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1924 and 1925.Pdf I . • / 'i / I D ~ . EU\\' A IW M AY ~IA. C.IH ·() E R , fir st C hicf tain of American C lau G regor Socie ty which position he held to (he lime of his death . BOR'c , I RSH; Du:n , 19 25. • i\1t1l'ricun WI un (1)rl'Ul1f ~ l1 d l't !J /Uerti" g of Council O ctober 15, 192 5 Illherrua IJ 0 c t o r E d w ar d 1\1 a r :\1ag n uler, Chiefta in hy the unan imous choice of the mem bers of th is Society since its orga niza tion in 1909, who was horn Oil Saturday, Nov emb er 2 7th, 18 58, and died on Satu rday , J anuar y l flrh, 192 5, at his hom e in C harlott esville in the Stat e o f Virginia. llr lIt l!trllu!urll that the Council, 111 making announcement o f the deat h o f its Ch ie ft ain, desires t tl record also his lnring devotion, loyalty and • zeal for the wel fn re and accomplishme nt of the aims and pu rposc:s of the American Cl an Gregor Society. i\u ~ it further desires to record the deep sense of person al and lasting sor row Felt by each of the mem bers of the Council. llr lIt l!trllu!urll further that this Resol ution be spread upon the M inutes of the Cou ncil and such action be report ed to the C lan G at her ing, now in session, for its approva l and adoptio n as an t'xprt's­ sion of the love, sympathy, and unstinred fealty o f the entir e memb ership o f the Amer ican C lan Gregor Societ y. CAl.EB CLARKE J\.IAGRUDER OLl\' ER B AR RO N I\ I AGR UDER • AL EX..\ DN ER f\ l uNcAsTER YEARBOOK OF American Clan Gregor Society CONTAINING THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE FIFTEENTH AND SIXTEENTH ANNUAL GATHERINGS, 192+ AND 1925. .. EGBERT WATSON MAGRUDER EDITOR MEMBERS ARE EARNESTLY REQUESTED To SEND NOTI CES OF CHANGE OF ADDRESS To THE SC RIBE, MR. J. B. FERNEYHOUGH, FOREST HILL, RICH MO ND, VIR GI NIA, AN DTo MR. JOH N E. MUN­ CASTER, ROCKVI LLE, MARYLAND. SURBER PUBLIBHING C:: 0 MP A N Y INC•• C HARLO TTES V I LLE . VA . Copyrighted By EGBERT WATSON MAGRUDER, Editor. NOTE BY THE EDITOR. The Year Book of 1924 was printed and was being bound when a fire occurred in the print ing office and destroyed not only all of the printed books, but all of the manuscript as well. N ew manuscript of the papers had then to be secured and the Editor was successful in securing them all except the papers by the Rev. C. M. Wh itmore on the " Planting of the Province of Maryland at St. Mary's City in 1634," "Some Magrud er G raves in Mi ssissippi Recently Visited," by the Rev. J . M. Magruder, D . D., and the paper by C. C. Magrud er on "John Magruder of Dun­ blane." These papers could not be secured, consequentl y, they cannot be published in this Year Book. It was decided to publish the Year Books of 1924 and 1925 together und er one cover. That is why you will find both Year Books bound to­ gether. • OFFICERS. HEREDITARY CHIEF, SIR M AL C<ll. M M ACG RE GOR OFM ACGRE GOR, BART., Balquhidder, Scotland. OFFICERS ELECTED-19U *DR. EDWARD MAY MAGRUDER Chieftain CALEB CLARKE MAGRUDER Ranking D eputy Chieft ain J OH N BOWIE F ERNEYHOU GH Scribe R EV. JAMES MITCHELL M AGR UD ER, D . D .R egistrar MISS M ARY THE RESE HILL H istorian J OH N EDWI N M U N CAST ER T reasurer E GB ERT W ATSON M AGR UD ER Editor R EV. E. M. THOMPSON Chaplain ALEXANDERM UNCASTER Chancell or MRS. A NNE W ADE SHERIFF Deputy Scribe DR. STEUART B ROW N M UNCAST ER Surgeon COUNCILMEN- APPOIN TED 19 24 M RS. J. F. M. B o w IE . WILLIAM N EWMAN D ORSETT. D R. R. E .F E R NEYH OU GH. M Iss H E LEN W OODS M ACGREGOR G ANTT. M RS. L AU RA COOK HIGGINS. H E RB ER T T H OMAS M AGRUDER. O LI VE R B ARRON M AGRUDE R. M ISS R. G. M ACG RE GOR. D R. H E N RY BA RN ETT M cDo NN E LL. C L E M E NT \ VIL LI AM S H ERIFF. *Died J anuary 10th , 1925, and M r. Caleb Clarke M agruder elected Chi eft ain by the Council, Febru ary 28, 192 5. DEPUTY CHIEFTAINS-APPOINTED 1924. MAJ. E. M. TUTWILER AIabama E. M. JOHNSON Arizona MRS. ANNIE M. M CCORMICK Arkansas MRS. E. F. REEs California T. L. POLLOCK. Colorado MRS. JESSIE W. G. MyERS District of Columbia MRS. M. M. P ERMENTER Florida ROBERT L . MAGRUDER, JR Georgia MRS. STELLA P. LyLES Illinois T. B. MACGREGOR Kentucky THOS. M. WADE Louisiana CALVERT MAGRUDER Massachusetts ALVRA W. GREGORy Maitle WILLIAM P. MAGRUD ER Maryland