Lycophron: a Minor Sophist Or a Minor Socratic?
Lycophron: a Minor Sophist or a Minor Socratic? Stefania Giombini University of Girona Keywords: Lycophron, Minor Sophists, Minor Socratics, Ancient Social Contract Foreword Gregory Vlastos (1907-1991)1 was one of the greatest innovators in the studies of ancient philosophy, a scholar capable of changing methods and attitudes, a model of reference around the world for scholars who have taken his style and approach. In 2014 I have been able to frequent the Harry Ransom Center of the University of Texas at Austin -HRC-2 to study Vlastos’ work and personal materials in The Vlastos Archive. The archive is a variegated and pluri-thematic fund: firstly, I focused on Vlastos’ correspondence (especially the one with Italian scholars). This way, I could suddenly ascertain how the size of Vlastos as a researcher and human being was thick: he interacted with energy and interest with every interlocutor, and those closer to him and those unknown, meticulously preserving even small fragments with names, letters and so on, to avoid losing data and keep memory of everything. Subsequently, extending our investigation to the rest of the archive, an immense amount of notes, books with references, glosses and underlines. While reading the notes I ran across some pages, typewritten, dedicated to the contract theory in Glaucon, Protagoras, Antiphon (obviously including the positions of Plato and Socrates.)3 The pages are not dated, and they get into the themes of social contract and justice. Reading these notes he made me rediscover a minor author of Ancient Philosophy: Lycophron. The following work is born on the interest generated by these readings, from an approach towards the private world of Gregory Vlastos.
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