•If* ^British 91 Motoring

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•If* ^British 91 Motoring * J^v HJi J'j£jJ iJj<T; •- -.1..' ''!' SSOUI is '' -•,/'- ^ Hwninv a •' •if* ^British 91 Motoring BRITISH MOTORING MANAGEMENT On lite Cmvr Minis were sold In tlio Unltod States from J 960 to Alan ParadlsoEcftor 7967. developing a cult (of/owing Ifiat continues to be active Annette ParadiseWaragmg Erj.vv at the dawning ol the new Mini. Photography by AlanParadise Joy KellerAsjooaie Eaw On Ibis Pjiic WarronHughes tests the ail-now MG Lota sporfs AmyCovingtonCoay £(Mor car al the Lo Mans circuit, spearheading MG's long-awalltd Aaron SmithF*afun> Editor return to motorsports. Lacey HendersonEaro'jMsus/j'ir Leigh DeFreeceA/t Unctot NancyWadeGraphc Dos.n,ne,» Nicole LeapGrapMc Designer ContntorigEdtors HarryNewton BillPlggott Paul Richardson Ken Smith John Sprinzel Steve Tom GooffWhcatlcy HowtoConrad British Motoring Moss Motors 440 Rutherford Street Go'ela,CA93117 805 681.3400 Etfforial Queries. Comments and Photos: B'itish Motoring 4700Spring St Ste.304 La Mesa. CA 91941 619.463.5100 Br^UttriigaiagezKispuMshedtMtinesperyear by Wow Moors lb Mot Motors. Lid or DSCG, Inc dismbuleethis megum wilde» uxJorsUndngBut ino trJcrmason preservedrs fromvarioussources fromwhen twiun be nowtiraniy orrMpons>(>%«tto tietogaUy, completeness end acojoey. M melcnais.ten. iusMlOns end photographs art Iha propertyo! BnWi Motoring and can nol bo reproducedIn wholoor part or Kitted wltn.1 tiewritten consent of Moss Motors Lid Eottr.il constPutions are welcome, however, editors reccmrr.erd mat contnoutets query In advance. Contnbuhons mustbeaccompanied byreturnposage and weassumenoroporwoMylotlossordamagedmaim* Manuscripts must be presented in wniton lorn and accompanied byelectronic He. All photographs musthave accompanying captons Fftoto modalreleaserequredon persons « pnotoonphs (nolirxtidngputtcevents) Moss Motors Lid reserves the right to use materials at its drsoeton, andwereserveu» nghtto edl materialtomeet cur rRjjrements Contributor s ad ofmatingcontnbuun sha'lconisrjj!oan eipress warranty Bialdie material is original and noIntrtngemwl onIherightsofoJwns. Mel raneibuIiowfcBntthMclcmj 4700U MesaBMJ Ste 304. La Mesa. CA 91W1 8194635100 Lett* tome 'J 1 u en edict «l be accepted lor pubtcabon provded nan*, eddress and telephone number accompany thorn Contributorswhose material« selected lor pub'eabon In 12 MG at Le Mans 18 Buttonwillow Bonanza AntonMxcmg wi tecete MosslAgtors G» Certteatts Letter Box nBiehtowng amounts: Feedback, comments, questions. British car manufacturer returns to racing. Vintage auto racing at its best. $150 00 G*T CERTIFICATES Tedncal articles. Mud-page feature stories and 1 3 A Mini Love Affair 20 Car Mart Personallyprofess 1954 Alpine Rally A famous endurance test. The history of the Mini in America. Classic cars for sale. $8000 GIFTCERTIFICATES Bookreviews. Ck* anclereprints 17 Hello Mini 23 Events Calendar $3500 GIFTCERTIFICATES Greenwich Concours d'EIegance Tochrvceibps. Cartoons. Humorousanecdotes. Puzzles. i classic cross-section of cars. The new Mini arrives. Places to go...people to see. Photos (eecaaSngany photocontest ccrtrtusons) AU1IIMN200I • OrilTISH I.IOTORINQ 3 2 AUTUMN 2001 • BP.ITIS a breeze. What I originally figured to he a weekend outbuilding, removedthe car cover and. to my surprise. project took less than thrce.hours. found a 1961 BugeyeSpnte with .17,000 original miles. I did, however, takethisprocess onestep further Setvice records located in the vehicle indicated the car to help ensure proper alignment when reassembling had been driven less than 1,000 miles in the past eleven the tie rod to the tie rod end. After loosening the lock years. This owner wasthe car's second, anil it had been rBox nut and screwing it finger-light against the lie rod end, painted yellow The top, bows and side curtains were Iwrapped a piece of masking tape around the lie rod a: on the rafters, It was all there, a complete car the inside face of the nut Thisacted as a rough "stop" I met with the owner, drove the car and purchased for the original location. I then put a small,aligning dot it after a ten-minute conversation. The only problem I ivingin Florida,high engine temperatures (above of paint on both the tape and nut Hal.After removing could find with the car was a leak in the radiator hose. 200 degrees) at 60 mph in the summer has alwaysbeen the tie rod from the tie lod end and unscrewing the What did I pay for this little gem? Well, let's a problem. I installed an oil cooler, added a water lock nut to the 'flush" location, I put another dot ol j.isl say my wife smiled when I brought the car home wetter, replaced the radiator, added a heater radiator paint on the nut and tie rod This would be my starting and told her the price. I found mine! up front rightbehind the grille and hooked it parallel