2 The News & Trader, February 1997

Otvn a part of Broome County history

Pmmel & The Carousel is a fictional children's story book based on accurate historical fact. lr is also a coloring book featuring illustrations ofAllan Hersch ell carousel figures and historical landmarks. This creative book is written by author, Gerald B. Mirra, a reguJarcontributingwriterto The Carou.selNews&Tratln­ magaune. It is iUustrated by artist, Cindy Mayer·Strosser, from Ford City, Pennsylvania.

T he rcxr is wrinen for 7·8 year olds, bur ir appeals ro rhose from 7· 90. It is truly a remarkable book for the Child, CoUcctor, or Carousel enthusiast! To Order send $7.50 plus $2.00 S/H to: Signature Publishing P.O. Box 5599 Endicott, New York 13763-5599

lnquir~ nbout wboksnk prius for purcbllS~s of25 or mor~ copi~s for fimd·rnising organizations The Carousel News &Trader , February 1997 3 Unpainted Cai'OUSel and Western Style Horses for Crafl Dealers and lnsrruciOrs

• Body sizes 28 to 44 inches.

• The molded polyethylene bodies are trimmed and surface treated to accept paint.

For Catalog and Price List Complete Protn.lonal RHtomlon Senrlce• Call TOLL FREE 1-800-537-8225 Authentic Full Size Nftl C.rvl,.,_ Stertlng at $3,500 Buy & Sell Antique Figure• A~k for Dept. GM C.ll or Write for U•tlnga WONDER PRODUCTS, INC. Steve and Krla Creacenze 465 llamilton Road • Bo,.,ier City. LA 71111 8480 Gunaton Ad • Welcome, MD 20693 (3 18) 742- 11 00 • fa:\ (3 18) 742-7424 301) 932-2734

f)[ational Carousel a ssociation rrechnical Cilssistance Conference 1997 Friday, April18 through Sunday, April 20 in Portland, Oregon

Hosted by Terri Lunde, Marketing Director and the 72 C. W. Parker horses on the newly restored circa 1921 merry~go - round at Jantzen Beach SuperCenter

NCA members will receive information in the mail regarding this exciting opportunity to visit the Pacific Northwest. Contact Terri Lunde at Jantzen Beach, 503-286-9103 and see next month's issue of e Carousel News & Trader for complete details And remember. .. these conferences are open to everyone! L Share the excitement • Share the fun 4 The Carousel News & Trader, February 1997 carousel. He nearly burst with pride and joy IN MEMORY on its inaugural day. He rejoiced again when the new band organ arrived. OF MERRICK During the service of appreciation in his honor, Merrick was described as a "man of character." "a man of integrity,• and "a man By Cyndy L Hennig who wore many hats.· Once the park's ride On November 26, a blustery day in Roch­ manager, cashier and accounting room ester, N.Y., a number of people gathered in manager, he also was the inventor and the carousel building at Seabreeze Amuse­ builder of Ermac band organs, the change ment Park. The carousel had had a dazzling agent who brought Seabreeze Park into the unveiling nearly six months before. This electronic age, and the preserver of day, it was eerily still as strong winds bat­ Seabreeze Park history-it was Merrick who tered the building's metal doors. We sat extensively interviewed George Long Jr. shoulder to shoulder in the new red rocking and who helped create the park's old and chairs, facing the ride. Individually and col­ new museums. A goodwill ambassador, he lectively, we recalled how Merrick Price had also lectured throughout the community. enjoyed that day. Merrick was a modest man, who would Sadly, Merrick- son-in-law of George have eschewed the day's attention. But his Long Jr.-died November 13, 1996. A found­ family and friends turned out, nonetheless. ing member of the NCA (with his young Matt and Bitten Caulfield of Glen Echo Park, daughter, Suzy) and a continuous member Maryland, and Charles and Betty Jacques until his death, Merrick enjoyed a lifelong Jr., of Jefferson, Ohio, for example, drove love affair with and their music. several hours in the severe winter storm to He paid devoted attention to the park's own attend the service. At its conclusion, the PTC #36 and often sat for an hour or more Merrick Price is seen here in Ruby Foote's photo carousel revolved without riders. Then, one in one of the old red rockers, willingly capti­ of him, taken at Seabreeze Park in July 1996 with by one we stepped aboard, until no room vated by the carousel and its Wurlitzer 165 one of his favorite horses on the new carousel. remained. On and between the horses we band organ. When visitors paused to ex­ rode, reluctant to let go. press their appreciation, he shared his own, carousel and band organ burned, many Merrick is survived by his daughter, Suzy engendering respect, goodwill, and new feared Merrick's heart would break. Instead, Hofsass (Mark), two grandchildren (Aaron friendships. his quiet streng1h and steadfast faith helped and Kyle), his sister (Phyllis Price), and In 1994, when the park's historic 1915 sustain his family's vision of a grand new several nieces and nephews.

Farewell, Friend: Bertrand Island in Lake the machine to the Ringling Brothers, who Hopatcong, New Jersey was once of those installed it at Circus World in Orlando, Joseph DeLorenzo marvelous parks we all dream about, an Florida. The carousel operated there until idyllic place with a ball room, picnic groves, 1985, when the park changed hands and amusement rides, a midway, a lake and the carousel ended up sold and dispersed. beach. Perhaps its best attrac- "It was like having a Rembrandt tion, though, was the car­ out on the lawn," he told ousel- a 1921-25 M. reporters. He had great C. lllions Monarch hopes for the carou­ II Supreme ma­ sel in its new loca­ chine. tion, where the The park horses would be opened in restored to their 1923, and Joe original splen­ Delorenzo dor. Joe and his operated the wife Nellie machine there planned to visit it between 1935 often at Circus and 1972. Fred World, noting they Fried, author of A Pic­ had a life-time pass torial History of the Car­ for the new park. Mar­ ousel, called it, "one of the ried for 61 years, the most beautiful in the East," a splendid Delorenzos were business partners; machine with an American Beauty Rose Nellie survives her husband. horse among the 48 figures. Newspaper She continues to live with her daughter, accounts report the carousel carried over Dolores lynch, of Stevens, Pennsylvania. two million riders in its day, making more Dee wonders what became of the carousel's On November 2, 1996, Joe Delorenzo, former than 24 million revolutions. BAB 165 note band organ, and hopes it is owner and operator of the lllions Supreme In 1972, after the park changed hands still running somewhere. Readers with any carousel at Bertrand Island Amusement Park, and the new owner virtually eliminated prof­ information are invited to contact Dee lynch, passed away after a brief illness. its for ride concessionaires, Delorenzo sold 1090 Forest Hill Road, Stevens, PA 17578. The carousel News & Trader, February 1997 5 CAROUSEL CALENDAR AUCTIONS February 8, 1997, Fun Forest Park, Tampa, April 5, 1997, 9 to 7. Annual Open House at Current to March 30, 1997. The Shorter FL Norton Auctioneers, Complete Amuse· Restoreation by Wolf, Welcome, Maryland. Collection of Carousel Art will have 12 horses ment Park. (517) 279-9063. See ad p 15. Call (301) 932-2734. & menagene figures by Muller, Oentzel, Looff, lllions and Herscheli-Spillman on dis­ February 22, 1997, Old Indiana Fun-n­ APRIL 26, 1997, 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. play at the Troy Historical Museum, 60 West Water PM, Thorntown, Indiana. Complete Children's Open House to ride the carousel at Wattles Road., Troy Michigan 48098. park auction of rides and equipment. Con­ the Pediatric Dental Office of Dr & Mrs Closed Mon., open Tue.-Sat. 9 - 5:30 & Sun. tact Norton Auctioneers, Coldwater, Michi­ Michael Healey. Includes clown, baloonsand 1 - 5. For Information call (81Q) 524-3570. gan. (517) 279·9063. See ad P 7 treats. Free fun for all carousel lovers! 1145 Hightower Trail, Dunwoody, GA 30350. Current Singular Sensations, a collection of March 29, 1997, Kissel Auction, Slnd

The Gross Workshop Custom hand caNed original and reproduction carousel horses, band organ figures, circus wagons

Original Oil Paintings & and artwork. Limjted Edition Lithographs by: TOTAL Laurel D'Agnillo RESTORATIONS 148 Robin Lane West Seneca, NY 14224 Ken Gross (716} 674-2807 7232 Steam Corners Rd. Checks/ MC/ Visa accepted Steam Corners. OH 44904 Brochure - $1.00 (4 19) 884-3666 6 The Carousel News & Trader, February 1997 Cover: Photo by, R.A.R.E. Photographic (Richard & Ann Rohlfing)

These two Muller horses are from what have become known as the "Mexican" Muliers as they were found by the Higareda brothers of Guadalajara, Mexico and had operated at a park in Mexico City. SteveCrescenzeofRestorationsbyWolf, Welcome, MD restored the figures and found some interesting facts as to the eyes on them. See the story on page 10 of this issue. Steve is working on his fourth resto­ ration of these Muliers and considers him­ self fortunate to have this opportunity. The horses are owned by Lyle Farver, Michigan. One was purchased at a Gordon Riewe auction and the other one privately. Steve and Kris Crescenze will be hosting an open house at their restoration studio on AprilS, 1997. For information ca.ll (301) 932- 2734.

In this issue: Memorials: Merrick Price, Joe DeLorenzo ...... 4 Calendar ...... 5 The Carousel at the House on the Rock ...... 8 Keeping an eye on the "Mexican Muliers" ...... 1 0 Carousel Museum opens Mystic, CT location ...... 12 Carousels on the Internet ...... 19 I Carving a Gift Horse for Spokane's Carousel ...... 21 A French carousel ...... 22 189 Knower Road • P.O . Box 71 Auction Associates' auction results ...... 23 Westminster, MA 01473 508-874-0584 Classified ...... 26 Carving pattern ...... 28 ROBERT S. BRYSON Organ Notes: an organ for Menlo Park ...... 29 HAvE Y ouR O wN C AROUSEL Whittlin' & Fiddlin' at the MGR Museum ...... 30 C ARVED IN C RYSTAL OR B EAUTIF IED IN S TAIN G LASS .

