of total JSD = 0.1655 bits) (% of total JSD = 0.1806 bits)

FIG. A3. Jensen-Shannon divergence word shift for the FIG. A4. Jensen-Shannon divergence word shift for the week following the Charleston church shooting. See main week encapsulating outrage over the death of Sandra text and the caption of Fig. 2 for an explanation of the Bland. See main text and the caption of Fig. 2 for an word shifts. explanation of the word shifts. 18

Appendix B: Hashtag Topic Networks

Hashtag Network vs. Significance Level - #BlackLivesMatter 0.10 α = 0.05 α = 0.04 α = 0.03 α = 0.02 α = 0.01 0.08


0.04 Percent of


Original Hashtag Network 0.00

Hashtag Network vs. Significance Level - #AllLivesMatter 0.10



0.04 Percent of

0.02 Original Hashtag Network 0.00

Dec 2014 Jan 2015 Feb 2015 Mar 2015 Apr 2015 May 2015 Jun 2015 Jul 2015 Aug 2015 Time (Periods of Interest)

FIG. B1. Percent of original hashtag network maintained for #BlackLivesMatter (top) and #AllLivesMatter (bottom) at each of the periods of interest for varying levels of the disparity filter significance level. We wish to filter as much of the network as possible, while avoiding sudden reductions in the number of nodes in the network. Note, when going from α = 0.03 to α = 0.02, the February 8th #BlackLivesMatter and July 21st #AllLivesMatter networks fall in size by a factor of approximately one half. Therefore, we choose α = 0.03.

#BlackLivesMatter Nodes % Original Nodes Edges Clustering Nov. 24–Nov. 30, 2014 243 7.39% 467 0.0605 Dec. 3–Dec. 9, 2014 339 5.98% 794 0.0691 Dec. 20–Dec. 26, 2014 187 5.96% 391 0.1635 Feb. 8–Feb. 14, 2015 70 4.75% 94 0.1740 Apr. 4–Apr. 10, 2015 80 4.12% 114 0.1019 Apr. 26–May 2, 2015 234 5.54% 471 0.1068 Jun. 17–Jun. 23, 2015 167 6.35% 246 0.0746 Jul. 21–Jul. 27, 2015 216 6.18% 393 0.0914 #AllLivesMatter Nov. 24–Nov. 30, 2014 26 5.76% 35 0.1209 Dec. 3–Dec. 9, 2014 31 3.92% 49 0.2667 Dec. 20–Dec. 26, 2014 41 3.95% 70 0.2910 Feb. 8–Feb. 14, 2015 18 3.50% 23 0.1894 Apr. 4–Apr. 10, 2015 7 1.88% 6 0.0000 Apr. 26–May 2, 2015 38 4.12% 62 0.1868 Jun. 17–Jun. 23, 2015 22 4.56% 28 0.3571 Jul. 21–Jul. 27, 2015 33 4.26% 44 0.1209

TABLE II. Summary statistics for topic networks created from the full hashtag networks using the disparity filter at the significance level α = 0.03 [47]. The significance of each edge is determined by comparing the value returned by Eqn. 6 to α. 19

#BlackLivesMatter Nodes % Original Nodes Edges Clustering Nov. 24–Nov. 30, 2014 270 8.21% 526 0.0598 Dec. 3–Dec. 9, 2014 389 6.86% 912 0.0645 Dec. 20–Dec. 26, 2014 209 6.66% 439 0.1537 Feb. 8–Feb. 14, 2015 76 5.16% 107 0.1744 Apr. 4–Apr. 10, 2015 85 4.38% 121 0.0893 Apr. 26–May 2, 2015 266 6.30% 547 0.1030 Jun. 17–Jun. 23, 2015 176 6.70% 269 0.07690 Jul. 21–Jul. 27, 2015 233 6.67% 435 0.0926 #AllLivesMatter Nov. 24–Nov. 30, 2014 29 6.43% 40 0.1200 Dec. 3–Dec. 9, 2014 31 3.92% 51 0.2801 Dec. 20–Dec. 26, 2014 49 4.72% 86 0.2626 Feb. 8–Feb. 14, 2015 24 4.67% 30 0.1521 Apr. 4–Apr. 10, 2015 8 2.15% 7 0.0000 Apr. 26–May 2, 2015 41 4.45% 71 0.1967 Jun. 17–Jun. 23, 2015 23 4.77% 33 0.4909 Jul. 21–Jul. 27, 2015 45 5.82% 61 0.1010

