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AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE AUTCMOSILIS res Utt AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE | AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE THE EVENINGSTAI AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE (CONTINUED) C. ae- Washington, 0. C-11 PLYMOUTH ’57 Belvedere 4-dr.; i PLYMOUTH '55 Custom luxa 1 THUNDKBBIBD '59; Pordomatlc. OLDS *M Dynamic "88" C.lebrtte newer steering, power brakes, Thursday, August 10, J 941 sedan: air-cond.. hydramatto, r. dow’a' power windows, radio, heater. ,7M w 01 “ndiU#a - OLDSMOBILE ’SB ’W’4-dOW BaWWiMTM 4-dr. de has: green. &ck n^srsr AUTOMOBILES F9R SALE OPEN SUNDAY : hardtop; powbf awyUUnf. alpine BARRY-PATE i PLYMOUTH '6l club aodaa; kradd white over cardinal red. the nut- new. factory amranoe , 7 egutepod; JACK BLANK " PAUL ury ride and ultra modern con- 1 l”^* special at $1995; tow aa >lB4 dn„ valiant now •ei ofilcial " VALIANTS $:10 te - BROS.. (OLDS) each or your , venience will surprise you. This - trade; terms to fit PONTIAC 4:00 , aad toW M.*. same ride as Arlington Ford W th Wla.. 5 ear will give the budget. i Remodeling sales: 50 Plym- 31.495. FRmWtICK. TO OLDS Caper 88; 4-dr. sedaa: 4 many 1961 automobiles. L. P. BTEUART CHRYSLER CITY 11317 N. MOORE ST. JA, 7-8788 > ouths snd Valiants to be Can FIUSD P*. OPEN DAILY,9 to 9 brdnuaaUc r. and h.. B.S-. 4800 Wise, Ave. EM. 3-4800 ] r 404 sold and moved this week. w-w. Ursa, 1 owner; extra dean. group euto- PLYMOUTHS i PONTIAC '6O 6-possenger station THUNDERBIRD '56 eonv.; r.
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