Bernard Koteen Office of Public Interest Advising at Harvard Law School (OPIA)

Center for Public Interest Law at Columbia Law School (CPIL) (2007 and 2008 Editions)

© 2013 by the President and Fellows of Harvard College Table of Contents

. Acknowledgements and Disclaimer ...... 2

. Overview ...... 3

. Definition ...... 5

. How They Operate ...... 6

. What’s It Like to Work in One? ...... 7

. Landing a Position ...... 8

. What Firms Look For...... 9

. Advice from Private Public Interest Lawyers ...... 9

. Conclusion ...... 10

. Directory ...... 12

Private Public Interest and Plaintiffs’ Firm Guide 1 Acknowledgments

Harvard Law School has been producing a Guide to Private Public Interest and Plaintiffs’ Firms for a number of years. At Harvard Law School, Carolyn Stafford Stein, Assistant Director for Alumni Advising with the Bernard Koteen Office of Public Interest Advising (OPIA), wrote the original Guide upon which subsequent editions have been based. In 2007 we expanded this Guide thanks to help from Columbia Law School’s Center for Public Interest Law. The 2008 expanded Guide was truly the result of a collaborative process between OPIA and Columbia Law School’s Center for Public Interest Law (CPIL). At Columbia Law School, Harlene Katzman, former Dean of CPIL, provided valuable advice and editorial perspective from her own experience as a plaintiffs’ attorney. She, along with Ellen Chapnick, Dean for Social Justice Initiatives, also provided many contacts for the attorneys who were interviewed and many resources for the Directory. In addition, Haeya Yim, CPIL’s Program Coordinator, and Amy Shadden, CPIL’s intern, provided major assistance to the Directory. There are many other people to thank for their contributions to this Guide.

Updates have been done by subsequent OPIA interns, most recently 2013 Summer Fellow Kimberly Schroer. Alexa Shabecoff, OPIA’s Director and the Law School’s Assistant Dean for Public Service provided the original idea for this Guide and contacts, oversight and editorial assistance for all versions of this Guide.

First, we would like to thank the many attorneys who took the time to be interviewed for and quoted in this Guide. To preserve their anonymity, we will not name them here but hope that they know we appreciate their help.

Thanks are due to John Relman of Relman, Dane & Colfax; Andrew Celli, of Emery, Celli, Brinkerhoff and Abady; Brent Landau ‘01 of Hausfeld LLP, Anand Swaminathan ’06 of Loevy & Loevy, Stephen Rosenthal ’96 of Podhurst Orseck, P.A and Professor Scott Cummings ’96 of UCLA School of Law for allowing us to pick their brains for this edition of the Guide.

Thanks are also due to Mischa Bauermeister’13, for his insights on the summer job search process. Thanks also to former Visiting Professor Morris Ratner, ’91, formerly a partner at Lieff, Cabraser, for providing lists of additional firms.

Finally, a special thanks to Jahan Sagafi’01, Partner in charge of the Outten & Golden San Francisco office for his ongoing help with this Guide. Jahan has over the years provided us with a great deal of information about firms that should be included in the Guide and has provided a wealth of insight into this complex field, which informed most of the changes in the 2013 edition. He has also been generous with his time in assisting many students and recent graduates interested in breaking into this field. We are grateful for his passion and generosity.


Note: By including firms in this Guide, we are in no way vouching for their commitment to social justice. We advise students contemplating working for a private public interest or plaintiffs’-side firm to investigate to make sure that they share the mission of the firm that they are considering.

Harvard Law School students should note that a firm’s inclusion in this Guide does not automatically mean that work for that firm qualifies for the law school’s Summer Public Interest Funding Program (SPIF). A private public interest firm must meet the standards set forth on the Student Financial Services website at and must be approved by the SPIF staff before a student’s work there is considered eligible for SPIF.

Private Public Interest and Plaintiffs’ Firm Guide 2 PRIVATE PUBLIC INTEREST LAW FIRMS

When lawyers and law students think of public interest practice, they typically think of legal services or public defender offices, not-for-profit organizations such as the American Civil Liberties Union, or government agencies such as the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission or a district attorney’s office. Frequently overlooked is another important segment of the public interest market: private public interest law firms. Private public interest law firms are involved in many of the same issues addressed by not-for-profit public interest legal organizations and government agencies – but in a law firm setting. A second, and overlapping, category of private firms known as “plaintiffs’ firms” represents individuals and groups seeking to redress injuries with monetary damages, commonly in the fields of employee rights, consumer rights, personal injury, medical malpractice, product liability, antitrust violations and securities fraud.

There is no official test for what establishes a firm as a private public interest law firm. It is a somewhat elastic term, used to describe private, for-profit firms that dedicate at least a significant portion of their caseload to matters that have some broad social, political, or economic impact. While most are small, firms that fall under this broad definition come in a great variety of sizes – everything from a solo practitioner to a multi-city, 100+ lawyer operation – and work in an even greater range of subject areas – everything from criminal defense to international human rights to plaintiffs’ firms. There is also no clear-cut dividing line between a private public interest firm and a plaintiffs’ firm. As a result, we make no attempt to categorize the firms in our directory, though there are many that should be considered plaintiffs’ firms.

In a 2009 paper titled “Between Profit and Principle: The Private Public Interest Firm,” Scott L. Cummings (UCLA School of Law) and Ann Southworth (UC Irvine School of Law) describe private public interest law as such: “This category marks a range on a continuum, including firms pursuing different mixes of work and articulating various visions of the public interest.” In the article, they seek to explore the field of private public interest work. The authors examine private public interest firms by looking at the history of the field, the various theories of public service and its role in the legal profession, and the recent developments. To read the full article, please go to

Cummings and Southworth define private public interest firms as “a range of ‘hybrid’ entities that fuse ‘private’ and ‘public’ goals…for profit legal practices structured around service to some vision of the public interest. They are organized as for-profit entities, but advancing the public interest is one of their primary purposes—a core mission rather than a secondary concern” (p3, 6). The authors point out that private public interest firms are often in “pursuit of a political mission beyond client service” (p3). They explain that interest “has increased as the field has become larger and more complex, and as law students seek alternative public interest careers” (p2).

Where, then, to begin thinking about career opportunities in a private public interest firm? This guide will address some basic questions:

• What are private public interest law firms and how do they differ from other private law firms? • What is the difference between a public interest law firm and a plaintiffs’ firm? • How does a public interest firm operate? • What is it like to work in a public interest firm? • What do public interest firms look for in the lawyers they hire? • Where can one search for more information about specific public interest firms?

Private Public Interest and Plaintiffs’ Firm Guide 3 What They Are

Like traditional not-for-profit public interest organizations, public interest law firms usually have a particular social, political, or economic vision that includes helping underrepresented groups and/or promoting change. Public interest firms, like traditional not-for-profits, pursue cases that will advance their vision. A public interest law firm may, for example, represent employees suing their employers for unlawful discrimination or consumers charging a financial institution with deceptive practices.

However, unlike traditional not-for-profits, public interest firms operate as for-profit businesses. Public interest firms rely on the fees generated by their cases, rather than foundation grants or tax dollars, to pay the rent and their lawyers’ salaries. Thus, a public interest firm looks not only at the merits but also at the potential profitability of a case in deciding whether or not to take it on. As Jahan Sagafi ‘01, who has worked at two plaintiff’s firms, explains, “The important unifying feature of both is that we are fighting for justice on behalf of individual human beings whose rights are being violated by more powerful interests (usually corporate or governmental.) One way to distinguish between nonprofits and private public interest firms is that the former tend to represent the poorest of the poor, while the latter tend to represent populations that are less specifically limited and less extremely disadvantaged.” While both settings generally allow their attorneys to represent disadvantaged people against more powerful interests, private public interest firms do so with the understanding that they still need to make some sort of profit at the end of the day to survive. Firms have different means for ensuring their financial solvency. Some firms split their practice so that profit-driven client work can subsidize the public interest docket. At most such firms, associates will usually be required to work on both kinds of matters. Other firms choose to only represent clients that will further their public interest agenda but simply more strictly scrutinize the financial implications of each case.

What distinguishes a public interest firm from other private law firms? One public interest firm lawyer describes the difference this way: “Subject matter of the cases is the key to defining a firm as a private public interest law firm. The lawyers at my firm have ‘religion’; they really care about what they do. They are committed to their beliefs.” A second important distinction, offers another attorney, is the kind of clients public interest firms represent: “I represent people who are disenfranchised and powerless. We do a lot of similar things that government attorneys and public interest groups do, but we are able to make some money while accomplishing something good at the same time.”

Common areas of practice for public interest firms include:

• Criminal defense litigation • Civil litigation o Employment rights . Labor law (i.e., representing unions) . Employment rights • Wage and hour (e.g., overtime pay) • Employment discrimination (see below) . Occupational health and safety [does anyone actually do this?] o Civil rights litigation . Employment discrimination . Disability rights . Other civil rights (e.g., police brutality, prisoner rights)

Private Public Interest and Plaintiffs’ Firm Guide 4 o Immigration o Consumer protection . Financial products (suing banks) . Insurance liability (e.g., bad faith claims) . Antitrust . Product liability (e.g., defective consumer products, exploding Pintos) o Personal injury o Environmental protection (toxic torts and more) • Policy work • Lobbying • Transactional

Clients range from individuals with specific disputes, to small groups of plaintiffs with similar complaints, to large “classes” of similarly situated plaintiffs. In a class-action lawsuit, a number of similarly-situated people who have been injured but do not have the resources individually to sue the responsible party, band together in a single case. Some firms represent primarily individual clients while others may do almost exclusively class actions. This can be an important distinction for the student looking for the right fit.

Public interest firms are often, although not exclusively, “plaintiff-side”; that is, they represent the party bringing suit, usually against a corporate or other institutional defendant. One exception to the general rule that public interest law firms represent the plaintiff side is criminal practice, in which public interest law firms represent the accused defendant. One can argue that civil-side plaintiffs and criminal-side defendants are naturally grouped together in social justice litigation, as both tend to be disempowered entities. Civil plaintiffs allege that something was wrongfully taken from them, while criminal defendants allege that they are being wrongfully denied of their freedom. Other exceptions include the representation of clients such as not-for- profit organizations in defensive actions, including evictions, the protection of first amendment rights, employment matters, and contract disputes.

Examples of recent cases handled by public interest law firms reveal the tremendous range of issues such firms work on:

• An action on behalf of an employee injured by exposure to toxic chemicals • Defense of a Mexican immigrant faced with deportation • A suit on behalf of public employees to insure the right to discuss union issues at work • A sex discrimination suit on behalf of women brokers against a major Wall Street firm • A suit on behalf of agricultural workers against strawberry growers for using a potentially harmful pesticide without adequate warnings • A case on behalf of African-American families denied housing at an apartment complex which used a system of racially-coded applications • A suit challenging a police department’s routine use of dogs trained to bite their targets • Negotiation of a new lease for an artist in danger of losing his studio • An action on behalf of hundreds of tenants against a landlord for maintaining an apartment building in slum conditions over many years

Nor is public interest firm work confined to litigation. Private public interest firms work, for example, on affordable housing projects, as well as on corporate governance, tax and real estate issues on behalf of non-

Private Public Interest and Plaintiffs’ Firm Guide 5 profits or provide advice to clients.

What’s in a Name? Public Interest, Plaintiffs’ Firm or “Corporate” Firm?

Whether a particular firm should really be considered a “public interest” firm can in some instances be open to debate. At either end of the spectrum between what is public interest and what is purely commercial, it is relatively easy to characterize a given firm. A firm that handles court-appointed criminal defense work for indigent clients or represents immigrant workers against “sweatshop” employers is doing what almost everyone would agree is public interest work. If such cases make up the bulk of their practice, they can clearly be said to be a private public interest law firm. At the other end of the spectrum, a law firm that almost exclusively represents large corporate clients in disputes with other large corporations would not likely consider itself, or expect others to consider it, a public interest firm.

There are many types of work between these two extremes where the public interest nature of the case may lie in the eye of the beholder. As one veteran public interest lawyer put it: the determination as to what is really public interest work is “very subjective . . . almost everyone thinks they work for a public interest firm.” One category of firms that illustrates this definitional problem is firms that specialize in representing plaintiffs, individually or in large class-action suits for significant damages. Often referred to as plaintiffs’ firms, these firms may, for example, represent investors suing the officers and directors of a large corporation for fraud or mismanagement. Because they may be representing pension funds and/or individual investors who could not afford to sue on their own, and because they are often working to recoup losses caused by greed or even criminal malfeasance, such firms can reasonably argue that they are working in the public interest. But others would contest that designation, pointing out that the institutional investor clients are often as powerful as corporations and that such cases, in which millions of dollars in damages may ultimately be awarded, yield very handsome fees for the attorneys.

Another area in which the “public interest” label can be controversial is in personal injury litigation. Firms that represent plaintiffs in relatively routine personal injury cases – car accidents, workplace injuries, and medical malpractice – are not generally considered public interest law firms. Less clear is how to characterize a firm that handles personal injury cases that raise a broader social issue such as an allegedly defective automobile or other consumer product. Such firms may consider themselves to be a breed of public interest firm. Similarly, a firm that handles the occasional personal injury case as a means of generating income to subsidize its public interest docket may self-identify as a public interest firm. Adding to the complexity of characterizing plaintiff- side personal injury firms is the criticism some firms have drawn for seeking prodigious damage awards in which they secure large contingency fees. But Jahan Sagafi says “helping injured people get maximum compensation by asserting their interests against powerful insurance companies is socially valuable.” And he points out that “the reality is that the vast majority of plaintiffs’ lawyers make less than they would as defense lawyers, but they do it because they enjoy the social justice impact they have.”

Jahan Sagafi argues that there should not be a distinction between private public interest and plaintiffs’ firms because “all plaintiffs’ firms are public interest firms in a way that is easily distinguishable from corporate firms.” He maintains that all plaintiffs firms are “generally mission driven.” They have a social justice goal that looks beyond merely advancing the interests of particular clients, and generally seek to represent disadvantaged people (e.g., the poor, working class, people of color, people with disabilities, non-citizens, small businesses, etc.), against more powerful interests, but they’re private (so they exclude government and

Private Public Interest and Plaintiffs’ Firm Guide 6 nonprofits).” However, some attorneys go a step further, arguing that representing corporate clients can also advance social justice. Brent Landau ‘01, an attorney at Hausfeld LLP, argues that, “Public interest does not mean anti-corporation. There are corporate wrongdoers and corporate victims, just like individuals can be wrongdoers and victims. Enforcing the law and protecting victims is in the public interest.”

However, Stephen Rosenthal ‘96, a partner with Podhurst Orseck, P.A., believes that there are distinctions to be made. He says that one should not ignore the reality of the marketplace and that most private plaintiffs’ firms are businesses which necessarily focus on revenue, albeit differently than hourly-billing defense-side firms. Although these plaintiffs’ firms genuinely pride themselves on representing the powerless and victimized, their case-intake decisions are often driven by the potential profitability of the case, which requires evaluation of considerations like the merits of the claim, the likelihood of success, and the extent of the damages. “The notion that firms are acting directly in public interest in those cases,” he says, is a bit different. “While the firms may take the case in furtherance of a genuine public interest in, say, deterring future negligent conduct or improving public safety, those decisions are frequently infused with an assessment of the economic viability of the case.” He says that the distinction should be more “functional” than looking at the “substance” of the practice area. One way to approach this, he suggests as “practical, not value-laden,” is that to look at how the firm plans to make its fees. Contingency fee cases seeking purely injunctive relief typically offer greater social value than fee potential, so the work might be more fairly characterized as social justice. Those that seek damages for the individual client, on a contingency basis, are more likely to be motivated by economic imperatives. Class actions present something of a hybrid, given their scope.

The mission of this guide is not to resolve the debate but to make law students and attorneys engaged in a job search aware of the subjectivity of the “public interest” label when it comes to private firms. Whether or not a firm should be considered a “pure” public interest firm, a straight-out plaintiffs’ firm with no public interest dimension, or something in between, is a determination that can be made only after examining the details of a given firm’s practice; even then it may be open to reasonable disagreement. What is most important in considering a particular firm is to get behind the label to examine what kind(s) of cases the firm handles and whom they represent, and whether these cases and clients fit your own wants and needs.

How They Operate

Public interest firms frequently get their cases by referral from other law firms, public interest agencies, bar associations, or clients. Public interest firms may also garner media attention for high-profile cases, leading clients with similar issues to seek them out.

These firms generally charge clients for their services and make decisions on whom to represent with at least some concern for the finances of a case. Frequently, public interest firms are paid on a contingency basis. In contingency cases, the firm does not charge the client a fee unless he or she wins the case. If the case is won, the firm takes a percentage of the settlement or court award. If the case is lost, the client pays nothing. Plaintiffs’ firms work on contingency in the great majority of their cases.

Public interest firms must necessarily choose the contingency cases they take on carefully – by first investigating the facts, judging the likelihood of success, and estimating the expense of litigating the case before agreeing to represent a client. One lawyer describes the process by saying that her firm “has to be pretty selective about what cases we will take on. We think about what resources we will need for a case and what

Private Public Interest and Plaintiffs’ Firm Guide 7 time and resources we will be giving up on other cases by taking a particular case on.” Having made a careful decision about a case at the outset, however, the firm sticks with a case no matter what: “If it’s worth pursuing, it’s worth pursuing to the end.” Another attorney explained that his firm pursues only 10% to 20% of the cases that potential clients bring in. The firm goes forward only with those cases that both have a good chance of being successful and where the firm believes there is some social benefit to be achieved through the case. Jahan Sagafi puts it this way: “One other implication of the case selection realities is that being selective allows us to focus on socially-beneficial cases; by definition, a case that will lose is usually (not always) a case that should not be brought. That control over our docket is a key aspect to being a social-justice-oriented plaintiffs’ lawyer.”

In non-contingency cases – e.g., immigration, family law, and landlord/tenant disputes – firms may charge an hourly fee or a flat rate. Because public interest firms must earn their way through their public interest practice, they may do little or no pro bono work. They may, however, be able to charge rates that are lower than the rates charged by traditional private law firms because their smaller size or less luxurious setting keeps their overhead costs down. Some firms charge on a sliding scale based on the client’s income.

The for-profit nature of public interest firms creates distinct advantages and disadvantages compared to traditional public interest settings such as the government and non-profits. A major advantage is the potential for considerably higher salaries for the attorneys. However, with that potential comes the responsibility for looking at the economics of every case. Many firms will not represent a client who cannot pay if there is no potential to at least recoup the cost of the litigation. One lawyer admits that some of his more “heartbreaking moments” have been turning away people who have been wronged because the case had little financial merit. Lawyers also admit that there can be pressure to settle a case, even if the client wants to litigate, when the cost of litigation will be higher than the expected award. Another drawback for some lawyers is the discomfort of having to bill low-income clients at all. One practitioner who thoroughly enjoys her criminal defense and immigration practice reports that she makes considerably more than she would as, for example, a state public defender. Nevertheless, she laments that she “hates collecting the money,” as even her reduced fees represent “a huge amount” from her client’s perspective. This practitioner “wishes she didn’t have to think about the monetary aspect of her cases.” Another lawyer explains, “You have to have an entrepreneurial spirit to work in private practice…You have to make it happen.”

What It’s Like to Work in One

Lawyers are drawn to public interest firms by a passion for the issues their firms address and the clients they serve. Universally, public interest firm lawyers cite the shared commitment of their colleagues as a major advantage of their practices. One attorney summed up his experience: “You get to work with a group of people who are colorful, people you would really enjoy hanging out with. You get to work on amazing cases, and then you go home knowing you have helped someone.”

In general, public interest firms are smaller than conventional, big-city corporate firms. The smaller public interest firms are comprised of fewer than ten attorneys, with the larger firms having as many as thirty-five or more lawyers. Some firms are bigger. Firms that pursue more plaintiff-side work – i.e., major tort or financial cases – tend to be bigger than those that do more traditional public interest work. The relatively intimate work environment offered by most public interest firms creates the potential for close working relationships and real collegiality. However, the potential for a mismatch or even clash of styles is also heightened. In an office with

Private Public Interest and Plaintiffs’ Firm Guide 8 only a few attorneys the personality mix can be critical. In researching and interviewing with a public interest firm, pay close attention to the feel of the office – how the attorneys interact, whether one or two strong personalities set the tone for the office, etc. – to determine whether or not it is a good fit for you.

Because they are generally smaller than traditional commercial firms and put fewer attorneys on each case, public interest or plaintiffs’ firms tend to give young attorneys a greater share of responsibility. As one partner described her firm: “New associates get plenty of responsibility – as much as they can handle.” A lawyer at a different firm – a large one, by public interest standards – described the level of responsibility for associates there as follows: “In their first year, associates will be doing the same work they would in their fifth year at a big firm.” Another benefit to the lean staffing of cases is that attorneys at all levels of experience tend to see more court time in public interest and plaintiffs’ firms. Describing how she spends her workweek, one attorney stated that she “is in court all the time.” “Some years I have lots of trials,” she explained, “other years, not as many. It is rare for me to have two weeks without going to court.” Smaller size is not without its drawbacks, however. A small firm may have a more precarious income flow; a year or two without winning or settling a major case can create financial instability for the entire firm.

The number of hours worked by public interest firm lawyers varies considerably from firm to firm. Most public interest lawyers report, however, that their hours are more reasonable than those of their corporate-firm counterparts. On average, lawyers work 50 to 60 hours a week, with longer hours when on trial. As one lawyer put it, “It’s not a crazed existence.” Another described her work schedule as follows: “If I don’t have a trial coming up, I might just work one evening a week. If I do have a trial, I work 24/7.” One lawyer explained that a major benefit to her practice was her ability to keep her life in balance, saving enough time for her family and for outside interests. Another observed that while the pay was higher at her public interest firm than at the non- profit where she had worked previously, the hours were longer.

Public interest firms offer at least the possibility of salaries that are significantly higher than those earned by traditional non-profit or government lawyers. There is quite a bit of variation in salaries among public interest firms depending on their size and the nature of cases they handle. At some public interest firms, associates receive salaries comparable to attorneys in legal services or state government offices, in the $40,000 to $50,000 range; at others, even new associates are paid closer to $80,000 a year. In contrast to not-for-profit organizations and government agencies, most public interest law firm lawyers also have the potential to receive a bonus in a profitable year. Plaintiffs’ firms offer an even wider variation in salary because there is the potential in successful firms that handle big-money cases for salaries that are as high as or higher than in any Wall Street firm. In both public interest and plaintiffs’ firms, salaries for experienced attorneys may in part reflect how much business they bring in and/or how many cases they handle.

The facilities and resources of a public interest firm may also be more generous than those of a non-profit or government office. Private public interest practitioners commonly remark that they appreciate the strong resources – in terms of staff, equipment, and space – that their firms offer. All things are relative, however, and the same lawyers report that their firms’ resources, while ample compared to a non-profit, pale in comparison to those of a traditional large corporate firm. Though it is impossible to generalize given the wide range of firms, the chart below compares private public interest firms with nonprofits and corporate firms.

relative to corporate firms relative to nonprofits • lower compensation • higher compensation • smaller size • varies, but similar in size

Private Public Interest and Plaintiffs’ Firm Guide 9 • slightly fewer hours • more hours • more responsibility • often same responsibility • culture that is much more social • culture that is more oriented to justice oriented financial sustainability • fewer resources • more resources • the work requires self-starters, • the work requires people who people who can figure it out on are practical and thrive in a their own, people who are market-based competitive assertive and want to drive a environment case forward

Landing a Position

Securing a position at public interest firms can be much more challenging than the process for traditional large firms, largely due to the smaller size of the firms. Public interest firms do hire entry-level attorneys and even summer associates, but more sporadically and in much smaller numbers than the large corporate firms. Although some private public interest firms hire students directly upon graduation or after a clerkship, others hire attorneys with a few years of practice experience. However, even these firms may have summer positions for law students or may be willing to consider a recent graduate with exceptional experience. In addition, several private public interest firms that have not traditionally hired attorneys right out of school or clerkships are now offering fellowship positions for new lawyers.

Many public interest firms are interested in hiring summer interns but some are unable to do so until they can gauge how much work they will have for their summer associates/law clerks. There is no uniform summer hiring timeline and the process can range from late summer until the spring. This variable hiring timeline can pose a challenge to many law students, especially when weighing summer position offers that may come before other firms have even begun interviewing or responding to applications.

Entry-level hiring poses its own challenges. Due to the limited size, most firms simply wait until they have an opening. Jahan Sagafi recommends reaching out repeatedly to a firm (e.g. 2-3 times during the year) to ensure that you give yourself the best chance at finding an open position at the right time. As he explains, “Because plaintiffs’ firms hire in bursts in response to moments of need (and not on a particular schedule), writing six months too early can be just as useless as writing one month too late. Multiple letters and emails can help grab the firm at the right moment.” For lateral hiring, public interest and plaintiffs’ firms draw from a variety of practice settings. Experienced attorneys may come to public interest firms from district attorney’s or attorney general offices, other government agencies, large corporate firms, legal services offices, or public-interest non- profits.

For both lateral hiring and summer positions, it is important that applicants sufficiently research prospective firms to determine their practice areas of the firm and confirm they align with the interests of the student/attorney. A public interest firm’s docket and expertise may shift over time or a firm may develop a niche practice area that predominates, while still advertising casework in a wider array of practice areas.

Private Public Interest and Plaintiffs’ Firm Guide 10 What They Look for in the Attorneys They Hire

Public interest law firms look for the usual credentials when hiring, such as a strong academic background and good research and writing skills. However, unlike traditional law firms, public interest firms also look for experience in and commitment to the subject areas of the firm’s practice. Public interest experience, in the form of clinical work, summer jobs, and/or academic-year activities, is critical. Likewise, because of the significant responsibility young attorneys are given in public interest firms, these firms seek candidates who are self- starting and quick to learn. One lawyer describes her firm’s hiring strategy: “We want energetic, hungry people with good writing, critical thinking, and entrepreneurial skills; people with a passion for and experience in public interest work.” Another said, “We want to hire people who can take initiative and be proactive.” One partner explained that her firm is “very driven” and looks for that “level of commitment in people it hires . . . we look for people who have the ability to handle a lot of pressure and people who are committed to civil rights in a very aggressive way.” Likewise, due to the typically smaller nature of many firms, public interest lawyers stress the importance of judging how well an applicant will “fit” at the given firm; this quality highlights the importance of interviews and previous experience to the hiring process. Because every firm is unique in its specific goals and vision, applicants should be sure to use their cover letter to demonstrate that they believe in the firm’s mission. If feasible, they should also try to note something particular about the firm they are applying to that draws their interest, which can be picked up from its webpage.

Advice to Law Students from Private Public Interest Lawyers

• We asked a number of private public interest firm lawyers for their advice to students interested in career opportunities in public interest firms. Here’s what they had to say:

• When investigating a firm, look at what kind of cases they do, for whom you will be working, what kind of structure the firm has, and what kinds of things they let new people do. Your investigation should be content driven; you should seek to find out what they actually do at the firm.

• To find a job in a public interest firm or any other area of the law, you have to NETWORK! Rely on alumni from your law school and keep in touch with people you work with during the summer. You really need to keep in touch with people you have worked with to stay well connected.

• When considering a firm, have very frank conversations with the firms’ associates and hear from them the kind of work that you would be expected to do.

• It is important to understand the practice of the firm that you are looking to join and the kind of cases they are involved in, especially since in most public interest firms, there is some portion of the caseload that does not involve public interest work. Be clear about the kind of responsibilities you will be asked to take on and make sure that is the kind of work you enjoy and care about doing.

• Many public interest firms are very issue specific. So a student who wants to work at a firm should be sure they want to devote his or her time to the area in which that firm focuses. Ask, too, whether there are other types of cases you will be asked to handle just to bring money into the firm (like real estate closings or divorce cases) and make sure you are OK with that.