THE CAROUSEL NEWS & TRADER, 87 Park Avenue West. Suite 206, Mansfl8kl, OH 44902 Phone (419) 529-4999 anytime If no one is available. answering machine will answer. FAX (419) 529-2321. SUBSCRIPTlON RATES: U.S., $29.00 per year; Canada, $35.00 in U.S. funds; all other foreign, $45.00 in U.S. funds. (No foreign checl

Published and distributed monthly by The C.rou.sel News & Treder, Inc:. Founding Editor: Haney Lynn Loucks, 1985 to 1992. PubUshef & Managing Editor: Walter L Loucks. Auoclata Editor: Noreene M. Sweeney. Some ads and layouta are designed by Unda Hutchelon of Graphk:sOne. Pr1n1ad at Graph X, Ashland, Ohio. Ragula.r Contributing Writers: Ben Morriston. Karen Smith, Jean Merchant. Unda Stmons, Barbara Post. Barbara Nelson. Regular Contributing Photographers: William Manns, Mtke Sweeney. The views and opinions expressed by contnbutors to thls publication are not necessanly those of the ed.itor. The C8tousel News & Trader reserves the right to edtt any material submitted lor publication.

THE CAROUSEL NEWS & TRADER (ISSN 09829769) is published monthly by The Carousel News & Trader, Inc. 87 Park Avenue West, Suite 206, Mansfield, OH 44902 PERIODICALS RATE POSTAGE paid at Mansfield, Ohio, 44901 POSTMASTER: Send address changes to THE CAROUSEL NEWS & TRADER, 87 Partt Avenue Weal, Suite 206, Mansfield, OH 44902 Another NORTON of M.khlgan

6J\U@TIBN ® OlD INDIANA FUN-N-WATER PARK Located Midway Between Indianapolis & Lafayette at 1-65 at St. Rd. 4 7 SATURDAY* FEBRUARY 22 * 10:00 A.M.

I SPECTACULAR MAJOR 1:1 KIDDIE RIDES INCLUDING: • Huss • Huss • Huss-Arrow 33 Meter Wheel • Huss Super Himalaya • Huss TM Plrat Ship • Arrow • Schwarzkopf Bayern Curve • Schwarzkopf Wildcat Coaster • Venture Parachute Tower • Chance TM Turbo • AH MGR • Hrubetz • Eyerly Roii-0-Piane • Ell • Ell • Sellner Tilt • F&B Bumper Car Building • Arrow Antique Cars • Chambers Kiddie Turtle • AH Wet Boat • Mangels Kiddie Cars • Rodeo Ride • Arrow Car Ride • AH Pony Carts • AH Helicopters • Humphrey Flying Scooters • AH Skyflghter • Humphrey Buck Rogers Style • Arrow Kiddie Turnpike • Walk Thru Glass Maze • Princeton Super Swing • PTC Tea Cup PLUS ..••• NEW WATERPARK ACCESSORIES • Tools • Construction Equipment • Games • Food Equipment • Kiosks • Office & Shop Equipment • 900± Picnic Tables • Pavillions • 120± Park Benches • Vehicles • Grounds Equipment • Etc. CALL, FAX OR WRITE FOR FREE COLOR BROCHURE WITH TERMS AND DETAILS

,ol! @ DAVID A. NORlDN'S ~~·"'_...;:...- NOR10N AUCTIONEERS OF MICHIGAN INCORPORATED PROFESSIONAL AUCTIONEERS PEARL AT MONROE COLDWATER. MICHIGAN, USA 4903&1967 (517)279-9063 FAX (517)279-9191 rtAnONAU..Y RECOQI"CIZED AWARD Wll"'l''NQ AocnONEERS Woridwlde Amusement Auctioneers end ApprWei'S Sdno the

REVERE B EA CH: THE CHANGlNG TIDE. CELEBRATING 100 YEARS OF AMUSEMENT H iSTORY! "RELivE HtSTORY OF AMERICA's FtRST P usuc B FACH. SEE THE T uRN-OF-TH E-CENTURY AMusEMENTS CAPTURED WITH STILL PHOTOGRAPHS AND ARCHIVAL FILM FooTAGE" Call roday for your historical documentary as seen on public television, (WGBH-Channel 2) Boston. Call 1-800-622-0038 $19.70 per tape includes shipping & handling or mail check or money order to: S UN RISE PRODUCflONS P.O . B ox 1561 MANCHESTER, MA 0 1944 The carousel News & Trader, February 1997 9

Look up at the House on the Rock at Spong Green, Wasconsm and you'll catch a ghmpse of the ampressNe array of nderless wooden horses, a legacy from Amenca·s antique carousels At the right as an angel from the front of a baroque chanot pulled by two leopards The House on the Rock Carousel

A mule and a rooster exchangang the latest news. Two reanng deer With massiVe antlers, pulhng an ornate sleagh.

A rich facade of cherubs racagn the Gebruder Waldkirch organ. Gentleman in red m pursUit of an ever-escaping mermaid 10 The Carousel News & Trader, February 1997

Steve Crescenze of Restorations by Wolf in Welcome, Maryland Another "before· horse. The eyes on these horses always puzzled Steve, who learned has res1ored several ofthese "Mexican Muller" horses, seen here a lot during their restoration. "before." ALL EYES ON THE ''MEXIUAN'' MllLLERS

by Steve Crescenze bits and pieces from various sources. Books however, we are still faced with a lack of such as Frederick Fried'sA Pictorial History factual information. The best we can do in Carousel enthusiasts are always striving ofthe Carousel, Charlotte Dinger's Art ofthe these cases is to form possible theories until for factual information concerning the his­ Carousel, Painted Ponies by William Manns factual information is discovered. Often this tory of the figures and art form we love so and Marianne Stevens and others like them never comes and we are left debating over dearly. Unfortunately, over the years formal have done a wonderful job of weaving these different theories. documentation has been scarce, coming in bits and pieces together for us. Many times, One source for obtaining information is

This view shows the wood insert replacing the Same horse: here is the wood insert removed The gun horse. Th1s eye area was reworked for orig1nal glass eyes on the 1nner row jumper above. and a damaged ear ready for re-carving. replacement with a larger glass eye. The carousel News & Trader, February 1997 t1

Spectaularl Here IS the gun horse slander after restoration. Seen before restoratiOn on the facmg page, here's the finiShed pmto.

through the restoration process. I have carousel "Muller I. • On page one of the set 1n wood. I could find no evidence such often likened restoration to archaeology. catalogue she supports this by weaving as filler that would support my theory. Many times we uncover very little, but these factual information together with theory. This I felt seemed to support Diane's bits and pieces all add up. developing an interesting and intriguing theory of this being Muller's first carousel. The "Mexican" Muliers of Chopultepec scenario. At the end of the piece Diane Possibly he hadn't refined his carvings yet, Park in Mexico City, discovered by the welcomes ideas and facts that would shed or maybe someone other than Daniel had Higareda brothers of Guadalajara, Mexico, light on these wonderful pieces. carved the eyes due to, as Diane stated, are a carousel mystery that has left us w1th Over the past year I have been fortunate • .. .the inexperienced entrepreneurs having questions, many of which may never be enough to restore three of these figures and had to get done in a hurry on a shoestring." answered. In the silent auction catalogue am working on a fourth. While I have not I also found it very interesting as Diane originally offering these figures, D1ane Less­ found a wealth of information, I do have further pomts out the non-romance s1de Baird of Spotted Horse Studio named th1s some bits and pieces of my own to share. eyes of some of the second row and all of There were some who felt that the paint might possibly be original factory paint; oth­ ers believed it to be old, but probably not original. After stripping these figures, there are at least two facts that support the old paint only theory. Fact 1: Under the old paint I found evidence of a previous paint job and possi­ bly a second, neither of which looked to be original paint. Fact 2: Once the horses were stripped, I found various old repairs. Unless the pieces were sent back to the factory and repainted, repairs couldn't be under original paint. One type of repair I discovered during restoration answered a question I had con­ cerning these Muliers. From the first time I saw these pieces in person at the silent auction in September 1994 there was some­ thing about the eyes of the outside row horses that bothered me. They seemed to be small, out of proportion with the rest of the head. Also, the way they were set into the sockets seemed flat and lacking the expression Daniel Muller carvings are known for. My first thought was that they had been replaced at some time. After close inspec­ W1th h1s new glass eyes, this horse looks more tion of all the outside row figures' eyes, Close-up of the pinto. His eyes came from the like Daniel Muller's masterful wor11 once again. however, as near as I could tell they were all outer row slander and seems more lifelike now. 12 The Carousel News & Trader, February 1997 the inner row figures were wood. Once stripped, all the questions concerning the eyes were cleared, at least in my eyes. You The Magic Comes to Mystic! can judge (and see) for yourself. Before I go on, I must apologize for the New England Carousel Museum Mystic Branch lack of good "before· pictures of the eyes. offers an operating carousel and much more When I looked back for pictures to use In this article, I realized I hadn't had the foresight to Do you want to learn something while in need of repair; pieces stripped down to take any good close-ups of the eyes before having a good time? The New England the bare wood, showing the magnificent stripping. Had I known what I was gomg to Carousel Museum, Mystic branch is in the carving; and pieces that have been re­ find, I would have had better photos. Any­ "edutaining" business we educate while stored to their original beauty. The plan is way, back to what I found. All the eyes had having a good time. The museum has over to have ongoing demonstrations w1th art­ 1ndeed been replaced. Many ofthe eyes, no 70 pieces of carousel art, including ani­ ists working on both the creation of new matter what row the horses occupied, were mals, chariots, and rounding boards that carousel art and restoration of antiques. the same size. When the original eyes were reflect the magnificent carving styles cre­ A children's area is set up in the lobby replaced, new wood was inset andre-carved ated by artists at the turn-of-the-century. for kids of all ages to come in and create to accommodate the smaller new eyes. The It's a fun subject matter, one that makes their own carousel horse out of cardboard. wooden eyes on the back side of the Inner our visitors smile. Alongside the kids' station is a viewing area row horses were not originally carved wood, The museum is exhibiting pieces repre­ for visitors to watch a film on the history of but were wood inserts replacing the glass senting the three schools of carving: the the carousel. eyes. To repair the outside row eyes, I Coney Island style, the Philadelphia style, For those whose interests in carousels carefully removed the smaller glass eyes so and the Country style. On display are extend to actually riding one, there's a as not to damage the wood. I was then able the splendid Atlantic Beach park carousel 1987 Chance machine in operation as well. to re-carve this area to resemble Dan1el horses from the Coney Island style, carved George Tattersall owns the 36 foot, 36 Muller's style, using larger glass eyes. The by Marcus C. lllions. The pieces are on horse, 2 chariot machine. He notes that the difference in the final result is I feel qu1te loan to the museum by the Trefes family museum and carousel location is a •one­ dramatic. The realism of Daniel Muller's from Misquamicut, Rhode Island. Repre­ stop" visitor site, with plenty of spacious carving Is back. senting the Country Fair style are the public restrooms and a variety of restau­ Repairing the second row pinto was much horses, chariots and band organ from the rants/food stands. easier. I used an eye I removed from the carousel at Skyline Park in Owego, New The parent museum is located In Bristol, outer row horse to replace the wooden York. Horses from the 1928 Spillman car­ Connecticut. With the opening of the branch insert. I left the non-romance side eye In ousel, originally from Lake Ariel, Pennsyl­ in Mystic, the New England Carousel Mu­ place. It was so close to the original size I vania, are on loan from Stanley seum is proud to house one of the largest did not feel it necessary to replace it. All it Lukascewicz, one of the owners of Skyline collections of antique carousel pieces in needed was a little re-carving to get the Park. The Philadelphia style is repre­ the country. In either location, Mystic or lifelike expression back. Well, as I said sented by a collection on loan from Donna Bnstol, you can experience the Golden before, you look at the accompanying pic­ Woolcott, a carousel restoration artist from Age of the Carousel on your own or w1th our tures and JUdge for yourself, agree, dis­ Northford, Connecticut. tour guides who will share with you the agree, or create your own theory. Whatever The museum displays carousel pieces colorful history and development of the you do, above all enjoy the process of what in all conditions showing the visitors every­ hand-carved animals that have found their is so Intriguing with our hobby, trying to thing from ant1que pieces 1n park paint and places in America's rich folk art history. connect with the past.

