Riipholsiery Orslipcovers

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Riipholsiery Orslipcovers patibilityresulting from the con- THE EVENING STAR, Washington, D. C. ** flicting demands of their ca- TUESDAY, OCTOBER S, IBM A-13 Marilyn Posed, Joe Opposed, reers.” Reporters and photographers So Marriage Didn't Take swarmed around the couple’s Their home in Beverly Hills. A woman BUYING A FORD? By Sfieilah Graham “Itch,” to report she wouldn’t who identified herself as Mrs. North American Newspaper Alliance be in for work as scheduled—- Nelson, said through a peekhole MINUTES OUR OFFER! the front door: “Miss Monroe I TAKE 5 TO GET HOLLYWOOD, Oct. s.—The because she and Joe had sepa- in is well. She’s tired she g WeatherJAaster Be SURE you get the BEST DEAL! glamor-packed “marriage of the rated and she was busy confer- not’ and a g«] WASHINGTON'S LARGEST AND decade” between Marilyn Monroe ring with Attorney Jerry Giesler has a cold." £ light now you'll got our £ Get downtown convenient and Joe DiMaggio broke up yes- about a divorce. Mr. Oiesler later Joe was divorced several years M OLDEST MANUFACTURER OF THE ¦ Biggest trade-in allowance of the service facilities far your new terday after a run of less than disclosed Marilyn will not ask ago from Dorothy Arnold, by FINEST ALUMINUM PRODUCTS! yoar. ford. nine months, with both parties for alimony. He will file formal whom he had a son. Marilyn “bored right to the ears” with divorce papers tomorrow in San- was married at 15 to James <,u each other. ta Monica, charging mental Dougherty, then an aircraft Both the onetime Yankee Clip- cruelty. worker and now a Van Nuys, per and his wife were in seclu- The official reason for the Calif., patrolman. But this mar- I<,uiTT1 JALOUSIES I breakup, as given out by Mr. riage. too, ended in divorce a iTT sion in their English farmhouse fpw vpars lat.pr » (VENETIAN in Beverly Hills. Their “his” and Giesler and the studio: “Incom- WINDOWS) I *14™ p 15™ “hers” twin black Cadillacs were parked outside. A housekeeper 1114 VERMONT AVENUE, N. W. AD., 4-4300 said neither Marilyn nor Joe would see reporters. The blond beauty, who rode to fame and one of Hollywood’s fattest salaries, pulled no • ¦ punches when she announced to astonished friends that she will file for divorce as soon as possi- ble. Marilyn told them: “Joe and I Your Grocer looks just don’t speak the same lan- J guage.” To this, one of her closest Round Living movie friends who, like the ¦ home Bumble colony as a whole, was EF FREE ESTIMATES i£°,t 0 Your Takes caught by surprise by the an- “To be nouncement -r- added: 3 to frank, Joe bores her. And I think ft Call he’s just as bored with her as W LI. 7-1300 she is with him.” The SIOO,OOO-per-picture ac- _ _ for free day or night home demonstration tress confided to friends: “Joe’s I Uua Am ACTFO New Jersey Avenue and Eya St. S.E. idea of a good time is to stay I auinur*crMino co. me. "Master the Weather with Weather-Master!" home night after night watching television. He goes ior days and days without even speaking to I Bumble me. He’s the moodiest man ever knew.” , v ’ "wwfw ". ny The idol of the diamond and i. the screen’s biggest-drawing fe- male star, it was learned, have been quarreling bitterly for the last six months—but they man- aged to gloss things over in pub- lic. Besides Marilyn’s com- plaints, according to intimates, there were other causes of fric- earns a ... My bonus ... milk You Travel Relaxed Arrive | tion, such as: ‘, Refreshed When You Ride No strings attached Item: Joe, a quiet, publicity- shy husband, objected heatedly THI ZEPHYR FLEET. ' DENVER ZEPHYR * to the fanfare of sexy photos SILVER STREAK ZEPHYR which attended Marilyn’s every Chicago-Omaha-Lincoln-Danvar Kama. City-Omaha-lineoln public appearance. She retorted VISTA-DOME TWIN ZEPHYRS ZEPHYR ROCKET it was all part her work. ****SLACK HAWK Si. Louis-St. Paul-Minnaapolis Lucerne, of from so I know 1 Chicago-St. Paul-Minnaapolli Item: Marilyn was obligated TEXAS ZEPHYR VISTA-DOME KANSAS CITY I Custom and to attend a number of parties. ZEPHYR Dalla.-Fort Worth-Danvaf ducked them. VISTA-DOME AMERICAN ROYAL ZEPHYR Joe I,,***lr* IlfeflJM Cbicago-Kan.a. City-St. Joseph „ -1 Item: Joe disliked her friends r Hou*ton-Dalla.