• You should ask yourself before joining the firm if working there would be a learning experience. Will you be working with people who have good skills and a strong commitment? Will you be given opportunities to engage in all aspects of the cases that the firm handles?

Private Public Interest and Plaintiffs’ Firm Guide 11

• There is a difference in the kind of training a new lawyer would get in a public interest firm versus a large, traditional corporate firm. In a small public interest firm, you are likely to be given a lot more responsibility sooner – taking and defending depositions and drafting pleadings long before an attorney at the same level at a big firm. On the other hand, because larger firms have more resources, they have the time to make sure that everything is perfect. A new lawyer might write fifteen drafts of a document and have each reviewed by a more senior lawyer. That can give you great writing skills.

• Think of the lifestyle and the kind of environment you will be walking into. My firm is much smaller than a corporate firm and hence has a more personal atmosphere. We don’t have to wear suits, for example, and it’s a comfort level that I like. Also, try to make sure you will like working with the people in the firm. In a small firm, people’s individual personalities really come out.

• When students get into a summer program at a firm, they shouldn’t just work on the “cherry” cases or on a reduced schedule. They should try to work as hard as the lawyers, and put in as many hours as they do to get a realistic picture of what it’s really like.

• Number one: don’t compromise, and number two: don’t rationalize because of pressures, financial or otherwise, getting into something you don’t want to do. Do volunteer work if you can’t find a paying position working with the issues that interest you; it’s a great way to get visibility as someone who is committed to the specific public interest issues.

• Ask yourself, do you love the subject matter? Do you love the clients? Ideally, you should answer yes to both, but you’re in big trouble if you go into something in which you like neither.

• Look for honesty and integrity in the firm’s lawyers, and a commitment to their clients’ objectives. That is what, for me, makes a public interest law firm good.


Many private public interest lawyers say that they love what they do because they care about the cases they work on and that they work with people who are interesting and committed. One attorney said about his firm, “If you spend a day here, you’ll know why it’s so great. People are having fun. They find themselves and the work that they do worthwhile. It’s a very positive atmosphere.” Public interest firm lawyers boast that they reap the personal fulfillment of working on issues they believe in, while enjoying the financial rewards of private practice. As another attorney described his practice, “It combines the best of both worlds. You get the opportunity to push your ideals in full action, but you don’t have to live with financial constraints.”

Of course, no practice setting is perfect. Because public interest firms do operate as for-profit businesses, their lawyers may feel frustrated by the financial realities that affect which cases they can accept. Attorneys in some firms complain of pressure to take on those cases that will generate the highest fees rather than cases that are most deserving or most in keeping with their interests. But for public interest firm lawyers, the emotional, intellectual, and financial rewards of their practices more than outweigh any disadvantages. Their positive descriptions of the work they do everyday speak for themselves:

• “There are so many people from my law school class who are unhappy with what they do. I like what I do.”

Private Public Interest and Plaintiffs’ Firm Guide 12 • “I appreciate the ability to decide what cases I want to bring. I have a dream job because I can focus on the cases that I am interested in.” • “Our cases are a million times more interesting [than commercial cases], attorneys get more responsibility, and we’re on the right side!” • “The most rewarding aspect of my job is that I can go to my desk and pull out at least 30 cases where I feel that I have really had an impact on something. I like that I am able to take cases that attack inequities in society that won’t be challenged otherwise. I like affecting lives in a way that matters.” • “I enjoy coming to work every day.”

Private Public Interest and Plaintiffs’ Firm Guide 13 PRIVATE PUBLIC INTEREST AND PLAINTIFFS’ FIRM DIRECTORY

ALABAMA Montgomery, AL, 36106 Mobile Office BEASLEY, ALLEN, CROW, (334) 271-2770 205 North Conception Street METHVIN, PORTIS & MILES, Description: Represents a wide Mobile, AL 36603 PC range of civil rights plaintiffs who (205) 314-0500 Lisa Harris have suffered from discrimination Fax: (205) 254-1500 218 Commerce St. Montgomery, Areas of Specialization: Civil AL 36104 rights, fair housing, police Description: Plaintiffs’ only firm (800) 898-2034 misconduct, women’s rights involved in a variety of practice Fax: (334) 954-7555 Types of Advocacy: Appellate, areas with experience at the [email protected] class action, client-based, impact appellate level. Approximately litigation, individual cases three dozen attorneys across the Description: A firm of over 70 four offices. attorneys and more than 200 WHATLEY DRAKE & Hiring: Does not regularly hire, support staff representing plaintiffs KALLAS, LLC but does have summer associate and claimants in civil litigation. Howard Miles program. The firm usually accepts Hiring: The firm does not have a Executive Director 4-6 students each summer to work regular hiring schedule for new 2001 Park Place, N. Ste. 1000 in the main office, who are paid attorneys and summer associates. Birmingham, AL 35203 $10/hr for 40hr weeks. Students are However, interested candidates (205) 328-9576 encouraged to send resumes to the should contact Lisa Harris about Fax: (205) 328-9669 firm in the late fall. Interviews will possible opportunities. [email protected] occur in winter or early spring, and Areas of Specialization: Business [email protected] decisions will be made in March or litigation, personal injury, product April. liability, medical devices and drugs, Description: Seven attorneys work Areas of Specialization: Civil fraud, environmental, out of this office. rights/civil liberties, consumer, labor/employment Hiring: The firm is currently not employment, environment, health, Types of Advocacy: Class action, on a regular hiring schedule. labor, whistleblower/qui tam, complex litigation Summer internship process begins personal injury, education in December, when interested Types of Advocacy: Individual KING, WILEY & WILLIAMS applicants should call. The firm cases, civil litigation, appellate. Franklin Williams, Partner usually only takes zero or one (See also DC, FL) 1824 Third Ave. intern, if able to get a volunteer, as South Jasper, AL 35501 they do not pay. ALASKA (205) 221-3500 Areas of Specialization: Civil rights/civil liberties, consumer, FRIEDMAN RUBIN Description: Plaintiffs’ litigation disability, predatory lending, 1227 W. 9th Ave. firm comprised of five attorneys. labor/employment, family, health, Anchorage, AK 99501 Hiring: No regular hiring or securities, antitrust (907) 258-0704 summer intern program. Types of Advocacy: Class action, Fax: (907) 278 6449 Areas of Specialization: administrative hearings, appeals, (See WA for main listing) Labor/employment, personal injury, ADR/mediation, complex litigation medical malpractice, products (See also NY, MA). SONOSKY, CHAMBERS, liability, consumer fraud SACHSE, ENDRESON & Types of Advocacy: Individual WIGGINS, CHILDS, QUINN & PERRY, LLP cases, class action, civil litigation, PANTAZIS, LLC Anchorage Office investigations, ADR/mediation Dennis “DG” Pantazis, Partner Margaret A. Robichaud Birmingham Office 900 W. 5th Ave., Ste. 700 SABEL & SABEL, PC The Kress Building Anchorage, AK 99501-2029 2800 Zelda Rd., Ste. 100-5 301 19th St. N. (907) 258-6377 Birmingham, AL 35203 Fax: (907) 272-8332 (205) 314-0500 [email protected] Fax: (205) 254-1500 Juneau Office Private Public Interest and Plaintiffs’ Firm Guide 14 Denise R. Meek Injury, consumer, elderly liability, anti-trust 302 Gold St., Ste. 201 Types of Advocacy: Individual Types of Advocacy: Class action, Juneau, AK 99801 (907) 586-5880 representation, complex litigation impact litigation Fax: (907) 586-5883 [email protected] ADAMS, BROADWELL, ALIOTO LAW OFFICES (See DC for main listing). JOSEPH & CARDOZO, PC Emily Cohen Rita Deangilis 700 Montgomery St. ARKANSAS San Francisco Office San Francisco, CA 94111-2104 601 Gateway Blvd., Ste. 1000 (415) 434-8700 PROVOST & UMPHREY LLP San Francisco, CA 94080-7037 Fax: (415) 438-4638 1 Riverfront Pl., Ste. 605 (650) 589-1660 [email protected] Little Rock, AR 72114 Fax: (650) 589-5062 (501) 374-3655 Sacramento Office Description: Four attorneys who (See TX for main listing). 520 Capitol Mall, Ste 350 specialize in employment litigation Sacramento, CA 95814-4715 and discrimination cases. ARIZONA (916) 444-6201 Hiring: The firm does not regularly Fax: (916) 444-6209 hire new attorneys. The firm HAGENS BERMAN SOBOL [email protected] usually hires one or two unpaid SHAPIRO LLP summer associates, although Robert Carey Description: The firm has 10 in sometimes more depending on the 11 W. Jefferson Street, Ste. 1000 house attorneys who all specialize expected caseload. The firm has a Phoenix, AZ 85003 in environment and land use law less formal recruitment process, (602) 840-5900 Hiring: The firm does not regularly with decisions about the summer Fax: (602) 840-3012 hire or accept summer associates. usually reached in December or [email protected] Areas of Specialization: January, although interested (See WA for main listing). Labor/employment, environmental, applicants are encouraged to energy/utilities, employment/labor, contact the office in the fall. SCHNEIDER WALLACE land use Areas of Specialization: COTTRELL BRAYTON Types of Advocacy: Regulations, Employment/labor, KONECKY LLP administrative hearings, litigation, discrimination/harassment, personal 8501 North Scottsdale Road legislation, alternative dispute injury, housing, whistleblower Suite 270 resolution Types of Representation: Civil Scottsdale, AZ 85253 litigation, mediation, individual (480) 428-0144 ADLER & COLVIN representation Fax: (866) 505-8036 Cynthia Walrod, Executive Director (See CA for main office) Russ Building, Suite 1220 ALTSHULER, BERZON, LLP 235 Montgomery St. Michael Rubin CALIFORNIA San Francisco, CA 94104 177 Post Street, Ste. 300 San Francisco, CA 94108 ABRAHAM SMITH ALEXANDER HAWES LLP (415) 421-7151 WALDSMITH LLP Michael R. Krol Fax: (415) 362-8064 Robert J. Waldsmith, Partner Jose Office [email protected] 44 Montgomery St., Ste. 3340 152 N. 3rd St. San Francisco, CA 94104 San Jose, CA 95112 Description: Firm of about two (415) 421-7995 (888) 777-1776 dozen attorneys that specializes in Fax: (415) 421-0912 Fax: (408) 287-1776 representing unions in complex [email protected] litigation. Description: The firm of five m Hiring: The firm does recruit attorneys handles complex cases Description: Very small, specialty permanent attorneys and accepts involving serious injury and law firm focused on personal injury applications from law school wrongful death litigation against and consumer protection. graduates, judicial law clerks, and large corporations and insurance Hiring: The firm has no regular attorneys seeking lateral positions. companies. hiring and does not hire summer The firm typically hires four or five Hiring: The firm does not associates. summer associates each year, regularly hire associates. Areas of Specialization: Personal accepting only 2Ls. The firm Areas of Specialization: Personal injury, environment/toxics, product participates in early hiring program, Private Public Interest and Plaintiffs’ Firm Guide 15 so its application process hire summer associates. litigation, transactions begins first thing in the fall. Areas of Specialization: Criminal Areas of Specialization: defense, antitrust violations, BAKER, KEENER & NAHRA, Employment/labor, consumer, environmental violations, fraud LLP constitutional, civil rights/civil and tax law Sanan Barbar liberties, environmental, human Types of Advocacy: Individual 633 W. 5th St., 54th Fl. rights, immigration cases, investigation, appellate Los Angeles, CA 90071 Types of Advocacy: Impact (213) 241-0900 litigation, class actions, appellate, ARNS LAW FIRM Fax: (213) 241-0990 individual cases Dina Langley 515 Folsom, 3rd Fl. Description: 14 in house attorneys, ANDERSON, OGILVIE & San Francisco, CA 94105 specializing in complex litigation at BREWER (415) 495-7800 the state and federal level. Carol McLean Brewer Fax: (415) 495-7888 Hiring: The firm does not regularly 600 California Street, 18th Floor [email protected] hire nor typically take summer San Francisco, CA 94108 associates. (415) 651-1950 Description: Small private firm of Areas of Specialization: Fax: (415) 651-1953 eight attorneys that represents Professional malpractice, [email protected] individuals and families in class employment law, environmental actions, serious personal injury, toxic torts, injury, real estate, Description: Three attorneys who wrongful death, and employment employment, consumer specialize in consumer protection. related cases. Types of Advocacy: Individual Hiring: Does not hire new Hiring: The firm typically hires a cases, class actions, complex associates or summer associates. couple of unpaid summer interns, litigation, transactions Areas of Specialization: Consumer fielding applications in the winter. protection, lemon law, Areas of Specialization: BALAMUTH LAW repossession, credit reports Labor/employment, personal injury, Kelly Balamuth, Partner Types of Advocacy: Individual consumer, medical malpractice, Moraga Office cases, impact litigation, class unfair business practices 1001 Country Club Dr., #F Action Types of Advocacy: Individual Moraga, California 94556 cases, class actions, complex (925) 254-1234 ANGEL LAW litigation Emeryville Office 2601 Ocean Park Blvd, Ste 205 (See also NV). 3300 Powell St., #201 Santa Monica, CA, 90405 Emeryville, CA 94608 (310) 314-6433 AUDET & PARTNERS, LLP (510) 832-3100 Description: Three attorneys who Ginnie Smithern Walnut Creek Office specialize in environmental law. 221 Main St., Ste. 1460 2121 N. California Blvd., #290 Areas of Specialization: San Francisco, CA 94105 Walnut Creek, CA 94596 Environmental law (415) 568-2555 (925) 887-0809 Types of Advocacy: Civil Fax: (415) 568-2556 litigation, impact litigation [email protected] Description: Ten attorneys who Description: Plaintiffs’ only firm ARGUEDAS, CASSMAN & focus on complex individual of one full-time and one part-time HEADLEY, LLP litigation. attorney. Ted Cassman, Partner Hiring: The firm does not have a Hiring: The firm does not regularly 803 Hearst Ave. Berkeley, CA regular hiring schedule; students hire. Students interested in a 94710 interested in a summer associate summer opportunity should inquire (510) 845-3000 position should contact Ginnie via telephone. Fax: (510) 845-3003 Smithern directly. Areas of Specialization: Personal [email protected] Areas of Specialization: injury, malpractice, motor vehicle Consumer, employment, antitrust, accidents, products liability law, Description: Firm of seven trial whistleblower, securities, social security disability, workers’ attorneys, with a focus on appellate shareholder rights, personal injury compensation law, wrongful death, practice. Types of Advocacy: Individual and premises liability Hiring: The firm does not have a cases, class actions, complex Types of Advocacy: Client-based regular hiring schedule and does not Private Public Interest and Plaintiffs’ Firm Guide 16 litigation, arbitration, impact Description: Firm of 20+ Oakland, CA 94612 litigation attorneys focused mainly on all (510) 835-8870 aspects of labor relations. Fax: (510) 835-0415 BARON & BUDD, PC Hiring: The firm does not regularly Antioch Office 9465 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 460 hire new attorneys, but it does 3105 Lone Tree Way, Ste. D Beverly Hills, CA 90212 generally hire one summer Antioch, CA 94509 (310) 860-0476 associate each year – with decisions (925) 753-4074 Fax: (310) 860-0480 in the winter. Interested applicants [email protected] (See TX for main listing). should contact the firm directly sometime in the fall. Description: With 17 attorneys, the BARROWAY TOPAZ Area of Specialization: Labor law, firm is the largest firm in Northern KESSLER MELTZER CHECK union-side, facilitation & training, California representing injured LLP mediation, bankruptcy, employees. 580 California St., Ste. 1750 education law Areas of Specialization: Injury, San Francisco, CA 94104 Types of Advocacy: Individual employment, social security (415) 400-3000 cases, client-based litigation disability, consumer, Fax: (415) 400-3001 Types of Advocacy: Individual (See PA for main listing). BERMAN DEVALERIO litigation, class action 1 California St., Ste. 900 BASSI EDLIN HUIE & BLUM San Francisco, CA 94111 BRAMSON, PLUTZIK, LLP (415) 433-3200 MAHLER & BIRKHAEUSER Lisa Muhl Fax: (415) 433-6382 LLP 351 California St., Ste. 200 (See MA for main listing). 2125 Oak Grove Rd. Ste. 120 San Francisco, CA 94104 Walnut Creek, CA 94598 (415) 397-9006 BERNSTEIN, LITOWITZ, (925) 945-0200 Fax: (415) 397-1339 BERGER & GROSSMAN, LLP Fax: (925) 945-8792 [email protected] Marina Mills info@ 12481 High Bluff Dr., Ste. 300 Description: The firm has 20 San Diego, CA 92130 Description: Smaller firm of six attorneys, all with prior trial (858) 793-0070 attorneys focused on large experience and a focus on Fax: (858) 793-0323 plaintiffs’ claims. litigation. Areas of Specialization: Hiring: The firm only makes lateral Description: National firm of 50+ Consumer, antitrust, commercial hires for attorneys. attorneys with a wide practice, litigation, securities, environmental Areas of Specialization: Injury, including corporate governance, Types of Advocacy: Impact employment, workplace safety, shareholder rights, and securities. litigation, class actions, appellate consumer, environment Hiring: The firm does not regularly Types of Advocacy: Individual hire, nor does it hire summer BRANDI LAW FIRM litigation, class action, appellate associates. However, the firm does 354 Pine St.,Third Fl. employ staff attorneys as needed San Francisco, CA 94104 BEESON, TAYER & BODINE for specific projects. Interested (415) 989-1800 Oakland Office attorneys should send their resume David Weintraub and qualifications by mail or via Description: Firm of six attorneys Ross House, 2nd Floor fax. focused on representation of 483 Ninth St. Oakland, CA 94607 Areas of Specialization: Civil plaintiffs in claims and trials. (510) 625-9700 rights/civil liberties, consumer, Areas of Specialization: Fax: (510) 625-8275 employment, antitrust, securities, Consumer, personal injury, [email protected] whistleblower consumer, medical malpractice, [email protected] Types of Advocacy: Individual improper business practices representation, class action, impact Types of Advocacy: Individual litigation litigation, class action, impact Sacramento Office (See also NY and LA) litigation 520 Capitol Mall, Ste. 300 Sacramento, CA 95814 BOXER GERSON LLP Oakland BUSH, GOTTLIEB, SINGER, (916) 325-2100 Office LÓPEZ, KOHANSKI, Fax: (916) 325-2120 300 Frank H. Ogawa Plz., Ste. 500 ADELSTEIN & DICKINSON Private Public Interest and Plaintiffs’ Firm Guide 17 Joseph A. Kohanksi Description: 20+ attorney firm injury, workplace safety, Co-managing Partner dedicated to workers’ rights and employment 500 N. Central Ave. Ste. 800 the labor movement. Types of Advocacy: Individual Glendale, CA 91203 Hiring: The firm does not have a litigation, class action (818) 973-3200 regular hiring schedule for new Fax: (818) 973-3201 attorneys but does post any CASPER, MEADOWS, [email protected] opportunities on the firm’s website SCHWARTZ & COOK when they become available. The 2121 N. California Blvd. Description: A twelve-attorney website also contains information Suite 1020 firm dedicated to providing legal on the firm’s summer law positions. Walnut Creek, CA 94596-7333 services to the union movement. The application process is rolling, (925) 947-1147 Areas of Specialization: and the firm accepts law clerks both Fax: (925) 947-1131 Employment/labor, intellectual in the summer and during the property, bankruptcy school year. Interested students Description: The firm of six Types of Advocacy: Appellate, should contact Eleanor Morton attorneys specializes in personal transactions, contracts, alternative directly. Summer associate injury claims. dispute resolution, administrative positions are usually determined in Hiring: The firm does not regularly hearings, lobbying, tort claims the winter. hire new attorneys and does not hire Areas of Specialization: summer associates. BUSHNELL & CAPLAN, LLP Labor/employment, union Areas of Specialization: Personal Roderick Bushnell representation injury, employment, workplace 900 Kearny St., Ste. 299 Types of Advocacy: Impact safety, consumer protection, civil San Francisco, CA 94133-5124 litigation, individual cases, class rights, medical malpractice (415) 217-3800 action Types of Advocacy: Class action, Fax: (415) 217-3820 individual litigation, investigations [email protected] LAW OFFICES OF CARPENTER & MAYFIELD CHAVEZ & GERTLER LLP Description: The firm specializes Dan Mayfield, Partner 42 Miller Avenue in representing individual clients as 730 N. First St. Mill Valley, CA 94941 well as public-interest non-profit San Jose, CA 95112 (415) 381-5599 organizations in personal and class (408) 287-1916 Fax: (415) 381-5572 action litigation. Fax: (408) 287-9857 [email protected] Hiring: The firm neither regularly [email protected] hires nor accepts summer Description: The firm houses six associates. Description: Two partners and one attorneys and two more of counsel Areas of Specialization: associate who engage in civil attorneys with a practice focused on Labor/employment, personal injury, litigation and criminal defense. consumer and individual tort protection Hiring: The firm does not regularly claims. Types of Advocacy: Client-based hire new attorneys or Areas of Specialization: litigation, class action, mediation, summer associates. Labor/employment, civil rights, investigations, appellate Areas of Specialization: Child personal injury, consumer (abuse/neglect/welfare), domestic protection LEONARD CARDER, LLP relations, LGBT rights, military, Types of Advocacy: Individual Eleanor Morton immigration, criminal, first cases, class action, investigations, San Francisco Office amendment, Cuba travel appellate 1188 Franklin Street, #201 Types of Advocacy: Civil San Francisco, CA 94109 litigation, trial advocacy, felony and COTCHETT, PITRE & Telephone: (415) 771-6400 misdemeanor defense MCCARTHY Fax: (415) 771-7010 Niall McCarthy, Hiring Partner Oakland Office THE CARTWRIGHT FIRM San Francisco Office 1330 Broadway, Ste. 1450 222 Front St., 5th Fl. San Francisco Airport Office Oakland, CA 94612 (510) 272- San Francisco, CA 94111 Center 0169 (415) 433-0444 840 Malcolm Rd., Ste. 200 Fax: (510) 272-0174 Burlingame, CA 94010 [email protected] Areas of Specialization: Personal (650) 697-6000 Fax: (650) 697-0577 Private Public Interest and Plaintiffs’ Firm Guide 18 Los Angeles Area Office litigation, administrative hearings, ENGSTROM, LIPSCOMB & 9454 Wilshire, Ste. 907 lobbying, class action, appellate LACK Beverly Hills, CA 90212 (See also NV). 10100 Santa Monica Blvd. 12th Fl. (310) 247-9247 Los Angeles, CA 90067 Sacramento Office DOLAN LAW FIRM (855) 355-9467 Meridian Plaza Daniel Tavares, Office Manager Fax: (310) 552-9434 1415 L Street, Suite 1185 San Francisco Office Sacramento, CA 95814 1438 Market St., Description: Firm of 25+ attorneys (916) 706-0555 San Francisco, CA 94102 with a focus on civil litigation and Oakland Office an expertise in environmental [email protected] 1498 Alice St., damage litigation. Description: The 25+ attorney firm Oakland, CA 94612 Areas of Specialization: focuses exclusively on prosecuting Sacramento Office Labor/employment, personal injury, or defending socially just actions 2000 22nd St. Sacramento, CA consumer, environmental, real through civil litigation. 95818 (415) 421-2800 estate, securities, aviation Hiring: The firm does not have a Fax: (415) 421-2830 Types of Advocacy: Individual regular hiring schedule for new [email protected] cases, class action, investigations, associates. However, the firm does appellate hire law students as summer Description: The firm employs 14 associates. Interested students attorneys and focuses on personal FOLGER LEVIN should contact Mr. McCarthy at injury and employment matters. 199 Fremont St., 23rd Fl. San the email address given, beginning Hiring: The firm does not have a Francisco, CA 94105 in August. regular hiring schedule but (415) 625-1050 Areas of Specialization: Antitrust, interested individuals should Fax: (415) 625-1091 civil rights/liberties, constitution, contact the firm in the fall. whistleblower/qui tam, consumer, Areas of Specialization: Personal Description: 17 attorneys environment, employment, injury, employment, product Hiring: The firm does not have a securities, intellectual property liability, discrimination, medical hiring schedule for associates. Types of Advocacy: Community malpractice Areas of Specialization: service, complex litigation, pro Types of Advocacy: Civil Labor/employment, non-profits, bono, client-based litigation litigation, individual representation estate planning, real estate (See also NY and DC). Types of Advocacy: Individual ENGLISH, MUNGER & RICE litigation, arbitrations, DAVIS, COWELL & BOWE, Molly Munger, Partner administrative proceedings, LLP 1545 Wilshire Blvd., preventive counseling Kristin Martin, Hiring Partner Los Angeles, CA 90017 595 Market St., Ste. 1400 (213) 989-1310 FINKELSTEIN THOMPSON San Francisco, CA 94105 Description: Three attorneys who LLP (415) 597-7200 focus on addressing local public 100 Bush St., Ste. 1450 Fax: (415) 597-7201 interest issues in the Los Angeles San Francisco, CA 94104 area. (415) 398-8700 Description: The firm of 17 Hiring: The firm does not have a Fax: 415) 398-8704 attorneys combines a union-side regular hiring schedule for new (See DC for main listing). labor law practice with a focus on attorneys or summer associates. civil liberties and consumer issues. Areas of Specialization: Civil FRAMPTON, WILLIAMS & Hiring: Although it does not have a rights/civil liberties, constitutional, LITTLE regular hiring schedule, the firm is criminal justice policy, education, 2300 Tulare St Ste 300 open to hiring outstanding housing/homelessness Fresno, CA, 93721-2734 candidates as new associates. Types of Advocacy: Impact 559-486-5730 Areas of Specialization: Union- litigation, innovative advocacy, [email protected] side employment/labor, election, research/publications, juvenile Description: Advocates for civil discrimination, First Amendment, advocacy rights in a variety of cases securities, consumer, antitrust, Areas of Specialization: Civil environmental, whistleblower, rights, employment discrimination, immigration police misconduct, criminal defense Types of Advocacy: Impact Private Public Interest and Plaintiffs’ Firm Guide 19 Types of Advocacy: Appellate, (415) 981-4800 litigation individual cases Fax: (415) 981-4846 [email protected] GLANCY BINKOW & FURTH FIRM LLP GOLDBERG LLP Thomas W. Jackson, General Description: The firm is a national Los Angeles Office Manager litigation firm representing plaintiffs 1925 Century Park East 5610 Skylane Blvd., Suite A in class and collective actions in Suite 2100 Santa Rosa, CA 95403 state and federal courts, and in Los Angeles, CA 90067 (707) 526-1389 arbitration matters worldwide. The (310) 201-9150 [email protected] 20+ attorneys work out of two Fax: (310) 201-9160 offices. San Francisco Office Description: Firm of one partner Hiring: Although it does not have a 1 Embarcadero Ctr., Ste. 760 and one attorney of counsel focused regular hiring schedule, qualified San Francisco, CA 94111 on class action suits and attorneys should follow the (415) 972-8160 business litigation. directions on the website to Fax: (415) 972-8166 Hiring: The firm is not currently inquire. The firm also hires summer [email protected] hiring; however, very interested associates, with the process candidates may submit a resume beginning in late fall. Description: Firm of 25+ and cover letter for future Areas of Specialization: Consumer, attorneys focused on civil litigation consideration. anti-trust, employment, securities, and plaintiff’s representation. Areas of Specialization: Antitrust whistleblower, personal injury Hiring: The firm does not have a and business litigation. Both Types of Advocacy: Individual regular hiring schedule but does plaintiff and defendant-side. litigation, class action, arbitration accept summer associates. Types of Advocacy: Complex (See also NY). Interested students should check litigation and arbitration, individual the firm’s website for updates or cases, class action GIRARDI & KEESE contact the firm directly in the late John Courtney, Hiring Partner fall or winter. GILBERT & SACKMAN Los Angeles Office Areas of Specialization: Jay Smith, Attorney 1126 Wilshire Blvd. Consumer/investor, antitrust, 3699 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 1200 Los Angeles, CA 90017-1904 securities, corporate mergers Los Angeles, CA 90010-2732 (213) 977-0211 Types of Advocacy: Class action, (323) 938-3000 Fax: (213) 481-1554 impact litigation, corporate reform, Fax: (323) 937-9139 San Bernardino Office investigations [email protected] 155 W. Hospitality Ln., Ste. 260 (See also NY) Description: The firm of 13 San Bernardino, CA 92408 attorneys specializes in (909) 381-1551 GOLDFARB & LIPMAN, LLP representing private and public Fax: (909) 381-2566 Oakland Office sector labor unions and employee 1300 Clay Street, 11th floor benefit plans. [email protected] City Center Plaza Hiring: The firm does not have a Description: The 20+ attorney firm Oakland, CA 94612 regular hiring schedule for new focuses on plaintiffs’ claims and (510) 836-6336 attorneys or summer associates. personal injury cases. Fax: (510) 836-1035 However, very interested students Hiring: The firm does not have a Los Angeles Office should check with the firm in the regular hiring schedule. The firm 523 W. 6th St., Ste. 1220 fall for possible opportunities. hires law students as clerks every Pacific Center Area of Specialization: Union summer. The number of positions Los Angeles, CA 90014 representation, employment/labor, fluctuates depending on the (213) 627-6336 pension benefits/claims expected workload of the firm. Fax: (510) 836-1035 Types of Advocacy: Civil Interested students should check San Diego Office litigation, class action with Mt. Courtney in the winter for 2260 El Cajon Blvd., No. 922 more information. San Diego, CA 92104 GIRARD GIBBS LLP Areas of Specialization: (619) 239-6336 Eileen Epstein, Director of Client Employment, environment, toxic Fax: (510) 836-1035 Relations and Marketing torts, insurance claims [email protected] 601 California St., 14th Floor Types of Advocacy: Class action, San Francisco, CA 94108 individual representation, impact Private Public Interest and Plaintiffs’ Firm Guide 20 Description: Focuses primarily on employment/labor not typically hire summer housing and real estate issues Types of Advocacy: Individual associates. However, interested throughout California. cases, complex litigation, federal students should check back with Areas of Specialization: criminal defense the firm in late fall. Affordable housing, real estate and Areas of Specialization: redevelopment, environment and GREEN & NOBLIN, P.C. Constitutional, intellectual property, land use, municipal law, tax law 700 Larkspur Landing Circle, Internet, international, employment, Types of Advocacy: Appellate, Suite 275 ethics individual representation, civil Larkspur, CA 94939 Types of Advocacy: Alternative litigation (415) 477-6700 dispute resolution, class action, Fax: (415) 477-6710 individual representation, GOLDSTEIN, DEMCHAK, Email: [email protected] litigation, appellate BALLER, BORGEN & DARDARIAN Description: Small firm of several GUBB & BARSHAY LLP Morris Baller, Partner attorneys that specializes in class 50 California St., Ste. 3155 300 Lakeside Dr., Ste. 1000 actions and complex litigation on San Francisco, CA 94111 Oakland, CA 94612 behalf of consumers and investors. (415) 781-6600 (510) 763-9800 Hiring: The firm does not have a Fax: (415) 781-6967 Fax: (510) 835-1417 regular hiring schedule for new or [email protected] [email protected] summer associates, but interested [email protected] candidates should contact the firm Description: Firm of three via email or mail. attorneys with a special focus on Description: A long-running Areas of Specialization: affordable housing issues. plaintiffs’ firm of 12 attorneys with Consumer/investor, antitrust Hiring: The firm does not regularly an expertise in class action suits. Types of Advocacy: Class action, hire or take summer associates. Hiring: The firm does not regularly complex litigation Areas of Specialization: Fair hire associates for the firm. housing, nonprofit law, economic However, the firm offers a GREENE BROILLET & development, homeless assistance Civil Rights Fellowship for a recent WHEELER, LLP Types of Advocacy: Individual law school graduate to work at the 100 Wilshire Blvd., 21st Fl. cases, civil litigation firm alongside the attorneys for two Santa Monica, CA 90410-1162 years. More information is available (310) 576-1200 GWILLIAM IVARY CHIOSSO on the website. Fax: (310) 576-1220 CAVALLI & BREWER Areas of Specialization: Civil 1999 Harrison St., Ste. 1600 rights/civil liberties, consumer Description: The firm is a Oakland, CA 94612 employment/labor, environmental plaintiffs’ trial firm of 16 attorneys (866) 675-1929 Types of Advocacy: Impact focusing on personal injury claims. Fax: 510-832-1918 litigation, class action Areas of Specialization: Personal injury, disability, employment Description: The eight attorneys in GONZALEZ & LEIGH LLP Types of Advocacy: Individual the firm focus on civil litigation and 744 Montgomery St., 5th Fl. San representation, impact litigation individual tort claims. Francisco, CA 94111 Areas of Specialization: Personal (415) 912-5950 GROSS BELSKY ALONSO LLP injury, business fraud, intellectual Fax: (415) 912-5951 Adam C. Belsky, Partner property, labor/employment, [email protected] One Samsome St., Ste. 3670 discrimination San Francisco, CA 94104 Types of Advocacy: Individual Description: Civil litigation firm (415) 544-0200 cases, impact litigation that represents both plaintiffs and Fax: (415) 544-0201 defendants. [email protected] HADSEL STORMER KEENY Hiring: The firm does not regularly RICHARDSON & RENICK LLP hire, but interested candidates Description: Smaller firm of 128 N. Fair Oaks Ave., Ste. 204 should directly inquire with the several attorneys with a wide Pasadena, CA 91103 firm via email. practice area. (626) 585-9600 Areas of Specialization: Personal Hiring: The firm does not have a Fax: (626) 577-7079 injury, civil rights, commercial, regular hiring schedule and does [email protected] Private Public Interest and Plaintiffs’ Firm Guide 21 Walnut Creek, CA 94596 cases that emphasize social justice. Description: The firm of nine (925) 279-3009 Hiring: The firm does not attorneys focuses on employment Fax: (925) 279-3342 regularly hire new attorneys or and civil rights law in the Los Description: The firm of four summer associates. Angeles area. attorneys represents individuals in Areas of Specialization: Hiring: The firm does not regularly tort claims Immigration/refugee, criminal hire new attorneys or Hiring: The firm does not regularly Types of Advocacy: Individual summer associates. hire new attorneys or summer representation, appellate Areas of Specialization: Civil associates. rights, international human rights, Areas of Specialization: Personal LAW OFFICE OF HOWARD employment discrimination, injury, legal malpractice JOHNSON consumer, wage and hour, housing Types of Advocacy: Individual Howard Johnson Types of Advocacy: Class actions, clients, general litigation 1406 S. Union Ave. individual cases, impact litigation Los Angeles, CA 90015-3206 HOLGUIN, GARFIELD, (213) 388-7024 HAGENS BERMAN SOBOL MARTINEZ & QUIÑONEZ Fax: (213) 388-0924 SHAPIRO LLP APLC E-mail: [email protected] Los Angeles Office Beth Garfield, Founding Partner Description: The firm is comprised 301 North Lake Ave., Suite 203 800 W. 6th St., Ste. 950 of a single attorney specializing in Pasadena, CA 91101 Los Angeles, CA 90017 immigration and naturalization (213) 330-7150 (213) 623-0170 cases. Fax: (213) 330-7152 Fax: (213) 623-0171 Hiring: The firm does not regularly San Francisco Office [email protected] hire for new attorneys or summer 715 Hearst Ave., Ste 202 [email protected] associates. Berkeley, CA 94710 Areas of Specialization: (510) 725-3000 Description: Firm of 10 attorneys Immigration, economic Fax: (510) 725-3001 focused on labor and union issues. development. Central American, (See WA for main listing). Hiring: The firm does not Indian and Pakistani focus. regularly hire new associates; Types of Advocacy: Individual HAUSFELD LLP however, qualified candidates who cases 44 Montgomery St., Suite 3400 are committed to labor union and San Francisco, CA 94104 social justice issues can send KAZAN, MCCLAIN, LYONS, (415) 633-1908 resumes via fax or email. GREENWOOD & HARLEY, PC Fax: (415) 358-4980 Areas of Specialization: Jack London Market (See DC for main listing). Labor/employment, union-side, 55 Harrison St., Suite 400 civil rights/liberties Oakland, CA 94607 HERSH AND HERSH Types of Advocacy: Research and (510) 302-1000 601 Van Ness Ave., Ste. 2080 publications, legal writing, civil Fax: (877) 995-6372 San Francisco, CA 94102 litigation (415) 441-5544 Description: A 10-attorney firm JACOBS SCHLESINGER OPLE with an expertise in asbestos Description: Several attorneys & SHEPPARD LLP litigation. represent clients across the nation Ginger Jacobs, Partner Hiring: The firm does not regularly in civil litigation matters. The Chamber Building hire but does accept resumes and Hiring: The firm does not regularly 110 West C St., Suite 901 cover letters from interested hire new attorneys or summer San Diego, CA 92101 candidates. More information is associates. (619) 230-0012 available on the firm’s website. Areas of Specialization: Fax: (619) 230-0044 Areas of Specialization: Plaintiff, Consumer, personal injury, fraud, [email protected] OSH safety & health, Vietnam discrimination, employment [email protected] veterans, personal injury Types of Advocacy: Class action, Types of Advocacy: Impact complex litigation Description: Boutique immigration litigation, legislation, trainings defense and appellate law firm in HINTON, ALFERT, & KAHN downtown San Diego. KEMNITZER, BARRON & 200 Pringle Ave., Ste. 450 The four attorneys are dedicated to KRIEG

