Psychological Insight in Look Back in Anger Dr
© 2020 IJRAR February 2020, Volume 7, Issue 1 (E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138) Psychological insight in Look Back in Anger Dr. Swati Tande Assist. Professor, Department of English, P.N. College, Nanded Abstract: This research paper intends to study Look Back in Anger as a problem play. The paper deals with the aspects of social conflicts consequent upon individual conflicts. Sense of loss in modern generation is the key concept of the play. The sense of loss leads to depression in modern people is reflected through the paper. The plot of Look Back in Anger moves from love, jealousy, misunderstanding, hatred, and reconciliation. Osborne had dramatized communal questions in order to arouse social conscience. The play presents the frustrated outbursts of Jimmy, the angry young man. He frenzied with resentment against conservative class system. Instead of facing the problems, the protagonist just grumbles for the people and situation in which he his living. Dealing with psyche of modern world, Osborne presented degeneration of generation. Key Words: psychological, rationale, reciprocal, obligation, alienation, reconciliation, compatibility. John Osborne was a born playwright. In his creative world dramatic expression comes with a perfect naturalness and ease. He remained defiantly a popular dramatist who was capable of speaking to a mass public. His play has a sense of social complexity. His major plays, particularly problem plays have never ceased to be the ‘lessons in feeling’. The depiction of the middle age group by Osborne is true to fact. Through his plays, Osborne had opened up a much wider subject than rebelliousness or youthful anger, that of social alienation.
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