TABLE III. Summary statistics for topic networks created from the full hashtag networks using the disparity filter at the significance level α = 0.04 [47].

#BlackLivesMatter Nodes % Original Nodes Edges Clustering Nov. 24–Nov. 30, 2014 298 9.07% 583 0.0590 Dec. 3–Dec. 9, 2014 444 7.83% 1025 0.0595 Dec. 20–Dec. 26, 2014 227 7.24% 485 0.1494 Feb. 8–Feb. 14, 2015 82 5.57% 119 0.1946 Apr. 4–Apr. 10, 2015 99 5.10% 139 0.0905 Apr. 26–May 2, 2015 294 6.96% 607 0.0976 Jun. 17–Jun. 23, 2015 190 7.23% 305 0.0795 Jul. 21–Jul. 27, 2015 250 7.15% 475 0.0898 #AllLivesMatter Nov. 24–Nov. 30, 2014 29 6.43% 40 0.1200 Dec. 3–Dec. 9, 2014 37 4.68% 62 0.2456 Dec. 20–Dec. 26, 2014 54 5.21% 94 0.2500 Feb. 8–Feb. 14, 2015 24 4.67% 30 0.1521 Apr. 4–Apr. 10, 2015 10 2.69% 9 0.0000 Apr. 26–May 2, 2015 44 4.77% 76 0.1944 Jun. 17–Jun. 23, 2015 23 4.77% 33 0.4909 Jul. 21–Jul. 27, 2015 47 6.08% 66 0.1151

TABLE IV. Summary statistics for topic networks created from the full hashtag networks using the disparity filter at the significance level α = 0.05 [47]. 20

local4 pjnet abortion ccot prochoice tsu

artbaselmiami noelnight vote houston revolution palestinianlivesmatter chokehold nerdland foley protestnyc prolife charlotte justiceforreefa detroit knowyourrights ican unapologeticblack noindictment westsidehighway justice4reefa toomanytoname tokyo blmla icantbreatheuntil bospoli anon d9diein sanfrancisco lastwords baltimore repost columbuscircle mapoli respect ercigarner brooklynbridge art egypt barclayscenter larryjackson idlenomore fergusonphl gaza rockcenterxmas phillydiein acab decriminalizeblack fergsuon blackpower uchicagodiein standup isis fuckthepolice shutitdownatl boulder ferguson2nyc rekiaboyd travonmartin tokyo4ferguson brownlivesmatter lebronjames protests stoppolicebrutality mynypd atlanta pain maddow imatter bodycameras inners rt thisendstoday kcwemustspeak hispaniclivesmatter endpolicebrutality artbasel blackout wehearyou atlferguson furgeson whitesupremacy shutitthefuckdown live mlk dallas shutdown dontshootpdx miami tcot renishamcbride eeuu philly harvard regram memphis nojusticenopeacenoracistpolice grandcentral foxnews tampa asianlivesmatter royalvisitusa ows royalshutdown indigenous itendstoday secchampionship ferguson2miami livingwhileblack indictamerica retweet brooklyn humanrights michealbrown allblacklivesmatter nyc2ferguson foleysquare truth espn nojusticeforericgarner injustice breaking us nba tcshutitdown icantbreathe chi2ferguson timessquare nomore uiuc statenisland tbt ericgarner wechargegenocide ripmikebrown grandjury whitelivesmatter boston peacefulprotest danielpantaleo nojusticeinamerica every28hours cogic indictthesystem dc livesmatter rp nfl ftp nola racism thesystemisbroken unite riptamirrice stopracism peterpanlive policelivesmatter p2 handsupdontchoke equality4all racisminamerica paris shutitdownnyc postracialamerica obama kendrickjohnson nomorebusinessasusual ripericgarner handsupdontshoot ny civilrights london nycprotest alivewhileblack nojusticenotree texas newyorkcity berkeleyprotest shutitdown equality crimingwhilewhite love fergusondecision england peace cnn dcferguson rumainbrisbon justice usa uniteblue thisstopsnow nojusticenoprofit police rip racist whiteprivilege palestine economicjustice eric justiceforall blackouthollywood policestate america racialequality staywoke newyork nyc whereisjustice enoughisenough handsup legalizedlynching berk2ferguson berkeleyprotests seattle nypd anonymous berkeley thursdaynightfootball michaelbrown protest policebrutality sf india phoenix usc itstopstoday alllivesmatter alaska oakland wecantbreathe chicago icantbreath thinkmoor garner akaigurley mikebrown occupy cops ferguson2cal blacktwitter nojustice portland libcrib fb thisstopstoday la ezellford pdx notonedime johncrawford amerikkka teargas dontshoot tamirrice ericgardner ramarleygraham bethechange news trayvonmartin oscargrant cantbreathe torturereport diein ferguson amadoudiallo shutitdowndc berkeleyprostests justiceforericgarner pgh aiyanajones d6resist notonemore pdmfnb seanbell women nmos nojusticenopeace neworleans unitebiue oak2stl solidarity ohio