Private Public Interest and Plaintiffs’ Firm Guide 22 San Francisco Office 401 Watt Ave. employment 445 Bush St. 6th Fl. Sacramento, California 95864 Types of Advocacy: Class action, San Francisco, CA 94108 Phone 916-448-9800 complex litigation (415) 632-1900 Fax 916-669-4499 Fresno Office KREINDLER & KREINDLER, 2014 Tulare Street LLP Fresno, CA 93721 Description: This plaintiffs' firm California Office (559) 441-7485 of 10+ attorneys specializes in work 707 Wilshire Blvd. Sacramento Office representing plaintiffs in civil Los Angeles, CA 90017 400 Capitol Mall, 11th Floor matters throughout California and (213) 622-6469 Sacramento, California 95814 nationwide. Fax: (213) 622-6019 (916) 442-3603 Hiring: The firm does not have a San Diego Office regular hiring schedule for new (See NY for main listing). 501 West Broadway, Suite #800 attorneys, but does regularly San Diego, CA 92101 consider hiring law clerks in the LANDERHOLM (800) 273-4566 summer and throughout the year. LAW OFFICE Los Angeles Office Areas of Specialization: Product 1300 South Van Ness #204 445 S Figueroa St., 27th Floor Liability, Class Actions, Personal San Francisco, CA 94110 (415) Los Angeles, CA 90071 Injury, Insurance Bad Faith, 322-0960 (800) 273-4566 Whistleblower Claims, Consumer Protection, Elder Abuse, Medical Description: Small office Description: The eight-attorney Malpractice dedicated to assisting people in firm focuses on consumer litigation Types of Advocacy: Complex navigating the challenges of the and works out of five offices in litigation, class action, individual U.S. immigration system California. cases Areas of Specialization: Areas of Specialization: Consumer Immigration, bankruptcy, and protection, lemon law KHORRAMI, LLP criminal defense Types of Advocacy: complex Alan Strasburg, COO Types of Advocacy: Individual litigation, class action, individual Los Angeles Office cases, administrative advocacy, cases 444 South Flower Street client-based 33rd Floor KERR & WAGSTAFFE LLP Los Angeles, CA 90071 LEVY PHILLIPS & Maryann Milla (213) 596-6000 KONIGSBERG, LLP th 100 Spear St., 18 Floor Fax: (213) 596-6010 10990 Wilshire Blvd, Ste 1025 San Francisco, CA 94105-1576 San Francisco Office Los Angeles, California 90024 (415) 371-8500 360 22nd Street Suite 640 (800) 714-1529 Fax: (415) 371-0500 Oakland, CA 94612 (See NY for main listing). [email protected] (510) 867-2000 Fax: (510) 867-2010 LEVY, VINICK, BURRELL & [email protected] [email protected] HYAMS Description: The firm of 14 [email protected] Leslie Levy attorneys represents clients in civil 180 Grand Avenue, Suite 1300 litigation claims in a wide range of Description: With 15+ attorneys, Oakland, CA 94612 practice areas. the firm is one of the largest (510) 318-7700 Areas of Specialization: Contract plaintiffs’ firms in California and Fax: (510) 318-7701 and commercial disputes, First represents individuals in various [email protected] Amendment and media law, practice areas. [email protected] Constitutional law, consumer, Hiring: The firm does not regularly Description: Four attorneys focus employment, environmental, hire new attorneys and only on employment issues. intellectual property sometimes hires summer associates. Hiring: The firm does not have a Types of Advocacy: Class action, Well-qualified students should hiring schedule but does consider complex litigation, individual contact the firm in the fall for more summer associates, making hiring cases, appellate details on the upcoming summer. decisions in the late fall. Interested Areas of Specialization: Personal students should contact the firm KERSHAW, CUTTER & Injury, consumer, employment, directly. RATINOFF LLP housing, malpractice, civil rights, Private Public Interest and Plaintiffs’ Firm Guide 23 Areas of specialization: Kelly Dermody via mail. Summer cases. Employment discrimination, associates work out of the San Hiring: The firm does not regularly harassment, retaliation, wrongful Francisco office only, with hire for new attorneys or summer termination, disability, wage & applications due online on associates. hour, civil rights, sexual abuse September 7. Areas of Specialization: Capital Type of Advocacy: Civil litigation, Areas of Specialization: Corporate defense, civil rights, police arbitration, mediation, class action misconduct, consumer protection, misconduct, employment/labor, businesses, antitrust, civil rights, non-capital criminal defense, LEWIS, FEINBERG, LEE, employment law, product liability, medical malpractice RENAKER & JACKSON, PC environmental, personal injury, Types of Advocacy: trial, Daniel Feinberg, Hiring Partner securities appellate, post-conviction, 476 9th Street Types of Advocacy: Client- individual cases Oakland, California 94607-1330 oriented litigation, class actions Broadway, Ste. 1800 (See also NY and TN). MALLISON & MARTINEZ San Oakland, CA 94612 Francisco Area Office (510) 839-6824 LITT, ESTUAR & KITSON, 1939 Harrison St., Suite 730 Fax: (510) 839-7839 LLP Oakland, CA 94612 [email protected] Lindsay Battles (510) 832-9999 [email protected] 1055 Wilshire Blvd., Ste.1880 Fax: (510) 832-1101 Los Angeles, CA 90017 Central Valley Office Description: National plaintiffs’ (213) 386-3114 4949 Buckley Way, Ste. 112 firm of 15+ attorneys focused on Fax: (213) 380-4585 Bakersfield, CA 93309-4842 employment law. [email protected] (661) 827-9000 Hiring: The firm does not have a (661) 215-6048 regular hiring schedule but does Description: Firm of five hire summer associates, typically attorneys that performs general Description: The three attorneys four each summer. Interested litigation on civil rights/liberties, that work out of the firm focus on students should contact the firm in often representing low-income workers’ rights issues. the fall. housing clients. Handles Hiring: The firm does not have a Areas of Specialization: constitutional issues, rights of regular hiring schedule for Employment/labor, civil rights, mental patients, police harassment attorneys or summer associates. discrimination of indigents and the homeless and Areas of Specialization: Types of Advocacy: Individual employment discrimination. Employment, discrimination cases, impact litigation, class Hiring: The firm does not have a Types of Advocacy: Class action, action, appellate regular hiring schedule for individual representation, attorneys or summer associates. investigations LIEFF, CABRASER, HEIMANN Areas of Specialization: & BERNSTEIN, LLP Labor/employment, housing, MARCOS CAMACHO LAW Embarcadero Center West, women’s issues, government OFFICES Suite 2900 accountability, whistleblowers, PO Box 310 275 Battery St. LGBT issues, environment/energy, Keene, CA, 93531 San Francisco, CA 94111-3339 utilities, civil liberties 661-324-8100 (415) 956-1000 Types of Advocacy: Research and Areas of Specialization: Civil Fax: (415) 956-1008 publications, legal writing, rights, LGBT rights, multicultural individual cases, impact litigation rights, and women’s rights [email protected] Types of Advocacy: Impact LAW OFFICE OF KEVIN G. litigation, individual cases Description: The sixty-plus LITTLE attorney firm represents plaintiffs 2115 Kern St., Suite 330 LAW OFFICES OF nationwide in class actions and in Fresno, CA 93721 McTERNAN, STENDER & individual lawsuits. (559) 708-4750 WEINGUS P.C. Hiring: The firm does not have a Fax: (559) 486-4759 595 Market St., Ste. 1350 regular hiring schedule but Description: The firm is comprised San Francisco, CA 94105 individuals interested in applying of a single attorney specializing in (415) 777-0313 for an associate position should immigration and naturalization Fax: (415) 777-9380 send a resume and cover letter to Private Public Interest and Plaintiffs’ Firm Guide 24 Description: The firm has [email protected] (415) 389-6800 specialized in personal injury [email protected] Fax: (415) 388-6874 litigation and employment law in [email protected] California for over 50 years. Description: This 17-attorney firm Sacramento Office Hiring: The firm does not have a represents clients in a variety of 1415 L St., Ste. 1200 regular hiring schedule for practice areas, with a Sacramento, CA 95814 attorneys or summer associates. specialization in working with (916) 446-6752 Areas of Specialization: Personal immigrants. Fax: (916) 446-6106 injury, labor/employment, medical Hiring: The firm does not have a [email protected] malpractice, elderly care regular hiring schedule for Types of Advocacy: Civil attorneys. However, the firm hires Description: The firm specializes litigation, individual cases law clerks for ten weeks during the in complex legal and policy issues summer. The application deadline in both the public and private McVEY, MULLERY, typically falls in October, with sectors and litigates constitutional, DULBERG & CHO more information available on the regulatory and business issues in Sharon Dulberg firm’s website. the courts and before administrative Hiring Partner Areas of Specialization: Family law judges. 170 Columbus Ave., 4th Fl. law, commercial litigation, civil Hiring: The firm does not have a San Francisco, CA 94133 rights, employment, personal regular hiring schedule for (415) 781-1001 injury, immigration/nationality, attorneys or summer associates. Fax: (415) 781-1871 personal injury, criminal defense, Areas of Specialization: Criminal [email protected] employment, consumer law justice policy, government, [email protected] Types of Advocacy: Individual commercial litigation, transactions clients, impact litigation, complex Types of Advocacy: Lobbying, Description: Specializes litigation policy oriented, individual cases, exclusively in immigration law. appellate litigation Hiring: The firm does not have a MOORE AND MOORE regular hiring schedule for 445 Bellevue Ave 3rd Fl THE OTTINGER FIRM, PC attorneys or summer associates. Oakland, CA, 94610-4924 1 Market Areas of Specialization: 415-451-0104 Spear Tower 36th Fl. Immigration, asylum, citizenship Description: Primarily deals in the San Francisco, CA 94105 Types of Advocacy: Individual areas of federal litigation in (866) 571-5010 representation employment discrimination, official (See NY for main listing). misconduct and First and MILBERG LLP Fourteenth Amendment issues. PEARSON SIMON WARSHAW 1 California Plaza Areas of Specialization: Civil PENNY LLP 300 S. Grand Ave., Ste. 3900 rights, criminal, and family law Los Angeles Office Los Angeles, California 90071 Types of Advocacy: Civil 15165 Ventura Blvd., Ste 400 (213) 617-1200 litigation, individual cases Sherman Oaks, CA 91403 Fax: (213) 617-1975 (818) 788-8300 (See NY for main listing). NICHOLAS KASTER, Fax: (818) 788-8104 ATTORNEY AT LAW San Francisco Office One Embarcadero Center 44 Montgomery St., Ste 2450 MINAMI TAMAKI, LLP Suite 720 San Francisco, CA 94104 San Francisco Office San Francisco, CA 94111 (415) 433-9000 Steve Ngo (415) 277-7235 Fax: (415) 433-9008 360 Post St.,8th Fl. Fax: (415) 277-0622 San Francisco, CA 94108-4903 (See MN for main listing). Description: The firm of 14 (415) 788-9000 attorneys specializes in class Fax: (415) 398-3887 NIELSON, MERKSAMER, actions, business litigation, Sunnyvale Office PARRINELLO, MUELLER & insurance law and professional 333 W. El Camino Real, Ste. 350 NAYLOR liability claims. Sunnyvale, California 94087 (408) Marin County Office Areas of Specialization: Personal 739-1137 Jennie Skelton, Partner injury law, labor, consumer, Fax: (408) 739-4641 2350 Kerner Blvd., Ste. 250 securities San Rafael, CA 94901 Private Public Interest and Plaintiffs’ Firm Guide 25 Types of Advocacy: Complex lawsuits. litigation, class action Hiring: The firm does not have a RENNE SLOAN HOLTZMAN regular hiring schedule but does SAKAI LLP, PUBLIC LAW PHILLIPS & COHEN, LLP hire summer associates. The GROUP 100 The Embarcadero interview process usually takes San Francisco Office Suite 300 place in the winter, and interested 350 Sansome St., Ste. 300 San Francisco, CA 94105 students should check with the San Francisco, CA 94104 (415) 836-9000 firm in the fall. (415) 678-3800 Fax: 415-836-9001 Areas of Specialization: Consumer Fax: (415) 678-3838 (See DC for main listing). fraud, defective products, real estate Sacramento Office litigation, first amendment/media 428 J Street, Suite 400 PRICE AND ASSOCIATES law, unfair employment practices Sacramento, CA 95814 (916) 273- 901 Clay Street Types of Advocacy: Class action, 1710 Oakland, CA 94607 individual cases Fax: (916) 273-1711 (510) 452-0292 Los Angeles Office Fax: (510) 452-5625 REICH, ADELL & CVITAN, PC Library Tower Oakland, CA 94612 Laurence S. Zakson, Principal 633 W. Fifth Street, Suite 1150 (510) 452-0292 Los Angeles Office Los Angeles, CA 90071 (213) 629- Fax: (510) 452-5625 3550 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 2000 7005 [email protected] Los Angeles, CA 90010-2314 [email protected] Description: The firm specializes (213) 386-3860 in high profile and impact civil Fax: (213) 386-5583 Areas of Specialization: ADA rights litigation with a particular Santa Ana Office compliance, elder abuse, labor, focus in the areas of sexual 2670 N. Main St., Ste. 300 employment, government law, harassment and racial Santa Ana, CA 92705 elections, labor, non-profit election discrimination. (800) 386-3860 law Hiring: While the firm does not Fax: (714) 834-0762 Types of Advocacy: counseling, have a regular hiring schedule for [email protected] public interest litigation, appellate, attorneys or summer associates, it investigations, administrative is always interested in securing top- Areas of Specialization: hearings/arbitration, training quality legal talent. Interested Comparable-worth issues, rights of counseling and litigation, parties may send an inquiry to privacy in the workplace, investigations, writs and appellate [email protected]. employment discrimination, right- Areas of Specialization: Women’s to-strike issues ROBBINS GELLER RUDMAN issues, civil rights, property/real Types of Advocacy: Class action, & DOWD LLP San Diego Office estate, commercial, individual cases 655 W. Broadway, Ste. 1900 labor/employment, health/medical San Diego, CA 92101 Types of Advocacy: Legal writing, REMCHO, JOHANSEN & (619) 231-1058 impact litigation, individual cases, PURCELL Fax: (619) 231-7423 appellate James Harrison. Hiring Partner San Francisco Office Bay Area Office 100 Pine St., Ste. 2600Post 201 Dolores Ave. Montgomery Center San Leandro, CA 94577 One Montgomery St., Suite 1800 RAM, OLSON, CEREGHINO, (510) 346-6200 San Francisco, CA 9410411 & KOPCZYNSKI & OLSON Fax: (510) 346-6201 (415) 288-4545 Michael Ram, Partner Sacramento Office Fax: (415) 288-4534 555 Montgomery St., Ste. 820 1401 P St. [email protected] San Francisco, CA 94111 Sacramento, CA 95814 (415) 433-4949 (916) 264-1818 Areas of Specialization: Fax: (415) 433-7311 Fax: (916) 264-1824 Securities, Insurance, health care, [email protected] human rights, employment [email protected] Areas of Specialization: discrimination, consumer, antitrust, Description: The six-attorney firm Constitutional law, public policy, shareholder, Pro bono: health care, represents clients in civil litigation, elections, political litigation, human rights, consumer, with a focus on class action education, First Amendment employment, Types of Advocacy: Complex Private Public Interest and Plaintiffs’ Firm Guide 26 litigation, class action recovery, rights/liberties, labor/employment (415) 421-1800 individual cases Types of Advocacy: Union [email protected] (See also NY, FL, DC, PA, and representation, complex litigation, GA). individual representation Areas of Specialization: Employment/labor, disability, ROSEN, BIEN & GALVAN, LLP STEVEN J. ROTTMAN, ESQ privacy rights, whistleblower Michael W. Bien 1888 Century Park East, Ste. 1000 Types of Advocacy: Individual Managing Partner Los Angeles, CA 90067 cases, class action, civil litigation, 315 Montgomery St., 10th Fl. San (310) 751-0114 mediation, employment agreements Francisco, CA 94104 Fax: (310) 733-1879 (415) 433-6830 [email protected] SANFORD, WITTELS, & Fax: (415) .433-.7104 HEISLER [email protected] Description: This one-man firm 555 Montgomery Street focuses exclusively on forms of Suite 1206 Description: The firm of 15+ mediation and avoiding trial. San Francisco, CA 94111 attorneys has a wide range of Hiring: The firm does not hire new (415) 391-6900 practice areas centered on complex attorneys or summer associates. Fax: (415) 391-6901 litigation issues. Types of Advocacy: Alternate (See NY for main listing). Hiring: While the firm does not dispute resolution, investigation, have a regular hiring schedule, it litigation, mediation SAYRE, LEVITT, LLP usually does take on students for Federico Sayre summer associate positions. The ROUDA, FEDER, TIETJAN & 900 N. Broadway, 4th Fl. Santa application process typically MCGUINN Ana, CA 92701 occurs in the winter and interested 44 Montgomery St., Ste. 4000 (714) 550-9117 applicants should inquire about a San Francisco, CA 94104 Fax: (949) 541-2414 timeline in the fall. (415) 398-5398 [email protected] Areas of Specialization: Trial Fax: (415) 398-8169 appellate litigation in the areas of Areas of Specialization: Civil civil rights, First Amendment, Civil Areas of Specialization: Personal rights, products liability, rights, employment, civil injury, consumer, employment health/health care, personal injury, rights/civil liberties, consumer, harassment and discrimination medical malpractice, legal disability, employment/labor, Types of Advocacy: Class action, malpractice, auto accidents, prisoner, legal representation, individual cases prisoner injury employment/labor Types of Advocacy: Litigation, Types of Advocacy: Impact RUDY, EXELROD ZIEFF & appellate litigation, individual cases, LOWE, LLP complex litigation, appellate, class David A. Lowe THE SCHLEHR LAW FIRM actions, dispute resolution 351 California St., Ste. 700 Sarah B. Schlehr San Francisco, CA 94104 4370 Tujunga Ave., Ste. 235 ROTHNER, SEGALL & (415) 434-9800 Studio City, CA 91604 GREENSTONE Fax: (415) 434-0513 (310) 492-5757 510 S. Marengo Ave. [email protected] Fax: (310) 601-7959 Pasadena, CA 91101 Areas of Specialization: [email protected] (626) 796-7555 Employment/labor, discrimination, [email protected] Fax: (626) 577-0124 sexual harassment [email protected] Types of Advocacy: Class actions, Description: The firm is a boutique arbitration, mediation, severance law practice of one attorney with an Description: The firm of ten negotiations expertise in pregnancy attorneys represents labor unions, discrimination and other women’s labor-management trust funds, and employment- related litigation. employees with wage & hour and RUKIN HYLAND DORIA & Hiring: The firm does not regularly civil rights claim. TINDALL hire new associates and does not Hiring: The firm does not have a Steven Tindall, Partner hire summer associates. Areas of regular hiring schedule for 100 Pine Street, Suite 2150 Specialization: Women’s issues, attorneys or associates. San Francisco, CA 94111 cultural rights, labor/employment, Areas of Specialization: Civil Private Public Interest and Plaintiffs’ Firm Guide 27 LGBT issues, disability, civil Areas [email protected] rights/liberties Types of Advocacy: of Specialization: Securities fraud, [email protected] Individual cases, civil litigation antitrust, consumer, employment Types of Advocacy: Class action Description: The 25+ attorney law SCHNEIDER WALLACE firm specializes in government, COTTRELL BRAYTON SCHWARTZ, STEINSAPIR, land use, natural resource, and KONECKY LLP DOHRMANN & SOMMERS environmental law. Todd Schneider, Partner LLP Hiring: The firm annually hires 180 Montgomery St., Ste. 2000 Main Office (LA) recent law school graduates and San Francisco, CA 94104 6300 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 2000 judicial clerks for its two-year (415) 421-7100 Los Angeles, CA 90048 fellowship program. The firm hires Fax: (415) 421-7105 (323) 655-4700 new associates exclusively from its [email protected] [email protected] fellowship pool. Applications for [email protected] San Diego Office the fellowship are online and are [email protected] 2214 2nd Ave., due October 15. The firm also San Diego, CA 92101 employs 2L or 3L law students as Description: This national law firm (619) 238-1601 full-time law clerks during the of 20 attorneys focuses on [email protected] summer and part-time during the complex, high stakes litigation. Berkeley Office Margo Feinberg school year. Applications for the Hiring: The firm does not have a (510) 528-4426 summer clerkship are online and regular hiring schedule for new [email protected] are due October 1. attorneys. However, the firm does Areas of Specialization: hire summer associates. Interested Description: The 15+ attorney firm Environmental, land use, energy, students should inquire with the specializes in the representation of government, municipal, zoning, firm in the fall. employees, private and public administrative, Native American, Areas of Specialization: sector unions, and employee benefit housing, aviation, regulation Civil rights, employment, sexual plans. Areas of Specialization: Types of Advocacy: Impact harassment, disability, deaf rights, Labor/employment, union litigation, individual cases, policy access to education, consumer, representation oriented, lobbying, administrative securities, whistleblower claims Types of Advocacy: Civil hearings Types of Advocacy: Class action, litigation, contracts complex litigation, investigations SIEGEL & YEE (See also TX, AZ) SENA FAMILY LAW Dan Siegel Cheryl Sena Attorney SCHONBRUN, DESIMONE, 1390 Market St., Suite 818 499 14th St., Suite 300 SEPLOW, HARRIS & San Francisco, CA 94102 Oakland, CA 94612 HOFFMAN, LLP (415) 863-5300 (510) 839-1200 723 Ocean Front Walk Venice, CA Fax: (415) 863-8596 Fax: (510) 444-6698 90291 [email protected] (310) 396-0731 Areas of Specialization: Family Fax: (310) 399-7040 law, civil rights/liberties, disability, Description: A 10 attorney firm [email protected] family, focused on civil litigation. gay/lesbian/bisexual/transgender Areas of Specialization: Civil Areas of Specialization: Civil issues, same-sex marriage/domestic rights,/civil liberties, employment, rights/human rights partnerships. Types of Advocacy: criminal, personal injury, wrongful Types of Advocacy: Individual Individual cases, research and death, real estate, education law cases, impact litigation, trials, publications, legal writing Types of Advocacy: Civil federal/state arbitration litigation, research, publications SHUTE, MILHALY & SCHUBERT JONCKHEER & WEINBERGER LLP SIMMONS & UNGAR LLP KOLBE LLP Jeanne Freed, HR Director 50 California St., Ste. 470 3 Embarcadero Center, Ste. 1650 396 Hayes St. San Francisco, CA 94111 San Francisco, CA 94111 San Francisco, CA 94102 (415) 421-0860 (415) 788-4220 (415) 552-7272 Fax: (415) 421-0772 Fax: (415) 788-0161 Fax: (415) 552-5816 [email protected] Areas of Specialization: Private Public Interest and Plaintiffs’ Firm Guide 28 Immigration, asylum, LGBT issues WOOCHER, LLP hire new attorneys or Types of Advocacy: Litigation, 100 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 1900 summer associates. However, the individual cases Santa Monica, CA, 90401 firm publicizes potential 310-576-1233 opportunities as they arise. Areas SONOSKY, CHAMBERS, Description: Represents a variety of specialization: SACHSE, ENDRESON & of clients on issues relating to the Labor/employment, discrimination PERRY, LLP public interest, including electoral Type of advocacy: Individual Sandra-Karin Bustamante law and consumer law representation, class actions Symphony Towers Areas of Specialization: 750 B St., Ste. 2520 Government and electoral law, TRABER & VOORHEES San Diego, CA 92101 consumer law, civil rights, Theresa Traber, Founding Partner (619) 546-5585 environmental law, administrative 128 N. Fair Oaks Ave., 204 Fax: (619) 546-5584 law, antitrust litigation, municipal Pasadena, CA 91103 [email protected] law (626) 585-9611 (See DC for main listing). Types of Advocacy: Appellate, Fax: (626) 577-1400 civil litigation [email protected] OFFICES OF MICHAEL S. Description: The four-attorney SORGEN THE STURDEVANT LAW firm has a long history of civil Joyce Kawahata, Attorney FIRM, PC litigation and public interest 240 Stockton St., 9th Floor San 354 Pine St., 4th Fl. representation. Francisco, CA 94108 Shelly Taylor, Office Hiring: The firm does not have a (415) 956-1360 x316 Administrator regular hiring schedule but does Fax: (415) 956-6342 San Francisco, CA 94104 post opportunities on the firm’s [email protected] (415) 477-2410 website. The firm hires for at least Fax: (415) 477-2420 two law clerk positions each Areas of Specialization: [email protected] summer. Law students interested Education, disability, civil in applying for a summer law clerk rights,/civil liberties, Areas of Specialization: position should send a resume, employment/labor, human rights Consumer, business/economic cover letter, writing sample, Types of Advocacy: Individual issues, predatory lending, transcript, and a list of references to cases, appellate, civil litigation, labor/employment, disability [email protected], with the administrative hearings Types of Advocacy: Individual heading “Summer Clerk” in the litigation, class action email heading. SPIVAK LIPTON LLP Areas of Specialization: Civil 11755 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 2150 SUSMAN GODFREY LLP rights, employment discrimination, Los Angeles, CA 90025 1901 Avenue of the Stars, Ste. 950 wage and hour class actions, (310) 473-3535 Los Angeles, CA 90067-6029 international human rights, Fax: (310) 473-3533 (310) 789-3100 consumer protection, education (See NY for main listing). Fax: (310) 789-3150 rights, housing rights, other public (See TX for main listing). interest cases. STEYER LOWENTHAL Types of Advocacy: Individual BOODROOKAS ALVAREZ & TALAMANTES, VILLEGAS, cases, class actions, legal writing, SMITH, LLP CARRERA, LLP civil litigation, civil appeals 1 California St., 3rd Fl. San 170 Columbus Avenue, Suite 300 Francisco, CA 94111 San Francisco, CA 94113 (415) 421-3400 (415) 989-8000 Fax: (415) 421-2234 Fax: (415) 989-8028 VAN DER HOUT, BRIGAGLIANO & Areas of Specialization: Real Description: The firm has three NIGHTINGALE LLP estate, labor/employment, antitrust, attorneys and one of-counsel Avantika Shashtri Hiring Associate nonprofit, consumer, securities attorney that all focus on [email protected] Types of Advocacy: Complex representing workers in San Francisco Office litigation, strategy, publications employment cases and 180 Sutter St., 5th Fl. discrimination litigation San Francisco, CA 94104 STRUMWASSER & Hiring: The firm does not regularly (415) 981-3000

