Bnfnrnialjeb -Vpartments Ho £et. Btand the Jew, he must have access to Jewlah llt¬ _irt Sclioolc REAL ESTATE. NEW PUBLICATIOXS. erature. not to the best of lt. not to fragmentary rruiB baoooo art bchoou b*tauu*ukv}*J>-^ ¦Tss a a .. £AR!fEO« HALL. of it. wlth all its pe- 1 Ea*t I7ih-ft.-Bp*clal rlaaaH ln bD ¦«¦».. r.r a.i. AT THE collectlonB, but to the whole Chlna flr.-d dally. llliiftn.tH F*Bd-MO 888-00 Vttm. BUSINESS EXCHANGES. THREE VOLUMES OF 9TUD1ES ON AS- culiaritles. The anle by D. Pluenlx Ingrnham A Oa* Rt tne PHILHARM0NIGsf?3II on Thursday, OF TEWI3H LIFE Broadway Real Eat.ite Balesroom, PECTS \ TO THE HEAYEXS IX MBX1C0. (Jcnrhcvo. November 19, of the estate of Suaan B- Ward, de- **t 8T0DY Road, APARTMENTS. KOUVELLES KTl'DF* lale CSBBad. of raea.1 properl-a ln Klngsbrldge OUIBNTAJ^L IX KXI BKii-.m i-.i. TUTOB. awaaat*.*£*.*^atm-a. FROM Aprivau ,.,ip,if. Preearatloa for Oollem or f)ne-htindred-nnd-!t Iii Iba htolory of Ihe Buctlon-rooma In coacaaw. sldes. Kacn to cltv. rent. .E POPULAR llfe. paat nnd present. from many ln a few daya. The object I. golng aouth ls Bilearoom yester- incliided in £' .3_ "YMPHO-T ORCHESTRA. series of tbetnee, nnd avii FOREltiN TK.A' MKIt.v At Iba Broadway Real Katnte Wnlter Dararoarh. Condactor author has written on a varh-d secure good vlews durlng the wlnter months, dsy lvi'-r F. Msysr & Co. aold ln toraclosttra No. Snlo'.ets: Mra. JOSEPHINE 8. JACOBT, Mlaa Oljww AMKl'ii-w -f. 'o Rentft to $1,600. Mr. Abrihams has glven the scmblance the experts who have studled the question any ftc, lo Cdler J S.-i...¦ d r mil App'r Ill P'isi One-hiiiiilred-nnd-tselfth-sf.. a flve-atory $1,100 MEAD, WIM.IAM C, CARL Herr MARTnJrS end Mr. Mra M ' ton etTI.TOB ?1 t'n'nn «o,inr* brlck lot to the Loiilse New- SIEVKKINO. -AKTINVI work. In the posthumous thls can be obtnlned ln the Mexloan platcau, whleb iliit, li_Ma.Ua plnlntlff, Sunday. ALL RESERVED BO of unltv to his entlre bouer, UMoa Open daily, iiicludingr Rox SEATS. Cta. of which he Iles wlthln the troplcs and hns nn elcvatlon of aeete. 81.00. Now on anle at box offtaa aad aa essavs'of M. Franck the mattcrs C. L ORAFF. Managar. from the vantage-ground about 8,000 feet over the BSB levl. Diiticiug GcIiooIg. RBAL ESTATE TBABBFBB8. D. JD. 1IRANDT, Srhuherth'a._ treats are approached here (12d * «, .Km ft e if Ilth ave, studentof The observatory waa In BOttVS operatlon Kt, |8_)aBJ| on (OM Mlll B | Ev«*., 6:15. Wed. and Bat S of the general scholar and thcversatlle 1804 and hundreds of line LBXAKDEII MACGREOOR. Marlha D Weeka lo W B Smlth. 61 Agent premises. ( OLl Mlll 8 Pop. prlce Wed. M«L, 26 for erltlctslng durlng and 1895. many *_ 108 Weel »t. 104th .-t. a a. 12*. 10 ft e ,.f Tnrk ave. 0.2x100.111 THKATHE. etaalfloL* He ha.l. Indced. thc nrtvantage the results abOW- A M*nd*l*eohn lu-r-m*. .vife wiibam ll VoRTHKR* _IOH_a law. drawlngs were made of Mnrs, - nd laa*** onlv in danelng. I'lerra Van A.traa nnd io THKITRR. XIRTHKR1 a But he 1-rlvnr.. l***o prli ('. -oir MtiHTS Uterature of belng hlmself Jew. ls covered Wlth . 1 Next Week.Andrew Mn'-lc. In "Mylea Aroon." Jewlsh ing that our nelghborlng planet Tltlton » a. |..| 60. ui Eaat Murrla»nl.i, fricml and asso- In ar- BOBOE >\ ai.i.a. 'I.'S -'ll'' »U ave, m;ip had also. like hls dlstlnguished an extenslve aystem of ennnls. nrrnnged I" 1^-flle rooma BM Bt. BBd BcoUvBrd, and ;*j.;t»i, Aatbony McOwea an.l wife t.. Mi.-hnei t'ASINO, Slmon. Cl sir-.-t. Il.'ldv Hi) 1 wif.-. I Krenlnara aat BaXa. ln the I.lgue P<>ur la Paix. Jules tlflcal manner, ns If tbe work of bltelllgS.1 beings. rlarlem, Bii W W**l .-«'»' < A6INOWed. A ».". clate teach- rinsf and prtrat* tall too. Se* .-tr.-iiinr. Ho* Bt, M a. I6S.B ft * ..f l»)7th at. |H.:ixU».»; A VERITAIILE BEAITY IHOW5_Jt. _fg_* the beneflt of Victor Cousln's pMtOftophtfl These reaenrches wr-ro made by Profcssors l.ow.-ll, Joha A Ksoa Hn.l wlfe t.i Annle Suillvan.1 THK 9TRANGE ADVKYTIRBS world- I4M if, a a. 11*6.1 fl e ot A\*\aT\ ler ave. i".xba»; OF of Cousln was not profound. Plckerlng and Douglns, and have attalned DODWORTH. .__ HOUSE. JAf'K snd BEA**TALK. lng The eclecticlsm 12 ANI" ll KAt'i IBTtl BTREET. Addl* A La ''.atii Hti.i nn illi.T tn Samiiel i* A APARTMENT to the wlde fame. Profeasor bowHI's dlacoverles Induced TOEOROE AN'D LBBBOKB I.-tii-k Htnl JACK tlie IIKANflTALK. but lt was practlcal. and it contributed CLABREB PRIVATK Wlfa. !.,("« 615 FIFTH AVE. the order new 21-lnch telescope from Alvnn MRN'S rLABB .'iimmi'V'.''-. MOBDAT. r>Kr_ Sa.tli al. n a, BLI ft a ef nve, filillKIK; of some of the great.8t men In hlm to a Bdward W nnd nlf* lo Frederlc de 49TH AND GOTH KTP.) making a of KllpSirlek fRRT. Clark A Hone, wlth vlew prosecutlng . l of the laat Its most effertlv. V Koeter Bvary laoa-rn and ena aatenee: DORPFELD LEaiRK, France gMicrntlnn. atlll further. Tbe new teleacope has been Whlt* Flalna Road and Mth .\\». a .- <-.irn»r. IHx II ckln'lam taaB'oaelJbyBetH For Th* lecturea by Prof. Wllhelm in Franck, BtadlSS i. I irr*'^ flrepro.f brida* «Tih Dorpfeld, andw t_* word was toleraC.on. and it nourishcl and many new dlseov- (Prcati Gtfiimfrg. 106; Annf* Bullirae 11*111* Knoi. .,n '». iM to nlo> e.«'ate of aaaplrea '.f ( olutnbln rnlvralty, will be dellveraaj ln n.»e slnce August. 