YORK CIVIC TRUST ANNUAL REPORT AND HERITAGE REVIEW 2013 - 2014 THE OFFICERS OF YORK CIVIC TRUST Patron Her Royal Highness the Duchess of Kent President Darrell G. Buttery, D.L. Vice Presidents The Rt. Hon. the Lord Mayor of York (ex officio) The Dean of York (ex officio) The Members of Parliament for York (ex officio) Dame Janet Baker, C.H., D.B.E. Chairman Peter Addyman, C.B.E., F.S.A. Treasurer Michael Sturge Membership Secretary Jill Waterson Director & Company Secretary Peter B. Brown, M.B.E.
[email protected] Director of Fairfax House Hannah Phillip
[email protected] Editors Peter Brown, Lorna Foster, Margaret Scott Registered Office Fairfax House, Castlegate, York, YO1 9RN Telephone 01904 655543 Fax 01904 652262 www.yorkcivictrust.co.uk Auditors JWP Creers, Genesis 5, Church Lane, Heslington, York, YO10 5DQ THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES Peter Addyman, C.B.E., F.S.A. (chairman) Verna Campbell Sir Ron Cooke, D.Sc., D.L. Kenneth Dixon, C.B.E., D.L. (retired 6 October 2013) Roger Dixon David Foster Jane Grenville, O.B.E. Janet Hopton, M.B.E., D.L. Graham Millar (retired 6 October 2013) David Miller Elizabeth Reid Andrew Scott, C.B.E. (appointed 6 October 2013) Adam Sinclair Martin Stancliffe Michael Sturge Terry Suthers, M.B.E., D.L. (retired 6 October 2013) CO-OPTED TO THE BOARD June Hargreaves, M.B.E. (6 October 2013) Deian Tecwyn (6 October 2013) Kate Giles (6 October 2013) COMMITTEES RESPONSIBLE TO THE BOARD Audit Committee, chaired by Alison Robinson City Enhancement Fund, chaired by Sir Ron Cooke Education Committee, chaired by Verna Campbell Events & Activities Committee, chaired by David Foster Fairfax House Museum Board, chaired by Michael Sturge Finance & Personnel Committee, chaired by Deian Tecwyn Governance & Nominations Committee, chaired by David Foster Membership Committee, chaired by David Miller Planning Committee, chaired by Jane Grenville MRS JANE BROOKE c.1590 Purchased at auction by Darrell Buttery.