Private Public Interest and Plaintiffs’ Firm Guide 29 Fax: (415) 981-3003 plaintiffs’ firm of four attorneys attorneys but does hire 3-4 summer Palo Alto Office with a special focus on litigating law clerks. The summer associates 260 Sheridan Ave., Ste 280 complex injury and wrongful death work out of the Alameda Office. Palo Alto, CA 94306 claims. Interested students should check (650)-688-6020 Areas of Specialization: Personal with the firm in the fall to inquire Los Angeles Office injury, elderly, maritime, medical about the application details, but 634 S. Spring St., Ste. 714 malpractice, government liability, offers are typically made during the Los Angeles, CA 90014 labor/employment winter. (213)-622-7233 Types of Advocacy: Civil Areas of Specialization: litigation, individual representation Labor/employment, civil rights, Description: This firm of nine union-side, bankruptcy, public attorneys focuses on all areas of WALKUP, MELODIA, KELLY sector, legislation/regulations, non- immigration and naturalization & SCHOENBERGER profit/PACs, environmental issues, representing individuals and Richard Schoenberger, Partner Types of Advocacy: Research and families. 650 California St. publications, enforcement, civil Hiring: The firm does not have a San Francisco, CA 94108 litigation, class action, regular hiring schedule for new (415) 981-7210 administrative advocacy attorneys. The firm does hire Fax: (415) 391-6965 (See also HI). summer law clerks (1Ls okay) to assist with research and legal Description: Firm of 18 attorneys THE WESTON FIRM, PC writing. Experience in immigration with a focus on personal injury Greg S. Weston law is preferred. Interested cases across California. 888 Turqoise St. candidates should visit the website Areas of Specialization: Personal San Diego, CA 92109 for more information. injury, medical malpractice, (858) 488-1672 Areas of Specialization: consumer Fax: (858) 247-4553 Immigration, naturalization Types of Advocacy: Individual [email protected] Types of Advocacy: litigation, class action Administrative hearings, appellate, Description: Firm specializing in class actions, impact litigation, WEINBERG, ROGER & lawsuits against corporations, individual cases ROSENFELD especially antitrust and consumer Caren Sencer, Hiring Partner class action litigation. Their VEEN FIRM, PC [email protected] antitrust work is heavy on economic 711 Van Ness Ave., Ste. 220 Bay Area Office analysis and often involve the San Francisco, CA 94102 1001 Marina Village Pkwy application of antitrust (415) 673-4800 Suite. 200 law to the new economy, for Fax: (415) 771-5845 Alameda, CA 94501 example the Apple iPod iTunes [email protected] (510) 337-1001 Antitrust Litigation. Fax: (510) 337-1023 Areas of Specialization: Areas of Specialization: Personal Los Angeles Office Property/real estate, intellectual injury, consumer, malpractice, 3435 800 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. property/technology, consumer, employment/labor, corporate fraud, 6201320 communications, wrongful death Los Angeles, CA 900170-261907 business/economic issues, Types of Advocacy: Individual (213) 380-2344 arts/entertainment litigation, class action Fax: (213) 381-1088443-5098 Types of Advocacy: Policy, Sacramento Office individual cases, factual 428 J St., Ste. 52620 investigation, class action, civil WALKER, HAMILTON & Sacramento, CA 95814-2341 litigation KOENIG (916) 443-6600 Serena Broussard, Office Manager Fax: (916) 442-0244 WOHLNER KAPLON 50 Francisco St., Suite 460 PHILLIPS YOUNG & CUTLER San Francisco, CA 94133 Description: The 40+ attorney 16501 Ventura Boulevard Suite 304 (415) 513-4924 firm is dedicated to the labor Encino, CA, 91436 Fax: (415) 986-1618 movement and aiding workers in 818-501-8030 [email protected] www.whk- civil litigation. [email protected] Hiring: The firm does not have a Description: Mid-sized firm Description: Personal injury regular hiring schedule for new looking to serve the cause of Private Public Interest and Plaintiffs’ Firm Guide 30 working people Robert Maes, Attorney/Firm New Haven, CT 06905 Areas of Specialization: Labor and Owner (203) 325-3686 employment law 1610 Gaylord St. Stamford Office Types of Advocacy: Civil Denver, CO 80206-1207 1172 Bedford Street litigation, class action, client-based, (303) 377-4449 Stamford, CT 06905 impact litigation, innovative Areas of Specialization: Medical (203) 583-8634 advocacy malpractice; motor vehicle Fax: 203-368-3244 accidents — plaintiff; personal COLORADO injury — plaintiff; products liability Description: This plaintiffs’ firm law; social security — disability; has 20 attorneys and specializes in CAREY LAW FIRM workers’ compensation law; trial advocacy with a particular 2301 E. Pikes Peak wrongful death; and premises focus on medical malpractice. Colorado Springs, CO 80909 liability Hiring: The firm does not regularly (719) 635-0377 Types of Advocacy: Legal writing, hire but does accept law students Fax: (719) 635-2920 individual cases, research for summer positions in the [email protected] and publications Bridgeport Office. Interested [email protected] students should contact the firm in CONNECTICUT the fall. Areas of Specialization: Areas of Specialization: Personal Employment/labor, whistleblower, CASPER & DE TOLEDO, LLC injury, civil rights, consumer, consumer Deborah Briganti, Office Manager unfair trade practices fraud, medical Types of Advocacy: Class actions, 1458 Bedford St fraud, malpractice, product liability, complex litigation Stamford, CT 06905 premises liability, women/children, (203) 325-8600 constitutional law, prisoner rights, FOX & ROBERTSON, PC Fax: (203) 323-5970 whistleblower/qui tam 104 Broadway, Ste. 400 Types of Advocacy: General Denver, CO 80203 Description: The firm’s three litigation, commercial litigation, (303) 595-9700 attorneys represent exclusively class action, individual cases Fax: (303) 595-9705 plaintiffs in the NYC area. [email protected] Hiring: No regular summer LIVINGSTON, ADLER, internship program, but interested PULDA, MEIKLEJOHN & Description: The two-attorney firm candidates should contact Deborah KELLY, PC specializes in civil rights Briganti in the fall. Nicole Rothgeb, Partner cases but litigates in a variety of Areas of Specialization: Personal 557 Prospect Ave. practice areas. injury, employment, disability, Hartford, CT 06105-2922 Hiring: The firm does not hire medical malpractice, (860) 233-9821 new attorneys or summer whistleblowers, consumer Fax: (860) 232-7818 associates. Types of Advocacy: General [email protected] Areas of Specialization: litigation, class action, appellate [email protected] Consumer, disability, employment, housing, public sector, KOSKOFF KOSKOFF & Description: With six attorneys, transportation BIEDER, PC the firm serves as the largest Types of Advocacy: Appeals, class Bridgeport Office plaintiff-side labor and employment action, individual David Bernard, Hiring Attorney law firm in CT. representation, litigation, 350 Fairfield Ave. Hiring: The firm does not usually mediation, trial Bridgeport, CT 06604 hire summer associates, but it (203) 336-4421 fluctuates based on the needs of the HAGENS BERMAN SOBOL Fax: (203) 368-3244 firm (typically determined in the SHAPIRO, LLP [email protected] spring). Interested students should 2301 E. Pikes Peak Avenue Danbury Office contact the firm directly. Colorado Springs, CO 80909 (719) 1 Moss Ave. Areas of Specialization: 635-0377Fax. (719) 635-2920 Danbury, CT 06810 Employment/labor, unions, EEOC, (See WA for main listing). (203) 792-7100 progressive and civil rights, New Haven Office nonprofit organizations, EEOC MAES LAW FIRM 27 Elm St. Types of Advocacy: Individual cases, union representation, Private Public Interest and Plaintiffs’ Firm Guide 31 negotiation, mediation/ arbitration firm website. BERNABEI & WACHTEL, Areas of Specialization: DELAWARE PLLC Labor/employment law, unions, Eliza Dermody regulatory matters, education ELLIOT GREENLEAF 1775 T St., NW Types of Advocacy: Impact 1105 Market St., Ste 1700 Washington, DC 20009 litigation, administrative hearings, Wilmington, DE 19801 (202) 745-1942 appellate, investigations (302) 384-9400 Fax: (202) 745-2627 Fax: (302) 384-9399 [email protected] CARLINER & REMES, PC (See PA for main listing). 1150 Connecticut Ave., NW Description: Six attorneys who Suite 610 GRANT & EISENHOFER P.A. focus on impact litigation Washington, DC 20036 1201 N. Market St.3 Justison St. Hiring: The firm does not regularly (202) 223-0050 Wilmington, DE 19801 hire. However, it usually takes Fax: (202) 223-0052 (302) 622-7000 typically takes three paid law clerks [email protected] Fax: (302) 622-7100 ever summer. The application [email protected] process generally begins in Description: Three attorneys Description: National litigation November or December. dedicated exclusively to boutique that focuses on Areas of Specialization: immigration and nationality law. representing institutional investors. Employment/labor, whistleblower, Hiring: The firm does not regularly Named one of the nation’s “Top civil rights, sexual harassment, hire or have a summer Ten Plaintiffs’ Firms” by the women’s rights associate program. National Law Journal. Types of Advocacy: Areas of Specialization: Areas of Specialization: Fraud, Impact litigation, training and Immigration, nationality, asylum Investor recoveries, securities, education, negotiation/settlement Types of Advocacy: Individual antitrust, corporate governance, cases, civil litigation bankruptcy, whistleblower, BRANDON ASSOCIATES LLC employment 1201 Pennsylvania Ave., Ste. 300 COHEN, MILSTEIN, SELLERS, Types of Advocacy: Litigation, Washington, DC 20006 & TOLL, PLLC individual cases, complex litigation, (See MA for main listing). Megan Fullem (attys.) negotiation/settlement Shehani Goonewardena (summer) (See also NY, DC). BREDHOFF & KAISER, PLLC 1100 New York Ave. NW Suite Bruce Lerner 500 West LABATON, SUCHAROW LLP 805 15th St., NW, Ste. 1000 Washington, DC 20005-3964 1 Commerce Ctr. Washington, DC 20005-2207 (202) 408-4600 1202 N. Orange St., Ste 801 (202) 842-2600 Fax: (202) 408-4699 Wilmington, DE 19801 Fax: (202) 842-1888 (302) 573-2540 Description: The firm has sixty- Fax: (302) 573-2529 Description: This 30+ attorney five attorneys and specializes in (See NY for main listing). firm based in Washington focuses complex class action lawsuits. on the representation of labor Hiring: The firm does not have a DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA organizations and related regular hiring schedule but will institutions in the public and private reevaluate every year. The firm ALDEN LAW GROUP, PLLC sectors. hires 5 summer associates every 2600 Virginia Ave NW Ste 512 Hiring: The firm is always open to summer, 4 for the DC office and 1 Washington, DC, 20037 hiring law students, law clerks, or for the NY office. Salary varies and 202-463-0300 other attorneys as new associates if is determined during the [email protected] their applications are compelling. application/interview process. The Description: Small D.C. law firm Likewise, the firm typically hires deadline for the online application with six attorneys 6-8 summer associates (2Ls or 3Ls is October 1. Areas of Specialization: only). The hiring and interview Areas of Specialization: Civil Employment and labor law process usually begins in late rights, employment discrimination, Types of Advocacy: Civil August or early September of each consumer protection, product litigation, administrative advocacy, year. More information about liability, environmental health individual cases, client-based opportunities is available on the threats, international human rights Types of Advocacy: Class action Private Public Interest and Plaintiffs’ Firm Guide 32 (See also NY, PA, IL, FL). proceedings (202) 362-0636 Fax: (866) 574-2033 COLSON, HICKS, EIDSON FINKELSTEIN THOMPSON [email protected] 2101 L Street, N.W. LLP 10th Floor James Place Description: The firm’s practice is Washington, D.C. 20037 1077 30th Street, NW devoted primarily to pro bono (202) 386-6706 Washington, DC 20007 litigation in the Supreme Court or Fax: (202) 386-6706 (202) 337-8000 federal courts of appeals. The firm Fax: (202) 337-8090 is affiliated with the law clinics at (See FL for main listing). [email protected] Stanford Law School and Harvard Law School. COTCHETT, PITRE & Areas of Specialization: Antitrust, Hiring: The firm does not hire new McCARTHY consumer, securities, nonprofit, attorneys. However, the firm 1025 Conn. Ave NW, Ste. 1000 whistleblower, employment hires a couple of summer associates Washington, DC 20036 Types of Advocacy: Class action, each year. The competitive process (202) 296-4515 small businesses, complex is rolling, and interested applicants (See CA for main listing). litigation. should send their materials to Tom (See also CA) Goldstein. CUNEO GILBERT & LADUCA Areas of Specialization: First 507 C St NE GAFFNEY & SCHEMBER, PC Amendment, death penalty, Washington, DC, 20002 Susan B. Dunham criminal, bankruptcy/debt 202-789-3960 Attorney Types of Advocacy: Research and [email protected] 1666 Connecticut Ave., NW publications, legal writing, Description: Twenty attorneys Ste. 225 individual cases, civil litigation working at a plaintiff’s firm in D.C. Washington, DC 20009 Areas of Specialization: Antitrust, (202) 328-2244 GRANT & EISENHOFER, PA consumer protection, securities Fax: (202) 797-2354 1920 L St., NW, Ste. 400 fraud, civil rights violations [email protected] Washington, DC 20036 Types of Advocacy: Areas of Specialization: Civil (202) 386-9500 Administrative advocacy, appellate, rights and civil liberties, Fax: (202) 386-9505 civil litigation, class action, employment law, police (See DE for main listing). misconduct, military law, prisoners’ DUNCAN & ALLEN rights HAGENS BERMAN SOBOL Paul Breakman, Hiring Attorney Types of Advocacy: Individual SHAPIRO, LLP 1575 Eye St., NW, Ste. 300 cases, civil litigation 1629 K St., NW Washington, DC 20005 Suite 300 (202) 289-8400 GEBHARDT & ASSOCIATES, Washington, DC 20006 Fax: (202) 289-8450 LLP Tel. (202) 355-6435 [email protected] Joseph D. Gebhardt, Partner Fax. (202) 355-6455 1101 17th St., NW, Ste. 807 (See WA for main listing). Description: Ten attorneys who Washington, DC 20036 primarily represent public power (202) 496-0400 HARMON, CURRAN, and cooperative entities in Fax: (202) 496-0404 SPIELBERG & EISENBERG connection with their electric power [email protected] LLP business and service throughout the Ruth Eisenberg, nation. Areas of Specialization: 1726 M St., NW, Ste. 600 Hiring: The firm does not regularly Labor and employment law, civil Washington, DC 20036 hire associates but does hire rights and civil liberties (202) 328-3500 summer associates; interested Types of Advocacy: Impact Fax: (202) 328-6918 candidates should contact Mr. litigation, individual cases [email protected] Breakman. Areas of Specialization: Energy, GOLDSTEIN & RUSSELL, PC Description: The firm has seven consumer, real estate Tom Goldstein attorneys and specializes in Types of Advocacy: Litigation, 5225 Wisconsin Ave., Ste. 404 representing non-profits and citizen dispute resolution, regulatory Washington, D.C. 20015 groups in litigation issues.

Private Public Interest and Plaintiffs’ Firm Guide 33 Hiring: The firm does not have a women’s rights 1718 Connecticut Ave., NW, Fl. 6 regular hiring schedule for Types of Advocacy: Individual Washington, DC 20009 associates. However, very litigation, appeals (202) 299-1140 interested candidates should contact Fax: (202) 299-1148 the firm directly. JAMES & HOFFMAN, PC [email protected] Areas of Specialization: Nonprofit Darin Dalmat, Associate Areas of org tax law, election, employment 1130 Connecticut Ave. NW Specialization: environmental, nuclear safety Suite 950 Employment, whistleblowers Types of Advocacy: Individual Washington, DC 20036 Types of Advocacy: Litigation, cases, administrative hearings (202) 496-0500 individual cases Fax: (202) 496-0555 HAUSFELD LLP [email protected] KLEIN HORNIG LLP Brian Ratner, Partner Daniel Rosen 1700 K Street, NW Suite 650 Description: The firm has seven Partner Washington, DC 20006 attorneys, along with two of- 1275 K St., NW Ste. 1200 (202) 540-7200 counsel attorneys, and has a Washington, DC 20005 Fax: (202) 540-7200 nationwide litigation practice with a (202) 842-9006 [email protected] special focus on the effective Fax: (202) 842-3936 Description: The 20+ attorney firm resolution of labor and employment [email protected] is a global claimants firm dedicated disputes. to handling large and complex Hiring: The firm does not have a (See MA for main listing). litigation matters on behalf of regular hiring schedule for new individuals, corporations and attorneys but does post KLIMASKI & ASSOCIATES, organizations. opportunities on the firm’s website. PC Hiring: The firm does not regularly Interested candidates should email James R. Klimaski, Principal hire new attorneys but does post or mail their application materials. Hiring Partner opportunities as they become The firm offers a few summer 1625 Mass Ave NW, Ste. 500 available. The firm hires summer positions to 2L and 3L (pre- Washington, DC 20036 law clerks every summer, clerkship) students. Qualified (202) 296-5600 depending on the expected work students should send their materials Fax: (202) 296-5601 load. Interested students are to Darin Dalmat at their earliest [email protected] encouraged to check the firm’s convenience. website in the fall for more details. Areas of Specialization: Description: The firm of three Areas of Specialization: Antitrust, Labor/employment, unions, attorneys specializes in employment civil rights, consumer, industrial law, nonprofit issues and cases against the federal environmental, intellectual Types of Advocacy: Civil government. Hiring: The firm does property, securities, litigation, union representation, not have a regular hiring schedule Types of Advocacy: Impact administrative, contracts for associates. litigation, class action, complex Areas of Specialization: Labor and litigation, dispute resolution KATOR, PARKS & WEISER, employment law, discrimination, (See also CA, PA, and London) PLLC consumer protection, government 1200 18th St. NW accountability, police misconduct, HELLER, HURON, Washington, DC 20036 criminal justice, gay/lesbian rights, CHERTKOF & SALZMAN, (202) 898-4800 civil rights PLLC Fax: (202) 289-1389 Types of Advocacy: Individual Carolyn Lerner, Partner [email protected] cases, litigation in federal court 1730 M St., NW, Ste. 412 Washington, DC 20036 (202) 293- Areas of Specialization: KOHN, KOHN, COLAPINTO, 8090 Employment, civil rights, LLP Fax: (202) 293-7110 whistleblowers Mary Jane Wilmoth [email protected] Types of Advocacy: Litigation Managing Partner [email protected] (See also TX). 3323 P St., NW Washington, DC 20007 Areas of Specialization: Civil KATZ, MARSHALL, & BANKS (202) 342-6980 rights, labor and employment law, Avi Kumin, Partner Fax: (202) 342-6984 gay/lesbian rights, disability, Private Public Interest and Plaintiffs’ Firm Guide 34 [email protected] Areas of Specialization: Crisis Types of Advocacy: Impact management, economic regulation, litigation, policy/legislative, not- Areas of Specialization: Labor and energy, environment, legal ethics, for-profit strategy and legal employment law, civil rights, public interest representation whistleblower protection, civil Types of Advocacy: Lobbying, rights, environmental rights, human impact litigation, individual cases MEYER, SUOZZI, ENGLISH & rights KLEIN PC Types of Advocacy: Individual MEHRI & SKALET, PLLC 1300 Conn Ave., NW, Ste. 600 cases, impact litigation, 1250 Connecticut Ave., NW Washington, DC 20036 administrative hearings Ste. 300 (202) 955-6340 Washington, DC 20036 Fax: (202) 223-0358 LICHTMAN, TRISTER & ROSS (202) 822-5100 (See NY for main listing). 1666 Connecticut Ave., NW, Fax: (202) 822-4997 5th Floor [email protected] MILLER, BALIS & O’NEIL, PC Washington, DC 20009 John P. Gregg (202) 328-1666 Areas of Specialization: Labor and Managing Principal Fax: (202) 328-9162 employment law, government (no phone calls) [email protected] accountability, civil rights, 1015 15th St., NE Washington, DC whistleblowers, environmental law 20005 Areas of Specialization: Types of Advocacy: Class action, (202) 296-2960 Immigration law, nonprofit, impact litigation, lobbying, Fax: (202) 296-0166 political, intellectual property, policy/legislative, appeals, [email protected] family law administrative hearings Types of Advocacy: Individual Areas of Specialization: cases, client-oriented litigation, MEYER GLITZENSTEIN & Energy/utilities, compliance, alternative dispute resolution CRYSTAL government relations William Eubanks Types of Advocacy: Impact LIPPMAN, SEMSKER & SALB, Associate Attorney litigation, client-oriented cases, LLC 1601 Connecticut Ave. NW, administrative hearings S. Micah Salb, Shareholder Suite 700 7979 Old Georgetown Rd., Washington, DC 20009 MURPHY ANDERSON LLC Ste. (202) 588-5206 Mark Hannah 1100 Fax: (202) 588-5049 1701 K St., NW, Ste. 210 Bethesda, MD 20814 [email protected] Washington, DC 20006 (301) 656-6905 202-223-2620 Fax: (301) 656-6906 Description: Firm of five [email protected] [email protected] attorneys focused on legal services [email protected] and advocacy on behalf of non- Areas of Specialization: First profit organization in the D.C. area amendment, labor/employment, Areas of Specialization: Labor and Hiring: The firm does not have a government accountability/legal employment law, family law, regular hiring schedule but posts all reform/whistleblowers gay/lesbian rights, disability, opportunities on its website. The Types of Advocacy: Appellate, HIV/AIDS discrimination firm hires one-three law clerks per class action, innovative advocacy, Types of Advocacy: Individual term, including the summer. civil litigation cases, class actions, appeals, The clerks receive course credit, administrative hearings outside funding, or compensation O’DONNELL, SCHWARTZ & LOBEL, NOVINS & LAMONT, based on the public interest pay ANDERSON, PC LLP scale – depending on the Melinda K. Holmes Martin Lobel, Partner circumstances. Interested students Associate 888 17th St., N.W. Ste. 810 should check the website beginning 1300 L St. NW, Ste. 1200 Washington, DC 20006 in the fall for application Washington, DC 20005-4178 (202) 371-6626 instructions. (202) 898-1707 Fax: (202) 371-6643 Areas of Specialization: Energy, Fax: (202) 682-9276 [email protected] environmental law, consumer [email protected] [email protected] protection