location to count the turns when replacing the nut Wally Walker to the heaterhoses That loweredthe engine'srunning Ibis ptoccss worked well and helped me avoid any Soquel, CA temperature about ten degrees. I just finishedinstalling confusion ol where to start and end my "turn" count an engine shroud and I can't wait to lest it because the Upon completion, I checked the distance l>clwccn lire airflow over the engine should be much greater and I marks and lound it to Ik- tight on the money. hope it takes another five to 10 degrees olf the running My thanks to Drill's!) Moloriiir; lor providing this I have recently pulled the engine out of my 1965 temperature. The specs call for a running temperature information. If I had proceeded with the Spnte to replace the clutch. I had to disconnect the of 165to 190degrees I'm hopingthe addedairflow conventional process, I would siill be under the car hydraulic line to the clutch slave cylinder and because willput me in that range once and for all.Right now on rather than in the driver's scat the clutch and brake share the same reservoir. I a 75 to 80 degree day, the engine stays at about 175to Matk Young drained the entire hydraulic system to prevent spills. 180degrees, even after I put the thermost.tt back in III Sebastopol, CA Now (he controversy begins When I refillthe system, sec how it nuis when lite temperature teaches 95 I want 10 use the new siliconc-lascd brake lluid degrees with the shroud Hy the way. this is only a because it won't harm the paint and it doesn't bond high-speed problem. The engine has always run okay with water. I am told it also won't cause the corrosion at slow speeds such as in parades. around the cylinders. The problem is that many Hunks again tor your assistance. My wife and I people bale silicone lluid and say that the silicon enjoy driving the car around the area, it is a head turned I havecompletedrestoring my 1955TF 1500and lam ntaoo happy to say il isrunningand looking likenew. Now btcaks down the nthher teak in brakes and makes them Hal I'abst (THMAOtO SlClKWI tfiat the restoration is complete. I wanted to share the "spongy" They also say it is slightly compressible - St. August PAINT definitely not what you want in a brake lluid. Do any 10'. Njr • I t KOrj tKDj latest news. Recently, I entered my car In the Santa Barbara 7000 Concours d Hcgancc and I was fortunate ol your readers have any facts or personal experiences ***PS^te^ PI "00 IOCS Mil with the new silicone brake fluid? to receive Isl placein the European Sports car class Clcn R. Alvis Thiswould nol havebeen possiblewithout the help ol My 40J high school reunion is coming up and a Moss Motors and its employees, who demonstrated Wichita. KS group ol my friendsin SantaCruz were talking impressive knowledge about MCs. I have enclosed a about finding cats from 1961, our graduation year, picture of the car lor you to share with your readers Many times you feature a British auto that one of fixingthem up and driving them to the classreunion. your readers has restored I wanted to Silvio L. Motta Here's the story abuui how I totind my special car Santa Barbara, CA0 introduce you to mine I spent six years restoring One of my friends recently purchased an old this 1958 MCA Roadster using many Moss Motors chicken ranch on the outskirts of Santa Cruz, complete parts. The work started in 1989and was completed with several outbuildings and old sheds He told me in 1995. It has won numerous first and second place Ijust finished replacing the steering rack boots there was an old sports car under a car cover patked in awards and was given a six-page feature spread in on my 1970 MCB and I want to say thanks for one ol the outbuildings Apparently, it had been stored the March 1997 issue of GallicAitlo Rntorcr.This was the article "Steering Rack Boot Replacement," by lot several years The owner, a WWII veteran who Steve Tom, in the winter edition of /irili.fi the firsi car I ever restored and it was tie-finitely a lives in San f-rancisco, kepi his spoils car stored for challenge* but 1 learned a lot about welding, sand Molorind. Even though I had purchased the proper when he visits. My friend said the owner was a tall man blasting and mechanics.Although it is long overdue, tools to remove the ball joints, I had been putting who had both knees replaced and bad difficulty getting I wanted to thank the Moss Motors staff lor helping this project off because I knew it was going to be in and out of the car, thus it was rarely driven. me through some of the tough spots. a real bear 1 he process outlined by Tom made it With the owner's permission, we unlocked the 4 AUTUMN 2001 • BRITISH MOTORING AUTUMN 2001 • BRITISH MOTORING 5 195't ALPINE RALLYBy Paul Richardson inJ JimmyRay at the a mountains where the climbs and descents had solid adventure.
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