Carousel Conventions Relive the rnemories or see what you missed! 1991 thru 1995 NCA 1991, 1995 and 1996 ACS Set of 2 video tapes only $25 per convention • please add $3 shipping • Also: 1995, 1996 NCA Technical Conferences $30 plus $5 shipping (3 tapes) Mike Sweeney 656 W Chestnut St Lancaster PA 17603-3411 (717) 392-3009 carousei«L lancnews.infi.net The Mystic branch of the New England Carousel Museum shares a Fun Center for children. The area includes th1s 1987 Chance 36 horse operating carousel, owned by George Tattersall. The Carousel News & Trader, February 1997 13 The museum's primary purpose is to dren. A lovely gift shop called The Brass foster greater appreciation for the classic Ring has been created in the museum wooden carousel, that "magical fantasy lobby. The shop features carousel-related FINE HORSE HAIR TAILS machine" of the 19th century. The devel­ and Victorian art and crafts created by New RESTORATION SUPPLIES opment of the carousel often parallels im­ England artists as well as vintage and portant historical and social changes, giv· antique items. The proceeds from the gift ing us insight shop ben­ into the efit the people and museum's events of this eduational time. The programs. museum is a T h e joyful, enter­ hours of taining place operation that brings to are Mon­ the audience d a y a greater through awareness Saturday, and under­ 10a.m. to5 Jack & Meg Hurt standing of p.m. and carousel art, Sunday 1711 Calavaras Drive history and from noon Santa Rosa, CA 95405 science . until5 p.m. The Museum exhibits all three styles of carousel figures, Philadelphia Even in Style, Country Fair style and Coney Island style shown here. These Admission S.A.S.E. FOR LIST today's ·high lllions pieces are on loan from the Trefes family. to the mu­ tech" age, the seum is $4 carousel still puts a smile on the faces of for adults, seniors $3.50, children ages 4· our visitors of all ages. 14 costs $2.50, with free admission for The Mystic branch is located in the children under age 4. Both the Mystic Carousel Museum, 95 Riverside Avenue, Hendel Building at 193 Greenmanville Av· branch and the Bristol location are equipped Bristol, CT 06010; (860) 585·5411 , or the enue, Exit 90 off Route 95 in Mystic, and with a special access needs restroom. For New England Carousel Museum Mystic shares an entrance and the full-size oper­ more information, contact Louise L. Branch at 193 Greenmanville Avenue, ating carousel with a Fun Center for chit- DeMars, Executive Director, New England Mystic, CT 06355; (860) 536·7862.

For Sale OLD PARR'S, INC. Dentzel Prancer

Pictttr~d in "Introduction to th~ Carou.s~/" book on pag~ 10. Purchas~d from Tobin Fralry Also an ll/iom availabk LISA PARR 649Tami Way 751 Hill St. • Highland Park, IL 60035 Mountain View, CA 94041-2583 708-266-1928 . 708-266-8474 PH: 415-964-0495 • FAX: 415-967-4014 FAX 708-433-1624 14 The Carousel News & Trader, February 1997

Carousel On the Internet

Carousel invites inquiries from operating carousels, museums and private collectors. Let us put your carousel or museum on the Internet at little or no cost. Collectors: we can build your virtual museum without the worries of transportation, insurance or security. ) The Carousel Organization http://www .carousel.org Carousel • P.O. Box 3305 • M errifield, Virginia • 22116 (703) 916-8585 [email protected]

dead, her four-year old granddaughter and all of the popular kiddy rides. Also OLD INDIANA permanently impaired, and several others selling will be games, food equipment, AMUSEMENT PARK injured. construction equipment, tents, radios, over Norton Auctioneers of Michigan, Inc., of 900 picnic tables, vehicles and shop and TO BESOLDAT Coldwater, Michigan based auction office equipment. AUCTION company, has been chosen by the creditors Norton Auctioneers is a worldwide to conduct the huge auction. The auction, auction firm specializing in auctions oftheme Thorntown, Indiana which is expected to attract carnival and parks, carnivals, zoos, museums, unique amusement park buyers from coast to coast, collections, carousels, railroads, unusual A superior court judge has ruled that all is scheduled for February 22, 1997. antiques and tourist attractions. of the rides and related equipment at Old Included in the auction will be all rides A souvenir color brochure with details Indiana Fun-n-Water Park can be sold at including the merry-go-round, roller and terms is available for $10 by contacting auction to pay creditors. coasters, water flume, Ferris wheel, the auctioneers at 50 W. Pearl St., The park was the scene of a tragic train Scrambler, fun house, parachute tower, Coldwater, Ml 49036, phone (517) 279- accident last August which left one woman several major European spectacular rides 9063.

CARV/CRAFT Cast Iron Carousel Animal Stands TURN.()F.TIIE.CENTURY Beautiful Ralaed Crown BaH, cast from HEIRLOOM QUAUTY O

DAVID A. NORTON'S Ad minion SUNDAY FEB. 16,1997 t:XHIBIT INFO• • 9am-2pm (708) 895-1502 NORTON AUCTIONEERS• '* J

PROFESSIONAL AUCTIONEERS ,.c• ~ Tey d fttl>' in lk bo.L. NATIONALLY RECOGNIZED AWARD-WlNNlNG .. r ~fore. ~ AUCTIONEERS World Amusement Auctioneers and Appraisers •* ~ 9> ~ Selling the Unusual, the Unique & Extraordinary! ·. NEXT SHOW JULY 19 & 20, 1997 ··,. .. ..-~ ;! '* * . f., * ~ ~ ".. * *** 16 The Carousel News & Trader, February 1997 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• I I I I I I I I I I 1 You can reach thousands of carousel subscribers I I I 1 with your message for only $20. { + $1 0 for Internet) 1 I I I I I *SPECIAL NOTICE!! I 1 NOW HAVE YOUR BUYERS GUIDE LISTING ON THE INTERNET. 1 1 ONE FULL YEAR OF BEING LISTED ON THE WEB. 1 I ONLY AN ADDITIONAL $10 I I Carousel On The Internet, Roger Burgess has offered our Buyers Guide participants the opportunity to have the same I I listing that is placed in the Carousel News to be placed for one full year on the Carousel pages on the internet. I I I I I 1 FREE -With a one fourth page or larger display ad in the April issue. I : ($1 0 Internet fee not included in free ad offer) : I I I I 1 The Buyer's Guide is a listing of hundreds of businesses showing their business name, 1 1 address, phone and fax numbers and a brief description of their product or service. (See 1 1 sample below) These are listed under various headings that allow potential customers to 1 1 find your business quickly and easily. For example, if a buyer needs a stand for a carousel 1 I figure, they would look under "STANDS" or if they need some restoration work done they I I would look under "RESTORATION." You may also consider complementing your listing I I with a display ad in the same issue to further explain and promote your business. I I I : THE 1997 CAROUSEL BUYER'S GUIDE : 1 COMING IN THE APRIL ISSUE 1 I I : DEADLINE FOR LISTINGS IS MARCH 1, 1997 : I I 1 NOTE : If you were listed in last year's Buyer's Guide you will receive a 1 I simple form in the mail. by February 1. to complete and return. I I I I I 1 (Sample of listings) See form on the following page for listing your business. 1

: C'-__A_RT_I_ST __ _,) c'-__c_A_R_V_E_R_s_...... ,) ( RESTORATIONS ) :

: GOING IN CIRCLES CUSTOM WOODCARVING HAWK'S EYE STUDIO : Patricia Baker Joe Leonard Pamela Hessey I 225 Confederate Ave. 12107 St. Rt. 88 145 Hillside Lane I I Dallas, GA 30132 Garrettsville, OH 44231 Martinez, CA 94553 I 1 (404) 443·2909 (216) 527-2307 (510) 228-7309 1 I CAROUSEL FIGURES WATERCOLOR DESIGNING, CARVING, NEW ANIMALS EXCEPTIONAL QUALITY PAINTING· I I ART, PRINTS, COMMISSIONS AND REPRODUCTIONS RESTORATION & CONSERVATION I •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• The Carousel News & Trader, February 1997 17 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• : Accomodations THE CAROUSEL NEWS & TRADER : I ~~~r 1997 I