-Fort Worth Marilyn an ultimatum VISTA-DOME CALIFORNIA ZEPHYR , , , . , and gave ... _ , , ana Four fine daily ' e u « trains between of them, Natasha Lytess, lak C "V - over one Chlcago-Danvar-Sa.lt Chicago-St. Paul Minneapolis and Marilyn’s coach. “Either she san Francisco Spokane-Seattle-Portland— Lucerne Is goes do,” told Marilyn NEBRASKA ZEPHYR I ME or I Joe VISTA-DOME NORTH LIMITED GET COAST shortly before she left for New AKOAK-eiNZIPHYK THE EMPIRE BUILDER HI York to work on “The Seven Chicogo-Omaha-lincoln WESTERN STAR a MAINSTREETER Year Itch.” Natasha made the eastward jaunt; Joe stayed BURLINGTON’S FAMILY FARE PLAN behind, but joined his wife there SAVES YOU MONEY—ASK ABOUT ITI Quality" later. , "Bonus j . Item: Joe wanted to move to Information losorvstions . Tickets Marilyn’s San Francisco. career W. G. SHISLER anchored to a Hollywood was General Agent lilßlß film lot. 425 Sharaham Building • Phona, EXacuMva 3-8700 ¦«§§ ' ’ ' JRKLfT|| Marilyn gave the news of the Washington S, D. C •*’ A beautiful, healthy, exotically colored bust-up casually. She telephoned no oxfro on ANY T&r.- Billy Wilder, her director on There’s Faro Burlington Irainl • PARRAKEET • No ~ LOCALLY wonder! -¦ GRADE "A" PEDIGREED BIRDS BRED Your neighbors are talking? E»E' ¦ . WjSjgtU ¦. .. yours for calling Custom, AD. 2-9000 for a free, no-obligation estimate on RiIPHOLSIERY or SLIPCOVERS FOR YOUR -pi 'wL * / .^r-^ PARRAKEET Absolutely FREE!. Nothing to buyl Too don't hov* to plac« an orderl We juit want the opportunity to dairy farmers must produce •how you how much money * you can tav at Cuitoml CALL AD. 2-9000 If you're considering reupholstery or new living room furniture ... no Lucerne sets its own standards —well above I r^SSli matter what style, period or fabrics you wish—or whot your price limit legal standards—for the purity, flavor, and I is—CALL CUSTOM FIRST for a no-obligation estimate on what you have in mind. Custom will give you EXACTLY what you want at the price cream-content of the milk it sells. Then you wont to pay—be it the finest made-to-order slip covers with SNAG- Lucerne pays farmers extra money, bonus PRUF rippers—Custom QUALITY reupholstery—or Custom draperies! money, for milk that scores high in all 0 those qualities. The higher the milk scores, IIIf¦ N §§j the bigger bonus the farmer earns. No I ym l wonder dairy farmers like to sell their A finest milk to Lucerne. JPAD/ Yet you pay nothing extra y FTfIH •SAVE 9 W/® for "Bonus Quality” Lucerne. j cuts costs by distributing milk ffc* (oil of ftoir furniture of Lucerne .. stores money sBbSbI . tomparabie beauty I tom§6tt{ through only. Lucerne saves Hoj||A/*ru [you by not making expensive house-to-house Safeway selects these handsome new LONG TIME TO PAY! No Monthly Payments till Novombor! deliveries. So for the same price as other T *W*».k M potatoes from the finest grown. milks, for less than home-delivered milk, No pee-wees—all are about 2 inches you and your family can enjoy Lucerne , ¦ Call AD. 2-9000 DAILY till 9 in diameter or better. No deep eyes or Bonus Quality Milk. Do that regularly I note: Lucerne Bonus FOR FREE ESTIMATE AND YOUR FREE PABRAKEETI Quality Milk is typical odd knobs, so there’s practically no waste. / lUC|g of the many fine quality Nt the FREE ESTIMATES AND PARRAKEETS ALSO GIVEN ~ ¦**¦ll products that bear Boil and top with butter... or cream and Lucerne name. Look for IN FOLLOWING AND SURROUNDING AREAS! • J - _ others, MARYLAND: Silver Sprint • Mt Rainier • Oreenbelt • College Park • L these too: Lu- • Chevj • • / Bethesda Chase Laurel Seat Pleasant • Hyattsvtlle • Bla- sprinkle with parsley ... or bake AH • your jammlL. ceme Vitamin D Milk, densburt Brentwood • Takoma Park VIRGINIA Arlington • Alexandria morv-o- l T ¦ • Pall* Church • Port Belvoir • Fairllngton Lucerne Chocolate (first brushing and oiling the skins). / (^hovet LUIBI 1111 Til~,vB , Dairy Drink, Lucerne / a*1y Table Cream, Lucerne Any way you serve our lovely new spuds fruit or veopf or^ _ I || Half-and-Haif, Lucerne sure decide ... Safeway’s the we're you’ll I ‘doesn’t I Quality But * best place in toum to buy potatoes! I —st SAFEtWZ^f Bonus milk you get I-—I Prices Effective Until Clom of Buoinate Wadnaaday, Oct. Mb at no extra cost—at SAFEWAY.
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