Private Public Interest and Plaintiffs’ Firm Guide 35 Areas of Specialization: Civil Real estate law, affordable housing rights, labor and employment law, PHILLIPS & COHEN, LLP Types of Advocacy: Impact disability rights, women’s rights, Erika Kelton, Hiring Attorney litigation, policy/legislative, client- immigration 2000 Massachusetts Ave, N.W oriented litigation Types of Advocacy: Individual Suite 100 (See also TN, MD). cases, policy/legislative, union Washington, DC 20036 representation (202) 833-4567 ROBBINS GELLER RUDMAN Fax: (202) 833-1815 & DOWD LLP O’DONOGHUE & 1100 Connecticut Ave., N.W. O’DONOGHUE, LLP [email protected] Ste. 730 Mark Kunst, Hiring Partner Description: A 20+ attorney firm Washington, DC 20036 Gerard Waites, Hiring Partner with a specialization in securities (202) 822-6762 4748 Wisconsin Ave., NW litigation and whistleblower Fax: (202) 828-8528 Washington, DC 20016 representation. (202) 362-0041 Hiring: The firm does not regularly (See CA for main listing). Fax: (202) 362-2640 hire new attorneys but does hire a [email protected] summer associate for each office to SANFORD, WITTELS, & work from June until August. HEISLER Description: The firm has twenty- Interested students should send a 1666 Connecticut Avenue NW, eight attorneys across two offices in resume to Erika Kelton in the fall Suite 300 the areas of labor, employee and will hear back for interviews in Washington, DC 20009 benefits, employment and the winter. (202) 742-7777 governmental affairs law. Areas of Specialization: Qui tam, Fax: (202) 742-7776 Hiring: The firm does not have a whistleblower, tax fraud, securities (See NY). regular hiring schedule. However, fraud, corporate transparency interested applicants for associate Types of Advocacy: SHERMAN, DUNN, COHEN, positions may submit resumes and Whistleblower claims, client- LEIFER & YELLIG, PC writing samples to Mark Kunst at oriented litigation, individual cases Terry Yelling, Partner the firm's Washington, D.C. office. (See also CA). Robert Kurnick, Partner Interested applicants for summer 900 7th St. NW, Ste. 1000 law clerk positions may submit RELMAN, DANE, & COLFAX, Washington, DC 20001 resumes and writing samples to PLLC (202) 785-9300 Gerard Waites also at the firm’s Taryn Scott, Office Manager Fax: (202) 775-1950 D.C. office on a rolling basis. 1225 19th St. NW. Ste. 600 Areas of Specialization: Union Washington, DC 20036 [email protected] issues, labor/employment, (202) 730-0330 [email protected] governmental affairs Fax: (202) 728-0848 Description: The firm of nine Types of Advocacy: Individual [email protected] attorneys specializes in labor and cases, union representation [email protected] employment law, as well as (See also PA). representing labor organizations. Areas of Specialization: Civil Hiring: The firm occasionally hires OSBORNE LAW OFFICES, PC rights, housing law, fair lending, full-time associate attorneys. Sharon Bristow police accountability, public Interested candidates should send Office Manager accountability applications to Robert Kurnick. The 4301 Connecticut Ave., NW, Types of Advocacy: Individual firm hires one law clerk every Suite 108 cases, client-oriented litigation, summer. Interested students should Washington, DC 20008 administrative hearings send a resume to Terry Yellig at (202) 243-3200 RENO & CAVANAUGH, PLLC any time. Fax: (202) 243-3207 455 Mass. Ave. NW, Ste. 400 Areas of Specialization: [email protected] Washington, DC 20001 Labor/employment, unions, Areas of Specialization: Unions, (202) 783-2800 veterans, occupational safety labor and employment law Fax: (202) 783-0550 Types of Advocacy: Individual Types of Advocacy: Client- [email protected] cases, union representation, oriented litigation, union appellate, civil litigation representation Areas of Specialization: Private Public Interest and Plaintiffs’ Firm Guide 36 SONOSKY, CHAMBERS, (202) 865-8010 interest law. The Fellow will be an SACHSE, ENDERSON & Fax: (202) 332-6652 employee of the firm for the PERRY, LLP [email protected] duration of the Fellowship. During Mary Pavel, Hiring Partner that year, a minimum of two months 1425 K Street, N.W., Ste. 600 Areas of specialization: will be spent working directly for a Washington, D.C. 20005 Consumer, employment public interest organization based in (202) 682-0240 Types of Advocacy: Individual the District of Columbia. Fax: (202) 682-0249 cases, emphasis on class action. Areas of Specialization: Consumer [email protected] (See also MN). Class Actions; Whistleblower & False Claims Act; Employment Description: The 20+ attorney firm TERRIS, PRAVLIK & Litigation; Business Disputes; is devoted to representing Native MILLIAN. LLP Defamation & First Amendment American interests in a wide range Kathleen L. Millian, Partner Litigation; Overtime/Wage and of endeavors including trial and 1121 12th St., NW Hour. appellate litigation Washington, D.C. 20005-4632 Types of Advocacy: Class action Hiring: The firm does not regularly (202) 682-2100 and other complex litigation. hire new attorneys but often draws Fax: (202) 289-6795 from its summer associate program. [email protected] WIGGINS, CHILDS, QUINN & The Washington, D.C. office [email protected] PANTAZIS, LLC typically hires two or three summer [email protected] 1850 M St., St. 720 associates, and the Alaska, [email protected] Washington, DC 20009 Albuquerque, and San Diego (202) 467-4123 offices one or two each. Interested Areas of Specialization: Fax: (202) 467-4489 students are encouraged to read Environmental, employment, civil further on the firm’s website and rights, housing, voting rights, (See AL for main listing). then contact the appropriate office medical care, religious for more hiring details. accommodation, disability WOODLEY & McGILLIVARY Areas of Specialization: Native Types of Advocacy: Civil 1101 Vermont Ave. NW, Ste. 1000 American civil legal issues litigation, individual representation Washington, DC 20005 Types of Advocacy: Complex civil (202) 833-8855 litigation, lobbying TYCKO & ZAVAREEI LLP [email protected] (See also AK, NM, CA). Hassan Zavareei, Partner 2000 L Street, NW Suite 808 Areas of Specialization: SPIEGEL & McDIARMID LLP Washington, DC 200366 Labor/employment Rebecca Dunyak (202) 973-0900 Types of Advocacy: Class action, Recruiting Coordinator Fax: (202) 973-0950 complex litigation 1333 New Hampshire Ave., NW [email protected] FLORIDA Washington, DC 20036 Description: Tycko & Zavareei (202) 879-4074 LLP is an 8-attorney law firm Fax: (202) 393-2866 BERMAN DEVALERIO focusing primarily on plaintiff-side 3507 Kyoto Gardens Dr. Suite 200 [email protected] representation. Clients range from Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410 individuals fighting for their civil (561) 835-9400 Areas of Specialization: Consumer rights, consumers seeking redress Fax: (561) 835-0322 rights, energy, antitrust, for unfair business practices, (See MA for main listing). transportation, environment, whistleblowers exposing fraud and communications, qui tam corruption, tenants’ associations COHEN, MILSTEIN, SELLERS, Types of Advocacy: Lobbying, battling to preserve decent and appeals, administrative hearings, & TOLL, PLLC affordable housing, and non-profit 3570 Kyoto Gardens Dr. policy/legislative, client-oriented entities and businesses facing Suite 200 litigation difficult litigation. Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410

Hiring: The firm hires one Public (561) 578-6850 SPRENGER & LANG, PLLC Interest Fellow annually. The (See DC for main listing). Steven M. Sprenger Fellowship is intended for Managing Partner individuals with a demonstrated 1400 Eye St., NW Ste. 500 COLSON, HICKS, EIDSON commitment to a career in public 255 Alhambra Circle Washington, DC 2005 Private Public Interest and Plaintiffs’ Firm Guide 37 Penthouse Fax: (561) 367-0297 2650 SW 27th Ave., 2nd Fl. Coral Gables, FL 33134 Coral Gables Office Miami, FL 33133-3003 (305) 476-7400 2525 Ponce de Leon (305) 444-0060 Fax: (305) 476-7444 Suite 1150 Fax: (305) 444-3503 Coral Gables, FL 33134 [email protected] Description: The firm has 19 (888) 296-1681 attorneys across three offices. Fax: (305) 285-1668 Areas of Specialization: Areas of Specialization: Fort Lauderdale Office International, immigration, health, Appellate practice, arbitration, Las Olas Centre II employment/labor, civil rights/civil ADR, aviation law, class action Suite 1120 liberties litigation, commercial litigation, 350 East Las Olas Blvd. Types of Advocacy: International, construction litigation, defective Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33301 individual cases, impact litigation, auto components, personal injury, (888) 296-1681 administrative hearings pharmaceutical litigation, products Fax: (954) 764-1866 liability, professional malpractice, Sarasota Office MILBERG LLP white collar criminal defense Suite 777 Corporate Ctr. 1 Types of Advocacy: Civil 1800 Second Street 2202 N. Westshore Blvd., Ste. 200 litigation, individual representation, Sarasota, FL 34236 Tampa, FL 33607 class action (888) 296-1681 (813) 639-4248 Fax: (941) 316-0963 Fax: (561) 892-8164 GARY, WILLIAMS, LEWIS Key West Office (See NY for main listing). AND WATSON, P.L. 509 Whitehead St. Chan Abney Key West, FL 33040 MIERZWA & ASSOCIATES, Director of Human Resources (888) 296-1681 PA Stuart Office Fax: (305) 509-7738 3900 Woodlake Blvd., Ste. 212 Waterside Professional Building Description: The firm has 13 Lake Worth, FL 33463 221 E. Osceola St. Stuart, FL 34994 attorneys, as well as a team of (561) 966-1200 (800) 329-4279 medical and legal investigators. Fax: (561) 966-1231 Fax: (772) 220-3343 Area of Specialization: Medical Areas of Specialization: Ft. Pierce Office malpractice, class action, consumer, Labor/union representation W. E. Gary Professional Center personal injury, commercial Types of Advocacy: Arbitration 320 S. Indian River Dr. Ft. Pierce, litigation, Qui Tam litigation, research FL 34948 Types of Advocacy: Civil (772) 464-2352 litigation, individual representation, PHILLIPS RICHARD & RIND, Fax: (772) 464-4226 class action P.A. [email protected] nd THE HAGGARD LAW FIRM, 9360 SW 72 St., Ste. 283 [email protected] P.A. Miami, FL 33173 Description: The firm has 12 330 Alhambra Circle (305) 412-8322 attorneys and a staff of over 100 Coral Gables, FL 33134 Fax: (305) 412-8299 across three offices that specialize (305) 446-5700 [email protected] in personal injury claims. Fax: (305) 446-1154 Areas of Specialization: Medical Description: The firm has eight malpractice, employment, Description: The firm has eight self-described “organizing consumer, personal injury, attorneys dedicated to personal attorneys” that focus on commercial litigation injury claims and litigation. representing organized labor and Types of Advocacy: Impact Areas of Specialization: Personal individual workers. litigation, class actions injury, medical malpractice, Hiring: The firm does not have a regular hiring schedule for new consumer products associates or summer clerks. GROSSMAN ROTH, P.A. Types of Advocacy: Class action, However, very interested Boca Raton Office education, litigation, trial advocacy candidates should contact the firm Wells Fargo Plaza directly in the fall. Suite 350 KURZBAN, KURZBAN, Areas of Specialization: 925 S. Federal Highway WEINGER, TETZELI AND Employment, labor, union Boca Raton, FL 33432 PRATT PA representation (888) 296-1681 Ira Kurzban, Partner Private Public Interest and Plaintiffs’ Firm Guide 38 Types of Advocacy: Organizing, Columbus Office 1401 Peachtree St., NE, Ste. 238 collective bargaining, training, 105 13th St. Atlanta, GA, 30309-3000 union representation P.O. Box 2766 (404) 897-1000 Columbus, GA 31902 Description: Represents PODHURST ORSEC, P.A. (706) 322-1990 individuals and labor organizations City National Bank Building Fax: (706) 323-2962 Areas of Specialization: Labor 25 West Flagler Street, Suite 800 Atlanta Office law, civil rights Miami, FL 33130 2719 Buford Highway Types of Advocacy: Impact (305) 358-2800 Atlanta, GA 30324 litigation, individual cases, civil [email protected] (404) 321-1700 litigation Description: Plaintiff’s firm that Fax: (404) 321-1713 focuses on many different types of HAWAII complex litigation. Areas of Specialization: Civil Areas of Specialization: Appellate liberties, environment, health DAVIS LEVIN LIVINGSTON practice, aviation litigation, Types of Advocacy: Individual Mark S. Davis, Partner commercial litigation, general tort, representation, civil litigation 400 Davis Levin Livingston Pl. products liability litigation 851 Fort Street Mall Types of Advocacy: Civil LEVY PHILLIPS & Honolulu, HI 96813 litigation, appellate, class action KONIGSBERG, LLP (808) 524-7500 1800 Peachtree Street, N.W. Fax: (808) 356-0418 ROBBINS GELLER RUDMAN Suite 300 [email protected] & DOWD LLP Atlanta, GA 30309 120 E. Palmetto Park Rd., Ste. 500 (404) 748-1600 Description: Firm of nine trial Boca Raton, FL 33432 (See NY for main listing). lawyers handling litigation matters (561) 750-3000 on all of the Hawaiian Islands and Fax: (561) 750-3364 PARKS, CHESIN & WALBERT, on the mainland United States. (See CA for main listing). PC Hiring: Does not regularly hire and 75 14th St. 26th Fl., has not traditionally taken SEARCY, DENNEY, SCAROLA, Atlanta, GA 30309 summer associates. However, the BARNHART, & SHIPLEY, PA (404) 873-8000 firm is open to the possibility of 2139 Palm Beach Lakes Blvd. Fax: (404) 873-8050 accepting one or two summer West Palm Beach, FL 33409-6601 associates; interested applicants (561) 686-6300 Description: The firm of 10 should contact the firm regarding Description: The firm has a team of employees specializes in all their interest at their earliest 29 attorneys and 12 support staff employment cases, as well as convenience. members. commercial litigation. Areas of Specialization: Civil Areas of Specialization: Personal Hiring: The firm does not have a rights/civil liberties, consumer, injury, medical malpractice, regular hiring schedule for disability, whistleblower, health consumer products, intellectual associates. care, personal injury property Areas of Specialization: Civil Types of Advocacy: Litigation, rights/civil liberties, immigration class action, innovative advocacy WIGGINS, CHILDS, QUINN & Types of Advocacy: Impact WEINBERG ROGER & PANTAZIS, LLC litigation, individual cases, ROSENFELD, PC 101 North Woodland Blvd. lobbying 1099 Alakea St., Ste. 1602, Suite 600 Honolulu, HI 96813 DeLand, FL 32720 ROBBINS GELLER RUDMAN (808) 528-8880 (386) 675-6946 & DOWD LLP Fax: (808) 528-8881 Fax: (386) 675-6947 3424 Peachtree Rd., NE, Ste. 1650 (See CA for main listing). Atlanta, GA 30326 (See AL for main listing). (404) 504-6500 IDAHO Fax: (404) 504-6501 GEORGIA (See CA for main listing). BERNSTEIN, CUSHNER & KIMMEL, PC BUTLER, WOOTEN & STANFORD, FAGAN & P.O. Box 1527 FRYHOFER, LLP GIOLITO 411 N. Leadville Ave., Ste. 3 Private Public Interest and Plaintiffs’ Firm Guide 39 Ketchum, ID 83340 230 W. Monroe St., Ste. 2600 Chicago, IL 60604 (208) 727-9734 Chicago, IL 60606 (312) 236-0415 Fax: (208) 727-9735 (312) 364-9400 Fax: (312) 341-0438 [email protected] Fax: (312) 364-9410 [email protected] Areas of Specialization: [email protected] Employment, environment, civil, Areas of Specialization: corporate, energy, construction Description: Five principals and Employment, labor, benefits, Types of Advocacy: Arbitration, two associates focused on worker’s comp, personal injury, dispute resolution, individual representing unions and other union representation representation, mediation business organizations. Types of Advocacy: Litigation, (See MA for main listing). Hiring: No regular hiring arbitration, negotiation schedule. Sometimes hires summer ILLINOIS interns, depending on the expected BENASSI & BENASSI, PC workload. Applicants should 300 NE Perry Ave. ABRAHAMSON, VORACHEK contact the firm in the winter to Peoria, IL 61603 & LEVINSON inquire. (309) 674-3556 120 N. La Salle St., Ste.1050 Areas of Specialization: Fax: (309) 674-7989 Chicago, IL 60602 Labor/employment, unions, benefits [email protected] (312) 263-2698 law, associations, non- profits, and Fax: (312) 419-6770 small businesses Areas of Specialization: Civil [email protected] Types of Advocacy: Class action, rights, employment, family, labor, union side, individual litigation, workers comp, personal injury, Description: Very small firm dispute resolution, appellate medical malpractice focused on employment cases in Types of Advocacy: Civil the Chicago area. APPLEGATE & THORNE- litigation, individual representation Hiring: The firm does not regularly THOMSEN, PC hire and is not expecting to hire any Bennett P. Applegate CARMELL CHARONE summer law clerks in the near Managing Partner WIDMER MOSS & BARR future. 626 West Jackson Blvd. Suite 400 225 W Washington St Areas of Specialization: Chicago, IL 60661 Chicago, IL, 60606 Employment/labor, discrimination, (312) 491-4400 (312) 236-8033 whistleblower Fax: (312) 491-4411 Description: Three attorneys Types of Advocacy: Individual [email protected] www.att- working on labor law representation, civil litigation Areas of Specialization: Labor law Description: The firm has Types of Advocacy: Alternative AHLGREN & ASSOCIATES 19 attorneys and nine legal dispute resolution, transactional, Robert D. Ahlgren assistants and specializes in civil litigation 105 W. Madison St., Ste. 508 affordable housing and community Chicago, IL 60602 development issues. COCHRAN, CHERRY, (312) 782-1804 Hiring: The firm has no regular GIVENS, SMITH & Fax: (312)-782-7023 hiring schedule for associates but MONTGOMERY does post on the firm website when Melvin L. Brooks, Attorney1 N. Description: Attorneys who all opportunities become available. LaSalle Ste. 2450 focus on immigration and Areas of Specialization: Real Chicago, IL 60602 nationality law cases estate and affordable housing, (312) 977-0200 Hiring: No regular hiring schedule community and economic Fax: (312) 977-0209 and does not hire summer development [email protected] associates. Types of Advocacy: Individual Areas of Specialization: cases, research and publications, Areas of Specialization: Civil Immigration and refugee transactions, contracts liberties/civil rights, consumer, Types of Advocacy: Individual health, plaintiff, personal injury, representation, civil litigation ARNOLD & KADJAN , medical malpractice ATTORNEYS AND Types of Advocacy: Individual ALLISON, SLUTSKY & COUNSELORS cases, class actions, impact KENNEDY, PC Steve Platt litigation 19 W. Jackson Blvd., Ste. 300 Private Public Interest and Plaintiffs’ Firm Guide 40 COHEN, MILSTEIN, SELLERS HERZOG CREBS Areas of Specialization: & TOLL, PLLC 5111 W. Main St. Employment/labor, disability, 190 S. LaSalle St., Ste. 1705 Belleville, IL 62226 human rights, women’s rights Chicago, IL 60603 (618) 235-7656 Types of Advocacy: Impact (312) 357-0370 (See MO for main listing). litigation, individual cases, policy Fax: (312) 357-0369 reform (See DC for main listing). HUGHES, SOCOL, PIERS, RESNICK & DYM, LTD. KINOY, TAREN, & CORNFIELD & FELDMAN 70 W. Madison St., Ste. 4000 GERAGHTY, PC Melissa Auerbach, Attorney Chicago, IL 60602 224 S. Michigan Ave., Ste. 300 25 E. Washington St., Ste. 1400 (312) 580-0100 Chicago, IL 60604 Chicago, IL 60602 Fax: (312) 580-1994 (312) 663-5210 (312) 236-7800 [email protected] Fax: (312) 663-6663 Fax: (312) 236-6686 Areas of Specialization: Civil Description: The firm has 36 rights/civil liberties, housing mauerbach@cornfieldandfeldman. attorneys and offers a broad range Types of Advocacy: Individual com of services for its commercial and representation Description: This union-side labor individual clients. law firm has 14 attorneys and a Areas of Specialization: KOREIN TILLERY, national and Illinois practice that Employment/labor, health, public ATTORNEYS AT LAW focus on representing unions and sector, immigration, non-profit, Belleville Office their workers in litigation. civil liberties, personal injury, #10 Executive Woods Ct. Areas of Specialization: Union intellectual property, domestic, Belleville, IL 62226 representation, workers comp, commercial litigation, real estate (618) 277-1180 occupational hazards, Types of Advocacy: Civil Fax: (618) 222-6939 employment/labor litigation, individual representation, Chicago Office Types of Advocacy: Individual negotiation, arbitration, 205 N. Michigan, Ste. 1940 cases, impact litigation, transactions, administrative Chicago, IL 60601 administrative hearings hearings (312) 641-9750 (See also NY). Fax: (312) 641-9751 JOHNSON, JONES, SNELLING, (See MO for main listing). FUTTERMAN HOWARD GILBERT & DAVIS, PC ASHLEY & WELTMAN, PC Thomas Johnson LAW OFFICE OF ROBERT E. 122 S. Michigan Ave., Ste. 1850 36 S. Wabash Ave., Ste. 1313 LEHRER Chicago, IL 60603 Chicago, IL 60603 Robert Lehrer (312) 427-3600 (312) 578-8100 36 S. Wabash St., Ste. 1310 Fax: (312) 427-1850 Fax: (312) 422-0709 Chicago, IL 60603 [email protected] [email protected] (312) 332-2121 Fax: (312) 422-0708 Areas of Specialization: Areas of Specialization: [email protected] Consumer, civil rights/civil Employment/labor, civil rights, liberties, education, whistleblowers low-income housing, Title VII, Description: The firm is comprised Types of Advocacy: Impact police misconduct, election law, of a single attorney who specializes litigation, individual cases child welfare, real estate in civil rights violations, as well as Types of Advocacy: Litigation, a mediation services practice. HAGENS BERMAN SOBOL individual cases Hiring: The firm does not hire new SHAPIRO, LLP attorneys or summer associates. Chicago Office KATZ, FRIEDMAN, EAGLE, Areas of Specialization: Civil 1144 W. Lake St. EISENSTEIN, JOHNSON & rights, constitutional rights, Suite 400 BARECK, PC employment, family law, Oak Park, IL, 60301 77 W. Washington, 20th Fl. administrative law, prisoner issues (708) 628-4949 Chicago, IL 60602 Types of Advocacy: Individual Fax: (708) 628-4950 (312) 263-6330 cases, class actions, mediation (See WA for main listing). Fax: (312) 263-6330 Private Public Interest and Plaintiffs’ Firm Guide 41 LOEVY & LOEVY Jon Loevy (full-time hiring) MINER, BARNHILL & THE LAW OFFICES OF Steve Art (summer hiring) GALLAND, PC ROBERT D. AHLGREN AND 312 N. May St, Ste. 100 Jeffrey Cummings, Partner ASSOCIATES, PC Chicago, IL 60607 14 W. Erie St. Chicago, IL 60610 33 N. LaSalle St., Ste. 1800 (312) 243-5900 (312) 751-1170 Chicago IL 60602 Fax: (312) 243-5902 Fax: (312) 751-0438 (312) 782-1804 [email protected], [email protected] [email protected] Description: Ten attorneys working in immigration law Description: The 20 attorneys in Description: The firm consists of Areas of Specialization: the firm focus on civil rights cases fourteen lawyers in two offices – Immigration law and specialize in bringing cases to ten in the Chicago office and four Types of Advocacy: Civil trial, as well as pursuing cases at in the Madison office. The firm has litigation, client-based, individual the appellate level. a reputation in civil rights litigation cases Hiring: The firm regularly hires and neighborhood economic one or two new attorneys each year development work. ROBINSON, CURLEY & after a competitive hiring process. Hiring: The firm does not have a CLAYTON, PC Interested individuals should regular hiring schedule for Alan Curley, Shareholder contact Jon Loevy directly. The associates, but interested candidates 300 S. Wacker Dr., Ste. 1700 firm also selects 2 or 3 candidates should contact the firm Chicago, IL 60606 (2Ls and 3Ls only) for Summer directly. (312) 663-3100 Associate positions each year. Areas of Specialization: Civil Fax: (312) 663-0303 Summer Associates are paid liberties, constitutional, economic [email protected] $5,000 for their participation in the development, housing, health care, 12-week program, and start and end personal injury, antitrust, consumer, Description: The firm of 15 dates are flexible. In addition, real estate attorneys specializes in commercial the firm selects 2 or 3 Summer Types of Advocacy: Individual litigation and related legal issues. Law Interns each year (1Ls and cases, class actions, appellate, Areas of Focus: Employment, civil 2Ls) who are unpaid. The firm impact litigation, innovative rights, environmental, accepts applications for summer advocacy, transactional criminal, intellectual property positions, via its website, from (See also WI). Types of Advocacy: Class actions, November through January, and complex litigation, appellate, makes decisions on a rolling basis. PAUL T. BERKOWITZ & ADR, contracts, transactions Areas of Specialization: Civil ASSOCIATES rights/liberties, prisoner issues, First 123 W. Madison St. LAW OFFICES OF DAVID M. Amendment Chicago, IL, 60602 STERNFIELD Types of Advocacy: Class action, 312-419-0001 33 N. Dearborn St., Ste. 300 client-based, individual cases, Description: Three attorneys with Chicago, IL 60602 factual investigation, civil a national practice representing (312) 622-6659 litigation, appellate labor unions Fax: (312) 924-7555 Areas of Specialization: Labor and [email protected] MEITES MULDER employment law 321 South Plymouth Court Types of Advocacy: Description: Solo attorney who Suite 1250 Administrative advocacy, impact specializes in a variety of public Chicago, Illinois 60604 litigation, individual cases, client- interest practice areas. (312) 263-0272 based Hiring: The firm does not hire new Fax: (312) 263-2942 attorneys or summer associates. [email protected] ROBBINS GELLER RUDMAN Areas of Specialization: Personal & DOWD LLP injury, medical malpractice, Areas of Specialization: 200 South Wacker Drive housing, consumer, domestic, Employment/labor, civil rights 31st Floor minor criminal defense criminal, intellectual property, Chicago, IL 60606 Types of Advocacy: Individual consumer protection (312) 674-4674 representation, civil litigation Types of Advocacy: Class action, Fax: (312) 674-4676 ADR, complex litigation, appellate (See CA for main listing). STOWELL & FRIEDMAN,