1806, ii.i - a. 193.10 ft a of IdBtt al. 17 Ja par.lculHia Im.ulre comparcs to Mcn- F.dge. ave, >.' William. 'oi. >'e.lnr ai. Itoaack Hall of the Academy of al«dlO__ a man whom M. Manuel erles hnve been mnde. The work has been oen- ri l"\lil.ll«T.",ti Mettla A l.'nk and .iN, K*wp, Weat 4«d at.. Nov. 12. 13, 16, 17 and 10, at 4:60 all rellgions. 10 O H Mnu. MQ P9" delsaohn. a klndly towarf tred upon Ihe plnnets and southern atnra. l'ro- A HANDf-'OMI-J that ls and have contlnued thelr SdDOBTTDO'aBneOAB Q,CL(!DVCID. 4th at, a a. ISO ft »- ot 21 me. 2.">x1K).4: liaaang the stern monothelsm fes«ors LaOWSlI Douglns V.-r.-in liund llarhminn Hrew- THEATRE. without weakenlng of Mnrs. whlle Profeasor i.oweii nnd KltiM BBW V'UIK. Befclllarr la tli* BACHFJm ir^rMENT, Every Bt*.. ln the volume hy obeervaMona and venua BOUTHAMITUN, LORIKJ.V UREMEB. Ine COnpaiay . SB,IS6 M.tliwj Wedneaday abd exhibited. for example. present Mr Drew hnve worked on Mercury BTKAMKRb. n nve, w a. ISO fl n nf ITSd al. >ixl(*). f.7« FIFTH AVF.Nt.'E falths. that davtlme. In the dcnr alr of the nf- PAST RXPBEBB and Wlr.d.or day. 2 octoek. an elaborate estlmate of the Orlental durlng the I rat.ln. *oo Rpd upward: II «'»''ir.. IB jnd ».»_._ Tweflt] fourttl Ward; John E Iliggln* Wlfa ( ,.p..*it UOtel). ternoon these' planets hnve shown eonaplcuoua Nov. 1" B Bt. Tl. Tn.- *-* '. BllaabaMh A lliggina. 1 App.y lo Janltor. Oeorge EdwardeaTg of and of the Aller. Tiie*., |7. !.<-'.> .' are now affectlng tho mind Europo and the nstronomers hnve been BMS ln n m. Tn*a. Dee. }* . l.'lth al. h w a. _BI ft w ..! Avenue II, DALTC mnrklngs. Toea.. Nov.S4. gpree, .;. BtetOaVSj a man who began hls to make of thelr surfaces. but to H.ivei. Tne*.. Dee. l. lea.m. lahn, Tuea. Dee. 2^ io a ¦. .leiinnlc I If. vt it al. cn--uti.ra, t', Artt.ur J RERB8VORD.- a hlafc-ctaaa ho *l. whole Western world. To not merelv maps or l.rk W«r*l. Mutapertaneattt» Bt "a»al_- and concluslvely that the bodles rotate only OOCS Heturn availulde from M.-ll'-rti.:i-ai> M.-Wuade . tjatt THKuat-d B (Vntial JgB l»t. eareer with :i work on the Cnl.aln. prove the sun. Bremen. I^nidn.i or llavre. 4th mv No 102; rraatarlch PMtar and wlfa lo mt rholrt *t tt*tMt I* be r-uted from literary In tbe course of n rcvolutlon nbout " ..reen. wlth the turned toward «__.the OELRtrBB 8 CO.. Bnwllnjr !.-r!rk r.M.r aad im.'tli«r. Irur.leea. 2l.25ai «nd .-an b...... up'e.i lmm*dlal*ly. whose mature yeara were tilled phllo- face of the plnnet Is, therefore, Hih Moat faaclnatlngGEISHAF.ay In Town. wh le is>); Babaattaa Uwrtawbank al, Fiin and heated to an lmmense temperature. I ihe dlscusslon of law. clvll. penal. ecclesl- nlght. I he BHxabeiB. lleneel . ...Morday. .Nov. 2!,. openlng of Regvlar Bcaaon aat eophlc tho other ls wrapped ln everlastlng CTOM jJEWfERMflJ MB8EW i Xtb at. Na B3S; Amil- N.illy et al. t.> Habtiatlan pi ..luriion of "AS VOC I.IKK IT." M1SS ADA REEUg investlgatlons Dowell hnve settled tha, Qiiea- , -iwuiiu in; aMLUka;. nr. astical and Internatlonal.Talmudic mnrklngs down by iNuh ,i UKKMAN l/iiiferliiiili . 1 tDanteb. "il.-aalind." tion of the rotatlon of Mercury nnd VSB«a Which UUOYD ft s. co. UNE. lx.»l- at, No !»¦; Ilenrv l» Mn nab.n.l. refer.-e. lo /urnieljcb _\partmcnts ...Thnnkaglv'n:; MnMnee: M'aa Rehan aa "800X1184," have had thelr attractlon. These essays somo must had been porttnlly studled by Schlnparclli BaprBBB Menmer* fuin Bea-Yerk Ellaa it.-iia . r..*i"> .'.Thnnkaglvlng Night: TV.E OEISHA. of hls own rescarches, but they lo GU.ialiai. Ak'ler*. Napi-a ard U*B4M. Law. at. .. a. Iba ft a of Htiinlon at. aVsMO) A arrnll. well furnlahed, aur.r.y npartruent glve no outllne ? i-ii.tiiiin. Der. 6. 11 A. M If.TANTKD- Ot flx In the I.owell flnds thnt Mercury haa nn np- Fma. Nov. 14 10 A. M. 'N-.i Jokfl Jr. r.'f*r>.e. t., Rllaa lle'.aa. f.,2."" VV (elevator **rv|. * lnrperatlv"). for B PMtod b l)E.N MUSEh. WOULD I.N the interest which he had >(profcssor Venus hns an IKaleer. N.v. 21, 10 A. M tW.-n... I ".-. I 1" A JJ Ilth ll. NO rJB Kiia'. S.-I.aatl.'in I^iuterl.arh et nl. WAX lndlcate clearly ivre<_nble atmospliere, whlle Bpun- l>ee. .".(>. 10 A. M. <>¦ Nov. 11 A. B. tFulda, Atitlle Niillv . I M. I, »* the warmth wlth which he was of but. for aome reaaon, she poascss.s .Columbla, 2*. ol -:.i.e-r Un* ,nd Ceatral Parli B'eei. Aearaaa T.. nn.6\r» ro-rFinTe. aubject and ilaiiee It, Remni il.ket* availabla lor th- at**»*ri lOtli at. a a 811 ft v. of lat hv.' 62.0x10(1.0; of her mnrklnga Ilreru.ii. 2.»in, New-York. ______...-.. to all efforts to make the Talmud oniv a few clouds. Drawlngs from Nnpie*.Naple*. 0*n_a,C,,-.,:, Clbraltar.(,ll;.il-ar. iitem.n. hrla'lni I i.iriiiatndt tO ("hrlatlna I.aimetadt. ready greet hnve been forwarded to tho Royal Aatronoinlcnl 1-lw>iir*.nr*. nn.l«n.| S.uihanipt. KHIMIIK THK 4.THK. KfU and 40ih-ax. to the *~athan_*toa. ua taecutrla . 1 MAT1NKE TO-DAY AT 2. or aubstantlal part of it accesslble Socletv in London. Dr. T. J. Bee and Mr. Cog*- North .ier. I.loydlioyd 8.a S...... V.>..f Hnmbure.AmertCBB I'.'J 2 ft --f .! unl 2V> ft Am- any on Llne. f'|..t. B Mlll a of JOM.1 DKKtV. 4TH hall have used tho new teleacope the BOUthern OeliOelrl.-h* * Cn.. nOX.'MADY. to hlm not only as a professor of law 1 thev havo discovered Bfty new ate lar ayatems. Tlat a'. n a, 666 ft .