: =';;~ces CAROUSEL BUYER'S GUIDE : I Band Organs COMING IN APRIL I I ::::ints FREE FREE FREE I I Brokerage I 1 Calendars (With a 1/4 page or larger display ad in the April issue) I I ~~ I Carousels THE CAROUSEL BUYER'S GUIDE is published only once a year in the April issue of The Carousel I Carver News & Trader. Services and items for sale such as dealers, auctioneers, restorers, appraisers, I I Carving Supplies reproductions, tails, stands, jewelry, artists, books,miniatures, carvers, music, supplies, andanything I I ~::~!tion Service having to do with merry-go-rounds may be included. Last year's Buyer's Guide was used by I 1 Dealer thousands of people to find the exact thing they were looking for. 1 .. Foundations We receive many special requests by mail and telephone for the guide each year. Don't miss an I Gifts QQDOrtunity to have your business listed now, because it will be anotheryear before the next Carousel I Gift Shops Buyer's Guide is published. I I Graphics I 1 Insurance * SPECIAL NOTICE ! ! 1 I Jewelry NOW HAVE YOUR BUYERS GUIDE USTING ON THE INTERNET. I Mechanical ONE FULL YEAR OF BEING USTED ON THE WEB. I I Miniatures-Models ONLY AN ADDITIONAL $10 Museums 1 I Music carousel On The Internet, Roger Burgess has offered our Buyers Guide participants the opportunity to have the 1 Photos same listing that is placed in the Carousel News to be placed for one full year on the Carousel pages on the internet.. 1 I ~~ I Preservation DEADLINE: MARCH 1, 1997 1 I Prints I Registration Only $20.00 PER LISTING or(+ $10 For Internet listing) I 1 Reproductions FREE I Restoration Recieve a Buyer's Guide listing with a one fourth I Restoration Supplies page or larger display ad in the April issue. I I Rubber Stamps I 1 =:Glass (Internet cost not included in free part) 1 I Stationery I I Th~ I 1 Traveling Exhibits NOTE: If you were listed in last years Buyer's Guide 1 1I••····································· ~~=hops you will receive information and forms in the mail by February 1. 1I I THE CAROUSEL NEWS & TRADER I : 1997 CAROUSEL BUYER'S GUIDE : I BUSINESS NAME I I Send information and $20.00 for each listing to: I I YOUR NAME I The Carousel News & Trader I ADDRESS 87 Park Avenue West, Suite 206 I I Mansfield, OH 44902 I I Phone (419) 529-4999, Fax (419) 529-2321 I I PHONE/ FAX Total enclosed for listing I I I I Please list my business under: Credit Card # I I I I 1. 7 word description 1 I 2. 7 word description I I I I 3. 7 word description I I 4. 7 word description I ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••I No need to cut magazine, you may copy this page or send lnformaUon on separate paper. I 18 The Carousel News & Trader, February 1997 BACK ISSUES $4ea Mar.1988 Six Aags Over Texas, Norton Auctions ...... $4 ea Jan. 1991 Palm Beach, Kissel. ChriStie's, NEC Museum auctions .. . Jun. Corey Collect .• Barney 11110ns. Guernsey's ...... == Feb Ughthouse Point. Buffalo, WY, Camden Park, ...... -- Jul. Krapf Collect, , Band organs ...... __ Mar Nancy Strafley, Tampa Auction, Old Town Rest ...... = Aug. Miniature Carousel Builders' convention ...... __ Apr. Buyers Guide, Fall River, MCB, Heritage Plantation ...... __ Sep. Stamps, Trimper's, Hentage Park, Dinger ...... __ May Broome County, NCA Tech. Cont., Kissel Auction ...... Oct. NCA Conv., Rocky Glen Sale ...... __ Jun. Wm. Dentzel, Empire State update. Mid-West Expo, ...... = Nov. ACS ConventiOn. Carousel stamps ...... __ Jul. Chait, Redford, Burnaby, Crossroads, Recreation Pk ..... Dec. Houghs Neck Carousel. PJ's Carousel, Kissel ...... Aug. Melton·GIIIett. Hampton. VA, Rochester. Ml, Herschell Mu-s.- Jan.1989 Guernsey's auction, IAAPA ...... = Sep. Gustav Bayoi, Salon Carousel, Santa Cruz. Utile Rock, .. - Feb. Solheby's auction, Forest Park, St. Paul Carousel ...... Nov. Perrons, Rentzer, MCB, PTC 72, NCA 91 , ACM Auction . -- Mar. E. Joy Morris, Washtngton Cathedral US MGR carousel . = Dec. Hoppes. PTC 15 at LaPuente Mall, Kissel, Tony Orlando = Apr. Buyer's Guide. Donna Russo, Solheby's Sale ...... __ Jan. 1992 AmenFiora Loolf, Wahp. NO, ACS Conv., Abbott Auction May Kissel Sale, North Platte, Diane Luke ...... Jun. Guernsey's Sale, Amer. Carousel Museum llhons display Feb. Kings Dorn1nion: Donohue Exh1bit, El Cajon, Long's Pk. .. = == Mar. Joe Leonard, Disney, Euclid Beach, Tampa Allction ...... __ Jut Columbia Carousel, Pfister, NECM, London, Geary ...... __ Aug. Werner Rentsch, Forest Park, Conneaut Lake, Ubertyland_ _ Apr. Buyers Guide, Waterloo, Racing at Rye, Belchertown ..... __ Sep. Quassy E. J. Morris to sell, PTC NSO ...... __ May Edward Buff, NCA Tech. Coni., Griffith Park CA...... Oct. Empire State Carousel, Stamford Museum exhibit ...... Jul. Nancy L , Disney. Expo. CBS. Crescenze. Capital Car.... = Nov. ACS Convention. Lake Cornpounce, CT ...... == Aug. Aten Auction, Tobin, Guernsey AuctiOn, Fall River, MA ... • Dec. NCA Conv.. Quassy Auction, Kissel Auction ...... __ Sep. Sandra Dudek. Indian Walk, Pen Mar. Cow1own ...... = Jan.1990 Guernseys, Glidden, Leavenworth ...... __ Oct. Cafesjian's, Chattanooga, Hollywood Pk., Guernsey's .... __ Mar. Tampa sale, Boblo sale, Rexburg ID, ...... __ Nov. Brittain, Charles Walker, Burlington, Aten auction ...... __ Apr. Buyers Guide. Carousel Works Does It All ...... __ Dec. Boulder Pk., PJ's, NCA Convention, Index for 92 ...... __ May Jerry Betts, Solheby's, Kissel ...... __ Jan 1993 Geauga Lk., Mexican carvers, Kissel auction ...... __ Jun. Rosenealh. , Sandusky Museum • Norton ...... __ Feb. Albrechts, Chance Rides, Brillscote Auction-London ...... Jul. Vancouver, NCA Tech. Cont .. Salon Demeyer MGR ...... __ Mar Staten Is.. San Jose, Burnaby Village, Empire State ...... = Aug. Knoebels Grove, Rexburg. Golden Gate, Nat. Cathedral . __ Apr Buyers Guide, Gustav Bayol, Auction Under Big Top ...... __ Sep. Prospect Park, Great Falls, Guernsey's Auction ...... _ _ May Eldridge Park-Robert Long, Logansport. Six Aags NJ ..... __ Oct. Canobie Lake, Henry Paul, Norton CA Auction ...... __ Jun Enchanted Vlg .. NCA Tech. Cont., Belchertown, Kissel .. __ Nov. Sandusky Mus.. Hershey Pk .• ACS conv., Rochester ..... __ Jut Stein & Goldstein, Cedar Pt, Carousel World, ACS Conv. Dec. New Orleans, Revere Bch., NCA Conv., Syracuse PTC 18 __ Aug Guernsey's, Agassiz Village, NCA Story, S1x Aags TX ... = Sep Min. C.B., Puyallup, Ind. Mus., VIP, Roseneath, ABOA ... __ Oct Lockman, NCA·Broome Co., Cortland Hull, Eudid ABOA Single issues are $4 each, Nov Miniature, Rosa Ragan. Spokane, Agassiz. Missoula ...... = Dec Pen Argyt, Six Flags, Logansport, Bnllscote, Norton Auction _ 6 for $18 or any 12 on this page for $33 Jan 1994 Swenson Auc., Fabricon, Kissel Auc., Abbott·Rtewe Auc. Feb PTC .¥61 , Carousel for Israel, John Brown, Buclrtail, ...... -- Mar Carrousel Magic, Melton, PTC N83, Seattle Parker ...... = SUBSCRIPTIONS Apr Crescenze Restoration, Buyer's Guide, Seaside, Directory __ May Seabreeze fire, Wisdom Carousel, Kissel, Johnson Pk .. __ One Year.... $29 Two Year... .$5 2 Canada ...... $35, Foreign ...... $45 Jun Diane Vaught, Pat Baker, Tech. Cont. , MCBI show ...... __ Jut Armored horses, ACS '94, B.O. Rally, CM Open, Kissel, __ Aug Lebron, Repro, Frankenmuth, Ft. Wayne Zoo, CMMA ... __ The Carousel News & Trader Sep PJ's, MSCI, Theel, Mfg., Cathedral, Bolhmann. P1tt. B.O . __ Oct ABOA, NCA Conv., EndiCOtt. Cortlund Hull, G. Rapids .. __ 87 Park Ave. West, Suite 206, Mansfield, OH 44902 Nov A·H cow. Palisades. Indian Walk, Muller Auction, ABOA . PJ:lone (419) 529-4999, Fax (419) 529-2321 Dec Sm. Wand, MTS Auct, PTC 67, KY Hrs. Pk, Stinson, ...... -- Jan 1995 Fred Fned, Kissel Auction. Grand Rapids, ABOA ...... = Feb Dentzel Fact., Heyn, Chapel Hill, Cowboy Car .• Old Town __ Mar Endicott, Horse Classes, Ubertyland. Missoula. Holyoke . __ BINDERS Apr Oentzel fact., Ed Roth, Bndgeport, B. G., Norton Auction __ May Ken Gross, Guernseys, King's Island, Canberra AustraliS . __ $12.00 ea. Jun PO Stamps, Kissel, NCA Tech, Rest. PTC 51 , Chtc. Caro.__ includes S/ H Jut Bob Conant. Dentzel, Guernsey Auct., Riverview ...... __ Aug Missoula, Cedar Pt, Holland ABOA, Andreu, Riewe Aucl 1988 Sep 10th Anniv, ACS Conv, Lerose. Proserpi, Stamp event ... = ea. Oct Hrsn Arnd, Shvilly, Boorntwn, Sp Fm. Pion Vlg, Grumman __ ea. 1989 Nov Fairgmd rides, Logansport, IN. St. Cath., Can. Nunley's.. __ ea 1990 Dec Tony Orlando, NCA '95. Riewe sale, Len WiriCk ...... __ ea. 1991 Jan 1996 Silver Bch, Flower Mart, PTC 85, Watch Hill, Kissel, Aten Feb Endicott, NY, Restoration bps, CMMA '95. Ken Means .... = ea. 1992 Mar Eden Salon, Norton auction, MCBI, Smithsonian tour ...... ea. 1993 Apr Buyer's Guide, carousel Census, Norumbega Pk, Rye, NY_ ea. 1994 May Seabreeze update, Geauga Lk, PTC N51 , Hull PTC N85 . __ ea. 1995 Jun Kissel Auct. Dentzel rest., Eden Salon N2, Steak Hs. A·H Jut Boulder, MT, Woody White, Carousel Concepts, AH Fact.= ea. 1996 Aug Tech Coni 96, PA auction, Central Pk, NY, Calliope King __ ea. 1997 Sep Seabreeze. ACS Con., Dorney Pk. Holland ABOA, MCBI __ Oct Tobtn Fraley, Jerry Reinhardt, Seaside, Arlene Landers .. __ Nov Chattanooga. Shorter, Spillman Lion, MCBI, MBSI at NY __ Dec CMMA. NCA Conv, ABOA Wabash,96 index, Nat Cath ... __ TOTAL Jan 1997 Dinger Memorial. Karl Muller, Kissel, Monkey Organ Fest.__