Private Public Interest and Plaintiffs’ Firm Guide 42 LTD. KENTUCKY BARON & BUDD, PC 321 S. Plymouth Ct., Ste. 1400 Baton Rouge Office Chicago, IL 60604 PRIDDY CUTLER MILLER & 9015 Bluebonnet Blvd., (312) 431-0888 MEADE Baton Rouge, LA 70810 Fax: (312) 431-0228 Irwin H. Cutler, Jr. (225) 927-5441 800 Republic Building Fax: (225) 768-7999 Areas of Specialization: Civil 429 W. Muhammad Ali Blvd. (See TX for main listing). rights, employment, labor Louisville, KY 40202 Types of Advocacy: Plaintiff-side, (502) 587-8600 BERNSTEIN, LITOWITZ, individual cases, legislation [email protected] BERGER & GROSSMAN, LLP New Orleans Office IOWA Description: This labor law firm 2727 Prytania St., Ste. 14 has 11 attorneys and focuses on New Orleans, LA 70130 BARRETT LAW FIRM litigation protecting the rights of (504) 899-2339 John Barrett, Hiring Attorney employees at all levels. Fax: (504) 899-2342 1501 42nd St., Ste. 390 Areas of Specialization: West Des Moines, IA 50266-1005 Labor/employment, union issues, (See NY for main listing). Description: The firm specializes medical, disability in civil rights, disability, education, Types of Advocacy: Class-action, COLSON, HICKS, EIDSON and employment law. client-based litigation, research and 600 Carondelet Street Areas of Specialization: publications Rooms 810 and 812 Labor/employment, education, New Orleans, Louisiana 70130 disability, civil rights/liberties LAW OFFICE OF ROBERT (305) 476-7400 Types of Advocacy: Individual UKEILEY Fax (305) 476-7444 cases, impact litigation, research Law Office of Robert Ukeiley 435R and publications Chestnut St Ste 1 (See FL for main listing). Berea, KY, 40403 CARNEY & APPLEBY 859-986-5402 303 Locust Street Description: One lawyer office 400 Homestead Building focusing on environmental issues Des Moines, IA 50309 Areas of Specialization: (866) 584-3924 Environmental law MARYLAND Fax: (515) 282-4700 Types of Advocacy: [email protected] Administrative advocacy, civil LAW OFFICES OF BLEDSOE Description: The five-attorney firm litigation AND GOLDTHORPE PA represents individuals in criminal Sandra Goldthorpe and civil litigation, as well as PRIDDY CUTLER MILLER & 200 East Lexington St., Ste. 400 providing lobbying and MEADE, PLLC Baltimore, MD 21202 legislative/regulatory services in 800 Republic Building 429 W. (410) 244-0772 Des Moines. Muhammad Ali Blvd. Fax: (410) 685-1801 Hiring: The firm does not have a Louisville, KY, 40202 [email protected] regular hiring schedule for new 502-587-8600 Areas of Specialization: Criminal attorneys or summer associates. Description: Nine attorneys defense, post convictions, criminal However, interested candidates working in labor, employment and appeals, personal injury, labor, should contact the firm directly to accidental injury law LGBT issues inquire. Areas of Specialization: Labor and Types of Advocacy: Individual Areas of Specialization: Criminal employment law, personal injury, representation, civil litigation defense, domestic, medical, workplace injury personal injury, regulations, Types of Advocacy: Class action, BROWN GOLDSTEIN LEVY, commercial litigation impact litigation, client- based, LLP Types of Advocacy: Individual individual cases, innovative Joseph B. Espo, Partner cases, civil litigation, criminal advocacy 120 E. Baltimore St., Ste 1700 defense, administrative hearings, Baltimore, MD 21202 lobbying LOUISIANA (410) 962-1030 Fax: (410) 385-0869 Private Public Interest and Plaintiffs’ Firm Guide 43 [email protected] Types of Advocacy: Civil Employment/labor [email protected] litigation Types of Advocacy: Civil litigation Description: The firm’s 16 ALYSON DODI MEISELMAN, attorneys specialize in a wide ATTORNEY AT LAW ANTONINO & DIMARE variety of civil and criminal defense Alyson Meiselman Charles J. DiMare matters. 14400 Lake Winds Way P.O. Box 3333 Hiring: The firm does not have a North Potomac, MD 20878 Amherst, MA 01004-3333 regular hiring schedule for (301) 412-3133 (413) 549-5330 associates. However, the firm posts [email protected] Fax: (413) 549-0791 opportunities on its website as they [email protected] arise. Areas of Specialization: [email protected] Areas of Specialization: Civil Civil/human rights, family, LGBT liberties, employment/labor, rights, child welfare Areas of Practice: Civil rights/civil disability, housing, election, child Types of Advocacy: Individual liberties, constitutional, consumer, abuse, commercial litigation, cases, publications education, family domestic, medical, LGBT rights, labor/employment, environmental personal injury, consumer RENO & CAVANAUGH, PLLC Types of Advocacy: Civil Types of Advocacy: Individual 10440 Little Patuxet Pkwy., litigation cases, impact litigation, appellate, Suite 550 class actions, mediation Columbia, MD 21044 LAW OFFICES OF ROBERT O. (202) 783-2800 BERGER HODES, PESSIN & KATZ, PA (See DC for main listing). Robert O. Berger 901 Dulaney Valley Rd., Ste. 400 11 Beacon St., Ste. 1210 (410) 938-8718 MASSACHUSETTS Boston, MA 02108 Fax: (410) 832-5607 (781) 860-0406 [email protected] ADKINS, KELSTON & Areas of Specialization: Trade, ZAVEZ, PC Jason Adkins labor/employment, disability, Areas of Specialization: LGBT Founding Member criminal, consumer, civil rights, rights, criminal defense, family 90 Canal St., 5th Fl. ERISA, discrimination, severage Types of Advocacy: Individual Boston, MA 02114-2018 agreements, executive representation, civil litigation (617) 367-1040 compensation, torts Fax: (617) 742-8280 Types of Advocacy: Research and KAHN SMITH & COLLINS, PA [email protected] publications, investigations, class 201 North Charles St.,10th Fl. action, civil litigation, appellate Baltimore, MD 21201 Areas of Specialization: Housing, (410) 244-1010 criminal justice, government BCK LAW, PC Fax: (410) 244-8001 accountability, democratic Dawn R. Book, Office Manager processes, consumer, constitutional, 1 Gateway Center, Ste. 809 Areas of Specialization: Medical, civil rights/civil liberties, Newton, MA 02458 labor, personal injury environment (617) 244-9500 Types of Advocacy: Individual, Types of Advocacy: Policy- [email protected] complex litigation making/regulatory reform, policy [email protected] oriented, individual cases, impact Description: The firm of seven MELEHY & ASSOCIATES LLC litigation, class actions, appellate, attorneys concentrates in Omar Vincent Melehy administrative hearings transactional, regulatory and 8403 Colesville Rd., Ste. 610 corporate law with a special Silver Spring, MD 20910 ANGOFF, GOLDMAN, emphasis on energy, (301) 587-6364 MANNING, PYLE, WAGNER & environmental/land use, Fax: (301)-587-6308 HIATT commercial law, and [email protected] 24 School St arbitration/mediation services. Boston, MA, 02108 Areas of Specialization: Areas of Specialization: United States Commercial litigation, Employment law, family law, real 617-723-5500 employment/labor, environment, estate, bankruptcy Areas of Specialization: regulations, real estate Private Public Interest and Plaintiffs’ Firm Guide 44 Types of Advocacy: Arbitration, individual cases, client-based, civil publications, legal writing, intake ADR, individual cases, mediation, litigation, alternative dispute and referral, individual cases, transactions resolution, collaborative law factual investigation, community (See also ID and VT). outreach, civil litigation BRANDON ASSOCIATES LLC BERMAN DEVALERIO Katherine Richardson CARNEY & BASSILL, PC Kathleen M. Donovan-Maher 29 Commonwealth Ave. 20 Park Plaza Ste 1405 Hiring Partner Boston, MA 02116 Boston, MA, 02116 1 Liberty Sq. 617-695-8949 617-338-5566 Boston, MA 02109 Fax: 617-695-0551 Description: Thirteen attorneys (617) 542-8300 [email protected] working in a multiple issue areas Fax: (617) 542-1194 Areas of Specialization: Criminal kdonovan- Areas of Specialization: State, law, family law, appellate practice [email protected] federal, and international relations; Types of Advocacy: Client based, [email protected] transitional justice/democratic individual cases, civil litigation, process; business/commercial appellate Description: The firm has 40 issues; trade; medical; security/arms attorneys across three states and control CUNHA & HOLCOMB, PC specializes in complex class action Types of Advocacy: Transactional, 1 State St., Ste. 500 lawsuits on behalf of consumers research and publications, policy, Boston, MA 02109 and investors. legislative, individual cases, factual (617) 523-4300 Hiring: While the firm does not investigation Fax: (617) 523-4350 have a regular hiring schedule, it (See also DC). [email protected] does accept resumes online for attorneys interested in joining as the BRODIE & BRODIE Areas of Specialization: Criminal, firm grows. Rebecca W. Brodie, Attorney family, police misconduct, personal Areas of Specialization: Framingham Office injury Securities, antitrust, consumer 954 Concord St., Types of Advocacy: Appellate, Types of Advocacy: Individual Framingham, MA 01701 contract negotiations, individual representation, class action. (508) 872-0782 representation, civil litigation (See also CA, FL). Fax: (508) 302-0718 BETH S. HERR AND Worcester Office CURHAN LAW OFFICE ASSOCIATES 10 Cedar St. Dana A. Curhan 86 Sherman St Worcester, MA 01609 101 Arch St., Ste 305 Cambridge, MA, 02140 (774) 233-0551 Boston, MA 02110 United States (617) 261-3800 Areas of Specialization: Civil [email protected] Fax: (617) 261-3805 rights, domestic violence, and Description: Over 25% of the [email protected] family law practice is dedicated toward Types of Advocacy: Civil providing pro bono legal services Areas of Specialization: Criminal litigation, individual cases to those clients who most need justice, civil rights/civil liberties representation. The firm’s pro bono Types of Advocacy: Individual BOSTON LAW cases are sent directly from legal cases, appellate, post-conviction COLLABORATIVE aid offices all over Massachusetts. remedies David A. Hoffman, Esq. Hiring: The firm does not regularly 99 Summer St., Ste. 1600 hire new or summer associates. DAVIS AND DAVIS, PC Boston, MA 02110 Areas of Specialization: Trusts 77 Franklin St., Fl. 3 (617) 439-4700 and estates, prisoner issues, Boston, MA, 02210 Fax: (617) 439-4700 personal injury/medical (617) 338-5770 dhoffman@bostonlawcollaborative malpractice/products liability, [email protected] .com homelessness/housing, family, Description: Five attorneys elderly, disability, criminal, focusing on employment and Areas of Specialization: consumer, civil rights/liberties, family law Labor/employment, family business/economic issues, Areas of Specialization: Types of Advocacy: Research and bankruptcy/debt Employment and family law publications, legal writing, Types of Advocacy: Research and Private Public Interest and Plaintiffs’ Firm Guide 45 Types of Advocacy: Individual Howard Friedman Hiring: The firm does not have a cases 90 Canal St., 5th Fl. regular hiring schedule for new Boston, MA 02114 attorneys or summer associates. DWYER & COLLORA, LLP (617) 742-4100 Areas of Specialization: Criminal 600 Atlantic Ave., 12th Fl. Fax: (617) 742-5858 defense, civil liberties, civil rights, Boston, MA 02110 [email protected] industry regulation (617) 371-1000 Types of Advocacy: Fax: (617) 371-1037 Areas of Specialization: Civil Administrative enforcement, rights/civil liberties, constitution, individual cases, criminal defense, [email protected] Employment-law enforcement civil litigation Areas of Specialization: Criminal officers justice, health care, Types of Advocacy: Class JANE C. GOTTSCHALK employment/labor actions, individual cases Jane C. Gottschalk Types of Advocacy: Alternate 52 Western Ave. dispute resolution, individual LAW OFFICE OF LENORE Cambridge, MA 02139-3751 representation, litigation, GLASER (617) 491-7842 negotiation, trials 90 Canal St., Ste. 500 Fax: (617) 492-5098 Boston, MA 02114 Areas of Specialization: FEINBERG, CAMPBELL & (617) 742-5800 Employment/labor, criminal justice, ZACK Fax: (617) 742-5858 civil rights/civil liberties, children’s Catherine Campbell [email protected] rights, housing 177 Milk St., Ste. 300 Areas of Specialization: Criminal Types of Advocacy: Individual Boston, MA 02109 defense, immigration cases, appellate, administrative (617) 338-1976 Types of Advocacy: Individual hearings Fax: (617)338-7070 representation, civil litigation HAGENS BERMAN SOBOL Description: Small labor law firm GOLDSTEIN & FEUER SHAPIRO LLP of five attorneys that represents Jeffrey Feuer 55 Cambridge Pkway, Ste. 301 many unions including several in 678 Massachusetts Ave., Ste. 702 Cambridge, MA 02142 the building trades, in complex Cambridge, MA 02139 (617) 482-3700 ERISA litigation in the Federal (617) 492-8473 Fax: (617) 482-3003 Courts, and in the representation of Fax: (617) 492-5991 (See WA for main listing). individual union members in local [email protected] arbitration cases. Also handles HEISLER, FELDMAN, contract negotiations for many Areas of Specialization: MCCORMICK & GARROW collective bargaining units. Consumer, employment, family Joel Feldman Hiring: The firm does not have a Types of Advocacy: Client- 1145 Main St., Ste. 508 regular hiring schedule. It centered, administrative hearings, Springfield, MA 01103 sometimes hires summer associates, contracts, individual representation, (413) 788-7988 depending on the expected work sliding-scale. Fax: 413-788-7996 load. Interested students should [email protected] check with the firm in the fall. GOOD & CORMIER Areas of Specialization: Areas of Specialization: Andrew Good, Hiring Attorney Homelessness/housing, consumer, Labor/employment, elderly, 83 Atlantic Ave. civil rights/liberties, property/real disability, consumer, civil liberties, Boston, MA 02110 estate, poverty, labor/employment business law (617) 523-5933 Types of Advocacy: Class action, Types of Advocacy: Research and Fax: (617) 523-7554 individual cases, publications, civil publications, individual cases, [email protected] litigation impact litigation, factual investigation, enforcement, client- Description: This very small firm BETH S. HERR & based, civil litigation, appellate, focuses on the defense of ASSOCIATES, PC Beth S. Herr administrative advocacy individuals and organizations in 86 Sherman St. criminal investigations and cases, Cambridge, MA 02140 LAW OFFICES OF HOWARD and to the protection of civil Fax: (617) 492-5606 FRIEDMAN, PC liberties through civil litigation Areas of Specialization: Civil