- of W.a' End uve. IHxKC.U; /\/w\/\/\/\ pealed stars by prevlous .li.lui nnd wlfe lo Albert I. 1 but also as a treaaury of prac¬ besldes meaaurlpg 100 recognlzed ('i.niey Th'impaj.n... n»i a.AUItlt K THbATIti:. »«4i., uiu . iv, a legal hlstorlan, obscrvators. HAMRUiSC-AWIERItSAfl fi'.ih at, ¦ a. BS ft m of Tth uve. QOllOO.6; Oinrlca "Iler.t Amamcan I'lay." Kvenlng Sun. tlcal wlsdom. ilthof to llernaan Wroakow . 16 Cvenlnar* «-:ir. XKCRRT BI-TFVICE. BBtti -t. No 21.", Eaat; dnru Illra.-h lo Bkaastlss %_»: bM M. , an on 8QUAIE Mailnee Halur.lay. "BBVICM. who are by essay . WEST 71ST-ST. Even rcadtrs repelled Ifarrti 1 HULLEVAKD. COBXBB _____*__ aaiBBBmaaa of the Talmud can find en- IWtb al, a r. I2S fi « nf 9d Bre;- PLAN. the clvll leglslation 11 Iri-i. >i and wlfa t I'lillln Oreen. AMERICAN GARDEN VIIEVTHE. 37th st. a Madiaon Ara. Xrro JJublualione. M06 .:.olc* aulte*. Mmlfhed or ,.n- Et e-30. Matlne* of its l-".ii -t ti :,:'>t:. ft e ,.f ne.iaant famllv hotel: Tvenlw. Sa'urday. tertalnment In an analysls proverbial phl- a, iv. m.%% Strlctly a aud ROnilBT THE Ml inO.ll: I "pi" lt.-hlna..n lo Jamea T Ulandf.-nl. 1(«"» to r-m .y Ua* e*a»on or year. Culaln. IIILL1AHD. MMT. Perhaps M. Franck was less Indulgent ISUIh at. No K4i \\.a(: .larnea C a'ra\vf..rd 'im.l.hed. losophy. 10 ihe crler. lUtea Ka.onable, kMBUM OHKRA M/it. i: ll 'imo . 1 .ervlc* of MffrtB GBABD BOrOBJ. iaJPw. to the hlgher phases of this phllosophy than he Toncs I'lllMHOSK A WEBTS MIYSTRBI.S. rpowx Rradhural i-.... » a. I.V, ft a of 1 t-'ath at. IB.ta convenlent .u all pana af ihe clty. might have been; but a great deal of gravlty Wl.talSzatS.B; K.lniun.l Cllln nnl wlfe 10 Mary WAI.TKH LAWRENCB. Mana_*r. Next wa-el..SIIAFT NO. 2. an injunc- S II-.-:.. . 0..VIO ls relleved by suddenly comlng upon Ot'T TO-DAY II"' -' n ¦ ~'a ft w ..f H Milev.ird. I*laxia>- tion like this: "If only one man says you have Joha f, i: Lllliendahl and wlfa t, lani«»iie H MrajMI8E8a^9^ l." . 1 a sec- '. ears of an ass. never mind; but when 1 * I'lT'l at. n « 620 I'i ft - nf Wlllla nv* 8. K. CORBBB OF .'.TM ave. ABplSTH the of mora than ordlnary Intereat. I 110x160; BJ. Ia MEDITEnMEAH Atm.. R. era m Ji ba J p iiloeb. l A hiKh eteaa umiiy hotel wiih an eataMiatead *****z HORSE on a brldle" Or this mall- ». ._i* BT more tedrooma and ond says lt. put \V |..,,,...... n . j;,-, n ,,f li,.v. .¦ at. 47 a-x tlon. Apnrm.en.a of parlor. SHOW, artlclea tha with prnai* aerv.c* SIADISON SQl'ARE GARDEN, clous dlctum. worthy of Montaigne, "Beware of Read tha abla by (Oranada and AlhamMa). Algtor* N 166 :.> i; 6x166 .¦'. Mir'. | Mvne, t-, R s Cntan fl.oou bath. Furnlahed oi unfurnl.hed. Malaga ' Ne|«..n .a\e » .. IS6 |.i ft n nf l.ea-.e «t B.SxlS.I * d'*lrea' 12, 13. 14. a the flrst maglstrate of which Maii*. ABaandrla iralro and lh* pyramlda). ;i E. w. KAOBB. MANAOEA. NOVEMBER 0. 10. 11. Vvlng ln town M'.emi. fDamaacua), CBaBiantin.ple. Aihena aBO.IO; Emallna A Kaaap lo Mary I Hynaa ... M LL. Beyrogth 1.17th at n . e a There are not many of these REV. JOHN FULTON, D. D. D., M'ff'na. Pal BaplM, Qeaea, Bew Tera. DerailoB 620.16 ft nf Wlllla ave. |6.6xt00; GRAND EXHIBITIO.V OF HORSES, ls physician." .Vf. lohn J P Ibark and »r;fa t-i Snnf..rd s Ooarder.. 10.006 witticlsms, and too large a proportlon *r ih* il I* . |_4th at. a * ¦'.'." fl ¦ of C nrtlandl a-.e. VxWO; THURSDAT, NOVEMBER 12, '. antlque Editor of tha Church Standard. and tho A I.- 1 1 Bi <;. TO .t n I v lh* Tvr.n- t»f Bi la ind arlfa t f> n Paol. 14.* Y.rk I ebrunry w REV. DR. GOTTHEIL. Bt. rboma* \'».606 ft of I'ourtlandl are, 60x100: av* the women got forPon au Prlnca (Baytli. Bl CUy Ce..rre I. nnd wlfe t -,,. av. aad I4rt - 142 Cnlumbu* Ponlea ln Harnraa. Snalalle Horaea. Rnadatera, have beon to manklnd, Oomitgo- Bl H-rninnn 1'aul and dlspensed Martii i' l-" .. ir»i \\>«t 42.1 -I near nm ar*.; ''2 .jiaiBBl*.*-Eaat l«tk of tha Emanutl. Ouadeloup*. KlnoieaK ']"'not- ^ arlfa . 2f».rW*i area: l» -"¦.-;.. . ntl Road RIkm. Tnntlema. Hlgb Steppsta, are to lndlcate that Rabbl Templa if..- r_r_raa). !-..-¦ r..'-':i; -iv.-,,',:...r\'ei»«u»'.B>. -. . w.*t 421 b*tw**n Tth aad Bth nlne".but there enough CtTci.r'rittZ' - II H',7 f' v ot Tlnl Ml *, rr., B*arB uTI B», r OM I >t 1011x145; H-. b*t«**B twrtl and *(«. &.**'_}-Bd- Hnntera. nnd Munla-I|.al Pollce Horaea. IJamalea). Paln . x- it. noo .t 1 -l.tS .1-1 l."2^ had its satirical aspects. «- »«. Per fur¬ llfrad R Hall et *l ra. t., Charlea H-.rd. 1! ar.., B*er 630 M- Jewlsh phllosophy romfort. Kn Y rk Duraltoa afcoel *'-. » a 8UI-B-: I.WB laf CONCERT3 BV LANDER SAVAC.E Jaia.a fl n ..f lienmnn I'la.-e Lv> .<< rv... £ir are.- 2t'i R8Bth-*t_:."**" «» Jews RICHARD HENRY ther riartlcMlara applv :'"'.. wife «,. n?*r llrt B M4 & 0| FPPF.R It has been said confldently by acqualnted COLONEL I -. V Hamnaan Paal aad t. i;e.rg» st .i« anoai THE 8FATS IN TWO GAI.I.KRIE8 ABB II* n bur..- An rll !.«->-. ... 2.808 M ar* 2»o Eatf .BM W- TBB e. a a, 60.6 ft n ot I07lh .'. 26>l10.B(2Sx Bl««ek*r "e. n_ .»<.VI Ml «»!-.¦ .wlth thelr law and tradition that nothlng can .., ; fv,2 -1,1 av* 83 Am.l^ nr- 402 J NOT BBBEBVBD. haa a great poern. whleh no patrlotlc American ahould hn faall n aad » If* t i .hn Van Olahn. a i»>0 be elther done or thought ln the world of which w. . |. t ii'i, mnti ll^lm.-nf Vlllage, fall to read. ;> 100x100; I hn Viti iliibn n.l hi Pallott.. 