TOTAL OF ORDER ...... $ ___

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City, State, Zip·------Cr. Card# ______Exp .__ 3 RING BINDERS Dated, with plastic magazine holder Credit Card Signature------­ (Please use street address for UPS shipping) (You may copy or remove this page) The Carousel News & Trader, February 1997 19 Carousels on the Internet www.carousel.org and www.carousel.net

The Carousel Organization programming language called HTML, for as used in digital photography or graphic arts Hypertext Markup Language. "Pages· written New this month on Carousel is a three-page and the paper copier machine. His Atlantic spread on the Kit Carson County Carousel in in HTMLcontain codes which provide "links" to Monthly article can be read at: www.isg.sfu.ca/ Burlington, Colorado (PTC#6). The display other pages, to photos, sounds, and even - duchier/misc/Vbush/. video. Where those information sources exist Once a Web page is written, it is placed on includes three photos and sections on the on the Web is not important If they are on the carousel, its history and restoration. In addition, an Internet "server" (a computer configured to Internet, your browser will find them. the Kit Carson Carousel reindeer were used in serve up pages on demand) where it can be our Holiday Greetings presentation. This system of interconnecting information made available to anyone connected to the We have photographs of two more carousels was first envisioned, believe it or not, in a 1945 Web. It can then be linked to by other · to add in the weeks ahead and have received The Atlantic Monthly article by the Director of documents and in the same way provide links the Office of Scientific Research and to documents on its own server or on any other inquiries from others who are sending us Development, Dr. Vannevar Bush. During artwork and literature for inclusion in The Internet server. Carousel Organization World Wide Web site. World War II, Dr. Bush was the equivalent of Originally, scientists and academicians Brian Steptoe's January report, "The Spice the present-day President's Science Advisor. found great utility in the construction of In the article, Dr. Bush called for a new knowledge networks. Over the past two or Girls Climb Aboard," leads off with a photo of relationship between "thinking man and the three years, however, other interests, including the five girls of the British pop group on a sum of his knowledge.· That new relationship carousel. The article goes on to cover the artists and commercial entities, have taken was an interconnection of widespread Wookey Hole Collection with six photos, advantage of the ease of use, low·cost, and including a noble Dentzellion carved by Daniel information resources; what later came to be multimedia capabilities of the WorldWide Web. Muller c.1880; a Cernigliano giraffe; and a called a "web.· Although he foresaw a As one can see from the estimates above, that mechanical interface, it was not until the growth will continue. charming Dare horse. creation ofthe WWW that a practical, electronic application of his concept was possible. The Carousel Network [Dictionaries and encyclopedias offer a similar Web developer Roger Burgess can be reached Three inquiries in just the past week are a sure "network" of information with their cross­ at Carousel Internet Productions by e-mail at: indication of an expanding Carousel Network. references, but are limited in size and scope [email protected], by phone at (703) 916· As regular readers will know, the Network by practical considerations.) 8585, and by mail at: Box 3305, Merrifield, VA, provides detailed information on carousel· A true visionary, Dr. Bush also saw the 22116. related products such as the Carousel News & eventual development ofdry photography such Trader, and quality books and art. The presentation of the NCA Miniature Collection has been expanded to include information on master miniature creators, Jerry and Marilyn Reinhardt. DON'T MISS PREMIER PARKS, INC. Internet Growth FINAL AUCTION Makes Acquisitions. As reported by PCMagazine, a Premier parks, Inc. has recently pur­ Communications study asserts that over 23 Robert Kissel has announced that his million households are now connected to the chased a number of amusement parks. A Spring 1997 auction scheduled for March Internet. They expect that figure to grow to number of these are homes to prominent 29 will be his last auction at Strickers Grove over 66 million households by the year 2000. antique carousels. Among the parks that in Ross, Ohio. Bob has conducted these Growth in North America will more than double have been purchased are Elitch Gardens, semi-annual auctions for many years. More in that time, to 38 million households. But the Denver, Colorado, home of PTC #51 , information on this next m6nth. Bob can be larger increase will come from Europe and , Aurora, Ohio, home of c1918 reached at (812) 839-3255 . Asia which are projected to expand from their 4 row lllions carousel, Riverside Park in current seven million to over 26 million Agawam, Massachusetts, home of 4 row households. Mangels/lllions carousel. Some of the other With respect to other estimates of Internet parks owned by Premier include Great Es­ usage and growth, these projections appear CAROUSEL CLASS at cape Fun Park in Lake George, NY, Darien quite conservative and are likely, in our HENRY FORD MUSEUM Lake in Darien, NY, Pleasure Island Fun estimation, to be easily met. Internet Info reports, in CyberAtlas, that the Park in Sacramento and others. Tony Orlando, carousel restoration art­ number of WWW domains (e.g., carousel.org ist, will be conduction a class at Henry Ford or carousel.net) has risen to over 600,000. Museum on March 16, 1997. The class is Carousel Internet Productions, the design studio for the Organization and the Network, A1n "CATCH THE BRASS RING". For OPEN HOUSE SET own a mere five of those domains but expect information call the museum at (313) 271 to add others in the near future. 1620 and ask for the Adult Education de­ Steve and Kris Crescenze of Restora­ partment and ask about class A 177. tions by Wolf, Welcome, Maryland have set The lecture will be on the history of the How Does It Work their annual open house for April 5, 1997, American carousel, buying figures and lots hours are set for 9 to 7. For information call The World Wide Web is based on a of restoration tips. (301) 932-2734. 20 The Carousel News & Trader, February 1997

Artists - Authors Craft Makers Retailers Carvers You can have your own home page on the World Wide Web for a full year for lit t le more than $1.00 a day! Call for details on t his special introductory off er. Put your Net address on your cards and literature. http ://www.carousel.net Tap into repeat business. Reach the growing Internet audience. Serving the Carousel Trade

Carousel • P.O. Box 3305 • Merrifield, Virginia • 22116

(703) 9 16-8 5 85 rburgess@digex. net

CopyngM «:> 1998, Cerouoellntofl"'t "'oduciJono

PATTERNS FOR CAROUSEL HORSES 1 Apr. '90 13 July '92 it!:f. t K. B. LEATHER ART 2 July '90 14 Oct. '92 ~ KATHLEEN BOND 3 Sept. '90 15 Jan. '93 ~ 2341 Irwin 4 Nov. '90 16 Apr. '93 Holland, OH 43528-9732 5 Jan. '91 17 July '93 (419) 8 29-2933 (Noon - 6 PM) 6 Mar. '91 18 Oct. '93 Each series ofMCarousel Carvings" has 25 pages Including the 7 May '91 19 Jan. '94 cover. Each 8 l 12 x 11 pattern is the side view ofa horse or anima1 8 July '91 20 Apr. '94 that is suitable for tracing to make a woodcarving. The patterns 9 Sept. '91 21 July '94 are also being used for embroidery, T-shlrts, quilts, miniature carousels, leathercraft, Christmas tree ornaments. etc. 10 Nov. '91 22 Oct. '94 Each series has horses from nearly all the major companies. 11 Jan. '92 23 Jan. '95 There usually Is 20 horses, 4 menagerie, and 1 horse head or 12 Apr. '92 24 Apr. '95 chariot. I try to have simple horses for the beginner carver and a few real fancy ones for the advanced carver. You can enlarge or Menagerie from Series 1-6 Mar. '91 reduce them to fit your project. Menagerie from Series 7-12 Feb. '92 The MMenagerie" 1-6 I 7-12 I 13- 18 are reprints from the Menagerie from Series 13-18 July '93 regular series. These are for the people who don't want the horse Carousel Chariots Sept. '94 patterns. There also Is a pattern In each Issue of The Carousel News & TOTAL 1 Series @$12.95 + 2.00 P&H Trader. These are marked Vol. and Number instead of Series and OHTAX6.5% 2 -4 Series @$12.95 ea.+ 3.50 P&H Page to keep the numbering systems separate. The magazine POST. patterns are all different from Series patterns. 5 or more @S 10.00 ea. + 5.00 P&H TOTAL The Carousel News & Trader, February 1997 21

Spokane, Washington's 1909 Charles I. D. Looff carousel has a new addition, a gift from carvers in their ·carousel sister city," Missoula, Montana. The spare pony is a S1and-in for originals removed from the machine for repairs or repainting. The new horse matches Looffs style with a modern twist, including lilacs, representing Spokane, and a grizzly bear for Missoula. A Gift Horse from the "Gang in Chuck's Garage"

by Chuck Kaparich

It's not often these days that a wooden rouse!, an empty place or two on the plat­ Mayor Jack Garrity. Many in the crowd carousel horse is given away for free, but form was often noticed. The missing horses seemed amazed that such a time-consum­ that's exactly what happened on July 13, were off to be repaired or repainted. ing gift would be given freely. "There's pride 1996 in Spokane, Washington. We offered to create a spare pony in the in doing something not for money, there is At least once a month during the winter Looff tradition to use as a fill-in when needed. pride in saying no one can pay for this,· and spring, "the gang in Chuck's garage• The offer was accepted. Wanting the pony carver Jerry Covault said. got together to carve and sand on a very to look like it belonged, templates were Jack Gillespie of the Missoula crew special gift horse for the Spokane Carrou­ taken from an existing 1909 Looff pony on added, "If it helps to keep this wonderful sel. the carousel. We did not, however, want it machine running into the future, it's our The crew consists of Alex McDonald, to be confused for a work of Charles I. D. pleasure." lone Briedlander, Jack Gillespie, Jerry Looff, so the trappings were changed to There is pride in this horse. We hope it Covault, Steve Weiler and Chuck Kaparich. include lilacs (for the Lilac City of Spokane) shows and spins out for generations. We A. C. Taylor did the painting. We are and a grizzly bear (for the home of the encourage other people with talents and dedicated to keeping carousels up and run­ Grizzlies, Missoula, Montana.) abilities to be inspired and offer for free their ning and do whatever we can-for free. On July 13th the pony was unveiled to services to a carousel they love. Each time we visited the Spokane Car- the crowd at the carousel in Spokane by Carrousel Days in Spokane was attended 22 The Carousel News & Trader, February 1997

by groups from the Spokane, Republic and Tacoma, Washington carousels, as well as the Missoula group and a contingent from the Boulder River carousel in Montana. In addition to the gift horse. the gang in Chuck's garage also restored two of the horses tor the Republic, Washington carou­ sel and presented them to Art and Nancy Morris from Republic. The Boulder River crew showed the crowd how to sand cast aluminum horses. At the end of the day a potluck supper was held for carousel lovers at the Forestry Shelter at Riverfront Park. All in all. a great dayl What next? Does anyone have a Carmel carousel that needs a spare horse? Carver Chuck Kaparich is Missoula, Montana's •pied Piper" of carousels, who inspired his community to create A Carou­ sel for Missoula in 1995. Although he ad- mires the carving styles of all the master Alex McDonald and Jack Gillespie of Missoula,Montana assemble the "gift horse· tor the Spokane, carvers, Chuck's a self-professed "Carmel washington carousel. crazy.• .9l :Frencli Carouse[ Friends of our subscribers Benita and Matt Jaro visited Avignon, France recently and brought home these great photos of a carousel there. Unfortuantely, we don't know anything about it, except that the elephant definitely appears German and wooden. Well, readers, what can you tell us about this delightful machine?

