ECROPA-PARIA\lESTET PARLAYESTO ECROPEO ECROPEES PARIEYENT EIROPIISCHES PARLAYEXT PARlEhIEST ECROPEES PARIAYESTO ELROPEC EYPRMKO Ii01SOBOT.\10 PAR1AYEST0 ECROPEO E1'ROOPAN PARlA1lEXTTI EI'ROPEAS PARlIA\IENT m EUROPAPAR1AYESTET WORKING PAPER ABRIDGED MULTILINGUAL EDITION VAPENEXPORTPOLITIKEN I MEDLEMSSTATERNA I EU - SAMMANFATTNING, SLUTSATS OCH REKOMR.1ENDATIONER - l 8 - 1999 This abridged edition is available in the following languages: PT (original) and DA/DE/ELEN/ES/FR/IT/NL/FI/SV The complete study (POLI 108) is available in PT (original), EN and FR. The opinions expressed in this document are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily represent the official position of the European Parliament. Reproduction and translation for non-commercial purposes are authorized provided the source is acknowledged and the publisher is given prior notice and sent a copy. Publisher: European Parliament L - 2929 Luxembourg Author: Joiio-Paulo Costa and Paula Pereira, under the direction of bar0 de Vasconcelos, International Institute of Strategic Studies, Lisbon Responsible: J. Javier Fernandez Femandez Directorate-General for Research Division for International and Institutional AfYairs Tel: (352) 4300-22758 Fax: (352) 43 40 71 E-mail:
[email protected] Manuscript completed in February 1999. The policy of the Member States of the European Unron in the field of arms exports &DICE Pagina EU-MEDLEMSSTATERNES POLITIK PA V!LBENEKSPORTOMR~ET. , , , . , , . , . 5 Forord Referat, konklusion og anbefalinger . , . , . , . 9 DIE POLITIK DER MITGLIEDSTAATEN DER EU AUF DEM GEBLETDER R~STUNGSEXPORTE . , . 19 Gbnvort Zusammenfassung, Fazit und Empfehlungen . , , . , , . , . , . , , 23 H IIOAITIKH TQN KPATQN MEAQN THX EYPQIIA~KHEENREHI; ETON TOMEATQNEZ'ATQ2TQNOlIAQN ...................................................... 35 r7po/loyoa Cuvoyrrl,