GLND/SMC Calls for Investigation

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GLND/SMC Calls for Investigation 1842 1992 Sl SQUoC! Nil NNIAL e server ~!.: VOL. XXIV NO. 69 ltJESDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1991 THE INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER SERVING NOTRE DAME AND SAINT MARY'S Gorbachev: republics not able to decide fate MOSCOW (AI') - Mikhail eommonwealth of independent c;orhaehnv. whose political states in its wake. dnath has bnPn rPportnd many But Gorbachev bounced back timns, attnmpted anothnr re­ Monday. meeting with Yeltsin birth Monday by dnelaring and the leaders of other re­ Boris Ynltsin and tlw leaders of publics in an ell'ort to preserve two otlwr Slavic republics did his central government and his not haVP the right to dedde thn politieal future. Gorbachev said the • Future of nuclear arrsenal/ "declaration that the union page 5 laws no longer exists is ... ille­ gal and dangerous, it can only fatn of the entire nation. aggravate chaos and anarchy in c;orbadwv called for convo­ the society." cation of the Congress of The events of Sunday and I'Pople's DeputiP.s and possibly Monday marked a rift in the al­ a national referendum. hoping liance forged between that widespread fear of chaos Gorbachev and Yeltsin last and hunger would fuel a popu­ March and cemented by resis­ lar rnovPnwnt to preserve the tance to the failed coup by Sovil't Union. Communist Party hard-liners Tlw Soviet l1~ader was taken last August. The Observer!E.G.Bailey hy surprisn Sunday when the In a statement read on cen­ Christmas charity lPadnrs of Hussia. Ukraine and tral television, and clearly Christmas is a time for giving and those at the UNICEF table stationed in the concourse of the Hesburgh Byelorussia pronounced the aimed at Yeltsin's detractors Library are hoping that passersby remember the cause they are serving when they make a purchase Sovil't Union dead and formed a see SOVIET I page 5 from their various selections. Burtchaell issues statement concerning charges By DAVID KINNEY began his research leave at editor for the NCR. He said that then the Holy Cross provindal, Associate News Editor Prineeton University. This con­ • Vore goes public I page 4 he reported possible sexual about th1~ allegations concern­ tradiets a previous statement by behind him "with wise profes­ misconduct by Burtchaell to the ing Burtchaell. The provindal Father Carl Ebey, provincial sional help and loving support." Holy Cross Congregation in requested information from A WI'Pk aftPr n~signing amid superior of the Congregation of "I have been making amends 1976. Storey about what kind of sex­ allt•gations of sl'xual miscon­ Holy Cross. which said that by offering apology to people I Storey, director of the under­ ual contact had occurred, but duct toward mall' students Burtehaell agreed to resign in had offended and receiving graduate theology program Storey said that he told Lewers during his eari'Pr at Notre April 1991. their forgiveness," he added. during the late 1960s and early that he had not asked the stu­ Danw. Fatlwr Jarnns Burtchaell Although the University re­ He criticized some of his col­ 1970s, said that five students, dents for specific information. issul'(l a statl'llll'nt apJwaring in quested that he resign, leagues for approaching the including two seminarians, re­ Fathflr Theodore llesburgh, tlw Dt>r. I :1 isstw of tlw National Burtehaell said that in reality press to publish the story of his ported allegations over a period University president-emeritus, Catholir Ht>portl'r (NCH). he did so for "other unrelated resignation and the NCR for of sev~ral years, according to said that he had no knowledge liP said in th1• statl'rnent that reasons of my own." printing it. "The story as writ­ the NCR. He referred the of similar allegations against hn rPgrPttnd that lw "had be­ In the statement, Burtchaell ten," he said, "implies some students to the University Burtchaell in the 1970s, but did havPd toward soml' former said that the situation was things that are not true." Counseling Center and to not comment on his awareness University stu(lfmts in ways that humiliating, stnmuous and dif­ William Storey, a retired ND Morton Kelsey, an ND priest of rumors about the situation. "I wen~ wrong." ficult, but also "a time for theology professor, accused the and psychologist, he said. had none," he said, "nothing Burtdmt>ll confirmed that the chastening, conversion and Holy Cross Congregation of a The NCR reported that Storey substantiated." Univt>rsity had uskNl him to re­ peace." He said that he is at­ "cover-up" in a separate article was questioned later in 1976 by The article said that Michael sign in August I 990 when he tempting to get the experience by Pat Windsor, national news former Father William Lewers, see NCR I page 3 Senate votes