socialjustice thetimeisnow whodoyouprotect kajiemepowell boycottnypost bluelivesmatter nopeace auspol cbus2ferguson christmas sikh boycottchristmas darrenwilson againstpolicebrutality punjabi justiceformikebrown blackoutblackfriday changethenypd taneshaanderson genocide jnu cleveland charlesbarkley noracistpolice jordandavis indigenouslivesmatter delhi ourlivesmatter journeyforjustice berkley fergusoneverywhere justicefortamirrice shaw handsupwalkout stoptheviolence plannedparenthood duke aaa2014 knowjusticeknowpeace against anthros4ferguson riverwalk ayotzinapa downforbrown unt stl yamecanse2

studentpower icouldbenext

FIG. B2. #BlackLivesMatter topic network for the week following the non-indictment of Daniel Pantaleo.

policestate kellythomas nypd michaelbrown rednationrising ferguson2miami nyc ccot miami tcot ericgarner ferguson shutitdown policelivesmatter mikebrown tamirrice policebrutality icantbreathe womblifematters wecantbreathe handsupdontshoot blacklivesmatter nojusticenopeace justiceforall ourlivesmatter justice brownlivesmatter whitelivesmatter crimingwhilewhite ripericgarner alivewhileblack

FIG. B3. #AllLivesMatter topic network for the week following the non-indictment of Daniel Pantaleo. 21

ripericgarner ripmikebrown wearentsafe riptrayvonmartin merrychristmasinheaven christiantwitter antonio nojusticenowings prince ripantoniomartin missing rip princess christmas missouri black cancelchristmas xmas amerikkka christmaseve stl cops every28 pjnet tgdn prolife ismaaiylbrinsley berkeley teaparty tlot cnn mynypd torturereport fergusondecision wakeup ccot police every28hours oaklandprotest deblasioresignnow deblasio blacktwitter usa fuck12 tcot womenslivesmatter foxnews newyork seattle topprog policelivesmatter antoniomartin wewillnotbesilenced hispaniclivesmatter libcrib asianlivesmatter nypdshooting stolenlives p2 uniteblue whitelivesmatter nypdlivesmatter america brownlivesmatter policebrutality stlouis unionstation nativelivesmatter copslivesmatter trayvonmartin dayofpurpose ferguson traintakeover bluelivesmatter millionsmarchla chicago coplivesmatter michaelbrown mmla la justice nypd losangeles alllivesmatter stoptheviolence icanbreathe oaklandprotests obama isis dontshoot crimingwhilewhite whiteprivilege mlk mikebrown tamirrice protest thismustend racism handsup alivewhileblack 2014in5words wufam achristmasstory dcferguson akaigurley ericgarner icantbreath farrakhan icantbreathe anonymous policeshootings johncrawford nyc millionsmarch handsupdon shutdown5thave brooklyn itstopstoday cleveland uppers tanishaanderson ferguson2cle thisstopstoday lgbt sadday racisminamerica handsupdontshoot justiceforall poltwt selma winterofresistance ftp harlem blacktruthmatters nojusticenopeace dontshootpdx icantsleep sotfbrutality millionsmarchnyc dontrehamilton thinkmoor shutitdown chargemetoo silentnight anarquistaslibertad nyc2palestine wecantbreathe ny blackxmas milwaukee racist dontehamilton