8.000 HOYT'S THEATRE. Bwn. nt __S Mat 8aL. IM. there ls no presage ln the Talmud. Perhaps m fLondoa.PBI8B. a <- r Si In.v -t l)6.4<2Tlxl21.6x260.6; A KLORIDA ENCHANTMENT. by XEW-TORB BOt'THABPTOX \\ nnl KLORIDA would have to force the of the Th*r* ara aotn* amualng veraea on "Rllly Bryan" Raltlna bI i" a m l_|. »Ke t-. I'.-anl.-I I^-wia 1 (Pxcnreioita. A BBCHANTMBBT. they meanlng JafTrrwan are n *. .'-> fi -\ f HUI ava 2.'.iloo: By tha author of Mr. Ilirn-a at N*w York. words somewhat in order to discover the antlci- i::;'.;,:^.:::::.-' .5 mi a of BOaxwaM lo Wnli .i-...- . ¦ . BF%_CJ.r.K.C anl nr, li t HAROLD R. VYNNE. PABIB . . 40u 6:13. Sat. Bat for example, of some modern sclentlflc PARIfl . D** I TO THE HARI.EM OPERA HOI'SE. Evg. t, patlon, WIXTER -4)- TOIRS t'AVII' BELArM-Oa (,Kr..\r FLA^ hypothesfs. Rut ln a less deftnlte way they may *n r ixniw MBXim, BSOOBDBD BOBTOAOBB THE HK\HT OF MARYLAND. nat- to BKBBtroA, WEST INDIES >Ira. l^all- Carter and -.rlglnal co. have good reason for their bnast. Human nv lha Aii-n-f. B ¦ '-ni". from J . Jnda..n B T~1d. Next Week.l'NPER THK POLAB STAR. ure Is at bottom much the same in all ages. and 871887 for nVrmuda. B. Thomai . .:..- lai'tl, «t and BaMUham II mlevard. the LEEWARD AND JttstrnctioTt. ,. n loa M n | $2.faV» HERALD «44tl AllK THEATRE. To-M«ht at &, the Talmud ls a sort of encyclopaedia of human iv.rt of Bpaln la Br**. la fl N'.» V.-rl< Bl 1.1\ ompncv, "A OENl'INE BL'CCBSS.".N. Y. World. )'-''. I Br i aUa) Am- ' 'laa.iy; WINDWARD ISEANDS THK MAMIAHIV nature. "It Is not," says M. Franck. "the work of ' « .. For Young Ladlea.Clty. Hava-M. Perail l. r inO.3 rt n .f 7"ti. lla ,'4)ya S.OOO SEATS 4 WKFKS IN ADVANCE. s.-t f r '. A one man, of one school. or of one partlcular AND I>AT SCHOOI. FOR OIRLS. ¦i:-,r-«. llluBtrated i.^-irli."- _.___ Theophllla Hnuwer, aa MATIYKK SATt HDAY OXLV. UOLLEOE PREPARATION. .i I, 600 ft f 2J-aire. S ) eara 2.000 IwTriFTH AVENL'E. . of one race nnd of one , eect, though lt is the work BOARDIKORK\V Mta CHAt H. OaVRDNER. Prlaagpala. na, Maraareita V, (ruatr- ..f Uuiaa Mln- VENEZUELA Judalsm CltVjnd tn* VIII af Wllllam II Aaplnwalt. a * of the- HKIl "D" I.IAE In Con- PLACE THKATHE. H. Conrled. MgT. rellglon. It Is the collectlve work of Wi ln*a -' w fl- ateamahl-a 8«th J,*ar- .Sa. f| nf 8d ia\e. 2 \rn'». I..VIO in-fiii«ii ..i.i. iho** »r «i>- Everv Kve. Sat. Mat. p^p rrtcea. l- . XRVINd SCHOOL, .: .. and of the Jewlsh people for a perlod of seven 32 W*st 40th. PrBaUBd.S Ban I'. -e|.h Belta. No IM Weat BOTAL MAIL BTKAM PACKBrT POMPABY The grv» aBCCaaa, 1'Al'A C«.OMSTOCK.Fam'ly and day arh^l for glrla. Bll INT. itth -t , r. | yaara a..v»i viaiiini; M Th«maa, Bt. Kut-. Bevla Aallaaa. lloatBer- N1TSCHB.:.'_ or elght centurles of their exlstcnce. They have and K*Brt«CTBP^KATli.NAL BAVIOATinN II M S. t I ilia M It w a st. lnr- Prlmary depnrt.icnt for boya girla. Pl-ra 14 IV N¦ r.l, Rlr*T Ofl I H BllM Ore*a. .aaermnn, rat Oitadetoupe Dominlea BartlBleu*. Lurta, THEATRE.3S:h at. A B'way. Into It thelr thelr falth. thelr hopes, Mlaa I>AY and Mlaa BBBO. Prlnclpala. a'.'l 'v. 166 fl a <.f ll'lh a(. .1 veara. .1 JVaai iNi.i..l st Vinc*nt. Oranada, TrlaMaa, T< bag-.. La KNICKERIlO<"KKR put llfe. .- ¦ . Il hl, ri axeruiora, "».¦. «f Heary li .' Pueri.lo and '¦-.r.v..i Balllna THK RBIONINO LONDON BUCCEBB, a Ouayra SIOV OK THK CROSS. thelr plety and thelr superstitions. their Ignor- AT SCHOOI. FOR QHtlaB. * WEST KID-BT . II m- at. 107 ft w f T1nl>n ave. fr.,., s*« v rk January 27. Febraary 2A ari Harca -.¦ THE \- .r THK Slii\ OK THK CROSS. M 1 ,.., P.CalO |.-_pr ai".io y-.r l**erlpMv« proaraiB to ance and thelr knowledge, their hates and thelr ^OQOOSi I r. \ ,-,l «lf- apply )'r|.-ea: :aa.-., 11.0". »I.N), 62.01) ^at&T" lo Willlntn K Whlte. MI'.MtV 4ifi/.K * «lO\B. I.t.1. M.-itlne* Seven centurles Is a long tlme raraterr? g.^g PAciric h mi. ¦ o oa n a 1121 '.-¦" fl * f 7th iv. 1 year. .10"r> T.urlfi IMII 11S BROADWAT, NKH YORK. Evenlnra -at 6 io. Pnturdxy. predllectlons." ¦ II2II " 100 '. . -.f 7th ave, for a multltude of men to be puttlng themselves A-N" ORIKNTAL 0 I rn. TO-*HallT AT 11, sntoor. for CRLB OCCIDENTAL »n! II KOSTKRmemrmm on and the true of lf. M ^JgnVSS^At muairal t.iwren i-'»i I'nnda.». BhantBBl, Tok !i«in* ir.t I. M II -:Kj A. 'i.-.ege SIU fJOtlA HARRISON record, signiflcance Prlmary, preparaiory. academlc, and dapart- ^ -.".. ft ti r r tt.. couraea. K nf pi, aSjatAIaPB. ABD BBB ABABIAJ BTBBBB. Franck's remark wlll be better understood In a_*nta Freparatlon for colleg*. Srerlal M.-inr-r* Ba»* lan Praaeiaeji. 4."a) Avenue. m " . NILE 711-713-715-717 Flfth . '"-. . nv nr rr.Kisn t. >ai lo John 8411a -rn^r I'.ark GAZE VCKIM THBATBat.4th-are. & 23d-6L future than It is new. -. the v -. J I26i S 673 .-i f» n | poRtc ii ii-.[__. ; life, I_ rtr^ ->t e:l5. Matlne* Thura. * Pat. at 1 com- CROCKER. . ... ii luiu. . B.Oiat CartaJa There ls one meanlng of lt which can be and advanced iiina. , .'.; K II IATHRRI. .Lnat T»v> Weeka. MIBBBrhool for glrla. PttmaiT W_TB. I1BUIIC . !/ i-I (' A. anl wlfe lo A.Ltie \ fji Bermuda » Eaat ,r- ' "' . TO THK KINtt now, however, and that lles in the faet Ctaaaaa for )IU1* boya. Octohar 7lh. l. I__'.J7.. ' .. r K»'. 