CP sub-cluster Newsletter for March 2021


On the 5th of March 7 y.o. boy died due to explosion of hand grenade in , NGCA. Reportedly, the grenade was activated by boy`s father, who found the grenade in 2014 during hostilities.

Key Child Protection Concerns

Save the children: During March, in and in Oblast, the level and intensity of shelling increased both in the evening and in the night. So, facilitators and case workers had regular talks with beneficiaries, children and their families about safety measures during shelling, as well as held informative excursion to the shelter (on the premises of the Community Centre in Krasnohorivka GCA).

SOS children’s villages mentions the following challenges: difficulties with access to social services in Stanytsya Luhanska due to new administrative division; lack of long-term psychosocial support for vulnerable families and children in alternative care arrangements.

Direct Response

Save the children:

Case Management Unit had 31 cases opened (21 b, 10g) and closed 11 cases (6b, 5g) in March. Emergency cash support provided to 22 cases (8b, 14g). Community Centre and mobile teams covered Maksymilianivka: 44 children (28 b, 16 g), Mariinka: 130 children (68b, 62 g), Halytsynivka: 7 children (6 b,1g), Zoriane: 22 children (9 b, 13 g), Community Centre: 33 children (15 b, 18g). Mobile units in Krasnohorivka covered 55 children (27 b, 28g)

HEART (Healing and education through the arts) programme started for 1 group of 9 children (6 b, 3g) aged 9-10.

Children participating in HEART program by Save the children

HEART (Healing and Education through the Arts), an art-based approach to PSS conducted for CWDs in specially designed environments by trained facilitators complying to all COVID-19 prevention measures. In 42 children were covered (21b; 21g), including 34 CWDs (17b;17g)


UNICEF/Ukrainian Foundation of Public Health PSS/GBV mobile teams continued their operations in Donetsk and Luhansk regions (GCA) in online mode of operations by means of psychological counselling provision via phone or skype and emergency home visits. In March 2722 consultations where conducted (82% females, 18% males); the most frequent reasons for addressing for assistance to MTs by phone or skype were domestic violence (44%), COVID-19-related inquiries (6%), out-of-family violence (7 %), requests for PSS (26%), bulling (2%) etc. In March 368 consultations were conducted for children (out of which 306 were regarding domestic violence).

The Child Helpline facilitated by NGO La Strada and UNICEF with a broad nationwide coverage continued functioning; in March 7261 cases were addressed via the helpline (6031 females, 1230 males). The most frequent reasons for addressing to the Helpline for assistance were violence against children, psychological health, relationships with family members, legal matters settlement, children’s rights and information on the helpline operations, COVID-19-related inquiries etc.

People in need:

PIN cooperates with local NGO partners “Child Smile” and “Equilibrium” to provide PSS along Contact line to expand community-based solutions by providing 345 PSS consultations and covering 274 unique beneficiaries: 58 %, 160 females; 42%, 114 males; 68 %, 187 children (54 %, 101 boys; 46%, 86 girls); 32%, 87 adults (15%, 13 males, 85 %, 74 females). Within social work, the social worker provided 24 consultations and covered 22 beneficiaries (23%, 5 men, 77%, 17 women). In addition, 34 psychological awareness sessions were conducted for 205 beneficiaries (12%, 25 males, 88%, 180 females).

Five PIN & partner`s PSS mobile teams operate in contact line 0-5 km (Maryinskaia, Avdiivska, Ocheretynska, Toretska, Svitlodarska UTCs of Donetska Oblast), Popasnianska UTC (Luganska obl.). The Psychological Hotline operates 24/7 free of charge by specially trained psychologists and received 905 calls (453 requests from men (50,1%) and 452 women (49,9%)).

SOS children’s villages:

In March SOS children’s villages has provided comprehensive support to 116 families (244 children) in Starobelsk, 80 families (175 children) in , 72 families (157 children) in Stanytsya Luhanska. The support has included individual and group PSS for children and adults, positive parenting sessions, computer literacy courses for parents and children, individual sessions as needed).

Psycho-pedagogical service has provided 520 consultations for 153 beneficiaries (56 adults, 97 children).

Advocacy Response Save the children:

25.03.2021 in Hirske, Luhansk GCA, within the project 'Enhancing access to quality life-savings services and safe environments for vulnerable children and families affected by the conflict in Eastern (GCA, Donetsk/)’ that aims to improve the access to PSS and protection services for children, a round table was held with the key stakeholders from local authorities, NGO representatives and community activists. Objective: to discuss the main issues of the referral pathways and how to improve and enhance them.


UNICEF in cooperation with Terre des hommes engaged 196 parents and caregivers into positive parenting sessions (181 women, 15 men). 116 individuals were covered through individual and group PSS sessions both online and offline modalities, including 20 girls, 65 women, 21 boys, 10 men. In March,70 new schools were identified for PSS activities. In reporting period, 10 individuals benefitted from case management through mine victims assistance activity (6 children and 4 adults)

Save the children:

Krasnohorivka Community Center (CC) continued providing PSS activities for children and their families.

Children and parents participated in Parenting without Violence (PwV) Common Approach. In total 17 children (9b; 8g), 20 adults (3m; 17f) were covered; 5 children’s sessions and 6 positive parenting sessions were conducted.

Life skills and Resilience for Youth, parents/caregivers sessions conducted by Slavic Heart facilitators for 2 groups in Krasnohorivka School 2.1 group of 12 children (6b, 6g),2 group of 17 children (6b,11g),

Community event ‘Spring Holiday’ covered 75 participants, 5 adults (5f), 70 children (36 b, 34 g). Covid-19 prevention interactive sessions with creative activities, in total 12 sessions for 148 children (79 b; 69g) took place in Maksymilianivka 34 children (18b,16g); Mariinka - 107 children (55b,52g); Halitsynivka - 7 children (6b,1g)

Positive Parenting sessions for parents in Kramatorsk and Sievierodonetsk by Save the children

Positive Parenting sessions for parents in Kramatorsk and Sievierodonetsk. 12 (F) new participants in March

SOS children’s villages

Organization has conducted 3 2-hours webinars on prevention of child abandonment with support of 47 specialists (social services providers) to individuals and families in difficult life circumstances and doctors from maternity hospitals and maternity welfare centres of Luhansk region. The webinars took place as a part of project “Preparation for transformation for Luhansk regional children’s home #2 and response to child protection challenges in connection to COVID-19”. The project is implemented in cooperation with UNICEF and Luhansk regional state administration.

People in need:

PIN conducted 3 trainings on professional and emotional burnout for PSS specialists, educators and volunteers\activists. A total of 36 participants were covered; of them 3 (8%) men and 33 (92%) women.