tcshutitdown blacklivesmatterminneapolis moa blacklivesmattermoa justice4dontre justice4all indictthesystem jordanbaker acab oakland justiceformikebrown otg idlenomore mke occupy mallofamerica justiceforericgarner ferguson2nyc phillyblackout jailkillercops iris_messengerpolicethepolice ows justiceforeric dayton atlanta policestate shutdownptree blackchristmas abortjesus shutitdownatl houston blacklivesmpls minnesota

FIG. B4. #BlackLivesMatter topic network for the week following the death of two NYPD officers.

mayorresign racebaiters holdermustgo nyc rip merrychristmas deblasio brooklyn nypdstrong alsharpton rafaelramos nypd wenjianliu nba policelivesmatter nojusticenopeace copslivesmatter bluelivesmatter nypdlivesmatter notallcopsarebad michaelbrown ferguson

tcot ericgarner nypdshooting p2 thinblueline icantbreathe stolenlives mikebrown shutitdown blacklivesmatter antoniomartin brownlivesmatter icantbreath handsupdontshoot police stoptheviolence whitelivesmatter nativelivesmatter coplivesmatter

FIG. B5. #AllLivesMatter topic network for the week following the death of two NYPD officers. 22


thisstopstoday shutitdown oakland

opicantbreathe policestate tamirrice nyc justice wakeupamerica ericgarner islam blackbusiness grandcentral icantbreathe mikebrown darrenwilson sobu nojusticenopeace p2 blacktwitter moorhistorymonth mourningmonday visionsofablackfuture ferguson beyonce blackfuturemonth blackhistoryyoudidntlearninschool moorishlivesmatter handsupdontshoot blackandproud blackhistorymonth hoodiesup tcot bhm2015 bhm keepitmenace muslimslivesmatter beyhive grammys chapelhillshooting alllivesmatter racism prince islamophobia bluelivesmatter racist selma livesmatter butinacosmicsensenothingreallymatters christianlivesmatter glory muslimlivesmatter grammys2015 translivesmatter whitelivesmatter everylifematters iris_messenger justiceformuslims asianlivesmatter humanlivesmatter kobejordann itsonus withmuslims jewishlivesmatter brownlivesmatter nativelivesmatter chapehillshooting black


FIG. B6. #BlackLivesMatter topic network for the week following the Chapel Hill shooting.

translivesmatter chapehillshooting blackhistorymonth whitelivesmatter christianslivesmatter butinacosmicsensenothingreallymatters jewishlivesmatter blacklivesmatter buddhistlivesmatter muslimlivesmatter blacktwitter chapelhill hatecrime ourthreewinners

chapelhillshooting rip



FIG. B7. #AllLivesMatter topic network for the week following the Chapel Hill shooting. 23