1 f( e ,.f Alexi.n-ler II siiTIIKItV AN BKRMY prehended M6jfcrM«_ j., i.i il.' I4S-1 Bt, BT*, E. vemlwr 24. The I.vreum Tompany. ard »-en-r .1 m* i i. .ra . .* Tueaday. N paaaaa* " I M.ono that the Talmud must have made the Jewlsh race R. A.--Iloardlng nnd Day aVhool B-r'rrelat.1 '' ._ a M E RAYSON. 1 R*li*n I'K ". *rt» I yeara L'..V»i orWest Indies for Olrla. Small Claaaea. C-lL-ge Freparatl-n. 84ttHr.!adwar. ,: n II ll.itr.nn It/inlw n a 7'.'d OPERA HOl SK. what lt has been down to the present day. No MI«S admllted. 17« W>at ,.'.th St.. N"* i'.;lc. and i^' Pr- -dwav._ M N'lea-a lo «t. HRTBOPPUTAb Hpeclal atudenta i .- . 2 MO KVKMMi. NOV. IB, AT Htl5. sees all Foultless fiimflte. Molaria Imposvble. KIMDAV wonder that the modern Talmudlst WUITE STAII UNE. M iii' i-i. Ollrt, and »lf" lo Anna and Taa BB '..mtaaiNH' :.'")«' Ola POH OIRLS na t aat ln the volumes that have been hls 1SS Citnaea. Merkllnger. * a Whlle I ln Road, n. IBaanaad praaieeMne at SYWPHONY ORCHESTRA. thlngs llfelong __L 2.*!h year. Prlmary and Advanred Prep* -.' r l"iti..m .". j.ara .1.400 SllB ..i »*. ->.j» 'ii BB H »'"t BOSTON fondnrlor. A few hoardlng BCfcaBaVa 'aken r^ -m lft n*llllan>at>rldga, MR. BBIIa I'AIH. bound his horlzon. He can- r&tlon fnr nll Collegea. Uajrntlc .N.v. Is. BBjeatli.t>'r Wllllam, ..nt »ifr I.. Ann K Ilu. kl-'V. n a NIleToura-ne loan n ai-. i'<- m "'. *>l* agrBia loe atudy. They really BMERSON. Frlnelpal, M We. 4,'h at .-. -' Mr.. SARAll H. Oermanle. H )..;¦ *paMment 1-lerSi 4.'. 1 '. -"' " "¦¦ N ". Middlabmok, .v*a. ¦ B. illustrate this. both Iler.N,,., North .... «¦ raaat *m tfaad hams unconselousdy They ,ANI, ,-,-,.SIV. AC.-- i»i ft ,f Amaiefdam-ara, :i Palcatlna B, Ol'DHA llOUSBi. at tlmes exhlblt a mode of thought which ls not WALKER'F BCHOOU 14S Maola-r, Aveniie. Mee ? .li areiiilar Snuih Pr*Br»BB4 MKTKOPOLITA.V and A<\\*nc>-l..r. w South Prance B»i» i-»mr-.. rjattiu ««w,.n«" sense Prlmary * _ ti :t .... Ejiglod iiib KOR 8ALK modern. at least not mod'-rn ln any Oentlle MIFSroat riraduate Claaa ba-glna Sovawbaw enNARU .. ,v* ::. I-. ft f 66ili af. r*sra IS.T60 anu_,, ,..i., L'laoraand OKAND TIKU HOX jege M._ HV Willlam H lo Wllllam A Hall. Noa i'12 Italy fifhcfnllwoinnnth*'loarl.leav* of the word. Mr. Fchechter's account of a cer- A, to UTBBPOOL QITEBBBTOWSJ. K*w? roi* ni..tiililv AllatH.-a WKPN'MSDAY, FHIDAYAND 1 i" mla ¦<-.- 8 8:80 a m. .- V ¦¦¦ '-'I ¦'. 1 >'»r. ie.o>»> POR Umbria... Ber. B i| EM ...... "ir* e».-.)rt an.l 14, [BB - " . under perfoiinl taln modern sect among Rumanlan Jews which BCHOOL FOR OIBIat. 1 uc.inta Nov 21. .'. *. B. m ' i" li.I 12. 11 a_ m. Wllllam W, nnd If.' t." the Mllt.lMl I.tre Peraonally in**- BATURDAY KIORTi FOR^EASON MH»AWDWOv. 2". Compani Coadueted irvir.i nrotraman** fr^e. OI'MUA. ^VT HOOK called ltself "The Plous is even more Interesting 73S Madlann Avenue. New YmV. l!l I '¦...' »t l, ii, ¦'. nnd BlllrH l'ln.-e. I venr. 4.000 Or KN(,H:iUK Krom I'ler *0. N-.r-li er. ^ llaa Toiir wanled. .... ;¦ r»id« .'.' "'' maenr'B BBee, Turner Kdward I*. lo M.>r\ f Maeksr. * . Wasl STAN'D, THtf WALDDltF. as a revelatlon of hls own mind than as a descrlp- p,,r freiahi - A* Acenl* for th* _.- < HOMIDINO ANP DAT l'r.»f.-neer _ MORCaAN'B *».». \.ito. »«. .'. 12.000 ^^^__ , I.KSUE New vn a Bowllna Ore»n. n av.. W 2 f-. . of WtB r*ani. in-cpenaent ,,.,, TranaporiBiion Ltaaa. »* tlon of a movement. He has hlmself School for Olrla. 13 and 16 Weat Ml.h St.. V..r)t lt BROWN * '"" Q*n*ral Aaenla V, Bdward '). an.l wlf* tn Johnnna M MKNDKI.SSOHX GI.EE t'H'B HALL. popular MRF KlrwKrgarten through College Pra-parat»ry. VERNON illama TlckctS fiirnlfh n-keia at :o»fft rate* N r. at KlB Cby. P*WB "~ lllller a .- rorner Ttai-avaxa anl lesih at, I Pv.rvuhep. everywhere Knrotie, the Orlent Firal CMKSfl Tu.'».liv K\«.. IT, hated this sect In his time. and he has loved It. IPirrie snd PRBNCH I.tM" BVCrywBira ilielVorld. Hrn»ii n*. ("ha|>*ronajiBa, KNEISEL 0F BOSTON. appeal WA«ja-~« ttwOt thmKt fr**, ,t,-. l' Apply to QliARTETthe llve cncert... $. Seaa.m f.cketa f.r hlm ln such a way that he lcaves his readers ln Hrma COMPAtJNii".D1BECT LtBB TO RAVBB, PABIB r.rn.i'iN') i'l-ANS are now «t Scnuhenh wnnaeilon wlth M1B3 W)H.KVP I.A CBAMPAOBE. I'-lr.t..«.n 14. 8 » m H. GAZE A SONS, Ltd., 113 B'way, New York fl.Sai. 1t*rta1rnK*a a._ Brho.V.._ Bo_N" ^'. " " » and alterallona doubt as to hls falth ln them. If he speaks of LA TOI KAINK SaB.elll .S*t Th« fetfcrXrtaa plana f'.r new ^lll^llnga Tl.a*atre. MISBH E1.YS SCBOOL FOB OIRIJa. I'i- 1 :.-n.Bat., N r. 28 B n m -"-rl -.-.. MIKKAY HII.I. . .__. IA OABKWJNE war* 61 ui uimv bet.-4Jd at 41at ata. them ln one place as not authentfeated, he as- THE BIVBBBIDB HRIVE. Parlor-aeal .nd .'¦'.¦< nv.klnr mr attaehM lo Bp* ...l New hulldlnga, rnnln oflatei llll.L. Lex. avr. S'Mh nnd Streeta, New-York. v II oo > xtia. 1VK«\«. MATiBBB SATIRDAY. sumes ln another that they belonged to the llfe Train Kavr* I'arla (or i¦.. varaal Baata Mth M ind 12th .i--. n * eofwer, for a '-ne nt^ry KYKItY Oen. i.i Aaeni 5 Bowlma Or.a Iv Kaatii nna ('.nipany, New- A piVm.KT ^_T-^ Irl k j .iiil-i'tn. AND PALESTINE. week -I'eter F. Palley A (J."«1 Thlng. the man, and not to the of a later gen- :,lith at nnd 12th ma, ewnera. 6430 Next ^ of fancy IHE VEI..T1N BCHOOL. FOR OIRU*. VnrV. "f ¦eloet lartlaa i..