Reproduction carousels similar to this one operate across the U.S.

'4SCALE HEAD 81. NECK study of the Military Ghost Horse mounted on an oval oak base is also available. It stands approx. 16" tall and can be purchased as shown, painted as "Traveler" General Lee's Horse or Painted like the Ghost Horse for only $335.00. It is also available in white primer for only $145.00. For further information, please write or call Joe Leonard at Custom Woodcarving 12107 St. RL 88 • Garrettsville, OH 44231 (330) 527-2307 or (330) 527-5276 Signed & Numbered This German elephant rides a double decker VISA & MASTERCARD ACCEPTED carousel in Avignon, France. Limited Edition of 150 The Carousel News & Trader, February 1997 23

Midwest Top Sales offer a vanety of carousel animals along with many other collectibles. A magntficient restored PTC horse was the top seller at the auction. It brought $25,300.

November 9, 1996 at Livonia, Michigan

Gordon Riew~, Auctioneer

The seventh annual Midwest Top Sale parking lot. This made the tasks of loading Weaver also conduct a summer auction in was held at the Uvonia, Michigan Holiday much easier. Adamstown, Pennsylvania. This years auc­ Inn. This Western Detroit suburb was a new The auction was conducted by auction­ tion there is scheduled for June 7. location for the auction and the facility eer Gordon Riewe of Auction Associates At the time of the printing of the brochure seemed to meet everyone's approval. The from Lapeer, Michigan. Assisting Gordon for the Uvonia auction the auction room was auction room was on a ground floor level was Kenneth Weaver of Weavers Antiques, not going to be available in time on Friday and offered entrances that were near the Spring City, Pennsylvania. Riewe and night for the usual preview, so it was indi-

A lovely band organ figure was bought for $1,870. Gordon Rlewe, auctioneer and Ken Weaver of Weavers Antiques offer a Herschel! Spillman ostrich that sold for $11 ,550 24 The carousel News & Trader, February 1997

Th1s beautifully restored Dentzel roached mane horse sold for $22,000 A French ChaVIn nodd1ng head donkey was a very un1que ptece. It sold at $1 ,100 cated that the preview would not be held. for those seek1ng someth1ng with a different Besides the t1ger, other menagene an1mals However, much to the pleasure of those flavor. included a Herschel! Spillman ostnch who arrived early the room d1d become The sale offered many small items that ($11 ,550), a Spooner {Enghsh) sea mon­ available and the animals were set up for included a large number of antique carousel ster ($9,350), a Herschel! Spillman zebra viewing. and carnival toys, some posters, trim work ($6,600), and a Lemonaire (French) cat for Approximately 65 carousel animals were and other collectibles. ($2,750). made available for the auction. An excellent The top selling carousel animal was a Auctions continue to be an excellent way select1on of standers, jumpers and pranc­ PTC outside row stander that sold for for new buyers to begin to collect these ers were offered 1n all states of condition. $25,300. (All prices include the 10% buyers highly prized pieces of art. More and more Figures from the most sought after carvers premium). A Dentzel roached mane out­ collectable publications are discovenng such as Philadelphia Toboggan Company, Side row horse was bought at $22,000. carousel art as well as National med1a such Dentzel, lllionsand Muller were for sale For Both of these figures were beautifully re­ as a recent art1cle in the Wall Street Journal. the Country Fair style collector there was stored. A Herschel! Spillman tiger was Plan now to attend the next carousel auc­ also a good selection of Parker, Allan Her­ purchased for $18,700 and was bound tor tion while these animals are still available. schell and Spillman animals. There were California. One of the Willow Grove Park also French, English and Mexican figures llhons standers was a good buy at $14,850.

An English Spooner sea is an unusual carousel figure that seats two Thts zebra by Herschel! Spillman was nicely restored. It sold for $6,600. people. It brought $9,350. The Carousel News & Trader, February 1997 25 MIDWEST TOP SALE November 9,1996 Gordon Atewe. Auctioneer All Pnces on this hst u'lCiude the 10% buyers premtum. Carousel Horses TERMINOLOGY OR -outsode raw S Slandef C H-C -chanol Comple Hand Carved & Painted 2R 2nd row J Jumper CH-s - cnanoc Side 3 R 3rd raw P Pranc:.r RB - Roundong boarcl 4R 4th raw GRADING CODES FP Fact«y paont figure knOwn to be on ongonal Of factory paont OP Old prunt paont definately Old but unably to prove OOgtnal PR Prof~ rwtored figure knOwn to be restored by persons or companieS who ere peld end promote their work. RC Restored condotoon figure on rwto

Item Terminology Grading Code Price PTC ...... ORS ...... PR ...... $25,300 Dentzel, roached mane ... ORS ...... PR ...... 22,000 Herschel! Spillman tiger ... S ...... PP ...... 18,700 lllions, Willow Grove ...... ORS ...... PR ...... 14,850 Herschel! Spillman ostrich ...... PP ...... 11,550 lllions. Willow Grove ...... J ...... SW ...... 9,350 Spooner Sea Monster ...... PP ...... 9,350 lllions, Willow Grove ...... J ...... SW ...... 8,800 Muller ...... 3RJ ...... OP ...... 8,250 Dentzel ...... P ...... SW ...... 7,700 Stein & Goldstetn ...... 7,150 Dentzel ...... 2AJ ...... 7,150 Herschel! Spillman zebra ...... PR ...... 6,600 Looff ...... S ...... PR ...... 6,050 Herschel! Spillman ...... J ...... PP ...... 6,050 Ill ions Supreme rounding board ...... 4,840 C.W. Parker flag horse .... J ...... 4,400 Bayol bull ...... 4,400 Hein ...... P ...... RC ...... 3,520 C.W. Parker armored ...... J ...... RC ...... 3,300 Allan Herschel! ...... J ...... RC ...... 3,300 Spillman ...... J ...... SW ...... 3,190 Mexican Scrooge ...... 3,025 Wide Selection of Sizes & Types Norman & Evans ...... J ...... RC ...... 3,025 C.W. Parker ...... J ...... 2,860 Both Rocking & Stationary Horses Allan Herschel!, half & half ...... 2,805 Lemonaire cat, French ...... OP ...... 2,750 e Ranging in Size from 25" to 50" Herschel! Spillman ...... 2,475 Allan Herschel! blanket horse, metal legs ...... 2,090 • Priced from $120.00 to $1,895.00 Allan Herschel!, Chippewa Lake ...... RC ...... 1,925 • Full Size 65" Also Available Herschel! Sp1llman ...... NR ...... 1,925 Band Organ figure ...... OP ...... 1,870 e Custom Painting Available Allan Herschel!, Ch1ppewa Lake ...... PP ...... 1,650 • Poles $ 150.00 Armitage Herschel! ...... J ...... 1, 650 Anderson, English ...... OP ...... 1,650 • Available Unpainted Allan Herschel! ...... NR ...... 1,375 Ortega, Mexican ...... 1, 045 Chavin, French, nodding head donkey ...... 1,100 Dealers Welcome Ortega, Mexican ...... 990 Parker style metal horse ...... 770 Allan Herschel! metal horse ...... 715 COOL CAROUSEL Dentzel reproduction jester ...... 660 28 Broad St. Rounding board, tin back ...... 495 Ill ions scenery piece ...... 440 Red Bank NJ 07701 Muller cornaces ...... 385 Ph. (908) 747-1000 • FAX (908) 747-1001 22 figures ...... Passed 26 The Carousel News & Trader, February 1997 BACKYARD CAROUSEL with 20 aluminum ANTIQUE FIGURES & RESTORATION, horses. Children's park size. Needs rebuilding, MERRY-GO-ART, 2606 Jefferson, Joplin, MO CLASSIFIED ADS $17,500. Call (508) 695-2021. 64804. Large SASE for list. (417) 624-7281 .