stoppolice bringintheun

police foxnews

bluelivesmatter muslimlivesmatter filmthepolice murder whitelivesmatter cnn charleston enoughisenough michaelslager nojusticenopeace maddow professu ifnotnowwhen shutdowna14 cops feidinsantana sc chsnews alllivesmatter racismisreal ripwalterscott southcarolina rip acab northcharleston every28hours usa ftp walterscott nightofthelongknives knowyourrights ftw freemumia southcarolinashooting tamirrice policeshooting michaelbrown icantbreathe thisstopstoday boycottindiegogo handsupdontshoot trayvonmartin racism ericgarner morintoon nyc reclaimholyweek policebrutality mikebrown nonewnypd ferguson justice mlk pjnet tcot kendrickjohnson rednationrising ramseyorta inspiring blacktwitter p2 changetheworld march4kj farrakhanatl blackbusiness blackchurch s uniteblue missing queen selma black blacktradelines princess blackoutday libcrib

FIG. B8. #BlackLivesMatter topic network for the week following the death of Walter Scott.


muslimlivesmatter ifnotnowwhen


ripwalterscott walterscott


FIG. B9. #AllLivesMatter topic network for the week following the death of Walter Scott. 24

soul bullcity

ericsheppard rightnow bcpd tidalfacts trayvonscott rap kendrickjohnson tidalforall boston2baltimore hiphop israel ncat jerusalem wakeup undarated secondamendment racism stopracism enoughisenough gop phillipwhite whiteprivilege mayweatherpacquiao gunsense nycprotest killercops rip justice4freddie ayotzinapa amerikkka iceland baltimorenyc policestate bailtimoreriots fail walterscott botl eyery28hours detroit foxnews news la usa uk myahall baltimorerebellion america balitmoreriots freediegray unity bmore peacefulprotest rt terrancekellom ericharris oscargrant justiceforfreddie humanrights blacktranslivesmatter every28hrs prince riots baltimoreisrising what policethepolice boston lgbt natashamckenna rekiaboyd ebony johncrawford terrencekellum policebrutality orioles occupy riot minneapolis baltimorepolice staywoke uprising tamirrice freddiegray chi2baltimore whereisjusticeinbaltimore police chicago freddiegrey ericgarner happeningnow protest baltimoreprotest acab nycriseup balitmore baltimore newyork whereistheleadershipinbaltimore blackpower ftp nyc2baltimore marilynmosby fuckthepolice baltimoreprotests mlk phillyisbaltimore cut50 michaelbrown baltimorelootcrew media philly palestine mikebrown unionsquare justice mn2bmore trayvonmartin baltimorerising cnn nojusticenopeace ferguson solidarity fmg jew dc nyc onebaltimore fergusontobaltimore shutitdown ebay nypd baltimoreriots millionsmarchnyc jews truth handsupdontshoot revolution repost racist dcferguson stoppolicebrutality shutdownthetword abanks icantbreathe baltimoreuprising stl nazi nigger peace balitmoreuprising salute harlem freddygray oakland swastika justiceforfreddiegray baltimore2nyc blackwomenslivesmatter josephkent love prayforbaltimore blackgirlmagic nomore blacktwitter wakeupamerica blacklives whereisjosephkent chasenlife blackspring mayday oaklandprotests makeachange baltimoreriot ripfreddiegray baltimoremayor selma pjnet oakland2baltimore policelivesmatter retweet tcot uniteblue ourprotest seattle blacktradelines alllivesmatter bmoreunited umes blackbusiness prayersforbaltimore laboragainstpoliceterror pdx nyctobaltimore anonymous malcolmx p2 solidaritywithbaltimore fightfor15 quotes argentina dapa whitelivesmatter ows socialmedia daca americanlivesmatter mayday2015 pdmfnb peacebe houston allblacklivesmatter maydaysolidarity prayers fergusonaction libcrib bluelivesmatter dvnlln evencopslivesmatter topprog muslimlivesmatter asianlivesmatter tlot ccot tgdn 2a hispaniclivesmatter restinpower ainf

texas atlanta

FIG. B10. #BlackLivesMatter topic network for the week encapsulating the peak of the Baltimore protests.