-i*.m.ii aaeort, all trHwiimn e»- eratlon. It ls possible that a man of learnlng I.INK. AlteratettM, mala offleo: .'m. .'. f.i>. 18, Mareb <'.. 1887. iimti- MKTROPOI.ITAN OPERA HOl SB. T F1REPROOF BCHOOL BUILDTNO. llll' a'.-. N. a ik'ai nll M*. 10 IWO f-"ir atory brlck pen.e* inc'.ud*d, \E\V CIAD1-: CHARLEBTOK, I. C. Mra Kalherlne Tewea, eft ^ia«* Bteaawblp, iiot.-i and eaaajaag arraaaaawaia Orand OaatfB, P. aa.-n 100-01 who waa not a Jew might malntaln a balanced 162 WEST 74TH ST. the s.ii'Tll AXD ll 1 IIWEST. ti !a i.ti'l t'-nemetita, ty Gour.oda Opara, 160 AND \\>at 4"th owner . lot) Hiitea moderate. Nlghl Mon., BOr. l'J. on such a on the other it VXD AI.T. I'i/.i:m..\ POINTB. of No 661 at, Openlng mind questlon; hand, COLLEOB PREPARATION. IACKBOXV1LLP. .1 m. KMh at So 62 Weat. (.. a fOttl at.-rv nnd haae FAIST. Rfopene Oct. 6th. Kr..m Pl*r 2!' E. B (foel of Rooatvell al I. p Ain-lla ls not a vlolent Inference that such a mental attl¬ '.>.'- ft JackaoBvlll*. |-|i.l.-.v. N..v H it'brl k .|a.'liititt. bj gvetya COOK'S NILE STEAMERS. Mmea Melba. Buu»rm*Mer. anl Mantelll MM. Jaa. BEBINOLR 800 Chu* f. ii. kaonvlll*.Monday. No». Hl |er ..f No 242 Weat Md at. frorr. Calr.i tn Flr*i and Se.-md t'ataract* Reezk* and Lafaalle. Conductor: 61* tude can be observed only wlthln the charmed For Both Roxcb.Clty. .'lii-l'iiKKi:. ls SallliiB* and F.douard de ai .ii iN'uiin' '"haa * Jark*.invlll*..w*dnc*day. Nuv. every few daya duruiK tii- BBBBOB. clrcle of Hebrew tradition. But the artlcle haa f^J.lOOL OF LANOCAOEB. BROQI-JilB liiaa. A .1.1 nvlll *aj The onh of I'lrfl <1h*f Sl.-amer* on th.- Nlle. Wagner-e Opar.. Biea..iBt-afsera'r» nav* Bral rlaaa paaa»nf*r aceonunpdatlnna D1E MEISTEHXIXOEtL ^ other merlts. It Is skllful ln what It does not PROF. BL lal MAITRE. Cl.YDK K .'" OeBeraJ A(;.nlf. (fitn fov 6alr. Mmea. Emma BaRea, l_u«rm*later. MBL Jeas BBB fl 11 wllna Cre^n. N Y. |3ropcrtp TO THE TROPICS. I'lan.-..n. l>e Yrlea. Rara. D-Aublase* aay, ln the parallels which It forces upon the New York. Prlvate Tenn. F..*t K * P. LlB*. vla fBeSMBTtUa TOURS Ed de Reazk.-, Long axparlenc* Parla. Waahlngton. Fla Cent. and Un*. vla Charlaataa YVlnt.-r rrulee* l.v Quel.e,- Bt*BIB*hlp Co.'* Mall Steam- ar.d Ulspham. Condu.-tor: Slg. Manelnalll. reader's attentlon without ever suggestlng them and riasaea. Natural method, grnm- ;,'.,',. irV*1ahl and Pa**.na»r m.-iii.iiriK B*rmuda Bt. ThomaB, st. Croix, St. Frl Ev'g. N»v. 20. NAngner'a Opera, leaaonaj. Day avening EOt:R. O-nerai Arf.-nl. 3'Jl Uroa.laray. N. 37 r\BMT^Tw^ ST. *hip». Donilnl.-.-i. 8l. a word. . 134 E. 46d near L»xington ave. _?_. V._ AMKHMW Klit*. AntlKiia, Qoad»loup*. Martlnlqur, .taxnhaiskh. even by mar, lltaratura. at., IIOTII MfHIataS I.iii-i* Bt. vlneent, Barbadoea, Tnm.l.i.l. .lamai.-a, eio. Mme* Emma Earuea, Ituuermelater, and Mart; Krifia. The general lmpresslon left by the paper Is that BRAC1CETT BCHOOL FOR OtBLB, &6 Eaat 64th- BTBAM8HIF LXXtSB. ?ri dav trip*, $130 upward. Jan. IU. F.h. tl, 17, 27. MM Oogny, pianoon. PAuMgn*. Bara. and LaaaalU. THE.t..Mlaa E1.LBN E. LEARNED. Pr.ncipal. Twanty- .r Tourlfl*' l|. ker* io all 314 ST. Marrh 17. Cksawateri sig. Bannaalll _,_,.«. founders of new rellgions, like Mr. Sehechter's to 11:45. MAI.I.OHYO-.e-wuv Kfuifl .n. po'nt* WESf"72D free fr.m Sat. Mat.. Nov. 21. FAIST. ftfth year. Office hour, 11 in Colorado rtah. Arir-.ia. Callfomla, Braka lllf.H BBaOLO FlVk-. Illustrated pr.iKramnie* and are an habltual Tt-xa* H"t Ai!t. BTOOP, !*4BT Of fUOS. COOK A «iO\, Prlcea. $l.u). $1.30. 62.00. $2.50. »3.00 *3-0*__, hero, Israel Baalshem. by-prod- Oaorala klorlda. <-to. Al*. Bprlnds. Al.l. IIMMir.l) TIIHOI (.111)1 T l\ THK IIKBT New Nov. at Ixiniaattl a Opar*. kaii is'i; aloni ihe Atlaatle Oeeat to Brtinewlek. Oa.. e* >M\\ 2M und 1.22.*. llroiidwny, Tork._ Sat. Evg 21, popularjarjeaa, uct of Judalsm ln Orlental and seml-Orlental re- n* M-o... lo La favobita. , , For Boya and Toung Men.Clty. a to V. y_B* Cl laalna Oull ot Oalvaa- IKBPBCT10B INVITFH. MM. looks back and flxes certaln bii Aiu: II.KAI. THll'S l-'.ill WINTBH BrlNTIIB. Mmea. Mantelll. Rauarmel.ter. gtons. The reader INSTITlTE 270 W. 721) ST- _»_¦._. c.n Vaml. and Aneona. Conductor: Slg.CYamonlnmaFm'BeUgnaai. Oellesjataa,Mili¬ Wrlie f..r ui .«. rlptlve to Farformanee. hls and as he does ao lt dawns CIOLVMRIAJ jrYeparatory, Primary Departmenti. im.. On. P. -. '--'. I U. B Y pamphlrt Prieae for Katurday Nlghta datea ln mind, Drlll C II MAII.'ItY * Ar'.. (nVMlll. IIKMIV r. COOK. ABCHITECT. Unoincoo (Dpportnnitica. and Hoxea. $10. $16. .*«» tary Playgrouad. . , .-¦Oo.. 76r.. $1«». ILM $iM>. upon hlm that the Talmud precedes merely by EDWIN iMWLER. M. D. A R. Prlnclpal.. 2CI COLUMBCS AVH., COR. 721) ST. siimlav Ev'g. Nov. 22, Flrat Bunday Mght Coneart. LD I.INK. BOX FOli BALB OF SF.ATh THL'BSDAT a century or two this series of more or less ob- rTeTd. LYONS CLASSirAL BCHOOL. DOMINION TLKHtn IX'III BTRBBT. near and weat of Flfth OFFICK^OFKN NOV. 12. AT ll A. M. 676 5th-ave. pr*pared for collega a l-eautlful fuur 21x TO IHTBtBDnBl IBBOWOUL MORNINO. _^^ acure masters who have taken the of the Puplls thoroughly 0 AiI.Y BEBVICB. J Avaaua. l-'.-r »n.e, ai..ry hnuae, Beata can alao be had at regular prlcea at Tyt««lB place or for bualneaa. Number llmlted to thlrty-Hva. Prlmary Petera- »nh l«i- i.xt.