Private Public Interest and Plaintiffs’ Firm Guide 46 rights, domestic violence, family [email protected] [email protected] Types of Advocacy: Litigation Areas of Specialization: Labor/employment Areas of Specialization: Labor and KAPLAN, O’SULLIVAN & Types of Advocacy: Individual employment FRIEDMAN, LLP representation, civil litigation Types of Advocacy: Class action, Harvey Kaplan union-side, individual cases Hiring Partner KROKIDAS & BLUESTEIN 10 Winthrop Sq., 3rd Fl. Maria Krokidas LAW OFFICE OF DOUGLAS J. Boston, MA 02110 Managing Partner LUCKERMAN (617) 482-4500 600 Atlantic Ave. Douglas Luckerman, Esq. Fax: (617) 451-6828 Boston, MA 02210 20 Outlook Dr. [email protected] www.kof- (617) 482-7211 Lexington, MA 02421 Fax: (617) 482-7212 (781) 861-6535 Areas of Specialization: [email protected] Fax: (781) 652-8099 Immigration/refugee [email protected] [email protected] KLEIN HORNIG, LLP. Areas of Specialization: Civil Areas of Specialization: Native Daniel Rosen, Partner rights/civil liberties, American/tribal law, 145 Tremont St., Ste. 400 employment/labor, health care, environment/energy/utilities, Boston, MA 02111 housing Racial/ethnic justice/cultural rights, (617) 224-0600 Types of Advocacy: Individual economic development, civil Fax: (617) 224-0601 cases, state and local agencies rights/liberties [email protected] representation Types of Advocacy: Research and publications, policy, legal writing, Areas of Specialization: KREINDLER & KREINDLER innovative advocacy, individual Community economic 277 Dartmouth St., cases, factual investigation, civil development, environment, Boston, MA 02116 litigation, appellate, administrative homelessness/housing, (617) 424-9100 advocacy energy/utilities Fax: (617) 424-9120 Types of Advocacy: MASFERRER Administrative enforcement, (See NY for main listing). ANDASSOCIATES, PC legislative advocacy, contracts (See 45 Bromfield Street also DC). LENOW & McCARTHY 5th Floor Howard B. Lenow, Partner Boston, MA, 02108 KOPELMAN AND PAIGE, PC 13 Pelham Island Rd. 617-531-0135 Leonard Kopelman Wayland, MA 01778 [email protected] Managing Partner (508) 358-8181 Description: Four attorneys 101 Arch St., Fl. 12 Fax: (508) 358-8989 working in a variety of issues areas. Boston, MA 02110 [email protected] Areas of Specialization: Criminal, (617) 654-1701 immigration, appellate, and civil Fax: (617) 654-1735 Areas of Specialization: Labor and matters [email protected] www.k- employment Types of Advocacy: Civil Types of Advocacy: litigation, appellate, innovative Areas of Specialization: Representation of public and advocacy Employment/labor, affordable private sector unions in the Boston housing area. MESSING, RUDAVSKY & Types of Advocacy: Appellate, WELIKY, PC enforcement, teaching, training, LICHTEN AND LISS- Kevin C. Merritt, Associate civil litigation RIORDAN 50 Congress St., Ste. 1000 Scott Simpson Boston, MA 02109 KRAKOW & SOURIS LLP Business Manager (617) 742-0004 Christopher Souris 100 Cambridge St., 20th Fl. Fax: (617) 742-1887 225 Friend St. Boston, MA 02130 Boston, MA 02114 [email protected] (617) 723-8440 (617) 994-5800 m Fax: (617) 723-8443 Fax: (617) 994-5801 [email protected] Private Public Interest and Plaintiffs’ Firm Guide 47 PETRUCELLY, NADLER, & .com Areas of Specialization: Civil NORRIS, PC rights, employment/labor Jeffrey Petrucelly Areas of Specialization: Types of Advocacy: Individual Hiring Attorney Labor/employment, civil cases, lobbying, administrative 1 State St., Ste. 900 rights/liberties hearings, research and publications Boston, MA 02109 Types of Advocacy: Individual (617) 720-1717 clients, appellate MIYARES AND HARRINGTON Fax: (617) 720-1765 LLP [email protected] ROSENBERG & SCHAPIRO J. Raymond Miyares, Partner [email protected] 44 School St., Ste. 800 50 Leonard St., Ste. 3 Boston, MA, 02108 Belmont, MA 02478 Areas of Specialization: Personal (617) 723-7440 (617) 489-1600 injury, employment, discrimination, Description: Practices urban [email protected] family law, estate planning, civil renewal law, planning and zoning Areas of Specialization: rights, consumer, non-profit law and other public interest work Environment/energy, property/real representation, tenant aimed at creating and maintaining estate, municipal law rights/affordable housing affordable housing, health care law, Types of Advocacy: Types of Advocacy: Class actions, special education and privacy. Administrative advocacy, alternative dispute resolution, Areas of Specialization: Urban alternative dispute resolution, impact litigation, administrative renewal law, affordable housing, policy, legislative, research and hearings health care law, zoning law, special publications, regulatory reform, education civil litigation PYLE, ROME EHRENBERG, Types of Advocacy: Impact PC litigation, lobbying NOBLE & WICKERSHAM, David B. Rome, Partner LLP 18 Tremont St., Ste. 500 SALSBERG & SCHNEIDER Jay Wickersham Boston, MA 02108 (617) 367-7200 Michael Schneider, Hiring Partner [email protected] Fax: (617) 367-4820 232 Lewis Wharf 1280 Massachusetts Ave. [email protected] Boston, MA 02110 Cambridge, MA 02138 (617) 227-7788 (617) 491-9800 Areas of Specialization: labor Fax: (617) 227-7766 unions/employees [email protected] Areas of Specialization: Types of Advocacy: Individual Environment/ land use law, design representation, civil litigation Description: This firm of four and construction law attorneys focuses on criminal Types of Advocacy: Contract RANKIN & SULTAN defense and civil litigation at the negotiation, regulation compliance, 151 Merrimac St., 2nd Fl. trial and appellate level. firm restructuring, litigation, Boston, MA 02114 Areas of Specialization: Criminal dispute resolution (617) 720-0011 defense, personal injury, academic Fax: (617) 742-0701 discipline, real estate, legal LAW OFFICES OF MATTHEW [email protected] malpractice F. PAWA, PC Types of Advocacy: Civil 1280 Centre St., Ste. 230 Areas of Specialization: Criminal litigation, criminal defense, Newton Centre, MA 02459 justice individual cases, appellate (617) 641-9550 Types of Advocacy: Individual fax: (617) 641-9551 cases, appellate, post-conviction SANDULLI GRACE, PC [email protected] John Becker, Hiring Attorney RODGERS, POWERS & 44 School St., Ste. 1100 Areas of Specialization: SCHWARTZ, LLP Boston, MA 02108 Renewable energy and clean tech, Jonathan J. Margolis (617) 523-2500 environmental, commercial and real 18 Tremont St. Fax: (617) 523-2527 estate, SLAPP Boston, MA 02108 [email protected] Types of Advocacy: Individual (617) 742-7010 cases, class action Fax: (617)742-7225 Description: The firm has ten jmargolis@theemploymentlawyers attorneys who all concentrate in representing unions in labor and Private Public Interest and Plaintiffs’ Firm Guide 48 employment litigation. litigation, individual representation Fax: (617) 742-5858 Areas of Specialization: [email protected] Employment/labor, public sector SILVERGLATE & GOOD union law 83 Atlantic Ave. Areas of Specialization: Women’s Types of Advocacy: Boston, MA, 02110-3711 rights, prisoner, employment/labor, Administrative hearings, appellate, (617) 523-5933 criminal justice, civil rights/civil litigation, arbitration, research and Areas of Specialization: Civil liberties, environment publications rights, first amendment, criminal Types of Advocacy: Individual issues cases, class actions and appellate, SEGAL ROITMAN LLP Types of Advocacy: Civil research and publications Kathryn Shea litigation, impact litigation 111 Devonshire St., 5th Fl. SUGARMAN AND Boston, MA 02109 ROSS SILVERMAN LLP SUGARMAN, PC (617) 742-0208 Marianne Staniunas, Associate Janice E. Hayes, Administrator Fax: (617) 742-2187 59 Temple Pl., Ste. 605 1 Beacon St., 13th Fl. [email protected] Boston, MA 02111 Boston, MA 02108 Areas of (617) 542-5111 (617) 542-1000 Specialization: Employment/labor Fax: (617) 542-2331 Fax: (617) 542-1359 Types of Advocacy: Appellate, [email protected] www.rsl- [email protected] ADR, individual cases Description: The firm of eight Areas of Specialization: Personal SESSA, GLICK & QUIROGA attorneys focuses on immigration injury/medical 27 School St., Ste. 502 and nationality law. malpractice/products liability Boston, MA, 02108 Areas of Specialization: Asylum, Types of Advocacy: Individual (617) 523-3663 immigration, naturalization cases, client-based, civil litigation Areas of Specialization: Types of Advocacy: Civil Community development and litigation, individual representation THOMAS & ASSOCIATES housing Robert M. Thomas Jr., Partner Types of Advocacy: Community 280 Summer St, 5th Fl. education, individual cases Boston, MA 02210 SHAPIRO HABER & URMY LAW OFFICE OF MARK D. (617) 371-1072 LLP STERN Fax: (617) 371-1037 53 State St.13th Fl. Mark Stern Boston, MA 02109 Hiring Attorney [email protected] (617) 439-3939 34 Liberty Ave. Areas of Specialization: Criminal, Fax: (617) 431-0134 Somerville, MA 02144 labor, whistleblower [email protected] (617) 776-4020 Types of Advocacy: Dispute Fax: (617) 776-9250 resolution, civil litigation, Areas of Specialization: [email protected] negotiation, trial advocacy Consumer, securities, Hiring: For students, volunteers are employment/labor accepted and work study is WADE & HOROWITZ, LLC Types of Advocacy: Class actions, available Julie Cooper individual cases, trial, research and Areas of Specialization: Housing, 1309 Beacon St., 2nd fl. Brookline, publications employment/labor, civil rights/civil MA 02446 (617) 738-1919 x201 liberties, multicultural rights, Fax: (617) 738-8247 SILVERGLATE LAW women’s rights [email protected] 607 Franklin St. Types of Advocacy: Individual Cambridge, MA 02139 cases and impact litigation Areas of Specialization: Elder (617)-661-9156 law, gay/lesbian rights, tax Fax: (617) 492-4925 STERN, SHAPIRO, Types of Advocacy: Individual [email protected] WEISSBERG & GARIN, LLP cases, research and publications, Areas of Specialization: Civil Lynn Weissberg, Partner document drafting. rights/liberties, criminal, First 90 Canal St., 5th Fl. Amendment Boston, MA 02114-2018 WHATLEY DRAKE & Types of Advocacy: Civil (617) 742-5800 x114 KALLAS, LLC Private Public Interest and Plaintiffs’ Firm Guide 49 60 State Street, Seventh Floor 248-354-9650 Fax: (952) 544-7151 Boston, MA 02109 [email protected] [email protected] (617) 573-5118 Description: Small firm dedicated Fax: 617-573-5090 to protecting the rights of working Areas of Specialization: Civil Notes: Two attorneys work out of people rights/civil liberties, constitutional, this office. Areas of Specialization: Labor and employment/labor, whistleblowers (See AL for main office) employment law and women’s rights Types of Advocacy: Alternative Types of Advocacy: ZALKIND, RODRIGUEZ, dispute resolution, civil litigation, Administrative hearings, alternative LUNT & DUNCAN, LLP transactional dispute resolution, appellate, impact Inga Bernstein litigation and individual cases Associate MILBERG LLP 65A Atlantic Ave. 1 Kennedy Sq. HAGENS, BERMAN, SOBOL, Boston, MA 02110 777 Woodward Ave., Ste. 890 SHAPIRO, LLP (617) 742-6020 Detroit, MI 48226 5001 Chowen Ave. S. Fax: (617) 742-3269 (313) 309-1760 Suite 2000 [email protected] Fax: (313) 447-2038 Minneapolis, MN 55410 (See NY for main listing). Tel. (612) 435-8644 Areas of Specialization: Civil Fax. (952) 400-5695 rights/ civil liberties, criminal SACHS, WALDMAN, O’HARE, (See WA for main listing). defense, employment, personal HELVESTON, HODGES & injury, family, gay/lesbian rights, BARNES NICHOLS KASTER, women’s rights John Runyan ATTORNEYS AT LAW Types of Advocacy: Appellate, 1000 Farmer St. Amy Jorgensen individual cases Detroit, MI 48226 Firm Administrator (313) 965-3464 4600 IDS Center MICHIGAN Fax: (313) 965-4602 80 South Eighth Street Minneapolis, MN 55402 EDWARDS & JENNINGS Areas of Specialization: (612) 256-3200 2710 Cadillac Tower Employment/labor Fax: (612) 338-4878 Detroit, MI 48226 Types of Advocacy: Impact [email protected] (313) 961-5000 litigation, individual cases, Fax: (313) 259-0510 administrative hearings Description: The firm of 14 Areas of Specialization: Civil attorneys focuses on employee and rights/civil liberties, human rights, SCHEFF, WASHINGTON & consumer litigation. employment/labor DRIVER, PC Hiring: The firm does not have a Types of Advocacy: Impact 645 Griswold Ste.1817 regular hiring schedule and instead litigation, community organizing Detroit, MI 48203 posts opportunities to its website as (313) 963-1921 they arise. However, the firm HELVESTON & HELVESTON accepts resumes to keep on file. 65 Cadillac Square, Ste. 3327 Areas of Specialization: Civil The firm also accepts several law Detroit, MI 48266 rights, labor, immigration clerks each summer. Interested (313) 963-7220 Types of Advocacy: Litigation, candidates for both positions should Fax: (313) 963-3249 individual cases send their materials to Amy Areas of Specialization: Jorgensen. Employment/labor, sexual MINNESOTA Areas of Specialization: harassment, women’s rights Employment, consumer rights, Types of Advocacy: Impact GREGG M. CORWIN & whistleblower/qui tam litigation, individual cases ASSOCIATES LAW OFFICE, Types of Advocacy: Individual PC cases, class action, investigations McKNIGHT, McCLOW, Gregg M. Corwin, Attorney (See also CA) CANZANO, SMITH & 1660 S. Highway 100 RADTKE, PC 508 E. Parkdale Plaza Bldg. MESSINGER & OJILE 400 Galleria Office Centre Ste 117 St. Louis Park, MN 55416-1534 Elizabeth Pierce, Hiring Attorney Southfield, MI, 48034 (952) 641-7505 310 4th Ave., S. #405 Private Public Interest and Plaintiffs’ Firm Guide 50 Minneapolis, MN 55415-1012 Fax: (314) 231-4656 (612) 338-1932 SCHUCHAT, COOK & Areas of Specialization: Civil Areas of Specialization: WERNER rights/ civil liberties Employment, environmental, Arthur Martin Type of Advocacy: Individual healthcare Hiring Contact representation Types of Advocacy: Alternative 1221 Locust, Ste. 250 dispute resolution, litigation St. Louis, MO 63103 SPRENGER & LANG, PLLC (See also IL) (314) 621-2626 310 4th Ave. S, Ste. 600 [email protected] Minneapolis, MN 55415 KOREIN TILLERY, Areas of Specialization: (612) 871-8910 ATTORNEYS AT LAW Employment/labor, civil rights/civil Fax: (612) 871-9270 Christine Moody liberties (See DC for main listing). [email protected] Types of Advocacy: Research, Stephen Swedlow publications, civil litigation, MISSISSIPPI [email protected] individual representation One US Bank Plz. ROBERT B. MCDUFF, 505 N. 7th St., Ste. 3600 SEDEY HARPER, PC ATTORNEY AT LAW St. Louis, MO 63101 Mary Anne Sedey, Attorney Robert McDuff (314) 241-4844 2711 Clifton Ave. 767 N. Congress St. Fax: (314) 241-3525 St. Louis, MO 63139 Jackson, MS 39202 [email protected] (314) 773-3566 (601) 969-0802 Fax: (314) 773-3615 Fax: (601) 969-0804 Areas of Specialization: [email protected] Consumer, environment [email protected] Areas Areas of Specialization: Civil Types of Advocacy: Class action, of Specialization: Civil rights/civil liberties, criminal complex litigation, commercial rights/ civil liberties, employment, defense, constitutional law litigation, individual representation, labor, whistleblower Types of Advocacy: Individual federal and state Types of Advocacy: Civil cases, impact litigation, appellate, courts litigation, individual representation trial, administrative hearings, (See also IL). research and publications, Supreme MONTANA Court SCHAEFER LAW FIRM Beth Erickson, Associate MELOY LAW FIRM MISSOURI 400 South Fourth Street, Suite 202 Peter Michael Meloy Minneapolis, MN 55415 80 S. Warren BENSON & ASSOCIATES (612) 294-2600 PO Box 1241 Arthur Benson Fax: (612) 294-2640 Helena, MT 59601 4006 Central Description: The firm of five (406) 442-8670 City, MO 64111 attorneys and three of-counsel Fax: (406) 442-4953 (816) 531-6565 attorneys represents clients in a [email protected] Fax: (816) 531-6688 wide variety of practice areas. Areas of Specialization: Civil [email protected] Hiring: The firm does not have a liberties, communications, regular hiring schedule for its new disability, environment/energy, Areas of Specialization: Civil attorneys and summer associates. First Amendment, LGBT, rights, constitutional, employment, However, interested candidates labor/employment, cultural rights, voting rights should contact the firm directly to voting/campaign finance, women's Types of Advocacy: Individual inquire. issues, personal injury cases, impact litigation, class Areas of specialization: Types of Advocacy: Individual actions, appellate Employment, consumer, criminal representation, civil litigation defense, personal injury, elderly, discrimination, HERZOG CREBS WADDELL & MAGAN, PC th Types of Advocacy: Individual 420 W. Mendenhall 100 N. Broadway, 14 Fl. Donna representation, criminal defense, Byrd, Office Manager Bozeman, MT 59715 civil litigation, class actions, St. Louis, MO 63102 (406) 585-4145 contracts (314) 231-6700 Fax: (406) 585-4147 Private Public Interest and Plaintiffs’ Firm Guide 51 [email protected] appellate GORLICK, KRAVITZ & LISTHAUS PC Areas of Specialization: Personal BALL, LIVINGSTON & 60 Park Place, 6th Fl. injury, medical malpractice, TYKULSKER Newark, NJ 02102 consumer, government 661 Franklin Ave. (See NY for main listing). accountability, legal reform, Nutley, NJ 07110 whistleblower (973) 622-4545 LEVY PHILLIPS & Types of Advocacy: Civil Fax: (973) 661-4646 KONIGSBERG, LLP litigation, individual representation Areas of Specialization: Quakerbridge Executive Ctr. Employment/labor 101 Grovers Mille Rd., Ste. 200 NEVADA Types of Advocacy: Civil Lawrenceville, NJ 08648 litigation (609) 720-0400 THE ARNS LAW FIRM Fax: (609) 720-0457 801 Riverside Dr. DAVID TYKULSKER & (See NY for main listing). Reno, NV 89503 ASSOCIATES (775) 324-2723 161 Walnut St., SCHWARTZ & POSNOCK Fax: (775) 329-7447 Montclair, NJ 07042 David A. Schwartz, Esq. (See CA for main listing). (973) 509-9292 99 Corbett Way, Ste. 203 Fax: (973) 509-1181 Eatontown, NJ 07724 DAVIS COWELL & BOWE, [email protected] (732) 544-1460 LLP Areas of Specialization: Fax: (732) 544-1462 1630 S. Commerce St., Ste. A-1 Employment/labor [email protected] Las Vegas, NV 89102 Types of Advocacy: Civil (702) 386-5107 litigation Areas of Specialization: Civil Fax: (702) 386-9848 rights/liberties, criminal (See CA for main listing). DWYER & DUNNIGAN, LLC Types of Advocacy: Client-based, 17 Academy St., Ste. 1010 individual cases. LAW OFFICE OF JON ERIC Newark, NJ 07102 GARDE & ASSOCIATES (973) 242-3636 SMITH MULLIN, PC 4455 S. Pecos Rd., Ste. B Fax: (973) 242-3399 240 Claremont Ave. Las Vegas, NV 89121 [email protected] Montclair, NJ 07042 (702) 898-9540 (973) 783-7607 Fax: (702) 898-9680 Areas of Specialization: Fax: (973) 783-9894 [email protected] Employment/labor, civil rights, whistleblowers Description: Small plaintiffs’ firm Areas of Specialization: Types of Advocacy: Individual of four attorneys focused on Immigration representation, civil litigation, employment issues. Types of Advocacy: Appellate, appellate Hiring: The firm does not regularly individual cases, impact litigation, hire new attorneys or summer research JON L. GELMAN, LLC associates. Jon L. Gelman Areas of Specialization: NEW JERSEY Managing Attorney Employment, civil rights, 1700 State Rte 23, Ste. 120 discrimination, whistleblower LAW OFFICES OF HOWARD Wayne, NJ 07470 Types of Advocacy: Civil A. ALTSCHULER (973) 696-7900 litigation, appellate, individual Howard A. Altschuler, Esq. Fax: (973) 696-7988 representation 167 Terrace St. [email protected] Haworth, NJ 07641 SPEAR WILDERMAN, PC (203) 469-2731 Areas of Specialization: Work- 1040 North Kings Hwy., Ste. 202 Fax: (877) 478-3529 related injury Cherry Hill, NJ 08034 Types of Advocacy: (856) 482-8799 Areas of Specialization: Legal Administrative hearings, class Fax: (856) 482-0343 malpractice actions, individual cases, (See PA for main listing). Types of Advocacy: Civil research/publications litigation, complex litigation, NEW MEXICO Private Public Interest and Plaintiffs’ Firm Guide 52 ASSOCIATES, PC publications, individual cases SONOSKY, CHAMBERS, 198 Broadway, Ste. 901 SACHSE, ENDRESON & New York, NY 10038 BERNSTEIN LITOWITZ PERRY, LLP (212) 964-7777 BERGER & GROSSMANN LLP Adrienne Mielke Areas of Specialization: 1285 Avenue of the Americas, 500 Marquette Ave., NW, Ste. 660 Evangelism, business/economic 35th Floor Albuquerque, NM 87102 issues, civil rights/liberties, New York, NY 10019 (505) 247-0147 labor/employment (212) 554-1400 Fax: (505) 843-6912 Types of Advocacy: Research and Fax: (212) 554-1444 [email protected] publications, legal writing (See DC for main listing). Areas of Specialization: Securities BANTLE & LEVY LLP fraud, employment discrimination, SUTIN, THAYER & BROWNE, Robert L. Levy, Partner civil rights, shareholder rights, PC 817 Broadway, 6th Fl. consumer fraud Types of Albuquerque Office New York, NY 10003 Advocacy: Individual and class 6565 Americas Pkwy., NE (212) 228-9666 action litigation Suite 1000 Fax: (212) 228-7654 (See also CA and LA). Albuquerque, NM 87110 [email protected] (505) 883-2500 BROACH & STULBERG LLP Fax: (505) 888-6565 Areas of Specialization: Michael Isaac Sante Fe Office Employment discrimination, sexual 1 Penn Plaza, Ste. 2016 317 Paseo de Peralta harassment, employee contracts and New York, NY 10119 Santa Fe, NM 97501 severance agreements, police (212) 268-1000 (505) 988-5521 brutality, prisoners’ rights Fax: (212) 947-6010 Fax: (505) 982-5297 Types of Advocacy: Individual and [email protected] [email protected] class action litigation Areas of Specialization: Labor Areas of Specialization: BELDOCK LEVINE & and employment law, public and Employment, family law, Native HOFFMAN LLP private sector unions, civil rights American law, injury, education, Rachel Kleinman Types of Advocacy: Individual water law 99 Park Ave. representation, civil litigation Types of Advocacy: Corporate and New York, NY 10016 individual litigation, alternative (212) 490-0400 CARY KANE LLP dispute resolution Fax: (212) 557-0565 Larry Cary, Partner [email protected] 1350 Broadway, Ste. 1400 NEW YORK New York, NY 10018 Areas of Specialization: Civil (212) 868-6300 ALTERMAN & BOOP, LLP rights, employment discrimination, Fax: (212) 868-6302 Arlene Boop criminal defense, entertainment [email protected] Member and intellectual property, securities 35 Worth St., 3rd Fl. and commodities Description: Union-side labor law New York, NY 10013 Types of Advocacy: Individual and employee benefits firm of ten (212) 226-2800 and class action litigation attorneys located at Herald Square, Fax: (212) 431-3614 NYC. [email protected] BERENBAUM MENKEN LLP Hiring: The firm does not regularly 80 Pine St., 33rd Fl. hire but does post opportunities as Areas of Specialization: Civil New York, NY 10005 need on the firm’s website. The rights, employment, estate (212) 509-1616 firm typically hires one summer planning, housing, police [email protected] associate per year (2L or 3L misconduct, whistleblower suits, preferred) for a 10 week program. women's rights, tenants’ rights Areas of Specialization: Applications are considered on a Types of Advocacy: Client- Labor/employment, rolling basis, usually beginning in oriented litigation homelessness/housing, civil September. rights/liberties Areas of Specialization: Trusts ATTA K. DERKYI & Types of Advocacy: Research and and estates, labor/employment, Private Public Interest and Plaintiffs’ Firm Guide 53 union representation McCARTHY applications from 2Ls, typically in Types of Advocacy: Research and One Liberty Plaza, 23rd Floor the early fall, for positions as publications, legal writing, civil New York, NY 10006 summer associates to work litigation, appellate, alternative (212) 682-3198 primarily in the civil rights practice. dispute resolution, administrative (See CA for main listing). Areas of Specialization: Civil advocacy rights, election law, police brutality, CYRUS D. MEHTA & intellectual property, employment COHEN, GOLDSTEIN AND ASSOCIATES, PLLC discrimination, criminal defense SILPE LLC 2 Wall St, Sixth Floor Types of Advocacy: Client- Steven Silpe, Attorney New York, NY, 10005 oriented litigation, arbitration, 505 Park Ave 8th Fl 212-425-0055 appeals New York, NY, 10022 [email protected] 212-537-9000 Description: Three attorneys FISHMAN & MALLON LLP Fax: (212) 537-9010 representing individuals and James B. Fishman, Partner [email protected] corporations in immigration 305 Broadway, Ste. 900 proceedings New York, NY 10007 Areas of Specialization: Child Areas of Specialization: (212) 897-5840 welfare, domestic issues Immigration Fax: (212) 897-5841 Types of Advocacy: Mediation, Types of Advocacy: Individual [email protected] client-oriented litigation cases, client based Areas of Specialization: Consumer COHEN, MILSTEIN, SELLERS EISNER & ASSOCIATES, PC law, tenants’ rights, housing & TOLL, PLLC Eugene Eisner, President Types of Advocacy: Client- New York Office 113 University Pl., 8th Fl. oriented litigation, appellate 88 Pine St., 14th Fl. New York, NY 10003-4588 New York, NY 10005 (212) 473-8700 FRIEDMAN & WOLF (212) 838-7797 Fax: (212) 473-8705 William K. Wolf, Esq. Fax: (212) 838-7745 [email protected] 1500 Broadway, Ste. 2300 (See DC for main listing). [email protected] New York, NY 10036 (212) 354-4500 COHEN, WEISS & SIMON Areas of Specialization: Labor Fax: (212) 719-9072 Joe Vitale (associates positions) and employment law, civil rights, [email protected] Marcelle Henry (law clerks) welfare, women’s rights 330 W. 42nd St. Types of Advocacy: Client- Areas of Specialization: Labor New York, NY 10036 oriented litigation, arbitration, law, employment discrimination (212) 563-4100 collective bargaining Types of Advocacy: Client- Fax: (212) 695-5436 oriented litigation, publications [email protected] EMERY CELLI [email protected] BRINCKERHOFF & ABADY GELMAN & JONES [email protected] PC Phyllis Gelman, Partner Areas of Specialization: Labor Elizabeth S. Saylor 305 Madison Ave., Ste. 1060 law, bankruptcy, employment 75 Rockefeller Plaza, 20th Fl. New York, NY 10165 benefits, international labor law New York, NY 10019 (212) 557-0559 Types of Advocacy: Client- (212) 763-5000 Fax: (212) 697-3612 oriented litigation, arbitration, Fax: (212) 763-5001 Areas of Specialization: Family mediation, alternative dispute [email protected] law, women’s rights, gay/lesbian resolution rights, workplace discrimination, Description: Currently eighteen civil rights CORNFIELD & FELDMAN lawyers, ECBA is a litigation Types of Advocacy: Client- 30 E. 29th St. boutique with a core civil rights oriented litigation, appellate New York, NY 10016 practice. The firm also has a general (212) 684-5300 commercial litigation practice that GETNICK & GETNICK th (See IL for main listing). comprises about half of its work. 620 5 Ave. Hiring: The firm does not regularly New York, NY 10020-2427 COTCHETT, PITRE & hire new attorneys. ECBA accepts (212) 376-5666 Private Public Interest and Plaintiffs’ Firm Guide 54 Fax: (212) 292-3942 30 Broad St., Suite 1401 36th Floor [email protected] New York, NY New York, NY 10119 (212) 382-2221 Tel. (212) 752-5455 Areas of Specialization: Qui tam Fax: (212) 382-3944 Fax. (917) 210-3980 whistleblower cases, anti-fraud, (See CA for main listing) (See WA for main listing) corporate transparency Types of Advocacy: Individual LAW OFFICES OF JANICE HOFFINGER, STERN & ROSS representation, civil litigation GOODMAN LLP Janice Goodman, Attorney 150 E. 58th St., 19th Fl. GIRARD GIBBS LLP 275 7th Ave., Ste. 1800 New York, NY 10155 711 3rd Ave., 20th Fl. New York, NY 10001 (212) 421-4000 New York, NY 10017 (212) 869-1940 Fax: (212) 223-3857 (212) 867-1721 Fax: (212) 419-1510 [email protected] Fax: (212) 867-1767 [email protected] (See CA for main listing). Areas of Specialization: Areas of Specialization: Family, Employment law, employee property/real estate, tax, trade GISKAN SOLOTAROFF contracts, discrimination Types of Advocacy: Appellate, ANDERSON & STEWART Types of Advocacy: Client- civil litigation, client-based, 11 Broadway, Suite 2150 oriented litigation individual cases, legal writing, New York, NY 10004 research and publications (212) 847-8315 GORLICK, KRAVITZ & LISTHAUS PC HOFMANN & SCHWEITZER Description: Small firm that Bruce L. Listhaus, Member Paul Hofmann, Partner represents employees in Office 360 W. 31st St., Ste. 1506 employment and civil rights 17 State St., 4th Fl. New York, NY 10001 matters, consumers and small New York, NY 10004 (212) 465-8840 businesses in class actions, (212) 269-2500 individuals and small businesses in Fax: (212) 269-2540 Areas of Specialization: Personal commercial litigation, and Buffalo Office injury/medical individuals in white collar criminal 442 Potomac Ave. malpractice/products liability, defense matters. Buffalo, NY 14212 maritime law Areas of Specialization: [email protected] Types of Advocacy: Civil Employment law, civil rights, litigation, research and publications consumer, commercial litigation, Areas of Specialization: Labor and white collar criminal defense employment law, ERISA, employee JANE BARRETT & Types of Advocacy: Class action, contracts and discrimination, family ASSOCIATES civil litigation, criminal defense law, immigration, tenants’ rights, 61 Broadway Ste 1050 estate and tax law New York, NY, 10006 GLADSTEIN REIF & Types of Advocacy: Client- 212-232-3400 MEGINNISS LLP oriented litigation, collective Areas Of Specialization: Medical Kent Hirozawa, Partner bargaining, arbitration malpractice, personal injury, civil 817 Broadway (See also NJ). rights, employment law New York, NY 10003 Types of Advocacy: Civil (212) 228-7727 GRANT & EISENHOFER, PA litigation, client-based, individual Fax: (212) 228-7654 485 Lexington Ave cases [email protected] New York, NY 10017 (646) 722-8500 JOSEPH, HERZFELD, HESTER Areas of Specialization: Labor, Fax: (646) 722-8501 & KIRSCHENBAUM LLP employment, civil rights (See DE for main listing). 757 3rd Ave., 25th Fl. Types of Advocacy: Legislative New York, NY 10017 work, impact litigation, class (212) 688-5640 action, individual cases Fax: (212) 688-2548 HAGENS BERMAN SOBOL [email protected] GLANCY BINKOW & SHAPIRO LLP GOLDBERG LLP One Penn Plaza Areas of Specialization: Private Public Interest and Plaintiffs’ Firm Guide 55 Employment law, discrimination, (914) 964-8888 LABATON, SUCHAROW LLP whistleblowers Fax: (914) 964-8801 140 Broadway Types of Advocacy: Client- [email protected] jm@kmlaw- New York, NY 10005 oriented litigation (212) 907-0700 Description: Specializes in civil Fax: (212) 818-0477 KENNEDY JENNIK & rights litigation and other civil [email protected] MURRAY matters, primarily prisoner’s Susan Jennik rights, employment discrimination Areas of Specialization: Civil Hiring Partner and disability rights. rights/civil liberties, consumer, 113 University Pl., 7th Fl. Hiring: The firm does not have a criminal, employment, health care New York, NY regular hiring schedule but does Types of Advocacy: Class action, (212) 358-1500 post opportunities on its website civil litigation Fax: (212) 358-0207 when they become available. The (See also DE). [email protected] firm also currently does not hire Areas of Specialization: Labor and summer associates. LANSNER KUBITSCHEK employment law Areas of Specialization: Civil SCHAFFER & ZUCCARDY Types of Advocacy: Client- rights/liberties, disability, Barbara J. Schaffer oriented litigation, union homelessness/housing, 325 Broadway, Ste. 201 proceedings labor/employment, prisoner issues New York, NY 10007 Types of Advocacy: Class action, (212) 349-0900 LAW OFFICES OF NOAH A. client-based, impact litigation, Fax: (212) 349-0694 KINIGSTEIN individual cases, research and [email protected] Noah Kinigstein publications [email protected] 315 Broadway, Ste. 200 New York, New York 10007 KREINDLER & KREINDLER Areas of Specialization: (212) 285-9300 Robert Spragg, Hiring Partner Children’s rights, civil rights, Fax: 212-385-2608 100 Park Ave. domestic violence, family law [email protected] New York, NY 10017 Types of Advocacy: Appeals, (212) 687-8181 client-oriented litigation, Areas of Specialization: Civil Fax: (212) 972-9432 community organizing, class rights law, employment actions discrimination, criminal defense Description: Specializes in Types of Advocacy: Individual aviation, medical and commercial LAW OFFICE OF GERALD cases, civil litigation injury, and products liability. LEFCOURT Areas of Specialization: Personal Gerald B. Lefcourt, PC th KOEHLER & ISAACS LLP injury, medical malpractice, 148 E. 78 St. 61 Broadway, Fl. 25 products liability New York, NY 10075 New York, NY 10006 Types of Advocacy: Individual (212) 737-0400 (917) 551-1300 cases, class action, civil litigation Fax: (212) 988-6192 Fax: (917) 551-0030 (See also MA). [email protected] [email protected] LAW OFFICE OF RONALD L. Areas of Specialization: Criminal Areas of Specialization: Labor and KUBY defense employment law, criminal , Partner Types of Advocacy: Client- defense, employee discrimination, 119 W. 23rd St., Ste. 900 oriented litigation civil rights, real estate, tenants’ New York, NY 10011 rights, consumer rights, (212) 529-0223 ROBBINS GELLER RUDMAN immigration Fax: (212) 529-0644 & DOWD LLP Types of Advocacy: Client- [email protected] New York Office oriented litigation 58 S. Service Rd., Ste. 200 Areas of Specialization: Criminal, Melville, NY 11747 civil rights, police misconduct (631) 367-7100 KOOB & MAGOOLAGHAN Types of Advocacy: Civil FAX: (631) 367-1173 221 Devoe Ave. litigation, criminal defense Manhattan Office Yonkers, NY 10705 52 Duane St., 7th Fl. Private Public Interest and Plaintiffs’ Firm Guide 56 New York, NY 10007 New York, NY 10013-1413 minimum wages, or commissions (212) 693-1058 (212) 355-9500 discriminated against for reasons Fax: (212) 693-7423 Fax: (212) 355-9592 such as race, sex, age, or disability (See CA for main listing). retaliated against for (See CA for main listing). whistleblowing or terminated, MEYER, SUOZZI, ENGLISH & harassed or otherwise treated LEVY RATNER PC KLEIN PC unlawfully, victims of police David Slutsky, Attorney Patricia Cairo, HR Manager misconduct and persons whose civil 80 8th Ave., 8th Fl. Garden City Office rights have been otherwise violated. New York, NY 10011 990 Stewart Ave., Ste. 300 Areas of Specialization: (212) 627-8100 P.O. Box 9194 Employment law, civil rights, Fax: (212) 627-8182 Garden City, NY 11530-4822 disability, labor, whistleblower, [email protected] (516) 741-6565 police misconduct, women’s rights [email protected] Fax: (516) 741-6706 Types of Advocacy: Impact New York Office litigation, civil litigation, individual Areas of Specialization: Labor and 1350 Broadway, Ste. 501 cases employment law, employee benefits P.O. Box 822 and contracts New York, NY 10018 MILBERG LLP Types of Advocacy: Client- (212) 239-4999 1 Pennsylvania Plaza, 49th Fl. oriented litigation Fax: (212) 239-1311 New York, NY 10119-0165 Albany Office (212) 594-5300 LEVY PHILLIPS & 1 Commerce Plaza Fax: (212) 868-1229 KONIGSBERG, LLP 99 Washington Ave., Ste. 1705 [email protected] Jerome Block Albany, NY 12260 Hiring Partner (518) 465-5551 Areas of Specialization: Insurance, New York City Office Fax: (518) 465-2033 antitrust, healthcare, human rights, 800 3rd Ave., 11th Fl. Description: The 60+ attorney firm labor/employment law, mass torts, New York, NY 10022 works out of four offices and shareholder rights (212) 605-6200 specializes in a variety of practice Types of Advocacy: Plaintiff Fax: (212) 605-6290 areas. The firm does accept summer litigation, class actions Goshen Office clerks for its offices. Interested (See also CA, FL, MI). 42 Park Pl. students should submit their Goshen, NY 10924 materials on the website as early as NEUFELD SCHECK & (845) 294-2002 possible. BRUSTIN, LLP [email protected] Hiring: The firm does not have a Debi Cornwall, Partner regular hiring schedule but does 99 Hudson St., 8th Fl. Description: This 25+ attorney post new opportunities on the New York, NY 11201 firm focuses on personal injury website as they become available. (212) 965-9081 and wrongful death litigation, with Areas of Specialization: Real Fax: (212) 965-9084 a specialty in asbestos exposure. estate, land use and environmental [email protected] Areas of Specialization: compliance, labor and employment Environmental and law, estate law, personal injury Areas of Specialization: Police drug/pharmaceutical negligence, Types of Advocacy: Client- misconduct, wrongful convictions, health fraud, products liability, oriented litigation, legal civil rights employment discrimination, counseling, appellate work Types of Advocacy: Client- medical and legal malpractice, (See also DC) oriented litigation, class action aviation, toxic torts Types of Advocacy: Appellate, MICHAEL SHEN AND THE OTTINGER FIRM, PC individual representation, class ASSOCIATES, PC Robert Ottinger actions, corporate litigation 225 Broadway Ste 2515 South Street Seaport (See also CA, GA, NJ). New York, NY, 10007 19 Fulton St., Ste. 408 212-227-0300 New York, NY 10038 LIEFF CABRASER HEIMANN [email protected] (212) 571-2000 & BERNSTEIN LLP Description: Represents employees [email protected] 250 Hudson St., 8th Fl. who have been denied wages, such as overtime compensation, Private Public Interest and Plaintiffs’ Firm Guide 57 Description: Represents publications executives, employees, and Areas of Specialization: management in employment related Litigation, employment or civil SCHWARTZ LICHTEN & matters that may include severance rights law, civil rights, personal BRIGHT, PC negotiations and discrimination injury, women’s rights 275 7th Ave., actions. Types of Advocacy: Client- New York, NY 10001 Areas of Specialization: oriented litigation, arbitration, (212) 228-6320 Racial/ethnic justice/cultural rights, mediation labor/employment, civil Areas of Specialization: Labor and rights/liberties, business/economic ROTHMAN, SCHNEIDER, employment law issues SOLOWAY & STERN, LLP Types of Advocacy: Client- Types of Advocacy: Legal writing, Robert Soloway, Partner oriented litigation, union individual cases, impact 100 Lafayette St., Ste. 501 proceedings litigation, client-based, New York, NY 10013 administrative/management (212) 571-5500 SILBERMAN & RHINE, LLP Fax: (212) 571-5507 Martin Silberman, Partner OUTTEN & GOLDEN LLP [email protected] 110 William St. Ste. 1410 191 Post Rd. W. Areas of Specialization: Criminal New York, NY 10038 Westport, CT 06880 defense (212) 219-2100 (203) 363-7888 Types of Advocacy: Individual Fax: (212) 226-7554 Fax: (203) 363-0333 cases, research and publication [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] SANFORD, WITTELS, & Areas of Specialization: Tenants’ HEISLER rights, employment law, real estate Areas of Specialization: Labor and 1350 Avenue of the Americas Types of Advocacy: Client- employment law, 31st Floor oriented litigation, administrative whistleblower protection, women’s New York, NY 10019 hearings rights, disability, civil rights (646) 723-2947 Types of Advocacy: Individual Fax: (646) 723-2948 LAW OFFICES OF CLAUDIA and impact litigation, class actions, SLOVINSKY appeals, alternative dispute Areas of Specialization: Civil Claudia Slovinsky, Partner resolution rights, employment discrimination, 401 Broadway, Ste. 1600 labor and wage violations, New York, NY 10013 RABINOWITZ, BOUDIN, predatory lending, whistleblower, (212) 925-0101 STANDARD, KRINSKY & consumer fraud Fax: (212) 219-9412 LIEBERMAN Types of Advocacy: Impact [email protected] 111 Broadway, 11th Fl. litigation, individual cases, New York, NY 10006 appellate Areas of Specialization: (212) 254-1111 (See also CA, DC). Immigration law Fax: (212) 674-4614 Types of Advocacy: Client- [email protected] SCHLAM, STONE & DOLAN oriented litigation Areas of Specialization: LLP International law, copyright law, Harvey Stone, Partner SPIVAK, LIPTON LLP labor law, constitutional law, civil 26 Broadway, Ste. 1900 Franklin Moss, Partner rights and civil liberties New York, NY 10004 1700 Broadway, 21st Fl. Types of Advocacy: Client- (212) 344-5400 New York, NY 10019 oriented litigation (212) 765-2100 [email protected] Fax: (212) 765-8954 RITZ CLARK & BEN-ASHER Description: This small firm [email protected] LLP specializes in tax law and white Miriam F. Clark, Member collar crimes. Areas of Specialization: Labor and 40 Exchange Place, Ste. 2010 Areas of Specialization: Tax law, employment law, pension and New York, NY 10005 criminal defense employee benefits, unions (212) 321-7075 Types of Advocacy: Individual Types of Advocacy: Client- Fax: (212)321-7078 cases, legal writing, research and oriented litigation Private Public Interest and Plaintiffs’ Firm Guide 58 (See also CA). (646) 448-9300 Types of Advocacy: Impact Fax: (212) 385-9827 litigation, community education, SUSMAN GODFREY LLP [email protected] individual cases 654 Madison Ave., 5th Fl. New York, NY 10065-8404 Areas of Specialization: Tenants’ KING LAW OFFICES, PLLC (212) 336-8330 rights, housing Brian King Fax: (212) 336-8340 Types of Advocacy: Client- 215 N. Main St (See TX for main listing). oriented litigation, administrative Rutherfordton, NC 28139 hearings, individual representation (828) 286-3332 SZOLD & BRANDWEN, PC [email protected] 14 Wall St. WHATLEY DRAKE & New York, NY 10005 KALLAS, LLC Areas of Specialization: Areas of Specialization: Edith Kallas Education, criminal, personal Government accountability/legal 380 Madison Ave., 23rd Floor injury, medical malpractice, reform, whistleblowers, education, New York, NY 10076 products liability, family business/economic issues, trusts (212) 447-7070 Types of Advocacy: Civil and estates, property/real estate, Fax: (212) 447-7077 litigation, individual representation labor/employment, housing [email protected] Types of Advocacy: Individual (See AL for main listing). KURTZ & BLUM, PLLC representation, civil litigation 16 W. Martin St., 10th Fl. LAW OFFICES OF BRUCE A. Raleigh, NC 27601 TUCKNER, SIPSER, YOUNG (919) 832-7700 WEINSTOCK & SIPSER, LLP Bruce Young, Attorney Fax: (919) 832-2740 Jack Tuckner, Office Manager 171 Duane St., #1 120 Broadway, 18th Fl. New York, NY 10013 Areas of Specialization: Criminal New York, NY 10271 [email protected] defense, personal injury, medical (212) 766-9100 (212) 513-0811 malpractice, legal malpractice, Fax: (212) 766-4474 Fax: (212) 349-0694 capital defense, immigration, family [email protected] Areas of Specialization: law Matrimonial, civil rights of Types of Advocacy: Individual Areas of Specialization: Women’s children and families cases, appellate, administrative labor and employment law, Types of Advocacy: Individual hearings, client-oriented workplace discrimination cases Types of Advocacy: Client- PATTERSON & HARKAVY, oriented litigation, legal research NORTH CAROLINA LLP Chapel Hill Office VLADECK, WALDMAN, ELIAS FERGUSON, STEIN, 100 Europa Dr., Ste. 250 & ENGELHARD, PC CHAMBERS, GRESHAM & Chapel Hill, NC 27517 Anne L. Clark, Hiring Partner SUMTER, PA (919) 942-5200 1501 Broadway, Ste. 800 Charlotte Office Fax: (919) 942-5256 New York, NY 10036 741 Kennilworth Ave., Ste. 300 Charlotte Office (212) 403-7300 Charlotte, NC 28204 225 E Worthington Ave., Ste 200 Fax: (212) 221-3172 (704) 375-8461 Charlotte, NC 28203 [email protected] Fax: (704) 334-5654 (704) 200-2009 Chapel Hill Office Fax: (919) 942-5256 Areas of Specialization: Labor 312 W. Franklin St., Ste. 2 Greensboro Office and employment law, ERISA, Chapel Hill, NC 27516 101 S. Elm St., Ste. 310 constitutional law, civil rights (919) 933-5300 Greensboro, NC 27401 Types of Advocacy: Arbitration, Fax: (919) 933-6182 (336)370-4200 individual, class action litigation Raleigh Office Areas of Specialization: 1312 Annapolis Dr., Ste. 103 JEFFREY S. WEEN & Education, criminal justice, civil Raleigh, NC 27608 ASSOCIATES rights/civil liberties, (919) 755-1812 150 Broadway, Ste. 1616 employment/labor, government Fax: (919) 755-0124 New York, NY 10038 accountability Private Public Interest and Plaintiffs’ Firm Guide 59 Areas of Specialization: community organizing, individual BAYLESS & CHESLEY Employment/labor, civil rights/civil cases, civil litigation 1513 4th & Vine Tower liberties, environment Cincinnati, OH 45202 Types of Advocacy: Impact FAULKNER, MUSKOVITZ & (513) 621-0267 litigation, individual cases, PHILLIPS, LLP Fax: (513) 381-2375 lobbying 820 W Superior Ave., Ste. 900 , OH 44113 Areas of Specialization: LAW OFFICE OF ROBERT J. [email protected] Employment/labor, environment, WILLIS antitrust, personal injury, The Raleigh Building Areas of Specialization: shareholders rights, government 5 W. Hargett St., Ste 404 Labor/employment Types of Advocacy: Impact Raleigh, NC 27601 Types of Advocacy: Labor litigation, appellate, mediation (919) 821-9031 negotiation, representation Fax: (919) 821-1763 OREGON FRANKLIN & GREENFIELD, Areas of Specialization: Workers’ LLC McKANNA, BISHOP, JOFFE & compensation, criminal justice, 420 Madison Ave., Ste. 1101 ARMS LLP employment/labor Toledo, OH 43604 John S. Bishop, Managing Partner Types of Advocacy: Civil (419) 243-9005 1635 NW Johnson St. litigation, individual representation Fax: (419) 243-9404 Portland, OR 97209 [email protected] (503) 226-6111 x208 OHIO Fax: (503) 226-6121 Areas of Specialization: [email protected] BERKMAN, GORDON, Labor/employment MURRAY & DEVAN Types of Advocacy: Individual Areas of Specialization: J. Michael Murray cases Labor/employment Managing Partner Types of Advocacy: impact 55 Public Sq., Ste. 2200 GERHARDSTEIN & BRANCH litigation, individual cases, research Cleveland, OH 44113 432 Walnut St., Ste 400 and publications, training (216) 781-5245 Cincinnati, OH 45202 Fax: (216) 781-8207 (513) 621-9100 MIDDLETON & LEE [email protected] Fax: (513) 345-5543 Jennifer Middleton Areas of 245 E. 4th Ave. Specialization: Constitutional/civil Areas of specialization: Civil Eugene, OR 97401 rights, criminal, medical issues rights, discrimination, police 541 683-2506 Types of Advocacy: Criminal and misconduct, reproductive freedom, Fax: (541) 683-3149 civil litigation prison rights [email protected] Types of Advocacy: Civil Description: Small civil rights and DOLL, JANSEN AND FORD litigation, individual representation plaintiffs’ employment law firm. John R. Doll Areas of Specialization: 111 W. 1st St., Ste. 1100 MUSKOVITZ & Labor/employment, civil Dayton, OH 45402 LEMMERBROCK, LLC rights/liberties (937) 461-5310 820 W. Superior Ave., 8th Floor Types of Advocacy: Research and [email protected] Cleveland, OH 44113 publications, legal writing, 216-621-2020 individual cases, impact litigation, Description: The firm of three [email protected] client-based, class action, civil attorneys and one of counsel Description: Small firm that litigation attorney focuses on individual mainly represents labor unions. representation in litigation cases Areas of Specialization: Hiring: The firm does not have a Employment and labor law regular hiring schedule and does not Types of Advocacy: Alternative hire summer associates. dispute resolution, class action, PENNSYLVANIA Areas of Specialization: impact litigation, client-based Labor/employment, civil liberties BERGER & MONTAGUE, PC Types of Advocacy: Client-based, WAITE, SCHNEIDER, Eric L. Cramer, Shareholder Private Public Interest and Plaintiffs’ Firm Guide 60 1622 Locust St. Fax: (215) 732-7790 Philadelphia, PA 19103-6365 KAIRYS, RUDOVSKY, (215) 875-3000 MESSING & FEINBERG, LLP Areas of Specialization: Criminal, (215) 875-3009 David Rudovsky consumer, employment/labor, Fax: (215) 875-4604 718 Arch St., Ste. 501S family [email protected] Philadelphia, PA 19106 Types of Advocacy: Appellate, (215) 925-4400 arbitration, employee contracts, Areas of Specialization: Civil Fax: (215) 925-5365 litigation rights/civil liberties, human rights, [email protected] (See also NJ). antitrust, environmental Types of Advocacy: Individual Areas of Specialization: Civil STEVEN L. SUGARMAN & cases, class actions, complex rights/ civil liberties, constitution, ASSOCIATES litigation criminal, disability, family 1273 Lancaster Ave. Types of Advocacy: Litigation, Berwyn, PA, 19312 COHEN LAW GROUP research and publications (610) 889-0700 1000 Gamma Dr., Ste. 305 Description: Five attorneys Pittsburgh, PA 15238 KESSLER TOPAZ MELTZER specializing in litigation and (412) 447-0130 & CHECK, LLP planning in the public interest field Fax: (412) 447-0129 280 King of Prussia Rd. Areas of Specialization: Civil [email protected] Radnor, PA 19087 rights, employment discrimination, (610) 667-7706 environmental law, housing, Areas of Specialization: Fax: (610) 667-7056 consumer issues Communications, municipal law [email protected] Types of Advocacy: Types of Advocacy: Civil Description: This 80+ attorney Administrative advocacy, litigation, research, publications, firm focuses on complex class community organizing, impact individual representation action lawsuits with a specialization litigation, individual cases, in shareholder, ERISA, consumer transactional COHEN, MILSTEIN, SELLERS, and antitrust litigation. & TOLL, PLLC Areas of Specialization: SUGARMAN & MARKS, LLP 100 N. 18th Street Consumer, anti-trust 100 N. 17th St., 11th Floor Philadelphia, PA 19103 Types of Advocacy: Class action Philadelphia, PA 19103 (267) 207-3475 (See also CA). (215) 864-2500 Fax: (267) 207-3401 Fax: (215) 864-2501 (See DC for main listing). O’DONOGHUE & Areas of Specialization: O’DONOGHUE LLP Environmental, consumer, civil ELLIOTT GREENLEAF Constitution Pl., Ste. 515 liberties, human rights, housing 925 Harvest Dr. 325 Chestnut St. Types of Advocacy: Impact P.O. Box 3010 Philadelphia, PA 19106 litigation, community organizing, Blue Bell, PA 19422 (215) 629-4970 individual cases, administrative (215) 977-1000 Fax: (215) 629-4996 hearings Fax: (215) 977-1099 (See DC for main listing). RHODE ISLAND Areas of Specialization: ROBBINS GELLER RUDMAN Labor/employment, health care, & DOWD LLP GURSKY LAW ASSOCIATES medical Philadelphia Office 429 Scrabbletown Rd., Ste. C Types of Advocacy: Civil 1845 Walnut St., 23rd Fl. North Kingstown, RI 02852 litigation, individual representation Philadelphia, PA 19103 (401) 294-4700 (See also DE). (215) 988-9546 Fax: (401) 294-4702 Fax: (215) 988-9885 [email protected] HAUSFELD LLP (See CA for main listing). 1604 Locust St, 2nd floor Areas of Specialization: Philadelphia, PA 19103 SPEAR WILDERMAN, PC Employment/labor, civil rights/civil (202) 985-3270 230 S. Broad St., Ste. 1400 liberties Fax: (202) 985-3271 Philadelphia, PA 19102 Types of Advocacy: Impact (See DC for main office) (215) 732-0101 litigation, individual cases Private Public Interest and Plaintiffs’ Firm Guide 61 Nashville, TN 37219 [email protected] MANN & MITCHELL (615) 866-3222 Description: Six attorneys who 1 Turks Head Pl., Ste. 610 (See DC for main listing). focus on a variety of issue areas Providence, RI 02903 both in Texas and across the (401) 351-5770 SEARCY, DENNEY, SCAROLA, country Fax: (401) 521-4305 BARNHART, & SHIPLEY, PA Areas of Specialization: Consumer Towle House, 517 N. Calhoun St. protection and class actions, Areas of Specialization: Criminal Tallahassee, FL 32301-1231 complex business litigation, justice, civil rights/civil liberties, Phone: (850) 224-7600 personal injury and wrongful death indigent clients (See FL for main listing). law suits, and environmental law Types of Advocacy: Individual Types of Advocacy: Civil cases, class actions, appellate TEXAS litigation, class action, individual cases, client-based McINTYRE & TATE, LLP BARON & BUDD, PC 321 South Main St., Ste. 400 Mary Beth Short DANIEL & BESHARA, PC Providence, RI 02903-7109 Director of Human Resources 3301 Elm St (401) 351-7700 Dallas (Main Office) Dallas, TX, 75226 Fax: (401) 331-6095 3102 Oak Lawn Ave., Ste. 1100 214 939-9230 Dallas, TX 75219 [email protected] Areas of Specialization: Family, (214) 521-3605 m commercial, trusts and estates, Fax: (214) 520-1181 Description: Small civil rights law personal injury, medical, consumer Austin Office firm focused on housing 701 Brazos St., Ste. 650 discrimination. SOUTH CAROLINA Austin, TX 78701 Areas of Specialization: Civil (512) 852-5920 rights, housing, poverty law DUNCAN, CROSBY & Fax: (512) 852-5922 Types of Advocacy: Class action, MARING, LLC [email protected] enforcement, impact litigation, 1001 Front St., Box 736 innovative advocacy Georgetown, SC 29442 Areas of Specialization: (843) 546-1212 Consumer, environment DAVID VAN OS & Fax: (843) 545-0177 Types of Advocacy: Appellate, ASSOCIATES, PC Areas of Specialization: individual representation, David Van Os, Attorney & Owner Employment/labor, Social Security, litigation, legal services division 1530 North Alamo St. San Antonio, disabilities, family law (See also NY, LA). TX 78215 Types of Advocacy: Individual (210) 299-1800 representation, civil litigation BLACKBURN & CARTER, PC Areas of Specialization: 4709 Austin St. Labor/employment, First TENNESSEE Houston, TX 77004 Amendment, civil rights/liberties (713) 524-1012 Types of Advocacy: Research and publications, legal writing, LIEFF CABRASER HEIMANN Fax: (713) 524-5165 individual cases, factual & BERNSTEIN, LLP investigation, community outreach, 150 4th Ave. N., Ste. 1650 Description: 5 attorneys who focus community education, client- Nashville, TN 37219-2423 on environmental litigation at both based, civil litigation (615) 313-9000 the state and federal levels. Fax: (615) 313-9965 Areas of Specialization: (See CA for main listing). Environmental KATOR, PARKS & WEISER, Types of Advocacy: Litigation, PLLC 812 San Antonio St., Ste. 100 PROVOST & UMPHREY LLP administrative advocacy, Austin, TX 78701 2021 Richard Jones Rd. environmental planning and (512) 322-0600 Nashville, TN 37215 consulting Fax: (512) 477-2828 (615) 242-0199 [email protected] (See TX for main listing). CADDELL & CHAPMAN (See DC for main listing). 1331 Lamar Street, Suite 1070