policebrutality stoppolicebrutality baltimore2nyc wakeupamerica truth love ccot rednationrising peacebe bluelivesmatter tcot americanlivesmatter pjnet baltimoreriots bmore blacklivesmatter peace policelivesmatter ripfreddiegray prayforbaltimore

evencopslivesmatter justiceforfreddiegray togetherwecan whitelivesmatter baltimore muslimlivesmatter baltimoreuprising protest freddiegray ferguson asianlivesmatter riots justice prayers nepal



FIG. B11. #AllLivesMatter topic network for the week encapsulating the peak of the Baltimore protests. 25

saveouryouth pepp ff

710pepp rt translivesmatter blacktranslivesmatter m4blfree allblacklivesmatter 5t3f4n emmetttill cleveland thisiswhywefight endracism civilrights austin blacklove

myblackisbeautiful stoppolicebrutality m4bl justice4sandy neverforget sandrablandquestions rip whathappenedtosandybland america facts indiaclarke assatashakur shaunking natashamckenna enoughisenough kimberleeking anonymous cdcwhistleblower selfcare standup rekiaboyd sandystillspeaks richardlinyard nn15 hearus samueldubose kindrachapman makeamericagreatagain ftp gamergate kimberleerandleking restinpower newyork truth kendrickjohnson justice justiceorelse ralkinajones tentoomany wallercounty nativelivesmatter charleston sandybland justiceforsandra millionmanmarch solidarity repost dayofrage lafayette doj sandarabland black sandyspeaks brianencinia change justice4sandrabland newjersey killedbycops gohomederay blackgirlsmatter saytheirnames retweet blm newark suicide kendrachapman rexdalehenry nypd msnbc sandraspeaks sayhername policelie millionpeoples michaelsabbie injustice unionsquare sandrabland justiceforsandy cnn akaigurley nyc weneedjustice whathappenedtosandrabland police whitesupremacy iamsandrabland sandrawasmurdered grandcentral jonathansanders texas ifidieinpolicecustody oakland staywoke michaelbrown weneedanswers tamirrice blackwomenmatter stopkillingus portugalstandswithsandrabland ericgarner fuckthepolice nojusticenopeace justiceforsandrabland memphis trayvonmartin someonetellcnn darriusstewart justicefordarrius policebrutality ripsandrabland justiceforkindrachapman stl nerdland handsupdontshoot blackpower wewantanswers blackgirlsrock mikebrown shutitdown blackspring justiceforblacklives freddiegray racism icantbreathe blackouttwitter sandra brandonclaxton feelthebern blackpeople history ferguson equality women bernie2016 usa maddow blacktwitter wakeup racisminamerica wearegreen baltimore berniesanders systematicracism uniteblue whitepeople feminismberniesoblack youth4bernie p2 bernie 1u libcrib deathbydemocrat alllivesmatter godbless race buyblack humanrights unity mustread notonmydime youmatter tntweeters wakeupamerica blackbusiness plannedparenthood defundplannedparenthood babylivesmatter babyparts blackoutday tlot bluelivesmatter handsupdontcrush hillary2016 ohhillno tcot whiteprivilege muslimlivesmatter hillaryclinton defundpp unitebiue arizona notallmen lgbt yesallwomen whitelivesmatter pjnet genocide ppsellsbabyparts teaparty hillary ccot lnyhbt gop hispaniclivesmatter

endofthegop lovewins racistuneducatednarcissist

FIG. B12. #BlackLivesMatter topic network for the week encapsulating outrage over the death of Sandra Bland.

embarrassment obama

badthingsarebad tlot nn15 tcot muslimlivesmatter ccot uniteblue policebrutality whathappened

sandrabland imwithhuck wakeupamerica pjnet justiceforsandrabland blacklivesmatter prolife sayhername handsupdontcrush whathappenedtosandrabland defundplannedparenthood blacktwitter bluelivesmatter defundpp stopracism babylivesmatter racisminamerica ppsellsbabyparts

unity notallmen justicewhitelivesmatter

FIG. B13. #AllLivesMatter topic network for the week encapsulating outrage over the death of Sandra Bland.