-nalun recently thor vnr nid rnint Ceeafori. Korleia, N*«po*t New*. BB f.-.'t, atory iBSgO; Tl XI) I.IKK Tlcket Om-ea. prlnclpnl Hotel* and t anclent He Imaglnes that lf he only n»partm*nt. Threa r*ald*nt puplla .iii.i.r « PelBl. Rtohmond. Vt.-..n,» ..veihaub-.l. hn* B*w pliimt.lng thmugh.iut and la Ml'Tt'AI. BKBEHVK ASBOC1ATIOJI. I'lANOS UBBP»«"1'm*n1?_"lTKXCI.l BIVELT. prophets. trcalved._ Y.JJ? l',,r.fn.-.iiMi. oughly Meaara. Allard A VfSTKINWAY volumes that this Weat Mth-at. f.-L7.'h Va and W.ifbiiiBion, D, .'.. dill) tXOtpt Sun.l.,)-, ln RaaMl perfaWt; demrnled hy Hnnn; had the sixty or seventy body BCHOOL. Or. U P. RAY. .'.4 N"rl1' aivar, ut 8 P. m., aaaefi Batwaajr, ta llghtad bv .-1--.-Irl.-ity nnd (.aintnlna all mndern Improve- 80,\ 307 AND 300 HHOADWAY. Prlmary. mlddl* and colleglate d*pta. SeaaPWr «ft OLYMPIA THKATHE. Biraau of Uterature would make In any modern lan- IRVINQ * tt, nt- r.ui I- boagtll at a reSBraSBble prlce. Includtng gaa- A. nt'KNHAM. i'RF.SIDF.NT. OLYMP1A and52f___i_BBBk44th Dr. Ray at building dally. 6 to 4. vi.e t-r.-f aad TraaB M«r. llxtur.'a, i-linnd.-ll.iH. inlir.ira, etr. EREDF.RHTC THKATHE. MARIA,_,._,. In a coiriprehenslble form he could Bchool now In saaalon. Year lx>ok on reajueat. 'wMi. OPnXADPBP. VlM'l __._.__¦ guage K..r further partlrulai. MIIJ.ION PAVF.D TO POL.I.'Y HOI.DERS. GREAT BANTA MARIA. of all Jewlsh hti amsmii- i.inb. nfplv to ,V> MI..-U- bv l..m-er.t..n.St.i,n make out the orlgln pecullarltles. RAILROAD lii'-.o. ii. nr\i). iu.ok and (»a._r tiif bba itoi'Ti: TO *AM PBAKCia. (A NEARl.Y 2« Mll.MON I'AID IN DEATH i'I.AIMS. OBBAT CABILLB But Mr. Schechter and Mr. Abrahams both unlte P"~ANAMA Port. cl li I'lne Street and 1 Mndlann Avenue. Si.ger."^"Vl'H'ur.1-u.MUa Saundera «n«and JiSsiJaaxawa For Boih Sexes..Clty. -onnect.nK .1 lh. 1f I'l.niV. M all Marle llalton. Jullia hlm that this Is not so. The Jew '>nl >«uthW«JAmeilca.L_MI wllh XO ri.lOOV.1. I.IAI1II1TY IH IMIRHKI) BY T. l'owera. ln warnlng BCHOOL OF LANOCAOE8. Mexl^o C*nlral Weal *t. S. T c"f* IWWI TllltFK ST'iKV, Inirr.n.d lenementB, -Madlion (ZMh-et. and Ilroadwar).. Btearr.^r* aaU freia ..." tooi j.ia artl.tllMI atoraa rente.l, nenr Jernm* nve un Pott*r ASY MI'.MIIKH. OLYMPIA Ml SH* HALI* was just Hke hls nelghbors until he was sublected BERL1T7 Sguare N \ .'" n... >|.VVN' ..>"» ."¦ tl"1- \ MISIC HALIa. 75 Court Bt.. Rrooklyn. and oth*r nrlnclpal Amerlc. and VAI KNl'IA offie* ai Pla. '. iie.if.r'. Park. C. F. RAMBDRLL 312 F 57th at. OI.YMPI to an that began in Western cltlea. Term beglna now. Foravir raiearai*a ai.i.lyappiy a.a Con.|.aii>'» Broadway. AleaBBiB oppresslon Europe. Rurop. jgjj- Mi;i). Trimi, MilIl_B,r. THIS ASSOt'IATION ISSFKS THK MOST ADVAN- ^'^b^fhe'Tranlona. ihe F.oren. Troape. If the Jew ls dlrty.and Mr. Ahrahams's word K1THAI. BCHOOL .Thiir.'l.iv 11. .--mt-r .1. I p. m. INTFIJ.K'.KNT. HONOHAIII.K. BBBBOBTIO RErilK- 00 mllea from Naw-Tork. .«:< CAIIA'AS nt'l.ANI) aS WBITIXfi. Aginla. wlll ba aB"'^ . aa Mr. Abrahams descrlbes them. seem Hke the FAIKFIFTl.I)Flla for l>ualneaa or colleg*. foi: BARACAIBO. VIA BT THOBAB. On I lo Beakman Bl. <'AN hf.U. TKBBB POLICUBi IB THI8 Th-atre and Mu.l.- Hall audtenoaa rRANCIS H. BREWF.H. A. M.. Prln.. Fatrflrld. Conn. N .v-inl." r '."«. 1 p. m. premlaea. 6 BBBTATtVBi Wlnter Oarden. of The Jew was S3 CI'HAi'AI .Saii'.r.tay. AP80.-IAT1ON TO OBB IB ANY OTHF.H COMPANY. free adml.alon to th* golden age Jewry. comparatlve- *The»e.e Am.-rl.iinAl fi-iin'r*. *Bpr**-|) for tiie trade. hlmself ln all the atnenltlea INST. Conrordvlile. Pa..6J07 per year. hava »unerlorlupt-r BC .i-itii-Iu'I .r.t. for paaaenn***, FI'M, l-ARTKTI_\Itrt FROM ALL AOBMCtflB OR ly free. He indulged A auceraaftil aehool. On* of the beat to lnfue* wlth nori.Tis nt.TOr. a ihi.i.rtt. ta, MAPLEWOOD to the dutiea of life. lUnl Cstutc tUnntcb. of llfe. Hls dlscourse In the language of the .nergy, to wak* un boya Boya pra- Cen.ral M»nnr"« ]?: Pront *t. UF.XF.IIAI. MAXAGBR, » TION OF pur*d for beat collega*. fnrter 13 >eara I1H0. Locatlon ^¦^^oaSV^BflkJfttF1RST I'ROOI country to which he belonged was pollshed end beautiful. elevated and heal'hy. J. BIKlRTLtDOR (Yal*». of l.irg- par.eln nf arre Innd ln Ktnga. 300 IIROADVt'AT. A DBW PLAY, (VWNKIIS/ ijii -ena ur Itl.-htnnn.l '-nunllea. befnre aelllng, may b* ENTITLED eorrect. He waa the teacher. the physician, the A. H.. Prln._ l,.-ii.-t|t.-,l l,v inaultlng .IKltK. JOHNSON, JR.. CO., lrai of hls non-Jewish All this INfn"ITUTE~Nrack-nn-tb*-Hudar)n. N T. S' (newl. Tuefdnvf. Thurad.ii* und .S.ilurda\a al 4 l\ M. Kfoadway, N. Y., and 1W) MaalBgae Bl,, llria.klyn. DIOK & OO, benefactor nelghbors. and Boya. Idoa- . Praparatory aehool for Toung Man f,,r Kaviinnali dlrect. . R0ARING la too good to be absolutely true. There ls teati¬ tratedR'OCKLANDea(a!ogua of CAPT J W1IJOK. A. M. Prln Cltv of AiiK'i'ti_Nov. l_|CV> i-f Htnnlna-ham.Nov. 10 QVinnacmtttte. Kurf-Tf i.% .Nov. !¦ <1ty of Aucuaia.Nov. 21 MAIRICE BARRYMORE. mony of one aort and another to ahow that thla |Ji. JOHN'H MIUTARY BCHOOL H1NO SINO N. V. Tallalina»ee.Nov. 17 Kanaa* Clty.N a. || (Conntrn propcrtn £ox Salf. under lha dirwtlon of waa 6_) An ideal school. 