GLND/SMC calls $600 to right for investigation to life group By MONICA YANT lowed to persist over an intol­ By BECKY BARNES News Editor erable length of time. This has News Writer harmnd the entire University ... "Even after knowledge of Responding to the resignation Burtehaell's abuses has become AftPr lwatnd debate in yester­ of Father James Burtchaell publie, the University has made day's rnePting, Studt~nt Senate after allegations of sexual mis­ no response to an environment alloltl~d $600 to the Notre conduct, Gays and Lesbians at which enabled his misconduct Danw Hight to Life Notre Dame/St. Mary's College to thrive." Organization to defray costs of (GLND/SMC) issued a statement Because GLND/SMC belinves its annual trip to tlw Hight to Monday calling for an indepen­ the University has yet to explain I.ifl' March in Washington. D.C. dent investigation into the prior knowlfldge of the Much eritirism from various charges and the recognition of Burtchaell abuses, the group individuals on eampus oceurred the organization as a means of calls for an independent inves­ last ymtr when form11r Student creating a "supportive envi­ tigation of the case which Body l'rt>sident Hobt>rt Pasin ronment for gay and lesbian is­ would publish the following re­ alloeat1HI funds for this same sues." sults within three months: purpose. CurrPnt President In addition, GLND/SMC called •Who knew about the Jos1~ph Blaneo statPd in his for Burtchaell to be reinstated Burtchaell abuses, and from eampaign that if faced with the to the University faculty "where what date; sanw issue, he would immedi­ he must be supported with love •Why the miseonduet was not ately take the proposal to the and forgiveness." dealt with sooner; senatl' body. The "Statement on Father •What steps the University The senate budget eommittee Burtchaell's and Notre Dame's will take to "repair the damage determirwd that $600 from the Abuses" coincides with a Dec. done to students harmed di­ <~onlingency fund would be 13 follow-up article in the Na­ rectly by Burtchaell" and available to the group. The eon­ tional Catholic Reporter in •What the University will do tingnney fund has been used al­ which GLND/SMC co-chair to address the needs of gay and ready this semnster to fund Michael Vore identified himself lesbians within the community. campus Moek Trial and Model as a victim of Burtchaell's mis­ Although the statement did Unitnd Nations organizations. conduct. not propose a spedfic make-up Senate member Joe Wilson GLND/SMC's statement for the investigating body, Vore stated that funding Hight to Life A cry for help The Observer/E.G. Bailey charges that the University's told The Observer Monday is "dill'erent (than funding other inaction regarding the allega­ night that he could envision a groups) beeause we're dealing Notre Dame students view an art exhibit at Hesburgh Library spon­ tions allowed the misconduct to committee made up of five peo- sored by Child Abuse Neglect Coordinating Organization be perpetuated. " ... Burtchaell's see SENATE/ page 6 (CANCO). actions were inexcusably al- see GLND/ page 4 page 2 Tuesday, December 10, 1991 INSIDE COLUMN FDR!CAIT: Partly sunny and mild today. Highs in Schools fail by the middle 40s. giving students TEMPERATURES: City H L Athens 39 32 condoms Atlanta 65 57 Berlin 41 32 Boston SO 42 Johnny can't read. He's Calgary 36 27 Chicago 60 31 not too good at math Dallas·Ft.Woflh 78 57 either. Denver 42 23 While Johnny may not Honolulu 84 70 Houston 77 68 he learning much in lndianapoli& 63 45 school, this month the London 45 34 Los Angeles 59 54 New York City Public Mlarri Beach 76 73 School system taught him N- Orleans 73 57 a lesson he'll never forget: Monica Yant N-York 59 52 Paris 43 32 that promiscuity and News Editor Phllade~hla 58 48 premarital sex are ok. Rome 52 37 San Diego 60 55 Johnny is one o~------------­ San Fran cisco 66 4 7 thousands of New York City high school students Seattle 51 46 South Bend 111 38 who can now receive free condoms "on demand" Tokyo 54 48 within school walls. The program began with Washington. D.C. 65 48 the 3,000 students ln Dewey High School in Brooklyn and will eventually accommodate the sexual needs of over 250,000 young people. ;1.---------------------:-------, ·:::. Pr9SSUrB ~ h---, Students need no parental consent to receive .:·: the contraceptives. The condoms will he HL ~~w EZl!ZZI~"¥" ~ distributed by specially trained teachers and HIGH LOW SHOWERS RAIN T..STORMS FLURRIES SNOW ICE SUNNY PT. CLOUDY CLOUDY counselors. ':(::·· .:r·· Inside each package students will find in­ .. :f structions and literature outlining the risks and benefits of condom use. The truly interested will also fmd a note reminding them that abstinence is the only true guarantee against sexually TODAY AT A GLANCE transmitted disease.
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