MISS NANNIE H. MAGRUDER Mississippi MIss G. O. PENDLETON Missouri MRS; M. R. SHORT M ontana MRS. VIRGINIA M. CLARKE Nebraska J. MACGREGOR LITTELL New Jersey DONALD D. MAGRUDER New York MILTON JOHNSON Ohio GEORGE CORBIN WASHINGTON MAGRUDER Oklahoma RICHARD B. MAGRUDER Oregon MISS M. L. MAGRUDER Pennsylvania MISS CARRIE O. PEARMAN South Carolina MIss ELIZABETH M. DAVIS Tennessee A. L. C. MAGRUDER Texas HENRY MAGRUDER TAYLOR Virginia MRS. E. H . SNIVELY Washington GREY SILVER , West Virginia MRS. NANCY GRAHAM SIMMONS Wisconsin COMMITTEE ON MEMBERSHIP JOHN BOWIE F ERNEYHOU GH , Scribe Forest Hill, Richmond, Va. DR. EDWARD MAY MAGRUDER, Chieftain Charlottesoille, Va. MISS MARY THERESE HILL, Historian R. F. D., Landover, Md. REv. JAM ES MITCHELL MAGRUDER, D. D . Registrar........Annapolis, Md. SPECIAL COMMITTEES-APPOINTED 1924- I. C OMMITTEE AT L ARGE. Dr. William Edward Magruder, Jr. II. COMMITTEE ON PROGRAM. Caleb Clarke Magruder. III. COM MITTE E ON PINE. Caleb Clarke Magruder. IV. COMMITTEEON MUSIC. Mi ss Hel en Woods MacGr egor Gantt, Chairman j John Francis Mac­ Gr egor Bowie, Mrs. J. F. MacGregor Bowie, Mr s. J essie Waring Gantt Myers, Mrs. Russell N. McAlister, Mrs. C. W. Sheriff, Miss Rebecca MacGregor. V. COMMITTEE ON HOTEL. Clement William Sheriff. VI. COMMITTEEOND ECORATION OF HALL. Miss Mary Therese Hill, Mr s. Jul ia (Magruder) McDonnell, Mrs. Philip H. Sheriff. VII. COMMITTEE ON REGISTRATION . Oliver Barron Magruder. VIII. COMMITTEE ON H ONOR ROLL. Dr . E. M. Magrud er, Chairman; Mr s. R. J. M. Bukey, Mrs. L. C. Higgins, Rev. J. M. Magruder, Caleb Clarke Magruder. • 6 PROCEEDI NGS OF FIFTEENTH AND SIXTEENTH ANNUAL GATHERING .. PROCEEDINGS OF THE GATHERING OF 1924. THURSDAY, NOVE MBER 13TH. 3 P. M .-Regular Session, SOCIETY CALLED TO ORDER by the Chieftain, Dr. Edward May Magruder. INVOCATION by the Chaplain, Rev. James Mitchell Magruder, D.D. MUSIC-"Blest Be the Tie that Rinds," by the choir. REPORT of the Scribe, Mr. J. Bowie Fern eyhough. AS REGISTRAR was absent, no report was given. REPORT of the H istorian, M iss Mary Therese Hill, was read by E. W. Magruder. SONG-"Where, 0, Wh ere H as My Highland Laddie Gone," by the Choir. REPORT of the Treasurer, J ohn Edwin Muncaster. REPORT of the Edit or, Egbert Watson M agrud er. NEW BUSINESS. ANNOUNCEMENTS. ADJO URNMENT unti l 8 P. M . 8 P. M. -Regular Session. MUSIC- "Hail to the Chief," as Officers march into the hall, pre­ ceded by the American Flag and Service Flag. SOCIET Y CALLED TO ORDER by the Ranking Deputy Chieftain, Mr. C. C. Magruder. SONG-Miss Claire Sessford, "T he Fairies," and as an encore, "Rose Dance." ANN UAL ADDRESS, by Caleb Clarke Magrud er, Ranking Deputy Chiefta in, at the request of the Chieftain. Subject, "The Hi story of St. Barnabas' Church from its Inception to the Outbreak of the Revolution." SON G-"Annie Lauric," by the Choir. PAPER- "William Howard Magrud er, III ," by his brother, Rev. J. M . Magruder, D. D. DANCE-"Highland Flin g," by Mi ss Yolande Gantt. ADD RESS- "The Planting of the Province of Ma ryland at St. Mary's City in 1634," by Rev. C. W. Whitmore, Rector of St. Mary's Parish, Md. ADJOURNMENT. .. GENERAL RECEPTION. PROCEEDI NGS OF FIFTEENTH AN D SIXTEEN TH ANNUAL GATH ERING 7 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 14TH. 10:30 A. M .-Regular Session. SOC IET Y CALLED TO ORDER by the Ch ieftain. ADJOURN MENT to St.Barnabas'Church fo r unveilin g of tablet in memory of John Magrud er and his wife, Susanna Smith. SOC IETY CONVENED AT THECHURCH and marched in, pre­ ceded by the Flag and Banner. ADDRESS dedicating the Memorial by C. C. M agruder. ADJOURNMENT. 8 P. M .-Regular Session. SOC IET Y CALLED TO ORDER by the Chieftain. MUSIC- " Scotland, the Land of the Brave," and " Cock of the North," rendered on th e bagpipe by Dr. William Crawford. PAPER- "Horatio Erskine Magruder," by his brothe r, Dr. E. M . Ma­ grud er. Read by Rev. J. M. Magruder. MUSIC- "Loch Lomond," by Mi ss Cl aire Sessford. PAPER- "Some Magruder Gra ves in M ississippi Recentl y Visited," by Rev. J. M. Magruder, D. D. MUSIC- "The MacGregors' Gathering," and " Flower of Dunblaine," sung by J . F. M. Bowie, accompanied by Mr. Wilson. NEW BUSINESS. UNFINISHED BUSIN ESS.
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