60 mlnutaas from Orand CentraL l_ln*ui P*f**d rahln aprommodnllon* <'..rine-fn*; Wlth AWJKB^k'aNTHKATKK. MATINKE SATl'KDAT. YYII.LIAM A. HRAin. pn(Vja»_a» tdeal Jewlsh llfe approached by compara- HENRY J. LYALL rall llne* fnr all polnta .c.utli nnd Hmthweat For tlcket* "11^ nioat BOXEH Praparatlon for College and Bualneaa. rale* at 3V1. 3S:, SAI.K OB IU:NT. I'olk Co.. Flnrlda.; ality acraa; raptur.-a y>.u completely.".Herald. OF BBATB AJJTJ NOWJN_PB_____B tlvely few, and that the enforced secluslon of a and EMIL and frelriit apply 281, .117. Broadway. or high. '].>. gvi.d fi.r wlnler vrgetablea and Cuban tu- AlUlBTfS VAN IIIKNK. TIIE FALE A.^_PrlnclpeJaL_ | at th* Pier. foot of Sprlng-at. 1_K>B MENUE1^._U. " n. « baeSOi cla-ared and fenced. Addreaa Al'OIBTB VA> II1BNK **PE*2* ICE SKATIN0 RINK, later tlme waa preceded by a voluntary secluslon MILITARY ACADEMY. P*ek*klIU «onRKL. ItiBigii 2,0X1 16th-at., Waahlngton, li. C. THE A.TOU-MIM.IAN. ~BT.t*CH0LAM waa eftlcacious. It could K. Y..«3d y»ar. Bend for Illuatrated catalofu*. MELODY._ Weat OO'.h 8t.. naar Oolumbua A». which equally hardly r"lHPEEKBKir.L Col. LOtHS H. ORLEMAN. Prla. AI'AUKM V OP Ml'Bir. and f..r Tbe BO CEWTS. be otherwlse when the aoclal and domestlc llfe, DVBBTI8BHBBTI *ub»< rlptlona Trtb- 4 DVEKTIHKMKNTH and aubaerlptlona for Tha Trlb- 1'nidurtlon of the new opera, ADMIS9ION ^^^ iin- mtIii.I al tlu-lr Ottlre. No. 1.242 __. une retelved at thelr Oftlte, No. 1,242 Broad- aven the recorded Mr. Abra¬ For I.adla»s.¦Country. UptuWn I'ptuwn AMIHIIA ( IIKMl-.H. AFTERNOON AND BVBNT!»8> Aad superstitions by Young wajr. 21 d'.ir nurth nf ,'llal nt. untll ll o'rluck p. ni.; ad- Frtday, Beeeaaber tHih. OPEN MORNINO. .-*- hams were.when not dlattnctiy Jewiah.thoae of CAMURIDOE SCHOOL iartlaan*awta recadwal ai the followlng braneh office* al Plal, Dun.e, t'Bhatto. Dado. Albertl. Teral. Borelll. R»aits-« aa THBA ealect, prlvata school for glrla. Baat praparatlon rtgular otBea rut.-a unlll a u'cl.nk p. m.. vla.: 254 8th- Olordanl. IMnto. Mmea. Ilonaplata Hou. Toulonquet. _Tta the Orlent and not of Europe. A algniflcant faet for colleae, ,nany couraaa not laadlng to collag*. Com- ave.. a r. . nn.l 1411. ft.; 142 C.lumbua-av*., near Weat Bdlh- Nov. KAl'ST. .»* . la that when Mendelsaohn tranalated the Hebrew W*at 42d ni ar Bih-ava.: 62 Baat Mth Orand Matlnee. Bat.. 14in, N.w TorkUalnB^ Cambrldg*. Uaaa. al- 100 at.. at.; 297 of Mlaa Buaan Str.mj. ln ald of Ch.rlty Fund.THB^TRB^ W'll **i-f... i~.*i.-.-n nn ano ewi mm.; i,~i r;n*t 47th- Weat 421 at.. letween 7th and Bth avaa.; 160 Kaat 47th- tteoond appearanre B*ncfl< Blble Into Oerman be had to have lt prlnted wlth M 7(llh and 77th Popular Priera. a Tkaatraa. LANE SCHOOL Bt.- 1.3.1< av.-. b»laB*_ *ta.; 1 020 Sd- at. il.llH 1.1 ave.. between 7(tth and 77tb ita.; 1.026 6d- Orand Nov. at B. BOe. to ll.BO. A.?.-. ^^..lent from .11 lh* *>»d1«« Hebrew chftracters. That would not be neces- av*.. near HUt-at.; 1.708 lat ave.. n.-ar SlJth *t.; .'kVi 8d- a\e.. near C. lat aat.; 1.70*, lat av*.. near Wlth at.; 660 .1d QaiDWl Bunday, 15th. YyAuruT near 41H f... 8d 210 »t. Boardlng. Day and Colleg* Preparatory for Olrla BU ove.. 884 ave.; ll|eerk»r 123 av*.. nenr 41at et.. 554 .1J ave.: 210 Illeerkrr et.; 628 M.'.o. W.-d. and 2:10. aary now. This la only one of the small thinga F«>r clrcular addraaa Jll.-P.Ble*cker-*t.;*-l ..... A90e_,i-.i,rti-uv^., ...24.) r,.niF.aai 71>ih-*l..,^.11-f.l., 1,8211 ,^._ 1 .V!Id- llleecker at.. 2.1ms 5.1 uve.; 240 Kaat 71)1hat.; 1.921 3d- IIIJOl'.l Evenlnca. Mat*. Sat., apaaa Sapt. 284. m.*. A ,. ... . V.'...... _. ahow that the of the modern Mra. THRODORA B. RIOIARDS. Prlnefpai. *V*.; 12.1.12A.IO .1d-ave.;_.-¦«¦. ....lft An.aierdniii-ave.;atd*./... 402Jlt't Wr«t ^'..j -t «>¦.-.; 2,6al2 3.1 ave.; t* AmBt«rdam-av*.; 402 W*at 42d-at.; UUOl.l 2.1 month. PI.enoni.-nal auccea*. t ^vT^thIatbI S^» .'wblch emanclpatlon Mlaa 6ARA LOCSK TRACT. A. M.. Aaaortata. 14h Kaat 10lh »t.: 2.i3 Kaat 4Hth*t.; STal Oth-ave., Cil 1 ih Eaat I6th-at.: 203 Faat 4Mh at.: 666 Oth-ava.; 651 eo far aa It haa gone. haa been leaa from the Oarmantown. Pblladalpbla. IMh-ave.: 1.1.12 M-av*_ near 17th-*t.; 2<»4 Eaft Rtlih *t Dth-ave.: 1.152 3d ave.. naar 67th at.; 204 Baat Mth at.; Prowded MT PRIBND FROM 1XDIA. E«tr*m*ly Jew, 1.020 Broadway. 1.883 .'M-nv-.. 12» Bth-nve.; 1.318 2d-av«.: 1.620 Ilroadway: 1.568 3d-av*.. 120 Hth-av*.; 1.318 2d-ava.; nlghtly. o-o lunny. £..tmi>TWO Ohetto than from hie anoeetral aelf. It le thla 753 6th-*ve. At the Harlem Offlr**: 2.081 near flth nve. At the llarlem Offlcea.: of th* antlr* YVEEKS. IM Kt»t Sd-ave., 753 2.061 8d-av*., naar ._V*rdlut pr*.. iCTMiil II. 113th-*t.; 128th-at.. near Sd-ave.; 34.1 Weat 113th-at.. 156 Eaat 125th-at. naar 6d-av*.: 648 Weat ¦.** tbftt etnphaaiaee Franck's urgent exhor- Baropo. |28th-at.. bet. 7th and 8th av**.; 820 YV*»t 148th-at. At 125th-*t.. bat. 71h and 8th avaa.; 820 Weat 145th-et. At BROADWAY THBATHB. Kv*«.. 8:18. Bat. 8au Tboatre, .***__ th* Offleea: 887 728 Offlcea: 607 TH-ST. i.fta tba Freoch tranelator ot tbo Talmud to 48 B.Ful_on-*t.; Pulton-*t.: (18 tha Brooklyn Fulton-at.; TW PultOS at.l U lllant Alral Uproartoua B«rri»JJ"Jl tbb inja-«*WLr-u^ LAP^-^iwrmorABi^^ ronrt-*t.; Broadway. D.i 188 Broadway. B. ~*D.: Ooort-a..: 46 Broadway B. D.; 101 Broadway. BL IX; 14 tttha Owattla aigfeaa i-ally to under- Faiia UB MrrOe_va. s*ar Broadwar. Uta Mjrrtle-ave., aear Broadwaav