CLASSIFIED ADS are 70~ for each word, num­ 1940's ALLAN HERSCH ELL 3abreastcarousel. CAROUSEL ANIMALS AND SCENERY ber or abbreviation. (phone numbers or address Good shape mechanically but needs painting. PANELS over 50 pieces for sale. SASE for list. KEN WEAVER, 7 Cooks Glen Road, Spring City, numbers count as one). Ads must be received Includes 2 rows of 1/ 2 & 1/ 2 horses and one PA 19475; (610) 469-6331 . by the 1st of the month to be included in the inside row ofaluminum horses. $65,000 complete, next month's issue. Classifieds should be pre­ $15,000 without horses. Call (508) 695-2021 . CAROUSEL HORSES, some old some new, paid by check or credit card. Mail to Carousel private collection. SASE for list. CARV/CRAFT, News Trader, 87 Park Ave. W ., Suite 206, & BACKYARD TRAIN 12" gauge gas powered 417 Valley Ad. Madison, WI 53714; (608) 222- Mansfield, OH 44902 or Fax to (419) 529-2321 engine with 3 cars & 300' track, $10,500. Call 1100. (508) 695·2021. BAND ORGANS CAROUSEL FIGURES • ROCKING HORSES, CAROUSELS WANTED Buy/Sell/Trade. GARY & SANDY FRANKLIN, Whether your band organ needs are commercial 3818 S. 9th St., Arlington, VA 22204-1530: or private, STINSON ORGAN COMPANY, WANTED; NOT FOR PROFIT organization seeks phone (703) 892-8666. Bellefontaine, OH provides the best in quality and used 35 foot or larger carousel (no horses) working service. Call DON STINSON at (513) 593-5709. mechanism. Must be up and running. (212) 592- CAROUSEL FIGURES FOR SALE More than 21631eave message. 34 original figures available. S.A.S.E. for full list CAROUSEL ORGANS, Calliopes & with black & white photocopied photos. Also Nickelodeons. Free brochure. RAGTIME. 4218 WANTED : CAROUSEL TO LEASE, Call (508) available for $8.50. full color brochure. RUSTY & Jessup Ad, Dept en, Ceres, CA 95307 (209) 634- 790-0167 days or (508) 771 -7937 nights . ~.. ,. EMMY DONOHUE, P.O. box 650, Oxford, MD 8475. ,..,, 21654. (410) 226-5677. CARVING WURUTZER CAROUSEL BAND ORGAN Style P.T.C.- E.JOY MORRIS leaping deer, Blue 146 B, duplex roll, system bells, side wings, CARVlNG AND RESTORATION 0. Mackey, birds behind saddle, Pine Grove, Pennsylvania restored. 12 rolls included, $23,000. Original 9084 Headlands Rd., Mentor, OH 44060.(216) 1905, 80% original. Factory paint, $22,500. Gall CA43 Tangley Calliope, roll operated or hand 257-4677 Internet Address, http:// (61 O) 896-8888. - play with 12 rolls $7.500. Paul Cuoco 113 members.harborcom.net/- carvingdmackey/ Monument Ave., Wymoning, PA 18644. Phone homepage.htm ALLAN HERSCHELL 1/ 2& 1/ 2carouselhorses (717) 693-2764. from Rocky Point carousel, $2,750 ea. Call (508) CAROUSEL CARVING CLASSES! Learn to 695-2021 . BOOKS carve your own. Carrousel Magic! is now offering classes. CARROUSELMAGICI, 44 West 4th St., LOOFF STANDER, 52" X 46~. mirrored jewels, PO Box 1466, Dept. CA, Mansfield, OH 44901. $6,400. Call (217) 968-5568. RESTORING THE CAROUSEL ANIMAL, Vol. 1. The Country Fair Style. 120 informative pages, HAND CARVED CAROUSEL HORSES (&more) CERTIAED ORIGINALDENTZELcarousel panel over 75 pictures and drawings. Everything you on consignment. Go to http://WWW.finest1.com/ with original paint as seen in the definitive carousel need to know, step-by-step. $26.95 + $3 S/H, hand Place your free ad to the wortd on the book Painted Ponies. pages 28, etc. Beautiful check or money order. MELTON'S CAROUSEL www.- mirror@ artwork. All seven border lights working. WORLD, 425 Pollasky, Clovis, CA 93612. Magnificent piece, $2,000 080. Set of photos CAROUSEL CARVING WORKSHOPS, Ken available, $4. (305) 868-6783, Miami, Florida. BRANDYWINE SPRINGS AMUSEMENT PARK Means is giving three one week carousel carving - Echos of the Past (1886-1923) by Mark R. workshops in 1997. July 7th thru 11th, head & Lawlor. 7 X 10 paperback book with stories of neck. July 14th thru 19th, legs and tail. July 21st GIFTS Wilmington, Delaware's trolly park, had an 1891 thru 25th, body. Cost$250 per week. Call (541) trhee-row Dentzel, two roller coasters, etc. Over 396-4501 (Oregon). THE GIFT HORSE GIFT SHOP, Gifts ofdistinction 100 photos. $20.00 plus $2.00 postage. mall to for the carousel lover. Books, collectibles, musical, M&M PUBLISHING, 2713 Tanager Dr, CUSTOM CARVlNG, CAROUSEL, ROCKING, need something unique, give us a call (419) 524- Wilmington, DE 19808. - Realistic horses. Photographs $1 . James 251 0 or write 44 West Fourth Street, Mansfield, Casalete, AD 102. Richfield Springs, NY 13439. OH44902. CAROUSELS Ph (315) 858-1418. JEWELS FABRICON CAROUSEL COMPANY, INC. .FIGURES FOR SALE (ANTIQUE) Glendale, NY. Designs and builds distinctive CAROUSEL EYES AND JEWELS: Write today carousels in the tradition of the early carousel APPRAISALS, Send clear photo from romance for a FREE Glass House Brochure displaying a artists and factories ..... recreating all the same sideand$10perfigure. KEN WEAVER, 7Cooks large selection of glass eyes and jewels in many magic. For information call (718) 326-7999. Glen Road, Spring City, PA 19475; (610) 469- different types, colors and sizes. VAN DYKE 6331 . SUPPLY CO. INC., Dept 30037, P.O. Box 278, CLASSIC CAROUSELS: a division of Barrango Woonsocket, SO 57385. I"'" Inc., founded 1910. Builders of traditional full· IWONS, P.T.C., S&G, DENTZEL, PARKER, size carousels, 15 ft. to 50 ft. dia. Horses & S.AS.E. for 19941ist. LORRAINE WEIR, 1501 GLASS JEWELS, send $2.00 for product list. menagerie. Animals reproduced from your favorite Grant St.,Tama,IA52339-1107; (515) 484-3061 . JANET BERWIN, 2111 Plattin Road, Festus, MO carvers. Ask for JOHN BARRANGO, (415) 871 - 63028; (31 4) 937-6998. 1931, fax (415) 872-3107. ANTIQUE CAROUSEL ANIMALS. Buy-Sell­ Trade. MERRY-GO-ROUND ANTIQUES, AI CHANCE RIDES offerstheAipine Bobs, 50 ft.,36 Rappaport, 29541 Roan Dr., Warren, Ml48093; MINIATURES ft., 28 ft. carousels, new 28-ft. Drive-Away (810) 751 -8078. Carrousel, one-trailer , Century Wheel, MINIATURE CAROUSEL COMPONENTS roped Pharaoh's Fury, Chaos and more. Cali1·800- CAROUSEL FIGURES: Buy/Sell/Trade. SASE solid brass rods in four sizes with ball finials. CHANCE-1. for list. Restorations and Reproductions by Wolf. Complete drive mechanisms. Carousel details. STEVE CRESCENZE, 8480 Gunston Rd., For tree brochure, send a business size S.A.S.E. FOR SALE, 1940ALLANHERSCHELLcarousel Welcome, MD 20693; (301) 932-2734. to MINIATURE CAROUSEL COMPONENTS, #8 32 foot 2 abreast, 20 1/ 2 & 1/ 2 horses, good No. Munroe Ter., Dorchester, MA 02122. Bill Gagne (617) 265-6132. condition ready to operate. Complete with fence, TWO IWONS, Looffcamel, HIS, NH, rare Muller $50,000, without horses $20,000. Bob Kissel, lioness. old Mexican menagerie, cartoon. SUSIE 8253 E Lee Hill Rd., Madison, IN 47250. (812) PEFFLEY, 10827 Oro Vista, Sunland, CA 91 040; (818) 353-1786. 839-3255. The Carousel News & Trader, February 1997 27 MISCELLANEOUS CAROUSEL AND OTHER MECHANICAL SOLID BRASS ROPED TUBING AND FINIALS, MUSIC. Over 50 pages of information and music all sizes, $7.00 and up. Quantity discount. S.A.S.E. CAROUSEL CHRISTMAS CARDS and note titles indexed for easy reference. Send $2 to ROBERT JEFFREY 10827 Oro Vista, Sunland, cards. Stunning new designs, For free sample SUNCOAST AUDIO VISUAL SERVICES, Dept. CA 91040; (818) 353-1786. set call 1 ,8()().828-5340; fax 81 ~528-9335 or NT, 589 Fifth Ave. SE, Largo, FL34641-2125. mail to JAMES BROWN STUDIOS, 3190 CAST IRON CAROUSEL ANIMAL DISPLAY Rochester Road, Troy, Ml48083. ""'"' REPRODUCTIONS STANDS Send SASE for brochure. CARV/ CRAFT, 417 Valley Rd., Madison, WI 53714 OLD COIN~P KIDIE RIDES; Assorted s1yles FOR SALE, 2 full sized carousel horses hand (608) 222-1100. available. ATLANTIC AMUSEMENTS (508) 790- carved in Malaysia about 1990. Primed - ready 0167 1">1 to paint. $2900 each plus shipping. Call Cheryl or SOLID BRASS BALLS AND FINIALS, roped, Rich at (612) 490-7512. reeded and plain tubing. Brass bed and iron and MUSIC brass scroll bending. Catalog $2. THE BED RESTORATION POST, 32 S High St., Apt. C, E, Bangor, PA GOOD OLD USA CAROUSEL MUSIC and lots 18013; (610) 588-4667. morel Get our free catalog of the cassettes and RESTOR.ATIONS BY CARROUSEL MAGIC! COs we produce. MARION ROEHL We restore individual figures and complete RECORDINGS, 3533 Stratford, Vestal 5 NY carrousels. Free estimates. CARROUSEL Special issues are coming! 13850, (607) 797-9062, Fax (607) 797-2624. MAGIC!, 44 W. 4th St., PO Box 1466, Mansfield, OH 44901 (419) 526-4009. March 1997 • Wood carvers CAROUSELBREEZES, CAROUSELBREEZES April 1997 •Annual Buyer's Guide VOL II, AND CAROUSEL CHRISTMAS. The RESTORATIONS BY WOLF, cover quali1y, Wurlitzer 165 band organ from Seabreeze Park affordable prices. Phone (301) 932-2734. May 1997 • Amusement Parks digitally recorded on three wonderful releases. Don't be left out of these themed Oversized inserts, color pictures, carousel artwork PROFESSIONAL QUALITY RESTORATIONS. issues - contact us by Diane Luke, and morel Carousel Breezes has Pictures on request. CUSTOM CARVING & marches, fox trots & waltzes - one hour of well­ RESTORATION, PO Box n1331, Wichita, KS at 419-529-4999 known tunes. Vol. II has fox trots, one steps & two 672n-1331 ; (~16) 722-1872. ~""' for more information steps - one hour the most requested songs AND the bell ringing to start the ride. Christmas has 13 WE WROTE THE BOOK on structural restoration. traditional holiday hits - 45 minutes. COs $16.50, Single figures or complete carousels. Do it right cassettes $10.00 - includes same-day shipping. the first time. (209) 298-8930. MELTON 'S NYS residents add 8% sates tax. Christmas is CAROUSEL WORLD, Clovis, CA 93612. coming ...buy more than one and save the The Gift Horse shipping! COs $15.00, Cassettes $9.00 each. RESTORATIONS of horses, chariots, panels, Check or money order to DYNAMIC rounding boards, etc. Craig Rutter, ANYTHING RECORDING, 2844 Dewey Ave., Rochester, NY ARTISTIC, (610) 534-9784. ·.s-

