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A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z inophylla Click on images to enlarge

Family Scientific Name (G.Forst.) P.S.Green Green, P.S. (1986) Kew Bulletin 41(3): 1026. Female flowers [not vouchered]. Copyright G. Sankowsky Common name Birch, Ivory; Brush Bloodwood; Ivory Birch; Scrub Bloodwood Stem Bark exudate watery red or almost colourless and rapidly turning red on exposure. Fine black stripes usually visible in the blaze. Leaves and male flowers. Copyright Australian Image Leaves Index (APII). Photographer: M. Fagg. Leaf blades about 9-18 x 4-6.5 cm. Lateral veins forming loops inside the blade margin. Small oil dots visible with a lens. Flowers Male and female flowers about 10-15 mm diam. Sepals pubescent on the adaxial surface.

Fruit Fruit [not vouchered]. Copyright G. Sankowsky Fruit about 12-18 mm diam. Aril quite small, +/- equivalent to a caruncle. Seedlings Cotyledons elliptic, about 35-40 x 15-22 mm. Cataphylls produced between the cotyledons and the first pair of true leaves. At the tenth leaf stage: leaf blade elliptic, apex bluntly acuminate; stem encircled by conspicuous scars resembling stipular scars. Glands visible on the edge of the leaf blade close to its junction with the petiole. Seed germination time 20 to 59 days. Distribution and Ecology Occurs in CYP, NEQ, CEQ and southwards as far as south eastern . Altitudinal range in NEQ Fruit, side view and seeds. Copyright W. T. Cooper from 400-900 m. Grows in drier rain forest often associated with Kauri Pine (Agathis robusta). Also occurs in and Norfolk and Lord Howe Islands. Natural History & Notes Shrub (woody or herbaceous, 1-6 m tall) X Tree X Scale bar 10mm. Copyright CSIRO Synonyms inophyllus Forst. f., Prodr. : 67(1786), Type: New Caledonia, lecto: K; iso: BM, GOET. Fide Green , Kew Bull. 41: 1026 (1986). Baloghia lucida Endl., Prodromus Florae Norfolkicae : 84(1833), Type: Bauer, Holo: W. lucidum (Endl.) Mull.Arg., Prodromus 15(2.: 1116(1866). RFK Code 389 CC-BY Australian Tropical Herbarium unless otherwise indicated in the images. Cotyledon stage, Epigeal germination. Copyright CSIRO

10th leaf stage. Copyright CSIRO