RENO & CAVANAUGH, PLLC Houston, TX, 77010 PROVOST & UMPHREY LLP 424 Church St., Ste. 1750 713-581-8295 Private Public Interest and Plaintiffs’ Firm Guide 62 Beaumont Office [email protected] criminal defense 490 Park St. P.O. Box 4905 Areas of Specialization: RUBIN, KIDNEY, MYER & Beaumont, TX 77004 Employment/labor DEWOLFE (409) 299-5178 Types of Advocacy: Individual David Kidney, Partner Fax: (409) 838-8888 cases and administrative hearings 237 N. Main St. Barre, VT 05641 Houston Office (802) 479-2514 3730 Kirby Dr., Suite 1200 VERMONT Fax: (802) 479-2516 Houston, TX 77098 [email protected] BERNSTEIN, CUSHNER & Areas of Specialization: Personal KIMMEL, PC Areas of Specialization: Criminal injury, consumer, employment, P.O. Box 205 justice, family law environmental, securities Woodstock, VT 05091 Types of Advocacy: Civil Types of Advocacy: Litigation, (802) 457-9050 litigation, individual representation class action Fax: (802) 491-8283 (See also TN, AR). [email protected] VIRGINIA (See MA for main listing). SCHNEIDER WALLACE BUSCH & NUBANI, PC COTTRELL BRAYTON LANGROCK, SPERRY & Ashraf Nubani KONECKY LLP WOOL, LLP 5029 Backlick Rd., Ste. A 3700 Buffalo Speedway Wanda Otero, Hiring Partner Annandale, VA 22003 Houston, TX 77098 Hobart Popick, Hiring Partner (703) 658-5151 (713) 338-2560 Burlington: Areas of Specialization: Fax: (866) 505-8036 210 College St. Immigration/refugee (See CA for main office) P.O. Box 721 Types of Advocacy: Individual Burlington, VT 05402-0721 cases, research and publications SUSMAN GODFREY LLP (802) 864-0217 Houston Office Fax: (802) 864-0137 VICTOR M. GLASBERG & Katie Sammons, Employment Middlebury: ASSOCIATES Chair 111 S. Pleasant St. P.O. Drawer 351 121 S. Columbus Street Ste. 5100 Middlebury, VT 05753 Alexandria, VA 22314 1000 Louisiana Houston, TX 77002 (802) 388-6356 (703) 684-1100 (713) 651-9366 Fax: (802) 388-6149 Fax: (703) 684-1104 Fax: (713) 654-6666 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Dallas Office Areas of Specialization: Civil Ste. 5100 Description: With 26 attorneys, the liberties, labor/employment 901 Main St. Dallas, TX 75202 firm is one of the largest in the state Types of Advocacy: Individual (214) 754-1900 of Vermont. The group focuses on a cases, impact litigation Fax: (214) 754-1933 large variety of practice areas. Hiring: The firm does not hire new WASHINGTON Areas of Specialization: Anti- attorneys on any set schedule but is trust, commercial interested in receiving resumes BRICKLIN & NEWMAN, LLP Types of Advocacy: Civil from well-qualified candidates. The Seattle Office litigation, arbitration, individual th firm does hire summer associates 1001 4 Ave. representation (1Ls and 2Ls) for both of its Suite 3303 (See also CA, NY, WA). offices. More information for both Seattle, WA 98154 processes is available on the firm’s (206) 264-8600 THE YOUNGDAHL & CITTI website. Fax: (206) 264-9300 LAW FIRM Areas of Specialization: Civil Spokane Office Sara Youngdahl liberties, criminal, education, 25 W. Main 12621 Featherwood Dr., Ste. 240 employment/labor, environment, Suite 234 Houston, TX 77034 family, education, estate planning Spokane, WA 99201 (281) 996-0750 Types of Advocacy: Individual (877) 264-7220 Fax: (281) 996-0725 cases, hearings, transactions, Private Public Interest and Plaintiffs’ Firm Guide 63 Description: The firm’s four (See also AK) [email protected] attorneys focus on environmental [email protected] law as well as Native American HAGENS BERMAN SOBOL & issues. SHAPIRO LLP Areas of Specialization: Civil Areas of Specialization: Heather Enoki, HR Director rights/civil liberties, constitutional, Environmental, land use, Native 1918 8th Ave., Ste. 3300 criminal justice, criminal justice American law. Seattle, WA 98101 policy, family law, public defense Types of Advocacy: Litigation, (206) 623-7292 Types of Advocacy: Innovative administrative advocacy, Fax: (206) 623-0594 advocacy, individual cases individual clients [email protected] SCHROETER, GOLDMARK & FRANK, FREED, SUBIT & Description: This 50+ attorney BENDER THOMAS LLP national firm has many practice 810 Third Ave., Ste. 500 Mike Subit, Partner areas but specializes in multi- party, Seattle, WA 98104 705 Second Ave., Ste. 1200 large-scale complex litigation on (206) 622-8000 Seattle, WA 98104 behalf of individuals and investors. Fax: (206) 682-2305 (206) 682-6711 Hiring: The firm does not have a [email protected] www.sgb- Fax: (206) 682-0401 regular hiring schedule but does [email protected] post opportunities on the firm Areas of Specialization: website as they become available. Consumer, criminal, Description: The firm’s seven Areas of Specialization: employment/labor, environment, attorneys focus on employment and Consumer, employment/labor, Social Security, sexual violence union-side litigation on behalf of environmental, securities, antitrust, Types of Advocacy: Class actions, plaintiffs. whistleblower, personal injury, individual cases, negotiation, trial Areas of Specialization: intellectual property advocacy Labor/employment, government Types of Advocacy: Impact accountability, legal reform, litigation, class actions, complex SUSMAN GODFREY LLP whistleblowers, civil liberties litigation, publications 1201 3rd Ave., Suite 3800 Types of Advocacy: Individual (See also AZ, CA, CO, DC, IL, MA Seattle, WA 98101-3000 cases, class action, civil litigation, and MN). (206) 516-3880 appellate, administrative advocacy Fax: (206) 516-3883 MACDONALD, HOAGUE & (See TX for main listing). FRIEDMAN RUBIN BAYLESS nd James Hertz, Managing Partner 1500 Hoge Bldg., 705 2 Ave. LAW OFFICES OF WILLIAM Seattle Office Seattle, WA 98104 H. TAYLOR 3100 Two Union Square, (206) 622-1604 3401 Colby Ave., 601 Union St. Fax: (206) 343-3961 Everett, WA 98201 Seattle, WA 98101 [email protected] (425) 258-3553 (206) 501-4446 Areas of Specialization: Death [email protected] Fax: (360) 782-4358 penalty, civil rights/civil liberties, Bremerton Office economic development, Areas of Specialization: Workers’ 1126 Highland Ave. immigration comp, injury, Social Security Bremerton, WA 98337 Types of Advocacy: Individual Types of Advocacy: Individual (360) 782-4300 cases, civil litigation cases, civil litigation Fax: (360) 782-4358 PLATT AND BUESCHER WISCONSIN Description: The firm of 10+ in- ATTORNEYS AT LAW house attorneys specializes in Coupeville Office GARVEY McNEIL & arguing cases in jury verdicts in a 180 Coveland St. ASSOCIATES, S.C. variety of practice areas. Coupeville, WA 98239 1 Odana Ct., Areas of Specialization: Insurance (360) 678-6777 Madison, WI 53719 claims, personal injury, Fax: (360) 678-0323 (608) 256-1003 malpractice, labor/employment, Seattle Office Fax: (608) 265-0933 aviation, commercial litigation, 600 N. 36th St., Ste. 315 Types of Advocacy: Class action, Seattle, WA 98103 Description: This small firm of individual cases, impact litigation. Private Public Interest and Plaintiffs’ Firm Guide 64 four attorneys focuses on civil liberties and environmental litigation Hiring: The firm does not have a regular hiring schedule for new attorneys or summer associates. Areas of Specialization: Environmental, labor, civil rights Types of Advocacy: Impact litigation, individual cases

MINER, BARNHILL & GALLAND 44 E. Mifflin, Ste. 803 Madison, WI 53703 (608) 255-5200 Fax: (608) 255-5380 (See IL for main listing).

PREVIANT, GOLDBERG, UELMEN, GRATZ, MILLER & BRUEGGEMAN, S.C. Fred Perillo, Shareholder 1555 N. River Center Dr., Ste. 202 Milwaukee, WI 53212 (414) 271-0895 Fax: (414) 271-6308 [email protected] Description: The firm of 20 attorneys specializes in personal injury and labor law cases. Areas of Specialization: Labor/employment Types of Advocacy: Class action, client-based, community organizing, individual cases, civil litigation

Private Public Interest and Plaintiffs’ Firm Guide 65