MECHANICAL MUSIC WANTED Kt ! t !fJit~(/ Buying disc and cylinder music boxes. musical clocks and watches, band organs, coin pianos, ffi..,fory Alivtd cylinder phonographs with horses, automata. national Also smaller pieces like Rolmonica, Play-A­ Sax, paper and cob driven organette.s. Anything carnival We're the National Carnival Association, and If in mechanical musical instruments. assaclaflan you'Ve spent your days - and nights - on the midway, you're efigible to join. You'U receive a P.O Box 4165 one-year subscnption to ~. the monthly MECHANTIQUES Sahsbury. NC magazine devoted solely to the carnival indus­ Martin Roenigk ~8 1 45-4165 try. Make your $25 check payable to the National 26 Barton Hill, East Hampton, CT 06424 Carnival Association and send it to P.O. Box Phone: (860) 267-8682 4165, Salisbury, NC 28145-4165. PATTERN ~

:} (1) a(') ~ z ! Qo -1 iil a. ~ ~

Series One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven and Eight of Carousel Carvings are available. They are a group of line drawings of the sides of carousel horses and a few menagerie animals I suitable for artists and wood-carvers. Menagerie Animals from series One thru Six is also available. The price is $12.95 plus $2.00 P&H for each set. (OH res. add 6% sales tax.) K. B. Leather Art, - 2341 Irwin, Holland, OH 43528. ~ The Carousel News & Trader, February 1997 29 ~~~ '=~ A :Jv\usical ~raoition 1\eturns to ~erkasie Story and photos by Tammy L. Steamer It is a picture perfect autumn day when children of all ages can come and play. They come from far and near, to ride the carousel and to listen to the magical melo­ dies of the band organ, that seems to bid them all good cheer. Everyone IS lined up, waiting patiently to nde one of Perkasie, Pennsylvama's great­ est treasures. It is their Allan Herschel! aluminum carousel, built during the 1950s accord1ng to local residents. The building Perkasie, Pennsytvan&a's 1950 Allan Herschel! carousel operates m a 100 year old paVlhon. that shelters the1r treasure from the ele­ ments is 100 years old, and rests on the The borough of Perkasie, having such a pany of Bellefontaine, Ohio. He liked the property of what was once an entire amuse­ fond love for their carousel, decided to pur­ Model/147 and commissioned Don Stinson ment park. It was complete with many rides, chase a band organ to accompany it. They to make one similar to it, with the addition of Including an antique wooden carousel whose sought the help of Ken Barndt, overseer of 16 bells. No other organ of Its kind has ever whereabouts is now unknown. It even had the restoration and operation of the carou­ used bells before. Also, Ken wanted Stinson a bowling alley, concession stands and a sel and property. to paint another of Perkasie's treasures on dance hall. Theorig1nal band organ's where­ Ken saw a band organ while visiting his the front of the organ, their beautiful cov­ abouts is also unknown, although we know house in the Pocono mountains, and 11 was ered bridge. it was sold off when the carousel was dis­ love at first sight. Sometime later he went When it was complete, Ken went back to mantled after the park closed. back to find out the cost of the instrument. Ohio, loaded the organ into the back of a During the winter storms of 1994, part of To his unfortunate surprise, it had already truck and brought it to its new home at the roof collapsed, amazingly sparing the been sold. Menlo Park in Perkasie. carousel completely. Funds ra1sed have Not to worry, though. Ken dec1ded to It only costs 35 cents to ride the carousel, helped to restore the old building again. seek the help of the Stinson Organ Com- which is open on selected dates through the

Menlo Park (Perkas1e) has a new Stinson band organ, a George Bodenstein (center) has operated The new organ features 16 bells, and is the modified model47. the 1950 Allan Herschel! carousel for many only one of 1ts kind comm1SS100ed from Don years Stinson. 30 The Carousel News & Trader, February 1997 spring, summer and fall. "We are not out to the carousel. He's been operating the ma­ Many thanks to those who have already make a profit .~ Ken Barndt stated. "We use chine for many years. Every time he rings adopted a brick. Also, many thanks to Ken the money to maintain the carousel, organ, that bell and announces the ride is about to Bamdt, George Bodenstein and everyone building, property, and to purchase sup­ begin, you can see the look of contentment, at Menlo Park who donated time, money plies." pride and joy on his face. and services. And thank you to everyone Another fascinating piece of information Future plans for Menlo park include a who rides the carousel and listens to its is that a man purchased a home in Perkasie new walkway of engraved bricks surround­ delightful new band organ. We all look where he found an unusual item-a ring ing the carousel's pavilion. These bricks will forward to hearing about your progress and arm. It now hangs proudly on the wall of the be inscribed with sponsors' names, dates or future plans. carousel's building, and could have been other things from the "adopt the brick" cam­ If you'd like to visit the Perkasie carousel used on the park's original carousel. paign. For a $25 donation, you can have a or sponsor a brick, you caf] contact Menlo To make your visit to the carousel even brick engraved for the walkway; the pro­ Park Carousel, c/o Perkasie Historical Soci­ more special, George Bodenstein greets ceeds benefit the carousel, organ, building ety, 414 West Walnut ST., Perkasie, PA everyone with a friendly smile as they board and grounds. 18944.

Whittlin' " fiddlin' at the merry-Go- 1\ound mu.,eum

The first annual Carver's Weekend was held at the Merry-Go-Round Museum in Sandusky, Ohio on September 21 and 2.2, 1996. Area carvers displayed their works featuring everything from Santa Claus to dolphins and, of course, carousel animals. Saturday evening the fiddlers played as the "Whittlin' and Fiddlin'" party got under­ way. Guests dressed in country clothes as they dined on beans and bratwurst. As part of the evening'a activities, the museum premiered its new promotional video, which will be used for marketing and information. The highlight was the drawing for the winner of the magnificent carousel horse Lucy Stocker (left) was the lucky winner of this 3/4 size reproduction of an M. C. lllions American Beauty carved by Carrousel Magicl of Mansfield, Rose Horse, carved by Carrousel Magicl On the right is Rachel Pratt, museum director. Ohio, which was raffled off by the museum. The horse is a 3/4 size ofthe beautiful M. C. (No, there was no trick to itl) Throughoutthe This year the museum staff is making lllions American Beauty Rose horse. Shae summer visitors from around the country plans for the 1997 Carvers' Weekend. Any­ Anderson of Carrousel Magicl drew the purchased tickets. The horse was dis­ one interested in taking part in this event winning ticket which, amazingly, was pur­ played in the museum until mid-November, can contact the museum office at 419-626- chased by Lucy Stocker of Sandusky, Ohio. when it was taken home by its new owner. 6111.

The Merry-Go-Round Museum in Sandusky, Ohio raffled off this 3/4 size Left to right: Volunteers Mike Tillinghast, Eric Humphrey, Maureen (Reenie) horse, which was carved by Shae Anderson (left) and Ross Clark (right). Murphy and her husband Glen Bhuhm. Reenie painted the Rose Horse. The Carousel News & Trader, February 1997 31 California, here we come! American Carousel Society Annual Convention Long Beach, California May 21-25, 1997

Southern California's carousels await, including the 1904 Looff machine at Shoreline Village • the 1907 PTC #15 at Puente Hills Mall, City of Industry • the 1922 PTC #62 in Santa Monica • the Host "lzote/" is the luxurious ocean 1926 Spillman Engineering carousel in Griffith park, Los Angeles liner, tl1e Queen Mnry,where rates • the Gene Autry Museum of Western Heritage start at 0111y $69 single or double. Ca/11-800-437-2934 as well as an optional trip to San Diego to ride the 1890 Looff for reserontions now! carousel at Seaport Village and the 1910 Herschell-Spillman menagerie at Balboa Park. Other convention highlights, American Carousel Society including private collections, will be revealed shortly. 3845 Telegraph Road ACS members will receive complete registration packets with the next issue of by mid-March­ Elkton, MD 21921-2442,USA The Rounding Board non-members are invited to join us and have a great time! [email protected] Convention chair is Mary Kirst, phone (818) 574-0148

FOR SALE * 1910 Herschell-Spillman Rooster-professionally restored $8,000.00 * Herschell-Spillman OS Row Stander, Sword IL Crest on side (in restoration) $18,000.00 * C.W. Parker OS Row Jumper-Armored-Restored $12,000.00 * C.W. Parker OS Row Jumper, Indian Pony, animal pelt saddle, new professional restoration $10,000.00 * C.W. Parker OS Row Jumper, Cowboy Pony with pistoiiLiariat, (in restoration) $4,900.00 *lllions OS Row Jumper, waterfall mane, lattice IL jewels. Professionally restored $22,000.00 * Circa 1904-1910 Stein IL Goldstein OS Row Stand~ mane, very muscular, laney trapping, buckles, large flowing tassels IL fish scale drape. Older restoration, professionally restored $22,000.00 * 1910 Dentzel Stander, roached mane. New professional restoration $20,000.00 * 1905 PTC Stander OS Row figure, very large carving by E. J. Morris $22,000.00 * 1910 Herschell-Spillman OS Row Jumper. Indian Pony, lariat on side. New professional restoration $7,000.00 Call lYle Farver even ina at s 17-688-3826 or write 10777 Westdale Drive • Jerome Ml49249 PAINTED PoNIES CoLLECTION

The Defin itive Bool< By l eadi ng a uthorities WILLIAM MANNS Ill become the classic book of MARIANNE STEVENS carousel art. This extraordi­ nary c offee table style book presents the finest c arving examples by the most renown carousel artists. The rarest horses and most unique menagerie animals were select ed from Americas pre­ mier private c ollec tions and a ntique operating carousels.

PAINTED PONIES contains useful guides, c harts and directories for the collector, preservationist, c aver, artist, or enthusiast. $39.95, plus $5 shipping. The classic book of American carousel art with over 800 c o lor photos, 226 pages, hardbound edition. M ay be returned if you are nol complel ely satisfied.

1997 WALL CALENDAR 12 spectac ular full color carousel animals are c aptured month afte r month in the award winning PAINTED PONIES WALL CALENDAR. The high quality glossy pho­ tos are an impressive 12"x12".

CAROUSEL ART BOOK OF POSTCARDS CAROUSEL POSTER T his colo rful book of 30 full colo r glossy post cards feature d azzling The beautiful PAINTED examples of American car o usel a r t PONIES pos t er , 18"x 24", representing all t he ma jo r a rtist s. $10.95 p lus $3 shipping features the fa mous These beautiful restored horses and American Bea uty Rose menagerie animals are a gr eat Horse by M. C. I llions. A guide for collectors and reference for artists. Each car d is 5"x7"' and great a ddition to the col­ easy to tear out and mail. lection of any carousel Makes a great gift! fan. $7. 95 plus $1. 50 shipping $10 plus $2 shipping

VI SA and MASTERCARD orders c all 1-800-266-5767. Mail orders write: ZON INTERNATIONAL PUBLISHING CO. PO BOX 6459, SANTA FE, NM 87502 Fax your orde rs to: 505/ 995-0103