METAPHOR Undergraduate Interdisciplinary Journal
METAPHOR Undergraduate Interdisciplinary Journal Metaphor is Weber State University’s undergraduate, interdisciplinary journal, in its thirty-third year of publication. The journal is staffed entirely by Weber State University students. Metaphor accepts submissions in visual arts, poetry, fiction, academic literature, and performing arts from students of Weber State University, and selected pieces from national submissions to the National Undergraduate Literature Conference. Publications in Metaphor are chosen through a blind submission pro- cess. The author, visual or performing artist of each piece is unknown until the piece is selected for publication. Metaphor is funded primarily through student fees and is distributed free of charge to students, faculty, guests at Weber State University’s annual National Undergraduate Literature Conference, and the community. Copyright © 2014 is retained by individual authors and visual and per- forming artists. Printed in the United States of America by Weber State University Printing Services, Ogden, Utah. Metaphor Weber State University 1404 University Circle Ogden, Utah 84408-1404 Visit us on the web: Book Design by Drew Bingham Cover Design by Tony D’Amico Acknowledgments Like all good machines, the Metaphor is comprised of many small moving parts. If one gear gets stuck, jammed, cracked, or has any of a myriad of technical issues, the whole system suffers. I would like to thank everyone who helped us get this issue compiled, bound, and delivered. Drew Bingham, our very patient Creative Director. I didn’t envy your part in this, but I am glad you were there to answer the call (and texts, e-mails, Facebook messages…) Brandon Petrizzo, Cindy Stokes, and the staff in Printing and Art Services, for answering all our questions early enough for us to plan and get the journal in the hands of all our readers.
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